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g]k<strong>fnsf</strong> <strong>blntx</strong>Ÿ/ <strong>gofF</strong> ;<strong>+l</strong><strong>jwfg</strong>61cg';"rL ^k':ts tyf j]a;fO6sf] 5f]6f] ;"rLg]k<strong>fnsf</strong> <strong>blntx</strong>? -ef/tsf klg x'g;S5g\_cGt//fli6«o >d ;Ë7g, g]kfn, Dalits and Labour in Nepal: Discrimination and Forced Labour, -;g\ @))%_, www.iloktm.org.np/don_con.asp?id=68PS;g P8, g]kfn, A Marginalised Group: Listening to Badi Community -;j{ ]If0f k|ltj]bg_, -;g\ @))!_, http://www.actionaid.org/docs/a%20marginalised%20group.badit.pdfsf]S;, yfd;, "The Badi: Prostitution as a Social Norm among an Untouchable Caste of West Nepal", !( -!_ l;gf; hg{n,k[i7 %!, -;g\ !((@_, l8lh6n lxdfnosf] j]a;fO6 http://www.thdl.org/texts/reprints/contributions/CNAS_19_01_04.pdf df pknAw 5 .8flg8f, Human Rights and Good Governance Programme Nepal Final Component Description Dalit Support, -;g\ @))#_http://www.danidadevforum.um.dk/NR/rdonlyres/E4A558CC-2726-4E58-8717-41B4C0251F6B/0/Component_Dalitsupport.pdfbfxfn, l8NnL/fd / cGo, /fli6«o blnt /0fgLlt k|ltj]bg, -;g\ @))@_, -/fli6«o of]hgf cfof]usf nflu tof/ ul/Psf]_, -o;dfefu ! M g]kfndf <strong>blntx</strong>¿sf] l:ylt ljZn]if0fÙ efu @ – g]kfndf blnt pTyfgsf nflu bL3{sfnLg /0fgLltx¿Ù / efu # Mg]kfndf blnt pTyfgsf nflu kfFr jif{ ] sfo{of]hgf klg 5_, efu ! www.nepaldalitinfo.20m.com/archives/Analysis2002.pdf pknAw 5 .g]kfn ;/sf/, ;a} k|sf/sf hftLo lje]b pGd"ng;DaGwL ;+o'Qm /fi6«;‹Lo dxf;lGw;dIf k|:t't /fi6« k|ltj]bg, -;g\ @)))dfr{ ! / ;g\ @))@ df a'emfpg'kg{ ] kGw|f} F / ;f]x|f} F k|ltj]bg ;+o'Qm ¿kdf a'emfOPsf] lyof]_, hftLo lje]b pGd"ng ;ldlt-;LO{cf/8L_÷;L÷$%@÷cltl/Qm @ . http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/898586b1dc7b4043c1256a450044f331/12134872c79035dfc1256dc10051e324/$FILE/G0343350.doc df jf http://www.nepaldalitinfo.20m.com/archives/archives.html dfkm{t\ pknAw 5 .af/, Odf/ / cGo, Dalits in India and Nepal: Policy Options for Improving Social Inclusion in Education, ;+o'Qm /fi6«;‹Lo a<strong>fnsf</strong>]if -o'lg;]km_, Go"of]s{, ;g\ @))& http://www.unicef.org/videoaudio/PDFs/Dalits_in_India_and_Nepal_Policy_Options_for_Improving_Social_Inclusion.pdfa]g]6, lng -ljZj a}Í_, "Gender, Caste and Ethnic Exclusion in Nepal: Following the Policy Process from Analysis to Action", ;g\@))% l8;]Da/ !@ b]lv !% ;Dd cfof]lht “New Frontiers of Social Policy” ljifos cf?zf ;Dd]ngdf k|:t't sfo{kqhttp://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTRANETSOCIALDEVELOPMENT/Resources/Bennett.rev.pdfdfgj clwsf/ tyf blnt dlxnfsf] dof{bf;DaGwL x]u 3f]if0ffkq . http://www.indianet.nl/pdf/haguedeclaration.pdfdfgj clwsf/ tyf ljZj Gofo s]Gb|, Go"of]s{ ljZjljBfno, The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Caste Discrimination and the Conflictin Nepal (2005), -;g\ @))%_, http://www.chrgj.org/docs/Missing%20Piece%20of%20the%20Puzzle.pdfdfgj clwsf/ tyf ljZj Gofo s]Gb|, Go"of]s{ ljZjljBfno, Recasting Justice, -;g\ @))*_ http://www.chrgj.org/projects/docs/recastingjustice.pdf -;ª\If]ksf nflu of] k|sfzg x]g' {xf]nf ._ofdaxfb'/ ls;fg, The Nepali Dalit Social Movement -sf7df8f} F M sfg'gL clwsf/ ;+/If0f ;dfh g]kfn, -;g\ @))%_ ./fhg}lts bnx¿, White Paper on the Elimination of Untouchability, ;g\ @))$ http://www.nepaldalitinfo.20m.com/archives/PoliWhitePap.pdfljZj a}Í, Unequal citizens: gender, caste and ethnic exclusion in Nepal, ;ª\If]k -!$) k[i7_ j]a;fO6 http://www.wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2006/12/05/000090341_20061205151859/Rendered/PDF/379660Nepal0GSEA0Summary0Report01PUBLIC1.pdfdf pknAw 5 .ljZj k|fp6 ;ef, Kathmandu Dalit Declaration on Caste-Based Discrimination, -;g\ @))$_, http://www.worldproutassembly.org/archives/2005/05/kathmandu_dalit.html;]e b lrN8« ]g / OGx'/]8 OG6/g]zgn, Children and Traditional Caste Employment in Siraha District, Nepal, -;g\ !(((_

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