Prospectus 2009 - Le Cordon Bleu

Prospectus 2009 - Le Cordon Bleu

Prospectus 2009 - Le Cordon Bleu


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FEES, REFUNDS AND CONDITIONS POLICYInternational students policies and procedures aregoverned under the ESOS framework -http://aei.dest.gov.au/AEI/ESOS/QuickInfo/ESOS_FrameWork_pdf.pdf1) This agreement, and the availability ofcomplaints and appeals processes, does not removethe right of the student to take action underAustralia’s consumer protection laws.FEES2) A non-refundable $250 Enrolment fee will becharged when a student formally accepts an offerfrom <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong>. The enrolment fee will bepaid at the same time a student pays their firstinstallment of tuition fees.3) Invoiced tuition fees must be paid to <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong><strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd and proof of receipt ofpayment must be confirmed before a Confirmationof Enrolment can be issued.4) <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd is entitled toaccept all tuition payments. However, shouldthe intake be unavailable to the student afterpayment has been received, every reasonableeffort will be made to accommodate the student inthe next available intake.5) New students must pay the full amountof all invoiced tuition fees in cleared funds notless than 8 weeks prior to the commencementof the program. (see www.lecordonbleu.com.au)6) Re-enrolling/Continuing students must pay thefull amount of all invoiced tuition fees in cleared fundsby the due date stated on the invoice.7) <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd reserves theright to review fees at any time.8) Any change in tuition fees will be advised in writingto current students and applicants, and will appearin all public, promotional and marketing materials,at least 3 months prior the commencement of thestudy period to which they apply.9) The new fees will apply to all payments duefrom the publicised effective date.10) Tuition fees and supplementary fees will beitemised on all invoices and in the application form.11) Where a student is required to repeat a coursedue to receiving a fail grade on the first or secondattempt, the student will be required to re-enrol andpay the current applicable tuition fee nominated forthat course, on each occasion.(see www.lecordonbleu.com.au)12) Where a student is required to repeatProfessional Experience because he or she receiveda fail grade on the previous attempt, a fee of $2,400will be charged.13) Where a student receives a not-yet-competentgrade for a unit of competency, on written requestthe student may be reassessed. Each reassessmentwill incur a fee of $500.(see www.lecordonbleu.com.au)14) After issuance of an original Academic Transcript,Statement of Attainment or Parchment on completionof a program or part thereof, all additional requestswill incur a charge of AUD$20 per AcademicTranscript or Statement of Attainment, and AUD$40for each additional <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Parchment.15) If a Bachelor of Business student is successfulin obtaining approval for a 12 month continuousProfessional Experience, the student must pay a20% deposit for the following academic semesterof study, payable six (6) weeks prior to undertakingthe rescheduled industry placement.(see www.lecordonbleu.com.au)16) In the case of a packaged offer of programs, adeposit of AUD$1000 will be required for theissuance of a COE for Bachelors and Mastersprograms only.FEE REDUCTION17) With the exception of the <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong>Culinary Arts Program where course credit isgranted any tuition fees paid for that course orcourses shall be deducted from the next instalmentof tuition fees.LE CORDON BLEU AUSTRALIA PTY LTD DEFAULT18) If a student is unable to complete a <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong><strong>Bleu</strong> Australia program due to a default by<strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd, being the failureto start the program on the agreed starting date,the program ceasing after it starts and before it iscompleted or because a sanction is imposed upon,<strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd under relevantState or Federal legislation, the student shall beentitled to a refund or an alternative course inaccordance with the provisions of the NationalCode of the Education Services for OverseasStudents (ESOS) Act. Where a refund is required,the amount of the refund will be paid within twoweeks of the date of the default.STUDENT DEFAULT19) Where a student is unable to commence a <strong>Le</strong><strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd program as a resultof a visa not being issued for whatever reason, arefund of fees or other compensation will be madein accordance with the requirements of the ESOSAct 2002, as amended and the National Code 2007.20) No refunds will be made where a student orapplicant fails to complete, withdraws from, or doesnot commence a <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> program, includingwhere a) such failure to complete, withdrawal or noncommencement results from changes to a student'svisa status, or b) for visa cancellation, or studentelecting to transfer to a different provider, afterthe student has commenced.21) Where an applicant elects not to commence a<strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia program and givesnotice in writing at least 28 days before thecommencement of the program, 85% of any tuitionfess paid for courses not yet commenced, will berefunded.The applicant may elect to