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GENERAL CATALOGUE<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> <strong>application</strong> solutions2013

Selection guideHOME <strong>application</strong>sBUILDING <strong>application</strong>sInvertersSUNSYS H30iSUNSYS H50SUNSYS B10SUNSYS B12SUNSYS B15SUNSYS B20SUNSYS B30Field boxesRJB ENCLOSUREBJB ENCLOSUREAccessoriesLoad-break switchesCustomised solutionsMonitoringSIRCO MC/PVSIRCO MV/PV

SummaryPARK <strong>application</strong>s<strong>Socomec</strong> Group ...................................................................................................p.2<strong>Socomec</strong> Home/Building/Park: references ...........................................................p.102SUNSYS P33TRSUNSYS P66TRSUNSYS P66TLSUNSYS P100TRSUNSYS P100TLFJB ENCLOSURESUNSYS IFBDIRISSUNSYS STORAGESUNSYS SHELTERSUNSYS HHOME <strong>application</strong>s8SUNSYS BBUILDING<strong>application</strong>s20SUNSYS PPARK <strong>application</strong>s26Monitoring42Customisedsolutions56EquipmentSUNSYS H30i ........................................................ p.10SUNSYS H50 ......................................................... p.14RJB ENCLOSURE .................................................... p.16SUNSYS B10 .......................................................... p.22SUNSYS B12-B15-B20-B30 .................................... p.24BJB ENCLOSURE .................................................... p.16SUNSYS P33TR-P66TR . .......................................... p.30SUNSYS P100TR .................................................... p.32SUNSYS P66TL-P100TL . ......................................... p.34SUNSYS IFB ........................................................... p.36FJB ENCLOSURE .................................................... p.36Sunguard ................................................................ p.46Communication interfaces ...................................... p.46Power supply, switchboard with surge protection device ....p.49Environmental sensors ............................................ p.50Router/modem ....................................................... p.51LCD/LED Display .................................................... p.52DIRIS ..................................................................... p.54SUNSYS Shelter ..................................................... p.58SUNSYS Storage .................................................... p.60Load-break switches, fuses, surge protection device .....p.66SIRCO PVSIRCO MOT PVSIRCOVER PV64Service, training70Service ................................................................... p.72Training ................................................................... p.78RM, PV, PV, gPV FUSESSURGYS G51-PV, D40, PV BASESTechnology84Technical guide ....................................................... p.86General catalogue 20131

An independent manufacturer<strong>the</strong> benefit of a specialistFounded in 1922, SOCOMEC isan industrial group with aworkforce of 3200 people.Our core business: <strong>the</strong> availability,control and safety of low voltageelectrical networks with increasedfocus on our customers’ energyperformance.CORPO 308 AThe culture of independenceThe independence of <strong>the</strong> SOCOMEC Groupensures it retains control of <strong>the</strong> decisionmakingprocess, respecting <strong>the</strong> valuesadvocated by its own family shareholders andshared by its employees.With around 30 subsidiaries located on allfive continents, SOCOMEC has developedinternationally by targeting industrial andservice <strong>application</strong>s where <strong>the</strong> quality of itsexpertise makes all <strong>the</strong> difference.The spirit of innovationAs undisputed specialists in UPS systems,source supply changeover, power conversionand measurement, SOCOMEC dedicatesnearly 10% of its turnover to R&D. This means<strong>the</strong> group devotes <strong>the</strong> resources requiredto achieve its ambition: to always be at <strong>the</strong>cutting-edge of technology.The vision of a specialistAs a manufacturer with complete controlover its technological processes, SOCOMECis quite unlike <strong>the</strong> more general providers.The Group is constantly building on its fieldsof expertise in order to offer its customersincreasingly customised, better adaptedsolutions.A flexible manufacturingstructureBacked by two European centres ofexcellence (France and Italy), <strong>the</strong> Group alsobenefits from competitive production sites,such as in Tunisia, and locations in <strong>the</strong> majoremerging markets (India and China).All sites have implemented a policy ofcontinuing development based on ’Leanmanagement’ principles; this ensures <strong>the</strong>y arein a position to offer <strong>the</strong> quality, lead times andcost expected by our customers.The focus on serviceOur manufacturing expertise naturally extendsto a complete range of services designedto facilitate <strong>the</strong> research, implementationand operation of our solutions. Our teamsof engineers have built <strong>the</strong>ir reputation onreassuring closeness, specialist expertise anda focus on customer needs.Responsible growthAs a Group which is open to all culturesand firmly committed to human values,SOCOMEC promotes employee initiativeand commitment. Working relationships arebased on <strong>the</strong> idea of partnerships and respectfor shared ethics. Through <strong>the</strong> company’scommitment to achieving harmonious, lastingdevelopment, SOCOMEC fully embracesits responsibilities not only towards itsshareholders, employees, customers andpartners, but also towards society as a wholeand its environment.SOCOMEC has been a signatory to <strong>the</strong> GlobalCompact since 2003.2 General catalogue 2013

Four key <strong>application</strong>s: <strong>the</strong> know-how of a specialistCritical PowerEnsuring <strong>the</strong> availability of high-qualitypower for critical <strong>application</strong>s.Thanks to <strong>the</strong> company’s wide range ofcontinuously evolving products, solutions andservices, SOCOMEC are experts in <strong>the</strong> threeessential technologies that ensure <strong>the</strong> highavailability of supply to critical facilities andbuildings:• uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) thatprovide high-quality power and reducedistortion and interruptions to <strong>the</strong> mainssupply,• changeover of high availability sources totransfer supply to an operational backupsource,• continuous monitoring of installation facilitiesto prevent failures and reduce operatinglosses.Power Control & SafetyManaging power and protectingindividuals and property.SOCOMEC’s expertise in this domainis unquestionable ; <strong>the</strong> company is anundisputed leader in power switching andchangeover functions, and has been aspecialist manufacturer of electrical equipmentsince 1922. The company has long defended<strong>the</strong> benefits of fuse protection for individualsand property, and has become a major playerin cutting-edge technology such as <strong>the</strong>monitoring and detection of insulation defects.SOCOMEC guarantees solutions and serviceswhich are both relevant and efficient.Solar PowerGuaranteeing <strong>the</strong> safety and durability ofphotovoltaic (PV) facilities.As experts in <strong>the</strong> solar energy equipment field,SOCOMEC has all <strong>the</strong> specialist know-howfor implementing key strategic functions in PVfacilities, including:• safety, through specially designed switchdisconnectors that cut <strong>the</strong> DC currentgenerated by solar panels regardless of<strong>the</strong> facility configuration and operatingconditions,• <strong>the</strong> reliability of DC facilities thanks tosolutions that prevent <strong>the</strong> degradation ofinsulation and electric arc failure in <strong>the</strong> DCcurrent,• control of very high-efficiency energyconversion, via PV inverters that transformall energy generated by <strong>the</strong> solar panels intopower to be consumed locally or re-injectedinto <strong>the</strong> national grid.Energy EfficiencyImproving building and facility energyefficiencySOCOMEC solutions, ranging from sensorsto <strong>the</strong> wide choice of innovative, modularsoftware packages, are driven by experts inenergy efficiency. They meet <strong>the</strong> essentialrequirements of managers or operators oftertiary, industrial or local authority buildings,and make it possible to:• measure power consumption, identifysources of excess consumption, and raiseoccupant awareness,• limit reactive energy and prevent associatedtariff penalties,• use <strong>the</strong> best tariffs, check supplier invoicingand accurately distribute energy billsamongst consumer entities.General catalogue 20133

Increased energy efficiencyinnovative solutionsA basic requirementA high-quality power supply that isconstantly available is absolutely vital inmany industries, including <strong>application</strong>s in IT,industry and infrastructure. For many medical<strong>application</strong>s, power supply is a matter of lifeand death. SOCOMEC has more than 40years experience in providing power supplyprotection for such sectors.Solutions to meet every needThanks to our substantial R&D resources, ourproduct range is continuously evolving basedon our contact with clients.To guarantee maximum availability we offer<strong>the</strong> most advanced technology, combinedwith innovative energy storage systems.Our solutions have been approved by <strong>the</strong>most demanding users:telecommunications industry operatorsaround <strong>the</strong> world, ministries of defence,nuclear industry operators, etc.Recognized expertiseSOCOMEC is not only a specialistmanufacture; we also an award-winningcompany recognized for our customer focus.Awards include:• Customer Service Excellence (2004),• Product Innovation (2006),• Best Practice Award for“European Energy & PowerSystems Product LineStrategy” (2009),• European UPS New Product InnovationAward (2011).Focused on customer needsOur sales and after-sales service networkis on-hand for you ... anytime. Our clients/partners recognize <strong>the</strong> quality of our products,our availability and rapid response toindividual needs and <strong>the</strong> commitment whichcharacterises everything we do.Continuous innovationThe facts speak for <strong>the</strong>mselves:• First French provider to offer static powersupply units (1968),• Designer of <strong>the</strong> first UPS with Pulse WidthModulation (PWM) technology (1980),• Provider of <strong>the</strong> world's first UPS range withintegrated IGBT technology (1990),• Designer of <strong>the</strong> first modular, scalable,redundant UPS (2000),• First company to integrate hybridcomponents (2001),• First company to provide a 200 kVA UPSwith IGBT rectifier (2003),• New battery charger system (2004),• Dynamic energy storage solution (flywheel)(2006),• First UPS with 96% efficiency in onlinedouble conversion mode (2007),• A more compact Static Transfer Switch(STS) in a 19” rack with hot-swapfunctionality (2009),• A more compact 900 kVA UPS (2010),• First complete UPS range (from 10 to 2400kVA) with three-level technology, with 96%efficiency and power factor 1 (2012).SOCOMEC joined <strong>the</strong> United Nations “GlobalCompact” in 2003 to tackle <strong>the</strong> social andenvironmental challenge of globalisation.ISO 14001. This international standardrecognize SOCOMEC's determination topursue its goal of protecting <strong>the</strong> environment.The Green Grid TM is an organisationdedicated to improving <strong>the</strong> efficiency of datacentre resources and business computingecosystems.By signing <strong>the</strong> European Code of Conducton data centres, SOCOMEC has agreedto adopt energy-saving solutions at its newdata centres, while simultaneously saving<strong>the</strong> life cycle and availability of <strong>the</strong> system'sperformance.4 General catalogue 2013

The solution for any requirementwhatever your systemSOCOMEC solutions forphotovoltaic <strong>application</strong>s cover anyrequirement for low-voltage energyconversion, control and safety.Our inverters, monitoring,supervision, disconnection andprotection systems, not forgetting<strong>the</strong> innovative storage andcontainer solutions, providemaximum quality and energyefficiency for all types ofphotovoltaic systems.For systems of any sizeThe different panel and conversiontechnologies available today allow you tochoose <strong>the</strong> most suitable solutions for any<strong>application</strong>. SOCOMEC has <strong>the</strong> right solutionregardless of <strong>the</strong> <strong>application</strong> – residential,building, solar park – and power.Certified efficiency and reliabilitySOCOMEC has two testing laboratoriesfor testing and validating <strong>the</strong> technologydeveloped and <strong>the</strong> solutions offered: one inFrance, accredited by Cofrac for tests on <strong>the</strong>equipment, and a 220 kW photovoltaic powerstation in Italy.The expert touchCertified quality products, continuous dialogueto understand customer requirements,maximum flexibility and dedication right byyour side. Our experience at your service.Essential know-how<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> systems are a long-terminvestment. Different from each o<strong>the</strong>r in typeand electrical parameters, each installationrequires a detailed, complete analysis forproper sizing of <strong>the</strong> components necessaryfor conversion, distribution and managementof photovoltaic energy.The integration of photovoltaic solar energyproduction into an electrical energy system<strong>the</strong>refore requires specific expertise formaximum efficiency, safety and durability of<strong>the</strong> system.Our know-how at your disposalTrusting us with your project means youbenefit from pre- and after-sales technicalsupport, complete solutions specific to eachtype of photovoltaic architecture and whichinclude protection and connection to bothDC and AC voltages, DC/AC conversion andsupervision of <strong>the</strong> production system.120 H RANGEGeneral catalogue 20135

The back-up of an expertThe specification of a photovoltaicsystem requires expert knowledgeof all <strong>the</strong> phases necessary forensuring <strong>the</strong> system's safety. Thisobjective may only be reached if<strong>the</strong> system equipmentcomponents meet <strong>the</strong> differentnational standards and if <strong>the</strong>usage rules are strictly observed.SOCOMEC has all <strong>the</strong> necessaryskills for <strong>the</strong> management of <strong>the</strong>entire project, from creation of <strong>the</strong>electrical architecture to supply of<strong>the</strong> products and <strong>the</strong>ir monitoring.A complete rangeSOCOMEC SOLAR provides all <strong>the</strong> electricalPV system equipment downstream of <strong>the</strong>photovoltaic panels:• DC panels,• Smart string controllers,• Inverters for photovoltaic systems,• AC panels,• Supervision solutions,• Storage solutions,• Container solutions.With you every step of <strong>the</strong> waySOCOMEC's experts accompany you step bystep in <strong>the</strong> installation and use of your system:• Assistance with <strong>the</strong> sizing of projects,• Assistance with installation,• After-sales service,• Maintenance services.Optimised efficiencyMaximum overall efficiency is <strong>the</strong> aim ofevery photovoltaic system and <strong>the</strong> inverter,which converts <strong>the</strong> continuous energyinto alternating energy, is <strong>the</strong> most criticalcomponent.SUNSYS inverters use <strong>the</strong> latest technologyto guarantee maximum efficiency, evenwhen wea<strong>the</strong>r conditions are not particularlyfavourable.BODY 336 A BODY 383 A6 General catalogue 2013

Well-designed systemsfor optimum efficiencyThe growth of renewable energiesis an essential step towards asustainable energy policy.A photovoltaic system is a longterminvestment that can bringexcellent returns, but safety anddurability can only be guaranteedby specialist personnel.Residential <strong>application</strong>sA residential installation generally produces apeak power level of 2 to 6 kWp in <strong>the</strong> form ofan alternating single-phase output voltage of230 V. The set of photovoltaic panels installedon <strong>the</strong> roof can occupy a maximum surface ofaround 20 m 2 .SITE 408 AWider range of <strong>application</strong>sSolar power has always been a natural andrenewable alternative energy source. It justneeds to be captured and <strong>the</strong>n converted.The principles of PV have been known andutilised for some time in space <strong>application</strong>sand solar powered calculators. However, itis only recently that <strong>the</strong> industry has madereal, rapid technological progress, making itpossible for this energy source to become aviable alternative in a country's energy mix.The different panel and conversiontechnologies currently available make itpossible to choose <strong>the</strong> most suitable solutionsfor each <strong>application</strong>. Irrespective of <strong>the</strong> type of<strong>application</strong> – residential, building or solar park– SOCOMEC provides <strong>the</strong> correct solutionand efficient use of <strong>the</strong> components.Building <strong>application</strong>s<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> systems for commercial usecan produce maximum peak power levels ofhundreds of kWp.The photovoltaic panels are usually installedon roofs, terraces and <strong>the</strong> fronts of industrialbuildings, shopping centres or publicbuildings, occupying a surface consisting ofbetween tens and hundreds of square metres.Solar park <strong>application</strong>sSolar parks are photovoltaic power stationsbuilt on areas covering thousands of squaremetres that can produce a peak powercapacity of several tens of MWp.The energy produced is injected into <strong>the</strong>electricity grid at medium and high voltagethrough a transformer unit. High-performanceequipment is required to optimise <strong>the</strong> level ofpower injected into <strong>the</strong> network.SITE 317 ASITE 570 A - photo SMAGeneral catalogue 20137

Inverters for residentialphotovoltaic solutionsA residential installation generally produces a peak power level of 2 to 6 kWp in <strong>the</strong> form of an alternatingsingle-phase output voltage of 230 V. The photovoltaic panels installed on <strong>the</strong> roof can occupy amaximum surface of around 20 m 2 .Downstream of <strong>the</strong> panels <strong>the</strong> SOCOMEC solution covers:• DC protection and connection,• DC/AC conversion,• AC protection and connection,• Monitoring of <strong>the</strong> production installation.SUNSYS H invertersCrucial for photovoltaic system performance, SUNSYS H (HOME) inverters are specific to residentialphotovoltaic <strong>application</strong>s. Compatible with multiple configurations of solar modules, <strong>the</strong>y have increasedconversion efficiency for maximum energy output.Optimised ventilationDust and humidity have always been a problem for a system's electronic components.In order to guarantee long life and stability of <strong>the</strong> inverter's function, <strong>the</strong> air required for cooling <strong>the</strong>SUNSYS H inverters is channelled and pumped through a radiator located at <strong>the</strong> back of <strong>the</strong> inverter thatis completely isolated from o<strong>the</strong>r components.Highly flexibleThe wide range of input voltages, protection against polarity inversion of <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic strings andmonitoring of earth leakage guarantees extreme flexibility for planning and management of <strong>the</strong> system.General catalogue 20139

SunSyS H30i3 kW<strong>the</strong> innovative residential solutionSingle-phaseinvertersnewThe solution for> Installations in medium-sizedresidential buildings> Installations in all types ofenvironmental conditionsCertifications<strong>the</strong> SunSyS Hi solution is tÜvSÜD certified for product safety(en 62109, en 61439).SUNSY 066 AAdvantages<strong>the</strong> best, high-efficiencyperformance• The SUNSYS H30i inverter is <strong>the</strong> idealsolution for residential photovoltaicinstallations with a power of 3 kW.• The transformerless design offers anincreased conversion efficiency.• Light and robust, it is quick and easy toinstall in all operating conditions, ensuring:- DC protection and connection,- DC/AC conversion,- AC protection and connection,- monitoring of <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic system.Benefits of <strong>the</strong> integratedsolution• Complete, integrated, safe solution whichincludes <strong>the</strong> protection and disconnectiondevices necessary for <strong>the</strong> system'soperation.• Extreme ease of installation andmaintenance (Easy To Connect,Easy To Swap).• Also suitable for harsh environments (IP65).• LCD control panel for simple and immediatemonitoring of <strong>the</strong> system.• Easy to use.Communication and supervision• LCD high-resolution display with amultilingual menu: English, French, German,Spanish and Italian (for o<strong>the</strong>r languages,contact SOCOMEC).• Capacitive keyboard.• Integrated data logger with data storage onMicroSD Card.• RS485 communication ports.• WiFi connection (optional) with integratedweb server.• Software update through USB stick.WARRANTYYEARS510 General catalogue 2013

Sunsys H30i3 kWSingle-phase invertersTechnical dataInput (DC)Maximum PV power (STC module conditions)3,600 WRated voltage360 VDCMaximum voltage630 VDCVoltage range150 to 600 VDCMPPT voltage range260 to 500 VDCStart-up voltage210 VDCNumber of independent MPPTs 1Pairs of input connectors for MPPTs 1Maximum input current12 AMaximum short-circuit current13 AOutput (AC)Power rating3,000 WMaximum power3,300 W (30 min)Apparent power rating3,000 VAMaximum apparent power3,300 VA (30 min)Rated voltage230 Vrms (1) 1ph + NVoltage range184 to 276 Vrms (1) 1ph + NRated frequency 50 Hz (1)Frequency range 47.5 to 51.5 Hz (1)Rated current13 ArmsMaximum current16 ArmsTotal harmonic distortion of current < 5%Power factor range 0.9 to 1 (2)TopologyNo transformerLevel of efficiencyMaximum efficiency 97,10 %EU efficiency 96,70 %Consumption at night1 WMaximum dissipated power100 WMaximum dissipated power340 BTU/hMaximum dissipated power86 kCal/hGeneral dataProtection class (according to EN 62109)Class IOvervoltage category (according to EN 62109)Class IIIEnvironmental category (according to EN 62109)ExternalEnvironmental degree of protection (according to EN 62109) IP 65Type of DC connectorsSunclix (included)Type of AC connectorBayonet connector (included)Operating temperature -20 to +60 °CRated temperature -20 to +40 °CStorage temperature -25 to +85 °CRelative humidity5% to 95% without condensationCooling systemNatural convectionSound emission< 36 dB 1 m from inverterAltitude0 to 2,000 mDimensions (L x D x H)350 x 205 x 1,130 mmWeight34.5 kgCertification and applicable standardsCEI 0-21, VDE AR-N 4105, VDE 0126-1-1, UTE C15-712-1Warranty5 years (standard), 10/15/20 years (optional extension)(1) The accepted tolerance depends on <strong>the</strong> country of installation and <strong>the</strong> regulations in force.(2) Setup according to <strong>the</strong> requirements of <strong>the</strong> electricity supplier.Technical dataProtection devicesOutput short-circuit protectionReverse-polarity protectionMonitoring of earth leakageMonitoring of faulty currentsInput surge protection devicesOutput surge protection devicesInput isolator (DC)Output isolator (AC)Output magneto<strong>the</strong>rmal switchOutput selective differential protectionCommunicationRS485 interfaceWiFi interfaceDigital inputs/Dry contact outputsMicroSD slotUSB portControl panelEfficiency curveEfficiency in %10099989796959493929190•••••••••Option•Option•••Graphic LCD withbacklight10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Rated AC power (%)SUNSY 027 B GBGeneral catalogue 201311

SunSyS H30i3 kWSingle-phase invertersConnectionsAssemblyControl panel112SELECTENTERSUNSY 058 A1. LCD Control panel2. AC Output3. DC Input32SUNSY 062 ASUNSY 059 A1. LED2. LCD Display3. ENTER/SET button4. Selection buttons4. EXIT button345Protection and isolationupStreAm AnD DOWnStreAm prOteCtIOn Of tHe InverterACprOteCtIOnDCprOteCtIOnSIRCO M PV Isolator switch - •SURGYS PV overvoltage protection • •SUNSY 074 ADifferential magneto<strong>the</strong>rmal switch (1) • -(1) Option.DCAC+ -Q125 A600 VF2SurgysQ316 A500 VType A differentialC curve30 mAF11F1SurgysSUNSY 089 A GBF1F2+ -NLOutput to AC networkN.B.: <strong>the</strong> differential paired with <strong>the</strong> Q3 button is optional12 General catalogue 2013

SunSyS H30i3 kWSingle-phase invertersDiagram of communication ports12341. RS-232 Interface2. WiFi connection (optional)3. USB port4. MicroSD card5. RS485 communication port6. Digital inputs7. Dry contactsSUNSY 073 A567CommunicationWebportalUSBUSB firmwareupdateEmail notificationserviceADSL WirelessmodemREMOTEMONITORINGMicroSD statisticsand data history logIntegratedweb serverSUNSY 064 ALOCAL MONITORINGGeneral catalogue 201313

SUNSYS H505 kWIncreased power densityThe solution forSingle-phaseinverters> Installations in medium-sizedresidential buildings> Installations in all types ofenvironmental conditionsAdvantagesSUNSY 084 AWARRANTYYEARS5The best, high-efficiencyperformance• The SUNSYS H50 inverter is <strong>the</strong> idealsolution for residential photovoltaic<strong>application</strong>s with a power of 5 kW.• The transformerless design offers aconversion efficiency which is amongst <strong>the</strong>best on <strong>the</strong> market.• MPPT's broad voltage tolerance allowsfor excellent flexibility in combination withphotovoltaic modules.Benefits of <strong>the</strong> SUNSYS H50solution• The IP65 degree of protection makes itsuitable for installation in both indoor andoutdoor environments.• Compact inverter with increased energyefficiency and increased power density.Communication and supervision• Equipped with LCD control panel with amultilingual menu: English, French, German,Spanish and Italian (for o<strong>the</strong>r languages,contact SOCOMEC).• Optional RS485 connection for simple andimmediate monitoring of <strong>the</strong> system.• User-friendly.Related products> RJB photovoltaic enclosures,page 1614 General catalogue 2013

