Prospectus 2009 - Le Cordon Bleu

Prospectus 2009 - Le Cordon Bleu

Prospectus 2009 - Le Cordon Bleu


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<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Prospectus</strong> <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd • CRICOS Provider SA: 01818E NSW: 02380M 7Special Feature –Ramsden Alpha SimulationThe Ramsden Alpha Hotel Simulation is an excitingnew concept in learning, setting the future direction forhospitality education and training. A computer-basedsimulated hotel enhances the delivery technique andhence learning. Developed specifically by <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong>,using the simulation, participants can make managerialdecisions; produce plans and implement strategiesto address problems; and come to a full understandingof how a hotel works.Nested Award<strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Graduate Certificate in InternationalHospitality Management is a nested award in the MBAprogram and constitutes 2 Core and 2 Elective courses,as detailed below.Master of Business Administration –International Hotel & RestaurantManagementCRICOS Course Code: 047380F1 1 /2 years full time.Core Courses – All 6<strong>Le</strong>adership DynamicsContemporary Management PerspectivesCreative and Accountable Marketing<strong>Le</strong>ading and Managing PeopleAccounting for Decision MakingCompetitive StrategyElective Courses – Any 6Managing Hospitality in the International ContextService Quality Management (Hospitality)Data Analysis for Hospitality ManagersRisk and Contingency Management (Hospitality)Applied Hospitality ManagementSustainable Corporate StrategyManagerial FinanceManagerial EconomicsInternational BusinessCourses<strong>Le</strong>adership DynamicsProvide an overview of the roles, processes and personalbehaviours necessary for successful functioning and problemsolving as leaders of work groups within complex enterprises.Contemporary Management PerspectivesProvide an introduction to systems theory, systems thinkingand organisations; strategy concepts, strategic management,risk management and leadership; external, industry and internalenvironments; globalisation, drivers and impacts; ethical issues.Creative and Accountable MarketingA sound overview of the role of the marketing function andmarketing thinking, appropriate to contemporary organisations.<strong>Le</strong>ading and Managing PeopleIn our present turbulent environment, firms require strategies formaximising the human resource contribution from all employeesto sustain their organisation’s competitive advantage.Accounting for Decision MakingProvide students with the skills and knowledge to be able to utiliseaccounting information to improve their performance as managers.Competitive StrategyIntroduces strategic management and the concept of strategy, aswell as historical overview of strategic management, a model ofthe strategic management process, strategic planning and strategicthinking, defining the business, strategic intent, vision and goals,stakeholder analysis, ethics and corporate social responsibility.Managing Hospitality in the International ContextProvides an overview of the international hospitality sectorand explores the key factors and trends that influence hoteland hospitality managers decision-making and methods.Service Quality Management (Hospitality)This course enables students to form strategies for organisationsto position themselves as leaders in the development anddelivery of service excellence and managing customer value.Data Analysis for Hospitality ManagersIntroduces students to the concepts and methods of statisticalanalysis with application to facilitate continuous improvementin the hospitality industry.Risk and Contingency ManagementThis course will explore the important aspects of risk management– from a brief history, through foundation principles of real risk,the differences between strategic and tactical risk, and emergingissues in risk management.Applied Hospitality ManagementStudents will adopt a leadership/management perspectivethrough demonstrating situational understanding within holisticframeworks through to making business decisions.Sustainable Corporate StrategyIssues dealing with team formation for case studies and theconcept of strategy, as well as levels of strategy: enterprise,corporate, business, and functional, analysis of a firm and itsstakeholder, assessing stakeholder needs and salience, andstakeholder versus shareholder interests.Managerial FinanceDeals with present value concepts, discounted cash flow techniques,risk, required rates of return, debt capacity, cash management,options thinking and strategic investment decisions, financialmodelling and spreadsheets, leasing, debtors management.Managerial EconomicsThe course considers the nature and method of economicthinking, demand and supply in a market economy, competitionand monopoly, markets and governments, interest rates andthe financial system, monetary policy, exchange rates, and theeconomics of growth.International BusinessOverview of globalisation, dealing with national differences inpolitical economy, managing differences in culture, the globaltrade and investment environment.

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