Prospectus 2009 - Le Cordon Bleu

Prospectus 2009 - Le Cordon Bleu

Prospectus 2009 - Le Cordon Bleu


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<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Prospectus</strong> <strong>Le</strong> <strong>Cordon</strong> <strong>Bleu</strong> Australia Pty Ltd • CRICOS Provider SA: 01818E NSW: 02380M 9Master of InternationalHospitality ManagementCRICOS Course Code: 051375BConstitutes 12 courses over 2 years or 3* years part-time.Year 1Introduction to Global Operations<strong>Le</strong>ading and Managing PeopleFinancial ManagementHospitality Marketing ManagementStrategic PrinciplesManaging Hospitality in the International ContextData Analysis for Hospitality ManagersRisk and Contingency ManagementYear 2Service Quality ManagementSuccessful Hospitality Project DesignApplied Hospitality ManagementHospitality Industry Experience (6 months)Nested AwardsThe graduate programs are nested awards withinthe Master of International Hospitality Management.Graduate Certificate in Hospitality BusinessCRICOS Course Code: 051378KConstitutes 4 course over 6 months full-time study.(1 year part-time)Introduction to Global Operations<strong>Le</strong>ading and Managing PeopleFinancial ManagementHospitality Marketing ManagementGraduate Diploma in International HospitalityManagementCRICOS Course Code: 051377MConstitutes 8 courses over 1 year full-time study.or 2 years part-timeIntroduction to Global Operations<strong>Le</strong>ading and Managing PeopleFinancial ManagementHospitality Marketing ManagementStrategic PrinciplesManaging Hospitality in the International ContextData Analysis for Hospitality ManagersRisk and Contingency Management*Holders of an Australian Student Visa must study full time.CoursesIntroduction to Global Hospitality OperationsTo explore the concept and practice of hospitality managementin the context of the global industry and its environment at botha macro and micro level, examining the role, structure and sizeof the hospitality industry as well as environmental factors andstrategies that impact on the hospitality industry.<strong>Le</strong>ading and Managing PeopleExplores the key factors that influence people’s performanceand behaviour in organisations in the hospitality sector froma perspective that draws upon leadership, organisationalbehaviour and HR literature.Financial ManagementTo develop students’ understanding, and ability to analyse andinterpret the financial information used in management decisionmaking within international hospitality firms.Hospitality Marketing ManagementTo enable students to appreciate the principles of marketingwithin the international hospitality environment and tounderstand a strategic marketing approach within thecontext of a service industry operations.Strategic PrinciplesThis course aims to establish a foundation of analysisand understanding of organisation systems and sub-systemsand their operation through constant interaction withtheir environments.Managing Hospitality in the International ContextProvides an overview of the international hospitality sectorand explores the key factors and trends that influence hoteland hospitality managers’ decision-making and methods.Data Analysis for Hospitality ManagersIntroduces students to the concepts and methods of statisticalanalysis with application to facilitate continuous improvementin the hospitality industry. Students will apply the principles incollecting business data: types of data, sources of data, surveys,sampling methods, questionnaires.Risk and Contingency ManagementThis course will explore the important aspects of riskmanagement – from a brief history, through foundationprinciples of real risk, the differences between strategicand tactical risk, and emerging issues in risk management.Service Quality ManagementThis course enables students to form strategies for organisationsto position themselves as leaders in the development anddelivery of service excellence and managing customer value.Successful Hospitality Project DesignProvides an applied and conceptual framework for thepractice of management consulting and an introduction to thephilosophical and paradigmatic issues in management researchwithin the hospitality industry.Applied Hospitality ManagementProvides students with the opportunity to integrate andapply their knowledge and skills from previous courses to asimulation-based hospitality environment. Students will adopta leadership/management perspective through demonstratingsituational understanding within holistic frameworks throughto making business decisions on the basis of analysis, judgmentand creativity.Hospitality Industry ExperienceTo provide an opportunity to apply and integrate knowledgefrom diverse discipline areas within the program to a hospitalityorganisation through a learning experience in a hospitalityworkplace that utilises principles of action based projectmanagement for industry analysis and evaluation.

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