The Communicator October 2012 - Swan Housing Association

The Communicator October 2012 - Swan Housing Association

The Communicator October 2012 - Swan Housing Association

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swan<strong>Communicator</strong><strong>The</strong>news about your homes and services <strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong>Westminster visit gives Foyerresidents a voiceOutside No.10 Downing StreetOn the 29th August <strong>2012</strong>, a delegation of 11 young people from <strong>Swan</strong>House Foyer and Dove Cott House, visited the Houses of Parliament andDowning Street to talk to their MP about the impact on their lives ofproposed welfare reforms.“<strong>The</strong> day was brilliant, I feel really privileged to have had thechance to see the inside of the Houses of Parliament. I learntso much about its history. <strong>The</strong> best part of the day for me wasNo.10 Downing Street, I even got to see ‘Larry’ the cat.”Mitchell a resident at <strong>Swan</strong> House FoyerFull story on page 6Find us on Facebook! Now you can keep up-to-date with ourlatest news, events and information on the world’s most popularsocial network site. Go to www.facebook.com/swanhousingLook out for thecompetitionsinsideResidents first 2<strong>Swan</strong> services 15Your home 17Kids’ zone 20www.swan.org.ukwww.web4residents.org.uk

Residents firstWant <strong>The</strong><strong>Communicator</strong>by email only?We are trying to become moreenvironmentally friendly and wouldlike to offer you the chance ofhaving your newsletter emailed toyou instead of being postedthrough your door.This would mean that you wouldneed to print out the competitionsections so you can enter them.You can access <strong>The</strong><strong>Communicator</strong> online atweb4residents.org.ukalready but if you want it sent toyou only by email send yourdetails to editor@swan.org.ukBig wins in the<strong>Swan</strong> photocompetitionUnder 16 - win an iPod!16 and over - win a £50 STARCARDvoucher!<strong>Swan</strong> will be holding a photocompetition where you can grab somegreat prizes. All you have to do is takea photo of any celebrations that takeplace over summer/autumn; <strong>The</strong>London <strong>2012</strong> Olympic Games, you atthe beach, down at the park, playingfootball, even fishing with your friends.<strong>The</strong>re may be an event in yourarea, a street party, a wedding ora celebration.Once you have got your picture simply email it toeditor@swan.org.uk with your name, age and address.Get snapping and good luck! <strong>The</strong> deadline for all entries is31st December <strong>2012</strong>.Talking to you in your area - Block and Estate SurgeriesWe want all of our residents to be able to access our services and it is good to talk face-to-face, as listening to youhelps us to make our services better.<strong>The</strong>re is no need to make an appointment and a telephone interpretation service is available on request. We would liketo encourage attendance from BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) residents and young people.<strong>The</strong> next surgery near you...London Residents’ <strong>Association</strong>sElders House Resident Meeting,Baptist Church, Kinfauns Road,Ilford IG39th Oct at 5.30pmBow Cross Management Board,Priestman Point, Rainhill Way,London E3 3EY17th Oct at 6.30pmBlackwall Way & Nova Court,Radisson Edwardian Hotel, NewProvidence Wharf, London E1422nd Oct at 6.30pmExmouth Residents Board,Community Hall, 39 CornwoodDrive, London E1 0PW24th Oct at 6.30pmBow Cross Management Board,Priestman Point, Rainhill Way,London E3 3EY28th Nov at 6.30pmEssex Residents’ <strong>Association</strong>sChurchview, All About Centre,Leinster Road2nd Oct and 13th Nov at 7pmFive Links, Five Links Informationand Community Centre31st Oct and 28th Nov at 7pmAppleford & Charlton, CrownCommunity Centre, Crest Avenue11th Oct and 8th Nov at 6.30pmForumsBAME Women’s Forum,Exmouth Community Hall, 39Cornwood Drive, London E1 0PW9th Oct - 12.30pmBAME Women’s Forum, ExmouthCommunity Hall, 39 CornwoodDrive, London E1 0PW27th Nov - 12.30pmBlock Surgeries in London(all 5.00pm-7.00pm)Holly Court,Romford RM1 3AP11th OctTurner Road,Hornchurch RM12 4EG25th Oct<strong>Swan</strong> Mews,Essex RM7 8AW8th NovExpress Wharf,Manilla & Byng Street, London E1422nd Nov2

web4residents.org.ukResidents firstResident Annual Report for2011/<strong>2012</strong>Taking on board feedback receivedfrom you on last year’s Annual Report,we have produced a summary reportwhich is included with this edition of<strong>The</strong> <strong>Communicator</strong>.<strong>The</strong> summary provides you withsome headline information from ourfull Residents’ Annual Report. It looksat the services we have provided andfocuses on the standards that allhousing associations must meet.<strong>The</strong>se are: Tenant involvement andempowerment Home Tenancy Neighbourhood and community Value for money Governance and financial viabilityBoth reports look at the services weprovide and our performance. It isimportant we compare our servicesto our previous performance and tothe performance of other landlords.You will find more details of thesecomparisons and our performancefigures in the full report.<strong>The</strong> full report has been provided toall of our involved residents and isavailable on request atimprovement@swan.org.uk or theswan website www.swan.org.uk<strong>The</strong> report has been designed andthe content agreed, by members ofour Resident Annual Report Group.Throughout the year many of youhave given up your time to help usimprove the services we provide.Thanks to all of you who have workedwith us during this year.<strong>The</strong> full report contains an updateon last year’s Local Offers and ourjoint plans for the coming year.Please take time to return theenclosed survey to help us improvenext year’s report.Vacancies for RegionalCommittee Members(London and Essex)<strong>Swan</strong> is looking for five residentsto become Members of theRegional Committees. We havethree vacancies in London andtwo in Essex.Becoming a Regional CommitteeMember can be beneficial for bothyou and <strong>Swan</strong>. Members areinvolved in decisions that affectservice improvement, whilst buildingtheir own skills and accessing freetraining and personal developmentopportunities.Expenses involved in attendingmeetings, including travel, childcareand carer’s costs, are reimbursedby <strong>Swan</strong>. This is because werecognise that there can be financialbarriers to attending regularmeetings. We value the input of ourresidents and want to support youto get involved.We welcome applications from allsections of the community. Wewould particularly like to encouragepeople from younger age groupsand ethnic minority backgrounds.If you would like more information about joining the Regional Committees then please contact theResident Involvement and Communications Team on Tel: 01277 844242 or send an email toinvolvement@swan.org.uk3

