Maritime Press Clippings 2012 - Hydrex Underwater Technology

Maritime Press Clippings 2012 - Hydrex Underwater Technology

Maritime Press Clippings 2012 - Hydrex Underwater Technology


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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209Number 209 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Friday 27-07-<strong>2012</strong>News reports received from readers and Internet News articles copied from various news sites.The PRINSENDAM outbound from Amsterdam – Photo : Marcel Coster ©Distribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 1

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209Your feedback is important to me so please drop me an email if you have any photos orarticles that may be of interest to the maritime interested people at sea and ashorePLEASE SEND ALL PHOTOS / ARTICLES TO :newsclippings@gmail.comIf you don't like to receive this bulletin anymore :To unsubscribe click here (English version) or visit the subscription page on our website.http://www.maasmondmaritime.com/uitschrijven.aspx?lan=en-USEVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONSThe MSC RAPALLO outbound from Rotterdam-Europoort – Photo : Leo Varekamp ©Inland Salvage refloats stranded drill bargeHarvey, La., based Inland Salvage Inc. (ISI) reports that it has completed the successful fuel removal, partialdismantlement and refloating of a stranded 2,500 ton posted drill barge. The drill barge had suffered side shelldamage and loss of watertight integrity due to contact with a support barge in rough seas. As a result, it was unableto discharge ballast and refloat after completing work-over operations in Caillou Island Field, Timbalier Bay, Louisiana.The drill barge's location in a corridor between barrier islands exposed the site to periodic heavy seas and swells.The barge's owner called upon third-party divers initially but they were unable to make the required repairs, andadvised the owners to seek professional salvage assistance. ISI was immediately contracted and salvage crews andequipment were dispatched to the site within 24 hours. The arrival of tropical storm Debby, with deteriorating seaconditions, required that refloat efforts be put on hold and immediate actions be taken to prevent further damage tothe vessel during the storm. Side shell shoring was achieved by way of vertical toggles along the damaged exteriorDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 2

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209section of the hull. The side shell toggles arrested the "breathing" of shell plating (moving in and out with oncomingseas) and stopped damage spreading into other compartments. Next, steel plates were installed over longitudinal splitsin the side shell and bolted into position. The steel plate and bolting arrangement stiffened damaged side shellsections to resist the working of interior framing. All emergency salvage repairs were in place and ISI was able toevacuate crews before onslaught of the storm.<strong>Underwater</strong> efforts by ISI salvage divers using underwater burning, underwater welding, and patch installation washeavily backed up and supported by a topside crew of welding and fabrication personnel. These topside personnelinsured that prefabbed components requested by the divers would be ready to hit the water as needed. With thepassing of the storm, the salvage crews returned and found that the emergency response salvage repairs were intactand had effectively prevented the spread of hull damage. ISI conducted thorough pipeline and side scan surveys of thearea surrounding the casualty. The surveys revealed live pipelines passed under the barge leading to surroundingwellheads. Extensive surveys of surrounding pipelines greatly limited the ability of anchoring or spud type mooringsystems and restricted the use of ISI's heavy lift salvage barges. ISI opted to mobilize a 175 series lift boat with a 115ton crane to the site to use as a work platform.ISI's on-site Salvage Master, Mr. Peter Drummond, working closely with ISI Project Management andArgonautics Marine Engineering, developed a modified plan involving the removal of 170 tons of drill equipmentand drill floor structure along with the discharge of 375 tons of liquid ballast and cargo. A specialty team ofshipbreakers was mobilized to assist divers and crew in removal of topside structure. Airlifting removal of residual mudbuild-up in the hull was restricted to damaged area. The remaining mud would provide ballast without thecomplications associated with free surface water. All participants were aware of the limited window of opportunity andthe consequences if a storm caught the barge partially afloat in the narrow confines of the pipeline and wellhead field.All structure removal work was complete and permission was received to proceed with the modified refloat plan.Within 18 hours of getting the notice to proceed, the vessel was refloated, moved away from wellhead, stabilized, andwas ready to begin its journey to the shipyard for repairs. Towing vessels and crews, familiar with the area, skillfullymaneuvered the rig's hull through the very confined and shallow field. The towing company's captains kept in constantradio contact with the salvage master, providing updates to the salvage crew on tow conditions. The cooperationbetween the towboats and the Salvage Master enabled the underway movement of ballast and pumping to reflect thestability adjustments as the tow progressed. ISI worked closely with the USCG / MSU Houma during the evolution andprovided real-time updates from beginning to end. Source : MarineLogThe ENDURANCE outbound from Rotterdam - Photo : Henk van der Heijden ©China Merchants to bid for CMA CGM'sTerminal Link port operations stakeCHINA Merchants Holdings International (CMHI), a Hong Kong-listed China's conglomerate specialising in portoperations, transport and logistics, will be one of a handful Asian buyers for the Marseille-based CMA CGM's TerminalLink shares. The carrier has been keen to sell assets to raise funds for the repayment of its heavy debt of US$5 billion,reports London's Containerisation International, adding that one of latest plans is to sell up to 49 per cent of itsDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 3

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209Terminal Link stake, which holds minority stakes in 20 terminals worldwide. China Merchants did not comment on thedeal, but its managing director Hu Jianhua told CI earlier that the company aims to "become a leading world publicport developer, investor and operator" so it seeks opportunities worldwide to build up a global port network that cancompete with APM Terminals, DP World and Hutchison Port Holdings. The Hong Kong-based so-called "red chip"company pays close attention to the emerging markets. "Emerging markets have the potential to increase and theyhave a big advantage due to potential of market growth, as well as low cost labour," Mr Hu said. Source : SchednetThe ALESSANDRA BOTTIGILIERI at the Westerscheldt River passing the Oostgat enroute the Put van TerneuzenPhoto : Huib Lievense ©BP missed big hazard issues in Gulf spillBP focused too much on the little details of personal worker safety instead of the big systemic hazards that led to the2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill and wasn't as strict on overall safety when drilling rigs involved other companies that theyhired, a government safety panel concludes. Eleven workers were killed in the April 2010 explosion of the DeepwaterHorizon rig, and about 200 million gallons (757 million litres) of oil flowed into the Gulf from the blown-out Macondowell. The company formerly known as British Petroleum had the lease on the well, but the drilling rig was ownedand operated by another company, and BP has faulted drilling contractor Transocean. That contractor-owner splitmade a difference in major accident prevention with the oil disaster, the US Chemical Safety Board concluded in apresentation to be made at a hearing yesterday. "BP applied lesser process safety standards" to rigs contracted outthan it does to its own facilities, safety board managing director Daniel Horowitz told The Associated <strong>Press</strong> in aninterview. "In reality, both Transocean and BP dropped the ball on major accident hazards in this case." The oilcompany "did not conduct an effective comprehensive hazard evaluation of the major accident risks for the activities ofDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 4

