PURPLE SAGE - Waunakee Community School District

PURPLE SAGE - Waunakee Community School District

PURPLE SAGE - Waunakee Community School District

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ThePurple Sage<strong>Waunakee</strong> <strong>Community</strong> High <strong>School</strong>Opinion“This can only meanone thing: theapocalypse.”–Lily Vanderbloemen onthe immenent end of theworld.FeaturesEntertainment“The film is raw andrealistic and showsmore than the glitz andglam of winning.”–Sierra Gillespie on TheFighter.For more turn to page 10SportsSage PageFor more see page 5See no evil?Turn to page8 for moreBoysbasketballjumpsto newheights astheycontinuetheirundefeatedseason.See page 13for moreThank gosh, it hasfinally opened.Turn to page 16QuotableUOTE“Nobodycan go backand start a newbeginning, butanyonecan starttoday andmake a newending.”– Maria RobinsonVolume 9, Issue 4Presented byThe Wednesday SocietyJanuary 26, 2011<strong>Waunakee</strong>, WITaking the old system to the curbMelanie GuitzkowReporterNext time Mom tells youto take out the trash, do notfret because a new trash andrecycling system has hit thetown.As of January 1, PellitteriWaste Systems began buisnessin <strong>Waunakee</strong>. Pellitteri hasadded <strong>Waunakee</strong> to its list ofresidential customers whichincludes Fitchburg, Middleton,Verona and Oregon.A new system for <strong>Waunakee</strong>will start April 4 and is similarto the current waste collectionsystem in Madison. The newsystem is completely automaticaside from the driver of thevehicle. The reason for thechange is the inefficiency inthe current system. The trashcollectors face repetitive heavylifting of garbage thousandsof times each week, whichcan possibly lead to injury.According to Pellitteri, the newautomated system is also moreenvironmentally friendly.Since this new system will bedone with an automated cartcollection system, <strong>Waunakee</strong>residents will be receiving newtrash and recycling bins. Flyerscontaining more informationabout receiving the newbins have been distributedthroughout <strong>Waunakee</strong>.T h e c a r t s a r e f r e e o fcharge and will be deliveredthroughout the month ofMarch. The carts come inthree different sizes: 35 gallon,holding approximately threeto four kitchen trash bags, 65gallon, holding approximatelyfive to six kitchen trashbags, and 95 gallon holdingapproximately seven to eightkitchen trash bags. Residentswill automatically get the 95gallon carts unless a formnoting otherwise was returnedbefore January 21. However, ifresidents would like a differentcart size after they have alreadyreceived the 95 gallon bin, an<strong>Waunakee</strong> students having less sex than state peersBranden StatzReporterRisky behavior can be foundin many forms. It can dealwith anything from drinking,to sexual activities or to druguse. The truth is, risky behavioris all around us; for that reason,<strong>Waunakee</strong> school districtofficials decided to give theWisconsin Online Youth RiskBehavior Survey to all studentsin grades seven, eight, nine andeleven.Pictured above are the new trash bins at the Village Center that <strong>Waunakee</strong> will be getting this March. Thebins come in three different sizes: (from left to right) 95 gallon, 65 gallon and 35 gallon. Households willreceive the 95 gallon bin automatically unless requested otherwise (Photo by Lydia Dorn).Examples of current <strong>Waunakee</strong> residents’ trash bins with and without wheels. (Photo by Lydia Dorn).exchange can be made for$25. The different sized binsare displayed at the VillageHall, Village Center and PigglyWiggly.As usual, trash will becollected weekly. However,the trash will not be pickedup unless the correct cartsare used. Excess trash outsideof the cart will not be pickedup unless it has a trash bagDesigned to seek out areasof detrimental behavior thatcan cause the most significantmortality and social problemsduring adolescence, this surveycalculates the numbersand finds those problem areas.<strong>District</strong> psychologist, CraigWille, collects the data fromthis survey, breaks it down intoaverages and compares theresults among other schoolsin Wisconsin.Students took the survey viathe internet in February 2010tag bought from PellitteriWaste Systems attached to it,signaling that there is trash inan alternate barrel needing tobe picked up.Recycling, however, willbe picked up ever y otherw e e k s t a r t i n g w i t h t h enew garbage collectingsystem. All recyclables (i.e.cardboard, paper, newspapers,magazines, plastics and steel/and will do the same this year.Wille said the survey, “was notgiven here particularly becauseof any great concern, ratherthis survey is simply widelyused in schools.” In fact, everyschool in Dane Countytakes a similar survey. On thewhole, <strong>Waunakee</strong>’s results aremuch lower than that of otherschools state wide.When polling students ingrades seven, eight, nine andeleven, pertaining the useof alcohol, about half of allaluminum/tin cans) go into therecycling cart. Pellitteri highlyencourages residents to buythe largest bin for recycling inorder to recycle more itemswith Pellitteri. Carts should beset out by 7 a.m. at the latestfor pickup.Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o nregarding the new system,visit www.Pellitteri.com.Wisconsin students admittedto drinking within 30 days ofthe test. That number is about27 percent for <strong>Waunakee</strong> students.When looking at marijuanause, about 37 percent ofWisconsin students said theyhad tried marijuana before,compared to 19 percent of<strong>Waunakee</strong> students. Sexualbehavior, also considered arisky behavior, is much lowerin <strong>Waunakee</strong> compared to see Survey Results page 2

NEWSLily Vanderbloemen, News EditorTis’ the season of judgmentJenna McGowanReporter“Since its inception in 1983,the Wisconsin High <strong>School</strong>Mock Trial Program hasbrought our legal system tolife for thousands of students,”claims the State Bar of Wisconsin,the group which putson the annual high schoolmock trial competitionsacross Wisconsin.The Mock Trialprogram uses factsand case materials fromreal Wisconsin attorneysfor high school trialsacross Wisconsin,including<strong>Waunakee</strong> High<strong>School</strong>.The Mock Trialprogram here in<strong>Waunakee</strong> isheaded bysocial studiesinstructorCharlieFullerand has attracted “eight o rnine students, [this year],”said junior participant MikaelaBreunig.Although the Mock Trialprogram has an obvious emphasison educating studentson law-based procedures, noteveryone involved in MockStudents cheer R-E-S-P-E-C-TMadison WescottReporterStudent fans representtheir community based ontheir actions, especially howthey cheer at sporting events.Therefore, <strong>Waunakee</strong> AthleticDirector, Brian Smith, took severalstudents to a local sportsmanshipsummit this pastDecember.Smith takes various parents,coaches and students to thisannual event this year locatedin Sauk Prairie, Wisconsin.Each year, different groupsof people attend. WhenSmith chooses studentsto go tothe summit,he choosesones that leadthe cheers atsporting events and are ingrades eleven and twelve. Thismethod is used in hopes ofolder students setting a goodexample of cheering with respectfuland positive attitudesfor the younger students. Thisyear Smith took seniors BeauMurray, Jared Staege, HaileyRipley, Lindsey Laufenberg,Calvin Witt and juniors LeoTrial necessarily wishes to enterinto the law field.As Breunig said, “[Mock trial]helps with critical thinking andall that jazz. It is also goodbecauseit helps yout h i n k o nyour feet.” Junior Megan Fitzpatrickalso said, “It’s really awhole new way of thinking.You always have to be a stepahead of the other team.”The program is also designedto help students gain adeeper understanding of legalprocedures and laws that af-Musso and Max Chamberlin.A key note speaker, Jay Wilsonfrom the News 3000 Sportssection, came in and talkedabout why sportsmanshipis important. Afterwards,the students broke intosmaller groups withs t u d e n t s f r o mother schoolsand brainstormedideaso nh o w t omake gamesa n d e v e n t smore respectful.“Sportsmanship is a big partof high school sports, so wefeel it is important that kidsknow what the guidelines areand how they should act,” saidSmith. Students have beenasked why there has occasionallybeen bad sportsmanship.Nobody quite knows theanswer. Players on the fieldhave been asked how they feelfect our lives, not just to helpan aspiring lawyer get ahead.Through the Mock Trial competition,students have the opportunityto argue on both theprosecution and defense sidesof the trial. The program allowsstudents to analyze casematerial, present witnessesand receive feedbackfrom actual judgesand attorneys.Teams receivecase studies atthe beginningof the year andhave a series oftwo scrimmages beforeheading off to theregional tournament.So far, theWHS team hashad one scrimmagein December. Fitzpatricksaid, “As a team we all workreally well together. Wehave only had one scrimmageand that’s where welearned the ropes of howmock trial really works.”If a team does well at the regionallevel, they have the opportunityto move on to state.For the <strong>Waunakee</strong> team, theyhave a busy February comingup with a scrimmage on February3 and the regional competitionon February 12. “As ateam we want to win regionalsin February,” said Fitzpatrick.when students say negativethings. Some say that it reallyhurts their feelings; others saythat it makes them play harder.Students have even said thatwhen they start cheers, theystart off slow. If a supervisordoes not say anything theykeep escalating until someonesays to stop. Smithsaid, “They [students]push the limits that areset for them.”I n 2 0 0 1 , t h eB a d g e r N o r t hand South confe r e n c e w a schanged from nineto 14 teams. Therefore, actionhad to be taken to makesure the schools, coaches andcommunity stayed positive. Accordingto Smith, our school’spositive attitude has noticeablyimproved over the years. “Wewant the attention focused onthe players, not on the studentsin the stands,” Smith said.The students who went tothe summit learned quite abit. “I like to hear how otherschools’ rules compare to ourswhen it comes to sportsmanship,”said Laufenberg.Taco Bell/KFC opensSurvey Results<strong>Waunakee</strong>’s newest fast food restaraunt opened its doors onTuesday, January 11. The drive-thru and inside were packed ashundreds of people filed through the doors to try a mouthful ofthe new food in town.The menu offers a variety of choices from biscuits to cinnamontwists. This dual restaraunt allows you to have both food from theKFC menu as well as the Taco Bell menu. For more on the opening,turn to page 16 (Photos by Lydia Dorn).from Page 1Wisconsin as well. Nearlyhalf, 45 percent, of Wisconsinstudents admitted to havingsexual intercourse within thepast three months comparedto a mere 18 percent in <strong>Waunakee</strong>.When taking a look at socialsupport, an astounding 87percent of <strong>Waunakee</strong> studentsagreed that their families lovethem and that <strong>Waunakee</strong> High<strong>School</strong> supports them, a muchlarger number than that of thestate level.Although some people maybe worried about the reliabilityof a survey like this, the surveyis 100 percent anonymous, andthe importance of this surveymay make students want toanswer more truthfully.“In general, in these risky behaviorareas, <strong>Waunakee</strong>’s reportsare significantly lower inevery area than the rest of Wisconsin,”Wille said. Althoughthis bodes well for <strong>Waunakee</strong>,“There are still areas we canwork on, especially regardingthe use of marijuana. Becauseeven if there is only one personusing these risky behaviors, weneed to do everything we canto help him or her,” said Wille.The survey will be administeredhis February to studentsin grades seven, eight, nineand eleven.SAVE THEPLANET,RECYCLETHISPAPERPage 2The Purple Sage January 26, 2011

