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ISRAELInspired by innovationat MWC 2011Barcelona | 14 -17 February 2011Hall2 ▪ 2B05 | 2C12 | 2C72 | 2C75

ISRAELInspired by innovationat MWC 2011Barcelona | 14 -17 February 2011Hall2 ▪ 2B05 | 2C12 | 2C72 | 2C75

Ceedo Technologies 2C72 ■ H■ Ceedo’s platform allows fixed and mobile operators to deliver Windows software such as Office, emailand backup applications to subscribers’ PCs through the cloud or on laptops, netbooks or cellular modems,removing the need to invest in complex and expensive IT infrastructure.Mr Asaf Weisbrot ■ VP Worldwide Sales +44 770 007 2374 +972 54 770 2295+972 73 223 2232 21 Hamelacha St, POB 11695, Rosh Haayin 48091, <strong>Israel</strong>www.ceedo.comCellGuide2C12 ■ T■ CellGuide is a fabless semiconductor company providing leading performance multi beacon positioningsolutions for consumer devices. CellGuide’s highly sensitive and cost-effective embedded GNSS solutionsare optimized for mobile applications.Mr Boaz Efroni Rotman ■ VP Sales & Marketing +972 8 936 5152 Ext 109 +972 54 244 5530+972 8 936 5132 12 Hamada St, Rehovot 76703, <strong>Israel</strong>www.cell-guide.comCellint Traffic Solutions Ltd. 2C72 ■ 3■ Cellint provides the best road traffic information service worldwide by tracking anonymous mobilephones in vehicles through standard interface at the MSC. It also provides a new level of exciting end-userapplications, based on this data, which turn drivers into addicted subscribers.Mr Ofer Avni ■ CEO +972 8 915 9153 +972 52 477 3377 +972 3 548 0110 oavni@cellint.co1 Bat Sheva Rd, POB 1300, Lod 71100, <strong>Israel</strong> www.cellint.comComarcom Ltd. 2C12 ■ 25■ Comarcom Ltd. offers its patented Vega antennas for cellular base stations. This unique family of veryhigh gain, narrow beam, dual polarization antennas is designed and proven to enable cellular operatorsto extend and improve coverage to difficult to service areas at minimal CAPEX.Mr Gideon Argaman ■ CEO and President +972 4 953 1638 +972 52 297 1448+972 4 993 1781 7 Ha’emek St, Tivon 36011, <strong>Israel</strong> www.comarcom.bizCraze Productions 2C12 ■ 21■ Craze Productions is a high-tech/content company that specializes in music/video and motion picturedistribution for the mobile industry.Mr Sam Kleinman ■ Director +972 3 763 5986 +972 54 466 9091 doctorofdance@gmail.com10 Great Russell St, London WC1B 3BQ, UK www.digitalcraze.comDasur Pattern Recognition Ltd.2C72 ■ E■ SlideIT, with more than two million users worldwide, is the fastest, easiest and most entertaining meansto enter text on touch screen devices. The solution combines sliding with tapping, while predicting desiredwords at the same time as you slide.Mr Nissim Benbenisty ■ CEO & Business Development +972 9 772 7049 +972 54 458 5701+972 2 581 2841 6B Yam Souf St, Jerusalem 97701, <strong>Israel</strong>

Discretix, Inc. 2C75 ■ 15■ Discretix’ platform and content protection allow service providers to securely deploy premium contenton today’s smart devices. Discretix’ solutions are field-proven in millions of devices, across all platformsand operating systems.Mr Adar Eyal ■ Director of Sales +972 73 255 8862 +972 54 308 0346 +972 73 255 8808adar.eyal@discretix.comwww.discretix.comGrand Netter Industrial Zone, Inter Gama Building, Kfar Netter 40593, <strong>Israel</strong>Eurotech Communication Ltd.2C12 ■ R■ Eurotech Communication is a leader in the development and production of telecom gateway solutions,especially VoIP and SIM server systems. The company offers to system integrators, corporations, smallbusinesses and SOHOs a line of products that