Monmouth County

Monmouth County Monmouth County
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Monmouth CountyYouth Services Commission(Juvenile Crime Coalition)Tuesday, June 5, 2012MinutesAttendance:Monmouth County Human Services BuildingFirst Floor Conference Room4:00 PMFreeholder Director: John P. CurleyYSC Members: Dr. Amy L. Altenhaus, Trude Arnette, Det. Kim Best, CharlesBrown, Kathi Callaghan, Kathy Collins, Hon. Robert A. Coogan, Rev. Henry P.Davis, Victoria Dean, Hon. Michael A. Guadagno, Eileen Higgins, Hon. EugeneIadanza, Carl Jennings, Barry W. Johnson, Dr. Martin Krupnick, RosemarieMarinan-Gabriel, Tim McCorkell, Cee Okuzu, Joseph Passiment, Hoda Soliman,Carmen Vega and Kathleen WeirStaff: Ellen CohenGuests: Sean Haar, Kelly Ann Smith, Sebastian Trapani,I. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN PUBLIC MEETING’S ACTJudge Guadagno called the meeting to order and read the open public meetingsact statement. Judge Guadagno acknowledged Freeholder Director John P.Curley and welcomed him to the meeting. Introductions were made. A motionwas made, seconded and carried (Arnette: Passiment) to approve theminutes of the March 6, 2012 Youth Services Commission meeting.II. YSC CO-CHAIR REPORTCharles D. Brown, III reported that the Freeholders, at their March 22, 2012meeting, executed amendments to various youth services contracts.‣ The Mercy Center’s Community Intervention Coaches-Pilot Programcontract was extended through June 30, 2012 to allow for additional timeto evaluate the Program and to consider whether to extend the Programfor a longer time.‣ In addition, $10,000 in 2012 Family Court Services funds was reallocatedto Monmouth Vicinage ($5,000 for the Probation Multi Treatment Programand $5,000 for the Probation Offender Program).1

<strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong>Youth Services Commission(Juvenile Crime Coalition)Tuesday, June 5, 2012MinutesAttendance:<strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> Human Services BuildingFirst Floor Conference Room4:00 PMFreeholder Director: John P. CurleyYSC Members: Dr. Amy L. Altenhaus, Trude Arnette, Det. Kim Best, CharlesBrown, Kathi Callaghan, Kathy Collins, Hon. Robert A. Coogan, Rev. Henry P.Davis, Victoria Dean, Hon. Michael A. Guadagno, Eileen Higgins, Hon. EugeneIadanza, Carl Jennings, Barry W. Johnson, Dr. Martin Krupnick, RosemarieMarinan-Gabriel, Tim McCorkell, Cee Okuzu, Joseph Passiment, Hoda Soliman,Carmen Vega and Kathleen WeirStaff: Ellen CohenGuests: Sean Haar, Kelly Ann Smith, Sebastian Trapani,I. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN PUBLIC MEETING’S ACTJudge Guadagno called the meeting to order and read the open public meetingsact statement. Judge Guadagno acknowledged Freeholder Director John P.Curley and welcomed him to the meeting. Introductions were made. A motionwas made, seconded and carried (Arnette: Passiment) to approve theminutes of the March 6, 2012 Youth Services Commission meeting.II. YSC CO-CHAIR REPORTCharles D. Brown, III reported that the Freeholders, at their March 22, 2012meeting, executed amendments to various youth services contracts.‣ The Mercy Center’s Community Intervention Coaches-Pilot Programcontract was extended through June 30, 2012 to allow for additional timeto evaluate the Program and to consider whether to extend the Programfor a longer time.‣ In addition, $10,000 in 2012 Family Court Services funds was reallocatedto <strong>Monmouth</strong> Vicinage ($5,000 for the Probation Multi Treatment Programand $5,000 for the Probation Offender Program).1