SUNSYS H505 kWSingle-phase invertersTechnical dataINPUT (DC)Maximum PV power (STC module conditions)5,500 WRated voltage650 VDCMaximum voltage1,000 VDCVoltage range200 to 1,000 VDCMPPT voltage range310 to 820 VDCStart-up voltage250 VDCNumber of independent MPPTs 1Pairs of input connectors for MPPTs 2Maximum input current17 AMaximum short-circuit current19 AOUTPUT (AC)Power rating5,000 WMaximum power5,250 WApparent power rating5,000 VAMaximum apparent power5,250 VARated voltage230 Vrms (1) 1ph + NVoltage range184 to 265 Vrms (1) 1ph + NRated frequency 50 Hz (1)Frequency range 47.5 to 51.5 Hz (1)Rated current22 ArmsMaximum current25 ArmsTotal harmonic distortion of current < 3%Power factor range 0.8 to 1 (2)TopologyNo transformerLEVEL OF EFFICIENCYMaximum efficiency 97,80 %EU efficiency 97,20 %Consumption at night1 WMaximum dissipated power140 WMaximum dissipated power470 BTU/hMaximum dissipated power120 kCal/hGENERAL DATAProtection class (according to EN 62109)Class IOvervoltage category (according to EN 62109)Class IIIEnvironmental category (according to EN 62109)ExternalEnvironmental degree of protection (according to EN 62109) IP 65Type of DC connectorsMC4Type of AC connectorBayonet connector (included)Operating temperature -20 to +60 °CRated temperature -20 to +40 °CStorage temperature -25 to +60 °CRelative humidity5% to 95% without condensationCooling systemNatural convectionSound emission< 36 dB 1 m from inverterAltitude0 to 2,000 mDimensions (L x D x H)470 x 167 x 482 mmWeight24 kgCertification and applicable standardsCEI 0-21, VDE AR-N 4105, VDE 0126-1-1, UTE C15-712-1Warranty5 years (standard), 10/15/20 years (optional extension)(1) The accepted tolerance depends on <strong>the</strong> country of installation and <strong>the</strong> regulations in force.(2) Setup according to <strong>the</strong> requirements of <strong>the</strong> electricity supplier.Control panel121. Green LED2. Red LED3. LCD Display4. ENTER: menu or enter selection5. SELECT: page selectionSUNSY 072 ATechnical dataPROTECTION DEVICESOutput short-circuit protection•Reverse-polarity protection•Monitoring of earth leakage•Monitoring of faulty currents•Input surge protection devices -Output surge protection devices -Input isolator -Output isolator -Output magneto<strong>the</strong>rmal switch -Output selective differential protection -COMMUNICATIONRS485 interface•WiFi interface -Digital inputs/Dry contact outputs -MicroSD slot -USB port -Control panelGraphic LCD withbacklightEfficiency curveEfficiency in %10099989796959493929190Connections10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Rated AC power (%)1. DC connectors2. Display, buttons, LED3. Earth connection (PE)4. Communication connection5. AC connector12SUNSY 027 B GB345SUNSY 071 A345General catalogue 201315

Enclosed productsand solutionsRJB/BJB enclosures<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> string protection enclosures for residential (RJB)and building (BJB) <strong>application</strong>sFrom 1 to 6 strings/1 to 2 MPPT/DC or DC/ACnewCOFF-PV_067The solution for> RJB: Residential <strong>application</strong>s> BJB: Building <strong>application</strong>sMain advantages> a complete rangefor all your needs> simplicity of installationand use> installation safety> manufacturer's guarantee ofreliability, services and safetyBJB enclosure4 Strings/1 MPPTCOFF-PV_070RJB enclosureDC/AC2 Strings/2 MPPTConformity to standards (1)> iEC 61439-3> iEC 61439-2> utE C 15-712-1> Bt directive no. 2006/95/ECSpecific requestsfunctionThe RJB and BJB string enclosures allow:• parallel connection, protection and isolationof <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic strings,• connection to <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic inverter,• AC distribution (DC/AC RJB enclosures),• protection against overvoltage,• operational safety.advantagesA complete range for all your needs• From 1 to 6 strings.• DC or DC/AC IP65 enclosures.• From 600 to 1000 VDC.• Isc STC (max) = 9 A/string.• From 1 to 2 MPPT.Simplicity of installation and use• Transparent port for analysis of <strong>the</strong>protection components (fuses, breaker andsurge protection devices).• String fuse fault signal (BJB).• Pre-wired modular enclosure.• Quick and safe connection for simplifiedinstallation.Installation safety• Insulation class II.• Safe access voltage surge protectiondevices (4 and 6 string versions).• Changeover and DC voltage isolation.• Protection of both polarities (+/-) with fuse(BJB).• Type II surge protection device.• AC differential protection (30 mA in <strong>the</strong> DC/AC enclosure).• Connection to PV connectors.Manufacturer's guarantee of reliability,services and safety• Guarantee of <strong>the</strong> design, qualification andproduction phases.• Production according to current legislation.• Production with <strong>Socomec</strong> parts, specificallydesigned for photovoltaics.• Electrical and mechanical characteristicsaccording to standard IEC 61439-2 (1) .(1) The applicability of <strong>the</strong> regulations depends on <strong>the</strong> countryof installation and <strong>the</strong> product.> Contact soComECto request customisedprotection enclosuresRelated products> suNsys H50 inverter,page 14> suNsys B10 inverter,page 22> suNsys B12-B15-B20-B30inverter, page 2416 General catalogue 2013

RJB/BJB enclosures<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> string protection enclosuresfor residential (RJB) and building (BJB) <strong>application</strong>sEnclosed products and solutionsFunctional diagramRJB & BJB DC enclosures<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> modulesRJB - BJB BoxRM PV - DC FUSEInvertersSIRCO MC PVFrom 1 to 6 PV stringsSURGYS G51-PVcoff-pv_085_b_1_gb_catElectricalnetwork* The 1 and 2-string RJB enclosures do not include any protection fuses in accordance with <strong>the</strong> UTE C 15-712-1 Guide.RJB enclosures (DC/AC)<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> modulesRJB - BJB BoxSIRCO MC PVDCInvertersSURGYS G51-PVSIRCO MC PVSURGYS G51-PVcoff-pv_086_c_1_it_catElectricalnetworkACGeneral catalogue 201317

RJB/BJB enclosures<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> string protection enclosuresfor residential (RJB) and building (BJB) <strong>application</strong>sEnclosed products and solutionsReferencesNumber of strings MPPT number Voltage DC current AC currentDC RJBenclosureReference1 1 600 VDC 25 A 34PV 62112 1 600 VDC 25 A 34PV 62212 2 600 VDC 25 A 34PV 62221 1 1,000 VDC 25 A 34PV 12112 1 1,000 VDC 25 A 34PV 12212 2 1,000 VDC 25 A 34PV 1222Number of strings MPPT number Voltage DC current AC currentAC-DC RJBenclosureReference2 1 600 VDC 25 A 16 A 35PV 62212 2 600 VDC 25 A 16 A 35PV 62222 1 600 VDC 25 A 25 A 35PV 63212 2 600 VDC 25 A 25 A 35PV 63222 1 1,000 VDC 25 A 16 A 35PV 12212 2 1,000 VDC 25 A 16 A 35PV 12222 1 1,000 VDC 25 A 25 A 35PV 13212 2 1,000 VDC 25 A 25 A 35PV 1322coff-pv_068coff-pv_069coff-pv_066coff-pv_065Number of strings MPPT number Voltage DC current AC currentDC BJBenclosureReference3 1 600 VDC 40 A 36PV 64314 1 600 VDC 40 A 36PV 64414 2 600 VDC 25 A 36PV 62423 1 1,000 VDC 40 A 36PV 14314 1 1,000 VDC 40 A 36PV 14414 2 1,000 VDC 25 A 36PV 12426 1 1,000 VDC 80 A 36PV 16616 2 1,000 VDC 40 A 36PV 146218 General catalogue 2013

RJB/BJB enclosures<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> string protection enclosuresfor residential (RJB) and building (BJB) <strong>application</strong>sEnclosed products and solutionsConfigurationsType ofenclosure Configuration DiagramType ofenclosure Configuration DiagramRJB DC 1 PV string - 1 MPPT DC RJBDCBJBBJB DC3/4 PV strings - 1 MPPTDCDCRJB DC 2 PV strings - 1 MPPT DC RJBDCBJBDCRJBDCBJB DC4 PV strings - 2 MPPTDCRJB DC2 PV strings - 2 MPPTDCDCDCRJB DC/AC 1 PV string - 1 MPPT DC RJBACBJBBJB DC6 PV strings - 1 MPPTDCDCRJB DC/AC 2 PV strings - 1 MPPT DC RJBACBJBDCRJBBJB DC6 PV strings - 2 MPPTDCRJB DC/AC2 PV strings - 2 MPPTDCACDCNew configuration 3 x 4 strings/3 MPPT available (please contact SOCOMEC for information).General catalogue 201319

Inverters for commercialphotovoltaic <strong>application</strong>s<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> systems for commercial use can produce maximum peak power levelsof hundreds of kWp.The photovoltaic panels are usually installed on roofs, terraces and <strong>the</strong> fronts of industrial buildings,shopping centres or public buildings, occupying a surface consisting of between tens and hundreds ofsquare metres.Downstream of <strong>the</strong> panels <strong>the</strong> SOCOMEC solution covers:• DC protection and connection,• DC/AC conversion,• AC protection and connection,• Monitoring of <strong>the</strong> production installation.Crucial for photovoltaic system performance, SUNSYS B (BUILDING) inverters are specific to commercialphotovoltaic <strong>application</strong>s. The systems on roofs with large surfaces require additional functions, andprovide greater power compared to residential systems. In particular, <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic inverters must beconnected to a centralised management system for optimum output from <strong>the</strong> system.The inverter is used in different ways, depending on <strong>the</strong> size of <strong>the</strong> installation and <strong>the</strong> choice ofarchitecture:• The PV strings are connected in parallel to a single centralised inverter,• Each PV string is connected to its own inverter,• Different groups of strings are managed by a single inverter with modular architecture.Double tracker input sectionThe double tracker series input of <strong>the</strong> whole range of SUNSYS B inverters allows for:• Optimisation of energy production of <strong>the</strong> system and maximisation of <strong>the</strong> output of different types ofsystems (extended roof systems with several layers, roof systems with different orientations, systemswith areas of shade),• Management of <strong>the</strong> same system divided into sections with different photovoltaic module technologies.Control panelThe graphic display present on <strong>the</strong> inverter provides a maximum of system data, supplying detailed statusmessages and daily production graphs for quick and accurate analysis of <strong>the</strong> system.RS485 interfaceThe RS485 connection allows for monitoring of <strong>the</strong> system with local or remote supervision systems andensures a complete overview of system data from any workstation.Signalling contactsBuzzers and visual signalling contacts notify any changes in <strong>the</strong> system and inverter status.General catalogue 201321

SUNSYS B1010 kWIncreased conversion efficiencyThe solution forThree-phaseinverters> Installations in small-sizedcommercial buildings> Installations in all types ofenvironmental conditionsAdvantagesSUNSY 047 BWARRANTYYEARS5The best, high-efficiencyperformance• The SUNSYS B10 inverter is <strong>the</strong> idealsolution for photovoltaic <strong>application</strong>s onbuildings with a power of 10 kW.• The transformerless design offers aconversion efficiency which is amongst <strong>the</strong>best on <strong>the</strong> market.• The double tracker series input provides:- optimisation of <strong>the</strong> system's energyproduction,- maximisation of <strong>the</strong> output of extended roofsystems with several layers, systems withdifferent orientations, systems with areas ofshade,- management of a system divided intosections with different photovoltaic moduletechnologies with a single inverter.Benefits of <strong>the</strong> SUNSYS B10solution• MPPT's extensive voltage tolerance allowsfor excellent flexibility in combination withphotovoltaic modules.• The IP65 degree of protection makes itsuitable for installation in both indoor andoutdoor environments.Communication and supervision• Equipped with LCD control panel with amultilingual menu: English, French, German,Spanish and Italian (for o<strong>the</strong>r languages,contact SOCOMEC).• Optional RS485 connection for simple andimmediate monitoring of <strong>the</strong> system.• User-friendly.Related products> BJB photovoltaic enclosures,page 1622 General catalogue 2013

SUNSYS B1010 kWThree-phase invertersTechnical dataINPUT (DC)Maximum PV power (STC module conditions)11,000 WRated voltage720 VDCMaximum voltage1,000 VDCVoltage range250 to 1,000 VDCMPPT voltage range350 to 850 VDCStart-up voltage350 VDCNumber of independent MPPTs 2Pairs of input connectors for MPPTs 2Maximum input current16 A x2Maximum short-circuit current24 A x2OUTPUT (AC)Power rating10,000 WMaximum power10,250 WApparent power rating10,000 VAMaximum apparent power10,250 VARated voltage400 Vrms (1) 3ph + NVoltage range320 to 480 Vrms (1) 3ph + NRated frequency 50 Hz (1)Frequency range 47.5 to 51.5 Hz (1)Rated current14.5 ArmsMaximum current16 ArmsTotal harmonic distortion of current < 3%Power factor range 0.8 to 1 (2)TopologyNo transformerLEVEL OF EFFICIENCYMaximum efficiency 97.90%EU efficiency 97.10%Consumption at night1 WMaximum air demand 100 m 3 /hMaximum dissipated power290 WMaximum dissipated power990 BTU/hMaximum dissipated power250 kCal/hGENERAL DATAProtection class (according to EN 62109)Class IOvervoltage category (according to EN 62109)Class IIIEnvironmental category (according to EN 62109ExternalEnvironmental degree of protection (according to EN 62109) IP 65Type of DC connectorsMC4Type of AC connectorsScrew terminalsOperating temperature -20 to +60 °CRated temperature -20 to +40 °CStorage temperature -25 to +60 °CRelative humidity5% to 95% without condensationCooling systemSmart coolingSound emission< 55 dB 1 m from inverterAltitude0 to 2,000 mDimensions (L x D x H)548 x 275 x 644 mmWeight46 kgCertification and applicable standardsCEI 0-21, VDE AR-N 4105, VDE 0126-1-1, UTE C15-712-1Warranty5 years (standard), 10/15/20 years (optional extension)(1) The accepted tolerance depends on <strong>the</strong> country of installation and <strong>the</strong> regulations in force.(2) Setup according to <strong>the</strong> requirements of <strong>the</strong> electricity supplier.Control panel1231. LCD display with multicoloured back lighting2. Enter button3. Selection buttonsSUNSY 070 ATechnical dataPROTECTION DEVICESOutput short-circuit protection•Reverse-polarity protection•Monitoring of earth leakage•Monitoring of faulty currents•Input surge protection devices -Output surge protection devices -Input isolator -Output isolator -Output magneto<strong>the</strong>rmal switch -Output selective differential protection -COMMUNICATIONRS485 interfaceOptionWiFi interface -Digital inputs/Dry contact outputs -MicroSD slot -USB port -Control panelGraphic LCD withbacklightEfficiency curveEfficiency in %10099989796959493Connections10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Rated AC power (%)1. DC connectors2. LCD Control panel3. Earth connection (PE)4. AC connector5. Interface RS485 (optional)6. Cooling fan12SUNSY 028 B GB3456SUNSY 080 AGeneral catalogue 201323

SUNSYS B12-B15-B20-B3012-15-20-30 kWIncreased flexibility of useThe solution forThree-phaseinverters> Installations in mediumsizedand large commercialbuildings> Installations in all types ofenvironmental conditionsAdvantagesSUNSY 083 ASUNSY 082 AWARRANTYYEARS5Benefits of <strong>the</strong> SUNSYS B12,B15, B20, B30 solution• MPPT's broad voltage tolerance providesexcellent flexibility in combination withphotovoltaic modules.• The IP65 degree of protection makes itsuitable for installation in both indoor andoutdoor environments.The best, high-efficiencyperformance• The SUNSYS B12, B15, B20 andB30 inverters are <strong>the</strong> ideal solution forphotovoltaic <strong>application</strong>s on buildings with apower between 12 and 30 kW.• The transformerless design offers aconversion efficiency which is amongst <strong>the</strong>best on <strong>the</strong> market.• The double tracker series input provides:- optimisation of <strong>the</strong> system's energyproduction,- maximisation of <strong>the</strong> output of extendedroof systems with several layers, systemswith different orientations, systems withareas of shade,- management of a system divided intosections with different photovoltaic moduletechnologies with a single inverter.Communication and supervision• High-resolution LCD display with amultilingual menu: English, French, German,Spanish and Italian (for o<strong>the</strong>r languages,contact SOCOMEC).• Equipped with graphic LCD control panelwith a datalogger and RS485 connectionfor simple and immediate monitoring of <strong>the</strong>system.Related products> BJB photovoltaic enclosures,page 1624 General catalogue 2013

SUNSYS B12-B15-B20-B3012-15-20-30 kWThree-phase invertersTechnical dataTechnical dataSUNSYS B12 SUNSYS B15 SUNSYS B20 SUNSYS B30INPUT (DC)Maximum PV power (STC module conditions) 13,200 W 16,500 W 22,000 W 33,000 WRated voltage650 VDCMaximum voltage1,000 VDCVoltage range200 to 1,000 VDCMPPT voltage range 420 to 850 VDC 350 to 800 VDC 480 to 800 VDCStart-up voltage250 VDCNumber of independent MPPTs 2Pairs of input connectors for MPPTs 2 3Maximum input current 20 A x2 23 A x2 30 A x2 34 A x2Maximum short-circuit current 22 A x2 25 A x2 33 A x2 37 A x2OUTPUT (AC)Power rating 12,000 W 15,000 W 20,000 W 30,000 WMaximum power 12,600 W 15,750 W 21,000 W 31,500 WApparent power rating 12,000 VA 15,000 VA 20,000 VA 30,000 VAMaximum apparent power 12,600 VA 15,750 VA 21,000 VA 31,500 VARated voltage400 Vrms (1) 3ph + NVoltage range320 to 480 Vrms (1) 3ph + NRated frequency 50 Hz (1)Frequency range 47.5 to 51.5 Hz (1)Rated current 17.4 Arms 22 Arms 29 Arms 43 ArmsMaximum current 19.2 Arms 25 Arms 32 Arms 46 ArmsTotal harmonic distortion of current < 3%Power factor range 0.8 to 1 (2)TopologyNo transformerLEVEL OF EFFICIENCYMaximum efficiency 98.10 %EU efficiency 97.5 % 97.60 %Consumption at night2 WMaximum air demand 80 m 3 /h 320 m 3 /hMaximum dissipated power 300 W 360 W 480 W 720 WMaximum dissipated power 1,025 BTU/h 1,230 BTU/h 1,620 BTU/h 2,460 BTU/hMaximum dissipated power 260 kCal/h 310 kCal/h 410 kCal/h 620 kCal/hGENERAL DATAProtection class (according to EN 62109)Class IOvervoltage category (according to EN 62109)Class IIIEnvironmental category (according to EN 62109)ExternalEnvironmental degree of protection (according to EN 62109) IP 65Type of DC connectorsMC4Type of AC connectorBayonet connector (included)Operating temperature -20 to +60 °CRated temperature -20 to +40 °CStorage temperature -25 to +60 °CRelative humidity5% to 95% without condensationCooling systemSmart coolingSound emission< 50 dB 1 m frominverter< 55 dB 1 m from inverter< 61 dB 1 mfrom inverterAltitude0 to 2,000 mDimensions (L x D x H) 606 x 289 x 609 mm 612 x 278 x 960 mmWeight 41 kg 67 kg 67 kg 73 kgCertification and applicable standardsCEI 0-21, CEI 0-16, VDE AR-N 4105, VDE 0126-1-1, UTE C15-712-1Warranty5 years (standard), 10/15/20 years (optional extension)(1) The accepted tolerance depends on <strong>the</strong> country of installation and <strong>the</strong> regulations in force.(2) Setup according to <strong>the</strong> requirements of <strong>the</strong> electricity supplier.Control panelSUNSY 090 A123451. LCD Display2. EXIT button3. Selection buttons4. LED5. ENTER/ SET buttonSUNSY 075 APROTECTION DEVICESOutput short-circuit protection•Reverse-polarity protection•Monitoring of earth leakage•Monitoring of faulty currents•Input surge protection devices -Output surge protection devices -Input isolator -Output isolator -Output magneto<strong>the</strong>rmal switch -Output selective differential protection -COMMUNICATIONRS485 interface•WiFi interface -Digital inputs/Dry contact outputs•MicroSD slot -USB port -Control panelGraphic LCD withbacklightEfficiency curveEfficiency in %10099989796959493Connections10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1001. AC connector2. Earth connection (PE)3. Communication interface4. DC connectors5. LCD Control panel6. FansRated AC power (%)123456SUNSY 028 B GBGeneral catalogue 201325

<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> invertersfor solar parksSolar parks are photovoltaic power stations built on areas covering thousands of square metres that canproduce a peak power capacity of several tens of MWp.The energy produced is injected into <strong>the</strong> electricity grid at medium and high voltage through a transformerunit. High-performance equipment is required to optimise <strong>the</strong> level of power injected into <strong>the</strong> electricity grid.Downstream of <strong>the</strong> panels, <strong>the</strong> SOCOMEC solution covers:• DC protection and connection,• DC/AC conversion,• AC protection and connection,• Monitoring of <strong>the</strong> production installation.General catalogue 201327

<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> inverters for solar parksSUNSYS PARKDynamic Power ControlConsidering <strong>the</strong> average annual sunlight levelsobserved in Europe, <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic plantmostly operates in conditions of reducedbrightness. It is <strong>the</strong>refore essential that <strong>the</strong>inverter is efficient, despite <strong>the</strong> unfavourablewea<strong>the</strong>r conditions.EfficiencyPercentage loadEfficiencyPercentage loadEfficiency as %1009998979695949392919010 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100% load% load% loadSUNSY 078 A GB% load% load% loadSUNSY 079 A GBSUNSY 030 B GBAC power rating (%)Efficiency without DPCEfficiency with DPCWITHOUT DPCWITH DPCThanks to its modular architecture and DPC(Dynamic Power Control) function, <strong>the</strong>SUNSYS inverter optimises <strong>the</strong> efficiency ofyour plant.Production from <strong>the</strong> inverter is very efficient,even at very low levels of sunlight.Modular architecture optimises overallefficiency by only using <strong>the</strong> power modulesit requires. In cases of partial sunlight, fewermodules are used which operate with agreater load and, consequently, with greaterefficiency.SUNSY 042 ARack 33 kWSUNSY 051 ABenefits of <strong>the</strong> “Dynamic Power Control” systemBest efficiencyThe DPC optimises <strong>the</strong> efficiency of yourplant, particularly for partial loads. The inverterstarts to produce electricity at low levels ofsunlight. The P100TL inverter is 96% efficientwith a load of only 5%.Increased lifetimeThanks to <strong>the</strong> DPC, only <strong>the</strong> modules requiredfor energy production are operational. Inaddition, use of <strong>the</strong> power modules is verifiedin a cyclical manner to share <strong>the</strong> load time.The duration of operation of a module is thusoptimised, increasing <strong>the</strong> useful life of <strong>the</strong>inverter.Better availabilityIf one of <strong>the</strong> inverter power modulesshould stop (due to a fault), <strong>the</strong> system willautomatically reconfigure in order to use <strong>the</strong>remaining modules as best possible, and tocontinue supplying <strong>the</strong> maximum possibleamount of energy.Integrated Earthing Kit optionAn option is available on both <strong>the</strong> positiveand negative poles, which earths <strong>the</strong> solarmodules in total safety, and permanentlycontrols <strong>the</strong> status of <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic field,signalling any irregularities and maintaining <strong>the</strong>operating status of <strong>the</strong> entire plant.28 General catalogue 2013

Benefits of <strong>the</strong> modular solutionWhen <strong>the</strong> centralised inverter is connected toone single tracker, <strong>the</strong>re will be considerableloss in production in <strong>the</strong> event of fault, whichwill be increased by <strong>the</strong> time needed forrepair or replacement. When <strong>the</strong>re is a greaternumber of modular inverters, each with 3 x 33kW modules, <strong>the</strong> daily peak loss due to faultwill only be related to one part of <strong>the</strong> plant.DCACDCACDCACDCACDCACDCACDCACSUNSY 077 ACentralised architecture Distributed architecture Modular architectureDifferent operating modesSUNSY 044 ACyclic operation of modulesThe modular architecture, combined with <strong>the</strong>DPC function that increases efficiency at lowlevels of sunlight, allows <strong>the</strong> cyclic operationof <strong>the</strong> inverter modules. In <strong>the</strong> morning,evening and whenever <strong>the</strong> inverter is notfully operational, <strong>the</strong> modules are activatedaccording to <strong>the</strong>ir operation time. Those withfewer operating hours take precedence. Inthis way, it is possible to increase <strong>the</strong> usefullife of each module and, consequently, that of<strong>the</strong> inverter, and reduce maintenance.Redundant operationSUNSYS PARK inverters with <strong>the</strong> DPC modeactivated (two or three shared inputs) divide<strong>the</strong> power from <strong>the</strong> field between <strong>the</strong> variousinverter modules. If one module is faulty, <strong>the</strong>remaining modules can sustain <strong>the</strong> energyproduction to <strong>the</strong>ir maximum capacity, allowing<strong>the</strong> faulty module to be repaired and keepingenergy loss to a minimum.When only two modules are in operation,SUNSYS P100TL/P100TR inverters produceenergy with sunlight up to 66%, and up to 80%per half hour, without any production loss.Rapid repairHot-Swap power module. This module is ishoused in a compact pull-out unit, allowingrapid extraction and replacement even while<strong>the</strong> inverter is in operation and <strong>the</strong> remainingmodules are fully operational. Replacementis very quick and can even be carried outby non-<strong>Socomec</strong> qualified personnel (forexample, by <strong>the</strong> contractor who built <strong>the</strong>plant). The modules can be stored as sparesand used when required.Example of <strong>the</strong> schematic diagram of <strong>the</strong> system (SUNSYS P100TR)General catalogue 201329

