fall 2010 inside: building on tradition - Junipero Serra High School

fall 2010 inside: building on tradition - Junipero Serra High School

fall 2010 inside: building on tradition - Junipero Serra High School


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a message from the presidentIn his homily at a student body Mass last year, BishopWilliam Justice ’60 recalled how much he and his classmatesenjoyed the annual Prune Rally. When he said that, 980students cheered because that traditi<strong>on</strong> is alive and well today.2-16around the hallsLike Father, Like S<strong>on</strong>—68 Alumni S<strong>on</strong>sare Part of <strong>Serra</strong>’s <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>-11 Student Body<strong>Serra</strong> AP Students SoarTheology Teacher Gary Meegan Makesa Difference in VietnamCampus Ministry—Summer Immersi<strong>on</strong>Program Tugs at the Hearts of SeveralYoung PadresPadre Alums Back <strong>on</strong> Campus forHomecoming & Reuni<strong>on</strong> Galaannual report18–192009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>High</strong>lights20–21The President’s Circle22–27Parent Pledge ProgramTHE ANNUAL REPORT ISSUE28–29A Profile in Giving - Kevin Kelly andErin JaebThe Father <strong>Serra</strong> Heritage Society30–33The Padre Annual FundAlumni Parents & Friends34-37A Profile in Giving - Rick Justice ’67C<strong>on</strong>secutive Years of Alumni Giving38-39Building it Big—Bob Ols<strong>on</strong> ’85 OverseesNew Center for the Arts and SciencesPhase II Capital Campaign Gifts40-41Matching GiftsRestricted GiftsEndowed Scholarship Funds42-43Fund A Dream Scholarship Lunche<strong>on</strong>44-45A Profile in Giving - J<strong>on</strong> and MargaretHandleryAlumni Associait<strong>on</strong> Annual Golf ClassicAnnual Benefit Aucti<strong>on</strong>46-51Erg-A-Th<strong>on</strong>Gifts in KindBowl-A-Th<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>52–55Memorial Endowment FundIn Memoriam56–58class notesback coverCalendar of Events for <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>-2011On the cover: (l-r) <strong>Serra</strong> Board MemberLori Whitney, President Lars Lund,Director of Finance John O’Sullivan,Board Member Greg Cosko, BoardMember Bob Ols<strong>on</strong> ’85, Board ChairmanKevin Flynn ’82Back cover: <strong>Serra</strong> Senior Nick CrumpTraditi<strong>on</strong>s like these are handed down from <strong>on</strong>e generati<strong>on</strong> tothe next because they matter. Most important, it is the peoplewho celebrate them and hand them down to younger loved <strong>on</strong>eswho matter. Traditi<strong>on</strong>s keep alive the sense of <strong>on</strong>eness and corevalues shared by the <strong>Serra</strong> community. They keep alive the mostimportant things to us—our relati<strong>on</strong>ships, our sense of historyand our hope for the future.From the day <strong>Serra</strong> opened its doors in 1944, 10,000 youngmen and their families have been a part of the <strong>Serra</strong> traditi<strong>on</strong>.The foundati<strong>on</strong> of this traditi<strong>on</strong> is our faith in the message ofChrist, nourished by our Catholic faith, and lived out in the livesof our alumni. Everything we do at <strong>Serra</strong> is built <strong>on</strong> traditi<strong>on</strong>– from our outstanding college-preparatory academics to ournati<strong>on</strong>ally-renowned athletic and performing arts programs.Today’s <strong>Serra</strong> is <str<strong>on</strong>g>building</str<strong>on</strong>g> up<strong>on</strong> the legacy left by those whocreated our school and all of those who have lived out itsmissi<strong>on</strong> for more than 65 years—our students, teachers and alumni. Thec<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> of our new Center for the Arts and Sciences and adjacentAquatics Facility is a symbol of <strong>Serra</strong>’s commitment to its future growth.<strong>Serra</strong> has a proud history, dynamic present and exciting future. In thisediti<strong>on</strong> of Traditi<strong>on</strong>s, we thank our benefactors, who generously gave $1.7milli<strong>on</strong> last year to support <strong>Serra</strong>. On behalf of our current and futurestudents, I thank you. Because of you, <strong>Serra</strong>’s missi<strong>on</strong> is thriving!Help Keep Padre Traditi<strong>on</strong>s Str<strong>on</strong>g at <strong>Serra</strong><strong>Serra</strong> relies <strong>on</strong> the involvement and generosity of its parents, alumni and friends to assure that each new Padregenerati<strong>on</strong> can reach bey<strong>on</strong>d its grasp to achieve its dreams. Support <strong>Serra</strong> today by making your d<strong>on</strong>ati<strong>on</strong><strong>on</strong>line at: www.serrahs.com. Gifts to <strong>Serra</strong> are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.Lars Lund, Presidentfaith • wisdom • service

Sharing ValuesA World ApartTheology teacher Gary Meeganmakes a difference in VietnamDriving through balmy rice patty fields <strong>on</strong> his way toPhat Diem, Vietnam, <strong>Serra</strong> Theology teacher GaryMeegan couldn’t wait to return to the bishops’ housein the Diocese of Phat Diem. As he passed tiny shacks withouthouses and thatched roofs, he felt as if he were returninghome. For the past four summers, Gary has spent a m<strong>on</strong>th inVietnam teaching English to Vietnamese Catholic seminariansand sisters. Life in Phat Diem couldn’t be more different fromlife in California.“Every<strong>on</strong>e rides motorbikes in Vietnam,” Gary noted. “Theydrive so fast. It’s very scary! When you walk across the street,the traffic just goes around you. They have very strict rules aboutpublic displays of affecti<strong>on</strong>. Men and women are not allowed tohold hands in public. They are reprimanded if they are caughthugging or holding hands.”think of my brothers and sisters at home. This seems to be a signthat I am at peace in both places; they each tug at my heart.”After Mass, Gary has coffee with his friends, followed bybreakfast at 6:30 a.m. He teaches English in the morning,followed by reading time, another Mass and lunch. The people ofVietnam enjoy a daily afterno<strong>on</strong> siesta. After school, Gary playssoccer, badmint<strong>on</strong> and ping p<strong>on</strong>g with the children. One of hisfavorite things to do is to treat children to ice cream—at 12 centsper scoop!“They love to make up funny sentences and they really enjoyMad Libs from America,” Gary said. “Every<strong>on</strong>e likes Scrabbleand Roshambo. We sing American s<strong>on</strong>gs such as ‘Row, Row,Row your Boat’ and ‘Oh Susanna.’ My Vietnamese students canread and write English, but they d<strong>on</strong>’t know how to speak well.”Gary spends a c<strong>on</strong>siderable amount of time teachingpr<strong>on</strong>unciati<strong>on</strong> and c<strong>on</strong>versati<strong>on</strong>. He keeps less<strong>on</strong>s interestingby asking them to participate in real-life scenarios, such asordering from a menu at a restaurant or going to the store.Gary’s students are interested in American government,sports and theology, which have become popular topics ofc<strong>on</strong>versati<strong>on</strong>.“When I am home, I think of my brothers andsisters in Vietnam. When I am in Vietnam, I thinkof my brothers and sisters at home.”- Gary MeeganGary celebrates Mass each day with Phat Diem’s poorestresidents. Each summer, about 200 at-risk children stay at thebishops’ house all day. There, they are fed, clothed and educated.The children’s parents are normally paid $1 to $3 per day.“I love the people in Phat Diem,” Gary said. “Living there plugsme into reality. The way we live in the Bay Area is not the waymost people live. Phat Diem is <strong>on</strong>e of those magical places thatexists not <strong>on</strong>ly in the world, but in the heart. There is no way todescribe the beauty of the countryside and of the people. I saidafter my first summer in 2007 that I now have two hearts—<strong>on</strong>ein America and the other in Vietnam. When I am home, I thinkof my brothers and sisters in Vietnam. When I am in Vietnam, IVietnamese Catholic seminarians enjoy the game of Scrabble while learning English.“I will return to Vietnam as many times as God allows, usingeach visit to renew and refresh old friendships and build new<strong>on</strong>es,” Gary said. “Each year I visit is a gift to me, which Itreasure. I return home with this gift and do my best to share itwith others.”Gary transiti<strong>on</strong>s with ease each summer into Vietnamese life.His favorite foods include drag<strong>on</strong> fruit, spiced veggies, and pho(noodles simmered in spices and fish sauce).“I come back to California at the end of the summer verythankful and happy, although I miss my Vietnamese friends somuch,” Gary said. “One must suspend reality and look inward,find what truly matters in life, and make a c<strong>on</strong>scious effort tojust be. That is where I found Phat Diem, in the being that is lifelived with joy, radiance and peace.”8 GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES 9

Namaste, Mumbai!Chris Denny-Brown ’03 in the rural town of Alwar poses with childrenof a local farmer.When Chris Denny-Brown ’03 opens his window in Mumbai,India, his senses are overwhelmed by pungent spices waftingthrough the air, the gorgeous colors of shimmering saris andthe impatient sounds of buzzing city traffic. Chris has lived inMumbai for the past year, working as a c<strong>on</strong>sultant for DalbergGlobal Development Advisors.“The immediate shock to my senses up<strong>on</strong> arriving in Mumbaiwas profound,” Chris said. “One cannot walk down the sidewalkwithout being in a crowd. The strange juxtapositi<strong>on</strong> of c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>sin Mumbai is striking. On <strong>on</strong>e hand, you have a city that israpidly growing. On the other, Mumbai is a rare metropolitancity whose infrastructure is visibly crumbling before your eyes.Mumbai is most likely the <strong>on</strong>ly city in the world where <strong>on</strong>e canliterally see a slum next to a $2 billi<strong>on</strong> skyscraper for a familyof four.”Dalberg is a strategic c<strong>on</strong>sulting firm that works primarily in thedeveloping world <strong>on</strong> projects across sectors including energy andthe envir<strong>on</strong>ment, agriculture, healthcare, access to finance andmore. Dalberg clients include small NGOs, the World Bank, theUnited Nati<strong>on</strong>s, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundati<strong>on</strong>, variousgovernments and private businesses throughout the world.“I knew I had to travel internati<strong>on</strong>ally to gain a broaderperspective of the energy crisis—what are the needs, what are theopportunities and what can I impact,” Chris noted. “I accepted anamazing job. Since I have been in India, I have gained an entirelynew perspective <strong>on</strong> the global energy crisis. It is not just a matterof reducing energy use to save a few dollars. It is <strong>on</strong>e of the mostimportant issues of our time. I have seen how 50 hand-held solarlanterns can change and even save lives in a village. The future ofenergy is in renewable technologies.“Regardless of whether you believe in global warming, the factis that we are running out of the energy that runs the world,”he added. “The rest of the world is rising fast. Places like Indiaand China have experienced ec<strong>on</strong>omic miracles. Each day, theircitizens climb another rung <strong>on</strong> the standard of living ladder.This is great, but it means our energy resources are going tobe depleted even faster. We have more people, more needsand fewer resources. I am an avid supporter of the USA doingmore to support the growth of the next generati<strong>on</strong> of energytechnologies.”Chris believes solar power, wind, fuel cells, electric cars,advanced biofuels, batteries and smart grid technologies willhave significant impacts <strong>on</strong> the energy crisis in the future. He isa fan of providing entrepreneurs with the resources needed tomake the United States the future energy capital of the world.“Can you imagine the jobs and wealth that would create forus in the United States?” he asked. “All we have to do is act.My experience here has been nothing short of life altering. It’salways good to be humbled by realizing how little you actuallyknow about the world. Hopefully, it will <strong>on</strong>ly make you hungrierto learn more.”Chris said his time in India has made him realize his love ofIndian food—particularly Palak Paneer—a dish made fromspinach, <strong>on</strong>i<strong>on</strong>s, garlic, cumin and paneer. He celebrated Holidancing in the streets, throwing purple, pink, red and greenpowder <strong>on</strong> his Indian friends. Chris was even invited to aspectacular Indian wedding, which was “nothing short ofmind boggling.”Chris has f<strong>on</strong>d memories of his four years at <strong>Serra</strong>, and hekeeps in touch with many Padres. He is particularly gratefulto Head Football Coach Patrick Walsh, whom he called “asurrogate father who transformed me from a lost 16-old-kidinto somebody who was interested in the world; Coach Walshchallenged me to do something to impact it.” After graduatingfrom <strong>Serra</strong> in 2003, Chris attended Yale University where heplayed varsity football as a starting wide receiver.In January, Chris will transfer to Dalberg’s New York Cityoffice. He currently is applying to law schools and will weigh hisopti<strong>on</strong>s in the spring, although he might defer to spend anotheryear at Dalberg. After law school, Chris plans to pursue a careerin politics. He will run for c<strong>on</strong>gress with a nati<strong>on</strong>al energy policybased <strong>on</strong> renewable energy as <strong>on</strong>e of his cornerst<strong>on</strong>e issues.“I am ready to take <strong>on</strong> new challenges,” Chris said. “I lookforward to carrying the less<strong>on</strong>s learned from these extraordinary15 m<strong>on</strong>ths with me for the rest of my life. Go Padres!”“no matter what you want to do with your life, at every opportunityyou must look for a way to change your perspective.”10 GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES- Chris Denny-Brown ’03

Students Share Reflecti<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> Summer Immersi<strong>on</strong>by Barrett Cordery ’11SummerImmersi<strong>on</strong><strong>Serra</strong> Padres make a difference inthe lives of others“by giving our students an opportunity to engage in direct servicewith those in need, students are not <strong>on</strong>ly helping others, theyexperience a pers<strong>on</strong>al transformati<strong>on</strong> as well.”-<strong>Serra</strong> Principal Barry Thornt<strong>on</strong>Andrew Brassinga ’11 paints a recently rebuilt home in New Orleans12 CAMPUS MINISTRY • Summer Immersi<strong>on</strong>Michael Tragoutsis ’11 puts a smile <strong>on</strong> the face of a Jamaican orphan.Twelve <strong>Serra</strong> Padres made a significant difference in the lives ofothers this summer, by participating in Summer Immersi<strong>on</strong> trips toJamaica and New Orleans. Students Mike Boland, Tim Davids<strong>on</strong>,Francis Lynch, Andrew Menzel, Alex Trulio and Michael Tragoutsisworked with orphans in M<strong>on</strong>tego Bay, Jamaica. Led by PatrickCody and Kim Bohnert, students cared for children with severedisabilities. Daily duties included feeding and spending time withorphans at Blessed Assurance and Jacob’s Ladder orphanages,painting houses and landscape maintenance.Students Andrew Brassinga, Barrett Cordery, Jordan Ginsberg,David Kekuewa, Patrick Ou and Alex Yoxsimer spent two weeks inNew Orleans. Led by Kyle Lierk and Tim Egan, they hung drywalland painted houses under the hot summer sun.“The immersi<strong>on</strong> week is a vital part of our Campus Ministryprogram,” said <strong>Serra</strong> Principal Barry Thornt<strong>on</strong>. “By giving ourstudents an opportunity to engage in direct service with thosein need, students are not <strong>on</strong>ly helping others, they experience apers<strong>on</strong>al transformati<strong>on</strong> as well. They see the tremendous giftswithin their own lives, and deepen their desire to share their giftswith others. I cannot say enough about the students and faculty whoparticipate in this life-changing program.”During the past summer, I traveled to New Orleansthrough the <strong>Serra</strong> Immersi<strong>on</strong> Program. I spent the firsttwo weeks of July in the sweltering Louisiana heat with fivefellow seniors and our two chaper<strong>on</strong>es. We had variousmeetings before our trip, all of which set the groundworkfor our two weeks of service. It would be a time of helping,reflecting and fun. I was not sure what to expect, but Iknew I was willing to make the best of any situati<strong>on</strong>.Our two-week stay involved shopping, cooking, nightlyreflecti<strong>on</strong>s and service to the New Orleans communitythrough Catholic Charities. New Orleans is a w<strong>on</strong>derfulcity. The sights are bright, the people are passi<strong>on</strong>ate andthe food is delicious. Unfortunately, many people areunaware of the unbelievable amount of work the city stillneeds to recover from Hurricane Katrina. The disaster wasmore than five years ago, but entire neighborhoods are stillcompletely wiped out. These circumstances helped us torealize the great opportunity we had to make a difference.The first week, we stayed in a former homeless shelter justoutside the city. We moved to the old rectory of CorpusChristi Church in the 7th Ward neighborhood of NewOrleans. Our two weeks of service included hangingdrywall, exterior painting and spending a day in thepark with children of the ec<strong>on</strong>omically challenged Lower9th Ward. Every night, we mulled over everything thathappened throughout the day and random issues <strong>on</strong> ourminds. These reflecti<strong>on</strong>s enabled us to get in touch with ourspiritual sides, and allowed me to renew my relati<strong>on</strong>shipwith God.Photo below: Back (l-r) Barrett Cordery, Jordan Ginsberg, David Kekuewa;Fr<strong>on</strong>t (l-r) Tim Egan, Andrew Brassinga, Calvin DeLaRose, Alex Yoxsimer,Patrick OuMy classmates and I will never forget the people weencountered and spent time with <strong>on</strong> this trip. Peoplelike Mr. D, Steve and Mr. Mac have an incredibleamount of strength, commitment and pride in theircommunity, even after losing so much in the storm.Their acti<strong>on</strong>s inspire an attitude of hope and faith intheir neighborhood. The amount of work that stillneeds to be d<strong>on</strong>e in New Orleans is ast<strong>on</strong>ishing, butit felt great to help the residents. I will never forgetthe immense amount of deep, heartfelt thanks that wereceived from the people of New Orleans. I have neverseen people so passi<strong>on</strong>ate about their homes and theircity.The tremendous friendships formed by this experiencemade the Summer Immersi<strong>on</strong> Program memorable.Four of my classmates transformed from faces in thehallways to friends with whom I share an unforgettableadventure. It was a humbling experience, and <strong>on</strong>e I willnever forget. It makes us realize how blessed we are, andwhat an enormous difference volunteering really makes.by Michael Boland ’11The immersi<strong>on</strong> trip to Jamaica was much morechallenging than I expected. The residentsof the orphanages were extremely difficult tocommunicate with, the work was strenuous and theweather did not help.However, I want to go back. We live in such awealthy part of the world and we take so much forgranted. To see a place where unwanted childrenget left <strong>on</strong> the side of the road is heart wrenching.I would love to return to Jacob’s Ladder or BlessedAssurance to help the people there because theyreally deserve it.One of the residents from Jacob’s Ladder whotugged at our hearts was named Michael. He wasthe happiest guy I’ll ever know, yet he had nothingwith the excepti<strong>on</strong> of shelter, food . . . and dancing.Michael taught me what happiness is and I aminfinitely grateful.CAMPUS MINISTRY 13

new athletic training room to be namedin h<strong>on</strong>or of the malley brothers<strong>Serra</strong>’s new Athletic Training Room will be named in h<strong>on</strong>orof Padre alums Daniel ’84 and Michael ’78 Malley. Thebrothers were true Padres in every sense and a part of afamily that was respected and loved by the <strong>Serra</strong> Community.The naming of the training room was made possible by agenerous d<strong>on</strong>ati<strong>on</strong> from the estate of Thomas Duffy, theuncle of Danny and Michael. Tom was a well-known andbeloved Bay Area restaurateur. A Mass was held in his h<strong>on</strong>orin early October.“When Tom passed away, he left as part of his estate plana m<strong>on</strong>etary gift for <strong>Serra</strong>,” said Tom’s widow, Robin. “Tommade this decisi<strong>on</strong> thoughtfully and carefully, after observingthe good works that <strong>Serra</strong> does and the benefits it provideothers in life. On behalf of Tom’s estate, we are pleased toobserve his wishes and provide <strong>Serra</strong> with this gift. Wehope it will help <strong>Serra</strong> to assist those in need and c<strong>on</strong>tinueits missi<strong>on</strong>.”The Malleys are a great <strong>Serra</strong> family. Each year, the DanMalley Award goes to a kid who is a great team player andc<strong>on</strong>tributes in any way that he can; some<strong>on</strong>e who gets themost out of his ability. Danny was a true Padre—he reallyloved <strong>Serra</strong> and Padre athletics. His teammates liked him andhe worked so hard.”Nick Carb<strong>on</strong>i ’59 was Michael’s football coach. “Michael wasa hard worker and a team leader,” he said. “He was an All-League player who hung around with a great group of guys.Everybody liked him. He certainly would be in awe of thisnew weight training facility. The Malleys are great supportersof <strong>Serra</strong>, so this h<strong>on</strong>or is very appropriate.”The boys’ dad, Al Malley, was a supportive parent whovolunteered his time after he retired by taking care ofthe baseball field. As the assistant groundskeeper, he was<strong>on</strong> campus every day for nearly 10 years. He painted thebackstop and dugout and even built the bullpen, which wasnamed in his h<strong>on</strong>or in 2006.“We are very grateful that Tom remembered <strong>Serra</strong> in hiswill,” said <strong>Serra</strong> President Lars Lund. “I am also very happythat we can h<strong>on</strong>or the memory of his nephews, Michaeland Daniel—both of whom were very proud to be Padres.It’s fitting that the athletic training room is h<strong>on</strong>ored in theirmemory because they were both standout athletes.”The new training room supports the Center for the Arts andSciences and Aquatics Facility, which will open in Summer2011. It will be a 900-square-foot facility equipped withwhirlpools, taping tables and other equipment that will keepathletes healthy and str<strong>on</strong>g.john kirby ’95serra’s new assistant athletic directorWith his friendly demeanor and positive attitude, it’s easy to see whyAssistant Athletic Director John Kirby ’95 thrives at work. His newjob allows him to juggle a few of his favorite things – sports, teammanagement and coaching football.“I love my new positi<strong>on</strong> because Dean and I are focused <strong>on</strong> bringing the<strong>Serra</strong> Athletic Department into the 21st century,” John said. “We havesome great ideas that will help us to ‘always move forward,’ as Father<strong>Serra</strong> said. I love being a part of shaping young student-athletes’ livesand guiding them as they travel <strong>on</strong> their four-year journey through<strong>Serra</strong>.”John is able to relate to today’s students because he endured many of thesame challenges today’s Padres face during their high school years.“When I look back at my time at <strong>Serra</strong> as a student, I remember theb<strong>on</strong>d that was present am<strong>on</strong>g my classmates,” John said. “We were andsan francisco 49ers name patrick walshhead coach of the week<strong>Serra</strong> Head Football Coach Patrick Walsh was named Head Coach of the Week in September by theSan Francisco 49ers. Known for his dynamic pers<strong>on</strong>ality and passi<strong>on</strong> for football, Coach Walsh hasreceived the prestigious award several times. In h<strong>on</strong>or of Coach Walsh, the 49ers will d<strong>on</strong>ate $1000to the <strong>Serra</strong> Football Program.still are truly brothers. I remember the great support system thatis in place at <strong>Serra</strong>. I always felt as if I could talk to any faculty orstaff member. Some<strong>on</strong>e was always there to help, regardless of yourproblem. One of my biggest mentors was Lars Lund, who taughtTheology at the time. We had deep discussi<strong>on</strong>s about my c<strong>on</strong>stantlyevolving relati<strong>on</strong>ship with God. A very important life less<strong>on</strong>that I learned at <strong>Serra</strong> was how to treat others with kindness andcompassi<strong>on</strong>.”John played football during his years at <strong>Serra</strong> and was well knownfor his success <strong>on</strong> the field as a wide receiver. He and quarterbackTom Brady were <strong>on</strong>e of the most dynamic combinati<strong>on</strong>s in Padrefootball history. After <strong>Serra</strong>, John played football at the City Collegeof San Francisco before transferring to the University of Hawaii <strong>on</strong>a sports and academic scholarship. He returned to his high schoolalma mater in 2006 when he was hired to coach football. John isjust as passi<strong>on</strong>ate about football today, and he has a deep love ofcoaching student-athletes.“I love the many unique relati<strong>on</strong>ships that I form with the playerseach year,” John noted. “The ability to adapt my coaching ability tosuit each player’s pers<strong>on</strong>ality is a challenge I enjoy facing every year.I love watching a player grow throughout the year as he learns thenecessary core values that are important not <strong>on</strong>ly to thrive <strong>on</strong> thefield, but in life. These five core values are: Compete, Commitment,Brotherhood, Pers<strong>on</strong>al Accountability and Work Ethic.“I am privileged to work with Head Coach Patrick Walsh,” he added.“He has taught me so much as a coach and friend, and he motivatesme daily to become a better coach. Patrick emphasizes our corevalues. He is not <strong>on</strong>ly a football coach, but a life coach as well.”John and his wife, Kristine, live in San Mateo with their 2-year-olddaughter, Kaylani.Tom Duffy, uncle of Danny ’84 and Michael ’78 Malley“Tom made this decisi<strong>on</strong> thoughtfullyand carefully, after observing the goodworks that <strong>Serra</strong> does and the benefitsit provides others in life. ”— Robin DuffyFormer Varsity Baseball Coach Pete Jensen has f<strong>on</strong>dmemories of Danny. “He was <strong>on</strong> my first baseball team andhe also played football,” he recounted. “Even before he cameto <strong>Serra</strong>, Danny ran around the stands as the Padre mascot.14 PADRE BENCH“The new training room will allow our athletic trainer, LoriRossi, to prep our students for practices and games. She hasworked with thousands of athletes and their coaches. About750 of our boys play at least <strong>on</strong>e sport, so the work thatLori does is vital to our missi<strong>on</strong>,” Lars said. Lori is lookingforward to her new training quarters.“It will be a great envir<strong>on</strong>ment for our athletes,” Lori said.“It’s something we all have been waiting for. The Malleys area w<strong>on</strong>derful family. They have been so dedicated to <strong>Serra</strong>throughout the years. The new training room couldn’t benamed after a better family.”“This award is a great testament to the kids and my staff,” Coach Walsh said. “I love being aroundthe staff, the kids and being able to teach life less<strong>on</strong>s through the game of football. I’m a competitivepers<strong>on</strong> by nature and I know how much impact a sport can have <strong>on</strong> players. It’s fun to have a jobthat invokes so much passi<strong>on</strong>.”“Coach Walsh is such a great coach because he doesn’t just teach us about football, he teaches usabout life,” said Luke L<strong>on</strong>ginotti. “He makes a str<strong>on</strong>g team and talks to us a lot about brotherhood.He also gets active, running around and getting in <strong>on</strong> the plays.”According Jared Muela, Youth Football Coordinator for the San Francisco 49ers, Coaches of theWeek are chosen based <strong>on</strong> overall performance. “Coach Walsh puts his players first and he is verydeserving of this award,” he noted. “A coach can create a game plan <strong>on</strong> paper but the kids have toexecute it.”“It’s a great h<strong>on</strong>or for Coach Walsh to have received this recogniti<strong>on</strong> again,” said Athletic DirectorDean Ayoob. “His work ethic, enthusiasm and commitment to his players not <strong>on</strong>ly inspires hisplayers, but also inspires other coaches and his colleagues. We are truly blessed to have a coach ofhis caliber leading our football program.”

