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Company ProfileCOM<strong>PA</strong>NY PROFILEAbout AavidWith nearly 50 years of product development,engineering innovation and manufacturing expertise,Aavid has been the world leader in thermalmanagement solutions and the partner of choicefor electronics companies focused on introducingnext generation products to market faster, withgreater reliability and increased functionality.Research & DevelopmentAavid continuously invests in thedevelopment of new technologiesto deliver the most advancedsolutions to our worldwidecustomers. Our future focusedR&D efforts keep Aavid ahead ofthe latest emerging technologicaldevelopments and consumerpreferences.World Class QualityAavid Thermalloy ensures consistent quality ofall its products by following the documentedprocesses and procedures within Aavid’s ISO9001:2008 Certified Quality ManagementSystem (QMS). Key elements that ensureconsistent product quality include»»»»»Design InnovationDesign ControlNew <strong>Product</strong>/Process IntroductionProcess Monitoring & ControlEffective Inspection & TestingBroad <strong>Product</strong> OfferingAavid provides the industry’s broadest productoffering, ranging from the smallest board levelcooling solution to hundreds of thousands ofkilowatt industrial applications.World Wide ManufacturingAavid supports product development cycleswith dedicated sales engineering resources andfactory locations that deliver on time, anywherein the world.Aavid delivers innovative, quality productsto market cost effectively using global resourcesand a broad portfolio of manufacturing processesand capabilities.Aavid DesignAavid is unique by offeringstate-of-the-art engineering anddesign services to customers whovalue collaboration in solvingdifficult and complex designmanagement problems. Thesedesign services may be offered aspart of a product solution or throughspecialized engineering and designcenters throughout the world.Aavid Design partners closely with itscustomers early in the design phase of productdevelopment in order to assist with modelingand simulation and to develop innovativeproduct solutions. By employing recognized,market-leading design & engineering expertise,coupled with investment in the latest technologicaldesign tools and backed by its own testlaboratories, Aavid Design is able to develop,test and verify its own designs for its customers.Global Account ManagementDedicated Global Account Management (GAM)Teams comprising of Sales, Engineering andManufacturing personnel provide key customerfocus and enable hassle free, coordinated projectroll out on a worldwide basis.Our mission is total customer satisfaction. We arecommitted to continuous improvement throughthe application of world class business principles.www.aavid.comAMERICA USA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comEUROPE Italy Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-2-8698-3239 sales.tw@aavid.com

FLB TechnologyThe Sleeve Bearing InnovationFLB TECHNOLOGYThe Fluid Lubricant Bearing (FLB) IntroductionFLB stands for Fluid Lubricant Bearing which is the latest developed innovation. The FLB addressesthe major problems of the traditional sleeve bearing and is able to increase the life expectancy overthe traditional sleeve bearing by more than 60%.Characteristics of Sleeve BearingsTraditional sleeve bearings are structured to be shock resistant and low in cost, however it is not suitablefor high performance needs. Sleeve bearings are only ideal for applications that do not require highamounts of CFM. Due to the structure of the traditional sleeve bearing it becomes noisy and wears outvery quickly when performance is in high demand. The 3 major problems for traditional sleeve bearing’sshort life span are:Lubricant leakage or evaporationThe FLB redesigned the sleeve bearing to completely seal in the area where leakage occurs.The FLB also creates a back pressure within the bearing forcing heat out, thus keeping thelubricant cool. This keeps the lubricant inside the bearing and prolongs its life expectancy.Dust tainting the lubricantThe FLB redesigned the sleeve bearing creating a Dust Proof Tunnel preventing dust fromtainting the lubricant itself. This keeps the lubricant in its original state longer prolongingthe life of the bearing.OverheatingThe FLB system redesigned the sleeve bearing by adding an insulating tube between themotor and the bearing to resist heat and prevent the increase of temperature on the bearing.This keeps the lubricant from evaporating too fast due to temperature increases andprolongs the life of the bearing.Our goal is not only to provide the best products available but also to reinvent a better thermal solutionfor all electronic devices for a greener tomorrow.www.aavid.comAMERICAEUROPEUSA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comItaly Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-7-842-9339 sales.tw@aavid.com

<strong>Product</strong> Check ListPRODUCT CHECK LIST<strong>Product</strong> Check ListDIMENSION V<strong>DC</strong> BEARING TYPE OPTIONAL DEVICE SAFETY WEIGHTmm <strong>Series</strong> 5 12 24 48 SLEEVE FLB Ball Restart FG RD PWM UL/CUL TUV CE g40x40x10<strong>PA</strong> V V V V V V V V V V 14.4<strong>PS</strong> V V V V V V V V V V 17.240x40x28 PE V V V V V V V V V 47.050x50x10<strong>PA</strong> V V V V V V V V V V 18.2<strong>PS</strong> V V V V V V V V V V 20.760x60x10<strong>PA</strong> V V V V V V V V V V 27.5<strong>PS</strong> V V V V V V V V V V V 28.060x60x15<strong>PA</strong> V V V V V V V V V V V 40.9<strong>PS</strong> V V V V V V V V V V V 41.2<strong>PA</strong> V V V V V V V V V V 68.060x60x25 <strong>PS</strong> V V V V V V V V V V V 79.0PE V V V V V V V V V V V 85.070x70x10<strong>PA</strong> V V V V V V V V V V 35.0<strong>PS</strong> V V V V V V V V V V V 37.380x80x10<strong>PA</strong> V V V V V V V V V V 42.6<strong>PS</strong> V V V V V V V V V V V 42.680x80x15<strong>PA</strong> V V V V V V V V V V V 63.5<strong>PS</strong> V V V V V V V V V V V 59.2<strong>PA</strong> V V V V V V V V V V 78.080x80x25 <strong>PS</strong> V V V V V V V V V V V 91.6PE V V V V V V V V V V V 90.580x80x38 PE V V V V V V V V V V V 215<strong>PA</strong> V V V V V V V V V V 88.092x92x25 <strong>PS</strong> V V V V V V V V V V V 106PE V V V V V V V V V V V 98.592x92x38 PE V V V V V V V V V V V 230120x120x25 <strong>PS</strong> V V V V V V V V V V V 230120x120x38<strong>PS</strong> V V V V V V V V V V V 375PE V V V V V V V V V V V 415www.aavid.comAMERICA USA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comEUROPE Italy Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-2-8698-3239 sales.tw@aavid.com

Technical DataPulse Sensor / Tachometer Signal /FGPulse Sensor is for detecting the rotational speed ofthe fan motor. At locked rotor condition, the signalstops cycling and the output is fixed at VH or VL.Output WaveformFG Signal Output Circuit: Open CollectorAuto Restart Protection / Current Limit ProtectionWhen the fan motor is locked, the device will cut offthe drive current within two to six seconds and restartautomatically after a few seconds. If the lock situationis continued, the device will work on a repeated cycleof cut-off and restart until the lock is released.TECHNICAL DATALock Sensor / Rotation DetectorLock Sensor is used to detect if the fan motor isoperating or stopped.PWM Control SignalA speed control lead can be provided that will accepta PWM signal from the customer circuit to vary thespeed of the fan. The change in speed is linear bychanging the Duty-Cycle of the PWM.Output WaveformAlarm High: The output will be logical low when fan isoperating and be logical high when fan motor is locked.Alarm Low: The output will be logical highwhen fan is operating and be logical lowwhen fan motor is locked.RD Signal Output Circuit: Open CollectorOpen collector type and pull-up voltage is changedby maximum operating voltage and sink current byconsuming current.Temperature SensorAavid uses a thermistor to sense temperature inthe thermally controlled fan. The thermistor can becontrolled on board or off board with speciallength leads. The RPM and temperature range issubject to custom request.www.aavid.comAMERICAEUROPEUSA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comItaly Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-7-842-9339 sales.tw@aavid.com