have anypaid tuition fees transferred to an alternative<strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia program if he or she hasan approved application for the alternativeprogram. If an applicant gives less than 28 daysnotice he or she will not be entitled to any refundor transfer of fees.DEFERRING COMMENCEMENT22) Where an applicant elects to defercommencement of a <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia PtyLtd program for which an Acceptance Of Offer formhas been signed, any tuition fees or deposits paidwill be held for up to 12 months from the originalcommencement date, to be applied to the newcommencement date, on the condition that thewritten application to defer commencement hasbeen received from the applicant by <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong><strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd not less than 28 days priorto the original commencement date.23) Every reasonable effort will be made toaccommodate the applicant in a later course ofhis or her choice. If the fee for the course to beattended is greater than that of the course originallyselected, the applicant shall pay the balance incleared funds to <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltdwithin a designated time frame.24) Once the 12 month period after defermentlapses the applicant would be required to re-applyto <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Pty Ltd.(see www.lecordonbleu.com.au)PAYMENT25) Any student refusing to pay fees after requestshave been made, in writing to the most recentaddress provided by the student, shall not receiveany form of award or recognition of coursesundertaken and shall be refused entry into classesuntil fees have been remitted to <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong>Australia Pty Ltd in full.26) <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd will also passon any fees incurred to collect outstanding monies.APPLICATION AND ENROLMENT CONDITIONS27) <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd reservesthe right at its absolute discretion to reject anyapplication or enrolment, and it shall be under noobligation whatsoever to give reasons for its decision.<strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia can, as part of theapplication process, interview students who haveapplied for <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> courses.28) All students are bound to comply with theconditions stated in the <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> AustraliaStudent Handbook which are subject to changefrom time to time.(see www.lecordonbleu.com.au)29) All students are bound to comply with theterms and conditions set by the ProfessionalDevelopment department, to ensure that they areeligible to undertake Professional Experience, whichare subject to change from time to time. Theseterms and conditions will be provided in writing atcommencement of the program, and any changeswill be advised in writing throughout the program,and will apply from the publicised effective date.31) 30 The student is obliged to notify <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong>Australia Pty Ltd of any change of address whileenrolled in a course.31) <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd shall beunder no liability whatsoever to any student for anyloss or damage, sustained at or upon the School'spremises however caused, and whether inrespect of any negligent act or omission by <strong>Le</strong><strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd, its employees,agents or servants or otherwise.32) <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd shall beunder no liability whatsoever to any student for anyloss or damage, suffered by reason of the failureof <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd, its employees,agents or servants to notify the student of any riskor danger of which they had no prior knowledgenor ought reasonably to have had such knowledge.33) <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd reserves theright in its absolute discretion to review and alterthe organisation and/or structure of the programat any time in accordance with its governancestructures.34) If any material alteration is made before thecommencement of a program, <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong>Australia Pty Ltd will make all reasonable effortsto notify any applicant so affected.35) It is a condition of enrolment and responsibilityof the student to ensure they hold appropriatemedical insurance cover.36) <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd reserves theright and liberty to use promotional work taken inthe form of photography, films or reproductions forthe purpose of advertising, photography and publicity– either wholly or in part, in any manner or formwhatsoever and in any medium, either separatelyor in conjunction with other photographs, films orreproductions thereof.37) No student shall be entitled to use the names"<strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong>" or "<strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> de Paris"under any circumstances or at any time or in anyplace whatsoever, whether before, during or aftertheir program and whether as a trade mark,company or trading name or otherwise, regardlessof the service or products presented with no timeor geographical limitation.This policy is correct at time of printing, but subject to change without notice. For current version see www.lecordonbleu.com.au Page 6<strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd • CRICOS Provider SA: 01818E NSW: 02380M

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