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<strong>MUNICIPAL</strong> <strong>CORPORATION</strong> <strong>JALANDHAR</strong>TENDER DOCUMENT FORPROVIDING THE SERVICE OF FITTER COOLIEE/MASSON HELPER(UNSKILLED) ANDMASSON(SKILLED) ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS FORMAINTENANCE OF WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGESYSTEM IN THE <strong>JALANDHAR</strong> CITYThe Tender Document can also be directly downloaded from MCJ’s website(www.mcjalandhar.in). The bidder should submit the cost of the tender form, i.e.Rs.500/- by way of demand draft only of nationalized/scheduled bank drawn in favour ofCommissioner, Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar payable at Jalandhar else the tender will besummarily rejected.No editing/addition/deletion of matter (in tender document) is permitted. If such action isobserved at any stage, such tenders are liable for rejection outright and decision of theMunicipal Corporation shall be final and binding on the tenderer.Er. A.S.DhaliwalS.E ( O&M)

MUNCIPAL <strong>CORPORATION</strong> <strong>JALANDHAR</strong>TENDER DOCUMENT FORPROVIDING MANPOWER ON OUTSOURCING BASISCost of Tender Document: Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only)Deposited Vide DD No._________________Date: _____________________Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): Rs. 1, 37,000- (Rupees One Lac thirtyseven thousand only)Last date & time for submission of Tenders:(Tender Document to be dropped in the Box kept in office of Mayor, MunicipalCorporation, Jalandhar or sent by post so as to reach the Municipal Corporation, Jalandharby 3.00 p.m. on 2 5 . 1 1 . 2 0 1 0 No Tender Document will be accepted after the dateand time given above.Date & Time of opening the Qualifying Bids: *Mayor officeMunicipal Corporation, Jalandhar at 3.30 p.m. on 25.11.10* The representative(s) of the Agencies are invited to attend the opening of QualifyingBids.The Agencies whose tenders on the basis of Qualifying Bids are found eligible foropening the Financial Bids, will be informed about the date of opening of Financial Bids.


Chapter – 1INVITATION OF THE BIDSCOPE OF THE WORK:PROVIDING MANPOWER ON OUTSOURCING BASISDETAILS OF THE BIDi) Issue of tender documents : Between 09.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.from 11.10.10 to 24.11. 2010 onworkingdays (Monday to Friday)ii) Last date and time of receipt of bid : 3.00 p.m. on 25.11. 2010iii) Date and time of opening of Qualifying Bid : 3.30 p.m. on 25.11.2010(Agencies may depute their representativeto be present at the time of opening ofQualifying Bids)iv) Place of submitting and opening : Mayor Officeof Qualifying bidsMunicipal CorporationJalandharBIDDING PROCEDUREThe prescribed tender documents consisting of (i) Qualifying Bid along with DemandDraft for Rs.1,37,000/- favouring Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar,towards EMD and (ii) Financial Bid, sealed separately in two different envelopes,superscribing “Qualifying Bid” and “Financial Bid”, as the case may be, and placed ina big single envelop, duly sealed, superscribing “Bid for PROVIDINGMANPOWER ON OUTSOURCING BASIS” may be dropped in the box kept in Officeof Mayor 1st floor Dr. Ambedkar Administrative Complex, Municipal Corporation,Jalandhar by 3.00 p.m. on 25.11.2010.The demand draft of Rs.1,37,000/- towards EMD should be attached with theQualifying Bid only. DD for Rs.500 towards cost of Tender Document, ifdownloaded from website should also be attached with Qualifying Bid only.

Chapter - 3TERMS & CONDITIONS1. The Agency will be required to provide required manpower to the MunicipalCorporation with the qualifications/experience, etc. as given in Annexure – Iattached with the tender form. The tentative number of personnel required (allcombined) is 38-4=42, which may increase/decrease as per the requirement.2. The personnel provided will be required to perform duties as assigned to them by theWater Supply and sewerage department of Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar.3. Any undue delay in providing/replacing the requisite manpower will beconsidered as breach of contract and will be dealt with accordingly. In casemanpower is not provided/ replaced within a period of two days, an amount ofRs.500 per day per vacancy will be deducted from the amount payable to theAgency.4. The Agency shall not assign transfer, pledge or sub contract the performance ofservices without the prior written consent of the Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar.5. The personnel shall be available for work on all office days (Monday to Saturday)from 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM. However, depending upon the exigencies of work, thepersonnel may be required to work late beyond office hours or on closed holidays.6. The contractual personnel will need to be paid at the rate specified by the MunicipalCorporation, Jalandhar in Chapter-5 (Financial Bid) which at any future date should notbecome less than the rates notified under Minimum Wages Act.7. The Agency’s personnel shall not claim any benefit/compensation/absorption/regularisation of services with the Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar under provisions ofIndustrial Dispute Act, 1947 or Contract Labour (Regulation & Absorption) Act, 1970.Undertaking from the personnel to this effect will be required to be submitted by theAgency to the Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar.8. The Agency shall ensure proper conduct of their personnel in office premises.9. Such persons provided by the Agency shall be the employees of the Agency and it shallbe the duty of the Agency to pay their salary every month. There will be no Master andServant relationship between the employees of the Agency and the MunicipalCorporation, Jalandhar.10. The Agency shall submit pre-receipted bill, in duplicate, on the first day of nextmonth.

