May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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AVATAR VANIin the first instance. It is only throughSamatwa that you can attain Divyatwa(divinity). Divinity is latent in every humanbeing. But man is becoming weak as he isunable to realise his latent divinity. In orderto realise one’s divinity, one should cultivatesacred feelings.Manavatwa has not come into existencein the recent past; it has been there sinceages. Human being is born from the wombof the mother, but humanness originatedfrom divinity and has been present at alltimes. There is divinity in every human being.As he is unable to recognise his innatedivinity, man is forgetting his humannessitself. What is the use of being human onlyin form but not in practice? Human birth willfind fulfilment only when man practiseshuman qualities. All the sacred texts suchas Upanishads and Sastras are meant toshow mankind the path of redemption. Whatis the use of studying sacred texts if theirteachings are not put into practice? Manshould manifest his latent divinity by followingtheir teachings. The sacred texts will bringout the hidden treasures of divinity fromwithin. That is why I have introducededucare programme in the educationalinstitutions. Education is related to worldlyknowledge. It can be acquired by goingthrough books, whereas educare is meantto manifest the latent divinity in man.Education has temporary benefits, whereaseducare bestows everlasting happiness.One cannot become great by mereacquisition of education. One should practiseeducare and manifest one’s latent qualities.Educare is the need of the hour.Only through educare can you realisedivinity which is present in every atomand every cell of your body. In fact, you areseeing divinity every moment but are unableto recognise this truth. You can call yourselfeducated only when you recognise divinitywhich is all-pervasive. Education is relatedto secular knowledge which can be acquiredfrom books. However, little benefit accruesby gathering information from books. Whatis required is transformation and it is possibleonly through educare. Acquisition ofinformation which cannot lead totransformation is a mere waste of time. Butman has developed a taste for suchinformation. Man’s intelligence, knowledgeand power are all the gifts of God. They haveto be nourished and made proper use ofthrough educare.Love Unites AllTruly, God has endowed man withimmense potential. That is love. It is beyondall description and measure. There is nogreater power than this. But man is fritteringaway this power without realising its value.He is under the mistaken notion that lovemeans physical and worldly relationship. No,no. This is not true love. True love is thatwhich unites you with one and all. Peopleutter this word repeatedly without actuallyknowing its meaning. Love does not hurtanybody. It always helps. Hence, considerlove as your true property. There is noproperty more valuable than love in thisworld. You are misusing the God-given giftof love by diverting it to worldly matters andsensual pleasures. Your foremost duty is tomake proper use of love by followingthe dictum, Help ever, Hurt never.There is no greater Dharma than this.127 <strong>May</strong> 2005

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