Domestic Violence in Moldova - The Advocates for Human Rights

Domestic Violence in Moldova - The Advocates for Human Rights

Domestic Violence in Moldova - The Advocates for Human Rights


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis report was written by Bel<strong>in</strong>da Cooper, Elisabeth Duban and Rob<strong>in</strong> Phillips.M<strong>in</strong>nesota <strong>Advocates</strong> acknowledges with great appreciation the research and fieldwork <strong>in</strong>Armenia carried out by Bel<strong>in</strong>da Cooper, Elisabeth Duban, Rob<strong>in</strong> Phillips, DeniseGamache, Joan Kuriansky and Nicole Willis-Grimes.M<strong>in</strong>nesota <strong>Advocates</strong> would like to acknowledge and thank the women of Armenia and<strong>in</strong> particular express our appreciation to the staff of the Women’s <strong>Rights</strong> Center,Yerevan, Armenia. M<strong>in</strong>nesota <strong>Advocates</strong> would also like to thank the follow<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>dividuals: Susanna Vardanyan, Lilit Arabajyan and Artashes Vardanyan, withoutwhom this report would not have been possible.Special thanks to the Battered Women’s Justice Project and its staff and consultants,Loretta Frederick and Denise Gamache, Bill Carter and Joan Kuriansky. Thanks toMal<strong>in</strong>da Schmiechen <strong>for</strong> her research and writ<strong>in</strong>g contributions to the report and to DavidWeissbrodt, Lynn Thomas, Aviva Breen, Jerry Meites, H. Anne Nicholson and SheilaScott <strong>for</strong> their edit<strong>in</strong>g contributions. Thanks also to V<strong>in</strong>cent Lima, Clare Palfreyman,Jean Farmarkes, Bogdan Ciubotaru, Eugene Sherayzen, and Susan Burns <strong>for</strong> their work<strong>in</strong> research, writ<strong>in</strong>g, edit<strong>in</strong>g and translation.This research was conducted <strong>in</strong> collaboration with W<strong>in</strong>rock International as the firstphase of a larger project entitled “DOS-INL Anti-<strong>Domestic</strong> <strong>Violence</strong> and Traffick<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>Women and Children Project.”DEDICATIONThis report is dedicated to all Armenian women.This project was funded, <strong>in</strong> part, through Grant Number S-OPRAQ-99-H-N005.<strong>The</strong> op<strong>in</strong>ions, f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gs and conclusions or recommendations expressed here<strong>in</strong> arethose of the Authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of State.

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