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Mind Chatter #163 (August, 2006) (PDF) - Centerpoint Research ...


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Create the Exact Life you want continued...tional experience you’ve ever had, I’ll immediately refundyour entire tuition.In other words, you have nothing to lose but whateverways you have been automatically creating what you don’twant in life.I will warn you, though. These LPIP courses are notyour typical pablum-filled feel-good seminars where youfeel high at the end but realize three weeks later that littleif anything really changed.If you take these three courses, EVERYTHING willchange—and, for the better.Your life will be transformed. You will have all thetools you need to be in direct control of your life—yourfeelings, your internal state, your external results, yourbehavior.And, you will gain a huge insight into who you reallyare, why you’re here, and what life is all about.Plus you’ll learn, step-bystep,the exact strategies,internal and external, used bythe most successful people inthe world to get anything theywant. And, I’ll show you howto make sure you use them andmake them work for you.And, as I said, if you don’tget what you want from thesecourses, for any reason, youcan get a refund. I’m taking allthe risk, other than your timeinvestment in actually doingthe lessons.If you’re not serious about changing your life, if youaren’t willing to do what it takes to operate at the highestlevel and really be happy, peaceful, and successful ALLTHE TIME, this isn’t for you.But if you’re serious, if you’re sincere, these three courseswill utterly and completely change your life.Here’s a huge and very unique benefit you’ll get fromthese LPIP online courses:In addition to everything else, all LPIP course participantsget unlimited email access to me for any questionsthey have about course content. I answer every one ofthese emails personally—no staff members are involved—and some of my answers, when necessary, are sometimesthree, five, even seven pages long.I put everything into this course, because I really, sincerelywant you to get everything I’m promising.You can read more abouteach course and what itincludes, and even listen toa free preview lesson, justby visiting the URL below:http://www.centerpointe.com/life/previewYou though, have a part in the success of these courses—in fact, a big part. I don’t wave a magic wand over you andchange you into a happy, peaceful, successful person incomplete control of his or her life.I JUST TELL YOU HOW TO DO IT,AND GIVE YOU AN EASY WAY TO MAKE THECHANGE.Because I have such a huge personal time investment inanswering all your questions, I want to make one thingvery clear, though. Please DO NOT take these courses unlessyou’re willing to do your part. I do not have the timeto waste on those who aren’t sincere and aren’t willing topay the price to create the internal changes they want.But if you ARE sincere, and you really do want tochange your life, I want to show you how to do it, and Iwill take you, step by step, through everything you needto know.You CAN create an entirelynew life for yourself, regardlessof your past or presentcircumstances.You can read more abouteach course and what itincludes, and even listen toa free preview lesson, just byvisiting http://www.centerpointe.com/life/preview.So please, go listen to thefree preview lesson, and if youreally are ready to change yourlife, enroll in this amazingcourses risk-free.I look forward to having you in these courses andshowing you that the possibilities for what your life canbe really are limitless...regardless of your present or pastcircumstances.Just visit http://www.centerpointe.com/life/preview tolisten to the free preview lesson and to take advantage ofthe old low price before we’re forced to raise it onJune 1st.Be well,Bill Harris, Director.6 MINDCHATTER <strong>August</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

Feature ArticleDREAM ONOR, WHERE’S MY SURPRISE BUTTON?BY BILL HARRIS, DIRECTORIn the last few issues of <strong>Mind</strong> <strong>Chatter</strong>, I’vesuggested that the common-sense idea of aseparate you, a separate Self isolated from therest of the universe, is an illusion created byyour mind. What’s more, I’ve also proposedthat there are, in reality, no separate things ofany kind, nor are there any separate events. Thatit looks that way to most people is the resultof a certain way of thinking.In fact, I’m proposing that the entire universe isreally one big interconnected system (you mightremember my metaphor of a whirlpool from previousarticles) and that any divisions, any categories, anyseparation of any kind, are created mentally. Suchdivisions, however, do not exist in reality. They arementally imposed upon reality, and come from youand your way of thinking.Don’t get me wrong. I’m not against the idea ofdividing the universe into separate things and events.Not at all. There are many handy benefits to doing so.What I’m against is the belief that these separate thingsand events are intrinsically real.In other words, I’m suggesting that all separatethings and events are something we make up. Andthen except for a few remarkable individuals who haveseen through the game we forget that we’ve done so.We create a division (again, in our mind) between two“things” the United States and Canada, for instance.We represent that division by referring to “the border”between them as if there was something there otherthan an imaginary line.Trust me on this. I’ve been there. I looked for it.There is no line.In fact, all divisions are just like the border betweenMINDCHATTER <strong>August</strong> <strong>2006</strong>7

