Prep Round-up! Term 3 - The Southport School

Prep Round-up! Term 3 - The Southport School Prep Round-up! Term 3 - The Southport School
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YEAR 2 ARTThe Year 2s have spent this term exploringcommunities from around the world.In Art, their focus has been on our own Gold Coastcommunity from the lush green hinterland to thegolden beaches and blue sea.Using a multitude of skills in drawing, painting,printing and cutting, the boys then had to design abalanced 3D layered project to represent the manylayers of our community.Many collaborative problem solving discussionstook place particularly when it came to addingtheir great beach activity ideas.AND WHAT GREAT IDEAS THEY WERE!14

Public Speaking 2010During Term Three, students from Years 3 to7 participated in the Prep Public SpeakingCompetition. Public Speaking is considered tobe the most common social fear, so the initialaim of this program was to provide all studentswith the opportunity to participate in a speakingcompetition in the safe and supportive environmentof their classroom.Following class-based competitions, finalists fromeach class were chosen to progress to the YearLevel finals. These finals took place from Weeks 8to 10 and the depth and talent of the participantswas astounding. Topics ranged from RecyclingWill Help the Planet to Australia’s GreatestWoman. It was no easy task for the adjudicatorsto make their decisions on final placings. Someplacings were only separated by half a point!Medals and certificates will be awarded in TermFour.At the end of the day, the real success of the PublicSpeaking program is not in the medals won, butin the enormous benefit this opportunity providesto develop and enhance students’ communicationskills and self-confidence.15

YEAR 2 ART<strong>The</strong> Year 2s have spent this term exploringcommunities from around the world.In Art, their focus has been on our own Gold Coastcommunity from the lush green hinterland to thegolden beaches and blue sea.Using a multitude of skills in drawing, painting,printing and cutting, the boys then had to design abalanced 3D layered project to represent the manylayers of our community.Many collaborative problem solving discussionstook place particularly when it came to addingtheir great beach activity ideas.AND WHAT GREAT IDEAS THEY WERE!14

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