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Featured LecturesDavid Sun LectureThe Cloudy Future for Physicians: Reimbursement and PracticeChanges in the Post-ACA EraSaturday, October 1810:00 am – 10:30 am • Terrace BallroomThomas A. Scully, JD, has been awarded this year’s David SunLecture. Mr. Scully served as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare& Medicaid Services (CMS) from 2001-2004. In his role asAdministrator, he was instrumental in designing and passing Medicarereform and Medicare Part D legislation and in making the vast agencymore open and accountable to the public. He initiated the first publicreporting and disclosure for comparative quality among hospitals,nursing homes, home health agencies and dialysis centers.The David Sun Lecturership, held during the Annual PostgraduateCourse, was established by Mrs. Sun in memory of her husband,Dr. David Sun, an outstanding gastroenterologist and investigator.The Lecturer, wish a distinguished background in gastroenterology oran allied field, is chosen by the Course Directors of the Postgraduateprogram subject to the approval of the Educational Affairs Committeeand the Board of Trustees. All who are registered for the PostgraduateCourse are invited to attend.The American Journal of Gastroenterology LectureTreatment of IBD: Where We Are and Where We Are GoingMonday, October 203:00 pm – 3:45 pm • Terrace Ballroom 3The American Journal of Gastroenterology Lecture, “Treatment of IBD:Where We Are and Where We Are Going,” will be presented this yearby Charles N. Bernstein, MD, FACG. The AJG Lecturer was chosenby the Co-Editors of The American Journal of Gastroenterology withapproval from the ACG Educational Affairs Committee and the Boardof Trustees.Charles N. Bernstein, MD, FACG, received his MD from the Universityof Manitoba in 1985, was certified in internal medicine 1989(FRCPC and ABIM) at the University of Manitoba, and in Gastroenterologyin 1991 (FRCPC and ABIM) at UCLA. He held a facultyposition at UCLA in 1991-1993 until taking a position at the Universityof Manitoba in 1993. He is currently Professor of Medicine, Head,Section of Gastroenterology, Director of the University of ManitobaInflammatory Bowel Disease Clinical and Research Centre.J. Edward Berk Distiguished LectureGI and Endoscopic Training for the Future GastroenterologistTuesday, October 2110:00 am – 10:30 am • Terrace Ballroom 3This year’s J. Edward Berk Distinguished Lecture has been awardedto Richard A. Kozarek, MD, FACG. Awarded to individuals prominentin gastroenterology or a related area, the J. Edward Berk DistinguishedLecturer is nominated by the President and the appointmentis subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. The lectureship wasestablished in recognition of the significant contributions made by J.Edward Berk, MD, MACG, to clinical gastroenterology during his longand distinguished clinical and academic career. A nationally and internationallyrenowned physician and teacher, Dr. Berk also served asACG President from 1975-1976. All who are registered for the AnnualMeeting are encouraged to attend.Richard A. Kozarek, MD, FACG, is currently the Executive Directorof the Digestive Disease Institute at Virginia Mason, as well asClinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Washington. In acareer spanning more than 30 years, Dr. Kozarek has contributedalmost 400 scientific papers, invited reviews, editorials, and books tothe medical literature on topics ranging from therapeutic endoscopy,inflammatory bowel diseases and practice economics. A past presidentof the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE),he was the 2005 recipient of the ASGE’s highest honor, the SchindlerAward. Dr. Kozarek is the President of the Society for GastrointestinalIntervention and the President-Elect of the World GastroenterologyOrganization (OMGE).Emily Couric Memorial LectureCancer in IBD: The Colon and BeyondTuesday, October 214:30 pm – 5:00 pm • Terrace Ballroom 3Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACG, has been designated to deliver theEmily Couric Memorial Lecture. Dr. Hanuaer has had a distinguishedcareer in medicine. He is currently the Medical Director of the DigestiveDisease Center at Northwestern Medicine and is Professor of Medicinein the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine. Dr. Hanauer isPresident-elect of the American College of Gastroenterology.The Emily Couric Memorial Lecture, developed by the ACG, theVirginia Gastroenterological Society and the Old Dominion Societyof Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, is in honor of VirginiaState Senator Emily Couric who died of pancreatic cancer in Octoberof 2001. Senator Couric was a strong advocate for health careissues, particularly in her instrumental work to pass the nation’s firstlegislation mandating health insurance coverage for colorectal cancerscreening. All who are registered for the Annual Scientific Meetingare encouraged to attend.David Y. Graham LectureIdiosyncratic Drug-induced Liver Injury: What Have We Learnedin the Last Decade?Wednesday, October 2210:15 am – 10:45 am • Terrace Ballroom 3Naga P. Chalasani, MD, FACG, is being honored this year as presenterof the David Y. Graham Lecture. The presenter is chosen bythe President and is subject to approval by the Board of Trustees.This named lectureship was established in 2004 in recognition ofthe many contributions to clinical gastroenterology made by David Y.Graham, MD, MACG. The lectureship was made possible through adonation by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Inc., and Meretek Diagnostics,Inc. All who are registered for the Annual Meeting are encouragedto attend.Dr. Chalasani currently serves as Professor of Medicine at IndianaUniversity School of Medicine and as the Director of its Division ofGastroenterology and Hepatology. He is a clinical hepatologist bytraining and in practice and is board certified in internal medicine,gastroenterology and hepatology, and transplant hepatology CAQ. Hehas published over 130 original manuscripts and dozens of reviewarticles and text book chapters. He serves on the editorial boardsof many scientific journals and he is one of founding PIs for theNIDDK-funded Drug Induced Liver Injury Network (DILIN) and forthe NIDDK-funded NASH Clinical Research Network. He is currentlya Trustee of the ACG.For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.4

Focused Programs for GI FellowsThe American College of Gastroenterology is committed to servingthe specific needs of GI trainees. The ACG 2014 Annual ScientificMeeting and Postgraduate Course include elements designed withthis aim in mind. The College assists GI trainees as they prepare fortheir future in gastroenterology, offering focused discussions fromgastroenterologists in a variety of practice settings, such as the Trainees’Luncheon, Career Opportunities for Women in GI Luncheon, andthe Negotiation and Networking Skills Workshop. Plus, there is anopportunity for those in training programs to showcase their talentsby competing in GI Jeopardy.Negotiation and Networking Skills WorkshopFriday, October 17 • 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm • Room 124-125The Women in Gastroenterology Committee is hosting a programgeared towards senior GI fellows and junior faculty, addressing thespecifics of both the private practice and academic job search. Discussionswill focus on details of private practice versus academics,contract analysis, networking skills, negotiating skills, and work-lifebalance, for both men and women. Separate breakouts for smallgroup discussions are planned. Dinner will be provided.Advance registration is required and space is limited. To register,please visit http://gi.org/education-and-meetings/negotiation-andnetworking-skills-workshop.Career Opportunities for Women in GI LuncheonSaturday, October 18 • 12:20 pm – 1:35 pm • Room 119BThe Women in Gastroenterology Committee is hosting a programgeared toward residents and trainees who are facing difficult decisionsregarding the future of their medical careers. Female gastroenterologistsfrom a variety of medical backgrounds will address theissues of being a female subspecialist, balancing career and family,and opportunities for women in medicine, and, more specifically,gastroenterology.Advance registration is required and space is limited. To register,please visit http://gi.org/education-and-meetings/career-opportunitiesfor-women-in-gastroenterology.GI Jeopardy: Buzz In for Your Training ProgramSaturday, October 18 • 5:15 pm – 7:00 pm • Room 120ABACG’s favorite quiz show, GI Jeopardy, will be back again in 2014.To become a contestant, you must be a fellow-in-training, but all arewelcome to attend the competitive final round, a spirited GI version ofthe television classic.The competition begins in July with a preliminary round open toall GI training programs. Groups of fellows will take a 55-questiononline test on a variety of GI topics and diseases. The top five scoringprograms will then be invited to send two-person teams to compete infront of a live audience at ACG 2014. Travel expenses for the teamswill be covered by ACG. Last year’s GI Jeopardy finalists were supportedby more than 300 lively audience members giving the event areal game show atmosphere.Two Simultaneous Trainees’ Luncheons"Employment Agreements" • Sunday, October 19 •12:20 pm – 1:35 pm • Room 115B"4th Year GI Fellowships" • Sunday, October 19 •12:20 pm – 1:35 pm • Room 115CThis year, two special luncheons exclusively for fellows-in-trainingwill be offered on Sunday during the Postgraduate Course. Thetopics will be “Employment Agreements” and “4th Year GI Fellowships.”The luncheons will be offered simultaneously, so you canonly choose to attend one. Don’t delay as these luncheons sell outevery year.The luncheons are available to all trainees in gastroenterology andhepatology, and each have a fee of $35. See the Registration Formon page 124 to select one of the luncheons.Hands-on Workshop Center – Trainee-only SessionsACG will again offer the Hands-on Workshop Center in theExhibit Hall featuring sessions delivered by ACG faculty experts.Faculty will present an overview of the device or technique, ademonstration using the device, and attendees will then havean opportunity to practice using the equipment. Each sessionwill feature devices provided from two or more companies, whenavailable.In addition, the College will offer trainee-only hands-on sessions.Look for details in September. Pre-registration for GI fellowshands-on sessions is required. Second and third year fellows willreceive an email notification when pre-registration opens up. GIfellows only sessions are: Endoscopy Potpourri – Hemostasis,Foreign Body Removal, EMR and ERCP, ERCP, EUS, ForeignBody Removal, Motility Disorders – Esophageal and Anorectal,Hemorrhoid Therapy, Mucosal Ablation, EMR/Polypectomy, andCapsule Endoscopy.Trainee-only sessions will take place on Sunday, October 19 from3:30 pm to 7:00 pm, and Monday and Tuesday, October 20 and21, beginning at 7:45 am. Trainees are also welcome to participatein any hands-on session offered during regular Exhibit Hall hourson Sunday from 3:30 pm – 7:00 pm, and Monday and Tuesdayfrom 10:00 am – 4:30 pm.See page 7 for additional information.Events forGI Fellows5For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Special EventsThere are numerous opportunities at ACG 2014 to network with your peers. Here are a few of the events taking place this yearat ACG 2014. Unless otherwise noted, all events will take place at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.The Opening Welcome ReceptionSunday, October 19, 5:15 pm – 7:00 pmImmediately following the conclusion of the PostgraduateCourse, join colleagues for the ACG 2014 Opening WelcomeReception in the Exhibit Hall. The Reception will feature horsd’oeuvres and refreshments. This casual social gathering willgive all attendees the opportunity to explore the Hall, meet withexhibitors, and network and mingle with fellow professionals.Additional ReceptionsNP/PA Attendee ReceptionSunday, October 195:15 pm – 6:00 pm • Room 125All NP/PA ACG 2014 attendees are invited to attend.Women and Minorities in Gastroenterology ReceptionSunday, October 195:15 pm – 6:00 pm • Room 123All those interested in the issues facing women and minorities inthe GI field are invited to attend.International ReceptionSunday, October 195:15 pm – 6:00 pm • Room 124All International attendees are invited to attend and enjoycocktails and hors d’oeuvres while meeting colleagues.Alumni ReceptionsEvery year, several Alumni Receptions are planned for alumni ofvarious medical schools. Invited attendees will receive an invitationby mail from their alumni group.Additional EventsThe 4th Annual Gutrunners 5k Race /1 Mile WalkSunday, October 197:00 am • Location to be announcedDon't miss this exciting fun run, which is open to all ACGattendees, family members, exhibitors, and local residents.Course details and map will be available at www.gutrunners.comsoon. See page 130 for more information.ACG Presidential AddressMonday, October 209:00 am – 9:30 am • Terrace BallroomHarry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACG, ACG President, will addressattendees during the Presidential Address to mark the beginningof the Annual Meeting. The President uses this opportunity towelcome members, highlight ACG’s accomplishments over thepast year, and bid farewell as he passes leadership of the ACGon to the President-Elect.ACG Annual Business MeetingMonday, October 206:00 pm – 6:30 pm • Terrace Ballroom 3All ACG Members and Fellows (FACG) are encouraged to attendthe College’s Annual Business Meeting where College businesswill be discussed and voted on. The meeting will be held onMonday, October 20 at 5:45 pm, immediately following that day’sAnnual Scientific Session. A reception to honor the ACG Presidentwill be held in conjunction with the Annual Business Meeting,from 6:15 pm – 7:00 pm. Mix and mingle with fellow colleagueswhile you enjoy a selection of light refreshments.ACG AuxiliarySaturday through Tuesday, 8:00 am – 10:00 amPhiladelphia Marriott Downtown - Room 310The ACG Auxiliary will provide a Hospitality Suite for spousesduring the ACG Annual Meeting, offering a place to relax and unwind,review tour and visitor information, or just chat with friends.Registration for Auxiliary members will also be available in thesuite. A Schedule of Events for the ACG Auxiliary is on page 123.The Auxiliary will also offer excursions as well as other events.See page 123 for complete information.For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.6

ACG’s 2014 Educational Programs — Needs Assessmentadverse side effects. Also, within the next 1-2 years, therapy will likelybe completely all-oral, interferon-free, and perhaps even ribavirin-free.There will be a series of new regimens available, with new ones beingintroduced at a very rapid pace. Because there will be simple and effectivetherapies available, there will likely be more gastroenterologists whoare willing to treat HCV. For this reason, ACG must work to educate gastroenterologistsabout the current and upcoming treatments. Also, withthe expected rapid development and approval of multiple regimens,ACG must work to have a mechanism in place to allow rapid changesand/or addendums to HCV treatment guidelines.PancreaticobiliaryPancreaticobiliary diseases can also be extremely challenging to manage,and can vary greatly in complexity and severity. Gastroenterologistsplay an essential role in both the evaluation and the managementof patients with pancreaticobiliary disorders. Cystic neoplasms of thepancreas are more frequently diagnosed and management guidelineshave been updated recently as our knowledge base continues to grow.Gastroenterologist offer highly specialized care for such patients, includingadvanced interventional endoscopic procedures. As endoscopictechnology advances, patients are simultaneously becoming morecomplex, making it essential that gastroenterologists are up-to-date onthese management techniques and strategies. Education on the diagnosisand management of various forms of pancreaticobiliary diseaseincluding pancreatitis, pancreatic cysts, pancreatic cancer, and biliarydisorders is critical to obtaining the best patient outcomes.Functional GIImprovements in the understanding of the pathogenesis and treatmentof motility and functional GI disorders continue to progress as researchin this area expands. These disorders are among the most common GIdisorders in the general population. Understanding the latest sciencewith regard to these disorders and newer treatment modalities is criticalto improving clinical outcomes and quality of life for a large group ofpatients who have been among the most difficult to treat. Understandingthe potential role of enteric microbiota and inflammation in thesedisorders will also help determine the appropriate course of action andplay a critical role in managing these challenging conditions.Diarrheal disorders can prove to be challenging to diagnose andmanage. Whether it be acute or chronic, caused by a malabsorptivecondition, inflammatory, or infectious process, gastroenterologists mustbe aware of the various potential causes of diarrhea and the mostappropriate corresponding treatment options. With the incidence andseverity of Clostridium difficile infections increasing in recent years, thisis yet another condition that demands close attention by the gastroenterologist.GI BleedingGI bleeding remains one of the most common yet most challengingissues confronted by the clinical gastroenterologist. New anticoagulantshave been released in the last several years, and this new class ofdrugs has made patients with GI bleeding even more difficult to treat.It is critical that gastroenterologists are frequently updated on thesenew medications as these patients may require different managementstrategies than those who are on traditional anticoagulants. Whether theGI bleeding is related to drug therapy, stress ulceration in the intensivecare unit, anticoagulation, chronic liver disease, or obscure gastrointestinalbleeding, the gastroenterologist must be up to date on the latestinformation on strategies to prevent, diagnose, and optimally treat GIbleeding.GERDGastroesophageal reflux disease is a common condition world-wide andaffects 20% of American adults on a weekly basis. An understandingof its pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment options, and complicationsis extremely important for the practicing gastroenterologist, andnew guidelines have been published on reflux within the past year.While less common, eosinophilic esophagitis appears to be increasingmarkedly in incidence and has been the subject of intense researchleading to recent clinical guidelines. Esophageal dysmotility remains anongoing challenge, and this field has dramatically changed in the pastseveral years due to the adoption of new diagnostic modalities and anoutpouring of outcomes data. This has been particularly significant forachalasia, which also has been the subject of recent consensus guidelineswithin the past year. Other upper GI conditions including Barrett’sesophagus, dyspepsia, peptic ulcer disease, and H. pylori also requirea clear understanding. It is important that published evidence-basedpractice guidelines for these upper GI conditions and many other identifiedGI disorders be available to the gastroenterologist for their explicitunderstanding and to enhance their ability to most effectively manageeach of their patients. With guidelines published on gastroesophagealreflux disease, eosinophilic esophagitis, and achalasia withinthe last year, this has been an active area and this new informationneeds to be disseminated to the gastroenterology community.EndoscopyRapid technological advancements in endoscopy and other diagnosticand therapeutic areas in gastroenterology creates a need to communicatethe latest techniques and strategies for managing everythingfrom patients with altered anatomy to identification and removalof large and difficult polyps to developing practice of natural orificetransluminal endoscopic surgery. Gastroenterologists in a variety of practicesettings need to learn and integrate these new therapies into theirpractice in order to provide state-of-the-art services to their patients.QualityFinally, it is critical that gastroenterologists incorporate quality, safety,and service metrics into their clinical practice. In particular, quality andsafety issues in the endoscopy suite need to be addressed in order toimprove patient outcomes. Other quality issues dealing with specific diseasestates and their management in the office practice also need to beaddressed by the practicing gastroenterologist. Practice efficiency is alsoof great importance as the demand for increased efficiency across allsettings continues to drive the search for practical tools to positively impactcare delivery and patient outcomes. Through the use of evidencebasedapproaches for treatment and rational public health policy, cliniciansneed to identify new and innovative ways to deliver care across thecommunity. Ever-expanding access to information on a real-time basisby both clinicians and patients provides unique opportunities as well aschallenges to the healthcare delivery system. When this is combinedwith the pressures associated with increased spending on healthcarein an environment currently trending toward decreased reimbursementand inadequate rewards for the physician who spends more time withthe patient, the importance of high-quality continuing medical educationfor gastroenterologists and their patients cannot be overstated.FACULTY DISCLOSURESThe American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) is accredited by theAccreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) toprovide continuing medical education for physicians. ACG, as an ACCMEaccredited provider, ensures balance, independence, objectivity, and scientificrigor in all of its directly and jointly provided education activities.All who are in a position to control the content of an education activity(including their spouse or partner) are required to disclose to ACGall relevant financial relationships in any amount occurring in the past12 months with any commercial interest that may create a conflict ofinterest related to the subject matter of an education activity. Safeguardsagainst commercial bias have been put in place by ACG. Anyone whorefuses to disclose relevant financial relationships will be disqualified.ACG ensures any conflicts of interest are resolved before the educationalactivity occurs and discloses all relevant financial relationships to thelearners prior to the beginning of an education activity.EDUCATIONALPROGRAMS9For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

ACG's 2014 Optional Friday Coursesacg practice management courseThe Optimal GI Practice of the Future – Understanding and EmbracingChange to Improve Your PracticeFriday, October 17, 2014 • 7:30 am – 4:45 pm • Room 121ABCCourse Co-Directors: Michael S. Morelli, MD, CPE, FACG, and Joseph A. Cappa, MD, FACGACG Members/Fellows: $275ACG Resident/Trainee/Candidate Members: $0ACG Allied Health Members: $200ACG NP/PA Members: $200Non-Members: $300Practice Managers: $200Learn strategies to improve, change andadapt your practice to remain successful.Join Course Co-Directors Michael S.Morelli, MD, CPE, FACG, and JosephA. Cappa, MD, FACG, or the ACG 2014Practice Management Course that focuseson efficient practices in areas of interestto the clinical gastroenterologist.course available onCourse DescriptionLearn innovative techniques and ideas that can be readily incorporatedin your practice, whether large or small, and strategiesfor success from leaders in the area of practice management.The Optimal GI Practice of the Future – Understanding andEmbracing Change to Improve Your Practice is designed to providepractitioners with both a broad-based understanding of thecurrent GI practice landscape and with focused recommendationson how to improve the clinical and business aspect of theirpractices.The 2014 Practice Management Course will provide up-to-dateinformation about the state of practice management, includingtrends, changes in regulations and laws, and best practices toeffectively manage a gastroenterology practice in today’s uncertainenvironment.A boxed lunch will be provided to all registered attendees.AccreditationThe American College of Gastroenterology is accredited by theAccreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)to provide continuing medical education for physicians.The American College of Gastroenterology designates this liveactivity for a maximum of 8.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with theextent of their participation in the activity.For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.106:30 am Continental Breakfast7:30 am Welcome and IntroductionsMichael S. Morelli, MD, CPE, FACGJoseph A. Cappa, MD, FACGsession 1: Fundamentals in Practice Management7:35 am Presidential Address: Gastroenterology Practice in aValue-Based System: Preparing for the (Not-So-Distant)FutureHarry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACGDiscuss government issues and payor issues pertinentto GI practice in the year 2014, understand the majorreimbursement issues that GI practices will encounter in thenear future and learn how to prepare for them, and recognizethe key drivers of practice value – efficacy, cost and patientsatisfaction – and how to leverage them with payers and healthsystems.8:05 am Developing and Expanding Your Patient Base: PracticalSuggestions and Proven MethodsJames A. Turner, Jr., MBA, MHSMarket your practice directly to patients and referringphysicians, assess the value of branding your practice, andidentify ways to utilize marketing metrics to obtain the bestreturn on investment for your marketing dollar.8:25 am The Patient Portal: Enhancing the Quality of Care andPatient Satisfaction ExperienceJames S. Leavitt, MD, FACGDefine a patient portal and how to implement one in yourpractice, use a patient portal to improve scheduling optionsfor your patients, and use a patient portal to communicate testresults in a safe and efficient manner.FacultyCourse Co-Director – Michael S. Morelli, MD, CPE, FACGCourse Co-Director – Joseph A. Cappa, MD, FACGCraig Bakken, MHA, CMPEFrank Chapman, MBADelbert L. Chumley, MD, FACGViju P. Deenadayalu, MDH. Gordon France, MDReed B. Hogan, MDJames S. Leavitt, MD, FACGArnold G. Levy, MDKathleen A. Mueller, RN, CPC, CCS-P, CMSCS, CCC, PCSJeffry Nestler, MDChalmers M. Nunn, Jr., MDBergein F. Overholt, MD, MACGHarry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACGBrijen J. Shah, MDJames A. Turner, Jr., MBA, MHS

ACG's 2014 Optional Friday Coursesacg practice management courseThe Optimal GI Practice of the Future – Understanding and EmbracingChange to Improve Your PracticeFriday, October 17, 2014 • 7:30 am – 4:45 pm • Room 121ABCCourse Co-Directors: Michael S. Morelli, MD, CPE, FACG, and Joseph A. Cappa, MD, FACG8:50 am Mid-Level Providers and Their Evolving Role in OutpatientPracticeViju P. Deenadayalu, MDIntegrate clinicians in the office and endoscopy suite to improveefficiency of patient evaluation and management, and improveuse of clinicians to care for hospitalized patients effectively andefficiently.9:20 am Roundtable Discussion9:40 am EMRs Can Improve Your Practice Quality, Efficiency andRevenue GenerationDelbert L. Chumley, MD, FACGUse your EMR to improve quality care, patient evaluations, andcoding in patient encounters.10:10 am Improving Patient Throughput in the OfficeCraig Bakken, MHA, CMPEFormulate innovative ways to "check in" and "check out" yourpatients, and implement an effective recall system to ensurepatient follow-up.10:30 am Quality Assessment – What to Measure and How to Utilizethe DataBergein F. Overholt, MD, MACGChoose which data to accumulate and how to utilize it to formquality improvement programs and prepare for value-basedreimbursements.10:55 am Q & A11:10 am Breaksession 2: Strategies for Success – Breakout Sessions11:25 am Breakout Sessions12:20 pm Breakout Sessions (box lunch available)(all sessions repeat)1:05 pm Breakout Sessions (all sessions repeat)Breakout Sessions:1. Meaningful Use and PQRSJames S. Leavitt, MD, FACGEnsure your practice is adequately prepared for Meaningful Use 2and PQRS government initiatives.2. Surviving and Thriving the Conversion to ICD 10Kathleen A. Mueller, RN, CPC, CCS-P, CMSCS, CCC, PCSOutline how the conversion to ICD 10 affects your practice andhow to use it to your advantage.3. Preparing Your Practice for Value Based Reimbursement –The Nuts and BoltsFrank Chapman, MBAExplain the future of reimbursements and how to best positionyour practice for the changes.4. ABIM Maintenance of Certification (MOC) – What EveryGI Must KnowBrijen J. Shah, MDSummarize the updated and evolving requirements of theAmerican Board of Internal Medicine for Maintenance ofCertification (MOC).1:50 pm Breaksession 3: Advance Topics in Practice Management2:00 pm Ancillary Services: What’s Next After an Endoscopy Centerand Pathology?Reed B. Hogan, MDIdentify the first steps to implement an ancillary service into yourpractice and select which ancillary services can best serve yourpatients.2:25 pm Is There a Future for the Independent Physician? TwoExperts Debate the IssueJeffry Nestler, MDH. Gordon France, MDEvaluate the pros and cons of staying independent or becoming ahospital employee.3:05 pm Practice Mega Groups – Is Bigger Better?Arnold G. Levy, MDCompute the cost and identify the cost, infrastructure, andleadership formation of a mega group to help you decide if amega group is right for you.3:30 pm Roundtable Discussion3:45 pm Key Financial and Practice Indicators: What Reports Havethe Most Value in Determining the Financial Health of YourPractice?Frank Chapman, MBAExplain which financial reports are most valuable in determiningthe financial health of your practice, in tracking practice growth,and in identifying concerning trends early.4:10 pm Creating the Optimal GI Practice in 2015 – Where Do WeGo from Here?Chalmers M. Nunn, Jr., MDDefine what the optimal practice of the future will look like.4:35 pm Q & A4:45 pm AdjournEDUCATIONALPROGRAMS11For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

asge-sponsored endoscopy courseACG's 2014 Optional Friday CoursesTackling Endoscopic Challenges in 2014: What Should Be in Your Toolbox?Friday, October 17, 2014 • 8:00 am – 5:00 pm • Room 122ABCourse Co-Directors: Brintha K. Enestvedt, MD, MBA, and John J. Vargo, II, MD, MPH, FACG, FASGE7:00 am Registration/Continental Breakfast8:00 am Welcome and IntroductionsBrintha K. Enestvedt, MD, MBAJohn J. Vargo II, MD, MPH, FACG, FASGE8:05 am ASGE President's AddressColleen M. Schmitt, MD, MHS, FASGEsession 1: "Building" for Success: GeneralPractice and Peri-Procedure Management8:15 am Passing Code: What Does Quality in Endoscopy Meanand How to Optimize Your Practice?David A. Lieberman, MD, FACG, FASGE8:35 am Bridge, Stop or Continue: Anticoagulation andAntiplatelet ManagementJohn J. Vargo II, MD, MPH, FACG, FASGE8:55 am Cleaning the Plumbing: Optimizing ColonoscopyPreparationAshley L. Faulx, MD, FACG, FASGE9:15 am Questions & Discussionsession 2: Where's the Leak?Obscure GI Bleeding9:35 am Identifying the Leak: Red Cell Scan, Angiography,Capsule or Balloon?Andrew S. Ross, MD, FASGE9:55 am An Update on Balloon-assisted EnteroscopyCharles E. Dye, MD10:15 am Questions & Discussion10:35 am Breaksession 4: All in a Day's Work: Improving YourColonoscopy12:40 pm Colonoscopy Through Rose-colored Glasses – AdvancedImaging – NBI, ChromoendoscopyMichael B. Wallace, MD, MPH, FACG, FASGE1:00 pm The Difficult Made Easy: Approaches to the ProblematicPolypVinay Chandrasekhara, MD1:40 pm Questions & Discussionsession 5: Barrett's Esophagus ManagementConundrums2:00 pm Defeating Barrett’s Esophagus: Cut, Burn or Freeze?Nicholas J. Shaheen, MD, MPH, FACG2:20 pm It’s Gone, Now What? Surveillance GuidelinesMichael B. Wallace, MD, MPH, FACG, FASGE2:40 pm Questions & Discussion3:00 pm Breaksession 6: Endoscopic Enigmas3:15 pm Common Problems Following Bariatric SurgeryAndrew S. Ross, MD, FASGE3:35 pm I Need a Patch Job! Management of Iatrogenic PerforationsGottumukkala S. Raju, MD, FACG, FASGE3:55 pm Questions & Discussion4:15 pm Endoscopic Video Case Forum5:00 pm Course AdjournsEDUCATIONALPROGRAMSsession 3: Pancreaticobiliary Potpourri10:50 am Cannulation: Tricks for the Trials and TribulationsPrabhleen Chahal, MD, FASGE11:10 am Big Stone Management: Blast, Crush, Extract, Remodel?John A. Martin, MD, FASGE11:30 am Pancreatic Cysts: New Guidelines, When and How toSurveyBrintha K. Enestvedt, MD, MBA11:50 am Questions & Discussion12:10 pm Lunch13For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

ACG's 2014 Optional Friday CoursesRecertification Preparation and Update CourseFriday, October 17, 2014 • 5:00 pm – 9:30 pm • Room 119ABCourse Co-Directors: Neena S. Abraham, MD, MSCE, FACG, and Brooks D. Cash, MD, FACGACG Members/Fellows: $150ACG Resident/Trainee/Candidate Members: $150ACG Allied Health Members: $150ACG NP/PA Members: $150All Non-Members: $175Course DescriptionThe challenges of quality patient care and optimal patientoutcomes seem to increase exponentially from year to yearthrough a combination of increased demand and burgeoninginformation/treatment options relating to disease guidelines,disease management recommendations, and the introductionof new pharmacotherapeutic agents and devices. The clinicalgastroenterologist needs to build on his or her educationalfoundation regarding GI anatomy and disease states that leadto their board certification and recertification while distilling theessence of new information and integrating it into their dayto-daypractice. The requirement for recertification has posedan educational challenge for board-certified gastroenterologistswho are trying to balance the management of their practicewith their educational needs. The primary purpose of the ACGRecertification Course is to facilitate completion of an ABIMapprovedmedical knowledge module, developed by ACG.Using a new ACG module approved for self-evaluation of medicalknowledge credit toward ABIM Maintenance of Certification(MOC), faculty will answer and discuss all 60 questionscovering key areas of gastroenterology; audience participation isencouraged. The cases and questions will be presented and theanswer options will be described. Course attendees will utilize anaudience response system to choose which option they believe tobe the correct answer, and these anonymous responses will beshown. The faculty member will then identify the correct answer,provide the basis for the selection and explain why the otheroptions were incorrect. Participants will be able to complete theiranswer sheets for this module during the session.A boxed dinner will be provided to all registered attendees.Program ObjectivesUpon completion of this program attendees will:• Learn the scope of the substantive areas in organ systemsand disease management that they will need to be fullyconversant in to successfully complete the exam.• Obtain a clear understanding of the most effective testtaking approaches.AccreditationThe American College of Gastroenterology is accredited by theAccreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to providecontinuing medical education for physicians.The American College of Gastroenterology designates this liveactivity for a maximum of 4.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with theextent of their participation in the activity.For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.14Attendee RequirementsRegistrants are required to purchase ACG’s Self-AssessmentProgram for Maintenance of Certification, the new edition ofwhich is expected to be approved by September, 2014 ($75for ACG members; $99 for non-members). Participants will becontacted no later than October 1 regarding how to purchasethe required module. Attendees enrolled in the ABIM’s MOCprogram who successfully complete this 60-question ACG modulewith a minimum passing score of 70% will be awarded 20 selfevaluationof medical knowledge points by ABIM. Participantsmust be enrolled in ABIM’s Maintenance of Certification programto receive MOC credit for completion of this module.Attendees will be provided a copy of the module questions fornote-taking purposes. All additional educational materials for theprogram are provided through the online module — detailedwritten explanations, linked references, and videos of expertdiscussions and slides from the course.Please note: In addition to Recertification Courseregistration, separate purchase of ACG’s moduleis also required. See paragraph above.For a list of all of the ACG modules approved for MOC credit,visit www.sapmoc.gi.org.FacultyCourse Co-Director – Neena S. Abraham, MD, MSCE, FACGCourse Co-Director – Brooks D. Cash, MD, FACGStephen C. Hauser, MD, FACGJ. David Horwhat, MD, FACGBrennan M. R. Spiegel, MD, MSHS, FACGnew!self-evaluation moduleACG’s Self-Assessment Program forMaintenance of Certification7th Edition (2014)(approval anticipated by September 2014)available in conjunction with the2014 ACG Recertification Preparation and Update CourseEarn 20 self-evaluation of medical knowledgepoints toward your ABIM Maintenance of Certification.ACG member price: $75Non-member price: $99Participants must be enrolled in ABIM’sMaintenance of Certification program to receiveMOC credit for completion of this module.

Optional Friday Courses / ACG's 2014 Three-day Clinical ReviewWhat’s New in GI Pharmacology CourseFriday, October 17, 2014 • 1:15 pm – 4:30 pm • Room 120ABCCourse Director: Francis A. Farraye, MD, MSc, FACGMembers/Fellows: $200Resident/Trainees/Candidate Members: $160ACG Allied Health Members: $175ACG NP/PA Members: $175All Non-Members: $225Course Descriptioncourse available onAttend ACG’s What’s New in GIPharmacology Course for an intensivereview of key GI pharmacology,including comparisons and contrastsbetween conventional and emergingpharmacological treatment options.This three-hour course will consist oflectures and Q & A sessions on suchtopics as new therapies in IBD management, treatment optionsfor functional abdominal pain, use and management of newanticoagulation medications in patients undergoing endoscopy,treatment options for the management of microscopic colitisand pouchitis, determining best available treatment options fortreatment of GI disorders in the pregnant patient, reviewingavailable bowel preps safety and their efficacy for colonoscopy,and updates on the latest evaluation and treatment options forhepatitis C. The course is designed primarily for physicians inGI/hepatology, as well as physician assistants, nurse practitionersand other advanced practice healthcare professionals interestedin the latest information on state-of-the-art treatment of theseillnesses.AccreditationThe American College of Gastroenterology is accredited by theAccreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)to provide continuing medical education for physicians.The American College of Gastroenterology designates this liveactivity for a maximum of 3 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with theextent of their participation in the activity.WelcomeFrancis A. Farraye, MD, MSc, FACG1:15 pm New Pharmacologic Agents in the Management ofInflammatory Bowel DiseaseStephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACGEvaluate the newest drugs to treat IBD.1:35 pm Treatment of Chronic Functional Abdominal PainLawrence R. Schiller, MD, FACGAssess current pharmacologic treatment options for functionalabdominal pain.1:55 pm Understanding the New Anticoagulant MedicationsDavid A. Greenwald, MD, FACGSummarize the use and management of new anticoagulationmedications in your patients undergoing endoscopy or having GIbleeding.2:15 pm Q & A2:30 pm Break2:50 pm Pharmacologic Treatment of Microscopic Colitis andPouchitisFrancis A. Farraye, MD, MSc, FACGOutline the most effective pharmacological treatment optionsfor the management of microscopic colitis and pouchitis.3:10 pm Medication Use in PregnancySunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACGSelect available pharmacological therapies that are safe fortreatment of GI disorders in the pregnant patient.3:30 pm Prepping Right for Colonoscopy in 2014Jack A. Di Palma, MD, FACGCompare safety aspects of different bowel preps and theirefficacy for colonoscopy.3:50 pm Treating the HCV Patient in 2014 and 2015Mitchell L. Shiffman, MD, FACGExplain the latest evaluation and treatment options for hepatitis C.4:10 pm Q & A4:30 pm AdjournFacultyCourse Director – Francis A. Farraye, MD, MSc, FACGJack A. Di Palma, MD, FACGDavid A. Greenwald, MD, FACGStephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACGSunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACGLawrence R. Schiller, MD, FACGMitchell L. Shiffman, MD, FACGFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.16

ACG's 2014 Postgraduate Course – Saturday, October 18Annual Postgraduate CourseSaturday and Sunday, October 18 and 19, 2014 • Terrace BallroomCourse Co-Directors: Lauren B. Gerson, MD, MSc, FACG, and Seth A. Gross, MD, FACGSaturday, October 18, 20147:50 am – 5:00 pm7:50 am Introduction by Course DirectorsLauren B. Gerson, MD, MSc, FACGSeth A. Gross, MD, FACGsession 1A: Esophagusmoderator: Lauren B. Gerson, MD, MSc, FACG8:00 am A 360-Degree Approach to GERDLauren B. Gerson, MD, MSc, FACGDiscuss GERD management based on recent ACG guidelines.8:20 am Achalasia: Opening Up the Bird’s BeakPhilip O. Katz, MD, FACGDiscuss diagnosis and management of achalasia based onrecent ACG guidelines.8:40 am EoE and EosinophiliaNirmala Gonsalves, MDDiscuss diagnosis and management of EoE based on recentACG guidelines.9:00 am Barrett’s Esophagus: Detection, Surveillance, TreatmentNicholas J. Shaheen, MD, MPH, FACGOutline recommendations for management of BE based oncurrent ACG guidelines.9:20 am Panel Q & A9:40 am Break10:00 am The David Sun LectureThe Cloudy Future for Physicians: Reimbursement andPractice Changes in the Post-ACA EraThomas A. Scully, JDExplain the impact of health reform on clinical GI practice.session 1B: Colonmoderator: Seth A. Gross, MD, FACG10:30 am How to Improve the Quality of Your ColonoscopyDouglas K. Rex, MD, MACGDescribe the importance of bowel preparation and howinspection techniques improve adenoma detection.10:50 am Removal of Flat and Large PolypsMichael Wallace, MD, MPH, FACGDetermine the best approach to identify and remove thesechallenging lesions.11:10 am Colon Cancer Screening: Should It Differ by Ethnicity,Gender, and Age?Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACGAnalyze recent data demonstrating differences in colonneoplasia by ethnicity and gender.For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.1811:30 am Advanced Imaging for Colon Cancer Screening – Is There aRole?Seth A. Gross, MD, FACGEvaluate recent advances in colonoscopy imaging and the potentialrole in clinical practice.11:50 am Panel Q & A12:10 pm Break for Learning LuncheonsSaturday Learning Luncheons12:20 pm – 1:35 pmCost is $75 per person/per lunch. See page 124 for more information.1. Food Allergies and the GI Tract: Fact or Fiction?Sheila E. Crowe, MD, FACGInterpret the role of food allergies in patients presenting withgastrointestinal disorders.2. Refractory GERD: The Esophageal Physiology ToolboxMarcelo F. Vela, MD, MSCR, FACGDetermine an approach to managing the patient presenting withGERD symptoms refractory to PPI therapy.3. Don’t Panic: It’s a Visible Vessel!Loren A. Laine, MD, FACGEvaluate the management of peptic ulcers with high risk stigmata anddiscuss recent ACG guidelines on UGIB.4. Fecal Transplantation for Clostridium difficile InfectionLawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACGEvaluate the current state-of-the-art treatment using fecaltransplantation for patients with Clostridium difficile infection.5. Diverticular Disease: Dispelling the MythsLisa L. Strate, MD, MPH, FACGAnalyze new concepts regarding the management of complicateddiverticular disease including diverticulitis and diverticularhemorrhage.6. Miscellaneous ColitidesDarrell S. Pardi, MD, FACGCompare and contrast management options of microscopic,ischemic, eosinophilic and drug-induced colitis.7. Anorectal Disorders UpdateAmy E. Foxx-Orenstein, DO, FACGAssess recent ACG guidelines regarding diagnosis and managementof anorectal disorders including pelvic floor dysfunction, fecalincontinence, and anal fissures.8. The Role of Complementary Therapy in Your PracticeDavid J. Hass, MD, FACGSpecify potential usage of herbal therapy, biofeedback, hypnosis, andother alternative therapeutic options for gastroenterologists.9. Update in NASHZobair M. Younossi, MD, MPH, FACGIdentify recent advances in diagnosis and management of nonalcoholicsteatosis.10. You’ve Just Been Appointed to Run Your Endoscopy Unit: NowWhat?David H. Robbins, MD, MSc, FACGImplement management strategies to run an efficient endoscopy unit.

ACG's 2014 Postgraduate Course – Saturday, October 1811. The Post-ablation Esophagus: What Lies BeneathPrateek Sharma, MD, FACGAssess the possibility of persistent intestinal metaplasia after RFAand utilize tools for diagnosis, including confocal microscopy and/or OCT.12. Obscure GI Bleeding – What’s the Current Algorithm?Lauren B. Gerson, MD, MSc, FACGEvaluate the patient with obscure GI bleeding and utilize toolsincluding capsule endoscopy and deep enteroscopy.session 1C: Biliary Diseasemoderator: Gregory G. Ginsberg, MD, FACG1:45 pm Choledocholithiasis: Management Strategies?Gregory G. Ginsberg, MD, FACGEvaluate the different presentations of choledocholithiasis tohelp better triage your patient.2:05 pm Choledochal Cysts: Recognition and ManagementLaith Jamil, MDIdentify the various types of choledochal cysts and their clinicalimpact.2:25 pm Minimizing Adverse Events During ERCPChristopher J. DiMaio, MD, FACGIdentify potential adverse events associated with ERCP andsolutions to their management.2:45 pm Management of Indeterminate Biliary StricturesSteven A. Edmundowicz, MDEvaluate and manage indeterminate biliary strictures.3:05 pm Panel Q & A3:25 pm BreakNEW THIS YEAR:PG+MOCMaintenance of Certification available inconjunction with ACG’s Postgraduate CoursePG Course attendees can purchase and complete the PG+MOConline module and earn 10 MOC points. Here is how it works:1) Purchase the PG+MOC online module when you register for theACG 2014 Postgraduate Course. (Use the Registration Form onpage 125; pre-registration deadline is September 24, 2014.)2) Prior to the meeting, you’ll receive an email when thePG+MOC module is available in early October.3) Log in and answer the module’s 30 questions. Upon completion,you’ll receive a customized curriculum of recommended sessionsspecifically designed for you to attend at the PG Course. Thecustomized curriculum, based on your results from taking themodule, will help to fill any knowledge gaps. If you completethe module with a passing score, you can submit directly toABIM to earn your MOC points immediately. Then use yourcustomized curriculum to attend the PG Course.4) After the course, log in to the PG+MOC module again, re-takeONLY the questions you answered incorrectly prior to the course,and, upon achieving a passing score, submit your results toABIM to earn your MOC points. You have three attempts toachieve a passing score.You must be registered for the ACG 2014 Postgraduate Courseto take advantage of this special offer. ACG members maypurchase the PG+MOC online module for an additional $40;non-members may purchase it for an additional $50. If youare already registered for the PG Course: purchase this specialmodule at http://acgmeetings.gi.org/pgmoc.asp.Simultaneous Symposia Sessions3:45 pm – 5:00 pmsymposium A: Endoscopymoderator: Douglas G. Adler, MD, FACG3:45 pm When, Where, and Why to Place a Luminal StentDouglas G. Adler, MD, FACGEvaluate indications for stent placement in the gastrointestinaltract.4:05 pm EMR, ESD or Old-fashioned Polypectomy?Michael B. Wallace, MD, MPH, FACGDifferentiate between options for polyp removal in the upperand lower GI tracts including when to perform EMR and/orESD.4:25 pm Adverse Events During or After Colonoscopy: How to AvoidNeeding Surgical HelpGottumukkala S. Raju, MD, FACGFormulate potential management strategies for adverse eventsassociated with colonoscopies, including perforation andbleeding.4:45 pm Panel Q & Asymposium B: GI Bleeding: What's Newmoderator: John R. Saltzman, MD, FACG3:45 pm How to Manage Non-Variceal Bleeding: What’s New?John R. Saltzman, MD, FACGAnalyze new methods for cessation of non-variceal bleeding,including non-endoscopic options.4:05 pm Hemorrhoidal or Not Hemorrhoidal: That Is the QuestionLisa L. Strate, MD, MPH, FACGDiscuss recent ACG guidelines for LGIB and determineappropriate management.4:25 pm Should I Alter My Patient’s Antiplatelet Therapy? Howto Manage Medications Before Routine Endoscopy andWhen the Patient Is BleedingNeena S. Abraham, MD, MSCE, FACGDetermine management strategies for patients who are usingaspirin, NSAIDs, clopidogrel, or other antiplatelet agents.4:45 pm Panel Q & Asymposium C: How to Handle GI Emergenciesmoderator: David A. Greenwald, MD, FACG3:45 pm Foreign Bodies: How to Get Them OutDavid A. Greenwald, MD, FACGDefine management options for foreign bodies in the GI tract.4:05 pm Variceal Bleeding: Treatment StrategiesGuadalupe Garcia-Tsao, MDIdentify treatment strategies for acute variceal hemorrhage.4:25 pm How to Handle the 2:00 am Call About a Dilated ColonEamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, FACGIdentify management strategies for patients presenting withOgilvie’s syndrome and other causes of megacolon.4:45 pm Panel Q & APOSTGRADUATECOURSE19For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

ACG's 2014 Postgraduate Course – Sunday, October 19Sunday, October 19, 20147:50 am – 5:00 pm7:50 am Introduction by Course Directorssession 2A: Pancreasmoderator: Scott M. Tenner, Md, MPH, JD, Facg8:00 am Acute Pancreatitis: How to Get the Best OutcomeScott M. Tenner, MD, MPH, JD, FACGDiscuss management of acute pancreatitis based on recentACG guidelines.8:20 am How to Manage the Pain and Malabsorption in ChronicPancreatitisTimothy B. Gardner, MD, MS, FACGDiscuss presentation and management options for patientspresenting with chronic pancreatitis.8:40 am Pancreatic Cyst: A Management DilemmaJohn M. DeWitt, MD, FACGApply an evidence-based approach to diagnosis andmanagement of pancreatic cysts.9:00 am Role of Endoscopy in the Management of PancreaticDisordersVanessa M. Shami, MDEvaluate options for endoscopic therapy in patients withpancreatic disorders including pseudocysts, pancreaticstrictures, and pancreatic cancer.9:20 am Panel Q & A9:40 am Breaksession 2B: Genetic Disordersmoderator: Carol A. Burke, Md, Facg10:00 am When to Send Your Patient for Genetic CounselingHeather L. Hampel, MS, CGCDetermine when to refer your patient for genetic counseling andlearn how testing is performed.10:20 am Pancreatic Cancer: The Genes You Need to KnowRandall E. Brand, MD, FACGIdentify pancreatic cancer genetic syndromes and when to test.10:40 am Liver Disorders: It’s All in the FamilyKris V. Kowdley, MD, FACGDescribe hereditary hepatic metabolic disorders and availabletesting modalities.11:00 am Hereditary Colon Cancer: How Not to Miss It in YourPatientsCarol A. Burke, MD, FACGAnalyze when to consider genetic testing in a patient presentingwith colonic polyps or colon cancer.11:20 am The Role of Genetic Testing in Celiac DiseaseAlberto Rubio-Tapia, MDExplain recent ACG guidelines and discuss screening for celiacdisease and available testing modalities.11:40 am Panel Q & A12:00 noon Break for Learning LuncheonsSunday Learning Luncheons12:20 pm – 1:35 pmCost is $75 per person/per lunch. See page 124 for more information.13. Liver Transplant Management in the CommunityMitchell L. Shiffman, MD, FACGDetermine when and how to refer your patient for livertransplantation.14. What’s Happening in Washington and the Potential Impact onYour Gastroenterology PracticeHarry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACGExplain recent updates from Congress regarding upcoming policiesfor gastroenterology practice.15. Doc, I’m Still Nauseous and Bloated but All My Tests AreNegative!Eamonn M.M. Quigley, MD, FACGEvaluate and treat patients with functional gastrointestinal disordersincluding functional dyspepsia, refractory nausea, and bloating.16. Fertility and Pregnancy in IBDMarla C. Dubinsky, MDChoose management strategies for the female patient with IBD whois contemplating pregnancy.17. Fluid in the Abdomen: What to Do Next?Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao, MDAnalyze updated management strategies for patients presentingwith ascites.18. The Role of Swallowing a Pill in Your Practice: Why, When,and WhereFelice Schnoll-Sussman, MD, FACGExplain the role of video capsule endoscopy for patients withesophageal, small bowel, and colonic disorders and discussindications for wireless capsule motility.19. PPIs: Do They Harm the Heart, Bones, and IntestinalFlora?Philip O. Katz, MD, FACGCite potential risks associated with PPI usage includingosteoporosis, enteric infections, and interactions withclopidogrel.20. How to Manage the Patient Who Failed AntibioticTherapy for H. pylori InfectionWilliam D. Chey, MD, FACGIdentify alternative management strategies for patients withrefractory H. pylori infection.21. Endoscopic Management of Pancreatic PseudocystsVanessa M. Shami, MDEvaluate endoscopic management strategies of pancreaticpseudocysts.22. Enteral Feeding: How To Pick Your TubeStephen A. McClave, MDIdentify options for enteral feeding and techniques for endoscopicplacement.For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.20

ACG's 2014 Postgraduate Course – Sunday, October 1923. Treatment Strategies for the Resistant Patient withHepatitis BPaul Y. Kwo, MD, FACGDescribe options for treatment of chronic hepatitis B infection.24. Endoscopy in the Post-bariatric PatientSteven A. Edmundowicz, MDDiscuss how to perform endoscopy in the post-bariatricpatient and disorders including gallstones, pancreatitis, andmalabsorption.session 2C: Inflammatory Bowel Diseasemoderator: Stephen B. Hanauer, Md, Facg1:45 pm Preventive Care – How and When to VaccinateFrancis A. Farraye, MD, MSc, FACGApply recent ACG guidelines for vaccinations in IBD patients.2:05 pm What’s New for Ulcerative Colitis?Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACGCompare and contrast management strategies for patients withulcerative colitis.2:25 pm Update in Crohn’s ManagementUma Mahadevan, MD, FACGEvaluate updated management options for patients with Crohn’sdisease.2:45 pm How and When to Screen for Cancer in IBDDavid T. Rubin, MD, FACGChoose screening options for neoplasia in patients with IBD.3:05 pm Panel Q & A3:25 pm Break3:30 pm – 7:00 pm Exhibit Hall OpensExhibit Halls DE3:30 pm – 7:00 pm Poster SessionsExhibit Halls DE3:30 pm – 7:00 pm Hands-on Workshop CenterExhibit Halls DE, Booth #1043:45 pm – 5:00 pm Simultaneous SessionsSimultaneous Symposia Sessions3:45 pm – 5:00 pmsymposium D: Update in Diarrheal Illnessesmoderator: Lawrence R. Schiller, MD, FACG3:45 pm The Clinical Algorithm for Acute DiarrheaMark B. Pochapin, MD, FACGApply the clinical algorithm to diagnose the underlying etiologyof acute diarrhea.4:05 pm The Diarrhea Persists: What to Do Next?Lawrence R. Schiller, MD, FACGEvaluate and manage patients presenting with chronic diarrhea.4:25 pm Did Your Patients Take Antibiotics? Think aboutClostridium difficile Infection!Christina M. Surawicz, MD, MACGExamine options for diagnosis and management of Clostridiumdifficile based on recent ACG guidelines.214:45 pm Panel Q & Asymposium E: Functional Gastrointestinal Disordersmoderator: Paul Moayyedi, MB, ChB, PhD, MPH, FACG3:45 pm The Stomach that Refuses to EmptyMichael Camilleri, MD, FACGDiscuss recent ACG guidelines on the diagnosis and managementof gastroparesis.4:05 pm Limiting the Urgency for Patients with IBS-DPaul Moayyedi, MB, ChB, PhD, MPH, FACGAnalyze options for management of patients with IBS-D includingtreatment of bacterial overgrowth syndrome.4:25 pm Clearing Out the Pipes in IBS-CAdil E. Bharucha, MBBS, MDDifferentiate treatment options for IBS-C including newmedications and biofeedback for pelvic floor dysfunction.4:45 pm Panel Q & Asymposium F: Update in Hepatologymoderator: Mitchell L. Shiffman, MD, FACG3:45 pm Evaluation of Focal Liver LesionsK. Rajender Reddy, MD, FACGAnalyze evidence-based evaluation of liver lesions based onrecent ACG guidelines.4:05 pm Drug-induced Liver Injury (DILI)Mitchell L. Shiffman, MD, FACGDiagnose and manage DILI according to ACG guidelines.4:25 pm Update in the Management of Hepatitis C: What Does theFuture Hold?Paul Y. Kwo, MD, FACGApply new advances and therapeutic options for patients withhepatitis C.4:45 pm Panel Q & A5:00 pm Postgraduate Course Adjourns5:15 pm – 7:00 pm Opening Welcome ReceptionReception will be held in the Exhibit Hall5:15 pm – 6:00 pm Exhibitor TheaterExhibit Halls DE, Booth #10496:15 pm – 7:00 pm Exhibitor TheaterExhibit Halls DE, Booth #1049The Opening Welcome ReceptionSunday, October 19, 5:15 pm – 7:00 pmImmediately following the conclusion of the PostgraduateCourse, join colleagues for the ACG 2014 Opening WelcomeReception in the Exhibit Hall. The Reception will feature horsd’oeuvres and refreshments. This casual social gathering willgive all attendees the opportunity to explore the Hall, meet withexhibitors, and network and mingle with fellow professionals.For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.POSTGRADUATECOURSE

ACG's 2014 Postgraduate Course – Faculty ListingNeena S. Abraham, MD, MSCE,FACGProfessor of Medicine, Mayo ClinicCollege of Medicine, Scottsdale, AZDouglas G. Adler, MD, FACGAssociate Professor of Medicine,University of Utah School of Medicine,Salt Lake City, UTAdil E. Bharucha, MBBS, MDProfessor of Medicine, Division ofGastroenterology and Hepatology,Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNRandall E. Brand, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, Universityof Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PALawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACGEmeritus Chief of Gastroenterology,Montefiore Hospital, Bronx, NYCarol A. Burke, MD, FACGDirector, Center for Colon Polypand Cancer Prevention, ClevelandClinic Foundation, Cleveland, OHMichael Camilleri, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, Pharmacology,and Physiology, Mayo ClinicCollege of Medicine, Rochester,MNWilliam D. Chey, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine; Director,GI Physiology Lab; Co-Director,Michigan Bowel Control Program,University of Michigan MedicalCenter, Ann Arbor, MISheila E. Crowe, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, Director ofResearch, University of California,San Diego, La Jolla, CAJohn M. DeWitt, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, IndianaUniversity Medical Center, Indianapolis,INChristopher J. DiMaio, MD, FACGDirector of Therapeutic Endoscopy,Icahn School of Medicine at MountSinai, New York, NYMarla C. Dubinsky, MDDirector, Pediatric IBD Center,Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, LosAngeles, CASteven A. Edmundowicz, MDProfessor of Medicine, Chief of Endoscopy,Division of Gastroenterology,Washington University Schoolof Medicine, St. Louis, MOFrancis A. Farraye, MD, MSc, FACGProfessor of Medicine, BostonUniversity School of Medicine;Clinical Director, Section of Gastroenterology,Boston Medical Center,Boston, MAAmy E. Foxx-Orenstein, DO, FACGProfessor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic,Scottsdale, AZGuadalupe Garcia-Tsao, MDProfessor of Medicine; ChiefDigestive Diseases at VA-CTHCS,Yale University / VA-CT HealthcareSystem, New Haven, CTTimothy B. Gardner, MD, FACGAssistant Professor, GeiselSchool of Medicine at Dartmouth,Hanover, NH; Director,Pancreatic Disorders,Dartmouth-Hitchcock MedicalCenter, Lebanon, NHLauren B. Gerson, MD, MSc, FACGAttending Physician; Director ofClinical Research, GI FellowshipProgram, California Pacific MedicalCenter, San Francisco, CAGregory G. Ginsberg, MD, FACGDirector of Endoscopic Services,University of Pennsylvania Hospital,Philadelphia, PANirmala Gonsalves, MDAssociate Professor of Medicine,Northwestern UniversityFeinberg School of Medicine,Chicago, ILDavid A. Greenwald, MD, FACGFellowship Program Director, AssociateDivision Director, MontefioreMedical Center, Bronx, NYSeth A. Gross, MD, FACGDirector of Endoscopy, TischHospital, NYU Langone MedicalCenter, NYU School of Medicine,New York, NYHeather L. Hampel, MS, CGCCertified Genetic Counselor, TheOhio State University, Columbus,OHStephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, NorthwesternUniversity FeinbergSchool of Medicine, Chicago, ILDavid J. Hass, MD, FACGAssistant Clinical Professor ofMedicine, Yale University Schoolof Medicine, Hamden, CTLaith H. Jamil, MDAssociate Director of InterventionalEndoscopy, Cedars-SinaiMedical Center, Los Angeles, CAPhilip O. Katz, MD, FACGChair, Division of Gastroenterology,Einstein Medical Center,Philadelphia, PAKris V. Kowdley, MD, FACGDirector, Liver Center of Excellence;Director of Research,Digestive Diseases Institute,Virginia Mason Medical Center,Seattle, WAPaul Y. Kwo, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, IndianaUniversity, Indianapolis, INFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.22Loren A. Laine, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, YaleUniversity School of Medicine,New Haven, CTUma Mahadevan, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, UCSFCenter for Colitis and Crohn’sDisease, San Francisco, CAStephen A. McClave, MDProfessor of Medicine, Universityof Louisville School of Medicine,Louisville, KYPaul Moayyedi, MB, ChB, PhD,MPH, FACGChair, Division of Gastroenterology,McMaster University,Hamilton, Ontario, CanadaDarrell S. Pardi, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, ViceChair, Division of Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, Mayo Clinic,Rochester, MNMark B. Pochapin, MD, FACGDirector, Division of Gastroenterology,Professor of Medicine,NYU Langone Medical Center,New York, NYEamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, FACGChief, Division of Gastroenterology,The Methodist Hospital,Weill Cornell Medical College,Houston, TXGottumukkala S. Raju, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, Universityof Texas MD Anderson CancerCenter, Houston, TXK. Rajender Reddy, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, Directorof Hepatology, Director of ViralHepatitis Center, Hospital ofthe University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia, PADouglas K. Rex, MD, MACGDistinguished Professor of Medicine,Indiana University MedicalCenter, Indianapolis, INDavid H. Robbins, MD, MSc, FACGProgram Director, Lenox HillHospital, New York, NYDavid T. Rubin, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, Universityof Chicago Medicine, Chicago, ILAlberto Rubio-Tapia, MDAssistant Professor of Medicine,Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNJohn R. Saltzman, MD, FACGDirector of Endoscopy, Brighamand Women’s Hospital; AssociateProfessor of Medicine, HarvardMedical School, Boston, MAHarry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACGFounding Partner, DigestiveHealth Associates of Texas,Rockwall, TXLawrence R. Schiller, MD, FACGProgram Director, GastroenterologyFellowship, Baylor UniversityMedical Center, Digestive HealthAssociates of Texas, Dallas, TXFelice Schnoll-Sussman, MD, FACGAssociate Professor of ClinicalMedicine, Weill Cornell MedicalCollege, New York PresbyterianHospital, New York, NYThomas A. Scully, JDSenior Counsel, Alston & Bird,Washington, DCNicholas J. Shaheen, MD, MPH,FACGProfessor of Medicine andEpidemiology, University of NorthCarolina, Chapel Hill, NCVanessa M. Shami, MDAssociate Professor of Medicine,University of Virginia, Charlottesville,VAPrateek Sharma, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, Universityof Kansas School of Medicine,Leawood, KSAasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACGGI Section Chief, MinneapolisVAHCS, Associate Professor,University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,MNMitchell L. Shiffman, MD, FACGDirector, Liver Institute of Virginia,Bon Secours Health System,Richmond, VALisa L. Strate, MD, MPH, FACGAssociate Professor of Medicine,University of Washington Schoolof Medicine, Seattle, WAChristina M. Surawicz, MD, MACGProfessor of Medicine, AssistantDean for Faculty Development,University of Washington Schoolof Medicine, Seattle, WAScott M. Tenner, MD, MPH, JD,FACGClinical Professor of Medicine,State University of New York, StateUniversity of New York, Brooklyn,NYMarcelo F. Vela, MD, MSCR, FACGAssociate Professor, Mayo Clinic,Scottsdale, AZMichael B. Wallace, MD, MPH,FACGProfessor of Medicine, Division ofGI and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic,Jacksonville, FLZobair M. Younossi, MD, MPH,FACGChairman, Department ofMedicine; VP for Research, InovaHealth System, Falls Church, VA

ACG's 2014 Annual Scientific MeetingAnnual Scientific MeetingMonday through Wednesday, October 20 through 22, 2014 • Terrace BallroomJoin GI physicians from around the U.S. and the world for the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting. The meeting promises to deliver the latestclinical information on timely topics in gastroenterology. As an ACG member, you can attend the three-day Annual Meeting for free – thereis no registration fee. Choose from 11 symposia, multiple networking events, and see the latest advances in technology and therapeuticsfrom exhibitors from around the globe. Additional breakfast sessions, 17 in total, will be offered for a nominal fee. Register today!Be sure to visit poster presentations in the Exhibit Hall on Sunday, October 19 th beginning at 3:30 pm, and enjoy the Exhibit Hall OpeningReception beginning at 5:15 pm on Sunday.Program DescriptionThe field of gastroenterology and hepatology continues tosee advancements in multiple areas relating to diagnosticmeasures, therapeutic options and technology. In order toprovide appropriate and top-quality patient care, the clinician ischallenged to stay abreast of the changes and advancementsaffecting the management of many gastrointestinal and liverdisease states. Throughout the three-day Annual Meeting, youwill be exposed to updates in a variety of topics, includingbiologic therapy in IBD, hepatitis C, acute and chronicpancreatitis, IBS, colonoscopy, the refractory esophageal patient,case studies in IBD management, the inpatient hepatologyconsult, the human microbiome, and more.Eleven scientific plenary symposia will allow attendees tohear lecture presentations from experts and to participate ininteractive question and answer sessions with the faculty. Inaddition, 17 optional scientific breakfast sessions will be offered,where a smaller setting allows for heightened interaction with thespeakers and greater audience involvement.Many sessions will use expert panel discussions in debate andcase-based formats.Returning this year is the Endoscopy Video Forum, “Livefrom Philly! The 2nd Annual Endoscopy Video Forum.” TheForum will feature the best video presentations submittedfrom colleagues from across the U.S. and around the world.Submitted during ACG’s Call for Abstracts and peer-reviewedand selected for presentation, the cases will feature endoscopytechniques, challenging or unique cases, and cases in the areaof GI endoscopy. During the session, the audience, along withthe Moderators, will vote to select the best video of ACG 2014.The Annual Scientific Meeting program is designed primarilyfor physicians in gastroenterology and hepatology, as well asphysician assistants, nurse practitioners and other advancedpractice healthcare professionals interested in the latestinformation on state-of-the-art treatment of these illnesses.AccreditationThe American College of Gastroenterology is accredited bythe Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Educationto provide continuing medical education for physicians.The American College of Gastroenterology designates this liveactivity for a maximum of 16.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with theextent of their participation in the activity.Download ACG 2014 slides to your Appleor Android smart device with eventScribe!Follow along with the presenter when you download slidesusing the eventScribe app by CadmiumCD. The eventScribeapp, native to Apple and Android devices including tablets,phones, and Kindle Fire, can be downloaded in advance andused onsite during the meeting. eventScribe lets you takenotes next to each slide, highlight information and draw oneach slide. Save your notes to reference after the meeting.annual scientificmeeting slideswill be available oncourse available onLook for this symbol tosee if eventScribe slidedownloads are available.ANNUALMEETING23For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Monday, October 20Monday, October 20, 20146:30 am – 6:00 pm6:00 am – 4:45 pm Registration (Broad Street Atrium)6:30 am – 7:45 am OPTIONAL Breakfast SessionsCost is $60 per person/per session. Separate registration required.A USB containing all ACG 2014 Breakfast Sessions submissionswill be provided to attendees registered for any BreakfastSession. See page 124 for registration information.breakfast a: GIs in the Digital Age: The Power ofSocial Mediamoderator: Ryan Madanick, MDTo Socialize or Not to Socialize: The Pros and Cons of Social MediaSitesRyan Madanick, MDExplain the threats to professionalism that involvement in social mediaposes and how these threats can be minimized, and monitor and begin tomanage your own digital footprint.Reputation Management: How to Use Your Online Brand to Bring inNew PatientsKenneth Brown, MDExplain how social media can improve patient care and how your onlinebrand can be used to bring in new patients.Case Studies in Social Media: Dos and Don’tsDavid T. Rubin, MD, FACGSelect a social media platform appropriate for personal and professionalneeds.breakfast b: Atypical Colitidesmoderator: Darrell S. Pardi, MD, FACGMicroscopic Colitis: What’s New in Diagnosis and ManagementDarrell S. Pardi, MD, FACGIdentify current and new methods to detect and treat microscopic colitis.The Spectrum of Diverticular Disease: SCAD, SUDDBrennan M. R. Spiegel, MD, MSHS, FACGUtilize diagnostic tools to define the spectrum of diverticular diseases.Ischemic ColitisLawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACGSummarize the pathophysiology and know the methods for diagnosing andtreating ischemic colitis.breakfast c: GI Disease in Transitioning Teenagers:Adults Aren't Big Kidsmoderator: Sandeep K. Gupta, MD, FACGCystic FibrosisDrucy S. Borowitz, MDDiscuss issues that carry over with patients as they transition intoadult practice, including nutrition and liver disease.IBDJudith R. Kelsen, MDOutline how patients with childhood-onset IBD are different from adultonsetdisease.EoESandeep K. Gupta, MD, FACGDescribe issues faced by teenagers with GI disease including dietcompliance, medication use and independent access to health-care.breakfast d: A Cost-effective Approach to Common GIConditionsmoderator: Philip O. Katz, MD, FACGGERD and Barrett’sPhilip O. Katz, MD, FACGFormulate a cost-effective approach for the management of GERD andBarrett’s esophagus.ConstipationAmy E. Foxx-Orenstein, DO, FACGAssess the need for diagnostic testing in patients with chronic constipation.DyspepsiaBrian E. Lacy, MD, PhD, FACGIdentify a cost-effective approach for the treatment of dyspepsia.breakfast e: Endoscopy 101: Esophageal andAnorectal Motility, and Hands-onmoderator: Felice Schnoll-Sussman, MD, FACGEsophageal ManometryFelice Schnoll-Sussman, MD, FACGInterpret common esophageal motility problems, followed by a hands-ondemonstration.Anorectal ManometrySatish S. C. Rao, MD, PhD, FACGInterpret common anorectal motility problems, followed by a hands-ondemonstration.Following the didactic lectures, attendees will participate in a hands-onsession taking place in the Hands-on Workshop Center from 7:50 am-9:00 am.For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.24

Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Monday, October 206:00 am – 4:45 pm Registration (Broad Street Atrium)7:50 am – 6:00 pm Scientific Meeting7:50 am – 8:00 am Opening Remarks(Terrace Ballroom)Harry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACGACG President8:00 am – 9:00 am PRESIDENT'S Plenary Session 1(Terrace Ballroom)ModeratoRS:Harry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACGJohn R. Saltzman, MD, FACG1. Dronabinol Increases Pain Threshold in Non-Cardiac ChestPain: A Double Blind Placebo Controlled Trial2014 ACG Auxiliary Award (Trainee)Zubair Malik, MD, Levant Bayman, MSc, Jessica Valestine, BSc,Ron Schey, MD, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA,University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA2. Metal Versus Plastic for Pancreatic Pseudocyst Drainage:Clinical Outcomes and SuccessReem Z. Sharaiha, MD, MSc, Ersilia M. DeFilippis, MD, PrashantKeida, MD, Christine Boumitri, MD, Huei-Wen Lim, MD, EugeneHan, MD, Harkarit Singh, MD, Saad S. Ghumman, MD, MonicaGaidhane, MD, Thomas Kowalski, MD, David Loren, MD, MichelKahaleh, MD, FACG, Ali Siddiqui, MD, Weill Cornell Medical Center,New York, NY, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA3. Gender Differences in Research Productivity, Academic Rankand Career Duration Among U.S. Academic GastroenterologyFaculty2014 ACG/Naomi Nakao Gender-Based Research AwardSarah J. Diamond, MD, Brintha K. Enestvedt, MD, MBA, CharlesThomas, MD, Sima Desai, MD, Reshma Jagsi, MD, ColleenSchmitt, MD, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland,OR, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Galen Medical Group,Chattanooga, TN4. SVR12 of 99% Achieved With a Ribavirin-Free Regimentof ABT-450/r/Ombitasvir and Dasabuvir in HCV Genotype 1b-Infected Patients2014 ACG International AwardAndreas Maieron, MD, Massimo Puoti, MD, Jeffrey Enejosa,MD, Ziv Ben-Ari, MD, Gunnar Norkrans, MD, Manuel Romero-Gomez, MD, Wangang Xie, MD, PhD, Daniel Cohen, MD, ThomasPodsadecki, MD, Pietro Andreone, MD, Elisabeth Hospital, Linz,Austria, A.O. Ospedale Niguarda Ca Granda, Milan, Italy, AbbVie,Inc., North Chicago, IL, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center,Tel Hashomer, Israel, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg,Sweden, Hospital Universitario Nuestra Senora De Valme, Seville,Spain, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy5. Normalization of Liver-Related Laboratory Parameters in HCVGenotype 1-Infected Patients With Cirrhosis After TreatmentWith ABT-450/R/Ombitasvir, Dasabuvir and RibavirinGregory Everson, MD, Samuel Lee, MD, Stefan Zeuzem, MD,Pietro Andreone, MD, Stanislas Pol, MD, Marc Bourlière, MD,Angeles Castro, MD, PhD, Marina Berenguer, MD, Sandra Lovell,PhD, Marcos Pedrosa, MD, PhD, Roger Trinh, MD, MPH, Universityof Colorado Denver and Hospital, Aurora, CO, University ofCalgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt,Germany, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, UniversitéParis Descartes et Hôpital, Paris, France, Hopital Saint Joseph,Marseille, France, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña,A Coruña, Spain, Hospital Universitario La Fe, Valencia, Spain,AbbVie, Inc., North Chicago, IL9:00 am – 9:30 am President’s Address(Terrace Ballroom)Harry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACGIntroduced by:Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACGACG President-Elect9:30 am – 10:30 am PRESIDENT'S Plenary Session 2(Terrace Ballroom)ModeratoRS: Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACGJohn R. Saltzman, MD, FACG6. Capnographic Monitoring Does Not Improve Detection ofHypoxemia in Colonoscopy With Moderate Sedation. A Randomized,Controlled Trial2014 ACG Fellow AwardParesh P. Mehta, MD, Gursimran Kochhar, MD, Mazen Albeldawi,MD, Brian Kirsh, MD, Maged K. Rizk, MD, Brian Putka, MD,Binu John, MD, Yinghong Wang, MD, Nicole Breslaw, MD, JohnJ. Vargo, MD, FACG, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH7. Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer: A More Aggressive Diseaseon the Rise2014 ACG Colorectal Cancer Prevention AwardXi E. Zheng, MD, PhD, Heather Yeo, MD, MHS, Doron Betel,PhD, Manish A. Shah, MD, Weill Cornell Medical College, NewYork, NY8. Impact of Retroflexion Versus Second Forward View Examinationof the Right Colon on Adenoma Detection: A MulticenterRandomized Controlled Trial2014 ACG Colorectal Cancer Prevention AwardVladimir M. Kushnir, MD, Young Oh, MD, Thomas Hollander,BS, Chien-Huan Chen, MD, PhD, Gregory S. Sayuk, MD, MPH,Nicholas Davidson, MD, FACG, Daniel Mullady, MD, Faris M.Murad, MD, Noura M. Sharabash, MD, Eric Ruettgers, MSN, RN,ANP-BC, Themistocles Dassopoulos, MD, Jeffrey J. Easler, MD, C.Prakash Gyawali, MD, FACG, Steven A. Edmundowicz, MD, DaynaS. Early, MD, FACG, Washington University School of Medicine,St. Louis, MO, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI9. Colonoscopy Is Associated With a Reduced Risk of ColonCancer and Mortality in Patients With Inflammatory BowelDiseases2014 ACG Auxiliary Award (Member/Fellow)Ashwin Ananthakrishnan, MD, MPH, Andrew Cagan, BS, TianxiCai, PhD, Vivian Gainer, MS, Stanley Shaw, MD, PhD, SusanneChurchill, PhD, Elizabeth Karlsin, MD, MPH, Shawn Murphy,MD, PhD, Isaac Kohane, MD, PhD, Katherine Liao, MD, MPH,Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, Brigham andWomen’s Hospital, Boston, MA, Harvard School of PublicHealth, Boston, MA, Partners Healthcare, Boston, MA10. The Effect of Immunosuppressive Therapy on CardiovascularDisease in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseSudeep D. Thapa, MD, Hiba Hadid, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri,MD, Mohammed Imam, DO, Jason Schairer, MD, Internal Medicine,Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MIANNUALMEETING25For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Monday, October 2010:00 am – 4:30 pm Exhibit Hall Opens(Exhibit Halls DE)10:00 am – 4:30 pm Hands-on Workshop Center(Exhibit Halls DE)10:30 am – 11:30 am Break – Visit Exhibits(Exhibit Halls DE)10:30 am – 11:30 am Exhibitor theater(Exhibit Halls DE)11:30 am – 12:45 pm Simultaneous Symposia 1simultaneous symposia 1a: Choosing and MonitoringBiologic Therapy for IBDmoderator: David T. Rubin, MD, FACGPositioning Biologics in Ulcerative ColitisBruce E. Sands, MD, FACGDescribe how timing and selection factor into the implementation of biologictherapy for UC.Positioning Biologics in Crohn’s DiseaseDavid T. Rubin, MD, FACGDescribe how timing and selection factor into the implementation of biologictherapy for Crohn’s disease.Appropriate Use and Interpretation of Drug LevelsMarla C. Dubinsky, MDIncorporate a rational approach to therapeutic drug monitoring in IBD.simultaneous symposia 1b: Hepatitis C: The Future HasArrivedmoderator: Stanley M. Cohen, MDEvaluating Your Patient for Therapy Using All Oral TherapiesStanley M. Cohen, MDUse elastography to identify patients with hepatitis C (including fibrosisassessment).Genotype 1 Treatment OptionsMitchell L. Shiffman, MD, FACGApply recent phase 3 treatment options for genotype 1 infected individualswho are treatment naïve and non-responders to previous therapy.Genotype 2/3 Other PopulationsAndrew J. Muir, MD, MHSApply treatment options for genotype 2/3 infected individuals including nonrespondinggenotype 3 cirrhotic patients, implement treatment strategies inspecial populations including those who are (a) HCV/HIV infected and (b)awaiting liver transplant, and explain post-transplant outcomes.12:45 pm – 1:30 pm Exhibitor Theater(Exhibit Halls DE)12:45 pm – 2:15 pm Lunch Break – vISIT EXHIBITS(Exhibit Halls DE)2:15 pm – 3:00 pm Simultaneous Plenary SessionsPlenary Session 1: Functional Bowel Disorder/PediatricsMODERATORS: Brian E. Lacy, MD, PhD, FACGSamra Sarigol-Blanchard, MD11. Linaclotide Efficacy on Dyspepsia Symptoms Using NepeanDyspepsia Index (NDI) in a Phase 3B Trial of CIC Patients WithBloatingAnthony Lembo, MD, Nicholas J. Talley, MD, PhD, FACG, StevenJ. Shiff, MD, Bernard J. Lavins, MD, Robyn T. Carson, MPH, RickBlakesley, PhD, Xinming Hao, PhD, Mark G. Currie, PhD, CarolineKurtz, PhD, Jeffrey M. Johnston, MD, University of Newcastle,Callaghan, New South Wales, Australia, Forest Laboratories, JerseyCity, NJ, Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, MA12. Analysis of Exhaled Volatile Organic Compounds RevealsNew Biomarkers for Irritable Bowel Syndrome2014 ACG Fellow AwardSophia A. Patel, MD, Nishaben Patel, MD, Vera Okwu, MD, AmmarMatloob, MD, David Grove, PhD, Ellen Rome, MD, Raed Dweik,MD, Naim Alkhouri, MD, Pediatric GI, Cleveland Clinic Children’s,Cleveland, OH; Cleveland Clinic Respiratory Institute, Cleveland,OH; Cleveland Clinic Pediatric Department, Cleveland, OH13. Urgency as a Measure of Treatment Effect Due toEluxadolineAnthony Lembo, MD, David Andrae, MD, Scott Dove, MD, PaulCovington, MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston,MA, Furiex Pharmaceuticals, Morrisville, NC14. Plecanatide, a Novel Uroguanylin Analog: A 12-week, Randomized,Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Dose-Ranging Trialto Evaluate Efficacy and Safety in Patients With Irritable BowelSyndrome With Constipation (IBS-C)Philip B. Miner, MD, FACG, Robert DeLuca, MD, Marianela D. LaPortilla, MD, Eveline Padila, MD, William Koltun, MD, Othon H.Wiltz, MD, Kunwar Shailubhai, PhD, MBA, Gary S. Jacob, PhD,Patrick Griffin, MD, Laura M. Barrow, PharmD, R&D, SynergyPharmaceuticals, Inc., Doylestown, PA, Genoma Research Group,Miami, FL, Columbus Clinical Services, Miami, FL, Medical Centerfor Clinical Research, San Diego, CA, Oklahoma Center for ClinicalResearch, Oklahoma City, OK, Medical Research Unlimited, Hialeah,FL, South Medical Research Center, Miami, FLPlenary Session 2: IBDMODERATORS: Uma Mahadevan, MD, FACGSunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACG15. Infliximab or Cyclosporine as Rescue Therapy inPatients With Severe Ulcerative Colitis Refractory to Steroids:A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisNeeraj Narula, MD, John K. Marshall, MD, Jean-FredericColombel, MD, PhD, Grigorios I. Leontiadis, MD, Zack Muqtadir,MD, Walter Reinisch, MD, PhD, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York,NY, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada12:45 pm – 2:15 pm Poster Session(Exhibit Halls DE)1:45 pm – 2:15 pm exhibitor theater(Exhibit Halls DE)For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.26

Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Monday, October 2016. Safety of Vedolizumab Alone or With ConcomitantCorticosteroids and/or Immunosuppressants in Patients WithUlcerative Colitis or Crohn’s DiseaseEdward V. Loftus, MD, FACG, Jean-Frederic Colombel, MD,PhD, Corey A. Siegel, MD, James D. Lewis, MD, FACG, BrihadAbhyankar, MBA, Serap Sankoh, PhD, Michael Smyth, MBA,Catherine Milch, MD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, Icahn Schoolof Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, Dartmouth-HitchcockMedical Center, Lebanon, NH, Perelman School of Medicine atthe University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Takeda GlobalResearch and Development Centre (Europe) Ltd., London, U.K.,Takeda Pharmaceuticals International Co., Cambridge, MA17. Does End-to-End Versus Side-to-Side Anastomosis inPostoperative Crohn’s Disease Matter? Prospective 2-YearEvaluation of Postoperative Quality of Life, Health CareUtilization, and Clinical ActivityMahesh Gajendran, MD, Claudia Ramos Rivers, MD, Jana G.Hashash, MD, Miguel D. Regueiro, MD, FACG, Andrew Watson,MD, Anthony J. Bauer, PhD, Leonard Baidoo, MD, Arthur M.Barrie, MD, Marc Schwartz, MD, Jason Swoger, MD, MPH,Michael A. Dunn, MD, David G. Binion, MD, Department ofMedicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, Division ofGastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, University of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh, PA, Division of Colorectal Surgery, University ofPittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA18. Post-Operative Mortality for the Inflammatory BowelDiseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis ofPopulation-Based Studies2014 ACG Fellow AwardSundeep Singh, MD, Ahmed Al-Darmaki, MD, Alexandra Frolkis,PhD, Cynthia H. Seow, MD, Yvette P. Leung, MD, Kerri L. Novak,MD, Subrata Ghosh, MD, Remo Panaccione, MD, Gilaad G.Kaplan, MD, Division of Gastroenterology, University of Calgary,Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Department of Medicine, University ofCalgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada4:45 pm – 6:00 pm Simultaneous Symposia 2simultaneous symposia 2a: Clearing Up Confusion inDay-to-day Pancreatic Issuesmoderator: Santhi Swaroop Vege, MD, FACGChanging Outcomes in Acute PancreatitisSanthi Swaroop Vege, MD, FACGIdentify the management options in acute pancreatitis which improvepatient outcomes.Painful Chronic Pancreatitis: Scope or KnifeTimothy B. Gardner, MD, MS, FACGDifferentiate between the endoscopic or surgical management of chronicpancreatitis.Evaluation and Management of Pancreatic CystsWilliam R. Brugge, MD, FACGDetermine the most appropriate treatment and management strategies forpancreatic cysts.simultaneous symposia 2b: Deciphering IBS:Understanding the Diverse Pathophysiologymoderator: William D. Chey, MD, FACGFood Allergies and Food Sensitivities in IBSSheila E. Crowe, MD, FACGCounsel IBS patients on how foods contribute to the generation of IBSsymptoms.An Evidence-based Approach to Dietary Treatment of IBSBrian E. Lacy, MD, PhD, FACGPerform an evidence-based review of different diets used to treat IBS.IBS as an Inflammatory ConditionWilliam D. Chey, MD, FACGIdentify new physiologic processes involved in the development of IBS anddiscuss potential treatments.3:00 pm – 3:45 pm The American Journal ofGastroenterology Lecture(Terrace Ballroom 3)Treatment of IBD: Where We Are andWhere We Are GoingCharles N. Bernstein, MD, FACGEvaluate the latest treatment options forpatients with IBD.See page 4 for more information.3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Exhibitor theater(Exhibit Halls DE)3:45 pm – 4:40 pm Break – Visit Exhibits(Exhibit Halls DE)3:55 pm – 4:35 pm ABIM’s Maintenance ofCertification Program (Room 122AB)Attend this informational session tounderstand how the changes to ABIM’sMOC Program requirements affect you.simultaneous symposia 2c: Live from Philly!The 2nd Annual Endoscopy Video Forummoderators: Seth A. Gross, MD, FACG, David A. Greenwald, MD, FACG,and Daniel J. Pambianco, MD, FACGThis Video Forum Symposium will feature the best videopresentations submitted by colleagues from across the U.S. andaround the world. Submitted during ACG’s Call for Abstractsand peer-reviewed and selected for presentation, the cases willfeature endoscopy techniques, challenging or unique cases,and cases in the area of GI endoscopy. During the session,the audience, along with the Moderators, will vote to select thebest video of ACG 2014. Attendees will view videos showcasinginteresting endoscopic findings and techniques encountered indaily clinical practice.V1. Incarcerated, Retroflexed Endoscope Associated With aPara-Esophageal HerniaYazen Qumsiyeh, BS, Bashar Qumseya, MD, MPH, MichaelWallace, MD, MPH, FACG, Herbert Wolfsen, MD, FACG, MayoClinic Florida, Jacksonville, FLANNUALMEETING27For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, October 21V2. Endoscopic Management of High-Grade Dysplastic Barrett’sWith Esophageal VaricesWilliam Palmer, MD, Milena Di Leo, MD, Manol Jovani, MD,Herbert Wolfsen, MD, FACG, Murli Krishna, MD, Michael Wallace,MD, MPH, FACG, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, Vita-Salute SanRaffaele University, Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy,Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan, Rozzano, ItalyV3. Endoscopic Full Thickness Resection (EFTR) of aSubepithelial Tumor With Extensive Muscularis Propria (MP)InvolvementStavros Stavropoulos, MD, Rani Modayil, MD, John Allendorf, MD,Collin Brathwaite, MD, James Grendell, MD, Winthrop UniversityHospital, Mineola, New York, NYV4. Percutaneous Endoscopic Debridement and Washout of aBilateral, Loculated, Hepatic Abscess: A Minimally InvasiveApproach to a High-Risk Surgical SituationRyan Gaffney, DO, Niraj Gusani, MD, MS, Neil Bhayani, MD,MHS, Karen Krok, MD, Ian Schreibman, MD, Abraham Mathew,MD, MHES, Matthew Moyer, MD, MS, Penn State Milton S.Hershey Medical Center and College of Medicine, Hershey, PAV5. Successful Endoscopic Resection of Stage T1 IntraductalBiliary AdenocarcinomaTruptesh Kothari, MD, MS, Christine Granato, MD, Shivangi Kothari,MD, Glen Hintz, MS, Jennifer Lewis, MD, Asad Ullah, MD,Ashok Shah, MD, Vivek Kaul, MD, FACG, University of RochesterMedical Center, Rochester, NY, G. Hintz, Rochester Institute ofTechnology, Rochester, NYV6. Endoscopic Therapy Using Self-Expandable Metal Stentsfor Walled-Off Pancreatic NecrosisSusana Lopes, MD, Filipe Vilas-Boas, MD, Pedro Pereira, MD,Armando Ribeiro, MD, Guilherme Macedo, MD, PhD, Centro HospitalarS. João, Porto, PortugalV7. Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of a Diverticular PolypRaul Badillo, MD, Michael Wallace, MD, MPH, FACG, MayoClinic, Jacksonville, FLV8. Endoscopic Retrograde Appendicitis Therapy (ERAT):A New Endoscopic Technique From ChinaJitao Song, MD, Bing-Rong Liu, MD, PhD, The Second AffiliatedHospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China6:00 pm – 6:30 pm Annual Business Meeting(Terrace Ballroom 3)College Members and Fellows invited.Tuesday, October 21, 20146:45 am – 6:15 pm6:00 am – 5:00 pm Registration (Broad Street Atrium)6:45 am – 8:15 am OPTIONAL Breakfast SessionsCost is $60 per person/per session. Separate registration required.A USB containing all ACG 2014 Breakfast Sessions submissionswill be provided to attendees registered for any Breakfast Session.See page 124 for registration information.breakfast f: Doctor, Do I Have to Take this MedicineForever? Escalation and De-escalation of Therapy inIBDModerator: Miguel D. Regueiro, MD, FACGCan You Stop Therapy in the Patient in Deep Remission?Asher Kornbluth, MDAdjust therapy for patients’ deep remission.Approach to the Patient Not in Deep Remission: Treat to TargetJean-Paul Achkar, MD, FACGDescribe the concept of treat-to-target and its current application topractice.Continuing Therapy in the Patient With Infection or MalignancyMiguel D. Regueiro, MD, FACGJustify the use of biologics during a treatment complication and identifywhen to stop immunosuppression.breakfast g: Using New ACG Guidelines in ClinicalPracticeModerator: John E. Pandolfino, MD, FACGEsophageal Eosinophilia and EoE: Are They Different?Evan S. Dellon, MDDescribe the new ACG clinical guidelines for EoE and esophagealeosinophilia.GERD: PPIs and Is There a Dark Side?Marcelo F. Vela, MD, MSCR, FACGExplain the new ACG clinical guidelines for GERD.Achalasia: Diagnosis and Optimization of TreatmentJohn E. Pandolfino, MD, FACGDiscuss the new ACG clinical guidelines for achalasia.breakfast h: Common (Yet Controversial) Topics inPancreaticobiliary DiseaseModerator: Douglas G. Adler, MD, FACGSOD: Does it Exist?Martin L. Freeman, MD, FACGExplain the latest evidence characterizing sphincter of Oddi dysfunction.Gallbladder Polyps: What to Do?Jason D. Conway, MDJudge when to resect, when to follow and when to ignore.Large Stones Made EasyDouglas G. Adler, MD, FACGDiscuss the techniques to be used alone and in combination to removelarge stones.For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.28

Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, October 21breakfast i: Functional Anorectal Disease: Do Askand Do TellModerator: Amy E. Foxx-Orenstein, DO, FACGUrgency, Tenesmus and Leakage: How Can I Help?Satish S. C. Rao, MD, PhD, FACGExplain the physiology of the pelvic floor and identify risk factors fortenesmus, urgency and fecal soiling.Medical, Endoscopic and Surgical Treatments for IncontinenceMichael D. Brown, MD, FACGDiscuss evidence-based therapies for the treatment of fecal incontinence.Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: How to Diagnose and How to TreatAmy E. Foxx-Orenstein, DO, FACGIdentify the patient with pelvic floor dysfunction and construct anindividualized treatment program.breakfast j: Pushing the Envelope With NewEndoscopic TechniquesModerator: Richard I. Rothstein, MD, FACGPerforation: We Can Fix That!Louis-Michel Wong Kee Song, MDDiscuss the latest techniques and devices for closing luminal perforations.Want to Lose Weight? The Endoscopic OptionsRichard I. Rothstein, MD, FACGDescribe endoscopic management of obesity.Endoscopic Treatment of HemorrhoidsWaqar A. Qureshi, MD, FACGIdentify new endoscopic therapies for hemorrhoid treatment.breakfast l: Fatty Liver Diseases: You Can’t EscapeThemModerator: Mary E. Rinella, MD, FACGNon-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: What Is Beyond Vitamin E?Mary E. Rinella, MD, FACGEvaluate patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and identifywhich patients require a liver biopsy and which can be followed.Discuss current therapies available and those in the pipeline.One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer: What to Do When They AreDrinkingVijay H. Shah, MD, FACGClassify clinical spectrum of alcoholic fatty liver disease, who requirestherapy and with what, and how to apply the Lille criteria in treatment ofalcoholic hepatitis.Recognizing and Preventing Drug-induced Liver Injury in Those WithChronic Liver Disease, Including Those With Fatty LiverVictor J. Navarro, MDIdentify the different types of drug-induced liver disease, explain howthose with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, in general, are not at higherrisk of drug-induced liver injury, determine how much acetaminophen canbe administered and which populations require caution, and plan howto approach patients with chronic liver disease who require potentiallyhepatotoxic medicines.breakfast m: Medicolegal Issues in GastroenterologyModerator: Richard S. Bloomfeld, MD, FACGWhy Are Gastroenterologists Sued?Richard S. Bloomfeld, MD, FACGIdentify top reasons gastroenterologists are named in lawsuits.breakfast k: The Gastroenterologist and thePregnant PatientModerator: Sunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACGGI Meds in PregnancySunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACGIdentify available pharmacological therapies that are safe for treatment of GIdisorders in the pregnant patient.IBD and PregnancySonia Friedman, MD, FACGDefine strategies for a successful pregnancy outcome in the IBD patient,including fertility, preparation of the patient for pregnancy, monitoring andpostpartum issues.Liver Disease in PregnancyTram T. Tran, MDEvaluate diagnostic and management options for liver diseases inpregnancy.Documentation and Communication Tips to Prevent LawsuitsJohn Baillie, MB, ChB, FACGDescribe ways to improve documentation and communication to modifyyour risk of adverse medicolegal events.Refusing and Dismissing Problem PatientsAndrew D. Feld, MD, JD, FACGEstablish policies for handling challenging patients in your practice.6:00 am – 5:00 pm Registration (Broad Street Atrium)8:30 am – 6:15 pm Scientific Meeting8:30 am – 10:00 am SIMULTANEOUS Plenary SessionSPlenary Session 1: Endoscopy / Colorectal Cancer PreventionMODERATORS: Mark B. Pochapin, MD, FACGDavid A. Johnson, MD, MACG19. A Phase IIb Study Comparing the Safety and Efficacy ofRemimazolam and Midazolam in Colonoscopy PatientsDaniel J. Pambianco, MD, FACG, Keith Borkett, BSc, DennisRiff, MD, Peter Winkle, MD, Howard Schwartz, MD, TimothyMelson, MD, Karin Wilhelm-Ogunbiyi, MD, Charlottesville MedicalResearch, Charlottesville, VA, Paion UK Ltd., Cambridge,United Kingdom, Anaheim Clinical Trials, Anaheim, CA, MiamiResearch Institute, Miami, FL, Helen Keller Hospital, Sheffield,AL, PAION Deutschland GmbH, Anchen, GermanyANNUALMEETING29For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, October 2120. What Is the Optimum Time to Do Endoscopy in AcuteCaustic Ingestion?Munish Ashat, MD, Pradeep K. Siddappa, DM, Saroj K. Sinha,DM, Usha Dutta, DM, Rakesh Kochhar, DM, Gastroenterology,Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,Panchkula, Haryana, India21. Volumetric Laser Endomicroscopy in Barrett’s Esophagus– Feasibility of Use and Detection of Dysplasia in ClinicalPracticeJeffrey Mosko, MD, FRCPC, Sumeet K. Tewani, MD, IvanaDzeletovic, MD, Gyanprakash Ketwaroo, MD, Tyler Berzin, MD,Ram Chuttani, MD, Mandeep Sawhney, MD, Douglas Pleskow,MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard MedicalSchool, Boston, MA22. Natural Orifice Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) Techniquesfor Full Thickness R0 Endoscopic Resection of Deep SeatedSubepithelial Tumors (SETs): First U.S. CasesStavros Stavropoulos, MD, Rani J. Modayil, MD, Collin Brathwaite,MD, Kumkum S. Patel, MD, Thomas Coppola, DO, JohnAllendorf, MD, David Friedel, MD, James Grendell, MD, WinthropUniversity Hospital, Mineola, NY23. Over-The-Scope-Clip and Cap-Assisted Method for theResection of Submucosal Lesions of the Gastrointestinal Tract:A Multi-Center StudyShabnam Sarker, MD, Marcel Sandmann, MD, Martin Faendrich,MD, Kondal Kyanam Kabir Baig, MD, Klaus Monkemuller, MD,PhD, Gastroenterology, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL,Klinikum Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany24. Is Cold Biopsy the Best Method for Diminutive ColonicPolyp Removal? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysisDany Raad, MD, Priyam Tripathi, MD, MPH, Gregory Cooper, MD,FACG, Yngve Falck-Ytter, MD, Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals Case Medical Center/VA Medical Center,Cleveland, OH25. Withdrawal Times, Adenoma Detection Rates, and Risk ofInterval Colorectal Cancer2014 ACG Colorectal Cancer Prevention AwardAasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACG, Thomas Rector, PhD, TimothyR. Church, PhD, Frank Lederle, MD, Adam S. Kim, MD, JeffreyRank, MD, John I. Allen, MD, Minneapolis VA Medical Center,Minneapolis, MN, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, MinnesotaGastroenterology, PA, Minneapolis, MN26. A Phase-3 Placebo-Controlled Trial of Celecoxib inPediatric Subjects With Familial Adenomatous PolyposisCarol A. Burke, MD, FACG, Patrick M. Lynch, MD, Robin K. Phillips,MD, Manuela F. Berger, MD, Chunming Li, PhD, Dinu Iorga,MD, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, MD Anderson Cancer Center,Houston, TX, St. Marks Hospital, Middlesex, London, UnitedKingdom, Pfizer, Inc., New York, NYcombined abstracts27A. Statewide, Population-Based Lynch Syndrome (LS)Screening by Microsatellite Instability (MSI) in ColorectalCancer (CRC) Patients Aged ≤50 Years: Frequency,Determinants of Testing, and Result Analysis2014 ACG Governors Award for Excellence in Clinical ResearchJordan J. Karlitz, MD, Mei-chin Hsieh, MSPH, Yong Liu, BS,Christine Blanton, MD, Beth Schmidt, MSPH, Xiao-Cheng Wu,MD, MPH, Vivien W. Chen, PhD, MPH, Medicine, Tulane UniversitySchool of Medicine, New Orleans, LA; Louisiana Tumor Registry,School of Public Health, Louisiana State University HealthSciences Center, New Orleans, LA27B. Population-Based Lynch Syndrome (LS) Screening inColorectal Cancer (CRC) Patients Aged ≤50 Years: A StatewideAnalysis of Timing of Microsatellite Instability (MSI) TestResult Availability in Relation to Surgery2014 ACG Governors Award for Excellence in Clinical ResearchJordan J. Karlitz, MD, Mei-chin Hsieh, MSPH, Yong Liu, BS,Christine Blanton, MD, Beth Schmidt, MD, Meredith Sherrill, MD,Sanjay Sikka, MD, Giuseppe Gagliardi, MD, Xiao-Cheng Wu, MD,MPH, Vivien W. Chen, PhD, MD, Medicine, Tulane UniversitySchool of Medicine, New Orleans, LA, Louisiana Tumor Registry,School of Public Health, Louisiana State University HealthSciences Center, New Orleans, LAPlenary Session 2: LiverMODERATORS: Kris V. Kowdley, MD, FACGPaul Y. Kwo, MD, FACG28. Association Between Aspirin Use and Prevalence of NonalcoholicFatty Liver Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study Fromthe Third National Health and Nutrition Examination SurveyHuafeng Shen, MD, Ghulamullah Shahzad, MD, MahreemaJawairia, MD, Paul Mustacchia, MD, NUMC, East Meadow, NY29. Serum Ceruloplasmin, Ferritin, and Their Ratio AreSignificantly Associated with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis inPatients with NAFLDDanny Issa, MD, Rocio Lopez, MS, Ariel E. Feldstein, MD,Mohamed Yaseen Alsabbagh, MD, Naim Alkhouri, MD, ClevelandClinic, Cleveland, OH30. Mean Platelet Volume, Red Cell Distribution Width toPlatelet Count Index, Globulin Platelet Index and 12 OtherSimple Non-invasive Fibrosis Scores: How Much Do RoutineBlood Tests Tell About Liver Fibrosis?2014 ACG Governors Award for Excellence in Clinical ResearchRagesh B. Thandassery, MD, DM, Anil John, MD, DM, MRCP,Madiha Soofi, MD, Syed A. Mohiuddin, MBBS, Mohammed E.Elbadri, MD, Saad Al Kaabi, MD, Division of Gastroenterology,Department of Medicine, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha,Qatar, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, HamadMedical Corporation, Doha, Qatar31. Idiosyncratic Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI) in the UnitedStates: A Report of 1,257 Prospectively Enrolled Patients2014 ACG Governors Award for Excellence in Clinical ResearchNaga P. Chalasani, MD, FACG, Herbert Bonkovsky, MD, FACG,Robert Fontana, MD, William Lee, MD, FACG, Andrew Stolz, MD,Jay Talwalkar, MD, FACG, Rajender Reddy, MD, FACG, Paul Watkins,MD, Victor Navarro, MD, Huiman Barnhart, PhD, JiezhunGu, PhD, Jose Serrano, MD, Indiana University School of Medicine,Indianapolis, IN, Carolinas Health Care System, Charlotte,NC, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, UT-Southwestern, Dallas,TX, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, MayoClinic, Rochester, MN, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,PA, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, Einstein MedicalCenter, Philadelphia, PA, Duke Clinical Research Institute,Durham, NC, NIDDK, Bethesda, MDFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.30

Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, October 2132. Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL) and Health Utilities(HU) of Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C (CH-C) Treated Withan Interferon (IFN)-Free Regimen Containing Ledipasvir (LDV)and Sofosbuvir (SOF)Zobair Younossi, MD, MPH, FACG, Maria Stepanova, PhD, PatrickMarcellin, MD, PhD, Nezam Afdhal, MD, Kris V. Kowdley, MD,FACG, Stefan Zeuzem, MD, Linda Henry, PhD, Sharon Hunt,MBA, Center for Liver Diseases, Department of Medicine, InovaFairfax Hospital, Falls Church, VA; CLDQ LLC, Washington, DC,Viral Hepatitis Research Unit in Hospital Beaujon, Clichy, France,Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, DigestiveDiseases Institute, Digestive Diseases Institute, Virginia MasonClinic, Seattle, WA, Department of Medicine, J.W. Goethe UniversityHospital, Frankfurt, Germany, Betty and Guy Beatty Centerfor Integrated Research, Inova Health System, Falls Church, VA33. Management of Hemoglobin Decrease in Patients TreatedWith ABT-450/Ritonavir/Ombitasvir and Dasabuvir With orWithout Ribavirin in HCV Genotype 1-infected PatientsVinod Rustgi, MD, FACG, David Bernstein, MD, FACG, ThomasSepe, MD, FACG, William King, MD, Moises Diago, MD, PietroAndreone, MD, Daniel Forton, PhD, Hendrik Reesink, MD, PeterFerenci, MD, Yiran Hu, MS, Jeffrey Enejosa, MD, Daniel Cohen,MD, Yan Luo, MD, PhD, Marcos Pedrosa, MD, PhD, JohnVierling, MD, Metropolitan Research, Fairfax, VA, North ShoreUniversity Hospital (BRANY), Manhasset, NY, University Gastroenterology,Providence, RI, Trial Management Associates, LLC,Wilmington, NC, Hospital Quirón de Valencia, Unidad de Hepatología,Servicio de Aparato Digestivo, Valencia, Spain, Departmentof Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna,Bologna, Italy, St. George’s, University of London, London, UnitedKingdom, Academisch Medisch Centrum, Universiteit van Amsterdam,Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Amsterdam, Netherlands,Department of Internal Medicine 3, Medical University of Vienna,Vienna, Austria, AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, IL, Advanced LiverTherapies, Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center, Houston, TX34. Sex, Age and Race Are Associated With Increased Risk ofExposure to Hepatitis E in the U.S.Tyler B. Fleming, MD, Alla Y. Grigorian, MD, PhD, Bilal Aslam,MS, IV, Philip Westgate, PhD, Houssam E. Mardini, MD, MPH,University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, KY, Universityof Kentucky College of Public Health, Lexington, KY35. The Impact of Hyponatremia on the Outcomes ofWait-Listed and Transplanted Patients With Liver CirrhosisMohammed Eyad Yaseen Alsabbagh, MD, Bayan Alsuleiman, MD,Naim Alkhouri, MD, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH36. Reserved for Late Breaking Abstract10:00 am – 10:30 am J. Edward Berk DistinguishedLecture (Terrace Ballroom 3)GI and Endoscopic Training for theFuture GastroenterologistRichard A. Kozarek, MD, FACGIdentify the fundamentals of GI andendoscopic training for tomorrow’s GI.Introduced by:Harry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACGACG PresidentSee page 4 for more information.10:00 am – 4:30 pm Exhibit Hall Opens(Exhibit Halls DE)10:00 am – 4:30 pm Hands-on Workshop Center(Exhibit Halls DE)10:30 am – 11:30 am Break – Visit Exhibits(Exhibit Halls DE)10:30 am – 11:30 am Exhibitor theater(Exhibit Halls DE)11:30 am – 12:45 pm Simultaneous Symposia 3simultaneous symposia 3a: Quality in Colonoscopy:Here and Nowmoderator: Douglas K. Rex, MD, MACGQuality Indicators in Colonoscopy and How to Improve Them inPracticeAasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACGDefine current quality indicators and discuss technology and techniquesto improve them in practice.Detection and Resection of Serrated PolypsDouglas K. Rex, MD, MACGDetermine the classification, pathology variation and methods to improvedetection and resection of serrated polyps.Controversies in Surveillance GuidelinesDennis J. Ahnen, MDAnalyze surveillance guidelines for serrated polyps and other grey areas.simultaneous symposia 3b: Reading Between the Lines:The Refractory Esophageal Patient – What theGuidelines Do Not Addressmoderator: Evan S. Dellon, MD, MPHAchalasia: New Treatment ParadigmsSteven R. DeMeester, MD, FACGDescribe new treatments, including POEM, as well as patient selection forsurgical therapy and management of post-surgical complications.EoE: When Steroids FailEvan S. Dellon, MD, MPHDiscuss the reasons and treatment approaches for steroid-refractory EoEpatients, including dietary elimination and dilation.Refractory GERD: What Are the Options in 2014?Ronnie Fass, MD, FACGDescribe current treatment options for PPI-refractory GERD, optimalselection of patients for surgery and post-op complications/recurrences.12:45 pm – 2:15 pm Lunch Break(Exhibit Halls DE)12:45 pm – 2:15 pm Poster Session(Exhibit Halls DE)12:45 pm – 1:15 pm Exhibitor theater(Exhibit Halls DE)1:45 pm – 2:15 pm Exhibitor theater(Exhibit Halls DE)ANNUALMEETING31For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, October 212:15 pm – 3:45 pm Simultaneous Plenary SessionsPlenary Session 1: EsophagusMODERATORS:Nicholas J. Shaheen, MD, MPH, FACGMarcelo F. Vela, MD, FACG37. Efficacy of Topical Corticosteroids in the Treatment ofEosinophilic Esophagitis: A Meta-Analysis and SystematicReview of Placebo Controlled Randomized Clinical TrialsAshutosh Gupta, MD, Venkatesh Ravi, MD, Arvind R. Murali, MD,Bashar M. Attar, MD, PhD, FACG, Pramoda Koduru, MD, John H.Stroger Hospital of Cook County, Chicago, IL38. Site Volume Is Inversely Associated With Recurrence RateAfter Successful Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA): An Analysis ofthe U.S. RFA RegistryCary C. Cotton, BA, W. Asher Wolf, MD, MPH, Srinadh Komanduri,MD, MS, Charles J. Lightdale, MD, MACG, Anthony Infantolino,MD, FACG, Herbert C. Wolfsen, MD, FACG, Nicholas J.Shaheen, MD, MPH, FACG, University of North Carolina, Centerfor Esophageal Diseases and Swallowing, Division of Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, Chapel Hill, NC, Northwestern UniversityFeinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, Columbia UniversityDepartment of Medicine, New York, NY, Jefferson Medical College,Philadelphia, PA, Mayo Clinic Florida, Jacksonville, FL39. DNA Methylation Changes in Barrett’s Epithelium andAdjacent Normal MucosaTamas A. Gonda, MD, Samuel Stevens, BA, Clare LaFave, PhD,Charles J. Lightdale, MD, MACG, Benjamin Tycko, MD, PhD, Gastroenterology,Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY40. Endoscopic Radiofrequency Energy Delivery to the LowerEsophageal Sphincter for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis2014 ACG Fellow AwardSeth Lipka, MD, Ambuj Kumar, MD, MPH, Joel E. Richter, MD,MACG, Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, University of SouthFlorida, Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FL, Division ofEvidence Based Medicine and Outcomes Research, University ofSouth Florida, Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FL, Departmentof Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, University of South FL,Morsani College of Medicine, Joy McCann Culverhouse Center forSwallowing Disorders, Tampa, FL41. Transoral Fundoplication Provides Better GERD SymptomControl Than PPIs in Patients With Troublesome Regurgitation:A Multicenter Sham-Controlled Randomized Clinical TrialPeter J. Kahrilas, MD, FACG, John Hunter, MD, Reginald Bell,MD, Erik Wilson, MD, Karim Trad, MD, James Dolan, MD, KylePerry, MD, Brant Oelschlager, MD, Nathaniel Soper, MD, MiguelBurch, MD, W. Scott Melvin, MD, Kevin Reavis, MD, Daniel Turgeon,MD, Eric Hungness, MD, Brian Diggs, PhD, Brad Snyder,MD, Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, OregonHealth & Science University, Portland, OR, SurgOne Foregut Institute,Englewood, CO, University of Texas Health & Science Center,Houston, TX, The George Washington University of Medicine andHealth Sciences, Washington, DC, Reston Surgical Associates,Reston, VA, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, Universityof Washington, Seattle, WA, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, LosAngeles, CA, Oregon Clinic, Portland, OR42. Improvement in Symptoms and QOL Is SustainedWith Minimal Side Effects 4 Years After Magnetic SphincterAugmentation (LINX) for GERDPhilip O. Katz, MD, FACG, Kenneth R. DeVault, MD, FACG, StevenA. Edmundowicz, MD, Steven C. Schlack-Haerer, MD, RobertA. Ganz, MD, Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, MayoClinic Florida, Jacksonville, FL, Washington University School ofMedicine, St. Louis, MO, Gundersen Health System, La Crosse,Wisconsin, Minnesota Gastroenterology, Minneapolis, MN43. Reserved for Late Breaking Abstract44. Reserved for Late Breaking Abstract45. Reserved for Late Breaking AbstractPlenary Session 2: Pancreatic / BiliaryMODERATORS: Linda S. Lee, MDScott M. Tenner, MD, MPH, JD, FACG46. Rapid Point-of-Care Measurement of Cyst Fluid Glucose IsFeasible and Accurate in Predicting Mucinous Pancreatic CystsThomas Zikos, MD, Kimberly Pham, MS, Ann Chen, MD, SubhasBanerjee, MD, Shai Friedland, MD, MS, Monica Dua, MD,Jeffrey Norton, MD, George Poultsides, MD, MS, Brenda Visser,MD, Walter Park, MD, MS, Medicine/Gastroenterology, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, CA47. RNA Sequencing of Cystic Lesions of the PancreasSarah Rodriguez, MD, Terry Morgan, PhD, Brintha K. Enestvedt,MD, Carl Pelz, Gene Bakis, MD, Soren Impey, PhD, Gastroenterology,The Oregon Clinic-West, Portland, OR, Oregon Health andScience University, Portland, OR48. Risk Factors for Malignant Progression of Intraductal PapillaryMucinous Neoplasms (IPMN): An International RegistryCohortMaria Moris Felgueroso, MD, Michael B. Wallace, MD, FACG,Massimo Raimondo, MD, FACG, Timothy A. Woodward, MD,Verna J. Skinner, MD, Paolo G. Arcidiacono, MD, Cinzia Boemo,MD, Maria C. Petrone, MD, Claudio De Angelis, MD, Selene F.Manfre, MD, Pietro Fusaroli, MD, Michele Lewis, MD, Mayo ClinicJacksonville, Jacksonville, FL, San Raffaele Scientific Institute,Milan, Italy, University of Turin, Turin, Italy, Ospedale di CastelSan Pietro Terme, Bologna, Italy49. Morbid Obesity (MO) Is Associated With Increased HealthcareUtilization and Is an Independent Predictor of Mortality ofAcute Pancreatitis (AP)Somashekar G. Krishna, MD, MPH, Samer El-Dika, MD, AliceHinton, PhD, Jeffrey R. Groce, MD, Hisham Hussan, MD, ChengZhang, MD, PhD, Peter P. Stanich, MD, Na Li, MD, Darwin L.Conwell, MD, MS, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatologyand Nutrition, The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus,OHFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.32

Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, October 2150. Acute Pancreatitis (AP) in Post-Bariatric Surgery (BRS)Status: Analysis of National Trends, Complications andOutcomes from 2007 to 20112014 ACG Obesity AwardSomashekar G. Krishna, MD, MPH, Jennifer Behzadi, MD,Alice Hinton, PhD, Samer El-Dika, MD, Jeffrey R. Groce, MD,Hisham Hussan, MD, Darwin L. Conwell, MD, MS, Departmentof Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, The Ohio StateUniversity Medical Center, Columbus, OH51. Prevalence of Exocrine and Endocrine PancreaticInsufficiency After Sentinel Acute Pancreatitis (AP)Kishore Vipperla, MD, Georgios Papachristou, MD, Adam Slivka,MD, PhD, David Whitcomb, MD, PhD, Dhiraj Yadav, MD, MPH,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA52. Reserved for Late Breaking Abstract53. Reserved for Late Breaking Abstract54. Reserved for Late Breaking Abstract3:45 pm – 4:30 pm Break – Visit Exhibits(Exhibit Halls DE)4:30 pm – 5:00 pm Emily Couric Memorial Lecture(Terrace Ballroom 3)Cancer in IBD: The Colon and BeyondStephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACGDescribe the role of surveillance techniques toprevent colon cancer in IBD, and identify therisks of medication-related malignancies in IBD.See page 4 for more information.Sponsored by the ACG, the Virginia GastroenterologicalSociety and the Old Dominion Society ofGastroenterology Nurses and AssociatesIntroduced by:Harry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACGACG President5:00 pm – 6:15 pm Simultaneous Symposia 4simultaneous symposia 4a: Obesity: The Hunger Gamesmoderator: Steven A. Edmundowicz, MDWhich Surgery Will Keep Your BMI in Check?Alfons Pomp, MDCompare the different surgical options in the management of obesity.Post-operative Complications: Metabolic and NutritionalJohn K. DiBaise, MD, FACGIdentify and manage the potential metabolic complications post-bariatricsurgery.Post-operative Complications: Endoscopic ManagementSteven A. Edmundowicz, MDDefine how to endoscopically manage post-bariatric surgical complications.simultaneous symposia 4b: Pearls and Pitfalls of RoutineIBD Management: Case Studiesmoderator: Uma Mahadevan, MD, FACGThe Newly Diagnosed IBD PatientEdward V. Loftus, Jr., MD, FACGApply appropriate initial therapy for newly diagnosed IBD patients.The Medically Refractory IBD PatientUma Mahadevan, MD, FACGApply a comprehensive approach to the patient with refractory symptoms.The Post-operative PatientMiguel D. Regueiro, MD, FACGApply a therapy for the prevention of recurrence.6:15 pm ADJOURNANNUALMEETING33For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Wednesday, October 22Wednesday, October 22, 20146:45 am – 12:15 pm6:00 am – 12:15 pm Registration (Broad Street Atrium)6:45 am – 8:15 am OPTIONAL Breakfast SessionsCost is $60 per person/per session. Separate registration required.A USB containing all ACG 2014 Breakfast Sessions submissionswill be provided to attendees registered for any BreakfastSession. See page 124 for registration information.breakfast n: Common Liver Outpatient ConsultsModerator: Santiago J. Munoz, MD, FACGThe Patient With a Solid Liver MassK. Rajender Reddy, MD, FACGDistinguish between benign and malignant liver masses on imaging, anddevelop strategies to screen for hepatoma in patients with advancedfibrosis.The Abnormal Liver PanelSantiago J. Munoz, MD, FACGEvaluate abnormal liver tests and identify the presence or absence ofadvanced liver disease.The Hepatitis B Infected PatientJoseph K. Lim, MD, FACGInterpret hepatitis B serologies to determine whether to follow or treat theinfected patient.breakfast o: Practical ColonoscopyModerator: Joseph C. Anderson, MDWhat’s New in Colonoscopy PrepBrooks D. Cash, MD, FACGDiscuss recent data regarding various prep regimens, qualities,and adjunctive measures to achieve an optimal bowel prep.The Incomplete Colonoscopy: What Next?Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACGExplain the options for patients who have an incomplete colonoscopy.breakfast p: Beyond the Burn: Controversies inBarrett's EsophagusModerator: Nicholas J. Shaheen, MD, MPH, FACGDifficult Ablation: When to Step on the Pedal and When toReferKenneth K. Wang, MD, FACGDiscuss cases that present difficulty for ablation such asnodularity, long segment BE, large hiatal hernias and esophagealvarices, and determine when they can be safely performed andwhen a referral is needed.Afterburn: Surveillance After Ablation and Management ofRecurrenceNicholas J. Shaheen, MD, MPH, FACGExplain post-ablation surveillance protocols and the strategy for treating BErecurrence after ablation.Esophagectomy in 2014: What Is the Role?Steven R. DeMeester, MD, FACGDescribe the circumstance in which esophagectomy for BE is still indicated,and differences between the U.S. and British guidelines.breakfast q: Thinking Outside the Bowel: CommonComplications of IBD and IBD TherapyModerator: Jason M. Swoger, MD, MPHSkinJason M. Swoger, MD, MPHIdentify common skin manifestations of IBD and complications fromtherapy.ArthralgiasChristina Y. Ha, MDDifferentiate the causes and identify treatment of joint pain in the patientwith IBD.Abnormal Liver Function TestsPaul Martin, MD, FACGOutline common liver complications of IBD and IBD therapy.Approach to the Difficult PolypectomyCharles J. Kahi, MD, FACGIdentify techniques for successful and complete polyp resection.For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.34

Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Wednesday, October 226:00 am – 12:15 pm Registration (Broad Street Atrium)8:30 am – 12:15 pm Scientific Meeting8:30 am – 10:15 am Simultaneous Plenary SessionsPlenary Session 1: IBD / Small Intestine / UnclassifiedMODERATORS:Francis A. Farraye, MD, MSc, FACGJonathan A. Leighton MD, FACG55. The Clinical Characteristics of HLA Genotype DQ2.2 in aU.S. Adult Celiac Disease Population2014 ACG Fellow AwardRichard Wu, MD, MPH, Stephanie Moleski, MD, C. Andrew Kistler,MD, PharmD, Beth Colombe, PhD, Anthony DiMarino, MD,Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA56. Impact of Small Bowel Imaging on the HistologicalPatterns of Small Bowel Tumors: Analysis With SEER Database2014 ACG Lawlor Resident AwardFelix H. Lui, MD, Richard E. Shaw, PhD, Lauren B. Gerson, MD,FACG, Internal Medicine, California Pacific Medical Center, SanFrancisco, CA; Division of Clinical Informatics, California PacificMedical Center, San Francisco, CA; Division of Gastroenterology,California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CA57. Small Bowel Cancer in the U.K.Lolita Chan, BSc, MBChB, MCRP, Gareth Evans, MBBS, MRCP,MD, FRCP, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS FoundationTrust, Manchester, United Kingdom58. Mode of Childbirth and Long-term Outcomes in WomenWith Inflammatory Bowel Diseases2014 ACG Governors Award for Excellence in Clinical ResearchAshwin N. Ananthakrishnan, MD, MPH, Andrew Cagan, BS, VivianGainer, MS, Tianxi Cai, PhD, Stanley Shaw, MD, PhD, SusanneChurchill, PhD, Elizabeth Karlsin, MD, MPH, Shawn Murphy,MD, PhD, Isaac Kohane, MD, PhD, Katherine Liao, MD, MPH,Gastrointestinal Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston,MA; Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, Brigham andWomen’s Hospital, Boston, MA, Partners Healthcare, Boston, MA59. Updated Incidence and Prevalence of Crohn’s Disease andUlcerative Colitis in Olmsted County, Minnesota (between 1970and 2010)2014 ACG IBD Research AwardRaina Shivashankar, MD, William J. Tremaine, MD, FACG, ScottW. Harmsen, MS, Alan Zinsmeister, PhD, Edward V. Loftus, MD,FACG, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,MN60. Impact of Immigration on Phenotype and Severity ofInflammatory Bowel Disease: A Prospective Cohort Study ofHispanics in the United States2014 ACG IBD Research AwardNirupama Bonthala, MD, Jared Macklin, MD, Syeda Hamadani,MD, Mark Salem, MD, Rachel Demisse, MD, Beverly Chen, MD,Caroline Hwang, MD, Gastroenterolgy and Hepatology, Universityof Southern California, Los Angeles, CA61. Association of Mean Vitamin D Level With Clinical Statusin Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A 5 Year Prospective Study2014 ACG Fellow AwardToufic A. Kabbani, MD, MPH, Claudia Ramos Rivers, MD, JasonSwoger, MD, MPH, Miguel D. Regueiro, MD, FACG, Arthur M.Barrie, MD, PhD, Marc Schwartz, MD, Jana G. Hashash, MD,Leonard Baidoo, MD, FACG, Michael A. Dunn, MD, David G. Binion,MD, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA62. Health Outcomes of Ulcerative Colitis (UC) andCrohn’s Disease (CD) Patients Hospitalized With HumanCytomegalovirus (CMV) DiseaseCheng Zhang, MD, Edward J. Levine, MD, Somashekar G.Krishna, MD, Alice Hinton, PhD, Darwin L. Conwell, MD, RazvanArsenescu, MD, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Program, Division ofGastroenterology, Hepatology, & Nutrition, The Ohio State University,Columbus, OH; Division of Biostatics, College of PublicHealth, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH63. The Risk of a Second Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer WithThiopurine and Anti-TNF Use in Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseFrank I. Scott, MD, MSCE, Ronac Mamtani, MD, MSCE, ColleenBrensinger, MS, Kevin Haynes, PharmD, MSCE, Zelma C.Chiesa-Fuxench, MD, Jie Zhang, PhD, Lang Chen, MD, PhD,Fenglong Xie, MS, David J. Margolis, MD, PhD, Jeffrey R. Curtis,MD, MS, MPH, James D. Lewis, MD, MSCE, Abramson CancerCenter, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia, PA, Department of Epidemiology, University of Alabamaat Birmingham School of Public Health, Birmingham, AL,Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, University ofAlabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, Department of Dermatology,Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia, PA, Division of Gastroenterology, Perelman Schoolof Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Centerfor Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Perelman School ofMedicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelph, PAPlenary Session 2: Stomach / ColonMODERATORS: Joseph C. Anderson, MDFrancisco C. Ramirez, MD, FACG64. Risks of Thromboembolism Versus Recurrent GIHemorrhage After Interruption of Anticoagulation in AdmittedPatients With GI Bleeding (GIB) – A Prospective StudyNeil Sengupta, MD, Joseph Feuerstein, MD, Vilas R. Patwardhan,MD, Gyanprakash Ketwaroo, MD, Adarsh M. Thaker, MD, DanielLeffler, MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA65. Topographical Mapping in a Cohort of Patients WithGastric Intestinal Metaplasia2014 ACG Fellow AwardManish B. Singla, MD, Steven Armbruster, MD, Nisha Shah,MD, Molly Burman, BSN, Corinne L. Maydonovitch, BS, PatrickE. Young, MD, FACG, Jayde Kurland, MD, FACG, Scott Itzkowitz,DO, FACG, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center,Washington, DC, Gastrointestinal Associates, Lima, OHANNUALMEETING35For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Annual Scientific Meeting Agenda – Wednesday, October 2266. An Assessment of Gastric and Small Bowel PressureProfiles in Diabetics With Gastroparesis Before and During 28Days of Treatment With the Motilin Receptor Agonist Camicinal(GSK962040)Kenneth Barshop, MD, George Dukes, MD, Matthew Barton, MD,Jack Semler, MD, Braden Kuo, MD, University of Chicago PritzkerSchool of Medicine, Chicago, IL, Massachusetts General Hospital,Boston, MA, GlaxoSmithKline, Raleigh, NC67. Gastric Electric Stimulation: A Prospective Analysis of 151Patients at a Single CenterJason Heckert, BS, Sean Harbison, MD, Henry P. Parkman, MD,FACG, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA68. Colorectal Cancer Patients Have Higher Rates of AdvancedFeatures in Their Diminutive Adenomas Compared to PatientsUndergoing Average-Risk Screening2014 ACG Colorectal Cancer Prevention AwardAmoah Yeboah-Korang, MD, MPH, MSc, Philip Vutien, MD, KateriEvans, MS, Michael Greenspan, MD, Sohrab Mobarhan, MD,Shriram Jakate, MD, Joshua Melson, MD, MPH, Rush UniversityMedical Center, Chicago, IL69. Insertion Water Exchange Minimizes EndoscopistMultitasking During Withdrawal Inspection: A PlausibleExplanation for Enhanced Polyp Detection in the Right ColonAndrew Yen, MD, FACG, Victoria Y. Yung, MD, Joseph W. Leung,MD, MACG, Surinder Mann, MD, FACG, Machelle D. Wilson,PhD, Felix W. Leung, MD, FACG, Sacramento VA Medical Center,VANCHCS, Mather, CA, University of California, Davis MedicalCenter, Sacramento, CA, Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center,VAGLAHS, North Hills, CA70. Comparing Diagnostic Tests in Dyssynergic Defecation-ConstipationDanse Bi, MD, Sandra Sostrich, MD, Mojtaba Olyaee, MD, ElenaSidorenko, MD, Tuba Esfandyari, MD, University of Kansas MedicalCenter, Kansas City, KS71. Clostridium difficile Associated Risk of Death Score(CARDS): A Novel Risk Score to Predict Mortality AmongHospitalized Patients With Clostridium difficile Infection2014 ACG Fellow AwardZain Kassam, MD, MPH, Camila Cribb Fabersunne, MD, MPHCandidate, Mark B. Smith, MD, PhD Candidate, Gilaad G. Kaplan,MD, MPH, Geoffrey C. Nguyen, MD, PhD, Ashwin N. Ananthakrishnan,MBBS, MPH, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, MA, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, Universityof Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, University of Toronto, Toronto,Ontario, Canada, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA72. Fresh, Frozen, or Lyophilized Fecal Microbiota Transplantation(FMT) for Multiple Recurrent C. difficile Infection (CDI)Zhi-Dong Jiang, PhD, Nadim J. Ajami, PhD, Todd Lasco, PhD,Joe Petrosino, PhD, Fredric Hochman, MD, Victor Ankoma-Sey,MD, Matthew Wong, PhD, Ashley Alexander, MS, Shi Ke, MS,Herbert L. DuPont, MD, University of Texas SPH, Houston, TX,Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, Baylor St. Luke’s MedicalCenter, Houston, TX10:15 am – 10:45 am David Y. Graham Lecture(Terrace Ballroom 3)Idiosyncratic Drug-Induced Liver Injury:What Have We Learned in the LastDecade?Naga P. Chalasani, MD, FACGAssess recent developments in the diagnosisand management of DILI.Introduced by:Harry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACGACG PresidentSee page 4 for more information.10:45 am – 11:00 am Break11:00 am – 12:15 pm Simultaneous Symposia 5simultaneous symposia 5a: The Inpatient HepatologyConsultmoderator: Mark W. Russo, MD, MPH, FACGFluid, Distention, Infection, Oh My: Approach to the PatientWith AscitesMark W. Russo, MD, MPH, FACGTreat patients with massive ascites and spontaneous bacterialperitonitis.Water, Water Everywhere: Approach to the Cirrhotic Patient WithAcute Kidney InjuryJasmohan S. Bajaj, MD, FACGEvaluate the cirrhotic patient with acute kidney injury, including hepatorenalsyndrome, acute kidney injury and hyponatremia.A Rational Guide to the Use of TIPSAtif Zaman, MD, FACGDiscuss appropriate indications for TIPS referrals and manage post-TIPScomplications.simultaneous symposia 5b: The Human Microbiomemoderator: Eamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, FACGHuman Intestinal Microbiome: What the PracticingGastroenterologist Should KnowEamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, FACGIdentify how the microbiome functions and interacts within the GItract.What Is the Evidence that the Intestinal Microbiome Has a Role inGastrointestinal Diseases?Lawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACGDefine the role of the human microbiome in relation to GI disorders.Targeting the Intestine Microbiota in the Treatment ofGastrointestinal DiseasesYehuda Ringel, MD, FACGAssess the role of the human microbiome in the treatment of GI diseases.12:15 pm ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ADJOURNSFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.36

Annual Scientific Meeting – Faculty ListingJean-Paul Achkar, MD, FACGRainin Endowed Chair for IBDResearch, Cleveland Clinic,Cleveland, OHDouglas G. Adler, MD, FACGAssociate Professor of Medicine,University of Utah School ofMedicine, Salt Lake City, UTDennis J. Ahnen, MDStaff Physician, DenverDepartment of Veterans AffairsMedical Center, Professor ofMedicine, University of ColoradoSchool of Medicine, Denver, COJoseph C. Anderson, MDAssociate Professor of Medicine,Geisel School of Medicine atDartmouth College/ Universityof Connecticut Health Center,Hanover, NHJohn Baillie, MB, ChB, FACGConsulting Gastroenterologist,Carteret Medical Group,Morehead City, NCJasmohan S. Bajaj, MD, MSc,FACGAssociate Professor, Division ofGastroenterology, Hepatologyand Nutrition, VirginiaCommonwealth University,Richmond, VACharles N. Bernstein, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, Head,Section of Gastroenterology,Director of the University ofManitoba Inflammatory BowelDisease Clinical and ResearchCentre, University of Manitoba,Winnipeg, MB, CanadaRichard S. Bloomfeld, MD, FACGAssociate Professor of Medicine,Wake Forest University School ofMedicine, Winston-Salem, NCDrucy S. Borowitz, MDClinical Professor, Pediatrics,Women and Children's Hospitalof Buffalo, Buffalo, NYLawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACGEmeritus Chief ofGastroenterology, MontefioreHospital, Bronx, NYKenneth J. Brown, MDDigestive Health Associates ofTexas, PA, Plano, TXMichael D. Brown, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, RushUniversity Medical Center, OakPark, ILWilliam R. Brugge, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine,Harvard Medical School;Director, Pancreas BiliaryCenter, MassachusettsGeneral Hospital, Boston, MABrooks D. Cash, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine,University of South Alabama,Mobile, ALNaga P. Chalasani, MD, FACGDavid W. Crabb Professorof Medicine and Cellularand Integrative Physiology;Director, Division ofGastroenterology andHepatology, IndianaUniversity School of Medicine,Indianapolis, INWilliam D. Chey, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine;Director, GI Physiology Lab;Co-Director, Michigan BowelControl Program, Universityof Michigan Medical Center,Ann Arbor, MIStanley M. Cohen, MDMedical Director, Hepatology,Digestive Health Institute,University Hospitals CaseMedical Center; Professorof Medicine, Division ofGastroenterology and LiverDisease, Case WesternReserve University School ofMedicine, Cleveland, OHJason D. Conway, MDAssistant Professor ofMedicine, Wake ForestSchool of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NCSheila E. Crowe, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine,Director of Research,University of California, SanDiego, La Jolla, CAEvan S. Dellon, MD, MPHAssociate Professor ofMedicine, Adjunct AssociateProfessor of Epidemiology,Center for EsophagealDiseases and Swallowing,Division of Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, Universityof North Carolina School ofMedicine, Chapel Hill, NCSteven R. DeMeester, MD,FACGProfessor of Surgery,University of SouthernCalifornia, Los Angeles, CAJohn K. DiBaise, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, MayoClinic, Scottsdale, AZMarla C. Dubinsky, MDDirector, Pediatric IBD Center,Cedars-Sinai Medical Center,Los Angeles, CASteven A. Edmundowicz, MDProfessor of Medicine, Chiefof Endoscopy, Division ofGastroenterology, WashingtonUniversity School of Medicine,St. Louis, MOFrancis A. Farraye, MD, MSc,FACGProfessor of Medicine, BostonUniversity School of Medicine;Clinical Director, Section ofGastroenterology, BostonMedical Center, Boston, MARonnie Fass, MD, FACGChair, Department ofGastroenterology andHepatology; Head of theEsophageal and SwallowingCenter, Case Western ReserveUniversity, Cleveland, OHAndrew D. Feld, MD, JD, FACGClinical Professor of Medicine,University of Washington,Group Health Cooperative,Seattle, WAAmy E. Foxx-Orenstein, DO,FACGProfessor of Medicine, MayoClinic, Scottsdale, AZMartin L. Freeman, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine;Medical Director, TotalPancreatectomy and IsletAutotransplantation; Director,Pancreaticobiliary EndoscopyFellowship, University ofMinnesota, Minneapolis, MNSonia Friedman, MD, FACGAssociate Professor ofMedicine, Harvard MedicalSchool, Boston, MATimothy B. Gardner, MD, FACGAssistant Professor, GeiselSchool of Medicine atDartmouth, Hanover, NH;Director, Pancreatic Disorders,Dartmouth-Hitchcock MedicalCenter, Lebanon, NHDavid A. Greenwald, MD, FACGFellowship Program Director,Associate Division Director,Montefiore Medical Center,Bronx, NYSeth A. Gross, MD, FACGDirector of Endoscopy, TischHospital, NYU LangoneMedical Center, NYU Schoolof Medicine, New York, NYSandeep K. Gupta, MD, FACGProfessor of ClinicalPediatrics, Indiana UniversitySchool of Medicine,Indianapolis, INChristina Y. Ha, MDAssistant Professor, DavidGeffen School of Medicine atUCLA, Los Angeles, CAStephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine,Northwestern UniversityFeinberg School of Medicine,Chicago, ILDavid A. Johnson, MD, MACGProfessor of Medicine andChief of Gastroenterology,Eastern Virginia MedicalSchool, Norfolk, VACharles J. Kahi, MD, MSc,FACGAssociate Professor of ClinicalMedicine, GI Section Chief,Roudebush VAMC, IndianaUniversity, Indianapolis, INSunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH,FACGProfessor of Medicine, MayoClinic, Rochester, MNPhilip O. Katz, MD, FACGChair, Division ofGastroenterology, EinsteinMedical Center, Philadelphia,PAJudith R. Kelsen, MDAssistant Professor ofPediatrics, Perelman Schoolof Medicine, University ofPennsylvania, Philadelphia,PAAsher Kornbluth, MDClinical Professor ofMedicine, The Icahn Schoolof Medicine at Mount Sinai,New York, NYKris V. Kowdley, MD, FACGDirector, Liver Center ofExcellence; Director ofResearch, Digestive DiseasesInstitute, Virginia MasonMedical Center, Seattle, WAANNUALMEETING37For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Annual Scientific Meeting – Faculty ListingRichard A. Kozarek, MD, FACGClinical Professor, University ofWashington School of Medicine;Executive Director, DigestiveDisease Institute, Virginia MasonMedical Center, Seattle, WAPaul Y. Kwo, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, IndianaUniversity, Indianapolis, INBrian E. Lacy, MD, PhD, FACGProfessor of Medicine,Dartmouth-Hitchcock MedicalCenter, Lebanon, NHLinda S. Lee, MDAssistant Professor of Medicine,Harvard Medical School,Director, Women’s Health inGI and Endoscopic Education,Brigham and Women’s, Boston,MAJonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, MayoClinic, Scottsdale, AZJoseph K. Lim, MD, FACGAssociate Professor of Medicine;Director, Yale Viral HepatitisProgram, Yale University Schoolof Medicine, New Haven, CTEdward V. Loftus, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, MayoClinic, Rochester, MNRyan D. Madanick, MDAssistant Professor of Medicine,University of North CarolinaSchool of Medicine, Chapel Hill,NCUma Mahadevan, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, UCSFCenter for Colitis and Crohn'sDisease, San Francisco, CAPaul Martin, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine,University of Miami School ofMedicine, Miami, FLAndrew J. Muir, MD, MHSClinical Director, Hepatology,Duke University, Durham, NCSantiago J. Munoz, MD, FACGDirector, Center for LiverDisease, Capital Health MedicalCenter, Cinnaminson, NJVictor Navarro, MDChair, Division of Hepatology,Einstein Healthcare Network,Philadelphia, PADaniel J. Pambianco, MD, FACGAssociate, CharlottesvilleGastroenterology Associates,Charlottesville, VAJohn Pandolfino, MD, FACGProfessor & Chief, Divisionof Gastroenterology andHepatology, NorthwesternUniversity, Chicago, ILDarrell S. Pardi, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine,Vice Chair, Division ofGastroenterology andHepatology, Mayo Clinic,Rochester, MNMark B. Pochapin, MD, FACGDirector, Division ofGastroenterology, Professorof Medicine, NYU LangoneMedical Center, New York, NYAlfons Pomp, MDVice Chairman, Department ofSurgery, Weill Medical Collegeof Cornell University, New York,NYEamonn M. M. Quigley, MD,FACGChief, Division ofGastroenterology, TheMethodist Hospital, WeillCornell Medical College,Houston, TXWaqar Qureshi, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, ClinicalDirector Chief of Endoscopy,Baylor College of Medicine,Houston, TXFrancisco C. Ramirez, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, Director,Esophageal Clinic, Mayo Clinic,Scottsdale, AZSatish S. C. Rao, MD, PhD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, GeorgiaRegents University, Augusta,GAK. Rajender Reddy, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine, Directorof Hepatology, Director of ViralHepatitis Center, Hospital ofthe University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia, PAMiguel D. Regueiro, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine,University of PittsburghMedical Center, Pittsburgh, PADouglas K. Rex, MD, MACGDistinguished Professor ofMedicine, Indiana UniversityMedical Center, Indianapolis,INMary E. Rinella, MD, FACGAssociate Professor ofMedicine, NorthwesternUniversity Feinberg School ofMedicine, Chicago, ILYehuda Ringel, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine,University of North Carolina,Chapel Hill, NCRichard I. Rothstein, MD, FACGJoseph M. Huber Professor andChair, Department of Medicine,Geisel School of Medicine atDartmouth, Lebanon, NHDavid T. Rubin, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine,University of Chicago Medicine,Chicago, ILMark W. Russo, MD, MPH, FACGClinical Professor of Medicine,Carolinas Medical Center,Charlotte, NCJohn R. Saltzman, MD, FACGDirector of Endoscopy,Brigham and Women’sHospital; Associate Professorof Medicine, Harvard MedicalSchool, Boston, MABruce E. Sands, MD, MS, FACGChief, Division ofGastroenterology, Icahn Schoolof Medicine at Mount Sinai,New York, NYSamra Sarigol-Blanchard, MDAssociate Professor, Universityof Maryland School of Medicine,Baltimore, MDHarry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACGFounding Partner, DigestiveHealth Associates of Texas,Rockwall, TXFelice Schnoll-Sussman, MD,FACGAssociate Professor of ClinicalMedicine, Weill Cornell MedicalCollege, New York PresbyterianHospital, New York, NYVijay H. Shah, MD, FACGProfessor of Medicine,Physiology, and Cancer CellBiology, Chair, Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, Mayo Clinic, GIResearch Unit, Rochester, MNNicholas J. Shaheen, MD, MPH,FACGProfessor of Medicine andEpidemiology, University ofNorth Carolina, Chapel Hill, NCAasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACGGI Section Chief, MinneapolisVAHCS, Associate Professor,University of Minnesota,Minneapolis, MNMitchell L. Shiffman, MD, FACGDirector, Liver Institute ofVirginia, Bon Secours HealthSystem, Richmond, VABrennan M. R. Spiegel, MD,MSHS, FACGAssociate Professor of Medicine,UCLA School of Public Health,UCLA/VA Center for OutcomesResearch and Education(CORE), Los Angeles, CAJason M. Swoger, MD, MPHAssistant Professor ofGastroenterology, Hepatology,and Nutrition Associate ProgramDirector, GastroenterologyFellowship Program Director,Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseClinical Research Program,University of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh, PAScott M. Tenner, MD, MPH, JD,FACGClinical Professor of Medicine,State University of New York,Brooklyn, NYTram T. Tran, MDAssociate Professor of Medicine,Geffen UCLA School ofMedicine; Medical Director, LiverTransplantation, Cedars-SinaiMedical Center, Los Angeles, CASanthi Swaroop Vege, MD, FACGDirector Pancreas Group;Professor of Medicine, MayoClinic, Rochester, MNMarcelo F. Vela, MD, MSCR, FACGAssociate Professor of Medicine,Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZKenneth K. Wang, MD, FACGVan Cleve Professor ofGastroenterology Research,Mayo Clinic College of Medicine,Rochester, MNLouis-Michel Wong Kee Song, MDAssociate Professor of Medicine,Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNAtif Zaman, MD, MPH, FACGProfessor of Medicine, OregonHealth and Science University,Portland, ORFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.38

Poster PresentationsSunday, October 19, 20143:30 pm – 7:00 pmAuthors will be present from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pmEsophagus. ..............................................P1 – 58Stomach ...............................................P59 – 96Pancreatic/Biliary. ........................................P97 – 168Small Intestine/Unclassified ................................P169 – 223Liver .................................................P224 – 326Colon ................................................P327 – 388Outcomes Research. .....................................P389 – 432Inflammatory Bowel Disease. ...............................P433 – 491Functional Bowel Disorders ................................P492 – 509Endoscopy. ............................................P510 – 571Pediatrics. .............................................P572 – 578Colorectal Cancer Prevention ...............................P579 – 599Endoscopic Video Forum ..................................P600 – 606Monday, October 20, 201410:30 am – 4:00 pmAuthors will be present from 12:45 pm – 2:15 pmEsophagus. ............................................P607 – 664Stomach ..............................................P665 – 703Pancreatic/Biliary. .......................................P704 – 774Small Intestine/Unclassified ................................P775 – 839Liver .................................................P840 – 931Colon ................................................P932 – 993Outcomes Research. .....................................P994 – 1037Inflammatory Bowel Disease. ..............................P1038 – 1096Functional Bowel Disorders ...............................P1097 – 1115Endoscopy. ...........................................P1116 – 1178Pediatrics. ............................................P1179 – 1186Colorectal Cancer Prevention ..............................P1187 – 1206Endoscopic Video Forum .................................P1207 – 1213Tuesday, October 21, 201410:30 am – 4:00 pmAuthors will be present from 12:45 pm – 2:15 pmEsophagus. ...........................................P1214 – 1271Stomach .............................................P1272 – 1310Pancreatic/Biliary. ......................................P1311 – 1381Small Intestine/Unclassified ...............................P1382 – 1436Liver ................................................P1437 – 1539Colon ...............................................P1540 – 1601Outcomes Research. ....................................P1602 – 1645Inflammatory Bowel Disease. ..............................P1646 – 1705Functional Bowel Disorders ...............................P1706 – 1722Endoscopy. ...........................................P1723 – 1784Pediatrics. ............................................P1785 – 1791Colorectal Cancer Prevention ..............................P1792 – 1811Endoscopic Video Forum .................................P1812 – 181839For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmSUNDAY, October 19, 2014ESOPHAGUSP1. A Single Paraffin-Embedded or RNA-Later-Preserved EsophagealBiopsy Is Valid for Genetic Diagnosis of Eosinophilic EsophagitisRegardless of Location in the EsophagusEvan Dellon, MD, MPH, Vivek Yellore, PhD, James Stover, PhD,Center for Esophageal Diseases and Swallowing, and Center forGastrointestinal Biology and Disease, Division of Gastroenterology andHepatology, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, ChapelHill, NC, Diagnovus, Nashville, TNP2. Diagnosis of New Cases of Eosinophilic Esophagitis Continuesto Outpace Endoscopy Rates: Results From an Academic and PrivatePractice Multicenter CollaborationPaul Menard-Katcher, MD, Benjamin Mitlyng, MD, Elizabeth Jensen,MPH, PhD, Adam Kim, MD, Dennis Ahnen, MD, John Baron, MD,Evan Dellon, MD, MPH, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Denver, CO,Minnesota Gastroenterology, PA, St. Paul, MN, Center for EsophagealDiseases and Swallowing, and Center for GI Biology and Disease,University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC,Department of Veterans Affairs Eastern Colorado Health Care System;and University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, COP3. Increased Risk of Eosinophilic Esophagitis in Patients With ActiveCeliac Disease on Biopsy: Results From a National Pathology DatabaseElizabeth Jensen, MPH, PhD, Benjamin Lebwohl, MD, MS, RobertGenta, MD, Evan Dellon, MD, MPH, Center for Esophageal Diseasesand Swallowing; University of North Carolina School of Medicine,Chapel Hill, NC, Celiac Disease Center, Department of Medicine,Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons; andDepartment of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health,Columbia University, New York, NY, Miraca Research Institute,Miraca Life Sciences; and Dallas Veterans Affairs Medical Center andUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Irving and Dallas, TXP4. Subepithelial Fibrosis Is a Distinctive Characteristic of EosinophilicEsophagitisChristopher McPhaul, MD, Kevin Turner, DO, Robert Genta, MD,FACG, Stuart Spechler, MD, Edaire Cheng, MD, Miraca Life SciencesResearch Institute, Irving, TX, Dallas VAMC, Dallas, TX, UTSW, Dallas,TXP5. Durability of Effect and Lack of Rebound Symptoms Following a14-Day Regimen of Esomeprazole 20 mg Treatment in Patients WithFrequent HeartburnDavid Peura, MD, MACG, Anne LeMoigne, Charles Pollack, MD,PhD, Peter Nagy, MD, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, PfizerConsumer Healthcare, Madison, NJ, AstraZeneca, Molndal, SwedenP6. Efficacy of 14-Day Treatment With Esomeprazole 20 mg Accordingto Baseline Heartburn Frequency: A Pooled Analysis of Randomized,Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled TrialsDavid Peura, MD, MACG, Anne LeMoigne, Jing Li, PhD, CharlesPollack, MD, PhD, Peter Nagy, MD, David Johnson, MD, MACG,University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, Pfizer Consumer Healthcare,Madison, NJ, AstraZeneca, Molndal, Sweden, Eastern Virginia MedicalSchool, Charlottesville, VAP7. Should Gastric Cardia Be Biopsied? Dysplasia and IntestinalMetaplasia of the Gastric Cardia in Patients With Barrett’s EsophagusAkhil Nehra, BSHS, Daniel Chan, MD, Cadman Leggett, MD,Emmanuel Gorospe, MD, Lori Lutzke, CCRP, Navtej Buttar, MD,Prasad Iyer, MD, FACG, Kenneth Wang, MD, FACG, Department ofGastroenterology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNP8. Intestinal Metaplasia of the Inlet Patch: Clinical and PathologicalAssociationsKevin Turner, DO, Robert Genta, MD, FACG, Salima Haque, MD,Miraca Life Sciences Research Institute, Irving, TXP9. Esophageal Metal Self Expandable Stents Implantation With UltraslimGastroscope for Esophageal Malignant StrictureDemin Li, MD, Qiu Zhao, MD, Gastroenterology, Department ofGastroenterology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, HuazhongUniversity of Science and Technology, Wuhan, ChinaFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.40P10. High Resolution Manometry Has Low Sensitivity and HighSpecificity for Detecting Hiatal HerniaMustafa Abdul-Hussein, MD, Donald Castell, MD, FACG, JaniceFreeman, RN, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SCP11. Nodularity Does Not Affect Radiofrequency Ablation Outcomes inBarrett’s EsophagusDaniel Chan, MD, Cadman Leggett, MD, Emmanuel Gorospe, MD, LoriLutzke, CCRP, Navtej Buttar, MD, Prasad Iyer, MD, FACG, KennethWang, MD, FACG, Department of Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic,Rochester, MNP12. Does Intensive Acid Suppression Reduce Esophageal Inflammationand Recurrence of Barrett’s Esophagus Following Ablation? A PilotRandomized Controlled TrialSwarup Kumar, MBBS, Anamay Sharma, MBBS, Emmanuel Gorospe,MD, MPH, Swapna Devanna, MD, Michele Johnson, BS, KristynMaixner, BS, Kenneth Wang, MD, FACG, Navtej Buttar, MD, PrasadIyer, MD, MS, FACG, Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNP13. Efficacy of Radiofrequency Ablation for Barrett’s Esophagus WithLow-Grade Dysplasia: A Systematic Review and a Meta-analysisJeremy Cumberledge, MD, Houssam Mardini, MD, MPH, FACG, LuisPena, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, University of Kentucky, Lexington,KY, Lexington VA Medical Center - Division of Gastroenterology,Lexington, KY, University of Kentucky - Division of Gastroenterology,Lexington, KYP14. Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy Is the Preferred Modality forTreatment of Achalasia Among Both Academic and Non-Academic U.S.GastroenterologistsAbhinav Sankineni, MD, MPH, Michael Smith, MD, MBA, Natalya Iorio,MD, Oleh Haluszka, MD, Henry Parkman, MD, Jennifer Maranki, MD,MSc, Gastroenterology, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PAP15. Dysphagia Outcome Severity Scale and EAT-10 Do Not ReliablyPredict High Resolution Manometry FindingsRohit Chappidi, MD, Yomari Gonzalez, BA, Teresa Pope, CMT, MukundVenu, MD, Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, ILP16. Association of Mayo Dysphagia Questionnaire-30 Day Scores to theChicago Classification Diagnosis of Weak PeristalsisRaul Badillo, MD, Kenneth DeVault, MD, FACG, Cristina Almansa,MD, PhD, Lesley Houghton, PhD, Dawn Francis, MD, MPH,Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic Florida, Jacksonville, FLP17. A Peculiar Initial Presentation of AchalasiaRaul Badillo, MD, Paul Kroner, MD, Gastroenterology, Mayo ClinicFlorida, Jacksonville, FLP18. Wide Area Transepithelial Sampling With Computer-Assisted3-Dimensional Analysis (WATS3D) and Forceps Biopsies Should BothBe Obtained to Maximize Detection of Intestinal Metaplasia FollowingAblation of Barrett’s EsophagusNatalya Iorio, MD, Rebecca Thomas, MD, Michael Smith, MD, MBA,Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PAP19. The Changing Face of Eosinophilic Esophagitis: A 25 YearExperienceSeth Lipka, MD, Ambuj Kumar, MD, MPH, Joel Richter, MD, FACG,University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Departmentof Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, Tampa, FL, University of SouthFlorida Morsani College of Medicine, Department of Medicine Divisionof Evidence Based Medicine and Outcomes Research, Tampa, FL,University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Department ofDigestive Diseases and Nutrition, Joy McCann Culverhouse Center forSwallowing Disorders, Tampa, FLP20. Does Gender or Age Affect Clinical, Endoscopic or HistologicalCharacteristics of EoE?Seth Lipka, MD, Ambuj Kumar, MD, MPH, Joel Richter, MD, FACG,Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, University of South Florida, MorsaniCollege of Medicine, Tampa, FL, University of South Florida MorsaniCollege of Medicine, Department of Medicine Division of EvidenceBased Medicine and Outcomes Research, Tampa, FL, University ofSouth Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Department of DigestiveDiseases and Nutrition, Joy McCann Culverhouse Center for SwallowingDisorders, Tampa, FL

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP21. Initial Validation of the Dysphagia Stress Test2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardTiffany Taft, PsyD, Emily Kern, MD, Bethany Doerfler, RD, MS, PeterKahrilas, MD, FACG, Laurie Keefer, PhD, Ben Mogni, BA, JohnPandolfino, MD, FACG, Northwestern University, Chicago, ILP22. Lymphocytic Esophagitis Following Ablation Therapy for Barrett’sEsophagus With DysplasiaJuliana Kissiedu, MD, Prashanthi Thota, MD, FACG, Tushar Gohel, MD,Rocio Lopez, MS, Ilyssa Gordon, MD, PhD, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland,OHP23. Feasibility of Volumetric Laser Endomicroscopy (VLE) in Barrett’sEsophagus With Dysplasia and Post-Ablation SurveillancePrashanthi Thota, MD, Crysti Iarossi, CCRA, Mary Oldenburgh, RN,Sunguk Jang, MD, John Vargo, MD, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH,Ninepoint Medical, Cambridge, MAP24. H2 Blockers Revisited: Any Role in Barrett’s Esophagus (BE)Management and Prevention of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma (EAC)?Prashanthi Thota, MD, FACG, Madhusudan Sanaka, MD, FACG, RocioLopez, MS, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP25. Barrett’s Esophagus in African Americans: A Case Control StudyPrashanthi Thota, MD, FACG, Deepa Patil, MD, Amitabh Chak, MD, JieDai, MS, Rocio Lopez, MS, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, UniversityHospitals, Cleveland, OHP26. Change in Serum 25-hydroxy Vitamin D Levels Do Not ImpactProgression of Dysplasia in Barrett’s Esophagus (BE)Prashanthi Thota, MD, FACG, Prabhdeep Singh, MD, GauravKistangari, MD, Cummings Linda, MD, Rocio Lopez, MS, ClevelandClinic, Cleveland, OH, University Hospitals, Cleveland, OHP27. Coronary Artery Disease and Barrett’s Esophagus: Is There AnyAssociation?Prashanthi Thota, MD, FACG, Rocio Lopez, MS, Madhusudan Sanaka,MD, FACG, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP28. Endoluminal Stenting for Benign and Malignant Esophageal Leak: IsThere a Difference in Outcome?Muhammad Bawany, MD, Yaseen Alastal, MD, Tariq Hammad, MD,Aijaz Sofi, MD, Sadik Khuder, PhD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG, University ofToledo Medical Center, Toledo, OHP29. Detection of GERD With Esophageal Manometry With ImpedancePaul Chang, MD, Abhinav Sankineni, MD, MPH, Grace Shin, MD,Daniel Baik, MD, Zubair Malik, MD, Henry Parkman, MD, FACG,Digestive Diseases Center, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PAP30. Psychological Characteristics in Patients With Persistent Symptomsof Non-erosive Reflux DiseaseRushikesh Shah, MBBS, Omar Mousa, MBBS, Muhammad Arif,MBBS, Praveen Sampath, MBBS, Sekou Rawlins, MD, InternalMedicine, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NYP31. High Resolution Esophageal Manometry and pH Impedance AreFrequently Abnormal in Symptomatic Patients With Systemic SclerosisKristle Lynch, MD, Francis Okeke, MD, Shreya Raja, MD, LauraHummers, MD, Fred Wigley, MD, John Clarke, MD, Gastroenterology,Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MDP32. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Length of Hospitalization inPatients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A RetrospectiveObservational StudyAnthony Bartley, MD, MS, Bhanu Patibandla, MD, John Johnson,DO, Ahmad Alwassia, MD, Steven Davis, MD, St. Vincent Hospital,Worcester, MAESOPHAGUS - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP33. A Case of a Giant Esophageal PapillomaGeoffrey You, MD, Melissa Reynon, MD, Amy Tilara, MD, Departmentof Medicine, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, NewBrunswick, NJ, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Department of Medicine, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson MedicalSchool, New Brunswick, NJ41P35. Acquired Double Barrel Esophagus in the Setting of Barrett’sKimberly Kolkhorst, DO, Prasad Kulkarni, MD, Gitanjali Vidyarthi,MD, FACG, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, James A HaleyVA, Tampa, FLP36. Endoscopic Risks of Paraesophageal Hernias and IncidentalTransdiaphragmatic Herniation of the PancreasChristopher Velez, MD, Akiva Marcus, MD, Paul Feuerstadt, MD,Arthur Harris, MD, FACG, Department of Medicine, MontefioreMedical Center, Bronx, NY, North Bronx Health Network, Bronx, NYP37. A Case of Plunging GIST Presenting as Intermittent DysphagiaRahman Nakshabendi, MD, Matthew Clark, MD, Juan Munoz, MD,FACG, Imad Nakshabendi, MD, PHD, FACG, University of Florida COM,Jacksonville, FL, Tampa General Hospital, Tampa, FLP38. High-Grade Dysplastic Villous Adenoma Arising From Barrett’sEsophagusAlexander Schlachterman, MD, Dennis Yang, MD, Dennis Collins, MD,Anand Gupte, MD, Gastroenterology, University of Florida, Gainesville,FLP39. A Case of Esophageal Intramural Pseudodiverticulosis Due toChronic GERDXiao Jing Wang, MD, Anthony Gamboa, MD, Sonali Sakaria, MD,Internal Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA,Emory University School of Medicine, Digestive Disease Department,Atlanta, GAP40. Primary Malignant Melanoma of Esophagus: A Rare EntityBrijesh Patel, MD, Adnan Muhammad, MD, Joel Richter, MD, AnneChampeaux, MD, Internal Medicine, University of South Florida,Tampa, FLP41. Lymphocytic Esophagitis, a MysteryAnkur Varma, MD, MPH, Yezaz Ghouri Ghouri, MD, Pratap Singh, MD,Adeeb Dwairy, MD, Sushovan Guha, MD, PhD, Department of InternalMedicine, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston,Houston, TX, Division of Gastroenetrology, University of Texas HealthScience Center at Houston, Houston, TXP42. Esophageal Hemangioma: An Unusual Cause of Upper GI BleedingJoseph Salhab, DO, Saras Sharma, DO, Farhan Israr, DO, CristinaMarin, MD, Laritza Enriquez, MD, Larkin Community Hospital, Miami,FLP43. A Case of Eosinophilic Esophagitis With Achalasia RequiringMyotomyDiana Snyder, MD, Yomari Gonzalez, BA, Mukund Venu, MD, LoyolaUniversity Medical Center, Maywood, ILP44. Pooling of Barium at Mucosotomy Site After Peroral EndoscopicMyotomy for AchalasiaMadhusudhan Sanaka, MD, FACG, Siva Raja, MD, PhD, AndreiPurysko, MD, Gastroenterology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP45. Iatrogenic Pericardial-Esophageal Fistula Following Atrial AblationEric Hilgenfeldt, MD, Alex Schlachterman, MD, Internal Medicine,University of Florida, Gainesville, FLP46. A Case Report on a Rare Cause of Upper Gastrointestinal BleedSilpa Mandava, MBBS, Akriti Dewanwala, MBBS, Katie Agnello, MD,Abha Rani, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, University at Buffalo, Buffalo,NYP47. Lymphocytic Esophagitis in Crohn's Disease: Understanding theSignificanceSatyajit Reddy, MSci, Edward Feller, MD, FACG, Li Juan Wang,MD, PhD, Samir Shah, MD, FACG, Alpert Medical School of BrownUniversity, Providence, RI, Roger Williams Medical Center, Providence,RIP48. Achalasia in Patients With MalignancyShamim Ejaz, MD, MPH, John Stroehlein, MD, FACG, Mehnaz Shafi,MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, UT MDAnderson Cancer Center, Houston, TXP49. Eosinophilic Esophagitis Presenting as Massive UpperGastrointestinal Bleeding Treated With Esophageal StentManajyoti Yadav, MD, Fritz-Henry Volmar, MD, Michael Cashman, MD,Sonu Dhillon, MD, Srinivas Puli, MD, University of Illinois College ofMedicine at Peoria, Peoria, IL, OSF St. Francis Hospital, Peoria, ILFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.POSTERSSUNDAY

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP50. Colonic Metastasis of a Primary Esophageal AdenocarcinomaMichael Green, MD, Najla Itani, MD, Mustapha El-Halabi, MD, RansomKilgore, MD, FACG, William Salyers, MD, MPH, FACG, University ofKansas School of Medicine - Wichita, Wichita, KSP51. A Rare Case of Tension Colothorax Following Esophageal DilationSyed Amer, MBBS, Cuong Nguyen, MD, Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZP52. A Calcific Mass in The Distal EsophagusRupal Patel, MD, Steven Clayton, MD, Prasad Kulkarni, MD, Universityof South Florida, Tampa, FLP53. A Rare Case of Mixed Adenoneuroendocrine Carcinoma of theEsophagusJohn Anong, MD, John Litchfield, MD, Mark Young, MD, ThomasBorthwick, MD, Internal Medicine, East Tennessee State University,Johnson City, TNP54. Successful Combined Intralesional Corticosteroid Therapy andWire-Guided Dilation of Severe Esophageal Graft Versus Host DiseaseV. Alin Botoman, MD, FACG, Eleonor Botoman, HS, Gastroenterology,University of Miami, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Pine Crest School/GIResearch Institute of Ft Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale, FLP55. Black EsophagusDilhana Badurdeen, MD, Kenneth Brown, MD, FACG, AndrewSanderson, MD, Adeyinka Laiyemo, MD, Howard University College ofMedicine, Washington, DC, Providence Hospital, Washington, DCP56. Acute Chemical Esophagitis After Chromoendoscopy in a PatientWith Squamous Cell Dysplasia of EsophagusGokul Samudrala, MD, Kaartik Soota, MD, Mohammad Telfah, MD,Karthik Ramakrishna, MD, Andrej Strapko, MD, Deerajnath Lingutla,MD, Internal Medicine, Unity Health System of Rochester, Rochester,NYP57. Simultaneous Occurrence of Eosinophilic Esophagitis andEsophageal Granular Cell Tumor: Two Case ReportsBorko Nojkov, MD, Gehad Ghaith, MD, Mitchell Cappell, MD, PhD,William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MIP58. Upside Down Intrathoracic Stomach: A Case ReportLaura Pestana, DO, George Saffouri, MD, Christopher Blevins, MD,Santhi Swaroop Vege, MD, FACG, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNSTOMACHP59. Is Standard Triple Therapy for H. pylori Failing in Asia?Anil John, MD, Saad Al Kaabi, MD, Sanjay Doiphode, MD, PremChandra, MD, Rafie Yakoub, MD, Manik Sharma, MD, Hamid Wani,MD, Moutaz Derbala, MD, Fuad Pasic, MD, Ragesh Babu, MD, NazeehDweik, MD, Muneera Mohannadi, MD, Mohammed Butt, MD, KhalidEjji, MD, Khaleel Sultan, MD, Yasser Kamel, MD, Cosima Langner, BSc,Peter Malfertheiner, MD, Dept. of Gastroenterology, Hamad MedicalCorporation, Doha, Qatar, Dept. of Microbiology, Hamad MedicalCorporation, Doha, Qatar, Medical Research Centre, Hamad MedicalCorporation, Doha, Qatar, Dept. of Microbiology, Otto-Von-GuirickeUniversity, Magdeburg, GermanyP60. The Association of Obesity With Peptic Ulcer Disease Among U.S.-Born Versus Foreign-Born Urban MinoritiesAdeyinka Laiyemo, MD, MPH, Angesom Kibreab, MD, AndrewSanderson, MD, Kolapo Idowu, MD, Getachew Mekasha, MD, MomoduJack, MD, Victor Scott, MD, Medicine, Howard University, Washington,DCP61. Rapid Urease Testing as a Cost-Effective Alternative forHelicobacter pylori DiagnosisC. Andrew Kistler, MD, PharmD, Juan Palazzo, MD, Daniel Quirk, MD,MPH, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Department of Medicine,Philadelphia, PA, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Departmentof Pathology, Philadelphia, PA, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital,Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Philadelphia, PAP62. Prevalence of Gastric Fundic Gland Polyps in Our Upper GIEndoscopy PatientMarina Kim, DO, Jesse Green, MD, FACG, Albany Medical Center,Albany, NYP63. Sex-Specific and Race/Ethnicity-Specific Disparities in CancerIncidence and Survival Persist Among Both Gastric Cardia Cancer andLower Esophageal Cancer PatientsFelix Lui, MD, Robert Wong, MD, California Pacific Medical Center, SanFrancisco, CA, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CAP64. Prognostic Impact of Post-Operative Body Mass Index in PatientsWith Gastric Cancer After GastrectomySeung Bae Yoon, MD, Han Hee Lee, MD, Jae Myung Park, PhD, HanMo Yoo, MD, Kyo Young Song, PhD, Myung-Gyu Choi, PhD, Cho HyunPark, PhD, Department of Internal Medicine, The Catholic University ofKorea, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Department of Surgery, The CatholicUniversity of Korea, Seoul, Republic of KoreaP65. An Unusual Cause of Acute Anemia in an ImmunosuppressedPatientJamak Modaresi Esfeh, MD, Whitney Jackson, MD, Brian Putka, MD,Cleveland Clinic, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Cleveland, OHP66. A Survey of Screening and Treatment Practices for Helicobacterpylori in the United StatesTraci Murakami, MD, Rebecca Scranton, BS, Heidi Brown, PhD, MPH,Sunitha Musuku, MD, Zhao Chen, PhD, MPH, Robin Harris, PhD,MPH, Eyal Oren, PhD, MS, Department of Internal Medicine, Divisonof Gastroenterology, University of Arizona Medical Center, Tucson, AZ,Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Mel and Enid ZuckermanCollege of Public Health; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZP67. UGI Bleeding in the AIDS Patient: Not Your Usual UlcerRajesh Ramachandran, MD, David Lee, MD, SUNY Downstate MedicalCenter, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Brooklyn, NYP68. An Unusual Case of CMV Gastritis in a Healthy AdultRaghu Vanama, MD, Prabhleen Chahal, MD, Wayne State University/DMC, Detroit, MI, Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland ClinicFoundation, Cleveland, OHP69. A Comparison of Complication Rates Between GI PercutaneousEndoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) and IR Percutaneous RadiologicGastrostomy (PRG) Tube PlacementBilal ElChaarani, BS, Christopher Gal, MD, Ismet Lukolic, MD, JamesWalsh, MD, David Lee, MD, Gastroenterology, SUNY Downstate MedicalCenter, Brooklyn, NY, Kings County Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NYP70. Evaluation of Gastric Cancer Diagnosis Using New MagnificationEndoscopy (Near Focus) With NBITakashi Kawai, MD, PhD, FACG, Fuminori Moriyasu, MD, PhD,Takuji Gotoda, MD, PhD, Masakatsu Fukuzawa, MD, PhD, YasuhiroMizuguchi, MD, PhD, Kengo Tokunaga, MD, PhD, Shin’ichi Takahashi,MD, PhD, FACG, Endscopy Center, Tokyo Medical University Hospital,Tokyo, Japan, Gastoloenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo MedicalUniversity, Tokyo, Japan, Kyorin University School of Medicine, Tokyo,JapanP71. The Endoscopically Normal Stomach: Is it Worth a Biopsy?Daniel Nevin, MD, Kevin Turner, DO, Robert Genta, MD, FACG, MiracaLife Sciences Research Institute, Irving, TXP72. Full Versus Reduced-Dose Antimicrobials in Clarithromycin-BasedRegimens for Helicobacter pylori Eradication: A Systematic Review andMeta-AnalysisAli Harb, MD, Rachel Abou Mrad, MD, Ala Sharara, MD, FACG, InternalMedicine, American University of Beirut, Beirut, LebanonP73. Efficacy of Reduced-Dose Regimen of a Capsule Containing BismuthSubcitrate, Metronidazole, and Tetracycline Given With Amoxicillin andEsomeprazole in the Treatment of Helicobacter pylori InfectionAli Harb, MD, Zeinab El Reda, MD, Fayez Sarkis, MD, Hani Chaar,PharmD, Ala Sharara, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, AmericanUniversity of Beirut, Beirut, LebanonFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.42

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP74. The Prevalence of Hypomagnesemia in Long-term Recipients ofProton Pump Inhibitors in a Managed Care CohortAli Harb, MD, Nijmeh Hammoud, MD, Fayez Sarkis, MD, GhassanHamadeh, MD, Ala Sharara, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, AmericanUniversity of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, Family Medicine DepartmentAmerican University of Beirut, Beirut, LebanonP75. Radiologic Versus Endoscopic Placement of Gastrostomy: AComparison of Indications and Outcomes at a Tertiary Referral CenterSteven Clayton, MD, Kimberly Kolkhorst, DO, Rashid Syed, MD, PatrickBrady, MD, Gastroenterology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FLP76. Antibiotic Resistance of Helicobacter pylori in Detroit, MichiganFaris El-Khider, MD, Nizar Talaat, MD, Maher Tama, MD, Ritu Gupta,MD, Murray Ehrinpreis, MD, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI,Oakwood Hospital, Dearborn, MIP77. Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Helicobacter pylori-Negative GastritisAhmed Salem, MD, Simon Matthews, MD, Yuriko Mori, MD, PhD, SariatIbrahim, BA, Stephen Meltzer, MD, Bani Chander Roland, MD, TheJohns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MDSTOMACH - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP78. A Case of Gastritis in a Patient With Paper PicaConstantine Fisher, MD, Marci Laudenslager, MD, Manish Thapar, MD,Kenneth Rothstein, MD, Hahnemann University Hospital, Philadelphia,PA, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PAP79. Gastric Adenocarcinoma Presenting as a Solitary Metastatic BoneLesion in the ScapulaLarry Carter, DO, Jennifer Phemister, MD, Pranav Patel, MD,Chakradhar Reddy, MD, Mark Young, MD, East Tennessee StateUniversity, Johnson City, TNP80. Acute Hemorrhage From Gastric Schwannoma: An UncommonPresentation of a Rare Submucosal NeoplasmGobind Sharma, MD, Farihah Perwez, MD, Benjamin Bluen, MD,Missale Solomon, MD, James Reynolds, MD, Gastroenterology,Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, HahnemannUniversity Hospital, Philadelphia, PAP81. Gastric Antral Web: A Case Series to Better Define a Rare Cause ofGastric Outlet ObstructionNeha Nigam, MD, Walid Chalhoub, MD, Dalia Abdelaziz, MD, Firas Al-Kawas, MD, FACG, Stanley Benjamin, MD, FACG, Medstar GeorgetownUniversity Hospital, Washington, DC, Johns Hopkins Sibley MemorialHospital, Washington, DCP82. Rare Case of End-Stage Gastric Signet Cell Adenocarcinoma thatMetastasized to the ColonDeepak Sharma, DO, Varun Jain, MD, Sandeep Jubbal, MD, VimalaRamasamy, MD, Ava Anklesaria, MD, Zoran Bogdanovic, MD, IcahnSchool of Medicine at Mount Sinai (Bronx) - James J. Peters VAMedical Center, Bronx, NY, North Central Bronx Hospital, Bronx, NYP83. Antral Hyperplastic Polyp Causing Gastric Outlet Obstruction. CaseReport and Review of LiteraturePrathab Devaraj, MD, Shashank Ponugoti, MD, Swati Pawa, MD, WestVirginia University - Department of Digestive Diseases, Morgantown,WV, West Virginia University - Department of Internal Medicine/Clinicaland Translational Sciences (CTSI), Morgantown, WVP84. Gastric Calciphylaxis: Endoscopy and HistopathologyManifestationsBashar Attar, MD, PhD, FACG, Warren Piette, MD, Jesse Jiang, MD,Alexander Sauper, MD, Cook County Health and Hospitals System andRush University Medical Center, Chicago, ILP85. Acute Gastric Dysfunction After Catheter Ablation of AtrialFibrillation2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardAlicia Alvarez, MD, Sandra Rodriguez, MD, Roger Charles, MD, FACG,Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston, FLP86. Gastic Adenocarcinoma Presenting With Gastro-Hepatic Fistulaand Hepatic AbscessesAbhishek Matta, MBBS, Arun Nagabandi, MBBS, Savio Reddymasu,MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, Creighton University Medical Center,Omaha, NEP87. Sequential Endoscopic Gastropexy and Esophageal StentPlacement for Treatment of Gastric Volvulus With Early Signs ofIschemiaRamen Sakhi, MD, Raja Thotakura, MD, MS, Dinuli Delpachitra, MD,Tariq Hammad, MD, Osama Alaradi, MD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG,Internal Medicine, University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo, OHP88. Inadvertent Gastric Stimulator Use During PregnancyAvik Sarkar, MD, Brian Weiner, MD, Craig Rezac, MD, Sita Chokhavatia,MD, FACG, Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School,Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, NewBrunswick, NJ, Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School,Department of Surgery, New Brunswick, NJP89. Blurry Vision in Patient With Watery Diarrhea: SerendipitousDiagnosis of NeurocysticercosisJavier Lopez Moncayo, MD, Normi Dessalines, MD, Sita Chokhavatia,MD, Salman Muddassir, MD, St. Francis Medical Center, Hamilton, NJ,Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, NJP90. Gastric and Colonic Mantle Cell Lymphoma With History of PepticUlcer DiseaseTanya Dam, DO, Nathaniel Krogel, DO, Duane Moise, DO, Brent Smith,MD, Todd Ogrodowczyk, MD, Gastroenterology, Blue Ridge DigestiveHealth, Morganton, NCP91. Collagenous Gastritis: A Case Report and Clinical ReviewKarthik Garapati, MD, Mazyar Malakouti, MD, Charles Randall, MD,University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio,TX, Gastroenterology Research of San Antonio, San Antonio, TXP92. Diarrhea With Severe Weight Loss Secondary to Gastrocolic Fistula(GCF)Don Esprit, MD, Nicholas Karamitsios, MD, FACG, Tokunbo Ajayi, MD,Nureddin Almaddah, MD, Internal Medicine, NSMC, Salem, MA, NorthShore Medical Center, Salem, MAP93. Hematemesis Secondary to Paraesophageal Hernia WithIncarcerated Gastric VolvulusEric Gou, MD, Habeeb Salameh, MBBS, Venessa Beckman, DO,Guillermo Gomez, MD, Sreeram Parupudi, MBBS, FACG, University ofTexas Medical Branch, Galveston, TXP94. Gastric Outlet Obstruction Secondary to Retroperitoneal NodularFasciitisC. Andrew Kistler, MD, PharmD, Wei Jiang, MD, PhD, Ernest Rosato,MD, Robert Coben, MD, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital,Department of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, Thomas Jefferson UniversityHospital, Department of Pathology, Philadelphia, PA, Thomas JeffersonUniversity Hospital, Department of Surgery, Philadelphia, PA, ThomasJefferson University Hospital, Department of Medicine, Division ofGastroenterology and Hepatology, Philadelphia, PAP95. Microscopic Gastritis: A Case Series Highlighting the Diagnosticand Therapeutic ChallengesC. Andrew Kistler, MD, PharmD, Christopher Henry, MD, Linda Yan,MS3, Wei Jiang, MD, PhD, Patricia Kozuch, MD, Thomas JeffersonUniversity Hospital, Department of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, ThomasJefferson University Hospital, Department of Medicine, Division ofGastroenterology and Hepatology, Philadelphia, PA, Jefferson MedicalCollege, Philadelphia, PA, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital,Department of Pathology, Philadelphia, PAP96. Olmesartan Induced Collagenous Gastritis, Duodenitis, and ColitisRobert Taylor, MD, Casey Chapman, MD, Internal Medicine, LSU -Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA, GI Associates, Baton Rouge, LAPOSTERSSUNDAY43For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmPANCREATIC/BILIARYP97. Perceived Effectiveness of Endoscopic and Surgical TreatmentsAmong North American Women With Complications of ChronicPancreatitis2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardJyothsna Talluri, MD, Joseph Romagnuolo, MD, MSc, Dhiraj Yadav,MD, MSc, David Whitcomb, MD, PhD, GI, University of PittsburghMedical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, Medical University of South Carolina,Charleston, SCP98. Early-Onset and Late-Onset Idiopathic Chronic Pancreatitis in theNorth American Pancreatitis Study (NAPS2-CV) CohortMichele Lewis, MD, Jyothsna Talluri, MD, Dhiraj Yadav, MD, MSc,David Whitcomb, MD, PhD, GI, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,Pittsburgh, PA, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FLP99. A Proposed “Modified Criteria” for EUS Can Accurately IdentifyPatients Best Suited for Either Endoscopic Ampullectomy or SurgicalExcision2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardJared Rejeski, MD, Sarba Kundu, MD, John Evans, MD, Jason Conway,MD, MPH, Matthew Hauser, BA, BS, Rishi Pawa, MBBS, Girish Mishra,MD, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, HughChatham Memorial Hospital, Elkin, NCP100. APACT: A Phase III Trial of Nab-Paclitaxel (nab-P) PlusGemcitabine (Gem) Versus Gem Alone as Adjuvant Therapy for PatientsWith Resected Pancreatic Cancer (PC)Margaret Tempero, MD, Dana Cardin, MD, Andrew Biankin, MBBS,PhD, David Goldstein, MBBS, Malcolm Moore, MD, Eileen O’Reilly,MD, Philip Philip, MD, PhD, Hanno Riess, MD, Teresa Macarulla, MD,Lotus Yung, PharmD, Xinyu Wei, PhD, Brian Lu, MD, UCSF Helen DillerFamily Comprehensive Cancer Center, San Francisco, CA, VanderbiltUniversity Medical Center, Nashville, TN, Wolfson Wohl CancerResearch Centre, Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow,Glasgow, United Kingdom, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, NSW,Australia, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada, MemorialSloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, Karmanos Cancer Center,Detroit, MI, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Valld’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, Celgene Corporation,Summit, NJP101. Biliary Adenomas Involving Extrahepatic Tree Are Rare, But HaveAggressive Clinical CourseDeborah Nautsch, MD, Kah Poh Loh, MD, David Desilets, MD, PhD,James Mueller, MD, Vaibhav Mehendiratta, MD, Baystate MedicalCenter, Springfield, MAP102. Efficacy of Endoscopic Ultrasound Fine Needle Aspiration (EUS-FNA) in Obtaining Optimal Samples for Immunohistochemistry (IHC) inPancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDA)Reshi Kanuru, MD, Michael Wellner, MD, Ming Jin, MD, Kyle Porter,MS, Jon Walker, MD, Somashekar Krishna, MBBS, MPH, AdrianSuarez, MD, Samer El-Dika, MD, MS, Division of Gastroenterology,Hepatology, and Nutrition, The Ohio State University-Wexner MedicalCenter, Columbus, OH, Department of Internal Medicine, The OhioState University-Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH, Departmentof Pathology, The Ohio State University-Wexner Medical Center,Columbus, OH, Center of Biostatistics, The Ohio State University,Columbus, OH, Section of Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy Section,Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, The Ohio StateUniversity-Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP103. Laparoscopic-Assisted ERCP and EUS in Patients With Prior Rouxen-YGastric Bypass Surgery: A Dual-Center Case Series ExperienceErik Bowman, MD, Nalini Guda, MD, Mark Benson, MD, Patrick Pfau,MD, Anurag Soni, MD, Michael Garren, MD, Jacob Greenberg, MD,Deepak Gopal, MD, FACG, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI,Aurora St. Lukes, Milwaukee, WIP104. Clinical Predictors of Concordance Between Non-Invasive ImagingStudies and Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) inPost-Liver Transplant PatientsMark Pedersen, MD, Bobby Kakati, MD, Myunghan Choi, PhD, MPH,Anil Seetharam, MD, Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, Phoenix,AZ, Transplant Center and Advanced Liver Disease at Banner GoodSamaritan Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ, University of Arizona College ofMedicine, Phoenix, AZP105. Clinical Predictors of Gallbladder DyskinesiaAndrew Berry, Mojtaba Olyaee, MD, Elena Sidorenko, MD, TubaEsfandyari, MD, MSc, IM/GI, University of Kansas Medical Center,Kansas City, KSP106. Endoscopic Ultrasound-Directed Pseudocyst Drainage Without theUse of Fluoroscopy: A Case SeriesRasha Issa, MD, Omar Majdobeh, MD, Ronya Kawji, MD, Zubin Patel,MD, Laura Hamad, DO, Charles Berkelhammer, MD, FACG, KamranAyub, MD, FACG, Christ Advocate Medical Center, Oak Lawn, IL, SilverCross Hospital, New Lenox, ILP107. Groove Pancreatitis, A Masquerading Yet DistinctClinicopathological Entity: Analysis of Risk Factors and DifferentiationVeeral Oza, MD, Jacob Skeans, MD, Peter Muscarella, MD, Brett Sklaw,MD, Kevin Cronley, MD, Jon Walker, MD, Samer El-Dika, MD, BenjaminSwanson, MD, Alice Hinton, PhD, Darwin Conwell, MD, MS, FACG,Somashekar Krishna, MD, MPH, Division of Gastroenterology, OhioState University, Columbus, OHP108. Pancreatic Cyst Ablation: An Experimental Study With a New EUSNeedle PrototypeMaria Moris Felgueroso, MD, Murli Krishna, MD, Ariston Librero,Eugene Richie, Massimo Raimondo, MD, FACG, Timothy Woodward,MD, John Stauffer, MD, Horacio Asbun, MD, Michael Wallace, MD,MPH, FACG, GI, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FLP109. Yield and Safety of Pancreatoscopy in Main Duct IntraductalPapillary Mucinous NeoplasmsNicholas Martinez, MD, Laura Rosenkranz, MD, Sandeep Patel, DO,Gastroenterology, University of Texas Health Science Center at SanAntonio, San Antonio, TXP110. The Relationship of ERCP Facility Volume With Nurse/AssociateTraining and Functions of Health Care Industry Representatives (HCIR)During ERCP: A Survey of SGNA MembersRajesh Keswani, MD, Phyllis Malpas, MA, RN, CGRN, Sheryl Lynch,RN, Gregory Coté, MD, MS, Medicine, Northwestern University,Chicago, IL, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC,Indiana University, Indianopolis, INP111. Is There a Role for Sphincterotomy With Endoscopic BiliaryDrainage in Acute Obstructive Cholangitis?Tarek Sawas, MD, Mitesh Patel, MD, Georgetown University MedstarWashington Hospital Center, Washington, DCP112. A Comparison Between Nasobiliary Drainage and Biliary Stentingin Acute Suppurative CholangitisTarek Sawas, MD, Shadi Al Halabi, MD, MPH, Mitesh Patel, MD,FACG, Georgetown University Medstar Washington Hospital Center,Washington, DC, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP113. Comparison of 19-Gauge Needle and 25-Gauge Needle DiagnosticAccuracy in EUS-FNA of Pancreatic Cystic LesionsSamuel Han, MD, Daniel Kaufman, MD, Wahid Wassef, MD, MPH,Gastroenterology, University of Massachusetts Medical Center,Worcester, MAP114. Smoking Cessation Comparison in Chronic Pancreatitis PatientsSamuel Han, MD, Joan Kheder, MD, Lisa Bocelli, MD, Wahid Wassef,MD, MPH, FACG, University of Massachusetts Medical School,Worcester, MAP115. Does Aspirin Use Decrease Severity of Acute Pancreatitis inHospitalized Patients?Nongnooch Poowanawittayakom, MD, Michael Flicker, MD, DanaVillines, PhD, Internal Medicine, Advocate Illinois Masonic MedicalCenter, Chicago, ILFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.44

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP116. BMI Has No Effect on Severity of Acute Pancreatitis?Nongnooch Poowanawittayakom, MD, Michael Flicker, MD, InternalMedicine, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, ILP117. Female Gender Increases Severity of Acute Pancreatitis inHospitalized PatientsNongnooch Poowanawittayakom, MD, Michael Flicker, MD, InternalMedicine, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, ILP118. Evaluation of Rosemont Classification for Non-Calcific ChronicPancreatitis (NCCP) Based on Histopathology: A Retrospective StudyGuru Trikudanathan, MD, Satish Munigala, MD, Usman Barlass,MBBS, Ahmad Malli, MD, Yuisheng Han, MD, Melena Bellin,MD, Srinath Chinnakotla, MD, Ty Dunn, MD, Timothy Pruett, MD,Gregory Beilman, MD, Jose Vega-Peralta, MD, Mustafa Arain, MD,Shawn Mallery, MD, Martin Freeman, MD, FACG, Rajeev Attam,MD, Gastroenterology, Univerisity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,Washington University, St. Louis, MOP119. Mild Acute Pancreatitis and Antibiotic Use in Clinical PracticeMonjur Ahmed, MD, FACG, Danielle Dang, MD, Thomas JeffersonUniversity, Philadelphia, PAP120. Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) Predicts and Exacerbates theDevelopment of Alcohol-Induced PancreatitisKeisaku Sato, PhD, Angela Dolganiuc, MD, PhD, UFL, Gainesville, FLP121. Antisense Oligonucleotides Targeted to KRAS Gene Could Inhibitthe Tumor Growth, Invasion, and MMP-2 and MMP-9 Expression inHamster Pancreatic Cancer Model In vitro and In vivoCintia Morioka, MD, PhD, Jose Otoch, MD, PhD, Seiji Saito, MD, PhD,Marcel Machado, MD, PhD, Akiharu Watanabe, MD, PhD, ChengHuang, Frederico Costa, MD, PhD, University Nove de Julho, SaoPaulo, Brazil, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, AdvantageHealth, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Toyama University, Toyama, Japan, HospitalSirio Libanes, Sao Paulo, BrazilP122. Double Wire-Guided Technique Improves Biliary Cannulation Ratesin Difficult ERCP: 3-Year ExperienceAudrey Tse, DO, Anuj Datta, MD, Inder Singh, MD, Viktor Eysselein,MD, Sonya Reicher, MD, Gastroenterology, Harbor UCLA, Torrance, CAP123. The Impact of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction (SOD) on Health CareUtilization in Patients Admitted for Abdominal PainJeffery Groce, MD, MS, Somashekar Krishna, MBBS, MPH, SamerEl-Dika, MD, MS, Sheetal Sharma, MBBS, Alice Hinton, PhD, DarwinConwell, MD, MS, Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy Section, Divisionof Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, The Ohio State UniversityWexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH, Division of Biostatistics, Collegeof Public Health, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, Sectionof Pancreatic Disorders, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology andNutrtion, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus,OHP124. Elevated Serum Triglycerides Are a Risk for Severity in AcutePancreatitis Regardless of EtiologyJeffrey Easler, MD, Haq Nawaz, MD, Dhiraj Yadav, MD, MPH, EfstratiosKoutroumpakis, MD, Vijay Singh, MD, Adam Slivka, MD, PhD, DavidWhitcomb, MD, PhD, FACG, Georgios Papachristou, MD, WashingtonUniversity School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO, University of PittsburghMedical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZP125. The Use of Bayesian Analysis to Predict Severe Acute Pancreatitisin a Nationwide Military PopulationScott Cunningham, MD, Corinne Maydonovitch, BS, John Betteridge,MD, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MDP126. Prevalence and Outcomes of Cystic Neoplasm of the Pancreas inImmunosuppressed Patients With Solid Organ TransplantationSaowonee Ngamruengphong, MD, Kristina Seeger, MD, LukeMcCrone, MD, Maria Moris Felgueroso, MD, Stephen Garrison, MD,Surakit Pungpapong, MD, Andrew Keaveny, MD, Massimo Raimondo,MD, FACG, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic Florida,JacksonvilleP127. The Efficacy of ERCP and PTBD and Comparison ofSurvival in Unilateral Versus Bilateral Drainage in Patients WithCholangiocarcinoma: Experience From a Single Tertiary CancerSpecialty InstituteHemanth Gavini, MD, MPH, Jay Chouhan, DO, Lianchun Xiao,William Ross, MD, Brian Weston, MD, Gottumukkala Raju, MD,Marta Davila, MD, Milind Javle, MD, Jeffrey Lee, MD, MPH, FACG,MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TXP128. The Diagnostic Yield of Imaging Modalities in Screening forPancreatic Cancer in Asymptomatic High-Risk Individuals: ExperienceFrom a Tertiary Cancer CenterHemanth Gavini, MD, Jay Chouhan, MD, Lianchun Xiao, NathanielKwak, MD, William Ross, MD, Manoop Bhutani, MD, Brian Weston,MD, Jeffrey Lee, MD, FACG, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TXP129. Comparison of Imaging Characteristics of CT, MRI, PET, and EUSin the Evaluation of Metastasis to the Pancreas: Results From a SingleTertiary Cancer CenterHemanth Gavini, MD, MPH, Daniel Salvador, Christopher Chan,Charanjeet Singh, MD, William Ross, MD, Manoop Bhutani, MD, BrianWeston, MD, Jeffrey Lee, MD, MPH, FACG, MD Anderson CancerCenter, Houston, TXP130. Evaluating the Role of EUS-FNA in the Diagnosis of Metastasis tothe Pancreas: Results From a Tertiary Cancer CenterHemanth Gavini, MD, MPH, Christopher Chan, Daniel Salvador,Charanjeet Singh, MD, William Ross, MD, Manoop Bhutani, MD, BrianWeston, MD, Jeffrey Lee, MD, MPH, FACG, MD Anderson CancerCenter, Houston, TXP131. Imaging Characteristics, Role of EUS-FNA and Prognosis inPatients With Pancreatic LymphomaHemanth Gavini, MD, MPH, Muhammad Ahmad, MD, CharanjeetSingh, MD, William Ross, MD, Manoop Bhutani, MD, Brian Weston,MD, Jeffrey Lee, MD, MPH, FACG, MD Anderson Cancer Center,Houston, TXPANCREATIC/BILIARY - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP132. Malignant Melanoma: A Rare but Important Consideration inPancreatic MetastasesTanima Jana, MD, Manoop Bhutani, MD, University of Texas HealthScience Center at Houston, Houston, TX, University of Texas MDAnderson Cancer Center, Houston, TXP133. Breast Cancer Recurrence: An Unusual Cause of BiliaryObstructionMayur Parepally, MD, Sugir Velpari, MD, University of Illinois Hospitaland Health Sciences System, Chicago, ILP134. IgG4-Related Autoimmune Pancreatitis Presenting With MultipleExtrapancreatic ManifestationsKetan Shah, MD, MBA, Mazen Jamal, MD, MPH, Veterans AffairsMedical Center, Long Beach, CAP135. Endoscopic Management of Xanthogranulomatous CholedochitisMohanad Abu Speitan, MD, Barret Halgas, MS IV, William V Rice, MD,Michael E. Goldberg, DO, Mohanad Abu-Speitan, MD, Barret Halgas,MSIV, William Rice, MD, Michael Goldberg, DO, Internal Medicine,William Beaumont Army Medical Center, El Paso, TXP136. Massive Intraperitoneal Hemorrhage Due to PerforatedCholecystitisHajime Hirose, MD, Satoru Miyazaki, MD, Kinan Hospital, Tanabe,JapanP137. Drainage of a Pancreatic Pseudocyst Via a Spontaneous Cyst-Duodenostomy: A Case ReportLilly Sadri, MD, Amar Thosani, MD, Satish Nagula, MD, FACG,Jonathan Buscaglia, MD, FACG, Stony Brook University Hospital, StonyBrook, NYPOSTERSSUNDAY45For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP138. A Rare Case of Gastrointestinal Bleeding FromCholedochoduodenal FistulaWilliam Hsueh, MD, Dennis Nguyen, MD, Mitesh Patel, MD, MedstarWashington Hospital Center, Washington, DCP139. Lemierre’s Syndrome: A Rare Cause of Secondary SclerosingCholangitisKunut Kijsirichareanchai, MD, Sarah Bligh, MD, Alexander Hewlett, DO,FACG, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NEP140. Sickle Cell Intrahepatic Cholestasis: Reversal of Liver FunctionWithout Exchange Transfusion: A Case Report and Review LiteratureNattamol Hosiriluck, MD, Supannee Rassameehiran, MD, ErwinArgueta, MD, Lukman Tijani, MD, Texas Tech Health Science Center,Lubbock, TXP141. Metastatic Adenosquamous Cell Carcinoma of the PancreasPresenting With Upper Gastrointestinal BleedingRoopjeet Bath, MBBS, Navkiran Brar, MBBS, Haleh Vaziri, MD,Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Connecticut,Farmington, CTP142. Primary Pancreatic Lymphoma Diagnosed by EndoscopicUltrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration With Flow CytometryBrandon Marion, MD, P. Wesley Benson, MD, Rishi Pawa, MD, WakeForest University School of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine,Winston-Salem, NC, Wake Forest University School of MedicineDepartment of Gastroenterology, Winston-Salem, NCP143. Superior Mesenteric Vein Pseudoaneurysm Presenting as aPancreatic MassAndrew Gangemi, MD, Tobias Zuchelli, MD, Eval Alsheik, MD, DanielRingold, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Drexel UniversityCollege of Medicine/Hahnemann University Hospital, Philadelphia, PAP144. A Mass in the Junction of the Body and Tail of the PancreasEduardo Rodriguez, MD, Aaron Garza Romero, MD, Frederick Williams,MD, Internal Medicine, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine,Palm Beach Regional Campus, West Palm Beach, FLP145. Doxycycline-Induced PancreatitisBrian Moy, DO, Nikhil Kapila, MD, University of Connecticut,Farmington, CTP146. Cardiac Tamponade as a Complication of Pseudocyst in ChronicPancreatitisSyed Amer, MBBS, Mohammed MuqeetAdnan, MBBS, MayoClinic, Phoenix, AZ, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center,Oklahoma, OKP147. Bulimia: A Rare Cause of Recurrent Acute PancreatitisSyed Amer, MBBS, Andrew Walker, PSM, MS, PAC, Cuong Nguyen,MD, Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZP148. A Rare Case of Multiple Pancreatic Metastases in a Patient WithRenal Cell CarcinomaSyed Amer, MBBS, Vishnu Teja Kommineni, MD, Wajeeh Salah, MD,Cuong Nguyen, MD, Rahul Pannala, MD, Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZP149. Acute Pancreatitis Causing a Highway to the Colon WithSubsequent Road ClosureJustin Cochrane, DO, Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center,Spokane, WAP150. A Rare Case of Gastrointestinal BleedingMitesh Bhalala, MD, Shireen Pais, MD, Grigory Rozenbilt, MD, BradDworkin, MD, FACG, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NYP151. Noncommunicating Mucinous Biliary Cystadenoma: A Rare Causeof JaundiceAlicia Alvarez, MD, Kanwarpreet Singh Tandon, MD, Luis Lara, MD,FACG, Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston, FLP152. Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm of the Pancreas in aPatient With Muir-Torre SyndromeAlicia Alvarez, MD, Kanwarpreet Singh Tandon, MD, Brenda Jimenez,MD, Luis Lara, MD, FACG, Andrew Ukleja, MD, FACG, Cleveland ClinicFlorida, Weston, FLP153. When Might Endosonographic Decompression of Courvoisier’sGallbladder Be Required With Palliative Metallic Biliary Stenting? A CaseSeriesTariq Hammad, MD, Yaseen Alastal, MD, Muhammad Bawany, MD,Muhammad Ali Khan, MD, Usman Ahmad, MD, Osama Alaradi, MD,Ali Nawras, MD, FACG, University of Toledo, Department of InternalMedicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Toledo, OHP154. Sarcomatoid Carcinoma of the Lung With Metastasis to thePancreasTariq Hammad, MD, Yaseen Alastal, MD, Muhammad Ali Khan, MD,Luis DeLasCasas, MD, Osama Alaradi, MD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG,Internal Medicine, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, Department ofPathology, University of Toledo, Toledo, OHP155. How Can Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas Mimic Klatskin Tumor?Tariq Hammad, MD, Yaseen Alastal, MD, Aijaz Sofi, MD, OsamaAlaradi, MD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG, University of Toledo, Departmentof Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Toledo, OHP156. Pancreaticoureteral Fistula: A Rare Complication of PancreatitisHiren Patel, MD, Nhat Nguyen, MD, Nihar Shah, MD, Sohail Shaikh,MD, Walid Baddoura, MD, St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center,Paterson, NJ, Seton Hall University School of Health and MedicalSciences, South Orange, NJP157. Small-Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the GallbladderHiren Patel, MD, Abhishek Kumar, MD, Michael Maroules, MD, St.Joseph’s Regional Medical Center, Paterson, NJ, Seton Hall UniversitySchool of Health and Medical Sciences, South Orange, NJP158. Endoscopic Diagnosis and Management of Intraductal PapillaryNeoplasm of Bile Duct (IPNB)Vishnu Teja Kommineni, MBBS, Wajeeh Salah, MD, Rahul Pannala,MD, Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZP159. Successful Endoscopic Management of Bouveret’s Syndrome: ARare Cause of Duodenal ObstructionMargaret Adamcewicz, DO, Asad Ullah, MD, Shivangi Kothari, MD,Donald Tsynman, MD, Albert Kim, MD, Thomas Werth, MD, AshokShah, MD, MACG, FACG, Vivek Kaul, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology,University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NYP160. Proliferating Pilar Tumor (PPT) of Scalp Metastasizing to Pancreas– Not Your Everyday Pancreatic MassGuru Trikudanathan, MD, Hector Mesa, MD, Carlos Manivel, MD,Aasma Shaukat, MD, FACG, Yan Bakman, MD, Gastroenterology,Univerisity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, VA Medical Center,Minneapolis, MNP161. Gastroduodenal Signet-Ring Cell Carcinoma Presenting as IgG4-Related Sclerosing Cholangitis: Not Everything That Glitters Is GoldTossapol Kerdsirichairat, MD, Juan Manivel, MD, University ofMinnesota, Minneapolis, MNP162. Acute Obstructive Suppurative Pancreatic Ductitis in anAsymptomatic PatientPatrick Koo, MD, Eisha Wali, BS, Clifford Packer, MD, Case WesternReserve University, University Hospitals Case Medical Center,Cleveland, OH, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine,Cleveland, OH, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, Cleveland,OHP163. Duodenal Stent in the Common Bile DuctKarthik Ragunathan, MD, Srinivas Puli, MD, University of Illinois Collegeof Medicine, Peoria, ILP164. Ansa PancreaticaKarthik Ragunathan, MD, Daniel Martin, MD, Srinivas Puli, MD,University of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria, ILP165. Endoscopic Removal of Gallstone Through CholedochoduodenalFistulaKarthik Ragunathan, MD, Prabhleen Chahal, MD, University of IllinoisCollege of Medicine, Peoria, IL, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland,OHP166. An Atypical Case of Fatal Gastrointestinal BleedingHannah Xu, BSE, Vanessa Mewani, MD, MS, Matthew Czaja, MD,Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, NJ, Robert WoodJohnson University Hospital, New Brunswick, NJFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.46

