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PDF edition - Armenian Reporter

PDF edition - Armenian Reporter

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The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> | February 6, 2010CommunityNAASR, KoV announce research grantsbelMoNT, Mass. 7 – The NationalAssociation for <strong>Armenian</strong>Studies and Research (NAASR) isprepared to consider applicationsfor grants for research within thefield of <strong>Armenian</strong> Studies. As fundsare very limited, the following conditionsshould be noted by prospectiveapplicants:Grants may be given for travel,cost of microfilm or other researchmaterials and for similar expenses,for a period not exceeding one year.Excluded are stipends for living expensesin the applicant’s own institutionor home and scholarships tocolleges and universities.Each applicant must state infull detail the purpose and scopeof his research. Applicants mustalso indicate the exact sum ofmoney required and whether othersources have been approachedfor financial support, giving theproposed itinerary in the case ofan application for travel funds.In addition to a curriculum vitae,recommendations from at leasttwo persons of academic standingfamiliar with the applicant’s previouswork and proposed researchare required.A copy of any book, article, reportor other work, the writingof which has been assisted by agrant, is to be deposited with NA-ASR. A final report and financialaccounting is expected within 15months of a grant. Support ofNAASR must be acknowledged inany publication resulting from aresearch grant.NAASR reserves the right of accessto all microfilms, software,copies of documents, or othermaterials acquired with a NAASRgrant. Recipients may not disposeof such materials for a periodof 5 years of the receipt ofa grant without the permissionof NAASR.Knights of Vartan Fundfor <strong>Armenian</strong> StudiesThe National Association for <strong>Armenian</strong>Studies and Research (NAASR)and the Knights of Vartan jointlyadminister the Knights’ Fund for<strong>Armenian</strong> Studies (FAS).The Knights of Vartan Fund for<strong>Armenian</strong> Studies provides fellowshipsand support for scholarlyresearch and publication in thefield of <strong>Armenian</strong> Studies to qualifiedscholars in any institution ofhigher learning, at the graduate orpost-doctoral levels. Grants mayMichigan <strong>Armenian</strong> Studies announces $350K bequestANN Arbor7 – The late Mr.Robert S. Ajemian of Michiganhas willed the <strong>Armenian</strong> StudiesProgram at the University ofMichigan the generous amount of$350,000. This gift has been designatedfor student use in two endowmentfunds: the annual proceedsof the first ($250,000) willbe available for general supportfor students in <strong>Armenian</strong> studies,while the proceeds of the remaining$100,000 are designatedfor student travel and researchabroad. The funds reserved forresearch and travel abroad alsoqualify for President Mary SueColeman’s Challenge for The StudentGlobal Experience whichwill add another $50,000 fromUniversity funds to the initialendowment amount. Starting inthe spring of 2010 students atthe UM with research related toArmenia and <strong>Armenian</strong> studieswill be able to benefit from theproceeds of this generous andthoughtful combined endowmentof $400,000.Mr. Ajemian was born in Detroitin 1927, the son of a student fromChmshkatzak and a survivor ofthe Genocide. He served in the USarmy, studied chemistry at WayneState University. He developed acareer in occupational health andpollution prevention. He workedfor major companies and publishedextensively. He was an outstandingmember of the <strong>Armenian</strong>community in the Detroit area. Inaddition to the generous gift providedto the University of Michigan,Mr. Ajemian made fundsalso be made to fund lectures, seminars,and conferences. Funds arenot available for undergraduate researchor for work that falls outsidethe field of <strong>Armenian</strong> Studies.All proposals received are reviewedby the Executive Committee of NA-ASR’s Board of Directors, which submitsappropriate proposals to theNAASR Academic committee for review.Proposals for grants are subjectto approval by the NAASR AcademicCommittee and the Board of Trusteesof the Knights of Vartan FAS. fFor information contact MarcMamigonian at marc@naasr.orgavailable to various organizationswithin the <strong>Armenian</strong> community,including to the A.G.B.U Alex &Marie Manoogian School in Southfield,Michigan, and the <strong>Armenian</strong>General Benevolent Union.The endowments establishedby Mr. Ajemian will be knownas the Haiganoosh Mengushian/Ajemian Memorial ScholarshipFundfUniv. of Michigan <strong>Armenian</strong> Studies Program announces events2010 Calendar ofEventsAll events will be held at the InternationalInstitute, located at 1080South University Street Room1636, Ann Arbor, Mich. and areopen to the public unless otherwisenoted.WINTER SEMESTER 2010Jan. 11 Arman Grigoryan, (ManoogianSimone FoundationPost-doctoral Fellow), “War,Fears of Minorities, and Genocide,”5:00 PM.Jan. 23 <strong>Armenian</strong> Student CulturalAssociation, “The 2010 Hye HopCharity Dance” Michigan Union-Rogel Ballroom (2nd floor), 8PM-1:30AM.Jan. 25 Hrach Martirosyan, (ManoogianSimone FoundationPost-doctoral Fellow, Netherlands/Armenia),“Perspectiveson the Origin of <strong>Armenian</strong> Languageand Culture”Jan. 28 Performance, “Sojourn atArarat,” Nora Armani & GeraldPapasian. Biomedical ResearchScience Building Auditorium,109 Zina Pitcher Place, Ann Arbor,MI, 7:00PM.Feb. 10 Paul Werth, AssociateProfessor of History, Universityof Nevada, “ ‘Foreign Confessions’in Foreign Contexts:Religion Across the Border ofthe Russian Empire.” Sponsoredby the Center for Russianand European Studies,12:00-1:30PM.Feb. 11 Lunch/student seminarwith Paul Werth by invitation.1644 SSWB, 12:00-2:00PM.April 18 Annual Holocaust and<strong>Armenian</strong> Genocide Commemoration,“The Challenges of andOpportunities of Oral Testimonies,”lectures by professorsGerard Libaridian and SidneyBolkosky. Bernath Auditorirumof the David W. Adamany UndergraduateLibrary at WayneState University. (Co-sponsoredby ASP), 2:00 PM.May 8-9 Second Meeting of theworkshop on Kosovo and Karabakh,“After Kosovo Declarationof Independence and the August2008 War: The New Geopoliticsand Role of Diplomacy in theCaucasus,” co-organized withCIMERA, in Geneva, Switzerland.May TBD Second meeting of theInternational Workshop on the“State of <strong>Armenian</strong> Studies” (by invitation)fFor information contact Ingrid Petersonat irjp@umich.eduvartanantz dayUnder the auspices of theDiocese of the ArmeniAn church of AmericA (eAstern)With the participation of theMid-AtlAntic Region of the Knights AnddAughteRs of VARtAnThursday EvEning, FEbruary 11, 2010divine Liturgy—6:00 p.m.st. vartan armenian CathedralThe Divine Liturgy will be sung by the St. Vartan Cathedral ChoirUnder the direction of Maestro Khoren MekanejianClinical ResearchOrganizationis looking to hiretwo Lead Data Managers (LDM)with 10+ yearslarge pharmaceutical or CRO experience,to manage client contact,projects and study teams.dinner and Program—7:30 p.m.Main SpeakerHis ExcEllEncy Mr. GarEn nazarianAmbassador Extraordinary and PlenipotentiaryPermanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia to the United NationsMusical Program by theSt. Gregory the Illuminator <strong>Armenian</strong> School of Brooklynhaik and alice Kavookjian auditorium, 630 second avenue, new york CityDonation: $30 for Adults, $15 for Children 12 and underApplicants must be willing andable to travel abroad as needed.Resumes to:review2020@yahoo.com

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