VEGAPULS WL 61 - 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire

VEGAPULS WL 61 - 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire VEGAPULS WL 61 - 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire
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9 Diagnosis, Asset Management and serviceFurther echo curves: Up to 10 echo curves can be stored in a ringbuffer in this memory section. Further echo curves are stored via:• PC with PACTware/DTM• Control system with EDD9.3 Asset Management functionThe instrument features self-monitoring and diagnostics accordingto NE 107 and VDI/VDE 2650. In addition to the status messages inthe following tables there are more detailed error messages availableunder the menu item "Diagnostics" via the indicating and adjustmentmodule, PACTware/DTM and EDD.Status messagesThe status messages are classified in the following categories:• FailureFunction checkOut of specification• Maintenance requirementand explained by pictographs:1 2 3Fig. 29: Pictograms of the status messages1 Failure - red2 Function check - orange3 Out of specification - yellow4 Maintenance - blue434Failure: Due to a malfunction in the instrument, a failure message isoutputted.This status message is always active. It cannot be deactivated by theuser.Function check: The instrument is in operation, the measured valueis temporarily invalid (for example during simulation).This status message is inactive by default. It can be activated by theuser via PACTware/DTM or EDD.Out of specification: The measured value is unstable because theinstrument specification is exceeded (e.g. electronics temperature).This status message is inactive by default. It can be activated by theuser via PACTware/DTM or EDD.Maintenance: Due to external influences, the instrument functionis limited. The measurement is affected, but the measured value isstill valid. Plan in maintenance for the instrument because a failure isexpected in the near future (e.g. due to buildup).This status message is inactive by default. It can be activated by theuser via PACTware/DTM or EDD.VEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire38061-EN-121011

9 Diagnosis, Asset Management and serviceFailureThe following table shows the error codes and text messages in thestatus message "Failure" and gives information on the cause and howto eliminate it. Keep in mind that some specifications are only valid forfour-wire instruments and the electronics of VEGAPULS WL 61 cannotbe exchanged by the user.38061-EN-121011CodeText messageF013no measuredvalue availableF017Adjustmentspan too smallF025Error in thelinearizationtableF036No operablesoftwareF040Error in theelectronicsF080F105DeterminemeasuredvalueF113CommunicationerrorF125UnpermissibleelectronicstemperatureF260Error in thecalibrationCauseVEGAPULS WL 61 • 4 … 20 mA/HART - two-wire– Sensor does not detect anecho during operation– Antenna system contaminatedor defective– Adjustment not withinspecification– Index markers are not continuouslyrising, for examleunlogical value pairs– Failed or interrupted softwareupdate– Hardware defect– General software error– The instrument is still in thestart phase, the measuredvalue could not yet bedetermined– EMC interferences– Transmission error with theexternal communicationwith 4-wire power supplyunit– Temperature of the electronicsin the non-specifiedsection– Error in the calibration carriedout in the factory– Error in the EEPROMRectification– Check or correct installationand/or parameter adjustment– Clean or exchange processcomponent or antenna– Change adjustment accordingto the limit values (differencebetween min. andmax. ≥ 10 mm)– Check linearization table– Delete table/Create new– Repeat software update– Check electronics version– Exchanging the electronics– Send instrument for repair– Exchanging the electronics– Send instrument for repair– Separate operating voltagebriefly– Wait for the warm-up phase– Duration depending onthe version and parameteradjustment up to approximately3 min.– Remove EMC influences– Exchange 4-wire powersupply unit or electronics– Check ambient temperature– Isolate electronics– Use instrument with highertemperature range– Exchanging the electronics– Send instrument for repair35

9 Diagnosis, Asset Management and serviceFurther echo curves: Up to 10 echo curves can be stored in a ringbuffer in this memory section. Further echo curves are stored via:• PC with PACTware/DTM• Control system with EDD9.3 Asset Management functionThe instrument features self-monitoring and diagnostics accordingto NE 107 and VDI/VDE 2650. In addition to the status messages inthe following tables there are more detailed error messages availableunder the menu item "Diagnostics" via the indicating and adjustmentmodule, PACTware/DTM and EDD.Status messagesThe status messages are classified in the following categories:• FailureFunction checkOut of specification• Maintenance requirementand explained by pictographs:1 2 3Fig. 29: Pictograms of the status messages1 Failure - red2 Function check - orange3 Out of specification - yellow4 Maintenance - blue434Failure: Due to a malfunction in the instrument, a failure message isoutputted.This status message is always active. It cannot be deactivated by theuser.Function check: The instrument is in operation, the measured valueis temporarily invalid (for example during simulation).This status message is inactive by default. It can be activated by theuser via PACTware/DTM or EDD.Out of specification: The measured value is unstable because theinstrument specification is exceeded (e.g. electronics temperature).This status message is inactive by default. It can be activated by theuser via PACTware/DTM or EDD.Maintenance: Due to external influences, the instrument functionis limited. The measurement is affected, but the measured value isstill valid. Plan in maintenance for the instrument because a failure isexpected in the near future (e.g. due to buildup).This status message is inactive by default. It can be activated by theuser via PACTware/DTM or EDD.<strong>VEGAPULS</strong> <strong>WL</strong> <strong>61</strong> • 4 … <strong>20</strong> <strong>mA</strong>/<strong>HART</strong> - <strong>two</strong>-<strong>wire</strong>380<strong>61</strong>-EN-121011

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