WALKING THE LAST MILE - National Peace Corps Association

WALKING THE LAST MILE - National Peace Corps Association

WALKING THE LAST MILE - National Peace Corps Association

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Elles doivent être accompagnées : si vous êtes membre du personnel du CHU :o d’une lettre de motivationo d’un curriculum vitae détailléo d’une photo d’identité- si vous n'êtes pas membre du personnel du C.H.U. :o d’une lettre de motivationo d’un curriculum vitae détailléo d’une copie de votre carte d’identité (avec photo de bonne qualité)o d’une copie du diplôme requis pour l’engagement (ou copie de lareconnaissance de l’équivalence)Si vous postulez pour plusieurs appels, une copie de ces documents doit être fourniechaque fois.Chaque postulant sera informé de la suite réservée à sa candidature. Cetteinformation interviendra après la date de clôture de l’appel et, au plus tard,3 mois après cette échéance.POUR TOUT RENSEIGNEMENT COMPLEMENTAIREsur la nature exacte des tâches liées à l’emploi, les candidats peuvent se présenter ous’informer auprès de Monsieur le Professeur Ph. DELVENNE, tel: 04/366.24.11Il est vivement conseillé de vous informer préalablement sur la fonction àpourvoir.à propos des formalités administratives, les candidats peuvent s’adresser au Servicedu Personnel – Recrutement – Madame Gina DI FALCO, tél. 04/366.74.55Référence de l’appel à rappeler dans toute correspondance :2011/117 – technologues de laboratoire en Anatomie pathologiqueAppel 2011/117 3/11

country in the world that is providingnon-contributory old age pensionsuniversally to almost all elderlycitizens. Our ‘way forward’ may be toget support for bringing the elderlyinto a more prominent role in theircommunities. There is little advocacyfor old people in Lesotho, but theycould be involved much more.”A primary objective of the researchis to assess the impact of the pensionon the family, household andThe world is their classroom.Offering the Master of Education (M.Ed.)degree combined with an internationallyrecognized AMI diploma.Primary Course (ages 3–6)Janet McDonell, M.Ed., Director of Primary TrainingElementary Course (ages 6–12)Kay Baker, Ph.D., Director of Elementary TrainingTo learn more about Montessori teacher trainingopportunities, please contact Graduate Admissions,Phone: 800-221-9107, ext. 5020, http:// graduate.loyola.edu/wmiinfocommunity. The study concludedthat elders coming from the poorestsituations use the pension to bettertheir family’s immediate needs, as wellas their own. This money – most oftenspent wisely, it was found – helps togenerate livelihoods, while investingin the community and ultimately theoverall economy of Lesotho.Many Basotho elders have becomethe primary caregivers for childrenand grandchildren, directly andWashington Montessori Instituteat Loyola College in MarylandGraduate Programs in Montessori EducationIn affiliation with the <strong>Association</strong> Montessori Internationale, Amsterdam, Netherlands.Programs offered inColumbia, Maryland, just minutesfrom the Capital Beltway.Now accepting applications foracademic year courses inboth Primary and Elementaryfor programs starting in Fall 2009.AMIindirectly affected by HIV/AIDS. Thisresponsibility has had a substantialimpact on their lives.A good-natured woman, RosinaJasong is the grandmother of four, andthe recipient of a pension. Her houseis clean and spacious, it is a tin-roofcement-block house built adjacentto the original round, mud and brickstructure that now serves only as acooking hut and storeroom. Rosinais surprisingly spry for 73 and highlyinvolved in her community. Despiteher age, Rosina tends a large vegetablegarden and keeps chickens on theside. The younger children in thehousehold share the workload. Rosina’spension alleviates the financial burdenof secondary school fees that mightotherwise be unaffordable.Hopefully the continued successof Lesotho’s pension scheme will leadto further increases in the pensionbudget as the cost of living continuesto rise along with the demands puton older individuals in society. Ifempowering the old, educating theyoung and increasing the standard ofliving can begin with a mere $29USD,then perhaps the pension scheme ofLesotho and many other developingcountries is worth more considerationas we piece together a set of solutionsto reduce poverty on a larger scale.As I look back on the faces ofLiphiring, my thoughts turn toMalefetsane and Rosina Jasong, andthe challenges they and so many otherBasotho face, as well as the fortitude ofthe older generation, and the growingimportance of their role within thecommunity. Hardships aside, Basothoare easy to smile and generous innature. I am sure that high hopes (anda pension check) will continue to playan important role in the future of thissmall country.Jeremy Wade Shockley is a freelancephotographer based out of Colorado. Heserved as a <strong>Peace</strong> <strong>Corps</strong> Volunteer in theBerea District of Lesotho from 2003 to2005. This article and the accompanyingphotographs were produced duringa return trip to Lesotho in 2007.Jeremy’s images can be viewed online atFedoraPhoto.com.36 Fall 2008

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