DARWIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Assessment Task Sheet

DARWIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Assessment Task Sheet DARWIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Assessment Task Sheet

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Assessment Task SheetHistory – What is History? Building a Time CapsuleTeachers:, Ms Kapoor, Ms Packham, Ms Dwan, MsForeman, Ms Stanley, Ms DaviesDate set: Week 5Due date: Week 5Subject Outcomes• What is history?• What are the defining characteristics of societies?• How did people live in other times and other places?Task description:What is my task?Student’s name:Your task is to recreate a time capsule that was buried by an Ancient Egyptian man/woman. Basedon internet research and bookwork, you are to collect and collate evidence that reflect aspects oflife in Ancient Egypt. Your time capsule is also to be accompanied by a letter that describes lifein Ancient Egypt.Who is my audience?My teacher and my peers.What is my purpose?To demonstrate your ability to interpret and evaluate secondary research sources in order to selectappropriate primary sources that reflect life in Ancient Egypt.What do I need to do?1. Complete Section A of ‘Secondary Research’ handout by brainstorming what you know about lifein Ancient Egypt (complete whilst logging on to laptop).2. Visit the websites indicated and complete Section B of the ‘Ancient Egyptian Secondary Sources’handout. This will provide you with the information you require in order to successfully constructyour time capsule.3. Complete Section C by writing a draft of a letter that is written from the perspective of an ancientEgyptian man/women. Your letter is to include factual information about your characters life inAncient Egypt (ie where he/she lives, what job they do, what they eat/wear, etc).4. Edit and revise your letter.5. Write up your best copy of your letter on A4 paper. NOTE – you may wish to take this home totransform it into old parchment paper.6. Complete Section D of the handout by deciding on which six items you wish to place in your timecapsule.7. Decorate a cardboard box to look like an Ancient Egyptian time capsule.8. Use card/paper/craft materials to construct your six items that you have selected to accompanyyour time capsule.9. Place your completed six items and your letter in your time capsule, and show your teacher.Conditions:Students will begin completing the assessment during lesson time, however mayneed to finish as homework.Students need to provide their own cardboard box, unless previously arrangedwith their teacher.

<strong>Assessment</strong> <strong>Task</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong>History – What is History? Building a Time CapsuleTeachers:, Ms Kapoor, Ms Packham, Ms Dwan, MsForeman, Ms Stanley, Ms DaviesDate set: Week 5Due date: Week 5Subject Outcomes• What is history?• What are the defining characteristics of societies?• How did people live in other times and other places?<strong>Task</strong> description:What is my task?Student’s name:Your task is to recreate a time capsule that was buried by an Ancient Egyptian man/woman. Basedon internet research and bookwork, you are to collect and collate evidence that reflect aspects oflife in Ancient Egypt. Your time capsule is also to be accompanied by a letter that describes lifein Ancient Egypt.Who is my audience?My teacher and my peers.What is my purpose?To demonstrate your ability to interpret and evaluate secondary research sources in order to selectappropriate primary sources that reflect life in Ancient Egypt.What do I need to do?1. Complete Section A of ‘Secondary Research’ handout by brainstorming what you know about lifein Ancient Egypt (complete whilst logging on to laptop).2. Visit the websites indicated and complete Section B of the ‘Ancient Egyptian Secondary Sources’handout. This will provide you with the information you require in order to successfully constructyour time capsule.3. Complete Section C by writing a draft of a letter that is written from the perspective of an ancientEgyptian man/women. Your letter is to include factual information about your characters life inAncient Egypt (ie where he/she lives, what job they do, what they eat/wear, etc).4. Edit and revise your letter.5. Write up your best copy of your letter on A4 paper. NOTE – you may wish to take this home totransform it into old parchment paper.6. Complete Section D of the handout by deciding on which six items you wish to place in your timecapsule.7. Decorate a cardboard box to look like an Ancient Egyptian time capsule.8. Use card/paper/craft materials to construct your six items that you have selected to accompanyyour time capsule.9. Place your completed six items and your letter in your time capsule, and show your teacher.Conditions:Students will begin completing the assessment during lesson time, however mayneed to finish as homework.Students need to provide their own cardboard box, unless previously arrangedwith their teacher.