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209the Deepwater Horizon rig or for the Macondo well" because BP's large risk evaluation programme "looked only atBP assets, not drilling rigs that it contracted" to other firms for operation, investigators said in the presentation.A BP spokesman in a statement e-mailed to AP said the company"stepped up" and developed morerigorous safety indicators following theaccident. The safety board said whenBP looked at offshore endeavors it"focused on financial risks, not processsafety risks". And after the DeepwaterHorizon explosion, the company's ownaccident investigation report"recommended requiring hazardreviews of BP-owned and contractedrigs", the safety board's presentationsays."That's very disturbing because the Gulfof Mexico belongs to the Americanpeople," said former Sen Bob Graham, who co-chaired a different government oil spill investigation, one appointed byPresident Barack Obama. The Chemical Safety Board's findings, which mostly mirror the report from Graham's paneland another, pointed at a second standard for what BP owned and operated and what it didn't. Graham said he didn'tknow that. "If that's true, it's reprehensible," Graham told The Associated <strong>Press</strong> Monday night. CongressionalDemocrats requested the safety board investigation. The panel usually investigates deadly industrial accidents andmakes recommendations but has no power to regulate, much like the National Transportation Safety Board.The panel has been criticised for its role in investigating the disaster. Transocean resisted complying with a subpoenaarguing that the spill fell outside the board's jurisdiction that involves industrial accidents onshore. An offshore rig is anocean-going vessel that is motionless when drilling. The board also had to push to gain access to the examination ofthe blowout preventer, and at one point demanded that the analysis stop, saying representatives of the companiesthat made and maintained the 300-ton device have been getting preferential and sometimes hands-on access to it.The board's presentation said there is a difference between worker safety and making sure the entire rig and well aresafe, and that's where owner BP and rig operator Transocean were "inadequate". And that same lack of focus on thebigger picture of safety bore an "eerie resemblance" to what the safety board found in its investigation of a 2005explosion at BP's Texas City refinery that killed 15 people, safety board investigator Cheryl MacKenzie said in a newsrelease. That federal oil spill commission report, co-chaired by Graham and former EPA chief William Reilly, and aNational Academy of Engineering found similar problems. Reducing lost time for workers and making sure they wearthe right kind of boot is important, "but that really doesn't have much to do with system safety", said former NavySecretary and now engineering professor Donald Winter, who chaired the National Academy of Engineeringinvestigation. "It is fundamentally different." Source : jamaicaobserver.comThe FINNMARKEN seen in Harstad (Norway) from her sistership NORDNORGE – Photo : Paul van Oort ©Distribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 5

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209Western Fleets May Head To Syria ToEvacuate Civilians - Or For Something Else?The U.S., France and the United Kingdom look set to increase their naval presence in the Middle East as the chaos inSyria continues. Late last week, Britain's Telegraph reported that the country's Ministry of Defence was in the processof preparing contingency plans for evacuating British nationals from the Middle East, should the ongoing conflict inSyria further spill across borders into neighboring Lebanon and Jordan.The British would likely send theHMS Illustrious, a helicoptercarrier, along with the HMSBulwark, an amphibious ship, aswell as an advanced destroyer toprovide defenses for the task force.On board will be several hundredRoyal Marine commandos, as wellas a complement of AH-64 attackhelicopters (the same ones used inLibya last year).A fleet of French ships, includingthe Charles De Gaulle aircraftcarrier, carrying a complement ofRafale fighter aircraft, are expectedto join them. Those forces areexpected stay offshore and could escort specially chartered civilian ships meant to pick up foreign nationals fleeingSyria and surrounding countries.The United Nations says that as many as 30,000 Syrian refugees entered Lebanon within just two days last week.Turkey now hosts some 42,000 Sryian refugees (Western media report that camps are well stocked, serviced andsafe), Iraq some 8,000, Jordan some 36,000. The total number of Syrians that have already fled the country amountsto some 120,000 people. But the heavily armed nature of the European task force is raising eyebrows.There is concern that Syrian or terrorist forces in the area would attack fleeing civilians or attempt to hinder anyrescue operations. Still, the sheer power of the Western forces involved -- the Charles De Gaulle alone is a nuclearpoweredaircraft carrier with an entire squadron of jets more advanced than anything the Syrians have -- is sparkingspeculation that those forces could become involved in a NATO operation against Syrian forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad. It certainly lends credence to the idea that Western expectations of the Syrian conflict to degenerate andexpand, perhaps into neighboring countries, are increasing. Sources in the British Ministry of Defense denied anyDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 6