interconnect with GSM/CDMA/UMTS cellular networks.Mr Haim Hinden ■ Marketing and Sales Manager 972 4 680 1080 Ext 1 +972 52 659 1119+972 4 680 1081 Building 1, ZHR Industrial Area, Rosh Pina 12000, <strong>Israel</strong>www.eurotech-communication.comFeedbox Ltd. 2C72 ■ 4■ Feedbox is an innovative technology company that has developed a unique range of consoles, providingreal time customer feedback from multiple locations. Based on a proprietary cellular platform, measuringcustomer experience at the point of contact has never been so easy!Mr Arnon Strum ■ VP Business Development and Sales +972 77 345 4104 +972 54 769 7393+972 72 260 0801 35 Maskit St, Herzliya Pituach, <strong>Israel</strong> www.feedbox.coFibroLAN Ltd.2B05 ■ U■ FibroLAN, a public company established in1996, has been continuously building up its expertise in thearena of Fiber-Optic Networking. The company’s principal focus is Carrier Access solutions, including mobilebackhauling. We are based in <strong>Israel</strong> with local operations in the U.S., Singapore and Austria.Mr Shamir Stein ■ CEO +972 4 959 1717 Ext 117 +972 52 599 3003 +972 4 959 2 Hacarmel St, Yokneam 20692, <strong>Israel</strong> www.fibrolan.comFlash Networks 2C12 ■ 20■ Flash Networks, a global provider of intelligent mobile Internet solutions, empowers operators to manage andmonetize growing mobile Internet traffic and reduce operational expenses while improving user experience.Ms Merav Bahat ■ Vice President of Marketing & Business Development+972 9 961 0805 +972 54 977 2575 +972 9 956 4888 meravb@flashnetworks.com7 Sapir Rd., POB 12624, Herzliya 46733, <strong>Israel</strong> www.flashnetworks.comGoNet Systems Ltd. 2C72 ■ 7■ GoNet Systems provides outdoor Wi-Fi infrastructure for 3G offload deployments. Leveraging thecompany’s xRF adaptive beamforming smart antenna and mesh technologies, the solutions are optimizedto operate in noisy urban environments.Mr Roy Kinamon ■ SVP Marketing and Business Development +972 3 633 8636+972 54 667 6738 +972 3 649 3866 34 Habarzel St, Tel Aviv 69710, <strong>Israel</strong>

GSTAT Ltd. 2C12 ■ 22■ GSTAT is a leader in the development and implementation of advanced analytical and data mining solutions.Our advanced analytical solutions maximize customers’ ARPU by increasing customers’ share-of wallet(cross/up-sell recommendations) and by optimizing the retention process.Mr Ori Davidovich ■ VP Business Development +972 3 756 7770 +972 52 834 2389+972 3 746 7771 38 Habarzel St, Tel Aviv 69170, <strong>Israel</strong>www.g-stat.comIPgallery Ltd. 2C72 ■ 1■ IPgallery, incorporated in 2000, is a leading global supplier of converged legacy and next-generation /IMS value added services for mobile, voice, video, data and social networking.Ms Michelle Degani-Specktor ■ EVP Business Development +972 9 774 7011 +972 54 303 6863+972 9 774 7016 117 Ahuza St, Ra’anana 43000, <strong>Israel</strong>www.ipgallery.comITS Telecom2C72 ■ B■ ITS Telecom is a leading cellular solutions provider, offering a comprehensive range of innovative businessand residential solutions over converged networks. Our MXB mobile broadband access product familyenables data, voice and PBX connectivity to users anytime everywhere.Ms Shiri Ram ■ Director of Marketing +972 3 557 9796 +972 54 451 0599 +972 3 557 29 Hametzuda St, Azur 58001, <strong>Israel</strong> www.its-tel.comIXI Mobile Inc.2C72 ■ K■ IXI provides complete mobile email and messaging solutions for the enterprise segment and for MVNOs. TheIXI end-to-end platform comprises mobile applications (Symbian and Android platforms) and a completemessaging platform that