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The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> | February 6, 2010Community<strong>Armenian</strong> army celebrated at Tekeyan Cultural Association eventby Florence AvakianCliFFside PArk, N.J.7 – Therewas an air of jubilation on Friday,January 22, as close to 200 peoplehonored the recently appointedAmbassador of Armenia to theUnited Nations Karen Nazaryan,and celebrated the 18th anniversaryof Armenia’s Armed Forces Day.The special event, held at The Palisadiumin New Jersey, was sponsoredand hosted by the New York,New Jersey branch of the TekeyanCultural Association (TCA).Following the singing of theAmerican and <strong>Armenian</strong> nationalanthems, the program started solemnlywith a moment of silence incommemoration of the <strong>Armenian</strong>soldiers, and martyrs of the Karabakhwar. Dr. Svetlana Amirkhanianmade a symbolic toast to allmothers whose sons are serving inthe <strong>Armenian</strong> army, as well as forthose who have been killed defendingthe <strong>Armenian</strong> homeland.First time celebrationTCA New York, New Jersey BranchChairman Hagop Vartivarian, introducedby TCA branch committeemember Vartan Ilanjian, warmlywelcomed Ambassador Karen andMrs. Nana Nazaryan. Vartivarianpointed out that for the firsttime in the U.S., the anniversaryof Armenia’s Armed Forces Day isbeing noted and celebrated. Presentfor this special recognitionwas Armenia’s Defense Attache inWashington, D.C. Lieutenant ColonelMesrop Nazaryan, and his wifeRusanna Nazaryan.Honored guests present at thehead table were the Nagorno KarabakhRepublic’s Representative inU.S. Robert Avetisyan, TekeyanCultural Association Central CommitteeVice Chairman EdmondAzadian, and Karabakh benefactorAndreas Roubian with Priya Katragadda.Other special guests included Dr.and Mrs. Marian Housepian, Nazarand Ardemis Nazarian, Edwardand Carmen Gulbenkian, Vahramand Lucienne Aynilian, Dr. Raffiand Vicki Hovanessian, Papken andAnahid Megerian, Van and PriscillaKrikorian, Sarkis and Maral Jebejian,and Dr. Gulekjian.“The Tekeyan Cultural Associationis a truly cultural organization.More than any other group, it preservesthe <strong>Armenian</strong> language. Thisevent is for all of us,” noted HagopVartivarian with obvious pride. “Armeniahas fifteen provinces in historicArmenia, of which four havebeen liberated. The <strong>Armenian</strong> armyduring the coming decades will liberateall of them,” he declared withemphasis to lengthy applause.Andreas Roubian, a successfulentrepreneur, university lecturer,avid art collector, and Chairman ofthe Karabakh Committee in the late1980’s and early 1990’s, “more thananyone else helped the soldiers ofKarabakh,” Vartivarian said in hisintroduction of the benefactor. Inaddition to aiding the fighters, thecommittee was also instrumentalin helping the Karabakh widows,children, and survivors in the1990’s through its humanitarianendeavors.In his remarks Roubian recalledthat many diasporans were skepticalabout his group at the time.However, the liberation of Kelbajar,a historic <strong>Armenian</strong> region sandwichedbetween Armenia and Karabakhchanged their opposition.“This victory was a phenomenon,because the Karabakh army was agroup of irregulars,” Roubian said.“As it was transformed into a regulararmy, it proved that if Armenia,Karabakh and the diaspora areunited, we will win. We will alwaysstay united,” Roubian declared tothunderous applause.A professional video demonstratingthe military might of Armeniawas shown, emphasizing its enviableposition of being the strongestarmy in the Caucasus, ready to defendthe homeland at all costs.Ambassador Karen Nazaryan,a seasoned diplomat who hasserved with distinction in Russia,Geneva, and last six years asArmenia’s Ambassador in Iran,was presented with a crystal momentoby TCA Central CommitteeVice Chairman Edmond Azadianwho praised him as a “consummatediplomat”.Unwavering dedicationAmbassador Nazaryan, in his remarksof appreciation, paid tributeto Armenia’s Armed Forces created18 years ago. Calling it “one of themost important structures of the<strong>Armenian</strong> statehood,” he