SUNSYS P33TR-P66TR33 and 66 kWModular solution for medium power plantsThe solution forThree-phaseinverters> Installations in largecommercial buildingsCertificationsThe SUNSYS P solution is TÜVSÜD certified for product safety(EN 62109).SUNSY 048 AAdvantagesThe best, high-efficiencyperformance• SUNSYS P33TR and P66TR invertersare <strong>the</strong> ideal solution for photovoltaicinstallations on large roofs with powerranging between 33 and 66 kW.• The transformer design and three-phaseoutput make <strong>the</strong>m suitable for low-voltagenetworks.• The modular architecture with a three-levelconverter and <strong>the</strong> DPC function (SUNSYSP66TR) allow improved energy production atlow levels of sunlight.• Thanks to <strong>the</strong> transformer, SUNSYS P33TRand P66TR are fully compatible with allphotovoltaic module technologies. Theearthing kit allows earthing of both positiveand negative poles of <strong>the</strong> solar module, incomplete safety.• The Sunsys IFB and Sunguard supervisionsystem facilitate <strong>the</strong> monitoring andmaintenance of <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic installation.The benefits of <strong>the</strong> “DynamicPower Control” system• Increased efficiencyThe DPC system optimises <strong>the</strong> efficiency ofyour installation, particularly for partial loads.The inverter starts to produce electricity atlow levels of sunlight.• Increased lifetimeThanks to <strong>the</strong> DPC, only <strong>the</strong> modulesrequired for energy production areoperational. In addition, use of <strong>the</strong> powermodules is verified in a cyclical mannerto share <strong>the</strong> load time. The duration ofoperation of a module is thus optimised,increasing <strong>the</strong> useful life of <strong>the</strong> inverter.• Better availabilityIf one of <strong>the</strong> inverter power modulesshould stop (due to a fault), <strong>the</strong> system willautomatically reconfigure in order to use <strong>the</strong>remaining modules as best possible, and tocontinue supplying <strong>the</strong> maximum possibleamount of energy.WARRANTYYEARS5Related products> FJB/IFB photovoltaicenclosures, page 3630 General catalogue 2013

SUNSYS P33TR-P66TR33 and 66 kWThree-phase invertersTechnical dataSUNSYS P33TRSUNSYS P66TRINPUT (DC)Maximum PV power (STC module conditions) 40,000 W 80,000 WRated voltage550 VDCMaximum voltage900 VDCVoltage range350 to 900 VDCMPPT voltage range450 to 850 VDCStart-up voltage520 VDCNumber of independent MPPTs 1 2Number of input connections for MPPTs 2Maximum input current 80 A 80 A x 2Maximum short-circuit current 96 A 96 A x 2OUTPUT (AC)Power rating 33,300 W 66,600 WMaximum power 36,600 W 73,400 WApparent power rating 33,300 VA 66,600 VAMaximum apparent power 36,600 VA 73,400 VARated voltage400 Vrms (1) 3phVoltage range320 to 480 Vrms (1) 3phRated frequency 50 Hz (1)Frequency range 47.5 to 51.5 Hz (1)Rated current 48 Arms 96 ArmsMaximum current 53 Arms 106 ArmsTotal harmonic distortion of current < 3%Power factor range 0.8 to 1 (2)Topology50 Hz output transformerLEVEL OF EFFICIENCYMaximum efficiency 97 %EU efficiency 96 %Consumption at night10 WMaximum air demand 480 m 3 /h 1,280 m 3 /hMaximum dissipated power 1,750 W 3,500 WMaximum dissipated power 5,980 BTU/h 11,950 BTU/hMaximum dissipated power 1,500 kCal/h 3,000 kCal/hGENERAL DATAProtection class (according to EN 62109)Class IOvervoltage category (according to EN 62109)Class IIIEnvironmental category (according to EN 62109)Non-air-conditioned internal environmentsEnvironmental degree of protection (according to EN 62109) IP 20Type of DC connectorsType of AC connectorsCopper bars for cablesfrom 25 mm 2 to 120 mm 2 (M8)Copper bars for cablesfrom 16 mm 2 to 120 mm 2 (M8)Copper bars for cablesfrom 50 mm 2 to 120 mm 2 (M8)Copper bars for cablesfrom 35 mm 2 to 120 mm 2 (M8)Operating temperature -5 to +60 °CRated temperature -5 to +45 °CStorage temperature -5 to +60 °CRelative humidity5% to 95% without condensationCooling systemSmart coolingSound emission < 60 dB 1 m from inverter < 64 dB 1 m from inverterAltitude0 to 1,000 mDimensions (L x D x H)600 x 795 x 1,400 mmWeight 330 kg 525 kgCertification and applicable standardsCEI 0-21, CEI 0-16, VDE AR-N 4105, VDE 0126-1-1, UTE C15-712-1Warranty5 years (standard), 10/15/20 years (optional extension)(1) The tolerance accepted depends on <strong>the</strong> country of installation and <strong>the</strong> regulations in force.(2) Setup according to <strong>the</strong> requirements of <strong>the</strong> electricity supplier.Technical dataPROTECTION DEVICESOutput short-circuit protection•Reverse-polarity protection•Monitoring of earth leakage•Monitoring of faulty currents•Input surge protection devicesOptionOutput surge protection devicesOptionInput isolator•Output isolator•Output magneto<strong>the</strong>rmal switch -Output selective differential protection -Insulation controllerOptionEarthing kitOptionCOMMUNICATIONRS485 interface: serial-to-E<strong>the</strong>rnet• / •WiFi interface -Digital inputs/Dry contact outputsOptionMicroSD slot -USB port•Control panelGraphic LCD withbacklightEfficiency curveEfficiency in %10098969492908886Connections12345678910 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Rated AC power (%)Module AModule BSUNSY 029 C GBSUNSY 091 AControl panelSUNSY 088 A1231. LCD graphic display2. Navigation buttons3. Inverter status light bar1. Communication slot2. Module A output isolator3. Module B output isolator4. Isolators with fuse5. IEC320 AUX output for assistance6. IEC320 AUX power supply input7. Inverter output isolator8. Module B input isolator9. Module A input isolatorGeneral catalogue 201331

SUNSYS P100TR100 kWModular architecture for high powerThe solution forThree-phaseinverters> Installations in largecommercial buildingsCertificationsThe SUNSYS P solution is TÜVSÜD certified for product safety(EN 62109).SUNSY 056 AAdvantagesThe best, high-efficiencyperformance• The SUNSYS P100TR inverter is <strong>the</strong> idealsolution for photovoltaic plants that areconnected to a low-voltage network with100 kW power.• The modular architecture with a threelevelconverter and <strong>the</strong> DPC function allowimproved energy production at low levels ofsunlight.• SUNSYS P100TR is compatible with allphotovoltaic module technologies and witha wide range of string configurations.• The Sunsys IFB and Sunsys Sunguardoptions facilitate system supervision andmaintenance.The benefits of <strong>the</strong> “DynamicPower Control” system• Increased efficiencyThe DPC system optimises <strong>the</strong> efficiency ofyour installation, particularly for partial loads.The inverter starts to produce electricity atlow levels of sunlight.• Increased lifetimeThanks to <strong>the</strong> DPC, only <strong>the</strong> modulesrequired for energy production areoperational. In addition, use of <strong>the</strong> powermodules is verified in a cyclical mannerto share <strong>the</strong> load time. The duration ofoperation of a module is thus optimised,increasing <strong>the</strong> useful life of <strong>the</strong> inverter.• Better availabilityIf one of <strong>the</strong> inverter power modulesshould stop (due to a fault), <strong>the</strong> system willautomatically reconfigure in order to use <strong>the</strong>remaining modules as best possible, and tocontinue supplying <strong>the</strong> maximum possibleamount of energy.WARRANTYYEARS5Related products> FJB/IFB photovoltaicenclosures, page 3632 General catalogue 2013

SUNSYS P100TR100 kWThree-phase invertersSUNSY 088 ATechnical dataSUNSYS P100TRINPUT (DC)Maximum PV power (STC module conditions)120,000 WRated voltage550 VDCMaximum voltage900 VDCVoltage range350 to 900 VDCMPPT voltage range450 to 850 VDCStart-up voltage520 VDCNumber of independent MPPTs 3Number of input connections for MPPTs 2Maximum input current 80 A x 3Maximum short-circuit current 96 A x 3OUTPUT (AC)Power rating100,000 WMaximum power110,000 WApparent power rating100,000 VAMaximum apparent power110,000 VARated voltage400 Vrms (1) 3phVoltage range320 to 480 Vrms (1) 3phRated frequency 50 Hz (1)Frequency range 47.5 to 51.5 Hz (1)Rated current144 ArmsMaximum current160 ArmsTotal harmonic distortion of current < 3%Power factor range 0.8 to 1 (2)Topology50 Hz output transformerLEVEL OF EFFICIENCYMaximum efficiency 97 %EU efficiency 96 %Consumption at night10 WMaximum air demand 1,760 m 3 /hMaximum dissipated power5,250 WMaximum dissipated power17,900 BTU/hMaximum dissipated power4,500 kCal/hGENERAL DATAProtection class (according to EN 62109)Class IOvervoltage category (according to EN 62109)Class IIIEnvironmental category (according to EN 62109)Non-air-conditioned internal environmentsEnvironmental degree of protection (according to EN 62109) IP 20Type of DC connectorsCopper bars for cables from 95 mm 2 to 120 mm 2 (M8)Type of AC connectorsCopper bars for cables from 70 mm 2 to 120 mm 2 (M8)Operating temperature -5 to +60 °CRated temperature -5 to +45 °CStorage temperature -5 to +60 °CRelative humidity5% to 95% without condensationCooling systemSmart coolingSound emission< 64 dB 1 m from inverterAltitude0 to 1,000 mDimensions (L x D x H)1,200 x 795 x 1,400 mmWeight770 kgCertification and applicable standardsCEI 0-21, CEI 0-16, VDE AR-N 4105, VDE 0126-1-1, UTE C15-712-1Warranty5 years (standard), 10/15/20 years (optional extension)(1) The accepted tolerance depends on <strong>the</strong> country of installation and <strong>the</strong> regulations in force.(2) Setup according to <strong>the</strong> requirements of <strong>the</strong> electricity supplier.Control panel1231. LCD graphic display2. Navigation buttons3. Inverter status light barTechnical dataPROTECTION DEVICESOutput short-circuit protection•Reverse-polarity protection•Monitoring of earth leakage•Monitoring of faulty currents•Input surge protection devicesOptionOutput surge protection devicesOptionInput isolator•Output isolator•Output magneto<strong>the</strong>rmal switch -Output selective differential protection -Insulation controllerOptionEarthing kitOptionCOMMUNICATIONRS485 interface: serial-to-E<strong>the</strong>rnet• / •WiFi interface -Digital inputs/Dry contact outputsOptionMicroSD slot -USB port•Control panelGraphic LCD withbacklightEfficiency curveEfficiency in %10098969492908886Connections125346789101110 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Rated AC power (%)1. Communication slot2. Module A output isolator3. Module B output isolator4. Module C output isolator5. Inverter output isolator6. Isolators with fuse7. IEC320 AUX power supply input8. IEC320 AUX output for assistance9. Module C input isolator10. Module B input isolator11. Module A input isolatorModule AModule BModule CSUNSY 029 B ITSUNSY 092 AGeneral catalogue 201333

SUNSYS P66TL-P100TL66 and 100 kWMaximum efficiency under all wea<strong>the</strong>r conditionsThe solution forThree-phaseinverters> Solar park installations> Medium voltage networkinstallationsCertificationsThe SUNSYS P solution is TÜVSÜD certified for product safety(EN 62109).SUNSY 048 AAdvantagesThe best, high-efficiencyperformance• SUNSYS P66TL and P100TL invertersare <strong>the</strong> ideal solution for photovoltaic<strong>application</strong>s in solar parks with powergreater than 66 kW.• The transformerless design and three-phaseoutput make <strong>the</strong>m suitable for connection tomedium-voltage networks.• The modular architecture with three-levelconversion, <strong>the</strong> DPC function and <strong>the</strong>transformerless architecture, optimiseenergy production at all levels of sunlight.• Thanks to <strong>the</strong> channelled ventilation,different units can be placed side by side,obtaining high levels of power in a morecompact space.• The Sunsys IFB and Sunguard supervisionsystem facilitate <strong>the</strong> monitoring andmaintenance of <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic installation.The benefits of <strong>the</strong> “DynamicPower Control” system• Increased efficiencyThe DPC system optimises <strong>the</strong> efficiency ofyour installation, particularly for partial loads.The inverter starts to produce electricity atlow levels of sunlight.• Increased lifetimeThanks to <strong>the</strong> DPC, only <strong>the</strong> modulesrequired for energy production areoperational. In addition, use of <strong>the</strong> powermodules is verified in a cyclical mannerto share <strong>the</strong> load time. The duration ofoperation of a module is thus optimised,increasing <strong>the</strong> useful life of <strong>the</strong> inverter.• Better availabilityIf one of <strong>the</strong> inverter power modulesshould stop (due to a fault), <strong>the</strong> system willautomatically reconfigure in order to use <strong>the</strong>remaining modules as best possible, and tocontinue supplying <strong>the</strong> maximum possibleamount of energy.WARRANTYYEARS5Related products> FJB/IFB photovoltaicenclosures, page 3634 General catalogue 2013

SUNSYS P66TL-P100TL66 and 100 kWThree-phase invertersTechnical dataSUNSYS P66TLSUNSYS P100TLINPUT (DC)Maximum PV power (STC module conditions) 80,000 W 120,000 WRated voltage550 VDCMaximum voltage900 VDCVoltage range350 to 900 VDCMPPT voltage range450 to 850 VDCStart-up voltage520 VDCNumber of independent MPPTs 2 3Number of input connections for MPPTs 2Maximum input current 80 A x 2 80 A x 3Maximum short-circuit current 96 A x 2 96 A x 3OUTPUT (AC)Power rating 66,600 W 100,000 WMaximum power 73,400 W 110,000 WApparent power rating 66,600 VA 100,000 VAMaximum apparent power 73,400 VA 110,000 VARated voltage280 Vrms (1) 3phVoltage range224 to 336 Vrms (1) 3phRated frequency 50 Hz (1)Frequency range 47.5 to 51.5 Hz (1)Rated current 137 Arms 206 ArmsMaximum current 152 Arms 227 ArmsTotal harmonic distortion of current < 3%Power factor range 0.8 to 1 (2)TopologyTransformerlessLEVEL OF EFFICIENCYMaximum efficiency 98 %EU efficiency 97.6 %Consumption at night10 WMaximum air demand 960 m 3 /h 1,440 m 3 /hMaximum dissipated power 2,470 W 3,650 WMaximum dissipated power 8,420 BTU/h 12,450 BTU/hMaximum dissipated power 2,130 kCal/h 3,150 kCal/hGENERAL DATAProtection class (according to EN 62109)Class IOvervoltage category (according to EN 62109)Class IIIEnvironmental category (according to EN 62109)Non-air-conditioned internal environmentsEnvironmental degree of protection (according to EN 62109) IP 20Type of DC connectorsType of AC connectorsCopper bars for cablesfrom 50 mm 2 to 120 mm 2 (M8)Copper bars for cablesfrom 35 mm 2 to 120 mm 2 (M8)Copper bars for cablesfrom 95 mm 2 to 120 mm 2 (M8)Copper bars for cablesfrom 70 mm 2 to 120 mm 2 (M8)Operating temperature -5 to +60 °CRated temperature -5 to +45 °CStorage temperature -5 to +60 °CRelative humidity5% to 95% without condensationCooling systemsmart coolingSound emission< 64 dB 1 m from inverterAltitude0 to 1,000 mDimensions (L x D x H)600 x 795 x 1,400 mmWeight 155 kg 190 kgCertification and applicable standardsCEI 0-21, CEI 0-16, VDE AR-N 4105, VDE 0126-1-1, UTE C15-712-1Warranty5 years (standard), 10/15/20 years (optional extension)(1) The accepted tolerance depends on <strong>the</strong> country of installation and <strong>the</strong> regulations in force.(2) Setup according to <strong>the</strong> requirements of <strong>the</strong> electricity supplier.Technical dataPROTECTION DEVICESOutput short-circuit protection•Reverse-polarity protection•Monitoring of earth leakage•Monitoring of faulty currentsOptionInput surge protection devicesOptionOutput surge protection devices•Input isolator•Output isolator -Output magneto<strong>the</strong>rmal switch -Output selective differential protection -Insulation controllerOptionEarthing kitOptionCOMMUNICATIONRS485 interface: serial-to-E<strong>the</strong>rnet• / •WiFi interface -Digital inputs/Dry contact outputsOptionMicroSD slot -USB port•Control panelGraphic LCD withbacklightEfficiency curve10099989796959493929190Connections1234Efficiency as %567891010 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100AC power rating (%)Efficiency without DPCEfficiency with DPCModule AModule BModule CSUNSY 030 B GBSUNSY 093 AControl panel11. LCD graphic display2. Navigation buttons3. Inverter status light bar1. Communication slot2. Module A output isolator3. Module B output isolator4. Module C output isolator5. Isolators with fuse5. IEC320 AUX power supply input7. IEC320 AUX output for assistance8. Module C input isolator9. Module B input isolator10. Module A input isolatorSUNSY 088 A23General catalogue 201335

Enclosed productsand solutionsFJB/IFB enclosures<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> string protection and monitoring enclosuresfor solar parksfrom 8 to 32 stringsnewThe solution for> High-power photovoltaicinstallations (large buildings,fields, solar parks rangingfrom a few hundred kW tomany MW)Main advantagesCOFF-PV_018_ACOFF-PV_023_B16-string enclosure> a complete range to meetyour needs> simplicity of installation anduse> installation safety> Manufacturer's guarantee ofreliability, services and safety16-string enclosureConformity to standards> iEc 61,439-2> utE c 15-712-1> Bt Directive no. 2006/95/EcfunctionThe FJB/IFB string enclosures allow:• parallel connection, protection and isolationof <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic strings,• connection to <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic inverter,• protection against overvoltage,• monitoring of <strong>the</strong> strings and photovoltaicinstallation.advantagesA complete range to meet your needs• From 1 to 6 strings.• Changeover and manual or remote isolation.• 1000 VDC voltage.• IMPPT max = 9 A/String.• Use at temperatures of up to 60 °C (seetable of technical specifications).Simplicity of installation and use• Fault signal of string fuse.• Closing plate fitted on a removable base forinput/output connection.• Connection to PV connectors (optional).• Accessories for wall mounting.• Roof for protection in harsh environments(contact SOCOMEC).• Remote monitoring (available on IFBenclosures).Installation safety• Insulation class II.• Changeover and DC voltage isolation (1000V DC21).• Protection of both polarities (+/-) with fuse.• Type II surge protection device.• Polarity separation according to legislation.• Route and fixing of safety cables withreinforced insulation.Manufacturer's guarantee of reliability,services and safety• Guarantee of <strong>the</strong> design, qualification andproduction phases.• Production according to current legislation.• Production with <strong>Socomec</strong> parts, specificallydesigned for photovoltaics.• Electrical and mechanical characteristicsaccording to standard IEC 61439-2.Specific requests> contact socoMEcto request customisedprotection enclosuresRelated products> sunsYs P33tr-P66trinverter, page 30> sunsYs P100tr inverter,page 32> sunsYs P66tl-P100tlinverter, page 3436 General catalogue 2013

FJB/IFB enclosures<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> string protection and monitoringenclosures for solar parksEnclosed products and solutionsGeneral descriptionThe FJB/IFB range was designed with a modular architecture consisting of:coff-pv_057_a_catcoff-pv_059_a_catcoff-pv_061_a_catcoff-pv_063_a_catcoff-pv_078_a_cat8 strings12 strings16 strings24 strings32 strings1Opening and manual orremote isolation with isolatorto allow maintenance or safetyoperation procedures.4Fault signal of RM PV stringfuse (FJB version withoutmonitoring).62Protection against overvoltagefrom atmospheric phenomena(lightning) with type 2SURGYS G51-PV.15Closure plate with cableglands (optional withPV connectors, contactSOCOMEC).32- Connection of <strong>the</strong> stringson <strong>the</strong> PV RM fuseisolator.- gPV protection fuse(10 x 38) for <strong>the</strong>photovoltaic string.3coff_380_a_1_cat576Monitoring and sensing PCBs(consult us).- Polyester enclosure IP65,IK09- Colour RAL 7035- Mounting supporton wall bracket- Safety stickersFunctional diagram<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> modulesFJB/IFB BoxRM PV - DC FUSEInverterSIRCO PVcoff-pv_077_b_1_gb_cat7ElectricalnetworkFrom 8 to 32 stringsSURGYS G51-PVGeneral catalogue 201337

FJB/IFB enclosures<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> string protection and monitoringenclosures for solar parksEnclosed products and solutionsReferencesManual control and load breakDescription Voltage (VDC) Current (A) Reference8 strings 1000 160 SUNSYS-PFB-8M12 strings 1000 160 Contact SOCOMEC16 strings 1000 200 SUNSYS-PFB-16M24 strings 1000 320 SUNSYS-PFB-24M32 strings 1000 400 Contact SOCOMECRemote control and load breakDescription Voltage (VDC) Current (A) Reference8 strings 1000 160 SUNSYS-PFB-8R (1)12 strings 1000 160 Contact SOCOMEC16 strings 1000 200 SUNSYS-PFB-16R (1)24 strings 1000 320 SUNSYS-PFB-24R (1)32 strings 1000 400 Contact SOCOMEC(1) Release coil not included (see accessories).Manual control and load breakDescription Voltage (VDC) Current (A) Reference8 strings 1000 160 SUNSYS-IFB-8M16 strings 1000 200 SUNSYS-IFB-16M24 strings 1000 320 SUNSYS-IFB-24MRemote control and load breakDescription Voltage (VDC) Current (A) Reference8 strings 1000 160 SUNSYS-IFB-8R (1)16 strings 1000 200 SUNSYS-IFB-16R (1)24 strings 1000 320 SUNSYS-IFB-24R (1)(1) Release coil not included (see accessories).AccessoriesgPV fuse 10 x 38SizeSize from 2 to 16 AReferenceContact SOCOMECfusib_168_aRelease coilsDescriptionNo-volt release coil 208-240 V/50-60 HzShunt release coil 208-250 VAC/DCReferenceSUN-OP-UV230VACSUN-OP-ST230VAC38 General catalogue 2013

