May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

May 2k5.pmd - Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust

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AVATAR VANIstudying a Pustaka (book) if the Mastaka(head) is filled with rubbish. Students shouldacquire the knowledge which will help themto lead a noble life and save them from thecycle of birth and death. They should acquirethat knowledge which will make themimmortal. Modern students have becomeproficient in bookish knowledge. They havethe intelligence to answer any question fromtextbooks. But they are not making effortsto translate their bookish knowledge intopractical knowledge.One may acquire a high academicqualification such as M.A. or B.A. andattain exalted position,One may amass wealth, perform acts ofcharity and attain name and fame,One may have physical strength andenjoy a long and healthy life,One may be a great scholar studying andpreaching the Vedas,But none can equal a true devotee ofthe Lord. (Telugu Poem)The knowledge one acquires should beutilised for the benefit of society. You shouldutilise your wealth and knowledge not forselfish purposes, but for the welfare ofothers. God has given you the human bodynot merely to eat, sleep and enjoy worldlypleasures. Paropakarartham Idam Sariram(human body is meant to do good to others).The body is given to you to serve others. Ofwhat use is your education and intelligenceif society is not benefited from them?Presently, man is making new discoveriesand inventions but till this day he has notreally understood the purpose ofhuman birth. What is the meaning ofthe word Manava? ‘Ma’ meansAjnana (ignorance), ‘Na’ means without, ‘Va’means to conduct oneself. Hence, Manavais one who conducts himself withoutignorance. It is only by the grace of God thatman acquires intelligence, knowledge andwealth. Man should understand this and leada sacred and divine life. He should use hisGod-given gifts for the welfare of others. Butman is acting contrary to it and therebyruining himself. Animals like bulls andbuffaloes render service to man in a numberof ways. It is unfortunate that man is not ableto understand even such a simple thing.Instead of developing Manavatwa(humanness), man is acquiring Danavatwa(demonic nature), and thus courting Dinatwa(miserable way of life). Vyashti (individual)signifies humanness and Samashti (society)symbolises divinity. Hence, one can attaindivinity only by serving society.Educare Manifests Man’s LatentDivinityEmbodiments of Love!Despite our high education andintelligence, there is a great scope forlearning valuable lessons which Natureteaches us. One can learn even from smallcreatures like ants, birds and animals. Theselessons of life cannot be taught in theclassroom. Even teachers are not makingefforts to understand the principle of divinitywithin. Education is not meant to merely ekeout a livelihood. You have to share yourknowledge with others, give joy to one andall and thereby rise to the level of divinity.Samatwa (equal-mindedness) is thehallmark of a true human being.Manavatwa without Samatwa is oflittle worth. Hence, develop Samatwa<strong>May</strong> 2005 126

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