How well am I able to complete this assignment?LevelIndicatorsConsolidatingASolidBEmergingCBelow Band 3Teacher Comment:I can confidently and independently use and evaluate multiplesecondary sources to infer about the past (Sections A and B).I am able to succinctly and very accurately describe life in Ancient Egyptfrom the perspective of an Ancient Egyptian citizen (Section C). I use greatdetail in my descriptions, which included reference to my time capsuleitems.I can select and create appropriate primary sources that demonstrate theculture of Ancient Egyptian life. My sources reflect the social status,gender, age, and occupation of my chosen Ancient Egyptian citizen, andrefer to a specific time period (Section D).I can create a time capsule that shows excellent presentation andauthenticity to the time period.I can confidently and independently use multiple secondary sourcesto infer about the past (Sections A and B).I am able to succinctly and accurately describe life in Ancient Egypt fromthe perspective of an Ancient Egyptian citizen (Section C). My descriptionsare detailed, and show some reference to my time capsule items.I can select and create appropriate primary sources that reflect the socialstatus, gender, age, and occupation of my chosen Ancient Egyptian citizen(Section D).I can create a time capsule that is well presented and reasonablyauthentic to the time period.I can use secondary sources to infer about the past (Sections A andB).I am able to describe life in Ancient Egypt from the perspective of anAncient Egyptian citizen. My descriptions lack detail and may lackauthenticity (Section C).I can select and create appropriate primary sources that reflect aspects ofmy chosen Ancient Egyptian citizen’s life (Section D).I can create a time capsule that is well presented.With help, I can use multiple secondary sources to infer about thepast (Sections A and B).I am able to write a brief description of life in Ancient Egypt from theperspective of an Ancient Egyptian citizen (Section C). My description maynot be relevant to life in Ancient Egypt, and lacks detail.I can select and create primary sources that reflect life in Ancient Egypt,although my sources may not be relevant to my chosen Egyptian citizen(Section D).I can create a time capsule that is well presented.

Ancient Egyptians Secondary SourcesSection A: To be completed when logging-on to your laptopWhat do I already know about Ancient Egypt?Write everything you know about Ancient Egypt in the space provided.Section B: Web-quest Activity to be completed when logged on to the internetVisit the internet website listed below to complete the first 3 questions of the webquest:http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/life/home.html1) Why did most people in Ancient Egypt live along the River Nile?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2) What did people build their homes out of?________________________________________________________________________________________________3) What jobs did most Ancient Egyptians do?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Visit the two stories in the website below to answer questions 4 and 5 of the webquest:http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/life/story/main.html4) List any objects that are mentioned in the nobleman’s story:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5) List any objects that are mentioned in the farmers story:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Visit the following website and answer questions 6 to 11 in the space provided.http://www2.sptimes.com/Egypt/EgyptCredit.4.2.html6) At what age did peasant girls get married? ___________________________________________7) At what age did more affluent girls get married? ____________________________________8) How did Ancient Egyptians cook their food? What utensils (pots, pans, etc) didthey use?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9) What cosmetics did people in Ancient Egypt use?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10) What jewellery did people in Ancient Egypt wear?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11) What clothes did people in Ancient Egypt wear?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Visit the website below to find out what the following hieroglyphs mean.http://www.eyelid.co.uk/hiero1.htmVisit the website below to find out what the following items are.http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/2002/egypt/slideshow.htm___________________ ______________________________ __________________________________ ______________________________ _______________

Section C: To be complete during class time1) In the space provided below write a draft copy of a letter that is written fromthe perspective of an Ancient Egyptian man/woman. Your letter must includefactual information about life in Ancient Egypt (for example where he/shelives, what job they do, what they eat/wear).________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2) Revise and edit the draft copy of your letter.3) Write up the final copy of your letter on A4 paper. NOTE – you may wish totake your paper home and transform it into parchment/scroll paper (by usingtea/coffee, etc).Section D: Use craft materials to complete Section D – you may need to complete this task at home1) Which six items do you wish to place in your Ancient Egyptian time capsule?NOTE – your six items must be authentic to Ancient Egypt, and must reflectthe job/class/gender of the man/woman in your letter. Decorate a cardboard box (maybe a shoe box?) to look like a time capsulefrom Ancient Egypt.3) Use card/paper/craft materials to construct your six items that you haveselected to accompany your letter in your time capsule.4) Place your final copy of your letter and your six Ancient Egyptian items intoyour time capsule, and hand in to your teacher.

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