WOW Frequently Asked Questions - Lake Havasu Unified School ...

WOW Frequently Asked Questions - Lake Havasu Unified School ... WOW Frequently Asked Questions - Lake Havasu Unified School ...
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Work on Wellness (W.O.W.) Frequently Asked QuestionsTable of ContentsWork on Wellness (W.O.W.) Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................... 1General Information................................................................................................................................. 3Q: What is Work on Wellness? ................................................................................................... 3Q: Who is eligible? ...................................................................................................................... 3Q: How do I participate in W.O.W.? ........................................................................................... 3Incentives ................................................................................................................................................... 3Q: How do I earn the incentive? ................................................................................................. 3Wellness Evaluation ................................................................................................................................. 3Q: What is the Wellness Evaluation? .......................................................................................... 3Q. Does the Wellness Evaluation cost me anything? ................................................................ 4Q: How does the Wellness Evaluation process work? ............................................................... 4Q: What if I need to reschedule any of my Wellness Evaluation appointments? ..................... 4Personal Health Assessment (PHA) ....................................................................................................... 4Q: What is the PHA? ................................................................................................................... 4Q: Do I have to complete the PHA prior to having my labs and biometric appointment? ....... 4Q: How often will I have to complete the PHA? ........................................................................ 5Labs and Biometrics Appointment ........................................................................................................ 5Q: What is involved in the labs and biometrics appointment? ................................................. 5Q: Do I need to fast before my lab draw visit? .......................................................................... 5Q: What should I do if I did not fast prior to my lab draw? ....................................................... 5Q: How long will the lab draw and advisor visit take? ............................................................... 5Q: Can I use outside lab results for my Wellness Evaluation? ................................................... 6Q: Do I have to meet with a Health Advisor to be eligible for the gift card and drawing? Ialready see my regular doctor and would share the results with them. ................................... 6Q: Where do the labs and biometrics appointments with advisor visit take place? ................. 6Wellness Evaluation Results ................................................................................................................... 7Q: Who receives the results from the Wellness Evaluations? ................................................... 7Q: Will I be able to see my lab results? ...................................................................................... 7Q: Can I share my results with my Primary Care Provider? ....................................................... 7Q: Will my personal health information be kept private? .......................................................... 7Technical Support ..................................................................................................................................... 8Q: How do I activate my account? ............................................................................................. 8Q. How do I change the time zone when scheduling my labs and biometrics appointment andadvisor visit? ............................................................................................................................. 12Q: What do I do if I forgot my Cerner Health password? ......................................................... 14Cerner Health .......................................................................................................................................... 15Q: What is Cerner Health? ........................................................................................................ 15Q: What can I do with my Cerner Health account besides access W.O.W.? ............................ 16Q: What is a PHR? ..................................................................................................................... 16Q: Why do I need a Cerner Health Account to access W.O.W.? .............................................. 161