Dream On continued...the US and Canada. Such divisions are sometimes auseful way to think about things, but still, they aremerely conceptual.I demonstrated this with a number of examples,which you can go back and reexamine in the lastcouple of issues, if you like.The biggest division, however, the biggest separationat least from a human perspective is that of “me” and“not me” of imagining that we are something otherthan the entire process of the universe. When youthink this way, you open yourself to many unpleasantconsequences, including the fear that some “outsideof you” will harm you, craving for something you“don’t have,” sufferingover not gettingsomething you want,and the biggie, fearof death. In fact, allnegative emotions areconsequences of thismade up feeling ofbeing separate.In contrast to theidea of separation, Iintroduced the ideathat you actually arethe entire universe thatyou are an aperture,or center, from whichthe universe can be aware of itself. If this is true, if youreally are the going on of it all, then you are what somepeople call God.We also talked about the mystery of nothingnessthat lies behind ourselves, and everything else. Youcould liken this nothingness to the blank space behindthe eyes, or the silence out of which sounds come, orthe space out of which stars shine. This nothingnessis often spoken of as God in Eastern religions, or inthe mystical wing of Western religions. According toEastern religions, that emptiness is your Self, which,again, is another way of saying that you are God.In our culture, saying this is considered as beingeither blasphemous, or insane. It’s blasphemousbecause in our culture we see God as the RoyalMonarch of the Universe the big boss. When someonein the West says “I am God,” this “God is the boss of“The idea that time is linearis a deeply held idea that we reallydon’t even think of questioning, butlet’s look at the circular view andsee what we can learn from it.everything” view causes us to think they’re saying thatthey are that boss, and that they are above everyoneelse.We see it that way, however, because we don’tshare the outlook of the Hindus, Buddhists, andTaoists (and, really, the mystical branches of nearlyevery religion), that everything rocks, trees, animals,people, planets, stars, and everything else is all God indisguise, and that everything is a center, an expression,of the whole thing.In the West we’ve not only thought of God as theboss, but also as the maker of the universe. If theuniverse was made, then that maker must be outsideof the universe, andseparate from it. In theEast, however, Godisn’t seen as the maker,or as an outside agent,but rather as the actorof the universe. Theworld is rather seenas a drama, with God”playing all the parts atonce.As the greatphilosopher and authorAlan Watts was fondof pointing out, this isconnected to the ideaof each of us as persons. The word person comes fromthe Greek word persona, the megaphone mask wornby an actor in Greek and Roman drama. Your persona,then, is the mask you wear, the role you adopt. But bya curious degradation of terms, this word persona hascome to be thought of as the real person, rather thanas the mask each person hides behind.This Eastern conception of the world as a dramais entirely different, and, as you’ll see, makes a lot ofsense. When the Hindus say that you are God, theydon’t mean that you’re the boss of the universe, butrather that you are the ground of being, the one energyof everything.Now, if you’ll remember, in my last article, afterdescribing the idea of Oneness (and, hopefully,convincing you that Oneness is much more real thanthe conceptually created separation you’ve always8 MINDCHATTER <strong>August</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

Dream On continued...thought of as reality), I promised I would answer theBig Why Question, which could be stated in a numberof ways:Why does all of this happen?Why do we think we’re separate in the first place?If being under the illusion of separateness createssuffering, then why do we resist waking up to who wereally are?And what about evil?What, indeed, is all of this all about?So, let’s do a little thought experiment. Before westart, though, let me state that I’m not putting thisforward as a scientific explanation of reality, but ratheras a metaphor that may help you understand theanswers to these questions.So pretend that when you went to sleep each nightyou were given the power to dream any dream youwanted while you were asleep. You could dream anylength of time, and experience anything you wanted.You could even dream an entire lifetime in one night.IF YOU HAD THAT ABILITY,WHAT WOULD