Climate change research at the Met Office Hadley Centre - JULES

Climate change research at the Met Office Hadley Centre - JULES Climate change research at the Met Office Hadley Centre - JULES


2 major climate policy activitiesrequiring robust input from climatescience and related fields• International: United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)• UK: Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA)© Crown copyright Met Office

United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)• Primary aim is to “avoid dangerous climate change”• Therefore need to know what “dangerous climatechange” actually is• Emerging issue is facilitating adaptation to committedclimate change in developing countries• Therefore need to assess climate risks, hazards andvulnerabilities at regional scales, in context of otherstresses• Main source of underpinning science advice to UNFCCCis Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)• Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) currently being written –due out 2013-2014 (3 phases)© Crown copyright Met Office

2 major clim<strong>at</strong>e policy activitiesrequiring robust input from clim<strong>at</strong>escience and rel<strong>at</strong>ed fields• Intern<strong>at</strong>ional: United N<strong>at</strong>ions FrameworkConvention on <strong>Clim<strong>at</strong>e</strong> Change (UNFCCC)• UK: <strong>Clim<strong>at</strong>e</strong> Change Risk Assessment (CCRA)© Crown copyright <strong>Met</strong> <strong>Office</strong>

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