Residents firstSummer Fun DaysAppleford Court and CharltonClose Fun DayOn the 26th August families ofAppleford Court and Charlton Close,Basildon came out into the sunshineto enjoy a community fun day. Thiswas organised by the recentlylaunched Residents’ <strong>Association</strong> andsupported by <strong>Swan</strong>.A door to door survey wasconducted by the CommitteeMembers prior to the event to obtainideas on what activities residentswould like.<strong>The</strong> result was over 100 residentswho participated in activities includinga penalty shoot-out, face painting,balloon modelling, badge making,magic tricks, a bouncy castle and acoconut shy.4Bow Cross Fun DayOn Saturday 8th September, BowCross estate held their annualsummer fun day. It was organised bythe members of the Bow CrossManagement Board (BCMB) andother residents who volunteered onthe day.<strong>The</strong> day started at 11.00am with apenalty shoot out competition and ayouth football match, which wasfacilitated by a West Ham Unitedcommunity football coach. <strong>The</strong> mainevents followed from 12.30pm. <strong>The</strong>rewas a barbecue, an ice cream van, atea and coffee tent, face painting,henna painting, a balloon modellerand nail painting.Other activities that took placeincluded tin can alley, pick a duck,hoop the pole and karom board.<strong>The</strong>re were also competitions onguessing the weight of the cake andthe sweets in the jar.<strong>The</strong> talent show started at 3.00pmand there were seven singingauditions, two dance acts and astand up comedy show. <strong>The</strong> threeresident judges were Paul, Victoriaand Simon. <strong>The</strong> top three acts wereall singers and the winner wasAbimbola, Holly in second place andKarima in third.<strong>The</strong> day was enjoyed by 150residents and the Bow CrossManagement Board would like tothank residents and volunteers whoworked hard to make this day such asuccess.

web4residents.org.ukResidents firstA summer of activities“<strong>Swan</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong> organised the Summer Scheme foryoung people aged 8-16 years living in <strong>Swan</strong> properties in bothLondon and Essex this year.”This scheme is the first of its kindin Essex and we have had positivefeedback from the young peopleand families who said they reallyenjoyed the activities and arelooking forward to attending againnext year.<strong>The</strong> scheme ran for three weeks from13th August to 31st August <strong>2012</strong> inpartnership with Vallance CommunitySports <strong>Association</strong> in London andFlying Pigs and West Ham United inEssex, providing exciting activities foryoung people living in <strong>Swan</strong> Homes.Over 100 young people registered forthe programme. <strong>The</strong>y enjoyed freeactivities including bowling, cinematrips, swimming, ice skating, arts &crafts, money awareness, greenworkshops and a variety of sportsactivities. <strong>The</strong> young people werealso taken on trips to Frinton Beach,Wat Tyler Park, Diggerland andChessington World of Adventures.<strong>The</strong> idea was to give something backto our residents and the youngpeople living in our properties and thecommunities that we serve. <strong>The</strong>scheme gave the young people theopportunity to interact and get toknow each other better.This was the fifth year the schemewas held in London and the feedbackhas been very positive.At the end of the programme,certificates were awarded to theparticipants followed by a celebratoryparty and barbecue.5

Residents firstWestminster visit gives Foyerresidents a voice<strong>The</strong> group was invited toWestminster by Stephen Metcalfe,MP for South Basildon and EastThurrock. <strong>The</strong> invite prompted<strong>Swan</strong> House Foyer resident,Summer Downes, to ask for ameeting with the MP to discusshow the proposed reforms to thewelfare system could affectvulnerable young people in herposition.Summer wrote to Mr Metcalfe on her18th Birthday, the age at which UKcitizens are first entitled to vote.In her letter she wrote: “I am one of 40young people living in the two schemeswhich make up the Foyers in Basildonand I am writing on behalf of all of us.”On the day the young people enjoyeda tour of the Houses of Parliament,learning about the history of thebuilding and some of the traditions andceremonies carried out within its walls.Following this they met with Mr Metcalfeand spent time talking to him about howthe Foyers have helped them and howthey were concerned that the proposedreforms could impact on Foyers andyoung people who need them. <strong>The</strong>y<strong>The</strong> competition was organised to encourageyoung people to develop links with their localcommunity and the enthusiastic response to thisproject has led the Residents' <strong>Association</strong> tocommit to arranging similar events with otherlocal schools in the area.6Inside the Houses of Parliamentalso spoke about accessing collegeand education after the age of 19 andlearnt how Mr Metcalfe became an MP.After speaking to the young peopleMr Metcalfe said he would look intotheir concerns and the possible impactthe welfare reforms could have onyoung people living in Foyers and wouldcome back to them with his findings.Following the meeting with Mr Metcalfethe group visited Downing Streetwhere they were invited to takephotographs outside No.10.Summer and Leah discussingyoung people’s issues withStephen Metcalfe MPChurchview story writing competitionOn the 6th September, members ofChurchview Residents’ <strong>Association</strong> attendeda packed morning assembly at Janet Duke’sPrimary School in Basildon. <strong>The</strong>y presentedprizes of certificates and book tokens to thewinners of a story writing competitionorganised in partnership with <strong>Swan</strong> and theteaching staff in July. <strong>The</strong> whole schoolparticipated with over 270 entries receivedand 21 awards being presented.