YOU DO?Well, here’s what I think you’d do. You’d probablystart by dreaming of all the things you’ve alwayswanted: incredible riches, the most luxurioussurrounding, the most sumptuous food, the mostromantic love affairs, the best sex, the greatest amountof personal power, the highest level of personal abilitiesand talents, and so on. You’d indulge in every pleasureyou could think of.You might do this, night after night, for severalweeks, or even several months. But eventually, you’dget to the point where you’d done everything andexperienced everything that you’d ever wanted to do,several times. And finally, at some point, you’d beginto run out of ideas.YOU MIGHT EVEN BEGIN TO GET BORED.You might, then, decide to spice things up abit. You might throw in a bit of danger. You’d haveexciting adventures where you’d deal with challengingsituations. You’d fight battles, climb mountains,rescue princesses (or princes) in distress, discover newcountries, explore unknown territories. In variousways you would encounter and overcome all kinds ofobstacles.And finally, just to make things more interesting,you might even get to the point where you’d decideone night to dream in such a way that you didn’teven know you were dreaming. Then, to make it reallyinteresting, you’d put yourself in some very interestingand sometimes dangerous situations just for thecharge it would give you when you finally woke up.And, eventually, you might dare yourself to dreamincreasingly challenging situations, such as extremepoverty, disease, agony, and war.And then, when morning came, you’d finally wakeup and say “Wow! That was really something!”So stop right now, and consider this: how do youknow that’s not what you’re doing already? There youare, with you’re whole messy life situation and allyour complicated problems, sitting there reading this.Maybe this is the very drama you decided to dream thistime.AND, IF YOU LIKE IT, GREAT, BUT IFYOU DON’T, WHAT A SURPRISE WHAT A“WOW” IT WILL BE, WHEN YOU WAKE UP.Look at it in a slightly different way. When we goto the movies, or to a play, we know it’s an illusion.We know it’s only a play, we know it’s pretend. Butthe actors are doing their best to draw us in so thatwe become totally absorbed and forget that it’s anillusion. They’re hoping to have us on the edge of ourseats, laughing, crying, grieving, anxious, horrified, orwhatever.In the back of our mind, we know it isn’t real, butto enjoy the play we voluntarily enter into a bit of selfdeception.Not only are the actors doing their best toget us to lose ourselves in the drama, we also want tobe taken in.So, imagine a situation in which you have, on onehand, the best of all possible actors (God), hoping todraw in the audience so that they forget that it’s all justa play. Then, on the other hand, also imagine the bestof all possible audiences (again, God), just hoping tobe taken in by the show.What if this metaphor represents what the world isMINDCHATTER <strong>August</strong> <strong>2006</strong>9

Dream On continued...really all about? What if, in reality, we are all the manymasks that the basic mind of the universe assumes,creating this drama of life, death, happiness, andsuffering and, everything else the one energy of theuniverse, playing many, many different parts.Let’s link this back to the idea of being able todream any dream. Why would the one energy of theuniverse do such a thing? Why would it play all ofthese parts some of which involve quite a bit of painand suffering?Well, it’s obvious, if you really think about it. Ifyou were God, and you knew everything, and werein control of everything if you were everything,everywhere, forever, as I suggested in past articles you’dbe bored to death.As Alan Watts used to say, a life where you kneweverything and always knew what would happennext would be like making love to a plastic woman.Everything would be predictable, completely known,with no surprises. Who wants that? (I know, you’reconsidering the idea.)Let’s look at it from still another metaphorical angle.The object of our technology is to increasingly controlthe world, so we can push a button and get whateverwe want, not unlike the idea of rubbing Aladdin’slamp and the Genie appears to grant our wishes. Buteventually, just as with the dreams, after some time ofhaving the Genie fulfill all your wishes, you’d finallyget to the point where you’d say “Genie, surprise me.”In one of his public talks, Alan Watts asks theaudience to imagine God in the Court of Heaven,turning to his Vizier, and saying “Oh, Commander ofthe Faithful, we are bored.” The Vizier answers, “Butsurely with your infinite power and wisdom you canfind something interesting to do, some way of notbeing bored.” And God, tired of knowing everything,would answer, “Oh Vizier, please give us a surprise.”Resting in Oneness, knowing everything, havingeverything, knowing eternally that there is nowhereto go, nothing to get, and nothing to fear has its goodpoints, but at a certain point it just might get a bitboring. At such a point, being surprised would have acertain appeal, don’t you think?In order to be surprised, though, you have to “other”yourself. There has to be some element, some otherbeing, or some part of the situation, that isn’t underyour control. In other words, you have to put yourselfin the same position as the audience who wants to besurprised, even though they know the play isn’t real.So let’s say that sometime in the future we finallydo get to the point where we have a button foreverything, something we can push to fulfill everydesire. Supposed that everything finally is under ourcontrol. Would we not want one additional button,the “surprise” button? Otherwise, life would be toopredictable. It would have no juice, no zest. Dealingwith the surprises of life is ultimately what makes lifeworth living.Now, just to be safe, we might want our surprisebutton to have a time limit: “surprise for 15 minutes.”