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209intention of a combat role for British forces. The HMS Illustrious, which is currently sitting on the Thames in centralLondon, will likely only be sent to the region after the end of the Olympics.But the French and British ships may be arriving in the region at around the same time as two other powerful navies.The Russian military announced in mid-July that it would be sending a flotilla of 11 ships into the EasternMediterranean for exercises, including large landing ships that could potentially be sent to the port of Tartus in Syria.Last Monday, the Pentagon also confirmed that it would be redeploying the USS John C. Stennis, a nuclear-poweredsupercarrier capable of carrying 90 aircraft, to the Middle East on an earlier schedule than planned. The Stenniswould be arriving in the region with an advanced missile-launching cruiser, the USS Mobile Bay. The carrier USSEisenhower is already expected to be in the Middle East by that time (two carriers currently in the region are to berelieved and sent back to the U.S.).The Stennis was originally expected to be sent to the Pacific by the end of the year, and only recently returned fromthe Middle East in March; it will now be back in the region by an unspecified date in the late summer. The DefenseDepartment said that the early deployment had come from a request made by Marine Corps General James N. Mattis,the commander for Central Command (the U.S. military authority area that covers the Middle East), partly out ofconcern that there would be a short period where only one carrier would be located in the region.Amid unpredictable situations in both Syria and Iran, that would have left U.S. forces stretched and overly burdened ifa firm military response were needed in either circumstance. A Pentagon spokesman said on July 16 that thedeployment shift was "not a decision based solely on the challenges posed by Iran." Source : ibtimesRussian tall ship Mir (L) followed by Poland's Dar Mlodziezy sail on parade on the Tagus river in front of Lisbonharbour before their departure for the second stage of the Tall Ships Races <strong>2012</strong>, July 22, <strong>2012</strong>Photo : m4rs75 ©Distribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 7

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209The BOURBON FRONT arriving at the River Tyne bound for Swan-Hunter, Wallsend – Photo : Kevin Blair ©Iran ship with explosives on way to KenyaA vessel suspected to have shipped into Kenya the powder making explosive-Cyclotrimethylene Trinitramine isexpected to dock at the port of Mombasa anytime this week, again. The MV Padriz has also been at the centre ofpossible US sanctions over Iran-owned vessels, which are said to be re-flagged to mask their ownership.Sources confirmed to the Star that the vessel has so far made 23 calls to the port of Mombasa, on a monthly basis,and it was during one of those calls that the vessel was carrying the RDX, which has been linked to the two Iraniansfacing terrorism charges, Ahmad Mohammed and Sayed Mousavi The Star recently reported that the manifest of MVPadriz apparently confirmed that six security officers and another nine crew members were on board the vessel, whichwas carrying about 200 containers when it last docked at the port with the explosives.However, the Iran government has dismissed the reports that the ship allegedly owned by the Pacific Island nation,Tuvalu, was used to sneak into the country dangerous explosive materials that were impounded in Mombasa. Iranianambassador to Kenya Malek Hossein Givzad claims the information is ''false and aimed at further tarnishing itsinternational image in wide propaganda by US, Israel and some European Union (EU) states' According to the police,the 15 kilogramme RDX was impounded at a Console base warehouse situated in Changamwe on June 20 after it wasallegedly shipped into the country by MV Pardis from Iran. Speaking to the Star on the phone, Givzad said they havenot contracted any of its vessels to do any shipping of its (oil) products in East Africa.Yesterday, the Star further established that the container in which the explosives were impounded had its numberchanged over three times, making it difficult for security detectives to pinpoint the consignment. The vessel has beendocking in Kenya to deliver containerized goods, which are categorized as mechanical and farm inputs, according toofficials. The 14 days shipping schedule of the Kenya Ports Authority indicated that the vessel is expected to dock thisweek on 25th July, and will discharge 352 containers, and load 718. The shipping agents in Kenya are Seven SeasShipping Agency (K) Ltd, (SSA) whose officials from the imports department confirmed that it may instead dockaround 28th July this year. “What we can confirm is that the ship is a containerized vessel, as opposed to either lose orbulk cargo or a tanker/oil,” said the official, who declined to be named due to the sensitivity of the issue.The official also revealed that the vessel is now registered in Zanzibar, and owned by Arabs. “It docks at the port everyonce per month and was here last on June 11th this year, plus as a requirement, it has to fly the Kenyan flag,” hesaid. Under the KPA’s list of expected vessels, the container vessel, Pardis, had its vessel scheduled as ‘Pard <strong>2012</strong>-0905, call sign 5IM540, voy no SAS 0024’. SAS 0024 would mean that it will be its 24th trip to the country.The vessel under the 14 days list was booked on 30th of June this year. Other sources in the imports businessconfirmed that it docked on May 23rd, this year, it being its 22nd trip to the country, and it discharged 332 containersand loaded 838 containers. “In normal cases, the same shipping company should handle the vessel, and a report onDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 8

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209containers nominated by KPA and which yard it was found, is also given, though all the contents may not bethoroughly screened once the first few have been tested and passed,” said the source.But the ambassador, in Iran’s defense, said,“It is not true that Tuvalu-the small South pacific Island nation- as claimedby US government is reflagging Iran oil ship to assist the Iranian regime in evading US and EU sanctions andgenerating additional revenues for its nuclear weapons program and its support for international terrorism,’’ statedHossein Givzard.Reports in the UK Telegraph indicated that Tuvalu has been told by the US to stop reflagging Iranian oil tankers andwarned its government of the risks of breaking US sanctions. The report further indicated that the European Unionbanned Iranian oil imports as well as providing insurance for vessels carrying Iranian oil on July 1, with the US havingnew economic sanctions that have curbed Iranian oil imports by most other major nations, in efforts to pressurizeTehran to end its nuclear program.According to the report, reflagging ships, makes it easier for Iran to obtain insurance and financing for the cargoes, aswell as find buyers for the shipments without attracting attention from the US and EU. But the ambassador said Iranwould not be coward by US sanction and has a grand plan to invest in sectors such as trade, tourism, serviceengineering, education, agriculture, and industry.Highly place sources indicate that MV Pardis docked at the port of Mombasa after it making its way back fromTanzania last month. During the seizure of the RDX, acting head of civil servants Francis Kimemia revealed inMombasa the container was seized with 15 kilograms of explosive material in Mombasa with the aid of internationalagencies. He added that the government had sought the help of international agencies such the FBI and Interpol inhelping deal with security threats.He said the container was impounded after two Iranian terror suspects were arrested after checking into a five starhotel in Nairobi following a tipoff from international agencies including FBI and Interpol officers. Anti-terrorism policeare now looking for four Kenyans in Mombasa believed to have been in contact with the two Iranians. It is believedthat more than 100kg was delivered by an Iranian man believed to be a security officer working on the ship but policeonly managed to recover 15kg.Sources privy to the investigations indicates that 100 kilograms of RDX explosive material was offloaded at Gatenumber 8 at the port of Mombasa before the container was taken to Changamwe. It has also emerged that police didnot recover any powder from the warehouse only to impound 15 kilograms of it at a house situated at Mama Nginadrive while the rest of the explosive cannot be accounted for.The police only recovered a tractor and other building materials. A senior anti terrorism police officer told the Star thepowder is used to make improvised bombs with a capacity to bring down tall buildings. Sources also said despite theentire alert from other agencies the Kenya government was very reluctant to intercept MV Pardiz before or upon arrivalat the port of Mombasa. The two Iranian suspects entered Kenya as tourists and were supposed to receive theexplosive from the contact on MV Padriz. They were then supposed to deliver it to the Mombasa Club golf coursewhere another contact would collect it and take it to an unknown destination. The tourist visa of the two men was dueto expire on June 26 but they were arrested on June 19, five days after MV Padriz docked in Mombasa. Securitysources believe that the two Iranians already charged at the high court in Nairobi could be part of Iran’s elite Islamicrevolutionary guards corps, a secretive unit used against foreign interests.Kenya security agencies are now on high alert with reports that the same ship will dock at the port this week. The raidat Consol Base was led by anti terror police boss Elijah Rop. Several officials have been questioned over theconsignment. The warehouse was recently in the news when a consignment of fake Somali passports was recoveredthere. The case is pending in court, with a businessman having been charged over the case. The Coast PPO AggreyAdoli said a special team of security officers will also be conducting random inspection of containers at the Port ofMombasa, as police remain on high alert, over the arrival of the vessel and any others calling at the port this month.Source : the-star.co.keALSO INTERESTED IN THIS FREE MARITIME NEWSCLIPPINGS ?PLEASE VISIT THE WEBSITE :WWW.MAASMONDMARITIME.COMAND REGISTER FOR FREE !Distribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 9