Work on Wellness (W.O.W.) <strong>Frequently</strong> <strong>Asked</strong> <strong>Questions</strong>Table of ContentsWork on Wellness (W.O.W.) <strong>Frequently</strong> <strong>Asked</strong> <strong>Questions</strong> ............................................................... 1General Information................................................................................................................................. 3Q: What is Work on Wellness? ................................................................................................... 3Q: Who is eligible? ...................................................................................................................... 3Q: How do I participate in W.O.W.? ........................................................................................... 3Incentives ................................................................................................................................................... 3Q: How do I earn the incentive? ................................................................................................. 3Wellness Evaluation ................................................................................................................................. 3Q: What is the Wellness Evaluation? .......................................................................................... 3Q. Does the Wellness Evaluation cost me anything? ................................................................ 4Q: How does the Wellness Evaluation process work? ............................................................... 4Q: What if I need to reschedule any of my Wellness Evaluation appointments? ..................... 4Personal Health Assessment (PHA) ....................................................................................................... 4Q: What is the PHA? ................................................................................................................... 4Q: Do I have to complete the PHA prior to having my labs and biometric appointment? ....... 4Q: How often will I have to complete the PHA? ........................................................................ 5Labs and Biometrics Appointment ........................................................................................................ 5Q: What is involved in the labs and biometrics appointment? ................................................. 5Q: Do I need to fast before my lab draw visit? .......................................................................... 5Q: What should I do if I did not fast prior to my lab draw? ....................................................... 5Q: How long will the lab draw and advisor visit take? ............................................................... 5Q: Can I use outside lab results for my Wellness Evaluation? ................................................... 6Q: Do I have to meet with a Health Advisor to be eligible for the gift card and drawing? Ialready see my regular doctor and would share the results with them. ................................... 6Q: Where do the labs and biometrics appointments with advisor visit take place? ................. 6Wellness Evaluation Results ................................................................................................................... 7Q: Who receives the results from the Wellness Evaluations? ................................................... 7Q: Will I be able to see my lab results? ...................................................................................... 7Q: Can I share my results with my Primary Care Provider? ....................................................... 7Q: Will my personal health information be kept private? .......................................................... 7Technical Support ..................................................................................................................................... 8Q: How do I activate my account? ............................................................................................. 8Q. How do I change the time zone when scheduling my labs and biometrics appointment andadvisor visit? ............................................................................................................................. 12Q: What do I do if I forgot my Cerner Health password? ......................................................... 14Cerner Health .......................................................................................................................................... 15Q: What is Cerner Health? ........................................................................................................ 15Q: What can I do with my Cerner Health account besides access W.O.W.? ............................ 16Q: What is a PHR? ..................................................................................................................... 16Q: Why do I need a Cerner Health Account to access W.O.W.? .............................................. 161

Q: Does my spouse need to have a unique email address within Cerner Health? .................. 17Q: What information is exchanged between W.O.W. and Cerner Health?.............................. 17Q: How does Cerner Health protect my privacy? ..................................................................... 17Q: Who can access my information? ........................................................................................ 17<strong>Questions</strong> and Concerns ........................................................................................................................ 17Q: Whom should I contact with questions? ............................................................................. 17Q: Where do I go for my lab draw and advisor visit? .............................................................. 18Q: If I complete the Wellness Evaluation and the results indicate that I need to improve myhealth (e.g. lose weight, lower cholesterol, etc.), will this affect whether I am eligible formedical care coverage in the future? ....................................................................................... 18Q: If I don’t meet my health goals, will I be penalized? ........................................................... 182

General InformationQ: What is Work on Wellness?A: Work on Wellness (W.O.W.) is a wellness initiative designed to empower participants to"take charge" of their health. With W.O.W., you will have access to a variety of resources tohelp you achieve the best possible health and wellness outcomes through healthevaluations, preventative care, encouragement of physical activity and tools that offerindividualized health recommendations just for you.W.O.W. is being offered by Cerner Health Connections, Inc., a subsidiary of CernerCorporation.Q: Who is eligible?A: All covered employees and covered spouses of the <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Havasu</strong> <strong>School</strong>s Employees BenefitTrust (EBT). This includes covered retirees and COBRA members.Q: How do I participate in W.O.W.?A: Go to to createyour Cerner Health account and join W.O.W. Additional instructions are included in theTechnical Support section of this document.IncentivesQ: How do I earn the incentive?A: To earn the incentive, participants must complete the Personal Health Assessment (PHA),Lab & Biometric appointment with Advisor Visit by October 31, 2012. All participants thatcomplete both steps will earn a $25 gift card and be put into a drawing for a new iPad.Wellness EvaluationQ: What is the Wellness Evaluation?A: The Wellness Evaluation is an inventory of your current health status and professional adviceon how to achieve or maintain optimum health. It consists of two components: Personal Health Assessment (PHA)3