web4residents.org.ukSupporting you into workand trainingAt <strong>Swan</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong>,we are committed to providingemployment opportunities for<strong>Swan</strong> residents and the localcommunity to help tackleworklessness. We havedeveloped a strategy to helpus achieve our aims.What is Worklessness?Worklessness describes anyonewho is of working age who is notworking, not in full timeeducation or training and thosenot actively seeking work. It is acritical issue which many of ourresidents face and can impact onall aspects of life.What is the strategy for?<strong>The</strong> strategy sets out <strong>Swan</strong>’svision to provide access toemployment, training andsupport for our residents and thelocal community, working withour partners, to create long-termemployment opportunities,reduce worklessness and buildsustainable communities. <strong>The</strong>We want to hear from you!<strong>Swan</strong> is holding a focus group session onThursday 29th November <strong>2012</strong> to understandwhat support you want in finding employmentand training as well as gaining access to theinternet. If you are interested in attending,please contact Hannah Marsh on01277 315293 or email hmarsh@swan.org.ukStrategy includes an action planfrom April <strong>2012</strong> until March2013, which sets out <strong>Swan</strong>’splans for the next year and theinitiatives, which can supportyou. You can download a copyof the full strategy atwww.swan.org.uk<strong>Swan</strong> already provides a numberof opportunities to help you toimprove your skills and findemployment. <strong>The</strong> strategy buildson the good work <strong>Swan</strong> isalready doing, allowing for arange of projects to be availableacross Essex and East Londonto help you. This includesopportunities to gain workexperience within <strong>Swan</strong>,apprenticeships and trainingcourses.How to get involved?Look out for further informationon training and employmentopportunities near you in <strong>The</strong><strong>Communicator</strong> and online atweb4residents.comNOV29Residents firstSupporting youthrough onlinechanges<strong>The</strong> Government’s Welfare Reform willintroduce a number of changes to the welfarebenefit system, including how most peoplewill apply for and receive their benefits.Online Benefits ApplicationsFrom 2013 people of working age will beexpected to make their benefit applicationsonline. We recognise that this might bedifficult for some people, particularly thosewho do not have access to the internet orfind it difficult to use the internet. This isoften referred to as digital exclusion. Wewould like to support our residents throughthis change as much as possible. We wouldbe very grateful for your views on how youthink we could do this. Some of the optionsinclude providing more opportunities forresident IT and internet skills training, betterpromoting the IT facilities and computerclubs available and providing help sessionson how to complete online benefitapplications (once the system is in place).Providing Specific Information for OlderResidents and People with a DisabilityWhen we asked you about the importantitems you wanted to see in our SingleEquality Scheme <strong>2012</strong>-2015, you told usthat you would like us to provide targetedWelfare Reform information for residentswho are older or who have a disability. Weare already providing much of thisinformation in a variety of ways, particularlyin newsletters such as <strong>The</strong> <strong>Communicator</strong>,through residents’ meetings, surgeries andthe work of our Welfare Benefits Advisors.However, we are still keen to hear yourideas about other ways we could provideyou with the information you need.Your ViewsPlease tell us your views on how we canbest provide this information and how wecan support you through the change toonline benefits applications. You cancontact Samantha Sizeland, <strong>Housing</strong>Diversity Manager, on telephone number01277 844242 or emailinvolvement@swan.org.uk Alternatively youcan come along to the Focus Group, detailsto the left.7

Residents firstUniversal CreditTo prepare for the introductionof Universal Credit, the threepayments which are given toencourage people back to workare being phased out.<strong>The</strong>se are: Job Grant, In WorkCredit, Return to Work Credit.Because of the introduction ofUniversal Credit these paymentswill stop so if you want to takeadvantage of these paymentsyou will need to do so by:Job Grant Monday 1st April 2013Return to Work Credit Tuesday1st <strong>October</strong> 2013In Work Credit Tuesday 1st<strong>October</strong> 2013So if you are thinking about tryingto find a job, now would be agood time to start looking,especially as you may still be ableto take advantage of one of these.Job Grant - a one off payment ofeither £100 or £250 made toeligible claimants who have beenon benefits for at least 26 weeksby the 1st <strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong>.In Work Credit - this is currentlypaid to lone parents who leavebenefits to start work. To beeligible you must have been onbenefits for at least one year, thequalifying period will end on the2nd July 2013. <strong>The</strong> In WorkCredit is paid for up to 52 weeksat £40 (£60 per week in London)Return to Work Credit - to beeligible for this you need to have adisability and have to been onbenefits for 13 weeks by the 2nd<strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong>. If these conditionsapply to you, and you are leavingbenefits to start paid work you willbe paid £40 per week for up to 52weeks on top of your wages.<strong>The</strong>se payments are tax free.For more information, pleasecall your Welfare BenefitsOfficer on 0300 300 2500Free debt advice fromConsumer CreditCounselling service<strong>The</strong> Consumer Credit CounsellingService provides free andconfidential advice to you if youare struggling to pay all your bills.When you contact them by telephoneone of their advisors will talk with youto find out what you think you needhelp with, they will then ask you somemore questions to make sure thatyou have thought about all your debtsthat you need to pay.<strong>The</strong>y are friendly and helpful, they donot make you feel bad about gettinginto difficulties.<strong>The</strong> helpline advisor will pass you toone of the experienced debtcounsellors to discuss your situationin more depth. This can be doneimmediately or an appointment canbe booked for a future date.At this appointment the debtcounsellor will assess yourcircumstances and discuss solutionswith you.<strong>The</strong> advisor will help you to prepare afinancial statement, this is a sheetYou can contact them by telephone on: 0800 138 1111Or you can visit their website on: www.cccs.co.ukIMPORTANT!Civil Penalties will be introducedfrom 1st <strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong>A civil penalty of £50 will be appliedto an overpayment of state benefitor housing or council tax benefit ifyou negligently make an incorrectstatement or representation, ornegligently provide incorrectinformation or evidence; fail toprovide information; or fail to notifya change of circumstances to theappropriate authority.Residentstorywhich tells the people you owemoney to how much money youreceive and how much you and yourfamily need to live on. It will also showhow much money is left which can beused to pay the outstanding bills.You will be given a unique clientreference number from the ConsumerCredit Counselling Service. Thisnumber will prove to your creditorsthat you are getting advice and thatyou are working with a well respectedorganisation to help you resolve yourproblems. This means that yourcreditors are usually more likely toaccept the offers that you are makingto them.You can also be offered specialistcounselling services if you are selfemployedor have mortgage arrears.<strong>The</strong>se can sometimes be trickier todeal with so that is why there areexperts on hand. <strong>The</strong>re is also adebt advocacy service to helppeople who need extra supportdealing with their debts.Article provided by a resident.<strong>The</strong> penalty will be applied wherethe Local Authority or theDepartment of Work and Pensionsdecide that there is a recoverableoverpayment of £65.01 or more fora period beginning on, or fallingafter the 1st <strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong>.<strong>The</strong> penalty will not be applied if theoverpayment was caused by theDepartment of Work and Pensionsor by the Local Authority. <strong>The</strong>overpayment decision and thepenalty decision can be appealed.8