‣ An amendment to the Youth Detention Shared Services Agreement withthe <strong>County</strong> of Middlesex was executed. The number of youth detentionbeds reserved for <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> youth was lowered from 37 to 34 and3 non-secure temporary shelter beds at the Middlesex <strong>County</strong> Shelter for<strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> youths in need of temporary shelter was substituted.Mr. Brown reported that the Department of Human Services, Division of JuvenileDetention Alternatives is the agency responsible for administering and monitoringshelter services provided for <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> youth including but not limited toadmission requirements, transportation and case management. Admissions forshelter care are approved by the Family Court Judge and through Family CourtIntake. There are 2 male beds and 1 female bed reserved for <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong>youth. The purpose of the Middlesex shelter is to provide a safe and caringresidential setting for male and female adolescents, thirteen to seventeen yearsof age. Youth with delinquency charges and/or youth in crisis can be placed inthe shelter only upon direct authority of the Family Court. A few concernsregarding their exclusionary criteria on admissions (assault charges & youthscoring 12-15 points on the Risk Screening Instrument) is being reviewed.Mr. Brown reported that a plan to expand the after-hours response of theElectronic Monitoring Expansion (EME) program to include shelter placementtransportation using JDAI Innovation Funding was denied by the Juvenile JusticeCommission. The JJC did not approve the request for they indicatedtransportation to and from the Middlesex <strong>County</strong> Youth Detention Center was acomponent of the approved <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> Detention Consolidation Plan andraised the question of supplanting funds. Judge Iadanza commented that theInnovations Committee also reviewed cost evaluation data based on theInnovations Outcomes reports.III. YSC ADMINISTRATOR’S UPDATEEllen Cohen reported that work was underway on the Youth Services PlanUpdate and 2013 application for the 2013 State Community Partnership Grant,Family Court Services funds and the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant. Sheindicated that the additional data section of the Youth Services Plan Update andthe Inventory of Resources for <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> Youth were previouslydistributed to YSC members and a few additional updates will be integrated priorto finalization.Ms. Cohen stated that the JDAI IF 2013 grant application was issued thatincludes a two phase process. The eligibility criteria, for the 2013 JDAI IF wassubmitted to the JJC before the May 17, 2012 deadline. We will be notified nextMonday, June 11 th as to the amount <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> is eligible to apply for.Ms. Cohen reported that an overview of the 2012 NJ Kids Count specific to<strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> has been prepared as a meeting handout. An overview on the2

Dept. of Education-School Report Card Data for <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> will beshared once completed.Ms. Cohen indicated that Sebastian Trapani received additional information fromDavid Chippendale, Middlesex <strong>County</strong> Dept. of Corrections and Youth Serviceson the mental health services provided by UMDNJ –University BehavioralHealthcare for any resident regardless of which <strong>County</strong> they reside in while theyare detained at the Middlesex <strong>County</strong> Juvenile Detention Facility. She referred tothe information in the meeting handouts.Ms. Cohen reported on the <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> Prosecutor’s Office full daytraining and review of policies, procedures and legal updates pertaining tojuveniles and the juvenile system on April 13, 2012. She indicated that thetraining was well attended by local police departments. Assistant ProsecutorHoda Soliman facilitated the training with other key stakeholders as speakers.The use of Stationhouse Adjustments by law enforcement was one of the topicscovered at the training. Judge Guadagno thanked Assistant Prosecutor Solimanand indicated she is very responsive to the Family Division.IV. Adolescent Residential Alcohol and Drug TreatmentDave Roden reported that New Hope Foundation has been in existence for over35 years and that serving <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> residents has been their mainfocus. New Hope Foundation, Inc. in Marlboro is a 140 bed facility (18 detoxbeds; 80 adult and 42 adolescent beds). Mr. Roden described the array ofservices provided by New Hope Foundation and distributed an agency brochure.He noted that they have worked closely with the courts and thanked JudgeIadanza and Melissa Garrett. Mr. Roden stated that New Hope Foundation, Inc.adolescent residential unit is accredited by carf and licensed by the NJ Divisionof Mental Health and Addictions and the NJ Department of Children andFamilies. They work closely with Unified Case Management (UCM) system andserve youth with co-occurring disorders. Family involvement in their program isan important component. If families are unable to get to the facility, transportationis provided in a couple of locations. Mr. Roden reported that New HopeFoundation has a staff to client ratio of 1 to 6; there is 24 hour/7days a weeknursing staff and psychiatry 3 days a week.V. Youth EmploymentEileen Higgins, Director of the <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> Division of Employment andTraining reported on the in school and out of school Workforce Investment Act(WIA) youth grants and the Asbury Park Community Development Initiative, “Gofor the Gold”. Ms. Higgins stated that there were 15 grant applications submitted3

