Signs Of The End Times - Bible Witness

Signs Of The End Times - Bible Witness

Signs Of The End Times - Bible Witness


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EditorPrabhudas KoshyPublishing & CirculationCo-ordinatorLok Kwok WahTechnical EditorsAdrienne Foo, Carolyn Koshy, Ivy Chia,Jenny Lok, Lok Kwok Wah,Mah Lean ChooCover DesignPirapong SeeLayoutKenneth WongIllustrationsSharon NgPublisher<strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong> Literature Ministry ofGethsemane <strong>Bible</strong>-Presbyterian Church,SingaporePrinterChung PrintingContact InformationBy mail:<strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong> Literature Ministry510 Geylang Road, #02-06Singapore 389466Tel: (65) 6741-1910 Fax: (65) 6741-1016Web-site: www.biblewitness.comE-mail: editor@biblewitness.comCONTENTS358131516202223<strong>Signs</strong> of the end timesDays of Lot and Sodom:An <strong>End</strong> Time Sign of ImmoralityIniquity and Apostasy:<strong>End</strong> Time <strong>Signs</strong> from 2 <strong>The</strong>ss. 2:1-12Wars and Rumours of Wars:An <strong>End</strong> Time Sign Right Before OurEyesChallenges to Christian Living:An <strong>End</strong> Time PerspectiveFearful Days:An <strong>End</strong> Time ExperienceYouth’s PAGENeo-Darwinism: Is there aMechanism for Macroevolution?Believers’ ThanksgivingChildren’s Page<strong>Bible</strong> Trivia - Genesis 5 & 6Word Search - Genesis 5 & 6Writers, other than the editor, areacknowledged in their respective articles.SUBSCRIPTIONS INFORMATION1 year subscription (6 issues) Singapore / Malaysia: S$14.00 InternationalAll rates inclusive of postage*Surface Mail: S$16.00*Air Mail: S$24.00 (Asia)S$30.00 (All Other Countries)International bank draft, money order or postal order drawn on a Singapore bank in Singapore dollars may be madepayable to “<strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>.”LOVE-GIFT<strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong> Literature Ministry welcomes love-gifts from our readers to meet the cost of publishing and distribution. <strong>The</strong>subscription rate is kept below the publishing cost in order to make the magazine affordable to our readers. <strong>The</strong> Ministry alsosends the magazine free to churches in poorer countries. Hence your support is much needed and greatly appreciated.USE OF ARTICLES<strong>The</strong> articles may be freely used for non-commercial purposes, so long as they are quoted exactly, and the writer as well asthe source identified.

<strong>Signs</strong> of the <strong>End</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>Days of Lot and Sodom:An <strong>End</strong> Time Sign of ImmoralityTow Siang HwaGlobal Sexplosion Rages OnFour thousand years ago, “... the LORDrained ... brimstone and fire ... out ofheaven; and ... overthrew those cities,and all the plain, and all the inhabitantsof the cities ...” (Genesis 19:24, 25). Thatput a stop to the sexplosion in Sodomand Gomorrah, and the men of Sodomwho had “ ... compassed the house ...both old and young, all the people fromevery quarter ...” – those Sodomiteswho had gathered for a “gang rape”(Genesis 19:4) which was not to be.Today, the gay movement has left theshores of the Dead Sea, and spreadin epidemic proportions to everycapital city of the globe. AnnualMardi Gras parades in San Francisco,New York and Sydney, and releasesthe gay and lesbian armies by theirthousands, demanding recognitionand rights. Everywhere, this unnaturalperversion of the physiologicalfunction proliferates like wild fire.But this is only the tip of the icebergof sexual liberalization which hasswept around the world in the lasthalf century. <strong>The</strong> relentless marchof urbanization and modernization,the crumbling of age old traditions ofmodesty and chastity, the supremacyof the Hollywood culture – aidedby the IT revolution, telephone andtelevision, internet, and the ease ofglobal communication and air travel– have culminated in the return ofthe days of Sodom and Lot, whichsound alarm bells for the initiated.God’s Word Said It,Plain and SimpleIn the midst of the ethical confusionand moral breakdown, comes oneclear siren warning from God’sWord: “Likewise also as it was in thedays of Lot; they did eat, they drank,they bought, they sold, they planted,they builded; but the same day thatLot went out of Sodom it rained fireand brimstone from heaven, anddestroyed them all. Even thus shallit be in the day when the Son ofman is revealed” (Luke 17:28-30).If the days of Lot are here, canthe Son of man be far behind?God’s patient tolerance is notwithout limit; neither is it a signof approval in weakness. Our Godis, “... longsuffering to us-ward, notwilling that any should perish, butthat all should come to repentance”(2 Peter 3:9). God never approves ofsin, and He never will. Sodomy wasan abomination four thousand yearsago. It is no different today, even ifthe majority vote for it. Truth andmorality do not come by popular vote.We are reminded that once upon a timeGod judged those arrogant sinners,“And turning the cities of Sodom andGomorrha into ashes condemned themwith an overthrow, making them anensample unto those that after shouldlive ungodly; and delivered just Lot,vexed with the filthy conversation ofthe wicked: (For that righteous man3

<strong>Signs</strong> of the <strong>End</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>dwelling among them, in seeing andhearing, vexed his righteous soul fromday to day with their unlawful deeds;)<strong>The</strong> Lord knoweth how to deliver thegodly out of temptations, and to reservethe unjust unto the day of judgmentto be punished” (2 Peter 2:6-9).God is patient, allowing sinnerstime to repent, but His judgmentwill come at last, for sure.What <strong>The</strong>n Must We Do?What does the Church of God say toall this? <strong>The</strong> mainline establishment ofChristendom had long ago capitulatedto the god of this world and becomethe citadel of unbridled illicit sexand the filth of the flesh. Only God’sremnant few, the “... seven thousandin Israel, all the knees which have notbowed unto Baal...” (1 Kings 19:18),remain faithful in <strong>Bible</strong>-believingchurches scattered here and therein isolated parts of the world.My question to the reader: Are youone of the seven thousand? Can yousay, like Elijah, “I have been veryjealous for the LORD God of hosts:because the children of Israel haveforsaken thy covenant, thrown downthine altars...” (1 Kings 19:14)?Today, like the children of Israel inElijah’s day, many in the churcheshave forsaken God’s covenant andthrown down His altars, and bowedtheir knees to the seduction of theflesh and the Baal of Hollywood.Foreseeing this, the Apostle John wrote,“Love not the world, neither the thingsthat are in the world. If any man lovethe world, the love of the Father is notin him. For all that is in the world,the lust of the flesh, and the lust ofthe eyes, and the pride of life, is notof the Father, but is of the world. Andthe world passeth away, and the lustthereof: but he that doeth the will ofGod abideth for ever” (1 John 2:15-17).What is the Remedy to thePresent Moral Decadence?“If my people, which are called by myname, shall humble themselves, andpray, and seek my face, and turn fromtheir wicked ways; then will I hear fromheaven, and will forgive their sin, andwill heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).God’s Word says it; again it is plainand simple. <strong>The</strong> prescription by thePhysician of souls is clear, but will thepatient accept it? Are you prepared tohumble yourself, and pray, and seek theLord, and turn from your wicked ways?<strong>The</strong> Lord patiently awaits our response,with promise of healing of our land.Warning signs are flashing: the Lord’sreturn draws near. Judgment is onthe way. “Return, my people, return!Forsake the filth of the world, the lustof the flesh and the lust of the eyes,and turn to the Lord of our salvationnow, before the trumpet sounds.”4

