Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

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values in a 4-replicate test, 14 d after infestation with aphidsviruliferous for BYDV-PAV and CYDV-RPV, was 0.095 and for Abe 0.516, LSD0.05=0.264. Yellow dwarf symptom score (0-9, 0=no symptoms to 9=severeleaf discoloration and plant stunting) in replicated field nurseries in2002 at Lafayette, Indiana, with natural yellow dwarf viruses infectionin wheat seedlings in fall 2001 was 0.5 and for P29, Abe and Caldwell0.5, 7.8, and 5.2, respectively, LSD 0.05=0.7. Resistance to Stagnosporanodorum blotch, typically averaging a score of 4 (0-9, 0=no symptoms to9=severe disease in glumes), has Lr37, Yr17 and Sr38, powdery mildew(Blumeria graminis) develops more slowly than susceptible wheat lines,typically scored at 2-4 (0-9, 0=no lesions to 9=severe mottling andplant stunting). Flowering date in Indiana similar to Patterson. Anthersyellow, awnlets typically 3-5 mm long.<strong>The</strong> following were donated by Auburn University, Alabama Agr. Exp. Sta.,Auburn, Alabama, United States. Received 1971.PI 634826. Capsicum frutescens L.GREENLEAF TABASCO. Med. height (14-18"), erect plants; fruits arebroad, c conical shape w/rounded tip, yellow to drk. red at maturity,glossy as if waxed; 39% more extractable red pigment than Tabasco fruit.Late maturing, killed by frost; resist TEV & ripe rot. Greenleaf, W.H.,"Greenleaf Tabasco, a new TEV Resist. Tabasco Pepper Variety", AES,Auburn Univ., Auburn, Ala., Leaflet #81, Dec. 1970.<strong>The</strong> following were developed by George Graef, University of Nebraska,Department of Agronomy, 319 Keim Hall, East Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska68583-0915, United States; L.L. Korte, Nebraska Agr. Exp. Sta., University ofNebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68583-0915, United States; D.M. White, NebraskaAgr. Exp. Sta., University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68583-0915, UnitedStates. Received 04/21/2004.PI 634827. Glycine max (L.) Merr.Cultivar. Pureline. "NE2701"; U96-2233. CV-472. Pedigree - Colfax xA91-701035. Late Maturity Group II (2.7 relative maturity) withdeterminate growth habit, purple flowers, gray pubescence, and tan podsat maturity. Seeds have yellow cotyledon, yellow seed coat withintermediate luster, imperfect black hila. Heterogeneous for seed coatperoxidase activity. Over two years of Uniform Regional Group II tests(1998-1999), average yield of 3810 kg ha-1, with 410 g kg-1 protein and202 g kg-1 oil in the seed. Shows good broad adaptation, as evidenced bythe multiple-year averages in the Uniform Regional Tests. Shorterstature and high yield response make it well suited for irrigated andhigh-productivity environments where higher populations and/or narrowrow culture may be used to increase productivity. Susceptible to phytophthora root rot (Phytophthora sojae).<strong>The</strong> following were donated by Rudy-Patrick Seed Company, Kansas City,Missouri, United States. Received 1961.PI 634828. Solanum lycopersicum L.Cultivar. NSL 5899; Ponderosa Red. Red fruits, older late maturing,indeterminate, fruits large, flat, somewhat rough, tendency to crack, 90days Asgrow A descriptive cat. of veg. 1957 #19.64

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