FJB/IFB enclosures<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> string protection and monitoringenclosures for solar parksEnclosed products and solutionsTechnical data (1)SUNSYS IFB / FJB8 stringsSUNSYS IFB / FJB16 stringsSUNSYS IFB/FJB24 stringsELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSOpen-circuit voltage (STC Voc)1,000 VDC maxOvervoltage protectionPV 40 kA 8/20 surge protection devices in modules to insertEmergency disconnect device 1,000 VDC 160 A 1,000 VDC 200 A 1,000 VDC 320 AImpulse resistance voltage8 kVMaximum current per string10 AFuse2/4/6/8/10/12/16 A (specify on ordering)Signalling contactsXB1 (detection of overvoltage/excess temperature)/XB2 (string fault), 250 VAC 5 AMECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSSize of input cable ø 4-6 mm 2Size of output cable ø 35-120 mm 2 ø 95-120 mm 2 ø 120-240 mm 2Protection class Class 2Degree of protectionIP65Impact resistanceIK09Dimensions (L x D x H) 540 x 201 x 540 mm 810 x 201 x 540 mm 1,080 x 201 x 540 mmWeight 17 kg 26 kg 38 kgMONITORING SYSTEM (IFB only)Voltage24 VDC (12 to 27 VDC)AbsorptionNominal: 1.5 W, maximum: 3 WLevel of power voltageSELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage)COMMUNICATION (IFB only)Alarm data and outputThrough RS485Distance of communicationUp to 500 mNumber of nodes (serial connections) From 1 to 254ENERGY SUPPLY OF SUNSYS GUARDIAN BOARD (IFB only)Absorption0.7 WENVIRONMENTTemperature rangeFrom -20 °C to +40 °C without deratingStorage temperatureFrom -20 °C to +70 °C (1 year maximum)Relative humidity/Altitude95% without condensation at 40 °C/2,000 mSTANDARDSLow voltage boxes IEC 61439-2 (Edition 2; 2011)<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> system installation guide UTE C 15-712-1EU conformity(1) For technical data on 12-string and 32-string models, contact <strong>Socomec</strong>.Low voltage directive 2006/95/EC,electromagnetic compatibility directive 2004/108/ECSUNSYS Guardian (IFB only)Thanks to a fibre optic ring, <strong>the</strong> optionalSUNSYS Guardian board constantly checksfor any attempts to remove <strong>the</strong> photovoltaicpanels.If <strong>the</strong> fibre optic ring, installed as a single unitwith <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic panel structure to beprotected, is cut or tampered with, an alarm isimmediately sounded.The alarm signal is transmitted in three ways:• RS485 serial communication,• dry signalling point,• variation in resistance for <strong>the</strong> connection to<strong>the</strong> alarm control unit.The board supports up to three fibre opticrings.Monitored data•Instantaneous power.•VDC string voltage.• I DCcurrent for each string and total outputcurrent.•Power (Wh) generated each day per string.•Status of <strong>the</strong> alarms, fuses and protectivedevices.General catalogue 201339

FJB/IFB enclosures<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> string protection and monitoringenclosures for solar parksEnclosed products and solutionsDimensions8 strings54054012 strings72019854016 strings540 270coff-pv_081_a_1_cat540coff-pv_080_a_1_catcoff-pv_079_a_1_cat40 General catalogue 2013

FJB/IFB enclosures<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> string protection and monitoringenclosures for solar parksEnclosed products and solutionsDimensions24 strings540 54054032 strings540 540 270coff-pv_083_a_1_cat540coff-pv_082_a_1_catSide view (all versions)198General catalogue 201341

SupervisionLarge photovoltaic installations require constant monitoring of <strong>the</strong> energy production and operationalparameters.The SUNGUARD monitoring system is compatible with all SUNSYS inverters and allows:• Monitoring of <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic plant with a PC or mobile device (tablet, smartphone, etc.)with an Internet connection and browser,• Checking of <strong>the</strong> daily production, <strong>the</strong> profitability of <strong>the</strong> plant and <strong>the</strong> contribution to environmentalprotection,• Reduction of production downtime.General catalogue 201343

SupervisionMonitoringBenefits of SUNGUARDmonitoring• Simplicity of installation and use.• Monitoring of all <strong>the</strong> devices on <strong>the</strong>photovoltaic installation.• Reduction of maintenance time andtroubleshooting.SUNGUARD monitoring devices• Data logger: this is <strong>the</strong> centre of <strong>the</strong>monitoring facility, collecting installation dataand sending <strong>the</strong> data to <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARDserver to be viewed on <strong>the</strong> browser.• Power supply, surge protection device andswitchboard.• Environmental sensors for <strong>the</strong> calculationof <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>oretical power of <strong>the</strong> photovoltaicinstallation (power at maximum efficiency)and comparison with <strong>the</strong> real powergenerated by identifying malfunctions orsystem failure.• Networking: connection of <strong>the</strong> monitoringsystem to <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD server.• LED or LCD display to view <strong>the</strong> informationrelated to energy production in real time.SUNSYS<strong>Photovoltaic</strong>panelsSUNSYS IFBSUNSYSInverterDIRISADSL modem(not supplied)SUNGUARDData Logger@Internet portalSUNGUARDGSM modem/3G(optional)SUNGUARDSensor BoxSUPVI 006 A ITNotification(email/SMS)EnvironmentalsensorsPower connectionsSignal connections44 General catalogue 2013

SupervisionMonitoringSUNGUARD portal web interfaceSUPVI 007 A1. Interface languageFor setting <strong>the</strong> interface language to ei<strong>the</strong>rEnglish, French, Italian, Spanish or German(for o<strong>the</strong>r languages, contact SOCOMEC).2. CONTENTS areaFor viewing selected information through <strong>the</strong>navigation tree icons.133. Horizontal navigation bar• ‘Graphs’ button:For viewing <strong>the</strong> graphs related to <strong>the</strong> maininstallation parameters (e.g. kWh, sunlight,etc.) selected over a chosen period of time.• ‘Support’ button:For sending and receive technical supportmessages.• ‘Report’ button:For creating monthly or yearly reports (PDF)of <strong>the</strong> energy production.244. Navigation treeThe navigation tree consists of iconsorganised on three levels.The main level (level 1) is represented by<strong>the</strong> installation icon, allowing <strong>the</strong> followingparameters to be viewed in <strong>the</strong> contents area:• instantaneous power produced by <strong>the</strong>inverters in kW,• power surge in kWp,• total energy accumulated by <strong>the</strong> invertersin kWh,• total energy of <strong>the</strong> counter,• sunlight in W/m 2 , module temperature,ambient temperature and wind speed,• CO 2emissions avoided, number of treessaved and equivalent number of barrels of oil,• daily production and <strong>the</strong>oretical productiongraphs,• comparison of production estimations withreal production.Level 2 allows access to information related to:• each active photovoltaic device (SUNSYSinverter, SUNGUARD SENSOR BOX,SUNGUARD communication devices,SUNSYS IFB field boxes, electricity meters,DIRIS network analysers, etc.), in order toview <strong>the</strong> main electrical values,• information related to Alarms and Eventsand related notifications (Messages) sent viaemail and/or SMS,• viewing of <strong>the</strong> values of all monitoredparameters, selected over a chosen periodof time, and exportation of values in CSVformat.The Utility Section, which allows access tolevel-3 information, includes:- monitoring of <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic installation,to activate and modify <strong>the</strong> monitoringparameters,- monitoring of <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic strings, toset up <strong>the</strong> maximum gap in productionpercentages between each individualstring. If <strong>the</strong> current values are less than <strong>the</strong>established threshold, <strong>the</strong> system sends analert message,- calculation of sunlight, to calculate <strong>the</strong>average daily sunlight (W/m 2 ) selected overa chosen period of time.General catalogue 201345

Communication interfacesSunguardDatalogger SUNGUARD BOX HOME 20K 1PVSUNSY 018 AApplication• For photovoltaic installations of up to20 kWp with one inverter.Operation• Reads data from <strong>the</strong> inverter.• Reads data from <strong>the</strong> connectedcommunication devices.• Sends data to <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD Internetportal via <strong>the</strong> ADSL router/modem (E<strong>the</strong>rnetport) or UMTS/3G SUNGUARD router/modem. The Reserved Area of <strong>the</strong> portalcan be accessed with any Web Browserand an Internet connection, to monitor andanalyse all <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic installations fittedwith <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD datalogger.Specifications• E<strong>the</strong>rnet interface.• 2 RS232 serial ports.• RS232/RS485 signal converter.• Power supply included.• 4 Gb CompactFlash with pre-installedsoftware to manage <strong>the</strong> monitoring system.• Dimensions (L x D x H): 115 x 35 x 155 mm.• Weight: 0.5 kg.• Operating temperature:+5 to +50 °C.Datalogger SUNGUARD BOX HOME 20K 1PV WIFISUPVI 008 AApplication• For photovoltaic installations of up to20 kWp with one inverter.Operation• Reads data from <strong>the</strong> inverter.• Reads data from <strong>the</strong> connectedcommunication devices.• Sends data to <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD V Internetportal via <strong>the</strong> ADSL router/modem with WiFiconnection. The Reserved Area of <strong>the</strong> portalcan be accessed with any Web Browserand an Internet connection, to monitor andanalyse all <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic installations fittedwith <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD datalogger.Specifications• E<strong>the</strong>rnet and WLAN interface.• 2 RS232 serial ports.• RS232/RS485 signal converter.• Power supply included.• 4 Gb CompactFlash with pre-installedsoftware to manage <strong>the</strong> monitoring system.• Dimensions (L x D x H): 115 x 35 x 155 mm.• Weight: 0.5 kg.• Operating temperature:+5 to +50 °C.46 General catalogue 2013

Communication interfacesDatalogger SUNGUARD BOX HOME 20KDatalogger SUNGUARD BOX HOME 20K WiFiDatalogger SUNGUARD BOX SMALL 100Ksupvi 009 A supvi 008 A supvi 008 AApplication• For photovoltaic installations of up to 20 kWpwith an unlimited number of inverters.Operation• Reads data from <strong>the</strong> inverter.• Reads data from <strong>the</strong> connectedcommunication devices.• Sends data to <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD Internetportal via <strong>the</strong> ADSL router/modem (E<strong>the</strong>rnetport) or UMTS/3G SUNGUARD router/modem. The Reserved Area of <strong>the</strong> portalcan be accessed with any Web Browserand an Internet connection, to monitor andanalyse all <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic installations fittedwith <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD datalogger.Application• For photovoltaic installations of up to 20 kWpwith an unlimited number of inverters.Operation• Reads data from <strong>the</strong> inverter.• Reads data from <strong>the</strong> connectedcommunication devices.• Sends data to <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD V Internetportal via <strong>the</strong> ADSL router/modem with WiFiconnection. The Reserved Area of <strong>the</strong> portalcan be accessed with any Web Browserand an Internet connection, to monitor andanalyse all <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic installations fittedwith <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD datalogger.Application• For photovoltaic installations of upto 100 kWp.Operation• Reads from <strong>the</strong> inverter.• Reads data from <strong>the</strong> connectedcommunication devices.• Sends data to <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD Internetportal via <strong>the</strong> ADSL router/modem (E<strong>the</strong>rnetport) or UMTS/3G SUNGUARD router/modem. The Reserved Area of <strong>the</strong> portalcan be accessed with any Web Browserand an Internet connection, to monitor andanalyse all <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic installations fittedwith <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD datalogger.Specifications• E<strong>the</strong>rnet interface.• 2 RS232 serial ports.• RS232/RS485 signal converter.• 3 USB ports.• Power supply included.• 4 Gb CompactFlash with pre-installedsoftware to manage <strong>the</strong> monitoring system.• Dimensions (L x D x H): 115 x 35 x 155 mm.• Weight: 0.5 kg.• Operating temperature:+5 to +50 °C.Specifications• E<strong>the</strong>rnet and WLAN interface.• 2 RS232 serial ports.• RS232/RS485 signal converter.• Power supply included.• 4 Gb CompactFlash with pre-installedsoftware to manage <strong>the</strong> monitoring system.• Dimensions (L x D x H): 115 x 35 x 155 mm.• Weight: 0.5 kg.• Operating temperature:+5 to +50 °C.Specifications• E<strong>the</strong>rnet interface.• 1 RS232 serial port and 3 RS485 serialports to monitor <strong>the</strong> different types ofequipment (for example: inverter, electricitymeter, one or more SUNGUARD SensorBoxes, and SOCOMEC IFB field boxes).• 24 VDC power supply not included.• 4 Gb CompactFlash with preinstalledsoftware to manage <strong>the</strong> monitoring system.• Aluminium enclosure.• Installation on DIN rail or on wall.• Dimensions (L x D x H):189 x 41 x 130.6 mm.• Weight: 1.5 kg.• Operating temperature:-20 to +65 °C.General catalogue 201347

Communication interfacesDatalogger SUNGUARD BOX PROFESSIONAL 3 300Ksupvi 010 AApplication• For photovoltaic installations of upto 300 kWp.Operation• Reads data from <strong>the</strong> inverter.• Reads data from <strong>the</strong> connectedcommunication devices.• Sends data to <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD Internetportal via <strong>the</strong> ADSL router/modem (E<strong>the</strong>rnetport) or UMTS/3G SUNGUARD router/modem. The Reserved Area of <strong>the</strong> portalcan be accessed with any Web Browserand an Internet connection, to monitor andanalyse all <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic installations fittedwith <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD datalogger.Specifications• E<strong>the</strong>rnet interface.• 1 RS232 serial port and 3 RS485 serialports to monitor <strong>the</strong> different types ofequipment (for example: inverter, electricitymeter, one or more SUNGUARD SensorBoxes, and SOCOMEC IFB field boxes.)• Communication port status via LEDindicators.• 24 VDC power supply not included.• 4 Gb CompactFlash with pre-installedsoftware to manage <strong>the</strong> monitoring system.• Aluminium enclosure.• Installation on DIN rail or on wall.• Dimensions (L x D x H): 71 x 139 x 152 mm.• Weight: 1.0 kg.• Operating temperature:-20 to +75 °C.Datalogger SUNGUARD BOX BUSINESS 2 > 300Ksupvi 011 AApplication• For photovoltaic installations > 300 kWp.Operation• Reads data from <strong>the</strong> inverter.• Reads data from <strong>the</strong> connectedcommunication devices.• Sends data to <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD Internetportal via <strong>the</strong> ADSL router/modem (E<strong>the</strong>rnetport) or UMTS/3G SUNGUARD router/modem. The Reserved Area of <strong>the</strong> portalcan be accessed with any Web Browserand an Internet connection, to monitor andanalyse all <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic installations fittedwith <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD datalogger.Specifications• Specifically for industrial environments.• High-speed data processing.• E<strong>the</strong>rnet interface.• 2 RS232 serial ports and 4 RS485 serialports to monitor different types of equipment(for example: inverter, electricity meter,one or more SUNGUARD Sensor Boxes,SOCOMEC IFB field boxes and dry contactmodules).• 24 VDC power supply not included.• 1 GB RAM• 4 Gb CompactFlash with pre-installedsoftware to manage <strong>the</strong> monitoring system.• Aluminium enclosure.• Installation on DIN rail or on wall.• Dimensions (L x D x H):264.5 x 69.2 x 137.25 mm.• Weight: 2.0 kg.• Operating temperature: -20 to +60 °C.48 General catalogue 2013

Power supply: switchboard withsurge protection devicePOWER SUPPLY DIN 24 V 60 Wsupvi 012 ASpecifications• Input voltage: 230 VAC.• Frequency range: 50-60 Hz.• Output voltage: 24 V.• Rated output current: 2.5 A.• Rated output power: 60 W.• Overload: 105-160% rated output power.• Protection: limitation of constant current,automatic recovery on reactivation of normaloperating conditions.• Operating temperature:-20 to +60 °C.• Humidity: 20 to 90% without condensation.• Installation on DIN rail.• Dimensions: 78 x 93 x 56 mm.• Weight: 0.3 kg.Switchboard IP65 8 modules: power supply, data line overvoltage discharge, magneto<strong>the</strong>rmal switchSUNSY 019 ASwitchboard specifications• Switchboard 8 modules.• Protection IP65.• Dissipated power: 16 W.• Colour: grey RAL 7035.• Dimensions (L x D x H)215 x 100 x 210 mm.Power supply specifications• Input voltage: 230 VAC.• Frequency range: 50-60 Hz.• Output voltage: 24 V.• Rated output current: 2.5 A.• Rated output power: 60 W.• Overload: 105-160% rated output power.• Protection: limitation of constant current,automatic recovery on reactivation of normaloperating conditions.• Operating temperature:-20 to +60 °C.• Humidity: 20 to 90% without condensation.• Installation on DIN rail.• Dimensions: 78 x 93 x 56 mm.• Weight: 0.3 kg.Data line surge protection devicespecifications• Network rated voltage: 6 V.• Maximum network voltage: 8 V.• Level of Protection: 25 V.• Rated discharge current: 5 kA.• Maximum discharge current: 20 kA.• Current impulse: 5 kA.• Installation on DIN rail.• Dimensions (L x D x H) 18 x 68 x 90 mm.• Earth connection: clamps and DIN rail.• Clamp section: 0.4-1.5 mm 2 .Magneto<strong>the</strong>rmal switch specifications• Tripping specifications: C curve.• Rated current: 10 A.• Number of poles: 1P+N.• Breaking capacity: 6 kA.• Rated AC voltage: 230 V.• Type of assembly: DIN rail.General catalogue 201349

Environmental sensorsSUNGUARD SENSOR BOXSUPVI 016 ASpecifications• Power supply: 24 VDC.• Absorption: 150 mA.• Serial port: RS485.• Communication protocol: ModBUS.• Enclosure: polycarbonate with IP68cable glands (required for connection toenvironmental sensors).• Degree of protection: IP65.• Degree of protection of <strong>the</strong> sensors: IP65.• Dimensions (L x D x H): 220 x 140 x140 mm.• Connectable sensors:- sunlight sensor,- module temperature sensor,- ambient temperature sensor,- wind gauge.• Inputs:- mV input (range 0-10) for radiation sensor,- 2-wire or 3-wire PT1 and PT2 inputs formodule temperature sensor and ambienttemperature sensor,- wind gauge input.Operation• The Sensor Box SUNGUARD should beconnected to <strong>the</strong> SunGuard Box with aRS485 connection. 24 VDC power supplyrequired (power supply not included).• Connection to <strong>the</strong> sunlight sensor and atemperature sensor (module or ambient),allows calculation of <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>oretical powerof <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic installation (power ofmaximum efficiency) and constant andautomatic comparison with <strong>the</strong> powergenerated by <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic installation.• Two or more SUNGUARD SENSOR BOXEScan be connected to <strong>the</strong> same Bus line.Sunlight sensorSUPVI 017 ASpecifications• Range of measurement: 0 to 1,500 W/m².• Type of sensor: monocrystalline cell (20-24 mm).• Precision of <strong>the</strong> sensor: ±5% on a yearlybasis.• Electrical output: 75 mV to 1,000 W/m².• Sensor: Novaflon laminate and EVA foil.• Enclosure: Z-profile aluminium corner,sealed connection head.• Degree of protection: IP65.• Type of connection: cable 3 m, 2 x 1.0 mm².• Assembly: 6 mm perforation for screwmounting.• Dimensions (L x D x H): 55 x 55 x 10 mm.• Weight: 200 g (cable included).Operation• The sunlight sensor, fitted with amonocrystalline cell (13 x 33 mm), measuressun exposure on <strong>the</strong> basis of <strong>the</strong> angle andorientation of <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic modules. Itcan be used in all wea<strong>the</strong>r conditions.• It should be connected to <strong>the</strong> Sensor BoxSUNGUARD at a maximum distance of2.5 m.Module temperature sensorSUNSY 020 ASpecifications• Range of measurement: -20 to +150 °C.• Measuring principle: platinum resistancewire, PT100, 3 wires.• Precision: Class A.• Execution: Skin Pad for flat surfacemeasurements.• Enclosure: aluminium plate, adhesive plateincluded.• Degree of protection: IP65.• Type of connection: cable, 3 m, connectionfor three conductors.• Dimensions: 50 x 50 x 1 mm (thickness).Operation• The module temperature sensor shouldbe applied on <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic panel andconnected to <strong>the</strong> SUNGUARD Sensor Boxat a maximum distance of 2.5 m.50 General catalogue 2013

Environmental sensorsAmbient temperature sensorSUPVI 014 ASpecifications• Range of measurement: -20 to +150 °C.• Measuring principle: platinumresistance wire.• Enclosure: Makrolon, Polycarbonate, UVresistance with PG screwing.• Degree of protection: IP65.• Type of connection: 2.5m cable,connection for two conductors.• Dimensions (L x D x H): 52 x 50 x 32 mm.• Weight 120 g.Operation• The ambient temperature sensor shouldbe installed in <strong>the</strong> shade, in an areaprotected from water, and connected to <strong>the</strong>SUNGUARD Sensor Box at a maximumdistance of 2.5 m.Wind gaugeSUPVI 013 ASpecifications• Power supply voltage: 5 to 24 VDC.• Maximum current: 15 mA.• Speed range: 2 to 200 km/h.• Speed resolution: > 1 km/h.• Precision: ±2%.• Repeatability: 0.5%.• Linearity: ±2%.• Degree of protection: IP65.• Operating temperature:-20 °C to +80 °C.• Dimensions (Ø x h) 123.6 x 138.5 mm.• Weight: 154 g (wind gauge only), 1.25 kg(wind gauge + 20 m cable).• Aluminium mounting bracket included.Operation• The wind gauge is required in installationsbased in windy areas in order to monitorrapid reductions in energy productioncaused by strong gusts of wind.Router/modemROUTER 3G-PROSUPVI 0115 ASpecifications• WAN Wireless:- Integrated 3G UMTS module;- HSUPA speed (7.2 M Down, 5.76 M Up);- supporting EDGE/GPSR Class 12.• WAN E<strong>the</strong>rnet:- RJ45, 10-100 Mbps, auto MDI/MIDX,- Static IP, PPPoE, Client DHCP, PPPTP,L2TP.• LAN and WiFi:- switch, 4 RJ45, 10-100 Mbps, auto MDI/MIDX,- WiFi 802.11 b/g/n up to 300 Mbps,- WEP, WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, WPA2-PSKsecurity,- WPS (WiFi Protected Setup),- WDS (Wireless Distribution System),- WMM (WiFi Multimedia).• Functionality:- always-on, manual 3G WAN connection,- remote 3G WAN connection via SMS,- DHCP Server, NAT 1toN, Virtual Server,DMZ,- SPI Firewall, IP/Service Filter, URL Blocking,MAC control,- DoS (Denial of Service) detection andprotection,- static and dynamic routing, DynDNS,- supporting VPN Passthrough for IPSEC,PPTP and L2TP,- sending and receiving SMS from WEBinterface,- local and remote configuration from WEBinterface,- supporting SNMP, UPnP, Syslog.• Hardware:- removable 3G external antenna (SMAconnector),- SIM/USIM port,- internal WiFi antennas,- WPS button,- button to return to factory settings,- ON-OFF button,- external 12 V 1 A power supply.General catalogue 201351

LCD/LED displaySUN-WM-DY-EXTSUNSY 021 ASpecifications• External dimensions (L x D x H):1,500 x 75 x 700 mm.• Weight: 15 kg.• Display structure: aluminium.• Anti-glare screen.• For outdoor mounting.• Pixels: High-brightness LED.• Character size: 65 x 91 mm, size 13 mm.• Number of lines: 2.• Number of characters on display: Total 32.• Number of characters on first alphanumericline: 16.• Number of characters on secondalphanumeric line: 16.• LED writing height: 91 mm.• Type of display: scrolling pages orcharacters (512 max).• Visibility: from 1 to 40 m.• Number of pixels: 1 344.• Number of colours: 1 (amber).• Mounting <strong>the</strong> display: brackets for wallinstallation, screws and steel mounting.• Brightness adjustment: automatic by meansof a twilight sensor.• Power supply voltage: 220 V 50 Hz.• Communication: via RS485, Modbus/LANE<strong>the</strong>rnet connection.Operation• SUNGUARD LED DISPLAY is an externalmonitor that is directly connected to <strong>the</strong>network through <strong>the</strong> E<strong>the</strong>rnet port, allowingoperating data of <strong>the</strong> monitored photovoltaicinstallation to be viewed in real time. Upto 15 variables can be viewed (e.g. totalenergy, instantaneous power, number oftrees saved, CO 2, equivalent number barrelsof oil, etc.)SUNGUARD info 22” displaySUNSY 022 ASpecifications• Screen dimensions: 22” – 16:9 format.• Display type: LCD.• Resolution: 1,920 x 1,080 pixels.• Brightness: 300 cd/m 2 .• Response time: 5 ms.• Contrast: 1000:1.• Horizontal viewing angle: 170°.• Vertical viewing angle: 160°.• Interface: DVI, HDMI, USB, VGA.• Communication data: LAN, WLAN, UMTS,GPRS.• Datalogger: included (SG-VIDEO-DISPLAY).• PV installation data display: total energyproduced, equivalent number of barrels ofoil, number of trees saved, CO 2emissionsavoided, daily energy (digital value andoperating graph), activation data, maximumpower and total energy produced.• O<strong>the</strong>r display options: PV installations,customer name, company logo, etc.• Operation: continuous or option to set upcustomised operation time.• Mounting <strong>the</strong> display: wall installation,mounting bracket included.• For indoor mounting.• Colour: black.• Weight: 4.9 kg.Operation• SUNGUARD INFO DISPLAY is an internalmonitor that is directly connected to <strong>the</strong>network through <strong>the</strong> E<strong>the</strong>rnet port, allowing<strong>the</strong> operating data of one or more monitoredphotovoltaic installations to be viewed in realtime.52 General catalogue 2013