<strong>Signs</strong> of the <strong>End</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>Iniquity and Apostasy:<strong>End</strong> Time <strong>Signs</strong> from 2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 2:1-12Jeffrey Khoo<strong>The</strong> Lord Jesus Christ iscoming back real soon.<strong>The</strong> “mystery of iniquity”is already at work (2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians2:7). “<strong>The</strong> day of Christ is at hand”(2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 2:2). What musthappen before Christ returns?<strong>The</strong> Coming of the AntichristFrom 2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 2:1-12, wediscover that the Second Comingof Christ will be preceded by thecoming of the Antichrist. <strong>The</strong> word,“coming” (Greek: parousia), occurstwice in these twelve verses: the firsttime in verse 1: “the parousia of ourLord Jesus Christ,” and the second inverse 9 which talks about the parousiaof the Wicked one (cf. verse 8).Rebellion: God-rejectingApostasy (v. 3)Before Christ returns, there will be“a falling away first” (v. 3). <strong>The</strong> words,“falling away,” come from the Greekapostasia (literary to stand away from).It speaks of a rebellion against theStandard, the Truth, or the Law of God.Now, who are the rebels, and againstwhom or what are they rebelling? Jesusreveals who they are in Matthew 24:10-13, “And then shall many be offended,and shall betray one another, and shallhate one another. And many falseprophets shall rise, and shall deceivemany. And because iniquity shallabound, the love of many shall waxcold. But he that shall endure unto theend, the same shall be saved.” In otherwords, those who fall away are thosewho call themselves “Christians.” Byand large, the visible church in thelast days will forsake the Faith. <strong>The</strong>sepeople who profess to be Christianswere never regenerated in the firstplace. <strong>The</strong>y do not have true faith.Who are they? Well, they would bethose who say: “I believe that JesusChrist can bring me to heaven, but Ialso believe that I can get to heavenif I believe in other gods.” “I believein Jesus Christ, but he is only aman, not God.” “I am a Christian,but I am also homosexual.” Pauldescribes them in verse 10: “theyreceived not the love of the truth,that they might be saved;” and verse12: “who believed not the truth, buthad pleasure in unrighteousness.”Judgment: God-sentDelusion (v. 11)This apostasy begets judgment. God’swrath will be poured out. And sincethey stubbornly and repeatedlychoose to reject God’s Truth, Godgives them up (1) to uncleanness,(2) to vile affections, and (3) to areprobate mind (Romans 1:24-28).This is judicial hardening or blinding.Now, please understand that it isnot God that sends the lie. God isnot a liar, and does not deceive. Weunderstand this under the permissivewill of God—since they desire tobelieve in Satan’s lie, and be deceived,God allows them thus to be.5

<strong>Signs</strong> of the <strong>End</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong><strong>The</strong> end result will be condemnation(v. 12). <strong>The</strong>re will be a dividing of thesheep and the goats, the wheat andthe tares. Those who have not trulybelieved in the Lord will apostasiseand be condemned. True believerswill never be lost—God will keepthem to the very end. But let uscheck ourselves: Are we truly saved?Have we sincerely and truthfullybelieved in the Lord Jesus Christ?<strong>The</strong> Reign of Lawlessness (v. 7)<strong>The</strong> word, “lawless,” occurs threetimes here: in verse 3, we read ofthe man of sin or lawlessness; inverse 7, the mystery of iniquityor lawlessness; and in verse 8, theWicked or Lawless one. First, let usdeal with the person of lawlessness.Person of Lawlessness (v. 3)He is called, in verse 3, the man of sin,and in verse 8, the Wicked one. In verse3, he is also called the son of perdition.This same term was used in John 17:12of Judas Iscariot who betrayed theLord. From this, we see that the man ofsin is (1) an individual or a person, notan institution, a nation, a force or aninfluence; (2) like Judas—someone whoprofesses Christ but in all his deeds heundermines the Lord and works againstHim; i.e., he is an Apostate (with acapital A); and (3) in verse 4, he isdescribed as one who “opposeth” Christ.He is the Antichrist (i.e., Counter-Christ): he wants to take the place ofChrist, to usurp Him as Lord and King.He possesses the Satanic ambition to beGod Himself (cf. Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28).In verse 8, we are told that thisparticular Satanically-inspired personwill be revealed. This Antichrist willimitate the coming of Christ. Hewill probably identify himself as theChrist, the Messiah, the Saviour, anddeceive many. “You are looking foryour coming Saviour, I am he,” hewill say. That is why Jesus warnedus, “Take heed that no man deceiveyou. For many shall come in myname, saying, I am Christ; and shalldeceive many” (Matthew 24:4-5).How will the Antichrist capture theallegiance and adoration of the wholeworld? In verse 9, we are told that hiscoming is “after the working of Satanwith all power and signs and lyingwonders.” He will be empowered bySatan to perform deceptive miracles.I cannot help but think that today’sCharismatic miracle workers likeBenny Hinn with all their signsand wonders are preparing the falsechurch to receive this false Christ. Becareful, Christian, don’t be deceived.Know the truth and love the truththat you might be saved (v. 10).Jesus Christ will not return untilthe Antichrist is revealed.Principle of Lawlessness (v. 7)“I do not see the Antichrist to be hereyet. So I can still enjoy myself, dowhat I like, since Christ’s coming isnowhere near.” Paul warns those whothink in this way in verses 5-6. Donot be presumptuous, the Antichristcan appear at any time. For althoughthe person of lawlessness has not yetcome, the principle of lawlessness isalready at work (v. 7). In other words,this work of opposing Christ andHis Church is already going on. Forinstance, the <strong>The</strong>ssalonian Churchwas already undergoing persecutionsand tribulations (2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 1:4).1 John 2:18 tells us, “Little children, itis the last time: and as ye have heardthat antichrist shall come, even noware there many antichrists; whereby6