web4residents.org.ukResidents firstBudgeting tips<strong>The</strong> benefits of saving money arepriceless, especially in today’seconomic climate. So now is agood time to try to get yourfinances in order and maybe evensave some money for a rainy day!Many people are struggling to makeends meet and while it may not bepossible to easily increase yourincome, you may be able to cut yourday-to-day expenses and reducesome non-essential expenditure.Here are some tipsDraw up an income and expenditureform or personal budget. <strong>Swan</strong> hasa Money Management Advice leafletthat has a sample budget sheet tohelp you. Please contact yourIncome Officer on 0300 303 2500 ifyou would like a leaflet sent to you.You can also get help with budgetingonline at nationaldebtline.co.uk andmoneyadviceservice.org.ukOnce you have listed your weekly /monthly income and outgoings, youcan see if there are any items youdon’t really need or can cut back on.You can also check if there are anyregular expenses that you can reduce,for example you could considerchanging energy suppliers, insurersor your mobile phone contract.Slash your food bill!<strong>The</strong>re are several things you can doto cut the price you pay for food andgroceries.Don’t dismiss supermarket ownbrands!Buying supermarket basic andbudget ranges can producesignificant savings and you mayfind that avoiding big brands doesn’tmean compromising on taste. Visitsupermarketownbrandguide.co.ukfor a wide variety of information onthe quality of own brand productsthat will save you money.Other ways to make your foodshopping cheaper are to use websitessuch as MySupermarket.co.uk tocompare the price of a basket ofgoods at the UK’s ‘big four’supermarkets instantly, showing youwhat you could save by shoppingaround. If you’ve selected your itemsvia one retailer and discover another ischeaper, this nifty site will transfer allyour choices for you - while its priceand health checkers also suggestmoney-saving and healthy-eating tips.You may also be able to makeone-off savings by using vouchersand discounts from websites likewww.moneysavingexpert.com orwww.discountvouchers.orgBorrowing MoneyDo not borrow more to pay offexisting debts, some payday loanscharge the equivalent of over4000% in annual interest. It is farbetter to seek advice and try toreduce your existing outgoings thanto get further into debt.If you do need further loans, creditunions may provide cheaper formsof credit and this is a good way tosave money.Credit UnionsEssex Savers Net Credit Union01245 496235Holdfast Credit Union (Witham)01376 516994Colchester Credit Union01206 798823Harlow Save Credit Union01279 451234Liberty Credit Union (Barking,Dagenham and Havering)01708 741899New Cred (Newham)020 85555388London Community Credit Union(Tower Hamlets) 020 7729 9218Alternatively you can check whetheryour employer runs a Credit Union, orvisit findmycreditunion.co.ukRemember you need to ensure thatyou prioritise the bills that you pay, andthe most important one is your rent!Open a Bank AccountBank accounts can help you manageyour everyday money. Most banks andbuilding societies can offer you a basicbank account, and they will acceptyour tenancy agreement as proof thatyou live in the UK. You will also have toprovide proof of your identity; this isnormally in the form of a passport orphoto driving licence. Some banks willalso accept a letter from a governmentdepartment confirming you areentitled to benefits, if you do not haveany other form of ID.One of the benefits of having a bankaccount is that you can set up directdebits to pay your bills and this canoften reduce your monthly outgoingswith regard to your energy bills,mobile & landline and credit cards.<strong>The</strong> Money Advice Service hasproduced a useful leaflet that explainsthe different types of bank accountsand the services the main high streetbanks offer. <strong>The</strong>se leaflets are availablein our reception areas or online atmoneyadviceservice.org.uk9

Residents firstDates for the diaryBlack History MonthOlder People’s Day<strong>Swan</strong> Diversity DayBlack History Monthprovides a wonderfulopportunity to celebratediversity and thecontributions of blackmen and women toBritish society. <strong>The</strong> keyaim is to promoteTO1OCTOCT31knowledge of black history,experience and cultural heritage.Please visitweb4residents.org.uk during<strong>October</strong> for more information.This year’s UK OlderPeople’s Day is aboutsharing the skills andexperience betweendifferent generations. So,take time out of your day tocelebrate the contribution olderpeople make in your communities.1OCTOCT16A day of equality,diversity awareness,building and learning.Please visitwww.web4residents.org.ukfor more information or telephone01277 844242.HalloweenGuy Fawkes NightInternational DayOCT31Halloween is the day ofactivities such as trickor-treating,attendingcostume parties,carving jack-o’-lanterns,bonfires, apple bobbing, visitinghaunted attractions, playingpranks, telling scary stories, andwatching horror films.NOVGuy Fawkes Nightoriginates from a failedGunpowder Plot of1605; to assassinateKing James I. GuyFawkes was caught guardingbarrels of gunpowder beneath theHouse of Lords. Bonfires were litto celebrate the King’s survivaland often an effigy, or Guy, is puton the fire pictured here, at theBillericay Fireworks Spectacular.5A day of internationalobservance to raisepublic awareness ofwomen around theworld subjected toviolence.NOV2510

