translation of g.30, warum der krieg für deutschland ... - PsyWar.Org

translation of g.30, warum der krieg für deutschland ... - PsyWar.Org

translation of g.30, warum der krieg für deutschland ... - PsyWar.Org


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TRANSLATION OF G.30, WARUM DER KRIEG FÜR DEUTSCHLAND VERLOREN ISTThe following is taken from the <strong>of</strong>ficial English <strong>translation</strong> circulated by the Political Warfare Executive in 1943.However, the first sections <strong>of</strong> the original leaflet appear to be missing from this <strong>translation</strong>. Also the finalsentence here is not included on the actual leaflet.WHY THE WAR IS ALREADY LOST FOR GERMANY“It is obvious that wars engaging the whole populations <strong>of</strong> the opposing sides must befought on different principles from those in which only the standing armies <strong>of</strong> theopponents face each other.”Clausewitz“Our wars must be short and sharp.”Moltke“Our chance lies always in striking quickly. We can never rely on holding out over along period.”Metzsch[Bomb Tonnage Chart showing the biggest raids <strong>of</strong> 1940/41/42/43 <strong>of</strong> the RAF and Luftwaffe respectively][…Section missing from <strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>translation</strong>…]…And after all, at first everything did go according to plan. Hitler was able to gain his start.When he started his total mobilization the Western Powers for years did not keep up with him,and therefore at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the war found themselves hopelessly inferior.The Key to the SituationGermany began her total mobilisation in 1935, Britain in 1938, France in 1939, America in 1940.Only one country was keeping up as well as it could with the German armaments; that countrywas Russia. If one bears this fundamental fact in mind (a fact which one will not find mentionedin any Germany paper) one has the key to the whole development <strong>of</strong> the war. One un<strong>der</strong>standswhy France fell almost without a struggle, why England in 1940 only just managed to parry thefatal blow but was beaten in both her Continental expeditions. One un<strong>der</strong>stands, too, whyGermany was able to conquer nearly the whole <strong>of</strong> Europe. But one also un<strong>der</strong>stands whyGermany in Russia met an entirely different opposition from that which she encountered inFrance; Russia had in fact been arming too. And one un<strong>der</strong>stands why Germany, despite all hervictories, had lost the war once it became apparent that she could neither knock out England in1940 nor Russia in 1941. There Hitler’s calculations had gone awry. For England and Americahad now gained the time which they needed to carry out their own total mobilisation.They have not wasted this time. While for three whole years Germany has been losing bloodAmerica and the British Empire have been mobilising their huge and untapped resources.England now stands where Germany stood in the winter <strong>of</strong> 1939/1940.www.psywar.org

TRANSLATION OF G.30, WARUM DER KRIEG FÜR DEUTSCHLAND VERLOREN IST1918 and TodayJust as in 1918, Germany has reached the point where her flying start – at first her trump card –is now turning against her. For the enormous convulsive effort which total mobilisation demandsis a condition that no country can stand up to indefinitely. At a certain point both the people andthe machines begin to tire. The superhuman effort is followed, after a period <strong>of</strong> gradual decline,by one <strong>of</strong> great weakness. This retrogressive movement has now begun in Germany.Even the greatest efforts, either militarily or industrially, today no longer bring the same resultsthat they brought Germany in 1940/1941. The same condition was reached at the beginning <strong>of</strong>1918, but there is a vast difference between 1918 and now; then Germany had liquidated herEastern front and was able to throw all her remaining forces into one last mighty <strong>of</strong>fensive in theWest. This time the war in the East is not won, and it is the British and the Americans who aregoing over to the <strong>of</strong>fensive in the West.And yet another difference exists between 1918 and today, in those days the German peoplewere still their own masters, they could break <strong>of</strong>f the lost war before Germany herself became atheatre <strong>of</strong> war. This time Germany is in the hands <strong>of</strong> desperadoes who must prolong the war inor<strong>der</strong> to prolong their own lives. William II could capitulate and return to Holland. Hitler cannotdo this, and is therefore determined never to capitulate, that means he will see to it that this timeGermany drains the cup <strong>of</strong> bitter defeat to the very dregs.** This final sentence does not appear on the actual leaflet.[Photographs showing Germans marching into Paris 1940][Photographs showing Germans marching out <strong>of</strong> Tunis 1943]www.psywar.org

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