“surprise for an hour, a day, a year, a hundred years.”Then, when the surprise has run its course, we’d beback in control. We’d catch our breath, and then, aftera while, we’d want to push the surprise button again.You can see that there is a rhythm to this, andthat it’s one more variation on the on/off rhythmthat I described earlier. In addition, this metaphorcorresponds to the way, in the East, that Hindus seeevolution and the course of time.In contrast to the Western view, where time is linear,Hindus see time as being circular. Instead of beginningsomewhere “way back when” with a big bang, andthen going along in a straight line until everythingends in the final judgment (after which things arepretty much static), the Hindus see time as goingaround and around, always coming back to the sameplace.The idea that time is linear is a deeply held idea thatwe really don’t even think of questioning, but let’s lookat the circular view and see what we can learn from it.In the Hindu view, time and the world goes roundand round, like a clock goes round and round, alwayscoming around, eventually, to the same place. Theserounds are calculated in what the Hindus call kalpas,each of which lasts for 4,320,000 years. (You’ll readilysee that the Hindus got the length of these timeperiods all wrong, but again, I’m not offering this asliteral or scientific fact, but rather as a different way ofthinking about things.)In Hindu thought, there are two kinds of kalpas,and these two endlessly alternate. The first is call theManvantara, during which the world as we know it10 MINDCHATTER <strong>August</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

Dream On continued...is manifested. The Manvantara is followed anotherperiod, also a kalpa in length, called Pralaya, duringwhich the world is not manifested, and God is justresting in Oneness.These are The Days and Nights of Brahma, the HinduGodhead. You could call them the “on/off” vibrationof the universe. During the Manvantara, the periodwhen the world is manifested, Brahma is asleep,dreaming that he is all of us, the multiplicity of thingsand beings, and everything else that’s going on just aswhen you were dreaming all those dreams we spokeof earlier. Then, during the Pralaya, which is Brahma’sday, he’s awake, and knows himself for what he/she/itreally is. And then, once again, the surprise button ispushed, and it all goes around again.And, just as we would at first dream the mostpleasant dreams, but then get tired of that andbegin to add adventures and challenges, the Hindusthink of the Manvantara (during which the world ismanifested) as being divided into four periods. Thefirst is the longest, the second a bit shorter, the thirdshorter still, and the last the shortest of all.These periods dividing each kalpa are called yugas,and they’re named after the throws in the Hindu gameof dice, of which there are four: the throw of four, thethrow of three, the throw of two, and the throw ofone. The throw of four is the best throw, like our six,and the throw of one is the worst.The first throw, the first yuga, is called Krita Yuga.Krita means “done,” as in “well done” and this isthe period where everything is perfect, The GoldenAge. When this period is over, we get Treta Yuga, thethrow of three, which is slightly shorter in durationthan Krita Yuga. In Treta Yuga something isn’t quiteright. The element of adventure, of surprise, begins toappear. It’s like a three legged stool is less secure thana four legged stool you have just a bit more chance oftipping over, of losing your balance.Then, finally, comes Vapara Yuga, the throw of two,which is still shorter. In this period, good and bad,pleasure and pain, are evenly balanced. Then, finally,we get to Kali Yuga, the worst throw, the throw of one,and the shortest of the four yugas. This is the periodwhere the negative, the painful, the evil principledominates.Finally, at the end of Kali Yuga so goes the myththe universe is destroyed. Shiva, the destroyer whichsounds ominous, but Shiva is actually the destroyerof the illusion of separation does a dance called theTandava. Fire and lightning come from his everypore, and in this moment of cosmic death the entireuniverse is destroyed. This destruction, however, is thewaking up of Brahma to who he/she/it really is.This myth elegantly demonstrates the role of evilin life, and does so in a much more sensible, morerational, more compassionate