for WIA youth funding and that an effort this year has been to obtain a provider inthe Western part of the county. Ms. Higgins stated that once awards areformalized the information on the new providers for the 7/1/12 -6/30/13 timeframewill be announced. Ms. Higgins stated that the Go for the Gold program has beenestablished to better meet the needs of local employers in Asbury Park bydefining minimum employability standards for youth applicants. 1.) Area youthagree to meet Gold standards within community-wide initiatives. 2.) Employersparticipating in the Go for the Gold Program agree to interview each candidatethat has attained Gold status. Youth will receive a Gold Card for achieving: 1.)Successful completion of the National Work Readiness course. 2.) 95% or betterattendance within his/her most recent program. 3.) Achieved “Participant in GoodStanding” status within most recent program. 4.) Obtained a letter ofrecommendation. 5.) Completed final Go for the Gold employer workshop.VI. COMMITTEE REPORTSA. YSC Planning CommitteeTrude Arnette reported that the YSC Planning Committee met twice since the lastYSC meeting on April 3 rd and May 1 st , 2012. She stated that the guidelines forthe 2013 Youth Services Plan Update and Application have been issued by theJuvenile Justice Commission. The 2013 Youth Services Plan Update andApplication will be set as an agenda item for action at the September 4 th YouthServices Commission meeting. 2013 is the first, one year renewal option, of ourthree year competitive contracting process.• New this year is the inclusion of a cover letter from the Co-Chairs, onbehalf of the <strong>County</strong> Youth Services Commission indicating their supportfor the Plan Update.• The 2013 Comprehensive <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> Youth Services Plan Updatefor will include a description of the county planning process to completethe Youth Services Plan Update.• Key information reviewed to determine whether the needs identified in the2012-2014 <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> Comprehensive Youth Services Plan havechanged or remained the same will be described.• The recommendations developed for the 2012-2014 <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong>Comprehensive Youth Services Plan for each service categories(delinquency prevention, diversion, detention and detention alternatives,disposition and re-entry) will be reviewed to describe how services and/orgaps were addressed and to determine if recommendations havechanged.• Recommendations or strategies made with regards to policy and practicethrough the lens of race and ethnicity to ensure similar outcomes forsimilarly situated youth will be included.• The 2013 Youth Services Plan Update will include the additional dataused in the county’s planning process and describe the source of the data,the timeframe, and how it was used.4

• The 2013 Youth Services Plan Update will describe topics and discussionpoints that were shared between the YSC and the JDAI Council onJuvenile Justice System Improvement.• The CY 2012 Continuum of Care-Points of Intervention will listprograms/services we consider a part of the continuum of care regardlessof funding. The 2012 Inventory of Resources for <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> Youthwill be attached.At the YSC Planning Committee meetings, information on topics related to eachservice category is shared. This has included the review of data, level of servicereports and program updates. The additional data section of the Youth ServicesPlan Update and the Inventory of Resources for <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> Youth hasbeen completed.The 2012 Site Visits have been scheduled and a few have taken place already.They include:• Observation of Al’s Pals: Kids Making Healthy Choices facilitated byPrevention First, Inc. took place at Thurgood Marshall and BradleyElementary Schools in Asbury Park;• Observation of TEEN TACTICS facilitated by the Family CrisisIntervention Unit staff at the Bolger Middle School in Keansburg took placein an after-school program; and• Observation of an evening session of the Keys to Innervisions (KIV)program at Prevention First, Inc.• Other site visits are scheduled throughout June and July. If any YSCmembers are interested in attending them, please advise Ellen.B. Juvenile Justice System ImprovementJudge Iadanza reported that at the NJ Council on Juvenile Justice SystemImprovement meeting, the Waiver Subcommittee gave a report on their 2 yearongoing study. He noted that following review by Judge Grant, the AttorneyGeneral’s Office and the Juvenile Justice Commission it will be released. JudgeIadanza stated that the access to treatment subcommittee’s report waspostponed. He indicated that quarterly data is reviewed by the local Council on aregular basis and commented that the number of overrides to the Risk ScreeningTool (RST) continues to be a major issue for <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong>. Judge Iadanzastated that access to shelter beds will hopefully help. He stated that JDAIInnovations funding for the continuation of the Electronic Monitoring Expansion(EME) program after hours component will be scrutinized. He outlined costsavings measures & reductions made by the county (closure of YDC, ProjectACT, POH) and his desire for the reallocation of those dollars into saving EME orother juvenile programs. He stated losing up the restrictions on EME would helputilization and expressed his dislike with the current policy that requires consentof the Prosecutor to place a juvenile with a 1 st degree offense on electronicmonitoring. Judge Iadanza stated lack of transportation is a barrier for families tovisit juveniles in Middlesex. Judge Iadanza stated research indicates that havinga juvenile in the adult system has an adverse impact. He shared a case of a5