NEWSOne problem at a timeOlivia RuchReporterAn ever present concern intoday’s society is what willcome in the future. One internationaleducational organization,Future ProblemSolvers, also known as FPS,engages high achieving studentsto solve problems of thefuture.FPS was introduced to the<strong>Waunakee</strong> High <strong>School</strong> in1999. Dr. E. Paul Torrance,who was one of the biggestnames in creativity, startedthe international program. Accordingto the Future ProblemSolving Problems Internationalwebsite, the goal of the programis, “to develop the abilityof young people globally todesign and promote positivefutures using critical, creativethinking.”In FPS, there are multiplesmall teams; each teamwrites a booklet on an assignedfuture problem. Thenthe teams submit their bookletsto the state FPS board tobe reviewed and critiqued.This year’s challenge for FPSparticipants is to address theglobal issue of genetic testing.Judges at the state competitiondetermine rankings of themany teams who participate.Team members working (from left to right) sophomores Jenna Frazier,Michaela Johnson, Taylor Mulcahey, Kara Schultz, juniors CassieBright, Mikaela Breunig, sophomores Ally Pulvermacher and Molly Mc-Donough and supervisor Martha Barlow (Photo by Lydia Dorn).The top two teams move onto the international competition.Last year two <strong>Waunakee</strong>teams attended the internationalcompetition.Martha Barlow, supervisorof the FPS program at WHS,said, “FPS is one of the mostintellectually challengingthings you can do, and problemsolving is one of the toptwenty-first century skills thatemployers look for.” Membersof the FPS team meet weeklyfor one hour collaborativesessions and an additionaltwo hours when completing aproblem.“I was friends with thepeople on my team beforeFPS, but our relationshipshave grown stronger and wehave more memories withFPS,” said Freshman DanielleAmundson.“In FPS, we learn differentways to solve complex problemsabout a wide variety oftopics. The methods we usecan be applied to many problemsthat people face in theworkforce,” said Amundson.Future Problem Solvers is agreat opportunity for studentswith big ambitions for the future.Interested students cancontact Martha Barlow to be apart of next year’s team.NEWSbriefsTUCSON, Arizona – A federal jury indicted Jared Laughnerlast Wednesday on three counts in connection with theTucson shooting spree on January 8 which wounded13, including U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords andcaused six fatalities. Justice Department officials ensuredthat this accusation is only temporary until all the factsare known and they fully intend to indict the suspect ontwo more counts after they can build up their case. Thistemporary accusation was expected as these officialshave only 30 days to bring an indictment, mandated bythe federal criminal code. At this time, it is uncertainwhen the final indictment will be determined. On aseparate note, Gifffords has made tremendous stridesin her recovery and was taken outside for the first timelast Thursday since the shooting.WAUNAKEE, Wisconsin – After hearing positive feedbackfrom WHS students regarding the Laude System articlefrom the December issue of the Purple Sage, PrincipalBrian Kersten in conjunction with the full school boarddecided to move the laude system forward for a meansof recognition at the graduation ceremony this June. Theinitial course list published in the December issue of thePurple Sage is still current, with the exception of a fewpossible additions to the class list, including Math 4. Assoon as grades are calculated for first semester, staff willbe working with Director of Curriculum and InstructionTim Schell to calculate laude scores via Infinite Campus.It should be noted that laude-qualifying classes of secondsemester seniors will qualify for calculation in the laudescore; however, the GPA of the student in those classeswill be determined from their cumulative GPA over thecourse of their first seven semesters of high school. Seethe Purple Sage’s December issue for the proposedmethod of laude calculation.Information compiled from msnbc.com and Principal Brian Kersten by Olivia KnierHAVING MORE RETIREMENT ACCOUNTSIS NOT THE SAMEAS HAVING MORE MONEY.When it comes to the number of retirement accounts youhave, the saying “more is better” is not necessarily true. Infact, if you hold multiple accounts with various brokers, itcan be difficult to keep track of your investments and tosee if you’re properly diversified. * At the very least, multipleaccounts usually mean multiple fees.Bringing your accounts to Edward Jones could help solveall that. Plus, one statement can make it easier to see ifyou’re moving toward your goals.* Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against loss.To learn why consolidating your retirement accountsto Edward Jones makes sense, call your local financialadvisor today.Tammy A Reefe, AAMS®Financial Advisor.314 E Main Street<strong>Waunakee</strong>, WI 53597608-850-6267Shelley M Moffatt, AAMS®Financial Advisor.221 S Century Avenue<strong>Waunakee</strong>, WI 53597608-849-6649www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC608-849-3110124 W. Main Street<strong>Waunakee</strong>, WIHours:Monday:11 a.m.- 5 p.m.Tuesday & Wednesday:11 a.m.- 6 p.m.Thursday & Friday:11 a.m.- 5 p.m.Saturday11 a.m. - 3 p.m.Now taking prom dresses! Flatfee of only ten dollars and youget 100% of selling price, callfor an appointment.January 26, 2011 The Purple SagePage 3

OPINIONJamie Warner, Opinion EditorDrunk driving: life in danger, law in questionKelly MartinSports EditorWisconsin has the highestrate of drunk drivers of anystate in the nation.According to criminal lawexpert Wayne Campbell ofEzine Articles, in 2009, therewere over 44,000 convicteddrivers under the influence,and more than 26 percent ofadults drove with alcohol intheir systems. Lives were lostin 238 cases, and almost 4,000people were injured in alcoholrelatedcrashes. Almost 45percent of fatal automobilecrashes were due to alcohol.Wisconsin alone recordeda total of 605 traffic fatalitiesin 2008. Out of those 605, 250incidents were alcohol related,almost 42 percent, and 208 hada blood alcohol concentrationover .08. This means almost 35percent of the crashes weredue to drivers with a highlydangerous amount of alcoholin their system.Despite the impact of drunkdriving in our state, we havenot done anything to change it.We are one of the only states inthe United States that charges arepeat DUI as a misdemeanor,not as a felony. A firsttime offense is noteven considered acrime but a mere civilinfraction, although thepunishment increaseswith repeat infractions.Fo r i n s t a n c e , t h ep u n i s h m e n t f o r athird offense is a fineof $2,000, a licensesuspension for up to threeyears and jail time up to oneyear.If a person already has threeoffenses, who is dumb enoughto believe that person will oneday wake up and decide toSemester exam woesChris PedersenWebpage ManagerEvery year students engagein a painful ritual of physicaland mental anguish, downinggallons of stimulants andtreading the edge of insanityjust to be able to do it again inseveral months. I am talkingof course about finals, atrying and ultimately pointlessestablishment that must bechanged.The biggest issue with finalsis they are based on the ideathat a several hundred questiontest can represent a semesterof lear ning. Throughouta semester one learns (orrather should learn) hundredsof tidbits of information. Ateacher can only test so manythings in a 90 minute period,which forces them to narrowtheir focus and only test the“important details.” How couldyou possibly know if I willneed to remember the shapeof General Sherman’s bearddown the road? Maybe I wantto be a painter, and someday Iget hired to paint a mural of aCivil War battle that happensto incorporate him. I will notknow how to do so because Idid not have time to study thatalong with all the other details.The next issue is that testsdo not necessarily reflect one’sknowledge of a concept. Apoorly worded question, thedeafening silence or simplythe format of the test cancause problems. I can thinkof several people who needsome background noise toconcentrate, and the school’sinsistence in making everyonetake the same test in the sameenvironment is the opposite offair. Besides, the bubble sheetsmake it very tempting to followpatterns, and in one’s searchto find a pattern he or sheinevitably is tempted to choosethe wrong answer. Humansare built to look for patterns. IfI had not had a bubble sheetI would not have written fivelettermessages in the bubbles,and I would not have to retakethis charlatan class.A n o t h e r i s s u e i s t h etremendous freedom examw e e k g r a n t s s t u d e n t s .Everyone knows the purposeof school is to crush the humanspirit so kids are prepared forthe monotonous busy workof the corporate world. Thislast week I slept enough, atea hearty breakfast, and evenread a novel. For once thisyear I was not stressed. I washappy, talkative, and evenmanaged to make a joke thatwas actually funny. Anyonewho has seen “Ferris Bueller’sDay Off” knows people shouldnot be stress free or, dare I sayit, happy during the schoolyear.As a solution to theseproblems, I propose everyonewrite an essay or two per classover the course of two dayswith a constant screechingbell in the background. Thereis nothing wrong with thatscenario, and I think it issomething any institution canget behind.stop? It is like any addiction:if there is no consequence tocontinuing, nothing will stopthem from doing just that.In states such as California,a fourth DUI offense isconsidered a felony. You willserve up to three years instate prison and permanently“Six times a personhas been caught risking thelives of you, me, ourfamilies and our friends.– Kelly Martinlose your license, at the least.In Wisconsin, on your fifth orsixth conviction an offenderwould spend up to six years injail, be fined up to $10,000 andhave their license suspendedup to three years.Last month the movie “TrueGrit” opened, and with it camemixed reviews. I personally didnot see the film for reasonsbesides it being a western.The 2010 version of “TrueGrit” was based off the 1969version of the same name,starring the king of westerns,John Wayne. No offense toJeff Bridges, but it is kind ofimpossible to successfullyreprise a role that originatedwith the most legendary actorof a genre.This leads to my belief, toput it bluntly, that remakes ofmovies are awful. Aside from ahandful of remakes that trumpthe original, (like 1997 “TheParent Trap”), most remakesdo not match the first.When an audience watchesa remake, they are expectingHow many times have youseen a name in the paper ontheir sixth offense? Six timesa person has been caughtrisking the lives of you, me,our families and our friends.How can anyone possibly beallowed on the roads after justone offense, let alone six?There are no excusesfor drunk driving, andit is weak laws likethe ones in Wisconsinthat make me want togo into government.”All it takes is oneperson deciding todrive drunk one timeto take an innocentlife. The victims ofcarelessness could be anyone:your mom or dad, brother orsister. These offenders do notseem to comprehend the harmtheir selfish actions cause.What gives me hope is thatthousands of people do notto see the same movie asthe original. They have seenthe original countless timesand know what to expect,considering most remakesare made decades after theoriginal movie. It is basicallythe same, classic movie withyounger actors.Unfortunately, this seldomhappens. Scripts are changed,dialogue revamped andstory lines torn apart and putback together. Ultimately acompletely different moviehas emerged, having only atitle and characters’ names incommon.Movies that are remadeare generally remade fromblockbusters or cult classics.This leads to a simple question:why? If the movie was so goodin the first place, why remakeit? In doing so, the entireproduction is risking a boatloadof money, their precious timelose their lives every day thanksto countries like Sweden. Ifyou are caught with a bloodalcohol concentration of 0.02in Sweden, you receive a heavyfine and a prison sentence (orboth), and lose your driver’slicense. Compare that figureto Wisconsin’s limit of .08.According to the NationalHighway and TransportationSafety Administration, it issuspected that only 3.3 percentof accidents in Sweden havealcohol involvement, a starkcontrast to the United States’s38.6 percent.We need to change the lawshere. The obvious differencein official statistics betweenthe United States and othercountries along with Wisconsinand other states shows howstricter laws with strongerpunishments can make all thedifference.Remakes slipshod Franken-filmsSierra GillespieEntertainment Editorand their reputations in the dogeat dog world of Hollywood.W h o i s t o s a y t h a t ablockbuster in the 1930s isgoing to be a blockbusterin 2011? Obviously manythings about the script haveto be updated, and the actors’performances are going to varyas well.Most remakes are not biopics,so the actors are going to wantto recreate the character theyare playing, instead of playingthe character the same way thefirst actor played it. This onlyleads to more audience upset.Remember: the audiencewants the same movie withdifferent actors, unless theaudience is unaware thatthe film is a remake, whichcompletely astounds me.Movies like “ The L akeHouse,” “Something’s Got to see REMAKES page 6Page 4The Purple Sage January 26, 2011