Back <strong>on</strong>Campus forHomecomingPadre alums reunite andcelebrate the success ofthe San Franciso GiantsPictured (l-r): Rev. Msgr. Mickey McCormick ’51, Jerry Forbes ’52 and Alfred Burr ’52As the years fly by, <strong>Serra</strong> Padres pursue various careersand life interests. However, <strong>on</strong>e thing remains the same:The unmistakable Padre spirit. On Saturday, October23, Padres from all decades flocked to the Homecoming Gameand Alumni Barbecue. Padres left <strong>on</strong> a high after the varsityfootball team beat Saint Ignatius 28-0.Alfred Burr ’52 came all the way from Guadalajara. He has f<strong>on</strong>dmemories of <strong>Serra</strong> in its early days, and will never forget hisw<strong>on</strong>derful teachers and priests“All of my memories are positive,” said Mark Penner ’80. “I wouldlike my s<strong>on</strong>s to go to <strong>Serra</strong>.”The reuni<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> October 23 for the Classes of ’50, ’60, ’70, ’80,’85, ’90 and ’00 was held at the Hilt<strong>on</strong> San Francisco AirportHotel. The high-energy evening had extra significance due tothe San Francisco Giants playoff game. Imagine the excitementas more than 200 Padres crowded the dance floor to get aglimpse of the big screen and witness Uribe’s tie-breaking homer,boosting the Giants to a Nati<strong>on</strong>al League Pennant. The roomerupted in cheers and high-fives.“We will always remember where we were the night of thatGiants playoff game,” said Mike Callagy ’80.“<strong>Serra</strong>’s my alma mater and it’s great to be back,” said Joe Izzo ’85.Danny L<strong>on</strong>ergan ’60 and his wife,Geri (Mercy ’61) reminisced aboutthe values they learned and theenduring friendships they made inCatholic high school.“We had great times at <strong>Serra</strong>,” saidBrad Diodati ’85. “I made greatfriends and would do it all overagain in a heartbeat.”Danny and Geri L<strong>on</strong>ergannnu l Report2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>Alums from the Class of ’60 celebrate their 50-year reuni<strong>on</strong>. Pictured (l-r):Clay Stephens, Roy Tresaugue and Victor Chel<strong>on</strong>e16 AROUND THE HALLS • Homecoming <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>Padre alums reunite at the <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> Reuni<strong>on</strong> Gala and celebrate the success ofthe World Champi<strong>on</strong> San Francisco Giants.

The President’s CirclePresident’s Circle Christmas Recepti<strong>on</strong>The President’s Circle h<strong>on</strong>ors d<strong>on</strong>ors who have made gifts totaling more than $1,500 during the fiscal year July 1, 2009-June 30,<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>. Members of the President’s Circle are invited to attend a special President’s recepti<strong>on</strong> each year as an acknowledgement of theirextraordinary support.$100,000+Mr. and Mrs. Stephen BarulichMr. and Mrs. Richard J. Justice$50,000 - $99,999Dr. and Mrs. Norbert W. BischofbergerMr. and Mrs. Brian T. Mort<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. VorsatzRobert Stewart Odell andHelen Pfeiffer Odell Fund$10,000 - $49,999An<strong>on</strong>ymousMr. Thomas E. Brady, Jr. andMrs. Gisele Bundchen-BradyMr. and Mrs. Walter H. ChangMr. and Mrs. Kevin D. FlynnMr. and Mrs. Robert C. FoxMr. and Mrs. Stephen GaddisMr. and Mrs. Robert T. HaslamMr. Kevin Kelly and Ms. Erin JaebMr. and Mrs. Martin LeahyMr. and Mrs. John McGrathMr. and Mrs. John MilliganMr. Kevin RaganMr. and Mrs. Wesley RichardsMr. and Mrs. Michael J. TurzanskiMr. and Mrs. Chick WalshMr. and Mrs. David R. WhitneyMr. Michael WorryThe Carl Gellert &Celia Gellert Foundati<strong>on</strong>The Change the World Foundati<strong>on</strong>Emerald Packaging IncorporatedThe Drum Foundati<strong>on</strong>eScripPacific CheeseMay and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust$2,500 - $9,999Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. AnsticeMs. Nada BarulichMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong> BechtoldDr. and Mrs. Claudio A. BetMr. and Mrs. Rick Bianchina, SBMr. and Mrs. Frank BizzarroMr. and Mrs. Robert A. BortolottoDr. and Dr. Charles R. BradleyMr. and Mrs. Brian BuckleyMr. and Mrs. Mario BuljanMr. and Mrs. Ante BuljanMr. and Mrs. Phil A. CalandraMr. and Mrs. Michael D. CaversMr. and Mrs. Ritchie ClayMr. and Mrs. Greg CoskoMr. and Mrs. Shawn M. DeLunaMr. and Mrs. James M. DohertyMr. and Mrs. Gregg M. DomanicoMr. and Mrs. John A. DooleyMr. and Ms. Charles E. DoughertyMr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Dug<strong>on</strong>i, Esq., CPAMr. and Mrs. David L. FalkMr. and Mrs. James P. FoxMr. William J. Gann<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. GiotinisMr. and Mrs. Ernie GiotinisMr. and Mrs. Mark A. GoyetteMr. Robert J. GrassilliMr. and Mrs. Robert GriffithsMr. and Mrs. John G. HahnMr. and Mrs. J<strong>on</strong> S. HandleryMr. and Mrs. Robert JaureguiMr. and Mrs. James JordanMr. and Mrs. Kevin M. KearneyMr. and Mrs. James KeenanMr. Charles J. Keenan, IIIMr. and Mrs. William KibblewhiteMr. and Mrs. Robert KidwellMr. John Lewis and Ms. Claudia GirrbachMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald S. L<strong>on</strong>ginottiMr. and Mrs. Dennis M. LuceyMr. and Mrs. Lawrence LumpkinsMr. Christopher LynchMr. and Mrs. Michael MayerMr. Philip A. McLeod andMs. Shawn M. Christians<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mend<strong>on</strong>caDr. James Merryweather andDr. Ulrike HeberleinMr. and Mrs. Richard MooreDr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Nichol, DDSMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ols<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Dr. Steve OlujicMr. and Mrs. Agapios P. PanagiotidesMr. and Mrs. David J. PhilpottMr. P Jay PlutzerMr. and Mrs. Scott PomsMr. and Mrs. George PrinceMr. and Mrs. Scott PritchettMr. and Mrs. Charles R. RappDr. Richard L. ReichMr. and Mrs. James F. ReillyMr. and Mrs. Raym<strong>on</strong>d ReudyDr. Glenn C. Rice and Dr. Cynthia A. HoyMr. and Mrs. James A. RobertsDr. and Mrs. Richard RolfesMr. and Mrs. Charlie F. RomeoMr. and Mrs. Thomas RowanMr. and Mrs. Michael RudolphMr. and Mrs. Sam RuncoMr. and Mrs. Stephen RutledgeMs. Barbara SabeanMr. and Mrs. Hans H. SaierMr. and Mrs. John C. SchrupMr. and Mrs. Bruce V. SchwartzMs. Shelly SharpMr. John V. Shields, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Jeff SilkMr. and Mrs. Robert SullivanMr. Will Toms and Mrs. Liz Heieck-TomsMr. and Mrs. Patrick WalshMr. and Mrs. Sean WardMr. and Mrs. James J. WhelanMr. and Mrs. Phillip E. WhiteMr. and Mrs. Kieran WoodsHandlery Hotels, Inc.Hathaway Dinwiddie C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> CompanyYour Party RentalsMoquin Press, Inc.Wells Fargo Foundati<strong>on</strong>Espostos IncPG&E Matching Gifts ProgramHiller Aviati<strong>on</strong> MuseumPenman Photographic ArtistsB&B Residential Facilities, IncD.L. Falk C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong>John Bentley’s, IncNext Level Football, Inc.$1,500 - $2,499Mr. and Mrs. Mike AhernMr. and Mrs. Joe J. AlberoMr. and Mrs. Per AlftinMr. and Mrs. Jack AllainDr. and Mrs. Bruce AllenMr. and Mrs. Michael ArcherMr. and Mrs. John T. BarsocchiniMr. and Mrs. Micheal A. BartholomewMr. and Mrs. Charles E. BeeringMr. and Mrs. Robert BertoldiMr. and Mrs. Paul A. BetMr. Anth<strong>on</strong>y M. BetMr. Andrew C. Bet ‘08Mr. and Mrs. John B<strong>on</strong>esoDr. and Mrs. Luis A. B<strong>on</strong>illaMr. and Mrs. Gary BortolottoMr. and Mrs. Keith BottomsMr. and Mrs. Bart L. BuchananMr. and Mrs. Michael BuckmasterMr. and Mrs. Shawn BulenDr. and Mrs. Paul J. BurrinMr. and Mrs. John ButlerMrs. Wilma ButtramMr. Timothy ByrneMrs. Carol ByrneMr. and Mrs. Gary L. CakebreadMr. and Mrs. Armando Calder<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Jaime CampoverdeMr. John Canepa and Ms. Michele GutierrezMr. and Mrs. William N. Carls<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Jake CarusoMr. and Mrs. Vincent A. ColabianchiMr. and Mrs. Michael J. CollinsMr. and Mrs. David P. C<strong>on</strong>klinMr. and Mrs. John C<strong>on</strong>wayMr. and Mrs. Theodore T. CorderyMr. and Mrs. Randal CortMr. and Mrs. Oscar S. CostantiniMr. and Mrs. Dwight A. CrumpMs. Janice M. DaleyMrs. Alexandria E. del Castillo-YetivMs. Cynthia DeMartiniMr. and Mrs. Mark D. DicioccioMr. John P. Doherty andMs. Jennifer Tuck-DohertyMr. and Mrs. Erik E. DoranMr. and Mrs. Patrick DoyleMr. and Mrs. Richard A. DraegerMr. and Mrs. M<strong>on</strong> San F<strong>on</strong>g-ChanMr. and Mrs. Douglas FoxMr. and Mrs. Steve FriedlanderMr. Robert F. GallivenMr. Martin O. GarciaMs. Leana GianniniMr. Nasir Gill and Mrs. M<strong>on</strong>azza ChaudhryMr. and Mrs. Gary N. GlassmoyerMr. and Mrs. Mathew M. GlauningerMr. and Mrs. Robert E. Greene, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John F. GrossMr. and Mrs. Frank GuntherMr. and Mrs. Charles N. GustDr. and Mrs. Robert B. HagmannMr. and Mrs. Reed J. HarrisMr. and Mrs. Gregory P. HartMr. and Mrs. Brett W. HerrMr. and Mrs. Nader HeydayianMr. and Mrs. Vijay HingoraniMr. and Mrs. Dave HolleyMr. and Mrs. Patrick Houst<strong>on</strong>Rev. Stephen H. HowellMr. and Mrs. Christopher JacobsMr. and Mrs. Richard C. JajehMr. and Mrs. Paul Jimenez Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John JolyDr. and Mrs. Richard T. Jordan, MDMr. Martin McGinn andMs. Gina Kaindl-GregoriMr. and Mrs. Le<strong>on</strong>ard KanavyDr. and Mrs. Masayasu KihiraMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. KingshillMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. KirkendallMr. and Mrs. Karl KokrhounMr. Larry P. Kollerer andMs. Tish MatulichMr. and Mrs. Aethelstan La RosaMr. David Leibowitz andMs. Katherine YoungMr. and Mrs. Timothy E. LickoMr. and Mrs. Daniel LinehanMr. and Mrs. Kevin L<strong>on</strong>goMr. and Mrs. Kevin LucidoMr. and Mrs. Lars J. LundMr. and Mrs. Charles LutzMr. Steven Marinelli andMs. Jennifer MoodyMr. and Mrs. Manuel MatiasMr. and Mrs. Francis X. McGloinMr. and Mrs. Philip A. McIntoshMr. and Mrs. Jeff McKayMr. and Mrs. Michael P. MesarosMr. and Mrs. Robert G. MikeMs. Laura Miller-FisherMr. and Mrs. Peter MinistriMr. and Mrs. Thaddeus J. MirtMr. and Mrs. Mark T. M<strong>on</strong>gielloMr. and Mrs. Steve M. MoriartyMr. and Mrs. Mark D. MoriartyMr. and Mrs. Dennis A. MurphyMr. and Mrs. Timothy M. MurphyMr. and Mrs. Renato NanezMr. and Mrs. Robert NotoDr. and Mrs. John O’HolleranDr. and Mrs. Takeshi OkaiMr. and Mrs. Robert ParatteMr. and Mrs. Stanley PastorinoMr. and Mrs. Philip PerakisMs. Diane PessagnoMr. and Mrs. Robert A. PiomboMr. Charles J. RappMr. and Mrs. Jack RatcliffeMr. and Mrs. Robert RobbinsMr. and Mrs. John T. Roberts, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas RunkelMr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan, IIIMr. and Mrs. Elias SalamehDr. and Mrs. John SchulteMr. and Mrs. William SeagraveMr. and Mrs. Robert SeemayerMr. and Ms. Walter E. Shjeflo Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Simps<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Walt SingerMr. and Mrs. Graham SmithMr. and Mrs. Bradford SmithDrs. Edouard and Yuliya SorkinMr. and Mrs. Clayt<strong>on</strong> StephensMs. Lisa L. StriebingMr. and Mrs. Scott StrombomDr. and Mrs. James B. StruvenMr. and Mrs. George Sym<strong>on</strong>sMr. and Mrs. Eddy TabetMr. Philip Tan and Ms. Janet ShawMr. and Mrs. William W. K. TangMr. and Mrs. D<strong>on</strong> TanklageMr. and Mrs. Daniel R. ToomeyMr. David D. Torre andMrs. Angie Pappas TorreMr. Albert A. Totagrande andMs. Sheryl L. PainterMr. TreschelMr. and Dr. Louis TribbleMr. and Mrs. William TurnerMr. and Mrs. Charles A. TurnerMr. and Mrs. George J. Uccelli, Jr.Mr. V Udayabhanu and Ms. Dina HansenMr. and Mrs. Albert UrrutiaMs. Lili ValdiviezoMr. and Mrs. J. Anth<strong>on</strong>y VillanuevaCol. and Mrs. Robert M. Visbal, USAMr. and Mrs. Patrick T. WalkerMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. WalshMr. and Mrs. John WalshMr. Sean T. Ward, II ‘10Mr. and Mrs. William WidmerMr. and Mrs. Andreas WolfMr. and Mrs. Roy XavierH<strong>on</strong>. Robert B. Y<strong>on</strong>ts, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Johann A. Yuz<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Avelino ZamoraMr. and Mrs. John ZaroGenentech Employee Giving ProgramGidel & Kocal C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> Company, Inc.Draegers Supermarkets, Inc.Peninsula Parish <strong>School</strong> LeagueNick’s RestaurantThe Filippi Foundati<strong>on</strong>Bay Reprographic SuppliesCovitas, LLCAdvantage TestingFidelity Charitable Gift FundVisa Internati<strong>on</strong>al’s EmployeeGiving CampaignGood Tidings Foundati<strong>on</strong>Kibblewhite Precisi<strong>on</strong> EngineeringGolden State AquaticsPlastering Industry Bureau of SFO & SMTyco Employee Matching Gift ProgramHyatt Regency Waikiki Resort & SpaR & P Diam<strong>on</strong>d & Gold Imports Inc.Melting PotRodeo Plaza20 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> • President’s Circle deceased ANNUAL REPORT 21

The Parent Pledge ProgramParents play an important role at <strong>Serra</strong>, not <strong>on</strong>ly in the educati<strong>on</strong> of their s<strong>on</strong>s, but also in the life of the school. Weask all parents to make a tax-deductible pledge for each year their s<strong>on</strong> attends <strong>Serra</strong> to help us assure the best possibleeducati<strong>on</strong>. The parents listed below generously c<strong>on</strong>tributed to the Parent Pledge Program during the 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> fiscalyear July 1, 2009 through June 30, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.Mr. Girish Acharya and Ms. Krithika BhatMr. and Mrs. David AdamisDr. and Dr. Anth<strong>on</strong>y AdamisDr. David AdamsDr. Marian AdamsMr. and Mrs. Gregory AfieshMr. and Mrs. Sergio A. AguilarMr. and Mrs. Julian B. Agustin, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Mike AhernMr. and Mrs. D<strong>on</strong> AishMr. and Mrs. Joe J. AlberoMr. and Mrs. Ryan AlboviasMr. and Mrs. Marc K. AlcantaraMr. and Mrs. Per AlftinMr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. AllenDr. and Mrs. Bruce AllenMr. and Mrs. Leslie AllenMr. and Mrs. James AllenMs. Rochelle L. AllenMr. and Mrs. Luis E. AlvarengaMr. and Mrs. David AlvarezMr. and Mrs. George AmarandosMr. and Mrs. Robert AndersenMr. and Mrs. Martin B. AnsticeMr. Enrique AparicioMrs. Vitiner AparicioMr. and Mrs. Doug S. Applet<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Brian ArchboldMr. and Mrs. Michael ArcherMr. and Mrs. David Armstr<strong>on</strong>gMr. and Mrs. Timothy AtwoodMr. and Mrs. Steven BakerMr. David BakhtiariMr. and Mrs. Fernando BalazsMr. and Mrs. Rolando V. BalingitMr. and Mrs. Vincent BaptistaMr. and Mrs. Jean Paul BarbaMr. and Mrs. James BarnesMr. Carlos BarreraMr. and Ms. Robert B. BarreraMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald BarriMr. and Mrs. Eric BarrientosMr. and Mrs. John T. BarsocchiniMr. and Mrs. Micheal A. BartholomewMr. and Mrs. Stephen BarulichMr. and Mrs. Najib M. Batsh<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Robert BattalioMr. and Mrs. Christopher BeaMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong> BechtoldMr. and Mrs. Michael D. BeckerMr. and Mrs. Charles E. BeeringMr. and Mrs. John J. BellomoMr. and Mrs. Louis BenedettiMr. and Mrs. Renato C. BernardoMr. and Mrs. Thomas BerquistMr. and Mrs. Steven BerriatuaMr. and Mrs. Edward BerryMr. and Mrs. Robert BertoldiMr. and Mrs. Paul A. BetMr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Birch, IIDr. and Mrs. Norbert W. BischofbergerMr. and Mrs. Thomas BlaisMr. Bruce BlankenhornMs. Julie BlankenhornMr. and Ms. Robert BloomerMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey BoenigMr. and Mrs. Greg BoeschMr. and Mrs. Robert BolandMr. and Mrs. Jas<strong>on</strong> N. BollingerMr. and Mrs. John B<strong>on</strong>esoDr. and Mrs. Luis A. B<strong>on</strong>illaMr. and Mrs. Gary BortolottoMr. and Mrs. Robert A. BortolottoMr. and Mrs. Paul BoudreauMr. and Mrs. Gregory L. BoyleDr. and Dr. Charles R. BradleyMr. and Mrs. Charles BradshawMs. Angela BrassingaMr. and Mrs. Dor<strong>on</strong> BraunMr. and Mrs. Stephen M. BrickleyMr. and Mrs. Douglas F. BrowningMr. and Mrs. Rusty BrummerMr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. BrunoMr. and Mrs. David L. BubenheimMr. and Mrs. Bart L. BuchananMr. and Mrs. Brian BuckleyMr. and Mrs. Michael BuckmasterMr. and Mrs. Emmanuel BulataoMr. and Mrs. Shawn BulenMr. and Mrs. Ante BuljanMr. and Mrs. Mario BuljanMr. and Mrs. John ButlerMrs. Wilma ButtramMrs. Carol ByrneMr. Timothy ByrneMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey CabucoMr. and Mrs. John CahnersMr. and Ms. Wayne W. CaiMr. and Mrs. Gary L. CakebreadMr. and Mrs. Phil A. CalandraMr. and Mrs. Vincent CampMr. and Mrs. Mark A. CampanaMr. and Mrs. Humberto CamposMr. and Mrs. Federico E. CamposMr. and Mrs. Jaime CampoverdeMr. John Canepa andMs. Michele GutierrezMr. and Mrs. Louis CanoMr. and Mrs. Jose R. CarballedoMr. and Mrs. William N. Carls<strong>on</strong>Mrs. Darren CarmassiMr. Dennis L. CarmassiMr. and Mrs. Sylvester CarolanMr. and Mrs. Feliciano CarpioMr. and Mrs. Jeff Cars<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Jake CarusoMr. and Mrs. Thomas B. CaseyMr. and Mrs. Mike B. CastagnettoMr. and Mrs. Rodrigo CastilloMr. and Mrs. Marvin CastilloMs. Alba CastroMr. and Mrs. Michael D. CaversMr. and Mrs. Alan CecchiMr. and Mrs. Paul J. CelentanoMr. and Mrs. Craig CentisMr. and Mrs. Cesar CervantesMr. and Mrs. James ChanMr. and Mrs. David ChaoMr. and Mrs. Gerald J. ChapmanMr. and Mrs. Martin ChavezMs. Beverly A. ChesoMr. and Mrs. Mun C. CheungMr. and Mrs. Augustine ChouMr. and Mrs. William L. ChowMr. and Mrs. Robert ChristmanMr. and Mrs. Robert CiancioloMr. and Mrs. Robert Ciano, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. CiriglianoMs. Lisa ClarkMr. and Mrs. Ritchie ClayMr. and Mrs. Alfred F. ColarussoMr. and Mrs. Michael J. CollinsMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Collins, Jr.Ms. Margaret Collis<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. James ComstockMr. and Mrs. Gary C. C<strong>on</strong>ciMr. and Mrs. Thomas C<strong>on</strong>nellyMr. and Mrs. John C<strong>on</strong>wayMrs. Linda CookMs. Ana M. CorderoMr. and Mrs. Theodore T. CorderyMr. and Mrs. Randal CortMr. and Mrs. Greg CoskoMr. and Mrs. Oscar S. CostantiniMr. Gregory B. Costanzo andMs. Theresa MurphyMr. and Mrs. Paul CouncilMr. and Mrs. Tom CoxMr. and Mrs. James M. CravalhoMr. and Mrs. Martyn CrewMr. and Mrs. Joel Cr<strong>on</strong>inMr. and Mrs. Dwight A. CrumpMr. Jas<strong>on</strong> A. CruzMs. Leticia A. Cuevas-HernandezMr. and Mrs. Douglas A. D’AnnaMr. Stephen D’EreditaMs. Joanna D. D’EreditaMr. and Mrs. Jagruti DahyaMs. Janice M. DaleyMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald A. DanczakMs. Najat DarziMr. and Mrs. Albert DaviesMr. and Mrs. Carlos De Le<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Daniel De NardiMr. and Mrs. Ralph Deb<strong>on</strong>oMr. and Mrs. Doug D. DeCarloMrs. Alexandria E. del Castillo-YetivMr. and Mrs. Rolando del RosarioMr. and Mrs. Bobby del RosarioMr. and Mrs. Joseph Del RosarioMr. and Mrs. Alex Delos SantosMr. and Mrs. Julio DelucchiMr. and Mrs. Shawn M. DeLunaMs. Cynthia DeMartiniMr. and Mrs. Paul DemingMr. and Mrs. Charles DependahlMr. and Mrs. John J. DeScalaMr. and Mrs. Richard DewittMr. and Mrs. Mark D. DicioccioMr. and Mrs. Roberto D. DinoMr. and Mrs. Byr<strong>on</strong> S. Diz<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Sanjay DograMr. John P. Doherty andMs. Jennifer Tuck-DohertyMr. and Mrs. Gregg M. DomanicoMr. and Mrs. John A. DooleyMr. and Mrs. Erik E. DoranMr. and Ms. Charles E. DoughertyMr. and Mrs. Dennis DoughertyMr. and Mrs. Richard A. DraegerMr. and Mrs. Sean EchevarriaMr. and Mrs. Mark ElchinoffMr. and Mrs. Danny ElvenaMr. and Mrs. Steven Enders<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. EngoMs. Maria EnriquezMr. and Mrs. Joseph T. ErdieMrs. Luz EstradaMr. and Mrs. Gerard EvansMr. and Mrs. David L. FalkMr. and Mrs. James FangunaMr. and Mrs. Robert FanucchiMr. and Mrs. Fereidoun FatemiMr. and Mrs. Paul J. FavettiMr. and Mrs. Delfin FernandoMr. and Mrs. David FerrariMr. and Mrs. Andrew C. FerrisMr. and Mrs. John F. FinnMr. and Mrs. Daniel FlahertyMr. David A. Flaig andMrs. Denise McDowell-FlaigMr. and Mrs. Adan FletesMr. and Mrs. Rafael A. FloresMr. and Mrs. Kevin D. FlynnMr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Fogles<strong>on</strong>gMr. and Mrs. M<strong>on</strong> San F<strong>on</strong>g-ChanMr. and Mrs. Carlo J. F<strong>on</strong>tanaMs. Lee FosterMr. and Mrs. Salvador FrancoMs. Shelley A. FreitagMr. and Mrs. Marc M. FreschetMr. and Mrs. Steve FriedlanderMr. and Mrs. John FrueheMr. and Mrs. Mark L. FurrerMr. Anth<strong>on</strong>y FusaroMr. and Mrs. Stephen GaddisMs. Annmarie GaggeroMs. Jessica GaitanMr. and Mrs. Joseph M. GarciaMr. Martin O. GarciaMr. and Mrs. Manuel T. GarciaMs. Maria R. GarciaMr. David M. GarciaMr. and Mrs. Raul O. GarciaMr. and Mrs. Michael GaribaldiMr. and Mrs. Vahan GasparianMr. and Mrs. Geoffrey GattMr. and Mrs. Vadim GavanMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey GeeMr. and Mrs. James GellerMr. Steve Gelphman andMs. Jennifer FreemanMr. and Mrs. Frank J. GerrityMs. Leana GianniniMr. and Mrs. Joe GibbsMr. Nasir Gill andMrs. M<strong>on</strong>azza Chaudhry22 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> • Parent Pledge ANNUAL REPORT 23