Labs and Biometrics appointment with Advisor VisitQ. Does the Wellness Evaluation cost me anything?A: No. There is no cost to covered employees and spouses to participate in the program.Q: How does the Wellness Evaluation process work?A: All covered employees and spouses that are participating in W.O.W. will need to initiate theWellness Evaluation process by first completing the PHA, accessible via the W.O.W.dashboard in your Cerner Health account. First you will complete your PHA, and thenschedule your Labs and Biometrics appointment. During your Labs and Biometricsappointment you will also have your Advisor Visit. This visit will be 45 minutes in length.Q: What if I need to reschedule any of my Wellness Evaluation appointments?A: You can reschedule your labs and biometrics appointment by logging and clicking the “Work on Wellness (W.O.W.)” link on the right-handside. On the “Dashboard” tab under the “Action” column click the “Reschedule” link next tothe appointment that you need to reschedule and choose a new date and time for yourappointment.Personal Health Assessment (PHA)Q: What is the PHA?A: The Personal Health Assessment (PHA) is an online questionnaire designed to gatherinformation about your personal health and initiate informed communication between youand your Health Advisor.Q: Do I have to complete the PHA prior to having my labs and biometricappointment?A: Yes. The PHA must be completed before you can gain access to schedule your labs andbiometrics appointment. You can complete your PHA by logging into On the“Dashboard” click the “Complete” link next to the “Personal Health Assessment” link in the“Wellness Evaluation” section.4

Q: How often will I have to complete the PHA?A: You will only be asked to complete the online Personal Health Assessment once per wellnesscycle.Labs and Biometrics AppointmentQ: What is involved in the labs and biometrics appointment?A: You will meet with a clinician who will administer a blood draw via finger stick to screen forpotential chronic conditions (total cholesterol, low density lipoproteins (LDL), high densitylipoproteins (HDL), triglycerides and HbA1c). The clinician will also collect your biometricsmeasurements including height, weight, blood pressure, pulse, and waist and neckcircumferences.After you have completed your PHA and labs and biometrics, you will meet with a HealthAdvisor. During the visit, the Health Advisor will review your PHA, biometric and lab results.The Advisor will also identify risks and set goals for health promotion that follow evidencebasedrecommendations. The labs and biometrics appointment with advisor visit will be 45minutes in length.Q: Do I need to fast before my lab draw visit?A: Yes. In order to produce accurate readings, it is required that you fast (not eat any food) forat least twelve (12) hours. While fasting, we recommend you drink plenty of water but nocoffee, soda, or milk, as these may alter your assessment results. If you are pregnant, onlyfast for six (6) hours. Please take all medications as prescribed by your physician. If you areunder medical directions from your doctor to avoid fasting, please follow your doctor’sorders.Q: What should I do if I did not fast prior to my lab draw?A: This is a fasting exam. If you have not fasted the required twelve hours, we ask that you rescheduleyour lab draw appointment. There will be no re-dos for the blood draws due to anindividual not properly fasting prior to the lab draw.Q: How long will the lab draw and advisor visit take?A: The screening should take about 15 minutes and the advisor visit will be approximately 30minutes in length. The entire visit will be 45 minutes.5

Q: Can I use outside lab results for my Wellness Evaluation?A: Yes. If you have had your cholesterol, triglycerides, and HbA1c checked within 90 days ofyour scheduled advisor visit, you will have the option of having those results used to avoidrepeating the blood testing. The following parameters will be used in determining validresults: Must have been completed within the last 90 days. Lipid profiles must have all the individual components (Total Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, andTriglycerides). Your HbA1cis also needed. Results must be either a printed copy of a results sheet from a reference lab (Quest /LabCorp as examples) or delivered on your physician’s signed letterhead.All results must be mailed or faxed in prior to your appointment. A fax cover sheet can befound here or on the “Program Details” tab of the W.O.W. homepage Please use this cover sheet when sending in your lab results andbiometric information from your provider. You will not need to schedule a labs andbiometrics appointment. If you fax in your labs and biometrics information, you only need toschedule your Advisor Visit through the W.O.W. dashboard in Cerner Health by selectingyour desired date and time for your Advisor Visit.Q: Do I have to meet with a Health Advisor to be eligible for the gift card anddrawing? I already see my regular doctor and would share the results withthem.A: Yes. In order to earn the gift card and be eligible for the drawing for the iPad, you must meetwith the Health Advisor during your Labs and Biometrics appointment to complete this stepof the Wellness Evaluation.Q: Where do the labs and biometrics appointments with advisor visit takeplace?A: All appointments will be held at the LHSEBT Health and Wellness Center.6