OPINIONTHEWEDNESDAY SOCIETYspeaksNew year, old habitsAs the Times Square Ball drops at midnight signaling thenew year on January 1, a few things traverse through ourminds. One, is anybody going to kiss me? Two, do I need toleave now as to avoid said kiss? Three, I have a lot to changefor the new year. Focusing on that third and final thoughtmight meanwhile conquer thought number one as well.From <strong>Waunakee</strong> to New York, people have taken the newyear as a time to resolve to be better. A typical scenariostarts like this: impassioned by a chorus of Auld Lang Synefrom a television and tired after a night out with friends,our hypothetical subject groggily makes a promise that thisyear will be different. The old man Father Time is steppingdown to Baby New Year, so they can finally turn over a newleaf and start fresh as a new person. This year, they will bebetter than they were the last.They decide to lose an immense amount of weight by theirspring break trip in three months and fall asleep excitedlyimagining their future life. The trouble begins January 3.On January 1, our figure is too tired to worry about muchof anything and uses it as an excuse not to start the drasticlifestyle change needed to accomplish their goal. On January2, they hit the gym ready as ever. The person uses the lightmachines because this is their first time, and they need tostart small. Then January 3 hits, this year as a Monday (theabsolute worst day of the week). After returning from schooland work, our subject has no ambition to exercise and insteadopts for the comfy luring couch with a box of chocolates leftover from Christmas and the season premiere of “PrettyLily VanderbloemenNews EditorBirds are falling dead fromthe sky, fish and crabs arewashing up cold on riverbanks, and number oneseeded football teams arelosing divisional playoff games.This can only mean one thing:the apocalypse.As the Mayan calendarsuggests, 2012 may be the endof the world. Some interpretthe ending of the Mayancalendar as a global “spiritualtransfor mation.” Othersbelieve a new era will emergeor the world will undergo agreat restructuring, althoughhow this happens is unclear.A third group insists the end ofthe world is approaching.THE <strong>PURPLE</strong> <strong>SAGE</strong>Editorial StaffContact us by e-mail: purplesage@waunakee.k12.wi.usOLIVIA KNIEREditor in ChiefLILY VANDERBLOEMENNews EditorJAMIE WARNEROpinion EditorSARA VINCENTFeatures EditorSIERRA GILLESPIEEntertainment EditorIn the late 1990s, a similarpanic was present, for peoplebelieved the new millenniumwould bring its own apocalypse.Clearly that did not happen,and these disastrous events didnot present themselves untilfurther into the new century.Who knows? In the year 1000,the Romans may have beenpreparing for their own end,although their empire did notcollapse until 500 years later.Movies such as “2012” andHistor y Channel specialsconsume many people’s livesas they feed off the thrill oflearning of the world’s endin 694 days (and counting).Media industries have profitedoff high-seeking frenziessuch as these, and like anycompany, they will continueKELLY MARTINSports EditorJOSH LERDAHLAIDAN SCHLITTLERSage Page EditorsLYDIA DORNPhotography EditorANGELA GILBERTSONProduction AssistantLittle Liars.” It is obvious that with attitudes and actionssuch as these, no resolutions will be met.What can we learn from our sad, victory-deprivedexample? The new year can be a great starting point, but itis also important to consider the days after the holiday. Afterall, it is much easier to say you will work hard to accomplisha goal when you are not yet working. The most importantthing to do when trying to set New Year’s resolutions is tohave a manageable goal. Also by setting reasonable goals,you will more likely go above and beyond those goals.Second, dress for success. While what you wear will notdetermine if you reach your goal or not, the attitude ofsuccess is what is needed. Start the year with a positiveattitude; be the Little Engine that Could. If you go into theyear already thinking you are going to fail, then you willcertainly not meet your goal. The key here is confidence;however, if your New Year’s resolution is to become moreconfident, good luck.Finally, if you do fail in your resolution, do not wait untilnext New Year’s day to make another resolution. The newyear might provide impetus to start a resolution, but ifyour goals are manageable, there is no need to wait. Do notuse the holiday as an excuse for procrastination and saveresolutions as a plan for next time. If you feel you need towait twelve months before changing something, then yourgoals are probably not realistic, and they will not be metanyway. Whether it is getting a date to prom or becomingmore organized, the three most important aspects of asuccessful goal are reasonable, positive, and gradual.to maximize profitthrough hypedt e l e v i s i o nshows andreferencesuntil thefad is over.A f t e r a l l ,December 21, 2012 isjust a fad.When a fewbirds drop dead,e v e r y o n e i srushing off toa far-fetchedapocalypsea s t h er e a s o n .Little fact,a c t u a l l yn o f a c t ,s u p p o r t sthis claim, andThe Purple Sage<strong>Waunakee</strong> <strong>Community</strong> High <strong>School</strong>301 <strong>Community</strong> Drive<strong>Waunakee</strong>, WI 53597EMILY DREWRYCopy EditorAARON SCHMIDTAdvertising ManagerCHRIS PEDERSENWeb Page ManagerTAMMY RADEMACHERAdviserEDITORIALPOLICIESThe Purple Sage is written and produced entirely by<strong>Waunakee</strong> <strong>Community</strong> High <strong>School</strong> students. Opinionsin The Purple Sage are the opinions of the author anddo not necessarily reflect the opinions of the newspaperstaff or the school district. Students, staff, and membersof the community are welcome to submit Letters to theEditor. Letters should be 250 words or less and must besigned. Letters may be delivered to room 1502, or sentto our mailing or email address.The Purple Sage is published monthly and is printedby South Central Publishing. The Purple Sage is amember of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association,the National Scholastic Press Association and the KettleMoraine Press Association. Subscriptions to The PurpleSage are available for $20 per year. Mail subscriptionrequests or other requests to our mailing address ore-mail address.QuotableUOTE“Truecompassionis more thanflinging acoin to abeggar. Itcomes to seethat an edificewhichproducesbeggars needsrestructuring.”– Martin LutherKing, Jr.Falling bird fatalism fueled by media fadl o g i c a lexplanations forthe mysteriousd e a t h s h a v ep r e s e n t e dthemselves. Flocks havefallen victim to death in thepast. Just now we are fearfullyconnecting the incidentsfueled by media hype. Thebirds could have died fromweather mishaps as well asenvironmental reasons. Maybea bunch of aliens flew down toearth, got out their gamma rayguns and targeted insignificantbirds and fish. Yeah, whoknows.W h i l e p e o p l e m a yadamantly believe in the2012 phenomenon, do notget caught up in the fad.There is nothing we should beconcerning ourselves over for2012 as far as an apocalypse isconsidered. There is a betterchance of Iran nuking theUnited States than that – butthen again that would be anapocalypse in itself.The Purple SageJanuary 26, 2011 Page 5OSRICGnome

OPINIONNew country a milestone of peaceSudan, Africa’slargest country, issplitting into two.The southern portion,which was slighted fordecades, will finallyearn itsindependence.Jamie WarnerOpinion EditorOn January 9, the inhabitantsof the southern portion ofSudan, the largest country inAfrica, were presented with avote to choose whether to gainindependence from the rest ofthe country.With an overwhelming bodyof support for independencein South Sudan (99 percentaccording to the BBC) andpeople who want to stickto the old ways a rare sight,the vote is certain to pass forindependence. The only thingsthat could stand in the way ofindependence are violenceat poll stations preventingthe people from voting orcorruption skewing the results.The division of Sudan andcreation of a new country isa milestone achievement andwill mark the end of a bitterconflict between the north andsouth regions.The long-anticipated splitis a bad relationship finallybreaking. South Sudan hasbeen slighted in the exchangefor decades. Although ithas most of the nation’s oilreserves, it needs the North’spipeline connection to theMiddle East to effectively sell it.Because of this reliance, theSouth has not received therevenue from its oil. Instead,the North is thriving from theSouth’s resources; Khartoum,its capital, is a boom town.The one-way relationship callsback an image of a mistreated,soot-covered factory workerwho slaves all day but isunappreciated by the wealthyfactor y owner. While thedivision is difficult for the shortterm, the only way the countrycan move on in the long termRemakesfrom Page 4Give” and “Disturbia” are allremakes of classic movies, andno one would have expected it.It is sad to think that our currentscreenwriters are constantlyreferring back to other worksinstead of creating their own.Can we just have one solid,original movie?T h e m o v i e r e m a k efascination is really boomingIf South Sudan were to gain independence, the oil pipelines leading toPort Sudan would be redirected. Juba would be its capital. Source: CIAWorld Factbookis if it is unrestricted by poorcooperation.The reasons for the split arelargely ethnic and religious.The North is mostly comprisedof Muslims with a connectionto the Arab culture. The South,on the other hand, is made upof non-Arab Christians or otherdenominations. The Southhas had poor representationfor decades, with the Northsucking the oil profits. Thetension has often escalatedinto violence. In one case,the North tried to imposestrict Islamic law on the entirecountry, although the actionwas stopped.Sudan was on a course forsplitting. While the division of acountry may seem a bad thingfor the Northerners, somethingwas going to happen about thesituation there. It is good thatthe country decided to resolveits differences peacefullyinstead of resorting to analternative, like civil war.While the split needed tohappen, it will cause shorttermproblems for SouthSudan. There was violence atthe elections. Already, severalin the horror genre, and franklyI am getting fed up. “Friday the13th,” “A Nightmare On ElmStreet,” “Halloween,” “PromNight,” “My Bloody Valentine”and so many other late 70s,early 80s horror movies areremade, and for what? Togarner a little more badpress? It is quite unfortunatewhen movies that were notsuccessful in their first run areremade. Unfortunately, in thehorror genre, this happensalmost constantly.police officers have died inborderline cities. The Southalso ranks behind the Northin most measures of qualityof life: infant mortality, watersanitation, education and foodstability and will also need tobuild a new pipeline to startearning money from theiroil reserves. Once they starta steady oil export, they willneed to develop an effectivebudget to develop the region.Making a new country is hardwork, after all.There have been complaintsthat South Sudan is not readyfor independence, but I believethe short term problems canbe resolved over the years.After they gain independence,the people will be inspired andmotivated to build their home.In addition, South Sudan’sgeography, grasslands, swampsand forests, is hospitable tolong-term civilization and is acontrast to the North coveredin desert. When the South’stemporary problems are ironedout, it will be lasting and stable,and we will see Sudan finallyliving in peace.The people who work inthis genre not only have afascination for remakingAmerican horror movies, buthave started going overseasto remake Japanese movies.“The Ring,” 2002, was scary,but based off 1998’s “Ring.”Please, can we have a littlecreativity?Apparently not, for manyfilms such as “The Birds,”“Teen Wolf,” “Lara Croft: TombRaider,” “Bourne Identity”and “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” areThumbs up!Half theschool yearis over.Exam week:a second,miniature WinterBreak.Boys basketballremainsundefeated afterdefeatingMonroe.The newtrashsystem.While it is trueyou can’t spell“Pellitteri”without “litter,”and anautomatedtrash systemtakes us onestep closer toa robot apocalypse,it isgreener andmore efficient.VolunteerConnect:<strong>Waunakee</strong>’s newphilanthropicarm.slated to be remade in the nearfuture. It seems as though myrule of remakes being releasedat least a decade after theoriginal has been amended,for a majority of the films inproduction for being remadewere released within the newmillennium.If movie remakes wereoccasional, my opinion aboutthem would be completelydifferent. If Hollywood took thetime to choose the appropriatefilms to remake, and did themThumbs down...Half theschool yearto go.Failed NewYear’sresolutions: “Todaydoesn’tcount”... for amonth.Baby NewYeardelights andinspires, but thefate of Old FatherTime is swept tothe side in thecommotion. Isthe holiday moremorbid thancommonlythought?Examschedulelogistics: Withexams first andthird hour, shouldI stay or should Igo?The heinousnonconformerswho refuse touse a number 2pencil onScantrons.well, I would enjoy far moremovie remakes than I do.Sadly, Hollywood does notvalue my opinion, though Ishare it with many others.Unfortunately, movies willcontinue to be remade overtime, and there is nothing Ican do to stop it. My only hopeis that Hollywood will leavethe true cinematic gold alone,and remake things that needremaking and redeeming.Page 6The Purple Sage January 26, 2011

