Climate change research at the Met Office Hadley Centre - JULES

Climate change research at the Met Office Hadley Centre - JULES Climate change research at the Met Office Hadley Centre - JULES


Natural and Managed Resources andEcosystems, and Their Uses3. Freshwater resources4. Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems- (R Betts one of Lead Authors)5. Coastal ecosystems and low-lying areas6. Ocean ecosystems7. Food systems and food security© Crown copyright Met Office

Human settlements, industry andinfrastructure8. Urban Areas9. Rural Areas10. Key economic sectors and services© Crown copyright Met Office

N<strong>at</strong>ural and Managed Resources andEcosystems, and Their Uses3. Freshw<strong>at</strong>er resources4. Terrestrial and freshw<strong>at</strong>er ecosystems- (R Betts one of Lead Authors)5. Coastal ecosystems and low-lying areas6. Ocean ecosystems7. Food systems and food security© Crown copyright <strong>Met</strong> <strong>Office</strong>

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