way than the WesternJudeo-Christian view. If you look at the universe as wedo in the West, where the Supreme Being has createdeverything for his pleasure, and then allows all of Hiscreatures to undergo suffering and torment cancer,poverty, concentration camps, torture, disease, death,and so on, not to mention all the emotional painhumans experience how can this possibly be justifiedunder a system where a God created it?Or, worse, perhaps no one created it, and it’s allmeaningless, and there’s nothing to do but give up.But what if this isn’t it at all? What if it isn’t a systemwhere God created us and then shows off his justiceby rewarding some and punishing others? What if it’sa system where God is playing all the parts, where allthe roles, all the feelings, are all being played by God?What if God is the victim and the victor, the good andthe evil and all of it is done for the surprise of it, forthe adventure of it? What if, just for the fun of it, Godplays hide and seek with Himself, by pretending to beseparate, pretending to not be eternally safe, eternallypowerful?And remember: if you don’t like the dream you’redreaming, you can always wake up.What would that be like? Next time, then, we’ll talkabout waking up, and what that might be all about.Be well.BillMINDCHATTER <strong>August</strong> <strong>2006</strong>11

Glowing TestimonialsI felt it was high time I contacted you to let you knowhow I was going. Over the last 10 years I have struggledconstantly with an overwhelming compulsion togamble on the pokies. I have constantly been jugglingmy finances to get me through from one pay to thenext and have put myself more and more into debt byincreasing credit card limits etc. Two years ago I wasput on anti depressants to try to get some control in mylife but found that after a short while I was back in therut—and now dependant on anti depressants to boot!!On top of this I have tried hypnotherapy, been to apsychologist, joined in Gambler’s Anonymous sessions,seen a counsellor, engaged the help of family andfriends, cut up all my cards, refinanced my loan andstill I got nowhere—I couldn’t walk around with morethan $10 in my purse because I knew that I would bedrawn into one of the many venues that I frequented.Needless to say, having disclosed this addiction to myfriends and family and yet failing to succeed in all theattempts to stop, my depression was getting worse andworse and I was lying to everyone, including myself!Then my life changed. Whilst home for Christmasmy mother asked me to read your introductory packand listen to the CD, wanting my opinion on whethershe should join. She had recently learned to meditatebut was finding it difficult to get to where she needed tobe. I knew the minute I started reading this that I hadto give it a try for myself!I have been on the program now for 7 weeks and amstaggered at the results. I have absolutely no desire togamble—I can walk past my usual haunts and not evennotice the signs. I can even walk around with money inmy purse and not feel compelled to spend it in any way.I feel totally liberated. I set my alarm for 5.30am so thatI can fit this very important part of my life in. Even myhusband has noticed the change in me. I am better ableto deal with the stress of my new job and have set upsystems to manage my workload better and to ensurethat nothing falls through the cracks.I can’t wait to progress to my first custom madelevel. All I can say is THANKYOU, THANKYOU,THANKYOU.I am thrilled with the process. I always feel so goodafter listening to the CD’s. I relax into them [themeditations], for the most part. Sometimes my musclestwitch and I want to do other things, but I keep ongoing. I work 2 hours from home, so by the time Iget home, have dinner, and get some laundry done,I’m pooped. I’ll put my headphones on and manytimes fall asleep during the process. It doesn’t seem tohurt anything, and I wake up feeling charged up andready to go. Believe me, when you drive 4 hours aday, getting up at 4 am and feeling bright eyed is a rareexperience! Lately, I’ve amazed myself with the way Ican wake up and feel ready to go.I’ve been a long time investigator of this type ofprogram, and believe I purchased an earlier version ofit many, many years ago but never got to really put itinto practice the way I do now. I’m an energetic healer,a student of everything, a meditator, Reiki master andteacher, as well as an RF technician in Motorola...I’mcreating the life I want each day. This past year has beenwonderful, and I’m looking toward a bright present andfuture...Thanks so much for this program.—DawnI just wanted to let you in on some of the reallyremarkable gains I have had since beginning theHolosync program over a year and a half ago. For one, Ihave changed careers and life focus and am happier thanever before. The most surprising gain I have had is inthe area of creativity, however. I decided last June (afterusing Holosync for a year) to start doing some kind ofartwork...After getting started drawing in earnest lastJune (2004), I quickly progressed with my skills to thepoint of freaking out my family. My sister began toinsist I must have had a stroke!...By September I wasjuried into the most prestigious group of Portrait Artistson the web...At this point, I am considering making anew fulltime career in art. Pretty amazing. Thanks foryour product and the very cool work you’ve done!—Molly-Geraldine12 MINDCHATTER <strong>August</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