Parent Pledge Program c<strong>on</strong>t’dMr. and Mrs. Nathan GinsbergMr. and Mrs. Ernie GiotinisMr. and Mrs. Jim GipMs. Maureen GiustiMr. and Mrs. Gary N. GlassmoyerMr. and Mrs. Mathew M. GlauningerMr. and Mrs. John GlikbargMr. and Mrs. Freddie Go, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Dan GodfreyMr. and Mrs. Ric S. GoellMr. and Mrs. Fred GomesMr. Lizardo GomezMr. and Mrs. Cesar GomezMr. and Mrs. Ant<strong>on</strong>io A. G<strong>on</strong>zalezMr. and Mrs. Regan GoodinMr. and Ms. Gary L. GoodmanMr. Dennis D. Gorgolinski ‘85Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Gould, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. George GoupilleMr. and Mrs. Mark A. GoyetteMr. and Mrs. John Greco, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. GreenMr. and Mrs. Robert GriffinMr. and Mrs. Robert GriffithsMr. and Mrs. Michael GroganMr. and Mrs. Edward GuenleyMr. and Mrs. Frank GuntherMr. and Mrs. Charles N. GustMr. and Mrs. Abboud HabrMr. and Mrs. Robert N. HagenauDr. and Mrs. Robert B. HagmannMr. and Mrs. John G. HahnMr. and Mrs. Richard HallMr. and Mrs. J<strong>on</strong> S. HandleryMr. and Mrs. Bob Hans<strong>on</strong>Mr. L<strong>on</strong> HardemanMr. and Mrs. Colin R. HardmanMr. and Mrs. Patrick F. HarkinMr. and Mrs. Robert HarkinsMr. and Mrs. Lawrence HarperMr. and Mrs. Reed J. HarrisMrs. Susan Hart-WhitlockMr. and Mrs. Robert T. HaslamMr. and Mrs. Michael J. HealeyMr. and Mrs. Paul HerminghausMs. Ingrid HernandezMr. and Mrs. Brett W. HerrMr. John Herrerias and Ms. Ann SabatiniMr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hessi<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Nader HeydayianMr. Adam HicksMr. and Mrs. Stuart M. HinesMr. and Mrs. Vijay HingoraniMs. Jennifer Hip<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Patrick HitchcockMr. and Ms. Jack M. Hom, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Houst<strong>on</strong>Ms. Karen T. HoytMr. and Ms. Patrick HuangMs. Deborah HuelbigMr. and Mrs. Steven R. HumrichMr. and Mrs. Billy IckMr. and Mrs. Gerald Ingemanss<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. John V. IppolitoMr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. D. IrvinMr. Kenji IshikawaMs. Teresa Jacks<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. William B. Jacks<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Christopher JacobsMr. and Mrs. John Jacobs<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Bradley JaebMr. and Mrs. Mark JajehMr. and Mrs. Richard C. JajehMr. and Mrs. Paul JanokMr. and Mrs. Edgardo Q. JapitanaMr. and Mrs. Richard A. JaureguiMr. and Mrs. Stephen JensenMr. and Mrs. Andrew Jis<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. John JolyMs. Vicky J<strong>on</strong>esDr. and Mrs. Richard T. Jordan, MDMr. and Mrs. Armand JoseDr. and Mrs. Rey JovesMr. and Mrs. Anth<strong>on</strong>y C. JuradoMr. Martin McGinn andMs. Gina Kaindl-GregoriMr. and Mrs. Thomas KalinskeMr. and Mrs. Le<strong>on</strong>ard KanavyMr. and Mrs. Kosta KasidiarisMr. and Mrs. James S. KayeMr. and Mrs. Kevin M. KearneyMr. and Mrs. James KeenanMr. Charles J. Keenan, IIIMr. and Mrs. Ross A. KellyMr. and Mrs. Michael T. KentMr. and Mrs. Sarkis KestekyanMr. and Mrs. Martin KeyserMr. and Mrs. William KibblewhiteDr. and Mrs. Masayasu KihiraMr. and Ms. Randall D. KinderMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. KingshillMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. KirkendallMr. and Mrs. Gary KishMr. and Mrs. Karl KokrhounMr. and Mrs. Richard KooMr. and Mrs. Jeff KunkelMr. and Mrs. Paul A. KusberMr. and Mrs. T<strong>on</strong>y Kw<strong>on</strong>gMr. and Mrs. Aethelstan La RosaMs. Michelle E. LaBelleMr. Jerry Lami andMs. Janice Groshak LamiMr. and Mrs. Edgar S. LandaverdeMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong> LangiMr. and Mrs. Craig LauMr. and Mrs. Martin LeahyMr. and Mrs. Tom LeeMr. David Leibowitz andMs. Katherine YoungMs. Kimberly LeikamMrs. Chiara LevinMr. and Mrs. Kenneth LewisMr. John Lewis andMs. Claudia GirrbachMr. and Mrs. Timothy E. LickoMr. and Mrs. Douglas LikensMr. and Mrs. Renato LillesMr. and Mrs. Daniel LinehanMr. and Mrs. Cary LiuMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald S. L<strong>on</strong>ginottiMr. and Mrs. Kevin L<strong>on</strong>goMr. and Mrs. Jose LopezMr. and Mrs. Ram<strong>on</strong> L. LorenzoMr. and Mrs. Kevin LucidoMs. Lisette LugoMr. and Mrs. Lawrence LumpkinsMr. and Mrs. Lars J. LundMr. and Mrs. Gerald LusticMs. Katherine D. LutherMr. William D. LutherMr. Christopher LynchMr. and Mrs. Marl<strong>on</strong> G. MacaraigMiss Thelma MadayagMr. and Mrs. Severiano MadlambayanMr. Brian B. MahbodMr. Shawn Maher and Mrs. M<strong>on</strong>icaCordero-MaherMr. and Mrs. Mario A. Mald<strong>on</strong>adoMr. Idrees Malik andMs. Deborah KaufmanMs. Christine Mallery andMr. David ShawMr. and Mrs. Juan MangualMr. and Mrs. Glenn MaoMr. and Mrs. James MarchMr. and Mrs. James M. MarguetMr. Steven Marinelli andMs. Jennifer MoodyMr. and Mrs. Darrell MarshallMr. Eric Martel and Ms. Lynn F. MilosMs. Kelly L. MartinMr. and Mrs. Jack MartinelliMr. and Mrs. Manuel MatiasMr. and Mrs. Perry Mazz<strong>on</strong>iMr. and Mrs. Brian McAlind<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCannMr. Aidan McCrackenMr. and Mrs. James P. McDermottMr. and Mrs. Brent McElroyMr. and Mrs. Gary J. McEnteeMr. and Mrs. Francis X. McGloinMr. and Mrs. Timothy M. McGrathMr. and Mrs. John McGrathMr. and Mrs. Christopher McGuireMr. and Mrs. Ian K. McInnisMr. and Mrs. Philip A. McIntoshMr. and Mrs. Jeff McKayMr. and Mrs. Sean McKennaMr. and Mrs. James McKnightMr. and Mrs. David A. McLaughlinMr. Philip A. McLeod andMs. Shawn M. Christians<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Brian McMillanMs. Mary McPhers<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McTaggartMr. and Mrs. Jaudiel MedinaMr. and Mrs. Robert P. MeierMr. and Mrs. Arvin Menchavez, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mend<strong>on</strong>caMr. and Mrs. Gregory P. MenzelMs. Lucille F MercadoMr. and Mrs. Michael MeredithMr. and Mrs. Kenneth MerriganDr. James Merryweather andDr. Ulrike HeberleinMr. and Mrs. Michael P. MesarosMr. and Mrs. Robert MeyMr. and Mrs. Ara MichaelianMr. and Mrs. Lawrence MicheliniMr. and Mrs. Robert G. MikeMr. and Mrs. Robert A. Milest<strong>on</strong>eMr. and Mrs. Scott MillerMs. Angela MillerMs. Laura Miller-FisherMr. and Mrs. John MilliganMs. Peggy MilneMr. Christopher C. Minerva andMs. Inge Jantzen-MinervaMr. and Mrs. Peter MinistriMr. D<strong>on</strong>ald Miraglia andMs. Elena YlundainMr. and Mrs. Francisco Miram<strong>on</strong>tesMr. and Mrs. Thaddeus J. MirtDr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald D. MitchellMr. and Mrs. Krishnan MohanMr. and Mrs. Mark T. M<strong>on</strong>gielloMr. and Mrs. Michael M<strong>on</strong>teMr. William M<strong>on</strong>tecinoMr. Joseph M<strong>on</strong>toyaMr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Mo<strong>on</strong>eyMr. and Mrs. Andrew MooreMr. and Mrs. Larry D. MooreMr. and Mrs. Nicolas I. MoralesMs. Laura M. MorarosMr. and Mrs. Steve M. MoriartyMr. and Mrs. Mark D. MoriartyMs. Ninalei Morris<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Dan MorrowMr. and Mrs. Brian T. Mort<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Sam MostafaviMr. and Mrs. Brian H. MottMr. and Mrs. Terrence MulladyMr. and Mrs. James MullarneyMr. and Mrs. William Murphy, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. MurphyMr. and Mrs. Dennis A. MurphyMr. and Mrs. Joseph P. MurrayMr. and Mrs. John MurrayMs. Lori A. MusserMr. and Mrs. VenKat NaiduDr. and Mrs. Dennis M. NakamuraMr. and Mrs. Renato NanezMr. and Mrs. Vince NanniniMr. and Mrs. John NardiMr. and Mrs. Sarkis NarkizianMr. and Mrs. Kenneth NavaDr. and Mrs. Robert Navarra, Psy.D.Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell E. NeunerMr. and Mrs. Kevin C. NewmanMr. and Mrs. Jim NguyenDr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Nichol, DDSMr. and Mrs. David NightingaleMr. and Mrs. David NorthwayMr. and Mrs. Robert NotoMr. and Mrs. Michael NouauxMr. and Mrs. Andrew Nunes, Sr.Mr. George NunezMr. and Mrs. Federico NutiMr. and Mrs. Patrick O’HaraDr. and Mrs. John O’HolleranMr. and Mrs. Jaime O’LearyMr. and Mrs. Yuji OhbaDr. and Mrs. Takeshi OkaiMr. and Mrs. Neil R. OLearyMr. and Dr. Steve OlujicMr. and Mrs. Paul OmalekiMr. and Mrs. Robert Oosterman, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand OpilasMr. Ant<strong>on</strong> J. Orazem, Jr.Ms. Marie OrloffMr. and Mrs. Kenneth OuMs. Laurie PageMr. and Mrs. Agapios P. PanagiotidesMr. Eleazar A. Panopio, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Sarkis P. PanossianMr. and Mrs. Clay ParkerMr. and Mrs. David ParkerMr. Thomas M. ParoubeckMr. and Mrs. Stanley PastorinoMr. and Mrs. Bharat PatelMr. and Mrs. Michael R. Patters<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald PaulinoMr. and Mrs. Jeffers<strong>on</strong> PeMr. Ivan Peculic andMrs. Barbara Bobila-PeculicMr. and Mrs. Philip PerakisMr. and Mrs. Jacinto PerezMr. and Mrs. Jesse PerezMr. Stanley Perkins and Dr. Sherry ButlerMr. and Mrs. Walter M. PerlaMs. Diane PessagnoMr. and Mrs. Kent PetersMr. Morgan PetitiMr. and Mrs. Robert PetriniMr. and Mrs. Kevin PhilpottMr. Benjie Picardo andMs. Jennifer MercadoMr. Renan Pineda andMs. Marla ChapmanMr. and Mrs. Robert A. PiomboMr. and Mrs. Bob Kenneth PiraMr. John H. Podesta andMs. Katherine L. GalloMr. and Mrs. Gary PolandMr. and Mrs. Steve PollakMr. and Mrs. Alan PomettaMr. and Mrs. Scott PomsMr. and Mrs. Daniel P<strong>on</strong>tiMr. Jorge Prieto andMrs. Milan Mejia-PrietoMr. and Mrs. George PrinceMr. and Mrs. Scott PritchettMr. John PtasnikMr. and Mrs. Miguel Puz<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo QuantMr. and Mrs. Ram<strong>on</strong> QuezadaMr. and Mrs. Michael QuiliciMr. and Mrs. Reynaldo RabangMr. and Ms. Robert RadkeyMr. and Mrs. Michael RameyMr. and Mrs. Randall J. RamianMrs. Gabriela RamirezMr. and Mrs. Jose RamirezMr. and Mrs. Nicolas RamirezMr. and Mrs. Louis RamosMr. and Mrs. Eli RapaichMr. and Mrs. Jack RatcliffeMr. and Mrs. Dante RaveloMr. and Mrs. James RayMr. and Mrs. Jose H. Razo24 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> • Parent PledgeANNUAL REPORT 25

Parent Pledge Program c<strong>on</strong>t’dMr. and Mrs. Martin ReaMr. and Mrs. Wayne RedburnMr. and Mrs. Joshua ReiderMr. and Mrs. James F. ReillyMr. and Mrs. Mandy RestriveraMr. and Mrs. Raym<strong>on</strong>d ReudyDr. Glenn C. Rice and Dr. Cynthia A. HoyMr. and Mrs. Charles J. RinaldiMr. and Mrs. Robert RobbinsMr. and Mrs. James A. RobertsMr. and Mrs. Ross RobertsMr. and Mrs. John RobertsMr. and Mrs. John T. Roberts, Jr.Mrs. Jacqueline Robins<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Hugo A. RodriguezMr. and Mrs. Cesario Rodriguez, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Mark RogersDr. and Mrs. Richard RolfesMs. Karen RomagnoliMr. and Mrs. Charlie F. RomeoMr. and Mrs. Rodolfo RoqueMr. and Mrs. Dennis L. RosaiaMr. and Mrs. Ricardo RosarioMr. and Mrs. Michael RostadMr. and Mrs. Aar<strong>on</strong> J. RudgerMr. and Mrs. Michael RudolphMr. and Mrs. Alfred J. RuggieroMs. Sandra RuizMr. and Mrs. Sam RuncoMr. and Mrs. Thomas RunkelMr. and Mrs. Louis N. RusoMr. and Mrs. Stephen RutledgeMr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan, IIIMr. and Mrs. Joseph RyanMs. Barbara SabeanDr. Rubik SadeghiMr. and Mrs. Ibrahim Y. SahyounMr. and Mrs. Joseph Y. SahyounMr. and Mrs. Elias SalamehMr. and Mrs. Bartolome San Diego IIIMr. and Mrs. John SanchezMr. and Mrs. Angel SanchezMr. and Mrs. Stacy SandkullaMr. and Ms. David V. SantagaMr. and Mrs. Marc Santo, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. SanzMr. and Mrs. William SappMr. Zlatko Saric and Ms. Maria MirianaMr. and Mrs. David SatterwhiteMr. and Mrs. Gary SayedMr. and Mrs. Joseph ScannellMr. and Mrs. Robert ScarpinoMr. and Mrs. Stephen ScerriMr. and Mrs. Mike ScerriMr. and Mrs. Stephen SchmalzMr. and Mrs. Roy SchnabelMr. and Mrs. John C. SchrupDr. and Mrs. John SchulteMr. and Mrs. Philip SchwenkMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey ScottMr. and Mrs. David ScottMr. and Mrs. William SeagraveMr. and Mrs. Robert SeemayerMr. Carlt<strong>on</strong> SeikeMr. and Ms. Steven C. SeitzMr. Patrick Shann<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. David SheehanMr. and Ms. Walter E. Shjeflo Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Dmitriy ShtalenkovaMr. and Mrs. Jeff SilkMr. and Mrs. Mark Sim<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simps<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Simps<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. John T. SimsMr. and Mrs. Walt SingerMr. and Mrs. John SkucasMr. Fred Sl<strong>on</strong>e and Mrs. Janet DulskyMr. and Mrs. Terry SmerdelMr. and Mrs. Bradford SmithMr. and Mrs. Graham SmithMr. and Mrs. Jerold SmockMr. and Mrs. Andrew SorianoDrs. Edouard and Yuliya Sorkin\Mr. and Mrs. James F. SotomayorMr. and Mrs. Mark R. SpiniMr. and Mrs. Lloyd SteadmanMr. and Mrs. Vitalij V. StelmashenkoMr. and Mrs. Gerald Stens<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Craig SterlingMs. Lisa L. StriebingMr. and Mrs. Scott StrombomMr. and Mrs. Robert StrupeniDr. and Mrs. James B. StruvenMr. and Mrs. Michael E. SucherMr. and Mrs. Peter SuhrMr. David Swinney andMs. Kathleen StewartMr. and Mrs. George Sym<strong>on</strong>sMr. and Mrs. Eddy TabetMr. Philip Tan and Ms. Janet ShawMr. and Mrs. William W. K. TangMr. and Mrs. D<strong>on</strong> TanklageMr. and Mrs. Okusitino TatolaMr. and Mrs. Marl<strong>on</strong> Tecs<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Neil TelfordMr. and Mrs. David E. TerryMr. and Mrs. Harry G. ThodosMr. and Mrs. Craig M. ThomasMr. and Mrs. Stephen Thomps<strong>on</strong>Mrs. Alis<strong>on</strong> E. ThordsenMr. Jeff Tillack andMrs. Suzanne DauphinaisMr. and Mrs. Mark TodzoMr. Will Toms and Mrs. Liz Heieck-TomsMr. and Mrs. Gord<strong>on</strong> T<strong>on</strong>gMr. and Mrs. Daniel R. ToomeyMr. David D. Torre andMrs. Angie Pappas TorreMr. and Mrs. Gregory TorreMr. and Mrs. Paul S. TorresMr. and Mrs. Jimmy TotahMr. and Mrs. John TragoutsisMr. and Dr. Louis TribbleMr. Matthew Trulio andMs. Neira Rebecca FinemanMr. and Mrs. George N. TsiplakosMr. and Mrs. Charles A. TurnerMr. and Mrs. William TurnerMr. and Mrs. Todd TurnerMr. and Mrs. Michael J. TurzanskiMr. and Mrs. George J. Uccelli, Jr.Mr. V Udayabhanu andMs. Dina HansenMr. and Mrs. Albert UrrutiaMr. and Mrs. Khalid UsmanMr. and Mrs. Richard M. ValdesMs. Lili ValdiviezoMr. and Mrs. Le<strong>on</strong>ardo ValentiMr. and Mrs. Reynato ValerioMr. and Mrs. Paulino ValleMr. and Mrs. John Vargas, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Russell VavurisMr. and Mrs. Henry G. VeizadesMs. Yolanda VeladoMr. and Mrs. Oresti VelasquezMr. and Mrs. David VellaMr. and Mrs. Charles VerlindenMr. and Mrs. Robert J. VernazzaMr. and Mrs. J. Anth<strong>on</strong>y VillanuevaMr. and Mrs. Anth<strong>on</strong>y VillanuevaMr. and Mrs. Luis VillarMr. and Mrs. John C. VincentMr. and Mrs. Patrick T. WalkerMr. and Mrs. John C. WallauMr. and Mrs. John WalshMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. WalshMr. Lincoln WalworthMr. and Mrs. Herman WanMr. and Mrs. Sean WardMs. Sherri WarmanMr. and Mrs. Jas<strong>on</strong> WeirMs. Theresa WestermanMr. and Mrs. James J. WhelanMr. and Mrs. Michael J. WhelanMr. and Mrs. Phillip E. WhiteMr. and Mrs. William WidmerMr. and Mrs. Gerald WilkinMr. and Mrs. Daniel L. WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Andreas WolfMr. and Mrs. Kenny Y W W<strong>on</strong>gMr. Harvey W<strong>on</strong>g andMs. Kathy Ptasnik-W<strong>on</strong>gMr. and Mrs. Bens<strong>on</strong> W<strong>on</strong>gMr. and Mrs. George W<strong>on</strong>gMr. and Mrs. Edward A. WoodMs. Chris WoodardMr. and Mrs. Kieran WoodsMr. and Mrs. Ward A. WoropayMr. and Mrs. James WuMr. and Mrs. Roy XavierMs. Lisa M. YeeMr. Alvin D. YeeMr. and Mrs. John YeeMr. and Mrs. Shi YoungMr. and Mrs. Stuart YoxsimerMr. and Mrs. Johann A. Yuz<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Franz ZachariasMr. and Mrs. Majdi ZadaMr. and Mrs. Vinod ZalpuriMr. and Mrs. Avelino ZamoraMr. and Mrs. John ZaroMr. Lijie Zh<strong>on</strong>g and Ms. Karen YangMr. and Mrs. Eric ZimitsMr. and Ms. Joseph J. ZimmererMr. and Mrs. Salem ZoumotMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. ZuffiThis Annual Report includes gifts receivedfrom July 1, 2009 thru June 30, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. ZurcherB&B Residential Facilities, IncCovitas, LLCCS DevelopmentD.L. Falk C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong>Earthquake Sound Corp.Flaig Insurance ServicesGeller Internati<strong>on</strong>al, Inc.Hessi<strong>on</strong> Home Physical Therapy &Service, Inc.Kibblewhite Precisi<strong>on</strong> EngineeringNick’s RestaurantPacific CheesePrime Time Paper, LLCPS Communicati<strong>on</strong>s, Inc.Rebarts InteriorsRodeo PlazaSheet Metal UnlimitedThe Coin BrokerPlease c<strong>on</strong>tact <strong>Serra</strong>’s Advancement Officewith correcti<strong>on</strong>s and accept our apologiesfor any inadvertent omissi<strong>on</strong>s.650.573.993526 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> • Parent PledgeANNUAL REPORT 27

kevin kelly and erin jaeb a profile in giving“The faith comp<strong>on</strong>ent in Catholic school is so important,”said Kevin, a former journalist who spent 10 years writingfor Business Week, Fortune and newsweek.com. “Evidencesuggests that children who attend Catholic school emergewith a much deeper faith. It’s important to support Catholicschools by helping them to modernize their facilities andacademic programs.”The Kelly family has supported Bishop O’Dowd <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong> in Oakland, St. Joseph’s <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> in Alamedaand Holy Names University in Oakland. At <strong>Serra</strong>, the Kellyspledged a generous $100,000 to <strong>Serra</strong>’s Phase II Campaign.They are particularly excited about the expansi<strong>on</strong> of <strong>Serra</strong>’sAcademic Resource Center. In additi<strong>on</strong>, Kevin and Erinhave sp<strong>on</strong>sored <strong>Serra</strong>’s Fund a Dream lunche<strong>on</strong> for the pastfour years ($10,000 per year for four years).The Father <strong>Serra</strong> Heritage SocietyNamed after our founding father, the Father <strong>Serra</strong> Heritage Society is a group of generous d<strong>on</strong>ors who have designated agift through their estate plans to <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Members of the Society have much in comm<strong>on</strong> with Father <strong>Serra</strong>.They believe in quality educati<strong>on</strong>, leadership and innovati<strong>on</strong>. They believe that a <strong>Serra</strong> educati<strong>on</strong> is am<strong>on</strong>g the best inCalifornia and should be preserved for future generati<strong>on</strong>s of Padres.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abbott, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allain ‘53Mr. and Mrs. James B. Araujo ‘61Mrs. Dana AyoobMr. and Mrs. Kerry BachMr. and Mrs. Walt BankovitchMrs. Laverne BarrettMr. and Mrs. Russell Bertetta ‘67Mr. Dennis M. Byrne ‘55 Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. ChangMr. and Mrs. Steve A. Difu ‘60Mr. Gerald J. Driscoll ‘49 Mr. Thomas DuffyMrs. Ellen Einarss<strong>on</strong>Mrs. Eleanor Fig<strong>on</strong>i Mrs. Pam FrisellaMr. Robert J. Grassilli ‘66Rev. Stephen H. Howell ‘63Mr. and Mrs. James JordanMrs. Addie KellerMr. George Keller Mr. Edward E. Keller, Jr. ‘47 Ms. Kathy O. LavezzoMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald S. L<strong>on</strong>ginotti ‘72Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Lucey ‘58Mr. and Mrs. Lars J. LundMr. and Mrs. Michael McGinleyMr. and Dr. Steven McLaughlin, Sr.Mrs. Sally MellingerMr. and Mrs. Carl J. Mor<strong>on</strong>ey ‘60Mr. A. James Oakes, Jr. ‘58Mr. and Mrs. Michael Peters<strong>on</strong>Mr. Kevin Ragan Mr. Bernard L. Reichmuth ‘53Mr. Ferencz Sipos Mr. and Mrs. Robert SullivanMr. Randy VogelMr. and Mrs. David R. WhitneyMrs. Clare C. Willard deceasedPROMOTING CATHOLIC EDUCATION, ONE SCHOOLAT A TIME.Kevin Kelly and Erin Jaeb recognize the value of a solidCatholic educati<strong>on</strong>. Their missi<strong>on</strong> is to support Bay AreaCatholic schools through their family business, EmeraldPackaging Inc. in Uni<strong>on</strong> City.“Erin and I believe in the values that students are taught inCatholic school,” Kevin said. “They are taught not to thinkabout themselves, but the wider world. We are very interestedin Catholic social teachings. In Catholic school, you aretaught to think about how we fit into the structures of thewider world and how we are called to change them. You d<strong>on</strong>’tget that in public educati<strong>on</strong>.”Kevin serves <strong>on</strong> the <strong>Serra</strong> Board of Regents FinanceCommittee. Erin and Kevin are the aunt and uncle of WillJaeb ’08 and Brennan Jaeb ’11.28 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> • A Profile in Giving“Fund a Dream is right up our alley,” Kevin noted. “It helpskids to stay in Catholic school and helps to fund <strong>Serra</strong>’stuiti<strong>on</strong> assistance program. The demands <strong>on</strong> Bay Areafamilies are becoming greater and greater. People sometimestake the educati<strong>on</strong> they received for granted. However,when you support <strong>Serra</strong>, it provides a better educati<strong>on</strong> forcurrent students and ensures the success of the school foryears to come. Parents send their s<strong>on</strong>s to <strong>Serra</strong> not justbecause of the educati<strong>on</strong>, but because of the type of men theschool turns out—men who become citizens who take theirresp<strong>on</strong>sibilities seriously. “Kevin and Erin live in Oakland with their three children,Cormac, Maeve and Fi<strong>on</strong>a.“parents send their s<strong>on</strong>s to serra not just because of the educati<strong>on</strong>,but because of the type of men the school turns out—men whobecome citizens who take their resp<strong>on</strong>sibilities seriously.”-kevin kellysupporting serra ways to giveA Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> educati<strong>on</strong> provides uniqueopportunities for young men to develop lifel<strong>on</strong>g habits oflearning that prepare them to become leaders throughouttheir lives. An unrestricted gift to <strong>Serra</strong> helps support theannual activities of the school and enables the school todirect the funds where they are most needed.outright giftsOutrights gifts can include cash, Visa or MasterCard. Giftscan be made <strong>on</strong>line. All cash gifts are fully tax deductible, upto the maximum of 50 percent of your adjusted gross income.Excess can be carried over and deducted over as many asfive subsequent years.gifts of securitiesGifts of stock offer two-fold savings. D<strong>on</strong>ors pay no capitalgains <strong>on</strong> the increased value of the appreciated stockand receive an income tax deducti<strong>on</strong> for the full marketvalue at the time of the gift. Transferring securitiesis easy; however to insure proper tax credit, timelyacknowledgment, and accurate processing of your stockd<strong>on</strong>ati<strong>on</strong>, please c<strong>on</strong>tact the Advancement Office for atransfer form and more informati<strong>on</strong>.gifts of real estateReal property, either in entirety or in part, can be deeded to<strong>Serra</strong>. It is even possible to arrange a sizable tax deducti<strong>on</strong>by deeding a home or farm to the school now, whilec<strong>on</strong>tinuing to occupy the property for life. All real estatetransacti<strong>on</strong>s are subject to inspecti<strong>on</strong> and final approval bythe Archdiocese of San Francisco.matching giftsMany employers participate in a matching gifts program. Thisis a tremendous benefit that can double or sometimes eventriple your gift to <strong>Serra</strong>. Check with your human resourcesdepartment for matching gift forms. If you are not sure ifyour employer provides matching gifts, go to <strong>Serra</strong>’s websitefor a list of employers who do so.memorial and h<strong>on</strong>orary tribute giftsA gift to the Memorial Endowment Fund can help perpetuatethe values and ideals that guided a loved <strong>on</strong>e’s life. Gifts providea tribute in memory of a loved <strong>on</strong>e’s passing or may h<strong>on</strong>or apers<strong>on</strong> during his/her lifetime. All c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>s to the memorialprogram help fund financial aid for deserving families, assuringthe c<strong>on</strong>tinuance of <strong>Serra</strong>’s legacy of inclusiveness and diversity.the father serra heritage societyMembers of this society have thoughtfully included <strong>Serra</strong>in their estate plans or wills. These gifts of forethought andgenerosity take many forms: bequests, living trusts or lifeincome plans, which name Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> asbeneficiaries in their estate plans or wills.If you would like more informati<strong>on</strong> about making a plannedgift, please visit our website planned giving pages or c<strong>on</strong>tact the<strong>Serra</strong> Advancement Office at 650.573.9935.ANNUAL REPORT 29