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP167. A Case of Isolated Metastasis of Renal Cell Carcinoma to thePancreasMichael Green, MD, Najla Itani, MD, Thomas Schulz, MD, WilliamSalyers, MD, FACG, University of Kansas School of Medicine, Wichita,KSP168. A Rare Case of Pancreatic Cystic Lymphangioma Diagnosed andTreated With EUSPrasun Shah, MD, Emeka Anyadike, MD, Alexander Perelman, DO,Ira Mayer, MD, FACG, Rabin Rahmani, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology,Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYSMALL INTESTINE/UNCLASSIFIEDP169. Enterohormones Down-Regulated in High-Fat DietAndreas Mykoniatis, MD, Joseph Pierre, PhD, Candace Cham, PhD,Dengping Yin, MD, PhD, John Alverdy, MD, Eugene Chang, MD,Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, ILP170. Partial Balloon Deflation for Controlled Withdrawal of SingleBalloon EnteroscopyAbiodun Laoye, MD, Steven Gorcey, MD, Internal Medicine, JerseyShore University Medical Center, Neptune, NJ, Monmouth MedicalCenter, Long Branch, NJP171. Does the CT Enterography Really Lead to Better Improvementof Diagnostic Yield Than Conventional CT in Obscure GastrointestinalBleeding?EunYoung Kim, MD, Jin Su Kim, MD, Chul-Hyun Lim, MD, Yu KyungCho, MD, Jae Myung Park, MD, Bo-In Lee, MD, In Seok Lee, MD, SangWoo Kim, MD, Myung-Gyu Choi, MD, Gastroenterology, Seoul St. Mary’sHospital, Seoul, Republic of KoreaP172. Uncommon Cause of Right Upper Quadrant Pain: A Case Report ofOmental InfarctionPrajwal Boddu, MD, Nongnooch Poowanawittayakom, MD, RohanShah, MD, Michael Flicker, MD, Internal Medicine, Advocate IllinoisMasonic Medical Center, Chicago, IL, Advocate Illinois Masonic,Chicago, ILP173. Octreotide for Prevention of Repeat Gastrointestinal Bleeding inPatients With Left Ventricular Assist Device: Analysis of a Single CenterCohortAdam Stein, MD, Justin Boike, MD, Erin Jenkins, MD, ValluvanJeevanandam, MD, K. Reddy, MD, Carol Semrad, MD, University ofChicago, Chicago, IL, Creighton University, Omaha, NEP174. Colon and Ileum Intubation Times Are a Significant Component ofthe Time It Takes to Perform Retrograde Overtube-Assisted Enteroscopyand May Affect Procedure EfficiencyLuis Lara, MD, Andrew Ukleja, MD, Ferenando Castro, MD, FACG,Nicole Palekar, MD, Tolga Erim, DO, Alison Schneider, MD, RonniePimentel, MD, FACG, Brenda Jimenez, MD, Roger Charles, MD, FACG,Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston, FLP175. A 10-Year Evaluation of Jejunostomy Tube Indications,Complications, and Clinical Outcomes for Nutritional Support at a TertiaryUniversity HospitalChad Cooper, MD, MHA, Emmanuel Rodriguez, MD, Salman Otoukesh,MD, Sharareh Moraveji, MD, Evelin Eichler, MS, RD, Kristine DeMaio,BS, Chetna Pande, BS, Irene Sarosiek, MD, Brian Davis, MD, RichardMcCallum, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, Texas Tech University HealthSciences Center, El Paso, TX, University Medical Center, El Paso, TX,Texas Tech University Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, El Paso, TXP176. Celiac Disease: Education, Barriers to Care, DietaryRecommendations, and ScreeningRohit Chappidi, MD, Abdillahi Abdinoor, MD, Andelka LoSavio, MD,Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, ILP177. A Prospective Study of the Patency Capsule and Cross SectionalImaging in Diagnostic Management of Patients With Suspected or KnownIntestinal Strictures or ObstructionAnitha Yadav, MD, Amy Hara, MD, Russell Heigh, MD, SuryakanthGurudu, MD, Shabana Pasha, MD, Lucinda Harris, MD, LaurieRentz, RN, Jonathan Leighton, MD, Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic AZ,Scottsdale, AZP178. Celiac Disease Awareness Among Health Care Providers:Recognizing the Clinical Presentations of the Disease: Results of anAnonymous Online SurveyMohamed Sultan, MD, Caroline McCormick, MS, Aline Charabaty,MD, Gastroenterology, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital,Washington, DC, Georgetown University School of Medicine,Washington, DCP179. Carcinoid Tumors of the Gastrointestinal Tract and AssociatedCarcinoid Syndrome: A Population Based StudySteve Serrao, MD, MPH, Nishant Puri, MD, Nicole Shah, DO, LaurenGerson, MD, MSc, Christian Jackson, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine,Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, CA, CaliforniaPacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, VA Loma Linda HealthcareSystem, Loma Linda, CAP180. Celiac Disease Awareness Among Health Care Providers:Diagnosis and Nutritional and Metabolic Deficiencies: Results of anAnonymous Online SurveyCaroline McCormick, BA, Mohamed Sultan, MD, Aline Charabaty, MD,Georgetown University, Washington, DC, MedStar Georgetown Hospital,Washington, DCP181. The Glasgow-Blatchford Score as a Predictor of Length of HospitalStay for Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Prospective AnalysisAdarsh Thaker, MD, Joseph Feuerstein, MD, Neil Sengupta, MD,Gyanprakash Ketwaroo, MD, Daniel Leffler, MD, MS, Medicine, BethIsrael Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston,MAP182. The Cook-Out Crisis: Intestinal Perforation From an Ingested GrillCleaning Wirebrush BristlePranith Perera, MD, David Rahni, MD, Paul Akerman, MD,Gastroenterology, Brown University, Providence, RIP183. High Prevalence of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth inLactose Intolerance Patients: Is It a Chicken and Egg Situation?Lucio Lombardo, MD, Mariangela Schembri, MS, Tc, Antonella Giostra,DO, Mauriziano U.Ist, Gastroenterology Dpt, Turin, Italy, MaurizianoU.Ist H, Physics Dept., Turin, Italy, Poliambulatorio Statuto Santa Croce,Turin, ItalyP184. Clinical Predictors and Locations of Angioectasias on VideoCapsule Endoscopy (VCE) Done for the Evaluation of ObscureGastrointestinal Bleeding (OGIB)Wiley Truss, MD, MPH, Frederick Weber, MD, Arvind Tripathi, PhD,Shajan Peter, MD, UAB, Birmingham, ALP185. Impact of Inpatient Status on Diagnostic Yield and ClinicalOutcome of Video Capsule Endoscopy (VCE) in the Evaluation of ObscureGastrointestinal Bleeding (OGIB)Wiley Truss, MD, MPH, Arvind Tripathi, PhD, Frederick Weber, MD,Shajan Peter, MD, UAB, Birmingham, ALP186. Low Prevalence of Villous Atrophy (Marsh 3) in Duodenal BiopsiesFrom Americans of East Asian and Hispanic AncestryKevin Turner, DO, Benjamin Lebwohl, MD, Robert Genta, MD, FACG,Miraca Life Sciences Research Institute, Irving, TX, Celiac DiseaseCenter, Columbia University, New York, NYP187. Celiac Disease in Women With Infertility: A Meta-Analysis2014 ACG/Radhika Srinivasan Gender-Based Research Award2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardPrashant Singh, MBBS, Shubhangi Arora, MBBS, Tor Strand, PhD,Govind Makharia, DM, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA,All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, University ofBergen, Bergen, NorwayP188. Meta Analysis of Trials Comparing Standard Antiemetic Treatment(SAT) Versus Aprepitant Containing Anti-Emetic Regimens (ACAR) forPrevention of Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV)Neha Gupta, MD, Fahad Zubair, MD, Omar Al Ustwani, MD, HassanHatoum, MD, Pongwut Danchaivijitr, MD, Katy Wang, MA, Roberto Pili,MD, Internal Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo,NY, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NYPOSTERSSUNDAY47For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmSMALL INTESTINE/UNCLASSIFIED -CLINICAL VIGNETTESP189. A Case of Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis Initially Misdiagnosed asIdiopathic Intestinal AngioedemaVinay Patel, MD, Kunal Karia, MD, David Wan, MD, Weill CornellMedical College, New York, NYP190. Carcinoid Tumor: A Rare Cause of Recurrent Small BowelObstruction With Facial FlushingNegar Niknam, MD, Negin Niknam, MD, Izabella Yusupova, NP,Durga Maddineni, MD, Leelavathi Kasturi, MD, FACG, Henry Safier,MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai,Queens Hospital Center, Great Neck, NYP191. A Rare Case of Adult Autoimmune EnterpathySarah Lee, MD, Zibing Woodward, MD, Brian Fennerty, MD, OHSU,Portland, ORP192. Large Primary Jejunal Adenocarcinoma Presenting as BilateralOvarian Carcinomatosis: Not Always a Krukenberg TumorCharilaos Papafragkakis, MD, Kinesh Changela, MD, EmmanuelOfori, MD, Mel Ona, MD, Giashuddin Shah, MD, Sury Anand, MD,Mahesh Krishnaiah, MD, The Brooklyn Hospital Center Departmentof Gastroenterology, Brooklyn, NY, The Brooklyn Hospital CenterDepartment of Pathology, Brooklyn, NYP193. A Rare Cause of Gastrointestinal BleedingErica Turse, DO, John Turse, MD, University of Mississippi MedicalCenter, Jackson, MS, Medical Associates of Brevard, Melbourne, FLP194. Gluten Challenge Causes Exacerbation of Postural OrthostaticTachycardia Syndrome in a Patient With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: A CaseReportAndrew Mazulis, MD, Scott Siglin, MD, Timothy Laurie, DO, InternalMedicine, Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, ILP195. Peritoneal Tuberculosis: A Diagnostic ChallengeYana Cavanagh, MD, Mary Mathews, MD, Nihar Shah, MD, WalidBaddoura, MD, St. Josephs Regional Medical Center, Paterson, NJ,Seton Hall University School of Health and Sciences, South Orange, NJP196. Multiple Intussusceptions in an Anabolic Steroid AbuserYana Cavanagh, MD, Nhat Nguyen, MD, Allison Thomas, MS, WalidBaddoura, MD, Ashok Gupta, MD, St. Josephs Regional MedicalCenter, Paterson, NJ, Seton Hall University School of Health andSciences, South Orange, NJP197. An Unusual Case of a Small Bowel ObstructionEmily Tommolino, MD, Serge Sorser, MD, FACG, Roberto Gamarra, MD,FACG, Providence Hospital, Southfield, MIP198. Favorable Outcome With Teduglutide Treatment of a Young WomanWith Long-Standing Intestinal Failure/Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) WithNo Remaining Central Venous AccessMohammad Jami, MD, Russell Merritt, MD, PhD, Kim Rinauro, NP,Claudia Cox, BSN, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CAP199. An Unusual Case Presenting With Acid-Related DiseaseHuijun Shu, MD, Wuying Cheng, MD, Jie Shi, MD, Jiaming Qian, MD,Gastroenterology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing,China, Nuclear Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Beijing, China, Pathology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Beijing, ChinaP200. A Rare Cause of Abdominal Pain, Nausea, and Vomiting: AWindsock DiverticulumJason Rubinov, MD, Dovid Moradi, MD, Andrew Korman, MD, JosephKim, MD, FACG, David Carr-Locke, MD, FACG, Mount Sinai Beth Israel,New York, NYP201. A Case of Superior Mesenteric Artery SyndromeAhmad Awan, MBBS, Audrey Pintcke, DO, Jacob Feagens, MD, FACG,Hattiesburg Clinic, Hatiitesburg, MSP202. Small Intestine DiverticulitisShamim Ejaz, MD, MPH, Mehnaz Shafi, MD, FACG, John Stroehlein,MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, UT MDAnderson Cancer Center, Houston, TXP203. A Rare Complication of Peptic Ulcer Disease: SpontaneousCholedochoduodenal FistulaChing-Ho Huang, MD, Ali Ahmed, MD, David Lee, MD, EvanGrossman, MD, Suny Downstate, Brooklyn, NYP204. Celiac Crisis as a First Presentation of Celiac Disease: A Life-Threatening SyndromeMarvin Lopez, MD, Eduardo Rodriguez, MD, Maria Perez, MD, DanielSussman, MD, MSPH, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine,Miami, FL, JFK Medical Center, Atlantis, FLP205. Peritoneal Blastomycosis Mimicking Pseudo-CarcinomatosisAaysha Kapila, MD, Atul Khanna, MD, Rishika Motiani, MD, Amit Kalra,MD, Jonnathan Moorman, MD, James Myers, MD, Mark Young, MD,East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TNP206. Incidental Discovery of Hidden Carcinoid in a Meckel’sDiverticulumAaysha Kapila, MD, Pranav Patel, MD, Patrick Costello, MD, MarkYoung, MD, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TNP207. Atypical Manifestation of Whipple’s DiseaseTossapol Kerdsirichairat, MD, Paul Dambowy, MD, Saleh Elwir, MD,Jessica Thueringer, MD, Sarah Yamaguchi, MD, Chris Shepela, MD,University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MNP208. Mendelian Susceptibility to Mycobacterial Disease PresentingWith CholecystitisTossapol Kerdsirichairat, MD, Martin Freeman, MD, FACG, University ofMinnesota, Minneapolis, MNP209. Recurrent Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Rare Presentation ofIntestinal LymphangiomatosisKunut Kijsirichareanchai, MD, Alexander Hewlett, DO, University ofNebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NEP210. Lupus Enteritis as the Initial Presentation of Systemic LupusErythematosusDhyan Rajan, MD, Rabab Hajar, MD, Christopher Tan, MD, HuafengShen, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Kaleem Rizvon, MD, Paul Mustacchia,MD, Nassau University Medical Center, East Meadow, NY, University ofSouth Florida, Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FLP211. Severe Hemorrhagic Enterocolitis Caused by CytomegalovirusJuveria Abdullah, MD, Amit Desai, MD, David Wan, MD, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NYP212. Olmesartan-Associated Spruelike EnteropathyJustin Hartke, MD, Arushi DeFonseka, MD, Anne Tuskey, MD, BrianBehm, MD, University of Virginia Health Systems, Charlottesville, VAP213. Jejunal Variceal Bleeding in an Undiagnosed Cirrhotic: Detectedon Capsule Endoscopy and Treated With EmbolizationMuhammad Mansoor, MD, Tarun Rustagi, MD, Department of InternalMedicine, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT, Section ofDigestive Diseases, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CTP214. Whipple’s Disease: A Rheumatoid MasqueraderFnu Sanna, MD, Simranjit Singh, MD, Davendra Ramkumar, MD,FACG, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, ILP215. A Case of Asymptomatic Culture Positive Human Simplex VirusDuodenitis Treated With AcyclovirBrett Sadowski, MD, Vito Cirigliano, DO, John Betteridge, MD, FACG,Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MDP216. Recurrent Enterocutaneous Fistula in the Setting of IncisionalVentral Hernia Mesh RepairKarthik Penumetsa, MD, Ikenna Anaka, MD, Swapna Gayam, MD,Digestive Diseases, West Virginia School of Medicine, Morgantown, WVP217. A Rare Case of Gastrointestinal Bleeding Due to Primary IntestinalMelanomaAshish Zalawadia, MD, Yousuf Siddiqui, MD, Henry Ford Hospital,Detroit, MIP218. A Parasitic JourneyVinay Yalamanchi, DO, Wallace Wang, MD, Moshe Rubin, MD, FACG,Ellen Gutkin, DO, FACG, Internal Medicine, New York Hospital ofQueens, New York, NYFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.48

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP219. Keep an Eye Out for Those Eosinophils: A Case of StrongyloidesDuodenitis in an HIV/AIDS PatientWasseem Skef, MD, Asim Shuja, MD, Ahmad Usmani, MD, HirshTrivedi, MD, Angel Gonzalez, MD, FACG, St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center,Brighton, MAP220. Resolution of Mesenteric Panniculitis in a Patient With VibrioCholera: A Case ReportGrigory Roginsky, MD, Andrew Mazulis, MD, Jacob Ecanow, MD,Eli Ehrenpreis, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, NorthShore UniversityHealthSystem, Evanston, IL, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, ParkRidge, ILP221. Small Bowel Obstruction: A Novel Complication of SuperiorMesenteric Vein ThrombosisPratap Singh, MD, Ankur Varma, MD, MPH, ModushudanBhattacharjee, MD, Internal Medicine, University of Texas HealthScience Center at Houston, Houston, TXP222. Bleeding Reactive Amyloidotic Duodenal Tumor in MultipleMyeloma, Precipitated by Factor Xa Inhibitor: A Pitfall in the Choice ofAnticoagulation in AmyloidosisEliezer Weiss, MD, Rajesh Ramachandran, MD, Cherif El Younis, MD,SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, Brookdale UniversityHospital and Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYP223. Massive Upper GI Bleeding Due to Pseudoaneurysm of RightGastroepiploic Artery in Chronic Pancreatitis: A Rare PresentationSherry Levio, MD, Prathab Devaraj, MD, Srinivasan Ganesan, MD,WVU, Morgantown, WVLIVERP224. Hepatitis C Genotype 1 Cured With 4 Weeks of PegylatedInterferon, Ribavirin, and SofosbuvirMasud Habibullah, MD, Ari Bunim, MD, Moshe Rubin, MD, FACG,New York Hospital Queens, Flushing, NYP225. Effectiveness of Modafinil on Fatigue in Chronic Hepatitis CJehangir Ansari, MD, Padmini Krishnamurthy, MD, Internal Medicine,Wright State University, Beavercreek, OH, Dayton VA Medical Center,Dayton, OHP226. The Yemeni Liver’s Curse – Dilemmas and ChallengesHamed Omer Alkaff, MD, Sanaa University, Sanaa, YemenP227. Fecal Calprotectin Level in Decompensated Liver CirrhosisPatients With Hepatic EncephalopathyFauzi Rahman, MD, Cut Srijuita, MD, Azzaki Abubakar, MD,Gastroenterohepatology, Zainoel Abidin Hospital, Banda Aceh,IndonesiaP228. Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy With Concomitant HepatitisC Virus InfectionTilahun Belay, MD, MPH, Hailegiorgis Woldegiorgis, MD, Yaser Rayyan,MD, FACG, Todd Gress, MD, MPH, Internal Medicine, MarshallUniversity, Huntington, WVP229. Effect of Ribavirin on the Safety Profile of Daclatasvir + Sofosbuvirfor Patients With Chronic HCV Infection2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardMark Sulkowski, MD, David Gardiner, MD, Eric Hughes, MD, PhD,Shu-Pang Huang, PhD, Dennis Grasela, PharmD, PhD, Johns HopkinsUniversity, Baltimore, MD, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJP230. Prevalence of Fatty Liver Disease Post Liver Transplantation andIts Relationship to Cardiovascular EventsMaggie Samaan, MD, Mina Shaker, MD, Danny Issa, MD, MazenAlbeldawi, MD, Rocio Lopez, MS, Mohamed Yaseen Alsabbagh, MD,Nizar Zein, MD, Naim Alkhouri, MD, Department of Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, Department ofInternal Medicine, Fairview Hospital, Clevlenad Clinic, Cleveland, OH,Department of Quantitative Sciences, Cleveland, Clinic, Cleveland, OHP231. The Effect of Renal Impairment on Single-DosePharmacokinetics of Daclatasvir, an HCV NS5A InhibitorTushar Garimella, PhD, Reena Wang, MD, Wen-Lin Luo, PhD,Carey Hwang, MD, PhD, Diane Sherman, BSN, Hamza Kandoussi,MDS, Thomas Marbury, MD, Harry Alcorn, Pharm D, RichardBertz, PhD, Marc Bifano, MSC, Bristol-Myers Squibb Research andDevelopment, Princeton, NJ, Orlando Clinical Research Center,Orlando, FL, DaVita Clinical Research, Minneapolis, MNP232. IL-8 Is an Important Contributor to Both the Progression ofSystematic Inflammation and Increasing Severity of Non-AlcoholicFatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)Aybike Birerdinc, PhD, Maria Keaton, MS, Katherine Doyle, PhDCandidate, Zahra Younoszai, BS, Lei Wang, PhD Candidate, ZacharyGoodman, MD, Ancha Baranova, PhD, Zobair Younossi, MD, FACG,Betty and Guy Beatty Center for Integrated Research, Inova HealthSystem, Falls Church, VA, 2Center for the Study of Genomics in LiverDiseases, Molecular and Microbiology Department, George MasonUniversity, Fairfax, VA, Center for Liver Diseases, Department ofMedicine, Inova Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church, VAP233. Gastric Bypass Surgery Impacts Cardiac and Liver Outcomes WithBetter Survival in Patients With Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseasePaul Fitzmorris, MD, Mohamed Shoreibah, MD, Yong-Fang Kuo,PhD, Joseph Bloomer, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD, Internal Medicine,University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, University ofTexas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston, TXP234. A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review Comparing Losartan andPropranolol in Lowering Portal Hypertension in CirrhosisMubarak Sayyar, MD, Tarek Sawas, MD, Won Cho, MD, FACG,Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DCP235. Early Post-Operative Use of Ursodeoxycholic Acid Does NotPrevent Biliary Complications After Orthotopic Liver TransplantationMark Pedersen, MD, Bobby Kakati, MD, Myunghan Choi, PhD,MPH, Anil Seetharam, MD, Internal Medicine Resident, Banner GoodSamaritan Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ, Gastroenterology Fellow,Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ, Transplantand Advanced Liver Disease at Banner Good Samaritan Liver Center,Phoenix, AZ, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix, AZP236. Patients With Stage 3 Fibrosis Need Different and Less FrequentSurveillance Compared to Stage 4 FibrosisShabnam Sarker, MD, Mohamed Shoreibah, MD, SandhayaMudumbi, MD, Euriko Torrazza Perez, MD, Yong-Fang Kuo, PhD,Brendan McGuire, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD, University of Alabama,Birmingham, AL, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston,Galveston, TXP237. Differential Expression of Microrna in Non-Tumoral LiverTissue of Patients With Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Chirrhosis andHapataocellular CancerRaj Vuppalanchi, MD, Tiebing Liang, PhD, Vishal Sarasani, MS,Sarath Janga, PhD, Janaiah Kota, PhD, Naga Chalasani, MD, IndianaUniversity School of Medicine, Indianapolis, INP238. Do Patients With Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Get Treated for TheirHyperlipidemia?Maryam Gondal, MD, Craig Lammert, MD, Marwan Ghabril, MD, RajVuppalanchi, MD, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis,INP239. Renal Function and Acute Kidney Injury in Orthotopic LiverTransplant: A Prospective StudyKirk Russ, MD, Donny Kakati, MD, Yong-Fang Kuo, PhD, AshwaniSingal, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, UAB, Birmingham, AL,Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, UAB, Birmingham, AL,Division of Biostatistics, Department of Preventative Medicine, UTMB,Galveston, TXP240. Assessment of Nutrition at Presentation in Patients With AlcoholicLiver Disease and Its Correlation With Mortality at 6 Months Using a New“ABCD” ScaleAjay Jain, MD, DM, DNB, Suchita Jain, MD, Pratibha Sharma, MSc,Shohini Sikdar, MD, DNB, Mayank Jain, MD, DNB, ChoiChoiChoithramHospital and Research Centre, Indore, IndiaPOSTERSSUNDAY49For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP241. Homeostasis of Iron and Hepcidin in Erythropoietic Protoporphyriaand X-Linked ProtoporphyriaKrista Bossi, MS, Jingyun Lee, PhD, Paul Schmeltzer, MD, GaleGroseclose, RN, Siddesh Besur, MD, Sunil Hwang, PhD, HerbertBonkovsky, MD, FACG, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NCP242. A Novel Method for Measuring Skeletal Muscle Mass in LiverCirrhosis Using Adobe PhotoshopPavan Mankal, MD, MA, Priya Simoes, MD, MBBS, Ahmad Hakimzada,MD, Imad Asaad, MD, Adel Asaad, MD, Donald Kotler, MD, FACG,Department of Medicine, Mount Sinai St. Lukes Roosevelt HospitalCenter, New York, NYP243. Logistic Issues in the Treatment of HCV Patients With the New AllOral DAA AgentsKenda Al-Assi, Farhan Arif, MD, Melissa Horton, BS, Deborah Baker,LVN, Cheryl Levine, PhD, Dana Al-Assi, Reem Ghalib, MD, TexasClinical Research Institute, Arlington, TX, Texas Digestive DiseaseConsultants, Arliington, TX, Texas Health Physician Group, Arlington, TXP244. Sofosbuvir Based Therapy for Hepatitis C After LiverTransplantationAlexander Weick, MD, Khalid George, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD,Dilip Moonka, MD, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MIP245. Endoscopic Cyanoacrylate Is a Useful Therapy in Gastric Varicesbut Early Rebleed Can Be a ThreatShahid Karim, MD, MACG, Wasim Jafri, MD, FACG, Afsheen Faryal,MD, Mohammad Arsalan Siddiqui, MD, Adil Memon, MD, RabeeaMirza, MD, Samrah Zaigham, MD, Saeed Hamid, MD, FACG, LiaquateNational Hospital and Medical College, Karachi, Pakistan, Agha KhanUnivercity Hospital, Karachi, PakistanP246. Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis: Role of Inflammation and OxidativeStressCharoen Mankongpaisarnrung, MD, Sangyi Park, MS, Jan Simoni,PharmD, Sharma Prabhakar, MD, Texas Tech University HealthSciences Center (TTUHSC), Lubbock, TXP247. Movement Disorders in Hereditary Hemochromatosis: Case SeriesKarthik Ragunathan, MD, Arthi Vamsi, MBBS, Sonu Dhillon, MD,University of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria, Peoria, IL, OSF St.Francis Medical Center, Peoria, ILP248. Results of Simeprevir and Sofosbuvir Combination Therapy inHCV Genotype 1 Patients Who Have Failed Prior DAA: A Clinical PracticeExperienceDana Al-Assi, Farhan Arif, MD, Melissa Horton, BS, Deborah Baker,LVN, Cheryl Levine, PhD, Kenda Al-Assi, Reem Ghalib, MD, TexasClinical Research Institute, Arlington, TX, Texas Digestive DiseaseConsultants, Arlington, TX, Texas Health Physician Group, Arlington, TXP249. Vitamin D Levels Are Not Correlated With Hepatitis C RNA LevelsSumeet Munjal, MD, Jeong-hee Ku, MD, Cheng Cheng, MD, SandhyaShukla, MD, Rositsa Dimova, PhD, Jeena Yoo, MD, Craig Keller, MD,Sunkanmi Ajewole, MD, Thomas Mahl, MD, Department of Medicine,University at Buffalo and VA Western New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY,Department of Biostatistics, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NYP250. Zieve’s Syndrome: Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia AssociatedWith Alcoholic Liver Disease and HyperlipidemiaCrystale Cruz, MS, DO, John Bassett, MD, FACG, Dawn Torres, MD,FACG, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MDP251. Caroli’s Disease: An Unusual PresentationJoseph Salhab, DO, Saras Sharma, DO, Farhan Israr, DO, MichaelValladares, DO, Javier Sobrado, MD, Larkin Community Hospital,Miami, FLP252. Real Life Experience of Hepatitis C Treatment With a Combinationof Sofosbuvir and SimeprevirTavankit Singh, MD, Gurshawn Singh, MD, Mina Shaker, MD, IbrahimHanouneh, MD, Nizar Zein, MD, Naim Alkhouri, MD, Cleveland ClinicFoundation, Cleveland, OHP253. Salvage Plasmapheresis for Small-for-Size Syndrome FollowingHepatic Resection for Hepatocellular CarcinomaCynthia Quainoo, MD, Cynthia Victor, DO, Ayse Aytaman, MD, FACG,GI, SUNY Downstate, Brooklyn, NY, VA NY Harbor Health Care System,Brooklyn, NYP254. The Impact of Peri-Discharge Interventions on 30-dayReadmission and 90-day Mortality Rates for Patients Admitted WithHepatic EncephalopathyRoland Li, MD, Ann Tierney, MS, Rotonya Carr, MD, Department ofMedicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Department ofBiostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,PA, Gastroenterology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PAP255. Birth Cohort Screening for Hepatitis C: A Comparative Analysis inForeign-born Versus U.S.-born Baby Boomers2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardKenechukwu Chudy-Onwugaje, MD, MPH, Stanley Yakubov, MD,Jack Husney, MD, Daniel Benasher, MD, Chukwudi Obiagwu, MD,Steven Shamah, MD, Kelly Teagle, DO, Amala Talasila, MD, Ira Mayer,MD, FACG, Yuriy Tsirlin, MD, FACG, James Park, MD, FACG, RabinRahmani, MD, FACG, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY,Department of Gastroenterology, New York University, New York, NYP256. Predictors of Mortality in Cirrhotic Inpatients With C. difficileInfectionElliot Smith, MD, Patrick Northup, MD, Curtis Argo, MD, MS, Universityof Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, VAP257. Treatment of Chronic HCV With Sofosbuvir (SOF) and Simeprevir(SMV) in Patients With Cirrhosis and Contraindications to Peginterferon(PEGINF) and Ribavirin (RBV)Mitchell Shiffman, MD, FACG, Amy James, NP, April Long, NP, PhilipAlexander, NP, Liver Institute of Virginia, Bon Secours Health System,Richmond, VA, Liver Instiutute of Virgnia, Bon Secours Health System,Newport News, VAP258. Safety Comparison of 12- and 24-Week Treatments inHCVGenotype 1-Infected Patients With Cirrhosis: Results From Turquoise-IINancy Reau, MD, Paul Kwo, MD, Michael Bennett, MD, HeinerWedemeyer, MD, Xavier Forns, MD, PhD, Antonio Craxi, MD, StefanBourgeois, MD, Stephen Ryder, MD, Dominique Larrey, MD, DavidMutimer, MD, Sandra Lovell, PhD, Manal Abunimeh, BSN, MarcosPedrosa, MD, PhD, Roger Trinh, MD, MPH, University of ChicagoMedical Center, Chicago, IL, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN,Medical Associates Research Group, San Diego, CA, MedizinischeHochschule Hannover, Hannover, Germany, Liver Unit, HospitalClinic, IDIBAPS, CIBEREHD, Barcelona, Spain, A.O.U Policlinico “P.Giaccone” Dip. Di Gastroenterologia ed Epatologia D.B.M.I.S., Palermo,Italy, ZNA Stuivenberg, Antwerpen, Belgium, Nottingham DigestiveDiseases Centre and Biomedical Research Unit, Nottingham, UnitedKingdom, CHU de Montpellier, Hopital Saint Eloi, Montpellier, France,Queen Elizabeth Hospital and NIHR Liver Biomedical Research Unit,Birmingham, United Kingdom, AbbVie, Inc., North Chicago, ILP259. Chronic Narcotic Use Before and After Liver TransplantationIncreases Three Year Mortality and Has Deleterious Effects on the Rate ofRejection, Rehospitalization and One Year MortalityMina Pirzadeh, MD, Amir Prushani, MD, Allen Yudovich, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD, Internal Medicine, Boston Medical Center,Boston, MA, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MIP260. Early Kidney Dysfunction After Liver Transplantation Is AssociatedWith Reduced Graft and Patient SurvivalRahima Bhanji, MD, Mang Ma, MD, Vincent Bain, MD, Aldo Montano-Loza, MD, MSc, PhD, Gastroenterology and Liver Unit, University ofAlberta, Edmonton, AB, CanadaP261. Resuscitation Strategies for Cirrhotic Patients With Septic ShockKevin Davidson, MD, Carlos Girod, MD, University of TexasSouthwestern, Dallas, TXP262. Plasma Transfusion in Cirrhotic Patients Undergoing Hernia RepairJustin Hartke, MD, Claire Meyer, MD, Stephen Caldwell, MD, NeeralShah, MD, University of Virginia, Department of Gastroenterology,Charlottesville, VA, Washington University, St. Louis, MOP263. Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency and the Risk of HepatocellularCarcinoma in Patients With End-Stage Liver DiseaseClara Antoury, MD, Rocio Lopez, MS, MPH, Nizar Zein, MD, JamesStoller, MD, Naim Alkhouri, MD, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.50

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP264. Evaluating the Effect of Tenofovir and Other Factors on theProgression of Acute Hepatitis B InfectionTrushar Patel, MD, Mohamad Mouchli, MD, University of Kentucky,Lexington, KYP265. Sitagliptin: A Rare Cause of Drug Induced Liver InjuryMuhammad Shafqet, MD, B.Gabriel Smolarz, MD, MS, InternalMedicine, Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, NewBrunswick, NJP266. Unsedated Peroral Thin Scope Endoscopy for Screening ofEsophageal Varices in Endoscopy-Naïve Child-Pugh A CirrhoticsAndrew Flynn, MD, PhD, Stephen Congly, MD, Robert Myers, MD,Kelly Burak, MD, Alex Aspinall, MD, PhD, Jack Pang, BSc, SamuelLee, MD, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, CanadaP267. Peripheral Cytopenias in Hospitalized CirrhoticsBrett Sklaw, MD, Eric Kraut, MD, Gastroenterology, Hepatology,and Nutrition, Wexner Medical Center at the Ohio State University,Columbus, OHP268. The Role of LPS-TLR4 Pathway on Hepatic Fibrogenesis inChronic Ethanol-Fed RatsYongfang Liu, MD, Zhenzhen Tian, MD, Min Li, MD, Ming Xiu, MD,Runping Gao, MD, PhD, Dept. of Hepatic Biliary Pancreatic Medicine,First Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun, ChinaP269. Multivariate Analysis of the Development of HepatocellularCarcinoma Under Long-term Nucleos(T)Ide Analog TherapyErli Gu, MD, Hong Wang, MD, Yanyan Ji, MD, Wenhong Zhang, MD,PhD, Jing’an Central Hospital, Shanghai, China, Shanghai, ChinaP270. Frequency of Cardiac Events and Impact on Survival Among LiverTransplant Recipients for Steatohepatitis Related CirrhosisNicholas Piazza, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD, University of Alabama atBirmingham, Birmingham, ALP271. A Curious Case of a Rapid Resolution of Acute Tubular NecrosisAfter Portal Vein Decompression in a Cirrhotic Patient With UnderlyingHepatorenal Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature ReviewManeerat Chayanupatkul, MD, Rapeepat Lekkham, MD, Eric Bloom,MD, Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PAP272. Protocol for Coronary Artery Disease Screening Among OrthotopicLiver Transplant CandidatesBryan Lee, MD, Feng Li, MD, Scott Lilly, MD, PhD, A. James Hanje,MD, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OHP273. MRSA Liver Abscess Associated With Very High CA 19-9 LevelsMuhammad Sohaib, MD, Mohamed Hegazi, MD, Dawn Calderon, DO,Jesey Shore University Medical Center, Neptune, NJP274. Factors Associated With a Better Outcome in Portal HypertensiveBleeding Secondary Prophylaxis With Band LigationEduardo Rodrigues-Pinto, MD, Helder Cardoso, MD, Rui Morais, MD,João Santos-Antunes, MD, Andreia Albuquerque, MD, Filipe Vilas-Boas, MD, Susana Rodrigues, MD, Armando Ribeiro, MD, MargaridaMarques, MD, Regina Gonçalves, MD, Guilherme Macedo, MD, PhD,FACG, Gastroenterology, Centro Hospitalar São João, Porto, PortugalP275. Iatrogenic Superior Mesenteric Arterio-Venous Fistula as anUnusual Cause of Refractory Ascites: A Case ReportJager Jasem, MD, MPH, Jean Park, MD, Gabriel Lockhart, MD, A.James Hanje, MD, Department of Internal Medicine at The OhioState University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH, Divisionof Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition at The Ohio StateUniversity Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP276. Does the Use of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) forHIV Improve the Viral Load for Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C?Akeem Adebogun, MD, MPH, Nana Osafo, MSc, Victor Clarke, MS,Adeyinka Laiyemo, MD, MPH, Andrew Sanderson, MD, Division ofGastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Howard University Hospital,Washington, DC, Department of Medicine, Howard University Hospital,Washington, DC, Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinicaland Translational Science, Washington, DC, Innovation Center forBiomedical Informatics (ICBI), Georgetown University Medical Center,Washington, DC51P277. Liver Transplant: Cure for Caroli’s SyndromeTrushar Patel, MD, Jeremy Cumberledge, MD, University ofKentucky, Lexington, KYP278. Fatigue and Itch Are Associated With Less BiochemicalResponse in Treated Autoimmune HepatitisSarah Perryman, MD, Gouri Sreepati, MD, Naga Chalasani, MD,FACG, Craig Lammert, MD, Indiana University, Indianapolis, INP279. Negative Anti-Mitochondrial Antibodies in Patients WithPrimary Biliary Cirrhosis: Experience at a Tertiary Hospital Care inMexico CityElizabeth Buganza, MD, Armando Alonso, MD, Gastroenterology,Hospital 20 de Noviembre ISSSTE, Distrito Federal, MexicoP280. First Case of Fatal Renal and Fulminant Hepatic Failure FromMuscle Building SupplementsSushma Venugopal, MD, James Park, MD, FACG, Prasun Shah, MD,Ira Mayer, MD, FACG, Rabin Rahmani, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology,Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYP281. Non-Uremic Calciphylaxis in a Patient With NASH CirrhosisJohnathon Markus, MD, Vivian Ebrahim, MD, Homer Wiland, MD,Carlos Romero-Marrero, MD, FACG, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP282. Fear of a Liver Biopsy Is the Primary Barrier Leading to Disparitiesin the Treatment and Outcomes of Hepatitis C in Somali Patients inMinnesotaEsther Connor, MD, Albert Ndzengue, MD, Nasra Giama, RN, DNP,Jeremiah Menk, MS, Saleh Elwir, MD, Lewis Roberts, MB, ChB, PhD,Mohamed Hassan, MD, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNLIVER - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP283. Pinpointing the Culprit in Drug Induced Liver Injury: A ClinicalVignette of Mixed Hepatotoxicity With Amoxicillin ClavulanateCarl Chotas, MS, Rezwan Ahmed, MD, Larry Dial, MD, MarshallUniversity Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Huntington, WVP284. Pegylated Interferon-Induced Cardiomyopathy: A Rare Presentationin a Patient Treated for Hepatitis CApril Elam, MD, MS, Erica Isom, MD, Punita Kaveti, MD, Kelly Schrapp,MD, Marvin Crawford, MD, Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, GAP285. Onset of Celiac Disease in a Patient Associated With Treatment ofChronic Hepatitis C Using Interferon-Based Triple TherapyAmandeep Singh, MD, Nayere Zaeri, MD, Immanuel Ho, MD, FACG,Crozer Chester Medical Center, Upland, PAP286. A “Q”uizzical Cause of Abnormal LFTsKatherine Chen, BS, Margaret Adamcewicz, DO, Donald Tsynman,MD, Christine Granato, MD, Erik Olson, DO, Ashok Shah, MD, MACG,Benedict Maliakkal, MD, Gastroenterology, University of RochesterMedical Center, Rochester, NYP287. Autoimmune Hepatitis Complicated by Newly Found PregnancyBret Stysly, MD, MPH, Tarun Kukkadapu, MBBS, Joshua Mansour, MD,Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GAP288. The Path of Least Resistance: A Rare Case of EnterocutaneousFistula (ECF) Due to Pressure From Massive Polycystic LiverMark Pedersen, MD, Aparna Basnet, MD, Bobby Kakati, MD, SaraStimsonRiahi, MD, Anil Seetharam, MD, Internal Medicine Resident,Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ, GastroenterologyFellow, Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ, InternalMedicine Faculty, Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, Phoenix,AZ, Transplant Center and Advanced Liver Diseases, Banner GoodSamaritan Medical Center, Phoenix, AZP289. A Case of Zieve’s SyndromeChukwuemeka Ezeoke, MD, Giao Vuong, MD, James Ampadu, MD,Christine Hachem, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, Saint Louis UniversitySchool of Medicine, St. Louis, MOP290. TPN Associated Liver Toxicity in Patient With Mixed ConnectiveTissue DiseaseDiana Whitehead, MD, Amreen Dinani, MD, FACG, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NHFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.POSTERSSUNDAY

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP291. Unusual Liver Tumor in a Patient With Chronic Hepatitis CShaina Lynch, DO, University of Connecticut, Farmington, CTP292. Cholestasis in AIDS: A Case of Disseminated Mycobacteriumavium ComplexNikhil Kapila, MD, Kunal Kapila, MD, Jonathan Wilmot, MD, InternalMedicine, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT,Goverment Medical College, Patiala, India, University of ConnecticutHealth Center-Department of Gastroenterology/Hepatology, Farmington,CTP293. Levofloxacin as a Cause of Vanishing Bile Duct SyndromeKatherine Shaffer, MD, Ram Subramanian, MD, Internal Medicine,Emory University, Atlanta, GAP294. Diagnostic Challenges in the Evaluation of Abnormal LiverFunction Test: Is it Celiac or Celiac-like Disease?Tariq Hammad, MD, Yaseen Alastal, MD, Muhammad Ali Khan, MD,Osama Alaradi, MD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG, University of Toledo,Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Toledo,OHP295. An Unusual Case of Hepatitis: Herpes HepatitisBhavtosh Dedania, MBBS, Rahul Mutneja, MBBS, Mamta Shah,MBBS, Deepika Devuni, MBBS, University of Connecticut HealthCenter, Farmington, CTP296. Blue Cell Tumor of LiverBhavtosh Dedania, MBBS, Shounak Majumder, MBBS, Murali Dharan,MD, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT, SaintFrancis Hospital, Hartford, CTP297. Hepatic Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma: A Rare Cause ofAcute Liver FailureDanny Avalos, MD, Yanelba Toribio, MD, Julio Gutierrez, MD, Universityof Miami Regional Campus, Atlantis, FL, University of Miami/JacksonMemorial Hospital, Miami, FLP298. It Ain’t Always the Liver: An Unusual Case of Variceal BleedingTarik Alhmoud, MD, Joe Alcorn, MD, University of New Mexico,Albuquerque, NMP299. Sickle Cell Intrahepatic Cholestasis: A Case ReportManav Sharma, MD, Simranjit Singh, MD, Internal Medicine, Universityof Illinois College of Medcine at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, ILP300. Hepatocellular Carcinoma Secondary to Metabolic Syndrome: AMorbid Association of ConcernDovid Moradi, MD, Alfred Burger, MD, Faraj Faour, MD, Mount SinaiBeth Israel, New York, NYP301. Case of Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma (Klatskin’s Tumor) in a PatientWith Hepatitis C CirrhosisAnand Kumar, MD, Shravan Kooragayalu, MD, Paul Gaglio, MD,Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NYP302. Perplexing Pattern of Liver Tests in a Patient With CongestiveHeart FailureAnand Kumar, MD, Vivek Reddy Garlapati, MD, Shilpa Jain, MD, HilaryHertan, MD, FACG, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NYP303. Gas Forming Infection of the SpleenCharles Maltz, MD, PhD, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NYP304. Acute Liver Injury of Rare Etiology: HemophagocyticLymphohistiocytosisAmit Mori, MD, Dipendra Chaudhry, MD, Transplant Hepatology,Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC, Wake Forest School ofMedicine, Winston-Salem, NCP305. Treatment of Duodenal Variceal Hemorrhage With EndoscopicBand LigationTripti Chopade, MD, Dina Halegoua-De Marzio, MD, Ali Siddiqui, MD,Jesse Civan, MD, Jonathan Fenkel, MD, Department of Medicine,Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Thomas JeffersonUniversity, Philadelphia, PAP306. Overlap Between Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) and PrimarySclerosing Cholangitis (PSC): A Rare CoexistenceAshraf Almashhrawi, MD, MSc, Mohamad Yousef, MD, KhuloodAhmed, MD, Harleen Chela, MD, Ghassan Hammoud, MD, MPH,Gastroenterology, University of Missouri, Columbia, MOFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.52P307. Wandering Liver in a 60-Year-Old: Diagnosis and Significance2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardAnnu Gupta, MD, TS Dharmarajan, MD, Montefiore Medical Center,Bronx, NYP308. A Rare Case of Peliosis Hepatis in a Young Female With End StageRenal Disease on Chronic HemodialysisVivek Reddy Garlapati, MD, Annu Gupta, MD, Hilary Hertan, MD,Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Montefiore Medical Center-WakefieldCampus, Bronx, NYP309. A Case of Multiple Myeloma: Rare Presentation as AscitesAnnu Gupta, MD, Srinivas Guptha Gunturu, MD, Hilary Hertan, MD,Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NYP310. De novo Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) Post LiverTransplantation for Alcoholic Cirrhosis2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardShiva Kumar, MD, FACG, Liver Transplant Program, Aurora St. Luke’sMedical Center, Milwaukee, WIP311. Oral Contraceptive-Induced Hepatic Sinusoidal DilatationShiva Kumar, MD, FACG, Liver Transplant Program, Aurora St. Luke’sMedical Center, Milwaukee, WIP312. Complete Regression of Locally Advanced HepatocellularCarcinoma (HCC) Following Sorafenib MonotherapyShiva Kumar, MD, FACG, Liver Transplant Program, Aurora St. Luke’sMedical Center, Milwaukee, WIP313. The Successful Use of Eltrombopag in the Treatment ofThrombocytopenia in Two Patients With Recurrent Hepatitis C After LiverTransplantationTavankit Singh, MD, Gurshawn Singh, MD, Bijan Eghtesad, MD, NaimAlkhouri, MD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OHP314. Pituitary Tumor as the Initial Presentation of HepatocellularCarcinomaYana Cavanagh, MD, Nihar Shah, MD, Hamid Shaaban, MD, AllisonThomas, MS, Walid Baddoura, MD, Sohail Shaikh, MD, St. JosephsRegional Medical Center, Paterson, NJ, Seton Hall University School ofHealth and Sciences, South Orange, NJP315. Acute Sickle Hepatic Crisis After Liver Transplantation in a PatientWith Hb SC DiseaseJeffrey Gillis, DO, Nader Dbouk, MD, FACG, Laxmi Parsa, MD, SanjayaSatapathy, MD, FACG, University of Tennessee Health Science Center,Memphis, TNP316. An Uncommon Cause of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in a Post-Liver Transplant Patient: Hepatic Arteriojejunal FistulaEmilie Regner, MD, Stuart Amateau, MD, PhD, Lisa Forman, MD,Internal Medicine, University of Colorado, Denver CO, COP317. Testicular Acute Hepatitis B-Related Polyarteritis NodosaEmely Eid, MD, Juan Blum Guzman, MD, GI, UF Health Jacksonville,Jacksonville, FLP318. Hydrogen Peroxide Resulting in Portal Venous AirIgor Naryzhny, DO, Manali Patel, MD, Mani Mahdavian, MD, FACG,Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, ILP319. Balloon-Occluded Retrograde Transvenous Obliteration (BRTO) forthe Treatment of Refractory Hepatic EncephalopathyLisa Waller, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD, Amir Prushani, MD,Scott Schwartz, MD, Dilip Moonka, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology andHepatology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, Interventional Radiology,Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MIP320. Different Faces of Hepatotoxicity in Patients With MetastaticMelanoma on Combination Vemurafenib and Ipilimumab TherapyPriya Simoes, MD, Jedd Wolchok, MD, Paul Chapman, MD, MayaGambarin- Gelwan, MD, FACG, Department of Medicine, Mount SinaiSt. Lukes Roosevelt Hospital Center, New York, NY, Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NYP321. “Black Ant”-Induced Autoimmune HepatitisPhoenix Fung, MD, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP322. Cryoglobulinemic Vasculitis Occurring With Initiation of Interferonand Sofosbuvir for Treatment of Hepatitis CTanima Jana, MD, Sanah Ali, MD, Shivang Mehta, MD, Sarah Sweeney,MD, Richard Jahan-Tigh, MD, Kevin Dasher, MD, University of TexasHealth Science Center at Houston, Houston, TXP323. All About the Medication Reconciliation: A Case of DRESSSyndrome Appearing as Primary Sclerosing CholangitisXiao Jing Wang, MD, Christian Mustroph, BS, Parit Mekaroonkamol,MD, Ryan Ford, MD, Internal Medicine, Emory University School ofMedicine, Atlanta, GA, Emory University School of Medicine, DigestiveDisease Department, Atlanta, GAP324. Shunt Myelopathy in a Non-Cirrhotic PatientNongnooch Poowanawittayakom, MD, Bhaumik Brahmbhatt, MD,Surakit Pungpapong, MD, Internal Medicine, Advocate Illinois MasonicMedical Center, Chicago, IL, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FLP325. Herpes Simplex Virus Hepatitis: A Rare Case in anImmunocompetent MaleEzechukwu Umeh, MD, Shamiq Zackria, MD, Awais Ahmed, MD,Rama Narayanan, MD, Bassel Al-Lahham, MD, Internal Medicine,Canton Medical Education Foundation, Canton, OH, Northeast OhioMedical University, Rootstown, OH, Mercy Medical Center, Departmentof Gastroenterology, Canton, OHP326. Rejection, Recurrence or Something Else?Felipe Vélez González, MD, Veroushka Ballester, MD, Rafael Pastrana,MD, Ivan Antúnez, MD, Carmen González-Keelan, MD, Esther Torres,MD, FACG, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto RicoCOLONP327. Colorectal Cancer Screening in Asymptomatic HIV-InfectedSubjects: High Rates of Mucosal AbnormalitiesSumair Ahmad, MD, Ishita Rajnish, MD, Amar Ashraf, MD, LawrenceReich, MD, Joshua Aron, MD, FACG, Icahn School of Medicine, NewYork, NYP328. Basaloid Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the SigmoidSalih Samo, MD, Muhammed Sherid, MD, Kevin Liu, MD, Leila Kia,MD, David Shapiro, MD, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, NorthwesternUniversity Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, Georgia RegentsUniversity, Augusta, GAP329. Comparison of Harefield Cleansing Scale (HCS) and BostonBowel Preparation Scale (BBPS) for Assessment of Cleansing Prior toColonoscopy: An Analysis Based on 1,865 Patients in 6 Clinical Trials2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardJonathan Belsey, MBBS, Marc Halphen, MD, Lucy Clayton, BSc,MSc, The Old Brickworks, JB Medical Ltd, Sudbury, United Kingdom,Norgine Ltd, Harefield, United KingdomP330. Pharmacodynamic and Clinical Evaluation of Low-VolumePolyethylene Glycol (PEG)-Based Bowel Cleansing Solutions (NER1006)Using Split Dosing in Healthy and Screening Colonoscopy SubjectsMarc Halphen, MD, Bola Tayo, MBBS, Stephen Flanagan, PhD, LucyClayton, MSc, Rüdiger Kornberger, MD, Norgine Ltd, Harefield, UnitedKingdom, PAREXEL International GmbH, Berlin, GermanyP331. Antibiotic-Associated Microbiome Changes in Healthy Volunteersand Corrective Impact of the Probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardToufic Kabbani, MD, MPH, Kumar Pallav, MD, Scot Dowd, PhD, RohiniVanga, MD, Javier Villafuerte-Gálvez, MD, Natalia Castillo, MD, CiaranKelly, MD, FACG, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, BIDMC,Boston, MA, MR DNA, Shallowater, TXP332. Ranolazine Blocks NaV1.5 Peak Current and Shear Sensitivity inHuman Colonic Circular Smooth MuscleLeila Neshatian, MD, MSc, Peter Strege, MSc, David Larson, MD,Robert Cima, MD, Arthur Beyder, MD, PhD, Gianrico Farrugia, MD,Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNP333. Effect of Race, Gender and Body Position on the Prevalence andType of Dyssynergic DefecationAskin Erdogan, MD, Yeong Lee, MD, Kulthep RATTANAKOVIT,MD, Siegfried Yu, MD, Satish Rao, MD, PhD, Gastroenterology/Hepatology, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GAP334. The Role of Prophylactic Hemoclips to Prevent Delayed Post-Polypectomy Bleeding in Patients on Chronic Anticoagulation: A LargeUniversity-Based ExperienceJoseph Marsano, MD, Andrew Antony, MD, Demetrios Tzimas, MD,Mark Pochapin, MD, Adam Goodman, MD, Seth Gross, MD, NewYork University School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine,New York, NY, New York University School of Medicine, Division ofGastroenterology, New York, NYP335. Adenoma Detection Rate (ADR) Strongly Correlates With DetectionRate of Sessile Serrated Adenomas (SSADR) Supporting ADR as aPrimary Quality Measure for Reducing Interval Colorectal CancersJason Huang, MBBS, Jerry Yu, MD, Jason Samarasena, MD, John Lee,MD, Nimisha Parekh, MD, Gregory Albers, MD, Kenneth Chang, MD,FACG, William Karnes, MD, Gastroenterology, University of CaliforniaIrvine, Irvine, CAP336. Clinical Outcomes Following Postoperative Chemotherapy forColorectal Adenocarcinoma in Patients With and Without InflammatoryBowel DiseaseMohannad Dugum, MD, Johnathon Markus, MD, Jingmei Lin, MD,PhD, Bassam Estfan, MD, Elena Manilich, PhD, Bo Shen, MD, XiuliLiu, MD, PhD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, IndianaUniversity School of Medicine, Indianapolis, INP337. The Impact of Fellow Involvement on Patient Satisfaction andQuality Measures of Colonoscopy in Newly Established GastroenterologyFellowship ProgramYaseen Alastal, MD, Usman Ahmad, MD, Tariq Hammad, MD, FaisalSiddiqui, MD, Ramen Sakhi, MD, Shalini Gupta, ND, Nicholas Horen,MD, Dinuli Delpachitra, MD, Thomas Sodeman, MD, Osama Alaradi,MD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, University of ToledoMedical Center, Toledo, OHP338. The Impact of a Newly Established Gastroenterology FellowshipProgram on the Colonoscopy Performance of FacultyTariq Hammad, MD, Usman Ahmad, MD, Yaseen Alastal, MD, FaisalSiddiqui, MD, Ramen Sakhi, MD, Shalini Gupta, MD, Nicholas Horen,MD, Dinuli Delpachitra, MD, Thomas Sodeman, MD, Osama Alaradi,MD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, University of ToledoMedical Center, Toledo, OHP339. Ethnic Distribution of Microscopic ColitisAmnon Sonnenberg, MD, FACG, Kevin Turner, DO, Robert Genta, MD,FACG, Portland VA Medical Center, Portland, OR, Miraca Life SciencesResearch Institute, Irving, TXP340. Endoscopic Appearances in Predicting Colon Neoplasia inPatients With Ulcerative Colitis on Surveillance ColonoscopyRamprasad Jegadeesan, MD, Udayakumar Navaneethan, MD, NormaGutierrez, MD, Madhusudhan Sanaka, MD, Digestive Disease Institute,Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OHP341. Is Hypothyroidism a Predictor of Survival in Patients WithColorectal Cancer?Hiren Patel, MD, Abhishek Kumar, MD, Hamid Shaaban, MD, MichaelMaroules, MD, St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center, Paterson, NJ,Seton Hall University School of Health and Medical Sciences, SouthOrange, NJP342. Epidemiological and Clinical Characteristics of Colorectal Cancerin HypothyroidismHiren Patel, MD, Abhishek Kumar, MD, Anurag Sharma, MD, HamidShaaban, MD, Emma Punni, MD, Michael Maroules, MD, St. Joseph’sRegional Medical Center, Paterson, NJ, Seton Hall University School ofHealth and Medical Sciences, South Orange, NJPOSTERSSUNDAY53For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP343. Progressive Decreased Gut Microbial Diversity in Chronic KidneyDiseaseShan Xie, MD, PhD, Hanchang He, DO, Zhongqiu Wang, DO, PuWang, MD, PhD, Runhua Li, DO, Youlian Zhou, DO, Ting Zhang, DO,Shuanghong Jiang, DO, Minyi Lin, DO, Fanfan Hou, MD, PhD, YeChen, MD, PhD, Bo Jiang, MD, PhD, Department of Gastroenterology,Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China,Department of Nephrology, Nanfang Hospital, Southern MedicalUniversity, Guangzhou, ChinaP344. Reexamining Risk Factors for High-Grade Dysplasia in ColorectalPolypsBradley Anderson, MD, Thomas Smyrk, MD, Seth Sweetser, MD,Douglas Mahoney, MS, Kari Anderson, BS, Mary Devens, BA, JohnKisiel, MD, David Ahlquist, MD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNP345. Fecal Incontinence: A Heterogenous DisorderDanse Bi, Sandra Sostrich, RN, Mojtaba Olyaee, MD, Elena Sidorenko,MD, Tuba Esfandyari, MD, MSc, IM/GI, University of Kansas MedicalCenter, Kansas City, KSP346. Syphilis Colitis: A Rare Case Report in a Human ImunodeficiencyVirus-Positive PatientJianfeng Cheng, MD, PhD, Patrick Proctor, MD, Kent Holtzmuller, MD,Oscar Brann, MD, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NCP347. A Rare Case of Ischemic Colitis Due to CryoglobulinemicVasculitisJianfeng Cheng, MD, PhD, Patrick Proctor, MD, Martin Scobey, MD,University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NCP348. Establishing the Link Between HBV Infection and ColorectalAdenomaBrijesh Patel, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Ashley Davis-Yadley, MD, HuafengShen, MD, Alex Baronowsky, MD, Jeffrey Silpe, MD, Qinshi Pan, MD,Josh Mosdale, MD, Prakash Viswanathan, MD, Albin Abraham, MD,Internal Medicine, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, NassauUniversity Medical Center, East Meadow, NYP349. Lipoma-Induced Asymptomatic Colocolonic IntussusceptionDamodar Pandey, MD, Harish Guddati, MD, Hilary Hertan, MD,FACG, Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center,Wakefield Division, Bronx, NYP350. A Curious Case of ColitisAkeem Adebogun, MD, MPH, Michael Windham, MD, HowardUniversity Hospital, Washington, DCP351. Poorly Differenciated Medullary Carcinoma of Colon WithGastrointestinal Stromal Tumor: Is There Any Association?Amara Nidimusili, MD, Internal Medicine, Trinitas Regional MedicalCenter, Elizabeth, NJP352. Is Polypectomy Rate a Good Quality Metric Substitute for AdenomaDetection Rate During Screening Colonoscopy?Wesam Frandah, MD, Cory Fielding, MD, Philip Westgate, PhD,Nicholas Nickl, MD, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University ofKentucky, Lexington, KYP353. Socioeconomic (SE) and Seasonal Differences (SD) as a Risk of C.difficile Infection (CDI)Mohamed Abdelfatah, MD, Maysaa El Zoghbi, MD, Kathleen Enriquez,MD, Rabih Nayfe, MD, Ala Nijim, MD, Richard Watkins, MD, HossamKandil, MD, PhD, AGMC, Northeast Ohio Universty, Akron, OH,Department Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospitals,Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, Division of Infectious Diseases,Akron General Medical Center, Northeast Ohio Medical University,Akron, OH, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, East CarolinaUniversity, Greenville, OHP354. Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection in Patients With ChronicKidney DiseaseMohamed Abdelfatah, MD, Ala Nijim, MD, Rabih Nayfe, MD, KathleenEnriquez, MD, Jamil Khouri, MD, Maysaa El Zoghbi, MD, RichardWatkins, MD, Hossam Kandil, MD, PhD, FACG, AGMC, NortheastOhio Universty, Akron, OH, Division of Infectious Diseases, AkronGeneral Medical Center, Northeast Ohio Medical University, Akron, OH,Department Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospitals,Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, Department Gastroenterology andHepatology, East Carolina University, Greenville, NCP355. The Effect of Statins on the Risk of Recurrent Clostridium difficileInfectionMohamed Abdelfatah, MD, MS, Rabih Nayfe, MD, Kathleen Enriquez,MD, Ala Nijim, MD, Maysaa El Zoghbi, MD, FACG, Richard Watkins,MD, AGMC, Northeast Ohio Universty, Akron, OH, DepartmentGastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospitals Case MedicalCenter, Cleveland, OH, Division of Infectious Diseases, Akron GeneralMedical Center, Northeast Ohio Medical University, Akron, OHP356. Antidepressant Medications and Recurrent Clostridium difficileInfectionMohamed Abdelfatah, MD, Rabih Nayfe, MD, Kathleen Enriquez, MD,Ala Nijim, MD, Maysaa El Zoghbi, MD, Richard Watkins, MD, AGMC,Northeast Ohio Universty, Akron, OH, Division of Infectious Diseases,Akron General Medical Center, Northeast Ohio Medical University,Akron, OH, Department Gastroenterology and Hepatology, UniversityHospitals, Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OHP357. Low Vitamin D Level Impact on Clostridium difficile Infections(CDI)Mohamed Abdelfatah, MD, Ala Nijim, MD, Rabih Nayfe, MD, KathleenEnriquez, MD, Maysaa El Zoghbi, MD, FACG, Richard Watkins, MD,AGMC, Northeast Ohio Universty, Akron, OH, Division of InfectiousDiseases, Akron General Medical Center, Northeast Ohio MedicalUniversity, Akron, OH, Department Gastroenterology and Hepatology,University Hospitals, Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OHCOLON - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP358. Apoptotic Colitis: A Rare VariantAditya Kalakonda, MD, Rushikesh Shah, MBBS, Divey Manocha, MD,Jivan Lamichhane, MD, Medicine, SUNY Upstate Medical University,Syracuse, NYP359. Hidden Diagnosis: Mantle Cell Lymphoma Masquerading AcuteDiverticulitis!Dipti Sagar, MD, Srinivas Guptha Gunturu, MD, Hilary Hertan, MD,FACG, Albert Einstein University/Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NYP360. Spontaneous Rectal HematomaAndrew Mazulis, MD, Igor Naryzhny, DO, Timothy Laurie, DO, FACG,Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, ILP361. Vertebral Metastasis as the Initial Manifestation of Colon CancerTushina Jain, Renee Williams, MD, Lea Ann Chen, MD, NYU School ofMedicine, New York, NYP362. Clinical Course of a Rare Malignancy: MucinousCystadenocarcinoma of the AppendixMarina Kim, DO, Montgomery Lobe, MD, Wei Wang, MD, NiveditaPandey, MD, FACG, Syed Mehdi, MD, Stratton Veteran Affairs MedicalCenter, Albany, NYP363. Colonic Dieulafoy’s Lesion: A Rare Cause of Lower GastrointestinalHemorrhageChristopher Ma, MD, Edwin Cheng, MD, Medicine, University ofAlberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB,CanadaP364. NSAID Colopathy: An Overlooked Masquerader of InflammatoryBowel DiseaseNicole Albert, DO, Giancarlo Mercogliano, MD, FACG, LankenauMedical Center, Wynnewood, PAP365. Ipilimumab-Induced Autoimmune Colitis: A Case Series of anEmerging Clinical EntityJagpal Klair, MD, Mohit Girotra, MD, Aneet Kaur, MD, MauricioGarcia-Saenz-de-Sicilia, MD, FACG, University of Arkansas for MedicalSciences, Little Rock, ARP366. Strongyloides Colitis: A Lethal Mimic of Ulcerative ColitisBelen Tesfaye, MD, Dilhana Badurdeen, MD, Justice Arhinful,MD, Getachew Mekasha, MD, PhD, Howard University Hospital,Washington, DCP367. Colonic Spirochetes in a Patient With HIVBelen Tesfaye, MD, Michael Windham, MD, Rehana Begum, MD,Howard University Hospital, Washington, DCFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.54

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP368. Osseous Metaplasia in an Inflammatory Sigmoid Colon PolypJennifer Lewis, MD, Margaret Adamcewicz, DO, Philip Katzman,MD, Jonathan Huang, DO, University of Rochester Medical Center,Rochester, NYP369. Supplement Induced Acute Colonic Pseudo-Obstruction in HealthyYoung MaleAaron Craig, DO, Michael Goldberg, DO, FACG, Internal Medicine,William Beaumont Army Medical Center, El Paso, TXP370. Shotgun ColonoscopyLoveleen Sidhu, MD, Ramin Bagheri, MD, Samarth Patel, MD, JoshuaAron, MD, Aaron Walfish, MD, Elmhurst Hospital Center, Elmhurst, NYP371. Surgical Intervention Is Non-Negotiable: Colonic MucormycosisInfection in an Elderly Immunosuppressed Female on Systemic SteroidsAndrew Mowery, DO, Chuan Long Miao, MD, Kimberly Fairley, DO,Matthew Shellenberger, DO, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PAP372. Distinct Appearances of Colonic Breast Cancer Metastases in aSingle PatientIvan Harnden, MD, James Watson, MD, Gastroenterology andHepatology, Duke University, Durham, NCP373. Abdominal Pain, Constipation and Rectal Bleeding: A Rare Case ofInvasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Rectosigmoid JunctionApril Elam, MD, MS, Louise Bacon, MD, Jacquelyn Turner, MD,Clarence Clark, MD, Michael Flood, MD, Shahrzad Ehdaivand, MD,Internal Medicine, Morehouse School of Medicine, Decatur, GA, EmoryUniversity School of Medicine, Atlanta, GAP374. Colonic Ganglioneuromas as the Cause of Heme-Positive Stool ina 31-Year-Old ManJames Izanec, MD, Vincent McLaughlin, MD, Maria Pagan, MSN, APN,Gary Matusow, DO, Gastroenterology Group of South Jersey, Vineland,NJP375. A Case of Barium Inspissation Resulting in Acute Constipation andColectomyGaja Shaughnessy, MD, Paul Cho, Jordan Ray, MD, Dawn Francis, MD,Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic Florida, Jacksonville, FL, University ofMissouri, Columbia, MOP376. Proctitis in AIDS Patient, a Diagnostic DilemmaLayth Al-Jashaami, MD, Yousef Usta, MD, Vincent Honan, MD,Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ, Banner Good SamaritanMedical Center, Phoenix, AZP377. A Case of Incidental Intestinal SpirochetosisAvantika Mishra, MD, Pooja Singhal, MD, Louis Korman, MD, MedstarGeorgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, Washington DCVeterans Affairs Medical Center, Washington, DCP378. CMV Colitis in Immunocompetent Patient Mimicking RectalCarcinomaGaurang Vaidya, MBBS, Aditya Kalakonda, MD, Raja Vadlamudi, MD,Lynn Cleary, MD, Internal Medicine, SUNY Upstate Medical University,Syracuse, NYP379. Massive Splenomegaly: A Rare Cause of Partial ColonicObstructionMichael Clores, DO, Samir Kapadia, MD, Satish Nagula, MD, StonyBrook University Hospital, Stony Brook, NYP380. Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue Lymphoma of the RectumMandana Kamgar, MD, MPH, Saurabh Gupta, MD, Bashar Attar, MD,PhD, Asad Rafiq, MD, Internal Medicine, John Stroger Jr. Hospital ofCook County, Chicago, ILP381. A Rare Case of Primary Colonic Non-Hodgkins Diffuse Large B-cellLymphomaCharles Rives, MD, John Anong, MD, John Litchfield, DO, Atif Saleem,MD, Atul Khanna, MD, Pranav Patel, MD, Eric Carter, DO, Mark Young,MD, Ravindra Murthy, MD, East Tennessee State University, JohnsonCity, TNP382. An Unusual Case of Mantle Cell Lymphoma Involving the GI TractMohamed Bayoumi, MD, Shriram Jakate, MD, Irene Ma, MD, A. AzizAadam, MD, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, University ofIllinois College of Medicine, Chicago, ILP383. Plesiomonas shigelloides: A Rare Etiology of Peritonitis in anImmunocompetent PatientHaseeb Ahmed, MD, James Grendell, MD, Ritu Saha, MD, WinthropUniversity Hospital, Mineola, NYP384. EUS Findings of Rectal SplenosisBakht Cheema, MD, Mohammed Zaidan, MD, Inder Singh, MD, UTSouthwestern Austin Programs, Austin, TXP385. Acute Bowel Obstruction Due to Endometriosis Treated WithColonic StentMuhammad Sohail, MD, Ikram Umaira, MD, Gordon Hunt, MD,Gastroenterology, UCSD, San Diego, CA, Kaiser Medical Center, SanDiego, CA, Ross University, Newark, NJP386. Ipilimumab-Induced Colonic PerforationAli Haider, MD, Kenneth O’Riordan, MD, Internal Medicine, LutheranGeneral Hospital, Park Ridge, ILP387. Ace-Inhibitor Induced Visceral AngioedemaAli Haider, MD, Hymie Kavin, MD, Internal Medicine, Lutheran GeneralHospital, Park Ridge, ILOUTCOMES RESEARCHP388. Retrospective Review of the Diagnosis and Clinical Impactof Unexpected or Incidental Positive Findings in Positron EmissionTomography (PET) Scans of the Gastrointestinal Tract (GI)Leon Kundrotas, MD, FACG, Shashank Nayak, BA, ALM VAH, SanAntonio, TX, University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio(UTHSCSA), San Antonio, TXP389. The Effect of Bariatric Surgery on the Outcome of Patients WithChronic Liver DiseaseFadi Niyazi, MD, Baha Al-Abid, MD, Kristen Nonahal, RD, AmirPrushani, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD, Internal Medicine, HenryFord Hospital, Detroit, MIP390. Rectal Endoscopic Ultrasound and Staging of Rectal Carcinoma: ACommunity PerspectiveChristopher Chapman, BSc, MSc, Andrew Singh, BSc, MD, WilliamOrrom, BSc, MD, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada,University of British Columbia, Victoria, BC, CanadaP391. Predicting Polyp Pathology Based on Patient Risk FactorsDarren Andrade, MD, Michael Foley, DO, Bobby Kakati, MD, RIchardGerkin, MD, MS, Michele Young, MD, Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Carl T. Hayden Veterans Affairs Medical Center / Banner GoodSamaritan Medical Center, Phoenix, AZP392. Effect of Diarrhea Adverse Events on Health-Related Quality of Lifeand Treatment Satisfaction in Patients With Irritable Bowel SyndromeWith ConstipationWilliam Spalding, MS, Jessica Buono, MPH, Huan Huang, PhD,Michael Munsell, BA, Douglas Taylor, MBA, Robyn Carson, MPH,Robert Griffiths, MS, ScD, Ironwood Pharmaceuticals Inc., Cambridge,MA, Forest Research Institute, Jersey City, DE, Formerly of BostonHealth Economics, Boston, MA, Boston Health Economics, Boston, MAP393. Effect of Participation in GIQuIC on Colonoscopy Report andDocumentation Time for Quality MetricsAdewale Ajumobi, MD, MBA, Glen Gross, MD, FACG, Tisha Lunsford,MD, FACG, GI, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TXP394. Managing Opioid Induced Constipation: Perceptions andMisconceptions From the Online CommunityCynthia Whitman, MPH, Corey Arnold, PhD, Haridarshan Patel,PharmD, Justin Scopel, MD, MBA, Bibiana Martinez, MPH, MarkReid, PhD, Brennan Spiegel, MD, MSHS, Cedars-Sinai Medical CenterCORE, Beverly Hills, CA, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, LosAngeles, CA, Global Outcomes and Epidemiology Research, TakedaPharmaceuticals International, Inc, Deerfield, IL, US Medical Affairs,Takeda Pharmaceuticals International, Inc., Deerfield, IL, VA GreaterLos Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, CA, Fielding School ofPublic Health at UCLA, Los Angeles, CAPOSTERSSUNDAY55For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP395. Factors Predicting Nonattendance to Outpatient ColonoscopyPrasanna Ponugoti, MD, Jean Wang, MD, PhD, Washington University,Saint Louis, MO, Betty Jean Kerr People’s Health Centers, Saint Louis,MOP396. Assessment of Sexual Function and Attitudes in Female PatientsWith Functional Bowel DisordersJessica Haefner, Jason Baker, MS, William Chey, MD, Pamela Fairchild,MD, Mitchell Berger, MD, PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MIP397. Management of Malignant Colorectal Polyps ComparingEndoscopic and Surgical Therapies: A Population-based ComparativeStudy Using Propensity Score MatchingSachin Wani, MD, Roy Yen, MD, Amit Rastogi, MD, Ajay Bansal,MD, Lindsay Hosford, BA, Ananya Das, MD, University of Colorado,Centennial, CO, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Kansas City, KS,Arizona Center for Digestive Health, Gilbert, AZP398. Assessing the Impact of Registered Dietitian Recommendationson the Appropriate Use of Parenteral Nutrition in a Community HospitalSettingMatthew Kaplan, DO, Krupa Shah, DO, Sudipta Roy, PhD, EdwardJurkovic, DO, Ryan Adams, Pharm D, Katie Swafford, MS, RD, LDN,Nikhil Bhargova, DO, Riverside Medical Center, Kankakee, ILP399. Striking the Right Balance: Assessing Fellows’ Abilities to DeliverPatient EducationCatherine Lucero, MD, Gerald Villanueva, MD, Samia Talishinskiy, MD,Noami Chaudhary, MD, Michael Poles, MD, PhD, Colleen Gillespie,PhD, Sandra Zabar, MD, Elizabeth Weinshel, MD, NYU School ofMedicine, New York, NY, VA New York Harbor Healthcare System, NewYork, NYP400. Quality Improvement Using Outcome Metrics for InpatientManagement of GI Bleed: Analysis By Diagnosis Related GroupsPushwaz Virk, MD, Anurag Duggal, MD, Maged Rizk, MD, AkronGeneral Medical Center, Akron, OH, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP401. Cost-Analysis Model of Colonoscopy Preparation Using Split-DoseReduced-Volume Oral Sulfate Solution (OSS) and Polyethylene GlycolWith Electrolytes Solution (PEG-ELS)Sander Yermakov, MS, Matthew Davis, MA, Romaine Campbell, BA,Francis Farraye, MD, FACG, Mark Cleveland, PhD, R&D, BraintreeLaboratories, Braintree, MA, Analysis Group, Boston, MA, BostonMedical Center, Boston, MAP402. Will Charging a Penalty for No Show to Outpatient ColonoscopyAppointment Improve Compliance?Adeyinka Laiyemo, MD, MPH, Kolapo Idowu, MD, Carla Williams,PhD, Clinton Burnside, BS, Rabia Cherqaoui, MD, Ricardo Caldera,MD, Tonya Gadsden, MD, Kyle Anders, MD, Debra White-Coleman,MD, Shelly McDonald-Pinkett, MD, Medicine, Howard University,Washington, DCP403. POSTER WITHDRAWNP404. Number of Passes Needed for Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration Diagnosis of MalignancySamuel Han, MD, Daniel Kaufman, MD, Wahid Wassef, MD, MPH,Gastroenterology, University of Massachusetts Medical Center,Worcester, MAP405. Esophageal Perforation: 10 Year Trends in Incidence andOutcomesVenu Gopala Reddy Gangireddy, MD, Swathi Talla, MD, SumanthDaram, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Georgia Regents University,Augusta, GA, Luzhou Medical College, Luzhou, ChinaP406. Experience With Fidaxomicin as First-Line Treatment for C. difficileInfection (CDI): Clinical Outcomes and Cost-EffectivenessTim Planche, MD, Laura Whitney, MPharm, MSc, Attiq Ahmad, JohnNesnas, MPharm, Institute of Infection and Immunity, St. George’sUniversity of London, London, United Kingdom, Pharmacy, St. George’sHealthcare NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom, Finance Department,St. George’s Healthcare NHS Trust, London, United KingdomP407. Outcomes and Survival in Hepatitis C Virus SeropositiveLymphoma and Myeloma Patients After Autologous Stem CellTransplantationAnkur Varma, MD, MPH, Rima Saliba, PhD, Harrys Torres, MS, AimazAfrough, MD, Chitra Hosing, MD, Issa Khouri, MD, Yago Nieto, MD,PhD, Nina Shah, MD, Simrit Parmar, MD, Qaiser Bashir, MD, SairahAhmed, MD, Roy Jones, MD, PhD, Partow Kebriaei, MD, ElizabethShpall, MD, Amin Alousi, MD, Muzaffar Qazilbash, MD, RichardChamplin, MD, Uday Popat, MD, Department of Internal Medicine,The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston,TX, Department of Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy,The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,TX, Department of Infectious Diseases, The University of Texas MDAnderson Cancer Center, Houston, TXP408. Hepatic Encephalopathy, A Preventable Readmission:Implementation of Quality Indicators at a Tertiary Care CenterAbdul Haseeb, MD, MPH, Juan Gallegos-Orozco, MD, InternalMedicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UTP409. Risk of Post-Polypectomy Hemorrhage on Antithrombotic Therapy:Systematic Review and Meta-analysisDov Shalman, MD, Lauren Gerson, MD, MSc, FACG, 2340 Clay Street,California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CAP410. Racial Disparities in C. difficile InfectionZain Kassam, MD, MPH, Camila Cribb Fabersunne, MD/MPHCandidate, Mark Smith, PhD Candidate, Gilaad Kaplan, MD, MPH,Geoffrey Nguyen, MD, PhD, Ashwin Ananthakrishnan, MBBS, MPH,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, HarvardMedical School, Boston, MA, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB,Canada, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, MassachusettsGeneral Hospital, Boston, MAP411. Prevalence and In-Hospital Mortality of Upper GastrointestinalBleeding in Patients With Solid Organ TransplantationShajan Peter, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD, MS, University of Alabama atBirmingham, Birmingham, ALP412. Effect of Diarrhea Adverse Events on Health-Related Quality ofLife and Treatment Satisfaction in Patients With Chronic IdiopathicConstipationJessica Buono, MPH, William Spalding, MS, Huan Huang, PhD,Michael Munsell, BA, Douglas Taylor, BS, MBA, Robyn Carson, MPH,Robert Griffiths, MS, ScD, Forest Research Institute, Jersey City, NJ,Ironwood Pharmaceuticals Inc., Cambridge, MA, Formerly of BostonHealth Economics, Boston, MA, Boston Health Economics, Boston, MAP413. Unmet Treatment Needs Among Commercially Insured PatientsWith Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Constipation (IBS-C) or ChronicConstipation (CC) in the U.S.Judith Stephenson, SM, Jessica Buono, MPH, William Spalding, MS,Qian Cai, MS, MSPH, Hiangkiat Tan, MS, BPharm, Robyn Carson,MPH, Jalpa Doshi, PhD, HealthCore Inc, Wilmington, DE, ForestResearch Institute, Jersey City, NJ, Ironwood Pharmaceuticals,Cambridge, MA, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PAP414. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Quality Measure Results in a LargeNational Plan DatasetJoseph Tkacz, MS, Brenna Brady, PhD, Roxanne Meyer, PhD, JenniferLofland, PharmD, PhD, Nayantara Coelho Prabhu, MD, CharlesRuetsch, PhD, Health Analytics, LLC, Columbia, MD, Janssen ScientificAffairs, LLC, Horsham, PA, Mayo Clinic, Dept. of Gastroenterology andHepatology, Rochester, MNP415. Appropriateness of Total Parental Nutrition: A Quality ImprovementEndeavorMitesh Bhalala, MD, Pauline Hackney, MS, RD, CDE, Brad Dworkin,MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, New York Medical College, Yonkers, NYP416. Gastroesophageal Reflux in a Cohort of Morbidly Obese PatientsBefore and After Sleeve GastrectomyAmy Stratton, DO, Manish Singla, MD, John Betteridge, MD, Yen-JuChen, BSN, MSN, CGRN, Lavern Belle, BS, Corinne Maydonovitch,BS, Fouad Moawad, MD, FACG, Walter Reed National Military MedicalCenter, Bethesda, MDFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.56

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP417. Readmission Rates for Hepatic Encephalopathy in West Texas:Common and Correctable Precipitating FactorsSupannee Rassameehiran, MD, Charoen Mankongpaisarnrung, MD,Grerk Sutamtewagul, MD, Ariwan Rakvit, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine,Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas,Lubbock, TXP418. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Biliary Dyskinesia: DoesEjection Fraction Predict Long-term Symptom Relief?Karthik Penumetsa, MD, Shashank Ponugoti, MD, Srinivasan Ganesan,MD, West Virginia School of Medicine, Department of DigestiveDiseases, Morgantown, WV, West Virginia School of Medicine, Clinicaland Translational Sciences (CTSI), Morgantown, WVP419. Functional Dyspepsia and Prokinetics: A Systematic Review ofGastric Emptying, Health-Related Quality of Life and Symptom SeverityKelly Everhart, MS, Brian Lacy, MD, PhD, Dartmouth-HitchcockMedical Center, Lebanon, NHP420. Multicenter Colonoscopy Quality Measurement Utilizing NaturalLanguage ProcessingTimothy Imler, MD, MS, Justin Morea, DO, MS, Charles Kahi, MD,FACG, Huiping Xu, PhD, Cynthia Calley, MS, Thomas Imperiale,MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Indiana University School of Medicine,Indianapolis, INP421. Age, Gender, Insurance, and Race: Risk Factors for Early RepeatColonoscopyTimothy Imler, MD, MS, Nathan Ring, MS, Cynthia Calley, MS, HuipingXu, PhD, Gastroenterology, Indiana University School of Medicine,Indianapolis, IN, Regenstrief Institute, Indianapolis, IN, IndianaUniversity School of Medicine, Indianapolis, INP422. An Indirect Comparisons Analysis of Biologic Medications in theInduction of Response and Remission in Crohn’s DiseaseSandeep Dayanand, MD, Pradeep Dayanand, MBBS, Elie Donath, MD,Daniel Sussman, MD, Amar Deshpande, MD, JFK Medical Center/Regional Campus University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, WestPalm Beach, FL, University of Miami, Miami, FL, Mamata MedicalCollege, Khammam, IndiaP423. Early Nasoenteral Tube (NET) Is Associated With Higher MortalityCompared to Early PEG Tube in Stroke Patients Admitted With Dysphagiain the United StatesSamer El-Dika, MD, MS, Somashekar Krishna, MBBS, MPH, JefferyGroce, MD, MS, Peter Stanich, MD, Hisham Hussan, MD, Alice Hinton,PhD, Darwin Conwell, MD, MS, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatologyand Nutrition, The Ohio State University-Wexner Medical Center,Columbus, OH, Division of Biostatistics,College of Public Health, TheOhio State University, Columbus, OHP424. Protein-Calorie Malnutrition Is Associated With Increased Risk ofComplications, Length of Stay, and Overall Cost in Patients HospitalizedWith Acute on Chronic Pancreatitis (ACP): A Population Based Case-Control StudyPragnesh Patel, MD, Sachin Batra, MD, MPH, Nirav Thosani, MD,MHA, Sushovan Guha, MD, PhD, University of Texas Health ScieneCenter at Houston, Houston, TX, Stanford University, School ofMedicine, Stanford, CAP425. Is Current Treatment of Hepatitis C Type 2 Cost Effective?Iryna Hepburn, MD, GSH, Lititz, PAP426. Is Current Treatment of Hepatitis C Type 1 Too Costly?Iryna Hepburn, MD, GSH, Lititz, PAP427. Probiotic Use for Management of Pouchitis: A Systematic Reviewand Meta-analysisImran Ashraf, MD, Umair Sohail, MD, Murtaza Arif, MD, SameerSiddique, MD, Matthew Bechtold, MD, FACG, Abhishek Choudhary,MD, Division of Gastroenterology, University of Missouri - Columbia,Columbia, MOP428. Test Characteristics of Fecal Immunochemical Tests for ColorectalCancer and Advanced Adenoma: Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisPatrick Barrett, MD, MA, Timothy Stump, MA, Patrick Monahan, PhD,Thomas Imperiale, MD, Department of Medicine, Indiana UniversitySchool of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, Department of Biostatistics,Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, INP429. Bilateral Versus Unilateral Stenting for Malignant HilarObstruction: A Meta-analysisShadi Al Halabi, MD, MPH, Tarek Sawas, MD, John Vargo, MD,MPH, FACG, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, Georgetown UniversityMedstar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DCP430. Risks of Endoscopic Complications in Patients WithNeutropenia: A Population-Based U.S. StudyErik Rahimi, MD, Sachin Batra, MD, MPH, Shaheryar Siddiqui,MBBS, Sushovan Guha, MD, PhD, Gastroenterology, Hepatology,Nutrition, University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston,TXP431. Morbidity and Mortality for Patients With PSC Is Higher WhenCompared to Patients With PSC and IBD2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardAnkush Sharma, MD, MPH, Mazen Jamal, MD, MehrtashHashemzadeh, MS, University of California Irvine, Orange, CA, LongBeach VA Hospital, Long Beach, CAP432. POSTER WITHDRAWNINFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASEP433. Comparison of Cost per Responder and Remitter in Patients WithInflammatory Bowel Disease in the United States: An Indirect Comparisonof Adalimumab and VedolizumabYifei Liu, PhD, A Burak Ozbay, BPharm, MBA, PhD, Martha Skup, PhD,William Reichmann, MA, Melissa Diener, BA, Jingdong Chao, PhD,University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO, AbbVie Inc., NorthChicago, IL, Analysis Group, Inc., Boston, MAP434. Analysis of Epidemiology and Clinical Characteristics ofInflammatory Bowel Disease Over a 15-Year PeriodJianfeng Cheng, MD, PhD, Min Lei, MD, Stephen Bickston, MD,Qian Cao, MD, PhD, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Hangzhou, China,University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC, Virginia CommonwealthUniversity, Richmond, VAP435. Demographic Characteristics of a Predominantly HispanicPopulation With Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a U.S.-Mexico BorderCityAntonio Mendoza Ladd, MD, Christine Yu, MD, Sherif Elhanafi, MD,Yi Jia, MD, Mark Hall, MS IV, Alok Dwivedi, PhD, Jiayang Liu, MS,Gengqing Song, MD, PhD, Marc Zuckerman, MD, FACG, Texas TechUniversity Health Sciences Center, El Paso, TXP436. An In vitro Model of Graded Epithelial Barrier Leak in IBDKatherine DiGuilio, BS, Christina Mercogliano, BA, Brendan Ferraro,BS, Julie To, BS, Brittany Mixson, BS, James Mullin, PhD, FACG,Lankenau Institute for Medical Research, Wynnewood, PA, Division ofGastroenterology, Lankenau Medical Center, Wynnewood, PAP437. Mucosal Gene Signature May Predict Flare-up LikelihoodFollowing Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in UlcerativeColitis (UC) PatientsSharon Jedel, PsyD, Robin Voigt, PhD, Christopher Forsyth, PhD, ArthurHoffman, MD, Shohreh Raeisi, MS, Maliha Shaikh, MS, Garth Swanson,MD, Ece Mutlu, MD, April Taylor-Cliff, PhD, Megan Hood, PhD, StevanHobfoll, PhD, Ali Keshavarzian, MD, University Gastroenterologists,Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, Rush University MedicalCenter- Dept. of Behavioral Sciences, Chicago, ILP438. Dietary Practices in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease:Food for ThoughtHannah Burns, MBChB, Divya Aggarwal, MD, John McLaughlin, BSc,MB ChB, PhD, Jimmy Limdi, MBBS, FACG, Gastroenterology, PennineAcute Hospitals NHS Trust, Manchester, United Kingdom, Institute ofInflammation and Repair, University of Manchester, Manchester, UnitedKingdomPOSTERSSUNDAY57For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP439. Clinical Characteristics and Natural History of Crohn’s DiseasePatients With Endoscopic Skipping of Distal Terminal Ileum on IleoscopyParakkal Deepak, MBBS, Joel Fletcher, MD, Jeff Fidler, MD, SunilSamuel, MBBS, PhD, Edward Loftus, MD, FACG, John Barlow, MD,Stephanie Hansel, MD, Brenda Becker, BSc, Ishrat Mansuri, MBBS,David Bruining, MD, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic,Rochester, MN, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, UnitedKingdom, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology, MayoClinic, Rochester, MNP440. CD4 Count Does Not Impact Disease Severity in HIV PositivePatients With Ulcerative ColitisMeira Abramowitz, MD, Rajesh Ramachandran, MD, Charles Koczka,MD, Garrett Lawlor, MD, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn,NY, VA Harbor Health System, Brooklyn, NYP441. Hispanic Ethnicity Is Associated With Milder Disease Severity inCrohn’s Disease but Not Ulcerative ColitisChristie Choi, MD, Amit Singal, MD, MS, Kunjali Padhya, MD, AvegailFlores, MD, Prabhakar Swaroop, MD, Ezra Burstein, MD, TasneemAhmed, DO, Digestive Diseases, University of Texas SouthwesternMedical Center, Dallas, TXP442. Vedolizumab Induces Clinical Response and Remission Across aRange of Baseline Fecal Calprotectin Levels in Patients With UlcerativeColitis: Results From GEMINI 1Tim Wyant, PhD, James Lewis, MD, FACG, Walter Reinisch, MD,PhD, Themistocles Dassopoulos, MD, Philip Ginsburg, MD, FACG,Bruce Sands, MD, FACG, Brian Feagan, MD, FACG, Silvio Danese,MD, PhD, Arne Roseth, MD, PhD, Maria Rosario, PhD, HuyuanYang, PhD, Asit Parikh, MD, PhD, Brian Bressler, MD, MS, FRCPC,Takeda Pharmaceuticals International Co., Cambridge, MA, PerelmanSchool of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,PA, Department of Internal Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna,Vienna, Austria, Gastroenterology Division, Washington UniversitySchool of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, Gastroenterology Center ofConnecticut, Hamden, CT, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,New York, NY, Robarts Research Institute, University of WesternOntario, London, ON, Canada, Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Milan, Italy,Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital, Oslo, Norway, Takeda PharmaceuticalsInternational, Inc., Deerfield, IL, Division of Gastroenterology, Universityof British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, CanadaP443. Clinical Benefit of Adalimumab Dose Adjustment for Patients WithModerately to Severely Active Crohn’s Disease in EXTENDJean-Frederic Colombel, MD, Paul Rutgeerts, MD, William Sandborn,MD, Douglas Wolf, MD, Walter Reinisch, MD, Gert Van Assche, MD,Samantha Eichner, MD, Qian Zhou, PhD, Joel Petersson, MD, AnneRobinson, MD, Roopal Thakkar, MD, Icahn School of Medicine atMount Sinai, New York, NY, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium,University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, Atlanta GastroenterologyAssociates, Atlanta, GA, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada,AbbVie Inc, North Chicago, ILP444. Improvement of C-Reactive Protein in Certolizumab PegolResponders but Not in Non-Responders in Crohn’s DiseaseDouglas Wolf, MD, FACG, Christine Wolf, MD, Atlanta GastroenterologyAssociates, Atlanta, GAP445. Evaluation of an Interim Crohn’s Disease Outcome Measure(PRO−2) Based on 2 Patient-Reported Components (Stool Frequency,Abdominal Pain) of the Crohn’s Disease Activity Index (CDAI) in theUstekinumab CERTIFI StudyChristopher Gasink, MD, Joshua Friedman, PhD, Long long Gao,PhD, Daphne Chan, PhD, William Sandborn, MD, Brian Feagan, MD,Janssen R&D, LLC, Spring House, PA, University of California SanDiego, La Jolla, CA, Robarts Research Institute, London, ON, CanadaP446. Etrolizumab Population Pharmacokinetics (Pop PK) and CovariateAnalysis in Patients With Moderately to Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis(UC)Xiaohui (Tracey) Wei, PhD, Diana Luca, PhD, Yehong Wang, PhD,Sharon O’Byrne, MD, Rich Erickson, PhD, John Davis, PhD, MeinaTang, PhD, Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, CAP447. Pregnancy Outcomes After Exposure to Certolizumab Pegol:Results From Safety SurveillanceUma Mahadevan, MD, Séverine Vermeire, MD, Douglas Wolf, MD,Frauke Förger, MD, John Cush, MD, Amanda Golembesky, PhD,Laura Shaughnessy, PhD, Dirk De Cuyper, PhD, Kristel Luijtens, PhD,Sarah Abbas, MD, Megan Clowse, MD, UCSF Medical Center, SanFrancisco, CA, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, AtlantaGastroenterology Associates, Atlanta, GA, University of Bern, Bern,Switzerland, Baylor Research Institute and Baylor University MedicalCenter, Dallas, TX, UCB Pharma, Raleigh, NC, Duke University MedicalCenter, Durham, NCP448. Comparative Efficacy of Pharmacological Interventions for Post-Operative Prophylaxis After Surgical Resection in Crohn’s Disease: ASystematic Review and Network Meta-analysisSiddharth Singh, MD, Sushil Kumar Garg, MBBS, Darrell Pardi, MD,MS, FACG, Zhen Wang, PhD, Mohammad Murad, MD, MPH, EdwardLoftus, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic,Rochester, MN, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MNP449. Idiopathic Inflammatory Demyelinating Disease of the CentralNervous System in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseKara De Felice, MD, Martina Novotna, MD, William Faubion, MD,William Tremaine, MD, Orhun Kantarci, MD, Laura Raffals, MD, MayoClinic Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Rochester, MN, Mayo ClinicNeurology, Rochester, MNP450. The Usefulness of Capsule Enteroscopy and Patency in theManagement of Patients With Crohn’s DiseaseJoão Santos-Antunes, MD, Helder Cardoso, MD, Margarida Marques,MD, Amadeu CR Nunes, MD, Susana Lopes, MD, Guilherme Macedo,MD, PhD, Centro Hospitalar S. João, Porto, PortugalP451. Early Life Environment and Natural History of Inflammatory BowelDiseasesAbra Guo, BS, Robin Wilson, BS, Betsy Stevens, BS, Caitlin Russell,BS, MS, Melissa Cohen, BS, Holly Sturgeon, BS, MPH, CosmasGiallourakis, MD, Hamed Khalili, MD, MPH, Deanna Nguyen,MD, Jenny Sauk, MD, Ramnik Xavier, MD, PhD, Vijay Yajnik, MD,PhD, Ashwin Ananthakrishnan, MD, MPH, Gastrointestinal Unit,Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MAP452. Endoscopic Skipping of the Distal Terminal IIeum in PediatricCrohn’s DiseaseIshrat Mansuri, MBBS, Joel Fletcher, MD, Parakkal Deepak, MBBS,David Bruining, MD, Amy Kolbe, MD, Jeff Fidler, MD, Sunil Samuel,MBBS, PhD, Edward Loftus, MD, FACG, John Barlow, MD, StephanieHansel, MD, Brenda Becker, BSc, Jeanne Tung, MD, FACG, Divisionof Pediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,MN, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic,Rochester, MN, Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,MN, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, UnitedKingdomP453. The Novel PillCam Crohn’s Disease Capsule Demonstrates SimilarDiagnostic Yield as Ileocolonoscopy in Patients With Active Crohn’sDisease: A Prospective Multicenter International Cohort StudyJonathan Leighton, MD, Debra Helper, MD, Pramod Malik, MD, RussellHavranek, MD, Kim Isaacs, MD, Iris Dotan, MD, Adi Lahat, MD, JohnHorlander, MD, Andrew Tinsley, MD, Ignacio Fernandez-Urien Sainz,MD, Bruno Rosa, MD, Gerrard Mullin, MD, Ian Gralnek, MD, MayoClinic, Scottsdale, AZ, Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine,Indianapolis, IN, Gastroenterology Associates of Tidewater, Chesapeake,VA, Gastroenterology Clinic of San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, Universityof North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center(Ichilov), Tel Aviv, Israel, Sheba Medical Center, Ramat Gan, Israel,Louisville Gastroenterology Associates, Louisville, KY, Penn StateHershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA, Hospital de Navarra, Pamplona,Spain, CentroHospitalar do Alto Ave, Guimaraes, Portugal, JohnsHopkins Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, Rambam Medical Center,Haifa, IsraelFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.58