Book Review» BY HEATHER SELFInvisible Acts of PowerChanneling Grace in Your Everyday LifeBy Caroline MyssSO OFTEN IN OUR PERSONAL SEARCH FORwho we are and where we are headed we feelalone. Sometimes as we discover our newfoundsense of self and power we begin to wonder howwe can wield it and use it to better someone else’s life. Sooften it’s the little things that count in helping someoneelse, but how do we know what exactly those little thingsare?In Invisible Acts of Power, Caroline Myss (SacredContracts and Anatomy of the Spirit) speaks on the powerof grace and generosity in making our spiritual paths just alittle less lonely. By drawing from over 1,200 letters, Myssuses examples from everyday people in both ordinary andextraordinary circumstances that show how easy it is toreceive the help we need—and how easy it is to miss it ifwe’re not being mindful. The more open we are to howour prayers can be answered—or how we can act on ourown intuition for what someone needs, the less often wewill be filled with regret and loneliness. The more we give,the more we receive. And the more we allow ourselves toreceive, the more we have to give.Accepting grace into our lives requires us to know whereto look, and to be open to what we find. Otherwise, itpasses us by. Our prayers are always answered, howeverthe timing and the method by which the answers comeoccasionally fall outside of our expectations, and so weeither completely miss them or are so greatly surprisedby their form that we don’t accept them. This is how wecontinue to feel alone. Myss is careful to point out thatwhen we remain focused not getting what we want, weoften miss what is right in front of us. And what is rightin front of us is often exactly what we need (which reallyis exactly what we want). Keeping ourselves convincedotherwise is easier.We open to grace through our intuition—the little voicethat directs us to smile at a stranger, hold open a door, orperhaps put an arm around a perfect stranger on a bus. Bybeing mindful of what our spirit and bodies are telling us,we can learn how to read what other people need and howto give it. We also learn what we need and how to both askIf you would like toread more about ororder this book visit:HTTP://WWW.AMAZON.COM/EXEC/OBIDOS/ASIN/0743272129/CENTER-POINTER-20for and receive it.Myss reminds the reader that generosity aboundsin ways both small and great. She calls generosity “anexpression of our spiritual maturity”. There are fourindividual stages of learning generosity, according to Myss.MINDCHATTER <strong>August</strong> <strong>2006</strong>13

Book Review continued...Each chakra, the seven main energy centers of our body,plays a part in how to listen to our intuition and how topick up on what a person needs. Each chakra has a “voice”that speaks its own code of grace, generosity and intuitivelistening. By paying attention to what our “heart” is sayingor what our “gut feelings” are, Myss shows us how we cancreate little miracles in people’s everyday lives.These little miracles don’t have to be dramatic orromantic or theatrical. They can be anything from a smileto a kind word. In this way we can open ourselves to thegrace and sense of placement in a greater whole—the waywe want to serve others. “All forms of service essentiallyempower a soul,” Myss states. “Remind yourself that youcan provide this power in many ways: encouragement,hope, kindness and a nod of approval.”Even the smallest of gestures can be huge to someoneelse. By empowering someone we absolutely do not takeaway from ourselves. Instead, we add to the power andgrace we long for, and create new and wider paths ofgenerosity to flow back to us.“In a sense,” Myss states, “we ourselves becomeembodiments of invisible acts of power when we respondnaturally and automatically with love, compassion andkindness to the people around us.”Finding this book was one of many synchronicities I’veseen happen in my time at <strong>Centerpoint</strong>e (and likely apersonal example of creating what I needed by focusingon what I wanted!). I hadn’t realized that I was searchingfor a way to create more grace and empowerment in mylife, for myself and for others, but when Invisible Acts ofPower quite literally fell off the shelf and to my feet at thebookstore, I realized it was the very book I needed.I highly recommend this wonderfully uplifting, simplywrittenbook. Myss’ strength in making a seeminglydifficult task seem quite simple shines through her nononsenseand yet thoroughly loving prose. Her InvisibleActs of Power is one of many “secrets” of personal successrevealed.If you would like to read more about or order this book visit:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0743272129/centerpointer-2014 MINDCHATTER <strong>August</strong> <strong>2006</strong>

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