11. The Agency will be required to furnish an Indemnity Bond as per proformaattached.12. Payment for each month shall be released on submission of the followingdocuments for the preceding month :a) Details of disbursement made to each personnel indicating the amount ofremuneration paid, amount deducted on account of statutory deductions suchas ESI, EPF, etc.b) Proof of payment (challans) of statutory obligations such as EPF/ESI, etc.towards remittance of statutory dues with a certified list of contributorsagainst the challan with description of employees and employer’scontribution and administrative charges.13. Statutory deductions, such as TDS, etc. shall be made from the payments to be made.14. Initially, the Agency will be entrusted the contract for a period of one year,extendable on mutually agreed terms and conditions.15. The Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar reserves the rights to award the work in full or inparts to any agency and also terminate the contract at any stage if the performance ofthe Agency is not found to be satisfactory.16. The Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar also reserves the right to terminate the contractwith a notice of 30 days to the Agency without assigning any reason. The Agencyawarded the contract, if so desire, can terminate the contract by giving 3 (three)months’ notice.17. The bidder will be required to deposit Earnest Money of Rs.1,37,000/- (Rupees One LacThirty Seven thousand only) in the form of Demand Draft / Pay Order drawn infavour of Commissioner Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar payable at Jalandhar alongwith the bid. This amount will not accrue any interest. The bid security shall bereturned to the unsuccessful bidders after the Notification of Award. The bids notaccompanied with earnest money of Rs.1,37,000 shall be summarily rejected.18. The demand draft for Rs.500 towards cost of Tender Document, if downloaded fromwebsite should also be attached with Qualifying Bid only. The tender without costof tender document will be rejected.19. In case the bidder to whom contract is awarded backs out, the EMD of Rs.1,37,000 ofthe Agency shall be forfeited.21. In the event of the services of the Agency not being found satisfactory, theEarnest Money shall be forfeited.22. The Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar shall not be liable to any loss, damage, theft,burglary or robbery of any personal belonging, equipment or vehicles of the personnelof the Agency. Further, the Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar shall also not beresponsible for any mishap during the course of duty or any liability on that account.

23. In case of any loss, theft, sabotage, etc. caused by or attributable to any of thepersonnel deployed by the Agency, the Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar shall havethe right to claim damages from the Agency.24. The bids must contain the information as required in the format prescribed(Chapter - 4). The bids which do not contain the information as desired and are notsupported by necessary documents will not be considered for evaluation.25. The rates are to be quoted in the prescribed format (Chapter - 5).26. Overwriting or erasing in the bid documents shall render the same invalid. Ifunavoidable, all cuttings/overwritings should be attested by the authorisedsignatory.27. In case of any difference in figures and words, the amount whichever is lower wouldprevail.28. The bids shall be valid for a period of not less than 120 days after the deadline forsubmission of bids.29. No request of the Agency for revision of rate will be entertained during thecurrency of the contract.30. The Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar reserves the right to reject any or all tenderswithout assigning any reason and the decision of the Municipal Corporation, Jalandharshall be final and binding.31. All unresolved disputes shall be subject to jurisdiction of Jalandhar Courts.