IP Protection GradeIP Protection GradeIP Code, the first figure indicates the degree of protection against touching live parts and/or ingressof solid objects. The second figure indicates the degree of protection against the ingress of water.IP X XFirst FigureSecond FigureDegree Description Degree Description0 No Protection 0 No ProtectionIP PROTECTION GRADE12345Protection against touching by handor 50mm dimension objectsProtection against touching by fingeror 12mm dimension objectsProtection against touching by tools,wire, or 5mm dimension objectsProtection against touching by tools, wire,or 1mm dimension objectsTotal touch protection or no harmfuldust ingress1 Protection against vertical water droplets2 Protection against showering at 15°C3 Protection against showering at 60°C4 Protection against splashing from any direction5 Protection against water jets from any direction6 Total touch protection or no dust ingress 678Protection against large volumesof water and no water ingressProtection against the temporaryimmersion in water up to 1 meter deepProtection against the permanentsubmersion at specified depthsManagement System CertificatesISO:ISO9001 (SGS Certificate: CN09/31713)ISO14001 (CGW Register No.:00909E10017R1M)Safety ApprovalsTUV: 28804, 75381UL/CUL: E181279, E342448CEwww.aavid.comAMERICAEUROPEUSA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comItaly Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-7-842-9339 sales.tw@aavid.com

Three <strong>Series</strong>Introducing Three <strong>Series</strong>THREE SERIES<strong>PA</strong>FLB Bearing / High Duration / Full DimensionsAavid’s “FLB” Bearing structure increases the fanlife efficiency by 30% compared to the sleevebearing.<strong>PS</strong>High PQ / FLB Bearing / Powerful FunctionAavid provides multi-function options of ballbearing and FLB bearings to meet your needs.PEHigh PQ / Low Power Consumption / High ReliabilityAavid provides both functionality and performanceapplicable to various needs of rapid cooling andhigh-end products.www.aavid.comAMERICA USA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comEUROPE Italy Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-2-8698-3239 sales.tw@aavid.com

<strong>Fan</strong> Model NumbersExplantion of <strong>Fan</strong> Model Numbers<strong>PA</strong> A D 0 40 10 B L XXXX[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10][1] PRODUCT CATEGORY<strong>PA</strong>:<strong>PS</strong>:PE:Advance <strong>Series</strong>Superior <strong>Series</strong>Excellence <strong>Series</strong>[2] PRODUCT TYPEA: Axial <strong>Fan</strong>B: <strong>Blower</strong>M: Motor[3] POWER TYPED: <strong>DC</strong>A: AC[4] VOLTAGE TYPE<strong>DC</strong>0: 5V1: 12V2: 24V3: 36V4: 48VAC5: 110V6: 115V7: 230V[6] FRAME HEIGHT06: 04-06mm 28: 28mm07: 07mm 32: 29-32mm08: 08mm 35: 33-37mm10: 09-12mm 38: 38-42mm15: 13-17mm 45: 43-47mm20: 18-22mm 51: 48-52mm25: 23-27mm 61: 53-61mm[7] BEARING TYPES: Sleeve Bearing / FLBB: Two Ball Bearing[8] FAN SPEEDL: Low SpeedM: Middle SpeedH: High Speed[9] S<strong>PA</strong>CEBlankFAN MODEL NUMBERS[5] FRAME DIMENSION20: 20mm x 20mm 65: 65mm x 65mm25: 25mm x 25mm 70: 70mm x 70mm30: 30mm x 30mm 75: 75mm x 75mm35: 35mm x 35mm 80: 80mm x 80mm40: 40mm x 40mm 92: 92mm x 92mm45: 45mm x 45mm 97: 97mm x 97mm50: 50mm x 50mm A2: 120mm x 120mm52: 52mm x 52mm A3: 135mm x 135mm60: 60mm x 60mm A7: 172mm x 172mm[10] FUNCTION CODES0000: no functionP000: restart protectionF000: FG signalPF00: restart protection + FG signalPR00: restart protection + RG signalM000: restart protection + PWM signalMF00: restart protection + PWM + FG signalMR00: restart protection + PWM + RD signalwww.aavid.comAMERICAEUROPEUSA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comItaly Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-7-842-9339 sales.tw@aavid.com

<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 4010Advance <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>PA</strong>)40mm x 40mm x 10mm<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 4010»»»»Bearing Type: FLB, Sleeve, Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG SignalProtection (Optional) :Auto Restart ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1061 AWG #28 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalDIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES6.00.20 0.0(InchH2O)(mmH2O)0 2 4 6 8 100 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25(C FM )(C MM )SPECIFICATIONModelRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedFunction Voltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseTypeV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBA<strong>PA</strong>AD04010SL 0000/F000 5 4~5.75 0.16 0.11 0.55 5600 0.19 6.72 3.14 0.12 26.5<strong>PA</strong>AD04010SM P000/PF00 5 4~5.75 0.19 0.16 0.80 6600 0.23 7.97 4.41 0.17 31.0<strong>PA</strong>AD14010SL 12 6~13.8 0.14 0.08 0.96 5600 0.19 6.72 3.14 0.12 26.50000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD14010SM 12 6~13.8 0.16 0.10 1.20 6600 0.23 7.97 4.41 0.17 31.0P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD14010SH 12 6~13.8 0.18 0.12 1.44 7700 0.26 9.22 5.88 0.23 35.5<strong>PA</strong>AD04010BL 0000/F000 5 4~5.75 0.16 0.11 0.55 5600 0.19 6.72 3.14 0.12 25.0<strong>PA</strong>AD04010BM P000/PF00 5 4~5.75 0.19 0.16 0.80 6700 0.23 7.97 4.41 0.17 29.5<strong>PA</strong>AD14010BL 12 6~13.8 0.14 0.08 0.96 5600 0.19 6.72 3.14 0.12 25.00000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD14010BM 12 6~13.8 0.16 0.10 1.20 6600 0.23 7.97 4.41 0.17 29.5P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD14010BH 12 6~13.8 0.18 0.12 1.44 7700 0.26 9.22 5.88 0.23 34.0* Specifications are subject to change without noticewww.aavid.comAMERICA USA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comEUROPE Italy Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-2-8698-3239 sales.tw@aavid.com