FEATURESSara Vincent, Features EditorCheck out your new favorite titles to iPods and NooksWith the introduction of new electronicdevices into the market, it seems that peoplecan download almost anything to theiriPod Touches, iPads, Nooks and other e-readers. This is no exception to WHS. Now,at the LMTC or at home, you can check outbooks and read them in a sophisticatedand technological manner.Caroline PatzReporterHow to DownloadFrom Home1. Student must download theOverDrive station application (Mrs.Ramsey can help with this).2. Connect and test your device forcompatibility.3. Check out which audiobook youwould like to download.4. Select the title and place it into youreBookbag.5. Hit the download button.Freshman Noah Stamsta explores European sport of cyclocrossPicture this: You are on abike, going up a hill. It is steep;really, really steep, but youknow you are strong and youcan do it. You need to finish therace. Your heart is pounding,your legs are burning with asoreness you cannot put intowords, and your lungs arefrantically gasping for air.Freshman Noah Stamstasaid that pushing yourselfto physical capacity is thehardest part of a sport calledcyclocross.Cyclocross is a form ofbicycle racing on a coursemade up of many differentkinds of terrain includingpavement, wooded trails, andgrass. A cyclocross course alsohas many obstacles meant tochallenge the rider.Obstacles include barriers,sand-traps, stairs, bunny hops,and steep hills.Barriers are about 18 inchestall, and a rider must dismounthis or her bike, jump overthem, and then mount againafter crossing.Sand traps are areas in thecourse that are simply filledwith sand.Stairs are self-explanatory;they are just normal stairs.Bunny hops are like barriers,but are much smaller and canbe hopped over while the rideris still on the bike.There are hills that are toosteep to bike up so that therider must dismount, carryNoah Stamsta with his cyclocross bike before one of his races this pastspring. (Photo submitted)Stamsta during a cyclocross race lifting his bike over a barrier, one ofthe many obstacles on the course. (Photo submitted)the bike up the hill, and thenremount again at the top.A lightweight road bike isused to complete the race.Stamsta said, “It is whatpeople would picture asa bike with a really skinnyframe and wheels.” The tiresHow to DownloadFrom <strong>School</strong>1. Log on to the OverDrive Stationcomputer (found to the right of thecolor printer in the LMTC).2. Open the internet.3. Go to the High <strong>School</strong> LMTC page.4. Click on the “OverDrive DownloadStation” link under the OverDriveicon.5. Connect your portable device.6. Note: iPhone users should see “Howto Do it From Home” in order todownload.7. Select “Test your device forcompatibility” on the right.8. Select the audiobook you would liketo check out.9. Place it in your eBookbag.10. Go to Checkout.11. Download it to your device. You willhave to choose which chapters youwould like.are specifically designed fortraction, and a special brakesystem called cantilever isused.In addition to the bike, youalso need a helmet, gloves,clip-in mountain biking shoes,biking shorts, a team jerseyCan’t find the book you arelooking for on OverDrive?Just go to Mrs. Ramsey inthe LMTC with the title of thebook you would like, and shewill get the ebook version.Popular Titles onOverDrive• The Hunger Games series• Thirteen Reasons Why• Sarah Dessen novels• The Girl with the DragonTattoo series• The Twilight seriesInformation compiled by Anna Evansenand sunglasses if you wouldlike.Cyclocross competitions canbe found almost everywhere ifyou have the right connections,and are usually held at parks.Since the courses are madeusing stakes and red tape, onecan be made anywhere.Races are age categorizedfor all racers under 18. Noahraces 15-16 year olds.Course laps are anywherefrom one and a half to twomiles in length and racersusually do 3-4 laps, each racelasting around 30 minutes.Noah was involved incyclocross this past seasonfrom mid August through thebeginning of December.“Races are about ever yweekend, sometimes two aweekend. It’s a great way tostay in shape after the roadcycling season, and to preparefor the next road cyclingseason,” Stamsta added.Cyclocross seems to be asport all its own, with no truecomparison to anything else.Stamsta said, “cyclocrossis definitely focused moreon bike handling than theroad season. It’s a bunchof technical turns and bikehandling techniques to stayupright and riding whereasthe road season is much morestrategy with longer races,open stretches of road, andwhere things like draftingcome into play.”D e s p i t e t h e f a c t t h a tcyclocross is a difficult andphysically taxing sport, peoplestill find comfort, adrenaline,and fun in it. Noah explained,“I love cycling in general. Notonly is it aerobic and basedon athletic level, but your skillon the bike and handling.Also there is a ton of strategyin biking; you are constantlythinking. You are planningwhen to accelerate to breakyour opponent, reading yourcompetition to see when theyare in pain and the win is yoursto take, telling when to back offand ease up because you arejust wasting energy.”Cyclocross is a fairly easysport to get involved with.Those interested in gettinginvolved can look aroundonline for competitions,or talk to someone who isalready active and competing.Cyclocross is a sport for anyonewho wants a real challengeor is looking to jazz up theirnormal cycling.The sport’s trials presentthemselves in no small way.“The hardest thing is theaerobic endurance you need.You are always at your maxheart rate during a race, but youneed to stay focused and alert.Racers are around you, the trailis uneven, barriers and otherobstacles are always comingup. You have to be preparedfor all of the things while stillfocusing on your race and yourcurrent position,” Noah said.Despite its challenges,cyclocross is a fantastic, up andcoming sport for those whohave the mental and physicalstrength to take it on.January 26, 2011 The Purple SagePage 7

CENSORSHIP : a phase that's *BLEEP*ing the nationSee NO Evil HEAR NO Evil SPEAK NO EvilLet’s face it, there is censorship everywhere from your favorite television shows to classic novels. In fact, the new “censored” edition ofthe classic novel Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is to be published next month by New South Books in Alabama. The revision replacesthe word “nigger” 219 times with “slave.” It is the effort of Twain scholar Alan Gribben, an English professor at Auburn University inMontgomery.Situations like this raise the question, what causes something to be censored? The Federal Communications Commission has someideas as to what they think should be censored and guidelines for public broadcasting. The FCC receives numerous complaints thattelevision and radio stations or their guests have broadcast extreme, incorrect, or somehow improper political, economic, or socialstatements. They then work to censor broadcasts as they see necessary.Between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., when there is the greatest likelihood that children may be watching, FCC prohibits the airing of indecent or profane material by rules. Broadcasters are required to scheduletheir programming accordingly or face enforcement action. Also, the courts have ruled that obscene material is not protected by the First Amendment and cannot be broadcast at any time.“Profane language” includes words that are so highly offensive that their mere utterance in thecontext presented may, in legal terms, amount to a “nuisance.” The FCC warned broadcasters that,depending on the context, it would consider the “F-Word” and those words (or variants thereof)that are as highly offensive as the “F-Word” to be “profane language.” The FCC has been known tocensor colorful language using “bleeps”.PRO CENSORSHIPbassador to the Soviet Union, ing the Cold War. It seems like“Tommy” Thompson, thought a stressful job.otherwise, “I don’t agree, Mr. I do not believe the powerPresident. I think there’s still a to make a mistake that maychance. … The important thing destroy humanity should restfor Khrushchev, it seems to with anyone, and if someoneme, is to be able to say, ‘I saved has it, it should not be Assange.Cuba. I stopped an invasion.’”When asked during aThompson analyzed the situationquestion-and-answer for theand realized that there Berkeley Graduate <strong>School</strong> ofwas a solution – but it involved Journalism whether his newshiding the truth from the Soviet was biased, Julian Assange,public. Thompson cut a deal representative of Wikileaks,with Khrushchev: the Soviets stated, “That’s part of thewould remove the missiles right-wing distortion field.”from Cuba if the United States Regardless of your own politicalwould publically declared theyaffiliation, Assange iswould not invade Cuba. showing a clear bias. WikileaksAlso, secretly, the U.S. wouldalso seems to believeneed to take missiles out of in a conspiracy theory, asItaly and Turkey. What if someonetheir website says, “It’s probcidedlike Mr. Assange had deablypretty clear by now thatto make public the negotiations?WikiLeaks is not a front forWe would certainly any intelligence agency orhave had peace and freedom government despite a rumorof speech – for the few momentsto that effect. This rumor waswe would have been started early in WikiLeaks’ ex-alive.istence, possibly by the intelligenceIt may seem an exaggerationagencies themselves.”to compare the stakes of This is not the type of personthe Cold War to those today, I want determining the fate ofbut when countries like North the world.Korea have nuclear weapons, Wikileaks claims to bethe world seems as volatile as delivering neutral news untouchedit was then.by the influences ofThe world today is a complexgovernments, but really, theyand fragile web of diplo-are pushing an agenda ofmatic ties, and Julian Assange their own. It is much better tobelieves he can safely disrupt have nothing revealed than toit by blindly releasing sensitive have half the story told and filteredinformation. If he makes onethrough the eyes of Mr.miscalculation on the impact Assange.of information, the world couldexplode like it almost did dur-Jamie WarnerOpinon EditorSecrets exist for a reason.When members of the governmentchoose to hide somethingfrom the public, it is becauseputting it on display wouldcompromise progress. WhenWikileaks haphazardly releasesas many secrets as they can gettheir hands on, they are disregardingcareful planning andconsideration.During the Cold War, a secretprevented a nuclear catastrophe.The United States waslocked in a delicate struggle withthe Soviet Union, lead by NikitaKhrushchev. The USSR had justsupplied Cuba with missilescapable of striking the UnitedStates. With nuclear missilesready to be deployed on bothsides, humanity was minutesfrom extinction.Khrushchev did not want tolose the respect of the Sovietsby backing down to the UnitedState’s demands, so he publicallydenied our demands todismantle his nuclear weaponry.However, both sides wantedpeace. The eyes of the public– to which Khrushchev did notwant to be seen as weak – gridlockedany solution attempts.In a discussion with a smallgroup of government officers,Kennedy stated the impossibilityof the situation, “We’re notgoing to get these weapons outof Cuba, probably, anyway, bynegotiation.” The former am-vs.To be obscene, material must meet a three-prong test: (1) an average person, applyingcontemporary community standards, must find that the material, as a whole, appeals to theprurient interest (i.e., material having a tendency to excite lustful thoughts); (2) the materialmust depict or describe, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined byapplicable law; and (3) the material, taken as a whole, must lack serious literary, artistic, political,or scientific value.ANTI CENSORSHIPChris PedersenWeb Page EditorIn the words, of Thomas Jefferson,“Our liberty depends onthe freedom of the press, andthat cannot be limited withoutbeing lost.” These wordshold as true today as they everhave, yet the freedom Jeffersonspoke of is constantly underassault, especially fromthe opponents of Wikileaks.Wikileaks gained internationalattention when it launched inlate 2006 and has sparked morecontroversy than ever beforewith its publishing of the U.S.Military’s 2007 attack on twoReuters reports, the Afghanistanwar documents, the Iraqi wardocuments, and most recentlythe U.S. diplomat cables. Numerouspoliticians have jumpedon the bandwagon and defamedthe gravely essential andmisunderstood organization.Likely the two most commonclaims against Wikileaks is thatit is illegal and that it damagesthe United States. Despite whatfear mongers would have youbelieve, Wikileaks is a perfectlylegal organization.While releasing classifieddocuments violates U.S. law,publishing the documents doesnot. In 1971, Richard Nixon attemptedto stop the New YorkTimes from publishing classifieddocuments dubbed the PentagonPapers. The Supreme Courtdecided that for the governmentto prevent the publication ofsuch documents it would haveto prove it would cause “graveand irreparable injury to thepublic interest” which essentiallymeans it could endangerAmerica. Whether the informationis classified or not is irrelevant.The release of the Reuters’video was so inconsequential itis barely remembered.Clearly, Wikileaks does notendanger the U.S., is legal andshould be perfectly able to continueoperation without censorship.Putting aside what Wikileaksdoes not do, there are a lot ofgood things it does do. Traditionally,we have had to get ourinformation on the governmentthrough the lens of media companies,each of which has itsown bias; Wikileaks releasesunadulterated documents, allowingpeople to form theirown opinions. By proving theraw data, Wikileaks helps preventorganizations from twistingevents for their own gain as thefacts are freely available to anyonewho cares to look. Speakingof media bias, many companieswill actually delay or ignore governmentleaks.In this sense Wikileaks makesthese leaks possible by allowinganonymous submissions andkeeping their sources anonymous.Finally, one should considerwhy these leaks are a bigdeal in the first place.Moreover, the entire debateover Wikileaks has been misdirected.Julian Assange is theleader of Wikileaks as well asits spokesperson, but he is notWikileaks. Many organizations,most notably CNN have tried tomake the controversy about Assangeand his lifestyle. One canunderstand why; after all, havinga controversial operationrun by a suspected sex offenderwith shady teenage years as a“hacker” is much more interestingthan a man who has yet tobe convicted of anything sincehis teenage years.An honest man holds no secrets,and likewise, an honestgovernment does not need tofear leaks. Wikileaks is especiallythreatening to the U.S. becauseof the things the governmenthas done. In the Reutersvideo, journalists were gunneddown by an apache helicopterwhile peacefully walking downa street. The Afghanistan andIraqi documents detail civiliancasualties, and the cables containlots of colorful commentaryon world leaders. Statementslike, “She’s had so much plasticsurgery it is possible to confuseher with one of her daughters,”shows a glaring lack of respectfor other governments. The outcryshould not be about Wikileaksreleasing information, itshould be about what the informationis and why it exists.Now that Wikileaks revealedthese problems, we as the publiccan pressure our leaders tomake sure they are solved or donot happen again.Page 8 The Purple SagePage 9