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP454. Outcomes of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for C. difficileInfection in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardMonika Fischer, MD, MS, Colleen Kelly, MD, Dina Kao, MD, AishwaryaKuchipudi, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD, Mark Blumenkehl, MD,Douglas Rex, MD, Mark Mellow, MD, Nirmal Kaur, MD, Harry Sokol,MD, PhD, Gwen Cook, MS, Emmalee Phelps, BA, Brian Sipe, MD,Medicine/Gastroenterology, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN, Alpert School ofMedicine of Brown University, Providence, RI, University of Alberta,Edmonton, AB, Canada, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, IntegrisDigestive Health Center, Oklahoma City, OK, Hospital Saint-Antoine,Paris, France, St. John’s Hospital, Anderson, INP455. Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia: Another Cancer to Screen andVaccinate for in Crohn’s DiseaseMubarak Sayyar, MD, Tarek Sawas, MD, Mitesh Patel, MD, FACG,Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DCP456. Quantifying Fecal Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) in Active IBDCompared to Other Forms of Enterocolitis: A Prospective StudyMelvin Bullock, MD, Ravi Kottoor, MD, Candace Aureleus, MD,University of Florida, Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FLP457. Non-Adherence to Topical Mesalamine in Patients With UlcerativeColitisAmanda Ting, BSc, Adam Cheifetz, MD, FACG, Alan Moss, MD, FACG,Gastroenterology, BIDMC, Boston, MAP458. Physicians’ Perspective Regarding Adherence to SystemicTherapies for IBD and Other Immune-Mediated Inflammatory DiseasesAla Sharara, MD, FACG, Alfred Alfred Ammoury, MD, Jad Okais, MD,Raymond Sayegh, MD, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon,USJ, Beirut, Lebanon, Balamand University, Beirut, Lebanon, LebaneseUniversity, Beirut, LebanonP459. Segmental Sigmoid Polyposis as a Colonoscopic Indicator ofan Ileo-Sigmoid Fistula (ISF) in Crohn’s Disease: A Newly RecognizedPrognostic EntityRaja Taunk, MD, Vivek Kesar, MBBS, Burton Korelitz, MD, MACG,FACG, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City, NYP460. SP-333, a Guanylate Cyclase C Agonist, Is Safe and Well-Tolerated, Locally Acting Drug Candidate for Treatment of GastrointestinalDisorders and DiseasesLaura Barrow, PharmD, John Foss, PhD, Stephen Comiskey, PhD,Rong Feng, PhD, Gary Jacob, PhD, Kunwar Shailubhai, PhD, MBA,R&D, Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Doylestown, PAP461. Food Avoidance and Use of Dietary Supplements Among PatientsWith Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseTien-Chun Chen, MD, Guillermina Cruz, MD, Joseph Sellin, MD, JasonHou, MD, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, Baylor Collegeof Medicine; Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center,Houston, TX, Baylor College of Medicine; Center for Innovations inQuality, Effectiveness and Safety (IQuESt); Michael E. DeBakey VeteransAffairs Medical Center, Houston, TXP462. Risk Factors for Campylobacter jejuni Infection and Impact on theDisease Course in Patients With Ulcerative ColitisZubin Arora, MD, Xianrui Wu, MD, Saurabh Mukewar, MD, Bo Shen,MD, FACG, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OHP463. Role of Colonic Expression of Wnt Inhibitory Factor-1 in UlcerativeColitisJayakrishna Chintanaboina, MD, MPH, Brittany Lippert, BS, DeepPatel, BS, Amanda Tracy, BS, Price Kimberly, BS, Alexander Lalos, MD,Bharat Patel, MD, Edward Sherwin, MD, Christopher Barbarevech, MD,David Rutta, MD, Matthew Haner, PhD, Linda Gutierrez, MD, Medicine,Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Hummelstown, PA, WilkesUniversity, Wilkes-Barre, PA, GI Consultants of Northeast Pennsylvania,Scranton, PA, Mansfield University, Mansfield, PAP464. Endoscopic Balloon Dilation in Crohn’s Disease: The RealImpact on Clinical Disease BehaviorSusana Lopes, MD, Patrícia Andrade, MD, Eduardo Rodrigues-Pinto,MD, Filipe Vilas-Boas, MD, Fernando Magro, MD, PhD, GuilhermeMacedo, MD, PhD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Centro Hospitalar SãoJoão, Porto, PortugalP465. Endoscopic Recurrence After Ileocolectomy in Crohn’s DiseaseSusana Lopes, MD, Patrícia Andrade, MD, Eduardo Rodrigues-Pinto,MD, Filipe Vilas-Boas, MD, Fernando Magro, MD, PhD, GuilhermeMacedo, MD, PhD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Centro Hospitalar SãoJoão, Porto, PortugalP466. POSTER WITHDRAWNP467. Budesonide Foam for Ulcerative Proctitis (UP) and UlcerativeProctosigmoiditis (UPS): Subgroup Analyses of 2 Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 3 StudiesBrian Bosworth, MD, FACG, William Sandborn, MD, FACG, DavidRubin, MD, FACG, Jing Yu, PhD, Andrew Barrett, PhD, Enoch Bortey,PhD, William Forbes, PharmD, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/WeillCornell MedicalCollege, New York, NY, University of California SanDiego, La Jolla, CA, University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL, SalixPharmaceuticals, Inc., Raleigh, NCP468. Diet Compliance and Its Measurement in a Clinical Trial of Crohn’sDiseaseGayatri Sanku, BS, Prachi Chakradeo, MS, Susan Mikolaitis, MS, RDN,Ali Keshavarzian, MD, FACG, Shahriar Sedghi, MD, Louis Fogg, PhD,Ece Mutlu, MD, MBA, MS, FACG, Rush University Medical Center,Chicago, IL, Mercer University, Macon, GAP469. Prebiotic Compliance and Its Measurement in a Clinical Trial ofCrohn’s DiseaseGayatri Sanku, BS, Prachi Chakradeo, MS, Susan Mikolaitis, MS, RDN,Ali Keshavarzian, MD, FACG, Shahriar Sedghi, MD, Louis Fogg, PhD,Ece Mutlu, MD, MBA, MS, FACG, Rush University Medical Center,Chicago, IL, Mercer University, Macon, GAP470. Efficacy and Tolerability of Budesonide Foam With or WithoutBaseline 5-Aminosalicylic Acid Use in Patients With Ulcerative Proctitis(UP) or Ulcerative Proctosigmoiditis (UPS): Results of 2 Randomized,Placebo-Controlled, Phase 3 StudiesWilliam Sandborn, MD, FACG, Brian Bosworth, MD, FACG, DavidRubin, MD, FACG, Jing Yu, PhD, Andrew Barrett, PhD, Craig Paterson,MD, William Forbes, PharmD, University of California San Diego, LaJolla, CA, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical College,New York, NY, University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL, SalixPharmaceuticals, Inc., Raleigh, NCP471. Characterization of Mucosal Healing With Adalimumab Treatmentin Patients With Moderately to Severely Active Crohn’s Disease FromEXTENDWalter Reinisch, MD, Jean-Frederic Colombel, MD, Geert D’Haens,MD, William Sandborn, MD, Paul Rutgeerts, MD, Joel Petersson, MD,Samantha Eichner, MD, Qian Zhou, PhD, Annalisa Iezzi, MD, RoopalThakkar, MD, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, IcahnSchool of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, Academic MedicalCenter, Amsterdam, Netherlands, University of California San Diego,La Jolla, CA, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, AbbVie Inc, NorthChicago, ILP472. Different Methodologies for Determining Mayo Score in ClinicalStudies Can Influence Disease Activity Assessments in Ulcerative ColitisSubrata Ghosh, MD, William Sandborn, MD, Julian Panés, MD, GeertD’Haens, MD, Nattanan Reilly, MD, Andreas Lazar, MD, Bidan Huang,PhD, Anne Robinson, MD, Roopal Thakkar, MD, University of Calgary,Calgary, AB, Canada, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA,Hospital Clinic University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, AcademicMedical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, AbbVie Inc, North Chicago,IL, AbbVie Deutschland GmbH and Co, KG, Ludwigshafen, GermanyPOSTERSSUNDAY59For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP473. Deep Remission With Vedolizumab in Patients With UlcerativeColitis: Evaluating Various Combinations of Endoscopic and Patient-Reported OutcomesWilliam Sandborn, MD, FACG, Jean-Frederic Colombel, MD, PhD,Remo Panaccione, MD, Karen Lasch, MD, Serap Sankoh, PhD, BrihadAbhyankar, MBA, Division of Gastroenterology, University of CaliforniaSan Diego, La Jolla, CA, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,New York, NY, Department of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary,AB, Canada, Takeda Pharmaceuticals International, Inc., Deerfield, IL,Takeda Pharmaceuticals International Co., Cambridge, MA, TakedaGlobal Research and Development Centre (Europe) Ltd., London,United KingdomP474. Vedolizumab Results in Durable Clinical Remission in Crohn’sDiseaseWilliam Sandborn, MD, FACG, Silvio Danese, MD, PhD, BrihadAbhyankar, MBA, Walter Reinisch, MD, PhD, Jing Xu, PhD, KarenLasch, MD, Catherine Milch, MD, Division of Gastroenterology,University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, IBD Center, IstitutoClinico Humanitas, Milan, Italy, Takeda Global Research andDevelopment Centre (Europe) Ltd., London, United Kingdom,Department of Internal Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna,Vienna, Austria, Takeda Pharmaceuticals International Co., Cambridge,MA, Takeda Pharmaceuticals International, Inc., Deerfield, ILP475. Assessment of Fecal Markers and Clinical Outcomes in PatientsWith Moderately to Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis: Results FromPURSUIT-SC InductionWilliam Sandborn, MD, Brian Feagan, MD, Colleen Marano, PhD,Richard Strauss, MD, Jewel Johanns, PhD, Hongyan Zhang, PhD,Jean-Frederic Colombel, MD, Walter Reinisch, MD, Peter Gibson, MD,Judith Collins, MD, Dino Tarabar, MD, Zbigniew Hebzda, MD, PaulRutgeerts, MD, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, RobartsResearch Institute, London, ON, Canada, Janssen R&D, LLC, SpringHouse, PA, CHU, Lille, France, U für Innere Medizin III/McMasterUniversity, Vienna and Hamilton, Austria, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne,VIC, Australia, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR, MilitaryMedical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia, Klinika Chorob Wewnetrznych,Krakow, Poland, U Hospital, Gasthuisberg, Leuven, BelgiumP476. Predictors of Maintenance of Long-term Remission in Crohn’sDisease Patients Treated With Certolizumab Pegol: Multivariate andUnivariate Analyses From the PRECiSE 3 StudyWilliam Sandborn, MD, Stefan Schreiber, MD, Corey Siegel, MD,Gil Melmed, MD, Dermot McGovern, MD, Bosny Pierre-Louis, PhD,Gordana Kosutic, MD, Marshall Spearman, MD, University of CaliforniaSan Diego, La Jolla, CA, Christian-Albrechts University at Kiel, Kiel,Germany, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, UCB Pharma, Raleigh, NCP477. Clinical Outcomes in Continuous Clinical Responders WithModerately to Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis: Sub-analyses From thePURSUIT-SC Maintenance StudyWilliam Sandborn, MD, Jean-Frederic Colombel, MD, Walter Reinisch,MD, Peter Gibson, MD, Brian Feagan, MD, Colleen Marano, PhD,Richard Strauss, MD, Jewel Johanns, PhD, Hongyan Zhang, PhD,Haoling Weng, MD, MHS, Ruji Yao, PhD, Dino Tarabar, MD, ZbigniewHebzda, MD, Paul Rutgeerts, MD, University of California San Diego,La Jolla, CA, Hôpital Claude Huriez, Lille, France, Universitätsklinikfür Innere Medizin III/McMaster U, Vienna/Hamilton, Austria, AlfredHospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, Robarts Research Institute,London, ON, Canada, Janssen R&D, LLC, Spring House, PA, MerckSharp and Dohme, Kenilworth, NJ, Military Medical Academy,Belgrade, Serbia, Klinika Chorob Wewnetrznych,Krakow, Krakow,Poland, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven, BelgiumP478. Serum Albumin as a Predictor of Long-term Response andRemission With Certolizumab Pegol for Crohn’s Disease: Results From7-Year Data From the PRECiSE 3 StudyWilliam Sandborn, MD, Finlay Macrae, MD, Ian Lawrance, MD, DavidSen, PhD, Sarah Abbas, MD, Kevin Douglas, MD, Gary Lichtenstein,MD, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, Royal MelbourneHospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, University of Western Australia,Fremantle Hospital, WA, Australia, UCB Pharma, Raleigh, NC,University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PAP479. Stratification of Crohn’s Disease Patients Using the Lemann Indexto Quantify Gut Damage: A 5 Year Prospective Study2014 ACG Governors Award for Excellence in Clinical Research2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardBhavana Bhagya Rao, MD, Claudia Ramos Rivers, MD, Jean-FredericColombel, MD, PhD, Miguel Regueiro, MD, Jason Swoger, MD, MarcSchwartz, MD, Leonard Baidoo, MD, Jana Hashash, MD, Arthur Barrie,MD, PhD, Michael Dunn, MD, David Binion, MD, Medicine, Universityof Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,New York, NYINFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE -CLINICAL VIGNETTESP480. Crohn’s Flare Causes a CatastropheAnam Khan, MD, Yamini Natarajan, MD, Joseph Sellin, MD, FACG,Internal Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, HoustonP481. Budd Chiari Syndrome Induced by Severe Ulcerative Colitis: ACase Report of Two Patients Without Thrombophilia2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardAmar Mandalia, MD, Parit Mekaroonkamol, MD, Heba Iskandar, MD,MSc, Tanvi Dhere, MD, Emory University - Department of InternalMedicine, Atlanta, GA, Emory University - Division of Digestive Diseases,Atlanta, GAP482. Isolated Gastroduodenal Crohn’s DiseaseMatthew Sullivan, DO, Patrick Hickey, DO, Saba Ahmad, MD, JeffreyBrodsky, MD, Hiral Shah, MD, Ronald Bross, MD, Lehigh Valley HealthNetwork, Allentown, PAP483. Gastric Outlet Obstruction Caused by Crohn’s DiseaseVictor Velocci, MD, Mohammad Nasser, MD, Peter McCullough, MD,Internal Medicine, Providence Hospital, Southfield, MI, Baylor Heartand Vascular Institute, Dallas, TXP484. Crohn’s Disease Presenting as an Inflammatory Cecal Mass in anAsymptomatic PatientSvetlana Fridlyand, DO, David Wan, MD, Nassau University MedicalCenter, East Meadow, NY, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York,NYP485. Infliximab and Colchicine Therapy in the Treatment of SystemicSecondary Amyloidosis in Crohn’s DiseaseGeoffrey You, MD, William Ferges, MD, Kiron Das, MD, PhD,Department of Medicine, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson MedicalSchool, New Brunswick, NJ, Division of Gastroenterology andHepatology, Department of Medicine, Rutgers Robert Wood JohnsonMedical School, New Brunswick, NJP486. Case Report: Atypical Presentation of Pyelonephritis in a Crohn’sDisease Patient on AdalimumabMohamad Houry, MD, Sara Wikstrom, MD, Angela Pham, MD, GeorgeWashington University Hospital, Washington, DCP487. Ménétrier’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis: True, True andUnrelated?Bradley Anderson, MD, Seth Sweetser, MD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,MNP488. An Abdominal Catastrophe in an Obstetric Patient: PerforatedCrohn’s DiseaseJessica Burgers, MD, John Leff, MD, Oscar Ruiz, MD, OhioHealthRiverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus, OHP489. Abdominal Actinomycosis Complicating Active Crohn’s Disease: ACase ReportAhmad Malli, MD, Guru Trikudanathan, MD, Courtney Ferch, MD,Ashish Malhotra, MD, University of Minnesota Medical Center,Minneapolis, MN, Minneapolis VA Medical Center, Minneapolis, MNP490. The Management of IBD With Biologics in the Third Trimester ofPregnancyAnish Mammen, MD, Burton Korelitz, MD, FACG, Lenox Hill Hospital,New York, NYFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.60

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP491. Granulomatous Interstitial Nephritis as the PresentingManifestation of Crohn’s Disease: A Case Report and Review of LiteratureThoetchai Peeraphatdit, MD, Guru Trikudanathan, MD, Chris Shepela,MD, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Minnesota,Minneapolis, MN, Division of Gastroenterology, University of Minnesota,Minneapolis, MN, Division of Gastroenterology, Regions Hospital, SaintPaul, MNFUNCTIONAL BOWEL DISORDERSP492. Preliminary Experience With Dextranomer in Stabilized SodiumHyaluronate (Solesta ® ) Injections in Adults With Fecal IncontinenceRefractory to Medical TherapyMohammed Saadi, MD, Sherif Elhanafi, MD, Reza Hejazi, MD, EduardoOnate, MD, Richard McCallum, MD, FACG, Texas Tech University HSCDivision of Gastroenterology, El Paso, TXP493. Prevalence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Among Medical Studentsof a Medical School in Lima, PeruGeorge Vasquez, Adriana Pezua, Julio Huapaya, Luis Marcos, MD,MPH, Sushovan Guha, MD, PhD, Jorge Machicado, MD, UniversidadPeruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru, Forrest General Hospital,Hattiesburg, MS, University of Texas at Houston, Houston, TX,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PAP494. Constipation Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS-C) WithPositive Lactulose Breath Test (LBT) Can Be Treated With PolyethyleneGlycol (PEG) in lieu of AntibioticsBingru Xie, MD, Shamik Shah, MD, Dharmesh Kaswala, MD, NikolaosPyrsopoulos, MD, PhD, MBA, Zamir Brelvi, MD, PhD, The University ofMedicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, NJP495. Translation and Validation of Enhanced Asian Rome 3Questionnaires (EAR3-Q) in Bengali Language for Diagnosis of FunctionalGastrointestinal DisordersMohammed Rahman, MBBS, MD, Uday Ghoshal, MBBS, MD, DNB,DM, FACG, Ahm Rowshon, MBBS, MD, Faruque Ahmed, MBBS, MD,Md Kibria, MBBS, MD, Mahmud Hasan, MBBS, PhD, Kok-Ann Gwee,MBBS, MMed, PhD, William Whitehead, PhD, FACG, Department ofGastroenterology, Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh, SanjayGandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India,Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh, BangladeshMedical Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh, National University ofSingapore, Singapore, Singapore, Center for Functional GI and MotilityDisorders, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NCP496. Chronic Dyspepsia in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus: Is There aRole for the Cholecystokinin-HIDA Scan?Sandar Linn, MD, Carmen Stanca, MD, In Seo, MD, Sury Anand,MD, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY, Gastroenterology,The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY, Nuclear Medicine, TheBrooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NYP497. Gastric Motility Disorders: A Possible Under-Diagnosed Cause ofNon-Responsive Non-Ulcer DyspepsiaCarmen Stanca, MD, Sandar Linn, MD, Gregory Rozansky, MD, InSeo, MD, Sury Anand, MD, The Brooklyn Hospital, Brooklyn, NY,Gastroenterology, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY, NuclearMedicine, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NYP498. Risk of Serious Adverse Events With Alosetron Is Similar to orLess Than That Associated With Other Drugs Prescribed for Chronic GIDisordersSusan Lucak, MD, Jean Paul Nicandro, PharmD, David Earnest,MD, FACG, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, PrometheusLaboratories Inc., San Diego, CAP499. Week 2 Response Predicts Durable Response to Lubiprostone inPatients With Chronic Idiopathic ConstipationAyesha Akbar, MBChB (Hons), PhD, Taryn Losch-Beridon, BS,Martin Wang, MS, Peter Lichtlen, MD, PhD, BBA, GastroenterologyDepartment, St. Mark’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom, SucampoPharma Americas, LLC, Bethesda, MD, Sucampo AG, Zug, SwitzerlandP500. Impact of Methadone Dose and Baseline Bowel MovementFrequency on Efficacy of Lubiprostone for Opioid-Induced ConstipationByron Cryer, MD, FACG, Peter Lichtlen, MD, PhD, BBA, MartinWang, MS, Taryn Losch-Beridon, BS, University of TexasSouthwestern Medical School, Department of Internal Medicine,Digestive and Liver Diseases, and Veterans Affairs North TexasHealth Care System, Dallas, TX, Sucampo AG, Zug, Switzerland,Sucampo Pharma Americas, LLC, Bethesda, MDP501. Guanylate Cyclase-C Receptor and Ligand Expression in ColonicMucosa in Chronic ConstipationElizabeth Videlock, MD, Swapna Mahurkar-Joshi, PhD, Jill Hoffman,PhD, Wendy Shih, MS, Melissa Alberto, RN, Lin Chang, MD, FACG,David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CAP502. Patients With Diarrhea-Predominant Irritable Bowel SyndromeHave Lower Disease-Specific Quality of Life Than Constipation-Predominant Irritable Bowel SyndromePrashant Singh, MD, Kyle Staller, MD, Kenneth Barshop, BS, ElaineDai, BS, Jennifer Newman, BS, Sonia Yoon, MD, Shahar Castel, MAMS,Braden Kuo, MD, Gastroenterology, Massachusetts General Hospital,Newton, MA, Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY, University ofChicago, Chicago, ILP503. Evaluation of Alosetron Using the New FDA Composite EndpointDemonstrates Strong Treatment Effect in Females With Severe IrritableBowel Syndrome With DiarrheaMichael Camilleri, MD, FACG, Richard Krause, MD, FACG, SandyDeveze, BS, Tharak Rao, MD, David Earnest, MD, FACG, Mayo ClinicCollege of Medicine, Rochester, MN, ClinSearch, LLC, Chattanooga, TN,Prometheus Laboratories Inc., San Diego, CAP504. Characteristics of Anal Sphincter Dysfunction Using HighResolution Manometry in Patients With Fecal IncontinenceRohan Mandaliya, MBBS, Anthony DiMarino, MD, Satish Rattan, PhD,Sidney Cohen, MD, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA,Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, PAP505. Comparison of Generic to Disease-Specific Quality-of-LifeMeasures in Patients With Irritable Bowel SyndromeSamrath Singh, MD, Gregory Gudleski, PhD, Darren Brenner, MD,Laurie Keefer, PhD, Michael Sitrin, MD, Jeffrey Lackner, PsyD,Department of Medicine, University at Buffalo School of Medicine,SUNY, Buffalo, NY, Department of Medicine, Northwestern UniversityFeinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, ILP506. Understanding Gender Differences in IBS: The Role of Stress Fromthe Social Environment2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardElyse Thakur, MA, Michael Gurtman, PhD, Gregory Gudleski, PhD,Laurie Keefer, PhD, Darren Brenner, MD, Silpa Mandava, MD, JeffreyLackner, PsyD, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, University ofWisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, WI, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo,NY, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, ILFUNCTIONAL BOWEL DISORDERS -CLINICAL VIGNETTESP507. A Case of Short Bowel Syndrome Managed With a PrescriptionMedical Food Product, Serum-Derived Bovine Immunoglobulin/ProteinIsolate (SBI)Raouf Hilal, MD, University of Central Florida Medical School, Orlando,FLP508. Rapid Gastric Emptying: An Alternative Cause of FunctionalDyspepsiaAnna Platovsky, MD, Aaron Tokayer, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine,Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NYP509. Three Cases of Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome in a TertiaryCare SettingSamuel Kallus, MD, Pooja Singhal, MD, Caren Palese, MD, NadimHaddad, MD, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCPOSTERSSUNDAY61For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmENDOSCOPYP510. Endoscopic Management of Complex Bariatric SurgeryComplicationsShabnam Sarker, MD, Jacobo Velazquez-Avina, MD, KlausMönkemüller, MD, PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham Divisionof Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Birmingham, ALP511. Utility of Double Balloon Enteroscopy in Patients With SurgicallyAltered Bowel Anatomy After Bariatric SurgeryShabnam Sarker, MD, Jacobo Velazquez-Avina, MD, Matthew Skinner,MD, Shajan Peter, MD, Klaus Mönkemüller, MD, PhD, University ofAlabama, Birmingham, ALP512. A Comparison of CT Imaging to Endoscopic FindingsSadra Azizi, MD, Pete Vlismas, MS IV, Zachary Feinberg, MD, ShawnChaudhary, MD, Peter Ells, MD, FACG, Albany Medical Center, Albany,NYP513. AIMS 65 Scoring to Predict Clinical Outcomes in UpperGastrointestinal BleedingTaruna Bhatia, MD, Kinesh Changela, MD, Monica Kaminski, BS, SuryAnand, MD, Gastroenterology, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, New York,NYP514. Does Prior Therapy With Anti-acid Therapy Impact ClinicalOutcomes in Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding? A Retrospective Analysisin a Predominantly Minority PopulationKinesh Changela, MD, Taruna Bhatia, MD, Sury Anand, MD,Gastroenterology, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, New York, NYP515. Validation of Glasgow-Blatchford Score in Predicting Severity ofUpper GI BleedingTaruna Bhatia, MD, Kinesh Changela, MD, Emmanuel Ofori,MD, Manhal Izzy, MD, Anju Malieckal, MD, Sury Anand, MD,Gastroenterology, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, New York, NYP516. AIMS 65 Scoring to Predict Clinical Outcomes in UpperGastrointestinal Bleeding From Peptic Ulcer DiseaseTaruna Bhatia, MD, Kinesh Changela, MD, Monica Kaminski, BS, SuryAnand, MD, Gastroenterology, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, New York,NYP517. Clinical Utility of Integrated Molecular Pathology (IMP) inDetermining the Malignant Potential of Pancreatic Cysts (n=492)Thomas Kowalski, MD, David Loren, MD, Ali Siddiqui, MD, H. Mertz,MD, D. Mallat, MD, Nadim Haddad, MD, Nidhi Malhotra, MD, M.Lybik, MD, Sandeep Patel, MD, E. Okoh, MD, Laura Rosenkranz, MD,M. Karasik, MD, M. Golioto, MD, J. Linder, MD, K. Callenberg, PhD,Sara Jackson, PhD, Catalano M, MD, M. AlHaddad, MD, ThomasJefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, Indiana University, Indianapolis,IN, Nashville GI Specialists, Nashville, TN, Premier Gastroenterology ofTexas, Dallas, TX, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, NorthsideGastroenterology, Indianapolis, IN, University of Texas San Antonio,San Antonio, TX, Connecticut GI, Hartford, CT, RedPath IntegratedPathology, Pittsburgh, PA, Digestive Health Associates of Texas, Dallas,TX, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, WIP518. Optical Biopsy With Probe-Based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopyfor Prediction of Residual Barrett’s After Complete RadiofrequencyAblation (RFA) – A Pilot StudyShajan Peter, MD, Kevin Cowley, MD, Klaus Mönkemüller, MD, PhD,Helmut Neumann, MD, Charles Wilcox, MD, MSPH, Gurudatta Naik,MPH, UAB, Birmingham, AL, University Erlangen - Nuremburg,Erlangen, GermanyP519. Radiofrequency Ablation for Barrett’s Esophagus: Initial OutcomesFrom a Center Starting This Treatment ModalityKevin Cowley, MD, Shajan Peter, MD, Klaus Mönkemüller, MD, PhD,Charles Wilcox, MD, MSPH, UAB, Birmingham, ALP520. Cyanoacrylate Therapy for Bleeding Gastric Varices: A CommunitybasedCase Series and Results of a Survey of U.S. EndoscopistsLouisa Ng, BS, Robert Barclay, MD, MSc, FRCP(C), Medicine,University of Illinois College of Medicine, Rockford, Illinois, Rockford, ILP521. Cholangitis Associated With Spyglass ® PeroralCholangiopancreatoscopy: A Systematic Review of the LiteratureDeniz Duman, MD, Sheila Bharmal, MD, Monica Gaidhane, MD,MPH, Reem Sharaiha, MD, Michel Kahaleh, MD, FACG, Division ofGastroenterology and Hepatology, Weill Cornell Medical College, NewYork, NYP522. Increased Polyp Detection and Decreased Sedation Usage in anASC Setting After Implementing Panorama Endoscopy PlatformBlair Lewis, MD, FACG, Ian Gralnek, MD, MSHS, Melinda Lugay, RN,MS, CGRN, Carnegie Hill Endoscopy, New York, NY, Rambam HealthCare Campus, Haifa, IsraelP523. POSTER WITHDRAWNP524. Is Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Safe in Patients With ImplantableCardiac Devices?Anoop Appannagari, MD, Mukund Venu, MD, Loyola University MedicalCenter, Chicago, ILP525. Safety and Utility of Combined Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) andEndoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) in a Single Endoscopic TherapySessionSwarup Kumar, MBBS, Swapna Devanna, MD, Emmanuel Gorospe,MD, MPH, Michele Johnson, BS, Lori Lutzke, BS, Magdalen Clemens,BS, Kristyn Maixner, MS, Kenneth Wang, MD, FACG, Prasad Iyer, MD,MS, FACG, Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNP526. Risk Factors for Incomplete Inpatient Video Capsule EndoscopyAndrew Watson, MD, Divya Bhatt, MD, Kristin McBeath, DO, CemalYazici, MD, Fredrik Langi, MD, Russell Brown, MD, FACG, BrianBoulay, MD, MPH, University of Illinois Hospital and Health SciencesSystem, Chicago, IL, NorthShore University Health System, Evanston, ILP527. Prophylactic Tracheal Intubation Versus No Intubation for UpperGI Bleeding: Is There a True Difference in Patient Outcomes? A Meta-AnalysisAshraf Almashhrawi, MD, Rubayat Rahman, MD, Samuel Jersak,BS, Akwi Asombang, MD, Alisha Hinds, DO, Hazem Hammad, MD,Douglas Nguyen, MD, Matthew Bechtold, MD, FACG, Division ofGastroenterology, University of Missouri - Columbia, Columbia, MO,University of California - Irvine, Irvine, CAP528. Initial Experience With Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty Feasibilityand Reproducibility of TechniqueReem Sharaiha, MD, MSc, FACG, Prashant Keida, MD, Nkhil Kumta,MD, Ersilia DeFilippis, MD, Andrea Benuveto, NP, Monica Gaidhane,MD, Alpana Shukla, MD, Louis Aronne, MD, Michel Kahaled, MD,Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Weill Cornell Medical Center, NewYork, NYP529. Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) for Achalasia: Effective,Durable and Safe Based on Outcomes of a Large Prospective SeriesStavros Stavropoulos, MD, Rani Modayil, MD, Collin Brathwaite, MD,Sharon Taylor, MD, Douglas Katz, MD, Thomas Coppola, DO, KumkumPatel, MD, David Friedel, MD, Bhawna Halwan, MD, James Grendell,MD, Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, NYP530. A Pilot Study Regarding Safety and Histological Yield ofEndoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) Guided Liver Biopsy With a 19 Gauge CoreHistology Needle (CHN) for the Diagnosis and Staging of Benign HepaticParenchymal DiseaseJason Huang, MBBS, Hassan Ghani, MS, Jason Samarasena, MD,Ke-Qin Hu, MD, John Lee, MD, Gary Kanel, MD, Kenneth Chang,MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA,University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CAP531. IBD Surveillance Colonoscopies Require More Time andMedication Than Screening Colonoscopies for Non-IBD PatientsEmilie Regner, MD, Gregory Austin, MD, MPH, Mark Gerich, MD,University of Colorado, Aurora, COFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.62

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP532. Interim Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Endoscopy CoreCurriculum in Gastroenterology Fellowship Training ProgramsPichamol Jirapinyo, MD, Avlin Imaeda, MD, PhD, FACG, ChristopherThompson, MD, MHES, FACG, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven,CT, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MAP533. Cost-Based Comparison of Anesthetist-Administered PropofolVersus Endoscopist-Directed Propofol as Sedation During ScreeningColonoscopies in an Academic University CenterArjun Vaid, MD, Mohit Girotra, MD, Rayburn Rego, MD,Gastroenterology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, LittleRock, ARP534. A National Survey of Physician Knowledge Regarding the Benefitsof Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) in Advanced DementiaAlan Wong, MD, MPH, Colin Howden, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology,Northwestern University, Chicago, ILP535. Impact of EUS-FNA on Patient Management, Resource Use, andClinical Outcomes in Patients With Lung CancerRasha Issa, MD, Omar Majdobeh, MD, Laura Hamad, DO, Ronya Kawji,BS, Hesam Keshmiri, DO, MS, Zubin Patel, BS, Kamran Ayub, MD,Internal Medicine, St. James Franciscan Alliance, Oak Brook, IL, SilverCross Hospital, New Lenox, IL, Advocate Christ Hospital, Oak Lawn, ILP536. The Safety and Efficacy of Single Balloon Enteroscopy in theElderlyAshley Davis-Yadley, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Andrea Rodriguez, MD,Kirbylee Nelson, MD, Vignesh Doraiswamy, BS, Roshanak Rabbanifard,MD, Ambuj Kumar, MD, MPH, Patrick Brady, MD, Department ofInternal Medicine, University of South Florida Morsani College ofMedicine, Tampa, FL, Department of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition,University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FL,Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Evidence Based Medicineand Outcomes Research, University of South Florida Morsani Collegeof Medicine, Tampa, FL, University of South Florida Morsani MedicalSchool, Tampa, FLP537. The Role of HAS-BLED Scoring in Single Balloon EnteroscopyAshley Davis-Yadley, MD, Jonathan Keshishian, MD, Christian Andrade,MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Andrea Rodriguez, MD, Kirbylee Nelson,MD, Kimberly Kolkhorst, DO, Vignesh Doraiswamy, BS, RoshanakRabbanifard, MD, Ambuj Kumar, MD, MPH, Patrick Brady, MD, FACG,Department of Internal Medicine, University of South Florida MorsaniCollege of Medicine, Tampa, FL, Department of Digestive Diseasesand Nutrition, University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine,Tampa, FL, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of EvidenceBased Medicine and Outcomes Research, University of South FloridaMorsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FL, University of South FloridaMorsani Medical School, Tampa, FLP538. Accuracy of Capsule Endoscopy to Determine the Lesion Locationand Route of Insertion for Enteroscopy in the Evaluation of Small BowelDiseaseMeagan Gray, MD, Andrew Brock, MD, Brenda Hoffman, MD, Divisionof Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Medical University ofSouth Carolina, Charleston, SCP539. Outcome of Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of DuodenalAdenomas: An UpdateLuke McCrone, MB, BCh, Michael Bartel, MD, Ruchir Puri, MD,Timothy Woodward, MD, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FLP540. Pre-Procedural Patient Education Reduces Fall Risk in anOutpatient Endoscopy SuiteMoira Hilscher, MD, Desiree Tynsky, RN, Sunanda Kane, MD, MSPH,FACG, Department of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, MayoClinic Department of Nursing, Rochester, MNP541. LPOSTER WITHDRAWNP542. Balloon-Occluded Retrograde Transvenous Obliteration ofGastric Fundal Varices: A Single Center Experience From QatarMuneera Mohannadi, MD, Rafie Yakoub, MD, Ahmad Omar, MD,Moatasem Bellah A S Gomaa, MD, Waleed Ibrahim, MD, Division ofGastroenterology and Hepatology,Department of Medicine, HamadGeneral Hospital, Doha, Qatar, Department of Intervential Radiology,Hamad General Hospital, Doha, Qatar, Department of Medicine,Hamad General Hospital, Doha, QatarP543. A Low-Volume Sodium Picosulfate and Magnesium CitrateBowel Preparation Has No Effect on Cardiovascular Parameters inPatients Preparing for ColonoscopyGerald Bertiger, MD, Michael Epstein, MD, FACG, Dennis Marshall,RN, PhD, David Dahdal, PhD, Raymond Joseph, MD, FACG, HillmontGI, Flourtown, PA, Digestive Disorders Associates, Annapolis, MD,Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc, Parsippany, NJP544. Renal Function Decline in Patients Receiving Sodium Picosulfate/Magnesium Citrate or 2L PEG+Bisacodyl in Preparation for Colonoscopy:A Retrospective AnalysisGerald Bertiger, MD, Andrey Pavlov, PhD, Richard Willey, MS, SusanJohansson, CCRA, Raymond Joseph, MD, FACG, Hillmont GI,Flourtown, PA, Everest Clinical Research Inc, Markham, ON, Canada,Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc, Parsippany, NJP545. Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy Improves Esophageal Body Motilityin Patients With Short Achalasia DurationYing-ying LI, MD, Enqiang Linghu, MD, Hai-qing HU, MD, Xiang-dongWANG, MD, The Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, ChinaP546. The Clinical Curative Effect Analysis of 41 Cases of AchalasiaUnderwent Asymptotic Full-Thickness Myotomy Type of PeroralEndoscopic MyotomyEnqiang Linghu, MD, Nan-jun Wang, MM, Xiang-dong Wang, BD,Hong Du, BD, Jiang-yun Meng, BD, Hong-bin Wang, BD, Jing Zhu,BD, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the Chinese PLAGeneral Hospital, Beijing, ChinaP547. Comparison of Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy With Right ShoulderElevated Supine Position Versus Left Lateral Position for AchalasiaNan-jun Wang, MM, Enqiang Linghu, MD, Xiang-dong Wang, BD,Hong Du, BD, Jiang-yun Meng, BD, Jing Zhu, BD, Hong-bin Wang,BD, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the Chinese PLAGeneral Hospital, Beijing, ChinaP548. The Clinical Significance of Pressure Relief Degree for theSelection of Surgical Method of Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy forAchalasiaNan-jun Wang, MM, Enqiang Linghu, MD, Xiang-dong Wang, BD,Hong Du, BD, Jiang-yun Meng, BD, Jing Zhu, BD, Hong-bin Wang,BD, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the Chinese PLAGeneral Hospital, Beijing, ChinaP549. The Clinical Research for the Selection Criteria of SurgicalMethod of Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy for AchalasiaNan-jun Wang, MM, Enqiang Linghu, MD, Xiang-dong Wang, BD,Hong Du, BD, Jiang-yun Meng, BD, Jing Zhu, BD, Hong-bin Wang,BD, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the Chinese PLAGeneral Hospital, Beijing, ChinaP550. The Application of Inverse T Incision in Digestive EndoscopicTunnel Technique Comparing With Longitudinal and Transverse IncisionYufei Wang, MD, Enqiang Linghu, MD, Xiangdong Wang, MD,Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the Chinese PLAGeneral Hospital, Beijing, ChinaP551. Predictability of Capsule Endoscopy Referred to a Tertiary CareCenter for Double Balloon Enteroscopy: Should Some Capsules Be Reread?Jatinder Goyal, MD, Ali Khan, MD, Hwasoon Kim, MS, Shajan Peter,MD, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, ALP552. Analysis of a Grading System to Assess Quality of Small BowelPreparation for Capsule Endoscopy: In Search of the Holy GrailJatinder Goyal, MD, Anshum Goel, MD, Gerald Mcgwin, PhD, FrederickWeber, MD, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, ALPOSTERSSUNDAY63For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP553. High-Resolution Colonoscopy Does Not Improve AdenomaDetection Rate2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardPraveen Koneru, MD, Samuel Han, MD, Anupam Singh, MD, JohnLevey, MD, UMass Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MAENDOSCOPY - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP554. Interesting Case of “Downhill” VaricesKeta Vaidya, MD, Prithvi Sreenivasan, MD, MPH, FACG, Yale NewHaven Hospital, New Haven, CTP555. Successful Closure of a Suture Line Leak Following RemnantGastrectomy in a Patient With Gastrogastric Fistula Using an Over-The-Scope ClipHarini Rathinamanickam, MD, Swapna Gayam, MD, Gastroenterology,West Virginia University Health Sciences Center, Morgantown, WVP556. Inflammatory Polyp Mimicking Local Recurrence of Gastric CancerAfter Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD)Alain Harb, MD, Rami Tarabay, MD, Arthi Kumaravel, MD, MatthewKroh, MD, John Vargo, MD, MPH, FACG, Amit Bhatt, MD, ClevelandClinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, American Univeristy of BeirutMedical Center, Beirut, LebanonP557. Iatrogenically Induced Occult Gastro-Intestinal BleedKaartik Soota, MD, Kartik Ramakrishna, MD, Gokul Samudrala, MD,Deerajnath Lingutla, MD, Tarun Kothari, MD, FACG, Surinder Devgun,MD, Unity Health System, RochesterP558. Colonic Linear Hyperpigmentation in a Patient With UlcerativeColitis Taking the Natural Supplement Indigo NaturalisSasan Mosadeghi, MD, MS, Benny Liu, MD, Neil Stollman, MD, FACG,Alameda Health System/ Highland Hospital, Oakland, CA, Alta BatesSummit Medical Center, Oakland, CAP559. A Novel Technique in Removal of Completely Eroded IntraluminalGastric BandAmala Talasila, MD, Daniel Brelian, MD, Ira Mayer, MD, Yuriy Tsirlin,MD, Rabin Rahmani, MD, Gastroenterology, Maimonides MedicalCenter, Brooklyn, NYP560. Think Outside the Box in Refractory Upper GastrointestinalHemorrhage Using Over-the-Scope Clip SystemSreedevi Atluri, MD, Hernan Lopez, MD, Tagore Sunkara, MD, AndreaCulliford, MD, Jay Babich, MD, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn,NY, St. Barnabas Hospital, Bronx, NYP561. Bile Leak After CholecystectomySultan Mahmood, MD, Mohammed Muqeet Adnan, MD, SalmanNusrat, MD, John Maple, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, OklahomaUniversity Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma city, OKP562. It Looks Worse Than It Actually Is: Post Endoscopy SialadenitisPhani Molakatalla, MD, MPH, Yogesh Govil, MD, Einstein MedicalCenter, Philadelphia, PAP563. Catch 22: Management Dillema of Gastrointestinal AVMAjayi Tokunbo, MD, Arooj Hyat, MD, Albert Namias, MD, SalemHospital, Salem, MAP564. Endoscopic Tissue Shielding Method With Polyglycolic Acid Sheet(PGA Sheet) and Fibrin Glue After ESD in 10 Consecutive CasesMasanobu Kodama, MD, Gastroenterology, Kinan Hospital, Tanabe,JapanP565. EUS-Guided Fiducial Placement Using a New Forward-ViewingUltrasound GastrovideoscopeHarshit Khara, MD, Kimberly Fairley, MS, MD, Chuan Long Miao, MD,David Diehl, MD, Amit Johal, MD, Department of Gastroenterology andNutrition, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PAP566. Duodenal Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Masquerading asRefractory Bleeding Peptic UlcerStephen Oh, MBBS, BSc, John Evans, MD, Jason Conway, MD,MPH, Girish Mishra, MD, MPH, Rishi Pawa, MBBS, Section onGastroenterology, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NCP567. Incarceration of Umbilical Hernia Following ColonoscopyAbdullah Al-Shahrani, MBBS, Mohammed Ali, MD, Marie Borum, MD,MPH, EdD, FACG, Gastroeterology, George Washington University,Washington, DCP568. Gastro-Duodenal Artery (GDA) Pseudo-Aneurysm: Emerging Role ofEndoscopic UltrasoundAvin Aggarwal, MD, Department of Medicine, Hennepin County MedicalCenter, Minneapolis, MNP569. A Case of Rectal Endometriosis Presented as NeoplasmXinyan Yang, MD, Jianqiu Sheng, MD, Beijing Military General Hospitalof PLA, Beijing, ChinaP570. Endoscopic Closure of a Multifocal Leak From a Gastric SleeveJanaki Patel, MD, Reza Akhtar, MD, Jersey Shore University MedicalCenter, Neptune Township, NJP571. Ischemic Colitis After Routine ColonoscopyHina Omar, MD, Scott Siglin, MD, Marc Fine, MD, Lutheran GeneralHospital, Park Ridge, ILPEDIATRICSP572. Gluten-Free Diet and Lipid Profile in Children With Celiac DiseaseMaria Luisa Forchielli, MD, MPH, FACG, Paola Fernicola, MD, LuciaDiani, RD, Barbara Scrivo, Nunzio Salfi, MD, Achille Pessina, MD, PhD,Mario Lima, MD, Silvana Ministeri, RN, Elisa Ballarini, MD, Maria ChiaraRagni, MD, Andrea Pession, MD, PhD, Medical School of Bologna,Bologna, ItalyP573. A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Yoga in Pediatric InflammatoryBowel Disease: Preliminary FindingsAlycia Leiby, MD, Annette Langseder, RN, Rami Bustami, PhD, MBA,Minal Vazirani, MD, Madeline Marchell, YT, E-RYT, Madelana Ferrara,MA, E-RYT, IAYT, Joel Rosh, MD, Pediatric Gastroenterology, GoryebChildren’s Hospital Atlantic Health System, Morristown, NJ, SieglerCenter for Integrative Medicine, Barnabas Health, Livingston, NJ,Integrative Medicine, Atlantic Health System, Morristown, NJ, AtlanticCenter for Research, Atlantic Health System, Morristown, NJP574. Predictors of Loss of Response to Infliximab in Pediatric Crohn’sDiseasePraveen Kumar Conjeevaram Selvakumar, MD, Susan Szpunar, MPH,PhD, Hernando Lyons, MD, Pediatrics, St.John Hospital and MedicalCenter, Detroit, MI, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit,MIP575. SPECT Nuclear Imaging: Improved Diagnostic Tool in Infants WithBiliary AtresiaDeepali Tewari, MD, Perry Gerard, MD, Richard Rosencrantz, MD,Department of Pediatrics, Section of Pediatric Gastroenterology andHepatology, Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital New York Medical College,Valhalla, NY, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Westchester MedicalCenter, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NYP576. Cardiac Structural and Functional Changes and Risk of Acute onChronic Liver Failure in Biliary Atresia PatientsThaddaeus May, MD, Alex Tedesco, Charles Ho, Katherine Dong,Jayme Smith, Moreshwar Desai, MD, Ross Shepherd, MD, PediatricGastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Baylor College of Medicine,Houston, TX, Rice University, Houston, TXPEDIATRICS - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP577. Pelvic Floor Dyssynergia Causing Constipation in a Patient WithPrader-Willi SyndromeJuan Corral, MD, Rahul Kataria, MD, Dawn Vickers, RN, RhagadKoutouby, MD, Baharak Moshiree, MD, MSCI, Department of Medicine,University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and Jackson MemorialHospital, Miami, FL, Division of Gastroenterology, University of MiamiHealth System, Miami, FL, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology,University of Miami Health System, Miami, FLFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.64

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP578. Ischemic Cholangiopathy: A Consequence of Sickle Cell Disease?Maria Kassab, MD, Mitesh Bhalala, MD, Shireen Pais, MD, FACG, NewYork Medical College, Valhalla, NYCOLORECTAL CANCER PREVENTIONP579. Assessing Multiple Variables in Adenoma Detection: An InterimAnalysisJohn Vizuete, MD, MPH, Gregg Wendorf, MD, MPH, Balaji Ayyar, MD,Greg Constantine, MD, Carlo Taboada, MD, Charles Randall, MD,University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, San Antonio,TX, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, KY, Universityof Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston,TX, Gastroenterology Research of America, San Antonio, TXP580. Diabetes Is Associated With Socioeconomic Disparities and MoreComorbidities in Colorectal Cancer Surgery: A Nationwide InpatientSample StudyHisham Hussan, MD, Peter Stanich, MD, Darwin Conwell, MD, MS,Samer El-Dika, MD, MS, Somashekar Krishna, MD, MPH, AliceHinton, PhD, Darrell Gray, MD, MPH, Section of Intestinal Neoplasiaand Hereditary Polyposis (INHP), Department of Gastroenterology,Hepatology and Nutrition, The Ohio State University Medical Center,Columbus, OH, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology andNutrition, The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH,Division of Biostatistics, College of Public Health, The Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus, OHP581. Colonic Stasis and Chronic Constipation: Demystifying ProposedRisk Factors for Polyp Formation and Colon Cancer in a Spinal CordInjury VA PopulationJason Colizzo, MD, Jonathan Keshishian, MD, Ambuj Kumar, MD,PhD, Gitanjali Vidyarthi, MD, Donald Amodeo, MD, Internal Medicine,University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, James A. Haley VeteransHospital, Tampa, FLP582. A Cost Model of Screening and Treatment for Anal HPV, AnalDysplasia, and Anal Cancer With Attention to Woman UndergoingScreening ColonoscopyEli Ehrenpreis, MD, FACG, Dylan Smith, BS, Ibrahim Habib, MD,Andrew Mazulis, MD, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Evanston,IL, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, ILP583. Smoking Is Associated With an Increased Risk of Adenomas inPatients at High Risk for Colorectal CancerSteven Zeddun, MD, Abdullah Al-Shahrani, MBBS, Vikesh Khanijow,MD, Timothy Dougherty, MD, Wadha Al-Jaser, MD, Brandon Rieders,MD, Marie Borum, MD, EdD, MPH, FACG, Division of Gastroenterologyand Liver Diseases, George Washington University, Washington, DCP584. Does Mandatory Documentation of Colonoscopy Duration EnhanceAdenoma Detection Rate?Sohaib Hassan, MD, Prashanthi Thota, MD, Jamak Modaresi Esfeh,MD, Rocio Lopez, MS, Madhusudhan Sanaka, MD, Digestive DiseaseInstitute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OHP585. In Vivo Diagnosis of Colorectal Polyps by GI Endoscopists UsingHD Narrow-Band ImagingJason Rocha, MD, Shuko Lee, MS, Lawrence Siegel, MD, Neha Mathur,MD, Suneal Agarwal, MD, Cesar Sostre, MD, Leon Kundrotas, MD,University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio,TX, Audie L. Murphy VA Hospital, San Antonio, TXP586. Prevalence and Gender Difference of Gastrointestinal Cancers andPolyps in Patients Presenting With Gastrointestinal Bleeding in NepalUmid Shrestha, MD, PhD, Umid Shrestha, MD, PhD, Bishnu Jwarchan,MD, Medicine, Manipal College of Medical Sciences and ManipalTeaching Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal, Kaski Sewa Hospital and ResearchCenter, Pokhara, NepalP587. Ineffective Use of Fecal Blood Testing as a Lone Method forColorectal Cancer Screening: Cancer Screening Is Only Useful When inCompliance With RecommendationsAndrew Mowery, DO, Kimberly Fairley, MS, DO, Chuan Long Miao, MD,Christopher Valente, BS, Michael Komar, MD, Geisinger Medical Center,Danville, PAP588. Assessment of Knowledge of Primary Care Providers RegardingFecal Immunochemical Testing (FIT) for Colorectal Cancer ScreeningMel Ona, MD, MS, MPH, MA, Charilaos Papafragkakis, MD, DanielBashari, MD, Zubin Tharayil, MD, Kinesh Changela, MD, SushilDuddempudi, MD, Sury Anand, MD, Madhavi Reddy, MD, TheBrooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY, Lutheran Healthcare,Brooklyn, NY, North Shore-LIJ Health System, Manhasset, NYP589. Improving the Quality of Colonoscopy Bowel Preparation With aFellow-Based Colonoscopy ClinicMichelle Cohen, MD, Amir Soumekh, MD, Brian Bosworth, MD,FACG, Gastroenterology, New York Presbyterian-Weill Cornell MedicalCenter, New York, NYP590. The Yield of Screening Colonoscopy in Potential Renal TransplantRecipientsTurki AlAmeel, MBBS, Bahaa Bseiso, MD, Meteb AlBugami, MBBS,Sami AlMomen, MBBS, Lee Roth, MD, King Fahad Specialist Hospital,Dammam, Saudi Arabia, Department of Medicine, The ScarboroughHospital, Scarborough, ON, CanadaP591. Low Prevalence of Advanced Histological Features in DiminutivePolyps Among a Minority CohortKristen Lee, MD, Lina Jandorf, MA, Steven Itzkowitz, MD, FACG, IcahnSchool of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NYP592. Large (>5 mm) Hyperplastic Polyps That Are Proximal to theSigmoid Are More Likely to Be Reclassified as Sessile SerratedAdenomas/PolypsJoseph Anderson, MD, Mikhail Lisovsky, MD, PhD, Mary Ann Greene,MS, Catherine Hagen, MD, Amitabh Srivastava, MD, White RiverJunction VAMC, White River Junction, VT, Dartmouth HitchcockMedical Center, Lebanon, NH, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston,MA, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, Massachusetts General Hospital,Boston, MAP593. A High Percentage of Advanced Adenomas Detected by FecalImmunochemical Testing in an Underserved PopulationJ. Christie Heller, MD, Angela Keniston, MSPH, Joel Levine, MD,Denver Health and Hospital, Denver, COP594. A Multicenter, Randomized, Investigator-Blinded Study (MODEC)Comparing the Cleansing Quality and the Observed Lesion Detection Rateof Two Bowel Preparations: 2L Polyethylene Glycol With Electrolytes +Ascorbate Components (PEG+ASC) and Sodium Picosulfate/MagnesiumCitrate (NaPic/MgCit)Jurgen Pohl, MD, Marc Halphen, MD, Hans Rudolf Kloess, MD,Wolfgang Fischbach, MD, Horst Schmidt Klinik, Wiesbaden, Germany,Norgine Ltd, Harefield, United Kingdom, Norgine GmbH, Marburg,Germany, Klinikum Aschaffenburg, Aschaffenburg, GermanyP595. A Scoring System for Predicting the Risk of Advanced ProximalNeoplasia in Asymptomatic AdultsThomas Imperiale, MD, Patrick Monahan, PhD, Timothy Stump,MA, Elizabeth Glowinski, RN, David Ransohoff, MD, Medicine,Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, IndianapolisGastroenterology Research Foundation, Indianapolis, IN, University ofNorth Carolina, Chapel Hill, INP596. Racial Disparities in Colorectal Cancer Screening in an EqualAccess Health Care SystemJames Haddad, MD, Brett Partridge, MD, FACG, David You, MD, FACG,Naval Medical Center San Diego, Department of Internal Medicine,San Diego, CA, Naval Medical Center San Diego, Department ofGastroenterology, San Diego, CAP597. Prevalence of DNA Biomarkers in Fecal Immunochemical TestPositive and Negative Colorectal Cancers2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardTheodore Levin, MD, Chyke Doubeni, MD, MPH, Christopher Jensen,PhD, Wei Zhao, MPH, Alexis Zebrowski, BA, Rebecca Oldham-Haltom, MS, Hatim Allawi, PhD, Graham Lidgard, PhD, DouglasCorley, MD, PhD, Barry Berger, MD, Kaiser Permanete Division ofResearch, Oakland, CA, Family Medicine and Community Health, andEpidemiology, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine,Philadelphia, PA, Exact Sciences Corporation, Madison, WIPOSTERSSUNDAY65For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Sunday, October 19, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pmP598. Post-Colonoscopy Colorectal Cancer in the United Kingdom: ADouble-Center Experience2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardJames Britton, MBChB, Lolita Chan, MBChB, Kirsty Allan, MBChB,Neeraj Prasad, MBChB, Regi George, MBBS, Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust, Manchester, United Kingdom, Wigan and Leigh NHSFoundation Trust, Wigan, United KingdomCOLORECTAL CANCER PREVENTION -CLINICAL VIGNETTESP599. Metastatic Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Detected on CTColonography After Negative Barium EnemaElizabeth Williams, DO, James Grendell, MD, Gastroenterology,Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, NYENDOSCOPY VIDEO FORUMP600. Wide Field Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) for Barrett’sEsophagus With High-grade DysplasiaTimothy Wallace, Michael Bartel, MD, Michael Wallace, MD, FACG,Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic, Jackonville, FLP601. Massive Jejunal Diverticular Bleeding Successfully Treated WithSpirus EnteroscopyRohan Mandaliya, MBBS, Mitchell Conn, MD, Abington MemorialHospital, Abington, PA, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PAP602. Successful Endoscopic Closure of Rectovesical Fistula WithOVESCO ClipAshwini Anumandla, MD, Shashank Ponugoti, MD, Phani KumarHukumathirao, MD, MBA, Srinivasan Ganesan, MD, West VirginiaUniversity, Morgantown, WVP603. Novel Technique for Intradiverticular Advanced AdenomaResectionZilla Hussain, MD, John Levenick, MD, Stuart Gordon, MD, FACG,Gastroenterology, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NHP604. POSTER WITHDRAWNP605. POSTER WITHDRAWNP606. POSTER WITHDRAWNFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.66

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmMONDAY, October 20, 2014ESOPHAGUSP607. Esophagogastric Fistula Related to Nissen FundoplicationMariam Naveed, MD, Sachin Kukreja, MD, Kerry Dunbar, MD, PhD,Jennifer Rossen, Zeeshan Ramzan, MD, UT Southwestern MedicalCenter, Dallas, TXP608. Elimination of Moderate and Severe Regurgitation Is Sustained4 Years After Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation (LINX) for GERD WithMinimal Side EffectsPhilip Katz, MD, FACG, Kenneth DeVault, MD, FACG, StevenEdmundowicz, MD, Steven Schlack-Haerer, MD, Robert Ganz, MD,Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, Mayo ClinicFlorida, Jacksonville, FL, Washington University School of Medicine,St. Louis, MO, Gundersen Health System, La Crosse, WI, MinnesotaGastroenterology, Minneapolis, MNP609. Short-term Esomeprazole Treatment Resolves Reflux Symptoms inSubjects With Nonerosive Symptomatic Gastroesophageal Reflux Diseaseand Frequent HeartburnPhilip Katz, MD, FACG, Anne LeMoigne, Kelly Park, PharmD, CharlesPollack, MD, PhD, Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, PfizerConsumer Healthcare, Madison, NJP610. Hypercontractile (Jackhammer) Esophagus After LungTransplantationZubin Arora, MD, Sanath Allampati, MD, Rebecca Chota, MS,Rocio Lopez, MS, MPH, Sigurbjorn Birgisson, MD, Cleveland Clinic,Cleveland, OHP611. Revision of the GerdQ for Patients Referred for Wireless pH TestingChristopher Navas, BS, Brian Lacy, MD, PhD, FACG, Michael Crowell,PhD, FACG, Scott Gabbard, MD, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center,Lebanon, NH, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale,AZP612. The Effect of Food on the Bioavailability of Dexlansoprazole Fromthe Dexlansoprazole Orally Disintegrating Tablet FormulationMichael Kukulka, BS, Sai Nudurupati, PhD, Maria Perez, MD, TakedaDevelopment Center Americas, Inc., Deerfield, ILP613. Use of a Sleep Positioning Device Significantly ImprovesNocturnal Gastroesophageal Reflux SymptomsSanath Allampati, MD, Rocio Lopez, MS, Monica Ray, MD, SigurbjornBirgisson, MD, Scott Gabbard, MD, Gastroenterology, Cleveland Clinic,Cleveland, OHP614. The Hypercontractile (Jackhammer) Esophagus. Do the NumbersMatter?Sanath Allampati, MD, Rebecca Chota, MS, Zubin Arora, MD, RocioLopez, MS, MPH, Sigurbjorn Birgisson, MD, MA, Cleveland Clinic,Cleveland, OHP615. Serum Albumin Is an Independent Predictor of Early Mortality inVeteran Patients With Esophageal CancerAmmar Nassri, MD, Sergio Huerta, MD, Stuart Spechler, MD, ZeeshanRamzan, MD, Dallas VA Medical Center, UT Southwestern MedicalCenter, Dallas, TXP616. Underutilization of Esophageal Biopsies and Endoscopic Follow-upin Patient Populations at Higher Risk for Eosinophilic EsophagitisKristina Ross, MD, Wataru Tamura, MD, University of ColoradoAnschutz Medical Campus, Denver, COP617. Appropriateness of Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in PatientsWith Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): A Single CenterExperienceNneoma Okoronkwo, MD, Leroy Floyd, MD, Xiangli Li, MD, PhD,Yucai Wang, MD, PhD, Aleksey Tentler, MD, Neil Kothari, MD, RutgersUniversity - New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, VA New JerseyHealth Care System - East Orange, East Orange, NJP618. The Histologic and Clinical Significance of Endoscopic “Islands”After Radiofrequency Ablation for Barrett’s EsophagusTim McGorisk, MD, Kiran Bidari, MD, Shayan Nabavi Nouri, BS, LaurieKeefer, PhD, Srinadh Komanduri, MD, MS, Northwestern UniversityFeinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL67P619. The Effect of Dietary n6:n3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Ratio onChronic Reflux Esophagitis in RatsZehao Zhuang, MD, PhD, Dupeng Tang, MPhil, Jingjing Xie, MPhil,Jingjing Wei, MPhil, Jun Zhang, MPhil, The First Affiliated Hospital ofFujian Medical University, Fuzhou, ChinaP620. Factors Associated With Adherence to Endoscopic Surveillance inPatients With Non-Dysplastic Barrett’s EsophagusSupriya Rao, MD, Helen Lee, MD, Brian Jacobson, MD, MPH, BostonMedical Center, Boston, MAP621. Cryospray Ablation for Barrett’s High Grade Dysplasia in aCommunity-Based Barrett’s Registry of 965 Patients: 7 Year Follow-upMark Johnston, MD, FACG, Hope Johnston, John Horwhat, MD,FACG, Lancaster Regional Medical Center, Lancaster, PAP622. Quality of the Evaluation and Management of EosinophilicPredominant Inflammation of the Esophagus in a Busy Urban HospitalCenterSalwa Hussain, MD, Daniyeh Khurram, MD, Jaspreet Ghumman,MD, Jeffrey Najor, MD, Micheal Piper, MD, FACG, Syed-MohammedJafri, MD, FACG, Providence Hospital and Medical Centers,Southfield, MI, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MIP623. Normal BMI Is Not Enough to Resist GERD Symptoms inPresence of Abdominal ObesityShahid Karim, MD, Afsheen Faryal, MD, Wasim Jafri, MD, FACG,Saeed Hamid, MD, Zohaib Nawaz, MD, Liaquate National Hospitaland Medical College, Karachi, Pakistan, Agha Khan University Hospital,Karachi, PakistanP624. Clinicopathologic and Diagnostic Features of EsophagitisDissecans SuperficialisRyan Romano, DO, Philip Hart, MD, Roger Moreira, MD, KarthikRavi, MD, FACG, Seth Sweetser, MD, FACG, Mayo Clinic - Divisionof Anatomic Pathology, Rochester, MN, Mayo Clinic - Division ofGastroenterology and Hepatology, Rochester, MNP625. Effects of Individual Components of Metabolic Syndrome on GERDPrevalence in a National Study of 125,029 Patients: Diabetes, but NotHypertension or Hyperlipidemia, Significantly Increases the Risk of GERDIndependent of ObesityArunkumar Muthusamy, MD, Rajesh Krishnamoorthi, MD, PalaniappanManickam, MD, MPH, Mitchell Cappell, MD, PhD, FACG, Wayne StateUniversity/Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, MI, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,MN, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, RoyalOak, MIP626. Histopathologic Patterns Among Achalasia SubtypesJamie Sodikoff, MD, Brandon Shetuni, MD, Peter Kahrilas, MD, FACG,Guang-Yu Yang, MD, PhD, John Pandolfino, MD, FACG, NorthwesternUniversity Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, ILP627. Associations Between Leptin, Ghrelin and Barrett’s Esophagus: ACase-Control Study With Stratified Analyses2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardStuart Thomas, MD, Douglas Corley, MD, PhD, MPH, FACG, KaiserPermanente Medical Center, San Francisco, CAP628. Post-POEM and Gastrografin Swallow: What to Look For?Vivek Kesar, MBBS, Andrawes Sherif, MD, Matthew Muranaka, MD,Stephen Machnicki, MD, Gregory Haber, MD, Center for AdvancedEndoscopy, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NY, Department ofRadiology, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NYP629. Safety of Radiofrequency Ablation in the Porcine Esophagus WithImplanted Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation DeviceKee Don Choi, MD, Jason Huang, MD, Jason Samarasena, MD, SmithBrian, MD, Kenneth Chang, MD, FACG, H. H. Chao ComprehensiveDigestive Disease Center, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CAP630. Barium Esophagram in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis PatientsBeing Evaluated for Lung Transplant Demonstrates Limited UtilityLucy Salieb, MD, Diana Kolman, MD, Namrata Patel, MD, FrancisCordova, MD, Yoshiya Toyoda, MD, Michael Smith, MD, MBA, TempleUniversity School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PAFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.POSTERSMONDAY

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP631. A Retrospective Analysis and a New Type of Clinical Classificationof Mallory-Weiss SyndromePeiyuan Li, MD, PhD, Zhengbo Li, Post-Graduate, Dean Tian, MD, PhD,Division of Gastroenterology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College,Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, ChinaP632. A Single Center Experience Comparing Surveillance of Barrett’sEsophagus in Subjects With Liver Cirrhosis and Those Without CirrhosisKhalid George, MD, Sagger Mawri, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD,Mark Blumenkehl, MD, FACG, Henry Ford Hospital - Department ofInternal Medicine, Detroit, MI, Henry Ford Hospital - Department ofGastroenterology and Hepatology, Detroit, MIP633. Hypertensive Peristalsis of the Esophagus and PsychotropicMedications: A Retrospective Case StudySachin Mohan, MD, PhD, Tara Lautenslager, MD, Thomas Judge, MD,Joshua Desipio, MD, Cooper University Hospital, Camden, NJP634. Safety of Cryotherapy in Advanced Stage Esophageal Cancer:A Very Cool Treatment OptionToufic Kachaamy, MD, Jason Adam, MD, Alvin Zfass, MD,Gastroenterology, Cancer Treatment Center of America, Phoenix, AZ,Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VAP635. Clinical Factors Do Not Explain Why Barrett’s Esophagus PrimarilyOccurs Among Non-Hispanic Whites in North FloridaAhmad Alkaddour, MD, Camille McGaw, MD, Rama Hritani, MD, CarlosPalacio, MD, MPH, Juan Munoz, MD, Kenneth Vega, MD, Divisionof Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, University of Oklahoma HealthSciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, University of Florida Jacksonville- Gastroenterology, Jacksonville, FL, University of Florida Jacksonville -Medicine, Jacksonville, FLP636. Endoscopic Management of Esophageal Anastomotic LeaksFollowing Surgery for Malignant DiseaseEugene Licht, MD, Hans Gerdes, MD, Arnold Markowitz, MD, EmmyLudwig, MD, Robin Mendelsohn, MD, Pari Shah, MD, Moshe Shike,MD, Nabil Rizk, MD, Vivian Strong, MD, Mark Schattner, MD, MemorialSloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NYP637. Esophageal Dysmotility in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in theEra of High Resolution Manometry and the Chicago ClassificationReza Hejazi, MD, Sherif Elhanafi, MD, Mohammed Saadi, MD, RichardMcCallum, MD, FACG, Medicine, Texas Tech University HealthSciences Center, El Paso, TXP638. Clinical Significance of Pulsatile High Pressure Zones on HighResolution Esophageal Manometry in Dysphagia PatientsNaueen Chaudhry, MD, Kamran Zahid, MD, Qing Zhang, MD, PhD,Internal Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FLESOPHAGUS - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP639. Double Stenting for Malignant Broncho-Esophageal Fistula: AViable Option for Palliation in Advanced Esophageal CancerPrathab Devaraj, MD, Shashank Ponugoti, MD, Swati Pawa, MD, WestVirginia University - Department of Digestive Diseases, Morgantown,WV, West Virginia University - Department of Internal Medicine/Clinicaland Translational Siences (Ctsi), Morgantown, WVP640. Massive Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage Due to Candida Esophagitis:An Unusual PresentationAlicia Alvarez, MD, Leyla Maric, MD, Alison Schneider, MD, ClevelandClinic Florida, Weston, FLP641. Metachronous Primary Distal Esophageal Small Cell Carcinomaand Adenocarcinoma Arising From the Same Site Inside a Barrett’sSegmentMustapha El-Halabi, MD, Michael Green, MD, Patrick Seitz, MD,William Salyers, MD, Internal Medicine, University of Kansas School ofMedicine - Wichita, Wichita, KSP642. A Fishy Case of Upper Gastrointestinal BleedingVikas Khullar, MD, Alexander Schlachterman, MD, Anil Sharma, MD,FACG, University of Florida - Department of Medicine, Gainesville, FL,University of Florida - Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Gainesville, FLP643. Watch It Grow: Esophageal Impaction With Chia SeedsRebecca Rawl, MD, MPH, Lauren Browne, MD, Carolinas MedicalCenter, Charlotte, NCP644. Mediastinal Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST) in a PatientWith Esophageal Colonic InterpositionZainab Shahnawaz, MD, Muhammad Arif, MD, Savio John, MD,Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NYP645. When Diagnosing HIV Is a Good Thing: CytomegalovirusPresenting as Gastroesophageal Junction Mass in a Young Patient WithWeight LossJessica Davis, MD, Ramsey Daher, MD, Katherine Bull-Henry, MD,Internal Medicine, George Washington University, Washington, DC,Georgetown University, Washington, DCP646. Esophageal Leukoplakia: A Rare Cause of White Patches inEsophagus With Malignant PotentialKomal Thind, MBBS, Shiva Ratuapli, MD, Amy Foxx-Orenstein,MD, David Fleischer, MD, Shiff Arthur, MD, Dora Lam-Himlin, MD,Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Scottsdale, AZ, LaboratoryMedicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Scottsdale, AZP647. Black Esophagus – Acute Esophageal NecrosisHiren Patel, MD, Deepshikha Nag Chowdhury, MD, Nihar Shah, MD,Arya Karki, MD, Robert Spira, MD, FACG, St. Joseph’s Regional MedicalCenter, Paterson, NJ, Seton Hall University School of Health andMedical Sciences, South Orange, NJP648. Aorto-Esophageal Fistula Fatal Complication Status PostEsophageal Stent for Esophagojejunostomy Anastamosis LeakLakshmi Yarlagadda, MD, Belen Tesfaye, MD, Howard UniversityHospital, Washington dc, DCP649. An Interesting Case of Esophageal Intramural PseudodiverticulosisWith Tract Formation in an HIV PatientVictor Velocci, MD, Juan Blum-Guzman, MD, Bijo John, MD,Juan Munoz, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, Providence Hospital,Southfield, MI, University of Florida Shands Hospital, Gastroenterology,Jacksonville, FLP650. Metastatic Breast Cancer With Odd PresentationsJustin Cochrane, DO, Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center,Spokane, WAP651. Early Detection and Non-Surgical Treatment of Squamous CellCarcinoma of the EsophagusAnthony Flaim, DO, Steven Lichtenstein, DO, Mainline Health,Philadelphia, PA, Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital, Darby, PAP652. Pure Primary Signet Ring Cell Adenocarcinoma of Non-Barrett’sEsophagus: Case Report of A Rare TumorSimranjit Singh, MD, Sahibzada Latif, MD, FACG, Patricia Henry, DO,FACG, Manav Sharma, MD, Fnu Sanna, MD, Hafiz Khalid, MD, IkeUzoaru, MD, FACG, Carle Foundation Hospital, University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, Urbana, ILP653. Verrucous Carcinoma of Esophagus: A Diagnostic ChallengeTarun Kukkadapu, MBBS, Bret Stysly, MD, Abul Rehman, MBBS,SUmanth Daram, MD, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GAP654. Esophagitis Dissecans Superficialis (EDS) as a Rare ClinicalManifestation of a Paraneoplastic SyndromeJaved Sadiq, MD, Dimitrios Georgostathis, MD, Veronika Dubrovskaya,MD, FACG, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYP655. Dysphagia in a Post-Surgical Patient Without a Stricture:Treatment With a Novel Large Caliber Fully Covered Self-ExpandingMetal StentJerry Yu, MD, Zachariah Chandy, Bsc, Shawn Kaye, Bsc, Avanka Lowe,MD, Joshua Steichen, MD, John Lee, MD, Kenneth Chang, MD, FACG,Jason Samarasena, MD, University of California - Irvine, Orange, CAP656. Alendronate, an Unlikely Cause of Intramural EsophagealHematomaMeira Abramowitz, MD, Dimitrios Georgostathis, MD, Evan Grossman,MD, FACG, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.68

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP657. A Rare Finding Among Common Conditions: Esophageal IntramuralPseudodiverticulosisAudrey Menezes, MBBS, Aparna Goel, MD, FACG, Gina Sam, MD,MPH, University of Sydney Medical School, Sydney, NSW, Australia,Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NYP658. Chronic Gasoline Ingestion as a Predisposing Factor of SevereCytomegalovirus Esophagitis in an Immunocompetent PatientParit Mekaroonkamol, MD, Michael Flood, MD, Robert Cohen, MD,FACG, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, MorehouseSchool of Medicine, Atlanta, GAP659. Refractory Esophagitis and Mid-Esophageal Stricture Due toMycophenolate MofetilYan Zhao, MD, Jatinder Goyal, MD, Frederick Weber, MD, University ofAlabama-Birmingham, Birmingham, ALP660. A Case of Esophagitis Dissecans Superficialis With ConcomitantBullous PemphgoidShawn Shah, MD, Zilla Hussain, MD, Rolland Dickson, MD, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NHP661. Incisional Therapy for Symptomatic Double Lumen Esophagus: ANew Therapeutic Modality2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardHarshit Khara, MD, Kimberly Fairley, MS, DO, Chuan Long Miao, MD,Amit Johal, MD, David Diehl, MD, Department of Gastroenterology andNutrition, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PAP662. That’s Pretty Hard to Swallow: A Rare Case of Dysphagia Due toMyasthenia GravisKumkum Patel, MD, MPH, Jacqueline Forman, MD, Bhawna Halwan,MD, James Grendell, MD, Winthrop-University Hospital, Mineola, NYP663. Asymptomatic Colonic TuberculosisNimah Jamaluddin, MD, Guy Weiss, MD, FACG, Wendy Ho, MD, MPH,Department of Internal Medicine, University of California Los Angeles,Los Angeles, CA, Division of Digestive Diseases, David Geffen School ofMedicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CAP664. Is Endovascular Stenting as Benign as Proposed?Jayakrishnan Krishnakurup, MBBS, MD, Lauren Bleich, MD, AndrewBedford, MD, Gregory Soloway, MD, Venkata Gourineni, MBBS, MD,Pietro Andres, MD, Bridgeport Hospital/Yale University, Bridgeport, CTSTOMACHP665. Helicobacter pylori Gastritis: Atypical Infections May Be MissedWithout the Regular Use of Special StainsJonathan Glickman, MD, PhD, FACG, Daniel Nevin, MD, Mukunda Ray,MD, PhD, Richard Lash, MD, FACG, Robert Genta, MD, FACG, AmyNoffsinger, MD, Miraca Life Sciences Research Institute, Irving, TXP666. Acute Vagal Activity and Gastric Slow Wave Effects ofTranscutaneous Electroacupuncture in Synchronization With Inspirationin HumansGengqing Song, MD, PhD, Nina Zhang, MD, Ruoyi Shi, Ms, QiongWu, Ms, Jianfeng Chen, PhD, Jiande Chen, PhD, Internal MedicineDepartment and, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, PaulL. Foster School of Medicine, El Paso, TX, Ningbo Pace TranslationalMedical Research Center, Ningbo, China, MedKinetic Inc, Ningbo,ChinaP667. Neoadjuvant Imatinib for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST):Community Hospital ExperienceCharles Chaya, MD, Priyanka Yaramada, MD, Albert Ko, MD, MarkTaira, MD, Jane Tongson-Ignacio, MD, Brian Lim, MD, Gastroenterology,Kaiser Permanente Riverside Medical Center, Riverside, CA, UCRiverside, School of Medicine, Riverside, CAP668. Double Channel Pylorus as a Complication of Peptic Ulcer DiseaseVinod Kumar, MD, Shobha Shahani, MD, Andrew Batey, MD, FACG,Internal Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign,Champaign, IL, Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana, ILP669. A Retrospective Analysis of the Epidemiology and Outcomes ofGastrointestinal Bleeding With Respect to the Use of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory DrugsNeil Marya, MD, Salmaan Jawaid, MD, Christopher Marshall, MD,Joseph Charpentier, DO, Anne Foley, BA, Louise Maranda, PhD,Anupam Singh, MD, Gregory Volturo, MD, Bilal Gondal, MD, DavidCave, MD, PhD, University of Massachusetts-Worcester, Worcester, MAP670. Usefulness of Measurement of Pepsinogen Value on Diagnosis ofH. pylori InfectionTakashi Kawai, MD, PhD, FACG, Yasuhiro Mizuguchi, MD, PhD,Kengo Tokunaga, MD, PhD, Shin’ichi Takahashi, MD, PhD, FACG,Endscopy Center, Tokyo Medical University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan,Kyorin University School of Medicine, Tokyo, JapanP671. Inhibition of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase (FAAH) ReducesContextually Elicited Gaping, a Measure of Anticipatory Nausea, inRatsErin Rock, PhD, Linda Parker, PhD, Galen Carey, PhD, Al Profy, PhD,Mark Currie, PhD, Jeffrey Segal, PhD, University of Guelph, Guelph,ON, Canada, Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, MAP672. Intractable Nausea and Vomiting and Weight Loss in a YoungAdult: A Rare Diagnosis to ConsiderHabeeb Salameh, MBBS, CMQ, Rashid Khan, MD, Eric Gou,MD, Daniel Beckles, MD, PhD, Sreeram Parupudi, MD, FACG,Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas MedicalBranch at Galveston, Galveston, TX, Division of Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of TexasMedical Branch at Galveston, Galveston, TX, Division of CardiothoracicSurgery, Department of General Surgery, University of Texas MedicalBranch at Galveston, Galveston, TXP673. Efficacy of Subcutaneous Hydrocortisone Injection in PatientsDiagnosed With Chronic Abdominal Wall PainRami Abboud, MD, Yousuf Siddiqui, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD,Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MIP674. Prevalence and Characteristics of Patients With Gastric IntestinalMetaplasia and Gastric Cancer in a Population of American VeteransRalph Vance, MD, Shelby Melton, MD, Kerry Dunbar, MD, PhD,Gastroenterology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,Dallas, TX, Dallas VA Medical Center, Division of Gastroenterology,Dallas, TX, Dallas VA Medical Center, Department of Pathology, Dallas,TXP675. Outpatient vs. Inpatient Gastric Emptying Studies: Does AdmissionStatus Influence Findings?Scott Holmes, DO, Michael Kim, MS, Charlene Prather, MD, MedhatOsman, MD, Razi Muzaffar, DO, Kara Christopher, MS, MPH, ChristineHachem, MD, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MOP676. Gastroduodenal Intussusception and Biochemical Pancreatitis Dueto a Gastric Hyperplastic Polyp: A Case ReportElie Chahla, MD, Michael Kim, BS, Muhammad Hammami, MD,Brandon Beal, BS, Michael Ogawa, MD, Nicholas Frederickson,MD, Samer AlKaade, MD, Jason Taylor, MD, Gastroenterology andHepatology, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, MOP677. Utilization of Electroencephalogram Imaging Technique inAssessment for Efficacy of Transcutaneous Electrical Acupuncture toControl Nausea in Diabetic GastroparesisIrene Sarosiek, MD, FACG, Hugo Sandoval, PhD, Stephen Sands, PhD,Yan Sun, MD, Gengqing Song, MD, Richard McCallum, MD, FACG,TTUHSC, El Paso, TXP678. Obesity and Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia (GAVE): Is There anAssociation?Basem Alkurdi, MD, Ali Khan, MD, Brendan McGuire, MD, ShajanPeter, MD, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, ALP679. Impact of Smoking on Stage I-III Gastric Cancer: A Single CenterRetrospective StudySamrath Singh, MD, Kevin Eng, PhD, Amanpal Singh, MD, MS,Mary Reid, PhD, Usha Malhotra, MD, Department of Medicine,State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, Department ofBiostatistics and Bioinformatics, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo,NY, Department of Medicine, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NYPOSTERSMONDAY69For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP680. Association of Helicobacter pylori With HIV and Hepatitis CInfections: Subanalysis ROUM Data (Registry of Outcomes of UpperEndoscopy in Minorities): A Hospital-Based RegistryManhal Izzy, MD, Kinesh Changela, MD, Anju Malieckal, MD, DevinLane, MD, Kshitij Bhalani, MD, Sury Anand, MD, The Brooklyn HospitalCenter, Brooklyn, NYP681. A Paradoxical Cannabis EffectRodolfo Estremera, MD, Ivonne Figueroa, MD, Marielly Sierra, MD,Doris Toro, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine ResidencyProgram Administrator VA Caribbean Healthcare System, San Juan, PRP682. Lactate Level and Acute GI Bleeding: Early Predictor of OngoingBlood loss and Tissue Hypoperfusion?Nicole Gomez, MD, Liga Yusvirazi, MD, Luis Quiel, MD, Reno Teribillini,MD, Xiomara Antonetti, MD, Norhan Ibrahim, MD, Hossein Kalantari,MD, MPH, Getaw Hassen, MD, PHD, Metropolitan Hospital Center NewYork Medical College, New York, NYP683. Use of Upper Endoscopy in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients toDetermine Utility as a Pre-Transplant ProcedureKaartik Soota, MD, Grace Shin, MD, Mark Malamood, MD, FrankFriedenberg, MD, Kaveh Sharzehi, MD, Gastroenterology andHepatology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, University ofRochester, Rochester, NYSTOMACH - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP684. Rare Case of Metastatic Gastric CancerLoveleen Sidhu, MD, Samarth Patel, MD, Ramin Bagheri, MD, MelikTiba, MD, Joshua Aron, MD, Elmhurst Hospital Center, Elmhurst, NYP685. A Rare Case of Hemorrhagic Gastritis Caused By SevelamerInduced NecrosisSyed Amer, MBBS, De Petris Giovanni, MD, Cuong Nguyen, MD, MayoClinic, Phoenix, AZP686. A Case of Varicella Zoster Hemorrhagic GastritisKaartik Soota, MD, Brandon Sprung, MD, Aaron Huber, MD, ThomasWerth, MD, FACG, Unity Health System, Rochester, NY, University ofRochester, Rochester, NYP687. A Rare Case of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the StomachMark Pence, DO, Amy Stratton, DO, Dawn Torres, MD, FACG, InternalMedicine/Gastroenterology, Walter Reed National Military MedicalCenter, Bethesda, MDP688. Collagenous Gastritis: An Uncommon Cause of Abdominal PainNeil Volk, MD, Zilla Hussain, MD, Amreen Dinani, MD, FACG,Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NHP689. Gastric Bezoar After Vagotomy and Billroth I Resection: AnIntriguing Complication of a Historical SurgeryChristine Boumitri, MD, Frank Gress, MD, George Abdelsayed, MD,Liliane Deeb, MD, Department of Medicine, Staten Island UniversityHospital, Staten Island, NY, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/ColumbiaUniversity Medical Center, New York, NYP690. A Mysterious Cause of Abdominal PainTarek Sawas, MD, Mubarak Sayyar, MD, Won Cho, MD, FACG,Georgetown University Medstar Washington Hospital Center,Washington, DCP691. Helicobacter heilmannii: a Rare Cause of Abdominal PainAzfar Niazi, MBBS, Omar Khokhar, MD, FACG, Department ofMedicine, Division of Gastroenterology, University of Illinois-Peoria,Bloomington, ILP692. Gastric Sarcoidosis With Pernicious AnemiaMaleka Khambaty, MD, Omair Atiq, MD, Leon Wolf, MD, University ofTexas Southwestern, Dallas, TXP693. A Gastric Carcinoid and Fundic Polyps in a Patient on ChronicProton Pump Inhibitor Therapy: A Diagnostic ChallengeVeronica Baptista, MD, Anjali Basil, MD, Kaitlin Fitzpatrick, BS, DavidCave, MD, PhD, Gastroenterology, Umass Memorial Medical Center,Worcester, MAP694. Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding as a Manifestation of MetastasisFrom Laryngeal CancerAmandeep Singh, MD, Hammad Nazeer, MD, Nayere Zaeri, MD, KshitijThakur, MD, Monica Zeitz, MD, FACG, Crozer Chester Medical Center,Upland, PAP695. Unusual Presentation of a MALT Lymphoma as a GastricSubmucosal MassGrace Yang, BA, MBS, Amy Tilara, MD, Rutgers Robert Wood JohnsonMedical School, New Brunswick, NJP696. An Unexpected Cause of Profound Iron Deficiency AnemiaJohn Erikson Yap, MD, Ashutosh Gupta, MD, Bashar Attar, MD,PhD, FACG, Satya Mishra, MD, FACG, Meron Teshome, MD, FrancesManosca, MD, John H. Stroger Hospital of Cook County, Chicago, ILP697. Nausea and Vomiting: A Case of a Common Complaint With a RareEtiologyAlbert Hor, MD, Jessica Trevino, MD, Brackenridge Medical Center,Austin, TXP698. When it’s NOT Just the Baby: Krukenberg Tumor in PregnancyPaul Co, MD, Ashutosh Gupta, MD, Bashar Attar, MD, PhD, FACG,Melchor Demetria, MD, Internal Medicine, John H Stroger Jr. Hospitalof Cook County, Chicago, ILP699. Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis in a Patient Heterozygousfor Factor V Leiden Mutation and With a History of Sleeve GastrectomyVictor Velocci, MD, Ahmad Malas, MD, Micheal Piper, MD, FACG,Internal Medicine, Providence Hospital, Southfield, MI, Department ofGastroenterology, Providence Hospital, Southfield, MIP700. An Unusual Cause of Hematemesis: Buried Bumper SyndromeAnupam Aditi, MD, Aparajita Singh, MD, FACG, University of California,San Francisco, CAP701. Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder With Diffuse LargeB-Cell Lymphoma of the Stomach 14 Years Post Orthotopic HeartTransplantAaysha Kapila, MD, Lovely Chhabra, MD, Pranav Patel, MD, MarkYoung, MD, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN,University of Connecticut, Hartford, CTP702. An Uncommon Presentation With an Inevitable OutcomeJayakrishnan Krishnakurup, MBBS, MD, Venkata Gourineni, MBBS,MD, Shady Henien, MD, Nicholas Lillo, MD, Alan Nelson, MD,Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport, CTP703. Spherogenic Stomach UlcersJayakrishnan Krishnakurup, MBBS, MD, Venkata Gourineni, MBBS,MD, Shady Henien, MD, Daniel Stupak, MD, Liming Hao, MD,Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport, CTP704. POSTER WITHDRAWNPANCREATIC/BILIARYP705. Evaluating the Revised International Consensus Guidelines forManagement of Pancreatic CystsMichael Sighinolfi, MD, Susan Quan, MD, Monica Dua, MD, GeorgePoultsides, MD, MS, Brenda Visser, MD, Walter Park, MD, MS,Medicine/Gastroenterology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, SantaClara Valley Medical Center, San Jose, CAFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.70

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP706. Management and Outcomes of 400 Prospectively Enrolled UnitedStates Patients With Acute Pancreatitis (AP) Categorized by the RevisedAtlanta Classification (RAC)Efstratios Koutroumpakis, MD, Adam Slivka, MD, PhD, DavidWhitcomb, MD, PhD, Jennifer Chennat, MD, Herbert Zeh, MD, AmerZureikat, MD, Kenneth Lee, MD, Melissa Hogg, MD, Anwar Dudekula,MD, Dhiraj Yadav, MD, MPH, Georgios Papachristou, MD, University ofPittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PAP707. WATS3D Brush Biopsy Is More Sensitive Than Standard BrushCytology in Diagnosing Pancreatobilairy Malignancies at EndoscopicRetrograde CholangiopancreatographyMasud Habibullah, MD, Wallace Wang, MD, Konika Bose, MD, DavidTenembaum, MD, Syed Hussain, MD, Moshe Rubin, MD, FACG, SangKim, MD, New York Hospital Queens, Flushing, NYP708. Pancreas Cyst Fluid KRAS Mutation Is an Accurate Marker for theDiagnosis of a Mucinous CystAbdurrahman Kadayifci, MD, Mustafa Atar, MD, Jessica Wang, MD,David Forcione, MD, Brenna Casey, MD, Carlos Fernandez-del Castillo,MD, Martha Pitman, MD, William Brugge, MD, Massachusetts GeneralHospital, Boston, MAP709. The Role of GNAS Analyses for Differential Diagnosis of IPMNAbdurrahman Kadayifci, MD, Mustafa Atar, MD, Jessica Wang, MD,David Forcione, MD, Brenna Casey, MD, Martha Pitman, MD, WilliamBrugge, MD, Gastroenterology, Medicine, Massachusetts GeneralHospital, Boston, MAP710. Safety and Effectiveness of Using Hydrogen Peroxide inEndoscopic Necrosectomy for Walled-Off Pancreatic Necrosis: AComparative Evaluation of OutcomesMohammed Saadi, MD, Sherif Elhanafi, MD, Brian Davis, MD,Mohamed Othman, MD, Division of Gastroenterology, Internal MedicineDepartment, Texas Tech University HSC, El Paso, TX, Division ofGastroenterology, Department of General Surgery, Texas Tech UniversityHSC, El Paso, TXP711. The Variant I148M in PNPLA3 Is Associated With the Developmentof Gallbladder Cholesterol PolypsKaren Silva, MD, Alan Lopez, MCs, Vicente Sánchez, MCs, HugoVillamil, MCs, Paola Leon, MCs, Samuel Canizales, MD, NorbertoChávez, MD, Fredy Chabble, MD, Misael Uribe, MD, PhD, FACG,Nahum Mendez Sánchez, MD, MSc, PhD, FACG, Medica Sur Clinicand Foundation, Mexico City, Mexico, Instituto Nacional de MedicinaGenómica, Mexico City, MexicoP712. Racial Inequities in Health Care Utilization and Costs forImmigrant Minorities With Pancreatic DisordersJean Park, MD, Kyle Porter, MS, Darwin Conwell, MD, MS, SomashekarKrishna, MD, MPH, Department of Internal Medicine at The OhioState University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH, Center forBiostatistics at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, Division ofGastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition at The Ohio State UniversityWexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP713. Prospective Validation of pCLE Performance in Patients WithIndeterminate Biliary StricturesAdam Slivka, MD, Ian Gan, MD, Marc Giovannini, MD, Priya Jamidar,MD, Guido Costamagna, MD, Paola Cesaro, MD, Michel Kahaleh, MD,UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, VMMC, Seattle, WA, Institut Paoli-Calmettes,Marseille, France, Yale University, New Haven, CT, Policlinico Gemelli,Rome, Italy, Weill Cornell, New York, NYP714. Nuclear Medicine Scintigraphy (NMS) Results Predict SymptomResolution After Sphincterotomy in Patients With Sphincter of OddiDysfunction (SOD)Harnish Patel, MBBS, Mihir Patel, MD, MSc, Sankaran Shrikanthan,MD, Rocio Lopez, MS, MPH, Madhusudhan Sanaka, MD, ClevelandClinic, Cleveland, OHP715. Autopsy Study of Patients Dying Due to Acute PancreatitisAllison Yang, MD, Lizhi Zhang, MD, Santhi Swaroop Vege, MD, FACG,Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNP716. Needle Knife Sphincterotomy for Biliary Access at ERCP:Experience at Two United States Academic Tertiary Referral CentersCaren Bartosz, MD, Alicia Kovach, BA, Kate Forssell, MD, MichaelWinter, MD, Shivangi Kothari, MD, Asad Ullah, MD, Ashok Shah,MD, FACG, Dushyant Damania, MBBS, Harshit Khara, MD, TrupteshKothari, MD, David Diehl, MD, Vivek Kaul, MD, FACG, University ofRochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, Geisinger Medical Center,Danville, PAP717. Cost Effectiveness and Compliance With ACG Guidelines in theDiagnosis of Acute Pancreatitis: A Comparison Between a University andPrivate Tertiary HospitalPavan Patel, MD, Jason Ross, MD, Michael Agnelli, MD, Ying Tang,MD, Rutgers - NJMS, Newark, NJP718. Increase in Branched Duct IPMN Lesion Size DuringSurveillance Is Not Associated With Other High-Risk Features: A Multi-Center StudyAbdul Hamid El Chafic, MD, Ashish Aggarwal, MD, John DeWitt,MD, Alexandra Roch, MD, Christian Schmidt, MD, Stuart Sherman,MD, Ali Siddiqui, MD, Gregory Cote, MD, Lee Mchenry, MD,Thomas Imperiale, MD, M. AlHaddad, MD, Indiana UniversitySchool of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, Thomas Jefferson University,Philadelphia, PAP719. Clinical Utility of Intracystic Glucose Levels in DifferentiatingMucinous From Non-Mucinous Pancreatic CystsDivya Yadav, MD, Prabhleen Chahal, MD, John Vargo, MD,Madhusudan Sanaka, MD, Sunguk Jang, MD, Gregory Zuccaro, MD,Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP720. Pediatric Feeding Tube Implantation During Orthotopic LiverTransplantation: An Anaylsis of Effectiveness in Preventing BiliaryComplicationsBobby Kakati, MD, Mark Pedersen, MD, Myunghan Choi, PhD, MPH,Anil Seetharam, MD, Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, Phoenix,AZ, Transplant Center and Advanced Liver Disease at Banner GoodSamaritan Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ, Univeristy of Arizona College ofMedicine, Phoenix, AZP721. Risk of Post-ERCP Pancreatitis With the Placement of CoveredVersus Uncovered Self-Expandable Biliary Metal Stents: SystematicReview and Meta-AnalysisAijaz Sofi, MD, Abdur Khan, MD, Tariq Hammad, MD, Yaseen Alastal,MD, Osama Alaradi, MD, FACG, Muhammad Bawany, MD, Ali Nawras,MD, FACG, University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo, OHP722. Outcome in Cholangiocarcinoma: CA 19.9 as Marker of Survivaland as Predictor of MetastizationRosa Coelho, MD, Marco Silva, MD, Eduardo Rodrigues-Pinto, MD,Pedro Pereira, MD, Susana Lopes, MD, Helder Cardoso, MD, FilipeVilas-Boas, MD, João Santos-Antunes, MD, Ana Horta-Vale, MD, PhD,Guilherme Macedo, MD, PhD, FACG, Gastrenterology, Centro HospitalarSão João, Oporto, Oporto, PortugalP723. The APACHEIV: A New Scoring System for Predicting Mortality andComplications of Severe Acute PancreatitisShaffer Mok, MD, MBS, Thomas Judge, MD, Adam Elfant, MD, FACG,Sachin Mohan, MD, PhD, Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, CooperUniversity Hospital, Philadelphia, PAP724. Malnutrition and Quality of Life in Chronic PancreatitisJoan Kheder, MD, Samuel Han, MD, Lisa Bocelli, MD, Wahid Wassef,MD, MPH, FACG, University of Massachusetts Medical School,Worcester, MAP725. Trends in Preoperative Endoscopic Biliary Drainage in PatientsWith Obstructive Jaundice Caused by Tumors of the Pancreatic Head: ASingle-Center ExperienceSandeep Nadella, MD, Jason Korenblit, MD, MBA, Ali Siddiqui, MD,David Loren, MD, Thomas Kowalski, MD, Internal Medicine, AbingtonMemorial Hospital, Jenkintown, PA, Thomas Jefferson UniversityHospital, Philadelphia, PAPOSTERSMONDAY71For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP726. Local Chemotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer: Potential of InjectableDrug-Loaded MicroparticlesVadim Kurbatov, BFA, Rajesh Ramachandran, MD, Laura Martello-Rooney, PhD, Raavi Gupta, MD, Frank Gress, MD, SUNY DownstateMedical Center, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Brooklyn,NY, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Department of Pathology,Brooklyn, NY, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia UniversityDivision of Digestive Diseases, New York, NYP727. Use of Bayesian Analysis to Predict Pancreatic Fibrosis With theSecretin Endoscopic Pancreatic Function Test (ePFT): Comparisons toHistopathology Gold StandardsFeng Li, MD, Wendy Frankel, MD, Alice Hinton, PhD, Philip Hart, MD,Darwin Conwell, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Ohio StateUniversity Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH, Department ofPathology, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus,OH, Division of Biostatistics, College of Public Health, The Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus, OH, Section of Pancreatic Disorders, Divisionof Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Department of InternalMedicine, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP728. Bevacizumab-Associated Pancreatitis: Cases Reported to theAdverse Event Reporting System of the Food and Drug AdministrationMalav Parikh, MD, Eli Ehrenpreis, MD, Presence Saint Francis Hosptal,Evanston, IL, Northshore University Health System, Evanston, ILP729. Biliary Intervention After Bariatric Surgery (BRS): Inferences Froma Nationwide Population-Based StudySomashekar Krishna, MD, MPH, Alecia Blaszczak, MD, PhD, SamerEl-Dika, MD, Jeffery Groce, MD, Hisham Hussan, MD, Cheng Zhang,MD, PhD, Jeffrey Wenzke, MD, Sheetal Sharma, MD, Darwin Conwell,MD, MS, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition,The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OHP730. The Impact of Introduction of a New Endoscopic Ultrasound(EUS) Service on the Volume, Success, and Complexity of EndoscopicRetrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) Performed in a TertiaryReferral CenterHarathi Yandrapu, MD, MS, Sherif Elhanafi, MD, Farhanaz Chowdhury,MD, Jiayang Liu, MS, Eduardo Onate, MD, Alok Dwivedi, PhD,Mohamed Othman, MD, Texas Tech University of Health Sciences, ElPaso, TXP731. Twenty-Five Percent of Breast Cancer Patients Referred for BRCATesting Have Pancreatic Cystic Lesions on Magnetic Resonance Imagingat Time of Cancer DiagnosisAndrew Becker, AB, Yasmin Hernandez, MD, Emily Soper, MS, ClaireDavis, MS, Aimee Lucas, MD, MS, Icahn School of Medicine at MountSinai, New York, NYP732. Natural History of Patients With Indeterminate Biliary Stricture andNegative Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration (EUS-FNA)Bhavtosh Dedania, MBBS, Shounak Majumder, MBBS, Murali Dharan,MD, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT, SaintFrancis Hospital, Hartford, CTP733. Overutilization of the HIDA Scan in the Inpatient SettingKimberly Fairley, MS, DO, Kimberly Chaput, DO, Dana Christopher, DO,Alexander Kim, DO, Christopher Valente, BS, Mohsen Shabahang, MD,Christopher Pohl, MD, Ron Hollm, PhD, Barry Nazar, PhD, David Diehl,MD, Gastroenterology, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA, TempleUniversity, Philadelphia, PAP734. Serum Bilirubin Elevation Predicts Disease Severity in PatientsWith Primary Sclerosing CholangitisAbdul Haseeb, MD, MPH, Kristen Cox, MS, RN, Douglas Adler, MD,FACG, Internal Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UTP735. Role of ERCP SpyGlass ® Electrohydraulic Lithotripsy in PatientsWith Chronic Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Duct Calculi Causing DuctObstruction: A Case SeriesLaura Hamad, DO, Zubin Patel, BS, Rasha Issa, MD, Omar Majdobeh,MD, Ronya Kawji, BS, Hesam Keshmiri, DO, MS, Kamran Ayub, MD,Internal Medicine, St. James Franciscan Alliance, Oak Brook, IL, SilverCross Hospital, New Lenox, IL, Advocate Christ Hospital, Oak Lawn, ILP736. A Single-Center Experience With the Prevention of Post-ERCPPancreatitis by the Use of Rectal Indomethacin in a High-Risk PopulationJason Rubinov, MD, Matthew Kutner, DO, Arkady Broder, MD, LionelD’Souza, MD, Gil Ascunce, MD, David Carr-Locke, MD, FACG, MountSinai Beth Israel, New York, NYP737. Intravenous Antibiotics Impact on Post-ERCP PancreatitisMohamed Abdelfatah, MD, Kathleen Enriquez, MD, Maysaa El Zoghbi,MD, FACG, Martin Shill, MD, Hossam Kandil, MD, PhD, AGMC,Northeast Ohio University, Akron, OH, Department Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, AGMC, Northeast Ohio University, Akron, OH,Department Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospitals,Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, Division of Gastroenterology andHepatology, East Carolina University, Greenville, NCP738. The Efficacy and Security of ERCP in Super-Aged PatientsEnqiang Linghu, MD, The Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, ChinaPANCREATIC/BILIARY - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP739. The Fine Line Between Right and Left: A Patient With SitusInversus Totalis Presenting With CholedocholithiasisDominic Colella, DO, Farhan Israr, DO, Rajan Narula, DO, Leena Saline,DO, Juan Sarol, MD, Javier Sobrado, MD, FACG, Michael Valladares,DO, Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine(NSU-COM), Fort Lauderdale-Davie, FL, Larkin Community Hospital,South Miami, FLP740. Acute Pancreatitis and Sickle Cell Hepatopathy in a PregnantPatientDilhana Badurdeen, MD, Kawtar Alkhalloufi, MD, Angesom Kibreab,MD, Rehana Begum, MD, Howard University College of Medicine,Washington, DCP741. Endoscopic Visualization of a Large Gastric Intramural HematomaSecondary to a Ruptured Hemorrhagic Pancreatic Pseudocyst: A CaseReportSimon Hong, MD, Akiva Marcus, MD, PhD, Alex Jow, MD, DanielBerkowitz, MD, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NYP742. Successful Management of Refractory NoninsulinomaPancreatogenous Hypoglycemia Syndrome With Gastric Bypass Reversal:A Case ReportBhavana Bhagya Rao, MD, Benjamin Click, MD, Ronald Codario,BS, MD, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, VAPittsburgh Healthcare System, University Drive Division, Pittsburgh, PAP743. Pancreatic Lipoma Masquerading as A Cystic NeoplasmKatie Agnello, MD, Lalit Gurtoo, MD, Manoj Kumar, MD, MPH, AndrewBain, MD, Amanpal Singh, MD, MS, Roswell Park Cancer Institute,Buffalo, NY, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NYP744. A Case of a “Dumbbell” Gallbladder Diagnosed by ERCPPriyanka Patel, MD, Scott Swendsen, MD, Vu Nhu Nguyen, MD,Kateryna Poole, Bachelors, Internal Medicine, Baylor Scott and White,Temple, TXP745. Tumor Necrosis Factor α (TNFα) Inhibitor Class Induced AcutePancreatitisRajat Bhalla, MD, Michele Lewis, MD, Michael Bartel, MD, Mayo Clinic,Jacksonville, FLP746. Xanthogranulomatous Cholecystitis MimickingCholangiocarcinomaBashar Mohamad, MD, Arthi Kumaravel, MD, Federico Aucejo, MD,Amit Bhatt, MD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OHP747. Chylous Ascites Secondary to Necrotizing Pancreatitis: AFortuitous Diagnosis by ERCPAllison Yang, MD, Todd Baron, MD, FACG, Philip Hart, MD, MayoClinic, Rochester, MNP748. Case Report: Rosai-Dorfman DiseaseMirza Baig, MD, Peninsula Regional Medical Center, Salisbury, MDFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.72