we know that it is the last time.” <strong>The</strong>reare many antichrists present in theworld today. Satan will spare no effortto destroy or corrupt the Word of God,to hinder the Church from preachingthe Gospel, to attack God’s servantsand His saints. So we must be everdiligent in preaching the Gospel, andever vigilant in defending the Faith.<strong>The</strong> RestrainerWhat prevents the Antichrist fromappearing right now is the work ofthe Restrainer. Verse 6, “And now yeknow what withholdeth that he mightbe revealed in his time,” and verse7b, “only he who now letteth will let,until he be taken out of the way.”Who or what is this Restrainer?It is difficult to identify who orwhat the Restrainer is. <strong>The</strong>re aremany views: the Law of God, theArchangel Michael, the Holy Spirit,etc. I do not have the answer.<strong>The</strong> popular view is that it is the HolySpirit. <strong>The</strong> Holy Spirit is presentlydoing this work of convicting theworld of sin, of righteousness, ofjudgment (John 16:8). He is not onlyactive in the Church, but also in theworld in restraining evil, from lettingevil run amok. Come to think of it,it is not just the Spirit, but also the<strong>Signs</strong> of the <strong>End</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>Rev. Dr. Tow Siang HwaSenior Pastor of CalvaryPandan B-P ChurchCalvary Pandan B-P ChurchSunday Worship at 10:15 am201 Pandan GardensSingapore 609337Website:www.calvarybp.comWord of God, and the Lord’s angels,etc. that are doing the restrainingwork. So it could be a combinationof these. So once the Lord withdrawsHis restraining hand, this sin-cursedworld will take its natural course, andwickedness will reach its height withthe Wicked one leading the way.Conclusion<strong>The</strong>re will be two comings: the comingof Christ, and the coming of theAntichrist. <strong>The</strong> Antichrist will firstcome before Christ returns. And whenChrist returns, He will destroy all Hisenemies by “the spirit of his mouth,”and “the brightness of his coming” (v. 8).For which coming are you waiting?Whose side are you on? Christ orAntichrist? May you be found onthe Lord’s side, for it is the winningside. Those who attack our PerfectGod and His Perfect Word todayare on the losing side. “And for thiscause God shall send them strongdelusion, that they should believe alie: that they all might be damnedwho believed not the truth, but hadpleasure in unrighteousness” (vv. 11-12).If you are still not a Christian, I pleadwith you, dear reader, to believe inJesus Christ, and you will be saved.Contributors of ArticlesRev. Dr. Jeffrey KhooAcademic Dean of FarEastern <strong>Bible</strong> CollegeTrue Life B-P ChurchPastor: Rev. Dr. Timothy TowSunday Worship at 10:30 amRELC Auditorium30 Orange Grove RoadSingapore 2583527

<strong>Signs</strong> of the <strong>End</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>Wars and Rumours of Wars:An <strong>End</strong> Time Sign Right Before Our EyesPeople oftenthink theworld isgoing to get betterwith the appointmentof new politiciansin governments orthe forming of neworganizations andcommittees for worldpeace. But the <strong>Bible</strong> isclear that in the endtimes, the world will befull of wars and rumoursof wars. <strong>The</strong>re will bebig wars, small wars,ethnic wars, and warsof all sorts. <strong>The</strong> world isgoing to see an escalatingviolence for Jesus said,“And ye shall hear of warsand rumours of wars: seethat ye be not troubled:for all these things mustcome to pass, but theend is not yet. For nationshall rise againstnation, and kingdomagainst kingdom”(Matthew 24:6-7a).terrorism. <strong>The</strong> preparation to thwart and to dealwith any such terrorist attack cannot go unnoticed;they are seen in the streets, in shopping centres, inentertainment facilities, in schools, etc. <strong>The</strong> enemyis hard to spot, yet the threat of massive destructionand death is all too plain. A vigilant government,police and military are so crucial for every country.World War I was often referred to as “<strong>The</strong> Warto <strong>End</strong> All Wars.” But, the years following 1918saw more wars than all the wars ever foughtbefore. How about the purported end of “the ColdWar” in 1989 that apparently brought an end tothe terrible nuclear stand-off between the twosuperpowers, U.S.A. and the former Soviet Union?We often hear grisly rumours about the threatsemerging out of the end of the Cold War. <strong>The</strong> ‘crumbs’falling off the nuclear ‘tables’ of the old Soviet Unionare being picked up by rouge states, arms tradersand terrorists. Alexander Lebed, the former Russiansecurity chief, alleged that some 80 atomic demolitionmunitions (ADMs) from the former Soviet arsenal,developed for the KGB in the 1970s, had vanishedsince the collapse of the Soviet Union. He made theseallegations, according to media reports, in a closedNowadays, the worldwakes up to rumoursand reports of warevery morning. Everynation on earth isfilled with fear of war.Even our tiny nation,Singapore, which hasalways been a peacefulnation, wakes up everyday to remindersof real threats of8

<strong>Signs</strong> of the <strong>End</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>door meeting with a U.S.congressional delegationin May 1997. Threemonths later, Lebedrepeated his charges inan interview with theCBS newsmagazine, 60Minutes. When Lebed’scharges were broadcast,top-ranking Russiandefence officials publiclydenied them. However,Lebed’s charges aboutmissing ADMs werebacked up by a formeradvisor to PresidentYeltsin, AlekseyYablokov. And addingmore fuel to the fire, thereare rumours everywherethat Osama bin Ladenhas acquired portablenuclear devices known as“nuclear suitcase bombs”through Chechnya.Rumours of wars!Aren’t we also awareof the threats ofbioterrorism? It is theuse or threatened use ofmicroorganisms or toxinsto produce disease and/ordeath in humans, animalsor plants. Bioterroristsundertake such actions tocreate fear and intimidategovernments and people.Bioterrorism is insidiousbecause biological agentsare hard to detect uponcovert release; they arenondiscriminate killers.Unlike conventionalweapons, bioweaponsare a relativelyinexpensive meansof eradicating peoplefrom an environmentwhile preserving structures. It is widely believedthat 15 or more nations have offensive bioweaponsprogrammes. With the collapse of the SovietUnion and the economic instability that ensued,the possibility exists that their research intoweaponizing bioagents has been sold to terrorists.<strong>The</strong> gravity of these reports can hardly be overstated.<strong>The</strong> implications of having such weaponry in thehands of terrorists can be perilous. We can be surethat all governments around the world are carefullymonitoring the movements of all such arms trades.But it is impossible, as the <strong>Bible</strong> warns us, for anyone to put a stop to the escalating terror of war.Since the Al-Qaeda’s attack on the twin towersof America on 11 th September 2001, big and smallwars have been flaring up everywhere. Immediatelyafter the war began in Afghanistan to destroy theTaliban and Al-Qaeda, there were terrorist attacksin Pakistan, India, the Philippines, Indonesia,Thailand, Spain, Sudan, Kenya and many othernations. Just a couple of years ago, by the grace ofGod, the vigilant government of Singapore thwarteda deadly plot by the JI terrorists in Singapore.Flashes of the fearsome war waged against Iraq’styrant ruler, Saddam Hussein, who had killedthousands of people in Iraq, continue to play on theminds of many people. In that war, thousands losttheir lives. Did the capture of Saddam Hussein endall the conflicts in Iraq? Now, the U.S. and alliesare fighting other forces in the same land. Whenwill it all end? How many more new wars andterrorist attacks will this Iraq conflict set ablaze?If we take seriously the recent history of wars aspart of the fulfilment of Biblical end time prophecy,we can expect more small and big wars to come.<strong>The</strong> International Red Cross estimated that in the20 th century, more than 100 million people were killedin wars. Thus, we can be very sure this 21 st centurywill see a lot more deaths in war than the pastcenturies. Every nation on earth is facing the threatsof intra-national and international warfare. Considerthe following compilation of the current “major”and “minor” wars, though some of them appear tobe dormant. This list is by no means exhaustive.9