Padre Annual Fund Alumni GiftsClass of 1947Charles J. CrottyGeorge MuttoClass of 1948Gene C. GiannottiJoshua D. MauleDaniel F. MillerThomas A. O’HalloranClass of 1949Joseph M. CattarinCol. Cliff LussierRobert J. MillerWilliam V. Ralst<strong>on</strong>David R. Str<strong>on</strong>ckClass of 1950Bruce Atkins<strong>on</strong>James P. BrisboisMaurice M. CharlatCharles B. FrenchFred FurrerAlfred GuerinWilliam M. HartmannRobert S. HunterAlbert MolinariPhilip M<strong>on</strong>ahanJohn V. ShieldsClass of 1951Brian J. BennettWard L. JenningsHerbert L. LindemannRobert UgheClass of 1952George AndreiniGerald C<strong>on</strong>nellGerald J. ForbesJohn P. PowellRobert E. RoddyRobert J. SmithHenry TannerWilliam WattClass of 1953Jack AllainMario J. ButtignolJames CentisGary CesariRichard J. DevencenziJoseph HartmannFrank HegartyRichard A. IoriWilliam K. MaddenHenry F. Maher, Jr.Richard McMullenWilliam MeyerThomas P. MurrayThomas F. Nels<strong>on</strong>Bernard L. ReichmuthJoseph VoglClass of 1954Robert C. BarbanicaLarry E. BielsteinRobert C. BradyD<strong>on</strong>ald J. De La PenaJ. Michael LaramieNeal J. LucettR<strong>on</strong>ald J. ThibaultClass of 1955John R. ArnoldCharles E. CancillaJohn L. GaddisJames A. Jacks<strong>on</strong>Dennis B. KavanaghThomas McGanneyRobert E. McLaughlinWilliam MeuserPaul A. NaplesMichael B. RyanClass of 1956Richard J. CooksJoseph S. DavisRobert R. EpplerRobert G. EvansJohn FanthamWilliam S. HammerWilliam B. KillileaPatrick LarkinD<strong>on</strong>ald E. McD<strong>on</strong>aldBen PeraltaJack T. ReviglioJohn W. WalshTormey L. WardEugene ZlatunichClass of 1957Ernest J. BiagiMart H. BushnellJames CrowleyJames F. ErnstJames N. FregosiRichard F. GaribaldiMarcus GeenenD<strong>on</strong>ald T. HubnerAlan J. KappelerRobert E. Mattins<strong>on</strong>Norman MorettoR<strong>on</strong>ald ParlanteLarry PennaItalo PeruzzaroRobert E. ShieldsDoug ThomClass of 1958Raym<strong>on</strong>d T. CarbullidoThomas J. FerrandoFred L. GuibaraJohn J. HaggertyPatrick W. KoppDennis M. LuceyWilliam F. MeadeRobert W. MusettiGerard E. RaneyPhilip M. TraynorClass of 1959Robert E. AlbertoF. Lee BeckerClifford J. Bell<strong>on</strong>eRaym<strong>on</strong>d E. BlyNick Carb<strong>on</strong>iRene CardinauxBernard T. DeasyRobert L. FaganRichard J. FambriniBud R. GrandsaertPete L. MeadeJohn B. MurphyEdward G. Ottob<strong>on</strong>iRichard F. PershaWilliam M. SchwarzR<strong>on</strong>ald L. StefaniWilliam N. TorreWilliam T. YaleyH<strong>on</strong>. Robert B. Y<strong>on</strong>tsClass of 1960David J. ArataTerry Belt<strong>on</strong>Lawrence D. BoylePeter P. Cocc<strong>on</strong>iPhilip L. EhrhornGeorge T. FulvioR<strong>on</strong>ald L. GandolfoJames D. HelinArthur A. Jacks<strong>on</strong>Justice Robert KaneJames KleinbachDaniel C. L<strong>on</strong>erganJames C. LoustalotJohn A. MacyJames J. McCauleyThomas J. MellottWilliam M. PfannRobert P. PlimleyHenry J. SarlatteThomas J. SheaClayt<strong>on</strong> StephensHugh G. WalshWilliam W. WardPeter M. WargoRobert W. Wils<strong>on</strong>Class of 1961Gilbert J. AmorosoKenneth A. ColomboPaul W. FosterWilliam J. Gann<strong>on</strong>Marc Gir<strong>on</strong>Robert V. HarlessKent P. Mal<strong>on</strong>eyRobert L. MancaThomas C. Mor<strong>on</strong>eyJohn J. ParrinelloRichard L. ReichJ. Roger RiffleClass of 1962Paul J. C<strong>on</strong>stantinoThomas L. C<strong>on</strong>stantinoJohn R. CostaStephen M. FirenzeWilliam D. Kr<strong>on</strong>Paul MacyEdward J. PlumeJeffrey M. RyanJames R. SeefeldtThomas E. ShimerR<strong>on</strong> J. SuterClass of 1963Andrew BanachowskiGerald FeeneyRobert M. FernandezRobert F. GallivenWilliam W. GranvilleJames GriffinMichael HaloskiKenneth J. MantoaniJohn McCartyThomas C. MeuserRobert P. StevensRalph Stins<strong>on</strong>Michael E. TurturiciClass of 1964Thomas F. AmesJames M. BaynesClaude J. BeaudouinJohn W. BranchFrank CetaniThomas GilsdorfTerrence J. GiomiDennis J. GlennNorbert T. GreinerGary J. HausladenStephen T. Johnst<strong>on</strong>Francis J. KennedyJohn J. McGregorWayne L. PodestaPaul ReganMichael S. Robins<strong>on</strong>John P. RyanJulian SabbatiniCapt. Gilbert C. SateiaMichael G. ScottPeter G. SteinHugh TuckDavid C. VianoGerald WentworthThomas S. WilcockClass of 1965Romie E. BassettoTimothy M. BayleyKevin J. Belt<strong>on</strong>Steven K. BushJohn A. CarambatJohn R. ChaputL. Walter FleischerRobert J. KochlyJohn D. KrellR<strong>on</strong>ald K. LaberDavid E. LaidlawJames A. MitchellKenneth G. Nort<strong>on</strong>Stephen D. ParisKenneth J. PoolLawrence A. RaffoCharles M. RiffleThomas RothCourtland W. SaundersFrank C. SeidlH<strong>on</strong>. Douglas J. SmithR<strong>on</strong>ald D. TaylorClass of 1966Thomas AlichCharles BriskiJoseph S. C<strong>on</strong>wayJeff GreenstreetThomas MurphyRichard NuccitelliAllan J. PaganucciJames S. ParolaPatrick Peters<strong>on</strong>Jeffrey A. QuinnPhilip R. RossiJoseph A. RossiJ. Michael SacchettiEdm<strong>on</strong>d TrainorGeorge J. UccelliClass of 1967William J. BaileyRussell BertettaRich BulottiJames R. HansenCharles D. McGowanJohn G. McLoughlinWilliam PagendarmFelix PerezRichard V. RaffoCharles R. Rod<strong>on</strong>diMichael A. TorreClass of 1968Steve Gann<strong>on</strong>Jeremiah F. KleinbachJohn T. La TorraDaniel J. McVeighWayne M. RaffaelliDennis L. RosaiaMichael A. RosiRobert SabbatiniRobert D. SchmolzeJames J. WalshClass of 1969Dennis S. Cal<strong>on</strong>icoLawrence R. GladwinWilliam HelfrichJohn MaguireD<strong>on</strong>ald H. McInnisBernard J. Mo<strong>on</strong>eyDennis R. MurphyJoseph A. MurphyLarry MuschCarlo V. RossiFrederick E. WahlClass of 1970Thomas BelviniRichard HagartyMax K. HobergRichard B. J<strong>on</strong>esWilliam T. O’CallahanPeter F. PadovanWalter B. ReesPhilip L. SnodgrassTom WalshClass of 1971John H. DigginsRobert E. DooleyKenneth J. Elkingt<strong>on</strong>Stephen P. FiliosGeorge GiustiRobert J. GuenleyTimothy P. HennessyDennis H. IrvingWayne JosephStephen F. KelleherScott LeahyThomas E. MansfieldLe<strong>on</strong> MulgrewDaniel P. MurphyClass of 1972Joseph Bartr<strong>on</strong>Dan T. BurghardtKevin L. DelucchiRobert J. ManteganiTim McKe<strong>on</strong>Joseph H. McLaughlinMark NorcrossDavid J. RauenbuehlerD<strong>on</strong>ald R. RubleD<strong>on</strong> StevensTimothy K. TrixlerTom Van GeemGregory L. VisticaMark L. VorsatzClass of 1973Joseph W. AppenrodtJoseph J. BerriatuaWilliam F. GlesenerCharles L. GouldCharles G. Harringt<strong>on</strong>Geoffrey M. Henders<strong>on</strong>Rev. Craig P. Lo<strong>on</strong>eyDouglas M. ParksClass of 1974Dennis L. CarmassiSteven J. CasanovaJames M. DohertyJim B. DwyerJames J. GenevroMichael J. GillogleySean R. GoganSteven J. LagomarsinoTevis P. MartinRichard H. MoyePeter B. RauenbuehlerDavid T. SheridanRobert M. VisbalTimothy WatersClass of 1975John C. CaselliArnold L. DavisEugene J. GrazianiJohn R. McGeeMichael J. McGuiganRichard F. McLaughlinMartin J. McVeighRobert MowatJohn O’LearyLouie SerpasJeffrey J. WatersSteven M. Wilkins<strong>on</strong>Class of 1976Peter V. Boiss<strong>on</strong>Mark L. FurrerThomas GillogleySean LeddyDavid A. MosunichThomas SeaneyRobert F. WandroClass of 1977Claudio H. BasergaRichard R. HarperKenneth W. MeyersieckJim RemediosStephen M. Venditti30 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> • Padre Annual Fund - Alumni GiftsANNUAL REPORT 31

Padre Annual Fund c<strong>on</strong>t’dPadre Annual Fund Alumni Parents & FriendsClass of 1978Douglas BagnaniArthur G. FobbsMark GeenenLouis E. LarrarteDan MolthenMichael J. M<strong>on</strong>ahanMark R. SpiniJohn C. VincentClass of 1979Timothy M. CiriglianoRobert V. Dug<strong>on</strong>iMatthew B. McGuiganScott W. MillikenHenry N. TominagaClass of 1980Stephen A. ChiappariKevin E. GiacominiJames E. L<strong>on</strong>gCharles H. MotteThomas P. O’SullivanMark J. PennerGeorge F. SigigiePaul F. UlianaDavid R. VendittiThomas F. WalshClass of 1981Scott W. Bart<strong>on</strong>Vincent J. BreenJames C. BussMichael A. CalegariTom M. CotterArthur W. FunkMichael T. GallowayDavid M. GarciaEric R. LanglandKevin R. MacalusoJohn F. UhlClass of 1982Scott J. KockosPeter NiemannSteven M. PapapietroThomas M. ParoubeckGregory R. ShyperttWilliam P. TuerckMichael V. WaligoraClass of 1983Christian C. Arringt<strong>on</strong>Fred C. BertettaCraig E. CooperDavid G. DeLoraJohn D. KohnkeMark E. MasseyJohn P. SteinClass of 1984Perry D. CarterChristopher J. DehoffJohn P. DohertyGerard E. GranucciJames I. KohnkeMark F. LillieJames P. MeadJB G. OrecchiaJoseph J. SpillaneClass of 1985Damian A. BortolottiBrad DiodatiJames D. FitzgeraldRobert H. FitzgeraldScott D. GaffneyRobert E. GreeneSteven B. HansenArmand H. KilijianKevin A. MarquesJohn F. PhilpottGene B. SuarezDarren VorrathClass of 1986Paolo G. BattagliniSean S. BroderickJoseph M. Carb<strong>on</strong>iRichard E. CorsoScott IgoeJuan J. OrozcoJeffrey R. PickCharles J. RappChristopher E. ReedRobert RushSanto E. ValdezShane M. WehrKeith WyantClass of 1987Mark A. GerhardtAndrew GloskowskiDavid J. PhilpottThomas E. RomeroAndrew A. UccelliClass of 1988George F. BrayerGrant Carb<strong>on</strong>iMichael S. CoughlinMichael B. GrenierMartin LauberRoy MalatestaAlex O. MazlumianLuke B. MulhallChristian P. SullivanClass of 1989Roger AnchartechaharJerry J. SchembriClass of 1990John AilanjianJohn T. HillsPhillip A. KilbridgeSteven B. McLaughlinClass of 1992Anth<strong>on</strong>y J. GoblirschJoseph H. Hudels<strong>on</strong>Class of 1993Anth<strong>on</strong>y M. FarinhaJeffrey M. PerryBrian D. SheppardThomas J. WoottenClass of 1995Stephen L. ChesleyThomas S. EllerhorstChristopher M. O’C<strong>on</strong>norPeter A. PawlickClass of 1996Sean M. AppenrodtKevin F. BradyClass of 1997Christopher L. Di GiacomoJohn D. GuntherNicholas A. Sutt<strong>on</strong>Class of 1998Trevor D. Anth<strong>on</strong>yBrian J. CuneoJohn T. CurnutteAndrew W. DeFrancisMark D. FehrnMarc C. KollererTimothy J. McMorrowClass of 1999Brand<strong>on</strong> C. ArnoldJ<strong>on</strong>athan M. BoitanoLee D. HaleRobert D. HansenShahrod MokhtariMichael G. Nort<strong>on</strong>Paul Robert StaffordClass of 2000Ross Deh<strong>on</strong>eyCraig A. ParidyKenneth L. VellaClass of 2001J<strong>on</strong>athan E. AllenAndrew S. BoitanoCasey E. BoomePatrick J. McMorrowAdam J. M<strong>on</strong>tgomeryPeter M. MuscatDante MuttoClass of 2002Brian W. BlakeRobert S. BlandinoShawn M. DiazEric W. DooleyDaniel C. GaglianiMichael J. RoeMichael V. ScottoClass of 2003Adan J. FletesNicholas T. GallettaStephen M. Gibb<strong>on</strong>sChristopher C. O’LearyClass of 2004Patrick J. BertettaMatthew J. Nort<strong>on</strong>Salman ShariatClass of 2005Sean M. Wilkins<strong>on</strong>Class of 2006Eric G. FarrellErnie MolieriClass of 2007Raym<strong>on</strong>d J. Bald<strong>on</strong>adoGavin C. CalliesAndrew J. DigginsAnth<strong>on</strong>y HeimuliDominic MuttoClass of 2009Christopher E. BertettaCesar A. FletesJoshua M. RichardsBenny RobbinsClass of <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>Nicholas E. Wilkins<strong>on</strong>An<strong>on</strong>ymousMr. and Mrs. Jerrold BagnaniMr. and Mrs. Bruce BarichievichMs. Nada BarulichMr. and Mrs. J<strong>on</strong> C. BevilacquaMr. and Mrs. Richard P. BoitanoMr. and Mrs. D<strong>on</strong>ald C. BorgMr. and Mrs. Mark BurnsMrs. Darren CarmassiMr. and Mrs. Jeff Cars<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Michael CorsettiMr. and Mrs. Lawrence Di GiacomoMr. and Mrs. John EaglesMs. Barbara A. Ericks<strong>on</strong>-KellyMs. Carrie Farley-CincottaMr. and Mrs. Glenn W. FarrellMr. and Mrs. John S. FlahavanMr. and Mrs. Adan FletesMr. and Mrs. Sam FloresMr. and Mrs. Douglas FoxMr. and Mrs. David GaglianiMr. and Mrs. Joseph A. GallettaMr. and Mrs. George GallowayMrs. Bea GarayDr. and Mrs. Michael Girolami, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. John GlikbargMr. and Mrs. Paul G<strong>on</strong>zalezMr. and Mrs. Roy C. GreenMr. and Mrs. Charles K. Guttas, Jr.Mrs. Barbara HarlessMr. Gregory HilligMr. and Mrs. Robert L. HitchensMr. and Mrs. Steven R. HumrichMr. and Mrs. Robert JaureguiMr. and Mrs. John F. KellerMr. and Mrs. Jose LopezMr. and Mrs. Darrell MarshallRev. Msgr. Edward P. McTaggartMr. and Mrs. Richard F. Melc<strong>on</strong>ianDr. James Merryweather andDr. Ulrike HeberleinMs. Lisa C. MolieriMr. Rich M<strong>on</strong>ahanMr. and Mrs. Robert MorenoMr. and Mrs. William Murphy, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Stephen MuttoMr. and Mrs. Alvaro NavarroMr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’C<strong>on</strong>norMr. John H. Podesta andMs. Katherine L. GalloMr. & Mrs. Art P<strong>on</strong>tiMs. Margaret Ralst<strong>on</strong> McCoolRev. Paul RossiMr. and Mrs. Thomas RowanMr. and Mrs. Bruce V. SchwartzMr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Segrove, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry ShafeMs. Shelly SharpMs. Madeline SherryMr. and Mrs. John J. SilvaDr. and Mrs. Bernard J. SteyerMr. and Mrs. Adrian Tols<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. James K. ToomeyMr. and Mrs. Lorenzo TorresMr. and Mrs. Louis J. VellaMr. and Mrs. Robert M. VierraMr. and Mrs. David R. WhitneyThe James W<strong>on</strong>g FamilyMr. and Mrs. Kieran WoodsMs. Candace M. WozniakAirport Appliance & Kitchens, Inc.AM First Foundati<strong>on</strong>AT&T Foundati<strong>on</strong> Employee Giving ProgramClean SolareScripGap Foundati<strong>on</strong>Gap, Inc.Genentech Givingstati<strong>on</strong>Goldman Sachs Philanthropy FundH<strong>on</strong>ey Bear TreesMorgan StanleyOneCausePG&E Matching Gifts ProgramSchwab Fund for Charitable GivingSilic<strong>on</strong> Valley Community Foundati<strong>on</strong>TargetUnited Way of the Bay AreaWells Fargo Community Support CampaignWells Fargo Foundati<strong>on</strong>West County Family Care, Inc.This Annual Report includes gifts received from July 1, 2009 thruJune 30, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>. Please c<strong>on</strong>tact the Advancement Office with correcti<strong>on</strong>sand accept our apologies for any inadvertent omissi<strong>on</strong>s.32 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> • Padre Annual Fund - Alumni GiftsANNUAL REPORT 33

ick justice ’67 a profile in givingONE STEP INSIDE RICK JUSTICE’S OFFICE, IT ISEASY TO SEE THAT FAMILY COMES FIRST. Rickimmediately points out his wife, Debi; his children, Greg, Nicoleand Dave; and his cherubic grands<strong>on</strong>, Land<strong>on</strong>, in family photosscattered across his desk. As the executive advisor to CiscoChairman and CEO John Chambers, he mentors Cisco’s seniorexecutive team.Prior to his semi-retirement in 2009, Rick was Cisco’s ExecutiveVice President of Worldwide Operati<strong>on</strong>s and BusinessDevelopment. In that role, he oversaw an organizati<strong>on</strong> of morethan 20,000 sales, systems engineering and operati<strong>on</strong>s employees.His secret to success is simple: He values each and every <strong>on</strong>e of hisemployees and genuinely cares about them. At Cisco, employeesare not numbers—they are people.According to Rick, “Business can be tough, but I believe that youcan win and still have peoples’ best interests at heart. The key is torecognize and appreciate each individual’s talents. If you empowerpeople, they will do amazing things.”Rick and Debi are dedicated philanthropists who recentlyc<strong>on</strong>tributed $100,000 to <strong>Serra</strong>’s campaign in support of the newCenter for the Arts and Sciences.“We are very fortunate to be able to give back,” Rick said. “At <strong>Serra</strong>,there was commitment to community service and giving back. Thebest investment you can make is in the educati<strong>on</strong> of young people.”Rick remembers taking the bus from Belm<strong>on</strong>t to 20th Avenue. Heplayed basketball all four years at <strong>Serra</strong> and received h<strong>on</strong>orablementi<strong>on</strong> all-league recogniti<strong>on</strong> when he was a senior. A highschool highlight he will never forget was hitting a last-sec<strong>on</strong>d shotto beat Mitty.“It’s a real community at <strong>Serra</strong>,” Rick noted. “I had great friendsand w<strong>on</strong>derful teachers. I have f<strong>on</strong>d memories. I’ll never forgetmy English teacher, Terry J<strong>on</strong>es. He ran out <strong>on</strong> the basketballcourt <strong>on</strong>e day just before practice, waving my essay in his handscreaming, ‘I think you are learning to write!’ That made quite animpressi<strong>on</strong>. Writing has been such an important skill in my careerand I thank Terry for that gift. Other teachers taught me importantless<strong>on</strong>s as well.”Rick was the valedictorian of his class. After <strong>Serra</strong>, he receiveda B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Santa ClaraUniversity and an MBA from Stanford. Rick also was a lieutenantin the U.S. Army. While at <strong>Serra</strong>, he received the prestigious SheaSportsmanship Award, which has been given each year since 1947to an outstanding senior athlete. In 1966, the award was named forNavy Lieutenant James P. Shea ’58, who is still classified as missingin acti<strong>on</strong> in the Vietnam War. While in Washingt<strong>on</strong> D.C. recently,Rick found Patrick’s name <strong>on</strong> the Vietnam Veterans MemorialWall. This was a particularly moving experience for him.Rick spent 22 years at Hewlett Packard before joining Cisco in1996. Rick climbed to the top of the corporate ladder before“semi-retiring” due to a battle with prostate cancer. Ir<strong>on</strong>ically, hiscourageous fight led him to a new calling—he is passi<strong>on</strong>ate aboutprostate cancer research and helping others who are battling thedisease. Rick even set up a telec<strong>on</strong>ference for Cisco employeesto reach out to those who are undergoing treatment or who arecaring for a loved <strong>on</strong>e with prostate cancer.“we are very fortunate to be able to give back. the best investment youcan make is in the educati<strong>on</strong> of young people.”-rick justice ’67“I’m <strong>on</strong> a crusade,” Rick said. “I’m going to be here formy grands<strong>on</strong> and future grandchildren to come. I havew<strong>on</strong>derful doctors and I’m spending a lot of time focusing<strong>on</strong> research and counseling people who are battling thedisease. I really enjoy coaching and mentoring. When yougive without expectati<strong>on</strong>s, that’s when you get rewarded.Cancer has made me appreciate every day.”Rick is excited to see the positive changes at <strong>Serra</strong> andlooks forward to touring the new Center for the Arts andSciences next summer. He said his time at <strong>Serra</strong> preparedhim for the business world and provided him with a str<strong>on</strong>gethical foundati<strong>on</strong>.“In business, there are temptati<strong>on</strong>s to take short cuts,” heexplained. “However, the morals and values I learned at<strong>Serra</strong> helped me to always keep that in check. When youlook back <strong>on</strong> your life, you remember where you foundyourself. In my case, <strong>Serra</strong> was a critical first step.”C<strong>on</strong>secutive Years of Alumni GivingMr. and Mrs. David Adamis - 5Dr. Bruce T. Adornato, MD - 3Mr. and Mrs. Sergio A. Aguilar - 3Mr. Robert E. Alberto - 6Mr. and Mrs. Marc K. Alcantara - 4Mr. Thomas Alich - 5Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allain - 13Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ames - 7Mr. Gilbert J. Amoroso - 4Mr. and Mrs. George Andreini - 5Mr. Trevor Anth<strong>on</strong>y - 5Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Appenrodt - 3Mr. David J. Arata - 3Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Atkins<strong>on</strong>, PhD - 4Mr. William J. Bailey - 5Mr. Frank A. Baldanzi, CPA - 7Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Bankovitch - 3Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Barbanica - 5Mr. David B. Barca - 5Mr. John J. Barrett, Jr. - 7Mr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald Barri - 6Mr. Romie E. Bassetto - 5Mr. Paolo G. Battaglini - 3Mr. and Mrs. F. Lee Becker - 6Dr. Clifford J. Bell<strong>on</strong>e, MD - 4Mr. Brian J. Bennett - 13Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Berriatua - 5Mr. Fred C. Bertetta, III - 6Mr. Patrick J. Bertetta - 6Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bertetta - 15Dr. and Mrs. Claudio A. Bet - 8Col. and Mrs. Larry E. Bielstein, USAF - 5Mr. Robert S. Blandino - 8Mr. Raym<strong>on</strong>d E. Bly - 7LTC Peter V. Boiss<strong>on</strong>, USA - 3Mr. Andrew S. Boitano - 6Mr. J<strong>on</strong>athan M. Boitano - 6Mr. Richard R. B<strong>on</strong>a - 11Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Borg - 7Mr. Damian A. Bortolotti - 5Mr. and Mrs. John W. Branch - 6Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Breen - 5Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Brinzo, CPA - 8Mr. and Mrs. James P. Brisbois - 5Mr. Martin A. Brooks - 3Mr. Steven K. Bush - 14Col. and Mrs. Mart H. Bushnell, USAF(Ret.) - 5Mr. Mario J. Buttignol - 6Mr. Michael A. Calegari - 7Mr. Gavin C. Callies - 3Mr. Dennis S. Cal<strong>on</strong>ico - 6Mr. Charles E. Cancilla - 8Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Carb<strong>on</strong>i - 4Mr. and Mrs. Nick Carb<strong>on</strong>i - 6Mr. Raym<strong>on</strong>d T. Carbullido - 4Mr. Rene Cardinaux - 5Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carey - 4Mr. Dennis L. Carmassi - 6Mr. Steven J. Casanova - 5Mr. and Mrs. John C. Caselli - 15Mr. and Mrs. Keith P. Cattaneo - 5Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Cattarin - 6Mr. and Mrs. James Centis - 6Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cesari - 12Mr. Frank Cetani - 4Mr. John R. Chaput - 5Mr. Stephen L. Chesley - 3Mr. Stephen A. Chiappari - 4Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Cirigliano - 3Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Cirigliano - 6Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Collins - 5Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Colombo - 5Mr. Joseph S. C<strong>on</strong>way - 5Mr. and Mrs. Bradley M. Corsiglia - 10Mr. Richard E. Corso - 5Mr. John R. Costa - 15Mr. Tom M. Cotter - 3Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Coughlin - 3Mr. John F. Crosby - 14Mr. Charles J. Crotty - 6Mr. James Crowley - 3Mr. Brian J. Cuneo - 5Mr. and Mrs. William T. Dailey - 5Mr. Arnold L. Davis - 3Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Davis - 4Mr. and Mrs. Bernard T. Deasy - 6Mr. Andrew W. DeFrancis - 4c<strong>on</strong>tinued <strong>on</strong> next page34 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> • A Profile in GivingANNUAL REPORT 35