ENTERTAINMENTSierra Gillespie, Entertainment Editor‘The Fighter’ fights its way to the topSierra GillespieEntertainment EditorOn Januar y 16,2011, Christian Balereceived his first everGolden Globe Awardfor his work in “TheFighter.” Bale received theaward for Best Performance byan Actor in a Supporting Role ina Motion Picture for portrayingDickie Eklund in the biopic.“The Fighter” is the incredibletrue story of Micky Ward, anunlucky boxer, who tries tomake it to the top, with the helpof his older brother, Dickie. Thebrothers live in the small townof Lowell, Massachusetts andare always either the pride ofthe town or its embarrassment.In 1978, Dickie was thepride of Lowell by defeatingboxer Sugar Ray Leonard.However, the film takes placein 1993, 15 years after Dickie’sheyday, where he is now acocaine addict and definitelythe embarrassment of Lowell.Mark Wahlberg plays Micky,Dickie’s younger brother, eightyears his junior and still has achance to be the next prideof Lowell. Micky is also aboxer, and starts off the filmbeing trained by his olderPage 10brother, using their trustworthytactic of “head-body-headbody,”meaning for you to hityour opponent in the head,then body, then head, andso on until he is defeated.The duo has a rough reentryinto the world of boxing,and Dickie’s addiction makeseverything more difficult. Theirfamily’s income depends solelyon Micky’s fighting, for not onlyis Dickie his trainer, but theirmother is Micky’s manager.For that reason, Micky takes onseveral fights he cannot handle,only worsening his chancesat a smooth boxing career.As Micky’s boxing career isgoing downhill, his love lifeis starting to bloom, as hebegins dating the fearless andfiery Charlene Fleming, playedflawlessly by Amy Adams.Charlene soon becomes part ofMicky’s boxing entourage, andthe pair sticks together throughmany arduous instances.While Micky’s relationshipis taking off, Dickie’s drugaddiction is reaching an all timehigh. Dickie starts to look sickly,and his actions become moretoxic than ever. An altercationwith the law puts Dickiebehind bars for eight months,leaving Micky without a trainer.Micky leaps over this hurdleand finds himself a wholenew entourage, including anew trainer and manager.With a new team behindhim, Micky finally starts towin his fights and paves theway to the pride of Lowell.“The Fighter”is like any othersports movie, inthat it showsa strugglingathlete whois completelydevoted toh i s c r a f tand has toovercomem a n yobstaclesin ordert o p r o v ehimself worthyo f h i s s p o r t . T h o u g hcommon in that sense,“The Fighter ” presents anew outlook for the sportsgenre in many other ways.The film is raw and realisticand shows more than the glitzand glam of winning. The movieshows the downside to fame,and the sport of boxing as wellas what lengths some peoplehave to go to achieve success.Aside from the rundownSpielberg still shining decades laterJack RosenberryColumnist“Ever y time I go to amovie, it’s magic, no matterwhat the movie’s about.”Steven Spielberg said thosewords, which perfectly describehis style as a director.Spielberg is one of thebest directors out there becauseof his dedication tothe film industry and skillfor the craft of making movies.If the magic of moviesis still there to him, then hewill keep creating magic.Steven Spielberg is thefavorite director of a lot ofpeople. Some people givehim that title because of themany blockbusters he hasbeen involved in, whereasothers praise his artistic aspectsof film. Spielberg hasshown this by filming actionthrough the eyes of ashark or shooting a film inblack and white in orderto emphasize symbolism.But “Jaws” and “Schindler’sList” are just two examples ina list of over one hundredmovies he directed. Spielberg’scareer has spannedover the past four decades,and he has no indicationof slowing down now.Spielberg has been in-volved with some memorablemovies of the past century.Just a few examples include,“E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial,”“Close Encounters of the ThirdKind,” and “Saving PrivateRyan.” Spielberg has directednearly all genres of movies,and seems to have immensetalent for any cinematic workhe becomes involved with.Spielberg also directed the“Indiana Jones” series. Theoriginal three films were majorsuccesses, but there was somedisappointment mixed in withthe greatness in the fourthmovie, as audiences expectedthe fourth film to be closer tothe original three.The series tell the story ofprofessor and adventurer IndianaJones and has spannedover the course of the pastthree decades. The overallpopularity of the movies isstunning as they are still populartoday, even with first film,“Raiders of the Lost Ark,”being released in 1981. Thefranchise is still a major success,which is simply a credit toSpielberg’s flawless direction.While Spielberg has directedmany great movies, he hasalso influenced many of today’sgreat directors, includingSteven Soderbergh, QuentinTarentino, James Cameron andRidley Scott to name a few.To have influenced boththe creators of “Avatar” and“Alien” with his movies isno mean feat, consideringthat these are two verypopular movies and thatthe directors of those movieshave greatly influencedpeople in their craft as well.He influenced the peoplewho have influenced somany others. Spielberg hasmade a admirable career ofmaking very popular moviesand he will be makingthose movies for a long time.Beyond just directing,Spielberg has dabbled intoproducing, editing, writingand even acting insome movies. The threetime Academy Award Winnerhas an obvious knackfor the cinema industry.Spielberg is currently inproduction for “War Horse,”which is slated to be releasedDecember 28, 2011and is also directing “TheAdventures of Tintin: The Secretof the Unicorn” starringDaniel Craig and Jamie Bell.With over 30 years ofsuccessful cinema to hisname, Spielberg will liveon in cinema forever. Spielberghas influenced the industryin a profound way.wreckage of a setting and factualdepths the story provides, themovie showcases brilliantperformances by the actors,who simply make the film.Amy Adams completelysteps out of her quirky andlighthearted stereotype for herGolden Globe nominated role,and deserves all the praiseshe is receiving for it. Sheplays Charlene perfectlyand raised the bar for hercostars’ performances.H o w e v e r , h e rcostars held theirweight too. ChristianBale threw himselfinto the role afterboth Brad Pitt andMatt Damon hadto back out due toscheduling conflicts.Bale’s Boston accentseems authentic ashe portrays Dickie, and hisoutlandish actions completelyresemble that of an addict.His scenes of withdrawal areintense and realistic and showhis devotion to the character.As for the physical trainingof the film, Mark Wahlbergdefinitely worked hard tomaintain his character’s strongbody type. However, Balemust have stopped eating alltogether, for not only did hismannerisms and actions portrayan addict, his body physicallyresembled a sickly human.Mark Wahlberg did receivetop billing for the movie,and for good reason thoughhe is overshadowed by theintense performance given byChristian Bale. Wahlberg wasalso nominated for a GoldenGlobe for his role as the gentleboxer, and as Bale stated inhis Golden Globe acceptancespeech, “[Wahlberg] drovethis whole movie…you canonly give a loud performancelike the one I gave when youhave a quiet anchor..and astoic character. I’ve playedthat one many times, andit never gets any notice.”On Sunday, February 27,the 83rd Academy Awardswill be televised, and if theGolden Globe awards are anyindication of the future, “TheFighter” will be a big winner.Regardless of whether or notit actually is, the film deservesthe praise it has received sofar, and it will live in cinematichistory as the biopic/sportsmovie whose powerful bits ofreality both entertained andopened the eyes of the public.‘COD’ from a ‘Halo’ fanRyan MinorColumnistI will be brutallyhonest: I havenever really likedthe “Call of Duty”f r a n c h i s e . B u tbefore you cometo my door with pitchforks,please hear me out.The latest installment,“Black Ops,” actually broughtsomething to the table. I havealways complained about themultiplayer system, and I haveyet to be really impressed withthe campaign.In the entire series, bothaspects seem like they werebuilt by crazy people for crazypeople. Multiplayer life spansgenerally consist of the betterhalf of a minute, and it seemedthat the community was 60percent campers and 39percent grenade spammers; 70percent of those people wereeither racist or homophobic.While the single player wasentertaining and sufficientlyepic enough, the single playerreminded me of “Michael BayBayslostions” with all of itsover-the-top action and setpieces.Is Black Ops any better? Yes.While the multiplayer is notexactly beginner friendly (mybrother-in-law Eric said, “NowI know why all of my studentsplay it, this was built for peoplewho can’t stand not dyingevery other second!”), this isstill a more welcome sight toveterans like me of the moreequal-opportunity First PersonShooters.Campers are few and farbetween, and if you get pastthe occasional person whoonly uses grenades you aremore likely to actually enjoythe game.Single player is not onlyplenty long, but the story is foronce interesting and as originalas “Russia wants to kill us”is, with an interesting, albeitslightly hard to follow, story.The zombie modes are anentertaining addition andprovide some odd backstoryto the game. If I were tochange anything, I might editthe multiplayer a tad bit andmaybe make the campaign abit more forgiving.As a Halo fan, I am startingto get used to the faster pacedmultiplayer, and I suggestanyone new to the franchise tostart with Black Ops. The singleplayer is great, and I thinkthat Treyarch finally provedthemselves.The Purple Sage January 26, 2011

