Nietzsche's Naturalistic Ethics - UNAIR | E-Book Collection

Nietzsche's Naturalistic Ethics - UNAIR | E-Book Collection

Nietzsche's Naturalistic Ethics - UNAIR | E-Book Collection


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II) GS for Gay Science, A for Antichrist, EH for Ecce Homo, Z for Zarathustra, UM for UntimelyMeditations, and BGE for Beyond Good and Evil. I use in general the translations by WalterKaufmann (of Kaufmann and R. J. Hollingdale, for UM, A, TI, and D), except for GM, where I useClark/Swensen; however, I have modified the translations at various points and do not in generaldocument precisely where.Bittner, R. 1994. “Ressentiment.” In Schacht (1994)Clark, M. 1994. “Nietzsche’s Immoralism and the Concept of Morality.” In Schacht (1994)Clark, M, and A. Swensen (eds). 1998. Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality. Cambridge:HackettDarwall, S. 1998. Philosophical <strong>Ethics</strong>. Oxford: WestviewDostoevsky, F. 1993. Notes from the Underground. New York: Vintage <strong>Book</strong>sFreud, S. 1961. Civilization and Its Discontents. New York: NortonFoot, P. 1994. “Nietzsche’s Immoralism.” In Schacht (1994)Heidegger, M. 1954. What is Thinking? New York: Harper and RowHeidegger, M. 1977. “Who is Nietzsche’s Zarathustra?” In: D. Allison (ed.), The New Nietzsche. NewYork: Delta <strong>Book</strong>Koecke, C. 1994. Zeit des Ressentiments, Zeit der Erlösung. Berlin: de GruyterKorsgaard, C. 1996a. The Sources of Normativity: Cambridge: Cambridge University PressKorsgaard, C. 1996b. Creating the Kingdom of Ends. Cambridge: Cambridge University PressLeiter, B. 1995. “Morality in the Pejorative Sense: On the Logic of Nietzsche’s Critique of Morality.”British Journal for the History of Philosophy 3, 113-145Leiter, B. 1997. “Nietzsche and the Morality Critics.” <strong>Ethics</strong> 107: 250-8536

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