Algerian Civil WarBurundi Civil War:<strong>The</strong> Tutsi-dominatedgovernment is fightingHutu rebels, who useCongo as their base.Chad-Central AfricanRepublic Border ConflictCongolese War in Congo:This is a regional war.Estimates put the numberof dead in this war atover one million, mostlycivilians. Congolese rebels,backed by Rwanda, Uganda<strong>Signs</strong> of the <strong>End</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>Major and Minor Wars Currently Fought Around the WorldWars in Asia:Afghan War: Part ofAmerica’s worldwidewar on terrorism.Burma (Myanmar) CivilWar: <strong>The</strong> longest andvery complex civil war.China-Japan Conflict:Japan’s suspicion ofChina that it is secretlyplanning for an attackon Japan, exacerbatedby recent intrusion ofChina’s nuclear submarineinto Japan’s waters.India’s Conflicts: (i)Kashmir Conflict, (ii)Hindu-Muslim SectarianViolence, which claimedthousands of lives, (iii)Ethnic Conflicts: NagaRebellion, Mizo Rebellion,Tripura Rebellion,Assam Rebellion,etc., and (iv) NaxaliteGuerrilla War in thestates of Andhra Pradesh,Maharashtra, Orissaand Madhya Pradesh.Indonesia’s Conflicts: (i)West Papua Rebellion, (ii)Aceh Rebellion, (iii) AmbonEthnic Violence, and (iv)Sulawesi Sectarian Violence.Nepal Civil War: Maoistguerrillas seek to overthrowthe Nepal monarchy.North Korean Conflicts:North Korea’s nuclearthreats against SouthKorea, Japan and theirallies. Currently, theworld is nervouslywatching North Korea.Philippines Conflicts: (i)Muslim rebellion in thesouthern Philippines ledby the Abu Sayyaf Group,Wars in Africa:and Burundi, seek theoverthrow of PresidentKabila who is supportedby the armies of Angola,Zimbabwe and Namibia.Ivory Coast Civil WarLiberian Civil WarNamibia’s Caprivi UprisingOromo Rebellionin EthiopiaRwandan Civil War:Before losing power, theHutu rulers and theirwhich is linked to Osamabin Laden’s Al-Qaeda,and (ii) New People’sArmy Rebellion: <strong>The</strong>Communist New People’sArmy (along with the rivalAlex Boncayao Brigade[ABB]) is attempting tooverthrow the Philippinegovernment and installa Marxist regime.Sri Lankan Civil War:Sri Lanka’s civil war isdue to problems betweenthe Tamil minority andthe Sinhalese majority.Over 70,000 deaths haveresulted from this war.Thailand Government’sConflict with theMuslims in the SouthTaiwan-China Conflictmilitia massacred overhalf a million people.<strong>The</strong> Hutus now conducta guerrilla war.Sudanese Civil War:According to recent U.S.government analysis,this war has becomegenocide. <strong>The</strong> U.N. reportsthat 50,000 people havealready died in Darfur.Somali Civil WarUgandan Civil War10

<strong>Signs</strong> of the <strong>End</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>Colombian Civil War:Marxist guerrillasbegan a Cuban-inspiredinsurgency in the 1960s,which is now strengthenedby their de facto alliancewith narcotics-producingcrime cartels.U.S.A.’s World War AgainstTerrorism: <strong>Of</strong>ficiallybeginning 7 th October 2001,this American-led crusadeBasque Separatist’s(ETA) Revolt in SpainChechnyean War (Russia)Wars in the Americas:against Al-Qaeda thus farinvolves: the campaignagainst Al-Qaeda and theTaliban in Afghanistan, thesearch by U.S. and Pakistaniforces for Al-Qaedafighters in Pakistan, thedeployment of U.S. specialforces to aid governmentforces in the Philippinesto battle the Abu Sayyafguerrillas on the southernPhilippine island ofWars in Europe:Northern Ireland’sConflict: A very longseries of conflicts betweenthe Catholic terroristBamiyan, the deploymentof U.S. special forces toYemen to train and aidgovernment forces dealingwith rural tribes possiblyallies of Al-Qaeda, and thedeployment of U.S. specialforces to the Republic ofGeorgia to train and aidgovernment forces againstrebels. Other unannouncedmilitary, paramilitaryand covert missions.group known as IRA anda Protestant majorityloyal to London.Al-Aqsa Intifada: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.Iranian Mujahadeen KhalqGuerrilla War: After theIranian Revolution in 1979toppled the government ofthe Shah, the MujahadeenKhalq soon began a bloodyguerrilla war against thenew Islamic government.<strong>The</strong> Mujahadeen arecurrently based in Iraqand conduct cross-borderraids into Iran, as wellas conducting urbanPeace efforts are all overthe world, to bring an endto conflicts and rumoursof wars. In the process ofresolving wars, enormousnumber of personnel andWars in the Middle-East:guerrilla operations inthe cities and conductingpolitical assassinations.Iran’s Nuclear Programme:Perceived by the U.S. andothers as a nuclear weapondevelopment programme;and thus creating a highrisk political situation thatcan explode into a war.Israel and Syria in Lebanon:On 10 th January 2003,Israeli troops shot andkilled one Syrian soldierand captured anotherin an apparent attemptby the Syrian soldiersto infiltrate across theborder into the IsraelioccupiedGolan Heights.Iraq-Coalition Conflict:Presently, U.S. army is onthe offensive against theinsurgents in Fallujah.Kurdish rebellion inIraq and TurkeyMammoth Expenses for Peacekeepinghuge amount of moneyare sacrificed. To help usto understand the kind ofeffort and expenses, wewill look at the UnitedNations’ peace efforts,which cost them billionsof dollars and thousandsof people. Considerthis information fromthe U.N.’s website:11

<strong>Signs</strong> of the <strong>End</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>PersonnelMilitary personnel and civilian police serving inpeacekeeping operations on 30 th September 2004Countries contributing military personnel andcivilian police on 30 th September 200462,289102International civilian personnel on 30 th September 2004 3,896Local civilian personnel on 30 th September 2004 7,228Total number of fatalities in peacekeepingoperations since 1948 as of 30 th September 2004Financial AspectsApproved budgets for the period from1 st July 2004 to 30 th June 2005Estimated total cost of operationsfrom 1948 to 30 th June 2004Outstanding contributions topeacekeeping on 30 th September 20041,846About$2.96 billionAbout$31.54 billionAbout$2.65 billionEven with such relentless peace efforts made by the U.N. and other organizations,all sorts of conflicts, violence and wars are increasingly becoming unstoppable.Is it not a wake-up call to all of us to realise that the Lord’s propheciesof the end time signs are coming to pass? As media reports on wars andterrorism become all too common, there is a tendency not to pay heed tothem. Nonetheless, we must not become spiritually lethargic and be unawareof the Lord’s impending return. Be prepared. Our Lord is coming soon.Contributors of ArticlesRev. Prabhudas Koshy (Editor)Pastor of Gethsemane B-P ChurchGethsemane B-P ChurchSunday Worship at 9:30 am10 Eunos Road 8, #05-31Singapore Post CentreSingapore 408600Website:www.gethsemanebpc.comDr. Vincent ChiaA medical doctor by profession,and a member of Gethsemane B-P Church.Preacher Tan Kian SingBerean B-P ChurchBerean B-P ChurchSunday Worship at 10:30 am4 Mount Emily RoadSingapore 228484Mailing Address:Block 130, #10-1347Bedok Reservoir RoadSingapore 470130Website:www.bereanbpc.com12