statedthat the army’s establishment wasmade possible “through the immenseefforts and unwaveringdedication of <strong>Armenian</strong> men andwomen around the world.”He recalled that in the 1990’s,during the “harsh war in Karabakh,and on the borders of Armenia, the<strong>Armenian</strong> fighters presented shiningexamples of combat valor. Theheroic deeds of our fallen heroes,Eastern Diocese appoints four parish clergyAbove: AmbassadorKarenNazaryan and Lt.Col. Mesrop Nazaryan(sitting)with TCA Committeemembers.Left: AmbassadorKaren Nazaryanand Mrs. NanaNazaryan (center)with theNazarians.and the 18-year history of our army,are lessons of patriotism for ourcoming generations.”Today, the <strong>Armenian</strong> army “isrightfully viewed as a victoriousand liberating army,” the <strong>Armenian</strong>diplomat continued. “Ourwhole nation trusts and believes inour Army. Through the years, ourarmed forces have constantly beenreinforced, improved and upgraded.Today it is the main guarantor ofour peaceful life, and an importantfactor for the security and stabilityin our region. Eighteen years is ablink in our millennia old history,but this is a meaningful age for us.Today, we are confident that theArmy will continue to fulfill withhonor the tasks entrusted to it bythe people and government of Armenia.”The Ambassador congratulated“all those brothers and sisters inthe <strong>Armenian</strong>-American communitywho have made their valuablecontributions to the establishmentand strengthening of Armenia’svictorious army. Today, we rememberwith profound gratitude allthose who participated in the armybuildingmission. May God protectour Army. Glory to the <strong>Armenian</strong>soldiers, and long live the Republicof Armenia and the <strong>Armenian</strong> Diaspora,”he declared to a standingovation.Closing the memorable eventwas the Very Rev. Haigazoun Najarian,Vicar General of the <strong>Armenian</strong>Diocese (Eastern) who wasrepresenting the Diocesan PrimateArchbishop Khajag Barsamian whowas unable to be present due to thedeath of his father earlier that day.“Our people have fought manyenemies throughout our long historyto preserve our freedom,” statedthe Vicar General. “In Karabakh,all <strong>Armenian</strong>s from every stationin life through their strong spiritand faith, brought our struggle tosuccessful conclusion. When wecelebrate our military might, itgives us confidence for our future.Wars are not only fought militarily,but on every level, including diplomatically.Now at the United Nations,we are fortunate to have AmbassadorKaren Nazaryan carryingon this important struggle, and wewish him every success.”Throughout the evening, the rich<strong>Armenian</strong> culture was evidencedby several performers, includingthe noted theatrical artists NoraArmani and Gerald Papasian whorecently performed in New York tocritical acclaim; jazz violinist JennaSarian; singer Annie Djerdjerian accompaniedon the piano by VagharshagOhanian; and the AkhtamarDance group under the direction ofits Artistic Director Silva Asadourian.The hardworking members of theNew York, New Jersey Branch ofthe Tekeyan Cultural Associationwho planned and organized thissuccessful event include ChairmanHagop Vartivarian, Vice ChairmanHarout Chatmajian, SecretaryBetty Salbashian, Treasurer SirvartDemirjian, Advisors Dr. SvetlanaAmirkhanian, Shemavon Atamian,Shoghig Chalian, Lucyn Djerdjerian,Vartan Ilanjian, Meline Khekoyanand Krikor Markarian. fNew York7 – Archbishop KhajagBarsamian, Primate of theDiocese of the <strong>Armenian</strong> Churchof America (Eastern), recently appointedfour priests to serve parishesin Waukegan, Ill., Cheltenham,Pa., Cleveland, Oh., and St.Paul, Minn.The four priests - Rev. Fr. ParenGalstyan, Rev. Fr. Hagop Gevorgyan,Rev. Fr. Martiros Hakobyan,and Rev. Fr. Hratch Sargsyan - completedtheir studies in Armenia andwere ordained there prior to theirarrival in the U.S., with the blessingsof His Holiness Karekin II, theSupreme Patriarch and Catholicosof All <strong>Armenian</strong>s, and at the invitationof the Primate.They spent the last few years interningwith clergy in the EasternDiocese