Active Stirling Primary Schools Festivals 2011 - Scottish Football ...

Active Stirling Primary Schools Festivals 2011 - Scottish Football ... Active Stirling Primary Schools Festivals 2011 - Scottish Football ...
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<strong>Primary</strong><strong>Schools</strong><strong>Football</strong><strong>Festivals</strong>March – June <strong>2011</strong>

ContentsCurriculum for Excellence3 Curriculum for ExcellencePitch Layouts and Rules4 Pitch Layouts and Rules<strong>Primary</strong> School Programmes5 Mixed Developmental Four <strong>Festivals</strong> (P 3 – 4)6 Boys Soccer Seven <strong>Festivals</strong> (P 5 – 7)7 Girls Soccer Seven <strong>Festivals</strong> (P 5 – 7)8 Rural Soccer Seven <strong>Festivals</strong> (P 5 – 7)General and Booking Information9 General and Booking InformationBooking Form10 <strong>Primary</strong> School Booking Form3

Curriculum For Excellence“Learning in Health and Wellbeing ensures thatchildren and young people develop the knowledgeand understanding, skills, capabilities and attributeswhich they need for mental, emotional, social andphysical wellbeing now and in the future.”Through the various football programmes we offer in <strong>Stirling</strong> and it’s surrounding areas,we believe that participating in such programmes helps the learner to achieve, or at leastwork towards achieving the Curriculum for Excellence goals through the experienceswe offer.Playing football is not just about running around with a ball, it offers those taking partthe chance to gain numerous life skills and educational values, which the design andimplementation of such programmes had in mind.The programmes have been designed systematically to take in the key stages ofdevelopment, and ties in with the 5 key stages of Curriculum for Excellence.Throughout each section of this information brochure, Curriculum for Excellenceoutcomes have been included to show exactly how we link in, and we hope this makesit easier for you in deciding which programmes to take on with your school. If you haveany further questions regarding the Curriculum for Excellence information then pleasefeel free to contact us.4

Pitch Layouts and RulesDevelopmental Fours (6-8 years old)• March to November season• Trophy free – festival basis• Fun introduction to the game• Simple rules – children referee themselves• Size 3 ball• Approx 10 minute games with a maximumof four gamesSoccer Sevens (9-12 years old)• March to November season• Trophy free – festival basis• Retreating line• Approx 12 minute games with a maximumof eight games• Size 4 ball5

Mixed Developmental Four <strong>Festivals</strong> (P3–4)All young people playing recreational football will now follow the new <strong>Scottish</strong> FA NationalPlayer Pathway, which starts with small-sided games and grows with the child.Research has shown the undoubted advantages of small sided games (more goals, more 1v 1s, more successful passes, more touches) and some excellent work by youth leagues inScotland has demonstrated the benefits of moving through small-sided games formats tothe adult version of the game.Curriculum for ExcellenceI can explain why I need to be active on a daily basis to maintaingood health and try to achieve a good balance of sleep, rest andphysical activity. HWB-27a.While working and learning with others, I improve my range of skills,demonstrate tactics and achieve identified goals. HWB 2-23a.I am developing my understanding of the human body and can usethis knowledge to maintain and improve my well being and health.HWB 2-15aActivity Day Date Times VenueDevelopmental Fours Thursday 17 th March 4.00-5.30pm Forthbank (astroturf)Developmental Fours Thursday 21 st April 4.00-5.30pm Forthbank (astroturf)Developmental Fours Thursday 12 th May 4.00-5:30pm Forthbank (astroturf)Developmental Fours Thursday 2 nd June 4.00-5.30pm Forthbank (astroturf)The cost of entry is £8.00 per festival per school or £24.00 if you sign up to all four.Please Note: As these are mixed festivals it is recommended that a squad of 6 players should comprise of 4boys and 2 girls.6

Boys Soccer Seven <strong>Festivals</strong> (P 5 – 7)All young people playing recreational football will now follow the new <strong>Scottish</strong> FA NationalPlayer Pathway, which starts with small-sided games and grows with the child.Research has shown the undoubted advantages of small sided games (more goals, more 1v 1s, more successful passes, more touches) and some excellent work by youth leagues inScotland has demonstrated the benefits of moving through small-sided games formats tothe adult version of the game.Curriculum for ExcellenceI can explain why I need to be active on a daily basis to maintaingood health and try to achieve a good balance of sleep, rest andphysical activity. HWB -27aWhile working and learning with others, I improve my range of skills,demonstrate tactics and achieve identified goals. HWB 2-23aI am developing my understanding of the human body and can usethis knowledge to maintain and improve my well being and health.HWB 2-15aActivity Day Date Times VenueBoys Soccer Seven Wednesday 9 th March 4.00-5.30pm Forthbank (astroturf)Boys Soccer Seven Wednesday 23 rd March 4.00-5.30pm Forthbank (astroturf)Boys Soccer Seven Wednesday 27 th April 4.00-5:30pm Forthbank (astroturf)Boys Soccer Seven Wednesday 11 th May 4.00-5.30pm Forthbank (astroturf)Boys Soccer Seven Wednesday 25 th May 4.00-5.30pm Forthbank (astroturf)The cost of entry is £8.00 per festival per school or £30.00 if you sign up for all five.Please Note: It is recommend that a squad of 10 players should comprise of a mixture of all 3 schoolyears (p5, 6 and 7).7