ensures accurate monetization of the services offered to end-users.Mr Greg Zaoui ■ Product Manager, Mobile Applications +972 3 942 8888 +972 54 669 1153+972 3 942 8805 11 Moshe Levy St, Rishon LeTzion 76100, <strong>Israel</strong> www.ixi.comLogia Group Ltd. 2C75 ■ 12■ Logia Group provides solutions for operators’ apps stores including content aggregation, carrier in-appbilling, store front solutions and an end-to-end white labeled apps store. The company provides its servicesto more than 50 leading mobile operators worldwide, including Telefonica,Vodafone, Airtel, Reliance, Smart,Turkcell and others.Ms Lilach Marenko ■ Account Managment +972 73 252 5252 +972 52 381 5688+972 9 956 7481 3 Hasadnaot St, Herzliya 46140, <strong>Israel</strong> www.logiagroup.comM.E. Media Market Ltd. 2C72 ■ 2■ Media Market is a leading mobile content provider, providing a top-notch range of value added services. Tostay one step ahead of the game we developed the most advanced and comprehensive messaging gatewayplatform.Mr Eran Soban ■ Cellular Department Manager +972 3 606 6725 +972 54 440 0277+972 3 606 0137 38 Nahalat Itzhak St, Tel Aviv 67442, <strong>Israel</strong>

MailVision Ltd. 2B05 ■ V■ MailVision leads the mobile VoIP revolution for social networking with advanced solutions for leadingOSs and smartphones like iPhone, iPad, iPod, Symbian (Nokia), Android and BlackBerry. Mobile operatorsand NGN operators can increase the use of their network for roaming users and VoIP social networkingutilizing WiFi and 3G data networks.Mr Zeev Lerner ■ CEO +972 4 850 8000 +972 54 450 3555 +972 4 850 10a Haganim St, Haifa 31084, <strong>Israel</strong> www.mailvision.comMce Systems Ltd. 2C12 ■ 23■ Mce provides PC-based solutions to improve and optimize the mobile customer’s experience at operatorsand retailer points of sale and service.Mr Yuval Blumental ■ CEO +972 72 211 7525 +972 54 798 7763 +972 3 617 8 Ben Zackai St, Tel Aviv 65203, <strong>Israel</strong> Mce-sys.comMer Telecom Ltd. 2C72 ■ 5■ Mer Telecom provides end-to-end wireless infrastructure turnkey solutions – from network planning,site design, manufacture, supply and erection of towers, to site construction, equipment installation, hybridgreen energy solutions, network optimization and site control and management platform.Mr Arie Bendayan ■ Sales and Marketing Director +972 3 557 2555 +972 52 874 5569+972 3 558 2565 5 Hazoref St, Holon 58856, <strong>Israel</strong> www.mer-telecom.comMIND CTI Ltd.2C75 ■ M■ MIND is a leading provider of convergent real-time end-to-end billing and customer care product basedsolutions as well as call accounting solutions for organizations and large multinational corporations.Ms Andrea Dray ■ Administrative Coordinator +972 4 993 6645 +972 4 993 Building 7, Industrial Park, Yoqneam Ilit 20692, <strong>Israel</strong> www.mindcti.comMobiApp Technologies Ltd. 2C72 ■ 7■ MobiApp offers unique, best-of-breed, free-to-users mobile technology for indoor, location-based socialnetwork or retail applications where GPS is not effective. Cellular provider independent, MobiApp servicesare commercially deployed.Mr Yoni Kahana ■ CEO +972 57 945 4693 +972 54 620 3059 yonikahana@mobi-app.comPOB 114, Midreshet Ben-Gurion, Sde Boker 84990, <strong>Israel</strong> Smart Star2C72 ■ F■ One Smart Star provides corporations a four-digit number for all communications: voice, fax, SMS, email,website and even traditional post. This single access point for all communications functions enhances thecorporate brand. Operators gain increased traffic, airtime and call volume.Mr Hemy Tzubary ■ CEO +972 3 634 6080 +972 52 446 8468 +972 3 634 2 Hapninim St, Neve Monosson 60190, <strong>Israel</strong>