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209NAVY NEWSThe Dutch frigate HNLMS Van Speijk (F 828) in Norway with its new mastHMS Defender arrives in Portsmouthfrom the ClydePhoto : Chris Brooks - www.ShipFoto.co.uk ©The fifth of six of the new Type 45 destroyers – the Daring class – HMS Defender reached Portsmouth, after herpassage from the Clyde, presumably for handover and commissioning into the Royal Navy. Defender – with her fivesisters – has been built by BAE Systems at Govan and Scotstoun. The sixth ship, HMS Duncan, was launched atGovan on 11th October 2010 and is now fitting-out at Scotstoun. Defender came down-river from Scotstoun onSaturday 21st July, apparently flying a Blue Ensign – therefore not already commissioned. She anchored north of GreatCumbrae until Sunday 22nd July, then went through some further sea trials before sailing for Portsmouth. Tuesday24th July, she was performing some evolutions in Lyme Bay, west of Portland. She was then seen east of the Isle ofWight, on a track suggesting she was proceeding directly to Portsmouth RN base. Defender then lay anchor in theimmediate approaches to Portsmouth. Other Type 45s on their delivery run – with HMS Dragon possibly one of them– waited for several hours outside Portsmouth before going in. This point of Defender’s naval life is an importanttransition into full service life. I wish her well. Source : forargyllDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 10

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209(rpt) Sallim said this was to enable the fire and rescue personnel to take the necessary preventive and safetymeasures.The channelling of gas from Petronas Chemicals Methanol to the Patau-Patau power station was stoppedimmediately until after the situation returned to normal and it was safe, he said in a statement. Abdul Razak said thetemporary shutdown was expected to affect SESB's capability to channel electricity to all consumers in duty-freeLabuan. He also said that several emergency measures to meet the shortfall in electricity generation capacity would beimplemented, including Demand Side Management (DSM), during the period of peak demand. Rationing ofelectricity supply would only be implemented in stages if the implementation of the DSM was unable to cope with thedemand and the station could not operate at optimum capacity, he said. The Patau-Patau Power Station has thecapacity to generate 103.5MW of electricity, and is the only power station in the Federal Territory of Labuan. Source: BERNAMASHIPYARD NEWSSuccessful launch ceremonies forDOHUK and KARBALA by IHC MerwedeIHC Merwede has successfullylaunched the 500m3 grab hopperdredger, DOHUK, and the3,500m3 trailing suction hopperdredger, KARBALA (left) , in twoceremonies on 25 July <strong>2012</strong> at thecompany’s shipyard in Krimpen aanden IJssel, The Netherlands. TheDOHUK was launched early in themorning, followed later by theceremony for the KARBALA.The vessels were named bybreaking a jar of yoghurt over thebow. They are being built forToyota Tsusho Corporation,although the operator will be theGeneral Company for Ports ofIraq (GCPI). Both ceremonieswere performed by Mr Hussain Mohammed Abdullah, GCPI’s Project Director. The contract for the design,construction and delivery of both vessels was signed between Toyota Tsusho Corporation and IHC Dredgers on21 October 2010. The keel of the trailing suction hopper dredger was laid on 10 January <strong>2012</strong> and of the grab hopperDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 12