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP749. A Case of Mistaken Identity: Disseminated Bartonella asPancreatic MassJennifer Behzadi, MD, Mohamed Naem, MD, Somashekar Krishna,MD, MPH, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP750. From the Toe to the Pancreas? A Case Report of MetastaticMelanoma Presenting as an Obstructive Pancreatic Mass in an AfricanAmerican MaleCortni Tyson, MD, Howard University Hospital, Washington, DCP751. Kawasaki Disease Complicated by Pancreatitis in an AdultDustin Albert, MD, Mazer Ally, MD, Maryann Ally, MD, Walter ReedNational Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MDP752. Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis Following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass(RYGB): The Afferent Loop SyndromeFeng Li, MD, Jonathan Congeni, MD, Somashekar Krishna, MD, MPH,Department of Internal Medicine, Ohio State University Wexner MedicalCenter, Columbus, OH, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology andNutrition, Department of Internal Medicine, Ohio State UniversityWexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP753. Gastrostomy Tube Migration Causing Acute PancreatitisFeng Li, MD, Mohamed Naem, MD, Cheng Zhang, MD, PhD,Somashekar Krishna, MD, MPH, Department of Internal Medicine,Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH, Divisionof Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Department of InternalMedicine, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP754. A Rare Case of Zollinger Ellison Syndrome From a PrimaryIntrahepatic Bile Duct GastrinomaNejmudin Kemal, MD, Jason Gutman, MD, Rochestetr GeneralHospital, Rochester, NYP755. A Case of Abdominal Pain, Jaundice, Eosinophilia, andThrombocytopeniaTeresa Valentin, MD, Marina Serper, MD, Gregory Ginsberg, MD, FACG,Maarouf Hoteit, MD, Department of Medicine, Hospital of the Universityof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Division of Gastroenterology, Hospitalof the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PAP756. Lemmel’s Syndrome: An Uncommon Cause of Acute CholangitisSteven Gay, MD, MSBS, Owen Baldwin, MD, Milton Smith, MD, FACG,University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OHP757. Acute Pancreatitis: A Complication of Jejunostomy TubeJehangir Ansari, MD, Samer Mohandes, MD, Sangeeta Agrawal, MD,FACG, Gastroneterology, Dayton VA Medical Center; Wright StateUniversity, Dayton, OHP758. Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma to the Distal Common Bile DuctPresenting as JaundiceHina Omar, MD, Catherine Ly, DO, Baseer Qazi, MD, Kenneth Chi, MD,Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, ILP759. Painless Jaundice: A Rare Presentation of Primary Biliary CirrhosisAaysha Kapila, MD, Pranav Patel, MD, Patrick Costello, MD, MarkYoung, MD, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TNP760. Successful Treatment of Hypertriglyceridemia-AssociatedPancreatitis With InsulinAaysha Kapila, MD, Charles Rives, MD, Neil Barry, DO, Pranav Patel,MD, Mark Young, MD, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City,TNP761. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Lung Adenocarcinoma Presentingas an Obstructive JaundiceAaysha Kapila, MD, Dhara Chaudhari, MD, Atul Khanna, MD, PuneetGoenka, MD, Mark Young, MD, East Tennessee State University,Johnson City, TNP762. “Migrating” Cholecystectomy Clip Within a CholedocholithJoseph Yarze, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology Associates of Northern NewYork, Glens Falls, NYP763. Pancreatic Tail and Liver Metastases Related to Recurrent BreastCancerJoseph Yarze, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology Associates of Northern NewYork, Glens Falls, NYP764. Surviving Primary Pancreatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A RareEntity2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardHarjot Kaur, MD, Arjun Vaid, MD, Jagpal Klair, MD, Rayburn Rego, MD,Internal Medicine, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little RockP765. Epidermoid Cyst of Intrapancreatic Accessory Spleen: ADiagnostic DilemmaSaloni Sharma, MBBS, Kaartik Soota, MD, Maisa Abdalla, MD, GuabaoWang, MM, Zhongren Zhou, BMed, PhD, Eva Galka, MD, Ashok Shah,MD, Shivangi Kothari, MD, Vivek Kaul, MD, Unity Health System,Rochester, NY, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester,NYP766. A Rare Case of Isolated Granulomatous Non-CaseatingPancreatitis Mimicking MalignancySalma Akram, MD, FACG, Mustafa Musleh, MD, Wright StateUniversity, Dayton, OHP767. Intra-Abdominal Xanthogranulomatosis Secondary to Post-Operative Bile LeakTushar Gohel, MD, CNSC, Shishira Bharadwaj, MD, ArthurMcCullough, MD, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP768. Glucagonoma: A Paradoxical PresentationCory Gaiser, MD, Natasha Dhawan, MSIII, Internal Medicine, TheJewish Hospital, Cincinnati, OH, St. George’s University, Great River,NYP769. Taking an Alternate Route Home: Stenting of CholedochoduodenalFistulaJayakrishna Chintanaboina, MD, MPH, Matthew Moyer, MD, MS, PennState Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PAP770. A Case of Exenatide-Induced Recurrent Pancreatitis DespiteWithdrawl of Drug TherapyVarun Jain, MD, Deepak Sharma, DO, Vimala Ramasamy, MD, AvaAnklesaria, MD, Gayotri Goswami, MD, Icahn School of Medicine atMount Sinai (Bronx) - James J Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, NY,North Central Bronx Hospital, Bronx, NYP771. More Than Skin DeepRoss Jones, MD, Dan Collins, MD, Andrew Dries, MD, InternalMedicine- Gastroenterology, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NCP772. A Case of IgG4-Negative Sclerosing Cholangitis and AutoimmunePancreatitis Responsive to SteroidsAllon Kahn, MD, Anitha Yadav, MBBS, M. Edwyn Harrison, MD, FACG,Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZP773. Hemosuccus Pancreaticus From IPMNPuth Muangpaisarn, MD, Narisorn Lakananurak, MD, FACG, PhonthepAngsuwatcharakon, MD, FACG, Nutcha Pinchareorn, MD, RungsunRerknimitr, MD, FACG, Chulalongkorn University, Pathumwan District,ThailandP774. Novel Metal Stent With Anti-Migration System for PseudocystDrainageEric Nelsen, MD, Eric Johnson, MD, Deepak Gopal, MD, FACG,University of Wisconsin Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Madison, WISMALL INTESTINE/UNCLASSIFIEDP775. Primary Small Bowel AmyloidosisShelini Sooklal, MD, Amit Sohagia, MD, Easton Hospital, Easton, PAP776. A Rare Presentation of Cutis Laxa as Recurrent Small BowelObstructionPrakash Shrestha, MD, Kripa Shrestha, MD, Maninder Singh, MD,Mansi Reddy, MD, Shishira Bharadwaj, MD, Guthrie/Robert PackerHospital, Sayre, PA, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MIP777. Metastatic Sarcoidosis of Terminal Ileum and Colon: Very Rare,But Important to Differentiate From Crohn’s DiseaseShail Sheth, MD, Ravi Patel, MD, Walid Baddoura, MD, FACG, SwamyNathan, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, Saint Michael’s Medical Center,Newark, NJ, Mountainside Hospital, Glenridge, NJ, Saint JosephRegional Medical Center, Paterson, NJPOSTERSMONDAY73For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP778. Diagnostic Utility of Duodenal Biopsy in Upper EndoscopyPerformed for Abdominal PainJoseph Roberts, MD, Wataru Tamura, MD, University of Colorado,Aurora, COP779. POSTER WITHDRAWNP780. Survival Rates in Neuroendocrine Tumors of Small Intestine(NESIT): A SEER Database Study2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardShams Mistry, MD, Vaishali Thudi, MD, Joseph Ramzy, MD, MichaleRoxas, MD, Marcello Schmidt, MD, Jill Gernand, PhD, RadhikaKakarala, MD, MS, Kavitha Kesari, MD, Mclaren Regional MedicalCenter, Flint, MIP781. A Comparison of the Epidemiology and Natural History of ChronicStenosing Enteritis and Crohn’s DiseaseVeronica Baptista, MD, Neil Marya, MD, Benjamin Hyatt, MD, DavidCave, MD, PhD, FACG, Dept. of Medicine, Div. of Gastroenterology,University of Massachusetts Medical Center, University Campus,Worcester, MAP782. The Impact of Abdominal Surgeries on Small Intestinal BacterialOvergrowthSheevani Bhalsod, DO, Seth Lipka, MD, Roshanak Rabbanifard, MD,Jennifer Leigh, MD, Jae Chung, BS, Marc Levin, BS, Kiran Joglekar,MD, Ambuj Kumar, MD, MPH, Jay Mamel, MD, FACG, University ofSouth Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FLP783. Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients With LVAD: Multifactorial orAnticoagulation Problem?Justin Cochrane, DO, Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center,Spokane, WAP784. Effect of Irritable Bowel Syndrome on Outcomes After BariatricSurgeryIman Andalib, MD, Timothy Shope, MD, Timothy Koch, MD, FACG,Section of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, MedStar-WashingtonHospital Center, Washington, DCP785. Mechanisms of Glucose Malabsoprtion After Bariatric SurgeryIman Andalib, MD, Timothy Shope, MD, Timothy Koch, MD, FACG,Medstar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DCP786. Do Antibiotics Improve Symptoms in IBS Patients With PreviousHistory of Abdominal Surgeries?Jennifer Leigh, MD, MPH, Seth Lipka, MD, Roshanak Rabbanifard,MD, Kiran Joglekar, MD, Jae Chung, BS, Marc Levin, BS, AmbujKumar, MD, MPH, Jay Mamel, MD, University of South Florida, Tampa,FLP787. Greater Than Once Daily Proton Pump Inhibitor Use Increases Riskof Small Intestinal Bacterial OvergrowthMohammed Alzubaidi, MD, Samita Garg, MD, Rocio Lopez, MS, ScottGabbard, MD, Gastroenterology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP788. Efficacy and Safety of Endoscopic Mucosal Resection for LargeNon-Ampullary Duodenal Adenomas: A Single U.S. Center ExperienceAjaypal Singh, MD, Uzma Siddiqui, MD, Vani Konda, MD, AnnKoons, Irving Waxman, MD, Center for Endoscopic Research andTherapeutics,University of Chicago, Chicago, ILP789. Clinical Presentation of Celiac Disease in Hispanic PatientsPresenting to an Urban Medical CenterMark Salem, MD, Nirupama Bonthala, MD, Andrea Cedeno, BS,Priscilla Campos, BS, Caroline Hwang, MD, Anisa Shaker, MD, InternalMedicine, Los Angeles County + University of Southern CaliforniaMedical Center, Los Angeles, CA, Gastroenterolgy and Hepatology, KeckSchool of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,CA, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, LosAngeles, CAP790. Prevalence of Celiac Disease in Hispanic Patients UndergoingUpper Endoscopy With Small Bowel Biopsy for Evaluation of Anemia inan Urban Teaching Hospital in the United StatesMark Salem, MD, Nirupama Bonthala, MD, Priscilla Campos, BS,Andrea Cedeno, BS, Caroline Hwang, MD, Anisa Shaker, MD, InternalMedicine, Los Angeles County + University of Southern CaliforniaMedical Center, Los Angeles, CA, Gastroenterolgy and Hepatology, KeckSchool of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,CA, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, LosAngeles, CAP791. Multi-Center Evaluation of Current Knowledge of IntestinalTransplantation and Rehabilitation Among Trainee PhysiciansAmit Mehta, MD, Salwa Hussain, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD,Theodore Pettle, PhD, Anas Kutait, MD, FACG, Amir Prushani,MD, Fadi Niyazi, MD, Michigan State University, East Lansing,MI, Providence Hospital and Medical Center, Southfield, MI, StateUniversity of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, Henry Ford HealthSystem, Detroit, MIP792. Teduglutide Treatment and Associated Parenteral Support (PS)Reductions in Adult Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) Patients With UltraShort Remnant Bowel and/or No Colon-in-ContinuityKursheed Jeejeebhoy, MD, PhD, Stephane Schneider, MD, PhD, SimonGabe, MD, MSc, BSc, MBBS, Ulrich-Frank Pape, MD, Ken Fujioka,MD, Nader Youssef, MD, Douglas Seidner, MD, FACG, St. Michael’sHospital, Toronto, ON, Canada, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis,Nice, France, St. Mark’s Hospital and Academic Institute, Harrow,United Kingdom, Charité University Medical Center, Berlin, Germany,Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, CA, NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Bedminster,NJ, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TNP793. Celiac Disease Screening Rates Vary by Race in Pediatric PatientsWith Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus at a Tertiary Care CenterM. Anthony Sofia, MD, Aaron Cohn, MD, Jeffrey Jacobs, MD, KatyCeryes, MPH, Sonia Kupfer, MD, University of Chicago, Chicago, ILP794. Starved for Attention: The Prevalence and Quality of Nutrition-Related Research in GastroenterologyEoin Slattery, MD, Jesse Koskey, MD, Alana Aylward, MD, LorenRabinowitz, MD, David Seres, MD, Nutrition Support, New YorkPresbyterian Hospital-Columbia University Medical Center, New York,NYSMALL INTESTINE/UNCLASSIFIED -CLINICAL VIGNETTESP795. An Unwanted TravelerJennifer Hsieh, MD, Daniel Blachman, MD, Stony Brook UniversityHospital, Stony Brook, NY, Hudson Valley Gastroenterology, P.C.,Highland, NYP796. A Rare Case of Hepatitis C-Associated Cryoglobulinemic DuodenalVasculitisShivali Berera, MD, Alexandra Gomez, MD, Leopoldo Arosemena,MD, Kalyan Bhamidimarri, MD, MPH, Kevin Dholaria, MD, JacksonMemorial Hospital/University of Miami, Miami, FLP797. Case Report of a Patient With Enteropathy and SevereMalabsorption Due to Clofazimine-Induced Crystal-Storing HistiocytosisWinnie Szeto, MD, Monica Garcia-Buitrago, MD, Lilian Abbo, MD,Joseph Rosenblatt, MD, Michele Morris, MD, Baharak Moshiree, MD,MS, Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FLP798. Incidentally Detected Ileal Carcinoids During Colonoscopy: A CaseSeriesThomas Corredine, DO, Kymberly McDonald, MD, Murali Dharan, MD,Shounak Majumder, MD, University of Connecticut, Farmington, CT,Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Hartford, CTFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.74

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP799. Use of the New NaviAid Enteroscopy System for Treatment ofBleeding Terminal Ileal HamartomaHarshit Khara, MD, Mustafa Huseini, MD, Kimberly Fairley, MS, MD,Kimberly Chaput, MD, Chuan Long Miao, MD, David Diehl, MD, AmitJohal, MD, Department of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, GeisingerMedical Center, Danville, PAP800. An Unusual Duodenal Foreign Body Presenting With HalitosisBhavtosh Dedania, MBBS, Shounak Majumder, MBBS, Murali Dharan,MD, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT, SaintFrancis Hospital, Hartford, CTP801. Abdominal Tuberculosis Initially Diagnosed as Crohn’s DiseaseXi Chen, MD, Daniel Eshtiaghpour, MD, Viktor Eysselein, MD, HarborUCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CAP802. Autoimmune Enteropathy and Schwachman-Diamond Syndrome: APuzzling DilemmaEmir Roach, MD, May Olayan, MD, Serkan Ayvaz, PhD, AbdullahShatnawei, MD, Fairview Hospital, Westlake, OH, Cleveland Clinic,Cleveland, OHP803. Whipple’s Disease Presenting as EndocarditisRyan Meinen, DO, David Payton, PA-C, Joseph Fares, MD, WalidAlmuti, MD, GI, John C. Lincoln, Phoenix, AZP804. Jejunal Plasmacytoma: An Uncommon Cause of MassiveGastrointestinal Bleeding in a Young PatientKenechukwu Chudy-Onwugaje, MD, MPH, Nnaemeka Anyadike, MD,Ira Mayer, MD, FACG, Yuriy Tsirlin, MD, FACG, Rabin Rahmani, MD,FACG, Gastroenterology, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYP805. Severe Strongyloidiasis With Negative Serology AfterCorticosteroid TreatmentEduardo Rodriguez, MD, Thomas Abraham, MD, Frederick Williams,MD, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Palm BeachRegional Campus, Atlantis, FLP806. Unusual Cause of Gastrointestinal Bleeding and EncephalopathyChung-Jyi Tsai, MD, PhD, FACG, Ibrahim Hanouneh, MD, ClevelandClinic, Cleveland, OHP807. Bouveret’s Syndrome: Definitive Diagnosis WithEsophagogastroduodenoscopyPatrick Hickey, DO, Matthew Sullivan, DO, Saba Ahmad, MD, HiralShah, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, PAP808. Olmesartan-Induced Spruelike Enteropathy in the CommunitySettingMadeline Russell, MD, Lorainne Milton, BS, Steven Carpenter, MD,Mercer University School of Medicine, Savannah, GAP809. A Not So Starry Night: Atypical Duodenal Burkitt’s Lymphoma in aPatient With Celiac Disease and Chronic Hepatitis CAlfredo Camero, MD, Neha Mathur, MD, Cesar Sostre, MD, FACG,University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio,TXP810. Primary Follicular Lymphoma of the Gastrointestinal TractBrian Moy, DO, Jonathan Wilmot, MD, University of Connecticut,Farmington, CTP811. Progressive Development of Pseudomyxoma Peritonel AfterResection of Low-Grade Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of the AppendixDamodar Pandey, MD, Kamran Zahid, MD, Hilary Hertan, MD,FACG, Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center,Wakefield Division, Bronx, NYP812. Duodenal Intussusception Secondary to Metastasis From UterineLeimyosarcomaTina Seecharan, MD, Javed Sadiq, MD, Dimitrios Georgostathis, MD,Veronika Dubrovskaya, MD, FACG, SUNY Downstate Medical Center,Brooklyn, NYP813. Unusual Cause of Gastric Outlet ObstructionJana Hashash, MD, Victor Chedid, MD, Nadia Habib-Bein, MD, FadiFrancis, MD, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Division ofGastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Pittsburgh, PA, VeteransAffairs Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Pittsburgh, PAP814. The Refractory Duodenal Ulcer With Eosinophilia: A Clinician’sConundrumAnam Shaikh, MD, Inder Singh, MD, FACG, UT Southwestern Austin,Austin, TXP815. An Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleed Caused by JejunalDiverticulosisVihang Patel, MD, Scott Young, MD, Internal Medicine, Mount CarmelHealth System, Columbus, OHP816. Successful Treatment With Sirolimus of a Patient With BlueRubber Bleb Nevus SyndromeHelder Cardoso, MD, Jorge Dias, MD, Marco Silva, MD, Filipe Vilas-Boas, MD, Eunice Trindade, MD, Marta Tavares, MD, GuilhermeMacedo, MD, PhD, FACG, Gastroenterology Department, CentroHospitalar São João, Porto, Portugal, Pediatrics Department, CentroHospitalar São João, Porto, PortugalP817. Unusual Case of Celiac DiseaseMohsen Hasanin, MD, Khalid Rasheed, MD, Muhammad Baig, MD,UAB Montgomery, Montgomery, ALP818. Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding as the First Presentationof Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma to the Stomach and DuodenumZuie Wakade, DO, Anuradha Sreenivasan, DO, Jaimin Patel, DO,Jacqueline Moore, DO, Gurpreet Singh, DO, Dawn Severson, MD,Wendy Frauchiger, MD, Rene Peleman, MD, Joseph Kinzie, MD,Henry Ford Macomb Hospital, Clinton Township, MIP819. An Atypical Presentation of Small Bowel DiverticulosisMatthew Whitson, MD, Carolyn Newberry, MD, Octavia Pickett-Blakely,MD, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PAP820. Fish Bone Ingestion as an Etiology for Intramural DuodenalHematomaJames Katsis, MD, Philip Sarges, MD, Mark Mattar, MD, MedstarGeorgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCP821. Pneumatosis Intestinalis: A Rare Cause of RecurrentPneumoperitoneumTinzar Basein, MD, Rangan Murali, MD, FACG, Berkshire MedicalCenter, Pittsfield, MAP822. Whipple’s Disease: A Fatal Disease That Is Often Missed WithoutGastrointestinal SymptomsAmir Rezk, MD, A. Clark Gunnerson, DO, Michael Komar, MD,General Internal Medicine, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA,Gastroenterology, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PAP823. Rare Presentation of Mucinous Cystadenoma of the AppendixJohn Anong, MD, John Litchfield, MD, Mark Young, MD, ThomasBorthwick, MD, Internal Medicine, East Tennessee State University,Johnson City, TNP824. Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis: To Lyse or Not to Lyse?Aleksey Novikov, MD, Amit Desai, MD, David Wan, MD, Ira Jacobson,MD, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NYP825. A Rare Case of Primary Duodenal Signet Ring Cell CarcinomaScott Foley, BSc, Ian Epstein, MD, Medicine, Dahousie University,Halifax, NS, CanadaP826. Wilkie’s Syndrome: A Rare Cause of Duodenal ObstructionVera Zaraket, MD, George Abdelsayed, MD, Frank Gress, MD, LilianeDeeb, MD, Internal Medicine, SIUH, New York, NY, Columbia UniversityMedical School/New York-Presbyterian, New York, NYP827. An Unexpected Diagnosis of Tuberculosis ColitisRosalyn Adigun, MD, PharmD, Hye Yeon Jhun, MD, KongkiatChaikriangkrai, MD, Anusha Shirwaikar Thomas, MD, MatthewTompson, MD, FACG, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TXP828. Alimentary, My Dear Watson! ACE Inhibitor-Induced BowelAngioedemaJatinder Goyal, MD, Frederick Weber, MD, University of Alabama atBirmingham, Birmingham, ALP829. Relapsing Symptoms From Sclerosing Mesenteritis: A Pain in theGut!Jatinder Goyal, MD, Frederick Weber, MD, University of Alabama atBirmingham, Birmingham, ALPOSTERSMONDAY75For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmLIVERP830. NAFLD Appears to Be the Most Common Liver Disease in IBDPatients: IBD Is Likely a Risk Factor for NAFLDJason Dundulis, MD, John Helzberg, MD, FACG, Shaya Ansari, MD,Hani El-Halawany, MD, Randal Michelson, DO, Rajiv Chhabra, MD,University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Medicine, Kansas City,MO, St. Luke’s Health System, Kansas City, MOP831. CYP2C19 Genetic Polymorphism in Chronic Hepatitis B InfectionRelated Hepatocellular Carcinoma in ThailandPongjarat Nun-anan, MD, Sith Siramolpiwat, MD, SoonthornChonprasertsuk, MD, Anupong Tangaroonsanti, MD, BubphaPornthisarn, MD, Patommatat Bhanthumkomol, MD, Ratha-kornVilaichone, MD, PhD, FACG, GI Unit, Department of Medicine,Thammasat University Hospital, Pathumthani, ThailandP832. Hepatitis A and B Immunization Status in the U.S. Population:Results From the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(NHANES) 2003 to 2012Houssam Mardini, MD, MPH, FACG, Alla Grigorian, MD, PhD, PhilipWestgate, PhD, Bilal Aslam, MS IV, Tyler Fleming, MD, University ofKentucky, Lexington, KY, University of Kentucky College of PublicHealth, Lexington, KYP833. Hepatitis B Serology in the U.S. Population: Results From theNational Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003 to2012Houssam Mardini, MD, MPH, FACG, Alla Grigorian, MD, PhD, PhilipWestgate, PhD, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, University ofKentucky College of Public Health, Lexington, KYP834. The Prevalence of Hepatitis D in the U.S. Population: Results Fromthe National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003 to2012Alla Grigorian, MD, PhD, Houssam Mardini, MD, MPH, FACG, TylerFleming, MD, Bilal Aslam, MS IV, Philip Westgate, PhD, Universityof Kentucky, Lexington, KY, University of Kentucky College of PublicHealth, Lexington, KYP835. HLA Class II Alleles Are Associated to Histological InflammatoryFeatures of Steatohepatitis (NASH)2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardAzza Karrar, BVSC, MSC, PhD, Ali Moosvi, BB, Maria Stepanova, PhD,Siddharth Hariharan, BB, Zheng Li, MSc, Zachary Goodman, MD,PHD, Zobair Younossi, MD, MPH, FACG, Betty and Guy Beatty Centerfor Integrated Research, Inova Health System, Falls Church, VA, Centerfor Liver Diseases, Department of Medicine, Falls Church, VAP836. Tolerance and Outcomes of Sofosbuvir Based Therapy for ChronicHepatitis CKhalid George, MD, Alexander Weick, MD, Dilip Moonka, MD,Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD, Henry Ford Hospital - Department ofInternal Medicine, Detroit, MI, Henry Ford Hospital - Department ofGastroenterology and Hepatology, Detroit, MIP837. Insurance Approval for Sofosbuvir and Simeprevir-Based HepatitisC TherapiesKhalid George, MD, Alexander Weick, MD, Dilip Moonka, MD, MariaSegovia, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD, Henry Ford Hospital -Department of Internal Medicine, Detroit, MI, Henry Ford Hospital -Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Detroit, MIP838. A Systematic Review Assessing the Impact of Chronic Hepatitis Con Health-Related Quality of Life and Patient-Reported OutcomesLinda Henry, PhD, Kathleen Whitley, MS, Kerry Dhakal, MS, LibbySamuel, MS, Lois Culler, MS, Melinda Bryns, MS, Sharon Hunt, MBA,Zobair Younossi, MD, MPH, FACG, Betty and Guy Beatty IntegratedResearch Center, Falls Church, VA, Inova Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church,VA, Center for Liver Diseases, Department of Medicine, Inova FairfaxHospital, Falls Church, VAP839. The Role of Mannan Binding Lectin Pathway in Non Alcoholic FattyLiver Disease (NAFLD)Azza Karrar, BVSc, MSC, PhD, Siddharth Hariharan, BB, Khatera Malik,BB, Zheng Li, MSC, Munkhzul Otgonsuren, MSC, Sharon Hunt, MSC,Zachary Goodman, MD, PhD, Zobair Younossi, MD, MPH, Betty andGuy Beatty Center for Integrated Research, Inova Health System, FallsChurch, VA, Center for Liver Diseases, Department of Medicine, FallsChurch, VAP840. Hepatitis C Virus Prevalence in an Unselected EmergencyDepartment PopulationVidhya Kunnathur, MD, Susan Rouster, BS, Kimberly Hart, MA,Matthew Sperling, BS, Kenneth Sherman, MD, PhD, FACG, MichaelLyons, MD, MPH, University of Cincinnati Dept. of Medicine DigestiveDiseases, Cincinnati, OH, University of Cincinnati Dept. of EmergencyMedicine, Cincinnati, OHP841. Surveillance Endoscopic Variceal Ligation Is Underutilized inPatients With Cirrhosis and Bleeding Esophageal VaricesMaleka Khambaty, MD, Mahendra Nehra, MBBS, MPH, Amit Singal,MD, MS, UT Southwestern Medical Center and Parkland Health andHospital System, Dallas, TXP842. Recidivism Among Liver Transplant Recipients for AlcoholicCirrhosis: prevalence, Predictors, and Impact on OutcomesKaely Bade, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD, MS, University of Alabama atBirmingham, Birmingham, ALP843. Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Predicts Acute KidneyInjury and In-Hospital Mortality Among Patients With Alcoholic HepatitisKaely Bade, MD, Sujan Ravi, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD, MS, Universityof Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, ALP844. Patient-Specific Factors as Causes for Differences inHepatocellular Carcinoma Screening Rates in an Urban VeteranPopulationEliezer Weiss, MD, Rafayat Hossain, MD, Samy McFarlane, MD, GarrettLawlor, MD, Ayse Aytaman, MD, SUNY Downstate Medical Center,Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn VA Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYP845. Reversal of Low-Grade Cerebral Edema After Lactulose/RifaximinTherapy in Patients With Cirrhosis Who Have Minimal HepaticEncephalopathyRadha Dhiman, MD, DM, FAMS, FACG, Rahul Rai, MD, DM, ChiragAhuja, MD, Navin Kalra, MD, Niranjan Khandelwal, MD, Ajay Duseja,MD, DM, FAMS, FACG, Yogesh Chawla, MD, DM, FAMS, FACG,Hepatology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,Chandigarh, IndiaP846. Evolution of Serum Atherogenic Risk in Liver TransplantRecipients; Role of Lipoproteins, Metabolic and Inflammatory MarkersRavi Chhatrala, MD, Mohammad Bilal Siddiqui, MD, R. Todd Stravitz,MD, Carolyn Driscoll, PhD, Arun Sanyal, MD, Carol Sargeant, RN, MPH,Velimir Luketic, MD, Scott Matherly, MD, Richard Sterling, MD, PuneetPuri, MD, Mohammad Shadab Siddiqui, MD, Virginia CommonwealthUniversity, Richmond, VA, The University of Texas Medical School atHouston, Houston, TXP847. Microvessel Density( MVD) Quantitation With Image Analysisin Patients With Viral Hepatitis Versus Nonviral Hepatitis-RelatedHepatocellular CarcinomaAvantika Chenna, MD, Amr Mohamed, MD, Mohamed Abdelfatah,MD, Balsam Elhammali, MD, John Kauh, MD, Ahmed Kaseb, MD,Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, Akron General MedicalCenter, Akron, OH, Winship Cancer Institute Emory University, Atlanta,GA, MD Anderson, Houston, TXP848. Safety of Factor IX Complex in Patients With Cirrhosis: A SingleCenter ExperienceMaitri Kalra, MBBS, Ashish Aggarwal, MBBS, Laura Caragol, MD,Naveen Manchanda, MD, Marwan Ghabril, MD, Indiana University,Indianapolis, INP849. The Association of the Metabolic Syndrome, Its Components, andthe Risk of HCC Among Hispanic Patients From Puerto Rico UndergoingLiver TransplantationAshley Sanchez-Mitchell, MD, Juan Serralles, MD, Barbara Rosado,MD, Willie Vazquez, MD, FACG, Gastro-Hepatology and GeriatricsCenter, Ponce, Ponce School of Medicine, Ponce, PRFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.76

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP850. Predictors of Hospital Readmissions Among Hispanics WithHepatitis C Related CirrhosisPradeep Atla, MD, MPH, Firdose Gill, DO, Bakht Roshan, MD,Muhammad Sheikh, MD, FACG, Division of Gastroenterology andHepatology, UCSF Fresno, Fresno, CA, Communtiy Regional MedicalCenter, Fresno, CA, Saint Agnes Medical Center, Fresno, CAP851. Serum Vitamin B12 Level Could Be a Novel Diagnostic Marker toPredict Cirrhosis in Patients With Chronic Liver DiseaseFrank Czul, MD, Andres Yarur, MD, Kalyan Bhamidimarri, MD,University of Miami, Miami, FLP852. Rescuing Liver Transplant Recipients From Severe RecurrentHepatitis C With Interferon Free TherapySiddesh Besur, MD, Phillipe Zamor, MD, Paul Schmeltzer, MD, MarkRusso, MD, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NCP853. Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in Liver Transplant Recipients: CaseSeriesSiddesh Besur, MD, Paul Schmeltzer, MD, Phillipe Zamor, MD, MarkRusso, MD, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NCP854. An Unusual Case of Elevated AFP in a Hep C Cirrhotic PatientZaid Alnoah, MD, Jennifer Luke, MD, Field Willingham, MD, MPH,Ryan Ford, MD, Gastroenterology, Emory, Atlanta, GAP855. An Unusual Case of Disseminated Adenovirus Presenting as FocalHepatic LesionsZilla Hussain, MD, Gastroenterology, Dartmouth Hitchcock MedicalCenter, Lebanon, NHP856. Effectiveness of Triple Therapy With Boceprevir, PegylatedInterferon, and Ribavirin in Veteran Patients With Chronic Hepatitis CVirus InfectionChristian Andrade, MD, Brijesh Patel, MD, Adnan Muhammad, MD,Gitanjali Vidyarthi, MD, James A. Haley Veterans Affairs, Tampa, FL,Gastroenterology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FLP857. Results of Interferon Free HCV Therapy in a Clinical PracticeSettingKenda Al-Assi, Farhan Arif, MD, Melissa Horton, BS, Deborah Baker,LVN, Cheryl Levine, PhD, Dana Al-Assi, Reem Ghalib, MD, TexasClinical Research Institute, Arlington, TX, Texas Digestive DiseaseConsultants, Arlington, TX, Texas Health Physician Group, Arlington, TXP858. Porto-Arterial Fistula Creation as a Complication of TIPSProcedure Causing Occult GI BleedingDaniel Benasher, MD, Derrick Cheung, MD, Kelly Teagle, DO,Nnaemeka Anyadike, MD, Kadirawel Iswara, MD, FACG, James Park,MD, FACG, Aaron Winnick, MD, Sergei Sobolevsky, MD, David Mobley,MD, Rabin Rahmani, MD, FACG, Ira Mayer, MD, FACG, MaimonidesMedical Center, Brooklyn, NYP859. A Rare Case of Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Self-Embolizationand Regression of TumorKireet Agrawal, MBBS, MD, Nameer Al Mardini, MD, Kamal Agrawal,MD, Swedish American Hospital, Rockford, IL, University of Illinois,Rockford, IL, University College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, IndiaP860. Hepatitis C Associated Dermatomyositis and Lupus ComplicatingTreatmentImran Solaiman, MD, Kathryn White, DO, Jeff Hunt, DO, FACOI,University of Oklahoma Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, Oklahoma State University,Tulsa, OKP861. Results From the Phase 2 PEARL-I Study: Interferon-Free Regimensof ABT-450/r + ABT-267 With or Without Ribavirin in Patients With HCVGenotype 4 InfectionChristophe Hezode, MD, Patrick Marcellin, MD, PhD, Stanislas Pol,MD, Tarek Hassanein, MD, FACG, Katarzyna Fleischer-Stepniewska,MD, Tolga Baykal, MD, Tianli Wang, PhD, Sandra Lovell, PhD, TamiPilot-Matias, PhD, Regis Vilchez, MD, PhD, Assistance PubliqueHopitaux de Paris, Paris, France, Hopital Beaujon Inserm Crb3 - U773- Service Hepatologie, Clichy, France, Université Paris Descartes etHôpital, Paris, France, Southern California Liver Centers and SouthernCalifornia Research Center, Coronado, CA, EMC Instytut MedycznySpolka Akcyjna, Wroclaw, Poland, AbbVie, Inc., North Chicago, ILP862. Sustained Virologic Response 12 Weeks Post-Treatment With ABT-450/Ritonavir/Ombitasvir and Dasabuvir With Ribavirin (SAPPHIRE I andII) Is Independent of Patient SubgroupsMaurizia Rossana Brunetto, MD, Mihály Makara, MD, HolgerHinrichsen, MD, PhD, John Hanson, MD, Michael Bennett, MD, EricLawitz, MD, Junyuan Xiong, MS, Eoin Coakley, MD, Tolga Baykal,MD, Guy Neff, MD, Liver Unit, University Hospital of Pisa, Pisa, Italy,Saint Laszlo Hospital, Budapest, Hungary, Gastroenterologisch-Hepatologisches Zentrum Kiel, Kiel, Germany, CharlotteGastroenterology and Hepatology, PLLC, Charlotte, NC, MedicalAssociates Research Group, San Diego, CA, Texas Liver Institute,University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, AbbVie,Inc., North Chicago, ILP863. Low Incidence of Hyperbilirubinemia Events With ABT-450/R/Ombitasvir and Dasabuvir With or Without Ribavirin inHCV Genotype-1Infected PatientsDavid Bernstein, MD, FACG, Naoky Tsai, MD, Tarek Hassanein, MD,FACG, Federico Rodriguez-Perez, MD, Manuel Romero-Gomez, MD,Rui Marinho, MD, PhD, Ramon Planas Vila, MD, Massimo Colombo,MD, Sandra Lovell, PhD, Jeffrey Enejosa, MD, Yan Luo, MD, PhD,Daniel Cohen, MD, Marcos Pedrosa, MD, PhD, K. Rajender Reddy,MD, FACG, Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine, Manhasset,NY, The Queen’s Medical Center - Liver Center, Honolulu, HI,Southern California Liver Centers and Southern California ResearchCenter, Coronado, CA, Gastroenterology and Hepatic WellnessCenter, Santurce, Hospital Universitario Nuestra Senora De Valme,Seville, Spain, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Medical School of Lisbon,Lisboa, Portugal, Hospital Germans TríasiPujol, CIBERehd, Badalona,Spain, University of Milan, Milan, Italy, AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, IL,University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PAP864. Nonselective β-Blockers May Negatively Impact Survival inPatients With Decompensated Cirrhosis2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardBradley Confer, DO, Mohannad Dugum, MD, Thimmaiah Theethira,MD, Ibrahim Hanouneh, MD, Rocio Lopez, MS, Nizar Zein, MD,Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP865. Seroprevalence and Associated Factors of Hepatitis E VirusInfection in Pig Handlers of Lima, PeruMartin Tagle, MD, Patricia Guzman, MD, Alessandra Ciliotta, MD,Roxana Gallegos, MD, Eduar Bravo, MD, Leandro Huayanay, MD,Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, PeruP866. Screening for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Associated With MeetingMilan Criteria at DiagnosisRichard Kalman, MD, David Nunes, MD, Gastroenterology, BostonMedical Center, Boston, MAP867. Autoimmune Hepatitis With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Is Distinctand May Be More Refractory to Traditional TreatmentJames Bailey, MD, Gouri Sreepati, MD, Joshua Love, BS, MonikaFischer, MD, Raj Vuppalanchi, MD, Marwan Ghabril, MD, SamerGawrieh, MD, Eric Orman, MD, Naga Chalasani, MD, FACG, CraigLammert, MD, Indiana University, Indianapolis, INP868. Impact of Donation After Cardiac Death (DCD) Allografts onIncidence and Severity of Recurrent Hepatitis C (HCV) and Graft SurvivalPost Liver Transplantation (LT) for HCVShiva Kumar, MD, FACG, Liver Transplant Program, Aurora St. Luke’sMedical Center, Milwaukee, WIPOSTERSMONDAY77For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP869. Diagnostic Performance of Magnetic Resonance Elastographyfor the Staging of Liver Fibrosis: A Systematic Review and CollaborativeIndividual Participant Data Meta-analysisSiddharth Singh, MD, Sudhakar Venkatesh, MD, Zhen Wang, PhD,Frank Miller, MD, Utaroh Motosugi, MD, Russell Low, MD, TarekHassanein, MD, FACG, Patrick Asbach, MD, Edmund Godfrey, MD,Meng Yin, PhD, Jun Chen, PhD, Andrew Keaveny, MD, Anneloes Bohte,MD, Mohammad Murad, MD, MS, Jay Talwalkar, MD, MPH, FACG,Richard Ehman, MD, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic,Rochester, MN, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,Chicago, IL, University of Yamanashi, Chuo-shi, Yamanashi, Japan,Sharp and Children’s MRI Center, San Diego, CA, Liver Centers ofSouthern California, San Diego, CA, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin,Charité Campus Mitte, Berlin, Germany, St. James’ Hospital, BeckettStreet, Leeds, United Kingdom, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, AcademicMedical Center, Amsterdam, NetherlandsP870. Influence of Race on Hepatocellular Cancer Surveillance Rates inPatients With Chronic Hepatitis C: The VA ExperienceDavid Wan, MD, Jennifer Maratt, MD, Luba Greeder, MD, AlexanderJow, MD, Tao Xu, MD, Craig Tenner, MD, Fritz Francois, MD, FACG,New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, Manhattan VeteransAffairs Medical Center, New York, NY, New York University LangoneMedical Center, New York, NYP871. Volatile Organic Compounds in the Exhaled Breath as Biomarkersof Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in Obese ChildrenVera Okwu, MD, Ammar Matloob, MD, David Grove, PhD, LipingTian, BS, Sara Lappe, MD, Rocio Lopez, MS, Raed Dweik, MD,Naim Alkhouri, MD, Cleveland Clinic - Department of PediatricGastroenterology, Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Clinic - Departmentof Pediatrics, Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Clinic - Department ofPathobiology, Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Clinic - Respiratory Institute,Cleveland, OHP872. Decreased Muscle Attenuation Predicts Mortality in AlcoholicHepatitis PatientsMohamed Shoreibah, MD, David Arrington, MD, Derek DuBay, MD,Stephen Gray, MD, James Roy, Ashwani Singal, MD, GI and Hepatology,University of Alabama at Birmingham, BirminghamP873. The Relationship of Normal Hepatic Synthetic Function andPlatelets With Advanced Fibrosis or CirrhosisMohamed Shoreibah, MD, Shabnam Sarker, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD,GI and Hepatology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, BirminghamP874. Are Cardiac Event and Cirrhosis Development Two DifferentPathways in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?Mohamed Shoreibah, MD, Paul Fitzmorris, MD, Yong-Fang Kuo,PhD, Joseph Bloomer, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD, GI and Hepatology,University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, The University ofTexas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston, TXP875. Hepatitis C Virus Is Not Associated With an Increased Riskof Colorectal Polyps in Cirrhotic Patients Undergoing ScreeningColonoscopyBirju Bhatt, MD, Thresiamma Lukose, Pharm.D, Robert Brown, MD,MPH, Elizabeth Verna, MD, MS, Columbia University, New York, NYP876. Risk Factors for Readmissions Among Patients With CirrhosisSangeeta Agrawal, MD, FACG, Paras Kumar, Student, Kriti Agrawal,Student, Adrienne Stolfi, MSPH, Dayton VA Medical Center, Dayton, OH,Wright State University, Dayton, OH, University of California, Berkeley,CAP877. Translational Bioenergetics: A Promising Biomarker With Potentialto Personalize Treatment in Patients With Alcoholic Liver DiseaseAshwani Singal, MD, MSc, Philip Kramer, PhD, Saranya Ravi, PhD,Balu Chacko, PhD, Degui Zhi, PhD, Victor Darley-Usmar, PhD,Gastroenterology and Hepatology, UAB, Birmingham, ALP878. Serum Cytokeratin-18 Fragment Levels Predict Development ofType 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Adult Patients With Non-Alcoholic Fatty LiverDiseaseSajan Jiv Singh Nagpal, MD, Rocio Lopez, MS, MPH, Ariel Feldstein,MD, Naim Alkhouri, MD, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP879. Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Pathway in HepatocellularCarcinoma and Its Association With Tumor Recurrence Following LiverTransplantation: A Pilot StudyMohannad Dugum, MD, Ibrahim Hanouneh, MD, Thomas McIntyre,PhD, Rish Pai, MD, PhD, Nizar Zein, MD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation,Cleveland, OHP880. Functional Status of Patients With Cirrhosis Does Not Differ AmongEtiologies of Cirrhosis Based on the Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT)Jeffrey Juneau, MD, Sudha Kodali, MD, MPH, Talha Malik, MD,MPH, Winnie Tsai, BS, Daniel Booth, BS, Brendan McGuire, MD, MS,University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, ALP881. Pre-Transplant Characteristics in Patients Evaluated for OrthotopicLiver Transplant (OLT) Associated With Positive Stress TestFeng Li, MD, Bryan Lee, MD, Kyle Porter, MAS, Nicole O’Bleness, BS,RN, Scott Lilly, MD, PhD, A. James Hanje, MD, Department of InternalMedicine, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus,OH, Division of Biostatistics, College of Public Health, The Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus, OH, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine,Department of Internal Medicine, Ohio State University Wexner MedicalCenter, Columbus, OH, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology andNutrition, Department of Internal Medicine, Ohio State UniversityWexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP882. Hepatic Steatosis Is Independently Associated With CoronaryAtherosclerosisAnusha Shirwaikar Thomas, MD, Kongkiat Chaikriangkrai, MD,Sharleen Botero, BS, Su Min Chang, MD, Houston Methodist Hospital,Houston, TXP883. Multiple Liver Abscesses From Fusobacterium InfectionVenkata Gourineni, MD, Joyce George, MD, JayakrishnanKrishnakurup, MD, Andrew Bedford, MD, FACG, Gregory Soloway, MD,Gastroenterology, Bridgeport Hospital, Milford, CTP884. Are Patients Hospitalized With Cirrhosis and Ascites ReceivingAppropriate Diagnostic Paracentesis?Harith Baharith, MD, Marco Puglia, MD, McMaster University,Hamilton, ON, CanadaP885. Reevaluation of the Upper Limit of Normal for Outpatient AlanineAminotransferase (ALT) Levels at a Large United States Urban MedicalCenterAdarsh Varma, MD, Stuart Gordon, MD, Richard Krajenta, BS, LoisLamerato, PhD, Veronica Luzzi, PhD, Kimberly Brown, MD, AshishZalawadia, MD, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Henry Ford Hospital,Detroit, MIP886. Utility of Liver Biopsies in Patients Undergoing Left VentricularAssist Device ImplantationHesam Keshmiri, DO, MS, Burhan Mohamedali, MD, Gardner Yost,BSc, Geetha Bhat, MD, University of Illinois/Advocate Christ MedicalCenter, Chicago, ILP887. Clopidogrel-Induced Severe Cholestatic HepatitisHesam Keshmiri, DO, MS, Anuj Behal, MD, Rasha Issa, MD, ShawnShroff, MD, Kamran Ayub, MD, Charles Berkelhammer, MD, UIC/Advocate Christ Medical Center, Chicago, ILP888. IPH With Gait Disturbances: Is It a New Congenital Syndrome?Nongnooch Poowanawittayakom, MD, Michael Flicker, MD, BhaumikBrahmbhatt, MD, Surakit Pungpapong, MD, Internal Medicine,Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, IL, Mayo Clinic,Jacksonville, FLFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.78

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmLIVER - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP889. Enteral Nutrition Support for Sarcopenia in End-Stage LiverDiseaseDina Halegoua-De Marzio, MD, She-Yan Wong, MD, Jonathan Fenkel,MD, Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology andHepatology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PAP890. An Unusual Cause of Elevated LFTs: Progressive FamilialIntrahepatic CholestasisSyed Amer, MBBS, Andrew Walker, PSM, MS, PA-C, Cuong Nguyen,MD, Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZP891. Hepatotoxicity Associated With the Use of OxyELITE Pro:A Nutritional SupplementPatrick Koo, MD, Deepak Venkat, MD, Stanley Cohen, MD, DigestiveHealth Institute, University Hospital/Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OHP892. A Rare Case: Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) Presentingas Acute Liver FailurePragnesh Patel, MD, Erik Rahimi, MD, Sushovan Guha, MD, PhD,Victor Machicao, MD, Internal Medicine, University of Texas at Houston,Houston, TXP893. A Rare but Sinister Cause of Leukemoid Reaction: AlcoholicHepatitisRaman Khehra, MD, Cristina Strahotin, MD, Jose Oliva, MD, JanSilverman, MD, Division of Gastroenterology, Allegheny GeneralHospital, Pittsburgh, PA, Department of Pathology, Allegheny GeneralHospital, Pittsburgh, PAP894. Hepatocellular Autophagy in Anorexia Nervosa (AN)Ishita Rajnish, MD, Sumair Ahmad, MD, Joshua Aron, MD, Melik Tiba,MD, Internal Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine, Elmhurst, NYP895. Massive Lower Gastrointestinal Bleed With AL AmyloidosisSalvatore Savona, MD, Allison Rossetti, MD, Christina Arnold, MD, A.James Hanje, MD, Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP896. A Case of Drug-Induced Liver Injury by the New Diabetes DrugCanagliflozinChuan Long Miao, MD, MPH, Jinhong Li, MD, Andrew Mowery, DO,Harshit Khara, MD, Amit Johal, MD, Nicholas Inverso, MD, Korta Yuasa,MD, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PAP897. Pleural Effusion, Ascites, and Periportal Edema in the Absence ofFulminant Hepatic Failure Secondary to NimesulideJustin Lui, MD, Bilal Gondal, MD, Joan Kheder, MD, Curtis Barry, MD,Department of Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School,Worcester, MAP898. Acute Massive Hepatic Enlargement in Sickle Cell DiseaseMinhaj Musa, MD, Kyaw Thein, MD, Bisrat Haile, MD, Rajat Mukherji,MD, Harish Patel, MD, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYP899. A Rare Case of Acute Liver Failure From an Adverse Drug ReactionMuhammad Baig, MBBS, MD, Mohsen Hasanin, MD, Sanam Anwer,MBBS, MD, UAB Montgomery Internal Medicine Residency Program,Montgomery, ALP900. The Cat Is Out of the Bag: A Case of Disseminated Bartonellahenselae Mimicking Post-Transplant Lymphoproliverative DisorderDavid Chascsa, MD, Darryn Potosky, MD, University of Maryland,Baltimore, MDP901. Intra-Hepatic Splenosis With Transformation Into B-CellLymphoma: More Than Meets the EyeElliot Cauble, MD, Jennifer Reed, MD, Prasad Kulkarni, MD, FACG,Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, University of South Florida,Tampa, FL, James A. Haley VA, Tampa, FLP902. Idiopathic Non-Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension: A Case Report in aCaucasian FemaleCortni Tyson, MD, Internal Medicine, Howard University Hospital,Washington, DCP903. Successful Treatment of Fibrosing Cholestatic Hepatitis C WithSofosbuvir and SimeprevirMeghan NeSmith, MD, Atif Zaman, MD, FACG, Jennifer Urquhart, MD,Jody Hooper, MD, Joseph Ahn, MD, FACG, Oregon Health and ScienceUniversity, Portland, OR, Kaiser Permanente, Portland, OR79P904. An Unusual Case of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Without Pre-Existing Liver Cirrhosis or Fibrosis in a Patient With Metabolic SyndromeGouri Sreepati, MBBS, Ashish Aggarwal, MBBS, Craig Lammert, MD,Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, INP905. Focal Fatty Infiltration of the Liver Mimicking Malignancy in High-Risk PatientsVinay Yalamanchi, DO, Wallace Wang, MD, Moshe Rubin, MD, FACG,Ari Bunim, MD, FACG, New York Hospital of Queens, New York, NYP906. Chronic Dystonia as Presenting Symptom of HereditaryHemochromatosisKarthik Ragunathan, MD, Kavitha Kalvakuri, MD, Sonu Dhillon, MD,University of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria, IL, OSF St. FrancisMedical Center, Peoria, ILP907. Armodafinil, Not So Silent as It Appears!Venu Gopala Reddy Gangireddy, MD, Swathi Talla, MD, HamzaAbdulla, MD, Sherman Chamberlain, MD, FACG, SubbaramiaSridhar, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Georgia Regents University,Augusta, GA, Luzhou Medical College, Luzhou, ChinaP908. Ovarian Cancer Despite Previous Oophorectomy in LiverTransplant PatientJennifer Behzadi, MD, Peter Stanich, MD, Robert Kirkpatrick, MD,Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP909. Marchiafava-Bignami Disease (MBD): Rare Diagnosis With PoorOutcome in Alcoholic CirrhosisAvin Aggarwal, MD, Conrad Engler, DO, Department of Medicine,Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MNP910. Primary Hepatic T-cell Lymphoma Causing Acute Liver Failure andHemophagocytic LymphohistiocytosisDaniel Eshtiaghpour, MD, Sharareh Shahangian, MD, Ariana Cornejo,RN, Sofiya Reicher, MD, Anuj Datta, MD, Viktor Eysselein, MD, HarborUCLA, Torrance, CAP911. Patient With Esophageal Varices, Portal Hypertension, andCoagulopathy: Things Are Not Always What They Seem!Seyed Ali Gaskari, MD, PhD, Sherry Yang, MD, Brent Neuschwander-Tetri, MD, FACG, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MOP912. Mycoplasma Pneumonia: The Cause of an Obscure CholestaticHepatitisArnaldo Freire, MD, MPH, Antonio Soto, MD, Rafael Tirado, MD, MariaDueno, MD, Doris Toro, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, Caribbean VAHealthcare System, San JuanP913. Spontaneous Clearance of Chronic HCV Infection: An UnusualPhenomenonVarun Jain, MD, Deepak Sharma, DO, Sonja Marcus, MPH, NorbertBrau, MD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (Bronx) - James JPeters VA Medical Center, Bronx, NYP914. Guillain Barre Syndrome and Autoimmune Hepatitis: Is There aRelationship?Sehrish Kamal, MD, Muhammad Ali Khan, MD, Muhammad ImranKhan, MD, Tariq Hammad, MD, Yaseen Alastal, MD, Thomas Sodeman,MD, FACG, University of Toledo, Toledo, OHP915. Cholestatic Hepatitis: An Unusual Presentation of Lisinopril-Mediated HepatotoxicityGurpinder Singh, MD, MBBS, Amit Kachalia, MD, MBBS, JaspreetKaur, MBBS, Kinjal Kachalia, MBBS, Vincent Rizzo, MD, MBA, IcahnSchool of MEdicine at Mount Sinai Queens, Fresh Meadows, NYP916. Hepatolithiasis: A Cause for Persistent Abdominal Pain ThatEscaped MRCPFrank Senatore, MD, Ankeet Bhatt, BS, Houman Rezaizadeh, MD,Murali Dharan, MD, FACG, University of Connecticut School ofMedicine, Farmington, CT, St. Francis Medical Center, Hartford, CTP917. A Plea for HELLP: HELLP-Like Syndrome Presenting in the SecondTrimesterDominic Colella, DO, Farhan Israr, DO, Lorenc Kalaveshi, DO, RajanNarula, DO, Leena Saline, DO, Javier Sobrado, MD, FACG, MichaelValladares, DO, Nova Southeastern University College of OsteopathicMedicine (NSU-COM), Fort Lauderdale-Davie, FLFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.POSTERSMONDAY

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP918. A Case of Drug-Induced Cholangitis and Cholestasis FromAmoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid and LevofloxacinRafael Rojano-Marin, MD, Amir Rezk, MD, Chuan Miao, MD, MPH,MS, Nina Ahuja, MD, General Internal Medicine, Geisinger MedicalCenter, Danville, PA, Gastroenterology, Geisinger Medical Center,Danville, PAP919. Bosentan-Induced Autoimmune HepatitisAmir Taefi, MD, Suzan Ebrahimi, MD, Farzin Rashti, MD, Grishma Joy,MD, Mitesh Patel, MD, Won Cho, MD, Washington Hospital Center,Silver Spring, MDP920. An Unusual Occurrence of Granulomatous Liver Disease in Turner’sSyndrome: A Case SeriesJayakrishna Chintanaboina, MD, MPH, Pragnesh Shah, MD, ThomasRiley, MD, Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PAP921. A Case of Worsening Liver Function Due to Sitosterolemia inTurner’s SyndromeJayakrishna Chintanaboina, MD, MPH, Pragnesh Shah, MD, ThomasRiley, MD, FACG, Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PAP922. Fever and Transaminitis: Sole Manifestations of Enteric Fever in aTraveler Returning From BengladeshAmir Kalani, MD, PhD, Sonaly Patel, MD, Drexel University School ofMedicine, Division of Internal Medicine, Philadelphia, PAP923. A Case of Acute Liver Failure Associated With Synthetic CannabisUse2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardErin Spengler, MD, Douglas LaBrecque, MD, Internal Medicine,University of Iowa, Iowa City, IAP924. SBRT for Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Portal Vein InvasionFrom Palliation to a CureMohammed Eyad Yaseen Alsabbagh, MD, Carlos Romero-Marrero, MD,Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP925. Cyanoacrylate Injection in the Treatment of Gastric Varices: ACase SeriesAnuj Sharma, MD, Nader Dbouk, MD, Satheesh Nair, MD, SanjayaSatapathy, MD, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University ofTennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, Methodist UniversityTransplant Institute, Memphis, TNP926. Rare Presentation of Acute Liver Injury From Herpes SimplexVirus-1 Hepatitis and Concomitant Acetaminophen Toxicity in anImmunocompetent PatientHarsha Moole, MD, Daniel Martin, MD, Srinivas Puli, MD, Sonu Dhillon,MD, University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria, Peoria, ILP927. Acute Cholestatic Hepatitis Without Ductopenia: An ExtremelyRare Adverse Effect of Oral ClindamycinHarsha Moole, MD, Daniel Martin, MD, Sonu Dhillon, MD, Srinivas Puli,MD, University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria, Peoria, ILP928. Systemic Mastocytosis: A Confounder of Refractory Pruritus in aLiver Disease Patient Creating Management DilemmaJagpal Klair, MD, Mohit Girotra, MD, Johnny Jones III, MD, Aneet Kaur,MD, Farshad Aduli, MD, FACG, University of Arkansas for MedicalSciences, Little Rock, ARP929. Rare Complication of Simple Liver Cyst Necessitating PromptManagementJagpal Klair, MD, Gaurav Syal, MD, Farshad Aduli, MD, FACG,University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, ARP930. Successful Treatment of Erythropoietic Protoporphyria InducedLiver Injury With Pan-Hematin2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardNisha Shah, MD, Nicholas Fiacco, MD, John Bassett, MD, FACG,Walter Reed, Bethesda, MDP931. Acalculous Cholecystitis Associated With Acute Q Fever InfectionNisha Shah, MD, John Bassett, MD, FACG, Thomas Mellor, MD, WalterReed, Bethesda, MDCOLONP932. Ribotype 027 Strain Does Not Predict the Severity of Clostridiumdifficile Infection but Predicts Relapse and the Antimicrobial Agent UsedAnand Kumar, MD, MPH, Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia,Philadelphia, PAP933. Colonoscopy After Acute Diverticulitis: What Happens to ThoseWho Don’t Adhere to Guidelines?Josh Wilson, MD, Joseph Cristiano, MD, Michael Williford, BS, RichardBloomfeld, MD, Wake Forest, Winston Salem, NCP934. Obstacles to Donor Recruitment for Faecal MicrobiotaTransplantation: Experiences From the FOCUS StudySudarshan Paramsothy, BSc (Med), MBBS (Hon 1), Thomas Borody,MD, PhD, FACG, Enmoore Lin, BA, BSc (Hons), PhD, Sarah Finlayson,BAdvSc (Hon 1), Alissa Walsh, MBBS (Hons), Douglas Samuel, BSc(Med), MBBS (Hons) MMed, Johan van den Bogaerde, MBChB,PhD, FCP, MMed, Hazel Mitchell, BSc (Hons), Dip Ed, PhD, NadeemKaakoush, BSc (Hons), PhD, Michael Kamm, MBBS, MD, St. Vincent’sHospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia, Centre for Digestive Diseases, Sydney,NSW, Australia, Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia,Nambour General Hospital, Nambour, QLD, Australia, University of NewSouth Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne,VIC, AustraliaP935. Rescue Therapy With Fecal Microbiota Transplantation inHospitalized Patients With Severe and Severe-Complicated Clostridiumdifficile InfectionMonika Fischer, MD, MS, Gwen Cook, MS, Nicholas Rogers, MD, BrianSipe, MD, Raj Vuppalanchi, MD, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN, St. John’sHospital, Anderson, INP936. Gastrointestinal Bleeding Secondary to Sevelamer-InducedMucosal InjuryVenkata Gourineni, MD, Nicole Loo, MD, Mayra Sanchez, MD,Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport, CT, Yale New Haven Hospital, NewHaven, CTP937. Colonoscopy Without Insufflation: A Prospective RandomizedControlled StudySergey Kantsevoy, MD, PhD, Marianne Bitner, CRNA, Deborah Hockett,BSN, RN, Deborah Pennington, MSN, RN, Karen Chapman, RN,Kathleen Maier, BSW, RN, CGRN, April Vilches, BSN, RN, BarbaraO’Neil, RN, ADN, Mercy Medical Center, Owings Mills, MD, Universityof Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MDP938. Sedationless Colonoscopy With Visualization Balloon: FirstClinical Experience in HumansSergey Kantsevoy, MD, PhD, Marianne Bitner, CRNA, Deborah Hockett,BSN, RN, Deborah Pennington, MSN, RN, Karen Chapman, RN,Kathleen Maier, BSW, RN, CGRN, April Vilches, BSN, RN, BarbaraO’Neil, RN, ADN, Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, University ofMaryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MDP939. Safety Outcomes After Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) forC. difficile Infection (CDI)Desmond Wilson, MD, David Rahni, MD, Colleen Kelly, MD, FACG, TheAlpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RIP940. Using Population-Based Resources to Identify Sessile SerratedPolyps in a Statewide PopulationKajsa Affolter, MD, Keith Gligorich, PhD, Noah Welker, PhD, WadeSamowitz, MD, Karen Curtin, PhD, Pathology, University of Utah, SaltLake City, UT, Huntsman Cancer Institute, Salt Lake City, UTP941. Outcomes of Fidaxomicin Treatment of Clostridium difficileInfectionClayton Spiceland, MD, Sahil Khanna, MBBS, Darrell Pardi, MD, FACG,Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNP942. Higher Prevalence of Celiac Disease in Patients With MicroscopicColitis: Results From a Large Pathology DatabaseEugene Yen, MD, FACG, Amnon Sonnenberg, MD, FACG, RobertGenta, MD, FACG, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Evanston,IL, Portland VA Medical Center, Portland, OR, Miraca Life SciencesResearch Institute, Irving, TXFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.80

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP943. Factors Associated With Delayed Screening in Colorectal CancerPatientsChristopher Johnson, MD, PhD, Moazzam Sana, MD, Juhee Song,PhD, Syed Ahmed, MD, Mena Milad, MD, Angela Hochhalter,PhD, Richard Erickson, MD, FACG, Jennifer Vincent, DO, FACG,Gastroenterology, Baylor Scott and White Healthcare, Temple, TXP944. Comparison Between Endoscopic Ultrasound and MagneticResonance Imaging for the Staging of Rectal CancerMichael McCabe, MD, Vanessa Shami, MD, Bryan Sauer, MD, InternalMedicine, University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, VAP945. Diverticulitis in HIV/AIDS Patients Is Associated With IncreasedMortalityKevin Cronley, MD, Jeffrey Wenzke, MD, Hisham Hussan, MD, AliceHinton, PhD, Darwin Conwell, MD, Somashekar Krishna, MD, PeterStanich, MD, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition,Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP946. Management of Leiomyomatous Colonic Polyps Identified DuringColonoscopy: A Retrospective Outcome StudyMay Olayan, MD, Emir Roach, MD, Serkan Ayvaz, PhD, AbdullahShatnawei, MD, Internal Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Fairview Hospital,Westlake, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP947. Comparison of the Prevalence of Colonic Diverticulosis AmongAfricans Versus African AmericansAdeyinka Laiyemo, MD, MPH, Hassan Brim, PhD, Edward Lee,MD, Babafemi Adenuga, MD, Kolapo Idowu, MD, Shelly McDonald-Pinkett, MD, Hassan Ashktorab, PhD, Medicine, Howard University,Washington, DCP948. Success Rates of Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of Large Polypsand Predictors of Incomplete ResectionShreyas Saligram, MD, Deepti Rao, MD, Diego Lim, MD, Bhairvi Jani,MD, Mojtaba Olyaee, MD, Prashanth Pandya, MD, Prateek Sharma,MD, Ajay Bansal, MD, Amit Rastogi, MD, Kansas City VA MedicalCenter, Kansas City, MO, Kansas University Medical Center, KansasCity, KSP949. A Risk Index for Serrated Adenoma on the Subsequent Screening/Surveillance Colonoscopy in Patients With Previous AdenomasJinma Ren, PhD, Carl Asche, PhD, Daniel Martin, MD, Sonu Dhillon,MD, Srinivas Puli, MD, Michael Cashman, MD, University of Illinois,Peoria, IL, Institute for Outcomes Research, University of Illinois, Peoria,ILP950. Perceptions of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: Factors ThatPredict Acceptance: A Preliminary AnalysisLeslie Park, MD, Demetrios Tzimas, MD, Jennifer Price, MD, AnjaliMone, MD, Jaqueline Hirsh, MD, Michael Poles, MD, Lisa Malter, MD,Lea Ann Chen, MD, NYU Medical Center, New York, NY, University ofCalifornia San Francisco, San Francisco, CAP951. Enema Administration of RBX2660 (Microbiota Suspension) forRecurrent C. difficile Infection: Lessons Learned From the PUNCH CDStudyArnab Ray, MD, Robert Hardi, MD, Mayur Ramesh, MD, Mary KaySobcinski, RN, MHA, Ochsner Clinic, New Orleans, LA, CapitalDigestive Care, Chevy Chase, MD, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit,MI, Rebiotix Inc., Roseville, MNP952. Relationship of Body Mass Index (BMI) and Age With RecurrentClostridium difficile InfectionSalwa Hussain, MD, Daniyeh Khurram, MD, Shruti Pandita, MD, AmirPrushani, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD, FACG, Providence Hospitaland Medical Centers, Southfield, MI, Henry Ford Health System,Detroit, MIP953. Robotic Surgery: Advances in the Treatment of DiverticulitisMichelle DeLeon, MD, Nell Maloney Patel, MD, Sita Chokhavatia, MD,FACG, Craig Rezac, MD, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson UniversityHospital, Department of Surgery, New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers RobertWood Johnson University Hospital, Division of Gastroenterology andHepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, New Brunswick, NJP954. Concurrent Infectious Disease and GI Consults in Clostridiumdifficile Colitis Increases Cost Without Improving OutcomeKelly Teagle, DO, Shantanu Solanki, MBBS, Kenechukwu Chudy-Onwugaje, MBBS, Peter Homel, PhD, Ira Mayer, MD, FACG, RabinRahmani, MD, Gastroenterology, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn,NYP955. A Cell Culture Model for Oral Administration of Tegafur for TopicalDrug Delivery to Colon AdenocarcinomaChahinaz Kouba, BS, Katherine DiGuilio, BS, Carmen Valenzano, BS,James Mullin, PhD, Steven Neau, PhD, University of the Sciencesin Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, Lankenau Institute for MedicalResearch, Wynnewood, PAP956. Clinical Outcome of C. difficile-Toxin Negative, PCR-PositivePatientsAshar Usmani, MD, John Boyce, MD, Yale New Haven Hospital,New Haven, CTP957. Basaloid Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Ascending Colon: AnUnusual but Aggressive MalignancyRasha Issa, MD, Omar Majdobeh, MD, Hareth Raddawi, MD, FACG,Christ Advocate Medical Center, Oak Lawn, ILP958. Relationship Between Prior Therapeutic ColonoscopicProcedures and DiverticulitisMrinal Garg, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD, Jeffrey Tang, MD,Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MIP959. Secondary Peritonitis in Peritoneal DialysisFaraz Khan Luni, MBBS, MD, Muhammad Imran Khan, MBBS, AbdurKhan, MD, Muhammad Bawany, MD, Ragheb Assaly, MD, InternalMedicine, University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo, OH, DowMedical College, Karachi, PakistanP960. Bowel Preparation Scales: When Glasses Become More ImportantThan the View2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardAli Harb, MD, Fayez Sarkis, MD, Robert Habib, PhD, Fadi Mourad, MD,Omar Masri, MD, Rami Badreddine, MD, Mahmoud Othman, MD, AlaSharara, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, American University of Beirut,Beirut, LebanonP961. The Burden of Bowel Preparation on Patients’ Quality of Life: TheElephant in the Colonoscopy Room!Zeinab El Reda, MD, Ali Harb, MD, Fayez Sarkis, MD, Rachel AbouMrad, MD, Ala Sharara, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, AmericanUniversity of Beirut, Beirut, LebanonP962. Body Mass Index and Quality of Bowel Preparation: Real LifeVersus Clinical TrialsAli Harb, MD, Fayez Sarkis, MD, Robert Habib, PhD, Ala Sharara, MD,FACG, American University of Beirut, Beirut, LebanonP963. A Randomized Trial of Split-Dose PEG-Electrolyte Plus MentholCandy Versus Reduced-Volume PEG-Electrolyte Plus Ascorbic Acid forColonoscopy PreparationAli Harb, MD, Fayez Sarkis, MD, Rami Badreddine, MD, Omar Masri,MD, Mahmoud Othman, MD, Fadi Mourad, MD, Ala Sharara, MD,FACG, Internal Medicine, American University of Beirut, Beirut,LebanonCOLON - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP964. Widely Metastatic Colon Cancer After Previous Prostate IrradiationAdeeti Chiplunker, MD, MMS, A. Aziz Aadam, MD, William Berger, MD,Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, Rush Medical College,Chicago, ILP965. Sodium Polysterone Sulfonate Induced Colonic Mucosal Necrosisin a Hypovolemic Patient With Acute Kidney InjuryHarsha Moole, MD, Zohair Ahmed, MD, Meenakshy Aiyer, MD, SrinivasPuli, MD, Sonu Dhillon, MD, University of Illinois College of MedicinePeoria, Peoria, ILPOSTERSMONDAY81For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP966. Colo-Colonic Intussusception With a Cecal Mass in a 21-Year-OldFemaleIan Holmes, MD, Liz Kramer, MD, David Wan, MD, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, Memorial Sloan-Kettering, NewYork, NYP967. Colonic MALT LymphomaCharles Wang, MD, Jeanette Smith, MD, Gastroenterology, BrownUniversity, Providence, RI, Providence Veterans Hospital, Providence,RIP968. Streptococcus anginosus Septicemia, Sole Presentation of SilentColorectal Tumor: A Case ReportDhruv Lowe, MBBS, Divey Manocha, MBBS, Shreya Sinha, MD,Arunpreet Kahlon, MBBS, Internal Medicine, SUNY Upstate MedicalUniversity, Syracuse, NYP969. There’s More Than Meets the Eye: Histoplasma Mimicking ColonNeoplasmLohit Garg, MD, Treta Purohit, MD, Dariusz Lazarczyk, MD,FACG, Deaprtment of Internal Medicine, William BeaumontHospital, Beaumont Health System, Royal Oak, MI, Departmentof Gastroenterology and Hepatology, William Beaumont Hospital,Beaumont Health System, Royal Oak, MIP970. How to Get Unstuck: Difficult Polypectomy Involving a SolitaryCecal GanglioneuromaAshley Vareedayah, MD, Pooja Singhal, MD, Klaus Gottlieb, MD,MBA, MS, FACG, Internal Medicine, Georgetown University Hospital,Washington, DC Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Washington, DCP971. Two Cases of Primary Malignant Melanoma of the Colorectal AreaRahman Nakshabendi, MD, Matthew Clark, MD, Juan Munoz, MD,FACG, Imad Nakshabendi, MD, PHD, FACG, University of Florida COM,Jacksonville, FL, Tampa General Hospital, Tampa, FLP972. Sigmoid Colon Polyp as Initial Presentation of Metastatic PapillaryRenal Cell CarcinomaAndrew Berry, BS, Rahman Nakshabendi, MD, Andres Yarur, MD,Marcelo Larsen, MD, Brijesh Patel, MD, Mohan Persaud, MD, WarrenReuther, MD, Rachel Herdes, MA, Wayne Cai, MD, Kansas CityUniversity of Medicine and Biosciences, Kansas City, MO, University ofFlorida-Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL, University of Miami Miller Schoolof Medicine, Miami, FL, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, WestPalm Hospital, West Palm Beach, FLP973. CMV Proctitis in an Immunocompetent Young AdultNikhil Kapila, MD, Justin Goralnik, MD, Andrew Hamarich, DO, InternalMedicine, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CTP974. Mesenteric Thrombophlebitis: An Uncommon Complication ofDiverticulitisAvin Aggarwal, MBBS, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis,MNP975. Colon Neuroganglionoma: a Rare Cause of HematocheziaAzfar Niazi, MBBS, Omar Khokhar, MD, FACG, Department ofMedicine, Division of Gastroenterology, University of Illinois-Peoria,Bloomington, ILP976. Flat Rectal Lesion: Not Your Typical PolypAmin Mahdi, MD, Matthew Bechtold, MD, FACG, Hazem Hammad,MD, Gastroenterology, University of Missouri, Columbia, MOP977. Does Gastrointestinal Dysmotility Predispose to Recurrent C. diff.Infection?Ahmad Alkaddour, MD, Abdulwahab Hritani, MD, Jeffrey House, DO,University of Florida- Department of Medicine, Jacksonville, FLP978. Looks Like, Sounds Like, But….A Rectal Dieulafoy?Stacey Wells, MD, Kunal Suryawala, MD, James Morris, MD, FACG,Gastroenterology, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center,Shreveport, LAP979. Ischemic Colitis After a Routine Colonoscopy: Report of Two CasesEdson da Silva, MD, FACG, Hospital Federal dos Servidores do Estadodo Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilP980. Gastrointestinal Manifestation of Autologous Graft Versus HostDisease in a Patient With Plasmablastic LymphomaMohsen Khan, DO, Catherine Ly, DO, Baseer Qazi, MD, Omat Hassan,BA, Advocate LGH, Park Ridge, ILFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.82P981. Rare Case of GI Bleeding: Rectal Dieulafoy LesionWilliam Goldkamp, MD, Richard Goldberg, DO, Keval Patel, MD,Claudio Tombazzi, MD, University of Tennessee Department of InternalMedicine, Memphis, TN, University of Tennessee Department ofGastroenterology and Hepatology, Memphis, TNP982. Delayed Gastrointestinal Bleeding in a Case of Failed GraftPancreatic and Kidney Transplant2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardNisha Sharma, MD, Yuriy Israel, MD, Ruri Lee, MD, Sam McCabe, MD,Roxana Bodin, MD, Westechester Medical Center, Valhalla, NYP983. Taxane-Induced Colon IschemiaAmir Taefi, MD, Suzan Ebrahimi, MD, Farzin Rashti, MD, Kirthi Kolli,MD, Mitesh Patel, MD, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DCP984. An Unusual Case of Lymphocytic Colitis in The Setting ofMethamphetamine Use and Rectal Chlamydia InfectionDavid Pineles, Ahmed Abdulhamid, Kunal Karia, MD, Amit Desai, MD,David Wan, MD, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, NewYork University School of Medicine, New York, NYP985. Kayexylate-Induced Rectal Ulcerative PolypAmr Dokmak, Tariq Chukir, Fouad Otaki, MD, David Wan, MD, WeillCornell Medical College in Qatar, Doha, Qatar, New York-PresbyterianHospital, New York, NYP986. A Case of Idiopathic Colonic Varices Presenting as a LowerGastrointestinal BleedKarthik Penumetsa, MD, Ravi Juluri, MD, Swapna Gayam, MD,Srinivasan Ganesan, MD, West Virginia School of Medicine, Departmentof Digestive Diseases, Morgantown, WVP987. Burkitt’s Lymphoma Presenting as Abdominal Pain in a Young,Healthy WomanJason Rubinov, MD, Isabel Preeshagul, DO, Andrew Korman, MD,David Carr-Locke, MD, FACG, Nancy Lau, MD, FACG, Mount Sinai BethIsrael, New York, NYP988. Intraperitoneal Mucinous AdenocarcinomaJason Rubinov, MD, Arkady Broder, MD, Lan Sun Wang, MD, FACG,Songyang Yuan, MD, Kurt Melstrom, MD, Mount Sinai Beth Israel, NewYork, NYP989. Colonic Sarcoidosis: Should We Treat?Supannee Rassameehiran, MD, Charoen Mankongpaisarnrung, MD,Ariwan Rakvit, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, Texas Tech UniversityHealth Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas, Lubbock, TXP990. An Unusual Complication After a Fecal Microbiota Transplant viaColonoscopyTarik Alhmoud, MD, Michael Gavin, MD, GI, UNM, Albuquerque, NMP991. Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Stercoral Colitis With anAggressive Bowel RegimenAly Mohamed, MD, Minh Nguyen, MD, Rebecca Tsang, MD, AndelkaLoSavio, MD, Omar Khan, MD, Loyola University Medical Center,Maywood, ILP992. A Case of Clostridium septicum Aortitis With ConcomitantAdenocarcinoma of the CecumShawn Shah, MD, Diana Whitehead, MD, Kartik Sampath, MD, ArifaToor, MD, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NHP993. Colonic Lipomatosis Mimicking Pneumatosis coliTariq Hammad, MD, Yaseen Alastal, MD, Muhammad Bawany, MD,Roaya Khalaf, MD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG, Osama Alaradi, MD,University of Toledo, Department of Internal Medicine, Division ofGastroenterology, Toledo, OHOUTCOMES RESEARCHP994. Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Following Laparoscopic Rouxen-YGastric Bypass and Laparoscopic Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery forObesity: A Comparative StudyRema Krishnakumar, MD, DM, Mohamed Ismail, MS, MaheshRajagopal, MS, Muhammed Shereef, MS, Sheela Haveri, MD, SebastianNM, MD, Gastroenterology, Moulana Hospital, Perinthalmanna, India,MES Medical College and Hospital, Perinthalmanna, India

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP995. Fish Oil and the Risk of Post Polypectomy BleedingMaheen Sheikh, MD, Derek Landan, MD, RIchard Gerkin, MD, MicheleYoung, MD, Camron Kiafar, DO, FACG, Phoenix VA Medical Center,Phoenix, AZ, Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, Phoenix, AZP996. Comparison of Patient and Doctor Perceptions of Barriers toHepatitis C TreatmentPavan Mankal, MD, Jean Abed, MD, Ellen Engelson, EdD1, DonaldKotler, MD, Mount Sinai St. Luke’s and Mount Sinai Roosevelt Hospitals,Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai Health System, New York, NYP997. Temporal and Regional Trends in Use of Chemotherapy Regimensin Advanced Colorectal CancerSiddharth Singh, MD, Kristi Swanson, MS, Jeph Herrin, PhD, PreetPaul Singh, MD, Mustaqeem Siddiqui, MD, Nilay Shah, PhD,Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, YaleUniversity, New Haven, CTP998. An Indirect Comparisons Analysis of Biologic Medications in theMaintenance of Response and Remission in Crohn’s DiseaseSandeep Dayanand, MD, Sampath Manickam, MD, Samer Fahmy,MD, Pradeep Dayanand, MBBS, Elie Donath, MD, JFK Medical Center/Regional Campus University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, WestPalm Beach, FL, Mamata Medical College, Khammam, IndiaP999. Risk of Colonic Neoplasm With Hypothyroidism: An Analysis FromColonoscopy Outcome in Minority Population (COMP) RegistryKinesh Changela, MD, Manhal Izzy, MD, Anju Malieckal, MD,Deepanshu Jain, MD, Devin Lane, MS IV, Kshitij Bhalani, MD,Shashideep Singhal, MD, Sury Anand, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology,The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY, Albert Einstein MedicalCenter, Philadelphia, PA, Columbia University Medical Center, NewYork, NYP1000. IBD in Young Adult Patients: Impact on School and/or CollegeLifeJohn Miller, MD, Gina Gessner, RN, MSN, Jamie Massarelli, RN,BSN, Aline Charabaty, MD, Medicine, Medstar Georgetown UniversityHospital, Washington, DCP1001. IBD in Young Adult Patients: Perceived Impact on Daily LifeActivitiesJohn Miller, MD, Gina Gessner, RN, MSN, Jamie Massarelli, RN,BSN, Aline Charabaty, MD, Medicine, Medstar Georgetown UniversityHospital, Washington, DCP1002. IBD in Young Adult Patients: Impact on Early Professional LifeExperienceJohn Miller, MD, Gina Gessner, RN, MSN, Aline Charabaty, MD,Medicine, Medstar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCP1003. IBD in Young Patients: Perceived Effect on Relationship WithFamily and FriendsJohn Miller, MD, Jamie Massarelli, BSN, RN, Gina Gessner, MSN,RN, Aline Charabaty, MD, Medicine, Medstar Georgetown UniversityHospital, Washington, DCP1004. Improving the Quality of Bowel Preparations by EducationalIntervention: A Meta-analysisSameer Siddique, MD, MRCP (UK), Imran Ashraf, MD, MRCP (UK),Umair Sohail, MD, Bhupinder Romana, MD, Saket Kottewar, MD,Murtaza Arif, MD, Matthew Bechtold, MD, FACG, Abhishek Choudhary,MD, Dilip Bearelly, MD, Division of Gastroenterology, University ofMissouri - Columbia, Columbia, MOP1005. Identifying Risk Factors Associated With Inappropriate Use ofAcid Suppressive Therapy at a Community HospitalAmandeep Singh, MD, Yvette Wang, DO, Yinghui Lu, Graduate Student,Statistics, Alexandra Hanlon, Research Professor, Michael Davis, DO,FACG, Crozer Chester Medical Center, Upland, PA, Temple Univesity,Philadelphia, PAP1006. Fellows in the Ambulatory Surgical Center: Impact on Quality,Efficiency, and TrainingAnish Mammen, MD, Raja Taunk, MD, David Robbins, MD, FACG,Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NYP1007. One-Step Versus Two-Step Management of Choledocholithiasis:A Systematic Review and Meta-analysisImran Ashraf, MD, Sohail Ashraf, MBBS, Alisha Hinds, DO, BhupinderRomana, MD, Sameer Siddique, MD, Murtaza Arif, MD, FACG, MatthewBechtold, MD, FACG, Abhishek Choudhary, MD, FACG, Universityof Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO, Central Manchester UniversityHospitals, Manchester, United KingdomP1008. Urban Hospitalization Increases Costs and Healthcare Utilizationfor Diverticulitis in the United StatesSheryl Pfeil, MD, Kyle Porter, MAS, Darwin Conwell, MD, The Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus, OHP1009. How and When to Use Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy?A Consensus Report Based on Clinical EvidenceKenneth Wang, MD, FACG, David Carr-Locke, MD, Satish Singh, MD,Helmut Neumann, MD, Helga Bertani, MD, Jean-Paul Galmiche,MD, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic,Rochester, MN, Division of Digestive Diseases, Mount Sinai BethIsrael, New York, NY, Department of Medicine, Boston UniversitySchool of Medicine, Boston, MA, The Ludwig Demling EndoscopicCenter of Excellence, Department of Medicine I, University HospitalErlangen, Erlangen, Germany, Endoscopy Unit, Nuovo OspedaleCivile S. Agostino Estense, Modena, Italy, CHU Nantes, Nantes,FranceP1010. Prevalence and Predictors of Patient No-Shows to OutpatientEndoscopic Procedures Scheduled With AnesthesiaJennifer Chang, MD, Justin Sewell, MD, MPH, Lukejohn Day, MD,Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CAP1011. Non-Tumor Related Gastrointestinal Bleeding in U.S. NationalHospitalized Cancer PatientsYezaz Ghouri, MD, Sachin Batra, MD, MPH, Erik Rahimi, MD,Sushovan Guha, MD, PhD, FACG, Internal Medicine, University ofTexas- Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TXP1012. Low 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Levels and Mortality Among U.S.Adults: Results of NHANES 18-Year Mortality-linked DataIvo Ditah, MD, MPhil, Albert Ndzengue, MD, Yahuza Siba, MD,Chijioke Enweluzo, MD, Chobufo Ditah, MD, Zeenat Bhat, MD, MichaelCharlton, MD, Patrick Kamath, MD, Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic,Rochester, MN, Wayne State Unversity School of Medicine, Detroit,MI, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston Salem, NC, ColumbiaUniversity Medical Center, New York, NY, Hepatology and LiverTransplantation, Intermountain Medical Center, Salt Lake, UT, Universityof Yaounde, Yaounde, CameroonP1013. Race and Gender Differences in Chronic Pancreatitis (CP):Analysis of Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) From 2003 to 2011Jennifer Behzadi, MD, Darwin Conwell, MD, Alice Hinton, PhD,Somashekar Krishna, MD, MPH, Ohio State University Wexner MedicalCenter, Columbus, OHP1014. Risks and Benefits of Large Volume Paracentesis in SpontaneousBacterial Peritonitis With Tense Ascites: Where Is the Clinical Evidence?Ehsan Chitsaz, MD, MHSc, David Nunes, MD, Department of Medicine,Boston University Medical Center, Boston, MAP1015. Antibiotic Resistance Guided Therapy Using PCR Based Assaysfor Clarithromycin Resistant H. pylori in an Ambulatory SettingHareesh Bose, MBBS, Arathi Mohan, MS, Sandeep Tummala, MS,Srinivas Vasireddi, MD, Advanced Digestive Center, Metuchen, NJ,Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH,RWJUH Medical School, New Brunswick, NJP1016. In-Hospital Outcomes in Patients With a Malignancy Admitted forAcute PancreatitisTanima Jana, MD, Jorge Machicado, MD, Sachin Batra, MD, MPH,Neda Hashemi-Sadraei, MD, Sushovan Guha, MD, PhD, University ofTexas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, University ofPittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PAP1017. Prevalence and Trends of Celiac Disease in the United StatesFrom 1988 to 2012Augustine Nnadi, MD, MPH, Philip Okafor, MD, MPH, Angelico Mendy,MD, MPH, Saint Joseph Hospital, Chicago, IL, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,MN, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IAPOSTERSMONDAY83For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1018. Hepatitis C (HCV) Treatment Progress and SVR of CombinationTherapy in PracticeNadia El-Hamdi, HSG, Frankie Chen, HSG, Aya Cloyd, HSG, ImtiazAlam, MD, Austin Hepatitis Center, Austin, TXP1019. Incidence of Clip Artifact After Post-Polypectomy Clip Closure ofLarge Colon PolypsGouri Sreepati, MBBS, Krishna Vemulapalli, MBBS, MPH, Douglas Rex,MD, Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, INP1020. Depression and Mortality in Gastrointestinal CancersChukwuemeka Ezeoke, MD, Vivian Nwankwo, PharmD, KaraChristopher, MS, MPH, Christine Hachem, MD, FACG, InternalMedicine, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MOP1021. Laxative Use Over Time in Patients With Opioid-InducedConstipation for Chronic Non-Cancer PainCatherine Datto, MD, MSc, Robert LoCasale, PhD, MSc, Mary KayMargolis, MPH, MHA, Karen Yeomans, MSc, Krista Payne, MEd, KarinCoyne, PhD, MPH, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP, Wilmington,DE, Outcomes Research, Evidera, Bethesda, MD, United BiosourceCorporation, Montreal, QC, CanadaP1022. Concurrent Use of Acid Suppressive Medications in Non-Hematemesis GIB Patients Minimizes the Risk of Peptic Ulcers as theSource of BleedSalmaan Jawaid, MD, Neil Marya, MD, Christopher Marshall, MD,Anupam Singh, MD, Gregory Volturo, MD, Bilal Gondal, MD, JosephCharpentier, DO, Louise Maranda, PhD, Anne Foley, BA, CCRC, DavidCave, MD, PhD, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester,MA, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MAP1023. The Effect of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy on the Severity of LowerIntestinal BleedingNeal Carlin, MD, Walid Baddoura, MD, FACG, Fady Asslo, MD, SaintMichael’s Medical Center, Newark, NJ, Saint Joseph’s Regional MedicalCenter, Patterson, NJP1024. The Inappropriate Use of Fecal Immunochemical Testing in aSafety-Net HospitalJ. Christie Heller, MD, Angela Keniston, MSPH, Joel Levine, MD,Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Denver Health, Denver, COP1025. 30-Day Readmission After Admission for Alcoholic Hepatitis:Prevalence and Impact on OutcomeKaely Bade, MD, Sujan Ravi, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD, MS, Universityof Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, ALP1026. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy Indications: Are We Following theNew Guidelines?Caroline Soyka, DO, Priyam Tripathi, MD, MPH, Gregory Cooper, MD,FACG, University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OHP1027. A Quality Improvement Intervention Significantly ImprovedInfluenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates in Patients WithInflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)Jason Reich, MD, Daniel Zanchetti, MD, Sharmeel Wasan, MD, HannahMiller, MD, Ansu Noronha, MD, Eileen Ardagna, RN, Brian Jacobson,MD, MPH, Francis Farraye, MD, MSc, Section of Gastroenterology,Boston Medical Center, Boston, MAP1028. Association of Histology and Location of Malignant ColonicPolyps: A SEER database AnalysisXi Zheng, MD, PhD, Public Health, Weill Cornell Medical College, NewYork, NYP1029. Impact of Active H. pylori Infection on Degree of Proteinuria in aDiabetic PopulationMiral Subhani, MD, Huafeng Shen, MD, Mitanshu Shah, MD, SethLipka, MD, Dhyan Rajan, MD, Paul Mustacchia, MD, MBA, NassauUniversity Medical Center, East Meadow, NY, University of SouthFlorida, Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FLP1030. Impact of Rapid On-Site Evaluation With CytopathologistGuidance on the Diagnostic Yield of EUS-FNA of Pancreatic LesionsTariq Hammad, MD, Usman Ahmad, MD, Yaseen Alastal, MD, OsamaAlaradi, MD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, University ofToledo Medical Center, Toledo, OHP1031. Hospital Readmission After Transjugular IntrahepaticPortosystemic Shunts (TIPS)Vivian Ebrahim, MD, Mazen Albeldawi, MD, Krishna Patel, MD, MenaBoules, MD, Rocio Lopez, MS, Baljendra Kapoor, MD, Maged Rizk,MD, FACG, Mohamed Yaseen Alsabbagh, MD, Naim Alkhouri, MD,FACG, Internal Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH,Digestive Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, Diagnosticand Interventional Radiology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP1032. Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts (TIPS) in ElderlyPatients: to TIPS or not to TIPS?Vivian Ebrahim, MD, Krishna Patel, MD, Mazen Albeldawi, MD, RocioLopez, MS, Maged Rizk, MD, FACG, Mohamed Yaseen Alsabbagh,MD, Naim Alkhouri, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, Cleveland ClinicFoundation, Cleveland, OH, Digestive Disease Institute, ClevelandClinic, Cleveland, OHP1033. Prevalence and Determinants of Topical 5-Aminosalicyclic AcidTherapy Among Veterans With Ulcerative ColitisRajesh Shah, MD, Hoda Malaty, MD, FACG, Shubhada Sansgiry, PhD,Jason Hou, MD, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TXP1034. Comparative Effectiveness of Biliary Brushings and Biopsies inthe Diagnosis of Malignant Biliary Strictures: A Systematic Review andMeta-analysisUdayakumar Navaneethan, MD, Basile Njei, MD, VennisvasanthLourdusamy, MD, Madhusudhan Sanaka, MD, FACG, The ClevelandClinic, Cleveland, OH, University of Connecticut, Connecticut, CTP1035. Compliance With American Gastroenterological AssociationInflammatory Bowel Disease Quality MeasuresSana Siddique, MD, Joseph Feuerstein, MD, Natalia Castillo, MD,Jeffrey Lewandowski, MD, FACG, Kerry Geissler, RN, FACG, ManuelMartínez Vazquez, MD, FACG, Daniel Leffler, MD, MS, FACG, BobThukral, MD, PhD, FACG, Adam Cheifetz, MD, FACG, Medicine, MountAuburn Hospital, Cambridge, MA, Beth Israel Deaconess MedicalCenter, Boston, MA, University Hospital, Monterrey, Mexico, Universityof Illinois, Chicago, ILP1036. A High Body Mass Index (BMI) Is Associated With IncrementalHealth Care Utilization and Surgical Complications in PatientsUndergoing Colorectal Cancer Surgery2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardHisham Hussan, MD, Darrell Gray, MD, MPH, Cheng Zhang, MD,PhD, Alice Hinton, PhD, Somashekar Krishna, MD, MPH, SheetalSharma, MBBS, Darwin Conwell, MD, MS, Peter Stanich, MD, Sectionof Intestinal Neoplasia and Hereditary Polyposis (INHP), Department ofGastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, The Ohio State UniversityMedical Center, Columbus, OH, Department of Gastroenterology,Hepatology and Nutrition, The Ohio State University Medical Center,Columbus, OH, Division of Biostatistics, College of Public Health, TheOhio State University, Columbus, OHP1037. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Increases Economic Burden ofColorectal Cancer SurgeryHisham Hussan, MD, Darrell Gray, MD, MPH, Somashekar Krishna,MD, MPH, Alice Hinton, PhD, Jeffery Groce, MD, Darwin Conwell, MD,MS, Peter Stanich, MD, Section of Intestinal Neoplasia and HereditaryPolyposis (INHP), Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology andNutrition, The Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH,Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, The OhioState University Medical Center, Columbus, OH, Division of Biostatistics,College of Public Health, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OHINFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASEP1038. Understanding Attitudes, Perceptions, and Beliefs AboutUlcerative Colitis Among Gastroenterologists: Phase 1 Survey ResultsKaren Lasch, MD, Lyann Ursos, PhD, Stephen Liu, PharmD, ReemaMody, PhD, Kristen Concialdi, Marco DiBonaventura, PhD, JulieLeberman, PhD, Marla Dubinsky, MD, Takeda PharmaceuticalsInternational, Inc., Deerfield, IL, Kantar Health, New York, NY,Independant Consultant, Fairless Hills, PA, Department of Pediatrics,Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, and ImmunobiologyResearch Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CAFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.84

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1039. No Increase in Serious or Mild Infectious Complications ofImmunosuppression in an Office-Based IBD Population: A ProspectiveStudyChris Shepela, MD, MS, Justin Howard, MD, Katherine Janssen, MD,Kathleen Barrett, CNP, GI, Health Partners, Saint Paul, MNP1040. Anti-TNF Agents Prevent Endoscopic and Clinical Recurrence ofCrohn’s Disease After Surgical Resection: A Meta-AnalysisHoussam Mardini, MD, MBA, MPH, FACG, Alla Grigorian, MD, PhD,Lisbeth Selby, MD, Terrence Barrett, MD, University of Kentucky,Lexington, KYP1041. Response Rates to Anti-TNF Biologic Therapy After Failure of aPrior Biologic: A Retrospective Analysis of a Single Center’s ExperienceWilliam Ferges, MD, Geoffrey You, MD, Muhammad Shafqet, MD,Qasim Salimi, MD, Daniel Schaer, MD, Eleazer Yousefzadeh, MD, KironDas, MD, PhD, FACG, S. Devi Rampertab, MD, FACG, Rutgers - RobertWood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJP1042. Side Effect Profiles of Anti-TNF Biologics in the Treatment ofInflammatory Bowel Disease: Experience of a Single Crohn’s and ColitisCenterWilliam Ferges, MD, Qasim Salimi, MD, Geoffrey You, MD, MuhammadShafqet, MD, Daniel Schaer, MD, Kiron Das, MD, PhD, FACG, S. DeviRampertab, MD, FACG, Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson MedicalSchool, New Brunswick, NJP1043. Clinical Predictors of a Poor Response to Anti-TNF BiologicTherapy for Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseWilliam Ferges, MD, Muhammad Shafqet, MD, Qasim Salimi, MD,Geoffrey You, MD, Daniel Schaer, MD, Kiron Das, MD, PhD, FACG, S.Devi Rampertab, MD, FACG, Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson MedicalSchool, New Brunswick, NJP1044. Analysis of Risk Factors for Avascular Necrosis in InflammatoryBowel DiseaseSiddhant Yadav, MD, Scott Harmsen, MS, Edakkanambeth VarayilJithinraj, MD, Kevin Karls, MD, William Tremaine, MD, FACG, EdwardLoftus, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic,Rochester, MN, Mid-Dakota Clinic, Bismarck, NDP1045. Incidence and Outcomes of Home Parenteral Nutrition in PatientsWith Crohn’s Disease in Olmsted County, MinnesotaSiddhant Yadav, MD, Edakkanambeth Varayil Jithinraj, MD, ScottHarmsen, MS, William Tremaine, MD, FACG, Ryan Hurt, MD, PhD,Edward Loftus, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, MayoClinic, Rochester, MNP1046. The C. difficile Relapse Rate Is Low in IBD Patients Who HaveMetronidazole or Vancomycin as Initial TherapyLilani Perera, MD, Amar Dodda, MD, Yelena Zadvornova, Daniel Stein,MD, Amar Naik, MD, Kari Best, PA-C, Kathleen Idstein, PA-C, BensonMassey, MD, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WIP1047. Predictors of Satisfaction With Life Among Adult Patients WithEstablished Crohn’s DiseaseOrly Sarid, PhD, Vered Slonim-Navo, PhD, Michael Friger, PhD, HillelVardi, MS, Doron Schwartz, MD, Daniela Munteau, MD, Vitaly Dizengof,MD, Alex Moshkelo, MD, Alex Rozental, MD, Gil Ben Yaakov, MD,Pavel Krugliak, MD, Naim Abu Freha, MD, Leslie Eidelman, MD, NavaGaspar, MD, Alex Fich, MD, Dan Greenberg, PhD, Shmuel Odes, MD,Social Work, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel,Public Health, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel,Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Soroka Medical Center, Beer Sheva,Israel, Health Systems Management, Ben-Gurion University of theNegev, Beer Sheva, Israel, Gastroenterology, Ben-Gurion University ofthe Negev, Beer Sheva, IsraelP1048. Imbalanced Intestinal Microbiota in Treatment-Naïve PatientsWith Inflammatory Bowel Disease by a Metagenomic ApproachYoulian Zhou, MS, Yan He, PhD, Pu Wang, PhD, Ting Zhang, PhD,Jiasheng Tan, MS, Minyi Lin, MS, Yunsheng Yang, PhD, Bo Jiang,PhD, Hongwei Zhou, PhD, Ye Chen, PhD, Gastroenterology.NanfangHospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China, Departmentof Environmental Health,School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine,Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China, Institute of DigestiveDiseases, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, ChinaP1049. SHIELD 4 Phase 3 Clinical Trial With Orally Administered CCR9Inhibitor Vercirnon in Crohn’s DiseaseSatish Keshav, MD, PhD, Thomas Schall, PhD, Pirow Bekker, MD, PhD,John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom,ChemoCentryx, Inc., Mountain View, CAP1050. Predictors of Hospitalization in Patients With Moderately toSeverely Active Ulcerative Colitis From ULTRA 1 and ULTRA 2Brian Feagan, MD, William Sandborn, MD, Walter Reinisch, MD,Subrata Ghosh, MD, Anne Robinson, MD, Andreas Lazar, MD, QianZhou, PhD, Martha Skup, MD, Roopal Thakkar, MD, University ofWestern Ontario, London, ON, Canada, University of California SanDiego, La Jolla, CA, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada,University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, AbbVie Inc, NorthChicago, IL, AbbVie Deutschland GmbH and Co. KG, Ludwigshafen,GermanyP1051. Patients With Refractory Crohn’s Disease Successfully TreatedWith UstekinumabKimberly Harris, MD, Sara Horst, MD, Akash Gadani, MD, AnneNohl, PA, Kimberly Annis, PA, Caroline Duley, NP, Dawn Beaulieu,MD, Leyla Ghazi, MD, David Schwartz, MD, Vanderbilt UniversityMedical Center, Nashville, TN, University of Maryland MedicalCenter, Baltimore, MDP1052. Efficacy of High-Dose Versus Low-Dose Methotrexate inCombination Therapy for Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseRuben Colman, MD, David Rubin, MD, FACG, IBD Center, Universityof Chicago Medicine, Chicago, ILP1053. POSTER WITHDRAWNP1054. Effects of Increased Vedolizumab Dosing Frequency on DiseaseActivity in Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s DiseaseBruce Sands, MD, FACG, Marla Dubinsky, MD, Séverine Vermeire, MD,PhD, Serap Sankoh, PhD, Maria Rosario, PhD, Catherine Milch, MD,Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, Cedars-SinaiMedical Center, Los Angeles, CA, University Hospital Gasthuisberg,Leuven, Belgium, Takeda Pharmaceuticals International Co.,Cambridge, MAP1055. Underestimation of Disease Severity in Patients WithInflammatory Bowel Disease by Physicians in Case Study SurveyTauseef Ali, MD, A Burak Ozbay, BPharm, MBA, PhD, Martha Skup,PhD, Song Wang, PhD, Brittany Gentile, PhD, Danielle Cohen, MPH,Roopal Thakkar, MD, Jingdong Chao, PhD, University of Oklahoma,Oklahoma City, OK, AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, IL, ICON Plc, SanFrancisco, CAP1056. Physician Survey to Assess Severity Criteria for Patients WithInflammatory Bowel DiseaseTauseef Ali, MD, Martha Skup, PhD, A Burak Ozbay, BPharm, MBA,PhD, Song Wang, PhD, Brittany Gentile, PhD, Danielle Cohen, MPH,Roopal Thakkar, MD, Jingdong Chao, PhD, University of Oklahoma,Oklahoma, OK, AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, IL, ICON Plc, SanFrancisco, CAP1057. Eating Patterns and Disease Activity in Patients WithInflammatory Bowel DiseaseErsilia DeFilippis, BA, Saniya Tabani, BA, Ryan Warren, BA, ColleenWebb, MS, RD, Priyanka Patel, MS, Fatiha Chabouni, MD, PaulChristos, DrPH, MS, Brian Bosworth, MD, FACG, Ellen Scherl,MD, FACG, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, New YorkPresbyterian-Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NYPOSTERSMONDAY85For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1058. Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Immunogenicity, andSafety of AVX-470, an Oral, Bovine-Derived Anti-TNF Antibody, inPatients With Active Ulcerative Colitis (UC): Initial Human ExperienceBarbara Fox, PhD, Deborah Hartman, PhD, Sharon Spence, MS, SallyKennedy, MS, Theodore Ptak, MD, Ron Pruitt, MD, FACG, SéverineVermeire, MD, PhD, M. Scott Harris, MD, MS, Avaxia Biologics,Lexington, MA, Toronto Digestive Disease Associates, Toronto, ON,Canada, Nashville Medical Research Institute, Nashville, TN, UniversityHospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven, BelgiumP1059. Long-term Efficacy of Vedolizumab Therapy for Crohn’s Disease2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardStephen Hanauer, MD, FACG, Paul Rutgeerts, MD, PhD, Jing Xu, PhD,David Rubin, MD, FACG, Michael Smyth, MBA, Brihad Abhyankar,MBA, Digestive Health Center, Northwestern University Feinberg Schoolof Medicine, Chicago, IL, Department of Gastroenterology, UniversityHospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven, Belgium, Takeda PharmaceuticalsInternational Co., Cambridge, MA, Takeda Global Research andDevelopment Centre (Europe) Ltd., London, United KingdomP1060. Prevalence and Management of C. difficile Infection inInflammatory Bowel Disease Outpatient and Inpatient Setting at a TertiaryCare CenterPooja Singhal, MD, Neha Nigam, MD, Mark Mattar, MD, AlineCharabaty, MD, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCP1061. Type 3 Muscarinic Receptors (M3R) Contribute to Expulsion ofNippostrongylus brasiliensis Through Induction of Th2 CytokinesLeon McLean, MD, MPH, Allen Smith, PhD, Lumei Cheung, PhD,Neemesh Desai, BS, Viktoriya Grinchuk, BS, Aiping Zhao, MD, RexSun, BS, Jean-Pierre Raufman, MD, Terez Shea-Donohue, PhD,University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, UnitedStates Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service,Beltsville, MDP1062. Characterization of Disease Course and Treatment in PatientsWith Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Anti-TNF Induced PsoriasisMona Liu, BA, Lisa Grandinetti, MD, Arthur Barrie, MD, PhD, MelissaSaul, MS, Miguel Regueiro, MD, FACG, Jason Swoger, MD, MPH,University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, Departmentof Dermatology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh,PA, Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh, PA, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PAP1063. Mycobacterium avium Complex: An Emerging Pathogen in IBDand Non-IBD Diarrhea: Preliminary ResultsEllen Gutkin, DO, Konika Bose, MD, Sang Kim, MD, FACG, Jean Luo,MD, Moshe Rubin, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, New York HospitalQueens, Flushing, NYP1064. Predictors of Infliximab Failure in Ulcerative ColitisDaniel Stein, MD, MPH, Brian Behm, MD, University of Virginia HealthSystems, Charlottesville, VAP1065. Providing Fellows-in-Training With Education on InflammatoryBowel Disease Health Maintenance to Improve the Quality of Care in ourHealthcare SystemAnn Lee, MD, Emely Eid, MD, University of Florida Jacksonville,Jacksonville, FLP1066. Endoscopic Surveillance Patterns of Polypoid Dysplasia AmongPatients With Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseNisha Patel, MD, Rajesh Shah, MD, Jason Hou, MD, Gastroenterology,Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TXP1067. Sexual Function in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease:Results of a Web-Based Health SurveyMatilda Hagan, MD, Guruprasad Jambaulikar, MBBS, MPH, KatherineOsche-Gauvin, MS, David Schwartz, MD, Tina Higginbotham, MPA,Ray Cross, MD, MS, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University ofMaryland, Baltimore, Baltimore, MD, Vanderbilt, Nashville, MDP1068. Predictors of Re-Admissions in Hospitalized Patients WithInflammatory Bowel Disease Treated at a Tertiary Care HospitalMatilda Hagan, MD, Guruprasad Jambaulikar, MBBS, MS,Kaci Christian, MD, Akash Gadani, MD, Ray Cross, MD, MS,Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Maryland, Baltimore,Baltimore, MD, University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, MDP1069. Do Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Have Difficulty Taperingoff of Oral Vancomycin?Marwa El Mourabet, MD, Claudia Ramos Rivers, MD, Marc Schwartz,MD, Miguel Regueiro, MD, Arthur Barrie, MD, PhD, Jana Hashash,MD, Leonard Baidoo, MD, Jason Swoger, MD, Michael Dunn, MD,David Binion, MD, Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PAP1070. Role of Capsule Endoscopy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: ASingle Center’s ExperienceAngela Hira, DO, Muhammad Shafqet, MD, Qasim Salimi, MD, GeoffreyYou, MD, S. Devi Rampertab, MD, FACG, Rutgers-Robert WoodJohnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJP1071. Outcomes of IBD Care Vary Across Different Healthcare DeliverySettingsKunjali Padhya, MD, Amit Singal, MD, MS, Christie Choi, MD, EzraBurstein, MD, Avegail Flores, MD, Prabhakar Swaroop, MD, TasneemAhmed, DO, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas,Dallas, TX, Parkland Health and Hospital System, Dallas, TXP1072. Compliance With Vaccination Recommendations in the IBDPopulation: The Effect of a Formal Health Maintenance ProgramStanley Pietrak, MD, Philip Sarges, MD, Neha Nigam, MD, DaliaAbdelaziz, MD, MPH, Walid Chalhoub, MD, Pooja Singhal, MD, AimeeLeStrange, FNP, Mark Mattar, MD, Aline Charabaty, MD, MedstarGeorgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCP1073. Compliance With Cervical Health Recommendations in theInflammatory Bowel Disease Population: The Effect of a Formal HealthMaintenance ProgramStanley Pietrak, MD, Dalia Abdelaziz, MD, MPH, Neha Nigam, MD,Walid Chalhoub, MD, Pooja Singhal, MD, Philip Sarges, MD, MarkMattar, MD, FACG, Aline Charabaty, MD, FACG, MedStar GeorgetownUniversity Hospital, Washington, DCP1074. Compliance With Colon Cancer Surveillance in the InflammatoryBowel Disease Population: The Effect of a Formal Health MaintenanceProgramNeha Nigam, MD, Walid Chalhoub, MD, Stanley Pietrak, MD, DaliaAbdelaziz, MD, MPH, Philip Sarges, MD, Pooja Singhal, MD, AimeeLeStrange, FNP, Mark Mattar, MD, FACG, Aline Charabaty, MD, FACG,MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCP1075. Disease Activity as a Predictor of Long-term Outcomes ofTreatment With Certolizumab Pegol for Active Crohn’s Disease: AnAnalysis of the PRECiSE 3 StudyJennifer Choi, MD, Bincy Abraham, MD, Douglas Wolf, MD, Jean-Frederic Colombel, MD, Gordana Kosutic, MD, Marshall Spearman,MD, Jason Coarse, MS, William Sandborn, MD, University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston,TX, Atlanta Gastroenterology Associates, Atlanta, GA, Icahn Schoolof Medicine, New York, NY, UCB Pharma, Raleigh, NC, University ofCalifornia San Diego, San Diego, CAP1076. Assessment of Sexual Dysfunction Among Inflammatory BowelDisease PatientsSultan Mahmood, MD, Salman Nusrat, MD, Amber Crosby, APRN-CNP,Yan Daniel Zhao, PhD, Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG, Oklahoma UniversityHealth Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OKP1077. Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease From Isotretinoin: A Case-Control StudySusil Sivaraman, MD, Shahrooz Rashtak, MD, Susanth Sivaraman,MD, Rebecca Scherr, MD, Howard Baron, MD, Christian Stone, MD,MPH, University of Nevada Section of Gastroenterology, Las Vegas, NV,University of Nevada Department of Pediatrics, Las Vegas, NV, PediatricGastroenterology and Nutrition Associates, Las Vegas, NVFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.86