Optiway Ltd. 2C72 ■ C■ Optiway offers elegant, cost-effective, single optical fiber solutions that enable network operators, telecomintegrators and property owners to extend coverage and provide in-building cellular communication,facilitating growth and supporting new standards.Mr Thom Rosing ■ Corporate Communications +972 3 903 1256 +972 54 922 2064+972 3 903 1216 11 Ha’avoda St, Rosh Ha’ayin 48091, <strong>Israel</strong> www.optiway.bizOriginGPS Ltd.2B05 ■ Y■ OriginGPS is a world-leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of advanced small-sized GPS modules andGPS antenna modules. The OriginGPS product line focuses on the M2M industry and handheld mobile devices.Mr Haim Goldberger ■ CEO +972 2 653 5191 Ext 0 +972 54 300 0072 +972 2 654 High-Tech Village Building 1.1, Givat Ram Campus, Hebrew University, POB 39158,Jerusalem 91391, <strong>Israel</strong> www.origingps.comPerfecto Mobile Ltd. 2C12 ■ 24■ Perfecto Mobile’s Handset Cloud makes complex mobile testing simple: It offers enterprises SaaS basedmobile testing, automation and monitoring solutions utilizing a wide selection of REAL mobile devices viathe web.Mr Gidi Pridor ■ Director of Marketing +972 3 926 0133 +972 52 371 8388 +972 3 926 10 Granit St, Petach Tikva 49100, <strong>Israel</strong> www.perfectomobile.comPhonaris Ltd. 2C75 ■ 11■ Phonaris provides a comprehensive cloud-based solution for enterprise IT departments to manage andsupport their employees’ smartphones and tablets. It enables full remote control, deployment of settings,apps and security policies to groups as well as cost control measures.Mr Eyal Shapira ■ CEO +972 74 701 1458 +972 54 239 2544 +972 153 77400 6 Sderot Hen, Rehovot 76469, <strong>Israel</strong> www.phonaris.comPic2world Ltd. 2B05 ■ 28■ Pic2world provides customers with three products for smartphones: a commercial tour guide, tourcontents exchange community, and automatic tour photo naming management.Mr Jonggoo Lee ■ CEO & Chairman +972 9 951 9659 +972 54 330 7100 +972 9 951 66 Sokolov St, Herzliya 46497, <strong>Israel</strong> www.pic2world.comQuadManage Ltd. 2C72 ■ 10■ QuadManage is a pioneer in designing, developing, and delivering mediation products that bridge multiplecore telecom networks to provide accurate and efficient data for OSS/BSS and management functions inpre-IMS and IMS environments.Mr Shlomi Shor ■ VP R&D +972 9 746 0241 +972 52 611 6168 +972 9 746 5 Eliezer Yaffa St, Ra’anana 43000, <strong>Israel</strong>

RADWIN 2C12 ■ N■ RADWIN delivers best-of-breed wireless connectivity solutions in the sub-6GHz domain that secureunrivalled performance for broadband access, backhaul connectivity, private networks and specializedbroadband mobility applications.Ms Amanda Azran ■ Marketing Director +972 3 766 2904 +972 54 594 7591 +972 3 766 27 HaBarzel St, Tel Aviv 69710, <strong>Israel</strong> www.radwin.comRCS Rampal Cellular Stockmarket Ltd. 2C12 ■ 19■ RCS, creator of the online trading platform, is the leading international distributor ofmobile phones, digital cameras and other portable electronic devices. With 15 years of experience, 30dedicated sales agents, 20 logistics specialists, operations in 128 countries and hundreds of profitabledeals completed daily, RCS is uniquely poised to get your deal done.Mr Rami Feller ■ President +972 3 615 9999 +972 3 615 8899 rami@rcs.com168 Jabotinsky Rd, Bnei Brak 51361, <strong>Israel</strong> www.rcs.comRuncom Technologies Ltd.2C72 ■ J■ Runcom provides 4G mobile and fixed WiMAX and LTE end-to-end solutions. Products include