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209dredger on 9 March <strong>2012</strong>. Both vessels will be delivered in the fourth quarter of <strong>2012</strong>. The vessels are functionallyequipped and solidly built, with much attention paid to low maintenance costs. They will be used mainly formaintenance work in various Iraqi ports, although the KARBALA can also be used for land reclamation projects.Main featuresName DOHUK KARBALAType Grab hopper dredger Trailing suction hopper dredgerCustomer Toyota Tsusho Corp. Toyota Tsusho Corp.Builder IHC Dredgers BV IHC Dredgers BVLength overall 57m 90.65mBreadth 12.5m 17mDepth 4.9m 7.9mDraught 3.9m 6.5mDredging depth 25m 25mHopper capacity 500m3 3,500m3Suction pipe diameter600mmTotal installed power 554Kw 7,262kWSpeed 8 knots 12 knotsDaytime accommodation 12 people 37 peopleROUTE, PORTS & SERVICESSvitzer’s LONDON departed with brand new H-542 from the CMHI yard in Shenzhen, ChinaPhoto : Jesper Boerma ©Singapore's first LNG terminal projectahead of scheduleSingapore's first LNG terminal project is ahead of schedule with an overall 92% completion as at last month, accordingto Singapore LNG (SLNG), the state-owned terminal developer. “SLNG is well placed to complete the terminal, readyfor operational start-up by the second quarter of next year,” SLNG said. All key civil works at the terminal will be readyby the end of July, with steady progress on the initial two storage tanks, SLNG said, adding that “progress on the thirdLNG tank continues ahead of schedule, and second berth piling works for both jetties and quay wall are progressingwell.” The third tank is expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2014. The S$1.7bn ($1.35bn) project onJurong Island has another S$400m planned expansion for another two storage tanks to meet potentially strongerdemand from global gas players. Source: Seatrade-AsiaRotterdam 380 CST bunker fuel premiumto HSFO barges at 3.5-month highThe Rotterdam 380 CST high sulfur bunker fuel premium to 3.5% FOB Rotterdam barges rose to a three-and-a-halfmonthhigh on the back of loading delays following supply shortages for prompt in the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerpregion, sources said Tuesday.On Monday, the 380 CST HSFO bunker premium to 3.5% Rotterdam barges was assessed by Platts at $14.75/mt, thehighest level since April 4, when it was assessed at $14.25/mt, Platts data show. "There are loading problems andDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 13

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209therefore barges are fully committed, which makes [prompt deliveries] very difficult," a bunker fuel oil supplier inRotterdam said. A bunker trader in Rotterdam added, "Some suppliers are not even dealing with inquiries until Sundayand when they do quote you have to pay." Another trader in Rotterdam said that loading delays have worsened andthat some suppliers were waiting to load their barges up to five and six days from four days of delays last week.Bunker premiums were supported by delays at loading installations caused largely by limited cutterstock supplyavailability used to blend Russian M100 fuel oil into RMG specifications and some European refiners producing morebitumen, sources said. Normally, Northwest European refiners focus on bitumen production during the summer monthsdue to increased demand for road-building programs in Europe, sources said. Source: PlattsThe APL SALALAH on her maiden call to Southampton. Photo : Chris Bancroft ©Rolls-Royce to power high tech drillshipsRolls-Royce, the global power systems company, announced orders worth over £70 million to supply large thrustersfor offshore drilling vessels, the Company press release said. These latest orders, which include options for additionalthrusters, are from a variety of customers who are expanding their drillship fleets and are driven by greater demand inoil and gas exploration in deep water and harsh conditions.Rolls-Royce Senior Vice President Offshore, Helge Gjerde said: "Numerous drillships with Rolls-Royce thrustershave been delivered in the past few years, making Rolls-Royce the clear market leader for this type of propulsion. Weare very pleased to see that customers in this industry continue to have confidence in our abilities to support theirbusiness with mission-critical systems, products and services." These high specification drillships operate in dynamicDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 14

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209positioning (DP) mode, using satellite technology to automatically maintain position without anchoring. This places aheavy responsibility on thruster performance and reliability. Highly efficient propulsion during transit moves to a drillingsite, and closely controlled position keeping when drilling operations are in progress are key requirements of thesegiant thrusters. Seadrill has specified Rolls-Royce thrusters again for three drillships to be built by Samsung in Korea.Each vessel will be equipped with six azimuth thrusters, each rated at 4,500kW. A similar thruster order is specified fora drillship ordered by Pacific Drilling, while more powerful thrusters of the same design have been ordered for anEnsco drillship, both to be built at the same Samsung yard. Rolls-Royce thrusters are also to be used on drillshipspreviously contracted in Korea by Rowan, Noble and Fred Olsen at Hyundai and by Attwood, Transocean (Aker) andVantage at Daewoo. Source : PortNewsPort expansion continuesProgress on Arrium Mining's port expansion is continuing to rack up the milestones, with construction work now wellunderway. The expansion will increase Arrium Mining's export capability to 12 million tonnes of iron ore per year,opening up a number of opportunities for increased sales from its existing iron ore operations and through theacquisition of the Southern Iron assets near Coober Pedy. According to Arrium Mining general manager Whyalla portexpansion project Jon Hobbs, about 90 per cent of the areas have been fully handed over to the various contractors,meaning most aspects of the project have now begun. "Construction work has commenced on 11 of the 12 sites, withonly the new permanent berth still in the design phase," Mr Hobbs said. "As an interim measure, a temporary berth isunder construction by Leighton, the company also responsible for the permanent berth and rail line." Source:Whyalla NewsThe RISINGER at the Westerscheldt River – Photo : Walter de Groot ©Indonesian Port Operators Team Up toBoost EfficiencyDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 15