LCD/LED displaySUNGUARD INFO 32” DISPLAYSUNGUARD CONTROL 42” DISPLAYSUNSY 022 A SUNSY 022 ASpecifications• Screen dimensions: 32” – 16:9 format.• Display type: LCD.• Resolution: 1,366 x 768 pixels.• Brightness: 450 cd/m 2 .• Response time: 5 ms.• Contrast: 3500:1.• Viewing angle: 178° max.• Interface: DVI-D, HDMI, S-Video, VGA.• Communication data: LAN, WLAN, UMTS,GPRS.• Datalogger: included (SG-VIDEO-DISPLAY).• PV installation data display: total energyproduced, equivalent number of barrels ofoil, number of trees saved, CO2 emissionsavoided, daily energy (numerical value andprogress graph), activation data, maximumpower and total energy produced.Specifications• Screen dimensions: 42” – 16:9 format.• Display type: LCD.• Resolution: 1,366 x 768 pixels.• Brightness: 500 cd/m 2 .• Response time: 5 ms.• Contrast: 3500:1.• Viewing angle: 178° max.• Interface: DVI-D, HDMI, S-Video, VGA.• Communication data: LAN, WLAN, UMTS,GPRS.• Datalogger: included (SG-VIDEO-CONTROL).• Use: through a Web Browser.• PV installation data display: installationname, location, kWp, instantaneous power,performance ratio, instantaneous radiation,operating inverters/installed inverters, activestrings/installed strings, date and time of lastupdate.• O<strong>the</strong>r display options: PV installations,customer name, company logo, etc.• Operation: continuous or option to set upcustomised operation time.• Mounting <strong>the</strong> display: wall installation,mounting bracket included.• For indoor mounting.• Colour: black.• Weight: 11.95 kg.Operation• SUNGUARD INFO DISPLAY is an internalmonitor that is directly connected to <strong>the</strong>network through <strong>the</strong> E<strong>the</strong>rnet port, allowing<strong>the</strong> operating data of one or more monitoredphotovoltaic installations to be viewed in realtime.• O<strong>the</strong>r display options: Independentmanagement of <strong>the</strong> installation on-lineregistration.• Operation: continuous or option to set upcustomised operation time.• Mounting <strong>the</strong> display: wall installation,mounting bracket included.• For indoor mounting.• Colour: black.• Weight: 11.95 kg.Operation• SUNGUARD INFO DISPLAY is an internalmonitor that is directly connected to <strong>the</strong>network through <strong>the</strong> E<strong>the</strong>rnet port, allowingoperating data of up to 24 monitoredphotovoltaic installations to be viewed in realtime.General catalogue 201353

DIRISmonitoring of energy efficiencyThe solution forMonitoring256 A RANGE> Reduction of operating costs> Reduction of production loss> Optimisation of maintenancecosts> Improvement of installationefficiencyMulti-function measuring unitsIn addition to providing energy productiondata, a complete supervision system isfundamental to ensure a data log of eventsand to guarantee <strong>the</strong> installation’s overalloperating efficiency.Depending on <strong>the</strong> size of <strong>the</strong> installation, <strong>the</strong>DIRIS system allows:• measuring of <strong>the</strong> energy consumed perbuilding or manufacturing line, with <strong>the</strong> aimof distributing and optimising energy costs,• measurement of all <strong>the</strong> electrical or analogueparameters (e.g. temperature) to verify <strong>the</strong>correct operation of <strong>the</strong> installation,• supervision of <strong>the</strong> electricity networksthrough alarms management, continuousmonitoring of <strong>the</strong> distribution parametersand remote control of <strong>the</strong> electricalequipment,• analysis of <strong>the</strong> power supply quality througha detailed breakdown of <strong>the</strong> harmonics andidentification of voltage dips, interruptions,overvoltage and overcurrent of <strong>the</strong> electricitynetwork,• communication of all available informationvia <strong>the</strong> ETHERNET network (Modbus TCP,Jbus/Modbus RTU over TCP) or RS485(Jbus/Modbus, Profibus DP).54 General catalogue 2013

DIRISmonitoring of energy efficiencyMonitoringSelection guideDIRISA10DIRISA20DIRISA40/A41DIRISA60REQUIREMENTSCheck that <strong>the</strong> slots are of <strong>the</strong> correct size and are operatingcorrectly• • • • •Check energy distribution • • • • •Check and ensure <strong>the</strong> distribution of energy is correct - - • • •Check and control any disturbance - - • • •Detect and store any hazardous events for <strong>the</strong> installations - - - • •Monitor <strong>the</strong> differential currents and earth fault currentsdepending on <strong>the</strong> load- - - - •DimensionsFunctions4 modulesDIRISA1096 x 96built-inDIRISA2096 x 96built-inDIRISA40/A4196 x 96built-inDIRISA60DIRISA8096 x 96built-inMEASUREMENTSCurrents, Voltages, Frequency, Active, reactive and apparentpower, Power factors• • • • •Power forecasting - - • • •Voltage/current imbalance; Tangent - - - • •Temperature • - 1 to 4 option 1 to 4 optionCurrents, voltages and average frequency - - • • •Average power - - • • •I∆N and IPE currents - - - - •SOLUTIONS FOR ENERGY MANAGEMENTEnergy meters (cl. 0.5S IEC 62053-22;cl. 2 IEC 62053-22)• • • • •Impulse meters 1* - 2 to 6 option 2 to 6 option -Load curve - - • • •QUALITY ANALYSIS AND EVENT DETECTIONTHD 3U, 3V, 3 I/InUp to level51Up to level51Up to level63Up to level63DIRISA80Up to level63Individual harmonic components up to level 63 - - • • •Overvoltage, voltage dips, interruptions - - - • •Storing of <strong>the</strong> RMS 1/2 period curve - - - • •Alarm output 1* 1* optional 2 to 6 option 2 to 6 option 1 to 2 optionHISTORY LOG OF MEASUREMENTS AND EVENTSLoad curve - - Optional • •Events/Alarm - - - /• •/• •/•Average maximum power kW kW • • •Average maximum current • • • • •* 1 configurableStandard functions (continued)DIRIS A40/A41• Multi-functionmeasurement andadvanced metering.• Individual harmonics upto level 63.• RS485 communication(Jbus/Modbus and Profibus-DP) and E<strong>the</strong>rnet (ModbusTCP and Jbus/Modbus overTCP).• Additional module options.• Alert management.• Indication of powerforecasting.• 96 x 96 mm casing.• Conforms to UL 61010-1.DIRIS A60• Same functions asDIRIS A40.• Average power loadcurves (P, Q, S).• Detection of overvoltage,voltage dips andinterruptions.• Overcurrent detection.• History of RMS 1/2 periodcurves associated wi<strong>the</strong>vents.• Tangent .• Voltage and currentimbalance.DIRIS A80• Same functions asDIRIS A60.• Permanent monitoring ofdifferential currents and earthleakage.• Dynamic alarm threshold as afunction of <strong>the</strong> load.DIRIS 743 ADIRIS 824 ADIRIS 876 AStandard functionsDIRIS A10• Multi-functionmeasurement andmetering.• THD of voltages andcurrents up to level 51.• Programmable hourcounter.• Alarm management.• RS485 Jbus/Modbus communication.• Double tariff function.• 4 DIN modules.• Conforms to UL 61010-1.DIRIS 791 BDIRIS A20• Multi-functionmeasurement andmetering.• THD of voltages andcurrents up to level 51.• Programmable hourcounter.• Alarm management.• RS485 Jbus/Modbus communication.• Additional module options.• 96 x 96 mm casing.• Conforms to UL 61010-1.DIRIS 744 AGeneral catalogue 201355

Customised solutionsSOCOMEC uses its know-how to design and develop customised solutions for <strong>the</strong> management ofenergy production and storage when standard solutions do not meet <strong>the</strong> individual needs of customers,requiring projects that are tailor-made for each facility.SUNSYS SHELTER is a tailor-made integrated solution that is installed between <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic park andMV (medium voltage) network for <strong>the</strong> conversion of solar energy.SUNSYS STORAGE is an innovative energy storage solution that maximises <strong>the</strong> output of photovoltaicfacilities and integrates <strong>the</strong>m into <strong>the</strong> electricity grid.General catalogue 201357

SUNSYS Shelterintegrated solution in a shelter or containerThe solution forOutdoor<strong>application</strong>s> <strong>Photovoltaic</strong> parks> Large photovoltaic sheltersSHELT 003 AA perfect tailor-made solutionThe SUNSYS Shelter solution is a completeinfrastructure installed between <strong>the</strong>photovoltaic modules and MV network,suitable for specific customer requirements,with quick and easy installation and start-up.The system includes:• SUNSYS P photovoltaic inverters withmodular architecture and DPC (DynamicPower Control) function to optimise <strong>the</strong>efficiency of <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic installation,even at very low levels of sunlight,• low-voltage protection enclosure includingboxed magneto<strong>the</strong>rmal switches or,alternatively, protection with fuses, insulationcontroller, surge protection devices,<strong>the</strong>rmometric measurement switchboard fortransformer protection and certified currenttransformers for measurements,• network interface device,• durable resin enclosure, for meters including<strong>the</strong> certified energy meter, conductors andaccessories, placed close to <strong>the</strong> inverter’smains box,• medium-voltage protection enclosure:- made with prefabricated NMG cells orsimilar,- 24 kV rated voltage,- 50 Hz/1 rated withstand voltageminimum efficiency value 50 kV,- operating voltage 20 kV,- rated frequency 50/60 Hz,- rated current of <strong>the</strong> bars 400 A,- admissible short-term rated current 16 kA,- peak rated current 40 kA,- switch breaking capacity at rated voltage16 kA,- short-circuit rated duration 1 s.Also includes isolation box with fuses andtransformer isolation cell with break switch.• high output three-phase medium voltagetransformer in epoxy resin, with power of630/800/1,000/1,250 kVA (depending on<strong>the</strong> number of inverters), completed by threePT100 probes and a digital <strong>the</strong>rmometricmeasurement panel. The main technicalspecifications are:- Vn1 primary voltage: 15/20/25 kV(according to <strong>the</strong> network voltage value),- Vn2 secondary voltage: 0.28 kV,- Dyn11 group- frequency: 50 Hz,• high-efficiency, three-phase auxiliary servertransformer in epoxy resin, with power of20/40/60 kVA (depending on <strong>the</strong> numberof inverters), with <strong>the</strong> following mainspecifications:- V n1primary voltage: 0.40 kV,- V n2secondary voltage: 0.28 kV,- frequency: 50 Hz.• air conditioning: three-phase air-conditionerwith 15/20 kW refrigerators with highprecision,free-cooling operating system,• monitoring system.Specialist servicefor your projectsThe The SOCOMEC pre-sales servicepersonnel will help develop a tailor-madesolution for your installation site, optimisingefficiency and reliability, as well <strong>the</strong> output ofyour investment.Our engineers will design, develop andconfigure <strong>the</strong> project in collaborationwith you - <strong>the</strong> customer - in mind.Our technical assistance service is on-handto commission and activate <strong>the</strong> site, configure<strong>the</strong> system and if necessary provide customertrainingQuality of materialsSOCOMEC has selected partners thatsupply high-quality European-manufacturedmaterials. The materials are designed to last incritical operating and environmental conditionsand to guarantee continuous operationthroughout <strong>the</strong> entire life of <strong>the</strong> installation.The electrical dimensioning of componentsand <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>rmal adaptation of technical roomsensure that components operate in favourableconditions and maximise <strong>the</strong>ir lifetime.58 General catalogue 2013

SUNSYS Shelterintegrated solution in a shelter or containerOutdoor <strong>application</strong>sExample of <strong>application</strong>: solar parkAn example of <strong>the</strong> internal layout of SUNSYS ShelterInverter1Inverter2Inverter3Inverter4Inverter5Inverter6Inverter7Inverter8Inverter9MV protectionunitsLV protectionenclosuresTransformerAPPLI 560 AAPPLI 561 AAPPLI 562 ASHELT 004 ASHELT 005 A GBGeneral catalogue 201359

SUNSYS ESI (Energy Storage Industrial)Three-phase storage systemCustomisedsolutionsnewThe solution for> Maximising energymanagementAdvantagesWARRANTYYEARS5SUNSY 056 A<strong>Socomec</strong> offers an innovative storagesolution, thanks to over 40 years ofexperience in energy storage and conversion.SUNSYS STORAGE is <strong>the</strong> solution formaximising <strong>the</strong> output from renewable energyinstallations, easily integrating <strong>the</strong>m into <strong>the</strong>existing electricity network and into futuremicrogrid systems.SUNSYS STORAGE is a modular “hot swap”scalable system, with power from a few kW toMW extendable through different parallel units,which are set up in a mixed configurationwith <strong>the</strong> SOCOMEC photovoltaic inverter anddifferent battery technologies depending on<strong>the</strong> <strong>application</strong>s to be covered.With <strong>the</strong> totally innovative specifications ofSUNSYS STORAGE, SOCOMEC is one of <strong>the</strong>first manufacturer in <strong>the</strong> world able to satisfydifferent <strong>application</strong>s with one single product(PV conversion, dynamic demand response,peak shaving, load shifting,outage protection).The solution for optimumenergy management• Energy shifting, peak shaving and gridstabilising (active and reactive power)functions.• Modular, flexible and scalable solutions.• Highly efficient.• Compatible with different batterytechnologies depending on <strong>the</strong> <strong>application</strong>(e.g. lead-acid, lithium-ion).• Can be integrated with existing photovoltaicinstallations.• Simple and rapid configuration.• Easy to configure backup thanks to <strong>the</strong>scalable battery modules.• Power and backup adaptable to <strong>the</strong>installation extensions.60 General catalogue 2013

SUNSYS ESI (Energy Storage Industrial)Three-phase storage systemTechnical data of models with transformerSUNSYS-ESI-33TR SUNSYS-ESI-66TR SUNSYS-ESI-100TRInput (DC)Battery voltage range450 to 850 VDCNumber of independent convertors 1 2 3Maximum battery discharge current 80 A 160 A 240 AMaximum battery charge current 80 A 160 A 240 AOutput (AC)Power rating 33,300 W 66,600 W 100,000 WMaximum power 36,600 W 73,400 W 110,000 WApparent power rating 33,300 VA 66,600 VA 100,000 VAMaximum apparent power 36,600 VA 73,400 VA 110,000 VAOutput rated voltage400 Vrms (1) 3phOutput voltage range320 to 480 Vrms (1) 3phOutput rated frequency 50 Hz (1)Output frequency range 47.5 to 51.5 Hz (1)Rated output current 48 Arms 96 Arms 144 ArmsMaximum output current 53 Arms 106 Arms 160 ArmsTotal harmonic distortion of current < 3%TopologySingle conversionOutput transformer 50 HzLevel of efficiencyMaximum efficiency 97%EU efficiency 96%General dataEnvironmental categoryNon-air-conditioned internal environmentsEnvironmental degree of protection IP 20Operating temperature range -5 °C to +60 °CRated temperature range -5 °C to +45 °CStorage temperature range -5 °C to +60 °CRelative humidity range5% to 95% without condensationCooling systemSmart coolingSound emission < 60 dB 1 m from inverter < 64 dB 1 m from inverterAltitude range of use0 to 1,000 mDimensions (L x D x H) 600 x 795 x 1,400 mm 1,200 x 795 x 1,400 mmWeight 330 kg 525 kg 770 kg(1) The accepted tolerance depends on <strong>the</strong> country of installation and <strong>the</strong> regulations in force.(2) Setup according to <strong>the</strong> requirements of <strong>the</strong> electricity supplier.SUNSY 056 ASUNSY 054 AGeneral catalogue 201361

SUNSYS ESI (Energy Storage Industrial)Three-phase storage systemTechnical data of transformerless modelsSUNSY 054 ASUNSYS-ESI-66TLSUNSYS-ESI-100TLInput (DC)Battery voltage range450 to 850 VDCNumber of independent convertors 2 3Maximum battery discharge current 160 A 240 AMaximum battery charge current 160 A 240 AOutput (AC)Power rating 66,600 W 100,000 WMaximum power 73 400 W 110,000 WApparent power rating 66,600 VA 100,000 VAMaximum apparent power 73,400 VA 110,000 VAOutput rated voltage280 Vrms (1) 3phOutput voltage range224 to 336 Vrms (1) 3phOutput rated frequency 50 Hz (1)Output frequency range 47.5 to 51.5 Hz (1)Rated output current 137 A rms 206 A rmsMaximum output current 152 A rms 227 A rmsTotal harmonic distortion of current < 3%TopologySingle conversionTransformerlessLevel of efficiencyMaximum efficiency 98%EU efficiency 97.53%General dataEnvironmental categoryNon-air-conditioned internal environmentsEnvironmental degree of protection IP 20Operating temperature range -5 °C to +60 °CRated temperature range -5 °C to +45 °CStorage temperature range -5 °C to +60 °CRelative humidity range5% to 95% without condensationCooling systemSmart coolingSound emission< 64 dB 1 m from inverterAltitude range of use0 to 1,000 mDimensions (L x D x H)600 x 795 x 1,400 mmWeight 155 kg 190 kg(1) The accepted tolerance depends on <strong>the</strong> country of installation and <strong>the</strong> regulations in force.(2) Setup according to <strong>the</strong> requirements of <strong>the</strong> electricity supplier.62 General catalogue 2013

SUNSYS ESI (Energy Storage Industrial)Three-phase storage systemThe high-performance industrial storage solutionSUNSYS LITHIUM• High rapid discharge performance (peak shaving <strong>application</strong>s).• High energy density.• Highly compact.• Easy scalability.• Easy to maintain (hot-swap plug-in).• Long life cycle.• Maintenance-free.• Zero environmental impact.SUNSYS-LT-33SUNSYS-LT-42TechnologyLithium-ionRated capacity 33 kWh 42 kWhRated voltage 616 V 784 VRated load time:4 hEnvironmental degree of protection IP 20Load temperature range -0 °C to +40 °CDischarge temperature range -20 °C to +60 °CRecommended operating temperature 25 °CDimensions (L x D x H) 600 x 795 x 1,400 mm 600 x 795 x 1,925 mmSUNSY 055 ASUNSYS LEAD• High performance (e.g. maintaining battery charge, high number of charge/discharge cycles, etc.)• High energy density.• Solution suitable for fast charge systems.• Suitable for installations in harsh environments.• Highly compact.• Easy to service.• No maintenance contract.SUNSYS-LA-22TechnologyLeadRated capacity22 kWhRated voltage528 VRated charging time4 hEnvironmental degree of protection IP 20Charging temperature range -0 °C to +40 °CDischarge temperature range -20 °C - +60 °CRecommended operating temperature 25 °CDimensions (L x D x H)600 x 795 x 1,400 mmGeneral catalogue 201363

EquipmentA photovoltaic installation is composed of photovoltaic modules, one or more inverters, and isolation andprotection devices.The SOCOMEC isolation and protection solutions provide:• total safety during maintenance and in <strong>the</strong> event of fire or electrical shock,• protection from reverse-current of <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic modules and surge voltages caused by lightning.Depending on <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic module technology and <strong>the</strong> size of <strong>the</strong> installation, <strong>the</strong> isolation andprotection devices can be integrated into cabinets or photovoltaic string control enclosures.General catalogue 201365

Load-break switchesSIRCO PVEquipmentThe use of dedicated switches is necessaryto ensure electrical disconnection duringmaintenance operations or for cutting off<strong>the</strong> power in emergencies involving fire orelectric shock.SIRCO MC PV 25 and 40 AThese components must be installed inaccordance with <strong>the</strong> architecture at eachoperational level. When disconnecting aphotovoltaic string or <strong>the</strong> DC side of aninverter, only SIRCO PV devices are capableof:• isolating <strong>the</strong> high DC voltages that occurin this context• disconnecting, under loads of thousandsof volts and in total safety, <strong>the</strong> high DCcurrents that vary according to daily solarradiation.SIRCO MC 002 AFunctionSIRCO MC PV devices are manuallyoperated multipolar load break switches.They ensure opening/closing under loadand safely disconnect any low voltageelectrical circuit for PV systems.Compliance with standards• IEC 60947-1.• IEC 60947-3.• IEC 60364-7-712, NF C 15-100 and UTEC 15-712-1 Guideline.• IEC 60364-4-410.General characteristics• Modular and flexible device.• AC/DC device for complete isolation of<strong>the</strong> inverter thanks to <strong>the</strong> simultaneouscut-off of <strong>the</strong> DC current input and ACcurrent output.• Fully visible opening.• Double break per phase with arcfragmentation system.• Rail mounting, panel or modular panelwith 45 mm front cut-out.• 600 and 1,000 VDC versions.SIRCO MV PV 63 to 160 ASIRCM-PV 010 AFunctionSIRCO MV PV devices are manuallyoperated multipolar load break switches.They ensure opening/closing under loadand safely disconnect any low voltageelectrical circuit for PV systems.Compliance with standards• IEC 60947-3.• EN 60947-3.• VDE 0660-107 (1992).• IEC 60364-4-410, IEC 60364-7-712,NF C 15-100 and UTE C 15-712-1Guideline.General characteristics• Modular device.• Fully visible opening.• Rail mounting, panel or modular panelwith 45 mm front cut-out.• Up to 1,000 V DC.SIRCO PV 100 to 1250 ASIRCO-PV 023 AFunctionSIRCO PV devices are manually operatedmultipolar load break switches.They ensure opening/closing under loadand safely disconnect any low voltageelectrical circuit for PV systems.Compliance with standards• IEC 60947-3.• EN 60947-3.• VDE 0660-107 (1992).• IEC 60364-4-410, IEC 60364-7-712,NF C 15-100 and UTE C 15-712-1Guideline.General characteristics• Patented disconnect technology.• Fully visible opening.• Panel mounting.• Up to 1,500 V DC.66 General catalogue 2013

Load-break switchesSIRCO PVSIRCO MOT PV 200 to 630 ASIRCO-PV 016 AFunctionSIRCO MOT PV devices are multipolar loadbreak switches.They ensure opening/closing under load andsafely disconnect any low voltage electricalcircuit for PV systems.Compliance with standards• IEC 60947-3.General characteristics• 2 stable positions (I, 0).• Fully visible disconnection.• AUTO/MANU operating modes.• Padlocking in position 0 (I optional).• Up to 1,000 V DC.• IP20 devices and accessories.• SIRCO MOT PV have up to 3 and 4 polesfrom 200 to 630 A.• SIRCO MOT PV have a manual emergencycommand.SIRCO DC UL98B 100 to 2000 ASIRCO-UL 023 AFunctionSIRCO DC UL98B devices are multipolarload-break switches for on-load breakingand safety disconnection of 600 and 1000VDC solar PV photovoltaic circuits. They aresuitable for use in photovoltaic installationsin compliance with Article 690 of <strong>the</strong> NEC(American National Electric Code) and areextremely durable. They are tested andapproved for use in a variety of <strong>application</strong>sand specifically designed for bipolar andfloating <strong>application</strong>s with ground conductor.3 poles in series allow <strong>the</strong> disconnection ofup to 600 VDC and 4 poles in series up to1000 VDC.Compliance with standards• NEC Art. 690 2011 Edition.• UL 98B, Guide WHVA, file E346-418.• CSA 22.2 no. 4, class 4651-02, file 112964.• IEC 60947-3.General characteristics• Patented disconnect technology.• Fully visible opening.• Up to 1,000 V DC in accordance withUL 98B.• Suitable for use in accordance withNEC Art. 690 2011 Edition.SIRCOVER PV 200 to 630 ASVR-PV 003 AFunctionSIRCOVER PV devices are manually operatedchangeover switches.They ensure source inversion or changeoverunder load of two photovoltaic installationcircuits.Compliance with standards• IEC 60947-3.General characteristics• 3 stable positions (I, 0, II) with changeoverunder load.• Fully visible disconnection.• Up to 1,000 VDC• IP20 devices and accessories.• On models with 3 stable positions (I-0-II), <strong>the</strong>SIRCOVER PV devices are 3 or 4-pole from200 to 630 A. They can be fitted in steel orpolyester enclosures.• SIRCOVER PV devices are available withdirect front or external operation.General catalogue 201367