<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 5010Advance <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>PA</strong>)50mm x 50mm x 10mm»»»»Bearing Type: FLB, Sleeve, Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG SignalProtection (Optional) :Auto Restart ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1061 AWG #28 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG Signal<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 5010DIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES4. 0.00 5 10 15 (CFM)0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (CMM)(InchH2O)(mmH2O)SPECIFICATIONRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedFunction Voltage Voltage Current Current PowerNoiseModelSpeedAir Flow Air PressureTypeV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBA<strong>PA</strong>AD05010SM 5 4~5.75 0.24 0.11 0.55 4000 0.28 9.93 2.03 0.08 24.00000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD05010SH 5 4~5.75 0.30 0.18 0.90 4700 0.34 11.93 2.83 0.11 28.0<strong>PA</strong>AD15010SM 12 6~13.8 0.11 0.08 0.96 4000 0.28 9.93 2.03 0.08 24.00000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD15010SH 12 6~13.8 0.14 0.10 1.20 4700 0.34 11.93 2.83 0.11 28.0P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD15010SB 12 6~13.8 0.21 0.12 1.44 5400 0.39 13.85 3.72 0.15 31.5<strong>PA</strong>AD05010BM 5 4~5.75 0.24 0.11 0.55 4000 0.28 9.93 2.03 0.08 23.50000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD05010BH 5 4~5.75 0.30 0.18 0.90 4700 0.34 11.93 2.83 0.11 28.5<strong>PA</strong>AD15010BM 12 6~13.8 0.11 0.08 0.96 4000 0.28 9.93 2.03 0.08 23.50000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD15010BH 12 6~13.8 0.14 0.10 1.20 4700 0.34 11.93 2.83 0.11 28.5P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD15010BB 12 6~13.8 0.21 0.12 1.44 5400 0.39 13.85 3.72 0.15 32.5* Specifications are subject to change without noticewww.aavid.comAMERICAEUROPEUSA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comItaly Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-7-842-9339 sales.tw@aavid.com10

<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 6010Advance <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>PA</strong>)60mm x 60mm x 10mm<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 6010»»»»Bearing Type: FLB, Sleeve, Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG SignalProtection (Optional) :Auto Restart ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1061 AWG #26 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalDIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES3.50.12 1.0HML0.50.00 0.0(InchH2O)(mmH2O)0 5 10 15 20 (CFM)0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 (CMM)SPECIFICATIONModelRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedFunction Voltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseTypeV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBA<strong>PA</strong>AD06010SL 5 4~5.75 0.35 0.11 0.550000/F0003000 0.36 12.8 1.76 0.07 23.0<strong>PA</strong>AD06010SMP000/PF005 4~5.75 0.45 0.18 0.90 3600 0.43 15.2 2.33 0.09 28.0<strong>PA</strong>AD06010SH 5 4~5.75 0.55 0.30 1.50 4100 0.50 17.5 3.04 0.12 31.5<strong>PA</strong>AD16010SM 0000/F000 12 6~13.8 0.20 0.11 1.32 3600 0.43 15.2 2.33 0.09 28.0<strong>PA</strong>AD16010SH P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.25 0.14 1.68 4100 0.50 17.5 3.04 0.12 31.5<strong>PA</strong>AD06010BL 5 4~5.75 0.35 0.11 0.550000/F0003100 0.38 13.5 1.87 0.07 25.5<strong>PA</strong>AD06010BMP000/PF005 4~5.75 0.45 0.18 0.90 3700 0.45 15.9 2.47 0.10 29.0<strong>PA</strong>AD06010BH 5 4~5.75 0.55 0.30 1.50 4200 0.51 18.1 3.14 0.12 32.5<strong>PA</strong>AD16010BM 0000/F000 12 6~13.8 0.20 0.11 1.32 3700 0.45 15.9 2.47 0.10 29.0<strong>PA</strong>AD16010BH P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.25 0.14 1.68 4200 0.51 18.1 3.14 0.12 32.5* Specifications are subject to change without notice11www.aavid.comAMERICA USA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comEUROPE Italy Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-2-8698-3239 sales.tw@aavid.com

<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 6015Advance <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>PA</strong>)60mm x 60mm x 15mm»»»»Bearing Type: FLB, Sleeve, Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG SignalProtection (Optional) :Auto Restart ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1061 AWG #26 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG Signal<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 6015DIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES0.20 0.0(InchH2O)(mmH2O)0 10 20 30 (CFM)0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 (CMM)ModelFunctionType* Specifications are subject to change without noticeRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedVoltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBA<strong>PA</strong>AD06015SL0000/F0005 4~5.75 0.55 0.16 0.80 3200 0.47 16.6 2.31 0.09 24.5<strong>PA</strong>AD06015SM P000/PF005 4~5.75 0.70 0.22 1.10 3900 0.59 20.9 3.39 0.13 30.0<strong>PA</strong>AD06015SH 5 4~5.75 0.85 0.35 1.75 4500 0.68 24.1 4.41 0.17 33.0<strong>PA</strong>AD16015SL 12 6~13.8 0.15 0.08 0.96 3200 0.47 16.6 2.31 0.09 24.50000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD16015SM 12 6~13.8 0.25 0.12 1.44 3900 0.59 20.9 3.39 0.13 30.0P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD16015SH 12 6~13.8 0.35 0.16 1.92 4500 0.68 24.1 4.41 0.17 33.00000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD26015SH 24 12~27.6 0.20 0.09 2.16 4500 0.68 24.1 4.41 0.17 33.0P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD06015BL0000/F0005 4~5.75 0.55 0.16 0.80 3300 0.50 17.5 2.42 0.10 24.5<strong>PA</strong>AD06015BM P000/PF005 4~5.75 0.70 0.22 1.10 4000 0.59 20.9 3.43 0.14 30.5<strong>PA</strong>AD06015BH 5 4~5.75 0.85 0.35 1.75 4600 0.69 24.4 4.56 0.18 34.5<strong>PA</strong>AD16015BL 12 6~13.8 0.15 0.08 0.96 3300 0.50 17.5 2.42 0.10 24.50000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD16015BM 12 6~13.8 0.25 0.12 1.44 4000 0.59 20.9 3.43 0.14 30.5P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD16015BH 12 6~13.8 0.35 0.16 1.92 4600 0.69 24.4 4.56 0.18 34.50000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD26015BH 24 12~27.6 0.20 0.09 2.16 4600 0.69 24.4 4.56 0.18 34.5P000/PF00www.aavid.comAMERICAEUROPEUSA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comItaly Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-7-842-9339 sales.tw@aavid.com12

<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 6025Advance <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>PA</strong>)60mm x 60mm x 25mm<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 6025»»»»Bearing Type: FLB, Sleeve, Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG SignalProtection (Optional) :Auto Restart ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1007 AWG #24 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalDIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES9. 10 20 300.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8(mmH2O)(CFM)(CMM)SPECIFICATIONRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedFunction Voltage Voltage Current Current PowerNoiseModelSpeedAir Flow Air PressureTypeV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBA<strong>PA</strong>AD16025SL 12 6~13.8 0.15 0.08 1.96 3300 0.49 17.1 3.99 0.16 26.00000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD16025SM 12 6~13.8 0.20 0.11 1.32 4000 0.60 21.2 5.73 0.23 30.5P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD16025SH 12 6~13.8 0.25 0.14 1.68 4600 0.67 23.8 7.32 0.29 34.0<strong>PA</strong>AD26025SL(-) 24 12~27.6 0.12 0.06 1.44 3300 0.49 17.1 3.99 0.16 26.00000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD26025SM(-) 24 12~27.6 0.14 0.07 1.68 4000 0.60 21.2 5.73 0.23 30.5P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD26025SH(-) 24 12~27.6 0.16 0.08 1.92 4600 0.67 23.8 7.32 0.29 34.0<strong>PA</strong>AD16025BL 12 6~13.8 0.15 0.08 0.96 3500 0.50 17.8 4.28 0.17 28.00000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD16025BM 12 6~13.8 0.20 0.10 1.20 4200 0.62 21.8 6.04 0.24 32.5P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD16025BH 12 6~13.8 0.25 0.13 1.56 4800 0.70 24.6 7.73 0.30 35.5<strong>PA</strong>AD26025BL(-) 24 12~27.6 0.12 0.05 1.20 3500 0.50 17.8 4.28 0.17 28.00000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD26025BM(-) 24 12~27.6 0.14 0.06 1.44 4200 0.62 21.8 6.04 0.24 32.5P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD26025BH(-) 24 12~27.6 0.16 0.07 1.68 4800 0.70 24.6 7.73 0.30 35.5* Specifications are subject to change without notice13www.aavid.comAMERICA USA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comEUROPE Italy Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-2-8698-3239 sales.tw@aavid.com

