Brocade MLX Series and Brocade NetIron XMR Diagnostic Guide ...

Brocade MLX Series and Brocade NetIron XMR Diagnostic Guide ...

Brocade MLX Series and Brocade NetIron XMR Diagnostic Guide ...

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2Switch fabric modulesvlan 0 102400 0 014954 014954 2640 2640 0 66 66 0 01 102400 0 0090c0 0090c0 1840 1840 0 2 2 0 0mac_mgr 0 204800 0 0045a8 0045a8 40 191332 0 1 1506 0 01 204800 0 004bb0 004bb0 36 735996 0 1 466 0 0Switch fabric modulesSwitch fabric modules switch user packets from one interface module in a chassis to another.Switch fabric modules are hot-swappable.Switch fabric fault monitoringThe Switch Fabric Fault Monitoring feature allows to display information about the current status oflinks between the switch fabric modules (SFMs) <strong>and</strong> interface modules <strong>and</strong> sends log messages tothe console regarding the “UP” or “DOWN” status of the switch fabric modules.Switch fabric show comm<strong>and</strong>sThis section describes the show comm<strong>and</strong>s that display information about switch fabrics.show sfm-linksSyntax: show sfm-links [ | all]• - Specifies an SFM for which you want to display link information.• all - Displays link information for all SFMs in the chassis.NOTEIf the number of non-operational links fall below the minimum threshold, the following warningmessage is displayed:WARN: LP 3 has 8 links up, less than minimum to guarantee line rate trafficforwardingThis warning is displayed to inform users that the line rate traffic will not be maintained.The show sfm-links all comm<strong>and</strong> displays information about the current status of links between theSFMs <strong>and</strong> interface modules in the <strong>Brocade</strong> <strong>NetIron</strong> <strong>XMR</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Brocade</strong> <strong>MLX</strong> series devices. Eachline in the output represents a link between an SFM <strong>and</strong> an interface module.44 <strong>Brocade</strong> <strong>MLX</strong> <strong>Series</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Brocade</strong> <strong>NetIron</strong> <strong>XMR</strong> <strong>Diagnostic</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>53-1002426-02

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