Wellness Evaluation ResultsQ: Who receives the results from the Wellness Evaluations?A: Only you and the providers employed by Cerner Health Connections, Inc. have the ability toview the actual results. LHSEBT Trustees, LHUSD staff and/or the members of the LHUSDGoverning Board do not receive person-specific Wellness Evaluation results. Only deidentifiedinformation in aggregate form is shared.Q: Will I be able to see my lab results?A: Yes. You will also be able to view your results, including associated health risks identifiedduring the Advisor Visit, in the “Screening Summary” tab on the W.O.W. homepage your lab results and biometrics are uploaded onto the website, you will receive anemail notification from Cerner Health that your results are available for you to view.Q: Can I share my results with my Primary Care Provider?A: Yes. We strongly encourage you to share your Personal Health Assessment and lab resultswith your provider. You can print your Personal Health Assessment and your lab results atany time.Q: Will my personal health information be kept private?A: Personal health information received through the program is stored in a safe and securemanner. Cerner Health Connections, Inc. will prepare blinded aggregate reports that may beused as an organizational tool to address a category that may be of risk affecting theorganization as a whole. The Trustees of the LHSEBT may want to use this information toprovide additional resources to employees that may reduce that risk factor.7

Technical SupportQ: How do I activate my account?1. Navigate to Click the “Sign in with Cerner Health” button.8

3. Enter your email address in the box under the “I Need an Account” option. Then click“Sign Up”.9

4. Enter your information into the fields, enter the reCaptcha phrase, agree to the Terms of Useand click “Create Account”.5. Click “Approve” to give W.O.W. access to your demographics information in your CernerHealth account. This will allow you to login through the website orthe website.10

Member ID:Member ID found on your Gilsbar medical card.6. Click “I agree” to accept the program agreement.Employees - Enter your Member ID found on your Gilsbar medical card.Spouses - Enter your Member ID found on your Gilsbar medical card with the letter “S” appended to theend. Example: 12356S11

7. Your Cerner Health account is now created and linked with W.O.W. Click “View yourDashboard” to get started. If you would like to access your personal health record or trackyour activity and measurements, click the Cerner Health logo in the upper-right corner.Q. How do I change the time zone when scheduling my labs and biometricsappointment and advisor visit?A: The default time zone in the application is set to central time. You will need to change yourtime zone setting by following the instructions below:12

Click the “Change Timezone” linkClick the “Time Zone” link under “Account”13

Choose “US/Arizona” from the drop down menu and click “Save”. To go back to the schedulingscreen, click the “Return to Cerner Health Programs” button at the top of the page.Q: What do I do if I forgot my Cerner Health password?A: If you forgot your password, navigate to the web site and click onthe “Forgot Password” link.14

Type in your email or username as well as the Captcha phrase. Then click “Email MeInstructions”.You will receive an email from Cerner Health ( Follow theinstructions included in the email in order to reset your password.Cerner HealthQ: What is Cerner Health?A: Cerner Health is a set of personally-controlled health management tools and capabilitiesthat allow people to connect with their health information and partners. The set of healthmanagement tools are primarily accessed via the internet ( througha secure login. With Cerner Health, you can create a personal health record that is portableand stays with you no matter what doctor or hospital you go to or what employer you workfor. The information in this personal health record provides the foundation for advancedcapabilities for you to take advantage of, like participating in W.O.W.15