C<strong>on</strong>secutive Years of Alumni Giving c<strong>on</strong>t’dMr. and Mrs. Shawn M. DeLuna - 8Mr. Christopher L. Di Giacomo - 3Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Difu - 5Mr. and Mrs. John H. Diggins - 8Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Dill<strong>on</strong> - 5Mr. and Mrs. James M. Doherty - 15Mr. John P. Doherty andMs. Jennifer Tuck-Doherty - 14Mr. Eric W. Dooley - 5Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dooley - 14Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Dug<strong>on</strong>i, Esquire - 4Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Dunleavy - 6Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Dunn - 12Mr. and Mrs. Jim B. Dwyer - 6Mr. Brian W. Earley - 3Mr. Philip L. Ehrhorn, Jr. - 5Mr. and Mrs. Rick E. Einsiedl - 4Dr. Thomas S. Ellerhorst - 5Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Eppler, PE - 8Mr. and Mrs. James F. Ernst - 5Mr. Robert L. Fagan - 5Mr. and Mrs. John Fantham - 6Mr. Gerald Feeney - 3Dr. Robert M. Fernandez, DDS - 3Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ferrando - 5Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Ferris - 5Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Firenze - 6Mr. L. Walter Fleischer - 6Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Flynn - 6Mr. and Mrs. James P. Fox - 6Mr. and Mrs. James N. Fregosi - 4Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Frost - 15Mr. and Mrs. Fred Furrer, Jr. - 15Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gaddis - 14Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Gagliani - 5Dr. R<strong>on</strong>ald L. Gandolfo - 6Mr. William J. Gann<strong>on</strong> - 3Mr. Richard F. Garibaldi - 5Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Geenen - 6Mr. and Mrs. Mark Geenen - 5Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Giacomini - 4Mr. and Mrs. Gene C. Giannotti - 7Drs. Michael and Katherine Gillogley - 6Mr. Thomas Gillogley - 3Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Giomi - 13Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Giotinis - 5Mr. Marc Gir<strong>on</strong> - 3Mr. and Mrs. George Giusti - 12Mr. Lawrence R. Gladwin - 4Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Glenn - 5Mr. and Mrs. William F. Glesener - 8Mr. and Mrs. Sean R. Gogan - 7Mr. Lizardo Gomez - 3Mr. Bud R. Grandsaert - 6Mr. William W. Granville - 6Mr. Robert J. Grassilli - 17Mr. Eugene J. Graziani - 4Mr. and Mrs. John Greco, Jr. - 3Mr. Jeff Greenstreet - 8Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Grenier - 12Mr. James Griffin - 3Mr. Robert J. Guenley - 6Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Guerin - 3Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Haake - 8Mr. Richard Hagarty - 6Mr. William S. Hammer - 14Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hansen - 6Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Harless - 4Mr. Richard R. Harper - 3Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Hart - 5Mr. Joseph Hartmann - 5Mr. William M. Hartmann - 3Mr. Anth<strong>on</strong>y Heimuli - 3Mr. and Mrs. William Helfrich - 4Mr. and Mrs. James D. Helin - 6Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey M. Henders<strong>on</strong> - 12Mr. Timothy P. Hennessy - 4Mr. John T. Hills - 4Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ho - 4Mr. and Mrs. Max K. Hoberg - 5Mr. Gregory R. H<strong>on</strong>s - 6Rev. Stephen H. Howell - 15Mr. and Mrs. D<strong>on</strong>ald T. Hubner - 5Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hughes - 8Mr. Robert S. Hurley andMrs. Jeanette Riach-Hurley - 6Mr. and Mrs. Scott Igoe - 6Mr. Richard A. Iori - 7Mr. and Mrs. Ward L. Jennings - 5Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Johndrow - 5Mr. Stephen T. Johnst<strong>on</strong> - 6Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Jordan, MD - 3Dr. Wayne Joseph - 10Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Justice - 3Most Rev. William J. Justice - 3Mr. Alan J. Kappeler - 3Mr. and Mrs. Dennis B. Kavanagh - 5Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kidwell - 11Mr. William B. Killilea - 10Mr. Michael J. Klobuchar - 6Mr. and Mrs. James I. Kohnke - 3Mr. Patrick W. Kopp - 5Mr. and Mrs. John D. Krell - 11Mr. John T. La Torra - 4Mr. David E. Laidlaw - 12Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Laramie - 6Mr. Louis E. Larrarte - 3Mr. Martin Lauber - 5Mr. and Mrs. Sean Leddy - 11Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Lillie, Jr. - 6Lt. Col. Herbert L. Lindemann, Jr. - 3Mr. Daniel C. L<strong>on</strong>ergan - 3Mr. and Mrs. James E. L<strong>on</strong>g - 6Mr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald S. L<strong>on</strong>ginotti - 8Rev. Craig P. Lo<strong>on</strong>ey - 7Mr. and Mrs. Neal J. Lucett - 8Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Lucey - 8Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Lux - 4Mr. John A. Macy - 5Mr. and Mrs. Paul Macy - 6Mr. Thomas A. Mal<strong>on</strong>ey - 3Mr. Robert L. Manca - 5Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Mansfield - 4Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mantegani - 15Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Mantoani - 4Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Marques - 4Mr. Edward R. Marshall, RPh - 3Mr. and Mrs. Tevis P. Martin - 12Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Massey - 6Mr. Robert E. Mattins<strong>on</strong> - 6Mr. D<strong>on</strong>ald E. McD<strong>on</strong>ald - 6Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. McEntee - 6Mr. Thomas McGanney - 5Mr. Charles D. McGowan - 5Mr. Matthew B. McGuigan - 4Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McGuigan - 14Mr. and Mrs. D<strong>on</strong>ald H. McInnis - 9Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McLaughlin - 9Maj. and Mrs. Steven B. McLaughlin, Jr. - 6Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. McMillan - 7Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McTaggart - 3Mr. Martin J. McVeigh - 5Mr. and Mrs. Pete L. Meade - 6Mr. and Mrs. William F. Meade, Jr. - 4Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Mellott - 5Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Menzel - 3Mr. Thomas C. Meuser - 6Mr. William Meuser - 6Mr. William Meyer - 5Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Milest<strong>on</strong>e - 4Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Miller, Jr. - 7Dr. Robert J. Miller, MD andMs. Shelia Town - 6Mr. James A. Mitchell - 13Mr. Albert Molinari - 3Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Mo<strong>on</strong>ey - 5Mr. Norman Moretto - 5Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Mor<strong>on</strong>ey - 3Mr. Thomas C. Mor<strong>on</strong>ey, Jr. - 3Dr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald Morro, MD - 3Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Mort<strong>on</strong> - 7Mr. and Mrs. David A. Mosunich - 5Mr. Robert Mowat - 5Mr. Richard H. Moye - 4Mr. and Mrs. Le<strong>on</strong> Mulgrew - 6Mr. Luke B. Mulhall - 3Mr. Kevin C. Mullin - 6Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Murphy - 6Mr. Dennis R. Murphy - 4Mr. and Mrs. John M. Murphy - 6Mr. and Mrs. Marvin P. Murphy - 4Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Murphy - 8Mr. Thomas P. Murray - 4Mr. Dante Mutto - 3Mr. Dominic Mutto - 3Mr. and Mrs. George Mutto - 8Mr. Paul A. Naples - 6Mr. Thomas F. Nels<strong>on</strong> - 8Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Nichol, DDS - 4Mr. Peter Niemann - 4Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Nort<strong>on</strong> - 15Mr. Matthew J. Nort<strong>on</strong> - 6Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. O’C<strong>on</strong>nor - 5Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. O’Halloran, Jr., PhD - 6Mr. Christopher C. O’Leary - 6Mr. and Mrs. John O’Leary - 7Mr. Thomas P. O’Sullivan - 3Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Oborne - 6Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ols<strong>on</strong> - 6Mr. and Mrs. JB G. Orecchia - 14Mr. Edward G. Ottob<strong>on</strong>i - 3Mr. Peter F. Padovan - 6Mr. and Mrs. William Pagendarm - 4Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Papapietro - 4Mr. and Mrs. James S. Parola - 4Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pastorino - 3Mr. Peter A. Pawlick - 6Mr. and Mrs. Chris S. Pedersen - 8Mr. Larry Penna - 4Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Penner - 4Mr. Ben Peralta - 8Mr. Felix Perez - 8Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Perry - 9Mr. Italo Peruzzaro - 3Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Peters<strong>on</strong> - 15Mr. Patrick Peters<strong>on</strong> - 3Mr. and Mrs. David J. Philpott - 11Mr. John F. Philpott andDr. Kristina Hoffman-Philpott, M.D. - 3Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Philpott - 7Mr. Jeffrey R. Pick - 13Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Piombo - 5Mr. Robert P. Plimley - 8Mr. Wayne L. Podesta - 9Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. P<strong>on</strong>ty - 5Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Pool - 4Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Quinn - 15Mr. Lawrence A. Raffo - 12Mr. Richard V. Raffo - 8Mr. and Mrs. William V. Ralst<strong>on</strong> - 5Mr. Gerard E. Raney - 3Mr. Charles J. Rapp - 15Mr. and Mrs. David J. Rauenbuehler - 5Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Rauenbuehler, PhD - 4Mr. Walter B. Rees - 6Mr. and Mrs. Paul Regan - 10Dr. Richard L. Reich - 4Mr. Bernard L. Reichmuth - 7Mr. and Mrs. James E. Riley - 5Col. and Mrs. Robert E. Roddy, USA(Ret.) - 5Mr. Charles R. Rod<strong>on</strong>di - 5Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Rosaia - 4Mr. Michael A. Rosi - 6Cmdr. Philip R. Rossi, SC USN - 5Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Ryan - 13Mr. Robert Sabbatini - 12Capt. Gilbert C. Sateia - 4Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Schembri - 5Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Schmolze - 4Mr. William M. Schwarz - 5Mr. Michael G. Scott and Ms. Alma DeLe<strong>on</strong> - 11Mr. and Mrs. Erik P. Scramaglia - 5Mr. Thomas Seaney - 4Mr. and Mrs. Louie Serpas, Jr. - 5Mr. Salman Shariat - 6Mr. and Mrs. David Sheehan - 9Mr. John V. Shields, Jr. - 6Mr. Gregory R. Shypertt - 3Mr. and Mrs. James Shypertt - 12Mr. George F. Sigigie, Jr. - 6H<strong>on</strong>. Douglas J. Smith - 6Mr. Robert J. Smith - 4Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Snodgrass - 6Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Soletti - 6Mr. Paul R. Stafford - 3Mr. Peter G. Stein - 9Mr. and Mrs. Clayt<strong>on</strong> Stephens - 11Mr. and Mrs. D<strong>on</strong> Stevens - 5Mr. Ralph Stins<strong>on</strong> - 7Dr. and Mrs. David R. Str<strong>on</strong>ck, PhD - 8Mr. Gene B. Suarez - 5Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Sullivan - 4Mr. Nicholas A. Sutt<strong>on</strong> - 3Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Sweeney - 7Mr. Henry Tanner - 5Mr. R<strong>on</strong>ald J. Thibault - 3Mr. Henry N. Tominaga - 3Mr. David D. Torre andMrs. Angie Pappas Torre - 4Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Torre - 5Mr. William N. Torre - 3Mr. and Mrs. Edm<strong>on</strong>d Trainor - 5Mr. Philip M. Traynor - 5Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Trucco, Jr. - 5Mr. and Mrs. George C. Tuck - 7Mr. William K. Tuck - 6Mr. William P. Tuerck - 5Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Turdici, Jr. - 4Mr. and Mrs. George J. Uccelli, Jr. - 10Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ughe - 14Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Uliana, III - 4Mr. and Mrs. Santo E. Valdez - 4Mr. David R. Venditti - 4Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vinal - 4Mr. and Mrs. John C. Vincent - 7Col. and Mrs. Robert M. Visbal, USA - 4Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Vorsatz - 16Mr. Frederick E. Wahl - 6Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Waligora - 15Mr. James J. Walsh - 5Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh - 4Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Wandro, PhD - 6Mr. and Mrs. Tormey L. Ward - 6Mr. William W. Ward, III - 8LTC Peter M. Wargo, USA(Ret.) - 5Mr. and Mrs. William Watt - 9Mr. and Mrs. Shane M. Wehr - 4Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wentworth - 9Mr. Daniel E. Whelan - 7Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Wilkins<strong>on</strong> - 5Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wils<strong>on</strong> - 9Mr. Thomas J. Wootten - 3Mr. Keith Wyant - 4H<strong>on</strong>. Robert B. Y<strong>on</strong>ts, Jr. - 9Mr. Clifford A. Zachman - 6Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zlatunich - 14KEEP US POSTED!if you’ve recently graduated,married, celebrated the birth ofa new baby, started a new job,retired, or just have somethingyou’d like to share, we’d liketo hear about it.S E N D U S YO U R P H OTO S , TO O !images should be high resoluti<strong>on</strong>(at least 300 dpi)in either .jpg or .tif format.email: mwilkins<strong>on</strong>@serrahs.com36 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> • C<strong>on</strong>secutive Years of Alumni GivingANNUAL REPORT 37

Building it BigBob Ols<strong>on</strong> ’85 OverseesCenter for the Arts and SciencesAs the project managerfor <strong>Serra</strong>’s new Centerfor the Arts andSciences, Bob Ols<strong>on</strong>’85 sees his alma mater from anentirely different perspective—literally and figurativelyspeaking. Whether he’s analyzingc<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> from a rooftop ormanaging a hard-working team <strong>on</strong>the ground, Bob is excited about<strong>Serra</strong>’s c<strong>on</strong>temporary visi<strong>on</strong>.“It’s like coming home,” he said.“It’s an opportunity for me toreengage with people from the <strong>Serra</strong>community. It’s a high-energy joband I love it.”The less<strong>on</strong>s Bob learned at <strong>Serra</strong>were invaluable. Many of thoseless<strong>on</strong>s have stayed with him hisentire life—particularly how to create relati<strong>on</strong>ships built<strong>on</strong> trust.“I didn’t realize what an impact my time at <strong>Serra</strong> had <strong>on</strong> mylife until I was older,” Bob admitted. “I remember my friends,coaches, teachers and all of the positive experiences. At <strong>Serra</strong>,there is such a sense of camaraderie and brotherhood. Wedid not know it at the time, butwe learned a lot about <str<strong>on</strong>g>building</str<strong>on</strong>g>relati<strong>on</strong>ships. In the work world,we are often faced with ethicaldecisi<strong>on</strong>s. I always go back towhat I learned at <strong>Serra</strong>.”Bob played baseball all fouryears at <strong>Serra</strong> and at SantaClara University. He noted thatc<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> is similar to baseballin that people learn how tobecome a part of a team.“Baseball taught me how to trustand be trusted—the team as awhole is greater than the sum ofthe individuals,” Bob said. “Thesame is true of a c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong>team working <strong>on</strong> a project. Myjob as the project manager isto make sure that every<strong>on</strong>e <strong>on</strong>the team—<strong>Serra</strong>, Nova, Ratcliff and Hathaway Dinwiddie—understands the goals of the project and pulls the oars in thesame directi<strong>on</strong> with the same cadence.”According to Bob, the new Center for the Arts and Scienceswill create a learning envir<strong>on</strong>ment that is in sync with <strong>Serra</strong>’svisi<strong>on</strong> for advances in technology, science, the performingarts and the Academic Resource Center. In additi<strong>on</strong>, it willprovide students with a state-of-the-art aquatics complexwith a 38-meter by 25-yard pool.“To teach science, music and art in the 21st century, youneed a 21st century facility combined with a 21st centuryacademic program,” Bob noted. “The new facility willchange how <strong>Serra</strong> teachers are able to teach these subjects.<strong>Serra</strong> will be offering a modern curriculum in a modern<str<strong>on</strong>g>building</str<strong>on</strong>g>.“<strong>Serra</strong> is located between the cutting-edge biotechcompanies of San Francisco’s Missi<strong>on</strong> Bay and South SanPhase II Capital Campaign GiftsCenter for the Arts and Sciences and Aquatics FacilityMr. Brand<strong>on</strong> C. ArnoldMr. and Mrs. Stephen BarulichDr. and Mrs. Norbert W. BischofbergerMr. and Mrs. Mario BuljanMr. and Mrs. Walter H. ChangMr. and Mrs. Michael S. CoughlinMr. and Mrs. Kevin E. DunleavyMr. and Mrs. John EaglesMr. and Mrs. Kevin D. FlynnMr. and Mrs. James P. FoxMrs. Pam FrisellaRev. David A. GhiorsoMr. and Mrs. Robert T. HaslamMr. and Mrs. Richard J. JusticeMr. Kevin Kelly and Ms. Erin JaebMr. and Mrs. Martin LeahyMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald S. L<strong>on</strong>ginottiMr. and Mrs. Lawrence LumpkinsMr. Thomas C. MohrMr. and Mrs. Richard MooreMr. and Mrs. Carl J. Mor<strong>on</strong>eyMr. and Mrs. Brian T. Mort<strong>on</strong>Francisco and the technology giants of Silic<strong>on</strong> Valley,” headded. “It’s imperative that our campus curriculum andfacilities reflect that. Our students are in the epicenterof change. We are <strong>on</strong> task and <strong>on</strong> time—and very muchlooking forward to opening the doors of the new <str<strong>on</strong>g>building</str<strong>on</strong>g>in August of 2011.”Bob is a vice president at Nova Partners Inc., a c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong>project management firm located in Palo Alto. He and hiswife, Ann, live in San Mateo with their three children—Cailyn, Meghan and Jack.Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ols<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Dr. Steve OlujicMr. and Mrs. David J. PhilpottMr. and Mrs. Stephen RutledgeMr. and Mrs. James TerranovaMr. and Mrs. Michael J. TurzanskiMr. and Mrs. Sean WardMr. Sean T. Ward, IIMr. and Mrs. David R. WhitneyEmerald Packaging Incorporated38 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>ANNUAL REPORT 39

Matching GiftsMany employers participate in a matching gifts program for their employees’ charitable c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>s. This is atremendous benefit that doubles, or sometimes even triples, gifts to <strong>Serra</strong>. Matching gifts were provided by the followingcompanies:Alaska AirlinesApplera Corporati<strong>on</strong>eBay Foundati<strong>on</strong>Franklin Templet<strong>on</strong> InvestmentsGap Foundati<strong>on</strong>Genentech Employee Giving ProgramGlaxoSmithKlineGlobal ImpactRestricted GiftsAcademic DepartmentsMr. Andrew C. BetMr. Anth<strong>on</strong>y M. BetDr. and Mrs. Claudio A. BetAcademic Resource CenterMs. Jacqueline BatesMr. Anth<strong>on</strong>y M. BetDr. and Mrs. Claudio A. BetAlumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. KeyserAthleticsMr. and Mrs. Jerry L. EzrinMr. Joseph T. GuntrenMr. Michael J. KlobucharMr. and Mrs. Thomas V. McMah<strong>on</strong>, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James C. PowersMr. and Mrs. Charles R. RappMr. and Mrs. John C. VincentMr. and Mrs. Mark L. VorsatzKnights of Columbus #1346Peninsula Parish <strong>School</strong> LeagueReal Mex RestaurantsCappel MemorialScholarship FundDr. and Mrs. Lawrence CappelMacy’s Foundati<strong>on</strong>Merrill Lynch & Co Foundati<strong>on</strong>Nati<strong>on</strong>al Semic<strong>on</strong>ductorEmployee Directed Giving ProgramNice Matching Gifts ProgramNovartis Matching Gift CenterOracle Corporati<strong>on</strong>PG&E Matching Gifts ProgramGeneral Scholarship FundMr. Brand<strong>on</strong> C. ArnoldMr. and Mrs. Scott W. Bart<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. John EaglesThe Carl Gellert & Celia Gellert Foundati<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. GrenierMost Rev. William J. JusticeMr. William B. KillileaMr. William D. Kr<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Elmer MichelettiThe Estate of Michele MichelettiDr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald Morro, MDMr. Richard F. PershaMr. and Mrs. Edward F. Turdici, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Santo E. ValdezMrs. Lorelei ZermaniDuggan’s <strong>Serra</strong> MortuaryMay and Stanley Smith Charitable TrustRobert Stewart Odell andHelen Pfeiffer Odell FundThe Drum Foundati<strong>on</strong>Olcese AwardMr. Ralph E. OlceseThomas J. OswaldChristian Service AwardMr. and Mrs. D<strong>on</strong>ald L. OswaldSalesforce.com Foundati<strong>on</strong>Sun Microsystems Foundati<strong>on</strong>Tyco Employee Matching Gift ProgramVisa Internati<strong>on</strong>al’s EmployeeGiving CampaignWells Fargo Foundati<strong>on</strong>RoboticsMr. and Mrs. David M. ArmsMr. and Mrs. Salvatore BrunoMr. and Mrs. Kevin M. KearneyDr. and Mrs. Albert SadakianMr. Albert A. Totagrande andMs. Sheryl L. PainterMr. and Mrs. Charles VerlindenMr. and Mrs. David R. WhitneyMr. and Mrs. George W<strong>on</strong>gIntuitive Surgical, Inc.ZyngaVisual & Performing ArtsMrs. Bea GarayMr. and Mrs. James JordanMr. and Mrs. Robert D. SchmolzeMr. Albert A. Totagrande and Ms.Sheryl L. PainterMr. Randy VogelJohn L. Zoph LibraryAM First Foundati<strong>on</strong>Mr. Grant Carb<strong>on</strong>iMr. and Mrs. George MuttoEndowed Scholarship FundsArchbishop Francis T.Hurley Scholarship FundMr. and Mrs. Dudley DeslerMr. and Mrs. Dennis M. LuceyMr. Philip M. TraynorClass of 1956Endowed Scholarship FundMr. Richard R. B<strong>on</strong>aMr. and Mrs. Robert R. Eppler, PEFather John L. ZophEndowed Scholarship FundDr. Clifford J. Bell<strong>on</strong>e, MDMr. and Mrs. Gary CesariMr. Robert L. FaganMr. R. Michael FitzgeraldMr. James A. Jacks<strong>on</strong>Mr. Rich M<strong>on</strong>ahanMr. and Mrs. James ShyperttGregory Harris<strong>on</strong> Rosencrans ’93Endowed Scholarship FundMr. and Mrs. Robert C. FoxMr. and Mrs. Steven AubertHowell, McDermott, RachScholarshipRev. Stephen H. HowellJim MellingerEndowed Scholarship FundMrs. Sally MellingerMr. Albert J. Thoms<strong>on</strong>Mark VorsatzEndowed Scholarship FundMr. and Mrs. Mark L. VorsatzMichael Peters<strong>on</strong>Endowed Scholarship FundMr. and Mrs. David W. BlankMr. and Mrs. Michael DelaurentiMr. Robert J. GrassilliMr. and Mrs. James JordanDrs. Thomas & Jean KilbridgeMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. MellottMr. James C. MurphyMr. Willy O’HaraMr. and Mrs. Carl T. Peters<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Michael Peters<strong>on</strong>Mr. William P. PorterMs. Barbara Sabean<strong>Serra</strong> EndowedScholarship FundMr. Edward G. Ottob<strong>on</strong>iMr. Kevin RaganMr. Salman ShariatThe Filippi Foundati<strong>on</strong>This Annual Report includes gifts received from July 1, 2009 thru June 30, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>.Please c<strong>on</strong>tact the Advancement Office with correcti<strong>on</strong>s andaccept our apologies for any inadvertent omissi<strong>on</strong>s.Make YourGift <strong>on</strong>line!Supporting <strong>Serra</strong> is now easierthan ever. Simply log <strong>on</strong> to:www.serrahs.comand click <strong>on</strong> “Giving to <strong>Serra</strong>”from the Alumni orAdvancement home page.You can then choose where youwould like your d<strong>on</strong>ati<strong>on</strong> to go.Your choices include gifts to the:Padre Annual FundFr. John Zoph EndowedScholarship FundAlumni Associati<strong>on</strong> EndowedScholarship FundJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Endowed Scholarship FundGeneral Scholarship FundAll gifts to <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>make a tremendous difference.Thank you to all who c<strong>on</strong>tinueto support our programs.For more informati<strong>on</strong>, pleasec<strong>on</strong>tact <strong>Serra</strong>’s AdvancementOffice at (650) 573-9935.Supporting <strong>Serra</strong>is just a “click away!”www.serrahs.com40 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> ANNUAL REPORT 41