In 1 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians, the ApostlePaul comforted the persecutedand afflicted <strong>The</strong>ssalonianChristians by reminding them ofthe hope of the return of Christ. Heencouraged them to be prepared at alltimes, for the Lord Jesus Christ couldreturn at any moment. But some inthe church had misinterpreted andmisapplied Paul’s proclamation thatChrist could come at any moment.<strong>The</strong>y became lazy and disorderlyin the church with the excuse ofwaiting for Christ’s return.<strong>Signs</strong> of the <strong>End</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>Challenges To Christian Living:An <strong>End</strong> Time PerspectiveToday, more than 2,000 years later,we see that Christ’s return is evennearer. But it would be wrong ifwe take advantage of the Lord’simminent appearance as an excusefor idle waiting and doing nothingbut just gazing heavenward.<strong>The</strong> Word of God has given us manychallenges on how we should livein the light of Christ’s return.Firstly, let us hold fast to our faithand forsake not the gathering withother fellow saints. <strong>The</strong> writer ofHebrews 10:23-25 exhorts, “Let ushold fast the profession of our faithwithout wavering; (for he is faithfulthat promised;) and let us considerone another to provoke unto loveand to good works: not forsaking theassembling of ourselves together, asthe manner of some is; but exhortingone another: and so much the more,as ye see the day approaching.” Areyou holding fast your faith? If youdo, you will be able to say on that daylike the Apostle Paul in Philippians2:16 – “Holding forth the word of life;that I may rejoice in the day of Christ,that I have not run in vain, neitherTan Kian Singlaboured in vain.” Let every Christianbear the testimony of Paul in Titus 1:9– “Holding fast the faithful word as hehath been taught, that he may be ableby sound doctrine both to exhort andto convince the gainsayers.” {gainsayer:one who speaks against something orsomeone}. In 1 Timothy 4:1, Paul warns,“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, thatin the latter times some shall departfrom the faith, giving heed to seducingspirits, and doctrines of devils.”Let us therefore take heed of God’sWord that we may not fail to standfirm on our faith: 1 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians5:21 – “Prove all things; hold fast thatwhich is good.” 2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 2:15– “<strong>The</strong>refore, brethren, stand fast,and hold the traditions which ye havebeen taught, whether by word, or ourepistle.” 2 Timothy 1:13 – “Hold fast theform of sound words, which thou hastheard of me, in faith and love whichis in Christ Jesus.” Jude 3 – “Beloved,when I gave all diligence to writeunto you of the common salvation,it was needful for me to write untoyou, and exhort you that ye shouldearnestly contend for the faith whichwas once delivered unto the saints.”Till the Lord comes again, this is whatHe wants us to do: to hold fast ourfaith in Him (Revelation 2:25 – “Butthat which ye have already hold fast tillI come.” Revelation 3:3 – “Remembertherefore how thou hast received andheard, and hold fast, and repent. Iftherefore thou shalt not watch, I willcome on thee as a thief, and thou shaltnot know what hour I will come uponthee.” Revelation 3:11 – “Behold, I comequickly: hold that fast which thouhast, that no man take thy crown.”).13

<strong>Signs</strong> of the <strong>End</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>But how are you to hold fast your faithunless you gather together to buildup one another? Let us be challengedto attend all the church activitiesregularly. We need to come together asoften as we can so that we can exhortone another in the faith and in doinggood works (Hebrews 3:13 – “But exhortone another daily, while it is calledTo day; lest any of you be hardenedthrough the deceitfulness of sin.”).Secondly, we are also to observe theLord’s Supper with the Lord’s returnin mind (1 Corinthians 11:26 – “For asoften as ye eat this bread, and drink thiscup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till hecome.”). Do you miss the Lord’s Supperregularly? Note that each time you misspartaking the Holy Communion, youviolate the commandments to assembleourselves together, to remember theLord’s death in saving us, and totestify the Lord’s coming again.A third challenge is to be patient aswe wait for the Lord’s return (James5:7-8 – “Be patient therefore, brethren,unto the coming of the Lord. Behold,the husbandman waiteth for theprecious fruit of the earth, and hathlong patience for it, until he receive theearly and latter rain. Be ye also patient;stablish your hearts: for the coming ofthe Lord draweth nigh.”). James furtherexhorts in James 5:10-11 – “Take,my brethren, the prophets, who havespoken in the name of the Lord, for anexample of suffering affliction, and ofpatience. Behold, we count them happywhich endure. Ye have heard of thepatience of Job, and have seen the end ofthe Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful,and of tender mercy.” Poor righteousJob, though he suffered much, heendured and held fast to his faith in theLord (Job 27:6 – “My righteousness Ihold fast, and will not let it go: my heartshall not reproach me so long as I live.”).Fourthly, we need to live separated lives.<strong>The</strong> Apostle John admonishes in hisepistle, 1 John 3:2-3, “Beloved, now arewe the sons of God, and it doth not yetappear what we shall be: but we knowthat, when he shall appear, we shallbe like him; for we shall see him as heis. And every man that hath this hopein him purifieth himself, even as he ispure.” John further instructs in 1 John2:28 – “And now, little children, abidein him; that, when he shall appear,we may have confidence, and not beashamed before him at his coming.”Fifthly, let us be concerned withheaven. <strong>The</strong> Apostle Paul writes: “If yethen be risen with Christ, seek thosethings which are above, where Christsitteth on the right hand of God. Setyour affection on things above, not onthings on the earth. For ye are dead,and your life is hid with Christ inGod. When Christ, who is our life,shall appear, then shall ye also appearwith him in glory” (Colossians 3:1-4).Sixthly, Christians are to preach theWord and win souls as they wait andwatch for the Lord’s return. <strong>The</strong> chargeis in 2 Timothy 4:1-2: “I charge theetherefore before God, and the LordJesus Christ, who shall judge the quickand the dead at his appearing and hiskingdom; preach the word; be instantin season, out of season; reprove,rebuke, exhort with all longsufferingand doctrine.” Jude admonishes inJude 21-23 – “Keep yourselves in thelove of God, looking for the mercy ofour Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.And of some have compassion, makinga difference: and others save with fear,pulling them out of the fire; hatingeven the garment spotted by the flesh.”Indeed, we need to keep working whilewatching and waiting for the Lord’sreturn. Being prepared for Christ’scoming again is to be occupied tillHe comes. We need to build up oneanother in the faith and to spread theGospel. Let us live responsibly for theLord until the day He returns, and weshall appear with Him blameless.14

