Brocade MLX Series and Brocade NetIron XMR Diagnostic Guide ...

Brocade MLX Series and Brocade NetIron XMR Diagnostic Guide ...

Brocade MLX Series and Brocade NetIron XMR Diagnostic Guide ...

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About This DocumentThis manual describes troubleshooting <strong>and</strong> diagnostic comm<strong>and</strong>s available in the IronWarecomm<strong>and</strong> line interface (CLI) for <strong>Brocade</strong> <strong>NetIron</strong> <strong>XMR</strong> series <strong>and</strong> <strong>Brocade</strong> <strong>MLX</strong> series devices.NOTESome troubleshooting comm<strong>and</strong>s report information about internal hardware settings <strong>and</strong> registersthat is relevant primarily to the <strong>Brocade</strong> engineering staff. Consequently, this information is notdescribed in this document.DisclaimerThis manual is provided without any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. When using thismanual to troubleshoot <strong>Brocade</strong> products, you assume all risk as to the quality <strong>and</strong> performance ofthe diagnostic procedures. <strong>Brocade</strong> assumes no liability for any damages, including general,special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of the diagnostic procedures inthis manual (including, but not limited to any loss of profit or savings, loss of data, or failure tosuccessfully troubleshoot network problems).<strong>Diagnostic</strong> information may be changed or updated without notice. You are responsible forobtaining newer versions of this manual when they are made available. The procedures in thisdocument are not intended as a substitute for the expertise of qualified technicians.Enabling diagnostic comm<strong>and</strong>s can seriously degrade system performance. <strong>Diagnostic</strong> comm<strong>and</strong>sare generally intended for use when troubleshooting specific problems while working with qualifiedservice technicians, or in conjunction with calls to <strong>Brocade</strong> Technical Support. Whenever possible,troubleshoot your system during periods of low network traffic <strong>and</strong> user activity to preserve systemperformance.If you have any questions regarding this Disclaimer please contact us at support@brocade.com.How to use this guideThis guide describes many common diagnostic processes for the <strong>Brocade</strong> <strong>NetIron</strong> <strong>XMR</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Brocade</strong> <strong>MLX</strong> series devices. Each chapter contains diagnostic information about a specificsegment of your network configuration. Each topic consists of the following sections, wherepossible, <strong>and</strong> when the information is applicable:• A brief description of the topic• Show comm<strong>and</strong>s related to the topic• Debug comm<strong>and</strong>s related to the topic• Configuration notes for the topic• Common diagnostic scenarios<strong>Brocade</strong> <strong>MLX</strong> <strong>Series</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Brocade</strong> <strong>NetIron</strong> <strong>XMR</strong> <strong>Diagnostic</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>53-1002426-02xi

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