chipsetsfor user terminals and base stations, a variety of indoor/outdoor CPEs, base stations, ASN GTWY, NOC andvertical solutions.Mr <strong>Israel</strong> Koffman ■ VP Marketing & Sales +972 3 942 8874 +972 54 530 3110+972 3 952 8805 11 Moshe Levi St, Rishon Lezion 75658, <strong>Israel</strong> www.runcom.comSaguna Networks Ltd.2C12 ■ S■ Saguna develops an innovative technology that offers a viable business model for delivery of high qualityrich content over mobile networks to the masses. Saguna’s mobile Content Delivery Network (mCDN) slashescontent transport cost by approximately 70 percent while creating a new standard in user experience andservice delivery.Mr Lior Fite ■ CEO +972 4 821 2777 +972 54 443 6630 +972 4 821 2777 lior@saguna.net53 Bar-Yehuda St, Nesher 36660, <strong>Israel</strong> www.saguna.netScreenovate Technologies Ltd. 2C12 ■ 26■ Screenovate, through its patent pending software, extends the smartphone experience into other mediaplatforms, including TV, car media display and PC, turning the smartphone into a personal smart server.Mr. Arnon Catalan ■ COO +972 3 744 8484 +972 54 446 4647 +972 9 970 Suite 7, 19 Halamed Hey St, Ra’anana 43340, <strong>Israel</strong> http://screenovate.comSerVision Ltd.2B05 ■ X■ SerVision manufactures high performance digital video recorders and remote video transmission systemsfor the security and transportation sectors. It is a global leader in security communications technology,specializing in video transmission over cellular networks, and a pioneer in the mobile CCTV sector.Mr Brett Schor ■ Senior Sales Director +972 2 535 0010 +972 54 811 0469 +972 2 586 11 Hartom St, Jerusalem 91450, <strong>Israel</strong>

Siklu Communication Ltd. 2C75 ■ L ■ 13■ Siklu designs and manufactures the carrier-class EtherHaul E-band radio, a perfect wireless backhaul solutionthat operates in the 71-76 GHz spectrum and costs as little as 80 percent less than competing radios.Mr. Gabriel (Gaby) Junowicz ■ VP Marketing and Business Development +972 3 921 4015+972 54 590 3659 +972 3 921 4162 7 Shoham St, Petach Tikva 49517, <strong>Israel</strong>www.siklu.comSkiller Ltd. 2C12 ■ 17■ Skiller’s mobile multiplayer gaming platform for skill games allows users to play and fully interact witheach other using a large variety of social features. Virtual currency allows users to buy virtual goods in thein-app store. Developer tools allow the inclusion of all social and multiplayer features in third-party games,including virtual currency and virtual goods.Mr Nir Orpaz ■ CEO +972 73 252 5420 +972 54 773 8849 +972 9 766 20 Hataas St, Kfar Saba 44425, <strong>Israel</strong> www.skiller-games.comTechnoSpin 2C72 ■ 8■ TechnoSpin develops and manufacturers innovative small wind turbines (up to 20 kW) that providesignificant energy cost savings for telecom base stations. The company has several successful installationsworldwide on top of telecom towers.Mr Mark Segal ■ VP Marketing & Sales +972 9 885 1159 +972 54 798 8310 +972 9 885 6572msegal@tswind.comwww.tswind.comPark Si’im, Building 6, POB 8193, New Industrial Zone, Netanya 42504, <strong>Israel</strong>Telco Systems, a BATM company 2C72 ■ 9■ Telco Systems’ mobile backhaul solution enables mobile operators to evolve their transport network intoa service-assured Carrier Ethernet network that supports Ethernet OAM, synchronization interworking,and standardized circuit emulation technologies.Ms Maria Zabaruk ■ Web Communications Manager +1 781 255 5328 +1 774 262 5539+972 9 866 2500 Kfar Netter Industrial Center, POB 3737, Kfar Netter 40593, <strong>Israel</strong>www.telco.comTeleMessage