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1078. Interpretation of Anti-TNF Drug Concentration and AntibodyLevels in IBD: A Mobile App to Guide Management Based on Results Froma RAND Appropriateness PanelGil Melmed, MD, Peter Irving, MD, Jennifer Jones, MD, Gilaad Kaplan,MD, Patricia Kozuch, MD, Fernando Velayos, MD, Leonard Baidoo,MD, Miles Sparrow, MD, Brian Bressler, MD, Adam Cheifetz, MD,Shane Devlin, MD, Laura Raffals, MD, Niels Vande Casteelle, PhD,Diana Mould, PhD, Marla Dubinsky, MD, Jean-Frederic Colombel, MD,William Sandborn, MD, Corey Siegel, MD, MS, Cedars-Sinai MedicalCenter, Los Angeles, CA, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals, London,United Kingdom, Universit of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada,University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, Thomas Jefferson University,Philadelphia, PA, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco,CA, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, The Alfred Hospital,Melbourne, VIC, Australia, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,BC, Canada, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, MayoClinic, Rochester, MN, University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA,Projects Research Inc., Phoenixville, PA, Icahn School of Medicine atMount Sinai, New York, NY, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Inflammatory BowelDisease Center, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NHP1079. Mucosal Response to Ustekinumab in Crohn’s DiseaseAleksey Novikov, MD, Nandita Sriram, MD, Melissa Rosen, MD, FACG,Ellen Scherl, MD, FACG, Brian Bosworth, MD, FACG, Division ofGastroenterology and Hepatology, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, WeillCornell Medical Center, New York, NYP1080. Predictors of Sleep Disturbance Amongst Adult IBD PatientsJana Hashash, MD, Claudia Ramos Rivers, MD, Ada Youk, PhD, WaiKan Chiu, PhD, Laci Altman, Gregory Thorkelson, MD, David Binion,MD, Miguel Regueiro, MD, Eva Szigethy, MD, PhD, University ofPittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PAP1081. A Model Integrating Genetic and Environmental FactorsInteractions Can Predict Crohn’s Disease RiskMing-Hsi Wang, MD, PhD, Claudio Fiocchi, MD, Richard Duerr, MD,Stephan Ripke, MD, Jean-Paul Achkar, MD, FACG, Cleveland Clinic,Cleveland, OH, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, MassachusettsGeneral Hospital, Boston, MAP1082. C-Reactive Protein and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Do NotCorrelate With Disease Activity in Pregnant Women With IBDYvette Leung, MD, Gilaad Kaplan, MD, MPH, Elnaz Ehteshami-Afshar, MD, Divine Tanyingoh, MSc, Herman Barkema, DVM, PhD,Subrata Ghosh, MD, Remo Panaccione, MD, Cynthia Seow, MD, MSc,University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, CanadaP1083. Significance of Sessile Serrated Lesions in Inflammatory BowelDisease2014 ACG IBD Research Award2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardWhitney Jackson, MD, Jean-Paul Achkar, MD, Lee Lili, MD, Xiuli Liu,MD, Rish Pai, MD, Rocio Lopez, MS, Daniela Allende, MD, ClevelandClinic, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Cleveland, OH,Cleveland Clinic, Department of Pathology, Cleveland, OH, ClevelandClinic, Department of Quantitative Health Sciences, Cleveland, OHP1084. Using Genetic Data Bases to Explore Biological Pathways in IBDand Its Extra Intestinal Manifestations2014 ACG IBD Research Award2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardSachin Mohan, MD, PhD, Shaffer Mok, MD, MBS, Thomas Judge, MD,Cooper University Hospital, Camden, NJINFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE -CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1085. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: ACase Series2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardErsilia DeFilippis, BA, Elaine Barfield, MD, Dana Leifer, MD, AdamSteinlauf, MD, Brian Bosworth, MD, FACG, Ellen Scherl, MD, FACG,Robbyn Sockolow, MD, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, NewYork Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York,NYP1086. A Rare Case of Collagenous Pouchitis Treated WithAdalimumabAlicia Alvarez, MD, Leyla Maric, MD, Alison Schneider, MD,Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston, FLP1087. An Unusual Cause of Headache in Ulcerative ColitisElliot Coburn, MD, Amit Desai, MD, David Wan, MD, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NYP1088. Fecal Alpha 1-Antitrypsin as a Biomarker for Disease Activityin Ulcerative ColitisRuben Colman, MD, David Rubin, MD, FACG, IBD Center, Universityof Chicago Medicine, Chicago, ILP1089. Use of Golimumab in Pregnancy in Ulcerative ColitisNisha Patel, MD, Julie Weatherly, NP, Bincy Abraham, MD,Gastroenterology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, HoustonMethodist, Houston, TXP1090. Burkitt Lymphoma Complicating Azathioprine Therapy in UlcerativeColitis Patient With Autoimmune Hepatitis Syndrome/ Primary SclerosingCholangitis Overlap SyndromeJennifer Lewis, MD, Maisa Abdalla, MBBS, Bing Ren, MD, ChristineGranato, MD, Andrew Evans, MD, PhD, Gopal Ramaraju, MD, AshokShah, MD, MACG, FACG, University of Rochester Medical Center,Rochester, NYP1091. Association of Collagenous Disorders of the Gut and CommonVariable ImmunodeficiencyRohan Mandaliya, MBBS, Anthony DiMarino, MD, Sidney Cohen, MD,Ashlie Burkart, MD, Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, PA, ThomasJefferson University, Philadelphia, PAP1092. Intestinal Tuberculosis Mimicking Crohn’s DiseaseDalbir Sandhu, MD, David Elliott, MD, Gastroenterology, University ofIowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IAP1093. Oral Lichen Planus: An Emerging Paradoxical Adverse Effect ofAnti Tnf-α TherapyPatrícia Andrade, MD, Susana Lopes, MD, Andreia Albuquerque, MD,Joana Pardal, MD, Filipa Osório, MD, Guilherme Macedo, MD, PhD,FACG, Gastroenterology, Centro Hospitalar São João, Porto, Portugal,Department of Anatomic Pathology, Centro Hospitalar São João, Porto,Portugal, Department of Dermatology, Centro Hospitalar de São João,Porto, PortugalP1094. C. difficile Enteritis After Total Proctocolectomy SuccessfullyTreated With Fecal TransplantChuan Long Miao, MD, MPH, Andrew Mowery, DO, Harshit Khara, MD,Matthew Shellenberger, DO, Michael Komar, MD, Geisinger MedicalCenter, Danville, PAP1095. An Unusual Case of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Presentingas Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens (PCD)Sumeet Munjal, MD, Akriti Dewanwala, MD, Thomas Mahl, MD,Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, University atBuffalo, New York, Buffalo, NYP1096. Incidental De novo Crohn’s Disease in the Elderly: A Case SeriesNeil Marya, MD, Justin Yamin, MD, David Cave, MD, PhD, University ofMassachusetts-Worcester, Worcester, MAPOSTERSMONDAY87For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmFUNCTIONAL BOWEL DISORDERSP1097. Is Treating Elderly Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients WithAnticholinergics Really Dangerous? Results of a Community-based StudyDouglas Sprung, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Florida Hospital,Altamonte Springs, FLP1098. Effect of Otilonium Bromide in the Treatment of Irritable BowelSyndrome: A Meta-analysisDina Ahmad, MD, Mohammad Esmadi, MD, Belal Firwana, MD, AlishaHinds, DO, Imran Ashraf, MD, Matthew Bechtold, MD, FACG, Divisionof Gastroenterology, University of Missouri - Columbia, Columbia, MOP1099. Differences in Comorbidities and Quality of Life in a RaciallyDiverse Population Between Patients With and Without Irritable BowelSyndrome: Preliminary ResultsSupriya Rao, MD, Howard Cabral, PhD, MPH, Roshni Singh, BS,Venkata Satyam, BA, Taha Qazi, MD, Vikram Rangan, MD, AthanasiosDesalermos, MD, H. Christian Weber, MD, Boston Medical Center,Boston, MA, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA,Boston University, Boston, MAP1100. Sacral Nerve Stimulation Is an Effective Treatment Strategy inRefractory Fecal Incontinence (FI)Francis Okeke, MD, Ahmed Salem, MD, Rajdeep Singh, MD, BaniChander Roland, MD, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Johns HopkinsUniversity School of Medicine, Baltimore, MDP1101. The GutCheck Part 1: Signal Acquisition and Analysis of SurfacemeasuredMyoelectrical Signals of the Human GI TractGeorge Triadafilopoulos, MD, DSc, FACG, Steve Axelrod, PhD, AnandNavalgund, PhD, Prince Shah, MD, FACG, Uday Devanaboyina,PhD, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, GilroyGastroenterology, Gilroy, CA, G-Tech Medical, Palo Alto, CAP1102. Effects of Lubiprostone, in Patients With Chronic Idiopathic andOpioid-Induced Constipation, on Serum Electrolytes and Markers ofRenal FunctionSatish Rao, MD, PhD, FACG, Egilius Spierings, MD, PhD, JohnJohanson, MD, MSc, FACG, Peter Lichtlen, MD, PhD, SepidehHabibi, MD, Medicine - Gastroenterology/Hepatology, Georgia RegentsUniversity, Augusta, GA, Craniofacial Pain Center, Tufts UniversitySchool of Dental Medicine and Headache and Face Pain Program,Dept. of Neurology, Tufts Medical Center and Dept. of Neurology,Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, University of IllinoisCollege of Medicine, Rockford, IL, Sucampo AG, Zug, Switzerland,Sucampo Pharma Americas, LLC, Bethesda, MDP1103. Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy and Obstructive DefecationSymptoms: Post-operative Functional OutcomeAldo Bove, MD, PhD, Raffaella Di Renzo, MD, Gino Palone, MD,Vincenzo D’Addetta, MD, Paolo Panaccio, MD, Giuseppe Bongarzoni,MD, University G. D’Annunzio, Chieti, ItalyP1104. Prior Gynecological Surgery and Anorectal ManometryJose Parungao, MD, Ruby Jhaj, MD, Victor Velocci, MD, Michael Piper,MD, FACG, Luis Maas, MD, FACG, Providence Hospital, Southfield, MIP1105. Lubiprostone for Treatment of Opioid-Induced Constipation:Analysis of Influencing FactorsTaryn Losch-Beridon, BS, Peter Lichtlen, MD, PhD, BBA, Martin Wang,MS, Sucampo Pharma Americas, LLC, Bethesda, MD, Sucampo AG,Zug, SwitzerlandP1106. Biofeedback Therapy Is an Effective Treatment Strategy inRefractory Fecal IncontinenceFrancis Okeke, MD, MPH, Ahmed Salem, MD, John Clarke, MD,Sameer Dhalla, MD, MHS, Monica Nandwani, CRNP, Ellen Stein, MD,Bani Chander Roland, MD, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions,Baltimore, MDP1107. What Strategies Do Patients With Irritable Bowel SyndromeContinue to Use Following a 9-Week Comprehensive Self-ManagementProgram?Jasmine Zia, MD, Kevin Cain, PhD, Pamela Barney, ARNP, MonicaJarrett, PhD, RN, Margaret Heitkemper, PhD, RN, Gastroenterology,University of Washington, Seattle, WAP1108. The Frequency of Histological Abnormalities in the MuscularisPropria of the Antrum and Pylorus in Gastroparesis PatientsSherif Elhanafi, MD, Joseph Sunny, MD, Alireza Torabi, MD, IreneSarosiek, MD, Brian Davis, MD, Sharareh Moraveji, MD, RichardMcCallum, MD, FACG, Department of Internal Medicine, Paul L. FosterSchool of Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, ElPaso, TX, Department of Pathology, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine,Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, El Paso, TX, Departmentof Surgery, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, Texas Tech UniversityHealth Sciences Center, El Paso, TXP1109. Inclusion Bodies in the Gastric Muscularis Propria in DiabeticGastroparesis: A Neglected FindingSherif Elhanafi, MD, Mohammed Saadi, MD, Joseph Sunny, MD, AlirezaTorabi, MD, Richard McCallum, MD, FACG, Department of InternalMedicine, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, Texas Tech UniversityHealth Sciences Center, El Paso, TX, Department of Pathology, PaulL. Foster School of Medicine, Texas Tech University Health SciencesCenter, El Paso, TXP1110. Cognitive Behavioral Self-help for Irritable Bowel SyndromeMelissa Hunt, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PAP1111. Two Years on Linaclotide: Tolerability and Treatment Satisfactionin IBS-C Patients With and Without Diarrhea2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardWilliam Chey, MD, Steven Shiff, MD, Harvey Schneier, MD, XinmingHao, PhD, Bernard Lavins, MD, Jennifer Chickering, PhD, CarolineKurtz, PhD, Mark Currie, PhD, Jeffrey Johnston, MD, Division ofGastroenterology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, ForestResearch Institute, Jersey City, NJ, Ironwood Pharmaceuticals,Cambridge, MAP1112. Predictive Value and Interexaminer Variability of DigitalRectal Examination for Dyssynergic Defecation in Constipated PatientsUndergoing Anorectal ManometryWilliam Chey, MD, FACG, Jason Baker, MS, Stacy Menees, MD,MS, Monthira Maneerattanaporn, MD, MS, Richard Saad, MD, MS,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, Siriraj Hospital, MahidolUniversity, Bangkok, ThailandFUNCTIONAL BOWEL DISORDERS -CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1113. Fecal Incontinence With Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia: CaseReport in Response to Serum-Derived Bovine Immunoglobulin/ProteinIsolateLarry Good, MD, South Nassau Communities Hospital, Oceanside, NYP1114. A Clinical Vignette Demonstrating the Efficacy of Treating CIPO ina Patient With ALSJoshua Anderson, MD, Felix Leung, MD, FACG, Jonathan Kaunitz, MD,FACG, West Los Angeles Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center, Los Angeles,CA, Internal Medicine, Cedars Sinai Medical Ceneter, Los Angeles, CAP1115. Abnormal Motility Associated With Tumor Necrosis FactorReceptor-Associated Periodic Fever SyndromeAdam Godsey, MD, Baharak Moshiree, MD, University of Miami, Miami,FL, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VAFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.88

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmENDOSCOPYP1116. Proper Tools and Technique Improve Biliary Papillotomy: ASimulation StudyJoseph Leung, MD, MACG, FACG, Wei-Chih, David Liao, MD, WenboMeng, MD, Andrew Yen, MD, FACG, Dong Wang, MD, Yanglin Pan,MD, Hp Wang, MD, Gastroenterology, Sacramento VAMC and UCDavis Medical Center, Mather, CA, Gastroenterology, National TaiwanUniversity Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, Gastroenterology, ChanghaiHospital, Shanghai, China, Surgery, 1st Hospital of Lanzhou University,Lanzhou, China, Gastroenterology, Xijing Hospital, Xi’an, ChinaP1117. Retrospective Review of Airway Management and Complicationsin the Treatment of Esophageal Food ImpactionJose Melendez-Rosado, MD, Raul Badillo, MD, Dawn Francis, MD,Mayo Clinic, Gastroenterology, Jacksonville, FLP1118. Endoscopic Ultrasound Fine Needle Aspiration for the Evaluationof Focal Ampullary LesionsPhilip Okafor, MD, MPH, Larissa Fujii, MD, Michael Levy, MD, MayoClinic, Rochester, MNP1119. Fully Covered Self Expanding Metallic Stent as a ReversibleTreatment Option for Common Bile Duct Stricture and Post-ERCPComplicationsJustin Cochrane, DO, Providence Sacred Medical Center, Spokane, WAP1120. Retrospective Analysis of the Effectiveness of CoveredEsophageal Stents for the Management of Benign Upper GastrointestinalDisordersIsaac Cline, MD, Nitin Ahuja, MD, Andrew Wang, MD, FACG, VanessaShami, MD, Bryan Sauer, MD, MSc, Medicine, Gastroenterology,University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VAP1121. Predictors of Prolonged Withdrawal Time During ScreeningColonoscopy Among Gastroenterology FellowsHernan Lopez-Morra, MD, Juan Tejada, MD, Manhal Izzy, MD, SandarLinn, MD, Emmanuel Ofori, MD, Luis Guzman, MD, Faraj Karagoli,MD, Sury Anand, MD, Gastroenterology, The Brooklyn Hospital Center,Brooklyn, NYP1122. Impact of a Novel Mobile Device Application for EndoscopicProcedure LoggingLanre Jimoh, MD, MBA, Keith Obstein, MD, MPH, FACG, VanderbiltUniversity Medical Center, Nashville, TNP1123. Hemospray for Refractory Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Initial UnitedStates ExperienceRabia Ali, MD, David Carr-Locke, MD, FACG, Srinadh Komanduri,MD, MS, Sanjay Jagannath, MD, Toufic Kachaamy, MD, Peter Sargon,MD, Catherine Frenette, MD, Harish Gagneja, MD, FACG, DouglasHowell, MD, FACG, James Buxbaum, MD, Timothy Laurie, MD, JosephMarsano, MD, Seth Gross, MD, FACG, New York University Schoolof Medicine, New York, NY, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York,NY, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago,IL, Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, Cancer Treatment Centersof America, Phoenix, AZ, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, ParkRidge, IL, Scripps Health, San Diego, CA, Austin Gastroenterology,Austin, TX, Maine Medical Center, Portland, ME, University of SouthernCalifornia-Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CAP1124. Incidence and Outcomes of Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding inLVAD PatientsHaseeb Jabbar, MD, Ali Abbas, MD, Mustafa Mohammed Ahmed, MD,Charles T Jr Klodell, MD, Peter Draganov, MD, University of Florida,Gainesville, FLP1125. The Utility of Video Capsule Endoscopy to EvaluateGastrointestinal Bleeding in an Inpatient SettingDivya Bhatt, MD, MA, Andrew Watson, MD, Kristin McBeath, DO,Cemal Yazici, MD, Fredrik Langi, MD, Brian Boulay, MD, MPH,Russell Brown, MD, FACG, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL,NorthShore University Health System, Evanston, ILP1126. Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of Large Nonampullary DuodenalPolyps: Technical Aspects and Long Term Therapeutic OutcomesAndrew Zabolotsky, MD, C. Andrew Kistler, MD, Saad Ghumman,MBBS, Sobia Laique, MBBS, Ali Siddiqui, MD, Thomas JeffersonUniversity Hopsital, Philadelphia, PAP1127. What Is the Impact of Abdominal and Pelvic Surgery for PatientsWith Overt Obscure GI Bleed Who Undergo Retrograde Double BalloonEnteroscopy? Analysis of a Large DatabaseMichael Bartel, MD, Carlos Simons Linares, MD, Luke McCrone, MD,Mark Stark, MD, FACG, Frank Lukens, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology,Mayo Clinic, Jackonville, FLP1128. Noncompliance With Recommended Intervals for Surveillanceof Polyps Leads to Reduced Adenoma Detection RatesVishal Desai, MD, Sheena Patel, MD, John Losurdo, MD, SohrabMobarhan, MD, Joshua Melson, MD, MPH, Rush University MedicalCenter, Chicago, ILP1129. Balloon Dilation of Duodenal Strictures to Facilitate ERCP forBiliary ObstructionAmanpal Singh, MD, MS, Samrath Singh, MD, Akriti Dewanwala,MD, Andrew Bain, MD, Division of Gastroenterology, RoswellPark Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, Department of Medicine, StateUniversity of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NYP1130. Factors Determining Residual Neoplasia After EMR of FlatSessile Colonic PolypsAbhishek Bhurwal, MBBS, Michael Bartel, MD, Massimo Raimondo,MD, FACG, Michael Wallace, MD, MPH, FACG, Timothy Woodward,MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FLP1131. Endoscopic Mucosal Resection Learning Curve for LargeColorectal Polyps: Analysis of a Large DatabaseAbhishek Bhurwal, MBBS, Michael Bartel, MD, Massimo Raimondo,MD, FACG, Michael Wallace, MD, MPH, FACG, Timothy Woodward,MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FLP1132. Nationwide Utilization of Endoscopic UltrasoundSharlene DSouza, MD, Brintha Enestvedt, MD, Brian Pavic, MD,Jennifer Holub, Sarah “Betsy” Rodriguez, MD, Gastroenterology,The Oregon Clinic-West, Portland, OR, Oregon Health and ScienceUniversity, Portland, OR, Portland VA Medical Center, Portland, ORP1133. Endoscopic Nested Y-Shaped Self-Expanding Metal StentPlacement for Advanced Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma: A Study of a NovelStent With a Unique Mesh StructureKyo-Sang Yoo, MD, PhD, Ji Yeoun Kim, MD, Jongkwan Jung, MD,Youngouk Ro, MD, Young Jae Byun, MD, Sun Min Kim, MD, Chang SooEun, MD, PhD, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Hanyang UniversityCollege of Medicine, Guri, Republic of KoreaP1134. Diagnostic Yield of Upper Endoscopy and Colonoscopy forIsolated Unintentional Weight LossOleg Shulik, MD, Andy Cuchhiara, PhD, Octavia Pickett-Blakely, MD,MHS, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PAP1135. Physician-Directed Bolus Sedation for Colonoscopy ImprovesEndoscopy Unit EfficiencyAmit Bhaskar, MD, Ziad Gellad, MD, MPH, Internal Medicine, DukeUniversity, Durham, NCP1136. Comparison of Sedation Practices in GI Endoscopy BetweenAmbulatory Endoscopy Center and GI Lab in HospitalAli Kazemi, MD, Olivia Babich, Jungmin Lee, MD, Michael Babich, MD,Allegheny General Hospital, PittsburghP1137. Yield of Capsule Endoscopy for Obscure Gastrointestinal BleedChinemerem Okwara, MD, Leon Kundrotas, MD, Raju Akriti, MD, UTSouthwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, University of Texas Healthand Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TXP1138. Minimizing Insertion Pain in Unsedated Patients by CombinedWater Exchange and Cap-Assisted ColonoscopyFelix Leung, MD, FACG, Joseph Leung, MD, FACG, Andrew Yen, MD,FACG, Medicine, Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center, VAGLAHS andDavid Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, North Hills, CA, SacramentoVAMC and School of Medicine at UC Davis, Sacramento, CAPOSTERSMONDAY89For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1139. Seasonal Variation of Colonoscopy Bowel PreparationHussein Bitar, MD, Sumit Alhuwalia, MD, Mohammad Madhoun,MD, MPH, University of Oklahoma, Veterans Affairs Medical Center,Oklahoma City, OKP1140. Comparing the “Value” of Endoscopists: Are We All as Valuableas Each Other?Gavin Harewood, MD, MBA, Eoin Slattery, MD, Yolanda Tiedt, MD,Diarmuid Fleming, MD, Nutrition Support, New York PresbyterianHospital-Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, BeaumontHospital, Dublin, IrelandP1141. Does the Principal Agent Phenomenon Exist in Gastroenterology:A Region by Region ComparisonEoin Slattery, MD, Gavin Harewood, MD, Nutrition Support, New YorkPresbyterian Hospital-Columbia University Medical Center, New York,NY, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, IrelandP1142. Colonoscopy With Miniprobe Ultrasound Helps Identify Mucosal,Submucosal, and Extra-Mucosal Colonic LesionsBrandon Marion, MD, Jason Conway, MD, MPH, John Evans, MD,MMSc, Girish Mishra, MD, MS, FACG, Wake Forest University School ofMedicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, WakeForest University School of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology,Winston-Salem, NCP1143. Yield of Endoscopic Evaluation in Left Ventricular Assist DeviceAssociated Gastrointestinal BleedingPatrick Koo, MD, Chad Kawa, MD, Amitabh Chak, MD, Case WesternReserve University/University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland,OHP1144. The Predictive Value of Endoscopic Ultrasound in EndoscopicSubmucosal DissectionWu Shuang, MS, Yuqin Li, MD, Libo Wang, MD, Yang Shi, MD, TongyuTang, MD, Hong Xu, MD, First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun,ChinaP1145. Real Time Histologic Assessment of Dysplasia in IBD PatientsUsing Probe Based Confocal EndomicroscopyRazvan Arsenescu, MD, PhD, Martha Yearsley, MD, Violeta Arsenescu,MD, PhD, Wendy Frankel, MD, The Ohio State University, Columbus,OHP1146. EUS-FNA During Initial ERCP for Obstructive Jaundice FromPancreatic Head Adenocarcinoma Results inFewer Subsequent InvasiveProceduresSandeep Samuel, MD, Amanpal Singh, MD, Theodore Pettle, MD,Wei Tan, MS, Andrew Bain, MD, Department of Internal Medicine,University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, Roswell Park Cancer Institute,Buffalo, NYP1147. The Improvement of the Endoscopic Techniques for the Diagnosisof Celiac Disease. Proposal of an Endoscopic Classification andCorrelation With Histological FindingsLorete Kotze, PhD, Mauro Bonatto, MD, Luiz Kotze, MD, PontificalUniversity of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, Gastroclinica Cascavel LTDA,Cascavel, BrazilP1148. How Often Do We Let Our Patients Have Clear Liquids Up to TwoHours Before Colonoscopy?Richard Robbins, MD, Chenlu Tian, MD, Deepak Agrawal, MD,Digestive and Liver Diseases, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,TXP1149. Use of Split Dose Colonoscopy Preparation: A National SurveyRichard Robbins, MD, Chenlu Tian, MD, Deepak Agrawal, MD,Digestive and Liver Diseases, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,TXP1150. Do Endoscopy Centers Follow Recommendations About NotStopping Aspirin Before Colonoscopy?Richard Robbins, MD, Chenlu Tian, MD, Deepak Agrawal, MD,Digestive and Liver Diseases, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,TXP1151. An Investigation of Renal Function and Serum Magnesium Levelsin Patients Receiving Day-Before Low-Volume Sodium Picosulfate andMagnesium Citrate Bowel PreparationMichael Epstein, MD, FACG, Edward Jones, MD, Gerald Bertiger,MD, David Dahdal, PhD, Raymond Joseph, MD, FACG, DigestiveDisorders Associates, Annapolis, MD, Delaware Valley Nephrology andHypertension Associates, Lansdale, PA, Hillmont GI, Flourtown, PA,Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc, Parsippany, NJP1152. Propofol From Start to Finish: Evidence-Based Optimized DosingModels for the Induction and Maintenance of Moderate SedationLouis Wilson, MD, FACG, James Johnston, PhD, Dale McDonald, PhD,Wichita Falls Gastroenterology Associates, Wichita Falls, TX, MidwesternState University, Wichita Falls, TXP1153. Endoscopy in Neutropenic and/or ThrombocytopenicPatients: Review of Current Evidence and Development of ClinicalRecommendationsMichelle Tong, MD, Michael Tadros, MD, Haleh Vaziri, MD, University ofConnecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CTP1154. Outcomes of the Use of Fully Covered Esophageal Self-Expandable Stent in the Management of Colorectal AnastomoticStrictures and LeaksChad Cooper, MD, MHA, Angel Morales, MD, Mohamed Othman, MD,Internal Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, ElPaso, TXP1155. Efficacy of the Over-The-Scope Clip Device in the Management ofAcute Gastroduodenal Artery Territory Bleeding From Duodenal Ulcers: ASingle Center ExperienceAnushka Baruah, MD, Emmanuel Gorospe, MD, MPH, Louis WongKee Song, MD, Navtej Buttar, MD, Division of Gastroenterology andHepatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNP1156. Usefulness of Trans-Nasal Ultra-Thin Office Endoscopy in HighRisk Pre-Bariatric PatientsHareesh Bose, MBBS, Sandeep Tummala, MS, Srinivas Vasireddi,MD, Advanced Digestive Center, Inc, Metuchen, NJ, RWJUH MedicalSchool, New Brunswick, NJP1157. Safety and Efficacy of Colonoscopy in Patients 85 Years andOlder: Retrospective ReviewSoujanya Sodavarapu, MD, Erick Imbertson, MD, Jonathan Grotts,MA, William Hahn, MD, James Eagan, MD, Vincent DeRosa, MD,John Petrini, MD, Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, Goleta, CA, SansumClinic, Santa Barbara, CAP1158. Diphenhydramine Use in Conscious Sedation: A RetrospectiveAnalysis of Efficacy2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardAkwi Asombang, MD, MPH, Shoba Theivanayagam, MD, KristiLopez, MD, Matthew Bechtold, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, Div.of Gastroenterology/Hepatology, University of Missouri-Columbia,Columbia, MOP1159. Achalasia Subtypes Have Different Motility Response ofEsophagus to Per-oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM): High-ResolutionManometry Approach With Chicago ClassificationYutang Ren, MD, Fengping Chen, BN, Zhiliang Deng, MD, XiaoweiTang, MD, Jianuan Wu, MD, Fachao Zhi, MD, Wei Gong, MD, PhD, BoJiang, MD, PhD, Department of Gastroenterology, Nanfang Hospital,Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, ChinaFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.90

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmENDOSCOPY - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1160. Asymptomatic Cholecystitis Detected on Routine ScreeningColonoscopyPorter Glover, MD, Duc Vu, MD, Vu Nhu Nguyen, MD, Scott Swendsen,MD, Baylor Scott and White Hospital, Temple, TX, Gastroenterology-Baylor Scott and White Hospital, Temple, TXP1161. Successful Endoscopic Drainage of an Intramural GastricAbscess2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardAmi DeWaters, MD, Amol Sharma, MD, Ryan Gaffney, DO, AbrahamMathew, MD, Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey,PAP1162. Symptomatic Pancreatic Insulinoma Successfully Treated WithAlcohol AblationKirbylee Nelson, MD, Asif Lakha, MD, Mokenge Malafa, MD, BarbaraCenteno, MD, Cynthia Harris, MD, FACG, Department of InternalMedicine, University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine,Tampa, FL, Department of Endoscopic Oncology, University of SouthFlorida Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FL, Department ofGastrointestinal Oncology, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and ResearchInstitute, Tampa, FL, Department of Anatomic Pathology, H. Lee MoffittCancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, FL, Department ofEndoscopic Oncology, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and ResearchInstitute, Tampa, FLP1163. Utility of Needle-Based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (nCLE) ina Pancreatic Cyst With Equivocal FindingsKirbylee Nelson, MD, Asif Lakha, MD, Cynthia Harris, MD, FACG,Department of Internal Medicine, University of South Florida MorsaniCollege of Medicine, Tampa, FL, Department of Endoscopic Oncology,University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FL,Department of Endoscopic Oncology, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center andResearch Institute, Tampa, FLP1164. Primary Gastric Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) Negative,Large Cell Lymphoma Causing Gastrointestinal Bleeding in a Patient WithRoux-en-Y Gastric BypassSara Ancello, DO, Badal Shah, DO, Robert Shmuts, DO, AlanShienbaum, DO, Hong-Guang Gao, MD, John Chiesa, DO, RowanUniversity School of Osteopathic Medicine, Stratford, NJP1165. Triglyceride Level of EUS Guided FNA of Cystic Fluid Helps in theDiagnosis of Suspected LymphoceleYaseen Alastal, MD, Tariq Hammad, MD, Syed Hasan, DO, MuhammadAli Khan, MD, Osama Alaradi, MD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG, University ofToledo, Department of Internal Medicine, Division Of Gastroenterology,Toledo, OHP1166. The Role of Endoscopic Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of AortitisBrittany Venci, MD, Amit Aravapalli, MD, Andrew Dries, MD, InternalMedicine, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NCP1167. Two Acute Hepatitis C Virus Infections Following OutpatientEndoscopy ProceduresCatherine Dentinger, FNP, MPH, Catharine Prussing, MPH, PerminderKhosa, MPH, Sharon Balter, MD, New York City Department of Healthand Mental Hygiene, New York, NY, Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC), Atlanta, GAP1168. Spyglass-Assisted Management of a Large Impacted Cystic DuctStoneMarina Kim, DO, Mandeep Singh, MD, Vinay Sood, DO, FACG, AlbanyMedical Center, Albany, NYP1169. Repair of an Iatrogenic Distal Rectal Perforation With Placementof Endoscopic ClipsPriyanka Patel, MD, Scott Swendsen, MD, Vu Nhu Nguyen, MD, DucVu, MD, Felix Lin, MD, Internal Medicine, Baylor Scott and White,Temple, TXP1170. Obscure Occult Gastrointestinal Bleed in a Patient WithMetastatic Carcinoid Tumor at the Apex of Meckel’s DiverticulumDonnesha Clayton, MD, William Palmer, MD, Frank Lukens, MD, FACG,Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FLP1171. Disseminated Strongyloidiasis Diagnosed on Endoscopic Biopsy:Manifesting as Aseptic Meningitis, Ileus, Septic Shock, RespiratoryFailure and Necrotizing CellulitisAnand Kumar, MD, Srinivas Guptha Gunturu, MD, Hilary Hertan, MD,FACG, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NYP1172. Endo Stitch Placed During Previous Endoscopic SubmucosalDissection of Early Gastric Adenocarcinoma Can Complicate Follow-upSurveillanceJayakrishna Chintanaboina, MD, MPH, Matthew Moyer, MD, MS, PennState Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PAP1173. “A Needle in the Duodenum:” A Complication of Inferior VenaCava FilterJayakrishna Chintanaboina, MD, MPH, Matthew Moyer, MD, PennState Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PAP1174. Hematemesis in a 67-Year-Old MaleParastoo Jangouk, MD, Victor Chedid, MD, Jana Hashash, MD,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center- Division of Gastroenterology,Hepatology, and Nutrition, Pittsburgh, PAP1175. Analysis of Outcomes in Patients Undergoing EUS Rendezvousfor Biliary DrainagePeter Chung, MD, Anjali Basil, MD, Wahid Wassef, MD, InternalMedicine, UMass Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MAP1176. Endoscopic Removal of Accidentally Ingested AdultToothbrushSarfaraz Jasdanwala, MD, William Ferges, MD, Abhinav Agrawal, MD,Avik Sarkar, MD, Sita Chokhavatia, MD, FACG, Monmouth MedicalCenter, Long Branch, NJ, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital,New Brunswick, NJP1177. Role of Preoperative EUS Guided Fine-Needle Tattooing of aPancreatic Head Insulinoma: A Case ReportPornchai Leelasinjaroen, MD, Wuttiporn Manatsathit, MD, RichardBerri, MD, Barawi Mohammed, MD, FACG, St. John Hospital andMedical Center, Detroit, MIP1178. An Uncommon Cause of Lower GI Bleeding in the Elderly: BlueRubber Bleb Nevus SyndromeZahra Iqbal, MD, Benjamin Robey, BS, Sabeen Abid, MD, Eslam Ali,MD, FACG, East Carolina University, Greenville, NCPEDIATRICSP1179. Post-Vaccination Levels of Antibodies Against Hepatitis B CoreAntigen in Nonresponding (Anti-HBs

Poster Presentations – Monday, October 20, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmPEDIATRICS - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1184. Recurrent Biliary Obstruction Overcome With Metal BiliaryStent Placement in the Surgically Altered Down Syndrome Patient forCongenital Duodenal AtresiaPatrick Hickey, DO, Matthew Sullivan, DO, Saba Ahmad, MD, HiralShah, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, PAP1185. Severe Esophageal Ulceration Secondary to Pill Esophagitis inthe Setting of Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE)Sadaf Saghier, MD, Fernando Windemullaer, MD, Raavi Gupta, MD,Jiliu Xu, MD, Steven Schwarz, MD, Evan Grossman, MD, SimonRabinowitz, MD, PhD, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, DownstateChildren’s Hospital - Pediatric Gastroenterology, Brooklyn, NY, SUNYDownstate Medical Center - Internal Medicine, Division of DigestiveDisease, Brooklyn, NY, SUNY Downstate Medical Center - Pathology,Brooklyn, NYP1186. The Role of Octreotide in GastroparesisDana Hong, MD, Shamila Zawahir, MD, Anjali Malkani, MD, SamraBlanchard, MD, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MDCOLORECTAL CANCER PREVENTIONP1187. The New York City Colonoscopy Quality Benchmarking Group:Screening Colonoscopy Data on Follow-up Interval RecommendationsElena Ivanina, DO, Victoria Obe, PhD, Tuhina Mitra, MPH, MariCarlesimo, JD, David Greenwald, MD, FACG, Balavenkatesh Kanna,MD, MPH, Steven Itzkowitz, MD, FACG, Felice Schnoll-Sussman, MD,FACG, Marian Krauskopf, MSW, Tom Weber, MD, Sidney Winawer, MD,MACG, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York, NY,Citywide Colon Cancer Control Coalition (C5), New York, NYP1188. Precolonoscopy Rectal Examination 1-2 Minutes After Sedationas Supplementary Prostate ScreeningTat-Kin Tsang, MD, Samantha Chao, Pritzker School of Medicine,University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Carleton College, Northfield, MNP1189. Observational Study of Changes in Patient Bowel MovementsPost-ColonoscopyTat-Kin Tsang, MD, Samantha Chao, Pritzker School of Medicine,University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Carleton College, Northfield, MNP1190. Adenoma Detection Rate and Sessile Serrated Polyps AmongHispanics in Southern ArizonaKrunal Patel, MD, Courtney Walker, DO, Varun Takyar, MD, NirmalSingh, MBBS, Christian Dominguez, DO, Bianca Afonso, MD, Universityof Arizona, Department of Internal Medicine, Tucson, AZ, University ofArizona, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tucson, AZ,University of Arizona, Tucson, AZP1191. Gender Differences in Colonic Adenoma Detection Rate: ACommunity StudyShilun Li, MD, Joanne Maas, MS, Michael Spencer, PhD, PanagiotisPanagiotakis, MD, David Brokl, MD, Meher Rahman, MBBS, MayoClinic Health System, Mankato, Mankato, MN, Minnesota StateUniversity, Mankato, MNP1192. Adherence to Colorectal Cancer Screening in Two Ethnic Groupsin Metropolitan DetroitNizar Talaat, MD, Maher Tama, MD, Athar Haq, DO, Faris El-Khider,MD, Walid Harb, MD, Oakwood Hospital and Medical Center, Dearborn,MI, Wayne State University, Detroit, MIP1193. Is Pathologic Evaluation Necessary When Resecting DiminutivePolyps?Douglas Sprung, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Florida Hospital,Altamonte Springs, FLP1194. Association Between Human Papillomavirus and ColorectalAdenomas in Women: A Cross-Sectional StudyHuafeng Shen, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Jeffrey Silpe, MD, Andy White,BS, Samuel Satler, BS, Dustin Luebbers, BS, James Statler, BS, AnnaZheng, BS, Joshua Elder, BS, Albin Abraham, MD, GhulamullahShahzad, MD, Prakash Viswanathan, MD, Paul Mustacchia, MD,Nassau University Medical Center, East Meadow, NY, Morsani College ofMedicine, University of South Florida, Tampa, FLP1195. Adenoma Detection Rate May Be Higher in Whites With aPersonal History of AdenomasSteven Zeddun, MD, Abdullah Al-Shahrani, MBBS, Vikesh Khanijow,MD, Timothy Dougherty, MD, Wadha Al-Jaser, MD, Brandon Rieders,MD, Marie Borum, MD, EdD, MPH, FACG, Division of Gastroenterologyand Liver Diseases, George Washington University, Washington, DCP1196. Awareness of Routine, Anonymous Video Recording Does NotImprove Quality of ColonoscopyPiet de Groen, MD, FACG, Felicity Enders, PhD, Michael Szewczynski,MS, David Katzka, MD, Johnny Wong, PhD, JungHwan Oh, PhD,Wallapak Tavanapong, PhD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, Iowa StateUniversity, Ames, IA, University of North Texas, Denton, TXP1197. Prevalence of Sessile Serrated Adenomas in a Cohort of NewEngland WomenSarah Freeman, MD, Christy Dibble, DO, Katrine Hansen, MD,James Sung, MD, Mariam Fayek, MD, Medicine, Brown University,Providence, RI, Women and Infants Hospital, Department ofGastroenterology, Providence, RI, Women and Infants Hospital,Department of Pathology, Providence, RIP1198. Staining of Proximal Flat Polyps by Indigo Carmine Delivered byOral Polyethylene Glycol Bowel Preparation: A Prospective, Open LabelPilot StudyToufic Kachaamy, MD, Shiva Ratuapli, MD, Francisco Ramirez, MD,Felix Leung, MD, Shabana Pasha, MD, Suryakanth Gurudu, MD,Michael Crowell, PhD, Cuong Nguyen, MD, M Edwyn Harrison, MD,Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Scottsdale, AZ, SepulvedaAmbulatory Care Center, VAGLAHS and David Geffen School ofMedicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CAP1199. Ursodiol as Chemoprevention for Colorectal Cancer: A Meta-AnalysisImran Ashraf, MD, Douglas Nguyen, MD, Abhishek Choudhary, MD,Matthew Bechtold, MD, FACG, University of Missouri, Columbia,Columbia, MO, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CAP1200. Increased Adenoma Detection Rate in an Average-Risk UrbanPopulationSteven Zeddun, MD, Brandon Rieders, MD, Lakshmi Lattimer, MD,Timothy Dougherty, MD, Marie Borum, MD, EdD, MPH, FACG, Divisionof Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, George Washington University,Washington, DCP1201. Separating the Wheat From the Chaff: Identifying SessileSerrated Adenomas Among Polyps Previously Read as HyperplasticSeth Crockett, MD, MPH, Christopher Martin, MSPH, Dale Snover, MD,Robert Sandler, MD, MPH, FACG, John Baron, MD, MSc, Division ofGastrointerology and Hepatology, University of North Carolina, ChapelHill, NC, NC, Department of Pathology, Fairview Southdale Hospital,Edina, MNP1202. Differences in Risk Factors Among Those With Serrated Polyps,Sessile Serrated Adenomas, and Conventional AdenomasSeth Crockett, MD, MPH, Christopher Martin, MSPH, Dale Snover, MD,Robert Sandler, MD, MPH, FACG, John Baron, MD, MSc, Division ofGastrointerology and Hepatology, University of North Carolina, ChapelHill, NC, NC, Department of Pathology, Fairview Southdale Hospital,Edina, MNP1203. Gender Difference in Reproducibility of Quantitative FecalImmunochemical Test in Asymptomatic IndividualsFumio Omata, MD, MPH, PhD, Gautam Deshpande, MD, KatsunoriMasuda, MD, Tsuguya Fukui, MD, MPH, PhD, St. Luke’s InternationalHospital, Chuo-Ku, Japan, St. Luke’s Life Science Institute, Chuo-Ku,JapanFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.92

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1204. G-EYE Colonoscopy Significantly Improves Adenoma DetectionRates: Initial Results of a Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardSeth Gross, MD, FACG, Zamir Halpern, MD, Mark Pochapin, MD,FACG, Sauid Ishaq, MD, Helmut Neumann, MD, Marek Dobosz,MD, Edi Viale, MD, Arthur Hoffman, MD, Jakob Hendel, MD, HakanSenturk, MD, Harold Jacob, MD, Ralf Kiesslich, MD, NYU LangoneMedical Center, New York, NY, The Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center,Tel Aviv, Israel, Russell’s Hall, Dudley, West Midlands, United Kingdom,University Clinic Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, Pomorskie CentrumTraumatologii w Gdansku, Gdansk, Poland, San Raffaele Hospital,Milano, Italy, St. Marienkrankenhaus, Katharina-Kasper GmbH,Frankfurt, Germany, Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev, Herlev,Denmark, Bezmi Alem University, Istanbul, Turkey, Hadassah MedicalCenter, Jerusalem, IsraelP1205. PillCam Colon for Incomplete ColonoscopySeth Gross, MD, FACG, Rabia Ali, MD, NYU Langone Medical Center,New York, NYCOLORECTAL CANCER PREVENTION -CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1206. Small and Diminutive Polyps and Risk of MalignancyAnish Patel, MD, David Padua, MD, Hartley Cohen, MD, FelixLeung, MD, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, RonaldReagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, VA West Los AngelesHealthcare Center, Los Angeles, CAENDOSCOPY VIDEO FORUMP1207. Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) With Inverse T IncisionYufei Wang, MD, Enqiang Linghu, MD, Department of Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, the chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, ChinaP1208. Successful Endoscopic Closure of a Large DuodenalPerforation Caused by Therapeutic Endoscopic RetrogradeCholangiopancreatography (ERCP)Enqiang Linghu, MD, You Zhang, MD, Department of Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, the Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, ChinaP1209. Treatment of Hemobilia Using a Covered Metallic Stent in aPatient With a CBD Remnant Post-Bile Duct ResectionJustin Cuschieri, MD, Thomas Loughney, MD, FACG, Aline Charabaty,MD, Nadim Haddad, MD, Medstar Georgetown University Hospital,Washington, DCP1210. Guidewire-Assisted Intubation of the Ileocecal ValveHamza Abdulla, MD, Moshe Bachar, MD, Sherman Chamberlain, MD,FACG, Internal Medicine, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GAP1211. Needle-Based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (nCLE) in theEvaluation of Pancreatic CystsJennifer Maranki, MD, Kaveh Sharzehi, MD, Oleh Haluszka, MD,Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PAP1212. Gallbladder Cancer Eroding Into the Duodenum Causing GastricOutlet ObstructionNidhi Malhotra, MD, Mohamed Sultan, MD, Mark Mattar, MD, FACG,Medstar Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCP1213. Flexible Endoscopic Zenker’s Diverticulotomy After Recurrenceof Dysphagia Following Open and Rigid Endoscopic StapledDiverticulotomies2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardLuis Lara, MD, Tolga Erim, DO, Ronnie Pimentel, MD, FACG, ClevelandClinic Florida, Weston, FLTUESDAY, October 21, 2014ESOPHAGUSP1214. An Atypical Case of Melena Caused by Esophageal PerforationJanese Laster, MD, Pooja Singhal, MD, Internal Medicine Residency,Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, GeorgetownUniversity, Department of Gastroenterology, Washington, DCP1215. Clinical Presentation Doesn’t Predict the Need for EsophagealDilation in Patients With Eosinophilic EsophagitisRebecca Ensley, DO, Brett Partridge, MD, David You, MD,Gastroenterology, Naval Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, CAP1216. Does Preop EUS Staging Have Influence on the 5-Year SurvivalRate of Esophageal Cancer?Omar Nadhem, MD, Yasir Al Abboodi, MD, Jesse Mer, MS III, SubhasisMisra, MD, MS, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Amarillo,TXP1217. Clinical Predictors of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Evidenceon Endoscopy in Non-Cardiac Chest PainAlexandra Baumann, DO, David Wheeler, MD, PhD, Monil Patel, DO,Philip Katz, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, Albert Einstein MedicalCenter, Philadelphia, PA, Gastroenterology, Albert Einstein MedicalCenter, Philadelphia, PAP1218. The Impact of Eosinophilic Esophagitis on Body Mass IndexAmilcar Morales, MD, Manish Singla, MD, Corinne Maydonovitch,BS, Yen-Ju Chen, RN, Fouad Moawad, MD, Walter Reed NationalMilitary Medical Center, Bethesda, MDP1219. Multivariate Analysis of Clinical Predictors of SleepDisturbance Related to Frequent Nighttime Heartburn and AcidRegurgitation Symptoms in Individuals Taking Esomeprazole 20 mg orPlaceboDavid Johnson, MD, MACG, Anne LeMoigne, Jing Li, PhD,Charles Pollack, MD, PhD, Peter Nagy, MD, Gastroenterology,Eastern Virginia School of Medicine, Norfolk, VA, Pfizer ConsumerHealthcare, Madison, NJ, AstraZeneca, Molndal, SwedenP1220. Improved Accuracy of 24-Hour pH-Impedance Monitoring WithElimination of Acidic Ingestion PeriodsEyad Alakrad, MD, Yuanqing Yan, PhD, Haseeb Jabbar, MD,April Goddard, PA-C, Qing Zhang, MD, PhD, University of Florida,Gainesville, FLP1221. Surveillance of Short Segment Barrett’s Esophagus UsingUltrathin EndoscopyTakashi Kawai, MD, PhD, FACG, Masakatsu Fukuzawa, MD, PhD,Kyosuke Yanagisawa, MD, PhD, Sakiko Naito, MD, Mari Fukuzawa,MD, PhD, Hiroko Sugimoto, MD, Tetuya Yamagishi, MD, PhD, TakujiGotoda, MD, PhD, Chika Kusano, MD, PhD, Fuminori Moriyasu, MD,PhD, Kengo Tokunaga, MD, PhD, Shin’ichi Takahashi, MD, PhD, FACG,Endscopy Center, Tokyo Medical University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan,Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo,Japan, Kyorin University School of Medicine, Tokyo, JapanP1222. Comparison of High Resolution Pressure Topography and HighResolution Impedance Manometry in Patients With Non-ObstructiveDysphagiaSiegfried Yu, MD, Yeong Lee, MD, PhD, Askin Erdogan, MD, ErickSingh, MD, Arie Mack, RN, Satish Rao, MD, PhD, FACG, InternalMedicine, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA, School of MedicalSciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kota Bahru, MalaysiaP1223. Effects of Lifestyle Modifications on the Quality of Life for aPatient With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)Badal Shah, DO, Jonathan Foster, DO, Robert Shmuts, DO, FACG,Rowan School of Medicine, Stratford, NJP1224. Tamoxifen Is Associated With Decreased Prevalence of Barrett’sEsophagusAhmed Bolkhir, MD, Jason Mills, MD, PhD, Craig Lockhart, MD, MHS,Jean Wang, MD, PhD, Washington University, Saint Louis, MOPOSTERSTUESDAY93For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1225. Is 18F-FDG PET/CT Useful for Selecting Right Candidates forEndoscopic Resection Among Patients With Superficial EsophagealSquamous Cell Carcinomas?Yaqi Zhai, MD, Enqiang Linghu, MD, Huikai Li, MD, Baixuan Xu, MD,Liping Fu, MD, Can Li, MD, Dianjun Wang, MD, Huaiyin Shi, MD,Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Chinese PLA GeneralHospital, Beijing, China, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Chinese PLAGeneral Hospital, Beijing, China, Department of Pathology, Chinese PLAGeneral Hospital, Beijing, ChinaP1226. Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy Can Improve Esophageal Motility inPatients With Achalasia From a Large Sample Self-Control Research (66Patients)Enqiang Linghu, MD, The Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, ChinaP1227. Analysis of 24 Hours Esophageal pH Monitoring Outcomes ofAchalasia PatientsYou Zhang, MD, Enqiang Linghu, MD, Lihua Peng, MD, Xiaoxiao Wang,BD, The Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, ChinaP1228. Study of Cardiopulmonary Effects and Complications DuringPeroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM)Zhichu Qin, MD, Enqiang Linghu, MD, Wei Du, MD, The Chinese PLAGeneral Hospital, Beijing, ChinaP1229. Topical Mitomycin-C in Management of Radiation-InducedEsophageal Strictures (RIES)Margarita German, MD, Kerstin Stenson, MD, Ellen MacCracken, MS,CCC-SLP, Donna Nozicka, RN, Maureen Crowley, APN, CNP, VaniKonda, MD, University of Chicago, Chicago, ILP1230. Separation of Patients With Gastroesophageal Reflux DiseaseFrom Functional Dyspepsia With a Simple Scoring SystemNeil Marya, MD, Veronica Baptista, MD, Krunal Patel, MD, Anne Foley,BA, Christopher Macomber, MD, David Cave, MD, PhD, University ofMassachusetts-Worcester, Worcester, MAP1231. Does High Resolution Manometry (HRM) Over-DiagnoseNutcracker Esophagus (NE)?Miriam Hiestand, MD, Nathaniel Ranney, MD, Donald Castell, MD,MACG, Gastroenterology/Hepatology, Medical University of SouthCarolina, Charleston, SCP1232. Analytical Validation of a Novel Multi-Gene Assay for PatientsWith Eosinophilic EsophagitisJames Stover, PhD, Marc Rothenberg, MD, PhD, Vivek Yellore, PhD,Ting Wen, PhD, Diagnovus, Nashville, TN, Cincinnati Children’s HospitalMedical Center, Cincinnati, TNP1233. Clinical Impact of a Genetic Test in the Treatment andSurveillance of Barrett’s Esophagus: A National Community-based Studyof GastroenterologistsJames Stover, PhD, Vivek Yellore, PhD, Stephen Meltzer, MD, YulanCheng, PhD, Diagnovus, Nashville, TN, Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore, MDP1234. A Meta-Analysis of Serum Adipokines and EsophagealAdenocarcinomaSivakanth Aloor, MBBS, Leonardo Tamariz, MD, MPH, Amar Deshpande,MD, Daniel Sussman, MD, MSPH, University of Miami/Jackson HealthSystem - Department of Medicine, Miami, FL, University of Miami/Jackson Health System - Division of Gastroenterology, Miami, FLP1235. Endoscopic Management of Esophageal Foreign BodiesIman Andalib, MD, Divyanshoo Kohli, MD, Mitesh Patel, MD, MedstarWashington Hospital Center, Arlington, VAP1236. Evaluation of the Frequency of Nutcracker and JackhammerEsophagus as the Extreme Phenotypes of Esophageal Hypercontractility:A Single Center ExperienceYi Jia, MD, PhD, Richard McCallum, MD, FACG, Department of InternalMedicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Paul L. FosterSchool of Medicine, El Paso, TXFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.94P1237. The Relationship Between Length of Barrett’s Esophagus Mucosaand Body Mass IndexJason Abdallah, MD, Carla Maradey-Romero, MD, Steven Lewis, MS,Adam Perzynski, PhD, Ronnie Fass, MD, FACG, The Esophagealand Swallowing Center, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,MetroHealth Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University,Cleveland, OH, Center for Health Care Research and Policy, CaseWestern Reserve University at MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland,OHP1238. Weak or Frequent Failed Peristalsis: No Difference in OutcomeAfter Paraesophageal Hernia RepairSusan McCormick, MD, FACG, Otto Lin, MD, FACG, Donald Low, MD,Gastroenterology, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle, WAP1239. Comparative Quality Assessment of Esophageal Examination WithTransnasal and Sedated Endoscopy: Results From a Large RandomizedControlled Study2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardNicholas Crews, MD, Emmanuel Gorospe, MD, Kelly Dunagan, RN,Michele Johnson, PTA, Swapna Devanna, MD, Louis Wong Kee Song,MD, David Katzka, MD, FACG, Prasad Iyer, MD, MS, FACG, MayoClinic, Rochester, MNP1240. Increased Detection of Barrett’s Esophagus and Dysplasia inCommunity Gastroenterology Practices Resulting From the Addition ofComputer-Assisted Transepithelial Brush Biopsy to Forceps BiopsySeth Gross, MD, FACG, Vivek Kaul, MD, Michael Smith, MD, NYUSchool of Medicine, New York, NY, University of Rochester Schoolof Medicine, Rochester, NY, Temple University School of Medicine,Philadelphia, PAP1241. The “Kothari-Haber” Scoring System: An Accurate ObjectiveTool to Assess Treatment Success and Failure in Patients UndergoingEndoscopic Zenker’s MyotomyDushyant Damania, MBBS, Asad Ullah, MD, Vivek Kaul, MD, FACG,Shivangi Kothari, MD, Gregory Haber, MD, Truptesh Kothari, MD,Gastroenterology / Hepatology, University of Rochester Medical Center,Rochester, NY, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NYP1242. Case Series of Diffuse Esophageal Leiomyomatosis: Endoscopic,Radiologic, Clinical and Literature ReviewShervin Shafa, MD, Fuad Maufa, MD, Ruben Khan, MD, HalimCharbel, MD, Naveen Gupta, MD, Aline Charabaty, MD, GeorgetownUniversity Hospital, Washington, DCP1243. Clinical Benefit of Performing 24-hour pH-Impedance Testingin Addition to 48-hour pH Capsule Studies During Evaluation of PatientsWith Suspected Refractory Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)Ella Khan, MD, Zubair Malik, MD, Robert Fisher, MD, Henry Parkman,MD, Michael Smith, MD, MBA, Sutter Health, Sacramento, CA, TempleUniversity School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PAP1244. Wide Area Transepithelial Sampling With Computer-Assisted3-Dimensional Analysis (WATS3D) Safely Evaluates a Variety ofEsophageal DisordersMichael Smith, MD, MBA, Natalya Iorio, MD, Emily Walzer, BA, RahulKataria, MD, Seth Gross, MD, Vivek Kaul, MD, Temple University Schoolof Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL,New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, University ofRochester School of Medicine, Rochester, NYP1245. Responsiveness to Both Empiric Elimination Diet and ProtonPump Inhibitor Therapy in 5 Adults With Typical Features of EosinophilicEsophagitisJamie Sodikoff, MD, Ikuo Hirano, MD, FACG, Northwestern UniversityFeinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, ILP1245-A. Site Volume Is Associated With Achievement of CompleteEradication of Intestinal Metaplasia (CEIM) in Radiofrequency Ablation(RFA)Cary C. Cotton, BA, W. Asher Wolf, MD, MPH, Srinadh Komanduri,MD, MS, Charles J. Lightdale, MD, MACG, Anthony Infantolino, MD,FACG, Herbert C. Wolfsen, MD, FACG, Nicholas J. Shaheen, MD, MPH,FACG, University of North Carolina, Center for Esophageal Diseases andSwallowing, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Chapel Hill,NC, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL,Columbia University Department of Medicine, New York, NY, JeffersonMedical College, Philadelphia, PA, Mayo Clinic Florida, Jacksonville, FL

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmESOPHAGUS - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1246. Congenital Bronchoesophageal Fistula Diagnosed in LateAdulthoodAnna Christina Dela Cruz, MD, Joseph Valentino, MD, Jeremiah Martin,MB BCh, Ashish Maskey, MD, Luis Pena, MD, FACG, Division ofDigestive Diseases and Nutrition, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY,Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Kentucky, Lexington,KY, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Universityof Kentucky, Lexington, KY, Division of General Surgery, University ofKentucky, Lexington, KYP1247. Stage IV Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Esophagus With Multi-Loculated Cystic Metastasis to Pancreas: A Rare PresentationArun Nagabandi, MBBS, Abhishek Matta, MBBS, Rajesh Kunadharaju,MBBS, Kyle Regsiter, MD, Savio Reddymasu, MD, FACG, CreightonUniversity Medical Center, Omaha, NEP1248. A Rare Presentation of Colon Cancer Diagnosed on an UpperEndoscopyAshutosh Gupta, MD, Bashar Attar, MD, PhD, FACG, Bikram Padda,MD, William Riles, MD, John H Stroger Hospital of Cook County,Chicago, ILP1249. Acute Respiratory Failure Caused by a Dilated EsophagusPavel Teslya, MD, Natalya Teslya, MD, Tro Kalayjian, DO, Charles Seelig,MD, Greenwich Hospital, Greenwich, CTP1250. Acute Esophageal Necrosis in Alcohol Abuse and DiabeticKetoacidosisXi Chen, MD, Daniel Eshtiaghpour, MD, Anuj Datta, MD, Sofiya Reicher,MD, Viktor Eysselein, MD, Harbor UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CAP1251. Endoscopic Evolution of Acute Necrotizing EsophagitisJoseph Yarze, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology Associates of Northern NewYork, Glens Falls, NYP1252. Lymphocytic Esophagitis: an Under-Recognized Entity byGastroenterologistsAna Maria Crissien Martinez, MD, Walter Coyle, MD, FACG, ScrippsGreen Hospital and Clinic, San Diego, CAP1253. A Case of Persistent Dysphagia Following Mesh Hiatal HerniaRepairPreethi Reddy, MD, Internal Medicine, University of Arizona MedicalCenter, Tucson, AZP1254. Incidental Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) in the ProximalEsophagus: A Rare FindingAshraf Almashhrawi, MD, MSc, Mohamad Yousef, MD, HarleenChela, MD, Khulood Ahmed, MD, Murtaza Arif, MD, Gastroenterology,University of Missouri, Columbia, MOP1255. Spontaneous Paraesophageal HematomaJessica Yan, MD, Courtney Walker, DO, Internal Medicine, University ofArizona, Tucson, AZP1256. Esophageal Hyperkeratosis and Multiple Esophageal Rings in aPatient With Recurrent DysphagiaJason Mader, DO, Maen Kamal, MD, Rezwan Ahmed, MD, YaserRayyan, MD, FACG, Marshall University - Joan C. Edwards School ofMedicine, Huntington, WVP1257. Transepithelial Esophageal Brush Sampling DetectsAdenocarcinoma Missed Twice With Forceps BiopsiesEmily Walzer, BA, Jennifer Maranki, MD, MS, Howard Guss, DO,Michael Smith, MD, MBA, Temple University School of Medicine,Philadelphia, PA, Coastal Healthcare, Ocean, NJP1258. Esophageal Cancer in Patients With Cystic FibrosisKevin Rank, MD, Alexander Khoruts, MD, Joanne Billings, MD, MPH,Jordan Dunitz, MD, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MNP1259. Epiphrenic Diverticulum Mimicking Hiatal HerniaRoopa Gandhi, MD, Sangeeta Agrawal, MD, FACG, Wright StateUniversity, Dayton, OH, Dayton VAMC, Dayton, OHP1260. Esophageal Variceal Band Ligation as a Means of EradicatingBarrett’s EsophagusErin Toto, MD, Michael Smith, MD, MBA, Temple University School ofMedicine, Philadelphia, PAP1261. Desiccant-Induced Esophageal Obstruction: An Emerging PatientSafety IssueJodie Barkin, MD, Jamie Barkin, MD, MACG, FACG, University ofMiami, Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, Dept. of Medicine,Division of Gastroenterology, Miami, FLP1262. Acute Necrotizing Esophagitis in a Patient Without GI BleedingAndrew Weber, BA, Alia Hasham, MD, Bassem Khalil, MD, ThomasMahl, MD, FACG, University at Buffalo School of Medicine andBiomedical Sciences, Buffalo, NY, MedStar Union Memorial Hospital,Baltimore, MD, University at Buffalo Division of Gastroenterology,Hepatology, and Nutrition, Buffalo, NYP1263. Leukemic Infiltration of the Esophagus, a Rare Etiology for aCommon DiseaseYaseen Alastal, MD, Tariq Hammad, MD, Muhammad Ali Khan, MD,Muhammad Bawany, MD, Osama Alaradi, MD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG,University of Toledo, Department of Internal Medicine, Division ofGastroenterology, Toledo, OHP1264. Absolute Dysphagia Caused by Severe Esophageal StrictureComplicating Radiofrequency Ablation of Short Segment Barrett’sEsophagusYaseen Alastal, MD, Tariq Hammad, MD, Muhammad Bawany, MD,Osama Alaradi, MD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG, University of Toledo,Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology,Toledo, OHP1265. Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) for the Management ofSolitary Extramedullary Plasmacytoma of the EsophagusErik Rahimi, MD, Wayne Hofstetter, MD, Chelsea Pinnix, MD, PhD,Sheeba Thomas, MD, Sanam Loghavi, MD, L Jeffrey Medeiros, MD,Brian Weston, MD, The University of Texas MD Anderson CancerCenter, Houston, TXP1266. Black Esophagus: Complication of Colon Post-PolypectomyBleedingHemant Chatrath, MD, Sunitha Musuku, MD, Rita Kapoor, MD,University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, Jamaica Hospital Medical Center,New York, NYP1267. Primary Paget’s Disease of the Esophagus: A Rare Presentationof Esophageal AdenocarcinomaOmar Shahbaz, MS, MD, Shounak Majumder, MBBS, MD, Medicine,University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CTP1268. Cytomegalovirus-Associated Esophagopulmonary Fistula in anAIDS Patient Successfully Treated With Esophageal StentingJames Araujo, MD, Alina Iuga, MD, Amrita Sethi, MD, Division ofDigestive and Liver Diseases, Columbia University Medical Center,New York, NY, Department of Pathology and Cell Biology, ColumbiaUniversity Medical Center, New York, NYP1269. Black Esophagus: A Case of Acute Esophageal NecrosisSecondary to HSV2 InfectionChristopher Hodnette, MD, Oleana Lamendola, MD, Venkat Banda,MD, Internal Medicine, Baton Rouge General Medical Center, BatonRouge, LAP1270. Osteopetrosis: A Rare Cause of Portal HypertensionKristina Katz, MD, Muhammad Shafqet, MD, S. Devi Rampertab,MD, Nakechand Pooran, MD, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson MedicalSchool, New Brunswick, NJP1271. An Unusual Case of Obstruction Due to Colonic Intussusceptionin a Patient With SclerodermaKristina Katz, MD, Kevin Skole, MD, Jean Fede, DO, Rutgers RobertWood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ, University MedicalCenter of Princeton at Plainsboro, Plainsboro, NJPOSTERSTUESDAY95For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmSTOMACHP1272. Seven-Day Bismuth-Based Quadruple Therapy as an InitialTherapy for Helicobacter pylori Infection in a High Metronidazole-Resistant AreaHatainuch Prapitpaiboon, MD, Anupong Tangaroonsanti, MD, VarochaMahachai, MD, FACG, Ratha-korn Vilaichone, MD, PhD, FACG,Thammasat University Hospital, Pathumthani, Thailand, ChulalongkornUniversity Hospital, Bangkok, ThailandP1273. An Uncommon Diagnosis for Common Symptoms: Ménétrier’sDiseaseChristopher Brown, MD, Mark Metwally, MD, Christopher Bach, MD,Maged Bakr, MD, Suma Magge, MD, FACG, Rakhee Mangla, MD,FACG, Norwalk Hospital, Norwalk, CTP1274. Doctor, I Have a Knot in My Stomach: Post-Operative VerticalSleeve GastrectomyIman Andalib, MD, Farzin Rashti, MD, Timothy Shope, MD, TimothyKoch, MD, FACG, Medstar Washington Hospital Center, Washington,DCP1275. Helicobacter pylori Eradication Therapy for Penicillin-AllergicPatientsAkifumi Tanaka, MD, PhD, Kengo Tokunaga, MD, PhD, Shin’ichiTakahashi, MD, PhD, FACG, The Third Department of InternalMedicine, Kyorin University School of Medicine, Mitaka, JapanP1276. Higher Rates of Helicobacter pylori Infection and GastricIntestinal Metaplasia in the Asian PopulationChristie Mannino, MD, Yize Wang, MD, PhD, Cooper Digestive HealthInstitute, Mount Laurel, NJP1277. Retrospective Review of Management of Acute GastrointestinalBleeding in Jehovah’s Witness Population and the Role of BloodlessMedicinePooja Singhal, MD, Danielle Hoo-Fatt, Resident, Katherine Bull-Henry,MD, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCP1278. Central and Peripheral Effects of Transcutaneous AcupuncutureTherapy for Nausea in Patients With Diabetic Gastroparesis2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardYan Sun, MD, PhD, Gengqing Song, MD, PhD, Hugo Sandoval, PhD,Stephen Sands, PhD, Irene Sarosiek, MD, Richard McCallum, MD,Internal Medicine Department, Texas Tech University Health SciencesCenter, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, El Paso, TX, Center ofExcellence of Neuroscience, Texas Tech University Health SciencesCenter, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, El Paso, TXP1279. The Effect of MK-2206, a New AKT Inhibitor on the GastricCancer Cells Growth and Enhancement of ChemotherapyPiaopiao JIn, MD, Jianfeng Cheng, MD, PhD, Leimin Sun, MD, PhD,University of North Carolina, Charlotte Campus, Charlotte, NC, Sir RunRun Shaw Hospital, Hangzhou, ChinaP1280. The Efficacy of Gastric Cancer Risk A, B, C, D Gastritis Screening(ABC Screening) for the Detection of the PG-Negative Gastric CancerShinya Kodashima, MD, PhD, FACG, Kazumasa Miki, MD, PhD, FACG,Department of Gastroenterology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Tokyo,Japan, Japan Research Foundation of Prediction, Diagnosis andTherapy for Gastric Cancer, Tokyo, JapanP1281. The Incidence, Mortality, and Geographical Distribution ofGastric Cancer in BhutanTashi Dendup, MD, PhD, James Richter, MD, FACG, Kinley Wangchuk,MS, Dorji Dorji, PhD, Hoda Malaty, MD, PhD, FACG, Medicine/GI,Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, Harvard Medical School,Boston, MA, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital,Thimphu, BhutanP1282. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: A Rare Cause of AcuteAbdomenIrum Zaheer, MD, Natalie Dryden, MD, Saira Nasar, MBBS, Medicine,Houston Methodist, Houston, TXP1283. Is Gastric Cancer Underdiagnosed in Young Latin AmericanImmigrants?Shelini Sooklal, MD, Catherine Waggy, DO, Amit Sohagia, MD, EastonHospital, Easton, PAP1284. Sequential Therapy Versus Standard Triple Therapy forHelicobacter pylori Infection: A Meta-AnalysisTarek Sawas, MD, Shadi Al Halabi, MD, MPH, Tamim Sawas, MSc,Mitesh Patel, MD, FACG, Georgetown University Medstar WashingtonHospital Center, Washington, DC, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH,AIMST, Bedong, MalaysiaP1285. Comparison of Delayed and Rapid Gastric Emptying in PatientsUndergoing Scintigraphy for a Suspected Upper Gastrointestinal MotilityDisorderJesus Diaz, MD, Arya Bagherpour, DO, Josh Reber, MD, Luis Alvarado,MS, Alok Dwivedi, PhD, Irene Sarosiek, MD, FACG, Richard McCallum,MD, FACG, Department of Radiology, Texas Tech University HealthSciences Center, El Paso, TX, Student Affairs, Texas Tech UniversityHealth Sciences Center, El Paso, TX, Division of Biostatistics andEpidemiology, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, El Paso,TX, Division of Gastroenterology, Texas Tech University Health SciencesCenter, El Paso, TXP1286. A Survey of Lawsuits for Metoclopramide and Tardive DyskinesiaAsha Krishnan, BS, Aimee Alexoff, BS, Dylan Smith, BS, SarahWilensky, BA, Eli Ehrenpreis, MD, FACG, NorthShore UniversityHealthSystem, Evanston, IL, Columbia University, New York, NYP1287. Does H. pylori Colonization Impact Basal Metabolic Rate?David Pineles, BA, Nora Henderson, BA, Sukhleen Bedi, BA, MS, YuChen, PhD, MPH, Martin Blaser, MD, Fritz Francois, MD, MS, FACG,New York University School of Medicine, New York, NYP1288. Need for Prokinetic Medications After Gastric ElectricalStimulation in Patients With Medically Refractory GastroparesisAnam Hameed, MD, John Stroehlein, MD, FACG, Mehnaz Shafi, MD,FACG, University of Texas MD Anderson, Houston, TX, University ofTexas, Houston, TXP1289. Prior Abdominal Surgery Does Not Impair Clinical Response toGastric Electrical Stimulation in Gastroparesis Patients Followed for Upto Five YearsAnam Hameed, MD, Mehnaz Shafi, MD, FACG, Md Anderson,Houston, TX, UT Houston, Houston, TXP1290. Five-Year Sustained Durability of Clinical Response After GastricElectrical Stimulation Therapy (GES) for Severe GastroparesisAnam Hameed, MD, John Stroehlein, MD, FACG, Mehnaz Shafi, MD,FACG, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, UT Houston,Houston, TXSTOMACH - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1291. Gastric Metastasis From Renal Cell Carcinoma Causing UpperGastrointestinal Bleeding 18 Years After Curative Tumor Resection: ACase Report and Review of the LiteratureHassan Dakik, MD, Deborah Fisher, MD, Mafuzul Haque, MBBS, DukeUniversity, Durham, NC, Veterans Affairs Hospital, Durham, NCP1292. A Curious Case of Dysphagia: Use of Jumbo Forceps to Increasethe Yield of Tissue DiagnosisGanesh Aswath, MBBS, Muhammad Arif, MBBS, Zainab Shahnawaz,MBBS, Sekou Rawlins, MD, SUNY Upstate Medical University,Syracuse, NYP1293. Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia (GAVE) Associated With Imatinibin a Patient With Chronic Myeloid LeukemiaSamrath Singh, MD, Amanpal Singh, MD, MS, Andrew Bain, MD,Eunice Wang, MD, Department of Medicine, State University of NewYork at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, Division of Gastroenterology, Roswell ParkCancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, Department of Medicine, Roswell ParkCancer Institute, Buffalo, NYP1294. Gastric Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT Lymphoma)and Immunoglobulin IgM Kappa Gammopathy: Is There an Association?Ibrahim Habib, MD, Sarosh Bukhari, DO, Dean Silas, MD, Hymie Kavin,MD, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Mount Prospect, ILFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.96

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1295. Merkel Cell Carcinoma With Gastric Metastases Presenting as aGI BleedKeval Shah, DO, Michael Raphael, DO, Michael Piper, MD, FACG,Michigan State University - Botsford Hospital, Farmington Hills, MI, St.John Providence Health System, Warren, MIP1296. Proten Shakes: An Unusual Cause of Gastric Phytobezoar in aHealth Obsessed PersonJagpal Klair, MD, Mohit Girotra, MD, Jonathan Dranoff, MD, FACG,Farshad Aduli, MD, FACG, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences,Little Rock, ARP1297. Metastatic Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumor(Choriocarcinoma) Presenting With Hematemesis and a Gastric MassS. Bashar Almadani, MD, MPH, Sohrab Mobarhan, MD, ShriramJakate, MD, Rush University Medical Center, Division of DigestiveDiseases, Chicago, IL, Rush University Medical Center, Department ofPathology, Chicago, ILP1298. A Case Report: Bridging the Gap in Understanding “Non-CeliacGluten Sensitivity”2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardBhaumik Brahmbhatt, MD, Meghavi Brahmbhatt, MBA, John Cangemi,MD, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, London Metropolitan University,London, United KingdomP1299. An Uncommon Cause of GI Bleeding in a Patient With a LeftVentricular Assist DeviceSaleh Elwir, MD, Tossapol Kerdsirichairat, MD, Michael Shaw, MD,FACG, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MNP1300. Gastric Splenosis: An Uncommon Cause of Submucosal GastricMassSaleh Elwir, MD, Brooke Glessing, MD, Ahmad Malli, MD, BeenuThakral, MD, Elizabeth Courville, MD, Shawn Mallery, MD, FACG,University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MNP1301. Ovarian Cancer Metastatic to the Stomach: A “ReverseKrukenberg” TumorJohn Guido, MD, Peter Stanich, MD, Edward Levine, MD, Ohio StateUniversity Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP1302. Primary Gastric Melanoma: Wait, I Thought the Stomach Did NotHave Any Melanocytes!Daniel Eshtiaghpour, MD, Danny Lee, MD, Sofiya Reicher, MD, AnujDatta, MD, Viktor Eysselein, MD, Harbor UCLA Medical Center,Torrance, CAP1303. Intra-Abdominal Myxoid Liposarcoma as a Cause of IsolatedGastric VaricesDaniel Eshtiaghpour, MD, Xi Chen, MD, Ann Pham, MD, Anuj Datta,MD, Sofiya Reicher, MD, Viktor Eysselein, MD, Harbor UCLA MedicalCenter, Torrance, CAP1304. A Rare Cause of Back Pain: Metastatic Gastric Signet Ring CellAdenocarcinomaJason Rubinov, MD, Sunny-Skye Keppel, MD, Jonathan Mazurek, MD,Jonah Shulman, MD, Gil Ascunce, MD, FACG, Gabriel Levi, MD, MountSinai Beth Israel, New York, NYP1305. POSTER WITHDRAWNP1306. A Case Report: Gastric Foreign Bodies of 14 BatteriesWu Shuang, MS, Yuqin Li, MD, Hong Xu, MD, Department ofGastroenterology and Endoscopy Center of 1st Hospital of JilinUniversity, Changchun, ChinaP1307. Successful Control of Upper GI Bleeding by Endoscopic Removalof Eroded Vertical Banded GastroplastySadra Azizi, MD, Shawn Chaudhary, MD, Xinjun Zhu, MD, AlbanyMedical Center, Albany, NYP1308. Concurrent Gastric and Colonic Mestastases of Invasive LobularBreast Cancer Causing Gastric Outlet ObstructionJatinder Ahluwalia, MD, Zoltan Gombos, MD, PhD, Michael Cain, MD,Gastroenterology Clinics of Louisiana, Lafayette, LA, Dept. of Pathology,Lafayette General Medical Center, Lafayette, LA, Cancer Center ofAcadiana, Lafayette, LAP1309. Massive Arterial Bleeding After Radiologic PercutaneousGastrostomy: successful Hemostasis by Angiographic EmbolizationDupinder Singh, MD, Treta Purohit, MD, Mihaela Batke, MD, FACG,Mitchell Cappell, MD, PhD, FACG, William Beaumont Hospital, RoyalOak, MIP1310. Gastric Sarcoidosis, A Case ReportKathlynn Caguiat, MD, Meira Abramowitz, MD, Veronika Dubrovskaya,MD, Safek Reka, MD, Rafael Garcia, MD, Ning Neil Chen, MD, SUNYDownstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYPANCREATIC/BILIARYP1311. Comparison of Capillary Versus Aspiration Technique inEndoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration for SolidPancreatic Lesions2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardApeksha Shah, MD, Tanvi Khurana, MD, Jessica Malin, MD, JustinHermna, MD, Saad Ghumman, MD, Sobia Laique, MD, Ali Siddiqui,MD, Thomas Jefferson University Hopsital, Philadelphia, PAP1312. Modified Clinical Grading for Post-Operative Dysmotility inChronic Pancreatitis Patients Following Total Pancreatectomy With IsletCell TransplantationGeorge Kunnackal John, MD, MSc, Vikesh Singh, MD, MSc, PankajPasricha, MD, Martin Makary, MD, MPH, Kenzo Hirose, MD, NirajDesai, MD, Christi Walsh, CRNP, Rita Kalyani, MD, Erica Hall,CRNP, Daniel Warren, MD, Ellen Stein, MD, Johns Hopkins MedicalInstitutions, Baltimore, MDP1313. Acute Pancreatitis in Pregnancy: A Report From theNationwide Inpatient SampleJulia McNabb-Baltar, MD, Linda Lee, MD, Peter Banks, MD, MACG,Darwin Conwell, MD, MS, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, HarvardMedical School, Boston, MA, Ohio State University, Columbus, OHP1314. The Role of Lipopolysaccharide on Macrophage-MediatedInflammatory Response in Alcoholic Chronic PancreatitisYajun Li, MD, Kun Yang, MD, Li Sun, MD, Rongli Piao, MD, RunpingGao, MD, PhD, Dept. of Hepatic Biliary Pancreatic Medicine, FirstHospital, Jilin University, Changchun, ChinaP1315. Exploring In-Hospital Outcomes of Pancreatic Cancer: APopulation-Based StudySteve Serrao, MD, MPH, Nicole Shah, DO, Nishant Puri, MD, MedinaSahak, MPH, Diana Babayan, MPH, David Juma, MPH, LaurenGerson, MD, MSc, FACG, Christian Jackson, MD, FACG, Kendrick Che,MD, Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, CA, VA LomaLinda Healthcare System, Loma Linda, CA, California Pacific MedicalCenter, San Francisco, CA, Loma Linda University School of PublicHealth, Loma Linda, CAP1316. Utility of Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) Compared to Cross-Sectional Imaging (CSI) in Identifying High-Risk Intraductal PapillaryMucinous Neoplasms (IPMNs)Jennifer Phan, MD, Kourosh Ghassemi, MD, Alireza Sedarat, MD,Rabindra Watson, MD, Timothy Donahue, MD, Raman Muthusamy,MD, FACG, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CAP1317. Safety and Efficacy of EUS-Guided Fiducial Placement in PatientsWith Pancreatic CancerJoseph Jennings, MD, Samuel Kallus, MD, Walid Chalhoub, MD,Nadim Haddad, MD, FACG, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital,Washington, DCP1318. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Reflects Severity ofAcute Pancreatitis (AP): A Study of 574 CasesSarfaraz Jasdanwala, MD, Shivank Madan, MD, Janeesh Veedu, MD,Tejas Sheth, MD, Riddhi Shah, MD, Anupam Gupta, MD, RajagopalanSivaprasad, MD, Capecomorin Pitchumoni, MD, Monmouth MedicalCenter, Eatontown, NJ, Saint Peters University Hospital, NewBrunswick, NJPOSTERSTUESDAY97For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1319. Comparative Effectiveness of Pyruvate Kinase M2 in Bile,Serum Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9, and Biliary Brushings in DiagnosingMalignant Biliary StricturesUdayakumar Navaneethan, MD, Vennisvasanth Lourdusamy, MD,Earl Poptic, PhD, Preethi GK Venkatesh, MD, Jeffrey Hammel, MS,Madhusudhan Sanaka, MD, FACG, John Vargo, MD, MPH, FACG,Mansour Parsi, MD, MPH, The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP1320. The Atlanta Classification 1992, Revised Atlanta Classification2012, and Determinant-Based Classification 2012 for Acute Pancreatitis:Which Is Better at Stratifying Outcomes?Vivek Kadiyala, MD, Shadeah Suleiman, BS, Julia McNabb-Baltar, MD,Bechien Wu, MD, MPH, Vikesh Singh, MD, MSc, Peter Banks, MD,Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, Johns Hopkins MedicalInstitutions, Baltimore, MD, Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles MedicalCenter, Los Angeles, CAP1321. The Prevalence of Incidental Pancreatic Cysts on Cross-Sectional Imaging: A Systemic Review and Meta-AnalysisWesam Frandah, MD, Houssam Mardini, MD, Nicholas Nickl, MD,Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KYP1322. The Effect of Deferoxamine on the Proliferation of PancreaticCancer Cell LinesHua Qin, MD, Han Zhu, Master, Hui-Zhen Zhao, Master, Cong Xu,Master, Qiu Zhao, MD, Department of Gastroenterology of TongjiHospital, Department of Gastroenterology, Tongji Hospital, TongjiMedical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan, ChinaP1323. Hypertriglyceredemia Pancreatitis: Challenges in ManagementTarun Kaura, MD, Bashar Attar, MD, PhD, FACG, Melchor Demetria,MD, Ashutosh Gupta, MD, John H. Stroger Hospital of Cook County,Chicago, ILP1324. Impact of Periampullary Diverticula on Success of EndoscopicRetrograde Cholangiopancreatography: A Meta-AnalysisJohn Anong, MD, John Litchfield, MD, Mark Young, MD, ThomasBorthwick, MD, Chakradhar Reddy, MD, Internal Medicine, EastTennessee State University, Johnson City, TNP1325. MST Criteria to Diagnose Chronic Pancreatitis Are InaccurateAmong Expert EndosonographersTimothy Gardner, MD, MS, FACG, Stuart Gordon, MD, Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NHP1326. Derivation of a Non-Invasive Chronic Pancreatitis (CP) RiskScoreDarwin Conwell, MD, MS, Linda Lee, MD, Vivek Kadiyala, MD, ShadeahSuleiman, BS, Alice Hinton, PhD, Peter Banks, MD, FACG, Centerfor Pancreatic Disease, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, HarvardMedical School, Boston, MA, Section of Pancreatic Disorders, Divisionof Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Department of InternalMedicine, Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH, Divisionof Biostatistics, College of Public Health, The Ohio State University,Columbus, OHP1327. Cystic Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: Clinical andEndoscopic Ultrasound Characteristics and Accuracy of EUS-FNAVishnu Teja Kommineni, MBBS, Longwen Chen, MD, Jun Zhang, MD,Thorvadur Halfdanarson, MD, De Petris Giovanni, MD, Coung Nguyen,MD, Douglas Faigel, MD, FACG, Rahul Pannala, MD, Gastroenterology,Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZP1328. Enhanced Insulin Response Sensitivity Following BilateralSplanchnicectomy in Rats Subjected to Chronic Surcharged FructoseIngestion: An Alternative Therapeutic Simplification of Bariatric Surgery?Osvaldo Tiscornia, MD, FACG, Fabiana López Mingorance, PhD,Graciela Otero, PhD, Viviana Yapur, MD, Fernanda Bustos, PhD,Patricia Wasserman-Tiscornia, PhD, FACG, Gustavo Negri, PhD,Programa Estudios Pancreaticos-UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina,INFIBIOC, Buenos Aires, Argentina, UCA, Buenos Aires, Argentina,Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NYP1329. Right Hemicolectomy: Intestinal Motility and Exocrine PancreaticSecretion Changes in Rats. Influence Exerted by the Reinsertion of theIleo-Cecal Segment as a Self-service Emptying Pouch in the Left ColonOsvaldo Tiscornia, MD, FACG, Gustavo Negri, PhD, Graciela Otero,PhD, Fabiana López Mingorance, PhD, Patricia Wasserman-Tiscornia,MD, FACG, Programa Estudios Pancreaticos-UBA, Buenos Aires,Argentina, INFIBIOC, Buenos Aires, Argentina, UCA, Buenos Aires,Argentina, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NYP1330. Hepatobiliary Iminodiacetic Acid (HIDA) Scan Usage and ItsPotential Limitations With Patient CareMichael Foley, DO, RIchard Gerkin, MD, Rakesh Nanda, MD, PhoenixVeterans Affairs Medical Center, Phoenix, AZP1331. Long-term Surveillance of Intraductal Papillary MucinousNeoplasmsMaia Kayal, MD, John Poneros, MD, Amrita Sethi, MD, Frank Gress,MD, Tamas Gonda, MD, Division of Digestive and Liver Diseases,Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NYP1332. The Use of a Novel 19-Gauge Flexible Needle Can FacilitateEndoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)-Assisted Endoscopic RetrogradeCholangiopancreatography (ERCP): A Single-Center ExperienceSherif Elhanafi, MD, Mohamed Othman, MD, Texas Tech UniversityHSC, El Paso, TXP1333. Complication Rates of Combined Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) With Needle-Based ConfocalLaser-Induced Endomicroscopy (nCLE) and Through-the-Needle (TTN)Cystoscopy in Pancreatic CystsJason Huang, MBBS, Jason Samarasena, MD, Yousuke Nakai,MD, PhD, Takuji Iwashita, MD, Kenneth Chang, MD, FACG,Gastroenterology, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CAP1334. Assessment of Lifestyle Modifications in Chronic PancreatitisPatientsLisa Bocelli, MD, Samuel Han, MD, Joan Kheder, MD, Wahid Wassef,MD, MPH, FACG, University of Massachusetts Medical School,Worcester, MAP1335. Short Double-Balloon Enteroscope Endoscopic RetrogradeCholangiopancreatography in Patients With Surgically Altered UpperGastrointestinal TractKaveh Sharzehi, MD, Jennifer Maranki, MD, Jeffrey Tokar, MD,Stephen Heller, MD, Oleh Haluszka, MD, Temple University Hospital,Philadelphia, PA, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PAP1336. Non-Invasive Imaging for Assessment of Biliary AnastomoticStricture After Liver TransplantationAbhinav Sankineni, MD, MPH, Natalya Iorio, MD, Kaveh Sharzehi, MD,Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PAP1337. Metastatic Lesions to the Pancreas Diagnosed by EndoscopicUltrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration: A Single Tertiary Care CenterExperienceStephen Oh, MB, BS, BSc, Brandon Marion, MD, Rishi Pawa, MB, BS,John Evans, MD, Girish Mishra, MD, MPH, Jason Conway, MD, MPH,Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NCP1338. Prospective and Dynamic Analysis of Economic Burden,Depression and Anxiety, Diet, Nutritional and Employment Status inPatients With Idiopathic Chronic Calcific Pancreatitis in IndiaPankaj Singh, MD, Kshaunish Das, MD, DM, Gopal Krishna Dhali, MD,DM, Kausik Das, MD, DM, Rajib Sarkar, MD, DM, Abhijit Chowdhury,MD, DM, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research,Kolkata, IndiaP1339. Biliary and Pancreatic Ductal Dilatation in Patients on OpioidMaintenanceVirendra Tewari, MD, Deepali Tewari, MD, Raveendra Chigurupati,MD, Ayyappa Rangaraju, MD, Shahnaz Rashid, MBBS, RawshanBasunia, MBBS, Gopal Kaza, MD, Mohammed Mansour, MD, FACG,Gerald Posner, MD, FACG, Eric Jaffe, MD, SUNY Downstate UniversityHospital, Brooklyn, NY, NY Medical College, Valhalla, NY, InterfaithMedical Center, Brooklyn, NYFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.98

