Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

Plant Inventory No. 213 - The Germplasm Resources Information ...

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forest, Hadyach. Poltava, Ukraine. Understory of scotch pine forest.Protected area, 0-2% slope. Well drained sand. With Pinus sylvestris andEuonymus verrucosus. Pedigree - Collected from the wild in Ukraine. <strong>Plant</strong>swere frequently abundant. Upright, arching shrub.<strong>The</strong> following were collected by Robert E. Schutzki, Michigan StateUniversity, Department of Horticulture, 218 <strong>Plant</strong> & Soil Sciences Building,East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1325, United States; Mark P. Widrlechner, USDA,ARS, Iowa State University, Regional <strong>Plant</strong> Introduction Station, Ames, Iowa50011-1170, United States; Vasily Yukhnovsky, National AgriculturalUniversity of Ukraine, Forestry Department, Str. 15 G. Oborony, Kiev, Kiev252041, Ukraine; Victor Sviatetsky, National Agricultural University ofUkraine, Forestry Department, Str. 15 G. Oborony, Kiev, Kiev 252041, Ukraine.Donated by Mark P. Widrlechner, USDA, ARS, Iowa State University, Regional<strong>Plant</strong> Introduction Station, Ames, Iowa 50011-1170, United States. Received09/29/1999.PI 635088. Sorbus aucuparia L.Cultivated. WSYUS 12; Ames 25546. Collected 09/08/1999 in Kiev,Ukraine. Latitude 50° 23' 11" N. Longitude 30° 30' 35" E. Elevation 140 m.Path between the National Agricultural University dormitory and ForestryBuilding, Kyiv. Edge of roadway between buildings. Partial shade, 0-5% slopewith an eastern exposure. Sandy loam soil with good drainage. Pedigree –Collected from the wild in Ukraine. Upright tree, oval crown. Reddishcolored fruit.PI 635089. Sorbus aucuparia L.Wild. WSYUS 67; Ames 25547. Collected 09/17/1999 in Cherkasy, Ukraine.Latitude 48° 47' 16" N. Longitude 30° 28' 48" E. Elevation 210 m. 6 kmnortheast of Dobrovody. Windbreak of Sorbus planted along roadside. Opensite, 0-1% slope with a southern exposure. Sandy loam soil with gooddrainage. Pedigree - Collected from the wild in Ukraine. <strong>Plant</strong>s wererelatively abundant. 18 feet high with oval crowns and an 8 inch caliper.Single tree with red fruit. <strong>No</strong>t sure of plant origin.PI 635090. Sorbus torminalis (L.) CrantzCultivated. WSYUS 85; Ames 25549. Collected 09/23/1999 in Vinnytsya,Ukraine. Latitude 49° 14' N. Longitude 28° 29' E. Elevation 290 m. VinnytsyaForestry Office, Maksimovichka Street, Vinnytsya. Cultivated plants withinthe forestry compound. 0-1% slope with a southeastern exposure. Clay loamsoil with good drainage. Pedigree - Collected from the wild in Ukraine.Oval, extremely uniform crowns. Trees were approximately 25 years old.Seeds/seedlings from southern Vinnytsya native stand.<strong>The</strong> following were developed by NORIKA <strong>No</strong>rdring-Kartoffelzucht-und,Vermehrungs-GmbH Grob Lusewitz, Germany. Received 07/13/2004.PI 635092 PVPO. Solanum tuberosum L.Cultivar. "GOLDEN SUNBURST". PVP 200400060.<strong>The</strong> following were developed by Irish Potato Breeders Limited, Ireland.Received 07/13/2004.105

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