Ltd.2C12 ■ Q■ TeleMessage delivers text, voice, video and multimedia messages to and from any communicationdevice: SMS, MMS, video, voice, fax and email. Our three main product lines: SMS to Voice, PC to Mobile, andMessaging Gateway.Mr. Gil Shapira ■ VP Business Development +972 3 922 5252 Ext 901 +972 54 477 7503+972 3 922 5253 8 Granit St, POB 3668, Petach-Tikva 49222, <strong>Israel</strong>www.TeleMessage.com3GVision2C12 ■ P■ 3GVision is the global leader in mobile barcode services, using the camera phone to scan 1D/2D barcodes.The i-nigma platform incorporates creating, managing and tracking barcode services. i-nigma is successfullydeployed by hundreds of enterprises, and is installed in over 200 million mobile devices worldwide.Mr Ofer Lev ■ VP Products +972 3 634 2929 +972 54 592 5974 +972 3 634 28 Haharoshet St, Or-Yehuda 60375, <strong>Israel</strong>

®TodaCell 2B05 ■ Z■ TodaCell is a fully-managed premium mobile ad network that ranks among the top managed mobileadvertising companies. Established in 2007, TodaCell focuses on smartphone and non-smartphone displayadvertisements.Mr Pini Sternshos ■ COO +972 9 646 1432 +972 54 493 9614 +972 9 743 11 Hasadna St, Ra’anana 46350, <strong>Israel</strong> www.todacell.comTriPlay Inc. 2C12 ■ 27■ TriPlay’s suite of products constitutes a proprietary and unique media delivery platform for sharingpersonal digital content (e.g., videos, images, music and text) across multiple devices. TriPlay’s media deliveryplatform allows users to send and receive any digital data anywhere in the world from any online device.Mr Shai Buber ■ VP Business Development +1 212 372 6019 +972 54 439 8698+1 646 602 0259 Suite 9E, 44E 12th Street, New York, NY 10003www.triplay-inc.comTvinci Ltd. 2C75 ■ 14■ Tvinci offers a pay-over-the-top video platform for the management of content and user experienceacross internet connected devices. The company enables multi-play operators, carriers and mediacompanies to deliver premium content across devices and monetize it via subscriptions, PPV and ads.Mr Yonatan Sela ■ VP Marketing +972 3 609 8070 +972 54 233 4436 +972 3 609 52A Hamasger St, POB 57572, Tel Aviv 61574, <strong>Israel</strong> www.tvinci.comWaveIP Ltd.2B05 ■ W■ WaveIP introduces the best-in-class point-to-point and point-to-multipoint broadband wirelesssolutions. Optimized for backhaul and HLS applications, WipAir excels in all carrier grade radio parameters:High net throughput of 270 Mbps, 1msec latency, 50,000 PPS delivery, RF interference robustness, timesynchronization capability and the most competitive price in the market.Ms Gal Gati ■ System Engineering +972 4 902 7002 +972 52 823 4868 +972 4 999 1 Sky St, Teradion Industrial Park, Misgav 20179, <strong>Israel</strong> www.waveip.comWaze Mobile Ltd. 2C12 ■ 18■ Waze is a free navigation app that allows drivers to use turn-by-turn navigation, real-time traffic updatesand a host of fun social elements to ease their daily commute.Mr Samuel Keret ■ VP Business Development +972 9 748 6437 +972 54 634 4844+972 9 748 6436 2 Hasadna St, Ra’anana 43561, <strong>Israel</strong> www.waze.comWireless Links Inc.2C72 ■ G■ Wireless Links’ large product and solution family leads the fleet management, asset tracking and dispatchmarkets in innovetion and customer satisfaction. Features include: in-vehicle WiFi / GPRS wireless router,signature capture with 97% compression, and five-year standard-batteries operating life.Mr Joe Shayovitch ■ CEO +972 3 644 8151 +972 54 420 7003 +972 3 644 38 Habarzel St, Tel Aviv 69710, <strong>Israel</strong>

