6.3 How to Implement the Operational Risk Management Proposal ...

6.3 How to Implement the Operational Risk Management Proposal ...

6.3 How to Implement the Operational Risk Management Proposal ...


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Ho <strong>to</strong> <strong>Implement</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Operational</strong> <strong>Risk</strong><strong>Management</strong> <strong>Proposal</strong> under Basel II ?Some Viewpoints of China BanksZhao Xianxinzhaoxx@spdb.com.cnShanghai Pudong Development BankTel:86-21 6161600613817578236•Outline of This PresentationI. An Overview of China Banking IndustryII.III.IV.Challenges for <strong>Operational</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong>Implications of Basel II <strong>Proposal</strong> for Our <strong>Operational</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong>China’s Regula<strong>to</strong>ry Guidelines for <strong>the</strong> Capital Requirement under Basel II2009-1-13 2•1

Challenges for <strong>Operational</strong> <strong>Risk</strong><strong>Management</strong> -cont’dMarket Evolutionand Threats of Disintermediation• S<strong>to</strong>ck markets are becoming increasingly important in meetingfinancing needs of companies.• Threat of disintermediation trend-On <strong>the</strong> lending side, commercial banks have <strong>to</strong> compete withs<strong>to</strong>ck market <strong>to</strong> attract qualified borrowers.-On <strong>the</strong> liability side, commercial banks need <strong>to</strong> providecompetitive return <strong>to</strong> abstract deposi<strong>to</strong>rs.• Challenges of Interest rate liberalization.-The 1970s of <strong>the</strong> US was considered bankers’ “3-6-3” time. Up<strong>to</strong> date, Chinese bankers have been enjoying this kind of time.-Time is in fast change.2009-1-13 9•Challenges for <strong>Operational</strong> <strong>Risk</strong><strong>Management</strong> -cont’dCrime Waves: Internal Theft and Fraud• Following <strong>the</strong> economy and society transition, internal crime incidenceis increasing.-Before 1999, crimes within banking industry were merely connected <strong>to</strong>loan business: taking bribery or kickbacks from borrowers were oncevery common.-After 1999, internal crimes take new forms: Stealing money fromclients’ accounts become a new trendy problem. eg. Bank of Chinasuffered a huge amount of losses due <strong>to</strong> internal money <strong>the</strong>ft.• Following <strong>the</strong> rapid commercialization of banks, operational risk related<strong>to</strong> people emerges:-Higher turn over rate of staff,-Inappropriate incentive caused by improper compensation package,short sightedness of client manager.2009-1-13 10•5

Challenges for <strong>Operational</strong> <strong>Risk</strong><strong>Management</strong> -cont’dCrime Waves: External Theft and Fraud• Retail banking market is growing at fast pace. Unfortunately,<strong>the</strong>re are no effective ways <strong>to</strong> screen cus<strong>to</strong>mers.-In mortgage lending business, <strong>the</strong>re is so called “Three Fakes”problem; In credit card business, defaults are increasing.• Safety of IT system.-<strong>How</strong> <strong>to</strong> guarantee <strong>the</strong> security of online banking• It’s increasing hard <strong>to</strong> manage public relations in <strong>the</strong> time ofinternet, in particular when some bad news about your bankbegins <strong>to</strong> circulate.2009-1-13 11•Transformation of <strong>the</strong> Banking Sec<strong>to</strong>r• Banking business in China is en route from traditional model <strong>to</strong>modern model.‣ Business lines will play more critical role in daily operationmanagement. More power will be expected <strong>to</strong> be transferredfrom branches <strong>to</strong> Head Office.‣ In line with centralized moni<strong>to</strong>ring and reporting, heavyinvestments have been put in<strong>to</strong> IT system.‣ New risk management culture: streamlining <strong>the</strong> process of creditbusiness.‣ New Accountability Culture: separating operational risk fromcredit risk.‣ Deposit based banking, ra<strong>the</strong>r than asset based banking.2009-1-13 12•6

Strengths of Basel II <strong>Proposal</strong> for<strong>Operational</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong>• Increased transparency both at branch level and business linelevel will help <strong>to</strong> control operational risk.• <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>to</strong>lerance level could be set.• <strong>Implement</strong>ation of Basel II will facilitate <strong>the</strong> transformationprocess of banking operation.-<strong>Management</strong> functioned by business line will be streng<strong>the</strong>ned;-Give incentive <strong>to</strong> improve operational risk management andhenceforth <strong>to</strong> reduce operational losses.• Encourage banks <strong>to</strong> allocate more sources <strong>to</strong> streng<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>iroperational management.2009-1-13 13•China Version of Guidelines for <strong>the</strong><strong>Implement</strong>ation of Basel II• Three approaches recommended by CBRC-The Standardized Approach in China Version-The Alternative Standardized Approach-The Advanced Approach• No detail about AMA, reflecting low expectation forimplementation.2009-1-13 14•7

The Standardized Approach of CBRCThe <strong>to</strong>tal capital charge canbe expressed asKTSA=∑8{ GIjk× β ,0}∑3maxj= 1k=1k3No Big Difference!Standardized Approach Beta Fac<strong>to</strong>rsBusiness LinesBeta Fac<strong>to</strong>rsCorporate Finance 18%Trading & Sales 18%Retail Banking 12%Commercial Banking 15%Payments & Settlements 18%Agency Services 15%Asset <strong>Management</strong> 12%Retail Brokerage 12%O<strong>the</strong>r Business 18%2009-1-13 15•The Alternative StandardizedApproach of CBRCTwo Choices under CBRC ASAOne is <strong>the</strong> same as ASA under Basel II, <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>ris pretty much a short version.ASA Beta Fac<strong>to</strong>rsBusiness Lines Beta Fac<strong>to</strong>rsRetail Banking 12%*3.5%*aloCommercial Bankin 15%*3.5%*aloO<strong>the</strong>r Business 18%2009-1-13 16•8

Advanced Measurement ApproachShould be No Difference!2009-1-13 17•谢 谢2009-1-13 18•9

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