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1340. Acute Pancreatitis-Induced Fluid Collections: The Naming GameDana Christopher, DO, Kimberly Chaput, DO, Kimberly Fairley, DO,Andrew Mowery, DO, Christopher Valente, BS, Blake Stewart, DO,Steven Bonebrake, DO, Amit Johal, MD, Harshit Khara, MD, GeisingerMedical Center, Danville, PAP1341. Bilateral Side-by-Side Metal Stents for Malignant Hilar BiliaryStricturesDaniel Eshtiaghpour, MD, Oscar Lopez, MD, Alexander Jahng, MD,Anuj Datta, MD, Viktor Eysselein, MD, Sofiya Reicher, MD, HarborUCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CAP1342. Challenges and Opportunities for Diagnosing and TreatingExocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI): A Systematic Literature ReviewAmit Bodhani, MS, MPH, Lindsay Parker, MPH, Zarmina Khankhel,BA, Mahesh Fuldeore, PhD, MBA, Vikesh Singh, MD, MSc, AndresGelrud, MD, MMSc, AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, IL, Health Economics,Evidera, Lexington, MA, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,Baltimore, MD, University of Chicago School of Medicine, Chicago, ILP1343. nCLE (Needle-Based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy) inEvaluation of Indeterminate Pancreatic Cystic Lesions: A Single-CenterExperienceVirendra Joshi, MD, FACG, Ochsner Clinic, New Orleans, LAP1344. Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: Have Current DiagnosticTechniques and Treatments Improved Outcomes?Rohit Chappidi, MD, Stephen Sontag, MD, Hines Veterans AffairsHospital, Maywood, ILPANCREATIC/BILIARY - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1345. Groove Pancreatitis: Analysis of an Eight Patient CohortAdam Godsey, MD, Victor Zaydfudim, MD, MPH, Andrew Wang,MD, Vanessa Shami, MD, Bryan Sauer, MD, MSc, Medicine,Gastroenterology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VAP1346. The Risks and Complications of the Forgotten Common Bile DuctStentJonathan Ram, MD, Benjamin Salgado, MD, Inder Singh, MD, GeraldMank, MD, Internal Medicine, UTSW at Austin, Austin, TXP1347. A Case of Extrahepatic IgG4-Sclerosing CholangitisDevon Charlton, MD, Steven Brandwein, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine,Danbury Hospital, Danbury, CTP1348. Sump Syndrome After Choledochoduodenostomy: An AtypicalCase Refractory to Endoscopic TherapyAmir Rezk, MD, Kimberly Fairley, MS, DO, David Diehl, MD,General Internal Medicine, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA,Gastroenterology, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PAP1349. An Uncommon Source of Upper Gastrointestinal HemorrhageMichael Sherman, MD, MS, Joanne So, MD, David You, MD, BrettPartridge, MD, Naval Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, CAP1350. Unusual Adrenal Gland Dissemination From Primary PancreaticAdenocarcinomaMotaz Ashkar, MD, Sandeep Krishnan, MBBS, PhD, FACG, Departmentof Medicine, Steward St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, Brighton, MA,Division of Gastroenterology, Steward St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center,Brighton, MAP1351. Bouveret’s Sydrome: Not Your Garden Variety Gallstone IleusMohammad Ali, MD, Prateek Chapalamadugu, MD, Jennifer Slane,DO, Jarred Marshak, MD, Sabrina Mahboob, MD, David Friedel, MD,Stavros Stavropoulos, MD, Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, NYP1352. Pancreatic Fibromyxoid Sarcoma: A Rare VariantDan Collins, MD, William Ahrens, MD, Jason Lewis, MD, FACG,Gastroenterology, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NCP1353. Metastatic Transitional Cell Carcinoma Masquerading asCholangiocarcinomaJordan Fakhoury, BS, Jack Braha, DO, New York Institute of TechnologyCollege of Osteopathic Medicine, Old Westbury, NY, Mount Sinai BethIsrael, Brooklyn, NYP1354. Intragastric Balloon Causing PancreatitisAhmad Al Dobyany, MBBS, Medicine, King Abdul Aziz Medical City,Makkah, Saudi ArabiaP1355. A Case of Lialda ® -Induced PancreatitisAlina Kutsenko, MD, Keri Herzog, MD, Michelle Cohen, MD, DavidWan, MD, Brian Bosworth, MD, Michel Kahaleh, MD, FACG, New YorkPresbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, Memorial Sloan-Kettering, NewYork, NYP1356. An Unusual Cause of Biliary ObstructionIryna Hepburn, MD, GSH, Lititz, PAP1357. SpyGlass Retrieval of SEMS Proximal to CBD StrictureMichael Richins, DO, MBA, University of North Texas Health ScienceCenter, Fort Worth, TXP1358. Markedly Elevated CA 19-9 in a Case of Mirizzi’s Syndrome: AnAtypical PresentationSaba Ahmad, MD, Hiral Shah, MD, Patrick Hickey, DO, MatthewSullivan, DO, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, PAP1359. POSTER WITHDAWNP1360. Successful Use of Budesonide in the Treatment of IgG4CholangiopathyCarmi Punzalan, MD, MS, Curtis Barry, MD, Gastroenterology,UMass Medical Center, Worcester, MAP1361. Cholecystoduodenal Fistula Masquerading as a DuodenalMassErik Rahimi, MD, Brian Weston, MD, Gastroenterology, Hepatology,Nutrition, University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston,TX, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,TXP1362. Biliary Cystadenocarcinoma Presents as ChronicGastrointestinal BleedLeonid Shamban, DO, Samira Ahsan, MD, Muhammad Ahsan, MD,Laurence Stawick, MD, FACG, Providence Hospital Medical Center,Southfield, MIP1363. Lymphoepithelial Cysts of the Pancreas: An Unusual Presentationof Multiple Cysts With Elevated CEA LevelsJames Penn, MD, Jane Hon, MD, Amy Tilara, MD, Aparna Repaka,MD, Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Department ofMedicine, Piscataway, NJ, Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson MedicalSchool, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Piscataway,NJ, Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Division ofGastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, Piscataway,NJP1364. Acute Pancreatitis Secondary to Gastrostomy Tube Placement:A Rare ComplicationChristine Granato, MD, Shivangi Kothari, MD, Viren Kaul, MBBS, AsadUllah, MD, Truptesh Kothari, MD, Vivek Kaul, MD, FACG, University ofRochester Medical Center, Rochester, NYP1365. Prolonged Cholestasis After Endoscopic RetrogradeCholangiopancreatographyTarek Sawas, MD, Neha Nigam, MD, Walid Chalhoub, MD, MubarakSayyar, MD, Nadim Haddad, MD, FACG, Georgetown UniversityMedstar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC, MedstarGeorgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCP1366. POSTER WITHDRAWNP1367. Obstructive Cholestasis Secondary to Duodenal B-Cell LymphomaWith Large Cell TransformationAhmed Abdulhamid, MSIV, Fouad Otaki, MD, Ira Jacobson, MD, MichelKahaleh, MD, FACG, David Wan, MD, New York Presbyterian Hospital,New York, NY, Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar, Doha, QatarPOSTERSTUESDAY99For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1368. Not All Bleeding in Cirrhosis Are VaricealTariq Hammad, MD, Usman Ahmad, MD, Yaseen Alastal, MD, AliNawras, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, University of Toledo MedicalCenter, Toledo, OHP1369. Acute Pancreatitis From a Migrated Foley Gastrostomy TubeNeha Nigam, MD, Walid Chalhoub, MD, Dalia Abdelaziz, MD, KatherineBull-Henry, MD, Gastroenterology, Medstar Georgetown UniversityHospital, Washington, DCP1370. Obstructive Jaundice From Metastatic Prostate CancerNeha Nigam, MD, Walid Chalhoub, MD, Dalia Abdelaziz, MD,Mohamed Sultan, MD, Gustavo Marino, MD, Medstar GeorgetownUniversity Hospital, Washington, DC, Veterans Affairs Medical Center,Washington, DCP1371. Immunoglobulin G4-Sclerosing Cholangitis (IgG4-SC) Presentingas Metachronous Biliary StricturesShawn Shroff, MD, Rasha Issa, MD, Hesam Keshmiri, DO, GopalMadhav, MD, Kamran Ayub, MD, Charles Berkelhammer, MD, UIC/Advocate Christ Medical Center, Oak Lawn, ILP1372. Osteomyelitis as a Consequence of Pancreatic PanniculitisKasra Adham, MD, Sasha Mangray, MD, Ritesh Kohli, MD, DouglasGrider, MD, Alan Brijbassie, MD, Virginia Tech Carilion School ofMedicine, Roanoke, VAP1373. Type II Mirizzi Syndrome: A Rare Complication of GallstonesAftab Ahmed, MD, Mohammed Muqeet Adnan, MD, Salman Nusrat,MD, John Maple, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, University of OklahomaHealth Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OKP1374. Stubborn as a Stone: A Case of Hereditary Pancreatitis CausingDifficult to Manage Pancreatic Stone and Review of Endoscopic andSurgical Management OptionsXiao Jing Wang, MD, Juan Sarmiento, MD, Kenneth Ogan, MD,Gabriela Bedolla, MD, Kevin Woods, MD, MPH, Internal Medicine,Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, Emory UniversitySchool of Medicine, Department of General Surgery, Atlanta, GA, EmoryUniversity School of Medicine, Department of Urology, Atlanta, GA,Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Atlanta,GA, Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine,Division of Digestive Diseases, Atlanta, GAP1375. EUS-Guided Pancreatic Intervention for Treatment ofPancreaticocutaneous FistulasAbdul Haseeb, MD, Larissa Fujii, MD, Barham Abu Dayyeh, MD,Michael Levy, MD, Randall Pearson, MD, FACG, Suresh Chari, MD,FACG, Jonathan Clain, MD, FACG, Michael Farnell, MD, Ferga Gleeson,MBChB, FACG, Michael Kendrick, MD, Bret Peterson, MD, Mark Truty,MD, Santhi Swaroop Vege, MD, FACG, Mark Topazian, MD, FACG,Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNP1376. Adenomyomatous Hyperplasia of the Ampulla of VaterMasquerading as Malignancy: A Case SeriesPatrick Hickey, DO, Saba Ahmad, MD, Matthew Sullivan, DO, JeffreyBrodsky, MD, Hiral Shah, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown,PAP1377. A Rare Case of Hemobilia: Ruptured Cystic ArteryPseudoaneurysm With Ectopic Ampulla of VaterPorter Glover, MD, Jennifer Thompson, BS, Scott Swendsen, MD, VuNhu Nguyen, MD, Duc Vu, MD, Internal Medicine, Baylor Scott andWhite Hospital, Temple, TX, Gastroenterology, Baylor Scott and WhiteHospital, Temple, TXP1378. Mirizzi Syndrome Type I Complicated By CholecystocolonicFistula: A Rare Complication for a Rare DiseaseYaseen Alastal, MD, Tariq Hammad, MD, Syed Hasan, DO, OsamaAlaradi, MD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG, University of Toledo, Departmentof Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Toledo, OHP1379. De novo Stent-Stone Complex Formation With ResultantSecondary Sclerosing Cholangitis. A Case Report and Literature ReviewFnu Jaydev, MD, Eyad Baghal, MD, FACG, Amara Nidimusili, MD,Internal Medicine, Trinitas Regional Medical Center, Elizabeth, NJP1380. Pancreatic Schwannoma Masquerading as a Mucinous CysticNeoplasmJessica Barrett, DO, Jeffrey Archer, MD, Thomas Robertson, MD, JohnMatyas, MD, David Lo, MD, Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus,OHP1381. Recurrent Obstructive Jaundice Following CholecystectomyCaused by Choledochoduodenal FistulaPrathab Devaraj, MD, Shashank Ponugoti, MD, Swati Pawa, MD, WestVirginia University - Department of Digestive Diseases, Morgantown,WV, West Virginia University - Department of Interntal Medicine/Clinicaland Translational Science Institute (Ctsi), Morgantown, WVSMALL INTESTINE/UNCLASSIFIEDP1382. Rare Presentation of Sarcoidosis Involving the Terminal IleumFadi Alali, MD, Maria Hafez, MD, Sherif Elmahdy, BS, Ali Shukr, MD, St.Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital, Pontiac, MI, Ross University School ofMedicine, North Brunswick, NJP1383. A Single Center U.S. Experience With Bleeding Dieulafoy Lesionsof the Small Bowel: Diagnosis and Treatment With Single BalloonEnteroscopyRoshanak Rabbanifard, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Ambuj Kumar, MD,MPH, Patrick Brady, MD, University of South Florida, Morsani Collegeof Medicine, Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, Tampa, FL,University of South Florida, Morsani College of Medicine, Division andCenter for Evidence Based Medicine and Outcomes Research, Tampa,FLP1384. Albumin Administration in Patients With Spontaneous BacterialPeritonitis at a Tertiary Hospital: A Retrospective Clinical AnalysisPadmavathi Mali, MD, Rajan Kanth, MD, Sudheer Muduganti, MD,Internal Medicine, Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, WIP1385. Stroke as Initial Presentation of Celiac Disease: A Rare Entityand Review of LiteratureMay Olayan, MD, Emir Roach, MD, Serkan Ayvaz, PhD, AbdullahShatnawei, MD, Internal Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Fairview Hospital,Westlake, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP1386. Linaclotide Decreases Small Bowel Transit Time and ImprovesVisualization of Small Bowel Mucosa in Patients Undergoing SmallBowel Capsule EndoscopyIra Schmelkin, MD, Noble Hospital, Westfield, MAP1387. Dermatitis Herpetiformis in Brazilian Adult Patients: Are ThereGender Differences in Clinical Picture?Lorete Kotze, MD, PhD, FACG, Luiz Dalla Vecchia, MD, RenatoNisihara, PhD, Luiz Kotze, MD, Shirley Utiyama, PhD, Medicine,Positivo University, Curitiba, Brazil, Service of Gastroenterology, CajuruHospital, Pontifical University of Paraná, Curitiba, BrazilP1388. Difference in Prevalence of Small Bowel Video CapsuleEndoscopy Findings Between Cardiac vs. Non-Cardiac Inpatient CohortsJason Baker, MS, Laurel Fisher, MD, Christopher Fernandez, MD,Kristen May, Medical Assistant, Abir Azeem, Jessica Maddox, BS, KeithMullins, MD, Michael Rice, MD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MIP1389. Bronchial Aspiration of a Video Capsule Endoscope: Report of aCaseJoesph Elmunzer, MD, Kristen May, Medical Assistant, Laurel Fisher,MD, Michael Rice, MD, Jason Baker, MS, University of Michigan, AnnArbor, MIP1390. Gastrointestinal (GI) Complaints and Narcotic Usage in Patients(pts) With Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) Receiving Teduglutide (TED)Stephane Schneider, MD, PhD, Kursheed Jeejeebhoy, MD, PhD,Simon Gabe, MD, MSc, BSc, MBBS, Ulrich-Frank Pape, MD, DouglasSeidner, MD, FACG, Nader Youssef, MD, Ken Fujioka, MD, Universityof Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France, St. Michael’s Hospital,Toronto, ON, Canada, St. Mark’s Hospital and Academic Institute,Harrow, United Kingdom, Charité University Medical Center, Berlin,Germany, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, NPSPharmaceuticals, Inc., Bedminster, NJ, Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, CAFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.100

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1391. A Study of Patients With a Radiologic Diagnosis of MesentericPanniculitis and the Correlation With MalignancyGrigory Roginsky, MD, Andrew Mazulis, MD, Ibrahim Habib, MD,Mohammed Faseehuddin, DO, Eli Ehrenpreis, MD, FACG, NorthShoreUniversity HealthSystem, Evanston, IL, Advocate Lutheran GeneralHospital, Park Ridge, ILP1392. Duodenal Rather Than Gastric Motility Parameters Correlate WithSymptom Severity in Patients With Diabetic GastroparesisKenneth Barshop, BA, George Dukes, MD, Matthew Barton, BS, JackSemler, MD, Braden Kuo, MD, MS, University of Chicago PritzkerSchool of Medicine, Chicago, IL, Massachusetts General Hospital,Boston, MA, GlaxoSmithKline, Raleigh, NCP1393. Sensitive and Rapid Detection of ermB Gene in Clostridiumdifficile by Loop-Mediated Isothermal AmplificationMinyi Lin, MD, Wei Liu, PhD, Pu Wang, PhD, Youlian Zhou, MD,Jiasheng Tan, MD, Peiqun Wu, MD, ZhiHui Mo, PhD, Ting Zhang, PhD,Shan Xie, PhD, Zhongqiu Wang, PhD, Jiaxi Fei, MD, Jing Yuan, PhD,Ye Chen, PhD, Department of Gastroenterology, Nanfang Hospital,Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China, Institute of DiseaseControl and Prevention, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing,ChinaP1394. Is Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) Novel Diagnostic Biomarker inCeliac Disease ?Hakan Demirci, MD, Zulfikar Polat, MD, Kadir Ozturk, MD, MuratKantarcioglu, MD, Fatih Sahiner, MD, Ahmet Uygun, Prof, SaitBagci, Prof, Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Department ofGastroenterology, Ankara, Turkey, Gulhane Military Medical Academy,Department of Microbiology, Ankara, TurkeyP1395. Racial Differences in the Prevalence of Celiac Disease in theU.S. Population: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(NHANES) 2009 to 2012Houssam Mardini, MD, MBA, MPH, FACG, Alla Grigorian, MD, PhD,University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, KYP1396. Timing of Single Balloon Enteroscopy: significant or Not?Kirbylee Nelson, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Ashley Davis-Yadley, MD, AndreaRodriguez, MD, Vignesh Doraiswamy, BS, Roshanak Rabbanifard,MD, Ambuj Kumar, MD, MPH, Patrick Brady, MD, FACG, Departmentof Internal Medicine, University of South Florida Morsani College ofMedicine, Tampa, FL, Department of Internal Medicine, Division ofDigestive Diseases and Nutrition, University of South Florida MorsaniCollege of Medicine, Tampa, FL, University of South Florida MorsaniCollege of Medicine, Tampa, FL, Department of Evidence BasedMedicine and Outcomes Research, University of South Florida MorsaniCollege of Medicine, Tampa, FLP1397. Video Capsule Endoscopy Completion Rates and Total TransitTimes Are Similar With Oral or Endoscopic DeliveryJohn Guido, MD, Peter Stanich, MD, Bryan Kleinman, DO, KavitaBetkerur, MD, Kyle Porter, MAS, Marty Meyer, MD, Ohio StateUniversity Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH, Section of CapsuleEndoscopy; Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition; TheOhio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP1398. Overt Obscure GI Bleed: What Do We Miss on Colonoscopy?Analysis of a Large Database2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardCarlos Simons Linares, MD, Rajat Bhalla, MD, Mark Stark, MD, FACG,Frank Lukens, MD, FACG, Michael Bartel, MD, Gastroenterology, MayoClinic, Jackonville, FLP1399. Intestinal Transplant Related Financial Burden, Length of Stayand Mortality in the United StatesSamir Bhalla, MD, Raxitkumar Jinjuvadia, MD, MPH, SuthatLiangpunsakul, MD, MPH, Marwan Kazimi, MD, Maria Segovia, MD,Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD, Internal Medicine, Henry Ford Hospital,Detroit, MI, Indiana University, Indianapolis, INP1400. Prevalence of Celiac Disease in Patients With OcularAutoimmune DiseaseSana Siddique, MD, C. Stephen Foster, MD, Medicine, Mount AuburnHospital, Cambridge, MA, Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation,Cambridge, MAP1401. Physician Recommendations for Celiac Disease Screening inFirst-Degree RelativesAbhik Roy, MD, Colin Smith, MD, Constantine Daskalakis, SciD,Anthony DiMarino, MD, FACG, David Kastenberg, MD, FACG, ThomasJefferson University Hospital, New York, NYSMALL INTESTINE/UNCLASSIFIED -CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1402. A Rare Case of Jejunal Diverticula Presenting as Small BowelPerforation and GI BleedingPrathab Devaraj, MD, Swapna Gayam, MD, West Virginia University -Department of Digestive Diseases, Morgantown, WVP1403. Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed Due to Coil Extrusion From Gastro-Duodenal ArteryPrathab Devaraj, MD, Swati Pawa, MD, West Virginia University -Department of Digestive Diseases, Morgantown, WVP1404. Crohn’s Disease: How Sure Is Sure?Mahalakshmi Krishnamoorthy, MD, Bisharah Rizvi, MD, JenniferBolyard, MD, Daniel Wasdahl, MD, Internal Medicine, CantonMedical Education Foundation, Canton, OHP1405. Primary Splenic Lymphoma: A Rare Incidental DiagnosisJae Yoon Park, MD, Vandana Nehra, MD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,MNP1406. POSTER WITHDRAWNP1407. POSTER WITHDRAWNP1408. Synchronous Small Intestinal Tumors: Discrete DuodenalCarcinoid and AdenocarcinomaKristina Katz, MD, Neelam Gidwaney, MD, Mark Saxena, MD, SitaChokhavatia, MD, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School -Department of Medicine, New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers Robert WoodJohnson Medical School - Division of Gastroenterology, New Brunswick,NJP1409. Giant Brunner’s Gland Hamartoma: A Case ReportPornchai Leelasinjaroen, MD, Muhammad Khurram, MD, David Fan,MD, Mohammed Barawi, MD, Internal Medicine, St. John Hospital andMedical Center, St. Clair Shores, MIP1410. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Enteritis: A Rare Entity RequiringMeticulous Diagnostic PursuitUmangi Patel, MD, Jason Bofinger, MD, University of PennsylvaniaHealth System, Philadelphia, PAP1411. Resolution of Intestinal Failure With Prolonged ParenteralNutrition, Bowel Rest, and Intravenous Antibiotics in an HIV Patient WithChronic Cystoisospora belliDiana Snyder, MD, Lena Palmer, MD, Loyola University Medical Center,Maywood, ILP1412. Cholecystoduodenal Fistula: A Rare Cause of Massive Upper GIBleedingAsra Batool, MD, Paul Leonor, Cynthia Victor, DO, David Lee, MD,FACG, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYP1413. Thinking Outside the Bowels: Splanchnic Venous ThrombosisPresenting as Subacute Abdominal PainJessica Davis, MD, Mohamad Houry, MD, Lakshmi Lattimer, MD, AnitaKumar, MD, Marie Borum, MD, EdD, MPH, Internal Medicine, GeorgeWashington University, Washington, DCPOSTERSTUESDAY101For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1414. GI Manifestation of Waldenström Macroglobulinemia: Distal IlealUlcersRaman Khehra, MD, Kiranpreet Khosa, MD, Abhijit Kulkarni, MD,Robin Midian, MD, Cunfeng Pu, MD, PhD, Division of Gastroenterology,Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, Department of Pathology,Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PAP1415. An Unusual Case of Marginal Zone B-Cell LymphomaMichelle Delneo, MD, Joann Kwah, MD, Julie Yang, MD, MontefioreMedical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NYP1416. A Unique Cause of Gastrointestinal Bleed With InnovativeTreatmentTarek Sawas, MD, Farzin Rashti, MD, Mitesh Patel, MD, FACG,Georgetown University Medstar Washington Hospital Center,Washington, DCP1417. A Case of Recurrent Clostridium difficile Enteritis Treated WithFecal Microbiota TransplantSarah Freeman, MD, Eric Mao, MD, Samir Shah, MD, Colleen Kelly,MD, Medicine, Brown University, Providence, RI, Brown University -Dept. of Gastroenterology, Providence, RIP1418. Generalized Lymphangiectasia in a Patient Presenting With OvertObscure Gastrointestinal BleedingMaen Kamal, MD, Jason Mader, DO, Rezwan Ahmed, MD,Muralikrishna Mukkamala, MS, Teresa Limjoco, MD, Yaser Rayyan,MD, FACG, Internal Medicine, Marshall University, Huntington, WV,Marshall Pathology, Marshall University, Huntington, WVP1419. Sinistral Portal Hypertension and Anastamotic Varices Secondaryto Splenic Vein Thrombosis After a Whipple ProcedureRichard Kalman, MD, David Lichtenstein, MD, Gastroenterology, BostonMedical Center, Boston, MAP1420. Metastases to the Jejunum Presenting as an ObscureGastrointestinal BleedNeha Nigam, MD, Walid Chalhoub, MD, Dalia Abdelaziz, MD, KatherineBull-Henry, MD, Gastroenterology, Medstar Georgetown UniversityHospital, Washington, DCP1421. Protein-Losing Enteropathy: An Uncommon Presentation of CeliacDiseaseDimpal Bhakta, MD, Robert Jay Sealock, MD, Clark Hair, MD, BaylorCollege of Medicine, Houston, TXP1422. Primary Ewing’s Sarcoma of Jejunum Presenting as a SmallBowel Obstruction: A Case ReportKartik Valluri, MD, Marvin Lopez, MD, Michael Monzel, MD, FACG,Ashley Lankford, MD, Internal Medicine, University of Miami MillerSchool of Medicine Palm Beach Regional Campus, Boynton Beach, FLP1423. Duodenal Necrosis in the Setting of Acute CholecystitisKimberly Kolkhorst, DO, Jeffrey Gill, MD, FACG, University of SouthFlorida, Tampa, FL, James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, Tampa, FLP1424. Relief of Duodenal Obstruction Due to Necrotizing Pancreatitis:A Novel Use of a Fully Covered Stent Anchored Using Full ThicknessEndoscopic SuturingJerry Yu, MD, Avanka Lowe, MD, Shawn Kaye, BSc, Zachariah Chandy,BSc, Joshua Steichen, MD, John Lee, MD, Kenneth Chang, MD, FACG,Jason Samarasena, MD, University of California - Irvine, Orange, CAP1425. An Unusual Case of Gastrointestinal Bleeding That Resolved WithEculizumab InfusionSandeep Dayanand, MD, Seth Sclair, MD, Souto Enrico, MD, Universityof Miami Hospital, Miami, FLP1426. Metastatic Carcinoid: An Atypical PresentationShamiq Zackria, MD, Ezechukwu Umeh, MD, Awais Ahmed, MD,Muhammad Zulqarnain, MD, Asha Chakka, MD, Sameh Kamel, MD,Internal Medicine, Canton Medical Education Foundation, Canton, OH,Mercy Medical Center- Department of Gastroenterology, Canton, OHP1427. A Case of Severe Sprue-Like Enteropathy Associated WithOlmesartanJuan Corral, MD, Andres Yarur, MD, Liege Diaz, MD, Monica Garcia-Buitrago, MD, Daniel Sussman, MD, MSPH, Department of Medicine,University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and Jackson MemorialHospital, Miami, FL, Division of Gastroenterology, University of MiamiMiller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, Department of Pathology,University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FLP1428. A Case of Early Onset of Ileal Adenocarcinoma in a Patient WithCrohn’s DiseaseHarini Rathinamanickam, MD, John Shamma'a, MD, Gastroenterology,West Virginia University Health Sciences Center, Morgantown, WVP1429. Primary Follicular Lymphoma of the Jejenum Presenting WithSevere Iron Deficiency AnemiaNikhil Kapila, MD, Lawrence Giove, MD, Michael Tadros, MD,MPH, Internal Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center,Farmington, CT, University of Connecticut Health Center-Department ofGastroenterology/Hepatology, Farmington, CTP1430. An Unusual Cause of Gastrointestinal Bleed in an Older AdultAvik Sarkar, MD, Nakechand Pooran, MD, FACG, Bernard Aaron,MD, FACG, Sita Chokhavatia, MD, FACG, Rutgers - Robert WoodJohnson Medical School, Department of Internal Medicine, Division ofGastroenterology, New Brunswick, NJP1431. An Unusual Cause of Partial Small Bowel Obstruction in a YoungMale With HTLV-1Varun Jain, MD, Deepak Sharma, DO, Tatjana Gavrancic, MD, AvaAnklesaria, MD, Vimala Ramasamy, MD, Sherrie White, MD, AndreyIliev, MD, North Central Bronx Hospital, Bronx, NY, Icahn School ofMedicine at Mount Sinai (Bronx) - James J Peters VA Medical Center,Bronx, NYP1432. Successful Treatment of Bleeding Portal Hypertensive PolypoidIleopathy by a Combined Endoscopic and Surgical ApproachParit Mekaroonkamol, MD, Ram Subramanian, MD, Steven Keilin, MD,Digestive Disease, Emory University, Atlanta, GAP1433. Olmesartan-Associated Sprue-Like EnteropathyDavid Rybnicek, MD, Samir Shah, MD, FACG, Warren Alpert MedicalSchool of Brown University, Providence, RIP1434. Not All Diarrhea and Villous Atrophy Is Celiac Disease: A CaseReport on Olmesartan-Induced EnteropathyAbimbola Aderinto, MD, Ronald Colman, MD, FACG, Eamonn Quigley,MD, FACG, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TXP1435. Sclerosing Mesenteritis Presenting as Duodenal ObstructionSasha Mangray, MBBS, Alan Brijbassie, MBBS , MD, FACG, CarilionClinic, Roanoke, VAP1436. Zip Tie: A Simple Fix for Gastrostomy Tube DislodgementPancreatitisSiegfried Yu, MD, Sherman Chamberlain, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine,Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GALIVERP1437. Locoregional Therapy Does Not Affect Radiologic-HistologicCorrelation for Hepatocellular CarcinomaLanla Conteh, MD, MPH, Sunil Geevarghese, MD, MSCI,Gastroenterology/Hepatology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TNP1438. Predictors of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Transfer in HospitalizedPatients With Decompensated CirrhosisTeresa Valentin, MD, Kimberly Forde, MD, MHS, David Hao, K.Rajender Reddy, MD, Ranjeeta Bahirwani, MD, Department of InternalMedicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA,Division of Gastroenterology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia, PAFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.102

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1439. A Validated Clinical Score to Differentiate Non-Alcoholic FattyLiver Diseases From Alcoholic Liver DiseaseDonny Kakati, MD, Evan Raff, MD, Khaleed Rashid, MD, MohamedShoreibah, MD, Joseph Bloomer, MD, Yong-Fang Kuo, PhD, AshwaniSingal, MD, Department of Medicine University of Alabama atBirmingham, Birmingham, AL, Department of Internal MedicineMontgomery Program, Montgomery, AL, Division of Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, Birmingham, AL, Department of Biostatistics,Galveston, TXP1440. Effect of Liver Transplant on Kidney Function Recovery inPatients With Chronic Kidney DiseaseDonny Kakati, MD, Kirk Russ, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD, University ofAlabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, Division of Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, Birmingham, ALP1441. Association Between Caffeine Consumption and NonalcoholicFatty Liver Disease: A Systemic Review and Meta-AnalysisHuafeng Shen, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Ghulamullah Shahzad, MD,Ambuj Kumar, MD, Paul Mustacchia, MD, NUMC, East Meadow, NY,Morsani College of Medicine, University of South Florida, Tampa, FLP1442. Association Between Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease andColorectal Adenoma: A Systemic Review and Meta-AnalysisHuafeng Shen, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Ambuj Kumar, MD, PaulMustacchia, MD, NUMC, East Meadow, NY, Morsani College ofMedicine, University of South Florida, Tampa, FLP1443. Increased Incidence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in AfricanAmerican Men With Chronic Hepatitis C as Compared to Women and theImportance of Treatment on the Development of Advanced Liver DiseasePaul Naylor, PhD, Naveen Reddy, MD, Dhiraj Gulati, MD, Zaher Hakim,MD, Redwan Asbahi, MD, Suhag Patel, MD, Maher Tama, MD, KarthikRavindran, MD, Murray Ehrinpreis, MD, Milton Mutchnick, MD, InternalMedicine/Gastroenterology, Wayne State University School of Medicine,Detroit, MIP1444. Distinct Treatment Response and Liver Transplant-Free Survivalof Autoimmune Hepatitis in the ElderlyDasha Moza, MS, Thara Kumar, MS, Andrew Mason, MD, AldoMontano-Loza, MD, MSc, PhD, Gastroenterology and Liver Unit,University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, CanadaP1445. Skeletal Muscle Mass (SMM) Reduction With Decompensation ofLiver Cirrhosis Differs by SexPriya Simoes, MD, MBBS, Pavan Mankal, MD, MA, Ahmad Hakimzada,MD, Imad Asaad, MD, Adel Asaad, MD, Ellen Engelson, EdD, DonaldKotler, MD, FACG, Department of Medicine, Mount Sinai St. LukesRoosevelt Hospital Center, New York, NYP1446. Treatment of Patients With Chronic Genotype 1 Hepatitis C Witha Combination of Sofosbuvir, Simeprevir, +/- Ribavirin at a High-VolumeAcademic Transplant CenterAnjana Pillai, MD, Ryan Ford, MD, Nicole Cheng, PA-C, MMSc, AnandShah, MD, John Norvell, MD, Shenee Laurence, BSN, Nikita Young,BSN, RN, Samir Parekh, MD, James Spivey, MD, Emory UniversityHospital, Atlanta, GAP1447. High Incidence of Autoimmune Markers in Patients With ChronicHepatitis C (HCV), But a Low Incidence of the Autoimmune Hepatitis(AIH)-HCV Overlap SyndromeNatalie Szpakowski, MD, Margy McCullough-Hicks, MD, NehaNigam, MD, Sameer Desale, MS, James Lewis, MD, FACG, MedstarGeorgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC, Medstar HealthResearch Institute, Hyattsville, MDP1448. Impact of Gender, Race and Ethnicity in the Clinical Presentationand Outcomes of Autoimmune HepatitisMichael Huang, ScM, MD, Jean Donet-Mostacero, MD, Paul Martin,MD, Cynthia Levy, MD, University of Miami, Department of Medicine,Miami, FL, University of Miami, Division of Hepatology, Miami, FLP1449. Implementation of the Hepatitis C Screening in the MedicineClinic: A Quality Improvement ProjectNicole Gomez, MD, Jonna Mercado, MD, Asma Beg, MD, NoraBergasa, MD, Internal Medicine, Metropolitan Hospital Center, NewYork, NYP1450. Initial Serum Bilirubin Level as a Predictor of Clinical End Pointsin Primary Sclerosing CholangitisAbdul Haseeb, MD, MPH, Kristen Cox, MS, RN, Douglas Adler, MD,FACG, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UTP1451. National Survey of Hepatitis C Treatment Practice Patterns in theEra of Direct-Acting Antiviral TherapyTed James, MD, Amit Singal, MD, Mark Sulkowski, MD, AhmetGurakar, MD, Christine Durand, MD, Saleh Alqahtani, MD, JohnsHopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, University of Texas Southwestern,Dallas, TXP1452. Correlating Perceived Hepatitis B Status With Actual Status inAsian and Pacific Islander Americans in Rhode IslandJoyce Nguyen, BA, Austin Ha, BS, Edward Feller, MD, FACG, RichardDoyle, PhD, The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University,Providence, RIP1453. A Reality Check on the Quality of NASH CareChuan Long Miao, MD, MPH, Andrew Mowery, DO, Amir Rezk, MD,Sara Huang, DO, Jonh Pineda, MD, Kimberly Fairley, MS,DO, RobertSmith, MD, Michael Komar, MD, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PAP1454. Implications of Treating Hepatitis C Virus Infection in IndividualsAwaiting Liver TransplantationAndrew Ofosu, MD, Christine Durand, MD, Saleh Alqahtani, MD,Andrew Cameron, MD, PhD, Mark Sulkowski, MD, Ahmet Gurakar, MD,MedStar Harbor Hospital, Baltimore, MD, John Hopkins UniversityHospital, Baltimore, MDP1455. Adiponectin Ligand and Receptor Expression in OmentalAdipose Tissue of Morbidly Obese Patients With Non-Alcoholic FattyLiver Disease (NAFLD)Kameron Tavakolian, BS, James Estep, PhD, Ancha Baranova, PhD,Zachary Goodman, MD, PhD, Zobair Younossi, MD, MPH, FACG,The Beatty Liver and Obesity Research Program, Falls Church,VA, School of Systems Biology, College of Science, George MasonUniviversity, Fairfax, VAP1456. Measured Evaluation Gaps in HCV Care at a Practice Settingon the United States-Mexico BorderSherif Elhanafi, MD, Danby Kang, BS, Hannah Lee, BS, LuisAlvarado, MS, Alok Dwivedi, PhD, Ogechika Alozie, MD, Departmentof Internal Medicine, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, Texas TechUniversity Health Sciences Center, El Paso, TX, Division of Biostatisticsand Epidemiology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Paul L. FosterSchool of Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, ElPaso, TXP1457. Re-treatment of Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype4 (HCV-4) Infection With Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin (P/R): ASystematic Review and Meta-analysisBing Zhang, BA, Brittany Yee, BS, Nghia Nguyen, BA, Benjamin Yip,MD, Walid Ayoub, MD, FACG, Mindie Nguyen, MD, MAS, FACG, GlenLutchman, MD, FACG, University of California, San Diego, School ofMedicine, La Jolla, CA, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford,CA, UC Irvine Medical Center, Orange, CA, Cedar-Sinai Medical Center,Los Angeles, CAP1458. An Uncommon Cause of Portal Venous Gas: Hydrogen PeroxideIngestionMariajose Rojas De Leon, MD, Benjamin Go, MD, Bashar Attar, MD,PhD, FACG, Medicine - Gastroenterology, John H. Stroger Hospital ofCook County, Chicago, ILP1459. A Unique Case of Non-Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension Secondary toExtra-Hepatic SarcoidosisKanwarpreet Singh Tandon, MD, Brent Murchie, MD, John Rivas, MD,Ronnie Pimentel, MD, Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston, FLP1460. Vitamin D Repletion Needed for Resolution of SteatohepatitisJoan Culpepper-Morgan, MD, FACG, Rhonda Trousdale, MD, IsrarSheikh, MD, Medicine, Harlem Hospital, New York, NY, ColumbiaUniversity, New York, NYPOSTERSTUESDAY103For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1461. Metastatic Hepatocellular Carcinoma Presenting as BulkyLymphadenopathy Mimicking LymphomaSonaly Patel, MD, Eval Alsheik, MD, Daniel Ringold, MD, DavidSass, MD, Internal Medicine, Drexel University School of Medicine/Hahnemann University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, Drexel UniversitySchool of Medicine Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Philadelphia, PA, Thomas Jefferson University Department ofGastroenterology and Hepatology, Philadelphia, PAP1462. Risk Factors for In-Hospital Mortality Due to Esophageal VaricealBleeding2014 ACG Fellow Award2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardPaul Chang, MD, Digestive Diseases Center, Temple University Hospital,Philadelphia, PAP1463. Endoscopic Ultrasound-Directed Core Biopsy of the Liver forDiffuse Hepatic Disease2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardFaizan Khan, DO, Tom Spyratos, DO, Rasha Issa, MD, Laura Hamad,DO, Kamran Ayub, DO, FACG, St. James Hospital, Olympia Fields, IL,Silver Cross Hospital, Joilet, ILP1464. Hepatitis E Seropositivity in the U.S. Population: Results Fromthe National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2009 to2012Bilal Aslam, MS IV, Tyler Fleming, MD, Philip Westgate, PhD, AllaGrigorian, MD, PhD, Houssam Mardini, MD, MBA, MPH, FACG,University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, KY, University ofKentucky College of Public Health, Lexington, KYP1465. Identifying and Fixing Roadblocks to Hepatitis C Screening in thePrimary Care SettingBrandon Szeto, MD, Deepak Venkat, MD, Stanley Cohen, MD, DigestiveHealth Institute, University Hospital/Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OHP1466. Liver Retransplant Outcomes and Impact of Surgical Techniqueon Survival: A 21-Year Single Center ExperienceKarolina Skrzypek, MD, Dora Montezuma, MD, Matthew George, MD,Amir Prushani, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD, Gabriel Schnickel,MD, Marwan Abouljoud, MD, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MIP1467. A Single-Centered Experience Evaluating Variable PrognosticIndicators of 30- and 90-Day Mortality in Patients With End-Stage LiverDisease After Creation of Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic ShuntRezwan Ahmed, MD, Yaser Rayyan, MD, FACG, Prasanna Santhanam,MD, Kimberly Weaver, MD, Marshall University, Huntington, WVP1468. Portal Hypertension (PHTN) in Patients With Cirrhosis Is NotAssociated With Worsened C. difficile Infection (CDI) OutcomesSimon Hong, MD, Paul Feuerstadt, MD, FACG, Lawrence Brandt, MD,MACG, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, Gastroenterology Centerof Connecticut, Hamden, CTP1469. Survival Rate of Patients Undergoing Liver Transplant in theUnited States With Post-Op Care in Puerto RicoJuan Serralles, MD, Barbara Rosado, MD, Willie Vazquez, MD, FACG,Orlando Regional Medical Center, Orlando, FL, Ponce School ofMedicine, PonceP1470. Probiotic Decreases Post-Liver Transplant InfectionTarek Sawas, MD, Shadi Al Halabi, MD, Mubarak Sayyar, MD, WonCho, MD, FACG, Georgetown University Medstar Washington HospitalCenter, Washington, DC, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP1471. Large Volume Paracentesis: Z-tract or Coaxial InsertionTechnique? Preliminary Data From a Randomized Controlled TrialAmy Rubin, MD, Sean Rudnick, MD, Stephen Caldwell, MD, PatrickNorthup, MD, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VAP1472. Gender Disparities of Acute Liver Injury in the United States:analysis of the National Inpatient Sample From 2006 to 2011Na Li, MD, PhD, Somashekar Krishna, MD, A. James Hanje, MD,Darwin Conwell, MD, Ohio State University, Columbus, OHP1473. Renal Function Association With In-Hospital and 30-DayMortality in Patients With Alcoholic HepatitisSujan Ravi, MD, MPH, Ashwani Singal, MD, MS, Department of InternalMedicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL,Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Alabama atBirmingham, Birmingam, ALP1474. Serum Ammonia at Admission Predicts In-Hospital Mortality inPatients With Alcoholic HepatitisSujan Ravi, MD, MPH, Kaely Bade, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD, MS,Department of Internal Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham,Birmingham, AL, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, ALP1475. Natural History of Patients Admitted With Alcoholic HepatitisSujan Ravi, MD, MPH, Ashwani Singal, MD, MS, Department of InternalMedicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL,Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Alabama atBirmingham, Birmingham, ALP1476. Assessment of Severity of Alcoholic Hepatitis Episode:Comparison of Discriminant Function, MELD, and Glasgow AlcoholicHepatitis ScoresSujan Ravi, MD, MPH, Kaely Bade, MD, Ashwani Singal, MD, MS,Department of Internal Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham,Birmingham, AL, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, ALP1477. Type of Hepatic Decompensation in a Hospitalized CirrhoticPatient Predicts the Onset of ACLF and MortalityVishnu Vardhan Reddy Naravadi, MD, Edward Villa, MD, Atif Ali, MD,Tonya Scardina, PharmD, William Adams, MA, Thomas Layden, MD,Scott Cotler, MD, Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, ILP1478. Variability in Erythrocyte and Plasma Porphyrin Levels inErythropoietic Protoporphyria and X-Linked ProtoporphyriaEric Gou, MD, John Phillips, PhD, Manisha Balwani, MD, MontgomeryBissell, MD, Joseph Bloomer, MD, Herbert Bonkovsky, MD, RobertDesnick, MD, Hetanshi Naik, MS, CGC, Karl Anderson, MD, Universityof Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, University of Utah, Salt LakeCity, UT, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, University ofCalifornia San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, University of Alabama,Birmingham, AL, Carolinas Health Care System, Charlotte, NCP1479. Daily Single-Dose Rifaximin for Prevention of HepaticEncephalopathy in Patients With Chronic Liver DiseaseMuhammad Omar Qureshi, MD, Shafiq Ahmad, MD, Aiza Ahmad, MD,Farzana Shafqat, MD, Muhammad Salih, MD, Omar Khokhar, MD,FACG, Nasir Khokhar, MD, FACG, Department of Medicine, Division ofGastroenterology, University of Illinois-Peoria, Bloomington, IL, Divisionof Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Shifa InternationalHospital, Islamabad, PakistanP1480. Interferon Ineligible Naive Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype ISubjects Treated With Simeprevir and Sofosbuvir in Special Population(Psychiatric). An Open Label Prospective Clinical Pilot Study; INSPIRE CStudy; Interim ResultsPatrick Basu, MD, Niraj Shah, MD, Mark Aloysius, MD, ColumbiaSchool of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY, King’s CountyHospital Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, New York, NY, James J. PetersVA Medical Center, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, NewYork, NYP1481. Simeprevir and Sofosbuvir With Modified Doses of Ribavirin(RBV) Therapy on Telaprevir-Experienced, Co-infected (With HIV)Cirrhotics With Chronic Hepatitis C (CHC): A Randomized Open LabelClinical Pilot Study, STOP C, Interim ResultsPatrick Basu, MD, Niraj Shah, MD, Mark Aloysius, MD, ColumbiaSchool of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY, King’s CountyHospital Medical Center, NY, New York, NY, James J. Peters VA MedicalCenter, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, New York, NYFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.104

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1482. Trial Role of Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) in Steroid Non-Responsive Severe Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis: A Randomized Open LabelPlacebo Control Prospective Clinical Pilot Trial-MASHPatrick Basu, MD, Niraj Shah, MD, Mark Aloysius, MD, Robert Brown,MD, Columbia School of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY,King’s County Hospital Medical Center, NY, New York, NY, James J.Peters VA Medical Center, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY,New York, NYP1483. Berberine With Alfa Lipoic Acid (ALA) in Non-Alcoholic Steato-Hepatitis: A Randomized Double Blinded Placebo Control Trial: A ClinicalPilot – The Banish TrialPatrick Basu, MD, Niraj Shah, MD, Mark Aloysius, MD, Robert Brown,MD, Columbia School of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY,King’s County Hospital Medical Center, NY, New York, NY, James J.Peters VA Medical Center, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY,New York, NYP1484. Role of Intravenous N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) With Steroids inAcute Alcoholic Hepatitis With High Morbidity Score: A RandomizedOpen-Label Prospective Clinical Trial: Renaissance TrialPatrick Basu, MD, Niraj Shah, MD, Mark Aloysius, MD, Robert Brown,MD, Columbia School of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY,King’s County Hospital Medical Center, NY, New York, NY, James J.Peters VA Medical Center, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY,New York, NYP1485. Molecular Approach for Assessing the Risk Factors for Anti-Tubercular Therapy-Induced HepatotoxicityPremashis Kar, MD, DM, PhD, FACG, Shilpa Arora, MD, Rajesh Ruttala,MSc, Bhudev Das, PhD, Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College,New Delhi, India, Dr B R Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research,New Delhi, IndiaP1486. Evaluation of Tenofovir on Lipid Parameters in Adult PatientsWith Chronic Hepatitis B InfectionMichael DeMicco, MD, Anthanett Solis, MA, CNA, Bradley Collins, PhD,MHS, PA-C, Gastroenterology, AGMG, Anaheim, CA, Gilead Sciences,Foster City, CAP1487. Racial Differences in Liver Disease Severity and Disability AmongHispanic Versus Non-Hispanic White Liver Transplant Candidates atListingHilary Hayssen, BA, Blanca Lizaola, MD, Jennifer Lai, MD, MBA,University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CAP1488. A Unique Case of Disseminated Cryptococcosis in the Setting ofHepatitis C CirrhosisMuhammad Hammami, MD, Elie Chahla, MD, Bruce Bacon, MD,Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis,MOP1489. Human Herpes Virus 6: A Rare Cause of Acute Liver FailureMohsen Khan, DO, Catherine Ly, DO, Omat Hassan, BA, AdvocateLGH, Park Ridge, ILP1490. Post-Transplant Cardiac Events Among Patients ReceivingOrthotopic Liver Transplant (OLT)Feng Li, MD, Bryan Lee, MD, Kyle Porter, MAS, Nicole O’Bleness, BS,RN, Scott Lilly, MD, PhD, A. James Hanje, MD, Department of InternalMedicine, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus,OH, Division of Biostatistics, College of Public Health, The Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus, OH, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatologyand Nutrition, Department of Internal Medicine, Ohio State UniversityWexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH, Division of CardiovascularMedicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Ohio State UniversityWexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP1491. Idiopathic Adulthood Ductopenia – “It Is Out There”Mohammad Bilal, MD, Reza Kazemi, MD, Ali Kazemi, MD, MichaelBabich, MD, Internal Medicine, Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh,PAP1492. iNOS and eNOS Genotypes and Expression in Hepatitis E RelatedAcute Liver FailureRajib Hazam, MSc, Jayanta Borkakoti, MSc, Premashis Kar, MD, DM,PhD, FACG, Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, IndiaP1493. Knowledge Deficits About Hepatitis C Prognosis and TreatmentAmong Non-Gastroenterologists and Medical StudentsPerry Dubin, MD, Frank Glaser, BA, Tulane University School ofMedicine, New Orleans, LAP1494. Cryptosporidium Enteritis in a Liver Transplant PatientJean Park, MD, Jeffrey Kuo, MD, MS, Anthony Michaels, MD,Department of Internal Medicine at The Ohio State UniversityWexner Medical Center, Columbus, OH, Division of Gastroenterology,Hepatology, and Nutrition at The Ohio State University Wexner MedicalCenter, Columbus, OHP1495. Effect of Citrus Bergamot Polyphenol Extract on Patients WithNon-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseJames Ehrlich, MD, Micaela Gliozzi, PhD, Elzbieta Janda, PhD, RossWalker, MD, Francesco Romeo, MD, Vincenzo Mollace, MD, Medicine,University of Colorado, Denver, CO, University Magna Graecia ofCatanzaro, Catanzaro, ItalyP1496. Paraneoplastic Non-Metastatic Hepatic Dysfunction as aPresenting Sign in a Patient With an Occult MalignancySidra Anwar, MD, Sakshi Jasra, MD, Fahad Zubair, MD, MukeshNangia, MD, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY,Western New York VA Hospital, Buffalo, NYLIVER - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1497. Pre-Emptive Embolization for Post-Liver Biopsy AsymptomaticType 2 Hepatoportal FistulaYouran Gao, MD, Craig Greben, MD, Anupama Duddempudi, MD,FACG, Tai-Ping Lee, MD, FACG, North Shore- LIJ, Manhasset, NYP1498. Management of Massive Parastomal Variceal Bleedby Minimally Invasive Percutaneous N-Butyl-2-CyanoacrylateEmbolizationYouran Gao, MD, Tai-Ping Lee, MD, FACG, North Shore- LIJ,Manhasset, NYP1499. Compression of the Right Atrial and Ventricular Inflow Tract bya Large Hepatic Cyst: A Case ReportMaulik Panchal, MD, Ferdinand Visco, MD, Susan Williams, MD,FACG, Alexander Sy, MD, Department of Medicine, MetropolitanHospital Center, New York Medical College, New York, NY, Dept. ofCardiology, Metropolitan Hospital Center, New York Medical College,New York, NY, Dept. of Gastroenterology, Metropolitan Hospital Center,New York Medical College, New York, NYP1500. Two Diseases, One Treatment: The Challenges Faced WhenTreating an Overlap SyndromeMervin Figueroa-Pinto, MD, Ivan Antúnez, MD, Rafael Pastrana, MD,Carmen González-Keelan, MD, Esther Torres, MD, FACG, University ofPuerto Rico School of Medicine, San Juan, PRP1501. Hepatic Angiomyolipoma: An Unusual Finding on Liver BiopsyOften Mistaken for Hepatocellular CarcinomaJames Izanec, MD, Vincent McLaughlin, MD, Maria Pagan, MSN, APN,Gary Matusow, DO, Gastroenterology Group of South Jersey, Vineland,NJP1502. Endoscopic Ultrasound-Fine Needle Aspiration: A Novel Way toDiagnose a Solitary Extramedullary Plasmacytoma of the LiverSteven Guttmann, MD, Jack Husney, MD, Nnaemeka Anyadike, MD,Ira Mayer, MD, Rabin Rahmani, MD, Gastroenterology, MaimonidesMedical Center, Brooklyn, NYP1503. Hematogenous Seeding of Splenic Tissue Presenting asMalignancyAndrew Han, MD, Keval Patel, MD, Claudio Tombazzi, MD, BradfordWaters, MD, Internal Medicine, University of Tennessee, Memphis, TNP1504. Organizing Pneumonia: Another Extrahepatic Manifestation ofHepatitis C?Gerardo Cabanillas-Salazar, MD, Roger Carbajal-Mendoza, MD,Alexander Sy, md, Nora Bergasa, MD, Internal Medicine, New YorkMedical College Metropolitan Hospital, New York, NYPOSTERSTUESDAY105For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1505. The Wrong Side: A Rare Case of “Wandering Liver”Srinivas Guptha Gunturu, MD, Dipti Sagar, MD, Hilary Hertan, MD,FACG, Albert Einstein University/Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NYP1506. Previously Undiagnosed Gilbert Syndrome Causing Confusion ina Case of Hematemesis Secondary to Gastric VaricesNeil Marya, MD, Joseph Charpentier, DO, Internal Medicine, Universityof Massachusetts-Worcester, Northborough, MAP1507. Metastatic Disease and “Cirrhosis” of Unknown Etiology: A Caseof Low-Grade AngiosarcomaZaid Tafesh, MD, Michelle Cohen, MD, David Wan, MD, Alyson Fox,MD, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NYP1508. A Case of Sacromatoid Hepatocellular Carcinoma Without PriorAnticancer TherapyHiren Patel, MD, Abhishek Kumar, MD, Sharon Peng, MD, NiharShah, MD, Hamid Shaaban, MD, Michael Maroules, MD, St. Joseph’sRegional Medical Center, Paterson, NJ, Seton Hall University School ofHealth and Medical Sciences, South Orange, NJP1509. A Rare Case Report of Spontaneous Resolution of Hepatic PortalVenous Gas Associated With Cocaine-Induced Intestinal IschemiaHiren Patel, MD, Nihar Shah, MD, Hamid Shaaban, MD, WalidBaddoura, MD, St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center, Paterson, NJ,Seton Hall University School of Health and Medical Sciences, SouthOrange, NJP1510. A Case of Successful Surgical Decortication for Empyema WithTrapped Lung in a Patient With Decompensated CirrhosisTripti Chopade, She-Yan Wong, MD, David Sass, MD, Scott Cowan, MD,Jesse Civan, MD, Medicine - Gastroenterology and Hepatology, ThomasJefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, Thomas Jefferson University,Division of Thoracic Surgery, Philadelphia, PAP1511. Rare Case of Acute Liver Failure Caused by Diffuse LiverMetastases in a Patient With Non-Muscle Invasive Transitional CellCarcinoma of the BladderAshish Zalawadia, MD, Rishi Sharma, MD, Stuart Gordon, MD, HenryFord Hospital, Detroit, MIP1512. Thyroid Storm Complicated by Acute Liver FailureBrittany Venci, MD, Ross Jones, MD, Andrew deLemos, MD, InternalMedicine, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NCP1513. Gastrointestinal Involvement of Systemic AmyloidosisBrijesh Patel, MD, Thure Caire, MD, Chris Nobo, MD, Patrick Brady,MD, Christopher Albers, MD, Jennifer Horkan, PA, Internal Medicine,University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, University of South FloridaDivision of Digestive Disease, Tampa, FL, Tampa General HospitalDepartment of Hepatology, Tampa, FLP1514. Treatment of Hepatic Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma: FindingNew Uses for ThalidomideMatthew Soape, MD, Rashmi Verma, MD, Drew Payne, MD, MitchellWachtel, MD, Everardo Cobos, MD, Fred Hardwicke, MD, InternalMedicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TXP1515. A Blakemore for the Bile DuctKonika Bose, MD, Moshe Rubin, MD, FACG, Syed Hussain, MD,Gastroenterology, New York Hospital Queens, Flushing, NYP1516. Thyroid Storm Presenting With Profound Cholestatic Liver Injury:A Rare Diagnostic DilemmaAnand Shah, MD, Trevor Tompane, BA, MPH, Parit Mekaroonkamol,MD, Kelly Stephens, MD, Valerie Chen, MD, Anthony Martinez, MD,John Norvell, MD, FACG, Department of Internal Medicine, EmoryUniversity School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, Emory University School ofMedicine, Atlanta, GA, Division of Digestive Diseases, Emory UniversitySchool of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, Division of Endocrinology, EmoryUniversity School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, Department of Pathologyand Laboratory Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta,GAP1517. A Rare Case of Human Herpes Virus Reactivation in DRESSSyndromeAnand Shah, MD, Anjana Pillai, MD, FACG, Department of InternalMedicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, Division ofDigestive Diseases, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GAP1518. Hypervitaminosis A Presenting With Decompensated LiverDisease in the Absence of CirrhosisShivali Berera, MD, Fernando Calmet, MD, Leopoldo Arosemena, MD,Marcelo Larsen, MD, Monica Garcia-Buitrago, MD, Jackson MemorialHospital/University of Miami, Miami, FLP1519. Successful Renal Transplant in Epstein Syndrome: a Rare Causeof Thrombocytopenia Diagnosed During Pre-Transplant EvaluationShivali Berera, MD, Fernando Calmet, MD, Kalyan Bhamidimarri, MD,MPH, Jackson Memorial Hospital/University of Miami, Miami, FLP1520. Pazopanib-Induced Acute Liver Failure and Posterior ReversibleEncephalopathy SyndromeTarek Sawas, MD, Neha Nigam, MD, Walid Chalhoub, MD, RohitSatoskar, MD, FACG, Georgetown University Medstar WashingtonHospital Center, Washington, DC, Medstar Georgetown UniversityHospital, Washington, DCP1521. A Case of Subacute Liver Failure Associated With Black CohoshUseHyuntae Kim, MPH, Constantine Fisher, MD, Marci Laudenslager, MD,Manish Thapar, MD, Drexel College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PAP1522. A Rare Case of Reactivated Hepatits B in the Setting of HepatitisB Surface Antibody PositivitySadra Azizi, MD, Emory Manten, MD, Jesse Green, MD, Albany MedicalCenter, Albany, NYP1523. Virologic Failure to Sofosbuvir-Containing Regimens in PatientsWith HCV Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Report of Two CasesJonathan Fenkel, MD, Doris Chan, CRNP, Darryn Potosky, MD, Divisionof Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Thomas Jefferson UniversityHospital, Philadelphia, PA, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, MDP1524. Portal Hypertensive Gastric Polyps Presenting as Iron DeficiencyAnemia in a Cirrhotic PatientSajan Jiv Singh Nagpal, MD, Carole Macaron, MD, Naim Alkhouri, MD,Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OHP1525. Porto-Pulmonary Venous Anastomosis (PPVA) and Its ClinicalSignificance: A Case Report and Literature ReviewMuhannad Al Hanayneh, MD, Deborah Majchel-Koss, MD, Eric Walser,MD, Richard Goodgame, MD, Internal Medicine, University of TexasMedical Branch, Galveston, TXP1526. Small Bowel Variceal Bleeding Secondary to Gyno-Enteric ShuntKasra Adham, MD, Meho Jasarevic, MD, Michael Bern, BS, JesseDavidson, MD, Vishal Patel, MD, M. Jonathan Bern, MD, Medicine-GI,Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, Roanoke, VA, WashingtonUniversity School of Medicine, St. Louis, MOP1527. Glycogenic Hepatopathy: A Differential Diagnosis of AcuteHepatitis in Diabetes MellitusMarco Silva, MD, Helder Cardoso, MD, Susana Rodrigues, MD,Joana Oliveira, MD, Joana Pardal, MD, Joanne Lopes, MD, GuilhermeMacedo, MD, PhD, FACG, Gastroenterology Department, CentroHospitalar São João, Porto, Portugal, Endocrinology Department, CentroHospitalar São João, Porto, Portugal, Pathology Department, CentroHospitalar São João, Porto, PortugalP1528. A Rare Cause of Cholestatic Hepatitis in an ImmunocompetentMaleRoshan Patel, MD, Rahul Maheshwari, MD, Ram Subramanian, MD,Department of Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, GAP1529. Fitz-Hugh Curtis: A Rare Cause of AscitesSusanne Shokoohi, MD, Adam Zivony, MD, Gene Bakis, MD, AliceFung, MD, Kian Keyashian, MD, Joseph Ahn, MD, MS, FACG, OregonHealth and Science University, Portland, ORFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.106

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1530. Sofosbuvir Plus Simeprevir for the Treatment of RecurrentHepatitis C With Fibrosing Cholestatic Hepatitis After LiverTransplantation2014 ACG Clinical Vignette Award2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardDanny Issa, MD, Bijan Eghtesad, MD, Nizar Zein, MD, FACG, NaimAlkhouri, MD, FACG, Richard Adams, RN, Ibrahim Hanouneh, MD,FACG, Cleveland Clinic, Department of Internal Medicine FairviewHospital, Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Clinic, Digestive Disease Institute,Cleveland, OHP1531. A Rare Case of Type II Autoimmune HepatitisDaniel Kaufman, MD, Samuel Han, MD, Joseph Charpentier, DO, IsabelZacharias, MD, Internal Medicine, University of Massachusetts MedicalCenter, Worcester, MAP1532. Hepatitis B Flare Preceding Unexpected Fetal Demise ina Pregnant Woman With Inactive Hepatitis B: A Case for EstrogenWithdrawal-Induced Viral Rebound2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardAna Petrova, MD, Yetian Zhang, MD, PhD, Meira Abramowitz, MD,Cherif El Younis, MD, FACG, Brookdale University Hospital, Brooklyn,NY, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYP1533. Hepatic Cysts With an Unusual Twist: Smooth Muscle Tumor byEpstein-Barr VirusSricharitha Krishnamoorthy, MD, Arup Maitra, MD, Jennifer Bolyard,MD, Zuoliang Xiao, MD, Canton Medical Education Foundation,AnAffiliate of Northeast Ohio Medical University, Canton, OHP1534. A Rare Case of Isolated Hepatic Sarcoidosis With CholestaticJaundice and Review of LiteraturePrathab Devaraj, MD, Harini Rathinamanickam, MD, Swapna Gayam,MD, West Virginia University - Department of Digestive Disease,Morgantown, WVP1535. Persistence of Mixed Cryoglobulinemia Despite Cure of ChronicHepatitis C With Oral Direct Acting Antiviral Therapy: A Case SeriesScott Cornella, MD, Jonathan Stine, MD, Virginia Kelly, RN, BSN,Stephen Caldwell, MD, Neeral Shah, MD, University of Virginia,Charlottesville, VAP1536. Cholestatic Jaundice Due to Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Variant ofStauffer’s SyndromeAaysha Kapila, MD, Pranav Patel, MD, Mark Young, MD, EastTennessee State University, Johnson City, TNP1537. Hepatocellular Cancer in a Non-Cirrhotic Hepatitis C PatientAaysha Kapila, MD, Atul Khanna, MD, Georges Tanios, MD, MarkYoung, MD, Gene Lesage, MD, East Tennessee State University,Johnson City, TNP1538. An Idiosyncratic Reaction of ClopidogrelAaysha Kapila, MD, Allison Locke, MD, Atul Khanna, MD, Pranav Patel,MD, Chakradhar Reddy, MD, Mark Young, MD, East Tennessee StateUniversity, Johnson City, TNP1539. Glyburide-Induced Cholestatic HepatitisJennifer Phemister, MD, Aaysha Kapila, MD, Pranav Patel, MD, JasonMckinney, DO, Mark Young, MD, East Tennessee State University,Johnson City, TNCOLONP1540. Prognostic Impact of Tumor (T) and Lymph Node (N) Status inPatients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (mCRC)Shiva Kumar Mukkamalla, MD, MPH, Rajshekhar Chakraborty, MD,Kranthi Singam, MBBS, Natalia Calderon, MD, Internal Medicine, IcahnSchool of Medicine at Mount Sinai/Queens Hospital Center, Jamaica,NY, Queens Hospital Center, Jamaica, NYP1541. Safety and Efficacy of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT)for Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection (RCDI) in Septuagenarians,Octogenarians, and Nonegenarians: A Single-Center ExperienceRohit Anand, MBBS, Mohit Girotra, MD, Shashank Garg, MBBS, SudhirDutta, MD, MACG, Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Baltimore, MDP1542. RBX2660 (Microbiota Suspension) for Recurrent C. difficileInfection: 60-Day Interim Analysis of the PUNCH CD Phase 2 Safety StudyMayur Ramesh, MD, Bharat Misra, MD, Arnab Ray, MD, Robert Smith,MD, Mary Kay Sobcinski, RN, MHA, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit,MI, Borland-Groover, Jacksonville, FL, Ochsner Clinic, New Orleans, LA,Rebiotix Inc, Roseville, MNP1543. Role of Computed Tomography (CT) in Determining Severity ofColon Ischemia (CI)Eugenia Tsai, MD, Paul Feuerstadt, MD, FACG, Olga Aroniadis, MD,Lawrence Brandt, MD, MACG, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY,Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CTP1544. Lymphocytic Colitis and Collagenous Colitis: Differences inClinical Characteristics, Treatment Patterns, and Predictors of Responseto TreatmentDora Colussi, MD, Gregory Lauwers, MD, James Richter, MD, LuigiRicciardiello, MD, PhD, Andrew Chan, MD, MPH, Hamed Khalili, MD,MPH, Gastroenterology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA,University of Bologna, Bologna, ItalyP1545. Low Serum Vitamin D Is Associated With Increased Risk ofCommunity-Acquired Clostridium difficile InfectionTanya Sahay, MD, Ashwin Ananthakrishnan, MD, MPH, GastrointestinalUnit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MAP1546. Effects of Low-Residue Diet Prior to Day of Colonoscopy on BowelPreparation QualityVarun Takyar, MD, Krunal Patel, MD, Courtney Walker, DO, ChristianDominguez, DO, Nirmal Singh, MBBS, Bassel Kisso, MD, EugeneTrowers, MD, MPH, University of Arizona Medical Center, Tucson,AZ, NIDDK at NIH, Bethesda, MDP1547. Low-Residue Diet in Colon Preparation Prior to ScreeningColonoscopy: A Review of LiteratureVarun Takyar, MD, Nirmal Singh, MBBS, Krunal Patel, MD, EugeneTrowers, MD, MPH, NIDDK at NIH, Bethesda, MD, University ofArizona Medical Center, Tucson, AZP1548. Evaluation of Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients TreatedWith RBX2660 (Microbiota Suspension) for Recurrent C. difficileInfectionBharat Misra, MD, Mayur Ramesh, MD, Mary Kay Sobcinski, RN,MHA, Borland-Groover, Jacksonville, FL, Henry Ford Health System,Detroit, MI, Rebiotix Inc., Roseville, MNP1549. On the Anatomic Site-Specific Variation of Sensitivity andSpecificity of Computed Tomography (CT) to Confirm Colonoscopy-ProvedColon Ischemia (CI)Paul Feuerstadt, MD, FACG, Olga Aroniadis, MD, Eugenia Tsai, MD,Lawrence Brandt, MD, MACG, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY,Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CTP1550. Right-Sided Colon Involvement (RCI) on Both ComputedTomography (CT) and Colonoscopy Are Associated With a WorsePrognosis in Colon Ischemia (CI)Olga Aroniadis, MD, Eugenia Tsai, MD, Paul Feuerstadt, MD, FACG,Lawrence Brandt, MD, MACG, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY,Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CTP1551. Use of Screening and Surveillance Colonoscopy in a CommunityTeaching HospitalZeid Karadsheh, MD, Diana Winston, MD, Durga Borkar, MD, HarmonyAllison, MD, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA, Brockton Hospital,Brockton, MAP1552. Outcomes for Severe Complicated Clostridium difficile InfectionTreated With Vancomycin EnemasMark Malamood, MD, Eric Nellis, MD, Frank Friedenberg, MD, InternalMedicine, Temple University Hospital, PhiladelphiaP1553. Proximal Sessile Serrated Adenomas May Occur More Frequentlyin WhitesShowkat Bashir, MD, Shreya Chablaney, MD, Marie Borum, MD,Gastroenterology, George Washington University, Potomac, MDPOSTERSTUESDAY107For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1554. Experience in Microscopic Colitis: A Case Series at a LargeMulticenter Single-Specialty Community PracticeSteven Sha, BA, Lucy Westerfield, John Baron, MD, Adam Kim, MD,Minnesota Gastroenterology, PA, Saint Paul, MN, University of NorthCarolina, School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, Saint Paul, Saint Paul,MNP1555. EMR Experience at a Large Tertiary Care Endoscopic Center:Referral, Patient, and Lesion CharacteristicsJatinder Goyal, MD, Ali Khan, MD, Shajan Peter, MD, University ofAlabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, ALP1556. Current Trend of Palliative Care Clinic Referrals in Patients WithGastrointestinal (GI) Cancer: Retrospective Analysis at an AmericanComprehensive Cancer InstituteNeha Gupta, MD, Fahad Zubair, MD, Sidra Anwar, MD, Katy Wang, MA,Roberto Pili, MD, Yashodhara Satchidanand, MD, Internal Medicine,State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, Roswell ParkCancer Institute, Buffalo, NYP1557. Association Between Bone Mineral Density and ColorectalAdenomas: A Cross-Sectional StudyHuafeng Shen, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Jeffrey Silpe, MD, Andy White,BS, Samuel Satler, BS, Dustin Luebbers, BS, James Statler, BS, AnnaZheng, BS, Joshua Elder, BS, Albin Abraham, MD, Dhyan Rajan, MD,Prakash Viswanathan, MD, Paul Mustacchia, MD, Nassau UniversityMedical Center, East Meadow, NY, Morsani College of Medicine,University of South Florida, Tampa, FLP1558. Association Between Serum Creatinine Level and ColorectalAdenomas: A Cross-Sectional StudyHuafeng Shen, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Jeffrey Silpe, MD, Andy White,BS, Samuel Satler, BS, Dustin Luebbers, BS, James Statler, BS, AnnaZheng, BS, Joshua Elder, BS, Albin Abraham, MD, GhulamullahShahzad, MD, Prakash Viswanathan, MD, Paul Mustacchia, MD,Nassau University Medical Center, East Meadow, NY, Morsani College ofMedicine, University of South Florida, Tampa, FLP1559. Association Between Diverticulosis and Colorectal Adenomas: ACross-Sectional StudyHuafeng Shen, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Jeffrey Silpe, MD, Andy White,BS, Samuel Satler, BS, Dustin Luebbers, BS, James Statler, BS, AnnaZheng, BS, Joshua Elder, BS, Albin Abraham, MD, Dhyan Rajan, MD,Prakash Viswanathan, MD, Paul Mustacchia, MD, Nassau UniversityMedical Center, East Meadow, NY, Morsani College of Medicine,University of South Florida, Tampa, FLP1560. Does BMI or Sedation Type Affect Adenoma Detection onScreening Colonoscopy?Cory Fielding, MD, Wesam Frandah, MD, Philip Westgate, PhD,Nicholas Nickl, MD, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University ofKentucky, Lexington, KYP1561. Routine Colonoscopy After Acute Uncomplicated Diverticulitis: IsIt Necessary?Patrícia Andrade, MD, Armando Ribeiro, MD, Guilherme Macedo,MD, PhD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Centro Hospitalar São João, Porto,PortugalP1562. Diversion Colitis: Systematic Evaluation of 636 Cases With MetaanalysisNirmal Mann, MD, MS, Ph, DD, Sc, MACG, FACG, Sital Nagra, MD,Kamyar Shahedi, MD, University of California, Davis, Folsom, CAP1563. Antibiotic-Associated Pseudomembranous Colitis Due toMethicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureusShadi Hamdeh, MD, Maryam Gbadamosi-Akindele, MD, NeelimaKandula, MD, Savio Reddymasu, MBBS, FACG, Internal Medicine,Creighton University, Omaha, NEP1564. Cost-Effective Therapy for Opioid-Induced Constipation (OIC):Lubiprostone and MethylnaltrexoneAndrew Mazulis, MD, Dylan Smith, BS, Grigory Roginsky, MD,Ibrahim Habib, MD, Eli Ehrenpreis, MD, FACG, NorthShore UniversityHealthSystem, Evanston, IL, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, ParkRidge, ILP1565. Times Quoted Following Incomplete Colonoscopies Can DirectlyEffect Patient Follow-upRamin Bagheri, MD, Loveleen Sidhu, MD, Ahmed Al-Khazraji, MD,Joshua Aron, MD, Lawrence Reich, MD, Aaron Walfish, MD, JoelBaum, MD, James Tak, MD, Ichan School of Medicine ElmhurstHospital, Elmhurst, NYP1566. Identifying Risk Factors Leading to Suboptimal Bowel PreparationRamin Bagheri, MD, Loveleen Sidhu, MD, Ahmed Al-Khazraji, MD,Aaron Walfish, MD, Lawrence Reich, MD, Joshua Aron, MD, JoelBaum, MD, James Tak, MD, Icahn School of Medicine ElmhurstHospital Center, Elmhurst, NYP1567. Novel Probe-Based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (pCLE)Criteria for Diagnosing Colon Polyp Histology2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardPrashanth Vennalaganti, MD, Satish Singh, MD, Mazen Jamal, MD,MPH, Vijay Kanakadandi, MD, Matthew Hall, MPH, Neil Gupta, MD,Benjamin Alsop, MD, Venkat Nutalapati, MD, Benjamin Hornung, MD,Prateek Sharma, MD, Gastroenterology, Kansas City VA Medical Center,Kansas City, MO, University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City,KS, Loyola University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, Boston UniversitySchool of Medicine, Boston, MA, VA Long Beach Healthcare System,Long Beach, CAP1568. Split Dosing (SD) Is Superior to Prior Day (PD) Bowel Prepsfor Colonoscopy for Women Versus Men but Not for Morning VersusAfternoon Procedures: Comparison of 4 Preps in 3,595 Patients at aUniversity CenterTilak Baba, MD, MPH, James Lewis, MD, FACG, Medicine/Gastroenterology, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DCP1569. Chronic Opioid Users Require More Medication to AchieveConscious Sedation During ColonoscopySteven Clayton, MD, Rupal Patel, MD, Eduardo Quintero, MD, JeffreyGill, MD, Gastroenterology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FLP1570. Risk Factors for ICU-Onset Clostridium difficile InfectionDavid Faleck, MD, Hojjat Salmasian, MD, MPH, Yoko Furuya, MD,Julian Abrams, MD, MS, Daniel Freedberg, MD, Columbia UniversityMedical Center, New York, NYCOLON - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1571. Kayexalate-Induced Rectal Ulceration as a Cause of RectalBleeding in a Non-Uremic PatientMeira Abramowitz, MD, Cherif El Younis, MD, SUNY Downstate MedicalCenter, Brooklyn, NY, Brookdale University Hospital Medical Center,Brooklyn, NYP1572. An Inflammatory Presentation of Right-Sided Solitary JuvenilePolyp Masquerading as AppendicitisMeira Abramowitz, MD, Cherif El Younis, MD, Downstate MedicalCenter, Brooklyn, NY, Brookdale University Hospital Medical Center,Brooklyn, NYP1573. It’s All Good in the Hood: An Innovative Technique for Rectal FishBone ExtractionMeira Abramowitz, MD, Evan Grossman, MD, Safak Reka, MD, SUNYDownstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYP1574. Colon Polyps: a Rare Presentation of Metastatic Breast Cancer...or Is It?Lisa Waller, MD, Matthew George, MD, Syed-Mohammed Jafri, MD,FACG, Mostafa Ibrahim, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MIP1575. Incidental Finding of Colonic Sarcoidosis in a Patient WithPulmonary SarcoidosisKunal Suryawala, MD, Avinash Aravantagi, MD, Randy Geldmacher,MD, Ryan Palmer, MD, Overton Brooks VAMC, Shreveport, LA,Gastroenterology, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center,Shreveport, LAFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.108

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1576. Colon Cancer With Gastric Invasion Resulting in Gastric OutletObstruction: An Uncommon Presentation of Locally Advanced ColorectalCancer That Was Successfully Treated With Surgical ResectionVarun Jain, MD, Deepak Sharma, DO, Kosana Simeunovic, MD, TatjanaGavrancic, MD, Sandeep Jubbal, MD, Vimala Ramasamy, MD, AvaAnklesaria, MD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (Bronx) -James J Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, NY, North Central BronxHospital, Bronx, NYP1577. Isolated Cecal Ischemia: Is There a Role for ConservativeManagement?Douglas Mills, DO, Sarosh Bukhari, DO, Marc Fine, MD, FACG,Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, ILP1578. Case Report: Mantle Cell Lymphoma Polyposis Diagnosed DuringRoutine Screening ColonoscopyShilun Li, MD, Eric Evans, MD, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, MayoClinic Health System - Mankato, Mankato, MNP1579. Getting Burned by Activated Charcoal: A Case of ColitisAssociated With Activated Charcoal UseJessica Davis, MD, Vikesh Khanijow, MD, Anita Kumar, MD, MarieBorum, MD, EdD, MPH, Internal Medicine, George WashingtonUniversity, Washington, DCP1580. A Rare Case of a Skeletal Muscle Mass as an Initial Presentationof Metastatic Colon CarcinomaKosana Simeunovic, MD, Deepak Sharma, DO, Varun Jain, MD,Julijana Botic, MD, Vimala Ramasamy, MD, Ava Anklesaria, MD, MarkKorsten, MD, Aziz Ahmed, MD, Mount Sinai (Bronx) - James J PetersVA Medical Center, Bronx, NY, North Central Bronx Hospital, Bronx, NYP1581. Culture Negative Neutrocytic Ascites in a Severe Clostridiumdifficile InfectionAli Bukhari, MD, Daniel Opris, DO, Amish Patel, MD, SravyaSurapaneni, MBBS, Wright State University, Dayton, OHP1582. An Unusual Case of Osteomyelitis and Discitis in a Patient WithCrohn’s DiseaseAyeetin Azah, BA, Tamer DaBous, MD, Ashley Hicks, MD, WilliamNorris, MD, FACG, Medhat Kalliny, MD, PhD, Meharry Medical College,Nashville, TN, Norris Gastroenterology Group, PLLC, Nashville, TNP1583. Multi-Organism Bacteremia After Fecal MicrobiotaTransplantation for Relapsing Clostridium difficile InfectionWei Sun, MD, Ambalavanan Arunachalam, MD, Sana Siddique, MD,Daniel Zandman, MD, FACG, Medicine, Mount Auburn Hospital,Cambridge, MAP1584. A Case of Perforating Ipilimumab Induced Autoimmune ColitisBrandon Sprung, MD, Anjana Sathyamurthy, MD, Jennifer Lewis, MD,Christina Cellini, MD, Arthur DeCross, MD, FACG, Vivek Kaul, MD,FACG, Shivangi Kothari, MD, FACG, University of Rochester, Rochester,NYP1585. Rosai-Dorfman Disease Presenting as a Large Rectal PolypJoseph Marsano, MD, Shannon Chang, MD, New York UniversitySchool of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, New York, NY,New York University School of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology,New York, NYP1586. Oseltamivir Induced Acute Hemorrhagic ColitisChristopher Brown, MD, Mark Metwally, MD, Christopher Bach, MD,Vikram Anand, MD, Justin Provost, MD, William Hale, MD, FACG,Norwalk Hospital, Norwalk, CTP1587. Gastrointestinal Bleeding in the Setting of Invasive AspergillusInfection in an Immunocompromised PatientChad Cooper, MD, MHA, Jorge Bizet, MD, Marc Zuckerman, MD,FACG, Alireza Torabi, MD, Antonio Mendoza Ladd, MD, InternalMedicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, El Paso, TXP1588. An Acute Abdomen Leading to an Unexpected PriceAli Alsayed Hussain, MD, Michelle Hadley, DO, Department ofMedicine, Saint Vincent Hospital, Worcester, MAP1589. Long-term Successful Treatment of Metastatic ColonAdenocarcinoma in a Celiac Disease Patient With Gluten Free Diet andLimited ChemotherapyAndleeb Rasheed, MD, Kartik Sampath, MD, Susan Mikolaitis, MS,RDN, Shriram Jakate, MD, William Leslie, MD, Ece Mutlu, MD, MBA,MS, FACG, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, DarthmouthUniversity, Hanover, NHP1590. Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis: A Rare Cause of DiarrheaMalav Parikh, MD, Muhammed Sherid, MD, Salih Samo, MD, VenuGanipisetti, MD, Sathish Krishnan, MD, Internal Medicine, Saint FrancisHosptal, Evanston, IL, CGH Medical Center, Sterling, IL, NorthwesternMemorial Hospital, Chicago, ILP1591. A Rare Case of Entamoeba Histolytica and Colonic StricturesOrel Benshar, MD, Evan Grossman, MD, Veronika Dubrovskaya, MD,SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYP1592. Clozapine Induced Gastrointestinal Hypomotility (CIGH) – AnUnder-Recognized Serious Side EffectVishnu Vardhan Reddy Naravadi, MD, Neelima Valluru, MBBS, LoyolaUniversity Medical Center, Maywood, IL, Mt.Sinai Hospital MedicalCenter, Chicago, ILP1593. Antibiotic-Associated Hemorrhagic ColitisAdegboyega Olayode, MD, Internal Medicine, Creighton UniversityMedical Center, Omaha, NEP1594. Mastocytic Enterocolitis as a Rare Cause of Chronic DiarrheaAbdillahi Abdinoor, MD, Mukund Venu, MD, Gastroenterology, LoyolaUniversity Medical Center, Maywood, ILP1595. Severe Hemorrhagic CMV Colitis Mimicking Ulcerative Colitisin an Evidently Immunocompetent Elderly Patient Status-Post PartialColectomy for Colon CancerDupinder Singh, MD, Treta Purohit, MD, Mitual Amin, MD, ThomasAlexander, MD, FACG, Mitchell Cappell, MD, PhD, FACG, WilliamBeaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MIP1596. Basaloid Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Anus: A Distinct andRare EntityManpreet Singh, MBBS, Rohit Singhania, MBBS, SM,Gastroenterology, Union Hospital of Cecil County, Elkton, MDP1597. A Rare Case of an Isolated AL-Amyloid Polyp in the ColonJennifer Phemister, MD, Aaysha Kapila, MD, Pranav Patel, MD, ThomasBorthwick, MD, Mark Young, MD, East Tennessee State University,Johnson City, TN, VA Mountain Home, Mountain Home, TNP1598. An Incidental Discovery of Low Grade Appendiceal MucinousNeoplasmAaysha Kapila, MD, Jennifer Phemister, MD, Pranav Patel, MD,Ravindra Murthy, MD, Chakradhar Reddy, MD, Mark Young, MD, EastTennessee State University, Johnson City, TN, James H. Quillen VAMedical Centre, Johnson City, TNP1599. Laxatives Can Paint Your Colon Black!Aaysha Kapila, MD, Pranav Patel, MD, Ravindra Murthy, MD, MarkYoung, MD, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN, JamesH. Quillen VA Medical Centre, Johnson City, TNP1600. Clostridium septicum myonecrosis Killed Him Before ColonCancerJennifer Phemister, MD, Aaysha Kapila, MD, Pranav Patel, MD, DeidrePierce, MD, Mark Young, MD, East Tennessee State University, JohnsonCity, TNP1601. A Case of Salmonella typhi A Dysentery and Bacteremia in EastTennesseeAaysha Kapila, MD, Pranav Patel, MD, David Ginn, MD, Mark Young,MD, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TNPOSTERSTUESDAY109For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmOUTCOMES RESEARCHP1602. Clinical Analysis of 245 Patients With GastroenteropancreaticNeuroendocrine Tumors (GEP-NET): A Single-Center Retrospective Study(2002-2013) in South ChinaZhiHui Mo, MD, Ye Chen, MD, Nanfang Hospital Affiliated to SouthernMedical University, Guangzhou, ChinaP1603. Risk Factors for Acquisition of C. difficile Toxin-Positive Diarrheain a Chinese Tertiary HospitalPu Wang, PhD, Zhongqiu Wang, PhD, Shan Xie, PhD, Youlian Zhou,PhD, Ting Zhang, PhD, Minyi Lin, MD, Jiasheng Tan, MD, Runhua Li,PhD, Ye Chen, MD, PhD, FACG, Bo Jiang, MD, PhD, FACG, NanfangHospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, ChinaP1604. Download Alert: What Do Gastroenterology Patients Really Thinkof Health-Related Smartphone Apps?Jasmine Zia, MD, Thai Le, BS, Margaret Heitkemper, RN, PhD, GeorgeDemiris, PhD, University of Washington, Seattle, WAP1605. Treatment Expectations and Drivers of Treatment SatisfactionAmong Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (CIC) and Irritable BowelSyndrome With Constipation (IBS-C) PatientsRob Arbuckle, MSc, Brooke Witherspoon, BA, Robyn Carson, MPH,Adelphi Values Ltd, Bollington, Cheshire, United Kingdom, EndpointOutcomes, Boston, MA, Forest Research Institute, Jersey City, NJP1606. Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage: To Scope or Not to ScopeEmergently?Mohammad Ali, MD, Haseeb Ahmed, MD, Sagar Patil, MD, BhawnaHalwan, MD, Internal Medicine, Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola,NYP1607. Prevalence of Rectal Cancer and Its Association With RiskFactors in Major Tertiary Hospital Care in Mexico CityElizabeth Buganza, MD, Armando Alonso, MD, Gerardo Lopez Gomez,MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Hospital 20 de Noviembre ISSSTE,Distrito Federal, MexicoP1608. Prevalence of Appendiceal Endoscopic Abnormalities and Risk ofEndoscopic ManagementSyed Amer, MBBS, Molly Disbrow, MD, Cuong Nguyen, MD, MayoClinic, Phoenix, AZP1609. Non-Dysplastic Barrett’s Surveillance: as RecommendationsEvolve, Do We?Craig Brown, BS, Michael Ujiki, MD, Brittany Lapin, MPH, Chi Wang,PhD, John Linn, MD, Woody Denham, MD, Stephen Haggerty, MD,Joann Carbray, BS, Mark Talamonti, MD, John Howington, MD, JayGoldstein, MD, FACG, Biological Sciences Division, University ofChicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, NorthShore UniversityHealthSystem, Evanston, ILP1610. Improving the Hepatitis A and B Vaccination Rates in anOutpatient Hepatology Clinic Using Six Sigma MethodologyIrum Zaheer, MD, Saira Nasar, MBBS, Howard Monsour, MD,Medicine, Houston Methodist, Houston, TXP1611. Outcomes of Unsuccessful ERCPs at a Tertiary Care CenterSami Samiullah, MD, Henry Dinneen, DO, Hadi Bhurgri, MD, GustavoChurrango, MD, Nneoma Okoronkwo, MD, Nikolaos Pyrsopoulos, MD,Sushil Ahlawat, MD, Rutgers University - New Jersey Medical School,Newark, NJP1612. Effects of High-Dose Versus Non-High-Dose Proton PumpInhibitor on Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Meta-analysisAlisha Hinds, DO, Dina Ahmad, MD, Imran Ashraf, MD,Douglas Nguyen, MD, Matthew Bechtold, MD, FACG, Division ofGastroenterology, University of Missouri - Columbia, Columbia, MO,University of California - Irvine, Irvine, CAP1613. Impact of First-Case Start Time on Interventional Endoscopy UnitEfficiency at a Tertiary Academic Medical CenterYaseen Perbtani, DO, Robert Summerlee, MD, Dennis Yang, MD,Alejandro Suarez, MD, Manas Shukla, MD, Jonathan Blair Williamson,MD, Charles Shrode, MD, Anand Gupte, MD, Shailendra Chauhan, MD,Peter Draganov, MD, Chris Forsmark, MD, Mihir Wagh, MD, InternalMedicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, University of Florida -Division of Gastroenterology, Gainesville, FLP1614. The Use of Computer Integrated Alerts for Hepatitis C Screeningand Patient Follow-Up: A Community Hospital ExperienceDhyan Rajan, MD, Christopher Tan, MD, Mahreema Jawairia,MD, Rabab Hajar, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Huafeng Shen, MD, PaulMustacchia, MD, Nassau University Medical Center, East Meadow, NYP1615. Risk of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Patients With Left VentricularAssist Devices (LVADs)Kyle Eliason, MD, Stavros Drakos, MD, Craig Selzman, MD, AaronHealy, MD, Kathryn Peterson, MD, Gastroenterology, University of Utah,Salt Lake City, UTP1616. Factors Increasing the Risk of Pneumonia Among Proton PumpInhibitor UsersRushikesh Shah, MBBS, Omar Mousa, MBBS, Anthony Paredes, MD,Gaurang Vaidya, MBBS, Sekou Rawlins, MD, SUNY Upstate MedicalUniversity, Syracuse, NYP1617. Quality Improvement of Colonoscopy at a Tertiary Care AcademicMedical CenterSilpa Mandava, MBBS, Ali Abbas, MD, Abha Rani, MD, FACG, GregoryGudleski, PhD, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NYP1618. Fecal Microbiota Transplant for Treatment of Resistant C.difficile Infection Using a Standardized Protocol: A Community HospitalExperienceOkoli Obi, MD, Dan Hampton, MD, Twyla Anderson, RN, Patrick Leung,PharmD, Mubeen Khan Mohammed Abdul, MD, Gopika Chandra, MD,PhD, Nkem Iroegbu, MD, MPH, Memorial Medical Center, Las Cruces,NM, Presence-Saint Joseph Hospital, Chicago, ILP1619. Rates of Hepatitis C Screening After USPSTF Birth CohortScreening Recommendation Within a Large Community Health CenterPopulationErica Turse, DO, Angela Garcia, PharmD, MPH, CPh, Saint Amofah,MD, MBA, Nicole Cook, PhD, MPH, Nova Southeastern University, FtLauderdale, FL, Health Choice Network, Inc., Miami, FLP1620. Primary Gastrointestinal Follicular Lymphoma: CharacterizingSurvival by Primary SiteJay Chouhan, DO, Sachin Batra, MD, MPH, Sushovan Guha, MD, PhD,University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TXP1621. Modeling Multitarget Stool DNA Test Results in AsymptomaticPersons With Advanced Precancerous LesionsThomas Imperiale, MD, Philip Lavin, PhD, Graham Lidgard, PhD,Barry Berger, MD, Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine,Indianapolis, IN, Boston Biostatistics Research Foundation,Framingham, MA, Exact Sciences Corporation, Madison, WIP1622. Outcomes of Combined Endoscopic Cyanoacrylate Injection WithBalloon Retrograde Transvenous Occlusion of Gastro/Splenorenal Shuntsfor Gastric Variceal HemorrhageSwarup Kumar, BS, Badr Al-Bawardy, MD, Emmanuel Gorospe, MD,MPH, Navtej Buttar, MD, Louis Wong Kee Song, MD, Mayo Clinic,Rochester, MNP1623. C. difficile Infection in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A NursingBased Quality Improvement StrategyJordan Axelrad, MD, MPH, Brijen Shah, MD, Department of Medicine,Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NYP1624. Video Capsule Endoscopy Is Safe and Effective in HospitalizedPatients With Implantable Cardiac Devices and Left Ventricular AssistDevicesJohn Guido, MD, Peter Stanich, MD, Bryan Kleinman, DO, NishakiMehta Oza, MD, Kavita Betkerur, BS, Kyle Porter, MAS, Marty Meyer,MD, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, OHP1625. Value of Risk Stratification Scores in Predicting Length ofStay Outcomes for Patients Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit WithGastrointestinal BleedingAmaninder Dhaliwal, MD, Rashmee Patil, MD, LeAnn Blankenship,MD, Francois Dufresne, MD, George Apergis, MD, Internal Medicine,Lutheran Healthcare, Brooklyn, NYFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.110

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1626. Fidaxomicin vs. Vancomycin as a First Line Treatment for C.difficile-Associated Diarrhea (CDAD) in Specific Patient Populations: APharmacoeconomic EvaluationKelly Broderick, PharmD, Peng Xu, MS, Frank Corvino, PhD, MarkoZivkovic, PhD, Cubist Pharmaceuticals, Lexington, MA, GenesisResearch, Hoboken, NJP1627. Etiology and Outcome of Patients With Diabetic Ketoacidosis(DKA) and Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding (UGIB)Dhruvan Patel, MD, Rajiv Bhattarai, MD, Mervyn Danilewitz, MD, FACG,Mercy Philadelphia Hospital, Philadelphia, PAP1628. Is Insulin Exposure an Independent Risk Factor for ColonAdvanced Adenomas Among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients?Deepanshu Jain, MD, Jorge Uribe, MD, Philip Katz, MD, FACG, AlbertEinstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PAP1629. Effect of Different Treatment Modalities on Colon Adenoma andAdvanced Adenoma Among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus PatientsDeepanshu Jain, MD, Jorge Uribe, MD, Internal Medicine, AlbertEinstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PAP1630. Effect of Obesity and Demographic Factors on AdvancedAdenoma Detection Rate Among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus PatientsDeepanshu Jain, MD, Jorge Uribe, MD, Internal Medicine, AlbertEinstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PAP1631. Use of Modifiable and Non-Modifiable Factors to Predict BowelPreparation Quality Prior to ColonoscopyDeepanshu Jain, MD, Sury Anand, MD, Shashideep Singhal, MD,Internal Medicine, Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA,The Brooklyn Hospital Center, New York, NY, Columbia University, NewYork, NYP1632. Upper Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Medical Professionals: AHigher Burden?Jodie Barkin, MD, Morgan Sendzischew, MD, David Landy, PhD, MPH,Baharak Moshiree, MD, MS, University of Miami, Leonard M. MillerSchool of Medicine, Dept. of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology,Miami, FLP1633. HIV Infection in Patients With Acute Pancreatitis Is AssociatedWith Worse In-Hospital Outcomes: A Nationwide AnalysisJorge Machicado, MD, Tanima Jana, MD, MS, Sachin Batra, MD, MPH,Sushovan Guha, MD, PhD, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, University ofTexas at Houston, Houston, TXP1634. The Risk of GI Bleeding in Prasugrel as Compared to Clopidogrel:Results of a Multicenter StudyMuhammed Sherid, MD, Humberto Sifuentes, MD, Malav Parikh, MD,Samip Parikh, MBBS, MPH, Charles Spurr, MD, FACG, SubbaramiaSridhar, MBBS, MPH, FACG, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA,Saint Francis Hospital, Evanston, ILP1635. International Multicenter IPMN Registry: Role of EUS-FNACytology, CEA, and Amylase in the Diagnosis of Intraductal PapillaryMucinous NeoplasmsMaria Moris Felgueroso, MD, Michael Wallace, MD, MPH, FACG,Massimo Raimondo, MD, FACG, Timothy Woodward, MD, VernaSkinner, Paolo Arcidiacono, MD, Cinzia Boemo, MD, Maria Petrone,MD, Claudio De Angelis, MD, Selene Manfre, MD, Pietro Fusaroli, MD,Michele Lewis, MD, GI, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL, SanRaffaele Scientific Institute, Milano, Italy, University of Turin, Turin, Italy,Ospedale di Castel San Pietro Terme, Bologna, ItalyP1636. Occurrence of Delayed Non-GI Events Post-Colonoscopy andPatients With Identifiable Increased RiskDavid Johnson, MD, David Lieberman, MD, Mark Pochapin, MD,Douglas Robertson, MD, MPH, Seth Gross, MD, John Inadomi, MD, UriLadabaum, MD, Gastroenterology, Eastern VA Medical School, Norfolk,VA, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR, NYU LangoneMedical Center, New York, NY, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center,Lebanon, NH, UM Medical Center, Seattle, WA, Stanford UniversityMedical Center, Stanford, CAP1637. Evaluation of Daily GI Symptoms in a Phase 2A Study of IW-9179in Functional DyspepsiaJan Tack, MD, PhD, Donald Fitch, MPH, James Shao, MS, ChristopherO’Dea, MS, Mark Currie, PhD, Jeffrey Johnston, MD, FACG,Department of Gastroenterology, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium,Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, MAP1638. Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Survival Outcomes in HispanicPatients in the Post-Imatinib EraDavid DiCaprio, DO, Raji Shameem, MD, Niket Sonpal, MD, FACG,Mohammad Hamid, MD, Avrind Randhawa, MD, Nakul Singhal, MD,Kevin Sullivan, MD, Lenox Hill NSLIJ Hospital System, New York, NY,Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, Detroit Medical Center/Wayne State University, Detroit, MIP1639. Fecal Microbiota Transplant for Treatment of Refractory C.difficile Colitis: Long Term Follow-up of 58 PatientsDaniel Greenwald, MD, Tarun Patel, MD, Amy Barto, MD, FACG,Department of Internal Medicine, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center,Burlington, MA, Department of Gastroenterology, Lahey Hospital andMedical Center, Burlington, MAP1640. Endoscopic Ultrasound Does Not Influence NeoadjuvantTreatment Strategy in Patients With Locally Advanced EsophagealAdenocarcinomaAshley Canipe, MD, Lanre Jimoh, MD, Patrick Yachimski, MD, MPH,Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TNP1641. Culture Negative Neutrocytic Ascites and Mortality Risk inCirrhotic Patients: A Systematic ReviewJorge Machicado, MD, Julio Huapaya, Luis Marcos, MD, MPH,Sushovan Guha, MD, PhD, Gastroenterology, Hepatology andNutrition, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA,Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru, Forrest GeneralHospital, Hattiesburg, MS, University of Texas at Houston, Houston,TXP1642. Effects of Patient Compliance on the Cost-Effectiveness ofNon-Invasive Tests for Initial Diagnosis of H. pylori Infection in a HighPrevalence PopulationSusan Boklage, MS, MPH, Allen Mangel, MD, PhD, VarunRamamohan, PhD, Deirdre Mladsi, BA, Tao Wang, PhD, OtsukaAmerica Pharmaceutical, Inc., Princeton, NJ, RTI Health Solutions,Research Triangle Park, NCP1643. Cost-Effectiveness of Noninvasive Active Tests for UniversalPost-Treatment Confirmation of Eradication of H. pylori InfectionSusan Boklage, MS, MPH, Allen Mangel, MD, PhD, VarunRamamohan, PhD, Deirdre Mladsi, BA, Tao Wang, PhD, OtsukaAmerica Pharmaceutical, Inc., Princeton, NJ, RTI Health Solutions,Research Triangle Park, NCP1644. Predictors of Mortality in Hospitalized Adults With C. difficileInfection2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardSahil Khanna, MBBS, MS, Darrell Pardi, MD, MS, FACG, Division ofGastoenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MNP1645. Complications Associated With Colonoscopy in an Open-AccessReferral CenterSara Epstein, MD, Jeffrey Lee, MD, MAS, FACG, Ma Somsouk, MD,MAS, Kenneth McQuaid, MD, Amandeep Shergill, MD, MS, Medicine,University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, SanFrancisco General Hospital, University of California, San Francisco, SanFrancisco, CA, Veterans Affairs San Francisco, University of California,San Francisco, San Francisco, CAPOSTERSTUESDAY111For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmINFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASEP1646. Fecal Calprotectin Levels for the Ethiological Diagnosis inBrazilian Patients With Gastrointestinal SymptomsLorete Kotze, MD, PhD, FACG, Renato Nisihara, PhD, Murilo Cavassani,MD, Sandra Valarini, MD, Paulo Kotze, MD, Medicine, PositivoUniversity, Curitiba, Brazil, Gastroenterology and Colorectal SurgeryUnits, Hospital Universitário Cajuru, Pontifícia Universidade Católicado Paraná, Brazil, Curitiba, Brazil, Faculdade Evangélica do Paraná,Curitiba, BrazilP1647. The Utility of Capsule Endoscopy for the Diagnosis andManagement of Crohn’s DiseaseAnna Buchner, MD, PhD, Gary Lichtenstein, MD, Wojciech Blonski,MD, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PAP1648. Rates of Hospitalization in TNF-Naïve IBD Patients Exposed toInfliximab or Adalimumab for at Least 6 MonthsJulien Fahed, MD, Veronica Baptista, MD, Randall Pellish, MD,FACG, Internal Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical Center,Worcester, MAP1649. Malignancy Outcomes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients onImmune Modulators and Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor TherapyUmangi Patel, MD, Gary Lichtenstein, MD, Frank Scott, MD, MSCE,University of Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia, PAP1650. Objective Sleep Quality Assessment Using Wrist Actigraphy inPatients With Ulcerative ColitisJami Kinnucan, MD, Sarah Goeppinger, BS, Justin Tomal, MD, AaronAckerman, BS, Vineet Arora, MD, Tauseef Ali, MD, David Rubin, MD,FACG, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, University of Chicago Medicine,Chicago, IL, University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL, University ofOklahoma, Oklahoma City, OKP1651. Assessment of Clinicians’ Knowledge and Attitudes RegardingSleep Quality of Their Gastrointestinal PatientsJami Kinnucan, MD, Olufemi Kassim, MD, David Rubin, MD, FACG,Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, University of Chicago Medicine,Chicago, ILP1652. Sleep Quality and Quality of Life Improve Over Time in PatientsWith Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseJami Kinnucan, MD, Sarah Goeppinger, BS, David Rubin, MD, FACG,Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, University of Chicago Medicine,Chicago, ILP1653. Assessment of the Disease Activity of Inflammatory BowelDisease on the Outcome of Small Intestinal Transit Times Using VideoCapsule EndoscopyHala Fadda, PhD, Shivi Siva, MD, Monika Fischer, MD, MS, ButlerUniversity College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Indianapolis,IN, Indiana University Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,Indianapolis, INP1654. Pediatric Crohn’s Disease, Unrealized Height and DiminishedLifetime EarningsRussell Cohen, MD, Stacy Kahn, MD, Scott Johnson, PhD, MHA, ABurak Ozbay, BPharm, MBA, PhD, Martha Skup, PhD, Jingdong Chao,PhD, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Medicus Economics, LLC,Milton, MA, AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, ILP1655. Use of Computed Tomography on Inflammatory Bowel Patients ina Community Hospital Setting: What Are the Rates of Urgent Findings?Philip Elbaum, DO, William Huntington, DO, Robert Cooper, DO, RobertBailey, DO, Patricia Wong, MD, MSCE, Lankenau Medical Center,Philadelphia, PAP1656. Causes and Consequences of Chronic Abdominal Pain in Crohn’sDisease: A Five-Year Prospective StudyNikhil Seth, MD, Heitham Abdul-Baki, MD, Nicholas Mahoney,MD, David Binion, MD, Claudia Ramos Rivers, MD, Michael Dunn,MD, Eva Szigethy, MD, PhD, FACG, Miguel Regueiro, MD, FACG,Klaus Bielefeldt, MD, PhD, Matthew Coates, MD, PhD, University ofPittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, Veterans Affairs PittsburghHealthcare Service, Pittsburgh, PAFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.112P1657. Optimizing Transition of Pediatric to Adult Care in InflammatoryBowel Disease (IBD) Through the Use of an Observed Structured ClinicalExamination (OSCE)Joseph Kingsbery, MD, Martin Wolff, MD, Sondra Zabar, MD, ColleenGillespie, PhD, Elizabeth Weinshel, MD, Aliza Soloman, DO, Lisa Malter,MD, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, WeillCornell Medical College, New York, NY, VA New York Harbor HealthcareSystem, New York, NYP1658. Ustekinumab for the Treatment of Crohn’s DiseaseSara Keihanian, MD, Sarah Glover, DO, Division of Gastroenterology,Hepatology and Nutrition at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FLP1659. Predictors of Poor Outcome of Infliximab Therapy in UlcerativeColitisVivian Ebrahim, MD, Xianrui Wu, MD, PhD, Bo Shen, MD, FACG,Internal Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OHP1660. Orally Administered CCR9 Inhibitor CCX507 Effectively BlocksCCR9 in Circulating Human LeukocytesLisa Seitz, PhD, Lisa Lohr, MS, Joanne Tan, PhD, Antonia Potarca,MS, Shichang Miao, PhD, Daniel Dairaghi, PhD, Trevor Charvat, PhD,Andrew Pennell, PhD, Penglie Zhang, PhD, Thomas Schall, PhD, PirowBekker, MD, PhD, ChemoCentryx, Inc., Mountain View, CAP1661. Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Asian Americans: Differences inClinical Characteristics Compared to the General U.S. PopulationNanae Takatori, MD, Shamita Shah, MD, Stanford Hospital and Clinics,Stanford, CAP1662. Elevated C-Reactive Protein Is Associated With Poor SleepQuality in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseRobin Wilson, BA, Betsy Stevens, BS, Abra Guo, BS, Melissa Cohen,BA, Holly Sturgeon, BS, MPH, Caitlin Russell, BS, MS, CosmasGiallourakis, MD, Hamed Khalili, MD, MPH, Deanna Nguyen, MD,Ramnik Xavier, MD, PhD, Vijay Yajnik, MD, PhD, Jenny Sauk,MD, Ashwin Ananthakrishnan, MD, MPH, Gastrointestinal Unit,Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MAP1663. Analysis of an Administrative Claims Database Suggests PoorQuality of Care for Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseGil Melmed, MD, MS, A Burak Ozbay, BPharm, MBA, PhD, MarthaSkup, PhD, Song Wang, PhD, Jingdong Chao, PhD, Corey Siegel, MD,Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, AbbVie Inc., NorthChicago, IL, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NHP1664. Effect of Ferumoxytol Treatment on Secondary Thrombocytosis inPatients With Iron Deficiency Anemia and Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseNaomi Dahl, PharmD, William Strauss, MD, Robert Kaper, MD, KristineBernard, MPH, AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Waltham, MAP1665. The Increasing Prevalence of Human Cytomegalovirus (CMV)Disease Among Hospitalized Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease(IBD) in the United StatesCheng Zhang, MD, PhD, Edward Levine, MD, Somashekar Krishna,MD, Alice Hinton, PhD, Darwin Conwell, MD, Razvan Arsenescu,MD, PhD, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Program, Division ofGastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, The Ohio State University,Columbus, OH, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition,The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, Division of Biostatics, Collegeof Public Health, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OHP1666. Time Trends, Clinical Characteristics, and Risk Factorsof Chronic Anal Fissure Among a National Cohort of Patients WithInflammatory Bowel DiseaseHoda Malaty, MD, PhD, FACG, Shubhada Sansgiry, PhD, Jason Hou,MD, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, VA Medical Center,Houston, TXP1667. Long-term Efficacy of Vedolizumab Therapy for Patients WithUlcerative Colitis2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardBrian Feagan, MD, FACG, Arthur Kaser, MD, Michael Smyth, MBA,Remo Panaccione, MD, Serap Sankoh, PhD, Brihad Abhyankar, MBA,Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario, London,ON, Canada, Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge,Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Takeda GlobalResearch and Development Centre (Europe) Ltd., London, UnitedKingdom, Department of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB,Canada, Takeda Pharmaceuticals International Co., Cambridge, MA