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209In a move to boost business and improve efficiency at the country’s seaports, the government has called on severalarms of state port operator Pelabuhan Indonesia to set up a container terminal company. The seaport operators thatwill be affected are Pelindo I, Pelindo II, Pelindo III and Pelindo IV. State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan said inJakarta on Tuesday that the four state companies had agreed to set up a container terminal facility called Peti KemasIndonesia. “[The establishment] of the company is almost complete,” Dahlan said after holding a meeting at Gambirrailway station in Jakarta. The establishment of PKI is meant to boost coordination and cooperation among seaportoperators in handling cargo shipment in the country’s main seaports.Pelindo II handles the operation of 12 ports, including Teluk Bayur in Padang, West Sumatra; Jambi in Jambi;Palembang in South Sumarta; Banten in Banten province; and Tanjung Priok and Sunda Kelapa in North Jakarta. Italso operates Cirebon in West Java. Pelindo I handles several large ports in the northern part of Sumatra, includingBelawan in Medan, North Sumatra. Belawan is known as one of Indonesia’s main commodity ports.Dahlan said the container terminal company was expected to supervise the operations of all shipping and other relatedactivities in all the country’s seaports. “All the container terminal activities and operations will be supervised by PetiKemas,” he said. Dahlan also said the supervision by one single entity would improve efficiency. He said the containerterminal activities in other ports such as in Medan, Batam, Surabaya, Makassar and Sorong, West Papua, would bebetter supervised and monitored, which in turn would increase overall efficiency.The minister did not disclose the financial details of the company, though he did say that the four seaport operatorshad a strong financial position. Let’s wait within this week when we have details of the investment plan,” Dahlan said.Tanjung Priok in North Jakarta is the busiest port in the archipelago, handling almost 50 percent of the country’s totalexport and import activities. It is also operating at its maximum capacity. Pelindo II plans to spend Rp 52.6 trillion($5.6 billion) in the next two years to build three new seaports in the country in a move to help reduce logistics costsand container congestion.R.J. Lino, president director of Pelindo II, said on June 27 that the company would build a Rp 22.6 trillion port, calledNew Priok, in Kalibaru, seven kilometers west of Tanjung Priok. The state-controlled enterprise also plans to buildports in Sorong and in Tanjung Sauh, Batam, which would cost Rp 10 trillion and Rp 20 trillion respectively.The Kalibaru project would include three container terminals, an oil and gas terminal and a seven-kilometer toll roadlinking it to Tanjung Priok. Lino said the company had secured an Rp 11 trillion loan from Bank Mandiri for the firstphase of construction, which will start this month. Source : Jakarta GlobeThe tanker IBLEA departing Western Port for Port Botany. It loaded crude oil for discharge at Caltex Port Botany.Photo : William T Barber ©Irregularities confirmed in Paita andCallao concessionsThe report into the concession process undertaken for the North Terminal at the Peruvian port of Callao and also ofthe port of Paita has concluded that there were irregularities in both operations.In Paita, the existing concessionaire, Terminales Portuarios Euroandino, is said to not have been correctly registered,not have had sufficient capital to bid and not have met formal requirements set out in the tender process. In the caseof the APM Terminals bid at Callao, it was noted that the original $1.9bn investment offered became just $750m whenthe eventual contract document was drawn up. In related news, the privatisation of the North Terminal containerDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 16

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209operation at the port of Callao has left the national ports company, Enapu, requiring a cash bail out. The loss of itsmost important asset resulted in 90% drop in revenue, equivalent to $37.5m per year. Source: Port StrategyThe GSP FALCON passing Velsen for the swing near the Nam quayside - Photo : Joop Marechal ©Cavotec SA: Cavotec wins major cablereel order for Sri Lanka container portCavotec has won a substantial order for power and spreader cable reels for ship-to shore (STS) container cranes fromthe world's largest port equipment manufacturer ZPMC. The project further strengthens Cavotec's presence as a keysupplier to OEMs in the global ports sector."This project reinforces our position as a trusted supplier to leading OEMs such as ZPMC. The considerable size of thisorder is also strongly positive for Cavotec," says Gustavo Miller, Managing Director of Cavotec Shanghai. This projectwill see Cavotec electrical power and spreader cable reels fitted to 12 STS cranes for the China Merchant containerterminal in the Port of Colombo, Sri Lanka. The cranes form an important element of the Colombo South HarbourDevelopment Project, a $500-million initiative that is set to considerably enhance the capacity of Sri Lanka's main port.According to a report by the Xinhua news agency, the programme is the largest foreign direct investment project in SriLanka to date.The first 600m quay of the container terminal is scheduled to become operational in 2014, while the remaining twostages of the programme are to be completed in 2016. Cavotec has worked on a large number of projects with ZPMCover a number of years. Other Asian OEMs with which the Group cooperates include Japan's TCM. Earlier this yearDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 17

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209Cavotec supplied TCM with cable reels for 13 ERTG cranes for Northport Terminal in Malaysia. Cavotec manufacturesa diverse range of advanced technologies that help ports around the world to operate safely, efficiently andsustainably. These products include automated mooring systems, shore power technologies, Panzerbelt cableprotection systems, crane controllers, marine propulsion slip rings, power chains and connectors, radio remotecontrols, motorised cable reels and steel chains. Source: Cavotec SAThe DUTCH POWER towing the MAXI (ex Crowley barge 408) from Zaandam to VlissingenPhoto : Marcel Coster ©Stage two of Newcastle's third coalloader opensThe billion dollar second stage of Newcastle's third coal loader has opened, increasing annual exports by an extra 23million tonnes.The first stage of the NCIG terminal has been operating since mid 2010 producing around 30 million tonnes of coal peryear. Stage two includes additional infrastructure such as a stacker reclaimer, conveyors and ship loader. It will boostoutput to 53 million tonnes, but eventually that will rise to 66 million tonnes per annum when the final stage iscomplete. Ports Minister Duncan Gay says the project will play a significant role in the growth of coal exports. "It is ahell of a lot of money and it is a huge investment, and it indicates a confidence in Newcastle and in the industry," hesaid. Mr Gay says the Government realises the system will come under increasing strain and will need additionalinfrastructure to cope."Part of my role is to make sure that we keep it moving between the source and the Port and we need to make surethat infrastructure is there," he said. "We've got more to come and more announcements in this area. "InfrastructureNSW certainly would be looking at the supply chain." NCIG Chief Executive Rob Yates says coal output will ramp-upover the next year as work gets underway on the final stage. "We reached mechanical completion which is acontractual term for stage double A at the beginning of this month and we're now on commissioning and ramp up," hesaid. "We have approval to go to 66 million tonnes and work on that last stage of expansion has commenced." "NCIGsays the second stage should be operating at full capacity over the next year." Source: ABCPort of Beira in Mozambique contributes toincreased trade between EU and African countriesThe Mozambican port of Beira is contributing to increased trade between countries such as Zambia, Zimbabwe,Malawi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the European Union (EU), the President of the EuropeanCommission, José Manuel Durão Barroso said. During a visit to the port’s facilities, Durão Barroso also said that theport of Beira was essential not only for the region but also for other parts of the African continent, as it was an entryand exit point for goods such as coal, fertilizer, granite, grains, and container cargo.“In fact the port of Beira joins Africa and Europe in trade,” he said noting that Europe had technology andmanagement and Africa had natural resources, some of which have been found in the last few years. The chiefexecutive of Cornelder Moçambique, Carlos Mesquita, told Mozambican newspaper Notícias that he had informed theDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 18

