Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

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field tests with the same races. Moderately resistant to moderatelysusceptible to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) depending upon racespresent. Moderately resistant to race 1 isolate Pti2 (ATCC 44143) of tanspot (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis) based on greenhouse assays. Fieldreaction to foliar diseases tan spot and septoria tritici blotch(Septoria tritici) is moderate, better than 2375. Average grain volumeweight of 78.84 kg hl-1 and grain protein of 150 g kg-1 in Minnesotatrials from 1998 through 2001. Relatively weak dough mixing strength asindicated by mixograph pattern in which it was rated as 2.0 on a 1-9scale (1=weakest, 9=strongest) whereas 2375 was rated as 2.9.<strong>The</strong> following were developed by Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station,Madison, Wisconsin, United States. Received 02/11/2004.PI 634554 PVPO. Avena sativa L.Cultivar. Pureline. "DRUMLIN"; X7822-3. PVP 200400062. Pedigree -MN89252/Gem.<strong>The</strong> following were developed by Syngenta Seeds, Inc., United States. Received02/11/2004.PI 634555 PVPO. Zea mays L. subsp. maysCultivar. "NP2263". PVP 200400063.PI 634556 PVPO. Zea mays L. subsp. maysCultivar. "NP2365". PVP 200400064.PI 634557 PVPO. Zea mays L. subsp. maysCultivar. "NP2373". PVP 200400065.PI 634558 PVPO. Zea mays L. subsp. maysCultivar. "NP2391". PVP 200400066.PI 634559 PVPO. Zea mays L. subsp. maysCultivar. "NP2424". PVP 200400067.PI 634560. Zea mays L. subsp. maysCultivar. "NP2436". PVP 200400068.PI 634561 PVPO. Zea mays L. subsp. maysCultivar. "NP2464". PVP 200400069.PI 634562 PVPO. Zea mays L. subsp. maysCultivar. "NP2465". PVP 200400070.<strong>The</strong> following were developed by Pure Seed Testing, Inc., P.O. Box 449,Hubbard, Oregon 97032, United States. Received 02/11/2004.PI 634563 PVPO. Poa trivialis L.Cultivar. "RAM100". PVP 200400071.<strong>The</strong> following were developed by WestBred LLC, 8111 Timberline Dr., Bozeman,Montana 59718, United States. Received 02/11/2004.22

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