Jesus repeatedly tells us that terrorand fear will grip the hearts ofthe people in the days that leadto the end of the world. “But when yeshall hear of wars and commotions, be notterrified: for these things must first cometo pass; but the end is not by and by. <strong>The</strong>nsaid he unto them, Nation shall rise againstnation, and kingdom against kingdom:and great earthquakes shall be in diversplaces, and famines, and pestilences; andfearful sights and great signs shall therebe from heaven” (Luke 21:9-11). He alsosaid, “Men’s hearts failing them for fear,and for looking after those things whichare coming on the earth: for the powersof heaven shall be shaken” (Luke 21:26).A former U.S. President, F.D. Roosevelt, inan address to Congress in 1941, said thatone of our essential human freedoms is thefreedom from fear. Since then, much is saidand done to get fear out of human minds.Though this is a good and just cause, it is anutter impossibility. <strong>The</strong> events of our timesonly aggravate the sense of fear in humanhearts. Whether it be terrorism, or wars,or pestilences, or natural calamities, peopleeverywhere live in fear. Just as Jesus said,“Men’s hearts are failing them for fear.”<strong>The</strong> root cause of troubles and fears is sinand rebellion against God. As long as sinincreases, there is no hope for calm andtranquillity. <strong>The</strong> Lord God Almighty says,“<strong>The</strong> wicked are like the troubled sea,when it cannot rest, whose waters cast upmire and dirt. <strong>The</strong>re is no peace, saith myGod, to the wicked” (Isaiah 57:20-21).No man can fully free himself from fearuntil he is “born again” through faith inthe Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Prince ofPeace, and He alone will be responsible forpeace on earth. Man is absolutely unableto rid the world of fear, as evidenced bythe long history of wars and rumoursof wars that have permeated the globeto this day. According to the unfailingBiblical prophecy, this world is not<strong>Signs</strong> of the <strong>End</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>Fearful Days:An <strong>End</strong> Time Experienceheading towards a man-made utopia,but towards the Great Tribulation, thetime of greatest suffering the earth hasever known (cf. Revelation 6:15-17).<strong>Of</strong> all the hundreds of things that menfear, perhaps the greatest is the “fear ofdeath” (cf. Hebrews 2:15). Anyone whohas never been saved by the grace ofGod and washed in the blood of Christhas every reason to fear death, to die inhis sins. “It is a fearful thing to fall intothe hands of the living God” (Hebrews10:31, cf. 9:27). Death is not the endfor man. God’s Word says that afterdeath, each of us will forever be eitherin the torment and punishment of hell,or in the joyful bliss of heaven (Luke12:4-5; John 14:1-3). At the moment ofphysical death, one’s eternal destiny isforever sealed. <strong>The</strong> greatest fear anyonecould ever have is an eternity in hell.Jesus died on Calvary’s cross for oursins, bearing all the judgment that wedeserved. Now, He offers salvationto everyone who will confess hissins to God, and trust Christ ashis Saviour, believing that He diedfor him. You cannot be free fromfear until all your sins are forgiven.Believe on Christ “in Whom we haveredemption through His blood, eventhe forgiveness of sins” (Ephesians 1:7).Once we are cleansed of our sins and aredelivered from eternal damnation, wecan be sure that the Lord will be withus, even in death. Jesus also assures us,“Fear not; I am the first and the last: Iam He that liveth, and was dead; and,behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen;and have the keys of hell and of death”(Revelation 1:17-18). If, at anytime youfeel afraid, as the terrors of the end timeincrease, pray to the Lord for His peace.He promises, ““My peace I give untoyou: not as the world giveth, give I untoyou. Let not your heart be troubled,neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).15

If evolution is true, there mustbe a viable mechanism forit to occur. Neo-Darwinistsalleged that natural selection andrandom mutations could turn a fishinto a philosopher. <strong>The</strong>y claimedthat millions of years of accumulatedmutations, via natural selection,produced the myriad of livingorganisms we see today. My objective inthis brief treatise is to refute that claim.Youth’s Page, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>Neo-Darwinism:Is there a Mechanism for Macroevolution?<strong>The</strong> Importance of Defining “Species”In biology, allliving organismsare classifiedaccording to astandard namingsystem knownas taxonomy.Taxonomyenables biologiststo classify livingthings intodifferent levels:kingdom, phylum,class, order, family,genus, and species.For the purposeof our currentdiscussion, we willaccept “species” asthe lowest level ofthe classificationsystem (althoughwe realisethat certain species are classifiedfurther into sub-species). As anexample, humans are classified intothe order of Primates, the family ofHominidae, the genus of Homo, andVincent Chiathe species of sapiens. <strong>The</strong>refore,we are called Homo sapiens.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> teaches that God made allliving creatures according to theircreated “kinds”. Two similar kinds ofanimals can “bring forth” (Genesis1:24), that is, reproduce. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> doesnot specify any further what a “kind”of animal is. Although a horse and adonkey are two different species, theycan reproduce and generate offsprings.According to the <strong>Bible</strong>, the horse anddonkey belong to the same “kind”.It is important forus to note that acreated “kind” isnot the same asthe term, “species,”used in scientificdiscussions. It canbe inferred fromScripture that a“kind” is probablyat the level of“genus” or higher insecular taxonomy.Since taxonomyis a man-madesystem of biologicalclassification,it does notreflect biblicaldescriptions.Moreover, themeaning of “species” varies amongbiologists. A finalised definition of“species” does not exist. <strong>The</strong> generallyaccepted definition of species is “areproductively isolated community16

Youth’s Page, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>occupying a specific niche in nature”.To compound the problem further,the science of taxonomy is based uponarbitrary criteria. <strong>The</strong> definition ofGlossaryArchosaurs: Archosaurs (meaning“ruling lizard”) were reptiles thatdominated the Mesozoic Era. <strong>The</strong>yincluded the crocodilians, pterosaurs,thecodonts, dinosaurs and allegedly,birds.Enzymes: Complex proteins that areproduced by living cells and catalyzespecific biochemical reactions at bodytemperatures.Mutation: Changes in the molecularnature of DNA. Mutations may ormay not result in measurable changesin an organism’s outward appearanceor functioning.Natural selection: <strong>The</strong> driving forcebehind change in organisms. Onlythe organisms best suited for theenvironment and for competition formates will reproduce, leaving theirgenetic material to persist.Neo-Darwinism: <strong>The</strong> belief that allplants and animals are descendedfrom a common ancestor throughnatural selection and mutations.Taxonomy: <strong>The</strong> science of systematicclassification of animals andplants according to their presumedrelationship. Organisms are classifiedinto their respective Kingdom,Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus,and Species.<strong>The</strong>ropod: <strong>The</strong>ropods were fastmoving, bipedal carnivores (meateaters)with grasping hands andclawed digits. <strong>The</strong>ropods lived fromthe mid-Triassic period until theend of the Cretaceous period (on theevolutionary time-scale). <strong>The</strong>ropodmeans “beast-footed”. <strong>The</strong> term,theropod, was first used in 1881.species can change according to thewhims and fancies of the academia.In this article, the term, “species,”is used as it is found in many ofthe scientific literature, and notas a synonym for the creative“kind” found in the <strong>Bible</strong>.Evolution, Microevolution,and Genetic VariationBefore we can rebut the evolutionists,we must recognise their definition ofthe word, “evolution”. <strong>The</strong> standardbiology textbook will try to convincecredulous readers that the variousspecies of finches on the GalapagosIslands are evidence for “evolution”.However, the numerous speciesof finches only demonstrate theprocess of speciation. It does notprove that humans come from ahairy, arboreal, ape-like creature.Speciation does occur in nature. Aspecies can gradually “evolve” intoanother species. In this sense of theword, “evolution” is tenable. Butthe Neo-Darwinist does not believe“evolution” to mean only speciation,or simply, changes in an existingspecies. <strong>The</strong> biblical apologist mustremember that for the evolutionist,the word, “evolution,” has a mélangeof radically different meanings.<strong>The</strong> first meaning of evolution is“microevolution”. Genetic variationproducing a physical change inorganisms at or below the specieslevel is known as “microevolution”.Common knowledge tells us thatorganisms within a species can varyin physical appearances. For example,individuals belonging to the speciesHomo sapiens have different heightand skin colour. This is due to minorgenetic differences between them.17