ENTERTAINMENTTop 5 heroes of America the beautifulBrandyn LiebeColumnistAmerica, America, Godshed his grace on thee.Unfortunately, due to the factthat this is a newspaper, I amobliged to be more politicallycorrect. Therefore, this patrioticstatement will be re-statedas to not offend anyone.United States of thePeople, United States ofthe People, a supremebeing in which certainindividuals believe giveshis, “his” of course comingfrom context, permissionto succeed on all whoreside in said nation.Anyway, throughout theyears this great nation hashad its fair share of heroes,and I intend to share themwith my wonderful readers.Ready? Buckle up for thetop 5 greatest heroes (orheroines) of American history.Efaw’s newest page-turnerCailtin McGuireColumnistMovies canb e i n t e n s eand powerful,and can affectt h e v i e w e r simmensely.However, novels can dothe same. With written word,the novel provides no image,so the reader’s imaginationtakes over completely.“After,” written by Amy Efaw,is written so brilliantly, that theimagination takesover, and thereader becomesc o m p l e t e l ye n v e l o p e d i nintense words ofthe the story.“After” tells thestory of Devon Davenport.Devon is a teenage girl whofinds herself in a juveniledetention center, facing apossible life sentence afterputting her newborn baby ina trash can.When you first start reading,you know nothing aboutDevon, just that her momworks all the time and thather dad is not involved in herlife.However, as the stor yprogresses, Devon’s storyunfolds, opening the eyes ofthe reader to the life Devon isforced to live.The story is masterfullywritten, for its intensityincreases with each turningof the page. The path thatDevon takes as a characteris completely astounding as5. George WashingtonWe throw him in the snow,ship him across a mostly frozenriver a little dingy and out comesone of the greatest leaders ofour history. Not only did heexcel in the Revolutionary War,but he went on to becomethe first president of the firstrepublic since the times ofancient Rome. To leave himout of this list would be simplywrong.4. Harriet TubmanThrough the use of thethe reader continues on herjourney.Efaw does a phenomenaljob of showing flashbacksthroughout “After.” Sheincludes several involvingDevon’s only boyfriend, thecountless times Devon camehome to an empty house, oneof her mom and a new guy,of the hours spent playingsoccer, and hours spentconvincing herself she wasnot pregnant.In the book, Dom, Devon’sattor ney, is eventuallyintroduced and plays a strongrole in the development of thestory.Dom is a strong, cleverwoman in her mid-thirtiesthat helps Devon come outwith the story of the baby, andtell the terrible tale of “thatnight,” one Devon just wantsto forget.“After” is filled with thestories of what is behind aperfect complexion and thelife of a seemingly perfectteenager that makes onemajor mistake.With a very unexpectedending and brilliant setup,“After” is a book I wouldrecommend to anyonelooking for a read filled withmeaning and the realities oflife.Underground Railroad, HarrietTubman helped over 70 slavesescape to freedom. She alsoserved as a spy for the Unionarmy during the Civil War.When the Civil war was over,she continued to fight for whatshe believed in. After the CivilWar, she fought for women’srights until she passed away.3. Franklin Delano RooseveltNot only did he overcome thetroubles of a crippling diseasethat put him in a wheelchair, hewent on to lead this country outof what can only be describedas the greatest depressionever experienced or the “GreatDepression” as some call it.Re-elected for multiple terms,he will surely be missed intough times like these.2. Barack ObamaNow I tend to lean moreRepublican when it comes topolitics, however, you have togive it up for him. Less than 100years ago, African Americanshardly had any rights, and nowone is in charge of our country.With the hardships that we allhave today, I think it is reallyimportant for us to remember ahuge message that he backedduring his campaign, “Hope.”1. Optimus PrimeWhat a better symbol forAmerica than a red, white andblue semi truck that can turninto a 24 foot tall robotcapable of kickings o m e D e c e p t i c o ncan. Optimus wasa natural leader, awise general and atriumphant championin more ways thanone. He knew whento press on and whento proactively standdown. I think he putsit best when he says,“There is a thin line betweenbeing a hero and being amemory.” God bless America.Thanks for reading.‘The Cape’ proves its time slotTommy WieslerColumnistIt is Januar y, and thatmeans it is time for midseasonreplacements.The terrible crap nowherenear good enough for TV getsreplaced by shows that usuallyare not much better and evengame shows tend to becomereplacements.But sometimes we will get ahorrible comedy or drama thatis worse than dead air.I thought this year that “TheCape” would take the cake.From the advertisements I saw,it appeared too fake.But “The Cape” surprisedme, for it seems to be a greatreplacement. It is one of thebest vigilante shows on TV, inmy opinion much better than“No Ordinary Family.”“The Cape” premiered onJanuay 9 with a two-hour pilotepisode and has only airedthree new episodes sincethen, so there iss t i l l t i m et o s t a r twatching.T h es h o w ’ sb a s i cpremise ist h a t o f asuperhero.The showf o l l o w sV i n c eFa r a d a y,p l a y e dperfectlyb y D a v i dLyons, who is a cop inthe city of Palm Beach.His chief was resigning due todeath threats from the wantedcriminal: Chess.I n o r d e r t o ke e p h i sorganization, Chess framesVince by putting Chess’ maskon his head. Vince is chasedand is presumed to die in anexplosion. Yet Vince escapesto a circus of criminals.With the help of Max Malini,played by veteran actor KeithDavid, Vince learns their artsof illusion.He takes on the role of TheCape, who was the hero in acomic book he read with hisson. After intense training, heis ready to seek justice.With the help of Orwell,an investigator played byrelative newcomer SummerGlau, he works to unmaskthe conspiracy in the policedepartment and has histroubles in his first days.He gets poisoned, shot atand stabbed, but he does itso he can keep the hope alivefor his son. He visits his son asThe Cape, and tells him thathis father was innocent andstill alive.“The Cape” is a great herodrama. It has a unique storylineand hero background. Vince’sabilities are amazing, and whatI like: he does not have superpowers.Super powers tend to makethe show lame. He just hasincredible moves with hiscape, and his vulnerabilitymakes the show more exciting.V i n c e ’ s c h a r a c t e r i sreminiscent of Batman inthat way, being that he is apowerful superhero, but doesnot have a given superpowerlike Superman or Ironman.Still, I do not think “TheCape” will be around for toolong.It is a great show, do notmisunderstand me, butVince does not seemmotivated to solvea n o t h e r c r i m eafter he clears upthis conspiracy. Ifhe takes too longto solve this one, itwill definitely getboring.But for now,“The Cape” is agreat choice forentertainment.Tune in Mondaynights at 8 p.m. onNBC.January 26, 2011 The Purple SagePage 11

ENTERTAINMENTAdd these top books of 2010 to your reading listBrittney HaukeColumnistIt is hard tob e l i e v e t h a t2010 is over, thatwe have starteda new year anda new decade.Recently there has been a lotof reminiscing about last year,of both the good and the bad.Lists of the “Top 10 of 2010”movies, songs, what have you,became fairly popular as 2011shifted into high gear. To jumpon the bandwagon, here ismy Top 10 of 2010 books list.10. “The Necromancerby Michael ScottI am a huge fan of Scott’s“Secrets of the ImmortalNicholas Flamel” books and“The Necromancer” is thefourth book in the series. It isa perfect blend of action andhumor. I have been followingThe unique sound of folk musicMeghan CaulfieldColumnistIt was winter inLondon four yearsago when friendsMarcus Mumford,T e d D w a n e ,Ben Lovett andCountry Winston bannedtogether to form the oldfashionedfolk-rock band,Mumford & Sons.Equipped with heartyv o c a l s , e n e r g e t i ckeyboarding, drums, a bassand banjo, the chorus of allfour mens’ voices perfectlycomplement one another tomake a style of their own.Mumford & Sons havereleased one full lengtha l b u mt o d a t e ,e n t i t l e dS i g h N oM o r e .I t w a sreleased inthe UnitedStates inFe b r u a r yof 2010 andis currentlyt h en u m b e rone albumon iTunes charts.T h e g r o u p w a s a l s onominated for two GrammyAw a r d ’ s i n 2 0 1 0 . O n enomination was for “BestNew Artist” and the otherbeing “Little Lion Man” for“Best Rock Song.”The explosive title track,“Sigh No More,” opens thealbum and captivates anylistener’s full attention.Page 12this series for a few years, andit keeps getting better witheach addition. Somethingunique to this series is thatmost of the characters are realpeople in history or mythology.9. “The Dragon’s Apprentice”by James A. Owen“The Dragon’s Apprentice”is the fifth installment of hisseries. If you consider yourselfwell-read in the classics, thisseries is for you. There are somany references to differentauthors and books throughouthistory. This series is anotherfantastic blend of adventureand humor, as well as talkinganimals and dragons. Also,Owen illustrates the bookshimself, a definite added bonus.8. “The Red Pyramid”by Rick RiordanThe first book in Riordan’snew “Kane Chronicles” series,which is based on Egyptianmythology, is featured inFrom the authenticity of thevocals, whole-heartedness ofthe lyrics, and the seamlessmesh of instruments, “Sigh NoMore” will keep you listening tothe whole album.The second track, “TheCave” follows in order, but inno way is any less impressive.It combines a heavy folksound featuring a banjo withalternating periods of heavyinstrumentals and sweetvocals. “The Cave” is followedby yet another standout track,“Winter Winds.”As the group adds more andmore instruments, you neverknow what you will hear next;all that can be certain is thatit will never cease to amazelisteners.“Roll Away Your Stone” isa highly climatic and upbeattrack that is influenced byMacbeth and is followed by“White Blank Page.” This trackstands out as having a ‘darker’tone along with the succeeding“I Gave You All.”“Little Lion Man,” the hitand most well known song byMumford & Sons only continuesthe string of impressive tracks.the “Percy Jackson” books.This book has a different feelwhen compared to the “PercyJackson” story, as it is the firsttime Riordan switches thenarrator. The main charactersof this series are siblings Carterand Sadie Kane. There is plentyof Egyptian mythology for boththe newbie and expert alike.7.“Darkest Hour”by Mark ChadbournThis is the second book inthe “Age of Misrule” trilogy. It isanother mythology series, butthis one focuses on tales fromthe British Iles. Compared tothe rest of the books, this one isa whole lot darker, focusing onaction and horror, in additionto some romance. If you arelooking for more of an adultseries, this is a great pick.6. “Olivion’s Favorite”by Troy CLEThis is another sequel, butis from the “Marvelous World”“Awake My Soul” is abeautiful and captivatingtrack of bare and exposedlyrics. This track gives youimmense insight into theminds of Mumford & Sons.W h i l e p u l l i n g g r e a tinfluences from many famousliterar y works, such asShakespeare and Steinbeck,the group also writes frompersonal experience. SighNo More is closed with themotivating and melodic track“After the Storm.”Mumford & Sons haveleft a great trail of tours andexperience in London, whilenow setting their sights onthe United States. Theywill even be featured in thisyear’s Coachella Festivallineup, alongside the likes ofCity and Colour, Neon Trees,and Kanye West.There is no question thatthey will receive rave reviewsamong skeptical criticism,but there will be no delay inthe evolution of this band.Expect great things fromMumford & Sons in thecoming years.series. This series has bothadventure and sci-fi, whichmake for a great combination.What is really interesting aboutthis series is the vast amount ofdepth compared to the smallamount written on the page.Troy CLE has mentioned thatthere are specific philosophiesrepresented by some of thecharacters in the novel. It is amust read for those who enjoystories where the line betweengood and evil is blurred.5. “The Lost Hero”by Rick RiordanYes, Riordan now has twoseries going at the same time.That is rather ambitious, butI am not complaining. Thefavorite characters from the“Percy Jackson” series areback, as well as a host ofnew characters with plenty ofGreek and Roman myths. Theseries has a lot of promise.4. “The Book Thief”by Markus ZusakUnlike the rest of the bookson this list, this book is a standalone. Set in Nazi Germany,it is about a young girl, LieselMeminger. “The Book Thief”shows how the citizens ofGermany endured plenty oftheir own during World War II.I really enjoyed that the bookpersonified death and narratedsome of the novel from death’sperspective. This book hasquite a few heart-breakingmoments, but is a great read.3.“The Light”by D.J. MacHaleMacHale penned this majorseries, which takes a turn fromfantasy to horror. MacHale hassaid that he is most familiarwith horror stories, and youcan easily tell that he is in hiselement with the “MorpheusRoad” series. At first, youngMarshall Seaver thinks thathe is experiencing a regularhaunting, but things eventuallyescalate beyond his control.2. “The Graveyard Book”by Neil GaimanThis unique story is centeredon a young boy named Bod,short for Nobody. His family hasjust been murdered, and hehas wandered into a graveyardwhere the inhabitants havetaken interest in him. Insteadof leaving him to the killer,they decide that two ghostsshould take care of him. Bodgrows up in the graveyard,under the watchful eye ofhis protector, Silas, anddevelops some interestingtalents. This novel showcasesa masterful combinationo f f a n t a s y a n d h o r r o r.1. “Gatekeepers”by Robert LiparulThis is the third book inLipar ulo’s “DreamhouseKings” series. Another mixof fantasy and horror, thisseries is about a house thatis anything but. When theKing family first discovers thehouse, Xander, David, andToria are excited to move in.Soon they start noticing strangethings happening around thehouse. Then, their mother iskidnapped and taken into asecret passage, where the restof the Kings discover a hallwayof doors that leads to places intheir past. I recently discoveredthe series, and the idea is veryunique and fresh.2010 was a great year in thebook community, though 2011looks promising as well.It is sometimes difficult tofind time to read these days,with school and work, butif you do have the chance,I suggest one of the novelslisted.Each of the novels includessomething for everyone, and outof all the 10 there is definitely alittle bit of each genre included.Comic by Robert KuefferThe Purple Sage January 26, 2011