Fund A Dream Scholarship Lunche<strong>on</strong><strong>Serra</strong> Padres are thoughtful, accomplished young men who value their <strong>Serra</strong> experience. The Fund A Dream Lunche<strong>on</strong> assuresthat each young man who dreams of becoming a Padre will have an opportunity to be a part of <strong>Serra</strong>, regardless of his family’sability to afford tuiti<strong>on</strong>. The Sixth Annual Fund A Dream Lunche<strong>on</strong> raised more than $148,000 for tuiti<strong>on</strong> assistance for <strong>Serra</strong>’sdeserving young men. If you are interested in attending the 2011 Fund A Dream Lunche<strong>on</strong>, please c<strong>on</strong>tact Theresa Stoye at650.573.9935 x189 or email tstoye@serrahs.com.UnderwritersMr. Kevin Kelly and Ms. Erin JaebMr. and Mrs. Chick WalshEmerald Packaging IncorporatedThe Drum Foundati<strong>on</strong>Platinum Sp<strong>on</strong>sorsMr. Thomas E. Brady, Jr. and Mrs. GiseleBundchen-BradyMr. and Mrs. Greg CoskoMr. and Mrs. Stephen GaddisMr. and Mrs. Michael C. GiotinisMr. and Mrs. Chick WalshHathaway Dinwiddie C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> CompanyThe Change the World Foundati<strong>on</strong>Gold Sp<strong>on</strong>sorsMr. and Mrs. Rick Bianchina, SBMr. and Mrs. James M. DohertyMr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Dug<strong>on</strong>i, Esq., CPAMr. and Mrs. Ernie GiotinisMr. and Mrs. Martin LeahyMr. and Mrs. Michael MayerMr. and Mrs. Patrick WalshNext Level Football, Inc.Silver Sp<strong>on</strong>sorsA Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. ChangMr. and Mrs. Michael V. Dill<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. John A. DooleyMr. and Mrs. David L. FalkMr. Kevin Kelly and Ms. Erin JaebMr. and Mrs. Robert KidwellMr. Larry P. Kollerer and Ms. Tish MatulichMr. and Mrs. Brian T. Mort<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. David J. PhilpottMr. Charles J. RappMr. and Mrs. Charles R. RappMr. and Mrs. Clayt<strong>on</strong> StephensMr. and Mrs. Robert SullivanMr. and Mrs. David R. WhitneyEmerald Packaging IncorporatedUnited American Bank- Mr. Frank A. Baldanzi, CPA- Mr. Wallace A. Kr<strong>on</strong>e- Mr. and Mrs. John C. SchrupMr. & Mrs. David WhitneyD<strong>on</strong>orsMr. and Mrs. Frank Abbott, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert AlbertMr. J<strong>on</strong>athan E. AllenMr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Anth<strong>on</strong>yMr. and Mrs. Tom ArrudaMr. and Mrs. Jerrold BagnaniMr. and Mrs. Karl BakhtiariMr. Harold BalzerMr. and Mrs. Christopher M. BankovitchMrs. Laverne BarrettMs. Anne H. BarrowsMrs. Jeannette BeelerMr. and Mrs. Brian E. BellMr. and Mrs. Robert BertoldiMr. and Mrs. Paul BevilacquaMr. and Mrs. D<strong>on</strong>ald C. BorgMr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Brinzo, CPAMr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. BrunoMrs. Sheila O. BurnsMr. William L. ButlerMr. and Mrs. Phil A. CalandraMr. and Mrs. Armando Calder<strong>on</strong>Mr. Nicholas Calder<strong>on</strong>Mr. Matthew P. Calder<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. CallagyMr. and Mrs. Joseph A. CallejaMs. Rita CarrollMr. and Mrs. Jake CarusoMr. and Mrs. James CentisMr. and Mrs. James ChalmersMr. and Mrs. Robert CiancioloMr. and Mrs. Tim A. ClarkMr. Matthew ColvinMr. and Mrs. David P. C<strong>on</strong>klinMr. and Mrs. Theodore T. CorderyMr. Joe Cotchett, Esq.Mr. John F. CrosbyMr. and Mrs. Kevin CullinaneMr. Robert DelueMrs. Nancy C. DeSmedtMr. and Mrs. Mark D. DicioccioMr. and Mrs. John P. DillMr. and Mrs. Gregg M. DomanicoMr. and Mrs. Camille DomineMr. and Mrs. Kevin D<strong>on</strong>ahueMr. Troy A. DooleyMr. and Mrs. Erik E. DoranMr. Patrick DunleavyMr. and Mrs. Kevin E. DunleavyMr. and Mrs. Brian P. DunleavyMr. and Mrs. Steve EhlersMr. and Mrs. Robert FerrettiMr. and Mrs. Kevin D. FlynnMr. and Mrs. James P. FoxMr. and Mrs. Mark L. FurrerMr. and Mrs. George GallowayMs. Moya GoddardMr. Jeff C. GoshornMr. and Mrs. George GoupilleMr. and Mrs. Mark A. GoyetteMr. Robert J. GrassilliMr. and Mrs. John Greco, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Greene, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John G. HahnMr. and Mrs. Jack HammelMr. and Mrs. Gregory P. HartMs. Laura HeldMr. and Mrs. Daniel M. JohndrowDr. and Mrs. Michael W. Johnst<strong>on</strong>Ms. Vicky J<strong>on</strong>esMr. and Mrs. Jack J<strong>on</strong>esDr. and Mrs. Richard T. Jordan, MDDr. Wayne JosephMr. Douglas F. KastMrs. Ant<strong>on</strong>ette KavanaughMr. John J. KellyMr. and Mrs. Martin KeyserMr. and Mrs. Robert KidwellDr. and Mrs. Masayasu KihiraMr. Michael J. KlobucharMr. and Mrs. David KohnkeMr. and Mrs. Albert LavezzoMr. and Mrs. Martin LeahyMr. Justin A. LewisMr. Carmelo E. Lo GiudiceMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald S. L<strong>on</strong>ginottiMr. and Mrs. Kevin LucidoMr. and Mrs. Lars J. LundMr. Hanna J. MalakDr. Mark MandelMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. MansfieldMr. and Mrs. Michael F. MarquesMr. Jack MartinelliMr. and Mrs. Joseph MasettiMr. Lynd<strong>on</strong> McGeeMr. and Mrs. Philip A. McIntoshMr. Philip A. McLeod andMs. Shawn M. Christians<strong>on</strong>Mrs. Katherine McMillanMrs. Frances McVeighMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. MellottMr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Miller, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Richard MooreMs. Sally M. Mort<strong>on</strong>Mr. Kevin C. MullinMr. and Mrs. Timothy M. MurphyMr. and Mrs. Blaine Nye, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James M. O’D<strong>on</strong>nellMr. Ralph E. OlceseMr. and Mrs. Michael T. O’LearyMr. Christopher C. O’LearyMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ols<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. John O’SullivanMr. and Mrs. Bil PaulMr. Brian L. PedersenMr. and Mrs. Joseph PertMr. and Mrs. Michael Peters<strong>on</strong>Mr. John F. Philpott and Dr. KristinaHoffman-Philpott, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. PhilpottMr. and Mrs. David PhilpottMr. and Mrs. Scott PomsMr. and Mrs. Brian J. P<strong>on</strong>tyMr. and Mrs. James C. PowersMr. and Mrs. George PrinceMr. and Mrs. Gerald QuinlanMr. and Mrs. Paul ReganDr. Ernie RiberaMr. and Mrs. Robert RobbinsMr. and Mrs. Dale RotheMr. and Mrs. Michael RudolphMs. Barbara SabeanMr. and Mrs. Vincent SalemiMr. Vern ScherbaMs. Maureen SchwenkMrs. Kathy ScollinMr. John V. Shields, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Walt SingerMr. and Mrs. Graham SmithMr. Victor A. SpanoMr. and Mrs. Mark StoyeMr. and Mrs. David I. SvendsenMr. and Mrs. Willie E. SwannMr. and Mrs. Barry Thornt<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. George J. Tichy IIMr. and Mrs. Edward F. Turdici, Jr.Mr. Michael E. TurturiciMr. and Mrs. Robert UgheMr. Randy VogelMr. and Mrs. John C. WallauMr. and Mrs. Raym<strong>on</strong>d J. Wertz IIIMr. and Mrs. James J. WhelanMr. and Mrs. Lennox WigneyMr. and Mrs. Steven M. Wilkins<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Hal C. WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Robert WolgerMr. and Mrs. Joseph R. ZouchaBevilacqua & S<strong>on</strong>s General C<strong>on</strong>tractorsIndustrial Emergency CouncilSneider Sullivan & O’C<strong>on</strong>nell’sFuneral HomeTouch The Sky Producti<strong>on</strong>sV & C FoodsSave the DateWednesday, March 16, 20117th AnnualFUND A DREAMSCHOLARSHIPLUNCHEONKeynote SpeakerRick Justice ’67For more informati<strong>on</strong>, c<strong>on</strong>tact the<strong>Serra</strong> Advancement Office(650) 573-9935 ore-mail: tstoye@serrahs.com42 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> • Fund A Dream Scholarship Lunche<strong>on</strong>ANNUAL REPORT 43

j<strong>on</strong> and margaret handlery a profile in givingAlumni Associati<strong>on</strong> Annual Golf ClassicFOR JON AND MARGARET HANDLERY, GIVING BACK IS AWAY OF LIFE. Whether they are providing rooms for cancerpatients at their San Francisco hotel or sp<strong>on</strong>soring the <strong>Serra</strong>Golf Tournament at the Platinum level, the Handlerys are fullyimmersed in the community around them.J<strong>on</strong> and Margaret have four children, Catherine, Robert ’06,Laura and Jack ’10.“<strong>Serra</strong> provided our s<strong>on</strong>s with a quality educati<strong>on</strong>,” J<strong>on</strong> said.“They learned a lot about being respectful. Their teachersreally cared about them. Both Robert and Jack had a greatexperience at <strong>Serra</strong>, so we like to support current and futurePadres.”“We still come back for the aucti<strong>on</strong>, which is a lot of fun,”Margaret said. “I helped with decorati<strong>on</strong>s for several years. It’salways nice to rec<strong>on</strong>nect with other <strong>Serra</strong> parents.”The Handlerys are the owners of the Handlery Uni<strong>on</strong> SquareHotel in San Francisco and the Handlery Hotel and Resortin San Diego. J<strong>on</strong>’s grandfather opened the first HandleryHotel 82 years ago in Vallejo. The San Francisco hotel openedin 1948. Today, Handlery is the oldest family-owned-andoperatedhotel company in California.In additi<strong>on</strong> to providing cancer patients with beautiful roomswhile they are undergoing treatment, J<strong>on</strong> offers an educati<strong>on</strong>incentive to all Handlery Hotel employees: When theirchildren and/or grandchildren graduate from high school,each student receives $200. J<strong>on</strong> gives students an additi<strong>on</strong>al$200 after their freshman, sophomore and junior years ofcollege; and a final $300 up<strong>on</strong> college graduati<strong>on</strong>.“Educati<strong>on</strong> is so important,” J<strong>on</strong> said. “I want to make surethat the children and grandchildren of our employees c<strong>on</strong>tinuetheir educati<strong>on</strong>. When you give, it comes back to you.”Margaret is the chairpers<strong>on</strong> of the Handlery Foundati<strong>on</strong>,which supports local charities such as Glide Memorial Church,the American Cancer Society, the Leukemia Society andthe Salvati<strong>on</strong> Army. The Handlery Foundati<strong>on</strong> also awardsscholarships to students who enter the hospitality industry.J<strong>on</strong> and Margaret recently visited the <strong>Serra</strong> campus and wereimpressed by the progress of c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the new Centerfor the Arts and Sciences.Platinum Sp<strong>on</strong>sorsMr. Handlery Hotels, Inc. (Mr. and Mrs. J<strong>on</strong> S. Handlery)Blue and Gold Sp<strong>on</strong>sorsMr. and Mrs. Ante BuljanMr. and Mrs. Brian T. Mort<strong>on</strong>Hathaway Dinwiddie C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> CompanySilver Sp<strong>on</strong>sorsAnti-Aging Technology-AgeLoc (Ms. Linda Detert)Golden State Aquatics (Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Greene, Jr.)Kelly Litigati<strong>on</strong> Group (Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Kelly)Plastering Industry Bureau of SFO & SM (Mr. Jim Johns<strong>on</strong>)Uhl & Palmer Insurance Brokers (Mr. John F. Uhl)Weir & Associates: Mr. Kevin WeirTee Sp<strong>on</strong>sorsAccess DesignMr. Chris McAlaveyBiRite Food DistributorsMr. and Mrs. Stephen BarulichCollecti<strong>on</strong> Bureau of AmericaMr. and Mrs. Shawn DeLunaCrosby & Gray Funeral HomeMr. John F. CrosbyMr. and Mrs. Patrick DoyleDoherty RealtyMr. John P. Doherty and Ms. Jennifer Tuck-DohertyGuarantee MortgageMr. and Mrs. Vincent J. BreenHart Evidence - Property & Evidence C<strong>on</strong>sultantsMr. and Mrs. Gregory P. HartInnovative Mechanical, Inc.Mr. Sean McGee, Mr. Al MorandoAnnual Benefit Aucti<strong>on</strong>Family Sp<strong>on</strong>sorsMr. J<strong>on</strong>athan E. AllenMr. and Mrs. Michael ArcherMr. and Mrs. Patrick DoyleMs. Moya GoddardMr. and Mrs. Gregory P. HartMr. and Mrs. Le<strong>on</strong>ard KanavyMr. and Dr. Steve OlujicMr. and Mrs. Agapios P. PanagiotidesMr. and Mrs. Scott PritchettMr. and Mrs. Michael RegaliaMr. Michael J. SantinT & B Sports: Mr. Mike DunneJohndrow-Lever<strong>on</strong>i-Vreeburg Insurance ServicesMr. Daniel JohndrowDr. and Mrs. Michael W. Johnst<strong>on</strong>Knights of Columbus, San Mateo Council #1346Mr. D<strong>on</strong> TorreMcGuigan & McGuigan, CPA’sMr. Mike McGuigan, Mr. Matt McGuiganNapa Auto Parts-Belm<strong>on</strong>tMr. Mike Dees, Mr. Tim Dees)Pribuss Engineering, Inc.Mr. Bayardo ChamorroScapes Landscaping Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Scott PomsUnitedlayer Data CenterMr. and Mrs. Chris S. Pedersen)www.WorkSmartBeSmart.comMr. and Mrs. John F. Esplana“Our boys learned a lot about ethics and how to figure outMr. and Mrs. Stephen BarulichMr. and Mrs. David GiulianiMrs. Ann Scottwhat’s right,” Margaret agreed. “The friends they met had “<strong>Serra</strong>’s visi<strong>on</strong> is c<strong>on</strong>tinuing to grow in all areas,” J<strong>on</strong> noted.Mr. John BentleyMs. Rita Gleas<strong>on</strong>Mr. David T. Sheridansimilar values and goals.”“As the world is changing, <strong>Serra</strong> is evolving. <strong>Serra</strong> prepares itsMr. and Mrs. Norbert W. BischofbergerMr. Anth<strong>on</strong>y Gschwend andMr. and Mrs. Scott StrombomMr. and Mrs. Gary L. CakebreadMs. Janine O’FlahertyMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Turzanskistudents for college and their future careers, while developingMr. and Mrs. Ritchie ClayMr. and Mrs. J<strong>on</strong> S. HandleryMr. and Mrs. William S. Wils<strong>on</strong>While their s<strong>on</strong>s were at <strong>Serra</strong>, the Handlerys participated in caring young men and providing a well-rounded educati<strong>on</strong>.”Mr. and Mrs. Vince A. ColabianchiMr. and Mrs. Gregory P. HartBr<strong>on</strong>zini Dental Groupnumerous school events, including the aucti<strong>on</strong>. Even thoughMr. and Mrs. Bradley M. CorsigliaDr. and Mrs. Michael W. Johnst<strong>on</strong>Campus Cafétheir s<strong>on</strong>s have graduated, J<strong>on</strong> and Margaret still d<strong>on</strong>ateMr. and Mrs. James DiPaolaThe James Keenan FamilyEsposto’s Cateringapproximately 35 items to the aucti<strong>on</strong>.Mr. and Mrs. Richard DraegerMr. and Mrs. Martin LeahyGray’s Paint & WallpaperMr. Kevin M. DugganMr. and Mrs. Mario A. Mald<strong>on</strong>adoHandlery Hotels, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Gabe EspostoMr. Philip A. McLeod andJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> Athletic DepartmentMr. and Mrs. William EspostoMs. Shawn M. Christians<strong>on</strong>Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Mother’s Auxiliary“serra provided our s<strong>on</strong>s with a quality educati<strong>on</strong>. they learned a lotMr. and Mrs. Robert FerrettiMr. and Mrs. James MedeirosKnights CateringMr. and Mrs. Kevin D. FlynnMr. Thomas C. Mor<strong>on</strong>ey, Jr.Romeo Packing Companyabout being respectful. their teachers really cared about them.”Mr. and Mrs. Stephen GaddisMr. and Mrs. James G. O’CallahanSaier ServicesMr. and Mrs. Joseph M. GarciaMr. and Mrs. Scott D. ReginaTRI-STARS Boosters-j<strong>on</strong> handleryMr. Mark A. GerhardtMr. and Mrs. Wesley RichardsUnited American BankThe Leana Giannini FamilyMr. and Mrs. Charlie F. RomeoYour Party RentalMr. Stan Gide<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. John C. Schrup44 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> • A Profile in Giving ANNUAL REPORT 45

Erg-A-Th<strong>on</strong>Ms. Felicitas AcevesMr. and Mrs. Victor AgcaoiliMs. Rosa AhlbergMr. & Mrs. Richard AllenMs. Joanne M. AndersenMr. Roy AndersenMr. and Mrs. William AndersenMr. and Mrs. Larry Anders<strong>on</strong>Ms. Francisca AndradeAn<strong>on</strong>ymousMs. Barbara AtwellMs. Emine A. AysoyMs. Sukran AysoyMs. Patricia S. BaileyMr. and Mrs. Fernando BalazsMr. and Mrs. Haitham BalloutMr. and Mrs. Christopher BellMr. and Mrs. Daniel BelvilleMr. and Mrs. Robert A. BernalMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. BerriatuaMs. Dora BertelsenMr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. BirchMr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Birch, IIDr. and Mrs. Norbert W. BischofbergerMr. Gerard BoeckhausMr. and Mrs. James A. BoikeMs. Norma BoikeMr. and Mrs. Kevin E. BookerMr. & Mrs. Douglas BorgMs. Marla BottnerMr. & Mrs. John BourneMs. Mary BourneMr. and Mrs. Cornelius BrosnanMs. Joan BrosnanMs. Sheila BrosnanMr. Devin M. BrownMr. and Mrs. Oliver R. Brown, IVMr. Paul BruckerMr. and Mrs. Daniel L. BrunoMs. Lilia C. BrunoMs. Maria S. BrunoMr. and Ms. Wayne W. CaiMr. & Mrs. Hugo Cajb<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Peter CalliesMr. & Mrs. R.E CampbellMr. Mike CancillaMr. & Mrs. Wilfred CarinoMr. John T. CarlinMr. Gary A. CarneiroMs. Jacqueline J. CarneiroMrs. Valerie CatheyMr. and Mrs. Robert A. CauterucioMr. and Mrs. Walter H. ChangMr. and Mrs. Mun C. CheungMs. Angela F. ChinMs. Geralyn A. ChinMs. Corinne Cho-BeaulieuMr. and Mrs. Eddie ChoiMs. Marcella ChowMr. Arnold ChoyMr. & Mrs. A.J. CliffordMr. & Mrs. Devin CoffeyMr. & Mrs. Michael CofieldMs. Florence CollinsMs. Carmel CorrMr. and Mrs. B. Kevin Cr<strong>on</strong>inMr. and Mrs. Jeremiah K. Cr<strong>on</strong>inMr. and Mrs. J. Michael DalyMr. & Mrs. Frederic De SauvageMr. and Mrs. Mike Del BiancoMr. and Mrs. D<strong>on</strong> Del ZompoMs. Rose Del ZompoMs. Joyce Dicks<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Shahriar DjahanbaniMr. and Mrs. James M. DohertyMs. Karen DohertyMr. D<strong>on</strong>ald R. DouglassMr. & Mrs. James DowdMr. Shawn DoyleMr. R<strong>on</strong>ald J. Du BoisMr. Philip E. DudenMr. and Mrs. Patrick R. DunnMr. and Mrs. Paul G. EggertMr. and Mrs. Rick E. EinsiedlMr. and Mrs. Peter EmmelMr. & Mrs. David EnglishMr. and Mrs. Manuel EspinosaMs. Judy FlanneryMs. Sarah F<strong>on</strong>gMr. Luis FrancoMs. Maria Franco-DuranMr. and Mrs. John E. Fratus, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. G.E. FrenchMr. Raym<strong>on</strong>d FroehlichMr. & Mrs. Russell FudgeMr. Daniel R. GalverMr. G. Brent Gamm<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. GeddesMr. & Mrs. Dan GemignaniMr. Steve GendreauMr. and Mrs. Bruno GiustiMs. Janeen GiustiMr. and Mrs. Frank G<strong>on</strong>zalesMs. Esther G<strong>on</strong>zalezDr. Brian GreyMs. Shirley GrimaudoMr. and Mrs. John F. GrossMr. John W. GuenleyMr. Robert J. GuenleyMr. & Mrs. Daniel GuidiMs. Joeanne M. HahnMr. & Mrs. Fred Hans<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. HarperMs. Darlene V. HarrisMs. Phylis W. HarrisMr. and Mrs. Eric HartnessMr. and Mrs. Jing H. HeDr. Dale HeerMs. Christine M. HendricksMs. Martha F. HernandezMs. Genoveva HerreraMr. Andrew HillMs. Frances HillmanMs. Barbara M. HoMs. Theresa L. HoHolper FamilyDr. Steven M. Howard, M.D.Ms. Hue Kim HuaMr. and Mrs. John R. Hugens, Jr.Ms. Patricia HumeMr. and Mrs. Richard W. HurstMr. and Mrs. Robert J. HurstMs. Maria IorilloMr. and Mrs. Patrick D. JacquemetMs. C<strong>on</strong>nie M. JardineMr. & Mrs. Jaime JimenezMrs. Lucina JimenezMr. Theodore Johns<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. John JolyMr. and Mrs. David H. KaiserMr. and Mrs. Jack C. KavanaghMr. and Mrs. Kevin M. KearneyMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. KearneyMr. Ray W. KeeneyMr. & Mrs. Halford KekuewaDr. Matthew C. KeyserMr. Martin KingshillMr. & Mrs. Norman KingshillMr. & Mrs. Thomas KingshillMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. KingshillMr. and Mrs. Jas<strong>on</strong> S. KosolMr. Nicholas Koukopoulos and Ms. LucyHumeMr. Joseph J. KowalskiMr. Patrick D. LandrumMr. & Mrs. Larry LaycockMr. and Mrs. Joseph LazzaraMr. and Mrs. Andrew M. LeeDr. David K. LeeDr. Douglas Lee, D.D.S.Ms. Emily LeeDr. F<strong>on</strong>g Chu LeeMs. Mary G. LeeMs. Tracey LeeMr. Wils<strong>on</strong> Lee and Mrs. Darcey W<strong>on</strong>gMr. and Mrs. D<strong>on</strong>ald N. LeikamMr. and Mrs. Doug J. LeikamMr. James LengleMark LerdalMr. Stuart J. Lerner and Ms. MargaretC. GunnMr. Brad J. LewisMr. and Mrs. David A. LewisMr. and Mrs. Larry H. LewisMr. Jerry LiMr. and Mrs. Guy L<strong>on</strong>gworthMr. and Mrs. Harry LopezMr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. LopezMs. Barbara LozarMr. & Mrs. Thomas LynnMs. Ming Hui MaMs. Jo Ann Mac D<strong>on</strong>aldMs. Rita Mald<strong>on</strong>adoMr. and Mrs. Robert M. MantlerMr. Fred C. MatthewsMr. & Mrs. William McAbeeMr. & Mrs. John MeislahnMr. & Mrs. William MerrillMr. and Mrs. Joseph H. MeyerMr. Steven J. MeyerMr. Art MichaelMr. Kenneth W. MillerMr. and Mrs. Richard M. MoodyMr. & Mrs. James Mo<strong>on</strong>Mr. Anth<strong>on</strong>y R. MorganMr. and Mrs. David A. MosunichMr. and Mrs. Daniel MurphyMr. and Mrs. John NeuMr. and Mrs. Owen NicholasMs. Joanie T. NishiMr. and Mrs. John NugentMr. John J. O’D<strong>on</strong>oghueMr. and Mrs. John P. O’KeefeMs. Shirley A. OrtizMr. and Mrs. Steven G. PaganucciMs. Verna M. PainterMs. Winora C. PainterMr. and Mrs. Nills<strong>on</strong> PanMr. R. ParshodMr. and Mrs. Michael A. PatrickMr. and Mrs. Michael R. Patters<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O. PeraltaMs. Maria PeraltaMs. Lynn M. Pereira-FeliseMr. Faustino A. PerezMr. and Mrs. Jesse PerezMr. and Mrs. Michael Peters<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. PetitiMr. Morgan PetitiMs. Yolanda M. PierettiMs. Anne Pinkert<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Rogelio P<strong>on</strong>ce, Jr.Mr. Raym<strong>on</strong>d C. RamierezMr. Raym<strong>on</strong>d RarasMr. and Mrs. Peter A. RebarMs. Maria M. ReisertMs. Orna ResnekovDr. Glenn C. Rice and Dr. Cynthia A. HoyDr. and Mrs. A. Joseph RockmoreMr. & Mrs. William RodgersMs. Gloria RodiackMr. Albert RomeoMr. and Mrs. David J. RosaMr. and Mrs. Arthur RosenbergMr. Michael A. RussoMs. Adrienne J. RyanMr. and Mrs. Ray L. SalvanoDr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Samps<strong>on</strong>, M.D.Mr. Francisco J. SanchezMr. and Mrs. Luis SanchezMs. Jeanne SangiacomoMr. and Mrs. Jerry SanguinettiMr. Timothy A. SantyMr. and Mrs. Bruce V. SchwartzMr. and Mrs. John SciuttoMr. Robert L. SegrinMs. Joan M. ShaderMr. and Mrs. Lawrence ShaderMr. and Mrs. Dov ShiffmanMr. and Mrs. Charles E. ShortMs. Tiffany SoMs. Joan SpaargarenMs. JoAnne SpearMr. Robert SpearMr. & Mrs. T.E. SpearMr. and Mrs. Stephen SprinkelMs. Vera E. SprinkelMr. and Mrs. Joseph StockwellMs. Lisa L. StriebingMs. Jacqueline TaniguchiSteve TibbettsMs. Mary E. TogliattiPhillip TorieMr. and Mrs. Francisco J. TorresMr. Albert A. Totagrande and Ms.Sheryl L. PainterMr. Michael A. TotagrandeMs. Joan TroppmannMr. & Mrs. Robert TroppmannMr. and Mrs. Tak S. TsuiMr. Richard V. UnsinnMr. and Mrs. J<strong>on</strong> VallettaMrs. Eunice VernazzaMr. and Mrs. Robert J. VernazzaMr. and Mrs. James VickeryMs. Warlita VirayMr. Randy VogelMr. and Mrs. Vern<strong>on</strong> H. WaightMrs. Elizabeth WalshMs. Carolyn B. WattsMr. and Mrs. R. T. WelshMs. Anne WernerMr. & Mrs. D<strong>on</strong>ald WestMr. and Mrs. Gord<strong>on</strong> L. WhiteMr. and Mrs. Murray C. WhiteMr. Thomas Wilker and Ms. Shar<strong>on</strong>O’LearyMs. Margaret WillardMs. Jeri-Ann W<strong>on</strong>gMr. Douglas WoodsMs. Y<strong>on</strong>g WrightMr. Hou Yan WuMr. and Mrs. Y<strong>on</strong>g Q. WuMr. Barclay YeeDr. Richard YoungMr. Victor YoungAriz<strong>on</strong>a Institute For Restorative Foot& Ankle Surgery, Inc.Calcagno Pediatrics PCC<strong>on</strong> Brosnan General C<strong>on</strong>tractorFidelity Charitable Gift FundForeland Parts, IncGiant Horse Printing, Inc.H & C Morales Dental CorpImage AutoOn Track Automotive, IncSan Mateo Credit Uni<strong>on</strong>Stein-Casey, Inc.Technology, Engineering &C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong>, Inc.Terrapin Pictures46 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> • Erg-A-Th<strong>on</strong>ANNUAL REPORT 47