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209President of the European Commission about the projects underway and the trend for landlocked countries to use theport’s facilities and the Beira Corridor transport system. Specifically noting the port’s activities, Mesquita said that thisyear 83,000 containers had been processed, which was a year-on-year increase of 15 percent and that in terms ofgeneral cargo over 2.5 million tons had been processed , of which 1.3 million tons were coal. Source: Macau HubThe STANISLAV YUDIN enroute Rotterdam – Photo : FLYING FOCUS luchtfotografie - www.flyingfocus.nl ©Rolls-Royce confirms contract for wavepiercing offshore vesselRolls-Royce has confirmed that it has signed a £10 million contract with Simon Møkster Shipping for a wavepiercing offshore vessel with a striking new bow design that will go into service for Statoil in the Arctic region. Thevessel is designed to pierce through the waves under harsh weather conditions, making it possible to keep a moreconstant speed, reduce the use of fuel and increase on board safety. This fits with Simon Møkster’s philosophy ofdeveloping the most environmentally friendly fleet possible.Hans Robert Almestad, Rolls-Royce, General Sales Manager, said: “We are happy to be chosen by Simon MøksterShipping to develop this highly innovative offshore vessel. "Our wave piercing designs and other highly efficienttechnologies are becoming increasingly popular with customers seeking to reduce their operating costs and improvethe environmental performance of their fleets.”The vessel, which will be built by Spanish shipyard Gondan, is developed specifically for work in the Arctic region, andwill be equipped to undertake oil spill recovery duties. Due for delivery in 2014, the Rolls-Royce vessel includes anDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 19

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209extensive range of advanced equipment, such as Azipull propellers, thrusters, the latest generation of automation andcontrol systems and a dynamic positioning system which uses GPS systems to ensure the vessel can hold its positioneven in rough seas. Source : Offshore Shipping OnlineVAN BEEST INVESTS IN THE FUTURE ANDDRIVES FIRST PILE FOR NEW BUILDINGVan Beest is pleased to announce that the company has achieved asignificant milestone in its expansionwith the first pile of the new productionhall being driven into the ground onThursday afternoon, 28 June, in thepresence of Van Beest staff and guests.The steady growth of the internationalposition of Van Beest, which currentlyhas subsidiaries in four countries, gavecause to adapt the housing of ourheadquarters and production facility inSliedrecht, The Netherlands. VanBeest has ambitious plans for thefuture. Quality and reliability are keyvalues in the Van Beest organization.In order to provide customers with thebest service and delivery reliability it isnecessary to expand our facilities.We will realize this by:- expansion with a new production hall of2.500 m2- expansion of the distribution centre with2.500 m2- renovation and expansion of the officewith a second floor of 500 m2.The entire project is expected to becomplete by the summer of 2013.Van Beest manufacturers high quality liftingproducts such as shackles and hooks, underthe registered trade names GREEN PIN®and EXCEL®. Van Beest currently hasbranches in The Netherlands, Germany,France and USA, and stock holding distributors in more than 80 countries worldwide.Philippines: Gov’t pressed to encourageuse of provincial sea portsThe government should find ways to encourage cargo ships to use provincial ports if the country is to be ready for anintegrated Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) supply chain, the head of a private development-orientedfoundation said in a public forum yesterday.“The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) decongests ports in Manila by expanding them, not by compelling ships to godirectly to Batangas or Subic. Instead there is traffic in Manila ports and that causes inefficiency. PPA needs to enactpolicies that tells ships with cargo meant for areas near provincial ports to go to these ports instead of Manila,” saidDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 20

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209Enrico L. Basilio, president of the Research, Education and Institutional Development Foundation, Inc. (REID) in hisspeech during the 1st ASEAN Regulatory Reform Symposium yesterday in Makati City.According to REID, there are around 1.8 million containers that land in Manila ports and only 50 containers per week inBatangas. Batangas is part of the ASEAN roll on-roll off system which aims to connect the Philippines to othercountries in the region. Another speaker in the same forum cited the need to come up with a regional policy on thetransport of passengers and goods between points in a country by a vessel registered in another state. “With theopening up of the ASEAN, it could be good for countries to set their stance on cabotage,” said World Bank IndonesiaOffice Senior Trade Specialist Henry Sandee in his speech. In the Philippines, for instance, foreign ships are restrictedto plying routes between international sea ports - a factor long blamed for relatively high interisland shipping costs.Still another speaker noted that ASEAN members can use as an example the progress towards an integrated Customssystem in the region that will eventually enable traders to declare goods at any one country in order to enter theregional economy. “Reforms in regulation have helped push the development of the National Single Customs Windowalong in order to meet the ASEAN single window,” said Ruth Banomyong of Thailand’s Thammasat University. Theforum was held to share best practices in the field of supply chain and logistics regulatory reforms. Source: BusinessWorldEcospeed in excellent condition onrudder after five years at seaFive years after the Ecospeed underwater hullcoating had been applied on her rudder, the 195-meter container vessel Marie Delmas came intodrydock in Dubai. Shortly afterward the rudders oftwo other ships owned by the same company, CMAShips UK Ltd., were also coated with Ecospeedand this in China.left: Ecospeed coating after application.right: Ecospeed coating after five years.The drydocking of Marie Delmas allowed theowners to see the excellent condition of Ecospeedon her rudder. This further vindicated their decisionto choose the same treatment for the rudders ofVille d’Aquarius, Ville D’Orion and five othercontainer vessels in their fleet.Ecospeed is guaranteed for ten years and isexpected to remain intact for the lifetime of the vessels. The rudders of all eight vessels will not have to be repaintedduring future drydockings and extensive repairs will not be needed. Planning the maintenance of the vessel’s sternarea therefore becomes much easier. The smoothness attained by the coating also provides optimum hydrodynamicconditions for rudders to operate at maximum efficiency.Richards Bay terminal to get ship unloaderRichards Bay Terminal’s R3-billion equipment replacement programme has kicked off with the arrival this week of acustom-built pneumatic ship unloader.Port operator Transnet Port Terminals (TPT), which allocated R12.1-billion of its R33-billion budget over the nextseven years to the Richards Bay bulk export facility, aimed to improve capacity, equipment reliability and servicedelivery. The unloader, produced by shipping manufacturer Rio Tinto Alcan Alesa Engineering and the seventh of itskind in the world, had a 1 000 t/h capacity. It enabled the unloading of alumina and petcoke from vessels, whilefacilitating a consistent and dust-reduced material flow. “This investment...will make a remarkable difference inenabling the plant to achieve improved operating efficiencies and deliver on customer expectations,” said TPT’sRichards Bay Terminal head Victor Mkhize. Once the unloader arrived, TPT would start assembling, endurance testing,hot and cold commissioning, as well as operator training before handover. “The offloader will significantly improve theefficiency of BHP Billiton’s operation and will undoubtedly make a positive impact in reducing spillages,” said TPT clientBHP Billiton Aluminium SA asset president Lucas Msimanga. TPT CEO Karl Socikwa commented that the acquisition ofDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 21

