Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

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PI 636331. Zea mays L. subsp. maysBreeding. Population. BS36. GP-404. Pedigree - BS36 genetic materialsinclude BS11(FR)C11, BS26(S)C3, BSCB1(R)C13, and B97 temperategermplasm, and CML323,CML324, and CML328 subtropical lines from CIMMYT.BS36 was developed by intermating 13 backcross selections afterevaluation per se and in testcrosses from crosses between temperate andsub-tropical materials. BS36 includes 75% temperate and 25%sub-tropical germplasm and has grain yields, harvest grain moisture,days to flowering, and other agronomic traits similar to the temperaterecurrent parents. BS36 includes temperate and sub-tropical germplasmclassified in the non-Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic heterotic group.Relative maturity of BS36 is AES800 maturity group.PI 636332. Zea mays L. subsp. maysBreeding. Population. BS37. GP-405. Pedigree - BS37 is comprised ofgenetic materials from temperate populations BS10(FR)C11, BS13(S)C8, andBSSS(R)C13 and tropical Pool 18 and Populations 21,24,28,43, and 49 fromCIMMYT. BS37 was formed by intermating 20 backcross selections based onbackcross per se and testcrosses of selected backcrosses derived fromcrosses of elite temperate and elite tropical populations. BS37includes 75% temperate and 25% tropical germplasm and has grain yield,harvest grain moisture, days to flower, and other agronomic traitssimilar to the temperate recurrent parents. BS37 includes germplasmclassified in the Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic and Tuxpeno heteroticgroups. Relative maturity of BS37 would be the late AES800 maturitygroup.PI 636333. Zea mays L. subsp. maysBreeding. Population. BS38. GP-406. Pedigree - B38 includes the geneticmaterial BS11(FR)C11, BS26(S)C3, and BSCB1(R)C13 temperate populations,and Pool 17 and Populations 23, 25, 27,and 32 tropical CIMMYTpopulations. BS38 was developed by intermating 16 backcross progenyafter evaluation per se and testcrosses of the selected backcrosses.BS38 includes 75% temperate and 25% tropical germplasm and has grainyields, harvest grain moisture, flowering dates, and other agronomictraits similar to the temperate recurrent parents. BS38 includesgermplasm classified in the non-Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic andnon-Tuxpeno heterotic groups for the respective temperate and tropicalareas. Relative maturity of BS38 would be late AES800 maturity group.<strong>The</strong> following were developed by Antonio Martin, Instituto de AgriculturaSostenible, Apdo 4084, Cordoba, Cordoba E - 14080, Spain; Sergio G. Atienza,Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Finca Alameda del Obispos/n. Apdo. 4084, Cordoba, Spain; J. Ballesteros, Instituto de AgriculturaSostenible, Apartado 4084, E-14080, Cordoba, Spain; M.C. Ramirez, Institutode Agricultura Sostenible, Apartado 4084, E-14080, Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain;C. Martinez, Area de Mejora y Biotecnologia, Apdo. 3092, E-14004, Cordoba,Cordoba, Spain. Received 10/12/2004.PI 636334. X Tritordeum sp.Genetic. Pureline. HT621. GP-7. Pedigree - Complex intergenericinvolving Triticum aestivum ssp. sphaerococcum x Hordeum chilense. Is adoubled haploid tritordeum and looks like hexaploid wheat although it isnot free threshing due to its brittle rachis and hard glumes. Itmatures later than wheat. Under irrigation: height: 105-110 cm; spikelet263

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