SPORTSBoys’ basketball remains untouchableAddison PaydenReporterT h e A s s o c i a t e d Pr e s sreleased its second boys’basketball rankings of theseason. The top five Division2 teams, in order, wereOnalaska, Monroe, <strong>Waunakee</strong>,Seymour and New Richmond.Wissports.net also listed<strong>Waunakee</strong> as the second bestteam in the state in Division 2.Junior Tim Keenan said, “Wetry to not pay much attentionto those rankings and just tryfocusing on our next game…but it’s pretty awesome to seethat people in the state arenoticing how hard our team isworking. This is probably oneof the best senior classes tocome through our school, sodon’t be surprised if you see usat the Kohl Center in March.”After the first round ofconference games, <strong>Waunakee</strong>is 6-0 and sits atop the BadgerNorth Conference.They took on undefeatedMonroe last Saturday for theBadger Challenge. The twoteams have been battlingbetween the number twoand the number three spotin the Division 2 rankings.The beginning of the gamestarted out slow for theWarriors when Monroe scoredeight points in a row to take a9-1 lead.<strong>Waunakee</strong> cut the deficit to22-19 at the half and duringthe second half went on a16-0 point run in a five anda half minute strech. SeniorZak Hougland scored 15 pointsduring the game, eight of whichcame during the third quarter,to seal the victory 55-40.The team has not hadmany close games thisyear. The boys’are currently12-0 overall. On January 8,<strong>Waunakee</strong> traveled to DeForestfor a conference game. TheWarriors outscored DeForest51-39 and the game’s leadingscorer was senior Beau Murraywith 15 points. Senior AndrewDorscheid put up nine pointsfor the team, connecting forthree three-point shots early inthe game.On January 14, <strong>Waunakee</strong>hosted Milton. Junior JoeTagarelli and Hougland led theWarriors, scoring eight pointseach. <strong>Waunakee</strong> fought backin the second quarter, leadingMilton 21-17. <strong>Waunakee</strong> heldMilton to under ten pointseach quarter. and securedthemselves another win, 46-28.T h e t e a m t r a v e l e d t oMilwaukee on January 14 toface Milwaukee Washingtonand brought home a victory,68-61.At the end of the season,Staege, the team’s rapper,known as lil jbudda, is releasinghis first album.Freshman Alexa Carl swings on the uneven bars. (Photo by Allie Taylor)Junior Justin Block dribbles the ball down the court during the gameagainst Milton on January 14. The team led Milton in the second quarterand kept them under ten points in each quarter. <strong>Waunakee</strong> won 46-28.(Photo by Lydia Dorn)Kelly Martin, Sports EditorGymnastics Co-op flips over competitionMandy RiceReporterWa u n a k e e - D e F o r e s tgymnastics has been off toa strong start this season.They started the seasonsending the varsity team tocompete in Waterford toprepare themselves for highercompetition they could seelater in the season.The JV and varsity reservewent to compete in Baraboothe same day. The varsity tookfourth place out of eight teamsin Waterford. They finished theday with 132.125 points. The JVgirls defended their winningstreak with a 102.025 score,and the varsity reserve tookthird place of four teams.<strong>Waunakee</strong> hosted their firstdual meet against Mount Horebon December 16. The Warriorscompeted well, taking themeet 134.7 to 126.8.Many of the <strong>Waunakee</strong> girlsdid very well individually.Sophomore Tanner Regaliwon on the beam with a9.050 routine. DeForest’s JessMaiers took second placeon beam with a 8.725. Onthe floor, Maiers won with aroutine worth 8.95 which wasjust ahead of her DeForestteammate Alyssa Cynkkar whohad a routine worth 8.9. Maiersjust missed the first place finishfor all around. The JV teamlost to Mount Horeb 109.15to 105.85. Regali said, “I thinkthe meet went extremely wellconsidering it was a lot of girlsfirst meet ever.”On December 20, the girlscame in a close second placefinish with 131.775 points, justbehind Janesville Craig with a136.975 finish. Maiers tied forfifth on the bars, placed thirdon the beam, and second onthe floor routine. Cynkkar alsoplaced in the meet taking thirdon her floor routine, behindMaiers. Regali took first on barsand placed fourth all around.Regali said, “I think we needto work on cheering duringroutines. I like when peopleare yelling at you. It gives youmore confidence knowingpeople want you to do well.”On January 20, the girls’hosted Milton. Senior CorinneSpiczenski took first placeon beam, closely followedPlayer of theMonth:Randy ClemensPurple Sage: How longhave you been wrestling?Randy Clemens: I’vebeen wrestling since Iwas four.PS: What’s your favoritewrestling memory?RC: Last year Mike Harmanwent to state andmy coach got us passesso I got to be on thefloor.PS: Who has been yourinspiration?RC: Brad Madigan,because he always sawpotential in me evenwhen I had just startedwrestling.PS: What is your personalgoal?RC: To make it to thestate tournament andplace.by teammate Maiers. Regaliand Cynkkar tied for fourthplace behind Milton’s CassieCropp. On the floor, Maiers andCynkkar placed first and secondalong with Regali in fourth. Theonly event <strong>Waunakee</strong> did notplace first in was the unevenbars, where Milton’s CarleighFelstead took a comfortablefirst place standing. Cynkkarand Regali still found a placeon the podium in uneven bars.In the vaulting event, Cynkkar,Regali and Maiers took the topthree spots. For the all aroundresults Cynkkar and Maiersplaced in the top two followedby Felstead, whereas Regaliwas only points behind infourth. <strong>Waunakee</strong> beat Milton135.75 to 121.3.The <strong>Waunakee</strong>-DeForestgirls are looking ahead tomore success in the future.Regali concludes, “I love theDeForest girls. They are a hugepart of our team and everyonegets along. It’s fun to havethe chance to be on a teamwith people from the school<strong>Waunakee</strong> has a rivalry with.People from DeForest areactually nice.”The Purple SageJanuary 26, 2011 Page 13