Fuses, PV fuse basesRM PV 20 to 50 ARM PV 005 AFunctionRM PV are disconnectors with unipolaror bipolar modular fuses for 10 x 38 and14 x 51 cylindrical fuses. They ensuresafe disconnection and protection againstovercurrents in all PV electrical circuits on <strong>the</strong>DC current side.RM: fuse bases without signalling for fuseswithout striker.Compliance with standards• IEC 60947-3.• IEC 60269-2-1.• IEC 60269-1.• IEC 60269-2.• NF EN 60269-1.• NF C 63-210.• NF C 63211.• VDE 0636-10.• DIN 43620.General characteristics• Rated voltage 1,000 VDC.• Multipolar and simultaneous disconnection.• High dielectric withstand.• Modular DIN 45 mm cut-out.• Self-extinguishing <strong>the</strong>rmoplastic material.• High-capacity connection.PV 32 to 600 A fuse basesSOCLE-PV 002 AFunctionSOCOMEC fuse bases are fixed, unipolar ormultipolar supports for knife-edge fuses.Compliance with standards• IEC 60269.• NF EN 60269-1.• VDE 0636-10.• DIN 43620.General characteristics• High dielectric withstand.gPV fuses 1 to 600 AFUSIB-PV 012 A TO FUSIB-PV 016 AFunctionSOCOMEC PV fuses protect <strong>the</strong> systemagainst inverse overcurrents that can occur inphotovoltaic installations. They are available inboth cylindrical and blade form.Compliance with standards• IEC 60269-6.• IEC 60269-1.• IEC 60269-2.• NF EN 60269-1.• VDE 0636-10.Performance• Breaking capacity up to 1,000 VDC.• Extensive operating range, suitable for<strong>the</strong> small over-currents typical of PVinstallations.• Simple, reliable discrimination.Reliability• Total protection over time guaranteed by itssimple, reliable design and operation (Jouleeffect).Safety• The energy released during a short circuit iscontained within <strong>the</strong> sealed fuse cartridge.68 General catalogue 2013

SURGYS PV SURGE PROTECTIONDEVICES<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> panels and inverters account fora sizeable proportion of total investment.Depending on its architecture, <strong>the</strong> surface ofa photovoltaic field can act as a large antennaand can easily capture potentially damagingovervoltages in a storm.The use of SURGYS surge protection device,specially designed for PV installations, canreduce this risk considerably. The specificdesign of <strong>the</strong>se surge protective devicesmakes <strong>the</strong>m fully capable of controlling <strong>the</strong>discharge of <strong>the</strong> transient current after a strikeand disconnecting <strong>the</strong> DC currents, even atend of life.The specific PV surge protective devicesprotect <strong>the</strong> panels and inverters againstovervoltages of atmospheric origin.SURGYS G51-PVSGYS 076 AFunctionThe SURGYS G51-PV surge protective deviceis designed to protect your photovoltaicagainst atmospheric voltage surges.It complies with <strong>the</strong> UTE 61-740-51 testguidelines and <strong>the</strong> UTE 15-712 installationguidelines of July 2010.Compliance with standards• NF EN 61643-11 Class 2 tests.• IEC 61643-1 Class 2.• UTE C 61-740-51.• UTE C 15-712-1 (2010).General characteristics• Type 2 Surge Protective Device.• Available with protection from 500 VDC to1,500 VDC.• Maximum discharge current 40 kA.• Monobloc base.• Common mode/differential mode protection.• Extractable remote signalling contact(depending on model).• End of service life indicator.• Plug-in module.SURGYS D40SGYS 069 AFunctionThe SURGYS D40 surge protective deviceis designed to ensure <strong>the</strong> protection of LVdistribution circuits and equipment againsttransient overvoltages.It acts against <strong>the</strong> overvoltages produced byindustrial processes or lightning.Compliance with standards• NF EN 61643-11 Class 2 tests.• IEC 61643-1 Class 2.General characteristics• Type 2 Surge Protective Device.• Maximum discharge current 40 kA.• Common mode/differential mode protection.• Monobloc base.• Extractable remote signalling contact.• End of service life indicator.• Plug-in module.• Differential mode versions(only in TT and TN neutral systems).• Fuse holder recommended: RM.General catalogue 201369

Service, Training andTechnologyCustomer serviceCommissioning Inspection andMaintenancep. 72TrainingThe refresher course programmep. 78A complete training programmep. 79BASIC coursep. 80SERVICE coursep. 81ADVANCED coursep. 82SALES coursep. 83General catalogue 201371

CIMCommissioning Inspection and MaintenanceThe solution forServices> Service sector> Industry> Telecommunications> Medical> Etc.appli 143 aFor <strong>the</strong> availability of yourenergy needs• As continuous energy supply in <strong>the</strong>availability of electrical energy is soimportant, service quality is just as importantas product quality.The experience of onesingle supplier for design,construction and maintenance.• SOCOMEC has been developing productsand services directed towards guaranteeing<strong>the</strong> quality and continuity of our customers’power supplies since 1968.• Our technicians and engineers areon-hand for all your requirements, placing<strong>the</strong>ir expertise in electrical components,operating logic and industrial IT at yourservice.Specialists at your service.• The CIM service (Commissioning Inspectionand Maintenance) is strategically presentworldwide with over 250 SOCOMECspecialists, engineers and maintenancetechnicians at your disposal for:• preventative maintenance,• remedial maintenance,• 24/7 availability,• consultancy, design and implementation ofplant modifications and updates.72 General catalogue 2013

CIMCommissioning Inspection and MaintenanceGiving you <strong>the</strong> best serviceWe know you need high quality energy thatis available at all times. To provide this toyou, our expert staff are at your disposal.In addition, your entire equipment base ismanaged by our customer service informationsystem that offers even more monitoring ofyour installation’s requirements.proximityOur widespread presence both nationallyand worldwide ensures <strong>the</strong>re will always bespecialist technicians close to your site, for afast, efficient response.Availability of partsReadily available genuine spare parts andcomponents guarantee that any faultyequipment can be rapidly and efficientlyretrieved, while maintaining performance andreliability.CARTE 021 AGuaranteed response timeOur customer service at your disposal:proximity, specialist personnel and spareparts in stock mean that we can contractuallyguarantee a response time up to andincluding 24/7 availability, depending on youroperational constraints.Respecting <strong>the</strong> environmentAs a manufacturer, we are dedicated toprotecting <strong>the</strong> environment and activelyparticipate in <strong>the</strong> development of related lawsand legislation.This means that all our components andspare parts as well as <strong>the</strong>ir recycling are infull conformity with environmental legislationcurrently in force.ApplI 112 BGeneral catalogue 201373

CIMCommissioning Inspection and MaintenanceCIM maintenance contractsPreventative maintenanceEvery piece of equipment, even <strong>the</strong> protectiondevices that supply power to your mostcritical installations, requires scheduledmaintenance so <strong>the</strong>y can operate as well aspossible.Preventative maintenance preventsmalfunctioning and extends <strong>the</strong> life of yourequipment. Consequently, <strong>the</strong> mean timebetween failures (MTBF) of your installation isimproved.Periodic visitsDepending on <strong>the</strong> type of contract,periodic visits are organised for:• mechanical inspection,• electrical inspection,• dust removal,• battery inspection,• software updates,• electronic checks,• environmental checks.A report is issued each time repairs are carriedout.Corrective maintenanceAs your installation gets older, <strong>the</strong> likelihood ofmalfunctioning will increase, as will <strong>the</strong> needfor specialist repairs.Your maintenance contract allows you tobenefit from:• rapid, priority response,• a choice of response times depending onyour operational needs: within 6 hours or<strong>the</strong> next working day,• assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year(depending on <strong>the</strong> contract),• guaranteed response time.You will be issued with a PreventativeMaintenance Visit (PMV) report each timerepairs are carried out.Assistance on requestWe offer various services, in addition to thoseset out in <strong>the</strong> contract, to meet your currentand future needs throughout <strong>the</strong> lifecycle ofyour installations:• replacement of consumables (battery, fans,condensers),• moving equipment,• assessment of industrial emissions,• UPS leasing,• implementation of turnkey installations,• consultancy and expert advice for highqualityfacilities,• measurements and tests with and withoutcharging racks,• high-quality <strong>the</strong>rmographic audit ofdistribution,• harmonics verification,• additional training courses for facilityoperators.Management of operating costsOur various contract packages give you <strong>the</strong>option to choose <strong>the</strong> services that suit yourneeds (parts, labour, response times), givingyou total control of your operating costs withno surprises on your invoice.Call centreThe CIM call centre offers priority access tocustomers with a maintenance contract.It provides technical support to protect yourhigh-quality power supply equipment.A team of specialist electricians, techniciansand IT engineers is at your disposal torespond to all your operational queries.Personalised solutionsWe tailor our services around your operatingconstraints. This means that for each of yourcontracts, we provide you with personalisedsolutions to meet your expectations.Our solutions meet your needs by protectingand ensuring <strong>the</strong> electrical supply to yoursensitive <strong>application</strong>s (offices, automation,servers, data-processing centres, NICT,security, etc.).74 General catalogue 2013

CIMCommissioning Inspection and MaintenanceCIM Thermo (1)Thermal technology for precise monitoringof <strong>the</strong> electrical installation.Our CIM Thermo service consists of checking<strong>the</strong> components of your electrical facilitywith specialist equipment (Thermal ImagingCamera). It is <strong>the</strong>refore possible to performa preventative diagnosis of <strong>the</strong> risk of faultsby analysing <strong>the</strong> temperature (<strong>the</strong>rmographiccontrol) of <strong>the</strong> components including:• transformers,• electrical switchboards,• rephasing systems• distribution cables,• joints,• connections,• clamps,• terminals,• protection devices, isolators, fuses, circuitbreakers,• UPS, photovoltaic inverters and converters,• batteries,• loads (motors and actuators, lighting).cim 008 acim 009 aAPPLI 193 adefys 114 aAPPLI 195 aTransformer inspection Inspection of UPS, photovoltaic inverters and converters Switchboard inspectionA preventative diagnosis service from aspecialist manufacturerMaximising <strong>the</strong> overall effectiveness of aninstallation means above all optimising itsavailability by increasing its reliability (MTBF -Mean Time Between Failures) and reducingrepair times (MTTR - Mean Time To Repair).Thermography allows <strong>the</strong> checking of activeinstallations and rapid identification of criticalsituations affecting <strong>the</strong> energy distributionand electrical components (loose or corrodedconnections, load imbalance, overloads,presence of harmonic currents).Specialist assistance from qualifiedtechniciansSOCOMEC technicians are specially trainedand certified, working in compliance withstandards and procedures established byinternational authorities.Infrared <strong>the</strong>rmographyThermography, also known as <strong>the</strong>rmalimaging, is a technique that allows detectionof infrared radiation produced by hot objects.Infrared cameras are used to detect andphotograph this radiation, enabling noninvasiveanalysis of <strong>the</strong> temperature of anobject with a high level of precision (up to1/10th of a degree).(1) Please check availability of this service depending on your area.General catalogue 201375

CIMCommissioning Inspection and MaintenanceCIM Thermo (1)APPLI 197 aInfrared <strong>the</strong>rmographic cameraThe particular model of <strong>the</strong>rmal camera usedby our technicians to inspect componentsstores images and sequences for comparisonwith future checks.The <strong>the</strong>rmal camera identifies <strong>the</strong>critical components requiring immediatemaintenance or simple verification.Application software for <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>rmographicanalyserThe <strong>the</strong>rmal images are displayed using<strong>the</strong>rmographic software.By comparing <strong>the</strong> various images, customisedreports can be created for fur<strong>the</strong>r analysis.Temperature gradients, displayed as graphsand tables, facilitate future checks and <strong>the</strong>creation of reports identifying each criticalcomponent.Key benefits that make <strong>the</strong> differenceThe CIM Thermo <strong>the</strong>rmography service offers<strong>the</strong> following benefits:• Preventative:- fault prevention,- highly effective diagnostics thanks to<strong>the</strong> checking of cable connections andterminals, which is impossible usingconventional visual checks,- maximum diagnostic reliability thanks to totalsystem control, from <strong>the</strong> main distributionpanel to <strong>the</strong> smallest functional details,- greater safety for personnel, users andcustomers.• Reduction of costs:- reduction of costs caused by faults andpower loss, which are prevented byensuring <strong>the</strong> efficiency and effectiveness ofinstallations,- reduction of costs caused during installationdowntime.• Uninterrupted power supply:- scheduled stop times and targetedmaintenance interventions,- uninterrupted power thanks to checkscarried out with <strong>the</strong> facility during operation,without cutting off <strong>the</strong> power supply.SOCOMEC proposes a complete end-to-enddiagnostic service:• Analysis: visual check of <strong>the</strong> environment,installation and equipment,• fault identification: readings taken from <strong>the</strong>equipment using <strong>the</strong>rmographic cameras toidentify and quantify faults,• Solutions: identification of defectivecomponents and improvement solutions,• Repairs: implementation of proposedsolutions,• Measurement of results: effectiveness ofapplied solutions checked by comparing<strong>the</strong>m with measurements taken beforemaintenance using dedicated softwareprogramme.• Report: definitive technical reports indicating<strong>the</strong> list of identified critical points, <strong>the</strong> stateof <strong>the</strong> installation and <strong>the</strong> recommendedfrequency of monitoring.Contract optionsSOCOMEC proposes a variety of contractoptions to suit your needs:• general: for <strong>the</strong> detection of faults andcritical points,• monitoring: for checking <strong>the</strong> effectiveness ofmaintenance procedures,• periodic: for <strong>the</strong> monitoring of critical areas.(1) Please check availability of this service depending on your area.Couv 142 a76 General catalogue 2013

CIMCommissioning Inspection and MaintenanceCIM leasing (1)Inverter leasing: your temporary solutionfor high-quality power supplyNeed high-quality, uninterrupted electricalenergy for a limited period of time (weeks ormonths)? Then leasing is <strong>the</strong> most economicalsolution for your short-term needs.Leasing enables you to draw on <strong>the</strong> globalexpertise of SOCOMEC, not only ensuringinverter availability, but also providing you withan all-inclusive service to guarantee a clean,uninterrupted energy supply.The user chooses <strong>the</strong> required power andlease term, which can be extended asneeded.You no longer need to spend time andresources on inverter management: <strong>the</strong>CIM service (Consulting, Inspection andMaintenance) will take care of everything, fromactivation to maintenance, including removalat <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> contract.Applications• Data processing,• Event-based technical platforms.• Sound and lighting consoles,• Industrial processes.Events• Temporary work phases,• Unforeseen damage, accidents, etc.,• Exhibitions and shows,• When investment is not possible.Specific needsTo activate <strong>the</strong> lease, simply specify:• <strong>the</strong> required power,• <strong>the</strong> number of inverters,• <strong>the</strong> lease period,• <strong>the</strong> site/address of installation,• any additional options,• related services.Standard services included in <strong>the</strong> lease• Environmental consultancy: ventilation,positioning, electrical distribution andprotection ratings,• Transport,• Commissioning,• Call centre (freephone),• Next-day repair service,• Inverter dismantling and removal.Additional services• On-site maintenance,• Installation and cabling,• Maintenance response within 6 hours or <strong>the</strong>next working day,• 24-hour on-call maintenance,• Training for operational personnel.appli_135_aAdvantages• Reduced investment: solution suppliedwith a reduced operating budget, with noobligation to purchase,• Quick: rapid delivery and commissioning,• Simple: leasing, transport, commissioningand return of materials included,• Ready: priority response from <strong>the</strong>SOCOMEC after-sales service in <strong>the</strong> eventof faults,• Compliance with legislation: guaranteed bySOCOMEC,• Tax benefits: leasing fees can be allocatedto an operating budget.Our specific leasing packagesLong-term leasingWe provide all <strong>the</strong> necessary equipment forlong-term leasing requirements.SOCOMEC also provides consultancy onenvironmental issues (ventilation and spacedisposal, cable sections and protectiondevices, etc.). SOCOMEC will also takecharge of installing <strong>the</strong> associated equipmentin <strong>the</strong> designated area before commissioning.This procedure, carried out according toapplicable regulations and safety legislation,ensures efficient operation of <strong>the</strong> system.The solution of <strong>the</strong> installed system meansyou can select:• power,• backup,• optional accessories,• related services.Contract flexibilityThe contract can be modified:• <strong>the</strong>re is no maximum leasing term,• <strong>the</strong> leasing term can be extended during <strong>the</strong>contract.appli 205_a(1) Please check availability of this service depending on your area.General catalogue 201377

The refresher course programmeTrainingThe refresher course programme isaimed at SOCOMEC personnel andcommercial partners.sydiv 032 ASOCOMEC designers, contractors, surveyors,architects, energy managers, retailers, wholesalersand commercial partnersDesigners, contractors, maintenance staff, projectleaders and managersArea managers, sales reps,agents, pre-sales technicalstaff and sales forceBASICScheduledADVANCEDScheduled or onrequestSERVICEOn requestADVANCEDScheduled or onrequestSALESScheduled78 General catalogue 2013

A complete training programmeTraining in 3 phasesThe technical course is divided into three phases providing you with:• complete knowledge of SOCOMEC's sales products and equipment,• <strong>the</strong> ability to understand customer needs and to suggest <strong>the</strong> best solution,• knowledge of competitor products,• <strong>the</strong> ability to compare <strong>the</strong> SOCOMEC offer with that of <strong>the</strong> competition.BASIC courseBasic notions of photovoltaic technology and an overview of its maincomponents (PV modules, field boxes and inverters).The learning process> Courses organised accordingto level of knowledge> Market oriented> Quick guide for those takingpart for <strong>the</strong> first time (salesreps and distributors)> Monitoring of level ofknowledgeSERVICE courseOperations necessary for <strong>the</strong> commissioning of inverters and relatedaccessories.ADVANCED courseTechnical-commercial update on <strong>the</strong> Sunsys inverter range.Suitable for those who have completed <strong>the</strong> Service course.sydiv 010 aTraining specifically for sales repsSALES courseAdvantages and special features of <strong>the</strong> SOCOMEC offer, decision criteriaand comparison of <strong>the</strong> different architectures, benefits for contractors.Specifically for those who have completed <strong>the</strong> Basic course.General catalogue 201379

BASIC courseBasic notions of photovoltaictechnology and an overview of its maincomponents (PV modules, field boxesand inverters).SYDIV 037 aContent• Solar radiation, characteristics and photovoltaic module technology.• Inverter architecture and technology.• Architectures: string, centralised and modular.• Presentation of <strong>the</strong> SUNSYS H, SUNSYS B and SUNSYS P ranges.• Presentation of <strong>the</strong> SUNSYS IFB field boxes.• Sizing (e.g. for residential and industrial installations).• PV CAD.• Local and remote monitoring: specifications and choice of components.• Communication: SUNSYS H and SUNSYS P supervision.• SOCOMEC references.Aimed at• Designers and contractors.• Architects, surveyors and energy managers.• Retailers/Wholesalers interested in photovoltaics.• SOCOMEC's commercial partners.Level required• Basics of electronics and electrical systems.Note• Maximum number of participants: 15 people.• Includes end-of-test course and certificate of attendance.• Participants are asked to fill out a satisfaction questionnaire.• The course includes a visit to <strong>the</strong> SOCOMEC company site and photovoltaic installation.80 General catalogue 2013

SERVICE courseOperations necessary for <strong>the</strong>commissioning of inverters and relatedaccessories.SYDIV 011 aContent• Correct installation of <strong>the</strong> inverters and interconnection to <strong>the</strong> PV field and AC enclosure,auxiliary service power supply.• Installation, positioning of <strong>the</strong> technical compartment and inverter area.• AC system component choice.• Communication with <strong>the</strong> inverters: PV monitoring software.• SUNGUARD supervision system (specifications, performance, options and modes of use).Section A: SUNSYS H and SUNSYS B range• Start-up of a demo inverter.• Inverter maintenance.• Troubleshooting (Level 1).Section B: SUNSYS P range• Start-up of a demo inverter.• Assembly accessories.• Sunsys IFB field boxes: specifications and string monitoring of <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic installation.• Inverter maintenance.• Troubleshooting (Level 1).Aimed at• Designers, contractors and maintenance staff.• Project leaders and managers.Level required• Basics of electronics and electrical systems.• Participation in <strong>the</strong> Basic course.Note• Maximum number of participants: 6 people.• Includes end-of-test course and certificate of attendance.• Participants are asked to fill out a satisfaction questionnaire.General catalogue 201381

ADVANCED courseTechnical-commercial update on <strong>the</strong>Sunsys inverter range.Suitable for those who have completed<strong>the</strong> Service course.SYDIV 011 aContent• Presentation of latest updates of <strong>the</strong> SUNSYS H, SUNSYS B and SUNSYS P ranges.• Sizing (e.g. related to product updates).• Local and remote monitoring: specifications and choice of components.• Product supervision.• Correct installation of <strong>the</strong> inverters and interconnection to <strong>the</strong> PV field and AC enclosure,auxiliary service power supply.• Installation, positioning of <strong>the</strong> technical compartment and inverter area.• Start-up of a demo inverter.• Inverter maintenance.Aimed at• Designers, contractors and maintenance staff.• Project leaders and managers.Level required• Basics of electronics and electrical systems.• Participation in <strong>the</strong> Basic and Service course.Note• Maximum number of participants: 6 people.• Includes end-of-test course and certificate of attendance.• Participants are asked to fill out a satisfaction questionnaire.82 General catalogue 2013

SALES courseAdvantages and special features of<strong>the</strong> SOCOMEC offer, decision criteriaand comparison of <strong>the</strong> differentarchitectures, benefits for contractors.Specifically for those who havecompleted <strong>the</strong> Basic course.SYDIV 014 aContent• Presentation of <strong>the</strong> SOCOMEC group.• Presentation of <strong>the</strong> SUNSYS H, SUNSYS B and SUNSYS P ranges.• Advantages of <strong>the</strong> SOCOMEC products and services offering.• Product offers: ease of installation and flexible sizing.• Competitive advantages: company structure, network proximity of customer service network.• Reasons for choosing SOCOMEC:- technical reasons,- commercial reasons.• SOCOMEC references.Level required• Basics of electronics and electrical systems.• Participation in <strong>the</strong> Basic course.Aimed at• Area managers, sales reps, agents, pre-sales technical staff and general sales force.Note• Maximum number of participants: 15 people.• Includes end-of-test course and certificate of attendance.• Participants are asked to fill out a satisfaction questionnaire.• The course includes a visit to <strong>the</strong> SOCOMEC company site and photovoltaic installation.General catalogue 201383

Technical guide<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> installationsGeneral photovoltaic principlesp. 86<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> architecturep. 87Basicsp. 88AC/DC galvanic isolationp. 91<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> generator isolationIsolationp. 92Emergency openingp. 92Fire-fighter isolationp. 92<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> generator protectionProtection of a photovoltaic generator againstelectrical dischargesp. 93Protection of a photovoltaic generator againstovervoltagesp. 93Overcurrents of a photovoltaic generatorp. 95Protection of a photovoltaic generator againstovercurrentsp. 97Prevention against degradation ofphotovoltaic systemsp. 100General catalogue 201385

