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Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmINFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASEP1646. Fecal Calprotectin Levels for the Ethiological Diagnosis inBrazilian Patients With Gastrointestinal SymptomsLorete Kotze, MD, PhD, FACG, Renato Nisihara, PhD, Murilo Cavassani,MD, Sandra Valarini, MD, Paulo Kotze, MD, Medicine, PositivoUniversity, Curitiba, Brazil, Gastroenterology and Colorectal SurgeryUnits, Hospital Universitário Cajuru, Pontifícia Universidade Católicado Paraná, Brazil, Curitiba, Brazil, Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná,Curitiba, BrazilP1647. The Utility of Capsule Endoscopy for the Diagnosis andManagement of Crohn’s DiseaseAnna Buchner, MD, PhD, Gary Lichtenstein, MD, Wojciech Blonski,MD, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PAP1648. Rates of Hospitalization in TNF-Naïve IBD Patients Exposed toInfliximab or Adalimumab for at Least 6 MonthsJulien Fahed, MD, Veronica Baptista, MD, Randall Pellish, MD,FACG, Internal Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical Center,Worcester, MAP1649. Malignancy Outcomes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients onImmune Modulators and Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor TherapyUmangi Patel, MD, Gary Lichtenstein, MD, Frank Scott, MD, MSCE,University of Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia, PAP1650. Objective Sleep Quality Assessment Using Wrist Actigraphy inPatients With Ulcerative ColitisJami Kinnucan, MD, Sarah Goeppinger, BS, Justin Tomal, MD, AaronAckerman, BS, Vineet Arora, MD, Tauseef Ali, MD, David Rubin, MD,FACG, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, University of Chicago Medicine,Chicago, IL, University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL, University ofOklahoma, Oklahoma City, OKP1651. Assessment of Clinicians’ Knowledge and Attitudes RegardingSleep Quality of Their Gastrointestinal PatientsJami Kinnucan, MD, Olufemi Kassim, MD, David Rubin, MD, FACG,Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, University of Chicago Medicine,Chicago, ILP1652. Sleep Quality and Quality of Life Improve Over Time in PatientsWith Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseJami Kinnucan, MD, Sarah Goeppinger, BS, David Rubin, MD, FACG,Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, University of Chicago Medicine,Chicago, ILP1653. Assessment of the Disease Activity of Inflammatory BowelDisease on the Outcome of Small Intestinal Transit Times Using VideoCapsule EndoscopyHala Fadda, PhD, Shivi Siva, MD, Monika Fischer, MD, MS, ButlerUniversity College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Indianapolis,IN, Indiana University Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Indianapolis, INP1654. Pediatric Crohn’s Disease, Unrealized Height and DiminishedLifetime EarningsRussell Cohen, MD, Stacy Kahn, MD, Scott Johnson, PhD, MHA, ABurak Ozbay, BPharm, MBA, PhD, Martha Skup, PhD, Jingdong Chao,PhD, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Medicus Economics, LLC,Milton, MA, AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, ILP1655. Use of Computed Tomography on Inflammatory Bowel Patients ina Community Hospital Setting: What Are the Rates of Urgent Findings?Philip Elbaum, DO, William Huntington, DO, Robert Cooper, DO, RobertBailey, DO, Patricia Wong, MD, MSCE, Lankenau Medical Center,Philadelphia, PAP1656. Causes and Consequences of Chronic Abdominal Pain in Crohn’sDisease: A Five-Year Prospective StudyNikhil Seth, MD, Heitham Abdul-Baki, MD, Nicholas Mahoney,MD, David Binion, MD, Claudia Ramos Rivers, MD, Michael Dunn,MD, Eva Szigethy, MD, PhD, FACG, Miguel Regueiro, MD, FACG,Klaus Bielefeldt, MD, PhD, Matthew Coates, MD, PhD, University ofPittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, Veterans Affairs PittsburghHealthcare Service, Pittsburgh, PAFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.112P1657. Optimizing Transition of Pediatric to Adult Care in InflammatoryBowel Disease (IBD) Through the Use of an Observed Structured ClinicalExamination (OSCE)Joseph Kingsbery, MD, Martin