web4residents.org.ukResidents firstOur way of saying thank youWhat is the STARCARDReward Scheme?<strong>The</strong> STARCARD Reward Scheme wasintroduced to thank <strong>Swan</strong> residents who paytheir rent on time and keep to their tenancyconditions. Unfortunately it does not extendto those residents who have a licence,leaseholders or those who hold a tenancywith Newham Council, as it is only forresidents who hold a <strong>Swan</strong> tenancy.How do I qualifyfor the STARCARDReward Scheme?It’s really easy, you just have to be ableto say yes to the following conditions:I have a <strong>Swan</strong> tenancyI have not owed more than fourweeks rent in the last six months(excluding pending <strong>Housing</strong>Benefit Payments)My home and garden are in aclean and tidy conditionI have no outstanding legalactions against me<strong>The</strong>re have been no provenreports of Anti-Social Behaviouragainst anyone living in my homeMy annual gas safety check hasbeen completed within timeMy home is owned andmanaged by <strong>Swan</strong>I do not live in short-termaccommodation (e.g. NHS, Foyer)I have kept to all my tenancyconditions for the last six monthsIf you have said yes to all theseconditions, you qualify for the schemeand can enter our fabulouscompetition. If you cannot say yes toall the conditions or have anyquestions regarding the criteria pleasecontact your Neighbourhood Officer,who will be able to tell you whatsteps you will need to take to qualify.For frequently asked questions, goto www.web4residents.org.ukClick on ‘Informing You’ and it’s onthe right-hand side.Qualifying tenants will receivetheir next £10 upload on theirSTARCARD in late summer.Find out how much is on yourSTARCARD: Call 0845 640 0884 andkey in your card number - easy!Last month’s winners!Mrs. Moore, Basildonwon a TVMr. and Mrs. Doherty, East Tilburywon a TrampolineMrs. Rozee, Laindonwon a PlayStationMs. Machon, Londonwon an iPodMr. and Mrs Ellis, Basildonwon a Mobile PhoneMrs. Boyce, Hainaultwon £200 on her STARCARDwww.swan.org.uk For further details call 0300 303 250011

Residents firstOur way of saying thank youXbox 360 and Kinect SensorA pumpkin is usually which colour?Blue Orange PinkName:....................................................................Address:...........................................................................................................................................Telephone number:.......................................................................Closing date: 22nd <strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong>Here is your chance to win some fabulous prizes as part ofthe STARCARD Reward Scheme. Please check that youqualify and then just choose which of these great prizes youwould like to win.Monster Tri-ScooterWhat is Homer Simpson’s son called?Eric Bart JohnName:.................................................................Address:.....................................................................................................................................................Telephone number:...............................................................................Closing date: 22nd <strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong>iPod TouchA witch would usually have which animal?Cat Elephant FishName:.................................................................................Address:..............................................................................................................................................Telephone number:.............................................................................Closing date: 22nd <strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong>Bush Electric CookerAcorns come from which tree?Holly Oak FirName:......................................................................Address:............................................................................................................................................Telephone number:..........................................................................Closing date: 22nd <strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong>Kindle eBook ReaderHalloween is on which date in <strong>October</strong>?4th 16th 31stName:...........................................................................Address:......................................................................................................................................................Telephone number:.............................................................................Closing date: 22nd <strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong>£200 on your STARCARDName <strong>Swan</strong>’s resident website?Ebay Google web4residents.orgName:.......................................................................................Address:..............................................................................................................Telephone number:..............................................................Closing date: 22nd <strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong>If you qualify just answer the questions and cut out the coupon for each prize you wish to be entered for andthen post to: <strong>Swan</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, FREEPOST ANG10361, Billericay, CM12 9ZZ or email usat allocations@swan.org.uk quoting ‘STARCARD Reward Scheme competition’ with your answers, name and address.Winners may be asked to appear in the next edition of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Communicator</strong>.12

web4residents.org.ukResidents firstLaunch of Redbridgeand HaveringnewsletterIn July <strong>2012</strong>, the Resident Involvement & CommunicationsTeam launched the first edition of the Redbridge &Havering newsletter.This newsletter provides a variety of information for residentsliving in <strong>Swan</strong> homes in the London Boroughs of Haveringand Redbridge. Articles included information on how to getinvolved in <strong>Swan</strong>’s decision-making process, information onresidents’ workshops and training courses, <strong>Swan</strong>’s SummerScheme and events across Havering and Redbridge.This newsletter will be distributed on a quarterly basis andfuture editions will include feedback on the action pointsfrom the local block surgeries held.If you live in Redbridge or Havering and would like the newsletter delivered to your area,please contact the Resident Involvement & Communications Team on 01277 844 242 or emailinvolvement@swan.org.uk. You can download a copy from web4residents.org.uk/newslettersor Facebook.Win £50 credit on your STARCARDEnter the Residents’Suggestion Scheme.Use this form to tell us yoursuggestions on how we canimprove our services, which willbenefit all <strong>Swan</strong> residents or thecommunity you live in. You couldwin yourself £50.<strong>The</strong> best suggestions for ways wecan improve our services will beconsidered by the Essex andLondon Resident ConsultativeCommittees.<strong>The</strong> suggestion and winner will beannounced in future editions of‘<strong>The</strong> <strong>Communicator</strong>’.Cut out this section and let us haveyour suggestions of ways toimprove our services. You can alsocomplete a form and place yoursuggestion in the box at one of ourarea office receptions or go to the‘contact’ page onweb4residents.org.uk and do itonline or email knjie@swan.org.ukYour suggestion ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Your name ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................Address ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. _____........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Return your suggestion slip to:<strong>The</strong> Customer Feedback Co-ordinator,<strong>Swan</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Ltd,FREEPOST NAT20891, London E14 6BR13

