Prospectus 2009 - Le Cordon Bleu

Prospectus 2009 - Le Cordon Bleu

Prospectus 2009 - Le Cordon Bleu


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20<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Prospectus</strong> <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd • CRICOS Provider SA: 01818E NSW: 02380M<strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong>BACHELOR OF BUSINESSINTERNATIONAL HOTELMANAGEMENTCourse code: 060181DThe Bachelor of Business (InternationalHotel Management) extends andprepares students for a range of careersin the international hospitality industrythrough a multidisciplinary programwhich incorporates simulationsand real-life professional practices.The emphasis is on concepts of hospitality,critical consideration of managementstyles and strategic thinking.The Hotel Management degree concentrates on thecorporate world of international hotel and hospitalitymanagement. In this program there is also the opportunityto specialise through a series of elective courses –these include concentrations in areas of food andbeverage preparation, wine marketing or conferencesand exhibitions management as they relate to theinternational hotel sectorYear 1 – Stage 1 – On Campus (6 months)Kitchen Operations ManagementTo develop a sound understanding of the daily activitiesundertaken in a commercial kitchen within the international hoteland restaurant industry.Food and Beverage ServiceTo develop an understanding of the food and beverage serviceoperations required of personnel within the international hoteland restaurant industry.Introduction to Hospitality ManagementTo introduce students to concepts, theories and practical examplesof organisations and the fundamentals of managing theseorganisations within hospitality industries.Marketing for Hospitality EnterprisesTo introduce students to a customer-centred approach to operatingwithin the international hospitality industry with a focus on thefundamentals of marketing as it applies to hospitality enterprises.CommunicationsTo develop effective communication skills as an independentlearner and reflective practitioner.Wine FundamentalsTo introduce knowledge of wine styles and manufacture, and skillsto identify basic characteristics of major wine types and styles.The Hospitality ExperienceTo introduce students to the general concept of hospitality,understood as a core value upheld by societies the world overand promote an understanding of the importance of the conceptof hospitality in ethical, socio-cultural and philosophical terms,and examines the everyday practices and business applicationof hospitality principles in the hospitality industry.Technology and Information Systems for HotelsTo provide the fundamental skills and knowledge to manage thetechnology and information systems required for managementof all departments in an international hotel.International HotelsTo explore the role of individual departments of a hotel, includingtheir interrelationships and some of the key factors and trends thatinfluence hotel and hospitality managers’ decision-making and methods.Food and Beverage ManagementTo introduce students to the complex subject of food and beveragemanagement and cost control techniques commonly usedin international hospitality establishments.Introduction to Financial Reports and Cost Control for HotelsTo introduce basic concepts and skills to enable students tointerpret financial reports and understand the process of cost andrevenue control.The Aesthetics of Food & WineTo introduce students to the concept of aesthetics in relationto the education of the senses, encompassing historical, culturaland gastronomic contexts, focusing on how specific tastes areculturally constructed.Stage 2 – Professional Experience 1(6 months)To allow students to develop and apply practices and principlesintroduced in a controlled learning environment in a realworkplace situation.

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