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Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1691. Substitution With Alternative Anti-TNF-α Therapy (SaVANT):Outcomes of a Crohn’s Disease Cohort Undergoing Substitution TherapyWith Certolizumab2014 ACG IBD Research Award2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardAndrew Motlis, MD, Avinash Aravantagi, MD, Moheb Boktor, MD, AnkurSheth, MD, FACG, Kenneth Manas, MD, James Morris, MD, FACG,Paul Jordan, MD, FACG, Felix Becker, MD, PhD, Jonathan Alexander,PhD, Louisiana State University School of Medicine - Department ofGastroenterology and Hepatology, Shreveport, LAP1692. Clinical Features of Drug-Induced Lupus in Patients With IBDTreated With Anti-TNF-α TherapyGururaj Kolar, MD, Siddhant Yadav, MD, Sahil Khanna, MD, DavidWetter, MD, Kevin Moder, MD, Sunanda Kane, MD, FACG, EdwardLoftus, MD, FACG, Steward Carney Hospital, Department of InternalMedicine, Boston, MA, Mayo Clinic, Division of Gastroenterology andHepatology, Rochester, MN, Mayo Clinic, Department of Dermatology,Rochester, MN, Mayo Clinic, Division of Rheumatology, Rochester, MNP1693. POSTER WITHDRAWNINFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE -CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1694. Gut Microbiome Instability in Pediatric Crohn’s PatientsCompared With Non-IBD Patients2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardZoya Grigoryan, MS, Lea Ann Chen, MD, Medicine, New York UniversitySchool of Medicine, New York, NYP1695. Anti-TNF Therapy for De novo IBD Following CMV Colitis AfterRenal TransplantationPriyam Tripathi, MD, MPH, Jeffry Katz, MD, FACG, Case WesternReserve University/University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland,OHP1696. Myopericarditis in a Patient With Ulcerative Colitis onMesalamine and Prednisone: Case Report and Review of LiteratureMazyar Malakouti, MD, Karthik Garapati, MD, Charles Randall,MD, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX,Gastroenterology Research of San Antonio, San Antonio, TXP1697. Acute Pancreatitis as Initial Presentation of Crohn’s Disease:Report of a Rare CaseSara Keihanian, MD, Sarah Glover, DO, Division of Gastroenterology,Hepatology and Nutrition at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FLP1698. Use of Serum-Derived Bovine Immunoglobulin/Protein Isolate(SBI) to Manage Refractory Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms and AvoidSurgeryGerald Dryden, MD, School of Medicine - University of Louisville,Louisville, KYP1699. A Case Report of Mesalamine-Induced Drug FeverParth Joshi, MD, Jeremy Weinberger, BA, Robert Cohen, MD, EmoryUniversity, Atlanta, GAP1700. Extensive Cerebral Sinus Venous Thrombosis in a Crohn’s Patienton Adalimumab Therapy Presenting as Severe Headache and VisionChangeMargaret Adamcewicz, DO, Katherine Chen, BS, Jennifer Lewis, MD,Danielle Marino, MD, Ashok Shah, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology,University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NYP1701. Successful Treatment of Refractory Perineal Metastatic Crohn’sDisease Using a Combination Therapy of Certolizumab, SurgicalDebridement, and Hyperbaric OxygenParit Mekaroonkamol, MD, Anthony Gamboa, MD, Tanvi Dhere, MD,Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GAP1702. Development of Collagenous Colitis in Inflammatory BowelDisease After Initiation of TNF InhibitorsRahoma Elharari, MD, Rima Shobar, MD, Ece Mutlu, MD, MBA, MS,FACG, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, ILP1703. IgA-λ/λ Biclonal Multiple Myeloma in a Patient With Crohn’sDisease: A Case Report and Review of the LiteratureJie Zhang, MD, Xinjuan Liu, MD, Jing