<strong>Swan</strong> servicesCustomer and repairs satisfaction surveysHelping us get betterSince April <strong>2012</strong> <strong>The</strong> LeadershipFactor, a company that specialises inmeasuring customer satisfaction hascarried out monthly repairs andquarterly satisfaction surveys for us.We have increased the frequency of oursurveys so that we can act upon anyfeedback you provide more quicklyand resolve any issues that you arenot happy with.Repair SurveyFrom April to July <strong>2012</strong>, 280 telephonesurveys were carried out and 76% ofyou told us you were satisfied with ourrepairs service, compared with 83% in2011, which is a drop of 7%.Nearly half (49%) of you are telling usthat you are reporting repairs morethan once. This is something that weare working hard to improve upon.Areas for improvement - taking onboard feedback from you we are: Reviewing the role of the AxisAftercare Team to make sure wefollow up on outstanding repairsmore efficiently, carrying out morevisits and phone calls Providing further customer caretraining to call handlers andoperatives Instructing operatives to clear upbetter after completing a repair Carrying out more post inspectionsto improve the quality of the repairs Continuing to review parts kept onthe vans so that we can completerepairs first time Reviewing the need to employmore multi-trade staffWe want to provide you with the bestrepairs service we can and we wantto demonstrate to you that we wantto get better. We have set up aCustomer Feedback Task Group - anew task force to analyse all of thefeedback we receive from you. Wecan then identify the root causes ofdissatisfaction, see if the trends aresimilar and then put actions in placeto resolve the problems.22.5% of you remained anonymouswhen responding to the survey.Please help us to get it right by giving<strong>The</strong> Leadership Factor permission tocontact you, as we want to resolveany outstanding issues you may have.Customer Satisfaction SurveyFrom April to July <strong>2012</strong>, 276telephone surveys were carried out.You were most satisfied with: Helpfulness of staff <strong>Swan</strong> treating you as an individualYou were least satisfied with: Effective handling of problems Enforcement of resident/occupierbehaviourAreas for improvement – fromfeedback comments: Need to improve returning phonecalls as promised Taking more ownership of queries Increase the level of personalcontact with you to resolve issuesquickly and effectivelyWhat we will be doing to addressthese issues?Review satisfaction levels in moredetail to identify which officers appearto have lower satisfaction in theirareas and which have higher.<strong>The</strong> Business Improvement Teamare taking the lead on ensuringrespondants are happy withthe outcome after further contactfrom <strong>Swan</strong>.We are recruiting Anti-SocialBehaviour Officers to assist withresolving high level ASB cases.For those of you who have not been contacted by <strong>The</strong> Leadership Factor and have an outstanding issue,you can contact us by emailing improvements@swan.org.uk You can also use the same email to let us knowwhen you have been happy with the service provided by <strong>Swan</strong>.<strong>The</strong> ultra-flexible workforce is hereAre you looking for local work that allows you flexibility?Book your own hoursOne hour, one day, one week; orwhenever you need.Choose how far you want to travelto work.If you are interested in registeringplease call Emma Knight on:0207 264 0740 orvisit www.crslivers.com14

web4residents.org.uk<strong>Swan</strong> servicesPerformance cornerHow did we do?April <strong>2012</strong> to August <strong>2012</strong>Complaints - We received 50 complaints in thisperiod. We monitor them and try to learn fromour mistakesStage one complaints responded to within10 working daysRepairs - Percentage done within timeRoutine 99.5% 98.8%Emergency 99.9% 100%Repair appointments that were kept 90% 96.22%People satisfied with the repairs service 76% 76.88%Properties with a valid gas safety certificate 100% 99.88%Average number of days taken to re-let anempty home% of responsive repairs completed on timeRentsCurrent tenant arrears as % of rent due(general needs housing only)Contacting usTargetfor<strong>2012</strong>/1395%16 days98.75%72%96.88%14.7days99.13%57%ActualCalls answered within 20 seconds 90% 96.16%Satisfied with how their ASB report was dealt withWhat we have learnt from youTargetTarget3.0%TargetYou said you were not happy with information regarding garagerent accountsWe have improved communication between the Income andNeighbourhood Administration Officers to avoid problems whensetting up garage rent accountsYou said you were unhappy with damage caused to your cookerWe have now arranged to take before & after photographs of allwhite goods before any works in area are started to eliminate anyissues of disputeWe now have 117 friends on Facebook3.03%ActualActualActualSuggestionsWe would still like to hear your ideasabout the ways we can improve.Fill in the suggestions schemecoupon on page 17 or do itonline on web4residents.org.ukfor your chance to win £50 onyour STARCARD.Compliments - We have received23 compliments from April <strong>2012</strong>to August <strong>2012</strong>. Here are a fewexamples of what you said:“UKPC has refunded a chequefor the full amount on myparking fine. Many thanks forall your advice and excellentcustomer service.”Mr. S London“I would like to thank JaneSmith for all her help inarranging my new step andrails to be fitted. I amthrilled as it has made mylife so much easier. ”Mr. S Essex“I would like to acknowledgejust how courteous Lee Homefrom Axis was and how quicklythe works were carried out. Iwas very impressed.”Mrs. BIf you have a complaintor a compliment aboutour services, please call ourCustomer Feedback Co-ordinator,Kirsten Njie on 01277 314341 oremail knjie@swan.org.uk orgo to web4residents.org.ukAll figures have been rounded up to the nearest decimal place.Performance is at or above target Performance is slightly below target Performance is significantly below target15

