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62 g]k<strong>fnsf</strong> <strong>blntx</strong>Ÿ/ <strong>gofF</strong> ;<strong>+l</strong><strong>jwfg</strong>;]e b lrN8« ]g -cd]l/sf_ / cgf}krfl/s If]q ;]jf s]Gb|, Is there Room Enough ? Dalit Recruitment Policies and Practices inSelected I/NGOs & Bi/Multilateral Organizations of Nepal -cg';Gwfg k|ltj]bg_, -;g\ @))$_;]e b lrN8« ]g -cd]l/sf_, Everyone Counts: Dalit Children and the Right to Education in Nepal, -;g\ @))$_;]e b lrN8« ]g, Invisible Children: Child Work in Asia and the Pacific, -;g\ !((&_Xo"dg /fO6\; jfr, hflt, hftLo lje]b, ljb]z h'u'K;f tyf ;DalGwt c;xgzLntflj?4 ;+o'Qm /fi6«;‹Lo ljZj;Dd]ng;dIf Xo"dg /fO6\; jfråf/f k|:t't k|ltj]bg . 8af{g, blIf0f clk|msf, ;g\ @))! ;]K6]Da/ . http://www.hrw.org/reports/2001/globalcaste/xL/f ljZjsdf{, ;a} k|sf/sf hftLo lje]b pGd"ng;DaGwL ;+o'Qm /fi6«;‹Lo dxf;lGw;dIf k|:t't /fi6« k|ltj]bg -g]kfndf blnt;d'bfosf] ljz]if ;Gbe{;lxt tof/ ul/Psf]_–;g\ !(($, -blnt ;]jf ;‹, ldng dfu{, / blnt dlxnf ;‹_, k|fof]hs MPS;g P8 g]kfn / ;]e b lrN8« ]g, ;+o'Qm /fHo cd]l/sf . http://www.nepaldalitinfo.20m.com/archives/UNReport94.htmlef/tLo <strong>blntx</strong>?dfgj clwsf/ tyf ljZj Gofo s]Gb|, Go"of]s{ ljZjljBfno, -;g\ @))&_, hftLo lje]b pGd"ng;DaGwL ;+o'Qm /fi6«;‹Lo ;ldlt-;LO{cf/8L_ ;dIf k|:t't …5fofF k|ltj]bgÚ_ http://chrgj.org/docs/IndiaCERDShadowReport.pdfDofsjfg, dfl6{g, Dalit Rights, /fli6«o dfgj clwsf/ cfof]u, -;g\ @))^_blnt;DaGwL j]a;fO6x?-;a} j]a;fO6x¿df ;fGble{s ;fdu|L pknAw x'g}k5{ eGg] 5}g_g]kfncGt//fli6«o blnt P]Soa4tf ;~hfn – http://www.idsn.org/5'jf5'tlj?4 jlsnx¿sf] /fli6«o cleofg – http://www.lancaunepal.org.np/index.phphfu/0f d]l8of ;]06/ – http://www.jagaranmedia.org.np/index.phpblnt u}/;/sf/L ;+:yf dxf;‹ – http://www.dnfnepal.org/aboutus/index.phpblnt ;]jf ;‹ – http://www.dwo.org.npblnt dlxnf ;‹ – http://www.fedonepal.org/g]kfn blnt ;"rgf ;|f]t – http://www.nepaldalitinfo.20m.com/g]kfn /fli6«o blnt ;dfh sNof0f ;Ë7g – http://www.nndswo.org.n/ef/tcDa]8s/ 86 cf]cf/hL – http://www.ambedkar.org/blnt cWoog;DaGwL ef/tLo ;+:yfg – http://www.dalitstudies.org.in/blnt cfjfh – http://www.dalitvoice.org/blnt lqmlZroG; – http://www.dalitchristians.co/blnt k|lti7fg – http://www.dalitfoundation.org/blnt dfgj clwsf/;DaGwL /fli6«o cleofg – http://www.ncdhr.org.in/ncdhr/blnt :jtGqtf ;~hfn – http://www.dalitnetwork.org/blnt ;dfrf/ – http://dalitnews.com/gj;h{g – http://navsarjan.org/Gofo / zflGtsf nflu cDa]8s/ s]Gb| – http://www.ambedkar.net/default.aspx;fIfL Xo"dg /fO6\; jfr – PkL – http://www.sakshiap.org/

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