<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> installations<strong>Photovoltaic</strong>technical guidecatec-pv 001 b gbGeneral photovoltaic principlesThe photovoltaic cellConverting solar energyIn simple terms, energy from <strong>the</strong> sunis converted into electricity when <strong>the</strong>photons present in sunlight are absorbedby silicon-based semiconductors (or o<strong>the</strong>rappropriate materials) that form <strong>the</strong> solarpanel, thus creating a dc current of a fewamps with voltage in <strong>the</strong> range of a fewhundred millivolts.N-dopedsemiconductingregions300 µmP-dopedsemiconducting regions(silicon strip)PhotonsThe influence of light and temperatureThe photovoltaic "diode"A photovoltaic diode exposed to light actsas a DC current generator, as shown inquadrant Q4 of figure 1. In <strong>the</strong> dark, thiscell behaves like a normal diode.If a fault were to occur in <strong>the</strong> installation orin <strong>the</strong> cell, this diode can act as a receiveras shown in quadrants Q1 and Q3.Q1 => U > Uoc: this situation arises when<strong>the</strong> direct voltage (U) applied to <strong>the</strong> PVcell is greater than <strong>the</strong> voltage in an opencircuit (Uoc), as with a diode polarised 'indirect voltage'.Q3 => I > Isc: in this case, <strong>the</strong> directcurrent (I) sent to <strong>the</strong> module is greaterthan <strong>the</strong> Isc current that it can generate, inshort circuit and according to <strong>the</strong> sunlight itis exposed to, as with a diode polarised 'inreverse voltage'.catec-pv 002 b gbGenerally, quadrant Q4 is used invertedto facilitate reading of <strong>the</strong> behaviour of<strong>the</strong> photovoltaic generators in 'normal'operation.Reverse voltageQ2Q3Fig. 1.Cell in darknessCell in low lightCell in bright sunlightreceiverReverse currentreceivergenerator“Forward” current“Forward” voltageU OCI SCRQ1I SCQ4The available power on a photovoltaicgenerator is linked to <strong>the</strong> increase insunlight having a direct impact on <strong>the</strong>current that is generated.Current1000 Wm²800Wm²Current75 °CMPP(Maximum Power Point)600Wm²400Wm²MPP(MaximumPower Point)50 °C25 °Ccatec-pv 003 b gb200Wm²Voltagecatec-pv 004 b gb0 °CVoltage86 General catalogue 2013

<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> installations<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> architectureModule and PV Chain (or PV string)Placing <strong>the</strong> cells in series enables a module’savailable voltage to be increased, whereasplacing <strong>the</strong> cells in parallel increases itsavailable current.catec-pv 005 B3I SC2I SC1 2 332I SC1V 0C 2V 0C 3V 0Ccatec-pv 006 B3 x I SCUCUC 3 x UCUCI SC I SC I SC<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> generatorA chain’s voltage is created when <strong>the</strong> modulesare placed in series. The coupling of chains of<strong>the</strong> same voltage in parallel will form groupsmaking it possible to increase <strong>the</strong> current and<strong>the</strong>refore <strong>the</strong> power of <strong>the</strong> generator.catec-pv 007 BExample: generator and 3-chain module.catec-pv 008 BExample: generator and a group of three 3-chainmodules.catec-pv 009 BExample: generator and three groups of 3-chainmodules.General catalogue 201387

<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> installations<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> architecture (continued)InvertersA photovoltaic installation generally consistsof <strong>the</strong> following functions:catec-pv 010 a GBcatec-pv 011 a GBProductionDCprotection• DC energy generation, withphotovoltaic panels,• DC protection, wi<strong>the</strong>quipment for:- isolation,- protection againstovercurrents,- protection againstovervoltages (atmosphericor from <strong>the</strong> mains),- additional surveillance ofinsulation degradation,catec-pv 012 a GBcatec-pv 013 a GBConversionACprotection• DC/AC conversion,with inverters,• AC protection, wi<strong>the</strong>quipment for:- isolation,- protection againstovercurrents,- protection againstovervoltages (atmospheric orfrom <strong>the</strong> mains),- control or protection againstinsulation faults,catec-pv 014 a GBConnectionto mainsnetwork• Connection to <strong>the</strong> mains with:- a metering device,- and depending on power:interface systemswith <strong>the</strong> mains,transformation of lowvoltage to high voltage,high-voltage isolation andprotection.BasicsOverall efficiency of <strong>the</strong> inverterThe inverter converts energy from <strong>the</strong>modules into alternating energy.Overall efficiency is caculated by multiplyingMPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracker)efficiency and conversion efficiency.catec-pv 045 a GBMPP-TrackerInverterPP MMPP DCDCP ACACVOverall efficiency = η MPPT. η CONVACnetworkMPPT1st functionThe inverter ensures maximum power pointtracking (MPPT).catec-pv 046 a iTI (A)1.00I MPP0.750.500.250.00Maximum power pointPMPP = VMPP. IMPPPunto di massima potenzaPMPP= VMPP. IMPPP (W)0.400.300. 0.40 0.60 VV (V)MPPCalculation of inverter efficiencyEfficiency is one of <strong>the</strong> parameters that isusually taken more into consideration in <strong>the</strong>choice of an inverter. It is calculated by making<strong>the</strong> ratio between incoming power (DC) andoutgoing power (AC).There are two main types of losses inan inverter: losses of changeover in <strong>the</strong>conversion bridge and losses due todissipation in <strong>the</strong> electro-mechanicalcomponents.Even though <strong>the</strong> losses in <strong>the</strong> copper, powerpoles and electro-mechanical componentsare generally invariable, it is still possible to tomodify <strong>the</strong> conversion bridge so as to improve<strong>the</strong>ir efficiency. In <strong>the</strong> more technologicallyadvanced inverters with a three-levelconversion bridge, <strong>the</strong> losses owing to powerelectronics are around 2%.Inverters with two-level technology and withconversion bridges derived from continuouspower systems can also have losses of 6-7%.P DCDCLossesη = P AC / P DCACP AC < P DCcatec-pv 050 a it88 General catalogue 2013

<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> installationsBasics (continued)MPPT (continued)2nd functionThe inverter ensures maximum conversionefficiency.catec-pv 047 a it98.0096.0094.0092.0090.0088.0086.0084.0082.0080.000 20.000 40.000 60.000 80.000 100.000EU efficiencyOne of <strong>the</strong> parameters that is mainly used toevaluate an inverter's validity is EU efficiency.This is one of <strong>the</strong> few values that eachconstructor is obliged to declare and is aweighted average calculated by taking only 6points of <strong>the</strong> efficiency curve: 5%, 10%, 20%,30%, 50% and 90% of <strong>the</strong> nominal power.Each of <strong>the</strong>se points is weighted in a differentway in this calculation: for example at 5%of <strong>the</strong> load only 3% of efficiency is received,whilst at 50% it is as much as 48%, as shownin <strong>the</strong> figure given here.80% of EU efficiency is <strong>the</strong>refore calculated on<strong>the</strong> inverter's output between 30% and 100%:not much importance is given to <strong>the</strong> outputbelow 30% of <strong>the</strong> load even though, as clearlydemonstrated, <strong>the</strong> energy produced in a yearat low loads is considerable.Modular inverters are <strong>the</strong>refore penalisedby EU efficiency since equivalents withcentralised inverters have a lower annualoutput for <strong>the</strong> same declared efficiency.catec-pv 051 a itcatec-pv 052 a it100999897969594931009998979695949392919010 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10080%10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Euro0.03 x 5% + 0.06 x 10% + 0.13 x 20% + 0.10 x 30% + 0.48 x 50% + 0.20 x 100%Operation % Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency5 90.28 0.03 2.70810 94.40 0.06 5.66420 96.27 0.13 12.51530 96.77 0.10 9.67750 96.87 0.48 46.497100 96.04 0.20 19.20896.270Topology of convertersThree-level conversion bridge.This innovative technology uses 6 IGBTs(power breakers) per phase.Instead of switching between <strong>the</strong> positive andnegative, as occurs in <strong>the</strong> more traditionalarchitecture, a virtual zero is generated with thisnew conversion bridge: <strong>the</strong> positive half-waveis generated by switching between zero andhigher whilst <strong>the</strong> negative half-wave is generatedby switching between zero and lower.+ 400 VHalving <strong>the</strong> voltage at <strong>the</strong> IGBT heads reduces<strong>the</strong> changeover losses by around 40%, asshown in <strong>the</strong> table opposite.In addition, it is possible to use standardIGBTs instead of special components thatare capable of supporting voltages of around- 400 V1,000 VDC: this halved voltage rangecontributes to a leng<strong>the</strong>ning of <strong>the</strong> averagelifetime of <strong>the</strong> inverter's power section.SUNSY 023 A IT+ 400 V- 400 VTwo-level inverter bridge Two-level inverter bridge+ 400 V+ 400 V0 V0 V- 400 V- 400 VThree-level inverter bridge Three-level inverter bridgeSUNSY 061 A5004003002001000-100-200-300-400-5000.165 0.17 0.175 0.18 0.185 0.19 0.195 0.20Three-level inverter bridgeIGBT: total losses per "leg"Recirculation diode total lossesTotal losses per "leg"Two-level inverter bridgeIGBT: total losses per "leg"Total losses of <strong>the</strong> diodesTotal losses per "leg"118 W28 W146 W176.1 W53 W229 WGeneral catalogue 201389

<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> installationsBasics (continued)Type of invertersInverter with transformerSpecifications• Galvanic isolation• Earth connection of <strong>the</strong> +/- poles• Safety and immunity to interference• Compatibility with all types of modulesInverter stage400 Vac 3phInverter without transformerSpecifications• Efficiency• Footprint• Extended DC fieldcatec-pv 048 a GBAdaptation stage DC/DCInverter stage400 Vac 3phcatec-pv 049 a GBTypes of invertersSystems with a centralised inverterThese systems are characterised by <strong>the</strong> factthat a fault risks stopping all of production.This type of architecture is used for residential<strong>application</strong>s with single-phase connection.From one to three strings in parallel, thisconfiguration allows for <strong>the</strong> limitation of <strong>the</strong>DC protection function to <strong>the</strong> isolation systemupstream of <strong>the</strong> inverter.Individual multi-inverter managementThis type of architecture has <strong>the</strong> advantageof simplicity, thanks to <strong>the</strong> use of smallerinverters compared to those that it would havebeen necessary to install by regrouping <strong>the</strong>generators in parallel.Centralised multi-inverter managementThis type of architecture allows greaterflexibility in maintenance and managementof usage time of <strong>the</strong> machines by only using<strong>the</strong> necessary number of inverters. Thisarrangement also ensures <strong>the</strong> use of invertersat <strong>the</strong>ir optimum power depending on sunlightlevels.DC protectionAC protectioncatec-pv 015 B GBProductionConversionConnection tomains networkNetworkMulti-inverter systemsIn <strong>the</strong> event of a fault or maintenance, lossof production is limited to <strong>the</strong> individualmachine. This choice is made for industrialsystems with several hundreds of kWp ofpower for systems on roofs to a few MWp forsystems on <strong>the</strong> ground. For high powers, <strong>the</strong>connection to <strong>the</strong> mains is done via a BT/MTor AT transformer.catec-pv 016 B GBProductionDCprotectionConversionAC Connection toprotection mains networkcatec-pv 017 B GBProductionDCprotectionConversionAC Connection toprotection mains network90 General catalogue 2013

<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> installationsDC / AC galvanic separationThe choice of whe<strong>the</strong>r or not to implementgalvanic separation will determine <strong>the</strong>selection of protection and monitoring deviceson both <strong>the</strong> DC and AC circuits.The table hereafter shows all <strong>the</strong> possibilities:• DC side:- <strong>the</strong> voltage class (VLV or LV),- <strong>the</strong> installation, 'floating or insulated',- direct functional polarisation or through aresistor.• AC side:- <strong>the</strong> selection of TT, TN or IT neutral systemsDirect current side (DC) Single unit diagram Alternate current side (AC)Udc Protection against indirect contact Protection against indirect contact IT, TN or TT120 V SELVcatec-pv 018 a GBTBTSACsectionGalvanic separation required to ensure SELV or PELVprotection.120 V PELV TBTPcatec-pv 019 a GBACsection> 120 Class IIcatec-pv 020 a gbClass IIACsectionWithout galvanic insulation, DC polarisation is not possible.catec-pv 021 a gbClass IIACsectioncatec-pv 022 a gbClass IIACsectionGalvanic separation compulsory because of DC polarisation.catec-pv 023 a gbClass IIACsectionGeneral catalogue 201391

Disconnecting photovoltaic generatorsDisconnectionThe purpose of disconnection is to ensure <strong>the</strong>safety of operators by guaranteeing effectiveseparation from <strong>the</strong> source. This functionmust be provided for both connections of <strong>the</strong>inverter(s) on <strong>the</strong> DC and AC circuits. If <strong>the</strong>generator has several groups of chains, thisfunction should also be provided so that eachgroup can be individually operated.This disconnection must fulfil <strong>the</strong> threefollowing functions:Function Characteristic ValueEnsure air circuit breaking Impulse voltage (U imp )5 x U ocdistanceGuarantee <strong>the</strong> creepage Isolation voltage (U i )1.2 U ocdistance valuesProvide foolproof indicationof <strong>the</strong> open position andensure decommissioningFully visualised breaking3 F orvisible breakingEmergency load breakThe purpose of emergency disconnectionis to ensure <strong>the</strong> safety of operators in caseof electrical shock, burns or fire on or in <strong>the</strong>equipment. The controls for <strong>the</strong>se devicesmust be quickly and easily accessible, locatednear <strong>the</strong> inverter (s) for <strong>the</strong> DC and AC circuits.This disconnection must fulfil <strong>the</strong> following fourfunctions:Function Characteristic ValueGuarantee on-loaddisconnectionOperating voltage (Ue)Operating current (Ie)This characteristic requires <strong>the</strong> manufacturer to respect <strong>the</strong>current values (low current, critical current of <strong>the</strong> device), aswell as <strong>the</strong> data set out in standard IEC 60 947-3Time constant (L/R)1.2 UocFrom 0 to 1.25 Isc (non-standard)1 msEnsure omnipolardisconnectionAllow access to <strong>the</strong> controlsGrouping toge<strong>the</strong>r of controlsSimultaneousGalvanic isolationDirectly, for domestic <strong>application</strong>sDirectly or by remote control in all fields o<strong>the</strong>r than domesticIf possible, DC and AC controls are grouped toge<strong>the</strong>r in <strong>the</strong>same locationAir circuit breakingDirect manual actionDirect manual action, or currentemitting or undervoltage remotecontrolFire service disconnectionA general disconnection for <strong>the</strong> intervention offirefighters can be provided on request.Ideally this disconnection should be made asclose as possible to <strong>the</strong> PV field.This function must be provided on <strong>the</strong>condition that:- <strong>the</strong> DC cables are routed on <strong>the</strong> outside(with mechanical protection if accessible)and enter directly each building’s invertertechnical room,- <strong>the</strong> inverters are positioned externally, on <strong>the</strong>roof, as close as possible to <strong>the</strong> modules,- <strong>the</strong> DC cables are routed inside <strong>the</strong> building,with additional protection devices specifiedaccording to <strong>the</strong> destination of <strong>the</strong> technicalrooms.The "fire service disconnection" must generallymeet <strong>the</strong> following requirements:• The disconnection must act indiscriminatelyon all <strong>the</strong> "sources" of <strong>the</strong> building to beprotected:- <strong>the</strong> building's consumption supply (e.g.:public distribution network),- <strong>the</strong> supply of <strong>the</strong> AC part of <strong>the</strong> inverter(s),- <strong>the</strong> supply of <strong>the</strong> DC part of <strong>the</strong> inverter(s),•The control components must be groupedtoge<strong>the</strong>r and <strong>the</strong>ir number limited (generallyto two, AC and DC).• The sequencing of <strong>the</strong> manoeuvres shouldbe indiscriminate.• The devices to be put into operation areelectromagnetic disconnection devices(static disconnection is not permitted).• Certain fire services supplement thisaction by short circuiting and earthing <strong>the</strong>DC installation in order to secure (for <strong>the</strong>operators) <strong>the</strong> part of <strong>the</strong> panel installationnot affected by <strong>the</strong> fire.92 General catalogue 2013

Protecting against electrical shocksProtecting against direct and indirect contactProtection against directcontactThe DC circuit‘s PV equipment should alwaysbe considered as live and active parts shouldbe protected by insulation or enclosures. Thisprovision is not necessary if <strong>the</strong> PV voltageremains limited to 60 and 30 V DC in SELVand PELV respectively.Protection againstindirect contactThe protection methods should integrate <strong>the</strong>provisions implemented on <strong>the</strong> DC and ACcircuits as well as <strong>the</strong> presence or o<strong>the</strong>rwiseof galvanic separation by transformer between<strong>the</strong> DC and AC sections;The protection devices should also take intoaccount <strong>the</strong> following four factors:- The technical-economic impossibility ofmonitoring and isolating each generator(PV module) individually in cases where it isrequired such as in a LV installation suppliedby centralised sources (HV/LV station, runninggenerator, UPS, etc.),- <strong>the</strong> level of short circuit current of <strong>the</strong>photovoltaic generators, when near to <strong>the</strong>irnominal current, makes it difficult to detectfaults,- exposure to adverse wea<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong>limitations imposed by <strong>the</strong> day/night cycles,- <strong>the</strong> presence of direct current which candamage insulation and ducting more rapidlyover time than alternating current.Protection from indirect contact is provided byinstalling class II or streng<strong>the</strong>ned insulation in<strong>the</strong> entire DC section of <strong>the</strong> installation. Thisprovision is not necessary if <strong>the</strong> PV voltage isin SELV and PELV (< 120 V DC).In <strong>the</strong> case of <strong>the</strong> installation of DCenclosures in a technical room or electricalservice location with access restricted toqualified personnel, this enclosure can beclass I where <strong>the</strong> protection against indirectcontact is supplemented by SupplementaryEquipotential Bonding in <strong>the</strong> room.Protecting photovoltaic generators against voltage surgesProtecting against surges causedby lightningImplementation of or exemptionfrom DC lightning arrestersSurges can occur in several ways in a PVinstallation. They can be:- transmitted by <strong>the</strong> distribution network andbe of atmospheric origin (lightning) and/ordue to manoeuvres,- generated by lightning strikes near to <strong>the</strong>buildings and PV installations, or on <strong>the</strong>building's lightning arresters,- generated by variations in <strong>the</strong> electrical fielddue to lightning.The decision whe<strong>the</strong>r to implement lightningarresters depends on <strong>the</strong> length of <strong>the</strong>installations exposed to danger and <strong>the</strong>keraunic level (Nk) of <strong>the</strong> area. (Nk: lightningstrike density).This critical length varies depending on <strong>the</strong>types of installation.For an inverter <strong>the</strong> length of <strong>the</strong> installations todetermine L is L = Lc1 + Lc2 + Lc3.For an installation with several individualinverters, <strong>the</strong> length to be taken into accountis <strong>the</strong> length per inverter; for an installationwith several inverters with central control, <strong>the</strong>length to consider is <strong>the</strong> sum of all <strong>the</strong> lengths.catec-pv 024 a gbPathL C2 L C3JBL C1InverterACGeneral catalogue 201393

Protecting photovoltaicgeneratorsProtecting photovoltaic generators against voltage surges (continued)The table below sets out exemptions fromlightning conductors.This approach, based on a risk analysis, doesnot limit <strong>the</strong> implementation of protectiondevices should <strong>the</strong> protection value becomeinadequate compared with <strong>the</strong> value of <strong>the</strong>installation (P > ten or so kW).Function Domestic Ground installation Large roofsCritical L. (ml) 1150 / Nk 2000 / Nk 4500 / NkL ≥ crit L.Lightning arrester compulsoryL < crit L.Lightning arrester not compulsoryWith lightning conductorLightning arrester compulsoryExample Crit. L. in Strasbourg: domestic= 57.5 - ground installation = 100 - large roofs = 225.Conditions for implementing lightning arresters on AC and DC circuits.According to NT C15-100 and <strong>the</strong>UTE C 15-712-1 guide, <strong>the</strong> installationconditions for lightning arresters on DC and ACcircuits depend on <strong>the</strong> following different criteria:• On <strong>the</strong> DC circuit, a lightning arrester iscompulsory for <strong>the</strong> inverter:- ei<strong>the</strong>r when <strong>the</strong>re is a lightning conductor,- or when <strong>the</strong> length L between <strong>the</strong> PVpanels and <strong>the</strong> inverter is > crit. L.A second lightning arrester is recommendedto protect <strong>the</strong> PV panels if L > 10 m.• On <strong>the</strong> AC circuit a lightning arrester iscompulsory for <strong>the</strong> LV master panel (or <strong>the</strong>general control and protection device):- ei<strong>the</strong>r if <strong>the</strong>re is a lightning conductor,- or when <strong>the</strong> keraunic level is > 25.A second lightning arrester is necessary toprotect <strong>the</strong> inverter if <strong>the</strong> distance between<strong>the</strong> LV master panel (or <strong>the</strong> general controland protection device) and <strong>the</strong> inverterD > 10 m.catec-pv 044 B gbPV panelsDCPV panels - DC inverterLDC - ACDACLVSBAC inverter - LV master panelL < 10 m L > 10 m D < 10 m D > 10 mInstallation with lightning conductor Non isolated - T1 T1 - T1 - T1 T2 - T1insulated - T2 T2 - T2 - T1 T2 - T1Installation with no lightning conductor - T2 T2 - T2 - T2 T2 - T2Note: T1 = type 1 or class 1 lightning arrester, T2 = type 2 or class 2 lightning arrester.94 General catalogue 2013

Protecting photovoltaicgeneratorsCurrent surges on photovoltaic generatorsShade on <strong>the</strong> generator<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> generators in partial shadeThe partial shading of a cell will force it to workin quadrant Q3 (see figure 1), i.e. reversing <strong>the</strong>element’s voltage polarity and raising it to <strong>the</strong>reverse voltage threshold of <strong>the</strong> junction(UC ≈ -15 V to -25 V).The power absorbed by <strong>the</strong> shaded cellssignificantly exceeds <strong>the</strong> power normallydissipated and causes hot spots.The hot spots can seriously damage <strong>the</strong> PVmodule. Protection against voltage surgeswill not serve any purpose as <strong>the</strong> increase inpower to dissipate is linked to <strong>the</strong> appearanceof an reverse voltage in <strong>the</strong> affected cell andnot to a significant increase in Isc current.The solution is to use a bypass diode thatallows <strong>the</strong> current of <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r elements inseries to bypass <strong>the</strong> "shaded" cell. This will:- avoid inverter voltage surges as well as hotspots linked to <strong>the</strong> shading,- allow <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r non-shaded cells of <strong>the</strong> chainto generate <strong>the</strong>ir normal current, instead of<strong>the</strong> current that is roughly <strong>the</strong> same as <strong>the</strong>reduced current supplied by <strong>the</strong> shaded cell.SITe 524 AQ2Inverted currentAI SCBI SCCI SCCell in darknessCell in low lightCell in bright lightreceiverQ1+UC-UC-UCInverted voltage“Partial shading”operation“Direct” voltageCATeC-PV 026 b GbQ3Fig. 1.receiverInverted voltagegeneratorQ4CATeC-PV 027 b GbABCNormal operationShading present: overheating of <strong>the</strong> cellProtection by installing a Bypass diodeFig. 2.: partial shadingGeneral catalogue 201395

Protecting photovoltaicgeneratorsCurrent surges on photovoltaic generators (continued)<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> generators in total shadeInverted current can be imposed on a modulewith a weaker voltage, for example a completemodule in <strong>the</strong> shade with modules in parallelexposed to very high levels of sunlight.The module in <strong>the</strong> shade represents a loadand uses quadrant Q1 of figure 1.Under normal conditions, <strong>the</strong> operatingvoltage is limited to <strong>the</strong> voltage in a U oc noload circuit.As a result, <strong>the</strong> maximum inverted currentbarely exceeds <strong>the</strong> short-circuit currentat <strong>the</strong> module and does not constitute adangerous overload for <strong>the</strong> module and <strong>the</strong>DC installation.Total short circuit of photovoltaic generatorsUnlike o<strong>the</strong>r energy sources, a short circuitof a complete PV generator with no storagefacility does not generate dangerous currentsurges in <strong>the</strong> generator. The fault current willbe limited to <strong>the</strong> generator’s total Isc.Partial short circuit of generatorsIf an internal short circuit fault in <strong>the</strong> generatoris established, it will reduce <strong>the</strong> output voltageof <strong>the</strong> chain at fault and will subject it toinverted current surges that are dangerous tomodules, supplied by:- one or more of <strong>the</strong> chains in parallel,- external sources such as <strong>the</strong> storage cells,- or both of <strong>the</strong> above.A partial short circuit can be caused by twoearth faults in an installation that is isolatedfrom ground (figure 2) or by an earth fault inan installation where a polarity is connected toground for functional reasons (figure 3).In this case, current surges that are dangerousfor <strong>the</strong> modules can occur: <strong>the</strong> loop currentrises to Ifault ≈ n I scSTC and <strong>the</strong> inverted currentin <strong>the</strong> faulty chain to IR ≈ (n - 1) I scSTC .CATeC-PV 028 b GbInverted voltageQ2Inverted currentU C1U C1I SCI R = (n-1) I SC or I fault = n x I SCCell in darknessreceiver Q1Cell in low lightCell in bright lightU C0I SCIRI SC“Inverted current”operationreceivergeneratorQ3Q4Inverted voltageU C0 ≈ U C1 -> I R ≈ I SCFig. 1.: inverted currentFig. 2.: complete shadingAll <strong>the</strong> ducting and equipment must be sizedaccordingly for this eventuality, to avoid havingto implement complex protection devices thatdo not serve any purpose.Short circuits in <strong>the</strong> modules can arise in<strong>the</strong> junction boxes or <strong>the</strong> cables, followingan earth fault in <strong>the</strong> generator network.Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, it is essential to consider <strong>the</strong>"blowing" of one of <strong>the</strong> generator's or <strong>the</strong>U C2I R I SCinverter's lightning protectors, or of <strong>the</strong>faultinverter itself.U C1 > U C2 -> I R = (n-1) I SCFig. 1.: short circuit in a chainI faultI fault“Direct” voltageCATeC-PV 029 ACATeC-PV 030 b GbCATeC-PV 031 b GbI RCATeC-PV 032 b GbI R = (n-1) I SC or I fault = n x I SCI RFig. 2.: double earth faultFig. 3.: single earth fault on an installation with functionalpolarisation96 General catalogue 2013

