Brocade MLX Series and Brocade NetIron XMR Diagnostic Guide ...

Brocade MLX Series and Brocade NetIron XMR Diagnostic Guide ...

Brocade MLX Series and Brocade NetIron XMR Diagnostic Guide ...

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2Switch fabric modules<strong>Brocade</strong># show sfm-utilization allSFM#2----------+-----------+---------+-----------+---------last 1 second utilization = 0.4%last 5 seconds utilization = 0.3%last 1 minute utilization = 0.1%last 5 minutes utilization = 0.0%SFM#3----------+-----------+---------+-----------+---------last 1 second utilization = 0.4%last 5 seconds utilization = 0.4%last 1 minute utilization = 0.1%last 5 minutes utilization = 0.0%last 5 minutes utilization = 0.0%To display b<strong>and</strong>width usage for a single SFM, enter the show sfm-utilization comm<strong>and</strong>.<strong>Brocade</strong># show sfm-utilization 2SFM#2----------+-----------+---------+-----------+---------last 1 second utilization = 0.4%last 5 seconds utilization = 0.3%last 1 minute utilization = 0.1%last 5 minutes utilization = 0.0%Switch fabric debug comm<strong>and</strong>sThere are no switch fabric-specific debug comm<strong>and</strong>s.Common diagnostic scenariosThe following common scenarios may occur with switch fabric modules:• The switch fabric module is not receiving power.• If the switch fabric module is inactive (not switching packets), the links are down. Use the showsfm-links all comm<strong>and</strong> to identify which links are down.Switch fabric module not receiving powerThe switch fabric module front panel includes two LEDs, one labeled Pwr (power) <strong>and</strong> one labeledActive.• If the Pwr LED is off for an extended period of time, the switch fabric module is not receivingpower. Check the power connection <strong>and</strong> the power supply. Make sure the module is seatedproperly in the backplane.• If the Pwr LED is on, but the Active LED is off, the module is not in active mode <strong>and</strong> cannotswitch packets. In this case, refer to “Switch fabric module unable to switch packets”.46 <strong>Brocade</strong> <strong>MLX</strong> <strong>Series</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Brocade</strong> <strong>NetIron</strong> <strong>XMR</strong> <strong>Diagnostic</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>53-1002426-02

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