<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 7010Advance <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>PA</strong>)70mm x 70mm x 10mm»»»»Bearing Type: FLB, Sleeve, Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG SignalProtection (Optional) :Auto Restart ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1061 AWG #26 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG Signal<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 7010DIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES0.12 3.00.08 2.00.04 1.0BHBMBLSHSMSL0.00(InchH2O)0.00 10 20 300.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8(mmH2O)(CFM)(CMM)SPECIFICATIONRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedFunction Voltage Voltage Current Current PowerNoiseModelSpeedAir Flow Air PressureTypeV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBA<strong>PA</strong>AD07010SL 5 4~5.75 0.20 0.16 0.80 2500 0.50 17.7 1.38 0.06 24.00000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD07010SM 5 4~5.75 0.33 0.26 1.30P000/PF003100 0.63 22.2 2.11 0.08 29.5<strong>PA</strong>AD07010SH 5 4~5.75 0.43 0.34 1.70 3500 0.72 25.4 2.68 0.11 32.5<strong>PA</strong>AD17010SL 12 6~13.8 0.20 0.08 0.96 2500 0.50 17.7 1.38 0.06 24.00000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD17010SM 12 6~13.8 0.25 0.12 1.44 3100 0.63 22.2 2.11 0.08 29.5P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD17010SH 12 6~13.8 0.30 0.19 2.28 3500 0.72 25.4 2.68 0.11 32.5<strong>PA</strong>AD07010BL 5 4~5.75 0.20 0.16 0.80 2600 0.51 18.1 1.42 0.06 24.50000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD07010BM 5 4~5.75 0.33 0.26 1.30P000/PF003200 0.64 22.6 2.18 0.09 30.5<strong>PA</strong>AD07010BH 5 4~5.75 0.43 0.34 1.70 3600 0.73 25.8 2.75 0.11 33.5<strong>PA</strong>AD17010BL 12 6~13.8 0.20 0.08 0.96 2600 0.51 18.1 1.42 0.06 24.50000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD17010BM 12 6~13.8 0.25 0.12 1.44 3200 0.64 22.6 2.18 0.09 30.5P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD17010BH 12 6~13.8 0.30 0.19 2.28 3600 0.73 25.8 2.75 0.11 33.5* Specifications are subject to change without noticewww.aavid.comAMERICAEUROPEUSA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comItaly Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-7-842-9339 sales.tw@aavid.com14

<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 8010Advance <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>PA</strong>)80mm x 80mm x 10mm<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 8010»»»»Bearing Type: FLB, Sleeve, Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG SignalProtection (Optional) :Auto Restart ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1061 AWG #26 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalDIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES0.08 2.0BH0.06 1.5BM0.04 1.00.02 0.5BLSHSMSL0.00 0.0(InchH2O)(mmH2O)0 10 20 300.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8(CFM)(CMM)SPECIFICATIONRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedFunction Voltage Voltage Current Current PowerNoiseModelSpeedAir Flow Air PressureTypeV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBA<strong>PA</strong>AD08010SL 5 4~5.75 0.15 0.12 0.60 1900 0.52 18.4 0.88 0.04 22.00000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD08010SM 5 4~5.75 0.23 0.22 1.10 2300 0.64 22.6 1.28 0.05 26.5P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD08010SH 5 4~5.75 0.46 0.40 2.00 2700 0.74 26.2 1.73 0.07 30.0<strong>PA</strong>AD18010SL(-) 12 6~13.8 0.11 0.09 1.08 1900 0.52 18.4 0.88 0.04 22.00000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD18010SM(-) 12 6~13.8 0.16 0.13 1.56 2300 0.64 22.6 1.28 0.05 26.5P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD18010SH(-) 12 6~12.6 0.25 0.20 2.40 2700 0.74 26.2 1.73 0.07 30.0<strong>PA</strong>AD08010BL 5 4~5.75 0.15 0.12 0.60 2000 0.56 19.7 1.00 0.04 22.50000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD08010BM 5 4~5.75 0.28 0.22 1.10P000/PF002400 0.69 24.4 1.44 0.06 28.0<strong>PA</strong>AD08010BH 5 4~5.75 0.50 0.40 2.00 2800 0.79 28.0 1.90 0.08 32.0<strong>PA</strong>AD18010BL(-) 12 6~13.8 0.11 0.09 1.08 2000 0.56 19.7 1.00 0.04 22.50000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD18010BM(-) 12 6~13.8 0.17 0.13 1.56 2400 0.69 24.4 1.44 0.06 28.0P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD18010BH(-) 12 6~12.6 0.25 0.20 2.40 2800 0.79 28.0 1.90 0.08 32.0* Specifications are subject to change without notice15www.aavid.comAMERICA USA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comEUROPE Italy Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-2-8698-3239 sales.tw@aavid.com

<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 8015Advance <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>PA</strong>)80mm x 80mm x 15mm»»»»Bearing Type: FLB, Sleeve, Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG SignalProtection (Optional):Auto Restart ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1061 AWG #26 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG Signal<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 8015DIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES0.12 1.00.5BHBMBLSHSMSL0.00(InchH2O)0.00 10 20 30 400.0 0.3 0.6 0.9(mmH2O)(CFM)(CMM)SPECIFICATIONModelRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedFunction Voltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseTypeV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBA<strong>PA</strong>AD08015SL 5 4~5.75 0.18 0.14 0.70 2000 0.68 23.9 1.37 0.05 22.5<strong>PA</strong>AD08015SM0000/F0005 4~5.75 0.27 0.19 0.95 2400 0.82 28.9 1.94 0.08 26.5<strong>PA</strong>AD08015SHP000/PF005 4~5.75 0.42 0.33 1.65 2800 0.98 34.6 2.66 0.11 31.5<strong>PA</strong>AD18015SL(-) 12 6~13.8 0.15 0.06 0.72 2000 0.68 23.9 1.37 0.05 22.50000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD18015SM(-) 12 6~13.8 0.25 0.10 1.20P000/PF002400 0.82 28.9 1.94 0.08 26.5<strong>PA</strong>AD18015SH(-) 12 6~13.8 0.35 0.16 1.92 2800 0.98 34.6 2.66 0.11 31.5<strong>PA</strong>AD28015SM(-) 0000/F000 24 12~27.6 0.15 0.06 1.44 2400 0.82 28.9 1.94 0.08 26.5<strong>PA</strong>AD28015SH- P000/PF00 24 12~27.6 0.25 0.11 2.64 2800 0.98 34.6 2.66 0.11 31.5<strong>PA</strong>AD08015BL 5 4~5.75 0.18 0.14 0.70 2100 0.71 25.1 1.46 0.06 22.50000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD08015BM 5 4~5.75 0.27 0.19 0.95 2500 0.86 30.4 2.07 0.08 26.5P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD08015BH 5 4~5.75 0.42 0.33 1.65 2900 1.01 35.5 2.73 0.11 31.5<strong>PA</strong>AD18015BL(-) 12 6~13.8 0.15 0.07 0.84 2100 0.71 25.1 1.46 0.06 22.50000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD18015BM(-) 12 6~13.8 0.25 0.10 1.20P000/PF002500 0.86 30.4 2.07 0.08 26.5<strong>PA</strong>AD18015BH(-) 12 6~13.8 0.35 0.14 1.68 2900 1.01 35.5 2.73 0.11 31.5<strong>PA</strong>AD28015BM(-) 0000/F000 24 12~27.6 0.15 0.06 1.44 2500 0.86 30.4 2.07 0.08 26.5<strong>PA</strong>AD28015BH- P000/PF00 24 12~27.6 0.25 0.11 2.64 2900 1.01 35.5 2.73 0.11 31.5* Specifications are subject to change without noticewww.aavid.comAMERICAEUROPEUSA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comItaly Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-7-842-9339 sales.tw@aavid.com16