youth in detention who waived his right and agreed to be transferred to the adultjail. Judge Iadanza stated when asked why, he indicated it was in order to seehis mother.Kathy Collins reported that the contract with the Mercy Center, Inc. for theCommunity Intervention Coaches- Pilot Program that serves Asbury Park youthon Probation was extended through June 30, 2012 to allow additional time for theJDAI Council on Juvenile Justice System Improvement and the <strong>Monmouth</strong><strong>County</strong> Youth Services Commission to evaluate the Program and to considerwhether to extend the Program for a longer time. The Community InterventionCoaches-Pilot Program that serves Asbury Park youth on Probation wasevaluated.Ms. Collins stated that the Pilot Program seeks to improve the success of youthon probation who experience difficulty complying with the basic rules of probationsupervision and are at risk of violation for noncompliance. Based upon theprogram’s first year experience and changes to the probation caseload forAsbury Park, modifications to the program design will be made.• Youth referred to the Community Coaches program can be at the initialpoint of demonstrating signs of non-compliance with the conditions ofprobation whereas, the original design focused on youth at imminentdanger of violating probation. This modification is recommended in orderto reach youth at an earlier stage and address changes within theprobation caseload size for Asbury Park which has decreased.• The length of time the Community Coaches can work with the referredyouth will be extended. The original design was a 30 day period, whichwas unrealistic to reach the intended goal. It will be extended to a 3 monthperiod. This will allow the program for more time to engage the youth andwork on the areas of concern identified by probation.• The coach and the Probation Officer will work collaboratively to developand implement strategies to bring the youth into compliance. For example,if Probation refers the youth for failure to attend school, failure to obtainemployment, failure to attend drug and alcohol counseling, etc. then thecoach will draft a plan outlining the strategies that will be relied upon tohelp the youth achieve the above and review it with Probation.Communication between the coach and the Probation Officer will be on aregular basis.The local JDAI Council on Juvenile Justice System Improvement endorses theuse of $55,205.00 of the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative InnovationFunds (JDAI IF) for the first, one year renewal option of the contract with theMercy Center, Inc. for the Community Intervention Coaches-Pilot Program for theperiod 7/1/12 through 6/30/13 and requests action by the Youth ServicesCommission to recommend this to the Board of Chosen Freeholders for theirauthorization and execution of an agreement between the <strong>County</strong> of <strong>Monmouth</strong>and the Mercy Center, Inc. .6

A motion was made, seconded and carried (Collins:Krupnick) torecommend to the Board of Chosen Freeholders the award of $55,205 inJDAI Innovations Funding to the Mercy Center, Inc. for the CommunityIntervention Coaches-Pilot Program for the period 7/1/12 through 6/30/13.A roll call vote was taken (See attachment)Charles Brown stated that with the shrinking probation population in Asbury Parkand the Juvenile Justice Commission looking hard at everything, it may makesense at some point to look at expanding the geographic area. Ms. Collins statedthat probation is not opposed to this once some success is shown in the redesignof the program. Judge Iadanza commented that there are reduced numbersstatewide and nationally.Ms. Collins reported that <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> submitted the eligibility criteria toapply for the 2013 JDAI Innovations Funding. Notification as to the amount thatwe are eligible to apply for will be made on June 6, 2012. Since the deadline forsubmission of the application is August 3, 2012, a work group will develop theapplication that will require a e-mail vote by both the JDAI Council on JuvenileJustice System Improvement and the Youth Services Commission in early Julyso that it can be forwarded for authorization by the Board of Chosen Freeholdersat their July 26, 2012 meeting.VII. NEW BUSINESSVIII. OLD BUSINESSDr. Krupnick provided an update on SORNA.Barry Johnson stated that Fair Haven/Rumson and Asbury Park are establishingMunicipal Alliances to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse.IX. PUBLIC COMMENTJudge Guadagno announced that this would be his last meeting for he will bemoving on to a new assignment. He will be leaving the Family Division. He statedthat although his time with the Youth Services Commission was brief, herecognized the work of the YSC as extremely important. Once the new PresidingJudge of the Family Division is assigned we will be notified.X. ADJOURNMENTThe meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of the <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong>Youth Services Commission is scheduled for September 4, 2012 at 4:00 PMin the <strong>Monmouth</strong> <strong>County</strong> Human Services Building, First Floor ConferenceRoom.7

2012 MONMOUTH COUNTY YOUTH SERVICES COMMISSIONROLL CALL VOTE DATE: June 5, 2012A motion was made, seconded and carried (Collins:Krupnick) to recommend to the Boardof Chosen Freeholders the award of $55,205.00 in JDAI IF to the Mercy Center’s Inc. for theCommunity Intervention Coaches-Pilot Program for the period 7/1/12 through 6/30/13 for theirconsideration and authorization.NAME YES NO ABSTAIN INELIGIBLE ABSENTDr. Amy L. AltenhausTrude ArnetteDet. Kimberly BestCharles D. Brown, IIIKathi CallaghanKathy CollinsJudge Robert CooganRev. Henry P. DavisVictoria E. DeanWendy DePedroSheriff Shaun GoldenXXXXXXXXJudge Michael A. Guadagno X XEileen HigginsXJennifer Hoffer X XJudge Eugene IadanzaCarl JenningsBarry W. JohnsonSelika B. Josiah GoreDr. Martin KrupnickRosemarie Marinan-GabrielTim McCorkellCee OkuzuJoseph PassimentHoda SolimanProsecutor Peter E. WarshawCarmen VegaKathleen WeirXXXXXXXXTOTAL 17 0 0 6 6A QUORUM= 10 ELIGIBLE VOTERS – (6 Votes Carries the Motion)MOTION CARRIESXXXXXXXX8

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