Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

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<strong>The</strong> following were collected by Manuel Santiago Paniagua, Centro Regional deInvestigacion Agricola (CRIA), Ruta VI y Calle C, Capitan Miranda, Itapua,Paraguay; Tateo Nakanishi, Japan International Cooperation Agency, 6-13F,Shinjuku Maynds Tower, 1-1, Yoyogi 2-chrome, Tokyo, Japan; VictorianoBarboza, Centro Regional de Investigacion Agricola (CRIA), Ruta VI y Calle C,Capitan Miranda, Itapua, Paraguay; Michitaka Komeichi, Japan InternationalCooperation Agency, 6-13F, Shinjuku Maynds Tower, 1-1, Yoyogi 2-chrome,Tokyo, Japan. Received 07/24/2003.PI 635579. Arachis hypogaea L.Landrace. PY94-22; Manduvi pyta; NGRL 881. Collected 04/04/1994 inCaazapa, Paraguay. Latitude 26° 15' S. Longitude 56° 12' W. SanFrancisco. Slope of hill.d. Seeds tan.PI 635580. Arachis hypogaea L.Landrace. PY94-154; Manduvi hu'i; NGRL 882. Collected 07/04/1994 inParaguari, Paraguay. Latitude 25° 52' S. Longitude 57° 7' W.Costa Baez Ka a guy - Acahay. Slope of hill. Seeds tan.PI 635581. Arachis hypogaea L.Landrace. PY94-155; Manduvi pyta'i; NGRL 883. Collected 07/04/1994 inParaguari, Paraguay. Latitude 25° 52' S. Longitude 57° 7' W.Costa Baez Ka a guy - Acahay. Slope of hill. Seeds tan.PI 635582. Arachis hypogaea L.Landrace. PY94-113; I 38/35 Chapeco Santa Catalina; NGRL 884. Collected06/04/1994 in San Pedro, Paraguay. Latitude 24° 11' S. Longitude56° 35' W. Campo Experimental Chore. Slope of hill. Seeds tan.PI 635583. Arachis hypogaea L.Landrace. PY94-131; Espanol; NGRL 885. Collected 06/04/1994 in SanPedro, Paraguay. Latitude 24° 11' S. Longitude 56° 35' W. CampoExperimental Chore. Slope of hill. Seeds tan.<strong>The</strong> following were collected by Manuel Santiago Paniagua, Centro Regional deInvestigacion Agricola (CRIA), Ruta VI y Calle C, Capitan Miranda, Itapua,Paraguay; Makoto Minami, Japan International Cooperation Agency, 6-13F,Shinjuku Maynds Tower, 1-1, Yoyogi 2-chrome, Tokyo, Japan; G. Altamirano,Centro Regional de Investigacion Agricola (CRIA), Ruta VI y Calle C., CapitanMiranda, Itapua, Paraguay; Yuji Shinada, Japan International CooperationAgency, 5-13F, Shinjuku Maynds Tower, 1-1, Yoyogi 2-chrome, Tokyo, Japan.Received 07/24/2003.PI 635584. Arachis hypogaea L.Landrace. PY96-58; Manduvi pyta; NGRL 886. Collected 12/03/1996 inCaaguazu, Paraguay. Latitude 24° 59' S. Longitude 56° 0' W.Carpa cue, San Joaquin, 115 km from Cnel. Oviedo. Seeds medium, tan.PI 635585. Arachis hypogaea L.Landrace. PY96-63; Manduvi tres mese; NGRL 887. Collected 12/03/1996 inCaaguazu, Paraguay. Latitude 24° 59' S. Longitude 56° 0' W.Tacuapi i, 100 Km from Cnel. Oviedo. E. Seeds large, tan.178

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