Chapter - 41. Name of the Agency along withAddress & Tel. No, Fax No.,emailQUALIFYING BID2. Name and Designation of thecontact person3. i) Registration No.ii)iii)iv)Sales Tax CC/VAT No.Experience CertificateLitigation YES / NOv) 15 digit Service TaxCodevi)vii)Service Tax Regn. No.EPF Registration No.viii) ESI Registration No.4. Details of manpower(category-wise)(total strength, qualification,length of average service)(Use separate sheet, if required)

5. Name of the Banker withAddress, Tel. No. and name ofthe contact personDeclarationI/We hereby certify that the information furnished above is full and correct to thebest of my/our knowledge. I/We understand that in case any deviation is found in theabove statement at any stage, the company will be blacklisted and appropriate action willbe taken against the company.(Signature of authorised signatory)with sealName:Designation:Checklist for enclosures:(i) Photocopies of documents mentioned at sl.no.3(ii) No litigation declaration(iii) Satisfactory service certificate from previous/present customers if any(iv) DD for Rs.1,37,000 as EMD.(v) DD for Rs.500 towards cost of tender if downloaded from website(vi) List of previous/existing clients(vii) Proof of rendering satisfactory services

Chapter - 5FINANCIAL BIDName, Address and Tel. No.of the companyPersonnel provided to be paid at the following rates which, at any future date,should not become less than the rates notified under Minimum Wages ActFitter cooliee/Mason Helper : Rs.3,398/-MasonRs.6,007/-For any other requirement, the rates will be informed at the time of requirementTypes of Charges to be claimed by theAgencyService Charges (It should be quoted as%age of the total emoluments payableper month in respect of manpowersupplied)Service TaxAny other charges (details to be given)If no details are specified the amount willbe treated as nil.(Signature with stamp)

Chapter – 6CONTRACT FORMThis AGREEMENT made the ___________day of ______________, 2010___ betweenMunicipal Corporation, Jalandhar and M/s. _____________________ , address_________________________ (hereinafter called the Agency). WHEREAS the MunicipalCorporation, Jalandhar is desirous to engage the Agency for providing manpower onservice outsourcing basis and the Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar has accepted abid by the Agency for the sum of _________________(Contract price in wordsand figures, hereinafter called the Contract Price)Now this agreement witnesses as follows:1. In this agreement words and expressions shall have the same meaning as arerespectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to.2. The following documents shall deem to form and be read and construed as partof this Agreement viz:(a) Complete Tender Document(b) The Agency’s notification of award.3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Municipal Corporation,Jalandhar to the Agency, the Agency hereby covenants with the Municipal Corporation,Jalandhar to provide the services in conformity in all respects with the provisions of theContract.4. The Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar covenants to pay the Agency inconsideration of the services, the Contract Price or such other sum as may becomepayable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed bythe Contract.In witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed.For and on behalf ofMunicipal Corporation, JalandharFor and behalf of Agency

Indemnity BondWe, ………………….., having a registeredoffice at ……………………………, have entered into a contractwith <strong>MUNICIPAL</strong> CORPROATION, <strong>JALANDHAR</strong>, having office at……………………………., vide contract dated …………………., toprovide manpower on outsourcing basis at <strong>MUNICIPAL</strong> CORPROATION,<strong>JALANDHAR</strong> situated at Jalandhar.We do hereby indemnify and keep harmless, <strong>MUNICIPAL</strong> CORPROATION,<strong>JALANDHAR</strong>, at all times, whether during the continuation of the aforesaid contractand at any time thereafter, in respect of any claim, demand, compensation, liability,penalty, fines, interests, suits etc. of whatsoever nature made, all actions and proceedingstaken against the Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar by any party, employee(s), orworkman/woman provided by us, on account of any delay, default, lapse, error, or omissionon our part, or of rules and regulations, as may be applicable under the said contract fromtime to time.We further undertake to indemnify and keep harmless, <strong>MUNICIPAL</strong>CORPROATION, <strong>JALANDHAR</strong> against any claim/compensation arising out of any nonpaymentor short payment of salaries, wages, overtime, or compensation by whatevername called and compensation and claims arising on account of any accident, injury,death, etc. during the course of their engagement by us for the purpose of this contract,or non-fulfillment of any obligation under any of the labour laws as applicable to theclass of workers/employees engaged by us for the purpose of this contract.We further declare and agree that this Indemnity Bond is an unconditional andirrevocable undertaking by us and is not restrictive in any manner.Signature of theauthorised person with seal

Annexure - IThe tentative requirement of manpower, responsibilities of manpower to beengaged by MCJ during the period of the contract shall be as under :Sl. Category of Educational Qualifications ResponsibilitiesNo. Manpower1. Fitter Cooliee/ Experience in working with water Responsible forMasson helper(unskilled)supply line.Digging the pits forrepair of water supplyline and giving thehelping hand to themason.2. Mason (skilled) Having good experience in mason Responsibly for doingworkingmasonry workrequired for watersupply and sewerage inthe zonal offices to theentire satisfaction ofEngineer incharge

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