Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

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exhibit semi-prostrate growth habit in early spring, flag leavesslightly waxy and upright at booting, leaf sheaths and stems waxy andanthocyanin is not present in leaves or stems. Stems comprised of fournodes, with moderate exertion between flag leaf and spike, a closedcollar, and a slightly undulated neck. Spikes are erect, strap, andslightly waxy with no overlapping lateral kernels. Rachis covered withhairs. Glumes medium length with short hairs confined to the band andawns smooth and less or equal to glumes in length. Lemmas are hairless,have a depressed base, and awns are long and rough. Rachilla hairs long.Seed hulled, midlong to long, slightly wrinkled, with colorlessaleurone, and lacking hairs on the ventral furrow. On average, heademergence is 2 days later than Wysor, and 4 days later than <strong>No</strong>mini andPrice. Average plant height 91 cm, 7.5 cm taller than Callao and 8-10 cmshorter than Wysor and <strong>No</strong>mini. On the basis of Belgian lodging score(0.2=no lodging, 10=completely lodged) straw strength (1.4) is good incomparison with Callao (5.0). Winter hardiness (95% survival) is goodand most similar to that of the winter hardy check Kentucky 1 (63%). Onthe basis of disease assessments (Infection Type O=immune to 4=highlysusceptible) of seedlings conducted in greenhouse tests from 1999-2002,(IT=1) resistant to powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) but moderatelysusceptible (IT=3) to leaf rust (Puccinia hordei) races 8 and 30. Infield tests (1999-2002), adult plants expressed resistance (0=resistantto 9=susceptible) to powdery mildew (1.3) and septori leaf blotch (0)(Septoria passerini). Has expressed susceptibility to leaf rust (7) andmoderate susceptibility to net blotch (4) (Pyrenophora teres).<strong>The</strong> following were developed by David Gehl, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada,P.O. Box, Indian Head, Saskatchewan S0G2K0, Canada; Deng-Jin Bing,Agriculture Canada, Morden Research Centrre, Pulse Crop Breeder, Morden,Manitoba R6M 1Y5, Canada; Y.T. Gan, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre, Research Branch, SwiftCurrent, Saskatchewan S9H 3X2, Canada; Tom Warkentin, University ofSaskachewan, Crop Development Centre, 51 Campus Drive, Saskatoon,Saskatchewan S7N 5A8, Canada; Robert L. Conner, Agriculture and Agri-FoodCanada, Morden Research Station, Unit 100-101, Morton, Manitoba R6M 1Y5,Canada; G. Clayton, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Research Center, 6000 C &E Trail, Lacombe, Alberta T4L 1W1, Canada; T.K. Turkington, Agriculture andAgri-Food Canada, Lacombe Research Centre, 6000 C & E Trail, Lacombe, AlbertaT4L 1W1, Canada; D. Orr, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lacombe ResearchCentre, 6000 C & E Trail, Lacombe, Alberta T4L 1W1, Canada; A.G. Sloan,Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Morden Research Station, Unit 100-101,Morden, Manitoba R6M 1Y5, Canada; A.G. Xue, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre, K.W. Neatby Building, Ottawa,Ontario K1A 0C6, Canada; C. Vera, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, MelfortResearch Farm, P.O. Box 1240, Melfort, Saskatchewan S0E T4L, Canada. Received05/10/2004.PI 634934. Pisum sativum L.Cultivar. "MISER"; 9406046; MP1807; Registration no. 5627. CV-23.Pedigree - Highlight / Choral. Semi-leafless pea with yellow cotyledon,small to medium seed size and resistance to powdery mildew (Erysiphepisi).<strong>The</strong> following were developed by Barry Glaz, USDA, ARS, Sugarcane FieldStation, Canal Point, Florida 33438, United States; P.Y.P. Tai, USDA-ARS,80

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