Your homeSquatting...Since 1st September, homeowners have been able to contact the police, who can takeaction and arrest the squatters. <strong>The</strong> law also protects owners of vacant residentialproperties such as private and social landlords and second-home owners.On 1st September, squatting in aresidential building in England andWales became a criminal offenceunder new legislation meaningsquatters can face fines or even ajail sentence.A squatter is someone who entersand lives in a residential buildingwithout permission and knows - orshould know - that they shouldn’t bethere. Now it has become a criminaloffence, squatting should bereported to the police.Previously, squatting has beentreated as a civil matter meaning thatlandlords had to go to court to provethat squatters have trespassed ontotheir property to get an eviction.<strong>The</strong> maximum penalty for squattingwill be six months in jail, a £5,000fine, or both.<strong>Swan</strong> recently had a squatting issueon the Chatsworth estate inNewham and worked with theLocal Authority and police. <strong>The</strong>matter was resolved within theweek with just the threat ofcriminal action. Previously casesof squatting could take at least eightweeks to progress and cost severalthousand pounds.It is important that you let us know ifyou think anyone is squatting in yourcommunity. <strong>The</strong> squatting offencedoes not apply to tenants who fallbehind with rent payments orrefuse to leave at the end of theirtenancy. Tenants who enter abuilding with the permission of thelandlord are not squatters. In thesecircumstances, landlords will useexisting eviction processes to regainpossession of their properties.We pride ourselves in turning aroundempty properties (voids) in less than16 days. Squatting would seriouslyimpact on our ability to meet thesetimescales.Please inform your NeighbourhoodOfficer if you have information onsquatting in any of <strong>Swan</strong>’s properties.Don’t suffer in silenceOne in four women andone in six men will bevictims of domesticabuse at some time intheir life.Domestic abuse isn't justphysical violence. Itincludes: verbal abuse emotional abuse financial abuse sexual abuse forced marriage female genital mutilation honour based violenceYou can survive domesticabuse.For help and support contactPolice 999Non emergencies 101National Domestic Abuse helpline0808 2000 247Broken Rainbow (for LGBTcommunity) 0300 999 5428Respect (advice for perpetrators)0808 802 4040Men Advice Line (for male victims)0808 801 0327Child Line 0800 1111Forced Marriage Unit0207 008 0151Victim Support 0845 465 5995National Stalking helpline0808 802 030016

web4residents.org.ukYour homeCondensation and dampWhat is condensation/damp?Condensation is basically too muchmoisture in the home. <strong>The</strong> moisture iscaused by everyday living, fromdrying clothes on your radiators tosteam from cooking.Where does it occur?It can appear anywhere in your home,normally it will look like a mould buildup (green or black mould) aroundcorners of rooms where there is alack of air circulation or windowswhere cold air meets warm air.Facts Four people asleep for eight hourscan produce 1-2 litres of moisture A family of four on a normal dayproduce 5-10 litres of water just bybreathing and sweating An average family in the course oftheir day-to-day lifestyle producesover 5,000 litres of moisture a year<strong>The</strong>se are just some basic factsabout condensation. Unfortunately itis caused by everyday living.One of our residents has assisted<strong>Swan</strong> to find some practical waysof preventing it: If you are cooking then have thekitchen window open about an inch You need to allow your home tobreathe, so make sure all of yourwindow vents are always open(especially in the winter months) If you are drying your clothesindoors then please make sure youonly dry them in one room andmake sure you open the windowabout an inch and then shut thedoor, as this will allow any moistureto escape out of the window Make sure that if you have atumble dryer it is properly ventedoutside of your property In the really cold months instead ofturning your heating off at night justleave it on very low, as this will dryout any damp airIf you already have mould growththen wash it off with some bleach andsoapy water - this will prevent it fromspreading. After you’ve cleaned thearea get some good quality fungicidalpaint and paint the affected area, tostop the condensation recurring. Thispaint should not be overlaid withordinary paint or wallpaper. Alwayswipe any surface moisture.<strong>The</strong>re are some really good productsaround to help take moisture out ofyour home, Croc-Odor have somefantastic products, they are no morethan £3 (Wilkinson’s is one of thecheapest places).Free energy-saving insulationFollowing the success of wall and loftinsulation carried out free of chargeto <strong>Swan</strong> properties last year, <strong>Swan</strong>is pleased to announce that for<strong>2012</strong> we have retained the servicesof Climate Energy to arrange fundingfor <strong>Swan</strong>. Interglow has beenappointed as a nominated supplierto install wall and loft insulation.<strong>The</strong>re are a lot of companies atpresent visiting people trying to obtaininsulation work. We would thereforeask that should Interglow contactyou for an inspection that you allowthem access once you have checkedtheir ID and do not allow anyoneelse into your home without checkingtheir ID first.Wall and loft insulation is installed to make your home more energy efficient and to reduce heating bills, ifyou feel you can benefit from an increase of loft insulation (if you have less than 100mm-4inches) and/orcavity wall insulation (properties built before 1990) please contact Richard Watson on 0800 783 2768.17