to learn more about the<strong>Armenian</strong> Church of America andto prepare to serve the local <strong>Armenian</strong>communities.rev. Fr. Paren Galstyan, whohas been named interim pastor ofSt. George <strong>Armenian</strong> Church ofWaukegan, is a native of Vedi, Armenia.He studied at the VaskenianTheological Seminary in Sevan, theGyumri Theological Seminary, andthe Gevorkyan Theological Seminaryat the Mother See of HolyEtchmiadzin.Following his graduation in 2006,he was ordained into the holypriesthood by Bishop AnooshavanJamgochyan at the Holy See. He remainedat Holy Etchmiadzin, servingits chancellery until his departurefor the U.S. in 2007.In the Eastern Diocese, Fr. Pareninterned at St. James <strong>Armenian</strong>Church of Evanston, Ill. He assumedthe position of interim pastorof the Waukegan community inNovember 2009, after the Primateannounced the appointment duringthe parish’s 50th anniversarycelebration.Fr. Paren is married to Yn. LusineGalstyan. They have two sons, Grigorand Aren.rev. Fr. Hagop Gevorgyan willbegin serving as the pastor of HolyTrinity <strong>Armenian</strong> Church of Cheltenhamon January 2, 2010. He isa graduate of the Vaskenian andGevorkyan seminaries in Armenia.Fr. Gevorgyan also studied at theOriental Churches Institute in Germany,and while still a deacon, heworked as the administrator of thestorehouses of Holy Etchmiadzin’sTreasury and Pontifical Residence.He was ordained into the holypriesthood in December 2007 byBishop Marcos Hovhannesian. InFebruary 2008, Fr. Hakob traveledto New York and began his internshipat St. Gregory the Enlightener<strong>Armenian</strong> Church of White Plains,under the guidance of the Rev. Fr.Karekin Kasparian.At the same time, he enrolled inEnglish language courses at Concordiaand Manhatanville colleges,and completed the Clinical PastoralEducation Program at WestchesterMedical Center in Valhalla, NY.Fr.HagopGevorgyanandYn.AnnaGevorgyan have one son, Narek.rev. Fr. Martiros Hakobyanwill serve as the pastor of the St.Gregory of Narek <strong>Armenian</strong> Churchof Cleveland. His appointment beginson January 2, 2010.Fr. Hakobyan studied at the GyumriTheological Seminary and theGevorkyan Theological Seminary,and held several positions at theMother See of Holy Etchmiadzinprior to his ordination into the holypriesthood by Archbishop VickenAykazian, Legate of the Eastern Diocese,in June 2007. He then servedat Yerevan’s Holy Trinity Churchwhile continuing his studies at theAmerican University in Armenia.Fr. Hakobyan came to the EasternDiocese in January 2008. Heinterned at St. James <strong>Armenian</strong>Church of Watertown, Mass., underthe leadership of the Rev. Fr. ArakelAljalian. While in Massachusetts,he also studied at the New EnglandSchool of English in Cambridge.Fr. Martiros Hakobyan and Yn.Hasmik Hakobyan have one son,Jirair.rev. Fr. Hratch sargsyan hasbeen assigned the pastorship of theSt. Sahag <strong>Armenian</strong> Church of St.Paul, effective January 7, 2010.Fr. Sargsyan studied at theVaskenian Theological Seminary,where he also served as the assistantat the nearby Soorp ArakelotzChurch, and later continued hisstudies at the Gevorkyan TheologicalSeminary. Parallel to his studies,he prepared radio broadcasts on religioustopics, served as a deacon atYerevan’s Holy Trinity Church, andwas the general secretary at the Departmentof Interchurch and EcumenicalRelations at the Holy See.In addition, Fr. Sargsyan studiedEnglish at the American Universityin Yerevan.He was ordained into the holypriesthood by Archbishop VickenAykazian, Legate of the Eastern Diocese,in June 2007. Following hisordination, Fr. Sargsyan becamepastor of St. Hovhannes Church inSisyan, Armenia.Coming to the Eastern Diocesein 2008, Fr. Sargsyan interned at St.John <strong>Armenian</strong> Church of GreaterDetroit, under the leadership of theRev. Fr. Garabed Kochakian. In Detroit,he also completed the ClinicalPastoral Education Program atSinai-Grace Hospital, and studiedEnglish at Wayne State University.Fr. Hratch Sargsyan and Yn.Naira Azatyan have two daughters,Tatev and Mane.f

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