Chen, MM, Xue Chen, MM,Xue Li, MM, Department of Gastroenterology, Beijing An ZhenHospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, Departmentof Gastroenterology, Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Capital MedicalUniversity, Beijing, China, Department of Gastroenterology, Beijing TongRen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, Departmentof Pathology, Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Capital Medical University,Beijing, ChinaP1704. A Rare Disease Mimicking Crohn’s DiseaseHuafeng Shen, MD, David Cave, MD, Seymour Katz, MD, NUMC, EastMeadow, NY, UMass Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MA, NewYork University School of Medicine, New York, NYP1705. Autoinflammatory Disorder-Associated PouchitisDarren Seril, MD, PhD, Bo Shen, MD, FACG, Cleveland ClinicFoundation-Gastroenterology/Hepatology, Cleveland, OHFUNCTIONAL BOWEL DISORDERSP1706. The GutCheck Part 3: Early Clinical Utility of Surface-measuredMyoelectrical Signals of the GI Tract in Patients With Functional GIDisorders and Healthy ControlsGeorge Triadafilopoulos, MD, DSc, FACG, Steve Axelrod, PhD, AnandNavalgund, PhD, Prince Shah, MD, FACG, Uday Devanaboyina,PhD, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, GilroyGastroenterology, Gilroy, CA, G-Tech Medical, Palo Alto, CAP1707. The GutCheck Part 2: Signal Processing and Preliminary ClinicalUtility of Surface-measured Myoelectrical Signals of the GI TractGeorge Triadafilopoulos, MD, DSc, FACG, Steve Axelrod, PhD, AnandNavalgund, PhD, Prince Shah, MD, FACG, Uday Devanaboyina,PhD, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, GilroyGastroenterology, Gilroy, CA, G-Tech Medical, Palo Alto, CAP1708. The Effect of Dried Plum on Targeted Gut Flora and Host GeneExpression in a Rat Model of Post-Infectious IBSSeong-Eun Kim, MD, Sun Moon Kim, MD, Allen Yu, BS, ZacharyMarsh, BS, Walter Morales, BS, Gene Kim, BS, Stacy Weitsman, MS,Konstantinos Triantafyllou, MD, Mark Pimentel, MD, FACG, ChristopherChang, MD, PhD, Ewha Womans University, DaeJun, Republic ofKorea, Kunyang University, DaeJun, Republic of Korea, GI MotilityProgram, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, AttikonUniversity General Hospital, Athens University, GreeceP1709. High Prevalence of Subclinical Iron Deficiency in Patients WithIrritable Bowel SyndromeShadi Yarandi, MD, Jennifer Christie, MD, Gastroenterology, JohnsHopkins University, Baltimore, MD, Emory University, Atlanta, GAP1710. Folate Levels in Patients With Small Intestinal BacterialOvergrowth (SIBO)Anna Platovsky, MD, Aaron Tokayer, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine,Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NYP1711. Plecanatide and SP-333, Novel Agonists of Guanylate Cyclase-C,Attenuate Visceral Hypersensitivity in Rat ModelsKunwar Shailubhai, PhD, MBA, Illona-Marie Boulete, BSC, John Foss,PhD, E. Priya Eddy, PhD, Apoorva Joshi, MS, Viren Patwa, MS, VassilaTheodorou, PhD, Vaseem Palejwala, PhD, Lionel Bueno, PhD, Dr.esSC, Dr. Ing., Synergy Pharmaceuticals Inc., Doylestown, PA, UMR 1331Toxalim INRA/INPT, Toulouse, France, Baruch S. Blumberg Institute,Doylestown, PAP1712. SP-333, a D-amino Acid Containing Peptide Agonist of GuanylateCyclase-C Is a Novel Drug Candidate for Treatment of GastrointestinalDisorders and DiseasesVaseem Palejwala, PhD, Apoorva Joshi, MS, Viren Patwa, MS, StephenComiskey, PhD, Rong Feng, PhD, John Foss, PhD, Kunwar Shailubhai,PhD, MBA, R&D, Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Doylestown, PA,Baruch S. Blumberg Institute, Doylestown, PAFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.114

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