Q: What can I do with my Cerner Health account besides access W.O.W.?A: Cerner Health contains a variety of tools that are simple, engaging and motivating; theymake it easy and enjoyable for you to succeed on the path to improved health. With CernerHealth tools, you can:Create and maintain your own personal health record (PHR)Track your measurements (weight, blood pressure, blood sugar)Track your exercise and fitness (steps and physical activities)Log in at and click the “Health Record” tab at the top of the page toview the capabilities of Cerner Health.Q: What is a PHR?A: A Personal Health Record (PHR) gives you the ability to document, store, and manage yourpersonal health-related information and records, but it's much more than that. CernerHealth allows you to share your health information with family members, doctors, othermembers of your care team, as well as a growing number of health, wellness, and conditionmanagement programs. It's your information - you control who has access and can modifythat access at any time. Cerner Health provides an increasingly collaborative environment tohelp you manage your health and the health of your family.Q: Why do I need a Cerner Health Account to access W.O.W.?A: W.O.W. uses your Cerner Health identity to streamline logging in. The program web site willtie back to your Cerner Health account, making it easy to track all of your health relateditems within one framework.16

Q: Does my spouse need to have a unique email address within Cerner Health?A: Yes. Cerner Health contains a personal health record and personal health information isexchanged. Each person is required to have their own account. You can link accounts byusing the sharing features within Cerner Health with trusted family members and friends.Q: What information is exchanged between W.O.W. and Cerner Health?A: Currently as defined in the W.O.W. program terms of use only your contact information isshared for your basic participation in the program between W.O.W. and Cerner Health. Inaddition, you will have opportunities to use your Cerner Health account to share additionalinformation to make your program participation easier.Q: How does Cerner Health protect my privacy?A: Cerner Health is keenly aware that your personal health information is both sensitive andprivate. We believe it is your right to decide whom you share your health information withand what information you share. You also have the same level of control on whatinformation is added to your Cerner Health personal health record (PHR). With this comesthe responsibility to actively manage your personal health and wellness information bymaking good decisions on what to share, and whom to share it with. We’re committed tokeeping your information private. We use only de-identified information (in other words,anonymous statistics and information that can in no way be connected to you or your familymembers) in support of studies and analysis that drive advancements in the health sciencesto benefit all of us. We understand that using Cerner Health is an act of trust, based on ourthirty-plus (30+) years as trusted partners to hospitals, health systems, and the healthcarecommunity – trust we work hard to earn every day.Q: Who can access my information?A: Only you can access your information, unless you give access to others. You can choose toshare your record with your healthcare providers so they can provide you with the besthealthcare possible. You can also receive or grant access to family members or caregivers;this lets you manage accounts for underage children or aging parents, for example, or viewthe health record of your spouse.<strong>Questions</strong> and ConcernsQ: Whom should I contact with questions?A: For all W.O.W. wellness program questions, please contact Support at (877)-621-8014Monday – Friday 7:00 am – 7:00 pm (central).17

Q: Where do I go for my lab draw and advisor visit?A: All lab and biometric appointments and advisor visits will be held the LHSEBT Health andWellness Center.Q: If I complete the Wellness Evaluation and the results indicate that I need toimprove my health (e.g. lose weight, lower cholesterol, etc.), will this affectwhether I am eligible for medical care coverage in the future?A: No. Your Wellness Evaluation results are completely confidential and not shared with theLHSEBT Trustees, the LHUSD staff and/or the members of the LHUSD Governing Board.W.O.W. is offered solely to help covered employees and their spouses improve their health.Q: If I don’t meet my health goals, will I be penalized?A: No. The focus of the sessions with the Health Advisor is to set health goals and raiseawareness of potential risks and health issues. Although attainment of goals is the desiredoutcome, you will not be penalized in the event you do not reach your set goals.18

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