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ACG's 2014 Postgraduate Course – Saturday, October 1811. The Post-ablation Esophagus: What Lies BeneathPrateek Sharma, MD, FACGAssess the possibility of persistent intestinal metaplasia after RFAand utilize tools for diagnosis, including confocal microscopy and/or OCT.12. Obscure GI Bleeding – What’s the Current Algorithm?Lauren B. Gerson, MD, MSc, FACGEvaluate the patient with obscure GI bleeding and utilize toolsincluding capsule endoscopy and deep enteroscopy.session 1C: Biliary Diseasemoderator: Gregory G. Ginsberg, MD, FACG1:45 pm Choledocholithiasis: Management Strategies?Gregory G. Ginsberg, MD, FACGEvaluate the different presentations of choledocholithiasis tohelp better triage your patient.2:05 pm Choledochal Cysts: Recognition and ManagementLaith Jamil, MDIdentify the various types of choledochal cysts and their clinicalimpact.2:25 pm Minimizing Adverse Events During ERCPChristopher J. DiMaio, MD, FACGIdentify potential adverse events associated with ERCP andsolutions to their management.2:45 pm Management of Indeterminate Biliary StricturesSteven A. Edmundowicz, MDEvaluate and manage indeterminate biliary strictures.3:05 pm Panel Q & A3:25 pm BreakNEW THIS YEAR:PG+MOCMaintenance of Certification available inconjunction with ACG’s Postgraduate CoursePG Course attendees can purchase and complete the PG+MOConline module and earn 10 MOC points. Here is how it works:1) Purchase the PG+MOC online module when you register for theACG 2014 Postgraduate Course. (Use the Registration Form onpage 125; pre-registration deadline is September 24, 2014.)2) Prior to the meeting, you’ll receive an email when thePG+MOC module is available in early October.3) Log in and answer the module’s 30 questions. Upon completion,you’ll receive a customized curriculum of recommended sessionsspecifically designed for you to attend at the PG Course. Thecustomized curriculum, based on your results from taking themodule, will help to fill any knowledge gaps. If you completethe module with a passing score, you can submit directly toABIM to earn your MOC points immediately. Then use yourcustomized curriculum to attend the PG Course.4) After the course, log in to the PG+MOC module again, re-takeONLY the questions you answered incorrectly prior to the course,and, upon achieving a passing score, submit your results toABIM to earn your MOC points. You have three attempts toachieve a passing score.You must be registered for the ACG 2014 Postgraduate Courseto take advantage of this special offer. ACG members maypurchase the PG+MOC online module for an additional $40;non-members may purchase it for an additional $50. If youare already registered for the PG Course: purchase this specialmodule at http://acgmeetings.gi.org/pgmoc.asp.Simultaneous Symposia Sessions3:45 pm – 5:00 pmsymposium A: Endoscopymoderator: Douglas G. Adler, MD, FACG3:45 pm When, Where, and Why to Place a Luminal StentDouglas G. Adler, MD, FACGEvaluate indications for stent placement in the gastrointestinaltract.4:05 pm EMR, ESD or Old-fashioned Polypectomy?Michael B. Wallace, MD, MPH, FACGDifferentiate between options for polyp removal in the upperand lower GI tracts including when to perform EMR and/orESD.4:25 pm Adverse Events During or After Colonoscopy: How to AvoidNeeding Surgical HelpGottumukkala S. Raju, MD, FACGFormulate potential management strategies for adverse eventsassociated with colonoscopies, including perforation andbleeding.4:45 pm Panel Q & Asymposium B: GI Bleeding: What's Newmoderator: John R. Saltzman, MD, FACG3:45 pm How to Manage Non-Variceal Bleeding: What’s New?John R. Saltzman, MD, FACGAnalyze new methods for cessation of non-variceal bleeding,including non-endoscopic options.4:05 pm Hemorrhoidal or Not Hemorrhoidal: That Is the QuestionLisa L. Strate, MD, MPH, FACGDiscuss recent ACG guidelines for LGIB and determineappropriate management.4:25 pm Should I Alter My Patient’s Antiplatelet Therapy? Howto Manage Medications Before Routine Endoscopy andWhen the Patient Is BleedingNeena S. Abraham, MD, MSCE, FACGDetermine management strategies for patients who are usingaspirin, NSAIDs, clopidogrel, or other antiplatelet agents.4:45 pm Panel Q & Asymposium C: How to Handle GI Emergenciesmoderator: David A. Greenwald, MD, FACG3:45 pm Foreign Bodies: How to Get Them OutDavid A. Greenwald, MD, FACGDefine management options for foreign bodies in the GI tract.4:05 pm Variceal Bleeding: Treatment StrategiesGuadalupe Garcia-Tsao, MDIdentify treatment strategies for acute variceal hemorrhage.4:25 pm How to Handle the 2:00 am Call About a Dilated ColonEamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, FACGIdentify management strategies for patients presenting withOgilvie’s syndrome and other causes of megacolon.4:45 pm Panel Q & APOSTGRADUATECOURSE19For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

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