Youth’s Page, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>Nevertheless, a Caucasian, a Eurasianand a Chinese are all humans, belongingto the same species called Homo sapiens.Sometimes genetic variation in aspecies can result in speciation. In everyobserved case, that newly “evolved”organism belongs to the same genusor “kind” of the original species. Forexample, variation in beak shapeand size produces different species offinches. Nevertheless, a finch is still afinch. Again, there are various speciesof rabbits with different coats andcolours. Some of these rabbits are notinterfertile, but they are obviouslyrabbits. To derive the hypothesis ofmolecules-to-man evolution fromsuch observations is unjustifiable.True evolution would require thetransformation of an organism beyondthe level of order, class and phylum.Limitations of Genetic Variationand MacroevolutionGenetic variations do occur, but thereare limitations to such variations.Mutation and natural selection canresult in the recombination of preexistinggenetic information. However,these natural processes do not createnew genetic information. It is newgenetic information that is requiredto produce a new kind of animal.What evolutionists are tryingdesperately to defend is“macroevolution”, the secondmeaning to the word, “evolution”.Macroevolution is the change of onekind of animal into another kind. Inpractice, this usually implies changesabove the genus and family level. Forexample, evolutionists believe thatsome theropod dinosaurs evolvedinto birds. In fact, paleontologistsconsider birds as specialised archosaurs.For macroevolution to occur, theremust be sequential, cumulativeaddition of new and beneficial geneticinformation through mutations.But mutations cannot add any newinformation to the genetic code.Neo-Darwinists regard macroevolutionas simply the accumulation of microevolutionarychanges. Despite thelack of empirical evidence, Neo-Darwinists believe that a bacteriumcan change into a ballerina. <strong>The</strong>justification of macroevolutionfrom observed micro-evolutionarychanges is presumptuous at best.Information <strong>The</strong>ory: <strong>The</strong> Achillesheel of Neo-Darwinism<strong>The</strong> key to extirpating the theoryof Neo-Darwinism is the theory ofinformation. When we write a letterto a friend, or make a phone call, weput our thoughts into writing andphonated words. <strong>The</strong> informationcontained is transmitted throughpaper, ink, and telecommunicationequipment. <strong>The</strong> elusive entity calledinformation is obviously not thepaper, ink or telephone wirings.Information is immaterial, yet itrequires matter for its transmission.This is true whether the message isin Turkish, Tamil or Tagalog. <strong>The</strong>medium on which information travelscan change, without the informationhaving to change. Our voices compressair molecules in sound waves. Electronstravel along telephone wirings. Nomatter what medium is used, themedium itself is not the information.This ethereal substance calledinformation is the key to understandingwhat delineates life from non-livingmatter. It is the Achilles heel of allnaturalistic explanations of life,which say that life is nothing more18

than matter obeying the physicallaws of nature. <strong>The</strong> organisation ofinorganic matter into life necessitatesvast amount of information. <strong>The</strong>human body requires an immenseamount of instructions for thebuilding of various organs. Thatinformation is contained withinmicroscopic molecules calleddeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).Each human DNA molecule ismade up of 3 billion subunits callednucleotides. <strong>The</strong>se nucleotidescan be likened to letters ofthe alphabet. <strong>The</strong> nucleotides aresubsequently arranged into messagescalled genes. Each gene containsmeaningful instructions for life, suchas the blueprint for the human eye.In the absence of certain enzymes,the DNA molecule cannot replicateitself. It requires complex biochemicalmachinery for copying and subsequentgene expression. In turn, the array ofbiochemical pathways involved requirespre-existing genetic information forits production. This logically leadsto a chicken-and-egg problem.<strong>The</strong> DNA molecule per se is not themessage itself. It is simply the carrier ofthe intended message. Unless the letters(nucleotides) of DNA are arranged ina specific order, the DNA moleculecannot code for any usable message.<strong>The</strong> evolutionist cannot explain theorigin of information by the randomarrangement of biological molecules.Dr. Werner Gitt, a specialist ininformation theory, has studied thephenomenon of information in greatdetail. He notes that information isa feature of all living things, and thatinformation never arises without anintelligent source. Dr. Gitt believesthat the laws about information arealso the best evidence for creation, asYouth’s Page, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>the DNA of all living things containsinformation to reproduce life. Nonlivingmatter in nature has no suchcode. <strong>The</strong>refore, the information toproduce life is not available to them.“For by him were all thingscreated, that are in heaven, andthat are in earth, visible andinvisible, . . . all things werecreated by him, and for him:”Colossians 1:16<strong>The</strong>re can be no code and noinformation without an intelligentsource of this information”, he says.“As the theory of evolution has noultimate aim, it does not explainthe purposeful details which weobserve in living systems.”In his book, Not By Chance: Shatteringthe Modern <strong>The</strong>ory of Evolution,biophysicist and information theoristDr. Lee Spetner points out thatmutations never add information,but only reduce it. This includes eventhe rare helpful mutations. He alsopoints out that natural selectionis insufficient to accumulate slightgenetic advantages. It would be tooweak to overcome the effects ofchance; mutants would generally beeliminated in the natural world.Since the origin of information requiresintelligence, and mutation is unableto increase genetic information, thetheory of Neo-Darwinism is fatallyflawed. It is decidedly impossible tocreate new genetic information viarandom mutation and natural selection.Consequently, no feasible mechanismfor macroevolution exists. <strong>The</strong> demiseof Neo-Darwinism is inevitable. Letno man reject the truth of the <strong>Bible</strong> forsome fallible, man-made theory. It istime for man to repent of their pride,and give glory to our Creator God.19