Wolff, MD, Sondra Zabar, MD, ColleenGillespie, PhD, Elizabeth Weinshel, MD, Aliza Soloman, DO, Lisa Malter,MD, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, WeillCornell Medical College, New York, NY, VA New York Harbor HealthcareSystem, New York, NYP1658. Ustekinumab for the Treatment of Crohn’s DiseaseSara Keihanian, MD, Sarah Glover, DO, Division of Gastroenterology,Hepatology and Nutrition at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FLP1659. Predictors of Poor Outcome of Infliximab Therapy in UlcerativeColitisVivian Ebrahim, MD, Xianrui Wu, MD, PhD, Bo Shen, MD, FACG,Internal Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OHP1660. Orally Administered CCR9 Inhibitor CCX507 Effectively BlocksCCR9 in Circulating Human LeukocytesLisa Seitz, PhD, Lisa Lohr, MS, Joanne Tan, PhD, Antonia Potarca,MS, Shichang Miao, PhD, Daniel Dairaghi, PhD, Trevor Charvat, PhD,Andrew Pennell, PhD, Penglie Zhang, PhD, Thomas Schall, PhD, PirowBekker, MD, PhD, ChemoCentryx, Inc., Mountain View, CAP1661. Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Asian Americans: Differences inClinical Characteristics Compared to the General U.S. PopulationNanae Takatori, MD, Shamita Shah, MD, Stanford Hospital and Clinics,Stanford, CAP1662. Elevated C-Reactive Protein Is Associated With Poor SleepQuality in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseRobin Wilson, BA, Betsy Stevens, BS, Abra Guo, BS, Melissa Cohen,BA, Holly Sturgeon, BS, MPH, Caitlin Russell, BS, MS, CosmasGiallourakis, MD, Hamed Khalili, MD, MPH, Deanna Nguyen, MD,Ramnik Xavier, MD, PhD, Vijay Yajnik, MD, PhD, Jenny Sauk,MD, Ashwin Ananthakrishnan, MD, MPH, Gastrointestinal Unit,Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MAP1663. Analysis of an Administrative Claims Database Suggests PoorQuality of Care for Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseGil Melmed, MD, MS, A Burak Ozbay, BPharm, MBA, PhD, MarthaSkup, PhD, Song Wang, PhD, Jingdong Chao, PhD, Corey Siegel, MD,Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, AbbVie Inc., NorthChicago, IL, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NHP1664. Effect of Ferumoxytol Treatment on Secondary Thrombocytosis inPatients With Iron Deficiency Anemia and Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseNaomi Dahl, PharmD, William Strauss, MD, Robert Kaper, MD, KristineBernard, MPH, AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Waltham, MAP1665. The Increasing Prevalence of Human Cytomegalovirus (CMV)Disease Among Hospitalized Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease(IBD) in the United StatesCheng Zhang, MD, PhD, Edward Levine, MD, Somashekar Krishna,MD, Alice Hinton, PhD, Darwin Conwell, MD, Razvan Arsenescu,MD, PhD, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Program, Division ofGastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, The Ohio State University,Columbus, OH, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition,The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, Division of Biostatics, Collegeof Public Health, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OHP1666. Time Trends, Clinical Characteristics, and Risk Factorsof Chronic Anal Fissure Among a National Cohort of Patients WithInflammatory Bowel DiseaseHoda Malaty, MD, PhD, FACG, Shubhada Sansgiry, PhD, Jason Hou,MD, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, VA Medical Center,Houston, TXP1667. Long-term Efficacy of Vedolizumab Therapy for Patients WithUlcerative Colitis2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardBrian Feagan, MD, FACG, Arthur Kaser, MD, Michael Smyth, MBA,Remo Panaccione, MD, Serap Sankoh, PhD, Brihad Abhyankar, MBA,Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario, London,ON, Canada, Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge,Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Takeda GlobalResearch and Development Centre (Europe) Ltd., London, UnitedKingdom, Department of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB,Canada, Takeda Pharmaceuticals International Co., Cambridge, MA

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