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Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1554. Experience in Microscopic Colitis: A Case Series at a LargeMulticenter Single-Specialty Community PracticeSteven Sha, BA, Lucy Westerfield, John Baron, MD, Adam Kim, MD,Minnesota Gastroenterology, PA, Saint Paul, MN, University of NorthCarolina, School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, Saint Paul, Saint Paul,MNP1555. EMR Experience at a Large Tertiary Care Endoscopic Center:Referral, Patient, and Lesion CharacteristicsJatinder Goyal, MD, Ali Khan, MD, Shajan Peter, MD, University ofAlabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, ALP1556. Current Trend of Palliative Care Clinic Referrals in Patients WithGastrointestinal (GI) Cancer: Retrospective Analysis at an AmericanComprehensive Cancer InstituteNeha Gupta, MD, Fahad Zubair, MD, Sidra Anwar, MD, Katy Wang, MA,Roberto Pili, MD, Yashodhara Satchidanand, MD, Internal Medicine,State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, Roswell ParkCancer Institute, Buffalo, NYP1557. Association Between Bone Mineral Density and ColorectalAdenomas: A Cross-Sectional StudyHuafeng Shen, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Jeffrey Silpe, MD, Andy White,BS, Samuel Satler, BS, Dustin Luebbers, BS, James Statler, BS, AnnaZheng, BS, Joshua Elder, BS, Albin Abraham, MD, Dhyan Rajan, MD,Prakash Viswanathan, MD, Paul Mustacchia, MD, Nassau UniversityMedical Center, East Meadow, NY, Morsani College of Medicine,University of South Florida, Tampa, FLP1558. Association Between Serum Creatinine Level and ColorectalAdenomas: A Cross-Sectional StudyHuafeng Shen, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Jeffrey Silpe, MD, Andy White,BS, Samuel Satler, BS, Dustin Luebbers, BS, James Statler, BS, AnnaZheng, BS, Joshua Elder, BS, Albin Abraham, MD, GhulamullahShahzad, MD, Prakash Viswanathan, MD, Paul Mustacchia, MD,Nassau University Medical Center, East Meadow, NY, Morsani College ofMedicine, University of South Florida, Tampa, FLP1559. Association Between Diverticulosis and Colorectal Adenomas: ACross-Sectional StudyHuafeng Shen, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Jeffrey Silpe, MD, Andy White,BS, Samuel Satler, BS, Dustin Luebbers, BS, James Statler, BS, AnnaZheng, BS, Joshua Elder, BS, Albin Abraham, MD, Dhyan Rajan, MD,Prakash Viswanathan, MD, Paul Mustacchia, MD, Nassau UniversityMedical Center, East Meadow, NY, Morsani College of Medicine,University of South Florida, Tampa, FLP1560. Does BMI or Sedation Type Affect Adenoma Detection onScreening Colonoscopy?Cory Fielding, MD, Wesam Frandah, MD, Philip Westgate, PhD,Nicholas Nickl, MD, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University ofKentucky, Lexington, KYP1561. Routine Colonoscopy After Acute Uncomplicated Diverticulitis: IsIt Necessary?Patrícia Andrade, MD, Armando Ribeiro, MD, Guilherme Macedo,MD, PhD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Centro Hospitalar São João, Porto,PortugalP1562. Diversion Colitis: Systematic Evaluation of 636 Cases With MetaanalysisNirmal Mann, MD, MS, Ph, DD, Sc, MACG, FACG, Sital Nagra, MD,Kamyar Shahedi, MD, University of California, Davis, Folsom, CAP1563. Antibiotic-Associated Pseudomembranous Colitis Due toMethicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureusShadi Hamdeh, MD, Maryam Gbadamosi-Akindele, MD, NeelimaKandula, MD, Savio Reddymasu, MBBS, FACG, Internal Medicine,Creighton University, Omaha, NEP1564. Cost-Effective Therapy for Opioid-Induced Constipation (OIC):Lubiprostone and MethylnaltrexoneAndrew Mazulis, MD, Dylan Smith, BS, Grigory