Protecting photovoltaicgeneratorsProtecting photovoltaic generators against voltage surgesProtection against inverted currentThe sizing of <strong>the</strong> chain’s cables depends verymuch on <strong>the</strong> voltage drops; <strong>the</strong> notions ofpermissible currents for <strong>the</strong> protection of <strong>the</strong>ducting against voltage surges are generallymet automatically and do not require <strong>the</strong>implementation of protection to provide thisfunction.The main selection criteria for fuses is <strong>the</strong>value of I RM (maximum PV inverted current)that <strong>the</strong> module can withstand temporarilyuntil <strong>the</strong> selected fuse breaks <strong>the</strong> faulty currentgenerated following a fault (see figures 2 and 3on <strong>the</strong> previous page).The decision whe<strong>the</strong>r to fit a fuse should bebased on <strong>the</strong> following equation:(Nc max - 1) I scSTC ≤ I RM < Nc max I scSTCProtection devices against inverted currentshould be used for PV generators with anumber of Nc chains above Nc max .catec-pv 033 a GBFigure 1 gives <strong>the</strong> number of chains in parallelNC max that do not require protection accordingto <strong>the</strong> value of <strong>the</strong> current I RM of a chain in aninstallation with no storage batteries:I RMI SC7654321NoprotectionProtection mustbe ensured1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Number of photovoltaic chains in parallelFig. 1.Note: generally, in an installation with no storage batteries,<strong>the</strong> I RM values of PV modules in crystalline silicon arepresumed to be between 2 and 3 I scSTC.The general rule is that each chain is protectedindividually by a protection device. In certaincases with modules having very highresistance to inverted current, Np chains canbe connected in parallel to a single protectiondevice.Np max: Maximum number of chains inparallel per protection deviceResistance of <strong>the</strong> module to inverted current Npmax1.4 I scSTC ≤ I RM < 3.8 I scSTC 13.8 I scSTC ≤ I RM < 6.2 I scSTC 26.2 I scSTC ≤ I RM < 8.6 I scSTC 3General case: (2.4 Np max -1) I scSTC ≤ I RM < (2.4 Np max +1.4) I scSTCInformation on <strong>the</strong> I RM given bymanufacturers of photovoltaic modulesCertain manufacturers specify a max invertedcurrent more or less equal to <strong>the</strong> nominal shortcircuit current and a significantly higher fuserating.Apparently, this low inverted current issupposed to define defrosting currents orcurrents to remove a fine layer of snow, <strong>the</strong>fuse value <strong>the</strong>refore providing protection in faultconditions.When <strong>the</strong> manufacturer defines a max fuserating, this information must be taken intoconsideration. However, should <strong>the</strong>re be anydoubt over <strong>the</strong> exact fuse type, this shouldbe clarified with <strong>the</strong> manufacturer‘s customerservices department.Protection against excessive sunlight exposureThe use of a fuse over its nominal ratingshould be avoided. This critical zone is <strong>the</strong>zone between <strong>the</strong> nominal current and <strong>the</strong>non-fusing current (Inf).This is particularly important for fusessubjected to cyclic temperature fluctuations,typical of PV systems.The nominal current In of <strong>the</strong> chain’s PV fuseshould be higher than <strong>the</strong> maximum operatingcurrent of <strong>the</strong> chain, which varies between1.25 and 1.6 I scSTC depending on <strong>the</strong> climaticconditions and <strong>the</strong> sunlight levels.The PV fuses should not operate, or damage<strong>the</strong> installation in normal operating conditionsin order to avoid operating losses.In order to meet this requirement, a fuse witha nominal current that is 40% higher than <strong>the</strong>I sc of <strong>the</strong> PV chain is selected.catec-pv 034 B gbModulesFuses0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3gPV fusesPV modulesInOperating zone of <strong>the</strong> fuseInf: fusing current of <strong>the</strong> fusesIf or I2: maximum fusing current of <strong>the</strong> fusesInfIn ≥ 1.4 I scSTCIfI RMI/I scSTCProtection according to module resistance to inverted current (I RM )According to standard IEC 61730, <strong>the</strong> I RMcurrent corresponds to a 2 hour test at 1.35I RM ; <strong>the</strong>refore, protection is ensured if <strong>the</strong>selected fuse operates correctly with <strong>the</strong> valueof 1.35 I RM .The conventional If (or I 2 ) disconnection timeof a fuse is 1 hour, so greater than <strong>the</strong> 2 hoursof <strong>the</strong> module, which provides a safety marginby giving a max fuse current for a specificmodule.The different conventional fusing timesand currents for <strong>the</strong> various types of fusesavailable should be checked against <strong>the</strong>secoordination rules:In ≤ 0.85 I RM for gR, gS or gG fuses ≥ 16 AIn ≤ 0.7 I RM for gG fuses < 16 A"gPV" fuses that are compliant with <strong>the</strong>forthcoming standard IEC 60 269-6, providePV protection, If =1.45 In and can be selectedat In ≤ I RM .catec-pv 035 B gbModulesFuses0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.20 1.35 de I RMgPV fusesI scrOperating zone of <strong>the</strong> fuseInInf2h performanceInf: fusing current of <strong>the</strong> fusesIf or I 2: maximum fusing current of <strong>the</strong> fusesIf ≤ 1.35 I RM orIfGeneral catalogue 201397

Protecting photovoltaicgeneratorsProtecting photovoltaic generators against voltage surges (continued)Selecting <strong>the</strong> generator ducting protectionSelecting <strong>the</strong> ducting protection involvesdefining a fuse which will eliminate a voltagesurge before it damages <strong>the</strong> ducting due tooverheating. This function is ensured if <strong>the</strong>fusing current of <strong>the</strong> fuse is less than 1.45times <strong>the</strong> permissible current in <strong>the</strong> ducting(I z ). This current value Iz should include all<strong>the</strong> usual de-rating factors such as ambienttemperature, <strong>the</strong> amount of ducting in parallel,etc.catec-pv 036 a gbCableI c I z 1.45 I zInfIfInIf = 1.45 InIn ≥ 1.4 I group = N x 1.4 I chainI 2 ≤ 1.45 I zSelection of <strong>the</strong> fuse for <strong>the</strong> ducting of <strong>the</strong> group of chains(N: no. of chains)<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> generator protection fuse (N: no. of groups)<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> panelsChain protectionChain group protectionDC circuitcatec-pv 037 a gbIn ≥ 1.4 I scSTC generator = N x 1.4 I scSTC groupThis generator protection is only necessary if<strong>the</strong>re is a storage battery.SummaryPermissible currents of PV chain cables and selection of <strong>the</strong> associated protection devices.Nc Number of chainson <strong>the</strong> generatorMaximum inverted currentof a chainObligation ofProtectionIn Assigned current of <strong>the</strong> chainprotection devicesI z Permissible current of <strong>the</strong> PVchain cablesI z ≥ 1.25 I scSTC1 -2 1.25 I scSTC NoI z ≥ 1.25 I scSTCNc ≤ Nc max (Nc -1) 1.25 I scSTC I z ≥ (Nc -1) 1.25 I scSTCNc > Nc maxandNc > Nc maxand(Nc -1) 1.25 I scSTC(Nc -1) 1.25 I scSTCYesIn ≥ 1.4 I scSTCIIn ≤I z ≥ I 2RMIn ≥ 1.4 I scSTCI z ≥ I 2In ≤I RM – (Np -1) I scSTC98 General catalogue 2013

Protecting photovoltaicgeneratorsProtecting photovoltaic generators against voltage surges (continued)Breaking capacity of <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic fusesThe chain’s PV fuses should have a breakingcapacity greater than or equal to <strong>the</strong> maximumfault current of <strong>the</strong> PV system. A value of 25 kADC is recommended to include any possibleprovisions for energy storage or possiblereturns of energy on <strong>the</strong> distribution network.The time constant of a PV circuit is generallyless than 2 ms (L/R), <strong>the</strong> PV fuses acceptmuch highertime constants.Type of fuses to useThe PV fuses must be selected with a type"g" general usage curve, as <strong>the</strong>y will safelydisconnect all <strong>the</strong> current ranges, from <strong>the</strong>minimum fusing value to <strong>the</strong> maximumbreaking capacity."a" series fuses (supplementary type) aretotally inappropriate and must not be usedunder any circumstances, as <strong>the</strong>y risk failingto manage arcs above <strong>the</strong>ir minimum breakingcapacity.The use of inappropriate fuses in a PVinstallation can cause much more disarraythan <strong>the</strong> required protection level.<strong>Photovoltaic</strong> fuse operating voltageTo include <strong>the</strong> influence of <strong>the</strong> temperaturein "cold" conditions, it is recommended toincrease <strong>the</strong> operating voltage of <strong>the</strong> fuse tobe fitted by 20 %.Un ≥ U ocSTC x 1.2U ocSTC: voltage in open circuit of <strong>the</strong> PV chainNote:<strong>the</strong> coefficient 1.2 allows variations in voltage UocSTCto be included according to low temperatures down to-25°C for mono or polycrystalline panels. This coefficientcan be adapted for installations when <strong>the</strong> minimum temperaturesare different.Thermal deratingAlthough PV fuses dissipate relatively littleheat, <strong>the</strong> internal temperatures of <strong>the</strong> junctionboxes protecting <strong>the</strong> chains should be takeninto account because of <strong>the</strong> exposure to highambient temperatures and <strong>the</strong> large amountof equipment such as blocking diodes oro<strong>the</strong>r monitoring equipment.The rated diversity factors (RDF) specifiedby standard IeC 61 439 are not applicable,as it is necessary to take into account all <strong>the</strong>circuits at <strong>the</strong>ir maximum load and at <strong>the</strong>same time (diversity factor =1).The derating factors at temperaturesrecommended by <strong>the</strong> fuse manufacturershould be applied.Double-pole protectionRegardless of <strong>the</strong> DC network, polarised orfloating, protection against inverted currentsshould be provided for both "+" and "-"poles. With functional polarisation that canbe disconnected, <strong>the</strong> faulty currents can belooped back by one or <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> poles.Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, it is strongly recommended topair <strong>the</strong>se fuses with adapted fuse breakersto ensure complete safety for <strong>the</strong> replacementof fuses (IPxxb).This operation should be carried out off-loadand <strong>the</strong>refore it is essential to provide, inclose proximity to <strong>the</strong>se fuse protections,a disconnection switch to disconnect <strong>the</strong>load from <strong>the</strong> upstream PV and safetydisconnection (isolation distance, guaranteedcreepage distances, certain or visibledisconnection, etc.).In an installation that is accessible to personso<strong>the</strong>r than authorised or experiencedpersonnel, access to <strong>the</strong> fuse breaker,lightning arrester and o<strong>the</strong>r devices that donot disconnect <strong>the</strong> installation should beconnected to a switch that gives access tothis equipment.COFF 380 AGeneral catalogue 201399

Protecting photovoltaicgeneratorsProtecting photovoltaic installations from damageFault currents in PV generators are stronglydependent on sunlight levels and can bebelow <strong>the</strong> I scSTC . Electrical arcs can occurwith currents that will not trigger <strong>the</strong> deviceprotecting against voltage surges. For thisreason, appropriate devices should be utilisedto protect against faults that may generateelectrical arcs in a PV generator.The main protections to be used are class IIIEC 61730-2 standardised modules, and aninstallation upstream of <strong>the</strong> class II invertersor with streng<strong>the</strong>ned insulation. The use ofinverters with or without galvanic isolationshould also be considered.catec-pv 038 B gbPVmodulesInverter withgalvanicseparationInverter withoutgalvanicseparationPreventing arcs in a non-polarised installation and inverter with galvanic separationIn this case, <strong>the</strong> supplementary preventiondevices to be installed are permanentinsulation testers with audible and/or visualalarms; this equipment should providemonitoring of faults in a DC installation forU oc x 1.2 voltages.In <strong>the</strong> case of an extended generator(> 100 kWc), it is strongly recommended thatprovision be made for <strong>the</strong> locating of isolationfaults when <strong>the</strong> system is live.catec-pv 039 B gbIMDACusePreventing arcs in a non-polarised installation and inverter without galvanic separationIn this case, <strong>the</strong> supplementary protectiondevices to be used consist of a detection devicefor direct components that control <strong>the</strong> automaticdisconnection of <strong>the</strong> connection of <strong>the</strong> inverterto <strong>the</strong> network.It is necessary to add to this device equipmentthat provides for daily measurement of <strong>the</strong>isolation of <strong>the</strong> entire installation (generatorand inverter). This measurement is takenwhen <strong>the</strong> inverter disconnection system on<strong>the</strong> AC circuit is in <strong>the</strong> open position.Note:These provisions are provided in particular by <strong>the</strong> RCMUdevice of <strong>the</strong> inverters in compliance with draft standardVDE 0126-1.catec-pv 040 B gbRCMUACnetworkcatec-pv 041 B gbIMDDDRclass BACnetworkPrevention of arcs in an installation polarised directly to earthThis selection requires inverters with galvanicseparation to be used.In this case, <strong>the</strong> supplementary preventionequipment consists of a fuse added in serieswith <strong>the</strong> functional earth to limit <strong>the</strong> faultcurrent, or an automatic disconnection devicecontrolled by a type B differential relay.In order to avoid <strong>the</strong> blinding of this detectionprinciple by a fault on <strong>the</strong> connected polarity,monitoring of <strong>the</strong> isolation of <strong>the</strong> entireinstallation, generator and inverter should becarried out daily with <strong>the</strong> functional earth inopen position.Opening of <strong>the</strong> protection against voltagesurges in series, or <strong>the</strong> isolation thresholdbeing reached, should trigger a visual and/oraudible alarm to alert <strong>the</strong> operator.catec-pv 042 BIMD100 General catalogue 2013

Protecting photovoltaicgeneratorsPreventing photovoltaic installations from damage (continued)Prevention of arcs in a polarised installation via earth resistanceThis selection requires inverters with galvanicseparation to be used.In this case, <strong>the</strong> supplementary protectiondevices consist of an added permanentisolation monitor with an audible and/orvisual alarm; it should cover <strong>the</strong> damage of<strong>the</strong> isolation for voltages U oc x 1.2.The alarm threshold includes this resistance.The resistance should be sized according to<strong>the</strong> specifications of <strong>the</strong> panel manufacturer(value and power).Note:In <strong>the</strong> case of an installation not monitored duringproduction by BA4 or BA5 personnel (e.g.: domestic),<strong>the</strong> fault detection inhibits restarting of <strong>the</strong> installation<strong>the</strong> next day.catec-pv 043 B gbRIMDACuseGlossary of commonphotovoltaic termsPV cellFundamental PV device able to generateelectricity when it is exposed to light such assunlight.PV moduleThe smallest component of interconnectedsolar cells completely protected against <strong>the</strong>environment.PV chainCircuit where <strong>the</strong> PV modules are connectedin series to form assemblies, in order togenerate <strong>the</strong> specified output voltage.PV groupIntegrated mechanical and electricalassembly of chains and o<strong>the</strong>r componentsto make up a DC electrical currentproduction unit.PV group junction boxEnclosure inside which all <strong>the</strong> PV chains ofall <strong>the</strong> PV groups are electrically connectedand where any protection devices can beplaced.PV generatorAssembly of PV generators, also called PVfield.PV conversion equipmentDevice that transforms DC voltage into ACvoltage, also called an inverter.Standard test conditions (STC)Test conditions prescribed in NF EN 60904-3(C 57-323) for PV cells and modules.Open circuit voltage U ocSTCVoltage in standardised test conditions,at <strong>the</strong> terminals of a PV module, a PVchain, a non-charged PV group (open) orat <strong>the</strong> terminals of <strong>the</strong> DC circuit of <strong>the</strong> PVconversion equipment.Short circuit current I scSTCShort circuit current of a module, a chain,a PV group or a PV generator understandardised test conditions.Maximum inverted current I RMMaximum value of inverted current which amodule can withstand without any damage.This value is supplied by <strong>the</strong> manufacturer.Note 1: This value does not concern <strong>the</strong> currentwithstood by <strong>the</strong> diverting diodes, but <strong>the</strong> current goingthrough <strong>the</strong> PV cells in <strong>the</strong> inverted direction of <strong>the</strong>normal current.Note 2: The typical value for crystalline silicon isbetween 2 and 2.6 I scSTC of <strong>the</strong> module.Maximum Power Point (MPP or MPPT)This principle, as indicated by its name(Maximum Power Point Tracker), makes itpossible to track <strong>the</strong> maximum power pointof a non-linear electrical generator such as aphotovoltaic generator.The MPPT or MPPTs also generallyrepresent a component of <strong>the</strong> inverterallowing optimised use of solar radiation,by adapting its load to <strong>the</strong> characteristicsof <strong>the</strong> PV generator according to <strong>the</strong> actualsunlight.General catalogue 2013101

ReferencesRegardless of <strong>the</strong> architecture of <strong>the</strong> photovoltaic installation, <strong>the</strong> type of modules used or <strong>the</strong> amount ofenergy produced, SOCOMEC's innovative solutions are synonymous with high levels of efficiency andreliability.Below is a selection of customers who have chosen SOCOMEC for <strong>the</strong>ir photovoltaic projects.General catalogue 2013103

SOCOMEC photovoltaic installationOutdoor<strong>application</strong>sEvery company's environmental policy hasan impact on <strong>the</strong> area in which it is located.Every production process has an effect onpeople, not only employees, but also thosewho live in <strong>the</strong> surrounding area.Having a "Green Attitude" meansrespecting our environment, protectingwhat is most precious: air, water, naturalresources and biodiversity, but also ourhuman environment, and <strong>the</strong> health andsafety of people.SOCOMEC supports <strong>the</strong> ethos ofeco-sustainability.From <strong>the</strong> outset, <strong>the</strong> company has beeninvolved in research into solutions whichminimise <strong>the</strong> impact of its own activities on<strong>the</strong> environment, especially in <strong>the</strong> reductionof CO 2emissions and <strong>the</strong> optimisationof energy consumption, having installedthree different photovoltaic systems for <strong>the</strong>production of most of <strong>the</strong> energy used in<strong>the</strong> Isola Vicentina factory.Roof installation:• Power: 175 kWp.• Inverters: 3x SUNSYS P33TR,1x SUNSYS P66TR.• Field boxes: 4x SUNSYS IFB.• Remote monitoring system: SUNSYSSUNGUARD.• Panel technology:- microamorphous,- high-efficiency monocrystallineback-contact,- HIT monocrystalline,- polycrystalline.• Production: 195,500 kWh/year.• CO 2emissions avoided: 110,000 kg/year.Roof installation:• Power: 30 kWp.• Inverter with field box: 10x SUNSYS H30i.• Remote monitoring system: SUNSYSH30i wireless communication.• Panel technology: polycrystalline.• Production: 31,000 kWh/year.• CO 2emissions avoided: 17,500 kg/year.Installation on two-axletrackers with two-axleastronomical control• Power: 14.5 kWp.• Inverters: 1x SUNSYS B15.• Field boxes: 1x SUNSYS IFB.• Remote monitoring system: SUNSYSSUNGUARD.• Panel technology: HIT monocrystalline.• Production: 17,000 kWh/year.• CO 2emissions avoided: 9,500 kg/year.BODY 336 A BODY 382 A BODY 283 B104 General catalogue 2013

A selection of customer referencesTaglio di Po - ItalyInstallation: solar park.Power: 300 kWp.Inverters: 3x SUNSYS P100TL.Field boxes: 6x SUNSYS IFB.Panel technology: polycrystalline.site 583 AAppli 436 aAdria - ItalyInstallation: on <strong>the</strong> roof.Power: 240 kWp.Inverters: 2x SUNSYS P100TL.Field boxes: 4x SUNSYS IFB.Panel technology: polycrystalline.site 584 AAppli 440 aFerrara - ItalyInstallation: photovoltaic shelters.Power: 2 MWp.Inverters: 18x SUNSYS P100TL.Panel technology: polycrystalline.appli 441 AAppli 437 aBerlin - GermanyInstallation: on <strong>the</strong> roof.Power: 418 kWp.Inverters: 1x SUNSYS P66TR,3x SUNSYS P100TR.Field boxes: 22x SUNSYS IFB.Panel technology: CIS.site 578 ASITE 579 aGeneral catalogue 2013105

A selection of customer referencesStrasbourg - FranceInstallation: on <strong>the</strong> roof.Power: 900 kWp.Inverters: 8x SUNSYS P100TL.Field boxes: 16x SUNSYS IFB.Panel technology: semi-transparentmonocrystalline.site 580 Aappli 438aCornedo - ItalyInstallation: on <strong>the</strong> roof.Power: 5 kWp.Inverter with field box:2x SUNSYS H30i.Panel technology: HIT monocrystalline.appli 551 aappli 552 aBrescello - ItalyInstallation: on <strong>the</strong> roof.Power: 920 kWp.Inverters: 8x SUNSYS P100TL.Field boxes: 19x SUNSYS IFB.Panel technology: polycrystalline.APPLI 452 Aappli 444 a106 General catalogue 2013

A selection of customer referencesColognola ai colli - ItalyInstallation: on <strong>the</strong> roof.Power: 500 kWp.Inverters: 5x SUNSYS P100TR.Field boxes: 11x SUNSYS IFB.Panel technology: polycrystalline.site 580 Aappli 438aFoggia - ItalyInstallation: on <strong>the</strong> roof.Power: 100 kWp.Inverters: 2x SUNSYS P66TR.Field boxes: 2x SUNSYS IFB.Panel technology: polycrystalline.APPLI 553 Aappli 554 aCernay - FranceInstallation: on <strong>the</strong> roof.Power: 235 kWp.Inverters: 3x SUNSYS P66TR,1x SUNSYS P33TR.Field boxes: 7x SUNSYS IFB.Panel technology: polycrystalline.APPLI 549 AAPPLI 550 AGeneral catalogue 2013107

Notes108 General catalogue 2013

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Notes110 General catalogue 2013

NotesGeneral catalogue 2013111

PARK <strong>application</strong>sSUNSYS P33TRSUNSYS P66TRSUNSYS P66TLSUNSYS P100TRSUNSYS P100TLFJB ENCLOSURESUNSYS IFBDIRISSUNSYS STORAGESUNSYS SHELTERSIRCO PVSIRCO MOT PVSIRCOVER PVTo help to protect <strong>the</strong>environment, this document hasbeen printed on PEFC paper(Programme for Endorsement ofForest Certification).RM, PV, PV, gPV FUSESSURGYS G51-PV, D40, PV BASESProduction: SOCOMEC Communication DepartmentGraphics: SOCOMECPhotography: Martin Bernhart and SOCOMECPrinting: Imprimerie Centrale S.A.15, rue de Commerce - L-1351 Luxembourg

hEAD OffICESOCOMEC GROUPS.A. SOCOMEC capital 10 951 300 €R.C.S. Strasbourg B 548 500 149B.P. 60010 - 1, rue de WesthouseF-67235 Benfeld Cedex - FRANCEwww.socomec.comSALES, MARKETING ANDSERVICE MANAGEMENTSOCOMEC Paris95, rue Pierre GrangeF-94132 Fontenay-sous-Bois CedexFRANCETel. +33 (0)1 45 14 63 90Fax +33 (0)1 48 77 31 12dcm.ups.fr@socomec.comYOUR DISTRIBUTORNon contractual document. © 2013, <strong>Socomec</strong> SA. All rights reserved.DCG 126013 - 04 / 13

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