Mosek - Computer Sciences Department

Mosek - Computer Sciences Department Mosek - Computer Sciences Department
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MOSEK 8The first option specifies the maximum number of interior-point iterations, in this case 20. The seond optionindicates a scaling option of 1, which is no scaling.We remark that users can also use symbolic constants in place of numerical values. For example, for the scalingoption users could use MSK SCALING NONE in place of the value 1. For a complete list of applicable symbolicconstants, consult the MOSEK parameter list available online at Memory Considerations for Nonlinear ProblemsThe GAMS workfactor option can be used to increase the amount of memory available to MOSEK. The generalsyntax is(modelname).workfactor = (value)with a default value of 1. See the section on “Using Solver Specific Options” for details. If GAMS/MOSEK runsout of memory, an error message is printed out:*** GAMS/MOSEK interface error.The size estimate for Hessian of Lagrangian is too small.Try to increase workfactor option from 1 to a larger value.GAMS/MOSEK estimates the size of the Hessian as 5∗(number of nonlinear variables)∗(workfactor). Becauseof symmetry, the size of the Hessian is bounded byH d ∗ (number of nonlinear variables) 2 /2where H d detotes the density of the Hessian and H d ∈ [0, 1]. Therefore, one can choose the workfactor as:workfactor = H d ∗ (number of nonlinear variables) ∗ /(5 ∗ 2)Note that for a seperable model (see “Modeling Issues Involving Convex Programs”), the workfactor can in factbe reduced to 1/5.4 Summary of MOSEK Options4.1 General and Preprocessing OptionsMSK IPAR OPTIMIZERoptimizer selectionMSK DPAR OPTIMIZER MAX TIMEtime limitMSK IPAR PRESOLVE ELIMINATOR USEswitch for free variable eliminationMSK IPAR PRESOLVE ELIM FILLfill-in control during presolveMSK IPAR PRESOLVE LINDEP USElinear dependency checkMSK IPAR PRESOLVE LINDEP WORK LIMmaximum work for finding linear dependenciesMSK IPAR PRESOLVE USEswitch for presolveMSK IPAR CACHE SIZE L1L1 cache size usedMSK IPAR CACHE SIZE L2

MOSEK 9L2 cache size usedMSK IPAR CPU TYPEspecifies the CPU typeMSK SPAR PARAM READ FILE NAMEname of a secondary MOSEK option fileMSK IPAR CONCURRENT NUM OPTIMIZERSmaximum number of optimizers during concurrent runMSK IPAR CONCURRENT PRIORITY DUAL SIMPLEXpriority of dual simplex algorithm in concurrent runMSK IPAR CONCURRENT PRIORITY FREE SIMPLEXpriority of free simplex algorithm in concurrent runMSK IPAR CONCURRENT PRIORITY INTPNTpriority of interior point algorithm in concurrent runMSK IPAR CONCURRENT PRIORITY PRIMAL SIMPLEXpriority of primal simplex algorithm in concurrent runMSK IPAR INFEAS REPORT AUTOswitch for infeasibility reportMSK IPAR INFEAS REPORT LEVELoutput level for infeasibility report4.2 Problem Data OptionsMSK DPAR DATA TOL AIJzero tolerance for matrix coefficientsMSK DPAR DATA TOL AIJ LARGEwarning for large coefficients in matrixMSK DPAR DATA TOL BOUND INFbound value for infinityMSK DPAR DATA TOL BOUND WRNwarning for large boundsMSK DPAR DATA TOL CJ LARGEwarning for large coefficients in objectiveMSK DPAR DATA TOL C HUGEerror for huge coefficients in objectiveMSK DPAR DATA TOL QIJzero tolerance for Q matrix coefficientsMSK DPAR DATA TOL Xtolerance for fixed variablesMSK IPAR CHECK CONVEXITYlevel of convexity check for quadratic problemsMSK DPAR LOWER OBJ CUTlower objective limitMSK DPAR LOWER OBJ CUT FINITE TRHupper objective limit threasholdMSK DPAR UPPER OBJ CUTupper objective limitMSK DPAR UPPER OBJ CUT FINITE TRHlower objective limit threashold4.3 Output Options

MOSEK 9L2 cache size usedMSK IPAR CPU TYPEspecifies the CPU typeMSK SPAR PARAM READ FILE NAMEname of a secondary MOSEK option fileMSK IPAR CONCURRENT NUM OPTIMIZERSmaximum number of optimizers during concurrent runMSK IPAR CONCURRENT PRIORITY DUAL SIMPLEXpriority of dual simplex algorithm in concurrent runMSK IPAR CONCURRENT PRIORITY FREE SIMPLEXpriority of free simplex algorithm in concurrent runMSK IPAR CONCURRENT PRIORITY INTPNTpriority of interior point algorithm in concurrent runMSK IPAR CONCURRENT PRIORITY PRIMAL SIMPLEXpriority of primal simplex algorithm in concurrent runMSK IPAR INFEAS REPORT AUTOswitch for infeasibility reportMSK IPAR INFEAS REPORT LEVELoutput level for infeasibility report4.2 Problem Data OptionsMSK DPAR DATA TOL AIJzero tolerance for matrix coefficientsMSK DPAR DATA TOL AIJ LARGEwarning for large coefficients in matrixMSK DPAR DATA TOL BOUND INFbound value for infinityMSK DPAR DATA TOL BOUND WRNwarning for large boundsMSK DPAR DATA TOL CJ LARGEwarning for large coefficients in objectiveMSK DPAR DATA TOL C HUGEerror for huge coefficients in objectiveMSK DPAR DATA TOL QIJzero tolerance for Q matrix coefficientsMSK DPAR DATA TOL Xtolerance for fixed variablesMSK IPAR CHECK CONVEXITYlevel of convexity check for quadratic problemsMSK DPAR LOWER OBJ CUTlower objective limitMSK DPAR LOWER OBJ CUT FINITE TRHupper objective limit threasholdMSK DPAR UPPER OBJ CUTupper objective limitMSK DPAR UPPER OBJ CUT FINITE TRHlower objective limit threashold4.3 Output Options

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