SPORTSBoys’ wrestling raises cancer research awarenessKelly MartinSports EditorThe wrestling team has hadtheir fair share of victories thisseason as well as some toughlosses.The boys faced the SaukPrairie Eagleson January 1,but they justcould not pushthrough. Thematch startedout shaky forthe team as teammates werebeing pinned. Senior RandyClemens was the first of theWarriors to put up a fight; thatclose match ended with a 2-1loss. This did not stop the boysfrom working hard.Senior Eric Laufenberg wonhis match, giving the teamtheir first four points. JuniorJosh Wipperfurth wrestledsophomore Caleb Sisbach.Wipperfurth brought Sisbachto the ground 11 seconds intoovertime, and the Warriorsgained three more points.Wrestling at 103 pounds,freshmen Bryce Statz battledagainst sophomore CourtneyMefford in overtime, addingThe girls’ hockey season iswell underway with a nearlyspotless record of 13-3-1. Theonly losses the team had sofar were to two Minnesotateams and the defending statechampions from last season,Saint Croix Valley Fusion.The girls tied Silver Bay fromMinnesota 4-4.Right now the girls areranked third in the state. Seniordefenseman Josie Johnsonsaid, “We’re pretty proud ofthat.”The Warrior boys’ hockeyteam continued their seasonwith a highly anticipatedgame on January 13 againstone of the top 15 teamsin the state in Onalaska.Freshman Keegan Fordscored the first goal of thegame. His slap-shot upper leftgoal was a great way to getthe team fired up. During apower play for Onalaska, theyended up scoring two goals.These goals, one right afteranother, caught <strong>Waunakee</strong>off guard but they were notgoing to give up. ThroughoutPage 14three more points to theteam’s score. Sophomore JakePaschke went into overtime atthe 112 pound weight class,giving the Warriors anotherthree points. Despite theteam’s best effort and winningall three overtime matches,”they came up short, losing 13-57. Sophomore Kyle Horningsaid, “[For success] some kidsshould believe in themselvesmore.”T h a t s a m e n i g h t t h ewrestling team raised moneyfor pancreatic cancer research,in honor of former Sauk Prairiewrestler Steve Harman whodied of pancreatic cancer lastyear, but not before he sawhis son, former <strong>Waunakee</strong>wrestler Mike Harman, wrestleat the state tournament lastwinter.The boys then traveled to theLodi Tournament where manyteams competing were rankedin Wisconsin. It was anotherSenior Randy Clemens tries to fight his Sauk Prairie opponent at home during the match on January 1.The team could not get ahead and lost 13-57. (Photo by Mi Jo Mucklow)long weekend for the team asthey lost a close match 39-36 toEvansville. The team also facedSeymour where they lost 48-26.They went on to wrestle Lodiand came out with anotherloss 63-9. The boys then facedMosinee and Neenah wherethey were unable pull off avictory.The team faced Baraboo onJanuary 13, where they couldnot get their head into thematch and lost 61-16.A t t h e 2 0 1 1 B l u e j a yChallenge, the Warriors battledagainst 23 other teams fromaround Wisconsin. The teamtook 12th place with a score of213, behind teams Merrill, SunPrairie, Wisconsin Dells andRhinelander.On January 18, the boystook on Reedsburg where theybattled back and forth but werenot able to take home the win,losing 49-30.Regarding the season,Horning said, “We for sureneed to be in the weight room,the whole team [if we want towin].”Cap City Cougars Co-op looks to advance in WIAA Coach’s Poll rankingsOlivia KnierEditor in ChiefWarrior boys’ hockey is bringing the heat at the <strong>Waunakee</strong>/DeForest Ice PondAngela GilbersonReporter“Some kids should believe inthemselves more.– Kyle HorningWith just one team availablefor the school’s female hockeyplayers, one would think theunderclassmen might beintimidated. However, Johnsonsaid, “We have a great depththis year in terms of skill level.[The underclassmen] arecontributing and putting pucksin the net.”According to Johnson, theteam’s biggest win so farthis season was against theUniversity <strong>School</strong> of Milwaukeewith a 4-1 victory. The University<strong>School</strong> of Milwaukee beat outthe team last year to play atthe state game. “This year, wethis period there were twoother <strong>Waunakee</strong> goals scoredby junior Jason Ford andsophomore Blake Anderson. Atthe end of this period, the scorewas 3-2 in <strong>Waunakee</strong>’s favor.The whole 17 minutes ofthe second period were deadeven on both sides of therink with each team scoringone goal. For <strong>Waunakee</strong>, thegoal was scored by senior JayCroop. This made the score4-3 going into the third period.In the last ten minutes ofthe third period, senior DerekStraus scored the final opennet goal. This locked in thefinal score, 5-3. Ford said, “Atthe end of the day all thatbeat them, and it was a reallybig win for us. It was really coolthat we were able to do that,”said Johnson.The girls traveled to playRock County Fury on January18 for a nonconferencematchup. Freshman forwardJamie Henderson was first toscore, followed by Johnson,sophomore defensemanLily Klapper and sophomoreforward Jessica Bennett. Thegirls shut down the Fury 5-0,with the help of senior goalieJanna Beilke-Skoug, whoblocked 16 shots on the netaccounting for her fourth shutmatters is that we got the ‘W’.”On January 14, the Warriorstraveled to Sauk Prairie wherethey took home a 5-2 victory.The boys then faced a nonconferencematch up againstMiddleton at the Ice Pond.Middleton, ranked numberfour in the state, came to<strong>Waunakee</strong> ready to play.Unfortunately, Middleton wasable to break the Warriorswinning streak with a 6-4loss for <strong>Waunakee</strong>.On January 18 the boys playedBaraboo at home and won 7-2.Their next home event ison February 1 against StevensPoint.out of the season.Currently, the girls are rankedthird in the WIAA Coach’s Pollcompeting for the number onespot against University <strong>School</strong>of Milwaukee, Arrowhead,Beloit and Kettle Moraine.The team’s goal this year isto make it to state. “I think wecan meet that goal becauseour team chemistry is reallygreat and it’s just a very specialteam,” Johnson said.Their last game was againstViroqua last Saturday wherethe girls’ took home an 8-0conference win. Johnson said,“We’re looking to sweep theconference.” Currently, theteam has a 6-0 conferencerecord. Freshman MadisonVincent said, “We have reallygood team chemistry and weall work really hard. We’reworking toward the samedream [to do well at state].”Next HomeEvent6:30 p.m.January 29vs. AppletonSophomore Adam Carlson skates by a Middleton defender at the IcePond where the team suffered a 6-0 loss. (Photo by Adam Stroud)The Purple Sage January 26, 2011

SPORTSLady Warrior basketball finally has a winning conference recordWillie FreimuthReporterThe Lady Warriors takeon new opponents as theseason progresses; however,contradicting the popularexpectation of dominating thenew division, the girls’ havesuffered some tough losses.They started the holidaybreak on a sour note, losing tothe Verona Wildcats 60-43 in anon-conference matchup. TheWarriors squared off in Veronaon December 21. The Wildcatdefense held them to 10points in each of the first threequarters and outscored them33-20 in the first half. JuniorJaci Vanden Brook and seniorBrianna May were the topscorers for <strong>Waunakee</strong> with11 points a piece. Verona’sBrianna Wittee had 11, and thetop scorer was junior AshleyBartow, with 20 points.The Warriors reboundedquickly after handling RacineSt. Catherine’s 64-55 in theJanesville Craig Holiday Classicon December 27. May andsenior Brianna Johnson ledthe scoring for the Warriors inThough the <strong>Waunakee</strong> boys’ ski teamhas lost some skiers due to injury, theyare still getting an edge up on the localcompetition this season.The last race at Tyrol Basin was a GiantSlalom, and the <strong>Waunakee</strong> High <strong>School</strong>boys’ ski team took second place onJanuary 13.Leading the boys in the first run wassenior Charlie Greiber. Greiber finishedwith a time of 23.08 seconds. SophomoreZach Schmidt was close behind with atime of 23.38 seconds. Other notabletimes came from junior Brandyn Liebewith 26.10 seconds and freshman SawyerOlson with 27.55 seconds.The team improved by their secondrun led by Greiber once again with athe first half as they went on a19-8 run before the break. TheRacine Angels clawed theirway back into the game inthe third quarter, cuttingthe Warriors’ lead to 5. TheWarriors stood their ground,outscoring the Angels 21-17 toseal the deal. The next test inthe tournament was JanesvilleCraig, who beat the Warriors60-40.On January 7, the ladiestraveled to Edgewood anddid not find the successthey wanted. Edgewood’sMackenzie Reese posted 20points, including 16 in thefirst half, her fifth double digitscoring of the season. SeniorAlexa Statz put up 15 points inher first game back from tearingher ACL in last year’s sectionalfinal against Middleton. TheWarriors could not put togetherany sustained runs, as theirrecord fell to 2-5 overall.They would fall to 2-6 ina heartbreaking overtimeloss to the visiting BarabooThunderbirds the next day.Johnson and May each hit twotriples in the fourth to pull theWarriors closer. Senior ChelseaSki team races through seasonSara VincentFeatures Editortime of 22.53 seconds. Senior AaronSchmidt followed with 22.90 secondsbeating his younger brother, Zach, whotimed in at 22.99. Liebe and freshmanBryce Grieber tied with a time of 25.20.Overall Greiber finished fourth placeat 45.29 and Schmidt finished in eighthplace with 46.37.The girls team placed sixth overall,led by senior Cassi Brucker with 23.46seconds for her first run and 22.88seconds for her second run. Withan overall combined time of 46.34seconds Brucker placed 13th.The boys’ team lost senior BenHutchins due to injuries. Last year,Hutchins was the boys’ team numberone seed on the WHS lineup. As ofnow, the team is hopeful that hereturns for upcoming qualifying races.Hagen drilled in the gametyingthree as well. Johnsonput the Warriors up by four,but the Thunderbirds cut thelead in half thanks to two freethrows. With just three secondsleft, Baraboo forced a turnoverand tied the game, sending it toovertime. Baraboo’s intensitywould not be matched in theextra period as the Warriors fell74-63, their third consecutiveloss.Unfortunately the ladies hadto suffer another tough lossbefore they could bounceback.The team faced DeForest onJanuary 11 and started out witha 5-0 lead before the Norskiestook the lead. The girls endedthe second half down by five,but were not settling there.They fought back and lost 46-44in the last minutes of the game.Looking to redeem theirrecord, the girls headed toSauk Prairie. They pulled outa 48-39 victory. On January 21the girls hosted Portage andsecured a win, 60-38The girls record is currently4 - 7 o v e r a l l a n d 3 - 2 i nconference.Senior Brianna May looks to pass against DeForest on January 11.(Photo by Allie Taylor)Senior Charlie Greiber races down the hill in Iowa at a recent ski race. (Photo submitted)January 26, 2011 The Purple SagePage 15

<strong>SAGE</strong> PAGEJosh Lerdahl and Aidan Schlittler, Sage Page EditorsDining on DollarsIt has only been 16 days since the historic opening of the almighty KFC/Taco Bellestablishment on Main Street in <strong>Waunakee</strong>, and customers already have their favoritespicked out. The editors of the Sage Page have decided to share their top lunch picksfrom this now local business.Lunch Favorites“This meal is sure to keep your”AIDAN“Thisstomach quiet.– Aidan Schlittlermight not be the mostcomplete meal, but it is themost delicious.”– Josh LerdahlJOSHKFCKFCFamous Bowl – not the combo $4.49 Large Mashed Potatoes with gravy $3.39Two Biscuits – topped with Small Mountain Dew Baja Blast - $0.99honey or jam $0.99 many refills if desiredWater $0.00Total with tax: $5.78 Total with tax: $4.62Total Calories: 1040 calories Total Calories: 580 calories**assuming no refillsTaco BellTaco BellBeefy Crunch Burrito $0.99 Grilled Chicken Burrito $0.99Baja Chicken Chalupa $1.99 Beefy 5 Layer Burrito $0.99Total with tax: $3.15 Total with tax: $2.09Total Calories: 890 calories Total Calories: 990 caloriesTips for an enjoyabletime at this mixeddining sensation• If you are hankeringfor some KentuckyFried Chicken, go withgrilled chicken whichhas about half thecalories and sodiumand about one thirdof the fat compared toOriginal Recipe andCrispy.•For those who areextra hungr y, wes u g g e s t o r d e r i n gTaco Bell’s $5 BeefyCrunch Box. You willpromptly be rewardedwith a portable boxfilled with goodieslike Cinnamon Twists,a Crunchy Taco, aCrunchwrap Supreme,and my personal TacoBell favorite, a BeefyCrunch Burrito. Thoseactively participatingin sports will also behappy to note that thismeal contains a total of41g of protein, great forbuilding muscle.• If you are on abudget like mosthigh schoolers, werecommend the KFCSnacker. A few of theseminiature sandwicheswill keep you full aswell as alert at school.We suggest a lunch oftwo or three of thesebabies, and at a priceof only 99 cents, youmay even have enoughmoney for a slice ofOreo or Reese’s pie fordessert.• If you are eatingfrom Taco Bell, checkout their websitewhere you can find ameal calculator. Yousimply click on theitems that you ate andit will automaticallycalculate everythingfrom your total caloriesto total protein.•The KFC website hascoupons which areupdated regularly.Notable deals currentlyavailable include a freeLarge Homestyle Sideand a free MediumD r i n k , b o t h w i t hadditional purchaseof course.• If you are in them o o d f o r s o m eTaco Bell, we wouldrecommend going foranything off the WhyPay More menu. Thiscleverly named menuoffers some delectable,and cheap meals.Page 16The Purple Sage January 26, 2011

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