Roginsky, MD,Ibrahim Habib, MD, Eli Ehrenpreis, MD, FACG, NorthShore UniversityHealthSystem, Evanston, IL, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, ParkRidge, ILP1565. Times Quoted Following Incomplete Colonoscopies Can DirectlyEffect Patient Follow-upRamin Bagheri, MD, Loveleen Sidhu, MD, Ahmed Al-Khazraji, MD,Joshua Aron, MD, Lawrence Reich, MD, Aaron Walfish, MD, JoelBaum, MD, James Tak, MD, Ichan School of Medicine ElmhurstHospital, Elmhurst, NYP1566. Identifying Risk Factors Leading to Suboptimal Bowel PreparationRamin Bagheri, MD, Loveleen Sidhu, MD, Ahmed Al-Khazraji, MD,Aaron Walfish, MD, Lawrence Reich, MD, Joshua Aron, MD, JoelBaum, MD, James Tak, MD, Icahn School of Medicine ElmhurstHospital Center, Elmhurst, NYP1567. Novel Probe-Based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (pCLE)Criteria for Diagnosing Colon Polyp Histology2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardPrashanth Vennalaganti, MD, Satish Singh, MD, Mazen Jamal, MD,MPH, Vijay Kanakadandi, MD, Matthew Hall, MPH, Neil Gupta, MD,Benjamin Alsop, MD, Venkat Nutalapati, MD, Benjamin Hornung, MD,Prateek Sharma, MD, Gastroenterology, Kansas City VA Medical Center,Kansas City, MO, University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City,KS, Loyola University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, Boston UniversitySchool of Medicine, Boston, MA, VA Long Beach Healthcare System,Long Beach, CAP1568. Split Dosing (SD) Is Superior to Prior Day (PD) Bowel Prepsfor Colonoscopy for Women Versus Men but Not for Morning VersusAfternoon Procedures: Comparison of 4 Preps in 3,595 Patients at aUniversity CenterTilak Baba, MD, MPH, James Lewis, MD, FACG, Medicine/Gastroenterology, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCP1569. Chronic Opioid Users Require More Medication to AchieveConscious Sedation During ColonoscopySteven Clayton, MD, Rupal Patel, MD, Eduardo Quintero, MD, JeffreyGill, MD, Gastroenterology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FLP1570. Risk Factors for ICU-Onset Clostridium difficile InfectionDavid Faleck, MD, Hojjat Salmasian, MD, MPH, Yoko Furuya, MD,Julian Abrams, MD, MS, Daniel Freedberg, MD, Columbia UniversityMedical Center, New York, NYCOLON - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1571. Kayexalate-Induced Rectal Ulceration as a Cause of RectalBleeding in a Non-Uremic PatientMeira Abramowitz, MD, Cherif El Younis, MD, SUNY Downstate MedicalCenter, Brooklyn, NY, Brookdale University Hospital Medical Center,Brooklyn, NYP1572. An Inflammatory Presentation of Right-Sided Solitary JuvenilePolyp Masquerading as AppendicitisMeira Abramowitz, MD, Cherif El Younis, MD, Downstate MedicalCenter, Brooklyn, NY, Brookdale University Hospital Medical Center,Brooklyn, NYP1573. It’s All Good in the Hood: An Innovative Technique for Rectal FishBone ExtractionMeira Abramowitz, MD, Evan Grossman, MD, Safak Reka, MD, SUNYDownstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYP1574. Colon Polyps: a Rare Presentation of Metastatic Breast Cancer...or Is It?Lisa Waller, MD, Matthew George, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD,FACG, Mostafa Ibrahim, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MIP1575. Incidental Finding of Colonic Sarcoidosis in a Patient WithPulmonary SarcoidosisKunal Suryawala, MD, Avinash Aravantagi, MD, Randy Geldmacher,MD, Ryan Palmer, MD, Overton Brooks VAMC, Shreveport, LA,Gastroenterology, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center,Shreveport, LAFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.108

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