Your home<strong>The</strong> repairsonline portal<strong>The</strong> Repairs Online Portal is overa year old. It is a quick way toreport a repair.<strong>The</strong> portal allows you to book anappointment slot so the repairsoperative turns up when you wantthem to. You can even track,change or cancel your repaironline. You can also change thelanguage and size of text if youneed to.How do I report repairs online?Just go to our website,www.swan.org.uk and click on‘Order a Repair’. Register if youneed to, so it’s unique to you,then book your repair. You caneven access other services suchas seeing your rent statementsand pay your rent through thesecured website.I’ve logged in - now what?<strong>The</strong>re’s an easy to use diagnostictool to help you identify andchoose the correct type of repairyou need, through labelledimages. All emergency repairswill still need to be reported viathe Axis Call Centre on0800 783 2768.Once you have found your repair,you can log this and then agree atime and date for the repairsoperative to turn up.You will receive an order numberto allow you to track the repairand if we have your mobilenumber, Axis will text you nearerthe time to remind you of theappointment.We are proud that we can giveyou a better service through newtechnology. Try it for your nextrepair.Planned works update<strong>Swan</strong> is committed to providing allresidents with a home that meets theDecent Homes Plus Standard. This isabove the minimum standard set bythe Government. To achieve thisStandard we continuously assess thecondition of our homes both internallyand externally. We use stockcondition surveys and informationabout the last time improvementswere made. We also makeassessments on an individual basiswhen repair requirements arereported to our repairs partner Axis.When improvements are urgent theyare booked in for immediatecompletion. If they are not urgentthey are added to existing PlannedWorks Programmes.<strong>The</strong> good news is that the majority of<strong>Swan</strong> homes already meet theStandard. This means that morefunds are available for day-to-daymaintenance.We will soon be cominginto Autumn and Winterwhich is typically whenwe receive a largenumber of calls becauseheating systems are notworking.To ensure your system isworking efficiently wesuggest that during thenext few weeks you testyour heating system foran hour or so.<strong>The</strong> type of work included as partof Planned Works Programmesincludes: New kitchens New bathrooms Electrical upgrades Fitting new windows New boilers or the fitting of fullcentral heating New or upgraded roofsSatisfaction Surveys have shown that94% of residents were satisfied withcompleted upgrade work. Axis hasalso carried out external redecorationto 220 homes and internal andexternal redecoration to an estateand 17 Supported <strong>Housing</strong> Schemesunder the Cyclical PaintingProgramme. <strong>The</strong> paint used isguaranteed for seven years, thisprovides value for money and reducesthe disruption to residents caused bymore frequent painting works.You can check to see if any works are planned for your home byvisiting <strong>Swan</strong>’s website www.swan.org.uk Details of theModernisation Programme are provided in the repairs section.Winter heating and hotwater checksHowever, before running the system it isessential that you undertake a few simplechecks yourself: Is there sufficient gas/electric on the meter? Has the boiler been turned on? Has the room thermostat been turned up? Has the thermostatic radiator valves beenturned on? Is the timer clock set correctly?Undertaking this very simple check now will assist<strong>Swan</strong> and Axis in maintaining the highest level ofservice possible.If after checking these items and turning the system on it still doesnot work you should contact Axis on the Freephone telephonenumber 0800 783 2768 and ask for a visit from a gas engineer.18

web4residents.org.uk<strong>Swan</strong> shared ownershipLet us help youget a foot on theproperty ladderShared ownership homes offer alow cost way to help you get onthe property ladder. Weunderstand that it can be difficultto buy a new home with highhouse prices. Through our sharedownership schemes there aremany opportunities for you to finda property that suits your needsand budget.<strong>The</strong> benefits of sharedownership schemes• Less deposit is required• A smaller mortgage is required• Monthly costs can be up to50% less than buying aproperty outright• You can buy a greater % ofthe propertyAll of our new homes are finishedto a high standard and designed tooffer style and comfort with greattransport links for modern living.Bow Cross WestOne remaining from £79,500Elston Court, IngatestoneTwo bedroom houses andapartments from £60,000Dimensions, ChelmsfordOne and two bedroomapartments from £40,500**Applicants must be registered with ChelmsfordBorough Council.Streamlight TowerOne, two and three bedroomapartments from £71,250Lornes Close, Southend-on-SeaOne and two bedroomapartments from £29,850Prices correct at the time of going to press. *30% share - rent payable on the remainder. **Prices represent a 25% shareCall 0800 389 6382 or visit swansharedownership.co.ukYour homeCut out and stickon your fridgeContact us:Open Mon-Thurs 9.00am-5.15pmFri 9.00am-5.00pmPhone 0300 303 2500Repairs number (24 hour)Phone 0800 783 2768ASB office hours 0300 303 2500ASB out-of-hours 0800 075 6699<strong>Swan</strong> website www.swan.org.ukResidents’ websitewww.web4residents.org.ukGeneral email info@swan.org.ukText: STEP 1Add the keyword to thedepartment:Axis ...................................repairsGas ........................................gasSupported housing.........supportResident involvement ......involveAllocations and lettings...lettingsEssex rent...................essexrentsEssex neighbourhood..........................essexneighboursLondon rents ............londonrentsLondon neighbourhood.........................londonneighboursForest Gate..................forestgateLeasehold services ......leaseholdEstate services..................estateSTEP 2: Write your messageSTEP 3: Send it to 07860 021752Charged at the standard rate.No charge for receiving textmessages from us.Call us to find out where yourneighbourhood office is.Visit us:London Regional Office:Cygnet House South, 10 ChrispStreet, Poplar, London E14 6LLEssex Regional Office:Pilgrim House, High Street,Billericay, Essex CM12 9XY19

web4residents.org.ukKids’ zoneWinners of theHoliday wordsearchWinner of £20 Argos voucher -Tyra Richards, age 14, IlfordRunners up win a <strong>Swan</strong>colouring book and pencils:Tyra, age 14 from IlfordKatie, age 7 from BasildonMohammed, age 10 fromChadwell HeathSpooky maze!Help this trick-or-treater find more sweets...Please call 0300 303 2500if you would like someoneto explain any of thesearticles to you.PolishSomaliPunjabiBengaliArabicYour name.............................................................................Your ageAddress..........................................................................................................................................................Urdu20.............................................................................Kari-ann Waldon, <strong>Swan</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong>,FREEPOST ANG 10361, Billericay, CM12 9ZZClosing date for entry is 28th <strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong>..............................................................................This newsletter was printed in September <strong>2012</strong> Lloyd Design ref: SWN4839

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