Youth’s Page, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>Believers’ ThanksgivingAs we approach theend of year 2004,let us not forgetto be a thankful people. “It isa good thing to give thanksunto the LORD, and to singpraises unto thy name, Omost High” (Psalm 92:1).Let us take time to rememberHis goodness towards us andpraise Him for all the merciesHe has showered on us. Toencourage all God’s peopleto engage in thanksgivingto God, I have written thefollowing exhortation.Every thanksgiving psalm inthe Scripture is a heartfeltresponse to God’s goodnessto His servants. <strong>The</strong>y are notthe songs of the ungodly, butthe praises of His saints. Forexample, Psalm 92 was writtento be sung in the worship ofGod by His people. It urgesbelievers to give thanks toGod. Thanksgiving is believers’unique and indispensable duty.<strong>The</strong> Lord takes no pleasure inthe praises of the unbelieving.Even if the ungodly sings a songof praise, he does not genuinelygive thanks to God. I havenoticed that on ThanksgivingDay, many gather not toglorify the Lord but to gloryin their wealth, pleasuresand vain imaginations oftheir lustful hearts. <strong>The</strong>yfeast together and then rise up to dance.<strong>The</strong> feasting that does not glorify the Lordwill only lead to greater wickedness.Thanksgiving must beginwith repentance and faithIf we give thanks with impenitent hearts, it willnot please the Lord. Isaiah, the prophet, warnedagainst praising or worshipping God without arepentant and cleansed heart. “Bring no morevain oblations; incense is an abomination untome; the new moons and sabbaths, the callingof assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity,even the solemn meeting. Your new moons andyour appointed feasts my soul hateth: they area trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.And when ye spread forth your hands, I willhide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye makemany prayers, I will not hear: your handsare full of blood. Wash you, make you clean;put away the evil of your doings from beforemine eyes; cease to do evil” (Isaiah 1:13-16).When we think of God’s mercy, we musthumble ourselves and repent of our sins. Ratherthan engaging in merry-making that is fleshlyand sinful, we should go down on our kneesand repent of the great evil of using God-givenopportunities and talents for sinful activities.<strong>The</strong> child of God gives thanks when helooks to the cross of Jesus Christ andfinds forgiveness for his many sins. Ourthanksgiving must therefore begin at thecross of Christ Jesus. It is only through thecross of the Lord Jesus Christ that we findforgiveness of our sins and true happiness.<strong>The</strong> greatest reason for thanksgiving of thechild of God is the knowledge and experienceof the salvation of God. <strong>The</strong> greatest gift of20

Youth’s Page, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>God to us is the gift of HisSon, Jesus Christ, and thegift of the forgiveness of sinand righteousness in Him.He took my sins away,He took my sins away,And keeps mesinging ev’ry day!I’m so gladHe took my sins away,He took my sins away.Thanksgiving isabout acknowledgingthe Lord’s greatnessand goodnessAt the year end, we arethankful not only for oursalvation and sanctification,but also for the many materialblessings that the Lord hasgiven to us. <strong>The</strong> Scripturereminds us, “But thou shaltremember the LORD thyGod: for it is he that giveththee power to get wealth”(Deuteronomy 8:18).All the glory for all thingsbelongs to Him alone. Withoutsuch acknowledgment, allof man’s thanksgiving isabominable unto God. <strong>The</strong>Lord is the One who blesses usand He is to be worshipped.If we ever exalt our effortsabove the mercies of the Lord,we will be robbing God ofHis glory. Let us therefore bequick to attribute glory to theLord. He is the Creator of heaven and earthand all that they contain. He is the owner ofthe whole universe. He is the God of providencewho rules over all. He is the source of all goodthings. He gives life and breath to all livingcreatures. In Him we live, and move, and haveour being. Man has nothing of himself; evenevery breath that man takes is a gift of God.As we receive all things from this God, weare under solemn obligation to give Himthanks and to worship Him as our God, andto serve Him with all that He has given us.Thanksgiving begins with a voluntary, joyful,zealous acknowledgment of this God. It is, firstof all, recognising the greatness of this God.Secondly, it is living our lives in obedienceto this God. Thanksgiving is a life of serviceunto this God. A man who pretends to givethanks even to the one and only true Godand who does not acknowledge and servethis God in his daily life is a hypocrite.Our thanksgiving to God must never end withthanksgiving for material things. This wouldbe an insult to God. God has given to His electchildren a far greater blessing. In His sovereigngrace and mercy, God has given us the blessingsof salvation. <strong>The</strong>se blessings are of far greatervalue than all the riches of this world. <strong>The</strong>Christian is one who understands this. For thisreason, even the poverty-stricken child of Godcan and does give thanks to the Lord. “Althoughthe fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruitbe in the vines; the labour of the olive shallfail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flockshall be cut off from the fold, and there shallbe no herd in the stalls: yet I will rejoice in theLORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation”(Habakkuk 3:17, 18). Is this also our confession?It is good to give thanks unto the Lord becausethanksgiving causes the child of God to considerdeeply the wonderful works of the LORD. <strong>The</strong>more we consider the greatness and goodnessof the LORD, the more we learn to love Him,to rely upon Him, and to glorify Him.21

Children’s Page, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong><strong>Bible</strong> Trivia - Genesis 5 & 6fill in the blanks with letters of the correctanswers from the words below:1. Seth was born when Adam was _____ years old.2. Adam lived _____ years before he died.3. _____was Seth’s son.4. Seth was _____ years old when he died.5. All the days of Enoch was _____ years.6. _____ walked with God until he was taken up by God.7. _____ lived 969 years, and he was the man who lived the longest.8. Shem, Ham and Japheth were sons of _____.9. Noah made the ark with _____ wood.10. <strong>The</strong> ark’s length was _____ cubits, breadth _____ cubits, and height_____ cubits.11. <strong>The</strong> ark had _____ stories.12. _____ of every kind of living thing on earth would come to the ark.a. 930 b. Enos c. 365 d. 130 e. 912f. Enoch g. Noah h. gopher i. Methuselah j. 30k. 50 l. 300 m.2 n. 3Answers to Vol. 4, Issue 4 - <strong>Bible</strong> Trivia from Genesis 4.Pg. 22 - 1. (c); 2.(a); 3. (b); 4. (b); 5. (a); 6. (b); 7. (b); 8. (c); 9. (b); 10. (a).Pg. 23 - 1. Cain; 2. Enoch; 3. Lamech; 4. Jabal; 5. Jubal; 6. Tubalcain; 7. Seth; 8. Enos.22

Children’s Page, <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>Word Search - Genesis 5 & 6true or false1. _____ Genesis 5 records the earliest generations of mankind.2. _____ God created man and woman on the same day.3. _____ Adam had a son called “Seth”.4. _____ Noah was given his name because “he shall comfort”.5. _____ <strong>The</strong> sons of God took wives from the daughters of menaccording to their choice.6. _____ <strong>The</strong> Lord said, “My Spirit shall not always strive with man”.7. _____ In those days, there was little wickedness on the earth.8. _____ <strong>The</strong> Lord was happy in those days that He made man on theearth.9. _____ Noah did not need God’s grace.10. _____ Noah was unwilling to make the ark according to God’scommand.11. _____ God said that He will destroy the whole earth and the livingthings in it with the flood.12. _____ God asked Noah to bring food into the ark for his family andall the animals.23

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