<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 8025Advance <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>PA</strong>)80mm x 80mm x 25mm<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 8025»»»»Bearing Type: FLB, Sleeve, Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG SignalProtection (Optional):Auto Restart ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1007 AWG #24 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalDIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES0.20 0.00 10 20 30 40 50 (CFM)0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 (CMM)ModelRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedFunction Voltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseTypeV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBA<strong>PA</strong>AD18025SL 12 6~13.8 0.14 0.09 0.96 2400 0.92 32.7 2.58 0.10 25.5<strong>PA</strong>AD18025SM 0000/F000 12 6~13.8 0.19 0.12 1.44 2900 1.09 38.4 3.51 0.14 31.0<strong>PA</strong>AD18025SH 12 6~13.8 0.24 0.18 2.16 3300 1.25 44.2 4.24 0.17 34.0<strong>PA</strong>AD18025SL- 12 6~13.8 0.14 0.08 0.96 2400 0.92 32.7 2.58 0.10 25.5<strong>PA</strong>AD18025SM- P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.19 0.12 1.44 2900 1.09 38.4 3.51 0.14 31.0<strong>PA</strong>AD18025SH- 12 6~13.8 0.30 0.18 2.16 3300 1.25 44.2 4.24 0.17 34.0<strong>PA</strong>AD28025SL 24 12~27.6 0.08 0.05 1.20 2400 0.92 32.7 2.58 0.10 25.5<strong>PA</strong>AD28025SM 0000/F000 24 12~27.6 0.10 0.07 1.68 2900 1.09 38.4 3.51 0.14 31.0<strong>PA</strong>AD28025SH 24 12~27.6 0.12 0.09 2.16 3300 1.25 44.2 4.24 0.17 34.0<strong>PA</strong>AD28025SL- 24 12~27.6 0.07 0.05 1.20 2400 0.92 32.7 2.58 0.10 25.5<strong>PA</strong>AD28025SM- P000/PF00 24 12~27.6 0.12 0.07 1.68 2900 1.09 38.4 3.51 0.14 31.0<strong>PA</strong>AD28025SH- 24 12~27.6 0.14 0.09 2.16 3300 1.25 44.2 4.24 0.17 34.0<strong>PA</strong>AD18025BL 12 6~13.8 0.14 0.08 0.96 2500 0.93 32.9 2.72 0.11 26.5<strong>PA</strong>AD18025BM 0000/F000 12 6~13.8 0.19 0.11 1.32 3000 1.13 40.0 3.80 0.15 32.5<strong>PA</strong>AD18025BH 12 6~13.8 0.24 0.17 2.04 3400 1.26 44.6 4.64 0.18 35.0<strong>PA</strong>AD18025BL- 12 6~13.8 0.14 0.08 0.96 2500 0.93 32.9 2.72 0.11 26.5<strong>PA</strong>AD18025BM- P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.19 0.11 1.32 3000 1.13 40.0 3.80 0.15 32.5<strong>PA</strong>AD18025BH- 12 6~13.8 0.30 0.17 2.04 3400 1.26 44.6 4.64 0.18 35.0<strong>PA</strong>AD28025BL 24 12~27.6 0.08 0.05 1.20 2500 0.93 32.9 2.72 0.11 26.5<strong>PA</strong>AD28025BM 0000/F000 24 12~27.6 0.10 0.07 1.68 3000 1.13 40.0 3.80 0.15 32.5<strong>PA</strong>AD28025BH 24 12~27.6 0.12 0.08 1.92 3400 1.26 44.6 4.64 0.18 35.0<strong>PA</strong>AD28025BL- 24 12~27.6 0.07 0.05 1.20 2500 0.93 32.9 2.72 0.11 26.5<strong>PA</strong>AD28025BM- P000/PF00 24 12~27.6 0.12 0.07 1.68 3000 1.13 40.0 3.80 0.15 32.5<strong>PA</strong>AD28025BH- 24 12~27.6 0.14 0.08 1.92 3400 1.26 44.6 4.64 0.18 35.0* Specifications are subject to change without notice(InchH2O)(mmH2O)17www.aavid.comAMERICA USA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comEUROPE Italy Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-2-8698-3239 sales.tw@aavid.com

<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 9225Advance <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>PA</strong>)92mm x 92mm x 25mm»»»»Bearing Type: FLB, Sleeve, Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG SignalProtection (Optional):Auto Restart ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1007 AWG #24 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG Signal<strong>PA</strong> SERIES 9225DIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES4. 0.0(InchH2O) 15 30 45 60 750.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0SL(CFM)(CMM)SPECIFICATIONRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedFunction Voltage Voltage Current Current PowerNoiseModelSpeedAir Flow Air PressureTypeV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBA<strong>PA</strong>AD19225SL(-) 12 6~13.8 0.24 0.09 1.08 20000000/F0001.28 45.0 2.25 0.09 27.0<strong>PA</strong>AD19225SM(-)P000/PF0012 6~13.8 0.28 0.14 1.68 2300 1.44 50.9 2.78 0.11 32.0<strong>PA</strong>AD19225SH(-) 12 6~13.8 0.32 0.20 2.40 2700 1.72 60.7 3.73 0.15 35.0<strong>PA</strong>AD29225SL(-) 24 12~27.6 0.10 0.06 1.44 2000 1.28 45.0 2.25 0.09 27.00000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD29225SM(-) 24 12~27.6 0.14 0.09 2.16 2300 1.44 50.9 2.78 0.11 32.0P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD29225SH(-) 24 12~27.6 0.18 0.10 2.40 2700 1.72 60.7 3.73 0.15 35.0<strong>PA</strong>AD19225BL(-) 12 6~13.8 0.24 0.09 1.08 2100 1.37 48.4 2.42 0.10 29.00000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD19225BM(-) 12 6~13.8 0.28 0.14 1.68 2400P000/PF001.56 55.1 3.27 0.12 32.5<strong>PA</strong>AD19225BH(-) 12 6~13.8 0.32 0.19 2.28 2800 1.78 63.0 3.97 0.16 36.5<strong>PA</strong>AD29225BL(-) 24 12~27.6 0.10 0.05 1.20 2100 1.37 48.4 2.42 0.10 29.00000/F000<strong>PA</strong>AD29225BM(-) 24 12~27.6 0.14 0.08 1.92 2400 1.56 55.1 3.27 0.12 32.5P000/PF00<strong>PA</strong>AD29225BH(-) 24 12~27.6 0.18 0.10 2.40 2800 1.78 63.0 3.97 0.16 36.5* Specifications are subject to change without noticewww.aavid.comAMERICAEUROPEUSA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comItaly Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-7-842-9339 sales.tw@aavid.com18