Gifts in KindIn additi<strong>on</strong> to gifts of cash and securities, <strong>Serra</strong> is grateful for the generosity of businesses, vendors, parents, alumni and otherswho provide gifts of goods and services to our special events and school programs.Ms. Carrie AllenMrs. Dana AyoobMr. and Mrs. Stephen BarulichMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong> BechtoldMr. and Mrs. John BentleyMr. and Mrs. Paul A. BetDr. and Mrs. Norbert W. BischofbergerMr. Adam J. BishopMr. and Mrs. Frank BizzarroMr. and Mrs. Keith BottomsMr. and Mrs. Mike BrownMs. Shann<strong>on</strong> BrownDr. and Mrs. Paul J. BurrinMr. and Mrs. Phil A. CalandraMr. and Mrs. Peter CalliesMs. Jean Carls<strong>on</strong>Mr. Dennis L. CarmassiMrs. Darren CarmassiMr. and Mrs. Michael D. CaversMr. and Mrs. Maynard ChadwickMr. and Mrs. Robert CiancioloMr. John CiancioloMr. and Mrs. Ritchie ClayMr. and Mrs. Vincent A. ColabianchiMr. and Mrs. David P. C<strong>on</strong>klinMr. and Mrs. Oscar S. CostantiniMr. John P. Cruden, IIIMs. Cynthia DeMartiniMr. and Mrs. Sanjay DograMr. and Mrs. Richard DraegerMr. and Mrs. Michael DuttoMr. and Mrs. Steve EhlersMr. and Mrs. William EspostoMrs. Luz EstradaMs. Peggy FarrellMr. and Mrs. Fereidoun FatemiMr. and Mrs. Kevin D. FlynnMr. and Mrs. John FrueheMrs. Maria GarciaMs. Leana GianniniMr. and Mrs. Michael C. GiotinisMr. Lizardo GomezMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald GranvilleMr. and Mrs. Robert GriffithsMr. and Mrs. John F. GrossMr. and Mrs. Charles N. GustMr. and Mrs. Mitchell HaakeMr. and Mrs. John G. HahnMr. and Mrs. J<strong>on</strong> S. HandleryMr. and Mrs. Dennis HanselMr. and Mrs. Lawrence HarperMr. and Mrs. Robert T. HaslamMr. and Mrs. David W. IsselMr. and Mrs. Christopher JacobsMr. and Mrs. John JolyMr. and Mrs. Jack J<strong>on</strong>esMr. and Mrs. Mitchell JuricichMr. and Mrs. Le<strong>on</strong>ard KanavyMr. Mark KaufmannMr. Thomas P. KavanaughMr. and Mrs. James KeenanMr. Kevin Kelly and Ms. Erin JaebMr. Kevin KeyserMr. and Mrs. William KibblewhiteMr. and Mrs. Robert KidwellMr. John T. LescroartMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald S. L<strong>on</strong>ginottiMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. LowensteinMr. and Mrs. Kevin LucidoMr. and Mrs. Lars J. LundMr. and Mrs. Mario A. Mald<strong>on</strong>adoDr. Michael S. Markas, MD ‘85Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. MarquesMr. and Mrs. Manuel MatiasMc Curdy FamilyMr. Will McCarthyMrs. Katherine McMillanMr. and Mrs. John J. Mend<strong>on</strong>caMr. and Mrs. Robert G. MikeMr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Mo<strong>on</strong>eyMrs. Shirley MoorhouseMr. and Mrs. Dan MorrowMr. and Mrs. Brian T. Mort<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. MurphyMr. and Mrs. Mark MurphyMs. Lori A. MusserMs. Kitty NasarowMr. and Mrs. Agapios P. PanagiotidesMr. and Mrs. Robert ParatteMr. and Mrs. Benjamin ParodiMr. P Jay PlutzerMr. and Mrs. George PrinceMr. and Mrs. Scott PritchettMr. Anth<strong>on</strong>y Rag<strong>on</strong>esiMs. Lindsay RaikeMr. and Mrs. Randall J. RamianMr. Gary RancatoreMr. and Mrs. Jack RatcliffeMr. and Mrs. James RayMr. and Mrs. Wesley RichardsMr. and Mrs. Robert RobbinsMr. and Mrs. Mark RogersMr. and Mrs. Charlie F. RomeoMr. and Mrs. Dennis L. RosaiaMr. Robert M. RouseMr. and Mrs. Stephen RutledgeMr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan, IIIMs. Barbara SabeanMr. and Mrs. Hans H. SaierMr. and Mrs. John C. SchrupMr. and Mrs. Tuilatai SeveloMr. Paul S. ShamiehMr. and Mrs. Larry A. Simps<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Walt SingerMr. and Mrs. Mark StoyeMr. and Mrs. Peter SuhrMr. Mike TempleMr. and Mrs. Harry G. ThodosMr. TreschelMr. and Mrs. Charles A. TurnerMr. and Mrs. Michael J. TurzanskiMr. Serdar S. UgurMr. Kevin WeirMr. and Mrs. Phillip E. WhiteMr. and Mrs. David R. WhitneyMr. and Mrs. Daniel L. WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Rick E. WinninghamMr. Winst<strong>on</strong> Wint and Ms. Natalie MarksMr. and Mrs. Todd S. WolgerMr. Michael WorryMr. and Mrs. Franz ZachariasMs. Maryann ZirelliMr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Zoucha231 EllsworthAdvantage TestingActi<strong>on</strong> SportsAlana’s CafeAldo’s PizzaAltaAmerican AsphaltAmici’s East Coast PizzeriaAquan SportsAquarium By The BayArco’s Auto BodyArco’s Self StorageArg<strong>on</strong>aut HotelArrowood Vineyards and WineryAsian Art MuseumAstaria RestaurantB Street & VineBanana RepublicBay Area Discovery MuseumBay Area PaintballBay Cities Driving <strong>School</strong>Bay Reprographic SuppliesBeach Blanket Babyl<strong>on</strong>Being YogaBerkeley Repertory TheatreBetsey Johns<strong>on</strong>Big 5 Sporting GoodsBiRiteBodega Bay Lodge & SpaBody KneadsBohann<strong>on</strong> Foundati<strong>on</strong>Books Inc.Borel Private Bank & Trust CompanyBoulder Creek Golf & CountryBow Thai CafeBroadway By The BayBuck’s RestaurantBuddy SystemBundy OpticiansBurlingame OpticalBurlingame Pilates StudioByingt<strong>on</strong> WineriesCafe Barr<strong>on</strong>e, IncCafe La ScalaCalifornia Shakespeare TheatreCalifornia’s Great AmericaCall of the SeaCamila’s WestCarto<strong>on</strong> Art MuseumChapin Court Sal<strong>on</strong>Chard<strong>on</strong>nay Golf ClubChard<strong>on</strong>nay II Sailing ChartersCharles Schultz MuseumChateau M<strong>on</strong>telena WineryChildren’s Discovery MuseumClassic Kids PhotographyCoastside PhotographyCrowne Plaza Cabana HotelDaily Grill RestaurantDelta Capital InvestmentsDepot CafediPietro Todd Sal<strong>on</strong>Draegers Supermarkets, Inc.Earthquake Sound Corp.Electr<strong>on</strong>ic ArtsElla & RubyEspostos IncEureka ReviewFess Parker WineryFine Arts Museums of San FranciscoFish MarketFree PeopleGarden Court HotelGilroy GardensGoKart RacerGold’s GymGood Tidings Foundati<strong>on</strong>Grand Hyatt SF <strong>on</strong> Uni<strong>on</strong> SquareGuittard Chocolate Co.Half Mo<strong>on</strong> Bay LodgeHandlery Hotel & ResortHandlery Hotels, Inc.Handley CellarsHelm of Sun ValleyHillbarn TheatreHiller Aviati<strong>on</strong> MuseumHilt<strong>on</strong> Fisherman’s WharfHilt<strong>on</strong> San FranciscoHobee’s California RestaurantHola Mexican RestaurantHoliday Inn, Fishermans WharfHotel VitaleHulex CorpHyatt at Fisherman’s WharfHyatt Regency San FranciscoHyatt Regency Waikiki Resort & SpaIce CenterInfine<strong>on</strong> RacewayInn By The LakeIn-N-Out BurgerJ’me BoutiqueJ & M Hobby HouseJ. Lohr VineyardsJake’s RestaurantJames Butler InteriorsJazz CellarsJohn Bentley’s, IncJostensJumpstart MedicineJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Athletic DepartmentJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> Mother’s AuxiliaryJustin Vineyards & WineryJW Marriott SFKerns Fine JewelryKleid Design GroupKohl Mansi<strong>on</strong>La Petite BaleenLa-Leena NailsLandmark TheatresLaser QuestLawrence Hall Of ScienceLe Papill<strong>on</strong>Lifetouch PhotographyLinda Mar Hardware, IncLiquid Sushi Bar and RestaurantLookLunardi’sMais<strong>on</strong> Sal<strong>on</strong> deuxMalibu Grand PrixMandarin OrientalMango Bay Singapore CuisineMarinello Beauty Sal<strong>on</strong>Marriott Fisherman’s WharfMarriott Hotel, San MateoMasterworks ChoraleMel’s Drive-InMelting PotMen’s WearhouseMercerMercy <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Milana C.Millbrae Dance AcademyMistral Restaurant and BarMoMo’sMoquin Press, Inc.Mountain View Center for the Performing ArtsMusic at Kohl Mansi<strong>on</strong>Neiman MarcusNick’s RestaurantNorth Beach PizzaNotre Dame <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Oakland A’sOld Faithful Geyser of CaliforniaOmni Hotel San FranciscoOrchard HotelOutsourceIt, Inc.Pacific SunwearPalace HotelPampered ChefParc Fifty Five HotelPark Avenue Motors Mercedes BenzSales & ServicePasta PrimaveraPeet’s Coffee & TeaPeju WineryPeninsula Family YMCAPeninsula Pet Resort, Inc.Peninsula Symph<strong>on</strong>y OrchestraPenman Photographic ArtistsPier 39 Limited PartnershipPink & Harm<strong>on</strong>yPlanet GranitePodesta C<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong>Prime Time Athletic ClubR & P Diam<strong>on</strong>d & Gold Imports Inc.Raley’s - Nob Hill FoodsRalph LaurenRalst<strong>on</strong> FloristReal Mex RestaurantsRed And White FleetRedwood City Elks Lodge #1991ReJouvenceReve Spa Sal<strong>on</strong>Reviresco Designc<strong>on</strong>tinued <strong>on</strong> next page48 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> • Gifts in KindANNUAL REPORT 49

Bowl-A-Th<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>Gifts in Kind c<strong>on</strong>t’dRevoluti<strong>on</strong> Prep SAT CourseRichardSolo.comRidgemark Golf & Country Club ResortRipley’s Believe It or NotRosicrucian Egyptian Museum & PlanetariumSams Chowder HouseSan Francisco Museum of Modern ArtSan Jose GiantsSan Jose SharksSan Mateo County Historical Associati<strong>on</strong>San Mateo Florist, Inc.Santa Cruz Mountains Winegrowers Associati<strong>on</strong>Savannah-Chanelle VineyardsScapes Inc.Scoop Studio PilatesSee’s CandiesSelixSeymour Center at L<strong>on</strong>g Marine LabShelby’s GardenSheld<strong>on</strong> of Los AltosSibby’s CupcakerySilverado ResortSilversea CruisesSky <strong>High</strong> SportsSleep Train Pavili<strong>on</strong>SlimsSociety Skate ShopSpa LuxeSpinnaker SailingSpiteri’s Auto ServiceSt. Regis HotelSteelhead Brewing Co.Stella Alpina OsteriaStrides for LifeStudio West PhotographySunst<strong>on</strong>e WineryTahoe D<strong>on</strong>ner Associati<strong>on</strong>Taqueria La Cumbre, IncTargetTeatro ZinZanniTech Museum of Innovati<strong>on</strong>The American Bull Bar & GrillThe Lash BarThe Perfect RoseThe Status ThimbleThe Van’s RestaurantThe Wax Museum at Fisherman’s WharfTheatre WorksTiernan OpticiansTokyo Star Japanese RestaurantTommy BahamaTopper Fine JewelersToto’s PizzaTrio Sal<strong>on</strong>TRI-STARS BoostersTulipTutorpediaUK-HairVelocity Sports PerformanceVisible ChangesVitasoy USAW San FranciscoWarfield TheatreWegman’s NurseryWestin San Francisco Market StreetWestin St. Francis HotelWhite House Black MarketWinchester Mystery HouseWinter LodgeWisnom’s HardwareYour Party RentalsYou’re InvitedHelp Keep Padre Traditi<strong>on</strong>sStr<strong>on</strong>g at <strong>Serra</strong><strong>Serra</strong> relies <strong>on</strong> the involvement and generosity ofour parents, alumni and friends to assure that eachnew Padre generati<strong>on</strong> may reach bey<strong>on</strong>d its grasp toachieve its dreams. Support <strong>Serra</strong> today by makingyour d<strong>on</strong>ati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong>line at: www.serrahs.com.Gifts to <strong>Serra</strong> are tax deductible to the full extentof the law.Estilada’s RestaurantF M Ramos PropertyFreil DesignsGood Hand Janitorial ServiceRamos Woodworks, Inc.Summit Auto Body & PaintingMr. & Mrs. Keith AbbottMr. and Mrs. Per AlftinMr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. AllenMr. & Mrs. AmayaMs. Jocelyn AngelesMs. Minda AngelesAn<strong>on</strong>ymousMs. Kathryn BakerMr. and Mrs. Charles E. BeeringMr. and Mrs. James W. BeeringMrs. Joan BeeringMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong> BellatorreMr. and Mrs. Duane BergMr. Michael P. BochiMr. John BolandMr. and Mrs. Robert BolandMr. Bruce L. BosleyMr. & Mrs. BraccoMs. Nancy A. BrittMr. and Mrs. Shawn BulenMr. Louie BulkaMr. Le<strong>on</strong> CabandingMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey CabucoMr. John Canepa and Ms. MicheleGutierrezMs. Debbie CapizanoMs. Mary E. CarpenterMs. Melina CastainMrs. Lisa CavalleroMr. & Mrs. CelentanoMr. and Mrs. Paul J. CelentanoMs. Robin ChesleyMr. and Mrs. Robert Ciano, Jr.Ms. Roberta ClarkeMr. and Mrs. Ritchie ClayMr. and Mrs. James O. CliffordMr. Michael C<strong>on</strong>ciMr. & Mrs. CrouchMr. and Mrs. Dwight A. CrumpMr. J.R. CurtisMs. Janiece DebkerMs. Teri DemskiMs. Rosa DenisMr. T<strong>on</strong>y DennisMr. and Dr. Rajendra DesaiMr. Sammy DizzleMr. and Mrs. Patrick DoyleMr. and Mrs. Joseph T. ErdieMs. Teleisia F. FahyMr. and Mrs. David L. FalkMr. Danny FlorenciaMr. and Mrs. Rafael A. FloresMs. Lola FotuMr. Mike FranklinMs. Annmarie GaggeroMs. Diane GaggeroMr. Arthur R. GagneMs. Jessica GaitanMs. Senerita GaoteoteMs. Bernadette GarchitotenaMs. Bren GarciaMr. Eugene GarciaMr. and Mrs. Manuel T. GarciaMs. Maria R. GarciaMr. Dom GarzaMr. and Mrs. Ric S. GoellMs. D<strong>on</strong>na GomezMr. Lizardo GomezMr. and Mrs. Frank G<strong>on</strong>zalesMr. John GranucciMr. Joshua Greenberg and Ms. Kashya SheiMs. Jessica GrospeMr. Eric R. HaasMr. and Mrs. John G. HahnMs. Elena HartMr. and Mrs. Robert T. HaslamMr. Tommy HelmesMs. Kim HigakiMr. Dave HockMs. Teresa Jacks<strong>on</strong>Mr. Dan B. JensenMr. Rich Johns<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Arnold W. J<strong>on</strong>esMs. Rosland J<strong>on</strong>esMs. P. JuneMr. J<strong>on</strong> KaufmanMr. and Ms. Randall D. KinderMs. Angel KirschnmanMr. and Mrs. William A. KlingerMr. Armstr<strong>on</strong>g LangiMr. and Mrs. Joseph LangiMs. Kathy LangiMr. Louis A. LangiMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong> LangiMr. and Mrs. Samuel LangiMr. and Mrs. Craig LauMr. R. LeavittMr. Rich LescoMs. Susan LouieMr. John LowMr. and Mrs. Kevin LucidoMrs. MacMr. and Mrs. Marl<strong>on</strong> G. MacaraigMr. and Mrs. James MarchMr. & Mrs. MaretaMr. & Mrs. R<strong>on</strong> MarksMr. Jeremy MarkusMr. and Mrs. John E. MartinMs. Kelly L. MartinMr. and Mrs. Puleola MatiMr. and Mrs. Brian McAlind<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McGuireMr. and Mrs. David A. McLaughlinMr. Bob McMillanMs. Kathy McMillanMs. Mary McMillanMr. Peter C. MeierMr. Roger MendelMs. Anna-Marie MendozaMr. Ruben MendozaMr. R. MilanMs. Marlene MillerMr. Doug M<strong>on</strong>sourMs. Marilyn J. MoodieMs. Renuka P. NarayanMr. & Mrs. NazarMs. Gina NguyenMr. Patrick O’SullivanMs. Kris OrtnerMs. Susie PappasMs. S. ParishMs. Parvatiben PatelMr. Thomas PellizzariMs. Anastasia Penningt<strong>on</strong>Mr. Henry Peters<strong>on</strong>Mr. Christian PirvanMs. Natalie PowerMs. Sushila D. PrasadMr. and Mrs. George PrinceMr. and Mrs. Guillermo QuantMs. Anastasia RabagoMr. Frank RamosMr. and Mrs. Gregory S. RamosMr. & Mrs. Redingt<strong>on</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Mario ReyesMr. and Mrs. Charlie F. RomeoMr. and Mrs. Michael RudolphMr. and Mrs. Alfred J. RuggieroMs. Rosa RuggieroMr. and Mrs. Louis N. RusoMs. Barbara SabeanMr. and Mrs. D<strong>on</strong>ald SadlowskiMr. and Mrs. William SappMs. Kimberly R. Sato-GainerMr. and Mrs. Robert ScarpinoMr. and Mrs. Louie J. Schiav<strong>on</strong>eMr. and Ms. Steven C. SeitzMs. Jacqueline SelingerMr. Chien ShihMr. R<strong>on</strong> SkinnerMr. & Mrs. SmithMs. Paula SnyderMr. and Mrs. Mark R. SpiniMr. & Mrs. Christian StaffordMr. L.D. SwaffordMr. & Mrs. Mick TiamotaMr. William R. Toms and Mrs. Liz Heieck-TomsMs. May TrenMr. and Mrs. Alex TriguerosMr. and Mrs. John C. VincentMr. Raul VirgenMr. & Mrs. Phil WeaverMs. Theresa WestermanMr. and Mrs. Michael J. WhelanMr. Winst<strong>on</strong> Wint and Ms. Natalie MarksMr. Paul H. WolfertMr. Mike ZabanchMr. and Mrs. John ZaroMr. Lawrence G. ZaroANNUAL REPORT 51

Memorial Endowment FundA memorial gift to <strong>Serra</strong> can help perpetuate the values that guided a loved <strong>on</strong>e’s life. Gifts may also h<strong>on</strong>or a pers<strong>on</strong> duringhis or her lifetime, or commemorate a significant event. Your thoughtful d<strong>on</strong>ati<strong>on</strong> becomes a living memorial that touchesthe lives of our students. All those listed in our memorial book are remembered in a m<strong>on</strong>thly Mass offered in the schoolchapel. Memorial/H<strong>on</strong>orees are listed in blue, followed by the names of d<strong>on</strong>ors.Mr. Alfred M. AjuriaMr. and Mrs. John BurrMr. Lawrence E. Alary ,59Dennis & Gloria O'Brien Foundati<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O’BrienMr. Michael Al<strong>on</strong>zoMrs. Kathleen PisaniMrs. Sandra AsherMs. Moya GoddardMr. and Mrs. Mark StoyeMrs. Virginia BalopulosMrs. Kathy O. LavezzoMr. David BarossMr. and Mrs. Kevin CareyMr. Renzo BartoliMr. and Mrs. Joseph MasettiMr. Peter Becker, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Mark StoyeMr. John BenedettiMrs Cathy A. PlevinJack & Lorraine Boiss<strong>on</strong>LTC Peter V. Boiss<strong>on</strong>, USAMr. Steven BradyMrs. Kathleen PisaniMr. Charles J. BrennerJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> CommunityMs. Moya GoddardMr. and Mrs. Lars J. LundMr. and Mrs. Michael T. O’LearyMr. and Mrs. Barry Thornt<strong>on</strong>Mr. Randy VogelMr. John Buschini ‘51Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Mr. Vicente T. CalvoMr. Charles J. RappMr. Dylan L. CappelDr. and Mrs. Lawrence CappelMs. Sara CannizzaroMr. and Mrs. Michael T. O’LearyMr. and Mrs. Mark StoyeMr. Richard CanzianiMr. and Mrs. Michael DelaurentiMr. and Mrs. Robert J. ManteganiMr. Julius J. Caserza ‘51Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Michael DelaurentiMr. and Mrs. Robert J. ManteganiMr. and Mrs. Robert J. ManteganiMr. and Mrs. Robert UgheMr. Randy VogelMrs. Hilda CastelliMr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. CampiMs. Elizabeth CiriglianoJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> H.S. CommunityMs. Kate ClarkMs. Kathy O. LavezzoMr. Chuck CollinsMr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. FrostMr. Gerald J. Colombo ‘63Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. John C. VincentMr. Mr. Jack C<strong>on</strong>neelyMr. and Mrs. Jerry L. EzrinMr. and Mrs. Charles R. RappMr. Charles J. RappMr. David M. C<strong>on</strong>stantino ‘65Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Mrs. Bernadette C. CorsigliaMr. and Mrs. John C. CaselliMr. Anth<strong>on</strong>y Costa ‘72Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Raym<strong>on</strong>d AllaraMr. Jack CuddyMr. and Mrs. Robert AlbertMr. and Mrs. Kevin CareyCapt. Andrew J. Dam<strong>on</strong>te,USAF(Ret.) ‘78Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dam<strong>on</strong>teMs. Linda Dam<strong>on</strong>teMr. and Mrs. Miguel JarvisMs. Delia Del GrossoMr. and Mrs. Robert J. ManteganiMr. Joseph DeLucaMr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Cars<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. FlynnMr. and Mrs. Mark StoyeMr. Ted DeSmedtJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> CommunityMr. and Mrs. John C. CaselliMr. John C<strong>on</strong>way, Sr.Ms. Kathy O. LavezzoMr. Anth<strong>on</strong>y F. DiAngelo ‘50Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Mrs. Kathleen DunleavyJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> CommunityMr. and Mrs. John C. CaselliMr. and Mrs. Lars J. LundMr. Charles J. RappMr. and Mrs. Mark StoyeMr. Peter FadelliJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> Athletic Dept.Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D<strong>on</strong>ahueMr. and Mrs. Thomas MacKenzieMs. Edith FarleyMr. and Mrs. Kevin D. FlynnMr. and Mrs. Mark StoyeMs. Winnie FarleyMr. and Mrs. Kevin D. FlynnMr. Bob FloodMr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. FrostMr. Hans Frey, Sr.Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> CommunityMr. and Mrs. Robert AlbertMr. and Mrs. Kevin CareyMs. Moya GoddardMr. and Mrs. Robert RobbinsMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. SullivanMr. Mark A. Gadsby ‘88Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Mrs. Carol GallagherMr. and Mrs. Robert RobbinsMr. James R. Garay ‘77Mrs. Bea GarayMr. Philip R. Garay ‘68Mrs. Bea GarayMr. Robert V. Harless ‘61Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Mr. Steven G. Hart ‘05Teamsters Local Uni<strong>on</strong> No. 856South San Francisco Police Associati<strong>on</strong>, Inc.Broadmoor Police Officers Associati<strong>on</strong><strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> H.S. Community<strong>Junipero</strong> <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Golden State AquaticsColma Police Officers Associati<strong>on</strong>Hillsborough Police DepartmentMr. and Mrs. Marc K. AlcantaraMr. Seamus O. BartlettMr. and Mrs. Alan BeersMs. Joyce M. BohmLTC Peter V. Boiss<strong>on</strong>, USAMs. Andrea M. BrusuelasMr. and Mrs. John C. CaselliMr. and Mrs. John T. CollinsMr. and Mrs. John L. C<strong>on</strong>wayMr. and Mrs. John R. CuneoMs. Dawn CutlerMs. Ruvilyn DayaoMr. and Mrs. David DezmanMrs. Clare DolimMs. Mary DunleavyMs. Ethel F. EllisMr. and Mrs. Dennis FisicaroMr. and Mrs. Michael GambleMr. Tim GattoMs. Moya GoddardMr. Jay A. GoldbergMs. Susan G. GoodMr. and Mrs. Robert E. Greene, Jr.Ms. Karen GrimleyMr. and Mrs. Larry D. Hamilt<strong>on</strong>Mrs. Aileen B. HartMs. Sandra M. HartMrs. Aileen B. HartMr. and Mrs. Jerrold C. JayneMs. Kathy D. JoeMr. Danny J. KearnsMs. Christine A. KhouryMr. Michael J. KlobucharMs. Kathy O. LavezzoMr. and Mrs. Bert K. LeeMs. Frances List<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Jim LockieMs. Barbara LozarMs. Lisette LugoMr. and Mrs. Alfred MalleyMr. Thomas A. Mal<strong>on</strong>eyMrs. Jean ManteganiMr. and Mrs. Robert J. ManteganiMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mass<strong>on</strong>iMr. John T. Moran, Jr.Mr. Jay MorenaMs. Jane M. OliverMr. and Mrs. David J. PhilpottMr. and Mrs. R<strong>on</strong>ald QuokMs. Teresa A. RicottaMr. and Mrs. Eric RomeroMs. Lynn T. SchaafMs. Geraldine B. SeilMs. Caroline <strong>Serra</strong>toMs. Nina ShawMs. Nina ShawMs. Elsa K. SilvermanMr. and Mrs. Mark StoyeMr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wils<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wils<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. WollmanMr. Grant HawkesMr. and Mrs. Kevin CareyMs. Mary HolianMr. and Mrs. Frank J. Kardas, Jr.Mr. Thomas F. Hughes ‘60Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Mr. Daniel W. HughesMs. Marie JaegerDr. and Mrs. Francis HealyMr. Sarando KallasMr. and Mrs. Rodney L. McAlaveyMr. Randy VogelMr. George KeenanJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. PapapietroMrs. Tina KingMr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. CampiMr. Benedetto Lever<strong>on</strong>iMrs. Shar<strong>on</strong> KlobucharMr. Michael J. KlobucharMs. Fi<strong>on</strong>a KnightMr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. FrostMr. Bruce KoykarMr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. FrostMr. Matt Kriletich, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. FrostMr. David KurtzMrs. Cathy A. PlevinMrs. Claire Levy-Tall<strong>on</strong>Mr. Brian F. Boiss<strong>on</strong>LTC Peter V. Boiss<strong>on</strong>, USAMr. Jack Boiss<strong>on</strong>Mrs. Geraldine FrostMr. D<strong>on</strong>ald LombardiMr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. CampiMr. Benedetto Lever<strong>on</strong>iMr. Edward MacKenzieMr. and Mrs. Ray Kniffin52 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> • Memorial Endowment FundANNUAL REPORT 53