Girls Soccer Seven <strong>Festivals</strong> (P 5 – 7)All young people playing recreational football will now follow the new <strong>Scottish</strong> FA NationalPlayer Pathway, which starts with small-sided games and grows with the child.Research has shown the undoubted advantages of small sided games (more goals, more 1v 1s, more successful passes, more touches) and some excellent work by youth leagues inScotland has demonstrated the benefits of moving through small-sided games formats tothe adult version of the game.Curriculum for ExcellenceI can explain why I need to be active on a daily basis to maintaingood health and try to achieve a good balance of sleep, rest andphysical activity. HWB -27aWhile working and learning with others, I improve my range of skills,demonstrate tactics and achieve identified goals. HWB 2-23aI am developing my understanding of the human body and can usethis knowledge to maintain and improve my well being and health.HWB 2-15aActivity Day Date Times VenueGirls Soccer Seven Wednesday 16 th March 4.00-5.30pm Forthbank (astroturf)Girls Soccer Seven Wednesday 20 th April 4.00-5.30pm Forthbank (astroturf)Girls Soccer Seven Wednesday 4 th May 4.00-5:30pm Forthbank (astroturf)Girls Soccer Seven Wednesday 18 th May 4.00-5.30pm Forthbank (astroturf)Girls Soccer Seven Wednesday 1 st June 4.00-5.30pm Forthbank (astroturf)The cost of entry is £8.00 per festival per school or £30.00 if you sign up for all five.Please Note: It is recommend that a squad of 10 players should comprise of a mixture of all 3 schoolyears (p5, 6 and 7).8

Rural Soccer Seven <strong>Festivals</strong> (P 5 – 7)All young people playing recreational football will now follow the new <strong>Scottish</strong> FA NationalPlayer Pathway, which starts with small-sided games and grows with the child.Research has shown the undoubted advantages of small sided games (more goals, more 1v 1s, more successful passes, more touches) and some excellent work by youth leagues inScotland has demonstrated the benefits of moving through small-sided games formats tothe adult version of the game.Curriculum for ExcellenceI can explain why I need to be active on a daily basis to maintaingood health and try to achieve a good balance of sleep, rest andphysical activity. HWB -27aWhile working and learning with others, I improve my range of skills,demonstrate tactics and achieve identified goals. HWB 2-23aI am developing my understanding of the human body and can usethis knowledge to maintain and improve my well being and health.HWB 2-15aActivity Day Date Times VenueRural Soccer Seven Thursday 28 th April 4.00-5.30pm Balfron High SchoolRural Soccer Seven Thursday 19 th May 4.00-5.30pm Balfron High SchoolRural Soccer Seven Thursday 26 th May 4.00-5:30pm Callander <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolRural Soccer Seven Thursday 9 th June 4.00-5.30pm Callander <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolThe cost of entry is £8.00 per festival per school.Please Note: It is recommend that a squad of 10 players should comprise of a mixture of all 3 schoolyears (p5, 6 and 7).9

General and Booking InformationGeneral InformationRefunds Refunds are only given in exceptional circumstances. Please send yourrefund request to <strong>Active</strong> <strong>Stirling</strong> at Wolfcraig.PhotographsOffice AccessSupervisionComplaintsFrom time to time photographs may be taken for promotional purposes.If you have any objections to your child being photographed, pleaseinform us in writing.Access to our offices on the 3 rd floor is via a lift, but there is a post box tothe left of the main door where correspondence can be left.Parents should accompany their children into the venue and areresponsible for their safety before and after classes. Children are only theresponsibility of <strong>Active</strong> <strong>Stirling</strong> during the class.If you wish to make a complaint about any aspect of <strong>Active</strong> <strong>Stirling</strong>,please write in to the Wolfcraig office.The programme contained within this booklet is a planned timetable for the March – June<strong>2011</strong> period but <strong>Active</strong> <strong>Stirling</strong> reserve the right to change the format at any time.Any Enquires please contact:Graeme Henderson, <strong>Football</strong> Coach, <strong>Active</strong> <strong>Stirling</strong>, 3rd Floor,Wolfcraig, 1 Dumbarton Road, <strong>Stirling</strong>, FK8 2LQTel: 01786 432323Fax: 01786 432304Email: return the form overleaf with your cheque for the appropriate fee for theattention of:Graeme Henderson, <strong>Football</strong> Coach, <strong>Active</strong> <strong>Stirling</strong>, 3 rd Floor, Wolfcraig, 1 DumbartonRoad, <strong>Stirling</strong>, FK8 2LQ no later than Friday 4 th March.Cheques should be made payable to “<strong>Active</strong> <strong>Stirling</strong> Ltd”.10

<strong>Primary</strong> School Booking Form (March – June <strong>2011</strong>)School DetailsSchool Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………Head Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………………………..Person in Charge of Team: ………………………………………………………………………….Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….Tel No: …………………………………………………………………………………………………E-Mail Address: ……………………………………………. Colour of strip: ………………………Festival DetailsPlease Fill in the table below filling in the number of teams that you wish to attended eachfestival. The cost of entry is £8.00 per festival per school or the reduced rate for signing upto all festivals. Each school is able to bring along as many teams as they like.DevelopmentalFours <strong>Festivals</strong>Number ofTeamsAttendingBoysSoccerSevenFestivalNumber ofTeamsAttendingGirls SoccerSevenFestivalNumber ofTeamsAttendingRural MixedSoccerSevenFestivalNumber ofTeamsAttending17th Mar 9th March 16th March 28th April21st Apr23rdMarch20th April19th May12th May 27th April 4th May 26th May2nd Jun 11th May 18th May 9th JuneAll(£24.00)25th MayAll(£30.00)1st JuneAll(£30.00)Please Note: Retain a copy of this form as no confirmation shall be sent. You will however becontacted if an event has to be cancelled for any circumstances.11

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