<strong>PS</strong> SERIES 8015Superior <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>PS</strong>)80mm x 80mm x 15mm»»»»Bearing Type: FLB, Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG Signal, RD Signal, PWMProtection:Auto Restart ProtectionPolarity Reverse ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1061 AWG #26 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalWhite Wire: RD SignalBlue Wire: PWM<strong>PS</strong> SERIES 8015DIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES4. 0.00 10 20 30 40 500.0 0.4 0.8 1.2(InchH2O)(mmH2O)(CFM)(CMM)SPECIFICATIONModelFunctionTypeRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedVoltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBA<strong>PS</strong>AD08015SL P000/PF00 5 4.5~5.5 0.22 0.17 0.85 2500 0.87 30.5 2.27 0.09 28.0PR00/M000<strong>PS</strong>AD08015SM MF00/MR005 4.5~5.5 0.35 0.28 1.40 3000 1.04 36.8 3.08 0.12 32.5<strong>PS</strong>AD18015SL P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.12 0.09 1.08 2500 0.87 30.5 2.27 0.09 28.0<strong>PS</strong>AD18015SM PR00/M000 12 6~13.8 0.20 0.16 1.92 3000 1.04 36.8 3.08 0.12 32.5<strong>PS</strong>AD18015SH MF00/MR00 12 6~13.8 0.24 0.19 2.28 3400 1.18 41.8 3.98 0.16 36.5<strong>PS</strong>AD08015BL P000/PF00 5 4.5~5.5 0.22 0.16 0.80 2600 0.91 32.3 2.46 0.10 28.5PR00/M000<strong>PS</strong>AD08015BM MF00/MR005 4.5~5.5 0.35 0.26 1.30 3100 1.09 38.3 3.25 0.13 35.0<strong>PS</strong>AD18015BL P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.12 0.09 1.08 2600 0.91 32.3 2.46 0.10 28.5<strong>PS</strong>AD18015BM PR00/M000 12 6~13.8 0.20 0.16 1.92 3100 1.09 38.3 3.25 0.13 35.0<strong>PS</strong>AD18015BH MF00/MR00 12 6~13.8 0.24 0.16 2.16 3500 1.25 44.0 4.13 0.16 38.0* Specifications are subject to change without noticewww.aavid.comAMERICAEUROPEUSA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comItaly Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-7-842-9339 sales.tw@aavid.com26

<strong>PS</strong> SERIES 8025Superior <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>PS</strong>)80mm x 80mm x 25mm<strong>PS</strong> SERIES 8025»»»»Bearing Type: FLB, Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG Signal, RD Signal, PWMProtection:Auto Restart ProtectionPolarity Reverse ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1007 AWG #24 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalWhite Wire: RD SignalBlue Wire: PWMDIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES12.00.4 10.0BH0. 20 40 60 800.0 0.7 1.4 2.1(CFM)(CMM)SPECIFICATIONModelFunctionTypeRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedVoltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBA<strong>PS</strong>AD18025SL P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.19 0.16 1.92 3400 1.30 45.9 5.29 0.21 35.0<strong>PS</strong>AD18025SM PR00/M000 12 6~13.8 0.29 0.23 2.76 4300 1.65 58.2 7.98 0.31 41.0<strong>PS</strong>AD18025SH MF00/MR00 12 6~13.8 0.43 0.34 4.08 4900 1.92 68.0 10.06 0.40 44.5<strong>PS</strong>AD18025BL P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.19 0.15 1.80 3600 1.36 48.1 5.61 0.21 37.0<strong>PS</strong>AD18025BM PR00/M000 12 6~13.8 0.29 0.22 2.76 4500 1.70 60.0 8.47 0.31 43.0<strong>PS</strong>AD18025BH MF00/MR00 12 6~13.8 0.43 0.33 3.96 5100 1.96 69.2 10.56 0.40 45.5* Specifications are subject to change without notice27www.aavid.comAMERICA USA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comEUROPE Italy Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-2-8698-3239 sales.tw@aavid.com

<strong>PS</strong> SERIES 9225Superior <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>PS</strong>)92mm x 92mm x 25mm»»»»Bearing Type: FLB, Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG Signal, RD Signal, PWMProtection:Auto Restart ProtectionPolarity Reverse ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1007 AWG #24 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalWhite Wire: RD SignalBlue Wire: PWM<strong>PS</strong> SERIES 9225DIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES0.4 20 40 60 80 100 (CFM)0.0 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8 (CMM)(mmH2O)SPECIFICATIONModelFunctionTypeRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedVoltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBA<strong>PS</strong>AD19225SL P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.22 0.18 2.16 2900 1.83 64.7 4.77 0.19 37.5<strong>PS</strong>AD19225SM PR00/M000 12 6~13.8 0.34 0.28 3.36 3500 2.23 78.9 6.82 0.27 43.0<strong>PS</strong>AD19225SH MF00/MR00 12 6~13.8 0.50 0.41 4.92 4000 2.58 91.2 8.83 0.35 47.0<strong>PS</strong>AD19225BL P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.22 0.18 2.16 3100 2.00 70.5 5.54 0.22 40.5<strong>PS</strong>AD19225BM PR00/M000 12 6~13.8 0.34 0.27 3.24 3700 2.37 83.6 7.57 0.30 44.5<strong>PS</strong>AD19225BH MF00/MR00 12 6~13.8 0.50 0.40 4.80 4200 2.72 96.1 9.38 0.37 48.5* Specifications are subject to change without noticewww.aavid.comAMERICAEUROPEUSA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comItaly Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-7-842-9339 sales.tw@aavid.com28

<strong>PS</strong> SERIES A225Superior <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>PS</strong>)120mm x 120mm x 25mm<strong>PS</strong> SERIES A225»»»»Bearing Type: Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG Signal, RD Signal, PWMProtection:Auto Restart ProtectionPolarity Reverse ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1007 AWG #24 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalWhite Wire: RD SignalBlue Wire: PWMDIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES0.8 200.6 150.4 10HM0.25L0.0(InchH2O)00 50 100 150 (CFM)0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 (CMM)(mmH2O)SPECIFICATIONModelRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedFunction Voltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseTypeV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBA<strong>PS</strong>AD1A225BL P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.35 0.28 3.36 2900 2.60 91.8 10.43 0.41 42.0<strong>PS</strong>AD1A225BM PR00/M000 12 6~13.8 0.53 0.39 4.68 3500 3.09 109.0 15.16 0.60 47.0<strong>PS</strong>AD1A225BH MF00/MR00 12 6~13.8 0.79 0.59 7.08 4100 3.59 126.9 17.62 0.69 51.5<strong>PS</strong>AD2A225BL P000/PF00 24 16~27.6 0.19 0.15 3.60 2900 2.60 91.8 10.43 0.41 42.0<strong>PS</strong>AD2A225BM PR00/M000 24 16~27.6 0.26 0.21 5.04 3500 3.09 109.0 15.16 0.60 47.0<strong>PS</strong>AD2A225BH MF00/MR00 24 16~27.6 0.39 0.31 7.44 4100 3.59 126.9 17.62 0.69 51.5<strong>PS</strong>AD4A225BL P000/PF00 48 30~55.2 0.10 0.08 3.84 2900 2.60 91.8 10.43 0.41 42.0<strong>PS</strong>AD4A225BM PR00/M000 48 30~55.2 0.15 0.12 5.76 3500 3.09 109.0 15.16 0.60 47.0<strong>PS</strong>AD4A225BH MF00/MR00 48 30~55.2 0.23 0.17 8.16 4100 3.59 126.9 17.62 0.69 51.5* Specifications are subject to change without notice29www.aavid.comAMERICA USA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comEUROPE Italy Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-2-8698-3239 sales.tw@aavid.com