Mr. Lawrence MackenzieJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D<strong>on</strong>ahueMs. Moya GoddardMr. and Mrs. Ray KniffinMr. and Mrs. Jim LockieMs. Nancy MacMorranMr. and Mrs. Rodney L. McAlaveyMs. Nancy H. MagnaniJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> BasketballMr. Charles J. RappMr. Thomas Magner ‘49Mrs. Diane MagnerMs. Rose ManteganiMr. and Mrs. Robert J. ManteganiMrs. Jean ManteganiMr. James McGinnis ‘60Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> CommunityMrs. Josephine M. McGrathJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> BaskletballMr. Stephen M. McGuire ‘89Mrs. Joan McGuireMs. Rose M. McLaughlinMr. Patrick J. McLainMr. James D. McLainMs. Ann McMah<strong>on</strong>Mr. Randy VogelMs. Anne Melc<strong>on</strong>ianMr. Benedetto Lever<strong>on</strong>iMr. Randy VogelMr. John M. Metzcus ‘88Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. DallaraMr. Frank MirabellaMr. and Mrs. Ritchie ClayMr. Fred Morello ‘62Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Mr. Robert MorelloJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> CommunityMs. Moya GoddardMr. and Mrs. Robert RobbinsMr. Dan MoriartyMrs. Cathy A. PlevinMs. Agnes MurphyMr. and Mrs. Richard CanzianiMrs. Eunice CanzianiMr. and Mrs. Robert J. ManteganiMrs. Jean ManteganiMr. and Mrs. Robert J. ManteganiMr. William O’C<strong>on</strong>norMr. Charles A. RappMr. William OkeJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> CommunityMs. Brandy OrgeJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Applera Corporati<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D<strong>on</strong>ahueMs. Moya GoddardMr. and Mrs. James JordanMr. and Mrs. Jim LockieMr. Maurice J. Peltier ‘56Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Ms. Martha A. PerezMr. and Mrs. Charles R. RappMr. Rafael J. PinedaApplera Corporati<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. James JordanMr. Gerald D. Pisani ‘48Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Ms. Beatrice M. BolandMr. Dino PolizzianiMr. and Mrs. Rodney L. McAlaveyMr. Kayoomars RadjiMr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Nort<strong>on</strong>Mr. Carl C. Rath ‘72Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Mrs. Frances McVeighMr. Taylor L. Rattray ‘99Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Mrs. Joanne RendaJunípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> CommunityMr. and Mrs. Lars J. LundMr. and Mrs. Mark StoyeMr. Rupe RicksenMr. and Mrs. John C. CaselliMs. Dorothy RogalskyMr. and Mrs. Frank J. Kardas, Jr.Ms. Norma RuggieroMs. Kathy O. LavezzoMr. Richard J. SantanaMr. and Mrs. Michael T. KentMrs. Gladys ScherbaMr. and Mrs. Michael T. O’LearyMr. Mark SeveriMr. Randy VogelMr. Mark SeveriMr. and Mrs. John C. CaselliMs. Moya GoddardMr. and Mrs. Rodney L. McAlaveyMr. Kristopher J. McAlaveyMrs. Kathleen PisaniMr. and Mrs. Mark StoyeMr. Randy VogelMr. Henry Spece ‘73Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> Alumni Associati<strong>on</strong>Mr. Ray StairMr. and Mrs. Michael TolleMs. Beverly StancilMrs. Kathleen PisaniMr. Randy StaufferMr. and Mrs. John C. CaselliMr. Ricardo TannerMr. Randy VogelMr. Larry M. Tetreault ‘77Nati<strong>on</strong>al Semic<strong>on</strong>ductor EmployeeDirected Giving ProgramMr. Martin J. McVeighMs. Elvira TigriMs. Kathy O. LavezzoMr. Vincent Tufo, Jr.Mr. Charles J. RappMr. and Mrs. Charles R. RappMr. Randy VogelMr. Kerry TurnerMr. and Mrs. Michael TolleMrs. Irene ValbusaMs. Kathy O. LavezzoMr. Bob WardlawMr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wils<strong>on</strong>Mr. Raym<strong>on</strong>d J. WhelanMr. Daniel E. WhelanMr. Michael D. Whelan ‘66Mr. Daniel E. WhelanMs. Ruby WintersAbout Change Counseling ServicesMs. Hibernia Thornt<strong>on</strong>Mrs. Marjorie H. WoodleyMr. and Mrs. Carl T. Peters<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Michael Peters<strong>on</strong>Mr. Randy VogelMr. and Mrs. Warren VogelMr. Dewain ZeglinMr. Charles J. RappIn H<strong>on</strong>or ofKevin D<strong>on</strong>ahueMs. Rita Gleas<strong>on</strong>John T. Gross ‘13Mr. and Mrs. John F. GrossLars J. LundMs. Rita Gleas<strong>on</strong>Leland Pars<strong>on</strong>sMr. and Mrs. John F. GrossBob & Juliane Sullivan’s25th AnniversaryApplera Corporati<strong>on</strong>Mr. and Mrs. James JordanMr. and Mrs. James JordanBarry Thornt<strong>on</strong>Ms. Rita Gleas<strong>on</strong>For the Speedy Recovery ofMr. John EberleMr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. FrostDr. Robert S. Hunter ‘50Mr. and Mrs. Warren VogelMrs. Raym<strong>on</strong>d J. WhelanMr. Daniel E. WhelanIn MemoriamMichael Bedor ’08 passed awayat the young age of 21 <strong>on</strong> August8. Michael attended USF and wasalways there to make his friendsand family smile. His family willdearly miss Michael, the light oftheir lives.Claire C<strong>on</strong>stantino, mother ofPaul ’62 and David ’65, passedaway peacefully <strong>on</strong> October 2.Audrey Dirid<strong>on</strong>i, mother of DanDirid<strong>on</strong>i ’65, passed away <strong>on</strong>August 6.John Dilts ’82, passed away <strong>on</strong>August 2. A visi<strong>on</strong>ary and anentrepreneur, John is survived byhis wife Julia and family.Ed Doty, father of Steven Doty‘07, passed away <strong>on</strong> September 23.Florence Ferko, mother of Stephen’58 and Martin ’60 Ferko, passedaway <strong>on</strong> September 16.Rose Forbes, wife of Jerry ’52 andmother of Mike ’74, passed away inSan Mateo at the age of 75.Susan D. Glenn, wife of DennisJ. Glenn ’64, passed away <strong>on</strong>September 19.Aileen “Mickey” Hart, belovedmother of Greg Hart ’76, passedaway in September.Jeff Healy ’84 died unexpectedly<strong>on</strong> July 24. Jeff was a lovings<strong>on</strong>, uncle and brother and wasposthumously inducted into the<strong>Serra</strong> Athletic Hall of Fame inOctober. Jeff ’s smile, charisma,loyalty and great love for his familyand friends never be forgotten.Kathy J<strong>on</strong>es, mother of <strong>Serra</strong>Assistant Principal MarybethOrtiz, passed away <strong>on</strong> November12. Kathy was blessed with anunwavering faith in God thatcarried her through her valiantfight with cancer.Kathy Mor<strong>on</strong>ey, wife of Carl “Red”Mor<strong>on</strong>ey ’60 and mother of BrettMor<strong>on</strong>ey ’90, passed away <strong>on</strong>November 5.Mike Murphy, father of Tim ’82and grandfather of Max ’11, passedaway <strong>on</strong> October 28. Mike is aformer member of <strong>Serra</strong>’s Board orRegents.Barbara Parodi, grandmother ofMichael Parodi ’94, John Kirby’95, Ben Parodi ’11, and <strong>Serra</strong>Summer Camp Director KathyParodi, passed away <strong>on</strong> July 8.Arne Pedersen, father of Christian’89 and Robert ’91, passed away <strong>on</strong>July 19.Frank Renda, father of T<strong>on</strong>y Renda’09, passed away <strong>on</strong> July 18.Doris Stefani, mother of R<strong>on</strong>Stefani ’59, passed away <strong>on</strong>August 16.Michael Thomas ’67 passed away<strong>on</strong> July 6 at his home in Belm<strong>on</strong>t.Joe Vinal, father of football coachBob Vinal ’78 and grandfather ofMatt Vinal ’10, passed away <strong>on</strong>July 20.Sibylle Waizenegger, motherof Chris ’89, passed away <strong>on</strong>September 5 in Figi after a tragicscuba accident.Bill Williams ’63, lost his fightwith cancer <strong>on</strong> August 5.54 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-<str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> • Memorial Endowment FundANNUAL REPORT • In Memoriaum 55

Class NotesClass Notes1951your 60-year reuni<strong>on</strong> will be held in October. Look formore news in upcoming mailings, or visit the <strong>Serra</strong> website atwww.serrahs.com (Click <strong>on</strong> Alumni).1959Michael hackworth was presentedwith the Silic<strong>on</strong> Valley LeadershipGroup’s <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g> Lifetime AchievementAward. The award is presented annuallyto outstanding leaders and is based<strong>on</strong> three criteria: Impeccable Ethics;Business Excellence and CommunityEngagement. Michael is the co-founderand board chairman of Cirric L<strong>on</strong>gic,Inc., and is a member of several local n<strong>on</strong>-profit boards.1960Kenneth Stins<strong>on</strong>,a 1964 University ofNotre Dame graduateand a member of theirBoard of Trustees, wash<strong>on</strong>ored in Septemberat the dedicati<strong>on</strong> ofNotre Dame’s newStins<strong>on</strong>-Remick Hall.Kenneth and his wife, Ann, are principal benefactors. The new<str<strong>on</strong>g>building</str<strong>on</strong>g> is a 160,000-square-foot facility that houses a nanotechnology research center, a 9,000-square-foot semic<strong>on</strong>ductorprocessing and device fabricati<strong>on</strong>clean room, and an undergraduateinterdisciplinary learning center.The <str<strong>on</strong>g>building</str<strong>on</strong>g> also houses Holy CrossChapel, believed to be the <strong>on</strong>lychapel <str<strong>on</strong>g>inside</str<strong>on</strong>g> a university engineering<str<strong>on</strong>g>building</str<strong>on</strong>g> in the country. Kenneth isa recipient of <strong>Serra</strong>’s 2005 AlumniAward of Merit.1961your 50-year reuni<strong>on</strong> will be held in October. Look for morenews in upcoming mailings, or visit the <strong>Serra</strong> website at www.serrahs.com (Click <strong>on</strong> Alumni).1971your 40-year reuni<strong>on</strong> will be held in October. Look for morenews in upcoming mailings, or visit the <strong>Serra</strong> website at www.serrahs.com (Click <strong>on</strong> Alumni).1973Geoffrey Henders<strong>on</strong> recently retired from the CaliforniaDepartment of Correcti<strong>on</strong>s after 25 years of service. He retiredat the rank of Correcti<strong>on</strong>al Sergeant.1980Mike Callagy earned his Masters Degree in Security Studiesfrom the Naval Postgraduate <strong>School</strong> Center for HomelandDefense and Security <strong>on</strong> September 24 in M<strong>on</strong>terey. Mike iscurrently Deputy Chief of Police for the City of San Mateo.Jay Phelan recently completed a biologytextbook that he wrote for n<strong>on</strong>-sciencemajorcollege students, although it iscurrenlty being used at numerous highschools around the country. Jay creditshis passi<strong>on</strong> for science to the classes hetook while attending <strong>Serra</strong>. “It was in Mr.Carlomagno’s biology class, specifically,that I developed a love for studying biology,for critical thinking, and a passi<strong>on</strong> for approaching the worldscientifically,” Jay said in the letter he sent to <strong>Serra</strong>, al<strong>on</strong>g with acopy of his book. Jay currently teaches Life Sciences at UCLA.1981your 30-year reuni<strong>on</strong> will be held in October. Look for morenews in upcoming mailings, or visit the <strong>Serra</strong> website at www.serrahs.com (Click <strong>on</strong> Alumni).1982Chris C<strong>on</strong>way married Christina Wang <strong>on</strong> September 18 atSt. Gregory Catholic Church in San Mateo. Kevin Holland ’83served as Best Man and Ken C<strong>on</strong>stantino ’82 as a Groomsman,with Father John Kavanaugh presiding.1986your 25-year reuni<strong>on</strong> will be held in October 23. Look formore news in upcoming mailings, or visit the <strong>Serra</strong> website atwww.serrahs.com (Click <strong>on</strong> Alumni).1989Rob Devincenzi was h<strong>on</strong>ored <strong>on</strong> June 24 as the MilpitasBusiness Pers<strong>on</strong> of the Year by the Milpitas Chamber ofCommerce. Rob is editor and publisher of the Milpitas Post andwas h<strong>on</strong>ored for his 17 years of service to the community.1991your 20-year reuni<strong>on</strong> will be held in October. Look for morenews in upcoming mailings, or visit the <strong>Serra</strong> website at www.serrahs.com (Click <strong>on</strong> Alumni).Ivan Hrga baptized his s<strong>on</strong> Dominic <strong>on</strong> September 25 at IHMChurch in Belm<strong>on</strong>t. Fr. Stephen Howell presided over thebaptism. Other Padres <strong>on</strong> hand included Mike Tognotti ’91,Joel Anzelc ’91, Seamus Bartlett ’03, Sean Bartlett ’04 and LiamGrosshauser ’08.2001your 10-year reuni<strong>on</strong> will be held in October. Look for morenews in upcoming mailings, or visit the <strong>Serra</strong> website at www.serrahs.com (Click <strong>on</strong> Alumni).Michael Marinello married Jaclyn Cr<strong>on</strong>kite <strong>on</strong> June 5 in Kauai,Hawaii.Patrick McDevitt married Ashley Furtado <strong>on</strong> August 28.A plethora of Padre alums were in attendance to celebrate thewedding! Photo below: (fr<strong>on</strong>t r-l: Pete Muscat ’01, Andrew Galli’01, Derek Lars<strong>on</strong> ’01, John Perry ’02; (middle r-l): Pat McDevitt’01, Juan Suarez ’01, Mike Verber ’01, Mark Allen ’01; (back r-l):Erik Nielsen ‘01, Eric Tigri ‘01, Ben Taft ‘01Matt Ruble married Stephanie Schumpelt <strong>on</strong> October 16 at Ir<strong>on</strong>st<strong>on</strong>eVineyards in Murphys, California. Padre groomsmen included BestMan Cris Ramirez ’01, J<strong>on</strong>athan Allen ’01, Josh Romano ’01 andAndrew Ruble ’04. Also in attendance were Father of the Groom D<strong>on</strong>Ruble ’72 and friends Erik Dahl ’00 and Jimmy G<strong>on</strong>zalez ’02.2002Matt Rodgers has recently beenreassigned from the US NavyPensacola Naval Air Training baseto the Point Magu Air Stati<strong>on</strong>near Oxnard, California. He wasbe deployed September 11, <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>aboard the USS Abraham LincolnAircraft Carrier. This is his 3rddeployment overseas and his firstas an air crewman. He will bebeginning his 7th year in the USNavy in January 2011.Patrick Nagle captured his first NGAPro Golf Tour title <strong>on</strong> August 30 whenhe w<strong>on</strong> the The ComSouth Classicat Southern Hills Golf Club. Patrickgraduated from the University of Illinoisand is currently fourth <strong>on</strong> NGA Tourstandings.2006Nick Poggetti qualified for the WWPAWater Polo Champi<strong>on</strong>ships for SantaClara University to be held in lateNovember.56 CLASS NOTESCLASS NOTES 57

alex pan ’07 a young man for othersAlex Pan ’07 spent last summer in Jodhpur India, working for theMine Labour Protecti<strong>on</strong> Campaign, a human rights organizati<strong>on</strong>. Alexhas had the opportunity to work with impoverished miners and theirfamilies throughout India and hopes that the work he is doing willhave a lasting impact <strong>on</strong> the lives of the miners he has met.“I am learning what it means to be a man for others, and discoveringthat this type of work, while difficult and at times frustrating, is <strong>on</strong>e ofthe most rewarding experiences possible,” Alex said.Alex is a senior at Colby College in Waterville, Maine, and will begraduating with a double major in Internati<strong>on</strong>al Development and EastAsian Studies in May. He is applying for a Fulbright Grant to c<strong>on</strong>ductresearch in rural China after graduati<strong>on</strong>.2007Jeff Thomas is a starting linebackerfor the Indiana Hoosiers. Jefftransferred from Foothill Collegewhere he was named First-TeamAll-American and the NorCalC<strong>on</strong>ference Defensive Player of theYear. Jeff already has 47 tackles atmid-seas<strong>on</strong>.2008DeLe<strong>on</strong> Eskridge was namedthe starting running back forthe University of Minnesota. Atpress time, DeLe<strong>on</strong> has scored12 career touchdowns andrushed for over 1,400 yards forthe Golden Gophers.Attenti<strong>on</strong> Alumni Basketball Fans!Come and support <strong>Serra</strong> basketball! Invitethe entire family to show some Padre spirit– we’d love to see you!Clip these coup<strong>on</strong>s and enjoy <strong>on</strong>e freeadmissi<strong>on</strong> ticket and <strong>on</strong>e free food item.Go Padres! CutHanna Malak was elected student body presidentof Menlo College and last summer participatedin the Red Cross/ NAIA Collegiate LeadershipProgram in Washingt<strong>on</strong>, DC. As a result, Hannanow sits <strong>on</strong> the Board of Governors for theNorthern California American Red Cross.Tiuke Tuipulotu is a startinglinebacker for the San Jose StateSpartans. Tiuke currently rankssec<strong>on</strong>d <strong>on</strong> the team in totaltackles and third in tackles forloss. He recorded his career-highof nine tackles against reigningNati<strong>on</strong>al Champi<strong>on</strong> Alabama.2009David Bakhtiari is starting at right tackle for the Colorado Buffaloesas a Redshirt freshman. David w<strong>on</strong> the positi<strong>on</strong> to the start the seas<strong>on</strong>after outstanding summer workouts.FREE ALUMNI COUPON!GOOD FOR 1 FREEADMISSION TO ASERRA HOMEBASKETBALL GAMERestricti<strong>on</strong>s:Co u p o n m u s t be u s e d by a serra a l u mDo e s n o t i n c l u d e:<strong>Serra</strong> vs. SI (Ju n g l e Ga m e)Cut Al<strong>on</strong>g Dotted LineAl<strong>on</strong>g Dotted LineGOOD FOR 1 FREEFOOD ITEM AT ASERRA HOMEBASKETBALL GAMEFREE ALUMNI COUPON!Restricti<strong>on</strong>s:Co u p o n m u s t be u s e d by a serra a l u mA publicati<strong>on</strong> for the alumni, parents & friendsof Junípero <strong>Serra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>For questi<strong>on</strong>s or comments, c<strong>on</strong>tact:Ant<strong>on</strong>ia EhlersOffice of Advancement & Alumni Relati<strong>on</strong>s451 West 20th AvenueSan Mateo, CA 94403650.573.9935, ext. 183PresidentLars Lundllund@serrahs.comPrincipalBarry Thornt<strong>on</strong>bthornt<strong>on</strong>@serrahs.comAlumni DirectorBob Greenebgreene@serrahs.comCommunicati<strong>on</strong>s ManagerAnt<strong>on</strong>ia Ehlersaehlers@serrahs.comGraphic Design and Website ManagerMichelle Wilkins<strong>on</strong>mwilkins<strong>on</strong>@serrahs.comEditors:Ant<strong>on</strong>ia EhlersRandy VogelMichelle Wilkins<strong>on</strong>C<strong>on</strong>tributors:J<strong>on</strong>athan Allen ’01Michael Bolland ’11Barrett Cordery ’11Randy VogelPhoto Credits:Kim BohnertChris Denny-Brown ’03Kevin D<strong>on</strong>ahueKyle LierkDiane Mazz<strong>on</strong>iGary MeeganPam RobbinsPrestige Portraits by LifetouchJennifer Sauer PhotographyBoard of RegentsGreg CoskoMichael Dill<strong>on</strong>Laurence Dug<strong>on</strong>i ’86Kevin Dunleavy ’80John EsplanaDavid FalkKevin Flynn ’82James Fox ’62Dave GhiorsoRobert JaureguiKevin KellyKathy LavezzoMary LeahyR<strong>on</strong> L<strong>on</strong>ginotti ’72Linda LucidoTom MohrBrian Mort<strong>on</strong> ’83Robert Ols<strong>on</strong> ’85Ray Petrin ’69David Philpott ’87Joshua Raffaelli ’98Mark ReburianoRic RosarioJohn SchrupJim TerranovaLori WhitneyST Y CONNECTED!JOIN SERRA’S ONLINE ALUMNI COMMUNITY TODAY!ST Y CONNECTED!VISIT WWW.SERRAHS.COM AND CLICK ON “ALUMNI”JOIN SERRA’S ONLINE ALUMNI COMMUNITY TODAY!VISIT WWW.SERRAHS.COM AND CLICK ON “ALUMNI”Join the hundreds of Padre alums that have already registered for<strong>Serra</strong>’s Online Alumni Community. Once a member, you will beJoinable totheupdatehundredsyourofpers<strong>on</strong>alPadre alumsprofile,thatposthaveclassalreadynotesregisteredand familyfor<strong>Serra</strong>’spictures,Onlinerec<strong>on</strong>nectAlumniwithCommunity.your classmatesOnceanda member,friends,youandwillsee whatbeableeventstoareupdatebeingyourplannedpers<strong>on</strong>al<strong>on</strong> andprofile,off campus.post class notes and familypictures, rec<strong>on</strong>nect with your classmates and friends, and see whatevents just follow are being the planned four easy <strong>on</strong> and steps off below campus. to begin catching up!1. log <strong>on</strong> to www.serrahs.comjust follow the four easy steps below to begin catching up!2. click <strong>on</strong> alumni1. 3. log click <strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> to alumni www.serrahs.comcommunity2. 4. click <strong>on</strong> alumni register here. you will need to enter your3. last click name, <strong>on</strong> choose alumni your community class, and enter your log-in id.(your log-in id is the number located directly above your4. name click <strong>on</strong> the <strong>on</strong> register address label here. of you this will editi<strong>on</strong> need of to traditi<strong>on</strong>s.)enter yourlast name, choose your class, and enter your log-in id.(your log-in id is the number located directly above yourQuesti<strong>on</strong>s?name the address label of this editi<strong>on</strong> of traditi<strong>on</strong>s.)C<strong>on</strong>tact: Bob Greene '85, Alumni Director650.573.9935Questi<strong>on</strong>s?ext. 191bgreene@serrahs.comC<strong>on</strong>tact: Bob Greene '85, Alumni Director650.573.9935 ext. 191bgreene@serrahs.comor Michelle Wilkins<strong>on</strong>, Graphic Design and Web Manager650.573.9935 ext. 184ormwilkins<strong>on</strong>@serrahs.comMichelle Wilkins<strong>on</strong>, Graphic Design and Web Manager650.573.9935 ext. 184mwilkins<strong>on</strong>@serrahs.comJOIN US ON OUR FACEBBOK FAN PAGELOG ON TO: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/SERRAPADRES<strong>Serra</strong> Blue is Gold

451 WEST 20TH AVENUESAN MATEO, CA 94403P 650.573.9935 F 650.345.6202WWW.SERRAHS.COMReturn Service RequestedA L U M N IUPCOMING EVENTSnovember <str<strong>on</strong>g>2010</str<strong>on</strong>g>24th26thAlumni Basketball GameAlumni Soccer Gamejanuary 20114th22ndJungle GameBooster Club Crab Cioppino Dinnerfebruary 201111thAlumni 50-Year Club Lunche<strong>on</strong>march 20114th16thAlumni Career DayFund A Dream Lunche<strong>on</strong>april 201123rdAlumni Volleyball & Baseball Gamesjune 201120th<strong>Serra</strong> Golf ClassicQuesti<strong>on</strong>s? C<strong>on</strong>tact:Bob Greene ’85, Director of Alumni Relati<strong>on</strong>s650.573.9935 ext. 191 / email: bgreene@serrahs.comor visit <strong>Serra</strong>’s website at www.serrahs.com

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