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1668. Adalimumab Therapy Reduces Hospitalization Rates in PatientsWith Moderate Ulcerative ColitisBrian Feagan, MD, Martha Skup, PhD, A Burak Ozbay, BPharm, MBA,PhD, Andreas Lazar, MD, Roopal Thakkar, MD, Naijun Chen, MS,Jingdong Chao, PhD, William Sandborn, MD, University of WesternOntario, Robarts Research Institute, London, ON, Canada, AbbVie Inc.,North Chicago, IL, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CAP1669. TELEmedicine for Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease(TELE-IBD)Guruprasad Jambaulikar, MBBS, MPH, Patricia Langenberg, PhD,Jonathan Katz, Charlene Quinn, PhD, RN, Mark Flasar, MD, MS, MiguelRegueiro, MD, Leyla Ghazi, MD, Seema Patil, MD, David Schwartz, MD,Ray Cross, MD, MS, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Baltimore, MD,University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,TN, MedAdherence, Stamford, CTP1670. A Unique Presentation of Ulcerative ColitisSimon Crasss, MD, GI, Loyola, Justice, ILP1671. Crohn’s Disease Behavior as a Risk Factor for Loss ofMaintenance of Remission in Patients Treated With Certolizumab Pegol:Results From the PRECiSE 3 StudyDavid Rubin, MD, Charles Randall, MD, Jason Coarse, MS, GordanaKosutic, MD, Marshall Spearman, MD, Sumeet Ambarkhane, MD,Njegica Jojic, MD, The University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL,Gastroenterology Research of America and The University of Texas,San Antonio, TX, UCB Pharma, Raleigh, NC, Zvezdara Clinical Center,Belgrade, SerbiaP1672. The Prevalence of Sub-Clinical Sacro-Ileitis in Patients WithInflammatory Bowel DiseaseJuan Trivella, MD, Andres Yarur, MD, Andrew Elden, MD, AmarMandalia, MD, Ryan Dauer, MD, Daniel Sussman, MD, FACG, InternalMedicine, University of Miami, Miami, FL, Emori University, Atlanta, GAP1673. Addressing Sexual Function in Patients With IBD: Results of aNational Survey of U.S. GI PhysiciansBritt Christensen, BSc, MD, MPH, Sarah Goeppinger, BA, David Rubin,MD, FACG, University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, ILP1674. Small Molecule Inhibition of Chemokine Receptor ‘CCR9’Combined With Anti-α4β7 Blocking Antibody Confers SynergisticProtection Against Piroxicam-Accelerated Colitis in MiceJoanne Tan, PhD, Karen Ebsworth, BSc, Linda Ertl, MSc, DeograciasCanivel, BSc, Penglie Zhang, PhD, Pirow Bekker, MD, Thomas Schall,PhD, ChemoCentryx, Mountain View, CAP1675. Vaccinating Patients With IBD: Still to Begin, at the BeginningAnurag Goel, MD, Thomas Johnson, MBBS, Jimmy Limdi, FACG,Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Preston, United Kingdom,Fylde and Wyre Clinical Commissioning Group, Wesham, UnitedKingdom, Pennine Acute NHS Trust, Manchester, United KingdomP1676. The Relationship Between Remission Status and Work-RelatedOutcomes in Patients With Mild-to-Moderate Ulcerative Colitis WhoCompleted Short-term and Long-term Therapy With MultimatrixMesalamineMary Kaye Willian, DrPH, MPH, Aaron Yarlas, PhD, Ashish Joshi, PhD,Shire, Wayne, PA, Optum, Lincoln, RIP1677. The Impact of Short-Term and Long-term Daily Treatment WithMultimatrix Mesalamine on Disease Burden and on Generic Health-Related Quality of Life in Adult Patients With Mild-to-Moderate UlcerativeColitisMary Kaye Willian, DrPH, MPH, Aaron Yarlas, PhD, Ashish Joshi, PhD,Shire, Wayne, PA, Optum, Lincoln, RIP1678. Sleep Disturbance in Active Crohn’s Disease Is Confirmed by BothSubjective and Objective Sleep Quality MeasuresEmily Vivio, Ami Patel, MD, Gregory Sayuk, MD, MPH, Matthew Ciorba,MD, Heba Iskandar, MD, MSCI, Medicine/Gastroenterology, WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis, St. Louis, MOP1679. Long-term Pooled Safety Analysis of Once-Daily MultimatrixMesalamineSusana Silva Sanchez, MD, Hong Wan, BSc, Paul Streck, MD, MBA,Deborah Willshire, MMedSc, Jeffrey Raskin, MD, Shire, Brussels,Belgium, University of Miami Health System, Miami, FLP1680. Are Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Referred Too Late toExpert Centers?Ranjit Makar, MD, Susil Sivaraman, MD, Altaf Dawood, MD, ChristianStone, MD, MPH, University of Nevada Section of Gastroenterology, LasVegas, NV, University of Nevada Department of Medicine, Las Vegas,NVP1681. The Presence of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis in Patients WithIleal Pouch Anal Anastomosis Increases the Risk for Vitamin D DeficiencyAndrea Fialho, MD, Andre Fialho, MD, Bo Shen, MD, FACG, ClevelandClinic Foundation-Department of Internal Medicine, Cleveland,OH, Cleveland Clinic Foundation- Department of Gastroenterology/Hepatology, Cleveland, OHP1682. Serum Certolizumab Pegol Levels and Antibodies to CertolizumabPegol Are Associated With C-Reactive Protein Levels in Patients WithCrohn’s DiseaseAndres Yarur, MD, Scott Hauenstein, PhD, Frank Czul, MD, StevenLockton, PhD, Maria Quintero, MD, Jamie Barkin, MD, FACG, AnjaliJain, PhD, Sharat Singh, PhD, Maria Abreu, MD, FACG, Divisionof Gastroenterology, University of Miami, Miami, FL, PrometheusLaboratories, San Diego, CAP1683. Do Optimal Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Levels Influence VitaminD Levels or Metabolic Bone Disease in Patients With Inflammatory BowelDiseases?Andres Yarur, MD, Vanessa Mendez, MD, Liege Diaz, MD, DanielSussman, MD, MSPH, Division of Gastroenterology, University ofMiami, Miami, FLP1684. Disease Location as a Risk Determinant for Maintenance ofRemission in Crohn’s Disease Patients Treated With CertolizumabPegol: Results of Analyses From the PRECiSE 3 StudyStefan Schreiber, MD, Charles Randall, MD, Marla Dubinsky, MD,Gordana Kosutic, MD, Bosny Pierre-Louis, PhD, Marshall Spearman,MD, William Sandborn, MD, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel,Germany, Gastroenterology Research of America, San Antonio,TX, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, UCB Pharma,Raleigh, NC, University of California San Diego, San Diego, CAP1685. Is Advanced Age in Elderly IBD Patients a Predictor ofInfectious Complications?Christina Tofani, MD, Ann Tierney, MS, Gary Lichtenstein, MD,University of Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia, PAP1686. Ulcerative Colitis: The Influence of BMI at Time of Diagnosis onDisease Severity and ProgressionCarolyn Newberry, MD, Ann Tierney, MS, Gary Lichtenstein, MD, FACG,Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PAP1687. Golimumab Rescue for Active Crohn’s Disease Refractory to OtherTherapiesMatthew Bohm, MD, Abdul Hamid El Chafic, MD, Monika Fischer, MD,MS, Medicine/Gastroenterology, IUPUI, Indianapolis, INP1688. Mucosal Features of Colonic Crohn’s Disease Determined byConfocal Laser Endomicroscopy (CLE): An Inter-Observer AgreementStudySandeep Kaur, MD, Eric Press, BSc, Usha Dutta, MD, Markad Kamath,PhD, David Armstrong, MD, FACG, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON,CanadaP1689. Clinical Correlates and Pharmacokinetic Parameters ofCertolizumab Pegol Predicted by Modeling in Patients With Crohn’sDiseaseJanet Wade, PhD, Ruth Oliver, PhD, Gerry Parker, PhD, GordanaKosutic, MD, Brian Feagan, MD, SGS Exprimo, Mechelen, Belgium,UCB Pharma, Slough, United Kingdom, Robarts Research Institute,London, United KingdomP1690. Small Bowel Location, Stricturing Behavior, Vitamin D ReceptorPolymorphism and Metabolic Disease Susceptibility Genes AreAssociated With NAFLD in Crohn’s DiseaseSultan Chhina, MD, Kenneth Steadman, BS, Gati Goel, MD, PhD, KenNguyen, MD, Stephan Targan, MD, Xiaoxiao Li, PhD, Talin Haritunians,PhD, Dalin Li, PhD, Shaohong Yang, MD, Dermot McGovern, MD,PhD, F Widjaja Foundation Inflammatory Bowel and ImmunobiologyResearch Institute, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CAPOSTERSTUESDAY113For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1691. Substitution With Alternative Anti-TNF-α Therapy (SaVANT):Outcomes of a Crohn’s Disease Cohort Undergoing Substitution TherapyWith Certolizumab2014 ACG IBD Research Award2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardAndrew Motlis, MD, Avinash Aravantagi, MD, Moheb Boktor, MD, AnkurSheth, MD, FACG, Kenneth Manas, MD, James Morris, MD, FACG,Paul Jordan, MD, FACG, Felix Becker, MD, PhD, Jonathan Alexander,PhD, Louisiana State University School of Medicine - Department ofGastroenterology and Hepatology, Shreveport, LAP1692. Clinical Features of Drug-Induced Lupus in Patients With IBDTreated With Anti-TNF-α TherapyGururaj Kolar, MD, Siddhant Yadav, MD, Sahil Khanna, MD, DavidWetter, MD, Kevin Moder, MD, Sunanda Kane, MD, FACG, EdwardLoftus, MD, FACG, Steward Carney Hospital, Department of InternalMedicine, Boston, MA, Mayo Clinic, Division of Gastroenterology andHepatology, Rochester, MN, Mayo Clinic, Department of Dermatology,Rochester, MN, Mayo Clinic, Division of Rheumatology, Rochester, MNP1693. POSTER WITHDRAWNINFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE -CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1694. Gut Microbiome Instability in Pediatric Crohn’s PatientsCompared With Non-IBD Patients2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardZoya Grigoryan, MS, Lea Ann Chen, MD, Medicine, New York UniversitySchool of Medicine, New York, NYP1695. Anti-TNF Therapy for De novo IBD Following CMV Colitis AfterRenal TransplantationPriyam Tripathi, MD, MPH, Jeffry Katz, MD, FACG, Case WesternReserve University/University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland,OHP1696. Myopericarditis in a Patient With Ulcerative Colitis onMesalamine and Prednisone: Case Report and Review of LiteratureMazyar Malakouti, MD, Karthik Garapati, MD, Charles Randall,MD, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX,Gastroenterology Research of San Antonio, San Antonio, TXP1697. Acute Pancreatitis as Initial Presentation of Crohn’s Disease:Report of a Rare CaseSara Keihanian, MD, Sarah Glover, DO, Division of Gastroenterology,Hepatology and Nutrition at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FLP1698. Use of Serum-Derived Bovine Immunoglobulin/Protein Isolate(SBI) to Manage Refractory Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms and AvoidSurgeryGerald Dryden, MD, School of Medicine - University of Louisville,Louisville, KYP1699. A Case Report of Mesalamine-Induced Drug FeverParth Joshi, MD, Jeremy Weinberger, BA, Robert Cohen, MD, EmoryUniversity, Atlanta, GAP1700. Extensive Cerebral Sinus Venous Thrombosis in a Crohn’s Patienton Adalimumab Therapy Presenting as Severe Headache and VisionChangeMargaret Adamcewicz, DO, Katherine Chen, BS, Jennifer Lewis, MD,Danielle Marino, MD, Ashok Shah, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology,University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NYP1701. Successful Treatment of Refractory Perineal Metastatic Crohn’sDisease Using a Combination Therapy of Certolizumab, SurgicalDebridement, and Hyperbaric OxygenParit Mekaroonkamol, MD, Anthony Gamboa, MD, Tanvi Dhere, MD,Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GAP1702. Development of Collagenous Colitis in Inflammatory BowelDisease After Initiation of TNF InhibitorsRahoma Elharari, MD, Rima Shobar, MD, Ece Mutlu, MD, MBA, MS,FACG, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, ILP1703. IgA-λ/λ Biclonal Multiple Myeloma in a Patient With Crohn’sDisease: A Case Report and Review of the LiteratureJie Zhang, MD, Xinjuan Liu, MD, Jing Chen, MM, Xue Chen, MM,Xue Li, MM, Department of Gastroenterology, Beijing An ZhenHospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, Departmentof Gastroenterology, Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Capital MedicalUniversity, Beijing, China, Department of Gastroenterology, Beijing TongRen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, Departmentof Pathology, Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Capital Medical University,Beijing, ChinaP1704. A Rare Disease Mimicking Crohn’s DiseaseHuafeng Shen, MD, David Cave, MD, Seymour Katz, MD, NUMC, EastMeadow, NY, UMass Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MA, NewYork University School of Medicine, New York, NYP1705. Autoinflammatory Disorder-Associated PouchitisDarren Seril, MD, PhD, Bo Shen, MD, FACG, Cleveland ClinicFoundation-Gastroenterology/Hepatology, Cleveland, OHFUNCTIONAL BOWEL DISORDERSP1706. The GutCheck Part 3: Early Clinical Utility of Surface-measuredMyoelectrical Signals of the GI Tract in Patients With Functional GIDisorders and Healthy ControlsGeorge Triadafilopoulos, MD, DSc, FACG, Steve Axelrod, PhD, AnandNavalgund, PhD, Prince Shah, MD, FACG, Uday Devanaboyina,PhD, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, GilroyGastroenterology, Gilroy, CA, G-Tech Medical, Palo Alto, CAP1707. The GutCheck Part 2: Signal Processing and Preliminary ClinicalUtility of Surface-measured Myoelectrical Signals of the GI TractGeorge Triadafilopoulos, MD, DSc, FACG, Steve Axelrod, PhD, AnandNavalgund, PhD, Prince Shah, MD, FACG, Uday Devanaboyina,PhD, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, GilroyGastroenterology, Gilroy, CA, G-Tech Medical, Palo Alto, CAP1708. The Effect of Dried Plum on Targeted Gut Flora and Host GeneExpression in a Rat Model of Post-Infectious IBSSeong-Eun Kim, MD, Sun Moon Kim, MD, Allen Yu, BS, ZacharyMarsh, BS, Walter Morales, BS, Gene Kim, BS, Stacy Weitsman, MS,Konstantinos Triantafyllou, MD, Mark Pimentel, MD, FACG, ChristopherChang, MD, PhD, Ewha Womans University, DaeJun, Republic ofKorea, Kunyang University, DaeJun, Republic of Korea, GI MotilityProgram, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, AttikonUniversity General Hospital, Athens University, GreeceP1709. High Prevalence of Subclinical Iron Deficiency in Patients WithIrritable Bowel SyndromeShadi Yarandi, MD, Jennifer Christie, MD, Gastroenterology, JohnsHopkins University, Baltimore, MD, Emory University, Atlanta, GAP1710. Folate Levels in Patients With Small Intestinal BacterialOvergrowth (SIBO)Anna Platovsky, MD, Aaron Tokayer, MD, FACG, Internal Medicine,Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NYP1711. Plecanatide and SP-333, Novel Agonists of Guanylate Cyclase-C,Attenuate Visceral Hypersensitivity in Rat ModelsKunwar Shailubhai, PhD, MBA, Illona-Marie Boulete, BSC, John Foss,PhD, E. Priya Eddy, PhD, Apoorva Joshi, MS, Viren Patwa, MS, VassilaTheodorou, PhD, Vaseem Palejwala, PhD, Lionel Bueno, PhD, Dr.esSC, Dr. Ing., Synergy Pharmaceuticals Inc., Doylestown, PA, UMR 1331Toxalim INRA/INPT, Toulouse, France, Baruch S. Blumberg Institute,Doylestown, PAP1712. SP-333, a D-amino Acid Containing Peptide Agonist of GuanylateCyclase-C Is a Novel Drug Candidate for Treatment of GastrointestinalDisorders and DiseasesVaseem Palejwala, PhD, Apoorva Joshi, MS, Viren Patwa, MS, StephenComiskey, PhD, Rong Feng, PhD, John Foss, PhD, Kunwar Shailubhai,PhD, MBA, R&D, Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Doylestown, PA,Baruch S. Blumberg Institute, Doylestown, PAFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.114

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1713. Validating a Brief Screening Questionnaire for IBS Patients WithSymptoms Aggravated by GI-Specific AnxietyJeffrey Lackner, PsyD, Brian Quigley, PhD, Gregory Gudleski, PhD,Jennifer Labus, PhD, Emeran Mayer, MD, Kirsten Tillisch, MD, LaurieKeefer, PhD, Darren Brenner, MD, Rebecca Firth, MHA, TheodorePettle, MD, Bruce Naliboff, PhD, University at Buffalo School ofMedicine, SUNY, Buffalo, NY, Northwestern University Feinberg Schoolof Medicine, Chicago, IL, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, LosAngeles, CAP1714. Characteristics of Healthcare Visits During the Crisis Yearof Adolescents With Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Predict FutureGastrointestinal (GI) Healthcare UtilizationAmir Kalani, MD, PhD, Meghan Gilroy, MD, Jessica Del Pozo, PhD,Tashia Orr, BSc, Michael Lawson, MD, PhD, Drexel University Schoolof Medicine, Division of Internal Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, KaiserPermanente Sacramento, Division of Gastroenterology, Sacramento, CA,University of California at Davis, Division of Internal Medicine, Davis, CAP1715. Reduced Healthcare Utilization Achieved by a MultidisciplinaryBehavioral Intervention for Adolescents With Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS): Four Year Healthcare Utilization Data Including Diagnostic ImagingStudies, Number and Nature of Healthcare Visits2014 ACG GutRunners Award2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardAmir Kalani, MD, PhD, Meghan Gilroy, MD, Jessica Del Pozo, PhD,Tashia Orr, BSc, Michael Lawson, MD, PhD, Drexel University Schoolof Medicine, Division of Internal Medicine, Philadelphia, CA, KaiserPermanente Sacramento, Division of Gastroenterology, Sacramento, CA,University of California at Davis, Division of Internal Medicine, Davis, CAP1716. A Brief Evidence-Based Curriculum Can Improve InternalMedicine Residents’ Ability to Successfully Manage Irritable BowelSyndrome and Reduce Unnecessary Diagnostic TestingAmoah Yeboah-Korang, MD, MPH, MSc, Shakthi Kumar, MD, SeemaGandhi, MD, Sharon Jedel, PsyD, Michael Brown, MD, Rush UniversityMedical Center, Chicago, ILP1717. Anorectal and Defecography Parameters in Patients WithContrast Retaining RectoceleKaterina Shetler, MD, Taehyun Chung, MD, Kagay Christopher, MD,Knowles Sarah, Qiwen Huang, Sergii Bhkhtii, MD, William Snape, PaloAlto Medical Foundation, Mountain View, CA, California Pacific MedicalCenter, San Francisco, CA, Palo Alto Medical Foundation ResearchInstitute, Palo Alto, CA, Regional Hospital, Zaporozhye, UkraineP1718. Age-Related Health Care Disparities in Patients With IrritableBowel Syndrome: Findings From a Sample of Commercially InsuredPatients2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardBrian Lacy, MD, PhD, Haridarshan Patel, PharmD, Annie Guérin,MSc, Katherine Dea, MSc, Reza Alaghband, PhD, Eric Q. Wu, PhD,Justin Scopel, MD, MBA, Reema Mody, PhD, Dartmouth HitchcockMedical Center, Lebanon, NH, Global Outcomes and EpidemiologyResearch, Takeda Pharmaceuticals International, Inc., Deerfield, IL,Analysis Group, Inc., Boston, MA, Global Medical Affairs, TakedaPharmaceuticals International, Inc., Deerfield, ILP1719. Regional Variation of Care for Irritable Bowel Syndrome in theUnited StatesBrian Lacy, MD, PhD, Haridarshan Patel, PharmD, Annie Guérin,MSc, Katherine Dea, MSc, Reza Alaghband, PhD, Eric Q. Wu, PhD,Justin Scopel, MD, MBA, Reema Mody, PhD, Dartmouth-HitchcockMedical Center, Lebanon, NH, Global Outcomes and EpidemiologyResearch, Takeda Pharmaceuticals International, Inc., Deerfield, IL,Analysis Group, Inc., Boston, MA, Global Medical Affairs, TakedaPharmaceuticals International, Inc., Deerfield, ILP1720. Eluxadoline Demonstrates Efficacy in IBS-D LoperamideTreatment FailuresBrian Lacy, PhD, MD, FACG, June Almenoff, MD, PhD, David Andrae,PhD, Lisa Turner, RPh, Rocio Lopez, PhD, Scott Dove, PhD, PaulCovington, MD, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH,Furiex Pharmaceuticals, Morrisville, NCFUNCTIONAL BOWEL DISORDERS -CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1721. Prostate Cancer: A Novel Cause of Paraneoplastic IleusSimranjit Singh, MD, Sahibzada Latif, MD, FACG, Fnu Sanna, MD,Dhananjay Kulkarni, MD, Carle Foundation Hospital, University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, ILP1722. Does She Have a Double Stomach?Rotimi Ayoola, MD, Humberto Sifuentes, MD, Neal Patel, MD, SatishRao, MD, PhD, FACG, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GAENDOSCOPYP1723. Practice Patterns of Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) With FineNeedle Aspiration in Pancreatic Mass LesionsAlexander Weick, MD, Vinay Katukuri, MD, Henry Ford Hospital,Detroit, MIP1724. Hemostatic Spray: What’s the Most Current Evidence?Salman Nusrat, MD, Owais Bhatti, MD, Muhammad Saad, MD,Mohammad Madhoun, MD, MSc, University of Oklahoma HealthSciences Center, Oklahoma, OKP1725. Factors Affecting Adverse Outcomes During ColonoscopySalman Nusrat, MD, Sultan Mahmood, MD, Hussein Bitar, MD,William Tierney, MD, FACG, Klaus Bielefeldt, MD, FACG, MohammadMadhoun, MD, FACG, Oklahoma University Health SciencesCenter, Oklahoma City, OK, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,Pittsburgh, PAP1726. Visualization Balloon Allows Successful Performance ofColonoscopy in Patients With Prior Documented Difficult ColonAnatomy: A Pilot Clinical StudySergey Kantsevoy, MD, PhD, Marianne Bitner, CRNA, DeborahHockett, BSN, RN, Deborah Pennington, MSN, RN, KarenChapman, RN, Kathleen Maier, BSW, RN, CGRN, April Vilches, BSN,RN, Barbara O’Neil, RN, ADN, Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore,MD, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MDP1727. Overt Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Predictors of Rebleedingin Hematologic MalignanciesYezaz Ghouri, MD, Ankur Varma, MD, Sachin Batra, MD, MPH, NiravThosani, MD, MHA, Mehnaz Shafi, MD, FACG, Sushovan Guha, MD,PhD, FACG, University of Texas- Health Science Center at Houston,Houston, TX, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, CAP1728. Evaluation of the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Utility of Single-Balloon Enteroscopy: A Single Center ExperienceSherif Elhanafi, MD, Yi Jia, MD, Mohamed Othman, MD, JiayangLiu, MS, Alok Dwivedi, PhD, Marc Zuckerman, MD, FACG, Divisionof Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Texas TechUniversity Health Sciences Center, El Paso, TX, Division of Biostatisticsand Epidemiology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas TechUniversity Health Sciences Center, El Paso, TXP1729. Mapping of Endoscopy Unit Workflow in a Tertiary Care TeachingHospitalSouvik Sarkar, MD, PhD, Amir Masoud, MD, Brian Clark, MD, KetaVaidya, MD, Nicole Loo, MD, Tarun Rustagi, MD, Avlin Imaeda, MD,PhD, John Allen, MD, MBA, FACG, Yale University School of Medicine,New Haven, CTP1730. Degree of Concordance Between Single Balloon Enteroscopy andCapsule Endoscopy for Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding After an InitialPositive CapsuleJavier Nieves, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Ashok Shiani, BS, Kerolos Fahmi,MD, Sahab Mustafa, MD, Ambuj Kumar, MD, MPH, Patrick Brady, MD,FACG, Javier Nieves, University of South Florida, Tampa, FLP1731. Does Intravenous Toradol Lower the Risk for Post-EndoscopicRetrograde Cholangiopancreatography Pancreatitis?Hussein Al-Hamid, MD, Wuttiporn Manatsathit, MD, Steve Chausse,MD, Hussein Ballout, MD, Mohammed Barawi, MD, St. John Hospitaland Medical Center, Detroit, MIPOSTERSTUESDAY115For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1732. Novel Cost Effective Application of Multiband Ligator inEndoscopic Mucosal ResectionCarson Keck, MSIII, Mudit Chowdhary, MSIII, Minh Hang, MSII, AliKeshavarzian, MD, Shahriar Sedghi, MD, Mercer University School ofMedicine, Macon, GA, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, ILP1733. Outcomes in Bloodless Medicine Patients With AcuteGastrointestinal BleedingUmangi Patel, MD, Caroline Kerner, MD, MSCE, Chantal Lewis, MD,Amol Agarwal, BS, Patricia Ford, MD, University of Pennsylvania HealthSystem, Philadelphia, PAP1734. Endoscopic PEG Replacement Versus External PEG Replacement:An Outcome AnalysisTaruna Bhatia, MD, Muhammad Virk, MD, Sofia Nigar, MD, ManhalIzzy, MD, Faraj Karagoli, MD, MPH, Sury Anand, MD, Gastroenterology,The Brooklyn Hospital Center, New York, NY, Columbia PresbyterianMedical Center, New York, NY, Montefiore Medical Center, New York,NYP1735. Is Body Mass Index an Independent Predictor of InadequateBowel PreparationMustafa Huseini, MD, Kimberly Fairley, DO, Kimberly Chaput, DO,Amir Rezk, MD, C.Nishal Ravindran, MD, Michael Komar, MD, FACG,Nicholas Inverso, MD, Gastroenterology, Geisinger Medical Center,Danville, PAP1736. Endoscopic Full Thickness Gastric Wall Resection for TumorsOriginating From Deep Muscularis PropriaBing-Rong Liu, MD, PhD, Lingjian Kong, MD, The Second AffiliatedHospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin, ChinaP1737. Endoscopic Transoral Reduction (TORe) for Treatment of WeightRegain After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB): A Meta-AnalysisSaurabh Mukewar, MBBS, Nitin Kumar, MD, Pichamol Jirapinyo, MD,Haasan Ghoz, MBBCh, Christopher Thompson, MD, MSc, ChristopherGostout, MD, Barham Abu Dayyeh, MD, MPH, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,MN, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston,MAP1738. Needle Based Confocal Endomicroscopy for Pancreatic Cysts: IsThere Any Agreement in Interpretation?Kunal Karia, MD, Irving Waxman, MD, Vani Konda, MD, FrankGress, MD, Amrita Sethi, MD, Uzma Siddiqui, MD, Reem Sharaiha,MD, Prashant Keida, MD, Armeen Jamal-Kabani, FNP-BC, MonicaGaidhane, MD, MPH, Michel Kahaleh, MD, FACG, Division ofGastroenterology and Hepatology, Weill Cornell Medical College, NewYork, NY, The University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL, ColumbiaUniversity, New York, NYP1739. Endoscopic Suturing Registry: A Single Center’s Two-YearExperienceRani Modayil, MD, David Friedel, MD, Maria Marotta-Kollarus, RN,James Grendell, MD, John Allendorf, MD, Stavros Stavropoulos, MD,Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, NYP1740. Predictors of Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Incidence ofRecurrence After Endoscopic Intervention Among Recipients of LeftVentricular Assist DeviceAli Abbas, MD, MPH, Haseeb Jabbar, MD, Mustafa MohammedAhmed, MD, Charles T Jr Klodell, MD, Peter Draganov, MD, FACG,University of Florida, Department of Medicine, Gainesville, FL,University of Florida, Division of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery,Gainesville, FL, University of Florida, Division of CardiovascularMedicine, Gainesville, FL, University of Florida, Division ofGastroenterology and Hepatology, Gainesville, FLP1741. Safety and Economic Feasibility of Endoscopic Ultrasonography(EUS) in a Free-Standing Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Is Comparableto ColonoscopyBrenda Valencia, AGTS, Mankanwal Sachdev, MD, Debi Bradley, MSN-LRN, Ananya Das, MD, FACG, Arizona Advanced Endoscopy, Gilbert, AZP1742. Impact of Inadequate Preparation for Inpatient Colonoscopy andIdentification of Potential Risk Factors2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardElyse Johnston, MD, Rena Yadlapati, MD, Rajesh Keswani, MD, FACG,Northwestern University, Chicago, ILP1743. A Retrospective Evaluation of Quality in Photo-DocumentationDuring ColonoscopyMohamed Bayoumi, MD, Brendon Maher, BS, Michael Hsu, MD, EdwinMcDonald, MD, Michael Brown, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, RushUniversity, Chicago, ILP1744. Factors Associated With Number of Duodenal Samples Obtained inSuspected Celiac Disease in a Community SettingLeonid Shamban, DO, Serge Sorser, MD, Stan Naydin, BSPS, MousaShukr, MD, Charlotte Wiemann, MD, Daniel Yevsyukov, MD, MichaelPiper, MD, FACG, Bradley Warren, DO, FACG, Providence HospitalMedical Center, Southfield, MI, St. Luke’s Hospital, Milwaukee, WIP1745. Novel Colonoscopy Preparation of Organic Coconut Water WithMiralax ® and Dulcolax ® in Split Doses for Decompensated Cirrhotics. ARandomized Double Blinded Open Labelled Clinical Pilot Single CenteredObservational Study. COSMIC StudyPatrick Basu, MD, MACG, Niraj Shah, MD, Mark Aloysius, MD,David Lee, MD, Frank Gress, MD, Columbia School of Physiciansand Surgeons, New York, NY, King’s County Hospital Medical Center,Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn, NY, James J. Peters VA Medical Center, IcahnSchool of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, Bronx, NYP1746. Endoscopic Yield and Appropriateness ofEsophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) in a Community Hospital-BasedGastroenterology PracticeYogita Fotaria, MD, Scott Rathgaber, MD, Gastroenterology, GundersenHealth System, La Crosse, WIP1747. Yield of Balloon Assisted Enteroscopy After Abnormal CapsuleEndoscopy Depends on the Source of the Capsule EndoscopyAndrea Rodriguez, MD, Seth Lipka, MD, Kirbylee Nelson, MD, AshleyDavis-Yadley, MD, Vignesh Doraiswamy, BS, Roshanak Rabbanifard,MD, Ambuj Kumar, MD, MPH, Patrick Brady, MD, FACG, University ofSouth Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Department of Medicine,Tampa, FL, University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine,Department of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, Joy McCannCulverhouse Center for Swallowing Disorders, Tampa, FL, University ofSouth Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Department of Medicine,Division of Evidence Based Medicine and Outcomes Research, Tampa,FL, University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa, FLP1748. Successful Endoscopic Closure of Tracheoesophageal Fistula WithAPC and EVICEL Fibrin SealantJosh Wilson, MD, P. Wesley Benson, MD, John Evans, MD, Wake ForestBaptist Health, Winston Salem, NCP1749. The Utility of an Upper Esophagogastroduodenoscopy in PatientsWho Are Scheduled to Undergo an Upper Endoscopic UltrasoundExaminationRavi Vora, MD, Amar Mandalia, MD, Xiao Jing Wang, MD, Tilak Shah,MD, Kevin Woods, MD, MPH, Steven Keilin, MD, Field Willingham, MD,MPH, Qiang Cai, MD, PhD, Internal Medicine, Emory University School ofMedicine, Atlanta, GA, Emory University School of Medicine, Departmentof Internal Medicine, Division of Digestive Diseases, Atlanta, GAP1750. The Utility of an Upper Esophagogastroduodenoscopy in PatientsWho Are Scheduled to Undergo an Upper Endoscopic UltrasoundExaminationRavi Vora, MD, Xiao Wang, MD, Tilak Shah, MD, Kevin Woods, MD,MPH, Steven Keilin, MD, Field Willingham, MD, MPH, Qiang Cai, MD,PhD, FACG, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GAP1751. Factors That Influence the Efficiency of an Endoscopy Unit: APatient Flow AnalysisRowena Almeida, MD, Nancy Craig, BA, BEd, Lawrence Hookey, MD,Gastrointestinal Diseases Research Unit, Queen’s University, Kingston,ON, CanadaP1752. Endoscopic Versus Surgical Resection for Benign Complex ColonPolyps: Practice Patterns at an Academic Medical Center and FactorsInfluencing ManagementAnna Lipowska, MD, Srinadh Komanduri, MD, Rajesh Keswani, MD,Department of Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine, NorthwesternUniversity, Chicago, ILFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.116

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1753. Prospective Evaluation of the Clinical Utility of Laparoscopy-Assisted ERCP in Patients With Roux-en-Y Gastric BypassDisaya Chavalitdhamrong, MD, Mihir Wagh, MD, FACG, Luis Lara,MD, Kfir Ben-David, MD, Peter Draganov, MD, FACG, Division ofGastroenterology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, Gastroenterologyand Hepatology, Cleveland Clinic Florida, Weston, FL, Department ofSurgery, University of Florida, Gainesville, FLP1754. U.S. Gastroenterology Fellowship Programs Are Not PracticingCompetency Based Medical Education in Endoscopy Training: NationalSurvey of GI Program Directors and GI TraineesSwati Patel, MD, MS, Rajesh Keswani, MD, Grace Elta, MD, FACG,Lindsay Hosford, BA, Aimee Myers, BS, Dennis Ahnen, MD, FACG,Philip Schoenfeld, MD, MEd, MSc, FACG, Sachin Wani, MD, Universityof Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI, Northwestern University,Chicago, IL, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora,COP1755. A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing 3 Regimes ofColon Preparation Evaluating the Patient Satisfaction and Quality ofColonoscopyGriselda Martínez, MD, Oscar Teramoto, MD, Alejandro Angeles-Labra,MD, Felipe Zamarripa, MD, María Elena Hernández, MD, MiguelCamacho, MD, Adrian Gollas, MD, GI, ABC Medical Center, MexicoD.F., Mexico, Hospital Juárez de México, México D.F., Mexico, HospitalGeneral de Zona “Dr. Ignacio Zaragoza” ISSSTE, México D.F., MexicoP1756. New Peritoneal Access for NOTES: Esophago-Cardial-Gastric-Tunneling AccessBing-Rong Liu, MD, PhD, Ji-Tao Song, MD, The Second AffiliatedHospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin, ChinaP1757. Clinical Value of Continuous Peritoneal Lavage for the Treatmentof Iatrogenic Peritonitis After Endoscopic InterventionBing-Rong Liu, MD, JingYang Liu, MM, The Second Affiliated Hospitalof Harbin Medical University, Harbin, ChinaP1758. Endoscopic Management of Foreign Bodies in the UpperGastrointestinal Tract: An Analysis of 846 Cases in ChinaXiaowei Tang, MD, Wei Gong, MD, PhD, Bo Jiang, MD, PhD,Department of Gastroenterology, Nanfang Hospital, Southern MedicalUniversity, Guangzhou, ChinaP1759. Systematic Review: The Role of Spyglass Direct VisualizationSystem in the Management of Biliary DisordersXiaowei Tang, MD, Wei Gong, MD, PhD, Bo Jiang, MD, PhD,Department of Gastroenterology, Nanfang Hospital, Southern MedicalUniversity, Guangzhou, ChinaP1760. Endoscopic Management of Dieulafoy Lesion and Long-termOutcomesXiaowei Tang, MD, Wei Gong, MD, PhD, Bo Jiang, MD, PhD,Department of Gastroenterology, Nanfang Hospital, Southern MedicalUniversity, Guangzhou, ChinaP1761. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopic RetrogradeCholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in Children: A Two Center Experiencein ChinaXiaowei Tang, MD, Wei Gong, MD, PhD, Bo Jiang, MD, PhD, ZhiningFan, MD, PhD, Department of Gastroenterology, Nanfang Hospital,Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China, the First AffiliatedHospital With Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, ChinaP1762. Endoscopic Submucosal Tunnel Technique for the Treatment ofGastric Submucosal TumorsXiaowei Tang, MD, Wei Gong, MD, PhD, Bo Jiang, MD, PhD,Department of Gastroenterology, Nanfang Hospital, Southern MedicalUniversity, Guangzhou, ChinaP1763. Endoscopic Submucosal Tunnel Dissection for SubmucosalTumors of the Esophagogastric Junction Originating From the MuscularisPropriaXiaobing Cui, MD, Wei Gong, MD, Department of Gastroenterology,Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, ChinaP1764. Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy in Patients With ImplantableCardiac Defibrillators and Permanent PacemakersAnjuli Luthra, MD, John Evans, MD, Department of Gastroenterology,Wake Forest University, Winston SalemP1765. Gastric Cardia Intestinal Metaplasia Is Common in Schatzki’sRing: Study of Resection SpecimensDiana Winston, MD, MPH, Moises Guelrud, MD, Tufts Medical Center,Boston, MAP1766. POSTER WITHDRAWNENDOSCOPY - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1767. Enterocutaneous Fistula Plug Placement as a SuccessfulEndoscopic Intervention for Management of a Refractory GastrocutaneousFistula2014 ACG Clinical Vignette Award2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardKhadija Chaudrey, MD, John Maple, DO, FACG, Gastroenterology,Oklahoma University Health Science Center, Oklahoma City, OKP1768. Interesting Case of Retained Wireless Capsule DespiteSuccessful Passage of Patency Capsule in a Patient With Crohn’sDiseaseRaxitkumar Jinjuvadia, MD, MPH, Sandeep Walia, MD, Samir Bhalla,MD, Yousuf Siddiqui, MD, Internal Medicine, Henry Ford Hospital,Detroit, MIP1769. Gastric Heterotopic Pancreas Complicated by Pancreatitis andPseudocyst Formation, a Rare Complication of an Uncommon LesionArmen Eskandari, MD, Eric Choi, MD, University of CaliforniaRiverside- Department of Medicine, Riverside, CA, Division ofGastroenterology and Hepatology- Riverside Medical Clinic,Riverside, CAP1770. Unusual Complications Related to Endoscopic RetrogradeCholangiopancreatography With a Focus on Air EmbolismMohsen Khan, DO, Omat Hassan, BA, Marc Fine, MD, AdvocateLGH, Park Ridge, ILP1771. Gastric Adenocarcinoma in an Excluded Stomach Diagnosed byDouble Balloon EnteroscopyDeena Midani, MD, Adam Ehrlich, MD, MPH, Truptesh Kothari, MD,Stephen Heller, MD, Medicine/Gastroenterology, Temple UniversitySchool of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, Fox Chase Cancer Center,Philadelphia, PAP1772. The Unique Utility of EUS in Diagnosis of SubsternalRetroesophageal Thyroid MassesSadra Azizi, MD, Shawn Chaudhary, MD, Shannon Comley-Sood, DO,Todd Beyer, MD, Vinay Sood, DO, Albany Medical Center, Albany, NYP1773. Sucessful Endoscopic Stenting of an Anastomotic Leak FollowingGastric Bypass SurgerySadra Azizi, MD, Shawn Chaudhary, MD, Vinay Sood, MD, AlbanyMedical Center, Albany, NYP1774. Foreign Body Ingestion Masquerading as Crohn’s DiseaseAudrey Pintcke, Student DO, Ahmad Awan, MD, Hattiesburg Clinic,Hattiesburg, MS, Forrest General Hospital, Hattiesburg, MSP1775. Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Ethanol Ablation of a LargeMetastatic Carcinoid Tumor: success With a Note of CautionBradley Mathers, MD, Charles Dye, MD, Harold Harvey, MD, MatthewMoyer, MD, Internal Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center,Hershey, PAP1776. A Rare Case of Aorto-Jejunal Fistula Diagnosed Via VideoCapsule EndoscopyNooshin Hosseini, MD, Lawrence Murphy, MD, Kanishka Bhattacharya,MD, Christopher Marshall, MD, University of Massachusetts MedicalSchool, Worcester, MAPOSTERSTUESDAY117For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1777. Eosinophilic Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis With DiffuseGastrointestinal InvolvementDiana Franco, MD, Kevin Ruff, MD, Lester Mertz, MD, Dora Lam-Himlin, MD, Russell Heigh, MD, FACG, Mayo Clinic, Internal Medicine,Scottsdale, AZ, Mayo Clinic, Gastroenterology, Scottsdale, AZ,Mayo Clinic, Rheumatology, Scottsdale, AZ, Mayo Clinic, Pathology,Scottsdale, AZP1778. A Case of Accidental 30% Hydrogen Peroxide IngestionEdward Villa, MD, Rozana Asfour, MD, Nelson Moy, MD, MichaelKlamut, MD, Internal Medicine, Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, ILP1779. Endoscopic Placement of Gel Foam Achieves Hemostasis ofLower Gastrointestinal BleedAndrew Mazulis, MD, Catherine Ly, DO, Baseer Qazi, MD, SlawomirMarecik, MD, Internal Medicine, Lutheran General Hospital, ParkRidge, ILP1780. Retroperitoneal Abscess Following EUS-Guided Celiac PlexusBlockBenjamin Stein, MD, TImothy Gardner, MD, FACG, John Levenick, MD,Stuart Gordon, MD, Edward Merrens, MD, Richard Zuckerman, MD,Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NHP1781. Epidermoid Cyst of Pancreas Can Be Safely and PreciselyDiagnosed by EUS Guided FNAMuhammad Ali Khan, MD, Sehrish Kamal, MD, Vasuki Anandan, MD,Zarine Kamaluddin, MD, Ali Nawras, MD, FACG, University of Toledo,Toledo, OHP1782. Diagnosis of Primary Follicular B Cell Non Hodgkin Lymphoma ofthe Spleen by EUS Guided FNAMuhammad Ali Khan, MD, Sehrish Kamal, MD, Muhammad ImranKhan, MD, Tariq Hammad, MD, Yaseen Alastal, MD, Ali Nawras, MD,FACG, University of Toledo, Toledo, OHP1783. Colonoscope Incarceration Resulting in Colonic PerforationRepaired Using EndoclipsJustin Horwitz, DO, Duane Moise, DO, Carolinas Healthcare System-Blue Ridge, Valdese, NCP1784. Case Report: Successful Endoscopic Pancreatic Necrosectomy in5-Year-Old ChildJoan Kheder, MD, Swapnil Munsaf, MD, Wahid Wassef, MD, MPH,FACG, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MAPEDIATRICSP1785. Effects of Dietary Intervention on Breath Volatile OrganicCompounds in Obese Children With HypercholesterolemiaAmmar Matloob, MD, Michael Macknin, MD, Sara Lappe, MD, DavidGrove, PhD, Frank Cikach, BS, Vera Okwu, MD, Sarah Worley, MS,Raed Dweik, MD, Naim Alkhouri, MD, Cleveland Clinic - Departmentof Pediatric Gastroenterology, Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Clinic -Department of Pediatrics, Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Clinic - Departmentof Pathobiology, Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Clinic - Respiratory Institute,Cleveland, OHP1786. Lymphocytic Colitis in Children: 5-ASAs as Effective TreatmentDivya Mirchandani, MD, Samra Blanchard, MD, William Twaddell, MD,Anjali Malkani, MBBS, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MDP1787. Treatment Options for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease inChildren: A Systematic ReviewNidhi Rawal, MD, MPH, Anca Safta, MD, Anjali Malkani, MD,Shamila Zawahir, MD, Runa Watkins, MD, Howard Kader, MD, SamraBlanchard, MD, Pediatric GI, Hepatology and Nutrition, Univeristy ofMaryland, Baltimore, MDP1788. PELD and BALF Scores Demonstrate Similar Reliability forPredicting Acute on Chronic Liver Failure and Death in Biliary AtresiaPatients2014 ACG Fellow Award2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardThaddaeus May, MD, Charles Ho, MD, Jacob Smith, MD, Ross Pepper,MD, Jesal Shah, MD, Ross Shepherd, MD, Pediatric Gastroenterology,Hepatology, and Nutrition, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX,Rice University, Houston, TXPEDIATRICS - CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1789. Fluoxetine-Induced Transaminitis in an Adolescent PatientElizabeth Collyer, MD, Marsha Kay, MD, FACG, Cleveland ClinicChildren’s, Cleveland, OHP1790. Large Splenomegaly, Mediastinal and Pulmonary Nodularity,and Elevated Transaminases Associated With Non-NecrotizingGranulomatosis of Liver and Spleen in an 8-Year-Old BoyNarmer Galeano, MD, Dennis Kuo, MD, Kathleen Haines, MD, OrestesSanchez, MD, David Goldberg, MD, St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital,Paterson, NJ, Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, NJP1791. Evaluation of Therapeutic Uses of Endoscopic Ultrasonography inPediatric Patients: A Case SeriesYi Jia, MD, PhD, Mohamed Othman, MD, FACG, Texas Tech UniversityHealth Sciences Center, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, El Paso, TXCOLORECTAL CANCER PREVENTIONP1792. Surveillance Colonoscopy Interval: A Regression Model thatRenders Pathology UnnecessaryEthan Bortniker, MD, Michael Tadros, MD, John Birk, MD, FACG,University of Connecticut, Farmington, CTP1793. IBD Patients Have a Lower Adenoma Detection Rate Than theAverage-Risk Screening Population at a University Medical CenterSteven Zeddun, MD, Abdullah Al-Shahrani, MD, Vikesh Khanijow, MD,Lakshmi Lattimer, MD, Timothy Dougherty, MD, Wadha Al-Jaser, MD,Brandon Rieders, MD, Marie Borum, MD, EdD, MPH, FACG, Divisionof Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, George Washington University,Washington, DCP1794. A High Adenoma Detection Rate Does Not Decrease GenderDisparity in Polyp DetectionSteven Zeddun, MD, Brandon Rieders, MD, Lakshmi Lattimer, MD,Timothy Dougherty, MD, Marie Borum, MD, EdD, MPH, FACG, Divisionof Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, George Washington University,Washington, DCP1795. Colorectal Cancer in the Bahamian PopulationAnjali Chandra, MD, Eugene Cooper, MD, Princess Margaret Hospital,New Providence, BahamasP1796. Differential Expression of Cohesin SA in Early ColorectalCarcinogenesis: Potential Biomarker for Racial DisparitiesEhsan Chitsaz, MD, MHSc, Mart DeLaCruz, BS, MSc, AudreyCalderwood, MD, Ramesh Wali, PhD, Navneet Momi, PhD, JaclynWeinstein, BA, MS, Ari Davis, BS, Hemant Roy, MD, Department ofMedicine, Boston University Medical Center, Boston, MAP1797. The Quality of Medical Care and the Burden of Colorectal Cancerin the Universal Health Care System in ThailandSatimai Aniwan, MD, Sombat Treeprasertsuk, MD, KamthornPhaosawasdi, MD, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand,Vichaiyut Hospital and Medical Center, Bangkok, ThailandP1798. Predictors of Guideline-Consistent Colon Cancer SurveillanceRecommendations After PolypectomyZachary Freeland, BS, Ben Kahn, MD, Christian Mayorga, MD, SamirGupta, MD, FACG, Amit Singal, MD, FACG, Gastroenterology, UTSouthwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, UC San Diego, San Diego, CAFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.118

Poster Presentations – Tuesday, October 21, 10:30 am - 4:00 pmP1799. Discordant Regulation of Colonic Mucosal Fatty Acid Synthase(FASN) in African Americans and Caucasians: Implications for ColorectalCancer DisparitiesMart DeLaCruz, BS, Jaclyn Weinstein, MS, Audrey Calderwood, MD,Ramesh Wali, PhD, Navneet Momi, PhD, Hemant Roy, MD, Medicine,Boston University Medical Center, Boston, MAP1800. Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening by Colonscopy in aSuburban Low-Income Pennsylvania ClinicShelini Sooklal, MD, Susannah Stair, MD, Harvey Hakim, MD, EastonHospital, Easton, PAP1801. Association of Family Discussions About Colorectal Cancer andUptake of Screening Among an Underserved PopulationKolapo Idowu, MD, Babafemi Adenuga, MD, Feremusu Kamara, MD,Oritsetsemaye Otubu, MD, Finie Hunter-Richardson, MPH, KrishnanNarasimhan, MD, Adeyinka Laiyemo, MD, MPH, Medicine, HowardUniversity, Washington, DCP1802. Colonoscopy or CT Colonography: Patient Preference forColorectal Cancer ScreeningJoshua Samuel, MD, Nicholas Agresti, MD, Juan Munoz, MD, JuanBlum-Guzman, MD, UF Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FLP1803. Pathogenetic Differences in the Progression of MLH1 Intact andDeficient Sessile Serrated AdenomasKevin Turner, DO, Mark Redston, MD, Miraca Life Sciences ResearchInstitute, Irving, TXP1804. Outcomes of Next Day Colonoscopy Versus Non-next DayColonoscopy After Initial Colonoscopy With Inadequate BowelPreparationJohn Fang, MD, Jewel Samadder, MD, Gastroenterology, University ofUtah, Salt Lake City, UTP1805. Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Between Arab Americanand Southeast Asian AmericansFaris El-Khider, MD, Nizar Talaat, MD, Maher Tama, MD, Athar Haq,DO, Ritu Gupta, DO, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, OakwoodHospital, Dearborn, MIP1806. Using Life Expectancy to Determine the Appropriateness ofScreening or Surveillance Colonoscopy Among Elderly PatientsLisa Lin, MD, MS, Oren Bernheim, MD, Akash Kumar, MD, StevenItzkowitz, MD, FACG, Lina Jandorf, MA, Brijen Shah, MD, FACG, TheSamuel Bronfman Department of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicineat Mount Sinai, New York, NY, The Dr. Henry D. Janowitz Division ofGastroenterology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York,NY, The Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, Icahn School ofMedicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NYP1807. Starting Gastroenterology Fellowship Increased the AdenomaDetection Rate in a University PracticeSherif Elhanafi, MD, Indika Mallawaarachchi, MS, Wynee Lou, DO,Gabriela Rangel, MD, Rahul Chhana, BS, Hongfei Fang, BS, Rinkal RajPatel, BS, Alok Dwivedi, PhD, Marc Zuckerman, MD, FACG, MohamedOthman, MD, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of InternalMedicine, Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Department ofBiomedical Sciences, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, Texas TechUniversity Health Sciences Center, El Paso, TXP1808. Expand the View but Keep Your Scope: Initial Results Using theThird Eye ® Panoramic Cap for ColonoscopyMoshe Rubin, MD, FACG, Svetlana Fridlyand, DO, Konika Bose, MD,Sang Kim, MD, FACG, New York Hospital Queens Weill-Cornell MedicalCollege, Flushing, NYP1809. Randomized Trial of Competing Strategies for Colorectal CancerScreening: A 3-Year Follow-upPeter Liang, MD, MPH, Chelle Wheat, MPH, John Inadomi, MD,FACG, Division of Gastroenterology, University of Washington Schoolof Medicine, Seattle, WA, Department of Health Services, University ofWashington School of Public Health, Seattle, WAP1810. Instructional Video Improves the Quality of Bowel Preparation forColonoscopy2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardDilip Bearelly, MD, Saket Kottewar, MD, Ashraf Almashhrawi, MD,Wade Davis, PhD, John Marshall, MD, FACG, Jamal Ibdah, MD, PhD,University of Missouri, Columbia, MO119COLORECTAL CANCER PREVENTION -CLINICAL VIGNETTESP1811. Bowel Preparation: A Rare Cause of Focal Seizures – A CaseReport and ReviewKenechukwu Chudy-Onwugaje, MD, MPH, Kevin Tin, MD, YuriyTsirlin, MD, FACG, Ira Mayer, MD, FACG, Rabin Rahmani, MD, FACG,Gastroenterology, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NYENDOSCOPY VIDEO FORUMP1812. Closure of a Non-Healing PEG-Induced Fistula Tract Using aNovel Endoscopic TechniquePhilip Smith, BMedSci (Hons), BMBS (Hons), MSc (Nutrition), CherylMcKenzie, RN, Laith Alrubaiy, MBBS, Jim Buenaventura, RN, SamiHoque, MD, PhD (Edin), Department of Gastroenterology, Whipps CrossUniversity Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom,College of Medicine, Swansea University, Swansea, United KingdomP1813. Direct Peroral Cholangioscopy in a Transplanted Patient WithAnastomotic Stricture and CholedocholithiasisEduardo Rodrigues-Pinto, MD, Pedro Pereira, MD, Susana Lopes, MD,Guilherme Macedo, PhD, FACG, Gastroenterology, Centro HospitalarSão João, Porto, PortugalP1814. The Use of Hemospray ® in Refractory Post-PolypectomyBleeding From a Large Antral PolypJoseph Marsano, MD, Seth Gross, MD, FACG, New York UniversitySchool of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, New York, NY,New York University School of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology,New York, NYP1815. Endoscopic Ultrasound Findings in Autoimmune PancreatitisWith IgG4-Associated CholangiopathyHarshit Khara, MD, Shivangi Kothari, MD, Truptesh Kothari, MD,Vivek Kaul, MD, FACG, David Diehl, MD, Amit Johal, MD, GeisingerMedical Center, Danville, PA, Gastroenterology / Hepatology,University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NYP1816. Idiopathic Ileocolonic Varices: Combined GI-Surgery Approachfor Management of a Rare ConditionBrian Lim, MD, Sarah Thomas, MD, Robert Rudek, MD, CharlesChaya, MD, Ales Pindur, MD, Emily Phan, MD, Albert Ko, MD, MichaelLawrence, MD, Robert Wen, MD, James Ma, MD, Gastroenterology,Kaiser Permanente Riverside Medical Center, Riverside, CA, UCRiverside, School of Medicine, Riverside, CAP1817. Endoscopic Technique for Successful Hemostasis in MassiveDiverticular Bleed and the Importance of Rapid Bowel PrepJennifer Slane, DO, Shahzad Iqbal, MD, Winthrop University Hospital,Mineola, NYP1818. Night Out for Steak and Band: Innovative Use of the MultipleBand Ligator in Endoscopic Management of Esophageal Food BolusImpaction2014 ACG Presidential Poster AwardJoelle Roskens, RN, Sarah Matchan, CMA, Angela Deubel, PA-C,Stephen Nanton, MD, FACG, Avera McKennan Hospital and UniversityHealth Center, Sioux Falls, SDFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.POSTERSTUESDAY

General InformationRegistrationPre-RegistrationYou may pre-register for the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting andPostgraduate Course, and other half-day and full-day optionalprograms in one of three ways:1. Online – You may register online at ACG’s secure website atwww.acgmeetings.gi.org.2. Fax – You may fax your completed pre-registration form(with credit card information) to ACG at 301-263-9025.The Registration Form can be found on page 125.3. Mail – You may mail your completed pre-registration form withpayment to:American College of Gastroenterology6400 Goldsboro Road, Suite 200Bethesda, MD 20817-5842Deadline for receipt of pre-registration is September 24, 2014. All preregistrationsreceived prior to September 24 will be acknowledged.Onsite RegistrationAfter September 24, 2014, registration will only be available onsiteat the Pennsylvania Convention Center, on a space available basis.Pre-registration is strongly recommended. The onsite ACG RegistrationDesk will be located in the Broad Street Atrium at the PennsylvaniaConvention Center.CancellationWritten notice of cancellation and requests for refunds must bereceived by the College’s office by September 24, 2014. After thisdate, no refunds will be possible. Registration cancellations are notaccepted by telephone. An explanation must be provided in writing.There will be a $50 administrative fee assessed for cancellation of anypaid event. Refunds will be issued after the meeting.Meeting MaterialsMeeting materials (including name badges and optional event tickets)will be available for pick-up onsite at the ACG Registration Desk beginningon Friday, October 17. The onsite ACG Registration Desk will belocated in the Broad Street Atrium at the Pennsylvania ConventionCenter.Registrants of the Postgraduate Course and the Annual ScientificMeeting may choose to receive either a printed copy of the meetingsyllabus or a PDF of the syllabus on a USB drive. There is a separatecharge to purchase both the USB version and the printed version ofeither syllabusOptional Courses – Friday, October 17Optional Friday courses to be offered at ACG 2014 include: GI Pathologyand Imaging Course; What’s New in GI Pharmacology Course;Practice Management Course; and Recertification Preparation andUpdate Course. In addition, the ASGE will offer a one-day Endoscopycourse.Separate registration fees apply for all optional Friday courses and arenoted on the pre-registration form. Details for optional Friday coursesbegin on page 10.Annual Postgraduate Course – Saturday, October 18 and Sunday,October 19All registrants will receive a separate printed Self-Assessment Testand may choose to purchase advance online access to the Test(deadline for advance access purchase is September 5, 2014). The2014 Self-Assessment Test will offer 35 hours of CME. The PostgraduateCourse again offers registrants the opportunity to participate inthe optional Learning Luncheon programs. Participation will be bypre-registration only. There is a separate charge of $75 per ticket forthe Learning Luncheons. There are a limited number of participantswho may attend each Learning Luncheon. Because participation islimited in each session, you will need to provide your top five LearningLuncheon choices when completing your pre-registration form.Registration forms will be processed in order of receipt and must beaccompanied by payment of the registration fee in full. All registrantsof the Postgraduate Course may choose to receive the printed syllabusor a USB drive, which includes a PDF of the syllabus. For coursedetails, see page 17.Annual Scientific Meeting — Monday through Wednesday,October 20 through 22There is no registration fee for ACG Members (including FACG andMACG), Residents/Trainee/Candidate Members, NP/PA Members,and Allied Health Members. In addition, Residents/Non-MemberTrainees will have their registration fee waived if they provide a letterfrom their Program Director indicating they are currently in training.Guests/Non-Member Physicians/Non-Member PharmDs/Exhibitorsare required to submit a registration fee. Non-Member NursePractitioners, Physician Assistants, Allied Health Professionals andPractice Managers are also required to submit a registration fee. Allregistrants of the Annual Scientific Meeting may choose to receive aprinted copy of the meeting syllabus or a USB drive which includesa pdf of the syllabus. Attendees of the optional Breakfast Sessionswill receive an additional syllabus which includes the presentationsfor all breakfast sessions. Tickets for the optional breakfast sessionson Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday may be purchased for anadditional charge by indicating your preference on the registrationform. There are a limited number of participants who may attendeach breakfast session. Because participation is limited in eachsession, you will need to provide your top three breakfast sessionchoices when completing your pre-registration form. There is aseparate charge of $60 per ticket for the breakfast session. Forcourse details, see page 23.Procedures to Claim CMEAttendees of the ACG 2014 educational activities may claimCME or print a Certificate of Attendance in one of two ways:1. Visit the CME kiosks located near ACG Registration in theConvention Center. Complete your evaluation and print yourCME or attendance certificate, or email yourself a copy ofthe certificate to print later.OR2. From your own computer, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.orgto complete your evaluation and print your certificate.For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.120

General InformationAccreditationThe American College of Gastroenterology is accredited by the AccreditationCouncil for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) toprovide continuing medical education for physicians.Americans With Disability Act (ADA)Attendees of ACG 2014 who need additional reasonable accommodationsor who have special needs should contact the ACG office no laterthan September 24, 2014.The ACG designates these live activities for a maximum as notedbelow of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Physicians should claimonly the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation inthe activity.GI Pathology and Imaging Course ........... 5.25What’s New in GI Pharmacology ...............3Practice Management Course ............... 8.5Recertification Course ..................... 4.5Annual Postgraduate Course .............. 13.25Annual Scientific Meeting ................ 16.25Additional CME credits are provided for attendees of the optionalLearning Luncheons and Breakfast Sessions.Exhibit HallThe science and technology of medicine is ever changing andadvancing the practice of gastroenterology. Showcasing these latestadvances in technology and therapeutics is the ACG 2014 Exhibit Hallwhere more than 140 companies will display and demonstrate theirproducts and services. With the variety of exhibitors expected to participate,there are certain to be displays of interest for all attendees.Companies who exhibit include pharmaceutical manufacturers, medicalinstrument suppliers, research companies, technology companies,publishers, non-profit organizations, recruiters and many others.The ACG StorePostgraduate Course and Annual Meeting syllabi, as well as othereducational materials will be available for purchase at the ACG Store.ACG logo items, such as jackets, golf shirts, t-shirts, and mugs willalso be available. ACG Store hours are:Saturday, October 18 ......8:00 am – 5:00 pmSunday, October 19 .......8:00 am – 5:00 pmMonday, October 20 ......8:00 am – 6:00 pmTuesday, October 21 ......8:00 am – 6:15 pmWednesday, October 22. ...8:00 am – 12:15 pmOnsite Child Care InformationThe American College of Gastroenterology will again be offeringchild care services during its 2014 Annual Meeting and PostgraduateCourse. Child care will take place at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown.Times are as follows:Saturday, October 18 ......7:00 am – 5:00 pmSunday, October 19 .......7:00 am – 5:00 pmMonday, October 20 ......7:00 am – 6:00 pmTuesday, October 21 ......7:00 am – 6:15 pmWednesday, October 22. ...7:00 am – 12:30 pmTo take advantage of this special service, complete the Child CareReservation Form on page 129 or download and print a copy fromwww.acgmeetings.gi.org/general.asp. Please note: We must receivethe completed Child Care Registration Form with General Release andWaiver by September 24, 2014.121Hotel AccommodationsMake your reservations early—deadline for hotel reservations isSeptember 24, 2014!The headquarters hotel for ACG 2014 is the Philadelphia MarriottDowntown. Learn more on the following page.Airline InformationMeeting attendees and exhibitors will find traveling to Philadelphia easyby plane or train. If traveling by air, the Philadelphia International Airport isserviced by 30 airlines offering 600 daily nonstop flights from 124 cities,including more than 80 daily nonstop flights from 38 international cities.The airport is just seven miles outside the city and visitors can reach thedowntown area by rail service at the airport or by taxi.The following airlines will offer discounts to ACG members:United – Book online via www.united.com, and use offer codeZSDV393225 in the offer code box. If booking through a travel professionalor United Meetings at 1-800-426-1122, please give them thefollowing information: Agreement Code – 393225 and Z Code – ZSDV.A $25 service fee will apply when booking through United MeetingsReservations. There is no additional service fee when booking online.American Airlines – Book online via www.aa.com/group for AA/AEflights only, or by calling 1-800-433-1790 and give the Group Code88H4BW. A reservation charge of $25 USD per ticket will apply fortickets booked through AA Reservations, subject to change. There is noadditional charge when booking online.Delta – Book online via www.delta.com or by calling 1-800-328-1111 and use Group Code NMJAY. Please note that a Direct TicketingCharge will apply for booking by phone. When booking online,select Meeting Event Code and enter NMJAY in the box providedon the Search Flight page.Train InformationMany visitors can also travel to Philadelphia by Amtrak, which offerstransportation to the historic 30th Street Station right in the downtownarea. Amtrak is a convenient, ideal service along the NortheastCorridor from Boston to Washington, DC and all points in between.Amtrak offers a 10% discount off the best available rail fare to Philadelphia.To book your reservation, call 1-800-872-7245 and refer toConvention Fare Code X99S-906. This offer is not valid on the AutoTrain and Acela Service.Car Rental InformationInterested in renting a car in Philadelphia? Avis Rent will offer discountsto ACG members. Book online via www.avis.com or by calling 1-888-754-8878 and use AWD Number J900824 to receive the best possiblecar rental rates.Travel DestinationsYou can book airline reservations through ACG's official travel provider,Travel Destinations Management Group, by calling 1-800-455-0983.For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.REGISTRATIONINFORMATION

Hotel InformationMake your hotel reservations early –the deadline for hotel reservations is September 24, 2014.Visit the official ACG Housing Bureau websitefor a direct link to book your hotel room online.http://acg.registration.meetingsites.netThe passcode for meeting attendees is 2014.Booking through the housing bureau ensures you will receivethe special meeting rates and amenities ACG has negotiatedwith area hotels. Booking your room online is the easiest andfastest way to confirm your reservation in Philadelphia.If you require a hard copy of the housing booking form, pleasecall 888-863-7817. Leave your name, fax number and/oremail address and phone number and a form will be sent toyou within 48 hours.WAYANAREVINE ST.CHERRY ST.LOGANSQUARE4CHERRY ST.ARCH ST.JFK BLVD.9BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PARKWAY4974 4PENNSYLVANIA PENNSYLVANIACONVENTION CONVENTION7CENTER CENTER 52 6261 15VINE ST.RT. 676VINE ST.RACE ST.ARCH ST.FILBERT ST.VINE ST.HOTEL RT. 676VINE ST.1 Philadelphia FRANKLIN MarriottFRANKLINSQUARESQUAREDowntown(headquarters hotel)1201 Market StreetRACE ST.2 Courtyard PhiladelphiaDowntown21 North Juniper Street3 DoubletreeARCH ST.237 South Broad Street4 Hampton InnFILBERT ST.Philadelphia City Center1301 Race StreetRATE$257$249CHERRY ST.$219$217CHERRY ST.10MARKET ST.10LUDLOW ST.CHESTNUT ST.88MARKET ST.CHESTNUT ST.MARKET ST.5 Hilton Garden Inn1100 Arch Street6 Home2 Suites by Hilton1200 Arch StreetCHESTNUT ST.$216$209SANSOM ST.WALNUT ST.SANSOM ST.WALNUT ST.7 Le MeridienSANSOM ST.1421 Arch Street7TH ST.7TH ST.8WALNUTLoewsST.1200 Market Street$259$259RITTENHOUSESQUARERITTENHOUSESQUARELOCUST ST.19TH 18TH ST.17TH ST.SPRUCE ST.18TH ST.16TH ST.17TH ST.15TH ST.16TH ST.BROAD 15TH ST. ST.3BROAD ST.13TH ST.313TH 12TH ST.11TH ST.12TH ST.10TH ST.11TH ST.10TH9TH ST.ST.LOCUST ST.SPRUCE ST.8TH ST.9TH ST.WASHINGTON WASHINGTON9 SheratonSQUARESQUARELOCUST ST.201 North 17th StreetSPRUCE ST.8TH ST.6TH ST.10 Royal Sonesta1800 Market Street5TH ST.6TH ST.$207LOCUST ST.$1994TH ST.5TH ST.LOCUST ST.3RD ST.4TH ST.TELROOM ROOMmap # HOTEL map # HOTELROOM ROOMACG is pleased RATE to have our RATE 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate RATE Course taking RATEplace in Philadelphia.iladelphia Marriott Downtown Marriott Downtown $257 All $257 programs will be held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.6Home26Suites Home2 by Hilton Suites by Hilton $209 $209eadquarters Philadelphia rs hia hotel) Marriott hotel) Downtown Marriott Downtown1200 Arch 1200 StreetArch Street01 Street Market Streetd Courtyard by Marriott by Philadelphia Marriott Philadelphia Downtown Downtown 7 Le Meridien 7 Le Meridien$259 $2597. Le Meridien 7. Le Meridien Philadelphia Philadelphia1421 Arch Street 1421 Archurtyard For Philadelphia more information DowntownACG 2014 and to register, $249visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.122Streethiladelphia Downtown $249ee Doubletree iper North by Street Hilton Juniper by Hotel Street Hilton Philadelphia Hotel Philadelphia Center City Center City6. Home2 6. Suites Home2 by Suites Hilton by Philadelphia-Convention Hilton Cent8. Loews 8. Philadelphia Loews Philadelphia Hotel Hotel

ACG Auxiliary Events and ToursAuxiliary Schedule at a GlanceACG Auxiliary-Sponsored Tours at ACG 2014saturday, october 18Auxiliary Registration/Hospitality Suite*Philadelphia Marriott Downtown- Room 3108:00 am – 10:00 amTour (details at right)9:00 am – 11:00 amsunday, october 19Physician RegistrationBroad Street Atrium, Conv. Ctr.7:00 am – 6:30 pmAuxiliary Board Meeting**Philadelphia Marriott Downtown- Room 3077:00 am – 8:00 amAuxiliary Registration/Hospitality Suite*Philadelphia Marriott Downtown- Room 3108:00 am – 10:00 amTour (details at right)8:30 am – 2:00 pmOpening Welcome Reception**Exhibit Halls DE, Conv. Ctr.5:15 pm – 7:00 pmmonday, october 20Physician RegistrationBroad Street Atrium, Conv.Ctr.6:00 am – 4:45 pmAuxiliary Registration/Hospitality Suite*Philadelphia MarriottDowntown - Room 3108:00 am – 10:00 amAuxiliary Member Luncheon**Philadelphia MarriottDowntown, Room TBD11:30 am – 1:30 pmtuesday, october 21Physician RegistrationBroad Street Atrium, Conv.Ctr.6:00 am – 5:00 pmAuxiliary Registration/Hospitality Suite*Philadelphia MarriottDowntown -- Room 3108:00 am – 10:00 amwednesday, october 22Physician RegistrationBroad Street Atrium, Conv.Ctr.6:00 am – 12:15 pm* Breakfast will be available from 8:00 am to 10:00 am, Saturdaythrough Tuesday in the Auxiliary Hospitality Suite at the Marriott.** All Auxiliary members are invited.Barnes Foundation Private Group TourSaturday, October 18, 9:00 am - 11:00 amCost: $55 per personDiscover the legendary collection of the Barnes Foundation, oneof the world's finest holdings of impressionist, post-impressionist,and early modern paintings. The Barnes Collection includes anextraordinary number of masterpieces by Pierre-Auguste Renoir(181), Paul Cézanne (69), and Henri Matisse (59). The collectionalso includes important works by Pablo Picasso (46), ChaimSoutine (21), Henri Rousseau (18), Amedeo Modigliani (16), EdgarDegas (11), Vincent van Gogh (7), Georges Seurat (6), EdouardManet (4), and Claude Monet (4). We will have one docent per15 guests. The distance from the Philadelphia Convention Center/Marriott Downtown to the Barnes Foundation is approximately a20-minute walk or a 6-minute trolley ride. For more information onThe Barnes Foundation, please visit www.barnesfoundation.org.Brandywine River Museum Private Group TourSunday, October 19, departs 8:30 am, returns 2:00 pmCost: $25 per personRegister for the tours online at www.acgmeetings.gi.org.For information about the ACG Auxiliary, visit www.acgaux.gi.org.The Brandywine River Museum is noted for an outstandingcollection of American art, featuring America’s beloved artist,Andrew Wyeth. The museum is housed in a nineteenth-centurymill on the banks of the Brandywine River. The galleries boast theold original beams and provide expansive views of the river and thehills beyond. Supplementing the museum’s art collections, we willvisit the Wyeth House and Studio, a national landmark. Here, wewill experience not only the environment in which Wyeth createdmany of his memorable works of art but also the home where heraised his extraordinarily creative children. The 90-minute tourwill begin at 9:30 am. Following the tour, we will stop for lunchat a local Brandywine tavern (cost for lunch not included in tourprice). The distance from Philadelphia Convention Center/MarriottDowntown to the Brandywine Valley is approximately 40 minutes.For more information on the Brandywine River Museum, pleasevisit www.brandywinemuseum.org.REGISTRATIONINFORMATIONCo-PresidentsRandy Pike, RP18@cox.netLeilani Katz, Leilani@cirquemeded.com1st Vice-Presidents/Hospitality ChairsAngel Lyles, alyles@me.comAudreylee Leavitt, ajleavitt@bellsouth.netACG Auxiliary Officers 2013-20142nd Vice-Presidents/Membership ChairsShelley DeVault, shelleydevault@att.netChrissy Johnson, ckesslerjohnson@gmail.com3rd Vice-Presidents/Communication ChairsMimi Chung, mimichung@aol.comCheryl Wheeler, cwheeler18@gmx.comRenee Remily, rmremily@comcast.netSecretaryPatrice Koscheski, pakoscheski@gmail.comTreasurerDorisann Rusche, walker1468@aol.com123For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Registration InstructionsRegistering for ACG 2014 is easy.You can register online, by fax or by mail.ONLINE: www.acgmeetings.gi.orgFAX: 301-263-9025MAIL:American College of Gastroenterology6400 Goldsboro Road, Suite 200Bethesda, MD 20817-5842Step 1 • Contact InformationProvide your contact information (including email address) on theRegistration Form.Step 2 • Course SelectionsTo register, choose one of the educational programs under your correspondingregistration category. You may also select one or more ofthe optional programs offered on Friday, October 17. Please circlethe Friday Program(s) you would like to attend.Note: If you select the 3-day Clinical Review, you do not need toregister for the GI Pathology and Imaging Course or the What’s Newin GI Pharmacology Course.Registrants of the Postgraduate Course and the Annual ScientificMeeting may choose to receive either a printed copy of the meetingsyllabus or a PDF of the syllabus on a USB drive. There is a separatecharge to purchase both the USB version and the printed version ofeither syllabus.Step 3 • Optional Learning Luncheons andBreakfast SessionsIf you’ve selected the Postgraduate Course, you have the optionof attending up to two of the 24 Postgraduate Course LearningLuncheons (one each day) to be offered. The cost is only $75 each.Learning Luncheons are offered on Saturday and Sunday, October18 and 19. You may choose one Learning Luncheon each day.Learning Luncheons are optional. Since Learning Luncheons fill upfast, please indicate your top five choices for each day by numberingthem 1-5. We will make every effort to accommodate your topchoice.handouts will be provided to attendees registered for any BreakfastSession. You may choose one Breakfast Session each day. BreakfastSessions are optional. Since Breakfast Sessions fill up fast, pleasechoose up to your top five choices for each day by numbering them1-5. We will make every effort to accommodate your top choice.Step 4 • Additional OfferingsACG offers additional programs or materials to certain attendees.• Fellows-in-training may sign up for one of the two Trainees’luncheons on Sunday, October 19. The cost for each luncheon is$35. This event is available only to GI fellows-in-training.• Online Self-Assessment Test. Postgraduate Course registrantsmay purchase the 2014 Online Self-Assessment Test for $75. Theadvance purchase option is available only to 2014 PostgraduateCourse registrants. The deadline for advance access purchaseis September 5, 2014. Check the box on the registration form ifyou would like to place an advance order for the Online Self-Assessment Test.• PG+MOC. Postgraduate Course registrants may purchase ACG'snew 10 point module exclusive for the 2014 Annual PostgraduateCourse. Members pay an additional $40; Non-members $50.The deadline for pre-registration is September 24, 2014. Checkthe box on the registration form if you would like to place an orderwhen you register.Step 5 • PaymentRegistration selections are now complete. If you choose to mail or faxthe registration form, please complete the payment information onthe form and sign the form.If you signed up for the Annual Scientific Meeting, you have theoption of attending up to three of the 17 Annual Scientific MeetingBreakfast Sessions offered on Monday, October 20, Tuesday,October 21, and Wednesday, October 22. The cost is only $60each. A syllabus on USB containing all ACG 2014 Breakfast SessionFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.124

ACG 2014 Registration FormMail to: ACG, 6400 Goldsboro Road,Suite 200, Bethesda, MD 20817-5842Fax to: ACG at 301-263-9025.Fax with credit card number and signature.Web: Register online at www.acgmeetings.gi.org.Cancellation: Written notice of cancellationand requests for refunds must be received bythe College’s office by September 24, 2014.After this day, no refunds will be possible.Registration cancellations are not accepted bytelephone. An explanation must be provided inwriting. There will be a $50 administrative feeassessed for cancellation of any paid event.Refunds will be issued after the meeting. SeeCancellation Policy on page 121.ADA Compliance: Attendees of the ACGAnnual Meeting who need additionalreasonable accommodations or who havespecial needs should contact the ACG officeat 301-263-9000 no later than September 24.Please complete sections 1-5. Please print clearly.1. peRsonal InFoRmatIonFirst nameLast nameMUST circle all that apply: MD* DO* PhD Rn nP LPn PA PharmD Other *Please enter your 10-digit nPI number (required if U.S. physician)Look up your nPI number at npinumberlookup.org.Mailing Address Home address Work addressCity State/Province Zip / Postal Code CountryPhoneFaxEmail (required for meeting confirmation)I am bringing a mobile device or tablet: Yes no2. ReGIstRatIon FeesI am currently an ACG member.My application † for membership is attached.I have registered below at the member rates.(For membership information or to downloada membership application, visit www.gi.org.)†Registration will not be processed withoutmembership application.I am an ACG 2014 presenter: oral paper poster(includes FACG and MACG)Resident/Trainee/CandidateMember of ACGACG MemberASGE Practice Manager MemberPhysician / Exhibitor / Guest /Guest Physician / PharmDAllied Health Personnel(e.g. NP, RN, LPN, PA) orSpouse / Guest name, only if attending meetingResident/Trainee** (must attachletter from PD verifying status)Allied Health PersonnelCircle fee(s) based on attendee typePG Course and Annual Meeting, October 18–22PG Course Only, October 18–19Annual Meeting Only, October 20–223-day Clinical Review, October 17–19, includes PG Course,GI Pathology/Imaging, and GI Pharmacology3-day Clinical Review PLUS Annual Meeting, October 17–22aCG memBeRs$425 $0 $275$425 $0 $275$0 $0 $0$600 $200 $450$600 $200 $450(e.g. NP, RN, LPN, PA)Practice Managernon-memBeRs$750 $200 $575 $575$550 $200 $500 $500$300 $0 $150 $150$750 $425 $725 $725$850 $425 $800 $800Optional Friday Programs, October 17GI Pathology/Imaging; half-day/am (included in 3-Day Clinical)GI Pharmacology; half-day/pm (included in 3-Day Clinical)Practice Management; full dayGI Recertification; half-day/pmASGE Endoscopy Course; full day$200 $160 $175$200 $160 $175$275 $0 $200$150* $150* $150*$395 $200 $200$225 $225 $225 $225$225 $225 $225 $225$300 $300 $300 $200$175* $175* $175* $175*$495 $250 $250 $250*Recertification Course: Separate purchase of ACG’s module required.Boxed dinner provided. See page 14 for more details.**Your registration will not be processed without a letter from yourProgram Director verifying status.Postgraduate Course attendeesPlease indicate syllabus preference.Print version only ....... FREEUSB drive only ........... FREEPrint and USB ...............$302014PREAnnual Scientific Meeting attendeesPlease indicate syllabus preference.Print version only ....... FREEUSB drive only ........... FREEPrint and USB ...............$30125

3. Postgraduate Course Attendees Only$75 Advance copy of Self-Assessment Test ONLINEPG Course registrants only. See page 17 for details. This offer is only available until September 5, 2014.ACGmember$40ACG nonmember$50PG+MOC – Maintenance of Certification ModulePG Course registrants only. See page 19 for details. Pre-registration deadline is September 24, 2014.4. OPTIONAL SESSIONSLEARNING LUNCHEONS No refunds after September 24, 2014. BREAKFAST SESSIONS No refunds after September 24, 2014.$75 – Saturday Learning Lunch – pg course registrants only12:20pm – 1:35pm, October 18, 2014$60 – Monday Breakfast – annual meeting registrants only6:30am – 7:45am, October 20, 2014Select top 5choices andnumber them1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.Select top 5choices andnumber them1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.5. PAYMENTFood Allergies and the GI TractRefractory GERD: Esophageal Physiology ToolboxDon’t Panic: It’s a Visible Vessel!Fecal Transplantation for C. difficile InfectionDiverticular Disease: Dispelling the MythsMiscellaneous ColitidesAnorectal Disorders UpdateComplementary Therapy in Your PracticeUpdate in NASHYou’ve Been Appointed to Run Endoscopy UnitThe Post-ablation EsophagusObscure GI Bleeding – Current Algorithm$75 – Sunday Learning Lunch – pg course registrants only12:20pm – 1:35pm, October 19, 2014Liver Transplant ManagementWashington’s Impact on Your GI PracticeNauseous and Bloated but Tests Are NegativeFertility and Pregnancy in IBDFluid in the Abdomen: What to Do Next?The Role of Swallowing a Pill in Your PracticeDo PPIs Harm Heart, Bones, Intestinal Flora?Managing Failed Antibiotic Therapy for H. pyloriEndoscopic Management of Pancreatic PseudocystsEnteral Feeding: How To Pick Your TubeTreatment for Resistant Patient with Hepatitis BEndoscopy in the Post-bariatric PatientI am registering for a Luncheon and require avegetarian meal Kosher meal gluten-free mealI am registering for a Breakfast Session and require avegetarian meal Kosher meal gluten-free mealPay by check. Make checks payable in U.S. funds to ACG.Pay by credit card: VISA MASTERCARD AMEXSA1SA2SA3SA4SA5SA6SA7SA8SA9SA10SA11SA12SU13SU14SU15SU16SU17SU18SU19SU20SU21SU22SU23SU24Select top 4choices andnumber them1, 2, 3 or 4.Select top 5choices andnumber them1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.Select top 4choices andnumber them1, 2, 3 or 4.ADDITIONAL OFFERINGSSelect one.The Power of Social MediaAtypical ColitidesGI Disease in Transitioning TeenagersCost-effective Approach to Common GI ConditionsEndoscopy 101: Esophageal and Anorectal Motility$60 – Tuesday Breakfast – annual meeting registrants only6:45am – 8:15am, October 21, 2014Escalation and De-Escalation of Therapy in IBDUsing New ACG Guidelines in Clinical PracticeTopics in Pancreaticobiliary DiseaseFunctional Anorectal Disease: Do Ask and Do TellNew Endoscopic TechniquesThe Gastroenterologist and the Pregnant PatientFatty Liver Diseases: You Can’t Escape ThemMedicolegal Issues in GastroenterologyCommon Liver Outpatient ConsultsPractical ColonoscopyControversies in Barrett’s EsophagusCommon Complications of IBD and IBD TherapyEmployment Agreements4th Year GI FellowshipsSubtotal section 2:MONAMONBMONCMONDMONETUEFTUEGTUEHTUEITUEJTUEKTUELTUEM$60 – Wednesday Breakfast – annual meeting registrants only6:45am – 8:15am, October 22, 2014WEDNWEDOWEDPWEDQNo refunds after September 24, 2014.$35 – Trainees’ Luncheon12:20pm – 1:35pm, October 19, 2014You may not register for a Sunday Learning Luncheon if you areregistered for a Trainees’ Luncheon. See page 24 for details.NOTE: While space is limited for the Learning Luncheons and the Breakfast Sessions,we will make every effort to accommodate your top choice. Register early for the best selection.TLEATL4YCREDIT CARD #NAME ON CARDSIGNATUREEXP. DATE3 OR 4 DIGITSECURITY CODESubtotal section 3:Subtotal section 4:TOTAL DUE:

Exhibit HallThe science and technology of medicine is ever-changing and advancingthe practice of gastroenterology. Showcasing these latest advancesin technology and therapeutics is the ACG 2014 Exhibit Hall, wheremore than 140 companies will display and demonstrate their products andservices. With the variety of exhibitors expected to participate, there willcertainly be displays that will interest any attendee. Companies who exhibitinclude pharmaceutical manufacturers, medical instrument suppliers, researchcompanies, technology companies, publishers, non-profit organizations,recruiters and many others.Immediately following the conclusion of the Postgraduate Course onSunday, join colleagues for the ACG 2014 Opening Welcome Reception in theExhibit Hall from 5:15 pm – 7:00 pm. The Reception will feature horsd’ouevres and​refreshments. This casual social gathering will giveall attendees the opportunity to explore the Hall, meet withexhibitors, and network and mingle with fellow professionals.exhibit hall hoursSunday, October 19 ...................... 3:30 pm – 7:00 pmOpening Welcome Reception 5:15 pm – 7:00 pmMonday, October 20 ....................10:00 am – 4:30 pmTuesday, October 21 ....................10:00 am – 4:30 pmACG 2013 Exhibitors included the following:22ottersAbbVieABIMAffiliated CommunityMedical CentersAmenity Health, Inc.American College ofGastroenterologyAmerican Express OPENAmericanNeurogastroenterology &Motility SocietyAmerican Physician InstituteAmerican RegentAmeriPath/QuestDiagnosticsAmSurg CorpApollo Endosurgery, Inc.AptalisAstraZeneca, LPAvantis Medical SystemsBayer HealthCareBio-K+ International, Inc.Bodhi Tree AnesthesiaBoehringer IngelheimPharmaceuticals, Inc.Boston ScientificBracco DiagnosticsBraintree Laboratories, Inc.Butterfly Health, Inc.Calmoseptine Inc.Cass LaboratoriesCDx DiagnosticsChiRhoClin, Inc.Chronic Liver DiseaseFoundationCleveland Clinic - DigestiveDisease InstituteColloid Apps, LLCColon Cancer AllianceColon Prep CenterColowrap, LLCCommonwealthLaboratories, Inc.Community Health SystemsConMedContemporary InsuranceServices, Inc.Cook Medical-EndoscopyCovidiencoVitaCRH Medical CorporationCrospon Ltd.CSA Medical, Inc.DiagnovusDigestive Care, Inc.Digestive Disease WeekElsevierEndoChoiceEndogastric SolutionsEndoSoftEntera Health, Inc.Enterix Inc, a QuestDiagnostics CompanyEPIX AnesthesiaERBE USA, Inc.Exact SciencesEZ2GOFerring PharmaceuticalsFleet LaboratoriesFlexicare Inc.Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc./Ironwood Pharmaceuticals,Inc.FUJIFILM Medical SystemsU.S.A., Inc. - EndoscopyDivisionGastroenterology &Endoscopy NewsGastroenterology &HepatologyGenii, Inc.GeniusDocGI Health FoundationGI Pathology, PLLCGI SupplyGilead SciencesGIPAC BoothGIQuICGiven Imaging, Inc.GlaxoSmithKlineGlaxoSmithKline (US)Global Medical StaffinggMedGundersen Health System127FREE!Free Exhibit Hall Passesfor Practice ManagersACG will again offer free Exhibit Hall passes forPractice Managers. See ACG 2014 online registrationfor details, www.acgmeetings.gi.org.H.M.B. Endoscopy ProductsHemosure, Inc.IFFGDInnovative Anesthesiainvendo MedicalJanssen Biotech, Inc.Janssen Therapeutics,Division of Janssen Products,LPKadlecKimberly-Clark Health CareLocumTenens.comLuminexMauna Kea TechnologiesMayo ClinicMD-Reports/ InfiniteSoftware Solutions, Inc.MedivatorsMediwatch USAMedspiraMerit Medical EndotekMerrill LynchMiraca Life SciencesMission Road PharmacyMother to Baby StudiesConducted by TheOrganization of TeratologyInformation SpecialistsMyriad Genetic LaboratoriesNational Digestive DiseasesInformation ClearinghouseNational PancreasFoundationNature Publishing GroupNeuIsysNewPath DiagnosticsNexTechNextGen HealthcareNextservices, Inc.NinePoint MedicalNPS PharmaceuticalsOBP MedicalOlympus America Inc.Optimer PharmaceuticalsOptimer Pharmaceuticals -Medical InformationOtsuka AmericaPharmaceuticals - MedicalDevice DivisionOvesco Endoscopy USA, Inc.Oxford University PressPancreatic Cancer ActionNetworkPBM PharmaceuticalsPeacehealthPENTAX MedicalPhysicians EndoscopyPinnacle Biologics, Inc.PLUS DiagnosticsPOM Medical, LLCPractical GastroenterologyPracticeLinkProcter & GamblePrometheus LaboratoriesInc.QDX Pathology ServicesQuintron InstrumentCompanyR&O Pharmacy, LLCRedfield CorporationRedPath IntegratedPathologyReshape MedicalResiCal, Inc.RestechSalix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Sandhill ScientificSanford HealthSantarus IncSebela Pharmaceuticals,Inc.Sedasys, a Division ofEthicon Endo-Surgery, Inc.ShireSigma TauPharmaceuticals, Inc.SLACK, IncSmart Medical SystemsLtd.Somna TherapeuticsStaff Care, Inc.Sucampo/TakedaPharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.Sweet Dreams Anesthesia,Inc.Synergi, Inc.Takeda PharmaceuticalsU.S.A., Inc.ToraxTZAM Diagnostics, LLCUCLA Pathology OutreachUS Endoscopy GroupUS Medical InnovationsVascular TechnologyVertex PharmaceuticalsIncorporatedVital Therapies, Inc.Wako DiagnosticsWarner ChilcottWolters Kluwer Health -ProVation MedicalWorld GastroenterologyOrganisationXenon HealthFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

ACG 2014Late-BreakingAbstractsAgain this year, for the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting,ACG will consider late-breaking abstracts of high quality clinicalresearch results. ACG will consider extending the program to create a fewadditional slots in response to submissions of great merit and clinical interest.Please do not resubmit abstracts already considered during the regular 2014 abstracts review process.Deadline to submit late-breaking abstracts:Friday, September 5, 2014, at 11:59 pm Eastern Timewww.acgmeetings.gi.org/abstracts.aspFor more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.128

Child Care Registration FormThe American College of GastroenterologyAnnual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate CourseOctober 17–22, 2014 • The Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PAYour Name:First Name Middle Initial Last NameMailing Address:City/State/Zip/Country:Home Phone:Work Phone:Cell Phone:Email:Name/s of Child/Children:Age/s:Childcare will be provided at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, the Headquarters Hotel during ACG 2014.To take advantage of this specialservice, read and sign the GeneralRelease and Waiver below andmail or fax this form to:American College of Gastroenterology6400 Goldsboro Rd., Suite 200Bethesda, MD 20817-5842Ph: (301) 263-9000Fx: (301) 263-9025Half-daymorningHalf-dayafternoonFull dayPlease indicate the block(s) of time you will be reserving.Saturday,October 187:00 am –5:00 pmSunday,October 197:00 am –5:00 pmMonday,October 207:00 am –6:00 pmTuesday,October 217:00 am –6:15 pmWednesday,October 227:00 am –12:30 pmWe must receive the Reservation Form and the signed General Release and Waiver by September 24, 2014.GENERAL RELEASE AND WAIVERWe, the undersigned, in consideration of the services of care for our children during the ACG 2014 Postgraduate Course and Annual Meetingin Philadelphia, PA, from October 17-22, 2014, do hereby release and discharge forever the American College of Gastroenterology, thePhiladephia Marriott Downtown, contracted child care providers, corporations both known and unknown, from any and all claims, demands,damages, actions, causes or actions, or suits at law or inequity because of any matter, incident or thing done, omitted or suffered to be doneby anyone, which may hereafter arise from or out of our children’s presence at the children’s program at the Philadephia Marriott Downtown,October 17-22, 2014.Furthermore, we the undersigned do expressly stipulate and agree, in consideration for the aforesaid children’s hospitality center, to indemnifyand to hold the American College of Gastroenterology and the Philadephia Marriott Downtown, firms and corporations both known andunknown, forever harmless against loss from any and all further claims, demands, grievances and causes of actions of any kind whatsoeverthat may hereafter at any time be made or brought by our children and we hereby waive any and all rights of exemption under the laws of anystate or against such claims.In the event of any emergency, the American College of Gastroenterology and the Philadephia Marriott Downtown and their agents have ourpermission to administer first aid or obtain emergency medical treatment in our children’s best interest. We agree to pay all expenses incurreddue to an emergency involving our children.Printed Name (Parent/Guardian)Signature (Parent/Guardian)(In signing, I/we acknowledge and accept the General Release andWaiver printed above.)129For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.

Enjoy PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia – The Birthplace ofOur Nation and Host City for ACG 2014Few cities in the U.S. hold as much historical significance asPhiladelphia, which is one of the reasons ACG has chosenit as the host city for ACG 2014. Most Americans knowPhiladelphia as the birthplace of our nation, or as homeof the Liberty Bell, Ben Franklin, and the nickname “TheCity of Brotherly Love.” Some may also remember it as thesetting to the movie “Rocky,” where Rocky raised his armsin triumph after running to the top of the famous steps ofthe Philadelphia Museum of Art. Still others may think ofLove Park and the famous “LOVE” statue that has beenimmortalized on postage stamps, while some recognize thecity’s passion for its sports teams, like thede PhiladelphiaEagles, the 76ers, and the Phillies. Situated on the banksof the Delaware River, this historically important city is athriving, ethnically diverse metropolis that offers somethingfor every visitor. Attend ACG 2014 to experience theexcitement of Philadelphia.What to Do and See in Popular Philadelphia NeighborhoodsSituated on the banks of the Delaware River, Philadelphia isa thriving, ethnically diverse metropolis that offers somethingfor every visitor. Attend ACG 2014 to experience theexcitement. Considered one of the most walkable cities inthe U.S., put on your walking shoes and explore its variousdistinct neighborhoods.Waterfront/Historic District – Independence NationalHistorical Park featuring the Liberty Bell, Independence Halland Carpenters’ Hall • Independence Seaport Museum •Penn’s Landing • Elfreth’s Alley – the oldest continuouslyoccupied street in the U.S.Washington Square District – Jeweler’s Row, the largest andoldest jewelry district • Antique RowConvention Center District – Reading Terminal Farmer’sMarket • The Gallery at Market East, the largest downtownshopping center in the U.S. • Friendship Gate at ChinatownParkway/Museum District – Philadelphia Museum of Art– create your own “Rocky” moment on the steps of thismuseum • The Franklin Institute Science Museum • TheAcademy of Natural Sciences • Philadelphia Zoo • PleaseTouch Museum, Philadelphia’s Children’s MuseumRittenhouse Square District – Rittenhouse Square, one of thecity’s most popular parks • Academy of Music • The KimmelCenter for the Performing Arts • Walnut Street features someof the country’s finest restaurants, shopping, and salons •LOVE Park across from City HallPlan to attend ACG 2014 and visit Philadelphia!We hope you make plans to join ACG for the ACG 2014Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course,October 17-22, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.We look forward to seeing you in Philadelphia!For more information on ACG 2014 and to register, visit www.acgmeetings.gi.org.130Gutrunners Foundation With Support From Acg Presents:The 5th AnnualGutrunners 5k Race /1 Mile WalkSunday, October 19, 2014 at 7:00 amPhiladelphia, PADon't miss this exciting fun run at ACG (course details/map will beavailable soon at www.gutrunners.com).Register today at www.gutrunners.com/programs.php and joinyour peers, Gutrunners and ACG in our effort to improve digestivehealth in the community!Entry Fee and Participant AmenitiesThe $30 registration fee includes the following:• Official race t-shirt• Post-race breakfast• Prizes for all registered participants• Awards for the top-three male and female finishers*Registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.The event is open to all ACG attendees, family members, exhibitorsand local residents. Teams are welcome; encourage your peers andfamily to run with you on race day.For more information visit www.gutrunners.com.About GutrunnersThe Gutrunners Foundation is a leading charitable organizationdedicated to improving digestive health in the community througheducation and exercise. Proceeds from the races go toward providingfree colonoscopies for uninsured patients through the ColonoscopyAccess Program (CAP), research and patient education.Gutrunners gratefully acknowledges support from ACG and thefollowing corporate sponsors: Align, Metamucil, PENTAX, GivenImaging, and Olympus.Premier SponsorTo inquire about sponsorship contact Katie Thorne atkthorne@gutrunners.com or 410-746-0369.

For ACG 2014 Annual Postgraduate Course Attendees Only!PG+MOCMaintenance of Certification with ACG’s AnnualPostgraduate CourseSuccessfully complete PG+MOC and you can earn 10 MOC pointsRegistering for the Annual Postgraduate Course?Purchase the new PG+MOC module when you register and youcan earn 10 maintenance of certification points. The modulewill be available in early October. You must be registered forthe 2014 Annual Postgraduate Course to take advantage of thisspecial offer. ACG members can purchase PG+MOC for only$40 additional; $50 for non-members. Preregistration deadline is September24, 2014. For complete details on how to purchase and earn points, see page 19.ACG 2014Annual Postgraduate CourseONLINE SELF-ASSESSMENT TESTAvailable for a limited time for only $75**This special offer is only available to Preregistrants of the ACG 2014 Postgraduate Course, andpre-order is only available until September 5th at the special rate of $75. After the Postgraduate Course,the Self-Assessment Test ONLINE will be available for general purchase at $99 for ACG Members and$150 for non-members. Use Registration Form on page 125 to place your order.What You GetAdvance access will include allportions of the test—detailedexplanations and supportingreferences for further study, aswell as overall/category scoresand comparison data to othertest takers. Up to 35 AMA PRACategory 1 Credits available forsuccessful completion.PG Course registrants who purchase the 2014 Self-AssessmentTest ONLINE will receive access to the test on or about September10th. All PG Course registrants will receive a hard copy version ofthe 2014 Self-Assessment Test on-site with their course materials.Question topics include:• GI Emergencies• Genetic Disorders• Endoscopy & GI Bleeding• Hepatology• IBD• Liver Disease• Pancreaticobility DiseasesPurchase youronline editiontoday!

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