<strong>PS</strong> SERIES A238Superior <strong>Series</strong> (<strong>PS</strong>)120mm x 120mm x 38mm»»»»Bearing Type: Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG Signal, RD Signal, PWMProtection:Auto Restart ProtectionPolarity Reverse ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1007 AWG #24 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalWhite Wire: RD SignalBlue Wire: PWM<strong>PS</strong> SERIES A238DIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES1.2 301.0 250.8 200.6 15HM0.4 10L0.250.0 00 50 100 150 200 250 (CFM)0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 (CMM)(InchH2O)(mmH2O)SPECIFICATIONModelFunctionTypeRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedVoltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBA<strong>PS</strong>AD1A238BL P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.91 0.73 8.76 3500 4.44 156.9 15.58 0.61 51.0<strong>PS</strong>AD1A238BM PR00/M000 12 6~13.8 1.35 1.08 12.96 4100 5.16 182.1 21.45 0.84 55.5<strong>PS</strong>AD1A238BH MF00/MR00 12 6~13.8 1.75 1.40 16.80 4600 5.69 200.9 25.00 0.98 59.5<strong>PS</strong>AD2A238BL P000/PF00 24 16~27.6 0.44 0.35 8.40 3500 4.44 156.9 15.58 0.61 51.0<strong>PS</strong>AD2A238BM PR00/M000 24 16~27.6 0.65 0.55 13.20 4100 5.16 182.1 21.45 0.84 55.0<strong>PS</strong>AD2A238BH MF00/MR00 24 16~27.6 0.88 0.70 16.80 4600 5.69 200.9 25.00 0.98 59.5<strong>PS</strong>AD4A238BL P000/PF00 48 30~55.2 0.23 0.18 8.64 3500 4.44 156.9 15.58 0.61 51.0<strong>PS</strong>AD4A238BM PR00/M000 48 30~55.2 0.34 0.27 12.96 4100 5.16 182.1 21.45 0.84 55.0<strong>PS</strong>AD4A238BH MF00/MR00 48 30~55.2 0.48 0.36 17.28 4600 5.69 200.9 25.00 0.98 59.5* Specifications are subject to change without noticewww.aavid.comAMERICAEUROPEUSA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comItaly Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-7-842-9339 sales.tw@aavid.com30

PE SERIES 4028Excellence <strong>Series</strong> (PE)40mm x 40mm x 28mmPE SERIES 4028»»»»Bearing Type: Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG Signal, RD Signal, PWMProtection:Auto Restart ProtectionPolarity Reverse ProtectionLead Wire :UL 1061 AWG #26 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalWhite Wire: RD SignalBlue Wire: PWMDIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES803.0602.0401.020HML0.0(InchH2O)00 10 20 300.00 0.25 0.50 0.75(mmH2O)(CFM)(CMM)SPECIFICATIONModelRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedFunction Voltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseTypeV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBAPEAD14028BL P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.58 0.46 5.52 14600 0.54 19.0 37.5 1.48 52.5PEAD14028BM PR00/M000 12 6~13.8 0.81 0.65 7.80 17600 0.67 23.8 55.0 2.16 56.5PEAD14028BH MF00/MR00 12 6~13.8 1.02 0.81 9.72 20000 0.75 26.4 69.9 2.75 59.5* Specifications are subject to change without notice31www.aavid.comAMERICA USA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comEUROPE Italy Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-2-8698-3239 sales.tw@aavid.com

PE SERIES 6025Excellence <strong>Series</strong> (PE)60mm x 60mm x 25mm»»»»Bearing Type: Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG Signal, RD Signal, PWMProtection:Auto Restart ProtectionPolarity Reverse ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1007 AWG #24 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalWhite Wire: RD SignalBlue Wire: PWMPE SERIES 6025DIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES1.00 25200.75150.50100.255HML0.00(InchH2O)0(mmH2O)0 10 20 30 40 500.0 0.5 1.0 1.5(CFM)(CMM)SPECIFICATIONModelFunctionTypeRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedVoltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBAPEAD16025BL P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.27 0.21 2.52 5800 0.84 29.7 12.98 0.51 41.5PEAD16025BM PR00/M000 12 6~13.8 0.40 0.32 3.84 7000 1.01 35.5 17.94 0.71 46.0PEAD16025BH MF00/MR00 12 6~13.8 0.60 0.48 5.76 8000 1.21 42.8 24.58 0.97 50.5PEAD26025BL P000/PF00 24 16~27.6 0.15 0.11 2.64 5800 0.84 29.7 12.98 0.51 41.5PEAD26025BM PR00/M000 24 16~27.6 0.23 0.16 3.84 7000 1.01 35.5 17.94 0.71 45.5PEAD26025BH MF00/MR00 24 16~27.6 0.33 0.22 5.28 8000 1.21 42.8 24.58 0.97 50.5PEAD46025BL P000/PF00 48 30~55.2 0.10 0.06 2.88 5800 0.84 29.7 12.98 0.51 41.5PEAD46025BM PR00/M000 48 30~55.2 0.16 0.10 4.80 7000 1.01 35.5 17.94 0.71 45.5PEAD46025BH MF00/MR00 48 30~55.2 0.23 0.14 6.72 8000 1.21 42.8 24.58 0.97 50.5* Specifications are subject to change without noticewww.aavid.comAMERICAEUROPEUSA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comItaly Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-7-842-9339 sales.tw@aavid.com32

PE SERIES 8025Excellence <strong>Series</strong> (PE)80mm x 80mm x 25mmPE SERIES 8025»»»»Bearing Type: Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG Signal, RD Signal, PWMProtection:Auto Restart ProtectionPolarity Reverse ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1007 AWG #24 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalWhite Wire: RD SignalBlue Wire: PWMDIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES140.5120.4 100.3860.240.12HML0.0 0(InchH2O)(mmH2O)0 20 40 60 800.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0(CFM)(CMM)SPECIFICATIONModelFunctionType* Specifications are subject to change without noticeRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedVoltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBAPEAD18025BL P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.28 0.22 2.64 4000 1.51 53.4 6.92 0.27 40.0PEAD18025BM PR00/M000 12 6~13.8 0.35 0.28 3.36 4600 1.76 62.1 9.04 0.36 43.5PEAD18025BH MF00/MR00 12 6~13.8 0.48 0.38 4.56 5400 2.08 73.5 12.00 0.47 48.0PEAD28025BL P000/PF00 24 16~27.6 0.14 0.11 2.64 4000 1.51 53.4 6.92 0.27 40.0PEAD28025BM PR00/M000 24 16~27.6 0.19 0.15 3.60 4600 1.76 62.1 9.04 0.36 43.5PEAD28025BH MF00/MR00 24 16~27.6 0.25 0.20 4.80 5400 2.08 73.5 12.00 0.47 48.0PEAD48025BL P000/PF00 48 30~55.2 0.09 0.08 3.84 4000 1.51 53.4 6.92 0.27 40.0PEAD48025BM PR00/M000 48 30~55.2 0.12 0.10 4.80 4600 1.76 62.1 9.04 0.36 43.5PEAD48025BH MF00/MR00 48 30~55.2 0.17 0.12 5.76 5400 2.08 73.5 12.00 0.47 48.033www.aavid.comAMERICA USA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comEUROPE Italy Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-2-8698-3239 sales.tw@aavid.com