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209the unloader was in line with the aims of State-owned freight group Transnet’s market demand strategy (MDS), whichearmarked R300-billion for capital projects over the next seven years.“The MDS has major implications for our division’s [TPT’s] responsibility to facilitate unconstrained growth, unlockdemand and create world-class port operations through improved efficiencies,” he said in a statement. TPT aimed to,over the next seven years, spend about R1.2-billion on capacity creation, including new or upgraded storage areas andport re-engineering to create additional capacity, as well as legal compliance, environmental and safety criticalprojects. A further R3.7-billion would be set aside for “capital-sustaining investments”, which included mobileequipment, quayside equipment and weighbridges. Source: Engineering NewsThe RAMIRA enroute Rotterdam – Photo : Kees van der Kraan ©Rolls-Royce confirms contract for wavepiercing offshore vesselRolls-Royce has confirmed that it has signed a £10 million contract with Simon Møkster Shipping for a wave piercingoffshore vessel with a striking new bow design that will go into service for Statoil in the Arctic region. The vessel isdesigned to pierce through the waves under harsh weather conditions, making it possible to keep a more constantspeed, reduce the use of fuel and increase on board safety. This fits with Simon Møkster’s philosophy of developingthe most environmentally friendly fleet possible.Hans Robert Almestad, Rolls-Royce, General Sales Manager, said: “We are happy to be chosen by Simon MøksterShipping to develop this highly innovative offshore vessel. "Our wave piercing designs and other highly efficienttechnologies are becoming increasingly popular with customers seeking to reduce their operating costs and improvethe environmental performance of their fleets.” The vessel, which will be built by Spanish shipyard Gondan, isdeveloped specifically for work in the Arctic region, and will be equipped to undertake oil spill recovery duties.Due for delivery in 2014, the Rolls-Royce vessel includes an extensive range of advanced equipment, such as Azipullpropellers, thrusters, the latest generation of automation and control systems and a dynamic positioning system whichuses GPS systems to ensure the vessel can hold its position even in rough seas.Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk authorities mull"dry port"To improve the efficiency and capacity of sea ports there is a need to create the logistics system that would includeterminals at major transport hubs, including "dry ports." This was said at a meeting in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, dedicated tothe optimization of container traffic and the construction of a container terminal, Sakhalin.info. reports. The "dry ports"are supposed to have customs clearance. According to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk mayor Andrei Lobkin, the issue is quiteurgent for the city as the regional center and freight flows passing through it are constantly growing. The chairman ofthe board of directors of Vladivostok-based VL Logistics Victor Yerukaev noted that it is still not clear what should bebuilt in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk as long as the local ports are too busy and hence there is no need for a "dry port". HeDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 22

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209believes that the region needs more warehousing facilities for short-term storage of cargo and loads transshipment.The meeting was attended by experts of regional specialized shipping and logistics companies (including SakhalinShipping Company, Kholmsk and Korsakov ports), Moscow, Vladivostok, St. Petersburg and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskybased companies. Source : PortNewsThe STELLA MARIS outbound at the Westerscheldt River – Photo : Henk de Winde ©PLEASE MAINTAIN YOUR MAILBOX, DUE TO NEW POLICY OF THEPROVIDER, YOUR ADDRESS WILL BE “DEACTIVATED”AUTOMATICALLY IF THE MAIL IS BOUNCED BACK TO OUR SERVERIf this happens to you please send me a mail at newsclippings@gmail.com to reactivateyour address again, please do not write this in the guestbook because I am notchecking this guest book daily.OLDIE – FROM THE SHOEBOXThe former FLEVO of Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomboot Mij (KNSM) from Amsterdam, built 1939, had theirfinal years as the BONTEKOE for Vroon, Breskens, Holland. She was busy in the trades with live stock between UKPorts and Holland and Belgium. Above the BONTEKOE is seen sailing in the summer of 1969 from AmsterdamZeeburgerkade empty for Boston (Linc.shr – UK) after discharging a load of sheep. During the seventies she came toher end in Greece. Photo: Capt. Frank Haalmeijer ©Distribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 23

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS <strong>2012</strong> – 209….. PHOTO OF THE DAY …..The cruise ship VENTURA moored in Zeebrugge 24-07-<strong>2012</strong> - Photo : Geert Defurne ©The compiler of the news clippings disclaim all liability for any loss, damage or expense however caused, arising fromthe sending, receipt, or use of this e-mail communication and on any reliance placed upon the information providedthrough this free service and does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the informationUNSUBSCRIBE / UITSCHRIJF PROCEDURETo unsubscribe click here (English version) or visit the subscription page on our website.http://www.maasmondmaritime.com/uitschrijven.aspx?lan=en-USOm uit te schrijven klik hier (Nederlands) of bezoek de inschrijvingspagina op onze website.http://www.maasmondmaritime.com/uitschrijven.aspx?lan=nl-NLDistribution : daily to 22500+ active addresses 27-07-<strong>2012</strong> Page 24

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