<strong>Israel</strong> Pavilion ■ Hall 2C72 | 2C752C72AllotA IP Gallery M.E. Media Cellint Feedbox Mer Telecom MatimopIXI K1 2 3 4 5 6ITSB10QuadManage9TelcoMeeting Area8Technospin7MobiApp + Go NetC D E FG HComm.roomVIP meeting roomCoffeecornerIRuncomJENTRANCEOne SmartWirelessOptiway Atlas CT Dasur StarLinks CeedoBoomeRing2C75IEICICounterL MKitchenStorageSiklu MindDiscretixMeeting Area 1511Phonaris12Logia13Siklu14Tvinci<strong>Israel</strong> Pavilion ■ Hall 2B05 | 2C122B05MailVisionVWave IPWXYZFibroLANUKitchenSerVisionAmos29OriginGPS TodaCellPic2world28StorageMeeting AreaTriPlay27Meeting AreaScreenovate26Comarcom25Perfecto Mobile Mce Systems2423G-Stat22N16 1718192021Bit2go SkillerWazeRCSFlash CrazeRadwinT S R Q P O2C12IEICICounterCellGuide Saguna Eurotech TeleMessage 3GVision Aerotel waves with mobileA global leader in mobile telecommunications, <strong>Israel</strong> is back in Barcelona for Mobile WorldCongress 2011 presenting a full spectrum of state-of-the-art product solutions, tailoredfor carriers, operators, content providers and users.The <strong>Israel</strong> Pavilion at Mobile World Congress 2011 provides a centrally located, high profilevenue for 54 innovative <strong>Israel</strong>i high technology companies, presenting the latest solutionsfor current and future mobile communications. The pavilion is organized by The <strong>Israel</strong>Export & International Cooperation Institute.This year the <strong>Israel</strong>i exhibits highlight infrastructure and support hardware and softwarethat enable efficient conversion to the latest 4th Generation networks, while optimizingthe performance of current systems, thus maximizing operator revenue.Other <strong>Israel</strong>i companies are demonstrating advanced billing and usage based data-miningsystems, enabling operators to best adapt to changing market conditions. <strong>Israel</strong>i exhibitorsalso focus on the hardware side, with advanced microchips and software productsenhancing the functionality, ease of use and usability of smartphones. As well, contentis a strong presence at the show, featuring social networking, gaming and music sharingapplications.Lowering roaming and international communications costs are also featured, withapplications bridging WiFi and cellular links, offering operators greater revenues whilekeeping subscribers within reach, and more.Supported by member firms, private sector bodies, and the <strong>Israel</strong>i government, The <strong>Israel</strong>Export & International Cooperation Institute promotes business relationships between<strong>Israel</strong>i exporters and overseas businesses and organizations. By providing a wide rangeof export–oriented services to <strong>Israel</strong>i companies and complementary services to theinternational business community, IEICI helps build successful joint ventures, strategicalliances and trade partnershipsMr. Roy On ■ Business Development Manager, Telecommunications Industry+972 3 514 2955 +972 54 592 3526 +972 3 514 2288 Hamered St, Tel Aviv 68125, <strong>Israel</strong> publication is for informational purposes only. Whileevery effort has been made to ensure that the presentedinformation is correct, The <strong>Israel</strong> Export & InternationalCooperation Institute assumes no responsibility for damages,financial or otherwise, caused by the information herein.© The <strong>Israel</strong> Export & International Cooperation InstituteProduction: IEICI Media & Production DivisionPavilion Organization: IEICI Exhibitions UnitText: Paul Ogden Design: Ayala EylathPrinted in <strong>Israel</strong> 2011

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