PE SERIES 8038Excellence <strong>Series</strong> (PE)80mm x 80mm x 38mm»»»»Bearing Type: Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG Signal, RD Signal, PWMProtection:Auto Restart ProtectionPolarity Reverse ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1430 AWG #24 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalWhite Wire: RD SignalBlue Wire: PWMPE SERIES 8038DIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES602.0401.51.0200.5HML0.0 00 50 100 150 (CFM)0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 (CMM)(InchH2O)(mmH2O)SPECIFICATIONModelFunctionTypeRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedVoltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBAPEAD18038BL P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 1.83 1.46 17.52 7500 2.76 97.6 27.74 1.09 57.0PEAD18038BM PR00/M000 12 6~13.8 2.75 2.20 26.40 9000 3.37 119.0 39.83 1.57 61.5PEAD18038BH MF00/MR00 12 6~13.8 3.88 3.10 37.20 10200 3.81 134.5 49.91 1.97 65.5PEAD28038BL P000/PF00 24 16~27.6 0.68 0.85 16.32 7500 2.76 97.6 27.74 1.09 57.0PEAD28038BM PR00/M000 24 16~27.6 1.10 1.38 26.40 9000 3.37 119.0 39.83 1.57 61.5PEAD28038BH MF00/MR00 24 16~27.6 1.55 1.94 37.20 10200 3.81 134.5 49.91 1.97 65.5PEAD48038BL P000/PF00 48 30~55.2 0.35 0.44 16.80 7500 2.76 97.6 27.74 1.09 57.0PEAD48038BM PR00/M000 48 30~55.2 0.55 0.64 26.40 9000 3.37 119.0 39.83 1.57 61.5PEAD48038BH MF00/MR00 48 30~55.2 0.78 0.98 37.44 10200 3.81 134.5 49.91 1.97 65.5* Specifications are subject to change without noticewww.aavid.comAMERICAEUROPEUSA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comItaly Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-7-842-9339 sales.tw@aavid.com34

PE SERIES 9225Excellence <strong>Series</strong> (PE)92mm x 92mm x 25mmPE SERIES 9225»»»»Bearing Type: Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG Signal, RD Signal, PWMProtection:Auto Restart ProtectionPolarity Reverse ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1007 AWG #24 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalWhite Wire: RD SignalBlue Wire: PWMDIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES0.5120.480.30.240.1HML0.0 00 40 80 120 (CFM)0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 (CMM)(InchH2O)(mmH2O)SPECIFICATIONModelFunctionTypeRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedVoltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBAPEAD19225BL P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 0.38 0.28 3.36 3500 2.34 82.5 6.90 0.27 43.5PEAD19225BM PR00/M000 12 6~13.8 0.49 0.39 4.68 4000 2.55 89.9 8.55 0.34 47.5PEAD19225BH MF00/MR00 12 6~13.8 0.89 0.61 7.32 4600 3.20 106.7 11.42 0.45 51.0PEAD29225BL P000/PF00 24 16~27.6 0.19 0.15 3.60 3500 2.34 82.5 6.90 0.27 43.5PEAD29225BM PR00/M000 24 16~27.6 0.25 0.20 4.80 4000 2.55 89.9 8.55 0.34 47.5PEAD29225BH MF00/MR00 24 16~27.6 0.36 0.29 6.96 4600 3.20 106.7 11.42 0.45 51.0PEAD48025BL P000/PF00 48 30~55.2 0.12 0.09 4.32 3500 2.34 82.5 6.90 0.27 43.5PEAD49225BM PR00/M000 48 30~55.2 0.15 0.12 5.76 4000 2.55 89.9 8.55 0.34 47.5PEAD49225BH MF00/MR00 48 30~55.2 0.23 0.18 8.64 4600 3.20 106.7 11.42 0.45 51.0* Specifications are subject to change without notice35www.aavid.comAMERICA USA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comEUROPE Italy Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-2-8698-3239 sales.tw@aavid.com

PE SERIES A238Excellence <strong>Series</strong> (PE)120mm x 120mm x 38mmPE SERIES A238»»»»Bearing Type: Ball BearingFunction Type (Optional): FG Signal, RD Signal, PWMProtection:Auto Restart ProtectionPolarity Reverse ProtectionLead Wire:UL 1430 AWG #24 or EquivalentRed Wire: Positive (+)Black Wire: Negative (-)Yellow Wire: FG SignalWhite Wire: RD SignalBlue Wire: PWMDIMENSIONS DRAWINGPERFORMANCE CURVES2.0 50401.5301.0200.510HML0.0 00 100 200 3000.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0(InchH2O)(mmH2O)(CFM)(CMM)SPECIFICATIONModelRated Operating Rated Input Input RatedFunction Voltage Voltage Current Current Power SpeedAir Flow Air Pressure NoiseTypeV<strong>DC</strong> V<strong>DC</strong> Amp Amp Watt RPM CMM CFM mmH2O InH2O dBAPEAD1A238BL P000/PF00 12 6~13.8 2.25 2.00 24.00 4700 5.84 206.3 32.56 1.28 59.5PEAD1A238BM PR00/M000 12 6~13.8 3.69 3.00 36.00 5700 6.66 235.1 43.79 1.72 65.5PEAD1A238BH MF00/MR00 12 6~13.8 5.44 4.35 52.20 6500 7.68 271.2 47.99 1.89 68.5PEAD2A238BL P000/PF00 24 16~27.6 1.08 0.86 20.64 4700 5.84 206.3 32.56 1.28 59.5PEAD2A238BM PR00/M000 24 16~27.6 1.75 1.40 33.60 5700 6.66 235.1 43.79 1.72 65.5PEAD2A238BH MF00/MR00 24 16~27.6 2.63 2.10 50.40 6500 7.68 271.2 47.99 1.89 68.5PEAD4A238BL P000/PF00 48 30~55.2 0.54 0.43 20.64 4700 5.84 206.3 32.56 1.28 59.5PEAD4A238BM PR00/M000 48 30~55.2 0.88 0.70 33.60 5700 6.66 235.1 43.79 1.72 65.5PEAD4A238BH MF00/MR00 48 30~55.2 1.25 1.00 48.00 6500 7.68 271.2 47.99 1.89 68.5* Specifications are subject to change without notice37www.aavid.comAMERICA USA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comEUROPE Italy Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-2-8698-3239 sales.tw@aavid.com

CustomizationCustomized Notebook / Netbook / AIO <strong>Blower</strong>Dimensions: 35mm x 35mm x 6mm ~ 90mm x 90mm x 22mmCUSTOMIZATIONCustomized <strong>Fan</strong> & <strong>Blower</strong>Customized Spindle Motorwww.aavid.comAMERICAEUROPEUSA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comItaly Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-7-842-9339 sales.tw@aavid.com38

AccessoriesACCESSORIESMetal Finger GuardAvailable Dimensions: 40mm, 50mm, 60mm, 70mm, 80mm, 90mm, 120mm, 150mm40mm 50mm 60mm 70mm80mm90mm120mm150mm3-In-1 Plastic FilterAvailable Dimensions: 40mm, 60mm, 80mm, 90mm, 120mm40mm60mm80mm90mm120mmExploded View Drawing39www.aavid.comAMERICA USA Tel: +1-603-528-3400 info@aavid.comEUROPE Italy Tel: +39 051 764011 sales.eu@aavid.comASIASHANGHAI Tel: 400-611-5978 sales.china@aavid.comTAIWAN Tel: +886-2-8698-3239 sales.tw@aavid.com

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