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Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1461. Metastatic Hepatocellular Carcinoma Presenting as BulkyLymphadenopathy Mimicking LymphomaSonaly Patel, MD, Eval Alsheik, MD, Daniel Ringold, MD, DavidSass, MD, Internal Medicine, Drexel University School of Medicine/Hahnemann University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, Drexel UniversitySchool of Medicine Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Philadelphia, PA, Thomas Jefferson University Department ofGastroenterology and Hepatology, Philadelphia, PAP1462. Risk Factors for In-Hospital Mortality Due to Esophageal VaricealBleeding2014 ACG Fellow Award2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardPaul Chang, MD, Digestive Diseases Center, Temple University Hospital,Philadelphia, PAP1463. Endoscopic Ultrasound-Directed Core Biopsy of the Liver forDiffuse Hepatic Disease2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardFaizan Khan, DO, Tom Spyratos, DO, Rasha Issa, MD, Laura Hamad,DO, Kamran Ayub, DO, FACG, St. James Hospital, Olympia Fields, IL,Silver Cross Hospital, Joilet, ILP1464. Hepatitis E Seropositivity in the U.S. Population: Results Fromthe National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2009 to2012Bilal Aslam, MS IV, Tyler Fleming, MD, Philip Westgate, PhD, AllaGrigorian, MD, PhD, Houssam Mardini, MD, MBA, MPH, FACG,University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, KY, University ofKentucky College of Public Health, Lexington, KYP1465. Identifying and Fixing Roadblocks to Hepatitis C Screening in thePrimary Care SettingBrandon Szeto, MD, Deepak Venkat, MD, Stanley Cohen, MD, DigestiveHealth Institute, University Hospital/Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OHP1466. Liver Retransplant Outcomes and Impact of Surgical Techniqueon Survival: A 21-Year Single Center ExperienceKarolina Skrzypek, MD, Dora Montezuma, MD, Matthew George, MD,Amir Prushani, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD, Gabriel Schnickel,MD, Marwan Abouljoud, MD, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MIP1467. A Single-Centered Experience Evaluating Variable PrognosticIndicators of 30- and 90-Day Mortality in Patients With End-Stage LiverDisease After Creation of Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic ShuntRezwan Ahmed, MD, Yaser Rayyan, MD, FACG, Prasanna Santhanam,MD, Kimberly Weaver, MD, Marshall University, Huntington, WVP1468. Portal Hypertension (PHTN) in Patients With Cirrhosis Is NotAssociated With Worsened C. difficile Infection (CDI) OutcomesSimon Hong, MD, Paul Feuerstadt, MD, FACG, Lawrence Brandt, MD,MACG, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, Gastroenterology Centerof Connecticut, Hamden, CTP1469. Survival Rate of Patients Undergoing Liver Transplant in theUnited States With Post-Op Care in Puerto RicoJuan Serralles, MD, Barbara Rosado, MD, Willie Vazquez, MD, FACG,Orlando Regional Medical Center, Orlando, FL, Ponce School ofMedicine, PonceP1470. Probiotic Decreases Post-Liver Transplant InfectionTarek Sawas, MD, Shadi Al Halabi, MD, Mubarak Sayyar, MD, WonCho, MD, FACG, Georgetown University Medstar Washington HospitalCenter, Washington, DC, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP1471. Large Volume Paracentesis: Z-tract or Coaxial InsertionTechnique? Preliminary Data From a Randomized Controlled TrialAmy Rubin, MD, Sean Rudnick, MD, Stephen Caldwell, MD, PatrickNorthup, MD, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VAP1472. Gender Disparities of Acute Liver Injury in the United States:analysis of the National Inpatient Sample From 2006 to 2011Na Li, MD, PhD, Somashekar Krishna, MD, A. James Hanje, MD,Darwin Conwell, MD, Ohio State University, Columbus, OHP1473. Renal Function Association With In-Hospital and 30-DayMortality in Patients With Alcoholic HepatitisSujan Ravi, MD, MPH, Ashwani Singal, MD, MS, Department of InternalMedicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL,Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Alabama atBirmingham, Birmingam, ALP1474. Serum Ammonia at Admission Predicts In-Hospital Mortality inPatients With Alcoholic HepatitisSujan Ravi, MD, MPH, Kaely Bade, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD, MS,Department of Internal Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham,Birmingham, AL, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, ALP1475. Natural History of Patients Admitted With Alcoholic HepatitisSujan Ravi, MD, MPH, Ashwani Singal, MD, MS, Department of InternalMedicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL,Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Alabama atBirmingham, Birmingham, ALP1476. Assessment of Severity of Alcoholic Hepatitis Episode:Comparison of Discriminant Function, MELD, and Glasgow AlcoholicHepatitis ScoresSujan Ravi, MD, MPH, Kaely Bade, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD, MS,Department of Internal Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham,Birmingham, AL, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, ALP1477. Type of Hepatic Decompensation in a Hospitalized CirrhoticPatient Predicts the Onset of ACLF and MortalityVishnu Vardhan Reddy Naravadi, MD, Edward Villa, MD, Atif Ali, MD,Tonya Scardina, PharmD, William Adams, MA, Thomas Layden, MD,Scott Cotler, MD, Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, ILP1478. Variability in Erythrocyte and Plasma Porphyrin Levels inErythropoietic Protoporphyria and X-Linked ProtoporphyriaEric Gou, MD, John Phillips, PhD, Manisha Balwani, MD, MontgomeryBissell, MD, Joseph Bloomer, MD, Herbert Bonkovsky, MD, RobertDesnick, MD, Hetanshi Naik, MS, CGC, Karl Anderson, MD, Universityof Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, University of Utah, Salt LakeCity, UT, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, University ofCalifornia San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, University of Alabama,Birmingham, AL, Carolinas Health Care System, Charlotte, NCP1479. Daily Single-Dose Rifaximin for Prevention of HepaticEncephalopathy in Patients With Chronic Liver DiseaseMuhammad Omar Qureshi, MD, Shafiq Ahmad, MD, Aiza Ahmad, MD,Farzana Shafqat, MD, Muhammad Salih, MD, Omar Khokhar, MD,FACG, Nasir Khokhar, MD, FACG, Department of Medicine, Division ofGastroenterology, University of Illinois-Peoria, Bloomington, IL, Divisionof Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Shifa InternationalHospital, Islamabad, PakistanP1480. Interferon Ineligible Naive Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype ISubjects Treated With Simeprevir and Sofosbuvir in Special Population(Psychiatric). An Open Label Prospective Clinical Pilot Study; INSPIRE CStudy; Interim ResultsPatrick Basu, MD, Niraj Shah, MD, Mark Aloysius, MD, ColumbiaSchool of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY, King’s CountyHospital Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, New York, NY, James J. PetersVA Medical Center, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, NewYork, NYP1481. Simeprevir and Sofosbuvir With Modified Doses of Ribavirin(RBV) Therapy on Telaprevir-Experienced, Co-infected (With HIV)Cirrhotics With Chronic Hepatitis C (CHC): A Randomized Open LabelClinical Pilot Study, STOP C, Interim ResultsPatrick Basu, MD, Niraj Shah, MD, Mark Aloysius, MD, ColumbiaSchool of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY, King’s CountyHospital Medical Center, NY, New York, NY, James J. Peters VA MedicalCenter, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, New York, NYFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.104

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