Nietzsche's Naturalistic Ethics - UNAIR | E-Book Collection

Nietzsche's Naturalistic Ethics - UNAIR | E-Book Collection

Nietzsche's Naturalistic Ethics - UNAIR | E-Book Collection


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well in the preface to the Genealogy:What if a symptom of regression lurked in the “good,” likewise a danger, a seduction, a poison, a narcotic,through which the present lived at the expense of the future? Perhaps more comfortably, less dangerously, butat the same time in a meaner style, more basely? – So that morality itself were to blame if the highest power andsplendor possible to the type of man was never in fact attained? So that morality itself was the danger ofdangers? (GM, Preface 6)Nietzsche’s ideal of ideal of unit of agency, then, at least partially answers the question of whyNietzsche rejects ressentiment-based moralities and exempts the moral codes discussed in section 3from criticism. 31 Obviously, there are reasons to reject or modify Nietzsche’s ideal of agency, inparticular on the basis that the ideal is not meant and unlikely to be met by more than a few. To theextent that we have reason to reject that ideal of personhood, and to the extent that this ideal is crucialto answering the question of what is wrong with ressentiment-based theories without also ruling outthe moral codes we discussed in section 3, we have reason not to worry about leading lives shapedby ressentiment-based theories. But to the extent that we do endorse Nietzsche’s ideal of agency, weshould worry about leading such lives.LiteratureWorks of Nietzsche are from the Kritische Studienausgabe, edited by Giorgio Colli and MazzinoMontinari, dtv/de Gruyter, second edition 1988. I use the usual abbreviations for the works in Englishtranslation, that is, GM for On the Genealogy of Morality, TI of Twilight of Idols, D for Dawn, HAHfor Human All Too Human, WS for The Wanderer and his Shadow (part of Human, All too Humantherein.31 There is, of course, a lot more to this matter; cf. Leiter (1997) and literature references35

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